Sri SAI Baba's Charters and Sayings

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Ah Blessed Lord, Oh High Deliverer !
Forgive this feeble script, which doth Thee wrong,
Measuring with little wit Thy lofty love.
I take my refuge in Thy name and Thee.
" Edwin Arnold*

Thou seemest human and divine,

The highest, holiest manhood, Thou.


These men do never die,

They become the Praised Ones.
They shed mercy on the world with myriad hands*
They help the helpless.
They aid the depressed.
They leave not those that follow them when the time of
danger comes.
They are men, only in name.
In reality, they are God Himself.
These solitary ones are marvellous.
Bedil, the Sufi of Bind.

Faith is the sun of life

And her countenanceshines (like the Hebrew's)

For she has looked upon God.

** Why have I girt myself with this hell-dress ?

Why have I laboured to put out my life ?
Is it not in my nature to adore,
And e'ven for all my reason, do I not
Feel him, and thank him, and pray to him now ?
Can I forego the trust that he loves me ?
Do I not feel a love which only one
O thou pale form, so dimly seen,deep-eyed,
I have denied thee calmly-do I not
Pant when I read of thy consummate deeds,
And burn to see thy calm pure truths out-flash
The brightest gems of earth's Philosophy ?"
" Pauline "-Robert Brownie

Thou canst not prove the Nameless, 0 my son,

Nor canst thou prove the world thou movest in,
Thou canst not prove that thou art body alone,
Nor canst thou prove that thou art spirit alone,
Tlioo canst not prove thou art immortal, no
Nor yet that thou art mortal-nay my son,
Thou canst not prove that I, who speak with thee9
Am not thyself in converse with thyself,
For nothing worthy proving can be proven,
Nor yet disproven : wherefore thou be wise,
Cleave ever to the sunnier side of doubt,

And cling to Faith beyond the forms of Faith.

" The Ancient Sage "-TennysL

Mr. Justice M. B. REGE, B.A-,


attempt to write a foreword to Baba's Charters and

Sayings may well be described as an effort to discover
the Sun with a lighted taper. None is more consciousof
this than myself ; but my revered brother B, V. Narasiniha
Swami whose privilege it has been to compile the "Charters
and Sayings " would not brook my denial of the honour of
writing this foreword. With Baba's divine grace, the
lighted taper may perhaps dimly light the way out of the
depth of the Samsaric Cavern to the Radiant Sun outside ;
and it if does so, it will be an addition to the Charters.

Self-realisation is the aim of Mysticism ; but the means

to the end must be suited to the needs of the individual.
Baba in the flesh was, to his devotees, the embodiment of

the Supreme Spirit lighting the Sadhakas'path by his every

word and action. The mortal body has passed away but
the " Baba" once in it now lives in the Spirit Eternal
helping in the silent way he often did in the flesh, the
myriads of his devotees who seek solace in him. A Sadhaka
however must needshave something manifest and precepti-
ble to the senseson which to pin his faith ; and the Charters
and Sayings compiled by Swamiji will serve as a manifesta-
tion of that Supreme Spirit in words. As Lord Shree
Krishna manifests himself in the Bhagavadgita, so does
Baba in the Charters and Sayings.
The compilation will doubtless be a beacon on the
Sadhakas* path ; but it would likewise transport persons
like my humble self, who had the privilege of being at
Baba's feet when he was in the body, back into the old
times, and revive fond memories of the blissful moments
spent with the Master.

The Charters and Sayings are useful as precepts both

in the world spiritual and the world material. Pervading
them is the love of an ardent devotee who pictures Baba as
the Body, the Jeeva and the Shiva. At one stage says Baba
" I am your servant's servant"; next " I am a servant of
Allah "; and yet again " I am He ". Intellect fails here ;
but the spirit beyond the intellect and mind is manifest.
In the body Baba was the insignificant human being ;
between it and the supreme Shiva, he was as " Jeeva"
a wheel in the great machine ; but transcending these lie
stood as Shiva himself.

The onward march of Science may some day coordinate

these phases in the frame of the Intellect. The miracle*

referred to in the book may causea sceptic to stare. To the

devotees in tune with the Infinite Baba they are only events
in the process of evolution-mysterious to the mere man--but
explicable in the light of Faith and Love.

One cannot be too grateful to Swamiji for the labour of

love which has crystallised this phase of Baba's divine
personality in the:Charters and Sayings. All I would say is:
All glory to the Master and to his " Vyasa " the Swamiji ;
and may the book serve to create and foster Faith and
Devotion in all corners of the country !

^ '
Frontispiece Lord Sai ... i"
Death-(Apantaratma)-By Sufi (Bedil) ... iii
Faith-Plea for faith-(Browning and Tennyson). ... iv
Foreword by Justice MLB. Rege ... v

Sai Baba's Charters

A. Baba'spromises as Dwaraka Mayi (or Masudi

Ayi) ... 1
B. Magna Carta :
Baba's promises In his own name ... 2
Baba's mission ... 8
Baba's nature ... 9
Baba's ubiquity ... 11
Baba and other saints ... 12
Baba's function ... 16
Baba a surrendered instrument of God ... 17
Atma Vichara ... 18
Difference unreal ... 19

lioksha Marga
Samsara ... '20

True happiness or Joy ... "-:[

Conduct amidst samsara ... £3
Bakti ... 23
Jnana and Bakti ... 123

Atma Vichara (i.e.,-Jnana) ... 524

a. Who are you ? Whence ? 24
b. Who am I ? Who are we ? 24
c. Think who you are ... 25
d. Who is God? etc., & ,..26
How are we to see Him ? & ... 27
to get Moksha ? ... 28

Reaching God : The method.

1. Nitya-Anitya vastuviveka ,., 29
2. Vairagya-(a) Baba's vairagya ... 30
(b) Advice to Madrasi Swami ,,, 30
3. Sama, Dama etc., ... 30
4. Mumukshuta ... 31
Moksha what it is and how to get it 31
Suddha chitanya and Maya ... 31
God Realisation-Sakshatkara (Das Ganu) «., 35

What is God

Sakshatkara ordinarily very transient: H.S.D. ... 37

Atmajnana-Adhikari ... 38
1. Receptivity ... 38
2. Deserve before you desire ... 38
3. Surrender five-if you want Brahman .,. 39
Baba wants complete surrender ... 41
Anna Saheb Dabolkar-R-adha Bai
Deshmukin ... 42
Have Nishta and Sabnri and trust your
Guru ... 43
Do dhyana (along with Sravana, Manana,
Nidhi Dhyasa and Smarana) ... 45

i. Faith

of faith-instances. 46
Baba'sregard for Hindu Gods-Maruti, Mohiniraj,
Rama and Krishna and Vittai " "" 47
Baba and Hindu Gods ; Avatars etc. ... 48
God realisation and not talk "*" 51
Decayof faith etc., in thesedays """ 52

ii. Worship of Objects

(a) Images ... 52
(b) Paduka ... 53
fc) Coins ... 53
(d) Tomb worship ... 54
(e) Picture Worship ' ... 54

Baba strengthens faith in Gods etc. ... 55

iii. Guru.

Sai's former Guru's Mahima ... 58

Guru needed ... GO
Baba on " Yenkusa "-the Guru of this birth .... 61
Former Guru-Kabir-Upasana ... 62
Guru is by adoption by the Devotee ... 62
Nature of Jnana and how to get it through Gurus ) .<>
Guru must be treated as God :-Guru Poojah )

iv. (A) Books.

Pothi, Parayana ... 69

(B) Nama Japa.

(1) Rama and (2) Sai ... 71
(5) Potful of Coins , ... IQQ
(6) Two Deccani Brahmins-Rs. 15 and 35 ... 100
(b) Property.
(1) Marwadi's Stack ... 104
(2) Cow ' ... 104
(3) Ill-fated Property-Jayakar ... 104
B. Poverty ... 105
C. Providence ... 105

VI. Moral Teachings

Baba as devotee of God ... 106
Contentment and surrender ... 3 06
Love all creatures ... 107
Idleness: N on-hatred ... ,107

Obedienceto parents-couragein dealing with spirits. 108

Meekness-patience-persevering faith in caseof doubt. 108

(1) H. S. Dixit's fast ... 109

(2) Mrs. Gokhale's fast ... 110
(3) S. B. Nachne's fast and betel ... 110
(4) Yoga and onion-Yoga student ... Ill
(5) Das Ganu and Onion ... 112
(6) Kusha Bhav and Onion ... 112
(7) Dada Kelkar and Onion ... 114
(a) Kolambo ... 1.14
(b) Anna Dabolkar ... 114
(c) N. a. C. ... 114
Harmony ... 115
Industry and Patience ... 115
Baba'sTapas- plank vigil "«" H5
Babaand Tapas- Adviceto Sadhakas ... H*>
Scandal ... 117

(a) Mahlsapathyand Bitch ... 117
(b) H. S. Dixit and Serpent ... 113
(c) MadDog ... US
Non-Resistance to Evil
(a) Attai ... 118
(b) Sathe ... 118
(c) Jawar Ali ... 138
Baba's Humility : Guru Baba is and is not God
(a) to Master "... 119
(b) to other devoteesin general ,.. 120
(c) Curtis' Visit ... 121
(d) Jawar Ali ... 121
(e) Nana Wall ,.. 121
(a) With Suavity and Straightforwardness-
N.G. C. ... 122
(b) Without Anger and Arrogance-N.G.C. ... 128
(c) Without discrimination-N.G.C. ... 124
Laws of Karma and Poorva Karma ... 125
Satsanga ... 126
Yama, Niyama etc. ... 126
Moral Teachings
(A) Death
Death ... 127
Birth ... 128
Selfishness of sorrow ... 129
Death of a son, daughter, etc.
(a) M. G. Pradhan ... 129
(b) Bayyaji Patil ,., 129
Jnani's passing away ... 129
Death-when Baba will not avert it
(a) Bendre ... 130
(b) Cobra bitten boy,
when death is an advanta-ge ... 130
(c) Girl with slit lip-S.B. Mohile'sgirl ... 131
(d) Appa Kulkarni ... 131
Ineffectual attempt to prevent Death-Nigoj , 132

Consolation-Rampurkar and H.S.D. ... 132

Baba averts death-Modern Markandeya ... 133
(B) Baba's passing away
(1) Attemptin 1886 ... 134
1916 135
(3) Passingin 1918 ... 136
(4) Baba'sSamadhi andTemple ... 137
(0) Sadgati
(1) Blindman ... 138
(2) L.K. Noolkor ... 139
(3) "Vijayanandaswami ... 140
(4) Mrs.S.B. Dhnmal ... 141
(5) Mrs.UpasaniMaharaj ... 142
(6) Sadgati
to animals-She-buffalo ... 142
Baba'sPowers """ ^^
Babaon Siddhi or YogaMarga ... 143
A. Restores Sight
(1) V. Y. Desphande ... 1*3
(2) Woman of Eassein
- (temporarily) ... 144
B. Anticipates storm ,.. 144
Controls storm ... 145

C. Controls fire
(a) Kondaji stack ... 145
(b) Fire in the dhuni ... 145
(c) Heat . 145
D. Controls departed spirits and guides them ... 146
E. Materialisation
(1) Gadgil-Udhi ... 146
(2) Kusa Bhav produces Udhi ... 146
(3) Das Ganu-Ganga from Baba's feet ... 146
(4) N. G. C. water on H. Hill ... 147
(a) N. G. C. Power to give power ... 147
(5) Produces seedless grapes out of seeded
grapes Jethabai ... 148
F. Appearance(Manifestation)
(1) To Mahlsapathy at Jejuri ... 150
(2) As Dholap Maharaj to Mule Sastri ... 151
(3) Baba assumesobjector's father's voice ... 151
G. Baba appears as others or identifies himself with

(1) To S. B. Nachne ... 152

(2) Balakrishna G. Upasani ... 152
(3) Baba identifies with Anasuya and Datta ... 153
(4) To B. V. Dev as sanyasi ... 154
(5) Adam Dalali as Marwadi ... 155
(6) Baba as Dog ... 155
H. Baba's Prophecy and or Control.
(a) Baba-foretells coming glory of Shirdi ... 155
(b) L. V. Nadkar-train late .., 156
(c) D. V. Sambhare ... 156
(d) N. G. 0. ... 156
(e) Mahlsapathy-feast-insult ... 156
(f) Do -Pothi-Quarrel ... 157
(g) Singvekar-passing examination ... 157
(h) N. A. Samant-Rs. 5/- stolen ... 157
(i) Sapatnekar'sfriend's law examination ... 157
(j) Parsi's missing son ... 158
(k) Parsi insane boy's health ... 158
(1) Yakil's brother's insanity ... 158
(m) Difference between Miracle and Prophecy. 158
(n) NarayanRaoJani ... 160
(o) Naehne -Bombay transfer and do not trust
mad men ... 160
(p) Sankar Rao-Rs. 64/- ... 160
(q) Dixit's boy ... 160
(r) Godavari water for Jog ... 161
(s) Brahmana for Jog's Pitru Sraddha ... 162
(t) Debtors to repay Jog his loans ... 162
(u) Narke's appointment, issue and trusteeship. 163
(v) Mrs. M. W. Pradhan's baby's fits ... 164
(w) Kalyan Karnik-a sowcar ... 164
(x) Shama's sister-in-law's plague ... 165
(y) Balwant G. Khaparde's plague ... 165
(1) Adam Dalali's criminal case ... 165

(2) H. M. Pense'scriminal appeal ... 166

(3) Death sentence on a Brahmin commuted in four

days ... 166
J.-Baba's help to Students ... 166

(1) Tendulkar ... 16^
(2) Sapatnekar's
friend ... 166
(3) Dixit's son -
' 166
(4) Medical student ...
K.-Baba repeatsSanskrit Sloka ... 167
Baba teaches Sanskrit ... 167

L.-Baba's Recipes.
(1) Dr. G. Pillai-guineaworm ... 168
(2) Overcoming Karma for Saranagata ... 169
(3) Granting son when Karma was against
Scindhe ... 171

M.-Baba's cure without Medicine.

1. xMahlsapathy's wife ... 171

2. H. S. D's brother ... 172

N.-Baba's forcing thought upon others or control

of minds.

(1) G. S. K.'s prosecution ... 172

(2) Criminal appeal of Baba's servant ... 173
(3) Dev Mamlatdar's obstacleto study removed. 174
0.-Baba's Anatrjnan or Ritambhara Prajna
(1) Baba's avowal ... 177

(2) Baba's giving proof to H. S. D. ... 178

(3) Baba oirGajanan's passing away ... 178

(4) Das Ganu's sub-inspectorship ... 178
(5) Tembe Swami's eocoanut ... 180

(6) Kaka Maharaj's passing away ... 180

(7) GadgiPsfirst visit-Coming from
Bhimasanker ... 180
(8) GadgiPspresents ... 181
(9) Gadgil's Gauapathy " ... 181

(10) R. S. Dev'sideasand Upadesh ... 181

(11) Dr. Mulky's mistakes ... 182
(12) G. G. Narke-." Baba Mad " ... 183
(13) Baba's begging-bowl ... 183
(14) Baba'skupni gift ... 183
(15) S. B. Nachne-leave ... 183
(16) S. B. Nachne and two annas ... 184
(17) Date's oranges - ... 184
(18) Rajaballi Moharned'sBark ... 185
(19) Megha's castepride ... 185
(20) N. Londa's castepride ... 186
(21) Han Kanoba's sandals ... 186
(22) SomadevaSwami and Standards ... 187
(23) Gnrjar and one rupee ... 187
(24) Manker not delivering Mrs. T's peda ... 188
(25) Lizard'stick ... 188
(26) Cholkar'stea with sugar ... 188
(27) Pandhari Vakil-scandalising ... 188
(28) Takur B.A.'s Buffaloride ... 189
(29) Modak'sfriend-resiling from intended
" gift. 189
(30) N. R. S's relationship ... 190

(31) Jaikar's doubts ... 190

(32) Dixit's dakshinaof Rs. 25/- ... 191
(33) Dixit's Betel " ... 191

(34) Khaparde'sdakshina ... 191

(35) Uddavesa's
lossof moneyandthirst ... 191
(36) Muiherkar-pucca devotee ... 192
(37) SpecialPedaandMrs.Mulherkar'slife ... 192
(38) D. D. Rasane-Moneystill left in his pocket 193
(39) BabuRaoBoravkeandtheforgottenrupee. 193
(40) Device exposedof Printer N.V. ... 194

(41) Mr. T's mistake ... 194

(42) Lala Latchmichaud ...
(43) Lala Latchmichand's Sanza- consideration
for hunger ...
(44) Rich Man's adopted boy ...
(45) Police Officer's Rs. 50/ and need for it ...
P. Baba and Black Magic
(1) To Theosophical lady ... 196
(2) KusaBhav ... 196
(3) a.Victim of Black Magic ... 197
(4) Evil spirits, (a) Hansraj (b) Mrs. Chitnis. ... 197
Q. Benefits from Knowledge of the Future-Courage
and Endurance

(1) to R. B. P. ... 197

(2) to H. S. D. ... 197
R. Baba on the Past.
A. Baba tracing Past Lives of others ... 198
Goats ... 201
Mrs. T - Guru follows devotee birth after birth ... 202
Baba's autobiographic Reminiscences of Past births.
Snake and frog - rebirth for revenge - Develop-
ment of Yasanas - Justice of God ... 202
CompulsoryLabour ... 206
Baba's Sadhana in a former Life ... 210
always ... 210
(a) N. G. 0. ... 211
(b) Kshirsagar ... 211
(c) Do not drive away ... 212
(d) Rinanubanda for animals ... 212
Baba'sLoveof Devotees,
Appreciationof Prema
(a) Mrs. V. S. Giridhar ... 213
(b) R. B. Purandhare ... 213
(c) Nandaram Mar wad i ... 214
(d) Sai's Sabari ... 215
(e) Sai's Kucliela ... 215
(f) Vakharkar's Plantains ... 216
(g) Sankaranti balwa ... 216
(h) Mrs. T's brinjal . .., 217
(i) Mrs. T's Peda ... 217
(j) Mrs. G. S. K's Naivedya ... 217
(k) Leper'speda - ... 218
(1) Garde's mangoes-gifts with pure mind-
Pandit'ssesha(nrale)ladus ... 219
(m) Bhikubai's flowers, melon and Peda-gifts
with impure mind ... 219
(n) Mrs. Kanitkar's grapes-dubiousgifts ... 220
(2) Baba's Sacrifice of Self for Devotees
(a) Balwant G. Khaparde's plague, drawn by
Baba to himself ... 221
(b) Baba'soffer of his own throat ... 222
(c) Baba'ssacrificeof his own health ... 222
(3) Baba's consideration for feelings of Devotees
(a) For amother'sprayer ... 22,2
(b) Kusal Bhav'spiouswishes ... 223
(c) Mauvsi'sfeelings ... 224
(d) Nachne'smother-in-law ... 224
(e) "Vadhavkar's
hunger ... 224
(f) Vaidya'shealth and safety ... 225
(g) Baby's cries (Mrs. M. W. P's) ... 226
(h) Purandhare'sobstinacy ... 226
(i) Varde'sobstinacy ... 227
(4) Baba's Watch and Cure
(1) Bahalkar's boy's illness ... 228
(2) Mahalsapathy and snakes ... 229
(3) Mrs. Manager and Snakes ... 229
(4) Merikar and Snakes-Abhaya .... 229
(5) Buti and snakes-Abhaya .. 230
(6) Consideration for health of Baba Shimpi ... 231
(5) Baba towards Lepers .., 231
(6) Baba'sHelps (or Blessings)for Issue
i. D. S. Rasane ... - 232
ii. Rao Bahadur H. V. Sathe ... 233
iii. Sapatnekar ... 234
iv. Mrs. Aurangabadkar ... 235
v. Chintamani Rao ... 236
vi. Mahalsapathy ... 237
vii. Ratanji Sait ... 237
viii. N. G. Scindhe-Baba gave son against
prarabdha. ... 238
(7) Baba'sHelp in Domestic Affairs
(a) Mr. and Mrs. Nana Niuaonkar ... 238
(b) Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Sathe ... 238
(8) Baba'sHelp in Business
(a) D. S. Rasaneand grain trade ... 239
(b) Bayyaji Patel and sugarcane ... 240
(c) Rao Bahadur S. B. Dhumal and Public
Prosecutorship ... 241
(9) Baba submits to worship out of love to

(a) Baba and Rangari ... 241

(b) Baba and Guru Pnrnima ... 242
(10) Baba'sWatch over Devotees
(a) N. G. Chandorkar ... 243
(b) Joshi of Kalyan ... 243
(c) Kaka Mahajani - ... 244

(d) Rao Bahadur M. W. Pradhan's mother. ... 245

(e) Mr. Manager'sservant ... 245
(11) Baba'sWatch and Fore-knowledge
(a) G. G. Narke and plague-house Halwa ... 245
(b) S. B. Dhumal's shiftings during plague ... 246
(12) Babaas Bossof Devotees
(a) To Kaka Mahajani ... 247
(b) To R. B. Purandhare ... 247
(c) To a Devotee ... 247
(13) Baba'skindness even to criminals ... 247
(14) Baba'shelps in travel ... 248

(15) Baba's help in marriage

(a) Adam Dalali ... 251

(b) L. G. Munge ... 251

(c) Damodar Rasane ... 252
(d) S. B. Dhumal ... 252

(16) Baba'sLove to Mr. R. ... 252

(17) Baba'sSaving Life

(a) B.-E. Nachne ... 254
(Ifi Nimonkar's baby tti 255
Baba's Independence
A. (a) Dhulia Court Commission ... 255
(b) Curtis'Visit ... 257
B. Baba's Fearlessness.-Worship with Sandal
Paste-Moslems with Clubs ... 258

Baba's Justice and Equality

(a) Cutting branch of MargosaTree ... 260
(b) S. B. N's Mother-in-law's revenge ... 260
(c) Bala Patil ... 261
(d) Chakra Narayan ... 261
(e) Peston Jamas ' ... 261

(f) Tukaram Rarku ... 262

Baba and Creatures ... 262
Baba's Religious Tolerance and Catliolicity ... 262
Baba and Conversions ... 263
Baba's Prayers ... 263
Baba's Practical Wisdom and Detachment ... 264
Baba's Conservatism ... 266

Baba's Mystical Rites and Wisdom.

-grain powder to stop epidemics ... 266
-coin rubbing to ward oil evil and promote
welfare. ... 267

1. Baba's advice re : his biography ... 268

2. His peculiar methods of talk-Paradox ... 269
3. His peculiar humour, double entendre, jokes. 271
4. Baba's peculiar method of teaching ... 273
5. Baba and photography, uselessness of Photo-
graphy to understand him ,., 275
f). Baba'e parables ... 275
(As Dwaraka Mayi)
1. This is Dwaraka Mayi of ours on which you
are sitting. This wards off all danger and anxieties
from her children. Highly merciful is this Masidi Ayi.
She is the mother of those who place their entire faith
in her. If they are in danger, she will save them. Once
a person climbs into her lap. all his troubles are over9
He who sleeps in her shade attains bliss.
2. What can the snake do to Dwarakamayi's child-
ren ? They look on amused, when the snake appears.
When Dwaraka Mayi protects, can the snake
strike ?
3. We have no need to fear. Strike, let me see
how you can strike and kill!
4. This is not a mosque. It is Dwaraka* Those
who seek refuge in her will never beharmed,
5. As soon as one climbs the steps of this mosque
sufferings due to Karma are at an end and joy begins
That Fakir [God] is very kind and will relieve your

6. Whenany one enters this Dwaraka Mayi, his

goal (object)is achieved.
7. This place (Dwaraka Mayi) is for Tarana i-e.
savingpeople,andnotmaranai.e.,killing them.
(Meaning of Dwaraka Mai)
Masudi Ayi, i«e. Dwaraka Mai Is Sai
8. I do nothing. I receive nothing, Datta calls
for his own. He has called for Rs. IS/- his due and
given it to Masudi Ayi. So the moneyhas been received
(by me,)

(Baba's promises in his own name.)
9. My eye (of vigilant supervision) is ever on those
who love me,
What ever you do, where ever you may be, ever
bear this in mind, that 1 am always aware of everything
you do.
10. If one ever meditates on me, repeats niy name,
sings my deeds*and is thus transformed into mef one's
Karma is destroyed. I stay by his side always.
11. You should have truth always with you. Then
I shall be always with you, wherever you are, and at all

12. I will be with you, wheneverand wherever you

think of me. Do not fear.
13. If one perpetuallythinks of me, and makes me
hissolerefuge,I amhis debtorand will givemy headto

14. If one ever dwells on me in his mind and will

-not even taste food before offering it to me, / am his
slave. So also if he hungers and thirsts after me. and
treats all else as unimportant.
15* I am (bhakt&paradeena)the bondslave of my
-devotee. I love devotion.
16. He who withdraws his heart from wife, child,
and parentsand lovesme is My real lover and he merges
in Me like a river in the sea.

17. S. Baba :-The key of my treasury is now

placed in your hands. Ask for any thing you want,
Rs. 5 or 100 a month or what you will and I will give it
to you-
Devotee declines to ask.

S. B.-Ask for something. I am anxious to give


D.-Is it agreed that you will grant anything I ask

S. B.-Yes.
D :-Then, Baba, I want this. In this and in any
future birth that may befall me, you should never part
from me. You should always be with me.
S. B?-Yes. I shall be with you, inside you and out-
side you, whatever you may be or do-
18. My devotee feels Me in you, in himself and in
all creatures and sees all as his Guru, He will become
19. If you make me the sole object of your thoughts
and aims, you will gain Paramartha (supreme Goal.)
Look to me; and I will look to you

Trust in the Guru fullyt That is the only Sadhana^

Guru is all the Gods.
20. If one devotes his entire mind to me and rests
in me, he need fear nothing for body and soul. If one
seesme and me alone and listens to talk about me and is
devoted to me alone, he will reach God (Chaitanya.)
He who worships me as Nitya, Suddha and Buddha
conies to me.

21. Those who perpetually repeat my name reach

their Goal.

22 Simply say "Sai" "Sai'* with heart overflowing..

I care not for show of respect and forms, I rest in such

23. Repeat my name. Seek refuge in me. But to

know "Who I am" have Sravana and Manana.
24. / am formless and' everywhere.
25. If any one casts his burden on me and thinks of
me, I look after all his concerns-
c. f. *frrT3frr
26. Yes; you can place your burdens on me,
27, In the abode of my devotees, there will be no
dearth of food and clothing.
28. You devotees are my children. I am your
father. You have to get everything from me- So you*
should not talk like that (and say Sai is not God.)
29. Why are you anxious ? I take all care of you.
30. Sit quiet, Uge Muge. I will do the needful-
I will take you to the end*
31. Go, Everything will be provided, Babugir.
I will provide for you, Ganu-
I will provide for Manker's sons.

32. Why do you fear? Am I not there (whereyou.

^o to easeyourself)?
33. Stay here,treat it as your house.
Governor camewith a lanceto pierceDada (G.S.KO-
I had a tussle with him & drove him out. Finally
I conciliated him.
Why should any fear, when I am here ?
34. When this baby sleeps, we have to stand by,
ikeep awake and watch or take trouble.
c f. q
35. I will not allow my devotees to come to harm-
1 have to take thought for my devotees. And if a devotee
is about to fall, I stretch out my hands, and thus with
four, four (i.e. a number of), outstretched hands at a time
support him. I will not let him fall-
C. f.

36. I am its (frog's) father, and am here. Will I let

the snake eat it ? See how I effect its release ...... Hallo
Veerabadrappa, be ashamed of your hatred- Give up
hatred. [The snake dropped the frog]. I have kept my
word and saved Basappa (the frog from Virabadrappa the
snake.)God hassavedhim by sending me.
37. SeeI have to suffer for your sake, to remove
*your sufferings*
I will not let you die. I will die first ere I let you
die (Nandram).
Nana is about to die. But will I let him die?

53. Saints exist to give devotees temporal and spi-
ritual benefits. Dr. Pillai need not have ten more births
for this. All the pain can be enduredin ten days.
54; I have cometo give such go3d tilings to the

55. My business is to give blessings.

56. A devoteeobjectedto peoplegoing to Baba for
temporal benefite.g.,employment,money,children, cure
of disease.
S. Baba:-Do not do that. My men first cometo me
on account of that only. They get their heart's desires
fulfilled; and comfortably placedin life, they then follow
me and progress further. I bring my men to me from
long distancesunder many pleas. I seekthem and bring
them to me. They do not come (of their own accord).
I bring them to me.
However distant-even thousands of miles away-
my people might be, I draw them to myself, just as we
pull birds to us with a string tied to their foot.
57. This is a Brahmin, a white Brahmin, a pure
Brahmin. This Brahmin will lead lakhs of people to the
Subhra m&rga and take them to the Goal-right up to the
end. This is a Brahmin's majid.

(showing his nature, moods, power.)
58. I am God (Allah)
1 am Mahalaxmi:-I speak the truth-sitting as I do
*at the mosque.
fl am Vittobha of Pandhari--] Go, I am at Pand-

[I am Ganapati]:- Mother, all the offerings you

made to Ganapati have reached me.
[I am Dattatreya,]:-Are you puffed up? Where
was male progenyin your destiny? (In answer to the
prayer you offered before Datta at Gangapur) I tore up
this body and gave you a son*
[I am Laxmi Narain]:-Why go for Gangaelsewhere?
Hold your palm at my feet. Here flows Ganga*
What matters it whether in your meditation you
:seethis (Sai) figure or the figure of Laxmi Narayana?
[I am Maruti]:-My father dedicated me to Maruti.
I make gestures before his temple telling him I am
his brother.

59. [I am Krishna]:-Sai Baba(seatedin Dwaraka

Mayi) to UddhavesaBua: "Give me Rs. 11 dakshina".
U. B:-I have given my ten Indriyas and mind.
S. B:-No. Who are you to give them? They are
;mine already. Read Pothi i. e. do Parayana.
U. B;-Of what Purana?

S. B:-Of that in whichI have spokento you, and:

in which I still speakto you?
U. B:-Is it Gita? Jnaneswari?
S,B:-Go andfetch whatBapu SahebJog is read-
broughtXI skandaof SrimadBhagavathft;
from Jog.
S. B:-(slipped his finger into the book suddenly
and said) Readthis- [It openedat 'Krishna Uddhava-
samvada] Daily readthis,andthensit at my feet and
meditate on it
N.B-That meditation is the gift of eleventh.
(skandha) to Baba,Sai Krishna, seatedin the heart.
60. All that (viz., other Gods)is Allah.
61. Q:-Baba, who areyou? whence?
S. Baba :-(in the Absolute mood.) I am the At-
tributeless, Absolute, Nirguna. I have no name, no

(Again in the mood of Duality). I got embroiled by

Karma, and came to a body. (So) I got a name & abode.
Dehi, ie,, the embodied, is my name; and the world is.
my abode. Brahman is my father and Maya, my mother-
As they interlocked, I got this body. The world is
evanescent, mutable.

62* I am Parvardigar (God). I live at Shirdi and?

My age is lakhs of years.
My business is to give blessings.
All things are mine,
I give everything to everyone.
63. 1 am in Gangapur,Pandharpurand in all places*
I am in every bit of the globe.
64. All the universe is in me.

65, Stick to the one whom you worship or revere

God will protect you soon.


66. I am formless and everywhere.

I am in everything.
I am in everything and beyond.
I fill all space. All that you see taken together
is Myself- I do not shake or move.
67. All that is seen is my form :- ant, fly, prince,

68, I am in the water, in dry places, in woods,

amidst crowds, and in the solitary wilderness. I am in
the fire and in ether. I am not limited to any place,
69. Feedingthe hungry bitch is feeding me.
I havethe feeling of my hunger beingsatisfied, when
hers is satisfied.

Baba to Laxmibai Scindhe :^-I am hungry.

L. S:-Shall I go and bring food?

L. S. then brought food; Babatook nothing from it

and placedthe entire plate before a hungry bitch.
L.S:-Baba, why do you do so?
Baba:-Is not the biteh also a Jiva? We talk, bitches
do not. Sheis hungry; sheand I are one and the same,.
It is the same if I eat or she eats.

70. I am still belching with the heavy feeding you

gave the dog this morning. I am also in the mire
besmirched pig (that you did not feed, though it came
to you).
To serve me, give up differentiation,
71. Sometimes I come as dog, sometimes as pig.
The devotee who recognises me in each form and
treats me adequately is blessed.
72. You have been with me eighteen years. Does
"Sai**mean to you only this 34 cubits height of body?
I am in the ant and fly.
Whenever you see this sign, remember that I atn
there and that I can eat food through ants, flies etc.
73« I went as a cat to drink this man's curds to save
him, despite his cussedness. But he beat me to day.
I was the black dog.
I was the sickly sudra. I am in everything, and
I was the fakir who begged of you at Bombay.
I was the spirit you saw at midnight under the tree.
[I am Akkalkote Maharaj.J I gave you Rs. 2, Pitale.
Baba & Other Saints

74. Keshav Naik of Tardev, when Akkalkote

Maharaj was passing away (about 3878) thus addressed
him:-Maharaj, if you go away, what support have we?
Akkolkote M:-(giving his shoes to be worshipped)-
My Avatar (spirit) will be at Shirdi in Ahmadnagar
.District. Go there always. Be devoted there. If you
do so, you will not remember me. And you will be

When Akkalkote Maharaj passed away, Keshav Naik

and his son Ramachandra Naik, accompanied by two
Orthodox Brahmins went to Sai Baba at Shirdi. On the
way the Brahmins referred to Baba as a mad moslem.
fakir to whom no Brahmins could bow. When all four
reached Baba,
Baba:-(to Keshav Naik)-You and your son may
come and visit me, if you like.
(Pointing to the other two):-These are Karmata

Baba to Ramchandra Naik -Fetch Margosa leaves.

