Journal of AMC
Journal of AMC
Journal of AMC
Review Article
Diagnosing Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita: A Review
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Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) refers either to a syndromic or to a nonsyndromic group of conditions with varied
etiology and complex clinical features, including multiple congenital contractures in different body areas. Its etiology still remains
unclear but generally any cause that leads to reduced fetal movement may lead to congenital contractures and in severe cases to
fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS). It affects approximately 1 in 2-3000 live births with an approximately equal gender
ratio. There are many known subgroups of AMC differing in signs, symptoms, and causes. The primary diagnosis is made when
a lack of mobility and an abnormal position is noted in routine ultrasound scanning. Early diagnosis, prenatal evaluation, and
further surveillance via image scanning (ultrasound and MRI) give the opportunity for family counseling concerning neonatal
morbidity and mortality and labor or delivery planning. Better understanding of the ultrasound findings and the etiology of this
clinical situation offers the opportunity for careful prenatal assessment.
resulting in fixation and contractures or skeletal abnor- development of multiple joint contractures [23–25]. For
malities [2]. The above-mentioned joint abnormalities may example, a large number of neonatal cases in women
involve all limbs (usually) in the lower or the upper with myasthenia gravis has been reported with hypotonia,
extremities. Arthrogryposis is usually symmetrical, but, less extraocular weakness, bulbar symptoms, respiratory distress,
frequently, various joints may be involved to a different and multiple joint contractures [26–28].
extent [11]. Furthermore, disorders arriving from the muscles like
muscular dystrophy, myopathies, myositis, and mitochon-
drial disorders are common causes of AMC. These include
2. Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenital (AMC)
central core disease, nemaline myopathy, intranuclear rod
AMC is a rare sporadic nonprogressive congenital disorder myopathy, and many other types of congenital myopathies
that is characterized by multiple joint contractures and can [1, 29, 30] caused by a mutation in the gene encoding
incorporate muscle weakness and fibrosis. The disease name for sarcomeric thin filament protein troponin I [31] or a
derives from Greek, meaning “curved or hooked joints.” deficiency of α-actinin-3 [32]. Congenital muscular dys-
Research has shown that anything that inhibits normal joint trophies (1–10000 live births) are the result of abnormal
movement before birth can result in joint contractures since function of the dystrophin-glycoprotein-associated complex
tendons connecting to the joint are not stretched to their in the sarcolemma of skeletal muscles [1]. In addition,
normal length. mitochondrial cytopathy is also considered to play a major
role in AMC [33]. The pathophysiologic mechanism of this
is located in the area of muscle fibers (ragged-red fibers),
2.1. Etiology. In animal models, viruses, neuromuscular
central nervous system, and chondrocytes [34, 35].
diseases, hyperthermia, and limb immobilization are respon-
sible for contractures [1]. In spite of the fact that fetal
akinesia in humans is the major cause of AMC, there are 2.1.3. Connective Tissue Abnormalities. AMC may also result
multiple and varied intrinsic as well as extrinsic causes from connective tissue abnormalities because of a collagenic
for reduced fetal movements. Categorization in groups of response (law of connective tissue) on account of the
causes that are responsible for impaired fetal movement are resultant loss of muscle mass with an imbalance of muscle
described by Hall [4]. power at the joints. The collagenic response consists of partial
replacement of muscle volume and collagenous thickening
2.1.1. Neurologic Abnormalities. Neurologic abnormalities of the joint capsules leading to joint fixation [36, 37], sub-
seem to be one of the most common causes of AMC sequent reduced fetal movement, and contractures observed
(approximately 70–80% of cases). The reason for this is in pterygium syndrome [4, 13, 38], congenital contractural
brain disorders shown by magnetic resonance imaging arachnodactyly, Beals syndrome (congenital heart disease,
(MRI), prenatal ultrasound (in order to define intracranial scoliosis, arachnodactyly, and “crumpled ears”), and Larsen
pathology), and later at postpartum autopsies like epilepsy, syndrome (anterior dislocation of the knees) [1, 39].
defects in neural migration, cerebral hypoplasia, holopros-
encephaly, pyramidal tract degeneration, and olivoponto- 2.1.4. Intrauterine Space Constraint, Vascular Compromise,
cerebellar degeneration [8, 12–18] which can be associated Maternal Disease, and Teratogenic Exposure. Amniotic cavity
with chromosomal aneuploidy, an underlying genetic syn- filled with amniotic fluid protects the fetus from extrinsic
drome or the result of a teratogen [1]. Anterior horn cell hazardous factors and provides the adequate space for proper
disease (including the Werdnig-Hoffmann disease) is one fetal development and movement. Pathologies arriving from
of the most common causes of spinal cord degeneration the volume of amniotic fluid like oligohydramnios (which
(autosomal inheritance) [13] with spinal muscular atrophy commonly results from leakage of amniotic fluid due to
being a close second neurogenic cause of arthrogryposis cervical incompetence or due to Potter’s syndrome (bilateral
[14, 19]. Last but not least, peripheral neuropathy has been renal agenesis)) are some of the major causes of space
closely associated with AMC [20] because of medium-to- limitation hence leading to contractures which are more
large-axon demyelination as a result of deficiency of the severe the earlier they happen [1, 13, 40, 41]. Furthermore,
myelin proteins P2 and P0, myelin basic protein, and myelin- amniocentesis before 15 weeks of gestation has been reported
associated glycoprotein showing that arrest of peripheral to have a 10-fold higher risk for multiple contractures
myelination at the promyelin stage appears to be the origin and clubfoot [1]. Moreover, this can also be observed in
of myelin deficiency [21]. In addition, failure in spinal congenital uterine deformities, fibroids, uterine tumors,
lengthening and longitudinal growth of Schwann cells could and multiple pregnancy [4] (as it is known that incidence
also lead to AMC [22]. of arthrogryposis is more common among twins than
singletons [7]).
2.1.2. Muscle Abnormalities. To begin with, an association Next, inadequate vascular supply to the fetus causes
has been strongly linked between AMC and myasthenia fetal hypoxia that leads to anoxic injury of tissue and/or
mainly because of maternal antibodies entering fetal circu- blood clots or blockage of blood flow resulting in possible
lation through transplacental transfer and thus inhibiting cell death, particularly anterior horn cell death or failure.
fetal acetylcholine receptor function leading to damage to Inferior anterior horn cell function would likely cause fetal
fetal muscle, impaired fetal movement in utero, and the neuron, muscle, and bone damage and secondary multiple
ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology 3
joint contractures [7, 41]. In addition, maternal disease, such Table 2: Ultrasound findings.
as diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, myotonic dystrophy,
and infections (such as rubella, varicella, equine encephali- Lack of mobility
tis, cytomegalovirus, and toxoplasmosis) have been closely Abnormal position
related with fetal akinesia and subsequent AMC. However, in Fixed flexion deformities
many cases this cannot be proved if it was causal rather than Cerebral ventriculomegaly
coincidental [4, 7, 42–45]. Lastly, medical administration
Dysmorphic features
or drug abuse during pregnancy, for instance of curare (a
skeletal muscle relaxant), misoprostol, or substances such as Growth retardation
cocaine and alcohol, can result in congenital contractures if Increased nuchal translucency
given at a critical period of fetal development [46, 47]. Scoliosis
Cystic hygroma
2.2. Classification. There are many known subgroups of Fetal seizures
AMC differing in signs, symptoms, and causes. The principal Small chest
cause of AMC is both genetic and environmental factors,
Thin ribs
occurring individually or with a significant overlap among
them. In order to establish a differential diagnosis in early Multiple diaphyseal fractures
child life, it is crucial to determine first if a child has normal
neurological function or not. A normal one suggests that
arthrogryposis is a result of amyoplasia (the most common syndrome present with abnormalities other than skeletal
recognizable form of AMC which is a sporadic symmetric malformations), the harder early prenatal diagnosis will be
syndrome that is characterized by the symmetrical improper [42].