R brought some leaves- Baba distributed the leaves to
the four.

Baba-Eat the leaves. How do they taste?

Brahmins (with a wry face) :-Very bitter,
The two Naiks--The leaves are sweet We ate
plenty of the leaves.
Thus,Baba parted his sheep from the goats, and con-
firmed the statement of Akkalkote Maharaj.
I am at Mirzgaon ('Fakir Bua') Why come here?
I am Bandra Moulana.

[1 am Nanded Moulana] You have already given me

Rs. 344-0,
75. I am with you wherever you may be.
I do not require conveyances to take me.
76. S.B (May 1914) addressing Mrs, T, a Bandra
lady and her son Master T:-Mother, I haveto go thrice
a day to your house.
Mrs T:-Yes, Baba-

A local lady was astonished at this statement as she

saw Baba daily at Shirdi, and said "Baba What is this
strange thing you say?"
S. B:- -I do not speak falsehood. I am Mahalaxmi
Mother I come to your house- You give me things to
eat, is that not ture?
B.L:-Yes, Baba.
Shirdi Lady:-Truly, does Baba go to you and do
you feed him?
B. L:-Yes.

Baba, to master T:-Do I not come to your house?

Master T:-Yes, Baba.
S. B. to shirdi Lady-Yess mother, ! go easily to
Bhav's house (i.e., Bhav's house at Bandra). In the mid-
dle, there is a wall- Jumping over it, next comes the
railway line, and then Bhav's house. (Here Baba des-
cribed the crow's flight from Shirdi to the lady's house
at Bandra).
I have to fly across walls and excavations.
77. Mrs- Tendulkar of Bandra daily heaped up
garlands of bakul over Baba's picture in her house at
Bandra for two months and then went to Shirdi.
Baba:-Hallo, Kaka(H.S.Dixit) these two or three
months I have not been at Shirdi at all*. This mother has
smothered me with bakul flower and I was quite dizzy.
and unconscious of myself. Now I am slowly coming

78. I went to Bandra and saw Bhav left nothing

for me to eat, so I have returned hungry.
79. Do you thittk of me, at meal? Am I not
/present near you? Do you give me a morsel ?

80. I am not at Shirdi, but in all-

81. He who thinks that (Sai) Baba is in Shirdi
(alone) has totally failed to see (i.e. know) Baba.
82. Why do you (weep and) behave so madly. Am I
not there (at Bombay) by your side ?
83. He (Sai) who is at Shirdi now is also at
Machandragad here. It is to teach you this I sent you
84. I have just been to Kasi and had a bath.
I was at Jejuri, Bag at.
I was at Dhulia, did you not seeme?
When you heard my .voice, why doubt ? Bolted
"doors do not bar access to me.
85. I will go with you (invisibly). Do not worry*
Mother, I take thought for your family. Well go. I
am by your side.
86. I am myself sitting there (invisibly) guarding
"you (Purandhare) 6?your wife.
87. Wherever you may be, think of me, and I am
by your side.
88. Wherever you may be, whatever any of my
devotees think, say or do, that very instant I am aware
of it.

Cf Quran:-*' And when My servants ask thee con-

cerning Me, then I am nigh unto them and answer the
cry of him that crieth unto me."
89. I look equally on all. Not a leaf moves, except
"by my grace. I look on all with equal eye.

Baba's Function
90- I am the slave of God.
God is the Lord and Master.

91- God has agents everywhere; they have vast

I have very great powers-
92- God has helped his devotee (Basappa) through
me; [a surrendered-'soul.) I am his instrument,
93. I can revive the dead boy and bring back his
spirit from the new body it has entered, killing it and
reviving this corpse, But that is marring the useful.
work the new body will do.
94. She the deceased(spirit) has come to me-
95. I draw my devotee to me, at the time of his
death, even though he may die a thousand miles away
(from Shirdi.)
96- I will not allow my devotee to be lost-
I will account to God for all those that have beera
given to me.
97. When (in 1918) Mrs. T- & her son Master T.
visited S. B.
S. B ;-Mother, now a days I have been much pes-
tered. Some want wealth, some women, some sons-
Hallo! what I have, none wants. I wait and wait ;
and one day I will suddenly disappear. I am quite dis-
Mrs. T:-Baba, why do you say so ? Then, what
is to become of us ?
Baba.-Why are you anxious ? Is not God taking
thought for your welfare? I am very much pleased.
when my children come to me, and then I take my two
morsels of food with gusto and put on more flesh.

Master T: -We come to you to ask just what you

have got. You know that ?
Baba:-Yes. You will get it.
M. T.-Yes, we are quite sure of it. But when ?
S. Bm-Very soon.
M. 2\-'»Baba, I must have an assurance from you how
many more births I will have to take before getting it.
S. B.-Three more lives will be sufficient.
M. T.-But Baba, will you not be always with us ?
Baba.-Hallo! During how many births have I
already been with you! We shall meet again and again-
I have to take care of my children night and day, and
give an account of every pie to God.
98. I put the Rohilla, Pishya & Rao Sahib Gal-
wankar each into his mother's womb.

99. (To Akkalkote Sapatnekar). The soul of your

deceased son, I shall bring back to your wife's womb.
[Next year A. S. got a son.]
100. I will take my Kaka (H. S. Dixit) ni vimanau
[H. S. D. had a happy blessed ending.]

Baba, A Surrendered Instrument of God

101. Without God's permission, nothing can be
done by me.
102. Do not blame me for not giving you a Kupni.
"That Fakir" (God) has not permitted me.
103. Hallo. Do I demand dakshina of every one ?
I demand only from those whom '* The Fakir'' points
out to me.

I do nothing, I receive nothing. Datta calls for

his own. He has called for Rs. 15 his due and given
it to Masudi Ayi. So, the money has been received (by

104. If Gods, like Datta, are easily accessible on the

way and if one does not take darsan of them, how can
I help him ?

Baba's Nature

105. I am the Progenitor of God- Meditate on me

as pure Ananda Nirakara: but if you cannot do so,
meditate on this Sai Body exactly as it is.
106. I am not the body or the senses. I am the
"sakshi, witness of all these.
I do nothing. I receive nothing.
107. Devotee:-Baba, allow the burn on your hand
to be treated. It must pain you so much.

Baba: --What fun will it be (for me) to stand by

and seethe whole of this (Sai Baba) body burning on a
1 uneral pyre of cow dung cake fuel ?


108, To know me, constantly think 'Who am 17, by

Sravana and Manana.

Who are we ? What are we ? Where am I ? Where

^re you ? Where is all the world ?
Think, think on all your husband said, (viz., that, in
ireality, you are not different from God.)
109. We must see our Self.

110. Do not say of any one that he is inimical.
Who is whoseenemy? Do not entertain ill feelings
towards any one. All are one and the same.
111. People differentiate between themselvesand
-other, their properties, and others' properties. This is
wrong* <I am in you and you in me.
This is the Teli's wall that parts you from me; pull
down this wall; and then we see each other clearly face
to face.

[ N.B.:Atelii.e- oilmonger lived next to the mosque.]

Saints do not recognise this differentiation. To
serve me, remove this differentiation. Continue to think
in this way and then you will realise it.
Search the scriptures, Seeif Atma is one or many.
112. "What am I5'?, asks U- B.
Sai Baba replies: I am you. You are I. There is no
-difference between you and me. That which constitutes
me constitutes you*
:c. f. SrimB:-

Narain Asram of Wai, Satara (then Mr. Toser) was,
'about 1914 made by Baba to feel that differences do not
.exist; and NA had the blissful feeling of non-difference
while at Shirdi. (Krishna encouraged Bhishma, in the bliss
^of ex|>eriencing
the cosmic self at the view of his own
"Shadow at sunrise.)


113. N-G. Chandorkar bowed to Sai Baba and said--
Enough of this Samsara for me- As the Sastras describe
it, samsara is really nissara i.e., worthless- Break its
fetters off from me, Baba. What first, seems^to be joy
here is seen to be but sorrow at the end. Fate leads us a.
nice dance here and there. I cannot discover even a bit
of happiness in this Samsara. I am quite disgusted. I do-
not wish to touch it, Baba, any further.
Baba:-What crazy and delusive talk is yours!:
There is some truth in it-mixed up with error. As long
as the body remains,samsara remains. None escapes it.How
can you? Even I am caught up in it. Samsara is of vari-
ous sorts- It is like the surface of the body. Kama (desire)'*
Krodha (anger) etc and any mixture of these is samsara.
All mental and bodily processesare samsara*The contact
of any two things is samsara. By going away to a forest
you connot escape samsara. Your present condition, has
been brought about by yourself. What is the use of
irritation at it? This Deha Prarabdha is the result of
the karma done by you in former births. This body
was, therfore, born. The Jiva takes birth in body to
work out former Karma. Without suffering the results of
Prarabdha Karma, you connot get rid of it. All persons,
all creatures differ in form etc.r Why? Because of previ-
ous Karma of each. Differences between species, like
differences between individuals is due to the same cause..
Seethe difference between the rich man's dog lolling on,
sofa and the poor man's running about in search of;
crumbs- That is due to Deha Prarabdha.
& slfwqs (

disturb one so much. Should we not rel

Baba:-r(-4ws.) Joy and sorrow are mere delusion-

Mere appearance of worldly joy is not true happiness*
The worldly man is forcibly drawn to it, as he believes
it to be true happiness. According to the Prarabdha of
each, one gets delicacies (Panchamrita), one, stale crumbs,
:and one, mere bran-grueL The latter fancy themselves
unhappy at that, and the former fancies he lacks
nothing. But:the result of eating any of these is merely
the satisfaction of hunger. Some cover themselves
with laced-shawls, others with barks- Both serve only
one purpose, covering the body. This 'joy and this sorrow
iis due to opinion, which is mere illusion and is ruinous.
"Wheneverany ideaof joy orsorrow arisesin your mind,
;resist it. Do not give room to it. It is pure delusion.
The "Shadripus" (i.e., Lust, Anger, Covetousness,
'Delusion, Pride and Jealousy) are all delusive. They make
the unreal appear as real. If a rich man wears a gold
ornament, the poor man gets jealous, and thinks he must
:have one. This is Lobha.

All are like this. So one must conquer the six

"enemies- If they are conquered, waves of passion will
mot arise- Else they will enslave you. If they are sub-
ordinated and reason made the commandant, then the
*delusive pleasures.and pains \will no longer hold sway
over you.

True Joy or Happiness

115. Mukti (Release)is true joy or happiness-
Coursing through births and deathsis unhappiness. All:
the joys and sorrows of samsara are unreal,

Conduct amidst samsara

116. I will tell you how to conduct yourself in

samsara. The wise should be cheerful and contented.
with their lot in life, as it is the result of DehaPrarabdha..
Do not kick against the pricks.
If wealthy, be humble. Plants bend, when they have
fruits. But humility is not towards all. Severity is
needed in dealing with the wicked. But towards saints*.
be humble. Respect them.
Spendmoney in Dana (charity)and Dharma (piety)-
but be not extravagant. The world perishes no doubt,r-
but while it lasts,wealth is a real necessity, as bile is forr
health. Be not obsessedby the importance of wealth.
Do not be entangled in it, or be miserly. Be liberal and;
munificent-but not lavish or extravagant.

Get on cheerfully with your worldly round of acti-

vities but do not forget God. Remember God. '* This.
samsara is not mine but God's.'' Think thus all the
time you are awake. Have consideration for the poor
and wretched. Do not persecute and tease them. In-
"quire always, "Who am I?"

Navavidha Bhakti

117. Anant Row Patankar-Baba, I have read &

good lot of Sastras,etc., but I have no peaceof mind-
Pray, grant me your blessing.
Baba:-Once a merchant came here. In his presence,,
a quadruped passedits stomata, i.e., nine balls of stooL
The merchant anxious to attain his quest spread his
cloth beneath its tail, gathered all the nine balls and took
them away. He got concentration and peaceof mind.
Anant Row, unable to make out this parable, ques-
tioned Dada Kelkar, *' What does Baba mean ?'"
Dada Kelkar:-God's grace is the quadruped. The
nine balls excreted are the nine forms of Bhakti. You
are to be in the position of the merchant. If you follow
Nava Vidha Bhakti, you will attain peace.
Again Ananta Row went to Baba.
Baba:-Have you gathered the nine balls ?
Anant Row.-For that I must have your grace.
Baba.-God will bless.

Jnana and Bhakti

118. Baba.-Gnana marga is like Ramphal. Bhakti

marga is like Seethapal (custard apple), easy to deal with
and very sweet. The pulp of the Ramphal is inside and
difficult to get at. Rampal should ripen on the tree and
be plucked ripe- If it falls down, it is spoiled. So if
a Gnani falls, he is ruined, even for a Gnani there is
the danger of a fall, e.g., by a little negligence or care-



119* (Q):-Baba, who are you f Whence ?

A:-(S. B. in the mood of the Absolute). I have no
residence- I am the attributeless Absolute-Nirguna.
(again, in the mood of Duality) By the action of
Karma I got embroiled and came to a body. My name
is "The embodied-Dehi" The world is my abode.
Brahman is my father, and Maya my mother. By their
interlocking I got this body* The world is mutable,

(To Appa K.) Allah or The Nirguna (Parabrahma)

Tjecame saguna Parabrahma (known as) Mohiniraja at
Nivas- Go and bow before him. God manifests all his
powers for the benefit of his devotees,

Who am 1 ? Who are We ?

120. Baba often said " Who are we ? Night and day
think on this."
About 1915 R. A. Tarkhad, Managing Director of a
mill, got into a compartment at Manmad in the dark and
was fighting for a seat with a police constable, who was
there. When R. A. T. arrived at Shirdi,
Baba "-With whom were you persisting in contest
this morning? Bhav (brother), we should not engage in
-contest with such people! " Who are We ?" This we
must enquire into,
R. A. T-saw first, Baba's reference to the social
inequality of the disputing parties, and later on, the

^Vedanticmeaningof the words, i.e., the unity of those

parties in Brahman-

Baba (to Bala Bhav ie, Sitaram Dev):-We have only

ito see(i.e. know) our self.

121. In October 1917, Baba spoke to a Bombay lady.

Baba:-Mother, what do you want ? Ask for it.
Lady :-JLet me be free from the whirl of births and

Baba (laughing):-Is this all you want? What!

have you come to<die ?
Lady (shocked):-Baba, I do not at all understand

Baba: -Think who you are.

Lady:-I do not .understand-
Baba (pointing to her husband):-He will tell you.
Then the lady went with her husband to her lodg-
ings and asked him what Baba meant-
Husband.-*Baba's words are mysterious, I cannot
'be sure I have -made out his meaning. Probably he
means something like this- The Jiva goes on reincar.
nating any number of times till it gets Sakshatkar i.e.,
sees or realises God. Baba is God. But people seeing
him do not get full faith and do not see him i.e,3feel him
'to be God; and hence they do not get Mukti-
One must learn from the sastras, that essentially
.Jiva and Siva are one. You think yourself to be a Jiva, not?

Hiisband.-Baba and the Sastras want you to regard^
yourself as Siva or God.
Lady.-No, No. I am a petty sinner-a Jiva and
not the great God Siva.
Husband.~No doubt that is your feeling. But Babar
means that by constantly regarding yourself as God,
your deeply ingrained belief that you are only a finite
Jiva will be removed. This process continued, may be-
through numerous births and strengthenedand helped
by contact with saints, will give you the firm belief that-
you are Brahman. That must be Baba's meaning.
(The pair again returned to Dwaraka Mai).
Baba.-Mother, I have listened (from here)to affi
that your husband told you* Keep that in mind.

Who is God?
122. N. G. Chandorkar to Baba -
(1) Who is God?
(2) What is He like?
(3) Where is He?
(4) How are we to see him ?
S. B.-I will tell you later on.
S. Baba- (later).
Baddhas, (the very worldly) do not know or observe
the differencebetween right and wrong...or what God*
is. They have no moral tendencies.
Ever immersed in the world, (and impure in heart)*.
having nofaith in Scriptures or saints, they do not get
to God-but go to Hell

The Mumukshus, disgusted with the baddha state,.

begin vichara and Viveka and thirst for the sight of
God. They are devoted to God and observe the Moral.

They become sadhakas, by adopting sadhanas eg,,

repetition of God'slname(Japa)and (Dhyana^meditation
on God, in solitude, withdrawing their minds from.
objects of senses. They love to move with saints.
These, when perfect are called Siddhas, At that
stage, God becomes the same as man; praise, the same as
blame etc. They have no desires- They are past the
notion that the body is their home or their self. They
feel their self to be identical with God. *' I am Brahman ?
is their feeling.
To know God, see how God is viewed by each of"
these, at each stage- Then ultimately, God is seenas",
manifested in all forms-moveable and immoveable.

God is everywhere. There is no place from which >

he is absent. But behold the power of Maya that does
not allow Eswara to be seen and recognised (in all). I,.
you and all the world are Amsa i.e., parts of the Lord.
Therefore let none hate others, Forget not that
God is in every place.
Thereby Love (Non-hatred) is there, of itself. When
that springs up, everything is achieved.

How are we to See God?

123. The mind is turbulent. Effort must be made *

to make it steady. Just as a fly flies and sits on all objects
but turns back when it approaches fire, so the mind i
longs after sense objects, rejoices in them and merges iii a

them- When it sees i.e., approaches or tries to see

'""Brahman, it turns its face away. When thus the unruly
mind does not merge in God (Brahman), samsara, i. e.,
rebirth is inevitable. Till the mind is conquered. one is
reborn. But among births, human birth is most precious*
Therefore do Moorti Pooja-i.e, worship God in
form, in his images, to make the mind steady and con-
" centrated. Even the image is God (Parameswara). Do
not reject images. When an image is worshipped with
deepdevotion, the mind attains concentration, without
which there is no steadiness of mind.
Next practice Manana and Dhyana i.e., recollection
and meditation; and study spiritual works- Practice
what is mentionedin them. Atma Vidya, the scienceof
" the Self, is the highest wisdom- If that is mastered,
salvation (Mukti) is achieved; and Hari (Personal God) is
one's slave. The easy steps to get to that wisdom and to
moksha(i.e.,to real seeingor knowledgeof God-Brahman)
are these-

How to get Moksha

Have Sadhana Chatushtaya i.e., Nitya Anitya

Viveka, i.e.. Inquiry into what is real and what is unreal.
vVairagya i.e., dispassion, Sama i.e.* quiet of mind and
other five qualities and mumukshutwa i.e., desire for
Mukti. Have Navavidha Bhakti Le., Ninefold Devotion*
stc. Practise these. Surrender yourself to God (Atma
*Navavidha Bhakti is thus defined:

Daily take darsan of Siddhas i.e., perfect saints. Live *"

a moral life. Then you will be pure even at death. At
the time of death, have no desire at all- Concentrate on
God, i.e., your Ishta Devata. If death comes when your
mind merges in the Ishta Devata (God), Mukti (salvation) »
is attained.

Reaching God: The Method

124. N.G.C.:-Baba, again I am asking you for the
third time, who God is, what he is like and where he is ?
Baba.-I have already told you. If you act upon
what I have said, you would be equipped with Sadhana
Ghatushtaya i.e., the four helps.
L Viveka
N.G.C.-What are they ?
Baba.-First is Nitya-Anitya Vastuviveka Le., dis-
criminating between the real and the unreal. Some
people make others believe that they are such vivekis and
become varkaries i.e., pilgrims to Pandharpur, without,
however, knowing who Hari really is, what He is and
where. But this pilgrimage is not real devotion, but a
mere device to get respect from others-
Persons who merely read and memorise many works
without making their hearts pure, pour out precepts at
debates, cavil at others and are full of self adulation.
These are not vivekis and they do not attain Brahma

The nine stepsof Devotion are (l). Listening to sacred

works er accountsof God, Avatars and Saints (2) Reciting
the name of God (3) Remembrance and Meditation (4) Prostra-
tion to God's feet (5) Worship of objects representing Him
(6) Paying respect(to Saints) (?) Service (S) Fellowshipand
(9) Self Surrender.

II. Vairagya, * is the second*

The real vairagi cares not for the good things of
rthis world or of the next.

HI. Sama etc,, are the third*

Sama is preventing the mind from going into the
objects of the senses. Dama is the withdrawal of the
mind, when it does go in, by control of external activity.
Titiksha is putting up with pain that results from
prarabdha karma, without murmur.
Uparati is looking upon wealth, women, children,
friends etc., as unreal and thus escaping the meshes of
Sraddha is faith (Viswasa of the mind.)
Samadhana is equanimity i.e., looking on pain and
^pleasure, equally, unexcited and with firmness of mind.
* Baba's Vairagya.
(l) When Damia RasaneofferedBaba a sharein the pro-
. fits, of his proposed business,
Babct:-I am not to be entangledin anything"
(2) Babas advice to a Madrasi Swami-
Baba(to VijayanandaSwami):-If you are so fond of your
mother, why did you assumethe garb of a Sanyasi. Kashaya
and Mamata (attachment) cannot go together. Go and stay
at your quarters. There, you have many thieves, who will
carry away everything* Bolt your doors and be on your
guard. The inevitable must happen. Wealth, kith and kin
are all transient, attended with fear- Utter renunciation alone
leads to bliss. Do Bhagavatha Sapthaha thrice with intent
. meditation. .That will quench #11rasanas. All illusion will
" end

IV. Mumukshuta is the Fourth help.

Moksha, what it is and how to get it.

Mumukshuta is strong desire for Moksha (with dis-

like of Joys and sorrows of phenomenal existence), ac-
companied by the idea that Aparoksha Jnana ie. realisa-
tion of Brahman alone is the solution. Moksha is not
'Heaven, Kailas or Vaikunta. It is subtle and not gross-
It is the invisible origin of the Universe-pure conscious-
ness,pure being -Suddha chaitanya- Being or becom-
ing that, is Moksha. Tftat is Immortality and that is the
goal of human life. All other aims are worthless-

125. -/V.G.e.-Pray,tell us about Suddha Chaitanya,

what it is.

Baba,-That is the origin, the essence, the founda-

tion and the permeator of the entire universe, sentient
and insentient, as also the end of it. The source is
Suddha Chaitanya. You cannot exactly describe, 'Chai-
ttanya', but every moment it exists in your existence.
There is no place without it but it has no form or name.
In that it resembles air, which has no colour or form to
be seen, and whose existence however is unquestion-
able, Suddha Chaitanya is called Brahman. The wise
do upasana of it under the name 'Brahman' and then are
called Brahmavit, Vegetable, animal, human and all
other lives are contained within it. It is the original
cause of all appearances, perceptions and knowledge.
It is the one root of the many. It pervades everything.
It may be characterised as Sat-reality. Chit-conscious-
mess,Ananda-bliss and Ekatva-unity. All of us are that.
We are not distinct from it.

N.G.C.-Baba> you say Brahman is bliss, i-e- with-

out pain and that, it is unity, i.e. without multiplicity.
Yet you say the same Brahman is all or everything in the
world, wherein there is not merely multiplicity but also
suffering. How can bliss appear as pain and suffering ?
How can the one appear as the many ? How can the
real appear as the unreal ? Again, if each of us consider
ourselves as Chaitanya or Brahman there must be many
Brahmans (and not one) because we are so many.
Further, if all of us are the one and same Brahman, each
man must feel the pain and pleasure felt by others;
but he does not. Just as our bodies are different, our
souls also must be different and not one. Please explain-
Baba.-You are wrong. Just listen. Red, black,
white, blue, yellow etc. are different colours- Add them
to water. Is not water still one and the same water,.
despite the different colours? That, you will see by
separating the colours from the water. The result will
be that you get water in each case. Just like that, the
Atman or Brahman is one. But the hearts it occupies,
are different. It is one and the same Atman that runs
through all the hearts- As for pain and pleasure, these
are not the functions of Brahman or Atman, but
only of the hearts- To make the heart, a heart, is the
function of the Atman or Brahman.
1 will futher explain the matter. Chaitanya appears
through three gunasand is classifiedfurther asParamar-
tika-Satya, Vyavaharika-satya and Pratibhasica-satya.
Just as one body has three stages, childhood, manhood
and old age, so Satya has these three stages. A person
in Paramartik stage (called a Sage) sees truth as truth
and acts according to sastras,. i.e., .without differentia-

tion. One in the Vyavaharik stage (called the Good)

tries to follow the sastras but goes on differentiating at
every step selecting the good and rejecting the evil.
One in the pratibasic stage (called the ignorant) does not
see the truth either entirely as it is or with the addition
of differentiation merely, but sees it quite inverted i.e.,
in the way quite opposite to the Vyavaharik person's
view. He sees good as evil and evil as good.

But Atman or Brahman is common to all these

three stages.

I will give one more illustration. There is (1) the

King (2) the King's deputy and (3) the King's messenger.
You see the common point running through all the
three i.e., Kingliness ; yet the three are different. It is
just like that, Brahman runs through all the three classes,
which appear different.

N. G. G.:-How can you divide Regality ? It is


Bala :-Right. Regality is one and indivisible ; but

in point of fact we note the division of Regality in the
above three and the difference between them. Similarly
Chaitanya (Brahman) is unlimited, but each limited
ego partakes of it, i.e., to the extent of its capacity and
exhibits it, i.e., this Chaitanya or Kingship. Take another
example, viz., Space or Akasha. Akasha though illimit-
able is in a small pot (then called Ghatakasha), in a big
pot (then called kumbhakasha) and so on. All have
Akasha in degrees. Just like that Brahman appears in
different forms in this world-which is the play of Maya,

It is the union of Brahman with Maya that causes

Brahmanda, the universe.

126. N. G. C. :- Who is this Maya ? Who created

her ? What is she like ? You just now said that the root
of the whole world is Ohaitanya. Then where does Maya
come in ?

Baba :-I will describe to you where and how she

comes. Maya is the name given to the Shakti or Power
of Chaitanya, which makes Chaitanya appear in different
forms. Can you separate Chaitanya from its Shakti ?
You cannot,-just as you cannot separate jaggery from
its sweetness and the sun from its brilliance. The sepa-
ration comes only at the end of Maya (if merger in
Brahman is separation"). Maya ends when Chaitanya is
realised. Chaitanya is endless. Both Chaitanya and
Maya are beginningless. Maya and Ohaitanya are also
named Prakriti and Purusha, which are fully described in
the Jnaneswari from which you must get your Atrna

Chaitanya is a cave and he who enters into that cave

never returns but becomes the cave.

Maya is Karya and has wonderful qualities. I am such

and such a person, you are such and such etc.-all this is
the result of Maya. All these are unreal differences. You
see, if you are under Maya, (undifferenced) Reality does not
appear. Maya has two aspects.(1) The Avarana covering up
the consciousnessof the soul or Atman and (2) ViJcshepa^
producing illusory appearancesover that covering. Here is
an illustration.

A cooly dreamt that he became a king. Thereby he

forgot his coolyship. That coolyship was covered np
(avarana)by Maya, an<l kingship was produced by Maya
over that cover. Similarly Maya covers up Brahman
and producesworldly appearances. In reality, the world
does net exist. Only one Real (Sat) exists, but these
appearancesare taken to be real. That causesthe mischief
(akalyari). So, kick out Maya and regain Brahman. How ?
Regard yourself as pure Chaitanya. Water, when relieved
of impurity is pure water. Similarly remove impurity of
Maya from this world of appearances. Then that appearance
becomesreality. This is the upasanaof the Real (Sadvastu).
Think of this always. This is my advice to all. This
constant thought of the Sadvasfcuor Atman is the Adhyatma.
You should realise this Atman as yourself and become
Mukta in this life.

What is God ?

[Salcshatkara :-Ideas of God and consequently ideas

of Sakshatkar of God vary widely. To those who believe in
God as a person with form and never without form, a
darshan or vision of that form is called Sakshatkar and is
the highest rung of the spiritual ladder. Those who dis-
believe in forms which are said to be divine, use the term
Sakshatkarto denote a mystic merger of their own persona-
lity in the impersonal Absolute.
Das Ganu Maharaj belonged not. to the latter class but
rather to the former. He is a Varkhari of Pandharpur and

the idea of Pandarinath, standing on bricks with arms

akimbo is the idea of God, which is uppermost in his mind.]

127. Das Gann, to Baba :-I want Sakshatkar, Baba.

You ask me to read Saptha of Bhagavata ; but will you grant
me Sakshatkar as a result of it ?

Baba ;-Yittal will appear. But there must be intense

devotion (Bhava ¥ff^).
Das Ganu read his saptha of Bhagavata ; but failed to
get Sakshatkar.

D. Gf. to Baba :-You promised me Sakshatkar ; but

1 have not got it.

Baba :-Wait, you will have it.

[Baba was evidently waiting for development of the

requisite faith and earnestnessin D.G.]
128. In 1916, Bhadrapad, D. G. was keen on going to
Pandharpur ; but N. G. C. took him to Shirdi and made him
perform keertans and was for detaining him there, even for
Asvin, evidently with Baba's assent. D. G. then thought
within himself without saying it, " How is he (Baba) a
guru who blocks my way to God (at Pandharpur)."
Baba, to.Nana :-Nana, do not stop him from going to

Baba to Ganu :-Go to Pandharpur.

So D. G. gladly went to Pandharpur for Asvin, as
Yittal of Pandri alone was God to him and not Baba. Later
he returned to Shirdi.

129. D. G :--Baba, you have been long putting of£

my request. When will you give me Sakshatkar?
Baba :-You wee me. That is Sakshatkar. I am God.

D. Q-ti-I expectedyou would say so. But I am not

satisfied with that.

D. G. considered that it was not in his destiny

(Prarabdha) to have sakshatkar (of God Vittal, as that
was what he evidently wanted)*

Ordinarily J Sakshatkaras are very transient.

130. H. S. D., one day had a vision of Vittal. But he
was not sure what the God or figure was that appeared
to him. He went to Baba.

¬f. (J) Sakshatkara

What's that, which, ere I spake, was gone !
So joyful and intense a spark
That, whilst o'erhead the wonder shone,
The day, before but dull, grew dark ?
I do not know ; but this I know,
That, had the splendour lived a; yearr
The truth that I some heavenly show
Did see, could not be now more clear.
This know I too : might mortal breath
Express the passion then inspired,
Evil would die a natural death,
And nothing transient be desired ;
And error from the soul would pass,
And leave the senses pure and strong
As sunbeams. But the best, alas,
Has neither memory nor tongue !
Coventry Patmore : Life of Life.
<}f. {*) God in hitman body\-St. John XIV 8 to 14.

Baba:-Did not Vittal Patil come ? Have you not

seen him ? That Vittal is very elusive. Tie him fast. If:
by inadvertence yon lose sight of him, he will vanish in
a second.

(1) Receptivity.
131. (Baba was washing pots and placing them
mouth downward).

Kopergaon Station Master who had no faith in Baba

asked :-What is all this ?

B :-Every pot coming to me comes with mouth down-

wards, (i.e., in an mireceptive fashion).

(2) Deserve before yon desire.

132. A visitor :-Baba, what is God like ?

B:-(not addressing the visitor but addressing a

devotee X) Go to Bagchand Marwadi and tell him Baba
wants Rs. 100/- and bring the money.

X (returning in a minute) :-The Marwadi says he

has no money and sends his narnaskars.
(8) Lord, show us the father and it sufficeth us.
(9) Jesussayeth unto him, Have I been so long time with you
and yet hast thou not known me, Philip ? He that hath seen me
hath seen the Father and how sayest thou, show us the Father}
(10) The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
(11) Believe me that I am in the Father and he is in me, or else
believe me for the very works' sake.
(14) If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
(20) I am in my Father and you in me and I in you.

j5 :-Qo to the next money lender and ask him for a

loan of Bs. 100/- for "me.
X :-(returning in a minute):-He says he has not
got the money.
B :-Fetch Nana SahebOhandorkar (and when Nana
B .-Nana, I want Rs. 100/-
Theii Nana wrote a chit to Bagchand Marwadi for a
loan of Rs. 100/-

The money was at once sent by the Marwadi.

B :-All is like this in the world.

Visitor, later on to Das Ganu Maharaj :-Why did

not Baba answer my question ?
Das Ganu :-He has.

Visitor :-How ?

Das Ganu:-When others asked for money, it was

not forthcoming, Nana Saheb asked for it and got it at
once. Similarly the man, who merely wants to know
Brahman does not get it. It is he who is qualified to
know it that gets it. Baba's answer is, " Deserve, before
you desire (Brahman) ".

(3) Surrender five-if you want Brahman.

133. A rich man came to Baba with plenty of money
in his pocket and very anxious to avoid the extra expen-
diture resulting from the cabman's demand for prolonged
stay at Shirdi. He said to Baba, " Baba, show me God
(Brahman). It is for this I come all this long way. Peo-
ple say that Shirdi Baba reveals Brahman quickly."

Buty :-Baba asked me however to listen to your


Then H. S. D. read on his Bhagavatam and the

first stanza that camethere was ^fifff ^ffoTTetc-' which
refers to complete surrender of all acts to God. So
Baba wanted complete surrender to him as he was God.
But where is 16| in that stanza ? For one thing,
there are 17 phrases in it. For another thing, the objects
for surrender are 16, but u Ohitta has been omitted, in the
text," says the commentary. That will make it 17, but
Chitta is only \. So 16| objects mentioned there had to
be surrendered to Baba, as amounting to complete Surren-

Anna Saheb Dabolkar.