development of limb muscles which are replaced by fatty and The primary diagnosis is made when a lack of mobility
connective tissue and often a midline hemangioma), distal and an abnormal position is noted in routine ultrasound
arthrogryposis (an autosomal-dominant inherited syndrome scanning. These findings should guide the practitioner to
with a characteristic involvement of distal joints with sparing a careful assessment of fetal anatomy and joints. The most
of the large joints; the upper limbs show ulnar deviation, common detailed ultrasound scan findings are fixed flexion
camptodactyly, hypoplastic, or absent flexion and overriding deformities, micrognathia, altered amniotic fluid volume,
fingers whereas the lower ones can show talipes equino- limb deformities, cerebral ventriculomegaly, dysmorphic
varus, calcaneovalgus, vertical talus, and metatarsus varus), features, and growth retardation [2]. AMC may also be
a systemic connective tissue disorder, multiple pterygium present with increased nuchal translucency at 10–14 weeks
syndromes (a group of autosomal dominant, recessive, or [49] or increased nuchal translucency and scoliosis at 15
X-linked inherited syndromes manifested with multiple weeks [50] of pregnancy due to nuchal edema that has
contractures (“pterygia”), micrognathia, low-set ears, cardiac been found in first and early second trimester cases of
and lung hypoplasia, cystic hygroma, and hydrops), or fetal arthrogryposis [51, 52], cystic hygroma [42] and fetal
crowding [1, 11, 39]. On the contrary, an abnormal neuro- seizures [53] on first trimester ultrasound, small chest, thin
logical function highlights that diminished fetal movement ribs, and multiple diaphyseal fractures [54]. Visualization of
in utero was the result of an abnormality of the central details of the dynamics of small anatomical structures can
or peripheral nervous system, the motor end plate, or the now be done better and earlier (body and limb movements
muscles [48] (Table 1). can be visualized a week earlier than with 2D) with the use of
4D ultrasound giving the possibility of a diagnosis of motoric
failure by the end of the first trimester [55] (Table 2).
2.3. Ultrasound Scanning Findings. Although fetal move-
ment is observed by ultrasound scan at 8 weeks’ gestation,
most cases of AMC are diagnosed prenatally at the second 2.4. Signs and Symptoms. Some of the more common signs
or third trimester of pregnancy with ultrasound scan and/or and symptoms are associated with the shoulder (internal
with the combination of maternal consideration for reduced rotation), elbow (extension and pronation), wrist (volar
fetal in utero movements. The combination of maternal and ulnar), hand (fingers in fixed flexion and thumb in
consideration for fetal akinesia with ultrasound abnormal- palm), hip (flexed, abducted and externally rotated, often
ities (usually before the perception of fetal movement) will dislocated), knee (flexion), and foot (clubfoot). In some
give the prospect of an arthrogrypotic syndrome [2, 42, cases, a small number of joints may be affected and may
49]. The earlier the contractures occur (or if there is a have an almost full range of motion capabillity but in
4 ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology
Table 3: Signs and symptoms. The importance of autopsy and tissue procurement
should be noted to parents as it can confirm prenatal
Shoulder Internal rotation diagnosis and provide families with valuable information
Elbow Extension-pronation other than that given by ultrasound and MRI scanning [62].
Wrist Volar-ulnar
Hand Fingers-fixed flexion, thumb in palm
Hip Flexed, abducted, and externally rotated 4. Conclusion
Knee Flexion Congenital contractures are a common birth defect and a
Foot Clubfoot subsequently prenatal ultrasound finding, observed more
Joints often randomly in early second trimester ultrasound prenatal
Scoliosis, Lung hypoplasia, respiratory problems, assessment. Any factor that predisposes the fetus to impaired
growth retardation, midfacial hemangioma, fetal movement can cause congenital contractures, such
Various facial-jaw variations, abdominal hernias, as environmental, maternal, and genetic factors. AMC is
congenital heart defects, tracheoesophageal a term that describes contractures in multiple joints, in
fistulas, ophthalmologic abnormalities more than one area of the body, associated with fetal
morbidity and future economic burden to put right. Better
understanding of ultrasound findings and the etiology of this
the most severe types, nearly every joint is involved, includ- clinical situation offers an opportunity for careful prenatal
ing the jaw and back [11, 56]. Furthermore, complications assessment through thorough image scanning focusing on
may include various congenital anomalies from the organs flexion/extension, position of proximal and distal joints, jaw,
that can be related with arthrogryposis such as scoliosis, lung and spine. When prenatal diagnosis is suspected families
hypoplasia, respiratory problems, growth retardation, mid- should be counseled for potential postnatal or postterm
facial hemangioma, facial and jaw variations and abdominal evaluation.
hernias, congenital heart defects, tracheoesophageal fistulas,
and ophthalmologic abnormalities [57] (Table 3).
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