136. Anna Saheb Dabolkar anxious to have Sakshat-

kara sat before Baba and thought " Will not Baba give me
Upadesha some day ?"

B :-Get up, go to Sharna. Bring from him Rs. 15/-

Sit with him for a while, have a chat and then bring me
Rs<»15/- dakshina, he will give you.

Dabolkar went and told Shama the facts.

Shama:-Instead of Rs. 15/- convey to Baba my

fifteen namaskaras and tell him that is the dakshina.

D :-But Baba has asked me to sit and chat with you

and then bring the dakshina you will give. This was
because I sat before Baba thinking he should give me

8:-Baba nevergivesUpadesllas is ordinarily under-

stood i.e., he never utters mantra in the ear of any devotee.
Here is an instance of his refusal.

137. Radha Bai Deshnaukin came to Baba for

Upadesh, got none and resolved upon satyagraha. She
started fasting, which should only end with either death
or with Upadesa from Baba whichever occurred first*
After three days of her fruitless fast I interceded' with
Baba on her behalf and requested him to utter some
divine name in her presence. Baba sent for her and
addressed her thus :

Mother, why do you think of dying and torture

yourself ? Take pity on ine, your child. J am a beggar.
Look here, my guru was a great saint and highly merciful.
I fatigued myself in trying to serve him and yet he did
not utter any mantra in my ear. Instead, he first shaved
me clean and then begged of me, two pice. What he
wanted was not metallic coin-he did not care even for
gold, but only Nishta and Saburi i.e., faith and courage-
ous patience. I gave these to him at once and he was

Mother, Baburi is courage, do not discard it. It

ferries you across to the distant goal. It gives manli-
ness to men, eradicates sin and dejection and overcomes
all fear.

For 12 years I waited on my Guru, who is peerlessand

loving. How can I describe his love to me ? When he was
DTiyanasta (in love-trance) I sat and gazed at him ; and we
were both filled with Bliss. I cared not to turn my eye

upon anything else. Night and day I pored upon his face
with an ardour of love that banished hunger and thirst.
The Guru's absence, even for a second, made me restless.
I meditated upon nothing but the Guru and had no goal or
object other than the Guru. Unceasingly fixed upon him,
was my mind. Wonderful indeed the art of my Guru ! I
wanted nothing but the Guru and he wanted nothing but
my love. Apparently actionless, he never neglectedme ; but
always protected me by his glance.
That Guru-I tell thee true, sitting as I do in this
Masjid-never blew any mantra into my ear ; nor do I
blow any into yours. Go thou and do likewise.

If you make me the sole object of your thoughts and

aims, you will attain Paramartha, the supreme goal. Look
at me with undivided attention ; so will I look at you.
This is the only truth, my Guru taught me. The four
sadhanas and the six sastras are not necessary. Y7ith entire
confidence, trust your Guru. That is enough.

Shama :-The lady bowed, accepted the advice and

gave up her satyagraha.
Then Dabolkar returned to Baba and narrated his talk
and what happened.
138. Baba :-Our art is unique. Remember this. To
get Atmajnan, Dhyana is needed i.e., the Atma-anushtana
that pacifies and carries the mind into Samadhi. So give
up all desiresand dwell in your mind upon Godin all. If
the mind is thus concentrated the Goal is achieved.

For Dhyana, meditate on me either as in form or as

formless, mere Ananda. If such formless contemplation

is hard, then think of my form, just as you see it here.

Think of it night and day. With such meditation, the
mind dissolves into unity (i.e., attains Laya). The differ-
ence betweeen subject, and object, (me and you) and the
act of contemplation will be lost. This results in
Chaitanya Ghanata, Brahma Samarasata. The Guru's
glance is bread and milk for the pupil.

139. Then Baba gave sugar-candy prasad to Dabolkar

and said :-" If you keep this instruction in mind, it will
be as sweet as this sugar-candy." Baba then recommended
the study or sravana of the Katha followed by Manana
Nidhi Dhyasa, Smarana and Dhyana, all of which will
lead to realisation of Ananda Ghana. That which is seen
is the manifestation of Brahman through Maya and will
dissolve again into Brahman. Look into the six sastras
to see if the Atman is one or as many as there are jivas.
The crown of Jnana is the realisation of the one Atman,
from which everything has issued,

14.0. By Rinanubandlia* you have come to me. Have

regard to Rinanubandha. Whoever or whatever creature
comes to you, do not drive away but receive with due
consideration. Give food to the hungry, water to the
thirsty, and clothes to the naked. Then God will be
pleased. Do not bark at people. Be not pugnacious. Bear
with others' reproach. Speak only gentle words. This is
the way to happiness. Let others and the world turn
topsy-turvy but do not mind that. Keep on to your own
course straight. The world maintains a wall-the wall of
differentiation between oneself and others, between you and
me. Destroy this wall. God is the supreme Lord. Allah.

Malik. Wondrous, piecious and long-eudnring are his

works. Your object will be fulfilled in due course. We
shall bath attain bliss by mutual love.

Sadhana I - Faith

(1) Faith
141. (Baba calls for faith, as his Guru did from him.)
My Guru, after depriving me of everything asked me
for two pice. I gave them to him. He did not want
metallic gifts. What he asked for was (1) Faith (Nishta)
and (2) Patient, cheerful endurance.,(Saburi).
142. Puraiidhare , Give me two rupees dakshina. It
is not these rupees I call for. I ask for Faith and Patient

143. Baba's Test and development of Faith e.g.

(1) Nana (GO), take your meal and go to the train.
There is time.

(2) Nana, do not go to Kopergaonto-day (to meet the

(3) Dada (Kelkar), do not allow Saheb(HYS) to go to
Manrnad, to meet his superior officers.
(4) Kaka (Dixit), do not start for Bombay, to depose
in the will case.

(5) Kaka, do not sendyour boy for the examination


(6) Moulana, do not go to-day to the Magistrate's

Court, for the case against you.

(7) Tatya, do not go to the bazaarto-day-

(8) Tatya, do not go to the Court to-day.
(9) RangariThanakar,do not start back.
(10) Manager, return to your Holy City at once.
(11) Hansraj, do not take any medicinesfor yonr

(12) Babugir (Gosavi), go (to Jalgaon). Everything

will be provided.
(13) Bhav (Purandhare, though late for the usual train)
go to Kopergaon.
*(14) Bere, drive to Kopergaon at once, do not halt on
the way, or delay.

Baba's regard for Hindu Gods

144. Once when rain was beating inside a chavadi
wherein Baba sat, he was asked to move up into a higher
place where an image of Maruti was kept.
Baba :-How can we be seated on the same level
as God ?

145. Baba :-(to Appa.Kulkarni) Mohiniraj at Nivas

is Saguna Brahma. Go and take darsan of him before
going to see the Deputy Collector.
Syama and others to Baba :-Are the Puranas true ?
Baba :-Yes.

<Syama :-What about Rama and Krishna ?

Baba :-They were great souls. Gods they were;

* N.B.-The full details of circumstancethat can throw light on

these utterances are given, later on under^the headings: Baba's
Powers, Baba's love of devotees &c.

Baba's Regard for Vittal

146. When Balwant Rao Kshirsagar caine to Shirdi,
Baba :-This son never worships or gives Naivedya
to Yittal as his father did. He starves Yittal and me.
His father was my friend. So I have drawn him here. I
now remind him to renew the father's pooja.
Baba and Hindu Gods, avatars etc.
147. Baba spoke in Abdul Bhai's presencethus :-
(Cosmogony ?)
First was OmTcar

From Omkar (was) Bhavakar

Bhavakar Adh
Adh Alek
Alek Niranjan
Niranjan Nirakara
Nirakara Nil

Nil Anil
Anil Sunne



Bhagarid (Bhagirat ?>


From Uchchayat was Dekhayab

Bhalintar (Bali ?)
Tirmakra ?\
,, Kaechavatar
Uclichayat Dekhayat
Gotrain (Gouianta
,, Haritak
n Bailchand
Saam n
Jann ,,
Was Myan from
Tej "
n Kamal
,, Kadram ,,

Was Gustatva from

Kavvai (Kavil)
Athastha M Dliarma
Jamadagni ,,
Parasnram Avatar
Rajaji Jati
,, Raja Dasaratha
Ramohandraji Avatar
Pirthu (Prithn ?)
Iduraths (Yadu ?)
Sri Krishoaji Avatar

Then Pratimadan (Pradyumna ?) Anurudhas (Ani-

ruddha ?) Isithar Baddlia (=Biiddha?) Jali Avatar
( = Kalika Avatar).

Brahman was; Rajput (Kshatriya) was ; Gowli

(Vaisya) was ; uext Mussulman was.

Four Avatars arose in

3 in Tirta (Treta Yuga), 2 in DwapaSgin

(Kali Yuga ?).
Next follows Dasavathar naming Matsya, Kaccha,
Varaha, Narasimha, Yaman, Parasuram, Krishnaji, Boddho,
Me, Kalki.

Ibrahim prepared 4 Yedas. To establish this, Kalam

"Sharif: were produced. God knows the divine plan.

In each Yeda, 1000s of Avatars came out. But for

(i«e.,life or age)the manifestation(f^f^"^)
is different and new 8 Yube Emperors will rule in
Hindustan. This is in the 18th Puran (or Kuran.)

Baba's regard for Hindu Gods and

Hindu form of Worship
148. (Baba to Sagun Meru Naick) :- Put ghee in
your boiled rice (Annahuti), offer it to Dhuni - fire, and
then offer it to me.

God Realisation and not talk.

149. Baba said to one, who was' talking of God :-

Why do you say, " God " " God." God is in my pocket.

150. " He that slays, saves. He that saves, slays."

151. Baba (to T. A. Karnik) :- Is God so distant ?

cf. uf^r siT^TsNnS<K I *f| qr*ns5%wsrc 5

(Brahmananda's Songs.}
. -If

' (He-is not abovethe heavensnor below Hell. He is

always near yon. To search for him, where are you
going ?).

Decay of Faith etc. in these days.

152. Baba :-The times are degenerating. People
mostly think ill and talk ill of others. But I do not
retaliate, I do not care to listen to such talk.

People become more and more sceptical ; they are

disposed to look more at the'evil side of things.
Fakirs also are seldom dispassionate.
It is hard to find a good fakir.
153. I have been considering long and thinking day
and night. All are thieves, but we have to deal with them.
I prayed to God night and day for their improvement or
removal; but God delays and does not approve of the
(i.e. my) attitude and grant the prayer. I will wait for a
month or two and then see. But living or dead, I will
have what I have been praying for. I will not go to Teli
or Yani nor beg of them. People are not good and devoted.
They are unsettled in mind. A few friends will gather and
talk divine wisdom, and sit and contemplate.
154. (1918) People have got bad and give trouble.
They are pestering me for money. Moreover they become
shameless. Now I am disgusted.

Sadana II-Worship of objects.

(a) Images.
155. If Gods like Datta are on the way, easily accessi-
ble, and if one does not take darshan of them, how can I
help him ?

At Nivas, there is Mohiniraj. That is Allah, who had

becomesaguna. Go and bow to Him first, Appa Kulkarni,
and then go to the D.O. for the case against you.
156, God exercises all power for the benefit of

157. Megha, take this linga for worship.

158. Megha, why did you come here for my worship

omitting to worship at one temple (Khandoba's) ? Go and
worship at Khandoba's now ; it is open.

(&) PaduTca.
159. Nachne, keep this (Paduka) and do puja.
KO. Atmaram H. Chaubal took silver padukas to
Baba. Baba placed his feet on them and returned them
saying, " They are nice. Keep them in puja." Oncethey
were lost and very miraculously restored.

161. Baba when allowing Mrs. W. Pradhan to place

two silver padukas on his feet and worship them said (in
handing them over to her) :-Nana, see, mother has.cut off
and carried away my feet.

(c) Coins.
162. In 1908 Balakrishna Ramachandra Khairikar

going into the mosque trod upon a coin, a quarter anna

piece, picked it up and gave it to Baba.

B. R. K. :-Baba, this is your:coint Keep it safe.

B :-(returning it) That is all right. Take this coin

home. Keep it in your puja along with the images, you

Khairikar worshipped it for three years z

prosperity. He then lost the coin and also prosper
163. Baba giving S.B.T). coins :-Preser
carefully. Do not part with it to anyone-nor s

(d) Toml Worship.

164. Baba:-Whoever burns incense at tl
Guru's tomb, after cleaning it with cow-dung at s
Thursdays and Fridays, will obtain the bliss of God

(e) Baba encourages worship of his picture a

165. S. B. Dhumal was taking Baba's 1
framed-picture, past the mosque. Baba called out
B :-Bhav, come here. What is this ?
S. B. D :-You are here.

B ;-Give it to ine.

Then Baba took it from S. B. D., gazed at it on

and returned it.

B :-Keep it.
S. B. D. kept this picture and worshipped it all

(f) Picture Worship.

Baba Is in the Picture, that is worshippe
166. Bala Bua Sutar, a bhajanakar of Bomb;
for the first time to Shirdi in 1917 and bowed to Ba

Baba, addressing some one :-I have known i

since four years.
Bala Bua wondered, as he had never met Babs
but he recollected that four years previously he 1
trated himself before Baba's portrait at Bombay.


Bafoa strengthens faith in Gods etc., e.g.

167. Baba:-(1) Megha, draw Trisul. " "-
(2) worship this linga.
(3) worship all the village Gods
before you come to worship me.

188. Nachne, go to Deopur, and worship the stones

your forefathers worshipped.

169. Shama,go to Sapta Sringi and presentyour silver

nipples to the Vani Devi.

170. Khusa Bhav, go and see a person with three

faces, (i.e., Datta).
171. Rao Bahadur M. V. Pradhan-You can bring in
Ganapati for worship.


172, Bandra lady came and .sat before Baba with

chronic (sevenyears) headache.
Baba,(touching and gently stroking her head) :- Your
head is aching. Is it not ?
B. L. :-It was. Now it has ceased.

[The chronic headache left her at once and for ever.]

Baba :-You have been feeding me so well these years.

B. L. :-I am seeing you only now.

B:-But I have been seeing you ever since your


B. L :-was greatly puzzled.

B :-What Worship had yon in your house ?

B. L :-Ganapathy's.

B :-In your mother's house ?

B. L:-Ganapathy. I have given all flowers, fruits

and eatables to Ganapathy.
B :-All that has come to me. So since your girlhood
I have been seeing you.

173. B. L :-Baba, people say that my Ganapathy is

right-handed and besides, one hand is broken and so they
say it must be thrown away. Is that right ?
B :-If your child breaks its arm, will you cast it
into water ? Worship it daily.

[B :-Mother, I have to visit your house thrice a day.

Then follows the conversation in No. 76 ante.]

Conservatism ; do not change images.

174. Once KaTle Patil with his mamlatdar, B. Y. Dev
went to Baba and through Shania wanted to know from
Baba whether in a temple newly built by Kavle he should
reinstal the old image or bring in a new image from
Vani, as directed by his own guru.
Shama :-Baba, Kavle Patil wants to know what he
is to instal in his newly built temple.

B:-Let him place there only the ancient stones

that his family has been worshipping from old times and
bring no new image.

Shama :-What objection is there to a new image

from Vani ?

B :-Act as you please, Shama. Instal it or don't.

Shama:-Please say definitely whether the Yani
image can be or should not be installed.
B :-If he wants that image, let him break off its
arms and legs and then instal and worship it. Do not
question me again and again. I once went with a com-
panion from village to village. He wanted to buy a cow.
I said, " Don't." But he did buy it and brought it to a
village. There an epidemic broke out and many died.

Shama, later in the day :-Baba, what harm will arise

if the image is brought.

B :-Let him worship the old stones and introduce

nothing new.
Shama :-What is the harm in introducing the new ?

B :-(angrily) :-I am speaking with my mouth and

not through anything else.

Kavle Patil had no faith in Baba but great faith in

his own guru and so brought the Yani image to the guru's
village. There plague broke out and many died. The
guru (who had already received Rs. 300 or Rs. 400) more-
over sent a message to the Patil that unless he gave a
registered gift of his land to the guru, the latter would
curse him to immediate death. The Patil woke up, dis-
covered the unselfishness and wisdom of Baba and the

wickedness of his own gum, and installed only his own

hereditary images.


(Sai's) Former Guru's Mahima
175, Baba himself described how he met his g'uru :-
Once myself and three others were studying our Pothi,
Puran and other works and discussed how we were to
get realisation.

Onesaid we should dependon ourselves(and not on

a guru)for Gita says3FSC^TWrfTcW«f
&c. i.e; Raiseyour

A second said the main thing is to make the mind

self-con trolled, free from thoughts and doubts. It is we
who are in everything, everywhere.

A third :-" The form (i.e., in phenomena) is ever

changing. The formless is unchanging. So we must
always be making Yichara i.e., distinguishing between
Nitya and Aiiitya.
The fourth disliked bookish knowledge. " Let us do
our prescribed duty," he said, " and surrender our body,
speech and life to a guru, who is all pervading. Faith in
him is the thing needful."
As we rambled through the forest, we met a Vanajari
(a castethat carried salt, grain etc.) who asked us " Where
are you going in this heat into the forest ?" We gave no
direct reply. He kindly warned us from getting into the
trackless woods-and that needlessly. He bade us share
his food.

We disdained his advice and marched on.

But in that vast and dense wood, we lost our way.


That man met us again and said that by relying on our

own cleverness, we had got into a wrong way and that a
guiding finger is needed to show the way. " Do not despise
offers of food. Such offers are auspicious signs of success*
in one's endeavour " he said, and he again invited us to take
food with him. Again we declined it and went away.
I soon felt hungry and I went and accepted a bit of bread'
and ate it and drank some water.

The Guru came then and said " What was your
dispute? " and I told him all our talk. The others left him
and did not care for him. But I reverently bowed to him.
Then he took me to a well, tied up my legs with a rope,
and suspended me, head downwards, from a tree by a side
of the well. My head was about three feet off the water,
which I could not reach. And my guru left me there and
went away-God knows, where. He returned after 4 or
5 hours and asked me how I fared. " In great bliss was iny
time passed "-I answered. The Guru, mightily pleased
with me, drew me near him, passed his palm over my head
and body and spoke to me tender words dripping with love,
and he put me into his school-where I entirely forgot my
father and mother and all attachments and desires.

I loved to gaze at him. If he were not there to see,.

I would not like to have eyes at all. I did not wish to go
back. I forgot all other things but the Guru. My life was
concentrated in my sight and my sight in him. That was
the object of my meditation. In silence, I bowed.

Meaning i.e.. Realisation flashed upon me, of itself

without effort or study-purely by his grace.

Guru's graceis our only sadhana.JNANA comesas

experience (or in its wake).
Guru needed

176. A devotee :--Baba, where is one to go ?

B :-Above this.

D :-What is the way ?

B :-There are plenty of ways proceeding from each
place. For yon, here is this way, leading hence. But the
way is rugged. There are tigers and bears on the route.

H. S. Dixit:-But Baba, if one has a guide with him,

then ?

B :-If one has a guide with him, then there is no

difficulty. Then, the tigers and bears move aside. If there
is no guide, there is a deep yawning pit on the way, and
there is the danger of falling into it.

(Here " Guide "=" Guru," and «Pit '=*< Hell.")

Of:-55 ISRISfff^1
177. B :-Stick to your own Guru with unabated
faith, whatever the merits of other Gurus and however
little the merits of your own.
Pant, we must not give up attachment to our own
Guru, but be ever firmly resting in him and in him alone.

BABA OM « VENKUSA" The Guru of this birth.

178. " For 12 years I waited on my Guru who is
peerless and loving. How can I describe his love to Me ?
When he was DYANASTHA, (i.e., in love-trance)I sat

and gazed at him. We were both filled with Bliss. I

cared not to turn my eye upon anything else. Night
and day I pored upon his face with an ardour of love
that banished hunger and thirst. The Guru's absence, even
for a second made me restless. I meditated on nothing but
the Guru, and had no goal, or object, other than the Guru*
Unceasingly fixed upon him was my mind. Wonderful
indeed, the art of my Guru ! I wanted nothing but the
Guru and he wanted nothing but this intense love from me.
Apparently inactive, he never neglected me, but always
protected me by his glance. That Guru never blew any
mantra into my ear. By his grace, I attained to my present
state. Making the Guru the sole object of one's thoughts
and aims one attains Paramartha, the Supreme Goal. This
is the only truth the Guru taught me. The four Sadhanas
and six sastras are not necessary. Trusting in the Guru
fully is enough;

That is the only Sadhana.

My fakir's wife left me with ' Venkusa ' at Selu. I
stayed with him 12 years, and left Selu. This Brick
(which Baba always lovingly used to support his arm or
head) is my Guru's gift, my life companion. It is not the
brick that is broken now-but my Karma (prarabdha) it
is that has snapped. I cannot survive the breaking of the

(Baba said this early in October 1918, when Madhav

Fasle lifted the brick and carelessly allowed it to fall,
whereby it broke into two. Baba seeing the broken pieces-
expressedhis grief and spoke as above.)

179. B :-Nana, I ain not angry with you. You'[my

children can be angry with me. If Venkusa were alive I
-could be angry with him.

180. One should not stay in any place, where saints

are (or one's Guru is) ill-spoken of.


Margosa Foot tomb is Kabir1s-i.e., Body of Kabir
became flowers.

181. Kabir was my Guru.

I put up at that tree foot, for that reason.

God will bless those who burn incense here on

"Thursdays and Fridays.

Guru is got by ildoption by the Devotee.

182. A rich lady carried a plateful of rupees and stood
before Baba for four days. But Baba did not ask her for
any Dakshina.

Lady :-(on the fourth day) Baba, I hare come here

for a Guru. Take my dakshina now. Make yourself my
Guru and give me upadesa.

B :-It is not the Guru that makes himself your guru.

It is you who must regard him as Guru i.e., place faith in
him. Take a potsherd and regard it as your Guru and see
if your goal or aim is reached or not.
(Of. Ekalavya).

Nature of Jnana or Brahman and how to

get it through Gurus
183. N. G. C. a graduate well versed in Sanskrit
and a good student of Sankara Bhashya on Gita was once
massaging Baba's feet at the Mosque.
B. - Nan a, what ar« you muttering ?
N. G. C,- A. Sanskrit verse.
B. - What is the verse ?
1ST.G. C. - A verse from the Gita.

B. - Recite it audibly.
Then N. G. C. recited Gita Chapter 4, verse 34.

a- s w^w^oR' 1!
B. - Nana, do you understand this ?
N. G. 0.- I do.

B.- Then give the meaning.

Then N. G. C. gave the meaning.

B. - I do not want the general purport. Give the

meaning word for word, with strict reference to case,
mood, tense and other parts of grammar.

Nana gave such an explanation, wondering whether

Baba could know anything of Sanskrit grammar. But
Baba began cross examining him severely with reference
to grammar.

B.- In cff3[FSC
what doesc?^ refer to ?
N. G. C.- Jnana.

B. - "Which Jnana or Jnana of what ?


N. G. 0. - The Jnana referred to in the previous


B, - What does STPTOfcl mean ?

N. G. 0.- Prostration.

B, - What does tHcT mean ?

N. G. C.- The same.

B. - If Snorkle? and EfRf meant the same, would

Yyasa have added two needlesssyllables ?
N. G. 0. - I do not know the difference between the

B. - What does SPST

(prasna) mean ?
N. G. 0. - It means putting questions.

B.- What does TI^SR! (pariprasna) mean ?

N. G. C.- The same.

B. - If both the phrases meant the same, was Vyasa

off his head to use the longer phrase ?

N. G. C.- I do not see however any difference.

B.- Whatdoes%3f(Seva)mean?
N. G. 0. - Service, such as massaging.
B.- Nothing more ?
N. G. C. - I cannot see what more it will mean.

B.-- Let that go. In the last two parts Krishna asks
Arjuna to get Jnana from Talwadarsi Jnanis. Was not
Krishna a jnani ?
N. G. C.- Yes.

B.-Then why does he not give jnana himself but

refer Arjuna to others ?
N. G. C.-I cannot say.
B.-Is not Arjuna a jiva, a piece of Chaitanya ?
N. G. 0.-Yes.

B,-How can jnana be given to the jiva, which is

already apiece of Chaitanya or Jnana ?
N. G. 0.-I cannot say.
B.-Let that alone. In the second half of the stanza
can yon read an extra syllable into it ?
N. G. G.-Yes.

B.-How ?

N. G. 0.-By adding an Avagraha i.e., elision mark

before Jnana.

B,-How will it read then ?

N.G.c.-(^q-^f^ar i^WR etc.)

But Baba, this reading is not found in Sankara's

B.-What if ? If it makes a better sense, what is the

harm ?

N. G. C.-I cannot see how it can make a better sense.

B.--You will.

Then Nan a wanted Baba to answer the questions which

he himself had raised and explain the stanza in his own

B.-The Stanzarefers to how a sisfiya, should approach

his guru to obtain realisation of the real. The disciple

must approach the Guru, completely surrendering body,

mind, soul, and possessions
to the Guru, The STlfeFFfcf
prostration must be one accompanied by that attitude. As
for tTKEf^f (Pariprasna) it must be repeatedand must not be
mere idle questions or merely out of curiosity or with any
improper motive, or attitude e.g., to trap the Guru into a
mistake and catch him. The object must be pure desire to
attain progress and liberation and the questions must be
till full light is gained. As for %£f(Seva)
mere service e.g., massage etc., is not enough. To be
effective, there must be no lingering idea that one is free
to yield the service or refuse it. One must feel that one is
not the master of the body-which has become the Guru's
and exists merely to render him service.

As for the Guru giving Ajnana to the sishya, we will


B.-Is not Brahman, Jnana or pure Sadvastu ?

N. G. C.-Yes.

B.-And is not everything else, Asat or Ajnana ?

N. G. 0.-Yes.

B.-Have not the sastras declared that Brahman is

not reached
by speech
or mind? (*rai ^T^fr) etc*
N. G. C.-Yes.

B.-Then that speech (of the Guru) is not Brahman or

Jnana ?

N. G. 0.-No. It is not.

B.-Then what the1 Guru speaks is not Jnaaa but

Ajnana ? Is it not so ?

N. Gr. 0. - It seems so.

B. - The Guru's instruction is a piece of ignorance,

Ajnana, removing the disciple'sAjnana, just as a thorn
removes a thorn. *

Is that not so ?
N. G. 0 :- Yes.

B._ The pupil is a jiva, whoseessentialnature is jnana.

Is it not so ?

N. G. 0 :- Yes.

B. _ Then there is no necessity to give him jnana, but

only to removethe curtain of ignorancethat hidesthat
jnana. Is it not so ?
N. G. C :- Yes.

B._ That of course, is not done at one stroke, as the

disciple'sjiva is immerseddeepin age--longignorance
birthafterbirth it
may be.
B. _ What is the nature of this instruction through
? It is justlike
removinga cover. Ajnanais coveringjnana,just like moss
coveringthewater. Thenremovethe mossand you have
the clear water. You have not got to create the water.
Water is there. Duringan eclipsetheSunor Moonis there,
but Kahuor Kethuhidestheview fromusandwhen Rahu
or Kethupasses
away,thelightof the Sunor Moonwhich
is continuingright through is seenby us. _


Take another example. We are seeing things with

the eyes. Then a cataract forms over them and the eyes
cannot see. Pull off the cataract, then the eyes see.
Ajnana is -the cataract.
The Universe is the efflorescence of the indescribable
Maya, which is ignorance. Yet it is the Ajnana that
illuminates the Ajnana.
B.-Jnana is to be realised and is not a matter of direct
Salutation, Questioning and Service are Sadhanas for
obtaining the Guru's grace.
The impression that phenomena are real is a delusion.
This is tlia screen of darkness that hides Jnana. Tear off
that screen. Then Prajnana Brahma will shine forth.
Ajnana is the seed of Samsara. If the Guru kripa paint
is put on the eye, Maya screen lifts and Jnana survives,
Jnana is not an effect. It is ever self-existent. On the

other hand, Ajnana has a cause and an end. " God is one.
The Devotee is another''. This is the root of ignorance.
Remove it. Jnana remains. Ignorance finds a snake in,
the rope. Remove the ignorance, then the rope is known
as it is.

As to why Krishna refers Arjuna to other gurus with-

out imparting Jnana himself, consider this. Did Krishna
view Jnanis as different from himself ? Did he not say
that Jnanis are identical with himself ? Thus their teaching
is His teaching. Is it not so ?
N. G. C :"-Yes, Baba, Pray teach me the whole of.
the Gita.

B :-Daily read one chapter and comeand sit before


N. G. C.:-Yes.

Thereafter Nana went each day having read up one

chapter and when he sat at the feet of Baba the latter
explained the gist of it to him.

(A) Books, Pothi, Parayana.
(a) H. S. Dixit.
183, B.-Kaka, these two are quite enough.
They were (1) *4Adhyatma Ramayana and (2) Ekanath
Bhagavata ".
B.-Kaka, read this.
Soon after H. S. D. lost his daughter. Baba made him
read in Adhyatma Ramayana, Sree Rama's consolation to

(b) Lakshman.
184. B.-(to Lakshman) This (i.e., Tilak's Gita
Eahasya) is good.
Baba gave him Re. I/- with the book.
(c) Kusa Bhav.
185. B.-(to Kusa Bhav) Come here to this mosque
.and be reading " Guru Oharitra ".
(d) G. G. Narke.
186. Baba :-(to G. G. Narke) You are reading an
excellent book (Yoga Vasishta), Get me Rs. 15/- dakshina
from that.

That is, Baba wanted him to read certain passagesfrom

T. V. relating to 15 items and meditate on them and apply
them to his heart, thus making a present of them to Baba in
his heart.

(e) Upasani Maharaj.

187. (to Upasani Maharaj) This (Panchadasi)is our
treasury (i. e., It contains all that we want).
(f) M. Lele Sastri.
188. Bala.-(to Mukunda Lele Sasfcri)Go on for ten
days repeating in this Dwaraka Mai, Narayana Upanishad-
Taittariya Bhaga. (And that was done).
(g) B. Y. Dev.
189. Bala.-(to B. .V. Dev) ReadJnaneswari(a well-
known MahraUi commentary on Bhagavad Gita.}
(h) Ramavi jay a.
190. Bala:- (In his last days) Go on reading Rama
Vijaya here so that Mrityunjaya may be pleasedthereby.
[And that was done]
(i) H. Do not read any fiooJc,but "keepme in your

191. Bafia on each Guru Poornima day was seated at

the Dwaraka Mayee. Devotees came to him, each with a
book in hand, gave it to him for receiving it back with His
blessings for the fruition of his study. Baba generally
returned the books to the giver. Sometimeshe gave the
book of one to some other, substituting some other's book
for his. On one such occasion a Bhaktha had brought no
book at all.

Baba :- (to R. looking at him) You are right. DO

NOT READ ANY BOOK. These people think they will
find Brahman (God) in these books, but they find Bhrama
(confusion) in them. It is enough if you KEEP ME IN
YOUR HEART, and make your heart harmonise with the

(B) Nama Japa

(1) Ram Nama
192. Bala.- (to N. R. &) " Ram Rami Gliya ""
i.e., repeat the name of Rama.

193. Bala.-(to Mrs. G. S. K.~).-

Always say Raja Ram Rajah Ram. If you do so your
life will be fruitful. You will attain peace and infinite

194. Bala.-(to Rao Bahadur M. W. PradhSh^-

What should we say ? Sri Ram Jay a Ram Jay a Jaya
Rafh, STf^Tq;3T** ^rq^ 3!** ^% *&£
195. Bala.-(io II. S. D.) :-
I was always saying " Hari Hari ". Hari then
appearedto nae. I then stopped giving medicine and gave

196. JE>aba.
- (to someone) :-

(Say, * Ram, Ram '. God will bless.)

197. Bala. - (to a Bandra youth) Read Pothi (i.e.,
Have Parayana). Make some Nama Japa.

Boy :-Baba, I will not. If sometimes I fail in these,

I will incur sin.

Baba.-Mother, I have now to take ENTIRE RES-


198. Baba.-I had heart disease. I kept Vishnu

Sahasranama close to my chest. Had descended from
it. I was cured.

(2) Sai.
Baba approves of " Sai " nama Japa (by the judge).
Worship Baba as God in all.
199. Bala :-Nana, I would like Pooran Poli. Pre-
pare it for Naivedya and bring it.
N. G. C :-It is late. There is no cook.

Bqfra :-Never mind.

Then N. G. C. got eight Pooran Polies and side dishes
and placed them before Baba.
N. G. C :-Baba, taste.
Baba waited a while. Then ants and flies settled on

the poli,
Baba :-Good. Take away the plates.
N. G. 0 :-How is it you ask me to take the plates,
without touching them ? If you were not to eat anything,
why ask me to prepare this ? Unless you take something,
I will not take away the plates nor eat food.
Baba :-I have eaten the poll, take the plates awa
and have your meal.

Nanai-You took the poll I When? What was

broughton theplatesremainsjust as it was. Unlessyou
eat, I will not remove these.
N. G. C. left the Dwarka Mai and lay down at the
chavadi with hunger.
(Babaunableto endurethe sympathetic
underwent, sent for Nana),
Bala :-Nana, at sometime, I took your poli. Do
not be obstinate. Take the plates away and eat.
N. G. C. again went back in a huff to the chavadi.
Baba again sent for him.
Bala :-What, Nana, you have been with me eighteen
years. Is this all that you have learnt ? Is this your
appraisal of me ? Does Baba mean to you, only this
visible body of 3^ cubits height ? Is that all ?
Hallo ! I eat in the form of the ant. I eat in ^the fly
that eats. I take what form I choose and eat in that form.
I have taken your poli long ago. Do not continue
inexcusably obstinate.
Nana :-Though you say this, I understand (realise)
nothing. What am I to do ? If you make me under-
stand it, I will then take the plates away and eat my

Then Baba made a gesture revealing his knowledge of

some secret hid by Nana deep in his heart and unknown to
anyone else. Nana was thereby convinced that Baba was
his innermost soul (Antaryami) and therefore Sarvanlaryaini
of all including ants and flies etc,
N. G. C :"-I will take away the plates.

Baba :- Nana, as you see this sign that I make, you

will seethat I can take food (in thoseforms).
cf. Srimad Bhagavatha IV (3) 22-23.

SADHANA ¥I-Sights of Nature

200. Baba's approbation of Mystic experience
(a) Baba occasionally gazed at the setting sun. He
once admired the beauty and large size of a group of


And none can truly worship but who have
The earnest of their glory from on high,
God's nature in them. It is the love of God.
The ecstatic senseof onenesswith all things,
And special worship towards himself that thrills
Through life's self conscious chord, vibrant in him,
Harmonious with the universe, which makes
Our sole fit claim to being immortal ; that
"Wanting, nor willing, the world cannot worship.
Festus, by
Philip James Bailey.

(&) K. G. Bhishma and Mr. Balwant Khaparde went

out in the morning at Shirdi, when dew was falling and
the Sun was just rising. Bhishma turned back i.e., towards
the west and found his shadow a very long one starting
from his feet and proceeding endlessly on to the west. At
the western horizon the shadow was crowned with or

surrounded by a glorious circular rainbow. The sight

filled him with joy. It was evidently his reflection
becoming endless and glorious. The finite was proceeding
into the infinite. The Jiva was lost in the Paramatma.

And for a moment he was lost in ineffable joy. Balwant

also saw the same thing about himself and had the same
experience. Other persons on the road had no such
experience. When the two returned home, G. S. Khaparde
said that Baba had granted them a glimpse of the Atman.
Then they went to Baba and Baba gave them a smile of
cf. Effect of viewing the conjunction of Indus with the
oceanat Narayana saras. (Sri Bh. VI (5) 3- 5)



I. Laya is knowledge of God.

II. (a) " I know not if, save in this, such gifts be
allowed to man,

That out of three sounds he frame, not a fourth

sound, but a star'.-

(£) " G-od has a few of us whom He whispers in

the ear ;

The rest may reason and welcome ; it is we

musicians know."

Browning's Abt. Yogler.

Baba and Music

201. Baba sending for a devotee who was a musical

amateur :-

" Go on: sing."

The devotee sang. Baba corrected errors and gave
"hints for the singing of some tunes.
Baba himself sang frequently at nights at the Takia in
his earliest days afcShirdi, and vere rarely after 1890.
202. Baba, to Abdul Rahim, Rangari :-
If you had come yesterday, it would have been

Abdul :-Why ?
Baba :-There was music. I wept all night. They
abused me.

Abdul :-Why did they abuse you ?

Baba :-When I say ** abused," people do not under-
stand ; but you will understand.
Abdul:-One who loves God, would weep, laugh, or
dance as the songs in praise of God go on.
Baba :-Just so. You are right. Have you your
own Guru ?

Abdul :-Yes. Babee Baleeshah Chishti Nizami.


.-That is why yon understand.

ChishtiGuruwas accompanied
by musicwhenever
as an aid for attaining
"^ Thyagaraja basedprobably on,
trance, cf. " OT$?gTS^f
(1) qfan
wi aw**^w
maw* mttin TOWFT«
Yajnavalkya Smriti.
and (2)
sr^^f ftrermvt*
Sri Bhag. VI (5) 22.

cf. Tliyagaraja's
[i.e.,Ramasaysto Marutithat whatMusicandthe
Lord'ssongpointto is within (Maruti).]
Moral Teachings and Correction.
203, BapuSaJieb
Jog:- Baba,I haveservedyon so
HowcanI discover
when its fruition comes ?
Bala ._ The fruition of your servicethat will glad-
denboth our hearts will be when you wear a kupni and
begyourfood,asI do(i. e.,identifyyourselfwith meand
be free from all attachment.)
(a) Devadas
204. Sai Babato Devadas(an ascetic):- 1. Adhere
to Vairagya.
2. Womenare the greatdangerto an ascetic.

3. Avoid the Upadhis-Moha(Delusion)andpomp.

4. Think of God ; and Kill out the Ego.
A person that has not overcome lust cannot see God,
i. e., get God-realisation.

Lust or Sex conquest. (6) N*.{?.0.

205. Two Moslem ladies wearing veils came to take
darshanof Babaat the mosqueand N. Gr.G. wassitting by
him. N. Gr.G. tried to get up and go away.
Baba :-You had better remain. If they wish to take
"darshan, let them come.

The ladies came. The older removed her veil and took

darshan. Next, as the younger removed her veil, took

darshan and resumed her veil, Nana, smitten with her
beauty, thought to himself " Shall I have one more
opportunity to see that angelic face?"; but he said nothing.
Baba struck him on the thigh. Then the ladies left.

Baba :-Nana, do you know why I struck you ?

Nana :-How can I hide anything from the omnisci-

ence of my guru ? But I do not understand how such low
thoughts should sway my mind, when I am in your
immediate presence.
Baba :-You are a man after all. Are you not ? The
body is full of desires, which spring up as soon as a
sense object approaches, but are temples with lovely and
well-coloured exterior scarce in the world ? When we go
there, is it to admire the exterior or see the God within ?
When you are seeing the God in the shrine, do you care for

the outside beauty of the building or for that of the image

of Paramatma within ? Does God remain, only in temples ?
Is he not found in every object in the world as in temples ?
We are not to bother ourselves about the beauty or ugliness
of the exterior, but to concentrate solely on the form taken
by and revealing G-od.

Of course there is nothing wrong in looking at the

exterior, but as one looks at it, he must think how clever
and powerful is the G-od that produced snch a beautiful
abode, how he resides therein and how nicely ornamented
he is. Nana, if you had directed your thoughts in this
way, you would not have had the desire lo get one more
look at the Moslem beauty's face. Keep this always in

00 H. V. Bathe
206. H. V. Satke, a Settlement Officer and devotee of
Baba was staying at his place, Sathewada. Out of curiosity,
he wished to visit a lady devotee of Baba, whose reputation
was not good. Earlier in the day, he called upon Baba.

Baba .-Saheb, have you been to " School "?

H. V. S.-What Baba ! Have you made me a Deputy

Collector -without taking me to school ?

Baba found H. "V. S* ignorant of local names and

-droppedthe matter. Later on, H. V. S. visited the lady
who lived in a place locally known as the School. There
In the course of talking \vith her, sexual thoughts were
assailing Mm and lie was in danger of a fall. Suddenly
the outer door was thrown open. Baba standing at the

door made gestures which evidentally meant,-" What !You

have come so far to your guru ! And are yon now descend-
ing to Hell 1 What excellent course!"
Then Baba disappeared. H. V. S. was savedin time by
this proctor Baba. He left the School at once and never
again visited that lady.

(a) Ramadasi
207. Baba :-(to Ramadasi) You are reading pothi,
Adhyatma Rumayana, unceasingly. Yet your heart is nob
pure. You repeat Sahasranamaand yet your troubles are
not gone. You call yourself a Ramadasi. If you are one,
you ransb be indifferent to all objects. You ought not to
have Mamata, attachment, but must have Samata, viewing
everything with equal eye. You behave like a boy and
fight for your book. Books can be had by the ton for
money but not mon i. e., friendship.
208. Baba :-If any one is angry with another, he
wounds me to the quick. If any one abuses another, I feel
the pain. If any one bravely endures the abuse,I feel
highly pleased.

(6) Jog
209. Baba to Jog :-Give me dakshina.

Jog (flaring up):-You know I havenot got a single

pie. How canI give,Baba?
;-Do not give, but why do yon lose your temper?

(c) R. B. Purandhare
210. Bala to R. B. Purandhare :- If anybody comes
and abusesyou or punishes you, do not quarrel with him.
If you cannot endure it, speak a simple word or two, or
else leave the place. But do not battle with him and give
tit for tat. I feel sick and disgustedwhen you quarrel with

(e?)Mrs. Pradhan
211. Baba to Mrs. M. W. Pradhan :- If anyone
talks ten words at us, let us answer with one word, if we
reply at all. Do not battle with anyone.

(c) Bala*s control of Anger

212. When Baba was in a towering rage, Uddhavesa
Bua came, prostrated and asked for leave; Baba, cooling
down, spoke tenderly to him. - Are you going ? When will
you come ? You need not come again and again every
fifteen days* I am with you. Well, go.

213. When Baba was in a towering passion, Samant,

police sub-inspector stood at a distance and thought that
unlessBaba gave him leave immediately, he would be too
late for his train and have to meet official trouble.

^ at once.- Tell all those who want to go, to come

at once and take their Udhi.

214. When pleader Joshi of Thana and another sent

by Kaka Dopeshwararrived at the Shirdi mosque,Baba
was in a towering rage. Baba saw them.

B.- Bring those peoplehere.

C- 6

And when they came, he was perfectly cool and asked,

" You have killed that old man and come here " (meaning
that Kaka Dopeshwar died after telling them to go).

Baba's Anger.
215. B»-I get angry with none. Will a mother harm
her little ones ? Will the ocean send back the water of the
streams ? I love devotion. I am the bondslave of my

216. B.-Nana, I am not angry with you. You, my

children, have a right to be angry with me. If Venkusa
were here, I could be angry with him.
217. Baba, to Mrs. Pradhan (who feared that Baba
would get angry) See, I did not get angry with anyone
218. Baba, when in a towering rage.-Let blessings
be to all.


(a) Pride of Pilgrimage.

Baba puts down the Pride of a Haji.
219. A Haji (one who had made a pilgrimage to
Mecca) came to Shirdi mosque. Baba :-*' Do not get into
the mosque.'1 The Haji went back and was for some
months prevented from getting into the mosque. Then
when he asked Syama to intercede for him, Baba thus put
him to the test and put down his pride.
Baba, to Syama :-Go to the Chavadi and ask the
man, if he will walk straight in the middle of the narrow
footpath amidst babul bushesnear Barve well.

Syama went and returned with an affirmative answer.

Again Babato Syama :-Go and ask him if he will pay
me Rs. 40,000/- in four instalments. Syama went and
returned with the answer that he was prepared to pay
Rs. 40 lakhs.

Again for the third time, Baba :-Syama, ask him

whether he would like to have mutton or haunch with bone
or the testicles of the goat ? Syama returned with the
answer that the Haji would be quite happy to receive a
small crumb of bread from Baba'smudpot (Kolamba). Then
Baba straightaway advanced to the Chavadi himself and
pouring a shower of vile abuse on Haji's head added "What
do you think is here (showing his body).? You vainly brag
and fancy yourself great. Does the Koran teach you to do
so ? You are conceited about your pilgrimage to Mecca
etc But you do not know me.'

The Haji was flabbergasted. Baba went back to the

mosque, purchased a basket of fruits and sent them to the
Haji and later gave him Rs. 50/- and allowed him to come
thereafter into the mosque whenever he liked.

(b) H. V. Sathe.
220. Baba,to H. V. Sathe:-Why do you go there (to
lay the foundation stone) ? What have we to do with all
this ? The masons and other workmen will do it.

(c) Das Ganu.

221. Baba, to Das Ganu :-Why do you go dressed
like a bridegroom to perform Kirtan ? Don2 all that
above the waist (including lace Pagadi etc.) Narada

inaugurated the Keertan Paddati. Hence Narada's dress

should be adopted viz., Bare above the waist, dress below
the waist, chipla and Tambur in hand.

(d) S. A. Doctor.
222. Mamlatdar says to a Brahmin Doctor from
South Africa.-Come, we shall go to seeSai Baba.
D.-I am a RamaUpasakaand will not bow to any

M.-Never mind, come on. You need not bow.

The Doctor'at the mosque, while standing at a distance
from the Arati proceedingssuddenly darted inside and fell
at Baba's feet.

M. (later).-Why did you change your mind and bow

to Baba ?

D.-Sai Baba showed himself to me as the beautiful

dark Rama and so I bowed. This Sai is a Yoga Sampoorna

The Doctor resolved upon satyagraha, fasted three days

and absented himself from the mosque resolving not to go
there until Baba should send for him and give him Brah-
mananda i.e., God Realisation. But on the fourth day, a
long absentchum of his turned up and accompanying him
he came to the mosque. Then,
B.-Did anyone invite you to come here ?
Doctor was abashedand prayed mentally for experi-
ence of Paramananda. He had it that night at Shirdi and
for fifteen days thereafter at his own. town.

(e) Mule Sastri.

223. When the caste-proud Mule Sastri of Nasik
came to Shridi,

B.-(to someone)Get me some Gerua (sireSl&sw)to

colour my cloth.
Baba did not wear ochre-coloured cloth that day or
any other day.
Later Baba (to Buty},-Go and get Dakshina for me
from the newly arrived Nasik Brahmin.
The Nasik Brahmin Mule came and stood at a distance,
lest he be polluted by entry into a mosque.
Mule Sastri suddenly saw his guru in the place of
Baba and running into the mosque, cried " Jay Guru, Jay
Dholap Guru Maharaj " and fell at Baba's feet.
B.-Give me dakshina.

Mule Sastri found that the Gerua robed Brahmin Guru

of his, vi#., Dholap Guru had suddenly disappeared and
Baba was seated in his stead. He gave Baba dakshina.

(f) Bayyaji
Baba putting down pride of physical strength.
224. Bayyaji Appaji Patel boasted of having Bhi-
ma's strength and occasionally lifted Baba up in his arms
after massageto place him before the fire. One day he
tried to lift Baba but could not. Baba looked at him and
laughed. That laughter was a homily against pride
cf. Kena, Upanishad.
Vayu trying to lift up a straw in vain.

(SON. G. 0. -
Pride of Learning.
Baba put down N. GLC's.pride of learning in Sanskrit
especially about Gita Bashya,-See No, 182.

Matsara or Jealousy.
225. Baba, to N. G. (7.-Among the six Vikaras,
Jealousy is the easiestto conquer. In this Vikara, there is
no question of (actual) gain or loss, to ourselves, Jealousy
(Matsara) is the inability to endure another'sprofit and
prosperity. If another gets fortune or power, we cannot
put up with it, we scandalise him. When he meets with
loss, we rejoice. But is this good ? When that man attains
prosperity, what loss have we really suffered ? But people
do not consider this point of view. If he attains good, let
us rejoice (with him) [or let us consider ourselvesalso as
lucky or benefitted] ; or let us attain or strive to attain
equal good. That should be our desire and determination.
"What has he taken away of'ours ? Nothing. He received the
prosperity that is the result of his Karma. How then should
we feel aggrieved at it ? So, Nana, conquer jealousy first.

Lobha or Greed

226. jB.-Never acceptgratis the labour (or, of course

property) of others. This shouldbe the rule of your life.
Baba said this, as he paid Rs. 2/- to a man who brought
Mm a ladder to get down from the top of a house.

227. Baba (to N. Gr.C.):--This man has left a box

with us and wants it back. It is not proper to refuse. We
must give him back what is his.

228. Baba (to Jayagudi Bala NewasJcar).-Return

the lands to the children (i.e., the lessors), Why trouble
them ?

This was said to Bala Newaskar who was a lessee of

Kshirasagar's lands, the proceeds of which were given to
Baba, but Bala refused to return the lands.

229. Baba (to AUai).-li is Anna (your father) that

eats your property. Let him eat. Bo not sue him. God
will give you plenty.

230. Bala (to Jog).-Do not go to the debtor's village

to ask for your money. The debtor himself will come here.

Jog.-Will he himself come ? How will he ? The time

for recovery of the debt is nearly over.

Jog waited beyond limitation time and the debtor

himself came and paid the debt viz,, Rs. 1,400/- the principal
without interest.

Sadn chose the Better Part and not Bade Baba

231. Sadu Bhayya (Sadashiv Dundiraj) who was at

Harda on 15-2-1915 was walking with some friends at
4 p. m. Suddenly Baba appeared to be coming from the
opposite direction and he passed his hand into Sadu
Bhayya's, and leaving a toothpick in the latter's hand

A Sceptic Friend.-What is it that has happenednow ?


S. Bhayya*-One thing is certain. When we were

coming on, I had no toothpick in hand. Now I have got
a toothpick here. Baba has given me this.

ScepticFriend.-Why not write to Shirdi and verify ?

Sadu Bhayya wrote to Shama and on Shama's invitation
went to Shirdi and narrated all the facts in Baba's

Baba.-Sadn, go and tell this to, Bade Baba. Sadu

Bhayya went and narrated it before Bade Baba, Dr. Pillai
and others. Bade Baba very much excited began to think
and came weeping to Baba.

B. J5.-What Baba, you have been giving me large

sums of money but money only ; but to Sadu Bhayya you
have given Sakshatkar.

So saying he wept.

Baba.-What is to be done ? Each gets what each


Bade Baba who got plenty of moneys and paid income-

tax on them subsequently lost all fortune and died.

232. N. R. Sahasrabuddhe found Baba was distribut-

ing prasad to devotees. The quantity in Baba's hand

being but little N. R. S. feared that nothing would remain
for him.

Baba (giving him a bit) said, with a smile.-" There is

nothing for you " and thus rebuked him for his anxiety and
attachment to earthly goods.

(a) Dakshina.
233. E. B. P., A devotee.-Why are yon asking for
so much money ?
.£,--1 am not asking of every one. I ask only from
the man whom the fakir (God) points out. But in exchange,
I have to give that man ten times the amount, which I have
taken. I do not take the money for my own use. I have
no family.
Every morning Baba would be a poor fakir owning
zero and during the day dakshinas would accumulate and
by evening or night the whole accumulation will be dis-
bursed. When Baba passed away after receiving a
Governor's income from dakshina for about ten years, he
had only Rs. 16/- in his possession.

234. A man living with a mistress and suffering

from venereal complaints came to Baba and said :-Baba,
take this Rs. 500/- Baba (angrily) :-I want none of your
money. You are keeping someone in your house ; is it
not ? Give it to her.

The man was mortified at this exposure and went away*

235. Some persons were on their way to the Shirdi

mosque of Baba.
Baba (angrily} :-Rascals, (pouring plenty of abuse)
committing such and such vile crimes and sins (naming
their sins, vices etc.) ! What help can they get 11
As he finished this tirade, the parties entered with rich gifts.
B.-"This is just what I have been saying"
and he refused to accept gifts or give help.

Dakshina, a means of denuding a devotee of


236. S. R. V. Jayakar who has painted Baba's port-
rait kept in Dwarka Mayee at Shirdi was staying before
Baba with Rs. 2- 8- 0 in his pocket, One Yarde of
Bombay came to Baba.
Y. - I have no money to perform Satyanarayana Pooja*
B. - How much do you want ?
V.- Rs. 2-8-0.

B.- This man (pointing to Jayakar) has got it. Borrow

from him.

So Yarde applied and Jayakar had to part with the

entire Rs. 2- 8- 0 he had in his pocket.

237. P. R. Avaste, a Judicial officer of Indore and a

devotee of Baba came during summer vacation with his
wife and son to Shirdi. He was on his way to perform
his son's marriage and kept with his son Rs. 400/- and
Rs. 300 with his wife. He was to get a good bridegroom
price (karini) for his son's marriage. When he came to Baba,
Baba to P. R. Avaste :- Will you give me Dakshina ?
P. R. A. - How much ?

B.- Rs. 30/-

Baba to P. R. A's son.- Will you give me Dakshina,
Rs. 40/-

Thus again and again Baba took away the whole fund
with Mrs. P. R. A. and her son- except Rs. 30/-

Baba to P. R. A.-Will yon give me Rs. 30/-

P. R. A.-Shall I give it Baba ?

Then with great pain at heart, Mr. Avaste took the last
remaining Rs. 30/- from his wife and paid to Baba.

Baba asked for nothing more.

As P. R. A was dolefully returning from Baba, Bapu

Saheb Jog exultingly patted him on the back.

J.-I say I congratulate yon. Baba has taken frequent

dakshina from you. You are lucky. Baba never takes
except to give back tenfold.
P. R. A.-I do not know about that. I know that

I have not got a pie remaining for going to the place of

J.-How much do yon want ?
P. R. A.-Rs. 100/-

J.-Here it is. Take it. Babagot a present of Rs. 6,000/-

from a Bombay merchant who vowed he would pay 25% of
his profits, if the news of loss of his goodsproved false. Of
that 6,000,Baba has already spent 3,000 in three days. If I
tell him I gave you 100 Rs. he will neither object nor call
for the Rs. 100/ ; but as he has taken Rs. 600 odd from you,
I assure you that you will have a promotion by Rs. 50A
per mensem now.

P, R. A.-I have no godfather to get me promotion.

But as stated by Jog, the promotion of Rs. 50 wasgiven

to Mr. P. R. A. as he learnt after the vacation ended.

Dakshina asked for taking away first fruits or

indicating the coming of the amount asked.
238. Baba to S. B. Dhumal.-'Bh&v give me Rs. 50/-
S. B. D.-I have not got the money.
B.-Then ask Saheb (H. Y. S).
S. B. D. went and asked H. V. S for Rs. 50/-. H. V. S.
;gladly gave it. This was an indication to H. V. S that his
claim, then pending before Govt. for an extra sum of
Rs. 50/- as part of his pension was to be allowed. Later,
the order allowing it came. And the date of the order was
the date of Baba's demand of Rs. 50/-
239. Somanath S. D. NimonTcar, a Police Sub-
Inspector, was before Baba in 1912.
B.-Give me Rs. 10/-
S. paid the amount of Rs. 10/-
Six months later S got an order raising his pay by
Rs. 10/- from the date of his payment.
Dakshina as Prophecy or control
240. R. S. Dev was before Baba intending to get
Baba's sanction for building five suites of rooms.
Baba (drawing 25 lines on the floor) One rupee for
each line, L e., each suite of room. Give Rs. 25/-
R. S. Dev paid the sum. Though he intended to build
only five, he went on adding till the number happened to
be 25 suites of rooms and there are only 25 even now.
241, Baba to S. B. Nachne and Sarikar Eao :-Give
me Rs. 64/-
S. B.-We have no money.
Subsequently when Baba was ill, they collected funds
for poor feeding and sent it up. That collection was exactly
Rs, 64/-.

Dakshina as claim of first fruits

242. Daji Hari Lele, Deputy Inspector of land records

at Nasik was going to Shirdi and on the way at Kopergaon
saw the Gazette and found that he had been promoted from
Rs. 125/- to Rs. 150/-
Then he came and bowed to Baba at Shirdi.

B.-Bring me Rs. 15/-

L,-I have no money.
B.-It is only yesterday I gave you Rs. 25. Go and
bring the money.
Lele borrowed money and paid it.

Dakshina to deprive a man of money which he

should not have taken or kept
243. S. B. Dhumal was directed to file a criminal
appealon behalf of Baba's servant. He filed the appealand
by Baba's chamatkar, judgment of acquittal was immedi-
ately pronounced, as soon as he presentedthe appeal. He
was given Rs. 300 by the appellants and when he came
with the money to Shirdi,
B.-Bhau, will you give me dakshina ?
S. B. D.-Yes, Baba.

In this way he repeatedly collected just the Rs. 300

and did not ask for anything more.

Dakshina asked for giving effect to intention

244. M. W. Pradhan, when starting to see Baba for
the first time intended to give him Rs. 20, in silver and for
that purposegot a Rs. 50-note changed.

When he actually came to Baba and dakshina was

asked, he changed his mind and wanted to give gold. So
he gave a sovereign.
B.-What is this ?

Noolkar..-This is a guinea.
B.-What is it worth ?

N.-Rs. 15.

B.-I do not want this. Give me Rs. 15, and keep this.

And Pradhan carefully treasured up the coin touched

by Baba and gave him 15 silver rupees.
Baba, (Counting it over and over).-Here is only Rs. 10.
Give me Rs. 5, more.

M. W. P.-Here are Rs. 5, more.

Thus under colour of wrong calculation and putting to

test also M. W. P's combativeness in dealing with his own
guru, Baba gave effect to his intention to pay Rs. 20.

After receiving the Rs. 20, he did not ask for anything

Secondary meaning of Dakshina.

245. Baba to B. V. Dev.-Bhau, give me dakshina.
B. V. Dev gave one guinea.
B.-Give me more.

Baba after getting four said.-Though four were given

by you, Baba has got only one.
Dev.-Baba, I have given four.
B.-Yes, but I have only one. You will know.

The obvious interpretation is, though the devotee

surrenders his fourfold Antahkarana (of Manas, Buddhi,
Ahankara, Chitta) Baba receives only the Jiva, and all
multiplicity, when it reached God- Baba becomesone. So
the min'd must surrender multiplicity unto the God Guru
to attain unity.

of. & f^ra*

fNrww II


246. B.- (to G.G. Narke) Give me Rs. 15 dakshina.

G. G. N.- Baba, you know I have not got a pie. Why
do you often ask me for Rs. 15 ?

B.- I know you have no money. But you are reading

Yoga Vasishta. Get me Rs. 15 dakshina from that.

[Getting dakshina here means deriving lessons from

T. Vasishta and lodging them in the heart where Baba
247. Baba to R. B. Purandhare. - Give me Ms. 2

R. B. P. - Baba, why do you constantly ask me for

Rs. 2 when you know that I am a poor clerk.

B.- It is not these coins that I want. I want,

(1) Nishta (faith) and (2) Saburi (patient endurance and
waiting courageously). Give me these.

R. B. P.- I have given you these. Please get these

done by me.

248. Baba to Mrs. T.-Give me Rs. 6 dakshina.

Mrs. T. (to her husband).-We have no money. It is

so painful to be asked when we have nothing.
Mr. T.-Baba wants only your six inner enemies (Lust,
anger etc.) to be surrendered to him.
Baba, again to Mrs. T.-Will you give me Rs. 6.
Mrs. T.-Baba, I have given them.
B.-See that you do not wander off.

Dakshina asked for teaching1 lessons.

249. Judge, in 1912,went to see Baba with Rs. 100/-
in his pocket.
Baba.-Give me dakshina Rs, 40/-
That was given.
Again, Baba.-Give me dakshina Rs. 40/-
That was given.
Again Baba.-Give me Rs. 20/-
That also was given by Judge, who noted that Baba
was reducing him to zero condition.
Later, Baba to Judge.-Give me Rs. 40/- dakshina.
Judge.-I have nothing to give,
Baba.-Then go and get the money and give.
Judge.-To whom am I to go ?
Then Judge went to Syamaand told him.
Syama.-You have not understood Baba. He cares
a rap for your rupees. Whathe wants is your mind and

heart, your time, and soul to be devoted to him. That

is his meaning.
The Judge went back and reported to Baba.
Baba, smiling,-Go to Dixit and ask him.
The Judge went and told Dixifc.
Dixit.-Baba's direction to you must be understood in
the circumstances as a lesson to you that you should not
feel absence of money or the begging for money or for
anything else to be a humiliation and that you should not
consider yourself to be above begging.
Judge went and reported this to Baba.
Baba,smiling-Go to Nana (N. G. 0.)
Judge went and reported to Nana.
N. G. 0.-I know how delicate it is, when Baba asks
for Dakshina and there is nothing to be given. You must
learn my plans and ways. Whenever I go to Shirdi, I start
with a certain sum and leave half of it at Kopergaon e.g.,
on this occasion I came with Rs. 200/- and left half of it at
Kopergaon and came to Shirdi with Rs. 100/- only. I go
on giving dakshina out of the stock in hand to Baba and
when it is exhausted,I send for the reserve at Kopergaon.
You must adopt this plan.
Judge went and reported this to Baba.
Baba then sent for Nana and Nana came.

Baba.-Nana, give me Rs. 40/-

And Nana paid it and went away.
Again he was sent for.
Baba.-Nana, give me Rs. 40/- more.
That was paid and Nana went away.

Again Baba sent for Nana and collected Rs. 20/-. Then
Nana sent some one to Kopergaon for the reserve fund,
but before it came, Baba wanted more from Nana and Nana
felt humiliated.

The lesson taught by these demands for dakshina was

that it was presumption on the part of anyone to think that
he himself was the great Providence supplying Baba or
that anyone could supply all that Baba might ask for.

See elsewhere for the meaning of Baba's demanding

Rs. 5, 11, 16J.
(Ohakra Narain noted that Baba never showed anger
or displeasure if any did not pay dakshina, and never gave
(or sold) special favour for donors of dakshina. His un-
bought grace was given free to all. The moneys received
by Baba did not stick to his palm, but were quickly passed
out. Baba did not lead a luxurious life, but lived on simple
begged food, except for the addition of Naivedyas
Baba's indifference to Wealth.

250. Baba, to Balakrishna G-. Upasani Sastri.-Will

you give me dakshina ?
B. G. U.-I have no money.
Baba.-What is that in your pocket ? Give it.
B. G. U.-This is a silver watch. Take it, Baba.
Baba.-Do not think you are losing by giving this.
B. G. U.-Nothing given to you is a loss.
Then Baba received the watch and at once gave it
away to some one present. B. G. U. went on to Poona

and there a rich friend learning that he had given awav

his watch to Baba, compelled him to accept a gold watch
(without knowing the abovewords of Baba).So, B. G. "D. was
a gainer and not a loser by giving away his silver \vatch.
251. H. S. Dixifc once came with a truiikful of silver
rupees, which he had earned by working for a Native
State, and placed it before Baba.
H. S. D.-All this is yours.
Baba.-Is that so ?

Then Baba opened the lid and with both, hands drew
out all the contentsand pouredthe sameto all and sundry.
In a few minutes, the trunk was empty. Mr. Garde, Sub-
Judge of Nagpur and a friend of H. S. D. watched the
latter's face. H. S. D. had not the slightest regret or
sorrow or concern at the disappearance of his hard earned
fees. It was evidently to testand strengthenhis vairagya
that Baba scattered his moneys thus.
252. When a silver palanquin was brought and
presented to Baba.
Baba.-Take it away, I do not want it.
But the devotees insisted that it was needed for
procession, when Baba's portrait would be placed in it.
The palki was left in the open and on the first night some
Bilver appurtenances were stolen.
Devotee.-Baba, the silver trappings are stolen !
Baba.-Why was not the whole palki stolen ?
253. Damodar Rasane wanted to start a business,
and wrote for Baba's approval. Baba disapproved of it.
Then Damia came and proposed to give Baba a share in
the profits.

B.-Hallo, Damia. I am not to be entangled in any-

thing i. e., in pecuniary concerns.
toforma muttor Asramor bethehead:
or proprietorof anyinstitution, estateor property; or even
any oneashisdisciple,chela-to succeed
to his
position. He left no estateto succeedto.]
254. B.-Once I was at Puntamba., There was a
struggle there between two parties. I wondered why they
fought. I found near them a potful of coins. That was
the bone of contentionbetween them. Then I quietly
movedup and carried it away. They found their wealth;
was gone and began to mourn and lament. I was saying"
to myself, " "Whoam I ? What is this wealth ? Whose iff
it ? What confusion and struggle for this ? The pot is mine
and I am the pot's".
255. Two Brahmins came to Baba.

B.-Shama, ask Rs. 15/- of that man (pointing to one)1.

That man gave the Rs. 15/- readily and Baba received it
and kept it. The other unasked paid Rs. 35/-. Baba counted
it and-returned it to the donor.

Shama.-Deva, what is this discrimination ? I have

never seen anything like this. You ask for a smaller sum
and receive it. The larger sum is voluntarily paid and
you return lit.
(What follows is alreadymentionedin 103).
B.-Shama, you are a child and you understand
nothing. I do nothing. I "receivenothing. Datta called for
Ms own. He hascalledfor Rs. 15/-his due and given it to
MasudiAyi. Sothe moneyhas beenreceived(by me)-
But this Rs. 35/- is not ours and so it has been returned.

At first he was poor and he made a vow that he

would pay his first month's salary which proved to be
Rs. 15/-. But he forgot that vow, as time went on. His
salary went on increasing from Rs. 15/- to Rs. 30/-, Rs. 60/-,
Rs. 100/-, Rs. 200/-f Rs. 400/- and ultimately Rs. TOO/-.
Then his Karma drove him here and so I asked him to
give me my Rs. 15/- under the name Dakshina.

Then there is another incident. I wandered by the

sea-shore and came to a huge and beautiful house owned
by a rich Brahmin of good family. I was .welcomed there
heartily. The Brahmin fed me sumptuously and showed
me a clean and nice place near a cup-board to sleep.
When I was sound asleep there, the man pulled off a
stone slab from the wall and scissored off an entire

packet of currency notes from my pocket. They were

30 notes of Rs. l.OOO/-each. When I woke, I found they
were gone. I was quite upset and was weeping and
moaning. I thought the Brahmin had stolen it. I lost
all interest in food and drink and stayed there 15 days
on his verandah. On the 15th day a passing fakir saw
me crying and made kind enquiries. I told him every-
thing. He said, " You will get relief, if you act as I bid
you. I will tell you of a fakir and give you his address.
Seek refuge at his feet. He will restore the property to
you. You had better also take a vow. Give :up eating
what you like best, until you recover your money. That
vow will help you to attain success".

Following the fakir's advice, I abstained from eating

my best beloved dish and sought refuge at the fakir's
£ eet. Then I got my money. I left that housethereafter.

Again I went by the sea-shore. There was a steamer

by which I should go, but I could not get in. Then a
peon interceded and got me into it, luckily. That brought
me to the train. Thus I came to Masudi Mayi. While
Baba was narrating this, the visitors were greatly moved
but Shama could make nothing out of Baba's words.

B.--Shama, take these visitors, and give'them dinner.

At dinner, Shama asked them if they understood

what Baba said. Baba is always staying here and has not
seen sea or sea-shore and had never Rs. 30,QOO/- of wealth
for anyone to steal.

One of the guests began to narrate with great feeling"

the following :-

My birthplace is a ghat hillside facing the sea. I went

out to Goa to earn my living. I vowed to Datta that if I
earn anything, my first month's salary should' be His.
By Datta's grace I first got employed on Rs. 15/- and it
increased steadily just as Baba described it. I forgot all
about paying Rs. 15/- to Datta, till Baba spoke of it here.
Baba's kindly taking Rs. 15/- has enabled me to fulfil the-
vow at last.

The second guest began his tale. For 35 years my

Brabxnin (cook) was faithfully serving me. By a stroke
of misfortune, his mind turned and he robbed me of my
accumulatedwealth. There is a slab in my house in the
wall of the cupboard. The cook removed the slab, came
through the hole and carried away my entire store. That
was a roll of notes amounting to Rs. 30,000/- which were
my savings after a life of long effort,and toil. I do not

know how Baba knew the exact amount. Day and night
I bewailed my loss. " How to recover the property",
that question staggered my mind. I gave a complaint to
the Police, but it was no good. I spent 15 days in great
anxiety. As I sat on the verandah with a long face, a
passing fakir noted my affliction and inquired for the
cause and I told him the whole story.

Said he.-" An Avalia there is named 'Sai' at Shirdi

in Kopergaon Taluq. Make a vow to him (i. e., to go to

him in case you get back your wealth). Give up what
you like best to eat, with the vow that you will not eat
it, till you see Sai ".

I made such vows and I gave up eating boiled rice

in any shape, saying, " I will take it only when I get back
my money and I come to you ".

Fifteen days more passed after that. I do not know

what occurred to the Brahmin. But he then came of

his own accord, returned my money, and apologised saying,

" My brain was spoiled and I acted thus. Now I fall at
your feet. Pray excuse me ".

I gave him Rs. 2,000/- out of the Es. 30,000/-. One

night I was at Colaba and saw Sai in my dream. That
was evidently to remind me of my promised visit to Shirdi
I went to Goa and from there wanted to start for Shirdi
by taking steamer to Bombay ; but when I came to the
harbour, the ship was full and there was no space. So said
the Captain. But, on board, there was a peon,who, though
a total stranger to me, said to the Captain that I was his
man i. e., belonged to his group. Then I was allowed

into the steamer, which brought me to Bombay,


% 03aC0 by train, I came here. Surely Sal is all-

What are we ? Where is our home ? How

a.t is our £°0<i f°rtnne tiiat Baba iias drawn us
" laimself ? How wonderful was the recovery of the
utol^11 nioney!
Marwadi's Stack.

256. B. - This Marwadi Bagchand whosestack caught

r r^ fc><3gg¬<* ^or kelp to avo^dloss. Gain and loss,birth and
,iea.tli are in the hands of God. But how blindly do these
i,*op»l® forget God! If profit comesthey rejoice. If loss
they weep. Why? Why say "This is mine"?
does it mean ?

The stack is not the Marwadi. It is only hay and

not liis body. It grew from seeds on the earth, and was
t>y rains from the clouds and by sunlight. Earth,
and the Sun are its owners. This fellow's claim is
Fire is in all these three and it consumedthe
We are not the owners. Godgives with onehand
i?ifiil takes away with the other. Sait,go home. You will
ma Ice up for this lossin some other transaction.

257. B.- Thiscowof(H.S.Dikshit)

IA the Jalna man,andearlierto theAurangabad
ami toefore that to Mahlsapathy.Godknowswhose
it is.
ISTonewho hasfirmfaith in Godis left in wantfor
any tiling.

258. B. - What God gives is never exhausted.

What man gives never lasts.

259. Baba (to N. G-.0.).- Nana, the only things that

can be called mine are 1 rag, 1 langoti (rag), 1 kupni
(toga), 1 potsherd and 1 (tin) tumbler. See how
inexcusably people trouble me, pester me and coerceme.
What should be said of this ?

Ill-fated Property.
260. S. R. V. Jayakar lent Rs. 4.000/- to a moslern
purdah lady without issue. The money was not returned.
S. .R. V. Jayakar, to Baba:- Shall I go for the money,
Baba ?

Baba :- Let us have nothing to do with such ill-fated


She lost all her wealth in 2 or 3 years and Jayakar

recovered nothing.

261. B :- Poverty is highest riches and is a thousand
times superior to a lord's position. God is the brother of
the poor. Fakir is the real emperor. Fakirship does not
perish, but empire is soon lost.

262. B;- People must put full faith in the Lord's

providence. They should not worry about food and
clothing. Do not waste your life on these.

In the abodeof my devoteesthere will be no dearth of

food and clothing.


of. Gospel.
St. Mathews Oh. YI 25. " Take no thought for your
life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for
your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than
meat, and the body than raiment ?"

Baba's Moods, as Devotee of God.

263, B : - I am myself a devotee of God, (Rangari),

though the Hindus worship me. " I remember God. "
264. B : - I am requesting Allah. He will comply
with my request, .(i.e., a son will be born to H. Y. S.)
265. B :- I say things here. There they happen.
266. B :- 0 God, Enough. Stop the rain 1 My
children have to go back home. Let them go back without

Contentment and Surrender.

267. B :- God is great. He is the Supreme Master.

Allali Malik. How great is God I No one can compare
with him.

He creates,supports,anddestroys. His sport (Lila) is


Let us be content to remain as He makes us, to submit

our wills to His. Allah Rakega Vahisa Rahena. Take

what comes. Be contented and cheerful. Never worry.

Not a leaf moves, but by His consent and will.
We should be honest, upright and virtuous.
We must distinguish right from wrong.
We must each attend to his own duty.
But we must not be obsessedby egotism and fancy
that we are the independent causes of action. God is that
Actor. We must recognise His independence and our
dependance on Him, and see all acts as His. If we do so,
we shall be unattached and free from Karmic bondage.

Damia wishes to catch at the sky 1 He is not content

to keep what God has given him.

Love All Creatures.

268. B:-Love All Creatures ; Do not fight with

any; nor retaliate, nor scandalise any. When anyone
talks of you (i.e., against you) passon, unperturbed. His
words cannot pierce into your body. Others' acts will
affect them atone-and not you. It is only your own acts
that will affect you.


269. B :~~Do not le idle. Work. Utter God's name ;

read scriptures.

Other Moral Teachings.

1870. Baba to Chandra Bai Borker.-We should not
harbour hatred, envy, rivalry or combative disposition
towards others. If others hate us, let us simply take to
Nama Japa and avoid them.

271. Babato BapuRao,N. Ohandorker.-Hearken to

the -wordsof your parents. Help your mother in her task.
Speakthetruth andtruth alone. No onecares
to takefrom
me what I give abundantly. But they want from me what
I am unable to give.

272. A Devotee.-Baba, do spirits really exist ?
B.-Yes. We have nothing to do with them.
273. R.A.T. one night went out. He saw a spectre
under a tree, got frightened and then thinking of Baba, got
courageand went back to his lodgings at Shirdi. Next
morning Baba himself when meeting him referred to the
B,-What did you see last night ?
R.A.T.-I saw a spirit,
B.-No. That was I.

R.A.T.-No Baba. . It was a spirit.

Babaagain.-That was I. Go and ask your Ayi.
R.A.T. went and asked his mother, who said that all
"spirits were under Baba's control.
B.-And am I not inside all of them ? Hallo ! Bhutas,
-etc., will do nothing (no harm) to us. Have I not told you
this last year ?


274. Babato Mrs. M. W. Pradhan.-If anyone talks

ten words at us, if we reply at all, let us reply with one

Do not quarrel, retaliate or bandy words with anyone,

giving tit for tat.

275. UddhavesaBua (at the first interview).-Where

is my Moksha Guru ? How is he to be got ?
B.-Wait for five years and you will know. How can
you gulp down at one gulp an entire bread ? Wait for five-
years and see.

Persevering faith in case of Doubt

276. A Prarthana Samajist went to Baba. However
before seeing Baba,he had a discussionwith somebody else
as to whether Babahad the characteristicsof a Stitha Prajna
as defined in Gita. This unsettled his mind and he wavered
in his faith and went to Baba.

B-Syama, take him and tell him something.

Then Syama took him to his wada and gave his-
advice. (1) " Despise irresponsible and uninformed
people's talk". (2) *' Place your mind at Baba's feet".
(3) " All will be safe".
Then they returned to Baba.
Baba.-Follow Syama's advice.

277. Baba.-Do not get over-ascetic, e.g., by giving-
up all food, play and exercise. Rather regulate your meals,.
rest, etc. cf. " Yuktahara Yihara".
278. H. S. D. wanted to fast at night and to make-
it a rule.

B.-I£aka, prepare food for the night and eat it.

H. S. D. gave up his idea of fasting.

Bafoa against unnecessary Fast.

279. One Mrs. Gokhale wished to visit Shirdi for
the Scingha holiday and to fast there while staying at
Shirdi as the guest of Dada Kelkar.
B.-(to Dada Kelkar) Will my children fast during
Scingha festival ? I cannot permit that.
Next day the lady turned up at Shirdi and sat before

B.-(himself mooting the subject) Why should we

fast ? Go to Dada Kelkar's, prepare Pooran Poii, eat it
and give it to all in the family.
Mrs. Gokhale went back to Dada's, found Mrs. Dada
was in her period and therefore she, though a guest, had
to do the cooking. She prepared Pooran Poll and ate it
as directed by Baba.
280. B.-(S. B. Nachne) Have you taken your
.meal ?

Nachne.-This is an Ekadasi Day (which Nachne

'wanted to observe only on that occasion though not
observing it at home, because two of the friends who had
accompaniedhim were very orthodox and were observing
B.-These two people are mad. You had better go
and eat.

Nachnewentto Bala Bhav's hotel ; but B. B. being

orthodox,the mealwasrefused,as it was especiallybefore

Arathi. So Nachne returned with Bala Bhav to Mosque

at Arati time.

B.-(to Nachne) Have you taken food ?

Nachne.-Baba, it is Arati time and. meal can come
after Arati time.

B.-No. You go and take meal. Arati will wait, for

you. .

So Bala Bhav was forced to give Nachne his meal.

After meal, Nachne and B. B. returned to Dwaraka Mayee.
Just then Mavusi brought and presented to Baba a number
-of bidas (i. e., rolled betel and nut.)
B.~(to Nachne) Chew this.
Nachne took a bida ; but hesitated, as it is not customary
to chew bida on Bkadasi Day.

B.-Never mind. Go on, chew it.

And Nachne chewed it.

Yoga and Onion-Eating.

281. N. G. 0. took with him a student of yoga who
wished to consult Baba on matters of Yoga ; but when
they went to the Mosque, Baba was eating onion. And
the Yoga student thought that Baba, as one who ate Tamasic
food as onion, could not help in Yoga.

B.-Nana, what harm is there in eating onion, if one

could digest it (overcomeits tamasic effects) ?
The Yoga student noticed that Baba knew his thoughts
and hence must be a master of Yoga.

How Baba made Das Ganu eat Onion.

282. TheorthodoxDasGanuMaharajdisliked onions.
B.-(to DasGanu)PreparePitla,sauce
of onions- OIVQ
me a part and eat the rest of it.
Das Ganu.-Yes.

Next day D. G. preparedthe onion dish and touched

the onion with the tip of a finger and drew the finger near
the netherlip as a token of tasting and then washed his
finger and face. When he went to Baba,
B.-Have you eaten onion ?
D. G.-Yes.

B.-He pretendshe eats; but only touchesit witii his

finger and brings the finger near the lip.
Baba actually showed what G. did.
B.-Ganu, you must really eat onion and not pretend.
D. G.-Yes.

D. G. was eating onion at Shirdi (as long as Baba was

alive) on ordinary days, i. e., except on Ekadasi Day.

Kusa - Bhav.-Onion.

283. On an Ekadasi day Kusa Bhav (i. e., Krislmaji

Kasinath Joshi of Mirzgaon) sat by Baba's side.
B.-What do you eat to-day ?
Kusa.-Nothing. To-day is Ekadasi.
B.-What does " Ekadasi " mean ?

Kusa.-A day for * Upavasa '.

B.-What does Upavasa mean ?
Kusa.-It is just like " Eojas ".

What is Rojas ?

a.- We fast i.e., do not eat anything except Kanda

Moola. (meaning
B.- Oh,Kaanda,(i. e., onion) you eat. Well, here you
have onion. Bat it.

Kusa.- (finding Babaforcing on him -unorthodoxfood)

Baba,if you eat it, I will.
Baba ate some ; and Kusa Bhav ate some ; and then
visitors arrived. Baba wished to have some fun.

B.- Look at this Bamniya (corrupt and contemptuous

form of the word Brahmin). He eats onion on EkadasL

.- Baba ate it and I ate it.

B. - No. I ate Kanda i. e., sweet potatoe. See.

Baba then vomited out sweet potatoe.

Kusa Bhav seeing the miracle, voraciously swallowed

the sweet potatoe as Prasad. Baba beat him and said,
" Rogue. Why do you eat the vomit ?"
But Kusa did not mind the blows. Baba's heart

B.- (placing a palm on Kusa's head) I bless you.

Think of me and hold forth your palms. You will have
my prasad.

KUSA BHAY now holds up his empty palms and

warm UDHI (Baba's Prasad) falls from it, and this is
given as Baba's Prasada UDHI by Kusa Bhav.
C- 8

Dada Kelkar and Onion.

284. Dada Kelkar an over-zealous Brahmin abhorred

onion and in his over-zeal objected to visitors at Sathe
Wada using onion. He fell foul of S. B. Nachne's
mother-in-law for using it. Then his grandchild had sore

D. K.-Baba, the child has sore eyes. What should


B.-Use onion for fomenting the eyes.

D. K.-Where can I go for onion ?
B.-Take it from this mother (pointing to S. B. N.'s
S. B. N's. Mother-m-Law.-Baba, D. K. abused me
for using onion. So I do not like to give him anything.
If you order it, I will give.

Then the lady gave the onion and Baba, through her,
humiliated D. K. for his intolerant overasceticism.

Baba shares food and smoke.

285. (a) B :-(to Kolambo) Boy. Coine near. Why

keep afar"? Have a smoke.
286. (5) B -.-Feed the hungry first. Then feed

287. (c) B :-(By way of joke about A.D.) Oh, it is

. his habit. He eats sweet things by himself i.e., without
sharing them with others cf. Eka Swadu Xa Bunjitha,

288. (rf) Babaadded.-Am I not nearyou at meals?

Do yon give me a morsel ?
(e) cf. Baba's interpretation of Athiti and advice to
N. G. C. (vide ante).
289. B.-If you avoid rivalries and bickerings, God
will protect you.
Return not evil for evil. [i. e., Do not say " Better with
a blow in the teeth of a wrong."] Return good for evil.
Other's words cannot harm you.

Industry and Patience.

290. Baba.-Life is lived in vain if no Yoga, Yaga,
Tapas and Jnana be achieved.

291. B.-(in a messageto a Devotee) Will you sit idle

(merely) eating your food. Have Saburi (patience and
292. B.-(to some one to his face) Our (your) end
will get so bitter or wretched. Once or twice, I will warn.
The end will be hard indeed if on© does not heed the advice

given. Even the child in the womb, we will cut to pieces

and throw away if it falls athwart.

Baba's Tapas of Plank Vigil at the Mosque.

293. Once Baba talked of the plank, he used to lie
upon. If was only 5 feet long and about 15 inches broad,
and lamps were loosely placed on it. It was suspended
from the rafters of the ceiling of the mosque by weak
shreds of cloth. The wonder was how it could support

him, and another wonder was how Baba could swing"

himself up into it (it was hung up 6 or 7 feet high) and
jump down from it, without upsettingthe lamps and
snapping the shreds* Das Ganu and others went to see
the wonderand Babain angeror disgust, broke the plank
to pieces.
H. S. Dixit offered to give Baba a cot then to lie upon.
B.-No. Am I to lie on a cot, leaving :Mahlsapathy
on the floor ? Far better would it be that I should be on.
the floor and that he should sleep higher.
Dixit.-I will give two planks, one for you, one for

B.-He will not sleepon a plank. He will sleep only

on the ground. Sleeping on the plank is no joke. Who
will sleep keeping eyes open, all awake like me ? Only
such a person can lie on the plank.
When I lie down on the ground, I ask Mahlsapathy
to sit by me and keep his palm on my chest. So you see
that a plank will be of no use to him. " I lie down making
mental Namasmarana." So, I say to Mahlsapathy, " Feel
it by placing your hand on my heart. If you catch me
napping, wake me up. " Such was and is my order to him.
[The ordinary sleepis a hindrance to the Yoga trance ;
it resembles in some respects, but the heart-beat at the
Namasmarana stage of trance differs from the heart-beat
of natural sleep.]
Advice to Sadhakas.

- 294. Baba,to Abdul:-Eat very little. Do not go in

for a variety of eatables, A single sort i.e., di$h will

suffice. Do not sleepmuch. HaveDhyan onwhat is read.

Think of Allah.


295. When a devotee of Baba was reviling another

behind the back, Baba went out and met him near Lendi.
Baba.-Do you see that ?
Dev.-It is a pig.
Baba.-What is it doing ?
Dev.-Eating filth.
Baba.-You see with what gusto the pig is gorging
itself on night soil. :Behold how it revels on human ordure.
But we feel it disgusting. That is your conduct. People
"fret and fume against their own brethren and kinsmen to
their hearts' content. After performing many deeds of
merit, one is born a man. Is he to go to Shirdi and yet
"commit moral suicide ?

296. B.-(to Mathradas, who had been,indulging in

.scandal at Sagun's tea shop) What was Sagun saying ?
Mathradas felt ashamed.

B.-The good and the wicked alike come here. Why

"draw their frailties and foibles to public notice, by depict-
ing them.

(a) Mahlsapathy and Bitch.
297. One day Mahlsapathy hit a bitch full of sores
with a stick and he went later to Baba.

B.-Bhagat, 'there is in the village a Mtch sickly like

myself and everyone is hitting it.

felt that Babawasrebukinghim andso
repented for his mistake.

(b) H. S. Dixit and Serpent.

298. H. S. Q.-The serpent kills people ; so, when one
seesa serpent, should he not kill it ?
2?.-No. We should never kill it. Because it will
never kill us unlessit is ordered by God to kill us. If God
has so ordered, we cannot avoid it.

(c) Mercy to Mad Dog.

299. In Vaisak 1917 a small dog bitten by a rabid
dog began to chase big dogs. The villagers club in hand,
then chased the small dog. It ran through the streets and
finally got into Dwaraka Mayee, stood behind Baba and
made him its sanctuary.
Villagers.-Baba, that dog is mad. Drive it out and
we will kill it.

B.-You mad fellows, you get out. You want to

persecute and kill a poor creature.
Thus Baba saved the life of that dog and it proved to
be not rabid.

Non-Resistance to Evil,
300. (a) Baba, to Attai.-Aunt, let him eat. It is
only Anna (your own father)that eats(what he has gifted
to you.) Bo not suehim. Godwill giveyou plenty.
(6) B.-(to H. Y. Sathe,who was pushingdown
Nana Wali the aggressor)Saheb, do not do so.
(c) JAVAR AL1 EPISODE-See No. 304.

Baba's Humility: Guru-Baba is not and is God.

301. Baba (in 1917) had with him Mrs. T. and her
son Master T.

Baba.-Boy, give me eight RupeesDakshina.

Boy (M. T.).-Baba, I have not got Rupees eight.
Baba.-Go and get it from Bapu Sahib Jog.
(Master T. went to Jog and found him reading Dhruva
Charitra and commenting on it. Jog said " Saints, though
not God, have some powers derived from Him etc."-The
boy angrily started back and came to Baba.)

M. T.-Baba why did you send me there ?

Baba.-What is the matter ?

M. T.-They are vilifying you there, saying that yon

are merely man and not God.
Baba.-Then what is the untruth in that ? Hallo I
"What am I ? A petty fakir ! I am not God. How great
is God ! No one can comparewith him.
M. T.-You deceive us by speakingthus. We fully
believe you are God. If anyone belittles you, how can
we endure it ? Is it not true that we should not stay even
a second where saints are derided ?


M. T.-God is not angry, if He is spoken ill of. But

He will not endure it, if His devotees are spoken ill of.
Is that not so ?


M. T.-Then what is the good of listening to a dis-

cussion whether such and such a saint is great, and such
other is not?

Baba.-You should not stop even one secondat a place

where anybody talks ill of a saint.
Baba (stroking the boy's head affectionately).-Read
Pothi; Have Kama Japa,
M. T.-If I break off in the middle, I incur sin.
(SWWW)SoI will not.
Baba.-(to the lady) Mother, I have to take the entire
responsibility for your son.
Lady.-For all of us, it is you that take care. (Both
bowed to Baba. Then some others came.)
Baba.-(to those).-I have to take thought for my
devotees. And if a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out
my hands, and by four, four hands lift him and support
him thus. I will not let him fall.

M. T.:-Baba, just now you said you are not God but
a petty Fakir. How then can you have four hands ?
(Baba did not reply, but smiled and looked at M. T.
with love and approval.)

302. Baba(to his owndevotees}.-
Your servants'servantI am. I am your debtor.
I am purified by your darshan. It is greatgraceon
your part to havegivenme the sight of your feet. I am
a worm in your excreta.

Curtis' Visit.
303. When a Revenue Commissioner and a host of
other officials were on the way to see him :-
Baba.-Rogue ! What is there to see in me ! I am
only a fakir, with normal limbs and organs.

Javar Ali.

304. Let the man (Javar Ali} claiming to be a Guru

claim. Let us be humble as sishyas. We must depend
upon somebody, or have somebody depend upon us. Other
courses will not lead us to the supreme goal.
[Javar Ali, a learned Moulvi came to Shirdi (between 1880-1890
probably) and asked Sai Baba to become his disciple and accompany
him to Rahata. Baba who had even then a body of Hindus either
revering him or worshipping him, nevertheless accompanied Javar Ali
to Rahata and stayed ther« for 2 or 3 months serving Javar Ali. His
Shirdi devotees then took him and Javar Ali to Shirdi. By Devadas'
cleverness, Javar Ali saw that he was not respected by his Hindu hosts
and had to leave Shirdi. After that, Baba spoke the above words.]

STana Wali.

305. Nana Wali, coming near Baba who was seated on

his gadi or mattress said.-Baba, get up. I am going to- sit
on your gadi.
Baba got up and then Nana Wali sat on the gadi. After
sitting awhile, Nana gotup.
Nana.-Baba, take your seat on the gadi.
Then Baba sat and Nana Wali fell at his feet. .

Baba did not show the faintest displeasure at being

dictated to.

Alms giving with Suavity and Straightforwardness.
306. B.--Nana, I will give you one more lesson.
N. G. Chandorkar ?-Very good.
S, B :-Nana, if anyone begs of yon anything, if that
be in your hand or power,andif youcangrant the request
or get it granted,do so. Do not say * No '. If you have
nothing to give, then, give a suave negative. Do not mock
or ridicule the applicant nor get angry with him. If you
do not like to part with what you have, do not say falsely
that you have nothing. Decline to give it in polite terms
and say circumstances or your desires stand in the way.
Will you remember this lesson or forget it ?
N. G. C.-What is the difficulty in this? I shall

S. B.-This lesson is not quite so easy as it may seem.

N, G. 0.-I will keep it in mind.
Sometime later, Nana, who had promised to pay
Rs. 3GO/~for charily to be done at the KopergaonDatta
temple did not bring the money and therefore avoided a
visit to the temple, which was on his way to Shirdi. He,
with the approval of his friend, took a detour through a
very thorny path, as a result of which he and his friend
ran thorns in their bodies. When they reached Shirdi,
Baba would not talk to them.

N. G. 0.-Why don't you talk to me ?

S. B.-Nana, when a man says he will remember the
lessonsI taught him but really doesnot, how canI talk to
him ?

N. G. 0.-Baba, I remember all your lessons.

S. B.-You gentleman,you evade-seeing 'Sircar' (God:
Datta)and take a detour. Why ? Becausethe saint will
ask for Rs. 300/-. Is this the way to remember my lesson ?
If you have not the money, if it was not easy to arrange
to get it, you have only to tell him that fact. Will that
sainteat you ? But what deviceis this, to avoid the temple
of God for fear of the saint demanding money ? Well then,
have not thorns pierced your feet and body and the
posterior part of your sapient friend ? How can I talk to
such a person ?

(b) Alms Giving without Arrogance and Anger

307. S.B.-Nana, to-day I will give you one more

N. G. 0.-Good.

S. A.-Nana, if anyone comes and begs for anything-

give him as much as you can, and if that person be not
satisfied and asks for more, answer him suavely in the
negative. Do not pour out your wrath or display all your
official authority against that person.
N. G. C.-Good.

(But one day at Kalyan, Mrs. N. G. 0. was greatly-

provoked by the importunity of a beggar woman who
refused to budge unless she was given as charity the whole
stock of 'Bhajani* (fried and spiced grains); and Mrs.
N.G.C. appealed to her husband. N.G.C. came down and
called out to the peon to neck out the beggar unless she
quietly accepted the quantity given and left the house..

Sometimelater N.G.C. visited Shirdi, but Baba was fglum

and would not talk to him).
ST.G. G.-Baba, why do you not talk to me ?
S. B.-How can I talk to one who doesnot care for my
advice or lesson ?

N. G. C.-What lesson haveI forgotten? I remembered

all your lessons.

S. B.-That day, when the beggarwoman was impor-

tuning you for 'Bhajani', how did you happen to call for
your peon to expel her and to show all your official
authority. What mattered, if she remained sitting at your
door, asking for more, while you refused it ? What could
she do ? After a while she would have gone away. Instead
of gently replying her, why get angry with her and call the
peon to expel her ?

308. B.-If anyone is angry with another, he wounds

me to the quick.

If anyone abuses another, I feel the pain. If one

'bravely endures the abuse, I feel highly pleased.

(c) Alms giving without discrimination


309. (N. G. Chandorkar found that though he waited

"for Athities i.e., guests,for a few minutes, after the daily
Vaisivadeva, none ever turned up and he intended to ask
Baba, if the direction in the Vedas to wait for guests was a
worthless direction. But when he went to Baba, the latter
.anticipated the query and thus spoke).

B.-Yes, Yes. Guests will come ! The devil, they


N. GL C.-True, Baba. I daily offer the Kakabali and

go out and wait for guests. They never come.

B.-Nana, the sastras are not in fault. Nor are the

mantras wrong. But their true import you have not
caught. You get into your head a worthless interpretation
and then stand and wait for guests. They will not turn up.
Hallo ! Does the term *Athiti' denote a man, 3^ cubits
high and of the Brahmin caste ? Athiti is whatever creature
is hungry and comes on to you, at that time, whether it is
human or a bird, beast or insect. All these seek food.
The real Athiti that you got, you do not regard as such.
These have come to you in lakhs. Nana, give up your rotten-
interpretation. At Kakabali time, take plenty of boiled
rice outside the house and leave it there. Do not shout or

call for any nor drive any away. Whatever the creature
that comes to eat, let not that disturb your mind. You get
thus the merit of feeding lakhs of guests.


"As you sow, so you reap".

310. Baba to E. S. Dev.-What you sow, you reap.

What you give, you get.

311. Baba to a sub-judge, convicted for corruption,

who went to him for blessings for the success of the appeal
against his conviction. :-Sow margosa and afterwards reap
margosa. Cut off that tree.

Poorva Karma. (Delia Prarabdha)

312. B.-What you can account for, as the result of
your present effort is the result of present Karma. What
you cannot thus trace, is due to your past karma. Results
accrue differently to two persons doing the same acts ; that
difference may be put down to the difference in their poor-

Inexplicabiiity of unforeseen and unforeseeable results

may disappearin view of Poorva Karma. (So do not go on
exulting or dejected ; nor should you blame others). Recog-
.nise the existence of the Moral Law as governing results.
Therefore unswervingly follow the Moral Law. If you do
not get the fruits or results of your actions now, they will
come in .later births. As for the Yasanas, the moral Law is
"inexorable and evident. So, by following and observing the
JMoralLaw, you reachyour goal-God, the perfection of the
.Moral Law.

Satsanga, Yama, Niyama etc.

313. B.-Satsanga i. e., moving with the good is good.
Dussanga i. e., moving with evil-minded people is evil and
must be avoided.

Yama, Niyama. Restrain yourself from forbidden

"foodanddrinks. (jJSJT^K)
Avoid needless
Avoid falsehood. Have restraint of speech.

Restrain Lust - wholly in respect of others' wives,
-and.partly in respectof your own wife.

Enjoyment of marital pleasure is permissible. But

be not enslaved by it. MUKTI is impossible to persons
addicted to Lust. Lust ruins mental balance, and strength
or firmness. It affects the learned also.

Unruly buffaloes are controlled by tying a log to

their neck as a clog to their movements, Yiveka (i.e.,
prudence and discrimination) must be tied to "one's mind
when sex attracts.
Desires must be controlled. You must master them

andnotbetheir slave. (f^RffcflcWflj&fr^:)

Yet you can (and must) use them, the inner enemies
within limits, e. g.
(BesidesKama for the wife)
have Krodha (anger) against unrighteousness.
,, Lobha (greed) for Hari nama, uttering God's

Moha (fondness) for Mukti (salvation).;

Matsar (hatred) for evil action ; and have
no mada (pride).

(A) Moral Teachings.
314. Baba.-"Why do you grieve ? Men are born to
-die. One day each one of us will die.
Baba.-to Appa Kulkarni's wife.
Death and life are manifestations of God's activity.
You cannot separate the two, God permeates all. How-
ever, (in fact) none is born.

None dies. See with your inner eye. Then you

realise that you are God, and not different from Him.
Like worn-out garments the body is cast away by God.
Appawantsto changehis dress(kupni) before I do. Let
Appa go. Do not stop him. Do not ask for Udhi.
Gain and loss, birth and death are in the hands of
God. But how blindly do thesepeople forget God ! Look
after life, just so long as it lasts. When death arrives, do
not be grieved.
The wise ones do not grieve for death ; the fools do.
Behold! The five Pranas were lent for use till now.
Now the lender claims back his own; and they are
returned. Air goes back to air, fire to fire. Every one of
the five elements thus goes back to its place.

The body is (made up) of earth. See, really they are

the same.

Therefore its return to the earth is not a thing to



315. Baba.-Birfch also is similarly to be dealt with.

Do not be jubilating over a birth. This is the process
of creation(and goes on from the beginning). Be not
moved by it.

The earth bears seeds. Clouds drop their rain on

them. Thesun sendshis rays,and makesthem sprout.
Whenthesesprout,earth,cloudsand Sun keep on
their sport and happy course in all directions,

But they neither exult at the growth nor deplorethe

destruction of the sprout.
You should be (unaffected)like these. If you are,
whence can sorrow come to you ? Mukti is this absence
of sorrow.

Selfishness of Sorrow.
(At the criesof an agedwoman crying at the death
of her husband who after intense suffering from protracted
disease died thinking of Baba)
316. Baba.-Listen to the cries of that woman!
" What will become of me ? Who will give me cloth or
food ?" she says. She wholly forgets the miseries and
happiness of her husband I
Death of a son, daughter etc. M. G. Pradhan.
317. Baba.-Why does the fool go on lamenting for the
loss of a son ? It is merely going to the earth. The body
must go to the earth. Why go on lamenting for that ?
Scatter your fruits-Ramphal-far and wide.
-To a Magistrate.
Do you prefer me to the child ? If so, do not grieve.
Sai Baba to N. G. Chandorkar (who had lost a grand-
child) :-See page.
318. Baba.-(to Bayyaji PatiV) Why should you be
sorry ? (for the death of your father). In five months, he
will come back.

[ In five months, a son was born to Bayyaji ]

Re: Jnani's passing away.
319. B.~They do not talk of saints as dying. They
take Samadhi. cf., Kabir.



Bala warns (a) Bendre (Z>)Cobra-bitten boy, (c) the

father of the girl with slit lips, and (d) Appa Kulkarni.
(a) Baba's warning to G. P. Bendre who was to lose
his eldest son suddenly in four days.
i 320. B.-Go and ask Buty for Rs.10/- Dakshina.
Bendre goes to Buty and sees that Buty is calmly
proceeding to bury his clerk just dead.
Baba to G. P. Bendre.-A very grievous thing has
Happened. Be-not afraid. Be courageous. Go. Do not
throw up your limbs.
[Thus prepared, Bendre did not feel the shock so much
at the loss of his son two days later.]

(b) When death is an advantage, Baba does not

avert it (Cobra-bitten boy)
(Sometime after Baba revived a kid that seemed to
fall down dead in mid-day heat, a woman came and cried
for Udhi to save her son who was bitten by a cobra.
That was not given ; and the boy died. She came again
and cried.)
321. H. S. Dixit.-Baba, the woman's cries are heart-
rending. For my sake,"revive her dead son,
B.-Bhav, do not get entangled .in this. Bhav, what
has happened is for good. He has entered into a new body.
In that body, he will do specially good work, which can
not be accomplished in this body, which is seen here.

If I draw him back into this body, then the new body
he has taken, will die and this body will live. I will do
this for your sake. But have you considered the conse-
quences ? Have you any idea of the responsibility and are
you prepared to take it up ?
H. S. Dixit desisted from pressing his request.

(c) The girl with slit lips.

322. In 1913, S. B. Mohile took his daughter to
Baba for curing her split upper lip, which doctors could
not cure,

B.-I know what for you are come. I can cure her ;
but it will be of no use. The girl is of divine sort (Daivi)
and consequently her span of life will be very short.
JSTextMagha Shudda Chathurfci i.e., March 1914, she will
"expire. If on that day you are not at home and go away
to your office, you will not be able to see her (alive on
your return).
The girl died on that very date when the father was
in his office.

(d) Appa Kulkarni.

323. B.-(to Appa Kulkarni) Pucca (bilander) thieves
have come to the village. You are the first object of their
attack. Their aim is to get at the principal things. Taking
these, they run away.
This referred to the Cholera epidemic which was to
come upon the village and in which Appa was the first
victim. Appa, however, mistook it as referring to tiie

public funds he kept in the Chavadi and he placed a

special guard over it. Appa was attacked by cholera ^
and he succumbed.

Trying to prevent Death-Ineffectual attempt.

324. When the Nigoj Patil's wife was seriously ill of
plague, that night Baba was at the Chavadi with Mahal-
sapathi (Bhagat).
B.-Bhagat, do not -sleep to-night. Stand and keep
watching. I have to remember God to-day. Because the
rude Rohilla (Death or Plague) wants to kill that woman,,
so I am praying to Allah.
Mahalsapathy kept watch to prevent any disturbance
of or interruption to Baba's prayers ; but in the course
of the iiighfc, the Nivas mamlatdar came with his peona
who made a hubbub and shouted that mamlatdar wanted

Darshan. Their talk with Mahalsapathy and M's taking

Udhi disturbed Baba, who got angry and threw away
M's cloth.

B.-(After much abuse} You, Bhagat! Are you a

father of a family ? You do not note what is going on in
the village, Nigoj (i.e., the plague attack on the Patil's
wife). In such circumstanceswhy did you admit people ?
Be it so. What has happened is good.
That night the Patil's wife died.


325. B.-To Damodar B. Rampoorkar (who had

lost two children and had a son ailing at the time).-Why
are you fearing ? Those who are gone, are gone. Be

contented with those who survive. Fear not. Am I not

near you ? What then ?
326. B. to H.S. Dixit (just after his daughter died).
Read this Adhyatma Ramayana where Rama condoles


Modern Markandeya
327. In May, June 1917, a Bombay lady and her
younger son sat before Baba at Noon Arati.
B.-You must come here exactly at 2 P. M.
Boy :-Yes.
Accordingly the boy was there at 2 P. M. at the
Dwaraka Mayi.
Baba :-Boy, come here. Sit at my feet on this mat.
Be massagingmy feet and do not let go my feet till I tell

Accordingly the boy went on massaging. At 3 P.M.

a terrible female figure with wild dishevelled hair, begrim-
ed face and head and a protruding long tongue shot out
andjinoving like a dog, jumped over the compound: wall
and coming near the boy said :
" I want this person".
B.-I will not give him.
She.-This exactly is the person I want.
(She then approached the boy and pulled him.
Babagot up enragedand' holding the boy with onehand,
kicked her on the breast. She roared and ran away.)

33. Boy, are you not attending? Do you know the-

woman that came ? Hallo I that woman was wanting you to
be given up. But how canI give ? I refused.
Boy.-When this was going on, I sat benumbed like
a picture. I saw everything, but my body was inert or

(Baba declared that the female form was the goddess

Cholera. And the very next morning, Baba permitted the
boy and his mother to go back to Bombay. Cholera then
began to rage at Shirdi.)

(B) Bafoa's passing away

I. Baba's first attempt to leave the World (1886.)
328. In 1886 Baba said to Mahalsapathy :-I am going
to Allah. Take care of this body for three days. If I
return, I will look after it myself thereafter. If I do not,.
inter this body thereafter in that open land (pointing to an
open land) and place two standards there to mark the
place, where my body is placed.

Then Baba's breathing, pulse, circulation, all stopped

and the body became a corpse. The Tillage Officers and
Police held an inquest and. orderd Mahalsapathy to bury
the body ; but he prevented it, thus averting a catastrophe
which befell Sankaracharya'sbody-a catastrophethat was
in Sankaracharya's case remedied by a Goddess. On the
third day consciousnessreturned to Baba. Breathing began
and the abdomenwas seen moving. Then Baba'seyes
opened and his life was restored.

II. 1916.

329. In 1916 YijayadasarniDay (October)Babawas

in a rage. He tore off all his clothes and threw them
into the fire (Dhuni) before hina and stood there stark
naked. Baba with red eyes shouted : " Fellows, decide
for yourselves now if I am Moslem or Hindu." After
two hours of this rage,Bagoji Scindhe,his leper companion
tied a langoti to him and said :-" "Why all this ? To-day
is the festival of Simolangan ". Baba, striking the ground
-with his baton :-This is my Simolangan (my going
"beyond the boundary of life.)
People could not understand his meaning then, but
it was on the 'Vijaya Dasami Day (of 1918) that Baba
crossed the boundary of life.
In 1916 before Tijayadasami, Baba had been seriously
unwell and the rumour got abroad that he was about to
die, And the devotees conducted a sapta at Shirdi with
mass feeding for the recovery of his health. Thereafter
he recovered ; but when Nana Sahib Nimonkar came there,
on his way to Poona,
B.-Nana, you stay here, bury me and then go.
Baba would not allow Nana Nimonkar either to go
back to Nimon or proceed on to Poona.
Shama intervened on behalf of Nimonkar and asked
Baba for leave for his going away.
B.-Shama, do you want to kill my people. Is Kaka
(Nana Nimonkar) eating away your father's property ?
Shama.-But his daughter-in-law is pregnant and
requires help.

Baba(addressingNimonkar).-Hallo Kaka, why are

you anxious? Bodwill help. Bury me and then go.
His daughter-in-lawhad no help. Suddenlyat 10p.m.
one night, she felt that pains were coining and was at
once takenin a tongato the PoonaMunicipalMaternity
Hospitaland left on a bed. Thenursewentawayto some
other room at 11 p.m. And in the nurse's absence,she was
delivered of a male child without any help. Baba said to
ISTana Nimonkar at that time at Sbirdi. " There was a
woman. She was taken to a place. There she was
delivered safe of a male child."

III. Baba's passing away: 1918.

330. Baba had told Uddhavesa Bua some months
back not to be " paying his fortnightly visits " and bade
him final farewell. In Dasara time, Baba was unwell, for
a number of days, as alsoTatya Patel. In the earlier part
he went and beggedfood in the accustomedplaces support-
ing his body on someothers. During the last two or three
days, he was not ableto go out.
On the 15th October 1918, i. e., Dussera day, after
Arati was over,

B.-You, Kaka (H.S.D.) Buty, etc., go for your meal.

And then they left. After they left, Baba sat upon
his bed, reclined on Bhayyaji's lap and said: " I am going.
Carry me to the Wada. All Brahmins will be living near
me", and then breathedhis last. Nana Nimonkar poured
water into his mouth ; but the water came out. It was
'about 3. p.m. The day was no doubt Yijaya Dasami, but
Ekadasihad begunat that time.

In anticipation of his passing awayt he gave gifts (dana)

in the morning ot that dasami. He sat up and paid from
his pocket first Rs. 5/- and then Rs. 4/~ to Lakshmi Bai
Scindhetwho was daily preparing and giving him food and
daily receiving Rs, 4/- from him. A few days before Baba
passed away, he sent Rs. 200 for feeding of fakirs and the
"chanting of prayers with drum beating, at a holy place. He
sent word to another Moslem saint in these terms, " The
light that Allah lit, he is taking away ". That saint received
the intimation with tears.

Rama Yijaya had been read during the 14 days of

Baba's illness L e., on the 9th, 10th, llth day of Dasara
within Baba's hearing, as he had said that " Mrityunjaya
would be pleased " thereby.
On the night of Dasara, Baba appeared in the dream
of Lakshman Mama and said :-Get up quick and do my
Kakada (morning) Arati. Jog thinks that I am dead, and
he will not come.

And Lakshman did the morning Arati in spite of the

protest of the Maulvis. Jog resumed the noon Arati on
the 16th October 1918.

IV. Baba's Samadhi and Temple.

331. One night both Shama and Bapu Saheb Bnty
dreamt that Baba wanted the latter to build a wada and
a temple. H. S. D. went to Babato verify this with

S.-Deva, what mysteriouswondersyou are working ?

Baba,(shuttinghisears):-I amin my ownplaceand
say nothing to anyone.

Then Baba was asked for permission to build and he-

gave it.
Later Buty wanted to instal Murlidhar's image in the
central hall without having a special garbagriha* When
Baba's consent was asked,

B.-After the temple is built, we will reside there.

When Baba was unwell and fast approaching his end,.
he said to Bayyaji and others, " I am going* Place me
in the (Buty) Wada. Brahmins will reside near me ".
Buty did not wish to reside there or introduce Murli-
dhar after Baba passed away and he agreed to Baba'&
remains being placed in the Wada. Then Hindus and
Moslems had a hot contest as to where Baba's mortal
remains should be interred and the local Mamlatdar

ordered a plebiscite to be taken through mahajars. The

Hindus, by a large majority voted that Baba's remains
should be placed in Buty wada and that was done. Baba's
Samadhi is now there.

(1) Blind man.
332. A blind man went to Baba for restoration of
sight. Baba did not give him any encouragement and so>
he went out of the Mosque. He was then admonished,
that restoration of physical sight to a man in his position,
with only a short span of life before him, perhaps, i&
undesirable, as restored sight may merely develop desires
and that his appeal to Sri Sai Baba should be for the grant
of spiritual vision. The man returned and said, " I do not
want my physical sight. Please take me under your
protection and give me the inner vision ".
Baba :-Stay on.

The man stayedfor a month,improvedspiritually

and died.

Baba.-This man is not dead. It is only his wife,..

(ignorance) that is dead. He has attained.

(2) L. K. Noolkar.
333. Lakshman K. Noolkar, who was Sub-Judgeat
Pandharpnr in 1909, while N. G. 0. was Deputy Collector-
there, was being induced to go to Shirdi by the latter.
L. K. Noolkar.-I cannot go until I get a Brahmin
cook, and good Nagpur oranges for presentation. I can
find neither of these.

N. G. C.-Baba's grace will provide.

That night a Brahmin cook came to N. G. C. and

wanted service and was referred to Noolkar who engaged
him. In the morning Noolkar found a parcel of excellent
Nagpur oranges and no trace could be found as to who the
Bender was. Any how, Noolkar, convinced of Baba's
miraculous powers of providing the needful, started with
N. G. C. and went to Baba.

Baba.-Nana, who is this notorious crazy person whom

you have brought with you ?
Next day when Noolkar visited Masjid, Baba was in
a furious mood and seizing his head, knocked it against a
pillar saying" ^SPeWl *ra £r 3^5'' (your existenc
or truth will be lost or your unreality will be lost.)
Noolkar was much afraid; but N. G. C. gave an-
optimistic interpretationof theseoccurrences.

That night Noolkar suddenly got up and asked Nana

for betel, which Noolkar was not ordinarily using. Just at
that time, Baba was at the mosque far away.
Baba, to some one present.-Take these four bidas,
(L e., rolled up betel) and go and give them to an old man
at Chandorkar's, who needs the betel.
The sudden appearance of that man and the delivery
of the bidas convinced Noolkar that Baba was his Antar-
.sakshi and thenceforward Noolkar's faith was greatly
strengthened and he stayed on at Shirdi. Noolkar's death
suddenly came on rapidly. Sacred literature was read
"within his hearing, as he approachedhis end. Baba's Pada
Theertham also was brought and given to him and he died
with his attention centered on Baba.

Baba, referring to Noolkar's death :-Tatya, (Noolkar)

has gone in advance (of: us). He stayed here as I directed.
.His life's goal has been reached. He will be born no more.

(3) Vijayanandaswami
334. Vijayanandaswami, a Madrasi started from
Madras on pilgrimage to Manasarovar.
He visited Baba at Shirdi en route. Here one Soma-

devaji, a swami of Haridwar frightened the Madrasi and

made him waver about his trip, by describing the diffi-
culties of the pilgrimage-viz., plenty of snow, change of
language every 100 miles of the journey, the suspicious and
"hostile nature of the Bhutan men (and through Bhutan
the way lies).
Then when Vijayananda went to Baba, Baba cried out,
** Turn this useless Sanyasi out ".

The man left the masjid; but watchedSai Baba from

the mantap and was very well impressed with Sai Baba.
He vvas then graciously received by Baba. Then a letter
cameto him from Madrasthat his mother was very ill and
that he should go and be with her. The sanyasi wished to
go and be by her side in her last moments and so asked
Baba for permission. But Sai saw the future better than
this Madrasi and said, "If you are so fond of your mother,
why did you assume the garb of a Sanyasi ? The ochre color
and "Mamata" i. e., attachment cannot go together. Go and
sit at your quarters. Wait for a few days courageously. We
shall seethen aboutthe future. In your Wada (i.e.,building)
there are many thieves. Bolt your doors and be on your
guard. They will carry away everything. Wealth, kith
and kin etc., are all transient-attended with fear. Utter
renunciation alone leads to Bliss. Begin " Sapthaha " of
Bhagavata from tomorrow. Do three of thege "Sapthaha"
-devoting body, speech and mind to it ; meditate on it.
That will quench all vasanas; all illusion will end."'
Yijayanandaswami started his Bhagavata Parayana-
Sapthaha from the next day, right seriously. After two
Sapthahas i.e., 14 days, he was too much exhausted and
weak and so spent 2 days at his quarters. The third day
he breathed his last on Bade Baba's lap.
This is how Sai Baba ensured his sadgati, foreseeing his

(4) Mrs. S. B. Dhumal

335. Baba to S. B. Dhumal.-The next masik you
perform for your wife, perform at Shirdi and I will give
her Sadgati. (And the masik was performed.)

(5) Mrs. Upasani Maharaj.

336. When Upasani Maharaj's wife died aboutthe end
of January1912,UpasaniM. camemuchperturbedto Baba
and said, "Here is Rs. 10/-." Please do something to give
Sadgati to my wife.
B.~-Keep the money. She (her spirit) has already
,come to me. What has to be taken from you has already
.been taken.

(6) Sadgati to Animals : A she-buffalo.

337. Baba to Mrs. Jog :-You will get a buffalo coming
ctoyou. Give it plenty of PooranPoli with plenty of ghee.
Mrs. Jog.- How am I to make out that buffalo ?
B.--It will itself come to your door.
Mrs. Jog.-So many buffaloes passby my door.
B.--When you finish making the required number of
Pooran Polis, that buffalo which comesto your door is the

Mrs. Jog,-I have two doors, Northern and Southern.

B.-It will be at the Southern door.

Mrs. Jog finished making Pooran Poli ready painted

'With ghee at noon that day. Just then a buffalo was at
-the Southern door. Mrs. Jog placed all the Pooran Polia
before it. The animal ate the whole and fell down dead.
Mrs. Jog was in terror, afraid of being chargedin the next
world with sin and in this world of beingtroubledby the
owner or by Government. She went to Baba and mentioned
.the facts and her fears. Baba allayed those fears.

B.-That she-buffalo had exhausted all her vasanas

-except the desire to eat plenty of Pooraii Polls with ghee
and when that desire was satisfied, her vasanas were
exhausted and she passedaway from the buffalo body. Go
liome. There is no reason why you should feel worried.
"You have only released it from this body.

Baba on Powers, Siddhis or Yoga Marga.
338. Baba, to one who by Pranayama etc., had deve-
loped clairvoyance and had seen fire in his Dhyana room
when his distant mill was burning wished to point
"out the danger of being attracted by the desire of Siddhis,
-and said:-Why are you gazing at the Strumpet's per-
formances ? I can never exhibit tricks. It does not
'behove us to dally with a strumpet.

Baba restores sight

339. In 1916, Vittalrao, Y. Deshpande took his grand-
father who was stone blind of both eyes to Shirdi and led
him by both hands to Baba. The grandfather bowed and
.said, " Baba, I cannot see."
Baba.-Yes, you will.
Baba.-Give me four rupees Dakshina.
Y. Y. D. went out to change a note. Then Baba placed
his hand on the old man's head and his sight was fully

Old man(with tearsof joy):-Baba, your kindnessis"

wonderful. Your sakthi is wonderful. I can see every-
thing now.

Baba.-Take Udhi and then go.

The old man went back into Shirdi and from Shirdi
to Bombay with clear vision requiring no assistance.

Baba restores sight (temporary)

A woman of Bassein came to Baba. She was blind*
At the mosqne she said, " Baba, my wish is to see you with
these eyes." She was at once able to see Baba. She then
went out and blindness returned.

Anticipating a storm
340. In Yaisak 1914, Bhima went from Bombay to
Baba desirous of seeing some chamatkars of Baba. When
afternoon Arati was over,

Baba.-All of you clear off. You must remain inside

your lodgings and not wander about in the open and you
must come again when sent for.

When Baba said this, it was clear weather. But very

soon a furious gale blew ripping off the zinc sheets on the
top of buildings and threatening to blow down houses.
It stopped in 15 minutes however. Then there was a little
shower and a few minutes of cloudy weather. Thereafter
the sun shone with fierce heat. Then Baba sending for all
said :-

44Are you terrified ?" Then Bhima fell at his feet and :
cried for joy.

Baba.-Donotfear. Thisis the play of God. Many

more of such plays you may see.

Baba's control over Storm.

341. On another stqrmy occasion Baba (addressing

the storm in a loud and thunderous voice):-Stop, stop
all this !

In a few minutes, the storm ceased and there were

no more rains and wind. The sky became clear.

Baba's control over Fire (a) Kondaji's stack

342. Baba (circling Kondaji's stack with a thin line
of water).-Only this stack will be burnt, and no others.

Only that stack was burnt, though other stacks were

near and a wind was blowing.

(b) Fire in the Dhuni

343. Baba.-(to the fire in the Dhuni, the flames of
which were seen to be reaching the rafters above, while
Baba was beating a pillar nearby with his stick). Get
back, get back. Forbear, forbear.

The fire immediately slowed down and became normal.

(c) Baba controls Fire and Heat.

344. When on a hot summer noon, people finding the
atmosphere too hot, left the mosque and only five

Baba.-(addressing the five) You go, and sit near the


They did. In a few minutes the atmosphere inside

became cool and a cool wind was fanning them,

Baba's control over Departed Spirits and

Guidance of them
345. Baba. - There was a girl playmate of mine. She
was an artist. She died and wasburied. As I was passing
by her tomb, I stopped and passed a night near it. Then
she accompanied me. I kept her in a babul tree first, and
then brought her to ShirdL
346. Q. K. Gadgil, when transferred and ordered to
join his new station, sat in the Railway carriage and
regretted he could not go to Baba before joining. Suddenly
a packet of Udhi fell into his lap. On his return to Shirdi,
Baba- (to Ghidambar Keshav Gadgil) :- You could
not come. So I sent you Udhi. Did you not get it ?
347. Baba- (to Knsha Bhav):- Kusha Bhav, think of
me and at once I am near you. (Whenever Kusha Bhav
thinks of Baba, Baba's Udhi pours out from Kusha's
folded palms. See under " Over - asceticism ": Onion.)

348. Das G-anu wanting to go to Godavari (called

Ganges by the people) said to Baba :- " Baba, this is
Mahasivarathri. I want to have Gangasnan at Singaba,
three miles from Shirdi.

B. - Why should you go there ?

D. G. was at once dejected.
B. - Ganga is here at my feet. Do not go.
D. G. was again cheerless, because, though he had
written that Baba was God Vishnu, his faith in that
statement was very, very weak.

B. - Come here, hold your palm near my feet. .

D. G. did so. Lo and behold ! A thin stream of water
poured out from Baba's feet on to the palm and D. G. had
a palmful of water. Here was Ganga and D. G. sprinkled
it over his head*

Power to give Power

349. Baba.- (to N. G. C,, who was giving medicines
to all sorts of people for all diseases for one year) Give the
same medicine for everything.
Thereafter N. G. C. gave sublimate of alum for
scorpion sting, snake -bite and all sorts of troubles and
cured them.

350. N. Gr. Chandorftar was climbing Harischandra

Hill on a summer day, and was seized with thirst. No
water was available anywhere in that place. N. G. C : -
^If Baba were here, he would give me water." At that time
Baba was at Shirdi, 40 miles away. At the Shirdi mosque,
Baba. - Nana is thirsty. The heat of summer is great.
Should we not give him at least a palmful of water ?
The devotees present there could not make out why
Baba talked like that. But on the hill Nana saw a Bhil
Doming down.
N. G. C.- Bhil, I am thirsty. Can't I get water to
drink ?

Bhil. - Under the very rock you are sitting on, there
is water.

So saying the Bhil left,


That rock was shifted and below it, was a palmful of

drinking water. N. Gr.C. drank it.
Many days later N. G. C. went to Shridi.
Baba.-Nana, you were thirsty. / gave you water*
Did you drink it ?

T. D. Jethabhai-Seeded Grapes become Seedless

351. Takkar Dharmsey Jethabhai, the Sait under-
whom Kaka Mahajani was serving, came, out of curiosity,
with Kaka to see Baba. They brought with them grapes
witb seedsand presented them to Baba. Sait wanted to-
see some of Baba's .miracles ; but did not want to pay

Baba.-Here Sait, take some of these grapes and eat


The Sait was much confused. He put the grapes into>

his mouth ; but did not know what to do with the seeds*.
He could not spit them out into the Masjid. So he put
them into his pocket, which also, he did not like. He
wondered,how if Sai were a saint, he could be ignorant
of Ms dislikes. At once,
Baba.-Here are more grapes, take them.
So saying, Babagave them more of the grapes,which,
they themselveshad brought. Sait holding the grapes
in hand wondered what to do.
Baba.-Eat it.

Saitput the grapesinto his mouthand found they

seedless.He wanted Chamatkarsandheretheywere.

First Baba knew his thoughts and next lie converted seeded
grapes into seedless grapes.

Then Shama introduced the Sait to Baba as Kaka's


B.-How is he Kaka's master ? Kaka has a different

master, who gives him bliss.
After Arati, Sait wanted to go away with Kaka, who
was usually detained for days by Baba. Shama asked for
permission. Baba then spoke in his characteristic fashion.

B.-There was a fickle - minded gentleman, very rich

and healthy. He took on his head needless burdens and
carried them hither and thither and had no peace of mind.
He drops his burdens and resumes them. His mind is not
steady. I took pity on him and say, " Now if you like,
place your firm faith in one place. Your present rambling
and confusion are useless."

Dharmsey found that this was an exact description of


Then Baba asked Kaka for Rs. 15/- dakshina and

received it.

B.-If I take one rupee of dakshina from anyone, I

have to return it to him tenfold. I never take anything
gratis. I do not ask everyone indiscriminately for dak-
shina. I take only from him, who is pointed out by the
Fakir, If any one is indebted to that Fakir, money is got
from himt The giver gives, but really sows his seed, the
gift to reap a rich harvest later on. Wealth is merely
means to work out dharma. If one uses it merely for
personal enjoyment, it is vainly spent. Unless you have

given wealth, you do not get it now. Dakshina is asked'

because wealth has been given. The giving of dakshina
advances Yairagya and thereby Bhakthi and Jnana. What
am I doing ? Receiving one and returning it tenfold !
Sour and not Sour.

Judge one day prepared at Shirdi, some lime juice

syrup to offer it to Baba and first tasted it. He found it
not sour at all. He then took it and gave it to Baba.
Baba (after tasting it), to H. S. D.:-Kaka see how sour
it is. H. S. D. and Judge then tasted it and it was sour*
Judge was mortified.
Baba :-No. I was only joking. Now taste it.
Again H. S. D. and Judge tasted it. This time, it was
not sour at all.

Manifestations. Appearance (1) to Mahlsapathy

at Jejuri
352. Mahlsapathy went on a pilgrimage to Jejuri with.
his Palki. Plague was raging there. M. and his com-
panions set down the Palki and in great dejection M. sat
leaning against has Palki, He thought there was some-
one behind. He turned and saw Baba, who at once disap-
peared. He told his companions that Baba was with them.
They all got bold and stayed on for four days, none of them
being afflicted with plague and they went back safe. On
their return,
B.-Bhagat, you had a fine pilgrimage. You sat lean-
ing against the Palki. At that time, I had come there.
Thus Baba assured him that Baba actually was pre-
sent at Jejuri with his wonderful powers and that M. was

not under any hallucination or delusion, when he had the

vision of Baba.

(2) To Mule Sastri as Dholap Mafcaraj.

Baba appearedas Dholap Maharaj, the guru of Mule
Sastri, to overcome Sastri's prejudice against Baba at the

(3) Baba assumes objector's father's voice.

353. Kaka Mahajani's friend who was a believer in
Nirakara worship alone and objected to all worship of
forms, agreed out of curiosity to go with Kaka to see Baba.
He stipulated, however, that he would neither bow to Sai
nor pay any Dakshina. As that friend was getting up
the stepsof the mosqueat Shirdi, Baba said Iff ^T^f^T
i.e., Welcome, Sir !
But the voice that fell upon the friend's ears was that
of his father and thrilled him with joy. He at once fell
down and placed his head upon Baba's feet.
Baba asked Kaka thereafter, twice for Dakshina, but
did not ask this man, who thereupon whispered to Kaka
that he wanted to give Dakshina.
B.-What is your friend saying ?
Kaka repeated his: words.
B.-He has not been asked because he was unwilling
to give it. But if he wants to give it now, he may.
Then the friend paid BabaRs. 17/-.
B.-(to that man). It is Teli's wall that separatesyou
from us. Pull it down and we can see each other clearly
face to face.

Then Elaka and his friend were starting and the

weather was cloudy and threatening.
B.-Shama, let them go without fear or anxiety.
There is no trouble from rain on their return journey.

Therewasno rain till they reached the train, despite

the clouds and thunder.

Baba appears as or identifies with himself other


354. S. B. Nachne's brother and family were anxious

about a very serious operation, which was just being
performed at Bombay on his brother. Then a Sadhu
appeared at Dahanu and was given food by Nachiie's
sister-in-law. She kept aside Bendi Baji, (lady's fingers'
dish) as not fit for presentation ; but the Sadhu himself
called for it and it was then served. The Sadhu then went
away blessing them and telling them that the operation at
Bombay was safe and successful. Three years later,
Nachne went to Baba. Then,

B.-I had been to this man's house (pointing to S.B.N.)

for a meal. He did not give me Bendi Baji.
That saint was obviously Hindu and markedly diffe-
rent in features from Baba.

355. Balakrishna G-. Upasani Sastri, professor of

Sanskrit,went to Hardwar andTapovan(Swargashram)and
saw a saint who told him that a saligram held as a
heirloomby the Upasanisfor many generationshad been
given by him. When askedabouthis identity, that saint
saidin Hindustani," Lo ! Therewasa tree (or log). One

-came down. The other went up. You will come to know".
And then he went out of sight.
Many years later, at the end of 1911 he was going
about to trace the whereabouts of his younger brother,
Kasinath, now known as Upasani Baba. He alighted at
Kopergaonat the requestof the local mamlatdar who sent
him to Shirdi. When he went to Baba,
B,-Go to Khandoba's.

B. G. U.-When I have seen you, Baba, I have seen all

the Gods.

Again Baba.-Go to Khandoba's.

When B. G. U. came out of the mosque and mentioned
Baba's order, people told him that Kasinath Upasani Sastri
was at Khandoba's. Thus Baba without being told, found
out B's relationship and quest. When B. returned to Baba,
Baba spoke in Hindustani the same words that were spoken
by the sadhu at Tapovan.
" There was a tree (or log). Two persons went up
over that. One came down and the other went up."
Sai Baba thus showed that he was the Tapovan saint.

Baba identifying Himself with Anasuya

and Datta.

356. In 1911, on Datta Jayanti day Balawant Kohoj-

kar went to Baba at Shirdi. At 5 p.m.,
B.-I am having pangsof labour and cannot bear the
pain. Sosaying, he drove everyoneout of the mosque.
He was evidently identifying himself with Anasuya.
A little later, Babacalled all peoplein. Kohojkar went first

and on Baba's gadi saw not Baba, but a small charming-

threeheaded baby (i.e.) Datta. In a moment, Datta dis-
appeared and Baba was seen instead.

Baba's appearance in other forms.

357. B. V. Dev wished to perform an Udhyapana
ceremony, which included mass feeding and he wrote to
Jog requesting Baba's attendance at the dinner. Then,
Jog.-Baba, Dev wants you to attend the dinner at
Dahanu on the prescribed date.
B.-Write and tell him that I shall attend the dinner
with two others, that I require no train to travel by
and that as soon as a Bhakta calls out to me with love,
I will appear immediately.

On the dinner day, Baba was not to be seen at the

dinner party. A Sanyasi, previously known to Dev turned
up with two others and saying, * I cameonly for dinner
and not for money' dined with him. Then Dev wrote to
Jog complaining of Baba's breach of promise. Jog was
bringing the letter to Baba and even before it was opened
Baba spoke,
B.-Ah ! He says that I made him believe that I
would take his Udhyapana meal and that I deceived him.
Inform him that I did attend the dinner with two others ;
but that he failed to recognise me. Tell him that I expressly
said that I did not go there for money, but only for the

The reply was written and sent and Dev was con-
vinced that Baba ate in the form of the Sanyasi.

358. A Marwadi came to Adam Dalali and wanted

food. And A. D. gave him some money and sent him to a
Marwadi Hotel at Bandra. Later, A. D. went to Shirdi.

Baba (pointing to A.D.) :-I went to this man. He-

sent me to a Marwadi for food.

Baba as Dog.
359. Mrs. G. S. Khaparde when presenting Naivedya:
at the Mosque was daily inviting Baba to go to her lodgings
for a meal. Baba promised ; but did not come. One day
when she was preparing dishes, a dog came near her and as
she viewed it as an unclean and polluting animal, flung
burning fuel at the dog and it ran away. That day at.
Naivedya time at the Mosque,
Mrs. G-. S. K.-Baba, come to my lodgings for a meal.

Baba,-Yes, when I came, yon threw burning fuel at



Baba foretells coming glory of Shirdi.
360. Long before 1908, (after which alone Baba's
popularity developed) when Shirdi was a very quiet and
humble village, Baba said :-Mansions will arise in this
village. Bigwigs will come. Guns will be fired. Chariots,
horses, elephants all will come. Grand processions will be-

People laughed, as these were unlikely in such a worth-

less hamlet, but with increasing popularity of Baba, all
these came about.

L. V. Nadkar.

361. Lakshman Y. Nadkar of Mahim Bazaar went in

1915 to Baba. When he went to take leave of Baba, it
appeared to be very much after the time for catching his
train at Kopergaon.
B.-Go, you will catch the train at Kopergaon.
Nadkar went ; but when he reached the Godavari, it
was dark and after dark the ferry was not allowed to ply
across the Godavari in floods. So he appeared to be
stranded. Suddenly the rnamlatdar arrived there and a
boat was got ready for him. N. also got in. So he
reached the station without molesation from thieves, etc.

D. V. Sambhare-Train Late

362. When D. Y. Sambhare started for Bombay by

a train which should reach Bombay at 8 a. m.,
Baba.-Go. You will reach at noon.

The train was four hours late at Bombay. So D.V.S.

reached at noon.

N. G. O's Train Late

[See 143 (1) Supra] The train was late. Nana

*caught it.

363. Mahlsapathy was invited to a feast at his
daughter's father-in-law's house at Dorhali. He came to
Baba for leave.

Baba.-You will get insult there.

Anyhow M. could not avoid going and he went.

"When he reached Dorhali, the feast party had finished

their dinner without caring to wait for him.
364. Mahlsapathy wanted to visit Arthangaon and
asked Baba for leave.

Baba.-Do not go there. There will be quarrel and

fight there.
But M. had to go and went up to read Pothi Len
Malhari Mahatmyam. But as he read on, lads quarrelled
with each other and beat each other with sticks. The-
Pothi was abruptly stopped and M. went back to Shirdi.

365. Anant Mahadev Kulkarni Singvekar asked
Baba:-Shall I pass my examination ? Will my number
appear in the list ?
Baba.-Your number is 114. It will appear in the
pass list.
His number was 114 and it appearedin the passlist.
N. A. Samant

366. Baba.-(to N. A. Samant) You take back this-

Rs. 5/-. Keep it carefully. It will be stolen.
Mr. N. A. Samant went for a meal leaving his coat
outside the dinner hall and the note was stolen.

Tendulkar and Sapatnekar's Friend

367. Baba.-Tell him (Tendulkar) to throw aside
all horoscope, predictions and consultations with astro-
logers. Lethim go and sit up for his Examinationquite
at his ease. He will pass. [And he passed].

Baba (to Sepatnekar'sfriend) :-However much you

study, you will not pass (your Law examination) this
year. However little you study in the next year, you
will succeed. [The next year, he passed].
A Parsee Merchant's missing son
368. Baba.-Kaka, the boy is gone south. He is all
right and cheerful and he will come back of himself.
Soon after the boy did return from Madras.

Insane Parsi boy's health

369. Baba.-(to an insane Parsi boy's father) Your
-boy will become all right.
The boy improved and was later able to do business.
Vakil's brother's insanity
370. Baba.-(to a Bombay High Court Vakil) Your
brother will recover from his insanity.
[And he did]
Difference between Miracle And Prophecy
371. Baba.-(to N. G. C.) None cares to take from
me what I am prepared to give abundantly. But they
want from me what I am unable to give.
Baba once told N. G. 0. about Chamatkars, some-
thing very interesting. It was about 1903-04. N. Gr. C's
daughter Minathai, at delivery had been helped by Baba
with Udhi sent through a gosavi. That child however
died very young. She was also widowed at that very
early age and had no other issue. This cast a gloom
over all the family. N. GL0. and family went to Shirdi
and sat before Baba glum in sullen silence. Usually

whenever he went, Baba would question him and he

would talk and all would be cheerful. Now on this
occasion,there was a sad sullen beginning. This continued,
for some minutes. Then Baba broke the ice.

B.-Why are you so silent ?

N. G. 0.-Baba, You know everything. While we
are under your care, these calamities have befallen us;
bereaved of child, and son-in-law etc.

B.-If you care for child (or son-in-law) and come to

me for that, you are mistaken. You need not come to
me for these. These are not in my power. These (i.e.,
birth of child and death of relatives) are dependent on
Poorva Karma. Even Parameswar, the great God who
'has created the world cannot alter these. Do you think
he can tell the sun or the moon, " Rise some 2 yards
farther away from your usual or appointed place ". No,
he cannot and will not do that. That would produce
disorder, chaos.
N. G. C.-If that is so, how is it that you tell some
"one, " You will have a son "
and he gets a son and you
tell another " You will get appointment " and he gets an
.appointment. Are these not Chamatkars of yours ?
B.-No, Nana. I do not do any chamatkars. You
have your astrologers. They work 2 or 4 days ahead and
..give out their predictions, some of which come
true. I look further ahead. What I say happens. My
.art also is a sort of Astrology. But you people do not
understand this. To you, my words look like chamat-
kars, because you do not know the future. So you
.regard events as proofs of my miracle working power

andyouturn yourreverence
onto me. I, in my turnr
turn your reverenceon to God and see that you are
,really benefited.
372. B.-(to NarayanRao Motiram Jani of Nasik
in October'18) Henceforth,you are not to be a servant.
Do your own business.
Then N. started the Anandashram Hotel at Nasik
and that wasa great financial success.
373. B.~(to Nachne)(1) cometo Bombayfor service.
(2) do not trust mad men.
[(1) N. wastransferred
to a Suburb. (2) A madman
whomhe consideredharmlessat pooja time, grasped his
throat and attemptedto murder him.]
374. B.-(to Sankar Rao and Nachne) Give me-
Rs. 15A Dakshina.

Sankar Rao.-No money, Baba.

B.-Give me Rs. 30/- Dakshina.
S. R.-I haveno money, Baba.
B.~~Give Rs. 64/-.
ThenNachne.-We are poor people. We can't afford
to pay such large sums.
B.-Then collectand give.
Sometimelater (1916?) Baba fell ill. A big Sapta
was performedfor his restoration to health and sub-
scriptions were raised for mass feeding. Then Sankar
Raoand Nachnecollectedsubscriptions
and sentup the
collection. It provedto be exactly Rs. 64/-.
H. S. Dixit's Boy
375. H. S. D. got a letter in 1913that his son was
to go.

B.-Do not go, bring the boy here.

H. S. D. wrote for the boy, but the answer was that
the examination was nearing and that Shirdi, lacking
both medical and educational aid was not the best place
for the boy.
B.-Never mind, do send for the boy,
The"* boy accordingly came and improved in his-
health, very rapidly. Then a letter came from Bandra
that the date of the examination was 2-11-1913 and that
the boy should be sent up.
B.-Bo not send up the boy.

Again a letter came that the examination was post-

poned from 2-11-1913 to 6-ll-'13 and that the boy should
be sent up for 6-ll-JI3.
B.-Wait, let us see.
And the boy was not sent for 6-ll-'13.
Again a letter came that the examination was post-
poned to 13-11-'13.
B.-Send him up for 13-11-'13.
" The boy sat up and passed his examination.

Godavari Water for Jog

376. In November 1910 Babu Saheb Jog:-Baba,
give me leave to go for Godavari bath for tomorrow,
It is a holy day.
B.-Do not go.

Jog was dissatisfied, but stayed at Shirdi alone.

Next morning villagers rushed to Baba.

Villagers.-Baba, the Godavariwater is coming into

Shirdi in the newly cut channels(though the Govern-
ment had not orderedthe supply to be beguntill 1912).
B.-See, how gracious is God ! Jog !
377. Bapu Saheb Jog's Pithru Shraddha was ap-
Jog to Baba.-Give me leaveto go and find out BmhminS
of my sect from Kopergaonfor the approachingShraddha.
B.-Tou need not go.
Jog.-Am I to give up Shraddha, Baba ?
B.-There are yet four days more. We will see.
Two days later, Jog went to Baba.
Jog.-I want Brahmins of my sect. Let me go.
B.-They will come.
Jog.-How will they know of the Shraddha and
come ? Will they be of my sect ?

On the day of the Shraddha, two Brahmins from

Puntamba came to Baba and asked him " Can we get
Brahmin food here ?"

B.-Go to Jog.
They went to Jog and Jog found that they were
Brahmins of his sect, well-versedin Sastras,able and
ready to perform his Pithru Shraddha.

Jog's Loans
378. Jogbadlent Rs.1,400/-
to anAurangabad
give meleaveto goto Aurangabad.

B.-The debtor himself will come here. Then ask him.

Jog, flaring up-Am I to lose Rs. 2 to 3 thousands?

I will not do your Pooja and Arati from tomorrow.
Without money, how can I get on here ?
B.-Where will your money go ? Sit quiet at home.
It will come.

Jog.-I cannot listen to you. Will he come of his

own accord ? Even when I went to him, he did not pay.
Unless a suit is filed, he will not pay.
B.-Let it rest.

Jog gave up hopes of recovery of the amount. At

last the debtor came, long after limitation time, and
offered only Rs. 1,400/- the principal. Jog would not

B.-Jog, take it and give him release.

Then Jog took it and placed it before Baba.
Baba took a part and gave the rest to Jog.

Narke's Appointment and Issue and Trusteeship

379. G. G. Narke's mother to Baba :-(in 1913) My
;son is being tossed to all sorts of places and he is
without a permanent job. Settle him permanently, Baba.
B.-I will settle him at Poona.

Three years later, an offer of service in a Benares

School or college came.
G. G. N.-Baba, shall I apply for this ?
B.-What have we to do with Benares ? We have
to go to Poona and Satara.

In 1917 a vacancy in the Engineering College, Poona,,

was advertised.

G. G. N.-Shall I apply for this, Baba ?


Later, Baba.--Where is Narke gone ?

Devotees.-He has gone to Poona to try the-

B.-Allah will bless. Has he any children ?

Devotees.-Three or four were born, but they all

died after a short life.

B.-Allah will bless.

G. G. N. got the appointment in 1918 and tile-

children he had thereafter are all living now.

380. B.-(In 1913 to G. G. Narke) Your father-in-law,.

Buti, will build a temple and you will be in charge of it.

The temple was built (1916-18) and G. G. N. was in

charge of it as trustee of the Sai Samasthanafter 1918.
381. B.-(To Mrs. M. W. Pradhan) Your baby will
have fits.
(It had fits two hours later).

Karnik of Kalyan
382. Baba addressed Mr. Karnik of Kalyan, at his
first arrival at Shirdi :-Welcome, Sowcar (Banker or
Money lender).

K. at that time was wretchedly poor. But many

years later, he became a sowear.

Skama's Sisterau-law's Plague

383. Shama's brother's wife had bubonic plague
fever and bubo in the groin. Shama's brother ran to
Shama and asked for Udhi and Shama's presence at the
patient's bedside.
Shama.- Baba, please give me Udhi and leave to go.
B.-Bend the "Udhi now, God is our master. The
fever and bubo will subside of themselves. You may go
there in the morning at sunrise and return. Do not go

The Udhi -was applied. The patient improved and

in the morning she was preparing coitee when Shama
visited the place. Shama returning said, "" Baba, what
wonders you are working.5'
B.-To God be the praise. I am but the slave of God.

Balawant G. Khaparde's Plague

384. When Shirdi had an epidemic of Plague in 1911,
IB. G. K. had fever and bubos. Baba showed the mother the
bubos that he (Baba) drew from B, G. K. to save his life.
Baba (to G, S, K) :-I have saved your son, Balawant.
My orders are supreme.

Adam Dalaii-Criminal Case

385. Adam Balali.-Baba, a serious criminal case

has been brought against me unjustly.
B.-Do not fear. Everything will come right.
Adam Dalali was discharged and taken as Prosecu-
tion witness.

H. M. Pense'sCriminal Appeal
386. Jtfachne.-
(to Baba)HaribhavM. Pensewants
in thecriminalappeal
he hasfiled,ashe
is innocent.

B.- Tell him not to have any anxiety. He will be

acquittedin the appeal.
[And he was acquitted]
Death sentence on a Brahmin

387. B.- In 4 days he will be acquitted.

[And he was]

Baba's Help to Students' Examinations

(1) Tendnlkar
(2) ' o' 367
(3) H. S. Dixit's son- SeeNo. 375.
[And he passedit]
(4) Medical Student.
388. In 1917 a medical student was getting ready
for his examination. Appearing in his dream, Baba spoke

B.- My stomach (or intestines) is paining. You are

a doctor. Get me medicine.

Student.- I am yet a student and not a doctor.

B. - Go and get me medicine.

Thestudentwent in and Babadisappeared.And at

the examinationthere wasa questionaboutColic.

Baba Teaches Sanskrit

389. Baba repeated a Sanskrit sloka before Mnkunda

Lele Sashi( - thus),

390. Baba to Nana Nimonkar. - Kaka, why don't you

read Pothi ?

N. N. - I do not know Sanskrit.

B. - Never mind. Masudi Ayi will teach you Sanskrit

and gradually yon will learn. Begin.
N. N. beganand advanced so rapidly that he was going
on explaining Jnaneswari to H. S. Dixit and Jog, though
they were Sanskrit scholars. Baba to N. N.- Why should
we explain things to others ? That will make us puffed up
with self-conceit ?

Baba's Recipes
391. B. - " Give curd rice to a black dog that will
come to you at the temple ". [This was the recipe for
Ague. That was done and the Ague was cured.
392. B. - " Kaka Mahajani, eat groundnut and drink
water ". Your anal sphincter is now tightly closed.
[Recipe for Diarrhoea which stopped.]
393. B.- To Buty :- *«Do not pass motions any more
nor vomit ". [Buty's motions etc., stopped without any
394. B. - " Let him (Buty) drink infusion of almond,
walnut and pistachio in milk for his cholera". [That
drink cured Cholera.]

395. B.-" Apply heated aloe

over the affectedpart and the pain will subside". [This
cured a servant's lumbago.]
396. BabaprescribedSira (sweetened
Semolina Pudd-
ing) for R. R. Samant's children suffering from Diarrhoea
and they were cured by Sira.

Baba and Karma

Dr. C. Filial - Guinea worm

397. Doctor O. Pillai (suffering badly from severe

guinea-worm) to H. S. XX-Kaka Saheb, this pain is
excruciating. Death is preferable. It (the pain) is no
doubt for repaying Poorva Karma ; but go to Baba and
ask him to stop the pain now and transfer the working
of Poorvakarma to ten later births of mine.

H. S. D. went to Baba and conveyed this prayer.

B.-Tell him not to fear. Why want ten more births ?.

In ten days he can finish all that suffering. Saints exist
to give devotees spiritual and temporal welfare ; and
Pillai wants death instead 1 Bring him here. Let him
not get confused.

The Doctor was brought and Baba gave him his

own pillow to lie upon and said :-Lean on this. Do
not indulge in vain thoughts. Stretch your leg and be
at ease. Without actual suffering, Karma cannot be got
over. That is true. Karma is the causeof joy and sorrow.
Therefore put up with whatever comes to you. Allah.
Malik. God is the all controller and protector. Think of
him always. He will look after all. Surrendercompletely

to him. Think always on Him and you will see -what

He does.

Then N. G. 0. put a bandage over the wound.

B.-Take it off, Nana is mad. That will kill you.
Now a crow will come and peck at the wound. That will
make you alright.
Another day, Abdul, in trying to get down, un-
knowingly put his foot over the wound of Dr. Filial. The
swelling was thus pressed, and the worms were squeezed
-out. Dr. Fillai first roared with pain. Later,
Pillai.-Will the crow come and peck me hereafter ?
B.-No, the crow (Abdul) has come. The worms have
been thrown out. Go and rest in the Wada.

By applying Udhi and taking in Udhi, without other

treatment or medicine, the guinea-worm was cured in
ten days.


Bhimaji Patel.
398. At Junner in Poona district was one Bhimaji
Patel. He had contracted Tuberculosis with continuous
fever, ejecting bloody sputum and had gastric trouble also.
All remedies he tried were in vain. All poojas were in
vain. N. G% Chandorkar sent him to Sainath. Bhimaji
came; and to alight from his tonga, four men had to
support him. Shama conducted him to Baba.
B.-Shama, in bringing this thief to me, what a load of
responsibility you are placing on my shoulders 1

Then Bhimaji (placing his headupon Baba'sfeet):-

Helper(ffawsf?) of the helpless. I am helpless.Pray,
show thy pity and grace unto me.

Babachanged his tone and spoke to him with a smiling


B.-Stay, cast off anxiety. The wise avoid anxiety.

Your sufferings for your past karma have come to an end,
as soon as you put your feet on Shirdi. Persons in great
trouble, sunk in their misery, rise to joy and happiness as
soon as they cliirib the steps of this mosque. That Fakir
(God) is very kind and will eradicateyour disease. He
will show his love. He is kind to all. Go and stay at
Bhima Bai's house.

Accordingly Bhimaji stayed in B's house, using Baba'a

Udhi only. On the first day Baba himself applied the Udhi
to his forehead and placed his palm on his head.

B.-Bhimaji, walk to your quarters.

Patel was at once able to walk up to his carriage, with-

out being supported by any. Baba did not give him any
medicine, but gavehim something better and more effectual*
Bhimaji had two dreams. In the first he had become a boy ^
His teacher in teaching him a lesson, birched him vigorously
and the man roared with pain in his sleep. In the next
dream, Bhimaji found that someone had got upon his breast
and rolled over it a heavy stone roller (j&jgeS&seo)and he
felt the pangs of death. Then he awoke. With these
dreams,his diseasehad fled. He slowly walked up to the-
Masjid and bowed to Baba. After a month's more stay
with Baba,he went home, hale and hearty.

Baba Granting issue when Prarabdha was against.

399. One Scindheof Harda had sevendaughters,but
no sons. In 1903, he went to Gangapur and prayed for a
son to Datta and said that if he got a son in 12 months, he
would bring the child to Gangapur for Darshan. He got a.
son in 12 months ; but did not take the child to Gangapur.
In November 1911, he came to Baba at Shirdi.
B. - What ! Have you got puffed up ? Where was-
in yourdestiny? («T?ft^). I tore
this body (pointing to Sai's body) and gave you one.
In the case of Darnodar Rasane also, Baba overcame
astrological obstacles for issue.

Compare Baba's methods with mantric methods.

Of :- Srimad Bhagavat YI (19) 25 & 26, where*
Kashyapa taught the Pumsavanavratham.



Baba's Cure without Medicines

400. B.- (to Mahlsapathy,whose wife was unwell'

in a distant village). Your wife has a tumour in the neckr,
causingintense suffering. I shall cure it. No other wilt
cure it.

Mahlsapathywas not aware of the tumour or illness ;

butisubsequently got a letter that his wife had a tumour.
And it was cured.

H. S. D's Brother

401. H. S. D's brother was unwell at Nagpur and

a letter intimating that fact came to H. S. D. at Shirdi,
when he was before Baba.

H. S. D.-I am of no service at all, Baba (to my

brother) [Meaning that he could not help his brother
any way.]
B.-I am of much service.

The force of Baba's words was understood by H. S. D.

much later. At the time of his talk with Baba, some-
one had come to his brother at Nagpur and used the
very same words, " I am of much service ", and cured
H. S. D's brother !

Baba's forcing thought upon or Control of Minds

I. G. S. K's Prosecution

402. "The Governor came with a lance to attack

Dada Saheb: but I finally conciliated him."
[Just then G. S. Khaparde was in danger of prosecu-
tion at the hands of Govt. as a prominent u extremist "-
Lokamanya having been sent to jail just then. G. S. K.
assuredby Baba'swords " Why should any fear when I am
.here?" stayed6 monthswith Baba. Therewas no prose-
cutionlaunchedagainstG. S. K.]

403. B.-to B. Y. Dev : " This is a contest about

Rs. 25/-. I said often «Give the Rs, 25/-. But he does
not listen. He will give it in 2 or 4 months' ".
fB. Y. Dev's promotionto a highergradeand increase
in pay by Rs.25/- wasbeing withheld by Ms superiorsat
that time. He got bothafter2 or 4 months.]

II. Criminal Appeal of B's servant

404. Baba's servant Raghu and five others were
convicted of outraging the modesty of a Marwadi woman
and sentencedto six months imprisonment. Raghu cried
in goal. Baba in dream assured him he would be released
the next day. Before that, the case papers were seen
by leading lawyers who thought that successin appealwas
Tatya Patel.-Baba, theseare papersfor the appeal.
B.-Take them to Bhav (i.e., Rao Bahadur S. B.
Dhumal, Pleader of Nasik).
The papers were so taken. S. B. D. took the judge-
ment and an appeal memo to the District Magistrate's
bungalow, at Ahmednagar.
Dt. Magistrate :-What have you comefor ?
g4B, D.-For filing a criminal appeal on behalf of
Raghu, a servant of Sai Babaand five others.
Dt. Magistrate :-What are the facts ?
S. B. D. stated the facts briefly.

- Dt. Magistrate.-It looks like a strong case. What!

Six eye-witnesses
11Whatdoyou think ?

S. B. B.-Why six ! In a faction-ridden

Shirdiyoncanget 60 eye-witnesses
Dt. Magistrate,-Do you think so?
S. B. D.-Think ! Why, I ammorethansureof it.
Dt. Magistrate.-Alright. I acquit all your clients.
Give me the appeal memo.
The Dt. Magistrate without readingthe judgement or
other papers, without sending for the records or other
papers or issuing notice, wrote out the facts and positions,
relied upon the appellantsand acquittedthem.
Dt. Magistrate.- Is your Sai Baba, a Hindu or a
Moslem ?

S. B. D.-Neither. He is above both.

Dt. Magistrate.-What does he teach ?

S. B. D.-To learn that, you must go to him yourself.

While the appeallants were going from Ahmednagar to
Shirdi that same day,

B.-(to some villagers) Come here. You will see a

Ghamatkar i.e., a wonder.

Shortly thereafter, S.B.D. and the appellants finally

acquitted in the above remarkable way, came to Shirdi.
That was the Ghamafkar.

Baba's words and the Dt. Magistrate's words showed

that Baba had gripped the Magistrate's mind to mete out
summary justice without heeding for the usual forms of

Baba controls others' minds and removes obstacles

III. Dev, Mamlatdar

405. B. Y. Dev, B.A., mamlatdar, wanted to read

*Jnaneswari' as Pothi. But whenever he tried to start it,
obstacles invariably turned up. So he resolved not to read
it again till Sai Baba himself should order him to read
it. So he went to Shirdi and gave Baba 'Jnaneswari' with
one rupee so that the book may be returned to him for

B.- Why one rupee ? Bring Rs. 20/-

Dev. brought and gave Rs. 20 ; but still Baba said
"nothing about Pothi. That night Dev. was trying to talk
to Balakram Manker, who was deriving much spiritual
benefit from Baba and asked him to narrate his experi-
ences with Baba, showing how he got into His grace.
Balakram put oft the narration till the next evening. Next
day, Baba:- "G-ive me Rs. 20". Dev. paid it and went
"back and was talking to Balakram. Balakram was just
beginning his narration. Just then Baba sent for Dev and
Dev went.

B. - What were you talking ? With whom ? and

Where ?

B. V. Dev. - At Dixit wada, I was talking with Bala-

kram about your greatness and fame.

B.- Fetch Rs. 25/-.

Dev fetched and paid Rs. 25 to Baba.

B. - Sit here at the mosque.

Babathen suddenly grew angry and said :-Why are

you stealing my rag ? Is it your way; to steal and that,,
despite your grey hairs ? I will kill you with a hatchet.
Dev was bewildered and did not know what the ragp
was and what the anger would lead to. After ten minutes-
of such fiery anger, Dev was sent back. Half an hour
later, Baba sent for Dev and all others to come to the Masjid.
Then Baba addressingDev :-" Tambye Bhav, have I
wounded you by talking of the rag ? If there is a theft, it
has to be mentioned. There is no other go. Be it so. Gocf
will look to everything ". Then he asked Dev for Rs. 12/~
dakshina which Dev procured and paid.
B.-(to Dev) What are you doing ?
B.-Go on reading Pothi daily in the morning at the*-
Wada. When I wished to give you a nice laced shawl
in its entirety, why do you go and steal a tatter ?
Dev then began reading Jnaneswari as Pothi and there-
after there were no more obstacles. This was a grand
personalexperience of Baba's controlling powers and there
was no necessity for him thereafter to enquire about-the-
experience of others. Dev realised that such personal
experiences formed a full lace-shawl given by Baba and
picking up second-hand information from others of their
experiences of Baba amounted to stealing rags of Baba.

Though Dev succeeded in reading Jnaneswari without

obstacle he had made no progress in understanding its
meaning. Baba then appeared in his dream and asked,
44Do you understand the meaning of what you read ?

(with tears):-No. How canI understandunless

yon grant it by your grace? "
B.-You arereading too hastily. Sit by my side and

Dev.-What shall I read ?

Then Dev went in and brought Adyatma Ramayana.
Then the dream endedand Dev woke up.

(i) Baba's avowal
406. Babaat the close of the noon Arati one day
declared (a fact well known to staunch devoteesin their
everyday experience) :-
Be wherever you may,
Do whatever you may,
Rememberthis always,
I ever know whate'er you do or say.

* Ubiquity: Anterjnan (Omniscience) "

Aiharva Veda :-
If two persons sit together and scheme, King Varuna is there as a
third and knows it.
He that would flee beyond Heaven
Far away could not flee from King Varuna.
King Varuna sees through all that is between heaven and earth
and all that is beyond. He has counted the winks of men's eyes.
Atharva Veda IV. 16-2, 4, 5,
Varuna is immanent in a drop

(2) Baba gave constant proof of his all-knowing

nature to H. S. D.

407. In 1917 after Dusserah, Kaka Mahajani's

master's (i.e., Takersay Salt's) son told K. M. at Bombay,
that Salt wanted him (K. M.) to go to Sai Baba and learn.
Baba's orders about Salt's health. K. M. suggested that
H. S. Dixit being at that time at Shirdi might be written.
to. But the Salt's son insisted that K. M. should go
personally and at once get Baba's order, as that alone
would satisfy the Salt, Thereupon, K. M. started for
Shirdi. This was about 5 P. M. At that time, Baba told
H. S. D. at Shirdi, " What discussions and deliberations
go on there 1" When K. M. arrived the next day and talked
about the matter to Baba, Baba told H. S. Dixit, ** It is
this matter I told you of yesterday."

Then K. M. and H. S. Dixit compared notes and

found how Baba saw everything and knew everything at
the same time at places hundreds of miles apart.

(3) Baba on Gajanan's Passing away

408« When Gajanan Maharaj passed away at She-
gaon,Baba said at Shirdi :-My Gajananis gone.
Some Shirdi people at once wrote to Shegaon to
inquire about Gajanan Maharaj and the reply came that
he passedaway on the day when Babaspoke of his death.

(4) Das Ganu's Sub-inspectorship

409. Babato Das Ganu (then a Constable):-Ganu,
you had better resign your police service.

D. G.-I will do so after becoming a Sub-Inspector

(Fouzdar)andretainingtheplacefor one year.
B.-But youarenot goingto get it.
Ganu went without permissionof his superiors to
Nizam'sstatesand when he was about to cross the river
to get backto his station,he found a number
of enviousconstableswatchingto note liis return and
report against him. Then he took up a palmful of
Godavariwater in hand and swore that if he escaped
punishmentat that time, he would give up service. Htt
turnedbackto the nativeStateand found a rubber guug-
dividing their booty. Arresting them and eemn^ the
property he returned to his station and pleading the
seizureasthe excuse
for leavingthe station, not only
escapedpunishment but also got good grounds for pro-
motion. So he did not resign. As he rode past Shirdi,
hopingto avoidBaba,Babawason the road.
whois it thattookthe vow with a palmful
of Godavari water in hand ?
B. G. Whatharmis there? I am really -oin- to
resign after all.

B.-Wait,youwill notlistento me while thingsare

laterhegotintotrouble. A fmewhich
whilehewasin chargeof the station<md
paidat thestation
wasnotsentup to Government
; and
andimprisonment seemed
to beImminent
Hevowed again
He escaped
hewould leave
and left service.
theserviceif he<*eapoi

(5) ThembeSwami'sCocoanut
410. When-I). 6r. was touring, one Thembe Swami
gavehim cocoanut to be presentedto Sri Sai Baba; but
on the way his companions
ate up the cocoanut.D, G.
arrived at Shirdi, and went to Baba without the cocoanut.
Baba accostedhim with the words, " Here is a thief-
Where is the cocoanutgiven for me by my brother ?"

(6) Kaka Maharaj'spassingaway

411. Kaka Maharaj of Dopeshwar gave leave to
H. @.Joshi, a pleaderof Thana and another to go to Sai
Babafor paying their respects. But they waited a while
and Kaka Maharaj passedaway. When they arrived at the
Shirdi mosque,Babawasin a towering passion, apparently
ungovernable. But Baba saw them and said :-" Bring
thosetwo persons,hereinto the mosque."
When they camein, Babawas calm and cool.
B.-You have killed that old man and come here ?

This was a referenceto Kaka Maharaj's death.

(7) Gadgil's first visit-Coming from Bhimasankar

412. ChidainbarKesliav Gadgil was told by a Sadhu
living at Bhima Sankar temple at Poona to go and see
* the Saint at Shirdi'.

Gadgilcameto Shirdi for the first time. Gadgil to

Schoolmaster Shama :-Is there a saint here ?
Shama.-There is none. You see that mad muslim
fakir seated
in the mosque.
That is the only manwe
have here.

Anyhow Gadgil and his friends walked the few steps

fco the mosque.

B.-(showering a lot of foul abuse) Don't get up the

mosque, I arn a moslem. Go and fall at the foot of the
Sadhu at Bhima Sankar Temple.

Gadgil discoverd at once the Antarjaan of Baba and

became his staunch devotee.

(8) G-adgil's Presents

413. L. G. Munge accompanied Chidambar Keshav
Gadgil, Mamlatar of Sinnere and his friend Vaman Rao
on their trip to Baba. On the way, on the night before
going to Shirdi, Gadgil set apart some dates, one rupee
and a packet of Udh Battis (scented sticks) to be given to
Baba. As soon as they reached the Mosque,

B.-(to Gadgil) Give me my dates, my Udhubhatti

packet and my one rupee.

(9) Gadgil's worship of Baba as Ganapathi

414. C. K. Gadgil was worshipping Sai Baba, regar-
ding him in his niind as Ganapathi.

B.-This cunning man spies a rat under me.


(10) R. 3. Dev's ideas and Upadesh.

415. When R. S. Dev intending to go to Akkalkote
"called on the way at Shirdi, Baba said :-" I must.go to"
Akkalkote," (thereby expressing the visitor's predomi-
nating idea.)

Again, when R. S. Dev having his own Sarnpradaya

Guru at Ratnagiri askedBaba, " Give me upadeshand be
my gnru ",

B.-There is no need for a guru. It (the upadesh) is-

all within you. Try to listen within and follow the-
direction you get. We must look at ourself i.e., the-
monitor, the Guru.

Baba was echoing back the ideas already in R. S.

Dev's mind, in these words.

(11) Dr. Mulky's Mistakes.

416. Dr. D. M. Mulky recovered from serious illness
after vowing to Baba to go to Shirdi, but failed to do so.
Once going as far as Manmad for tbat purpose, Dr. M, met
the Railway booking clerk who talked against Sai Baba and
said he was an immoral and dangerous man. Dr. Mulky
ran back to Bombay and later his sister-in-law induced him
to visit Baba.

Baba gave out details of the vow, the incidents at the

Manamad Railway station etc. and Dr. Mulky felt fully
ashamed of believing the booking clerk.

Dr. Mulky.-Baba, give me leave to go to my place.

B.-Yes, go, read Jnaneswari and you will findaii

order on your table that you are transfered to Bijapur on

Doctor went back and found the order on the table

exactly as stated by Baba.

G. G. Narke.

(12)Babais Mad, (13)Beggingbowl, (14)Kupni gift.

417. At Baba's Arati G. G. Narke found him in a
rage without any apparent cause and wonderedif Baba
was mad. This was a passing thought. Later in the even-
ing when G. G. N. massaged
Baba'sfeet,Babato G. G. N :-
" I am not mad."

418, OnedayG. G. N. thought that Baba should give

him the opportunity to serve him, by going out at noon to
beg food as his proxy in the village at the four customary
places,as YamanRaopatelB.A., L.L,B., wasthen doing.
Some devotee.-Baba, should not Vaman Rao be sent
for Biksha ?

B.-(pointing to G. G. N.) Let this man go and beg

food for me.

G. G. N. had that privelege for four months.

419. G. G. N. foundBabadistributing Kupnis (gowns),

and thought (from a distance) that Baba should give him
a Kupni.
B.-(not giving him one). Do not blame me for not
giving you one. That Fakir (God) has not permittedme.
[N.B.-Kupni denotesasceticism. G.G.N. was not to
be an asceticbut a Grihasta,i.e., a family man.]

(15) S. B. Nachne-Leave
420. S. B. Nachne, when going to visit Baba for the
first time, alighted at Kopergaon station. The S. M. there
told him "Babais a merehypnotist. He is deceivingpeople

like so many jugglersall over the country. " This unsettled

itfachne's mind.
Baba jas soon as he saw Nachne :-What, have you
come away without taking leave from the inamlatdar ?
B.-Do not behave like this.

Nachne wondered how Baba knew he was a mamalt-

dar's clerk, who had come away without permission and
was glad to note Baba's kindness in giving the advice.
Tlae Antarjnan and kindness of Baba thus shown freed
him from the doubts created by the S.M. Baba evidently
used his "Antarjnan and manifested his kindness for that
very purpose.

(16) S. B. Nachiie and 2 annas

421. S. B. Naclme was commissioned by a devotee
to deliver to Baba annas two, a cocoannt etc. Nachne
delivered only the articles, but not the money, as he for-
got all about it.
S. B. N.-Baba, give me leave to go.
B.-Yes, you may go via Chitale. But why do you
withhold a poor Brahmin's two annas ?
Thus reminded, S.B.N. performed his duty and paid 2
annas to Baba.

Baba.-When you undertakeanything, carry it out

thoroughly, or do not undertake it.

(17) Bate's oranges

422. Nachne went once with Date ; and Date had
kept someorangesin their cart, at their lodgings,for Date's

Palaharam faral and brought only the remaining oranges

to Babaandpresented
them. Theoranges
to personspresent. A Marwadi girl asked Baba for more.
Baba to Date :-Go and bring the oranges.

(18) Eajaballi Mohammad: Bark

4-23. (Rajaballi Mohammed went to Naeik for
receivingtanning barksfrom a contractorat Nasik, found
the barks not ready, and came to Shirdi. He wanted to go

B.-That man is not yet ready to deliver your goods.

Rajaballi Mohamed stayed 2 or 3 days and then went
to Nasik and found Baba's statement true.

(19) Meglia's Caste Pride

424. Megha was an illiterate Brahmin sent by H.V.
Sathe to go to Shirdi. On the way he was told that Baba
was a moslem and so he had a strong aversion to Baba.
But H. Y. Sathe prevailed upon him to go. As soon as
Megha went to Baba,
B.-Kick out that rascal. You are a high caste
Brahmin and you will lose your casfceby bowing to me.
Get away. Do not come here. Why does that fool of a
Saheb (H. V. S.) send this idiot to me ? Megha then went
"away from Shirdi, stayed one year and a half at Triambak,
had stomach and other pains, got faith in Baba, came to
Baba and became his pujari in 1910. In 1912 when he
passed away, Baba passed his hand over his corpse and said:
4t This is a true devotee of mine ". Megha regarded Baba
as an avatar of Siva.

(20) N. Londa's Caste Pride

425. Narahari Londa of Nivas went- with some others

to Baba's mosqueto take darshaii. On the way, he alone

was oppressedby the doubt how he, a Brahmin could bow
to Baba,a moslem. The othersbowed and paid Dakshina
and were well received by Baba.
When Londa was making up his mind to go near
Baba, Baba darted a fierce glance as much as to sayr
" You dare not come near. Mind, if you do". Again
and again, he thought of going near but with the same
result. Then he went over from the mosque, to the
Khandoba temple, where Baba's Brahmin devotee Upasani
Maharaj was living, where also he was repulsed. U. M. sat
with legs outstretched, but when N. L. repeatedly tried
to take darshan, he shifted his leg and prevented darshanr
saying, " You are Brahmin. You can not take darshan of
Sai Baba!! What businesshave you with me here ?"

(21) Hari Kanoba's Sandals

426. Hari Kanoba started from Bombay with friends
for Shirdi to test Sai Baba. He wore a lace turban
on his head and sandals on his feet. Going to Baba, he
left the sandals out and took darshan. When he came
out, his sandals had disappeared and could not be
discovered even after search. Then he went away to his-

. Baba, picking up the sandals, called a Mahratta boy

and said :-Boy, perch these sandalson the top of a stick
and go out crying, " Harika Beta, Jarika Peta". If
anyone claims the sandals, ask him if his name is Harika,

Beta and also if he has a lace turban and, if he

has, give the sandalsto him. When the boy came near
H. K's lodgings,
he claimedthe sandals,sayingthat his
name was Hari's son and showing his lace turban.
Kanoba was his father's name. It means Han and Hari
Kanobabeing his name,Baba'sHarika Beta resembled
it very muchand he wonderedhow Babadiscoveredhis
name and sent the shoes.

(22) Soma Deva Swami: Baba's Standards

In 1911 Somadeva Swami caine to Shirdi to see Baba.
But when he saw two giant standards floating over the
masjid he said to himself " This proudly floating a flag is in-
consistent with a sadhu's humility " and told his companions
that he would not like to go to Baba ; but finally he was-
persuaded to go and see Baba. When he went and saw
Baba from the Mantap, he gazed at Baba's eyes and was-
entranced. Tearssuffusedhis eyes and choked his throat
and he was quivering with joy. But as he approached-
Baba, Baba was furious and thundered out abuse.

B.-Get back to your house. Beware of entering in

to my mosque again. Why take darshan of one who-
floats a flag or a standard ? Is that the sign of a Sadhu ?.
You should not remain here one minute.

Swamiwonderedat Baba'sperfect Antarjnan.
(23) Gurjar and 1 Rupee
427. One Dhundiraj V. Gurjar alias Bapu sahebwas-
going to Shirdi and Mrs. Kanitkar delivered onerupee to
him to bepaid to Baba. At Shirdi he stayed for two or three
days. Babaaskedhim for dakshinaeachday. Onthe last day,

B.-These three days I have been noting with amuse-

ment that you are each time giving your own dakshina,
-hidingin your pocketthe rupeedeliveredto you by the lady.
"Will you give it ?
Then Gurjar, thus reminded,gavethe rupee.

(24) Manker-not delivering Mrs. T's Peda

(25) Lizard's tick
428. A lizard tic-ticked at Baba'smosque.
Someone:-What is the meaningof the lizard's tick ?
B.-She is rejoicing that her sister is coming from
Presentlysomeone cameon horsebackfrom Auranga-
bad and threw out the contentsof his pouchof gram. A
lizard fell therefrom. That lizard ran into the mosque and
"wassoonplaying with the lizard already there.

(26) Gholkar's Tea with sugar

429. One Cholkar, had by Baba's grace obtained
.-successin an examination and employment and had to
fulfil his vow of goingto Shirdi. Bat as his pay was poor,
he savedmoney for the trip by avoiding the use of sugar in
.histea. Then he cameto Shirdi, whereBapu SahebJog
washis host. Beforehe narratedthe abovefacts,
Baba(to Jog):-Give him(C)plentyof sugarin histea.
(27) Pandari Vakil
Insincerity and Scandalisingexposed
430. A Pleader
from Pandharptir
knownto H. S.
to Baba,
-and paid dakshina.

E.-What humbugspeopleare ! They fall at one'sfoot,

pay dakshinaand yet abuseone in their hearts.
The pleaderconfessedlater to H. S. Dmt that Baba
referred to what he had done at the Bar room of Pan-
dharpur where he joined other pleaders in scandalising
their munsiff or subjudge,(Noolkar?) " who despitehis
education went to Baba an illiterate fakir, for overcoming
his eye troubles,diabetesetc."

(28) 7. H. Takur's Buffalo ride

431. V. H. TakurB. A., a clerk in the SurveyDepart-
ment got a copy of Nichaldas' Vicharasagarafrom a saint,
Kanadi Appa, who told him that in his later travel in the
north, .a saint with realisation, would teach him. On his
way to someplaces,he had to ride on a buffalo in going up
a hill and that galled him in his seat. When he came to
Baba, Baba of his own initiative said :-

You have been told by that saint that you will get
teaching. But the spiritual path is rough. As in your
buffalo ride there, here also you must undergo much

(29) Modak's Friend

Besiling from intended Gift
432. V, L. Modak went with a friend to SMrdi. Each
intendedto giveRs.2/- to Babaas dakshinaandsetit apart
in his poeket.
Babato Y. L. M :-Will you give me dakshina?
V. L. M :-Yes.

And he paid Rs. 2/-.


Baba to V. L. M's friend:-Will you give me

dakshina ?

The friend:-Yes.

And he paid Re. I/-.

B.-What liars some peopleare ! They set apart
Us. 2/- in their pocketsto bepaidto the fakir. Why then
pay only Re. I/- now ? If moneyis requiredfor travelling
-expenses,is there not plenty of moneyin the other pocket ?

(30) N. E. S's relationship

433. N. R. Sahasrabudde
treateda lady for incipient
lunacy at Shirdi and cured her by Baba's Udhi and
grace. This was mentioned to Baba as a matter to
'N. E. S's credit.

Baba.-Whom has he helped? It is his own daughter-


N. R. S. was not aware of the relationship ; but when

he enquired,he foundout that thelady wasthewife of his
$agotra Kinsman.

(31) Jayakar's doubts cleared.

434. Jayakar sat by Baba one day at the mosque
and SatyanarayanaPothi (Puran) was being read at the
mantap, which is three feet lower in level than the floor
of the mosque. Jayakar's mind was much upset in trying
to solve the conflicting merits and demerits of his stay
near Baba at the mosque.
(1) It is always goodand meritorious to be near Baba.
(2) But listeningto Satyanarayana
Pothi wasa special
attraction to him and

(3) Moreover,remainingon a higher level when

ISatyanarayanaPothi was read at a lower level was not
When his mind was torn and undecided about these
issues, Babaread his mind and said :- Go and attend Pothi.
Tins settled his course.

Dakshina etc. to give effect to-intention or to duty.

(32) Dixit's daksirina of Rs. 25/-
435. H. S. Dixie intending to give Baba Rs. 25/- and
^B, garland, went to Baba and gave the garland first.
B.- This garland calls for Rs. 25/-.
Then H. S. D. gave the Rs. 25/- Dakshina.

(33) Dixit's Betel

436. H. S. Dixit one day in doing pooja of Baba's
.picture failed to offer Tambool i. e., betel and nut. When
lie went to Baba,

B. - Kaka, give me betel and nut.

(34) Khaparde's Dakshina

437. G. S. Khaparde's son dreamt that Baba came
*o his house and had his meal. Next day he went to
OBaba, to verify if really Baba came to his house. Baba
".anticipated his question.
B. - Last night you fed me, but gave no Dakshina,
give me dakshina.

(35) Uddavesa's loss of money and thirst

438. Uddaveaa
Bua, of Dahann,startingwith a party
of friends went on board a steamer to go to Dwaraka.

When on the boat, his entire money and the tickets of all
fell into the sea. At Dwaraka, having no money, he wrote
a letter to Sai Baba at Shirdi wanting money and mentioned
the above facts. That very night before his letter could
reach Shirdi a rich man at Dahanu had a dream in which
he was told " Your father's money has dropped into the sea.
Send him money ". That man accordingly sent Rs. 50/- to
U. B. at Dwaraka. Then Uddhavesa Bua continued his
pilgrimage. One day he climbed up a hill and when half
way up felt scorching thirst which was allayed after
sometime by a fakir giving him water. When U. I?.
returned to Shirdi, Syama went up and reported his arrival
to Baba, before U. B. reached the mosque.
Baba at once:-I have seen him. Baba then quoted
two lines of verse.

" How money fell into the sea and how God gave him
money and water to drink ".

(36) V. S. Mulherkar-Pucca Devotee

439. V. S. Mulherkar, head clerk at Bandra was
travelling to Shirdi along with N. G. C. and on the way, at
Kopergaon, he told someone that N. G. C. was a Pucca
(ripe) Bhakta. On arrival at Shirdi, Baba repeated the
phrase and asked him.
44Is Nana a Pucca Bhaktha and you a Kutcha (i. e.

(37) Special Peda and Mrs. Mulherkar's life

440. Mulherkar bought special peda at Pandharpur
and brought it to Shirdi and gave it to Baba.

Baba, without being told about these facts said :-

This pedais from Pandharpnr
and it hasbeen*specially
brought for me.

Baba gave a full description of the daily life of M's


(38) D. D. Easane-Money still left in Pocket.

44.1. D. D. Rasane, and his cousin had paid dakshina
several times. They had RB. 25/- left and had written for
more money.

B.-Give me dakshina.

D. D. B. and Cousin :-No money left, Baba.

B.-Why talk humbug. You have RB. 25/- left still
with you and the money you have written for will arrive
cf. R. B. P.

(39) Babu Rao Boravke and the forgotton rupee

442. Babu Rao Boravke when young was without
money and was going to Shirdi. On the way, he went
to his uncle, whotold him not to go with (j?3Rg3xf)
emptyhandsto a saintandgavehim Re.I/- to giveBaba.
Boravke arrived at Shirdi.
8.-Give me Dakshina, Re. l/-
Boravke.-(forgettingthe newly acquiredrupee)I have
B. See Re. I/- is in your pocket. You most give
Re. I/- to a fakir.
Boravkefelt in his pocket,foundthe rupeeandgav^it.

(40) Device Exposedof Printer, N. V,

443. Kolambo's friend N. V., a Bombay printer knew
that Baba would ask for Dakshina, and in order that he
may conscientiously deny having money, left his money
with. Kolambo.

Baba (to N. V.) :-Give Rs. 2/- Dakshina. Take it from

that man (pointing to Kolambo) and give it.
V. found that Baba's all seeing eye could not be
hood winked.

(41) Mr. T.-One must correct himself after

discovering a mistake

444. Mr. T. when starting from home was asked by

his wife for money. He believed that he had -'none in his
pocket, said so and came down. Then he discovereda
rupee in his pocket, but did not go up to give it. He went
away to office.
Weeks later, Mrs. T. and Mr. T. went to Baba.

Baba (addressing Mrs. T.).-Mother, nowadays, how

deceitful peopleare! He hasa rupeein his pocketand yet
said. no.

(Mr. T. then only confessed

his mistaketo his wife.)
(42) Lala Laclimichand
445. Lala Lachxnichand, one night in 1910 saw in his
dream a beardedold man (surroundedby his devotees), a
figure unknown to him. Later on he found that old Man's
picture with Das Gaiiu Maharaj and learnt that it was Sai
Baba of Shircli. He resolvedto go to Shirdi and borrowed

Bs. 15/- for the expense. On the way L. L. questioned

people about Sai Baba, to learn more about him. When he
reached Shirdi and came before Baba, the latter without any
intimation of the above facts spote out at once.

B.-Rascal, he goes on questioning others. Why

question others ? Regarding what one sees with one's own
eyes, why ask others ? One must decide for oneself whether
what he has seen in his dream is true or not. He borrows
from a Marwadi. What was the urgency for the darsan ?
Is the heart's desire now satisfied ?

(43) L.L's Sanza-Baba's Consideration for hunger

446. L. L. went to wada and came before Baba expect-
ing Sanza i.e.. Semolina pudding and in a hungry state.
Jog.-Baba, what Naivedya shall I prepare ?
B.-Prepare Sanza. If one is hungry, that is good
(again). Now Sanza is ready, hurry up Arati worship.

(44) Rich Man's adopted boy

447. A rich man's adopted boy was brought by him
to Shirdi with great difficulty and sat with his adoptive
father before Baba. Then that boy thought within himself
that he would decamp from the place without telling his
adopted father.
Baba, at once, spoke :-No one should leave Shirdi
today without leave from me.

The boy found that he was found out and confessed

his idea of decamping.

50Rs.andNeedfor it
448, Baba to Police officer :-Give me dakshina.
P.O.-I have none.
]3. See,in your pocketis a 50 Re. note.
P. O.-Here, take it.
]3, No. Keepit, yon will soonhaveneed for it.
P. O. went back and was in trouble very soon and had
need for the 50 Re. note.

Baba and Black Magic

449. (1) TheosophicalLady :-(thinks whether Baba's
extraordinary powers * are casesof black magic).
Sai Baba.-Black ! This is a Brahmin, a pure Brahmin,
a white Brahmin. He will lead thousands on to the Subhra
Marga i. e. white or Pure path (to God). No (Black) Kala
Tavana can put his foot here.
450. (2) Baba to Kusa Bhav :-Stop all your magical
feats, and then come here,

* Baba's Powers Were not acquired one after another by dint of

repeating mantras and going through rites intended for such
acquisition. His powers were part of his nature, as developed by the
Guru's grace, after a course of prolonged and intense love and devotion
to the Guiu God. c. f. Srimad Bhagavata. V (5) 35, where the saint
Rishabha in proceeding with his blissful God-realisation, i.e., realisa-
tion of Vasudeva,as Godexternalto himself andas his self, developed,
siddhis such as (1) Dttragrahana-st&ing things happening at any
distance, (2) Antardkana*suddenappearanceand disappearance, (3)
j&anojava-qm.<& flash of thought, achieving all feats of intellect or
reason-intuition intensified, (4) Parakayapravesa-
entering other bodies
living or deadand(5) J^w'y5*y0.r0-travelling
with a physicalbody
through air, despite obstructions like walls etc.-

451. (3) Baba to a victim of Black Magic :-God will

A man of Parwani was the victim of B]ack Magic.

Food looked like hair, and smelt like dung. His articles
caught fire spontaneously. He tried poojas and profes-
sional inantrics in vain. He came to Shirdi. Baba blessed
him. The Black Magic was destroyed.

452. (4) Evil Spirits were removed by Babaor in his


(a) Hansraj was said to be affilicted with an evil

spirit. He came to Baba.

Baba (slapping him) :-Evil spirit ! Be off.

Hansraj had no more evil spirit and his Asthma

(chronic) also left him by staying with Baba.

(&) Mrs. Tipnis was possessed and was brought to

Shirdi. The evil spirit gradually left her while at Shirdi
by Baba's blessing.

Benefits from Knowledge of the Future-

Courage and Endurance.

453. (1) Baba to R. B. P.-Do not cry. This trouble

(Asthma) breathing hard, Allah has given me. It will pass
away, in 2 or 4 days.

454. (2) Baba to H.' S. Dixit -.-You will have fever.

It will last only eight days. Do not be worried over it.
Dixit got fever, but was indeed, so free from worry,
that in spite of friends' protests, he declined to take

medicines and consumed food and drink that is considered

i.e., unsafe for the sickly. In 8 days he regained


(A) Baba'stracing Past lives of others
455. B.-[ (1) To BalasahebBhate] :-You were a
Khatri in your past life, and your present wife and son
were of the weaver (Sali) castein their past life.
456. B-(2) Yasudeva Kaka was (in his past Janma)
a Rajput named Jai Singh whose daughter turned out bad
and became the mistress of a Barwar.

457. B.-(3) Koudaji's son who died recently (in

1912) was previously a mang and before that, he was my
grandfather who died of leprosy. In all three lives, I
helped and played with or near him.
458. B.-(4) Sparrows now nesting (1912) on the
Mimbar of the Mosque were once nesting there and eaten
up by a snake. But they were again born as sparrows and
nested in the same place.
459. B.-(5) For centuries, he (R. B. Purandhare)
was connected with me.

460. B.-(6) This sister (Chandralai Borlcer) is my

sister of 7 Janmas. Wherever I go she seeks me out.
461. B.-(7) You introduce, him to me ! I have
known him (G-.{?. NarTce)for 30 generations.
462. B.-(8) Shama (Madhava Rao Deshpande), I
havebeenwith you for 72 generations,and neverpinched
you till now.

463. B.-(9) (Re. Mrs. Q. 8. Khaparde) Formerly she

was the cow of a bania and gave (me) plenty of milk.
Then after death shewas born a mail's (gardener's) daughter
and later went to a Kshatriya. Then she married the Bania
and then was born a Brahmin.

After a long spell of time, I am seeingher again and

the food she gives me is sweet.

This was in explanation to Shama's objection that Baba

was showing partiality to Mrs. Khaparde by tasting her
Naivedya first, without touching any of the previous
Naivedyas already offered.

(10) G. S. Khaparde
464. Baba to G. S. Khaparde :-
In a former birth, you were with me for two or three
years, and went into royal service, though there was enough
at home to live in comfort.

465.-(11) Rao Saheb Yeswant Rao J. Galwankar

went to Baba in 1917.

Baba, placing his palm over his head (and thereby

putting him in ecstacy) said :-This is a person, who has
had integrity and purity in his previousbirths. I therefore
placed him in his present mother's womb and he still retains
those qualities.

466.-(12) Baba, to T. A. Karnik (Kalyan):-I have

known you for 2000 years. You were always obstinate
and up to monkey tricks.

went back to our shade at the tree foot and smoking

our chilm, I then explained It all to him. Some 2 or
3 Eros from my place, there was a holy place. A dilapi-
dated Mahadeva temple was there, People resolved to
.renovate it. They collected funds for the purpose. A
"very rich man was made the treasurer. He had strict
and regular accounts. But he was a born miser. The
building was left incomplete and fresh collections were
made. Still no progress -was made in the building work.
God sent his wife a dream, wherein she was tolds " If
you spend any money on this temple renovation, Siva
will give it back to you a hundred fold." She mentioned
this to her lord. He feared that it was involving
him in expense. So he laughed it out as a mere dream,
.and not a thing to be acted on. " Else, why did not God
come to me and tell me ? Am I very far from you ?" she.
.said. Then God came to her again in a dream and said
that she need not bother herself about his wealth and
that she might (if she liked) give any little thing she
"could scrape up of her ovm. She had her sridhan
ornaments. She went and told her husband of the dream
and of her desire to give her ornaments to God. Now
this miser wanted to cheat God in this transaction. The
jewels were worth Rs. l.OOO/-.*So he said to his wife
that he would take the jewels himself and give God a
land. Bat that land he held only as a mortgagee (s6me
poor widow was the mortgagor). It was an uncultivated
piece of coastland which yielded nothing in the bestof
seasons.This he gave away to the God (or to the Poojari i.e.
-templepriest as an inam for worship ?). Then camelater
-a terrible storm. Lightning burnt down Ms hou&e.

He and his wife died. In tlie next life, the rich man was
born at Mathura (Muttra). She was born as the daughter
of the Poojari of Siva and was named Gowri. Dubaki the
mortgagor was born as a man named Basappa and was
adopted as Poojari's heir. The rich man in his rebirth was
named Virabadra. The Poojari of Siva's temple was a
great friend of mine and he would conie to smoke with me*
His daughter also was devoted to rde. Her father, the
Poojari considered whom he should wed her to. I told him
44Do not bother. A man will come to yon for her hand."
Veerabadrappa left his poor parents and begged his food
wherever he went and finally came to poojari's house,
and offered to wed his daughter. Veerabadra married
Gowri. Veerabadra also bacame my devotee. But he
was hankering after money. He told me that I was res-
ponsible for his marriage and should help him to get

I said. " Wait. Better times are coming."

The coastland suddenly rose in value and was sold for

one lakh of rupees. Half the price was paid in cash. The
rest was promised in 25 instalments of Rs. S^OO/- each.
All agreed to this in joy. Then Yirabadrappa and Basappa
quarrelled over that money. I said Gowri was the sole
proprietrix of the priest's property. Gowri had a dream
that she should hold the property herself and not allow any
one to claim it. Gowri sought my protection. I gave her
a pledge that J would cross 7 seas even to help her. (It
appears as though In that Jannia, Baba was a Moslem with
siddhies living in the masjid). Yirabadrappa disputed with
Basappaand both came to me. I tried in vain to appease

Veerabadra. He was wrathful with me, got mad and

"threatenedto kill Basappaand cut him to pieces. Basappa
"was timid and' sought my protection. I pledged myself
to save him from the vindictive wrath of Veerabadrappat
Veerabadra became mad \fith rage and cursed and swore at
"me and all. Then Veerabadra died and was born as a
serpent, Basappa died and was born as a frog. Hearing
Basappa's miserable croaking and remembering my pledge,
I have kept my word and saved Basappa the frog
from Veerabadra the snake. G-od has saved his devotee
Basappa 'by sending me. All this is God's Lila.



Baba's Eeminiscences (without specifying age)

Compulsory labour
474. I went to a place, and by the Patil's compulsion,
I made a plantation and also a hard footpath through it.
475. Once I had heart palpitation and my life was
in great danger. I put Vishnu sahasranama over my
chest. God descended from it into my body and the disease
left me and I was safe.

476. Baba.-Once I was a little boy and I tried to earn

my bread. I started in quest of employment. I went to
Bid and got employed in weaving lace cloths. I never
wearied in my work. By my fakir's (master's) ways, there
was no feeling of fatigue. Each day I turned out as much
work as four boys together Lurned out. One boy produced
Rs. 50/- cloth per diem, another Us. 100/-, another Rs. ISO/-

and I Rs. 600/-worth. My employer was pleased.He loved

me and praisedme to others.He gaveme nice dress,a pagota
for my headand shawl for uppercloth. I did not usethem,
but gave them away to others. What Sircar (God) gives
lasts for ever, not what man give.
477. I was Kabir and used to spin yarn.

478. I had four brothers. The eldest had all the

money. His wife starved us all. I earned money by a
contract and fed all including the eldest brother. He
became.aleper and "was shunned by all and cast out. I
"attended on him, fed him and looked after his comforts.
Ultimately he died.

"479. I was with 4,000 persons. Then an epidemic

broke out. They were in fear. Then I assured the 4,000
and said, " I will die rather than let you die. I will not
let you die."

480. In the place, where this Shirdi masjid (i.e.

Baba's) stands, one Muzafar Shah lived. He owned
property extending for miles, i. e., up to Nandurki, where
his son lived. I stayed with him and cooked for him. He
died where the Dhuni (fire) is glowing now in this mosque.

481. One Devotee :-Baba, what is your native place ?

B.-I came here from Aurangabad. My maternal
uncle (Mama) brought me down here.
Devotee :- What is the name of that Mania ? Where is
he now ?

B,-(laughing) He was a mad man, having no name.

He must be living somewhere now.

482. B,-My brother once misbehaved and was conse-

quently excommunicated.I looked after him and eventually
had him re-admitted into caste.

483. B.-In 1913gave out a long personal story of a

previous birth of his.
We were two brothers. We walked on. On the way
my brother went ahead. He was bitten by animals and he-
died. Five or six men came up and asked me. "Where is
your brother ?". I told them the facts and acl"!«"»&4I made a
shroud for him.' Refusing to believe me they went in,
search for him, despite my protest and were eaten up by
animals. A stout lady came next, made the same enquiry
and the same search and shared their fate. I gave her also
the shroud. Then as I went on, six or seven moslems-
came with a sheep. They cut it before me and asked me to
eat the flesh. I said I was a Brahmin and could not eat it.
They then began to force it into my mouth. I said, " I
will pray to God and then eat." I covered the flesh with a
cloth and then prayed to God. Then the mutton was
converted into huge red roses. They were so big that you
could not enclose one rose into your palm. The moslems
went away. Then I walked on. I was walking on a
footpath and was enclosed by a wide expanse of clear water.
No path was visible from there. This is God's work.

Baba, then turning to Shama :-What is our duty ?

Behave properly. That is enough. Go to the Wada and
read Pothi.

484. Baba said once :<-As a boy I was weaving shawls

and my father was once so pleased with my work that he
gave me a present or Es. 5/- or so.

485. I was once eating food (i.e. living) in the East

Coast (CoromandelCoast).
486. B.-Pshaw, what of Akbar ? I protected him
in his infancy. He stood in fear of me.

487. That Brahmin of Paithan, (evidently referring

to Ekanath) I knew. Such excellent Brahmins are not
to be found now-a-days.
488. Chanbai Patel came to me saying, " Where did
you drive my horse ?".
I replied, *' Why do you charge me ? Go and see. Your
horse;is grazing at the hedge." (And the horse wasthere).
489. Baba, to Balakrishna Upasani Sastri:-I^was
at the battle in which Rani of Jhansi took part. I was
then in the army.
490. My rich father had much buried wealth. I
sat on one and became a big cobra. After a time, I left the
treasure and regained human form.

491. Baba(to G. S. K.) :-I was here (at Shirdi or on

the banks of Godavari) eight or ten thousand years ago.
492. An old Patil was on this field, and he used to
visit me. Detectives(Govindas) 4 or 12 used to watch.
The old man and they had disagreements and once they
had a scuffle with him, and I helped the old man then. He
was hauled up and taken to a big town to be dealt with.
I intervened and got him released.

493. When I was young, I was going away far from

Jalna. There was a mango tree on t he way. Its fruits
were all marred by insects. I struck > n nails in the tree.

That cured the defect. The fruits produced thereafter

were free from insects.

494. B.-I and Sakharam(of Angaonkavad)studied

underthe same guru and we both planted mangoeswith
our own hands. Two fruits from them I have sent just
now (1909)for you, Mrs. Kanitkar.
Mrs. Kanitkar next day received at Kopergaon on her
way back two mango fruits from the Brahmachari of the
temple who said, " Baba sent these for you."
495. B.-When I was young I went out one morning
and suddenly became a girl and continued to be so for
sometime thereafter.

Baba's Sadhana(in a former life) ~

496. B.-I laboured very hard. I went without food
for months and fed myself on leaves of Kala Tekkal,
Neein, and other trees. God was very good to me.
Life never became extinct though all flesh got wasted and
bones appearedto be in danger of crumbling away.

Self-Sacrificing Service Always

497. My fatherfoundabar maid sellingdatetoddy
in a garden to two hundred Rohillas, taxed her (wedded
her or), got sons by her. She refused to go with him and
favoured many. Worms developedon her feet. As she was
my father'swife, I tended her feet and cured her. She
died later.

498. OnceI wovecloths,

but still I couldnotgetenough
to satisfyhunger.

499. My mother was greatly rejoicing that she had

got a son, i.e., me. I was for my part wondering at her
conduct. When did she beget me ? Was I begotten at
all ? Have I not been already in existence ? Why is she
rejoicing over this ?

Baba draws people by Rinanubanda
(1) N. G. Chandorkar
500. Nana.-Baba, why did you send for me ?
Baba.-There are thousands in the world. Do I send
for them all ? Should there not be some special reasons to
send for you ?
N.-May be. I am not able to see.
B.-Nana, you and I have been intimate with each
other for the last four births. You do not know that;
but I do. So be coming here now and then when you
find time.

(2) Bhagavant Rao Kshirsagar

501. This man never worships Vittal, nor gives
Naivedya as his father did. He starves me and Vittal.
His father was my friend. So I have now drawn him here
to tell him to revive his Pooja.

502. In a former birth, I, you (6?.S. KC) Jog, KaJca,
(H. S. Dixit), Shama, and Dada Kelkar, were all living
together with our Guru in a blind alley. I hava therefore
now brought all these again together.

Nana, this man lias left a box with us, and now wants;
it back. It is not proper to refuse.

(5) Do not drive away

503. No one conies to us without Rinanubanda, i.e.,.
somepre-natalconnection, So when any dog, cat,pig, fly
or person approaches, do not drive it or him away with a
*. Hat-Hat," " Jit-Jit ".

(6) Sinanubanda for animals

504. Baba (to a performer whose tiger died) :-The
tiger's debtto you incurred in a formerbirth isnow cleared.

Baba's references to Ms being a Brahmin in the

present Janma.
5©5. (a) This is a Brahmin'smosque.
(£) This is a Brahmin, a pure Brahmin, a white
Brahmin, who -will carry thousands on to Subhra Marga.

506. (c) Baba (to Mrs. Chaubal who intended to

pay ^ rupee as dakshinato Baba, paid only J rupeeand
retreated) :-Why do yon wish to dupe me, a poor Brahmin,
ol the other 4 as ?

(d) Baba (to S. B. Nachne, who asked him leave to

start, but forgot to deliver 2 annas to Baba, though he had
received it from Y. C. S. for that purpose):-All right, you
may go back via Chitali, but do not dupe a poor Brahmin of
his two annas.


I. Baba's Appreciation of Prema

(a) Vinayak S. Giridhar of Malad

507. V. S. QTs wife being greatly devoted to Baba
took special pains to prepare a nice flower garland and sent
it to Baba through her husband*
Baba received it and kept it on his neck for a long

B.-This Is prepared with great devotion. Let her thus

garland my photo every week in your house.
(cf. Mrs. Tendulkar's Bakul garlands).
(b) E. B. Ptirandhare
508. B.-(1) I will not forget him. I will always
remember him, even if he is away more than 2,000 miles.
I will not eat, even a bit, without him.

(2) B.-R. B. P., build a house. Bo not ask' for a

single pie from anyone. I will help you myself.
Then R. B. P. built it taking a loan of Rs. 500/- from
Ms office, but it was a lonely building in a field.
B.-Do not fear. I am myself sitting there and
guarding you and your young wife.
[No mishap befell the couple by reason of their
(3) In 1915 Baba was seriously ill. He had Asthma
and hard breathing. R. B. P. without knowing of this
illness went to Shirdi, saw Baba breathing hard, and cried.
B.-Why do you cry ?
B. B. P.-I cannot endure the sight of this state of

B. Do not fear. In 2 or 4 days, I will be alright.

Allahhasgivenmethis illnessandhe will makemealright
within that period. You neednot cry. I was remembering
youthelast2 or 3 daysandtold Kaka (H. S. D.) to write
to you to come.
[Beforegettingthe letter,R.B.P.wentup to Shirdi.]
(4) R. B. P's mother wanted to go to Pandharpur to
seeVitoba. Then Baba gave her and her daughter-in-law
(R. B. P's wife) darsanof himselfas VitobaandRukmani
at the Shirdi masjid itself and they were satisfied.
Baba, afterwards:-Mother, when will you go to
Pandharpur ?
R. B. P's mother :-My God is here at Shirdi and this
is my Pandharpur.
cf" srfteft *rw qnc^p; I er? STTWT
dmrc n
(Arati song.)
(5) Baba to R. B. P.:-You must always adhere to
truth and fulfil all the promises you make. Have faith and
patience. Then I will be always with you wherever you
are and at all times.

R. B. P.:-Please get that done by me, Baba.

B.-Do not battle and quarrel. I feel sick and dis-
gusted, when you quarrel with others.

(c) Nandaram Btarwadi.

509. Nandaram
S. Marvadi(still alive) at whose
houseBabawasdaily begging
bread,wishedto leaveShirdi

on account of plague epidemic there and becausehe had


B.-Do not go. You are not going to die. I will not
let you die till I die.
Baba gave him Udhi and he was cured. He is still
alive (1940).
(d) Sai's Sabari.
510. In 1914, Ramanavami season, when myriads
flocked to Baba, an old woman was shouting,
O. W..-Hallo, take pity upon me, an old woman ?
Hallo, Baba, give me your darsan.
(Shama went out and elbowed his way back with her
into Sai Baba's presence. She melted into tears and held
Baba with both her arms round his waist.

B.-Mother ! How long have I waited for you ! Have

you brought anything for me to eat ?
0. W.-Here is a piece of stale flat bread and an onion.
I started my journey with one flat bread and two onions.
But tired by the journey, I sat at a stream in the morning
and ate off half the cake with one onion. Here its the
remainder. You had better eat it.

B.-(crunching the stale bread and eating it with

gusto) :-How sweet, 0 mother, is yonr bread !
(e) Sai's Kuchela.
511. In 1913 s Nama-saptha, Baba sat surrounded by a
large crowd.
B.-Shama, go out. Beyond the wall there is an
old man sitting and he has some sugar candy with him.

Beg of him some candy for me and bring it. Shaina went
out and found an old man, his saliva dripping, stinking pus
exuding from a wound on his chest, pestered by flies, and
wearing a rag, in one corner of which some sugar candy was
tied in a knot. Shama brought him through the crowd to
Baba and said " Here he is". Baba placed his hand in
blessing on the old man's head, took out a piece of the candy
and said "Take back the rest of the candy" (as prasad).

(f) Plantains.
512. Baba Vakharkar of Bassein sent a bunch of

plantains to Baba. The bearer came and stood before Baba

without delivering it.
B.--Hallo, (addressing the bearer), pluck one of the
fruits from that bunch. He (Vakharkar) has not yet taken
his meal. Send him a wire that Baba has eaten the plantain
and then he will take his meal.

The bearer then remembered that Vs instructions were

exactly what Baba said.

(g) Sankranti Halva-(Tilgul) ^erf)

513. In 1915, January, eight days before Sankranti,
B.-Send up Sankranti Halwa.
A messenger went up and returned from the stores
with a negative answer saying that Sankranti was eight
days off.
B.-I want Sankranti Halva now.

The messenger went up to the store again. The post-

man just then brought a packet of Tilgul, which a loving
devotee had specially sent up in advance to be tasted by

Baba. Bababy hisAntarjnanaknewof its despatch

and the
"exact time of its arrival.

(h) Mrs. T's Brinjal

514. B.-I want Kacheri (i.e. slicedvegetableof
This was not in the stores,but Mrs. Puranclharewho
had received a brinjal to be given to Babawas making
Kacheri out of it. Thus Baba claimed a loving present,
before it wasbrought to him and without any intimation of
its having been sent.

(i) Mrs. T's Peda.

515. Baba (to Govind Balram Mankar) :-Have you
brought anything for me ?
G. B. M.-Nothing.
B.-Did none give you anything to be carried to me ?
G. B. M.-None.

B.-Dear fellow, when you were starting from Bandra,

did not that mother (Mrs. R, A. T.) with great love and
"devotion deliver sweetmeat to you to be presented to me ?
G. B. M.-Yes, yes, Baba. I now remember it.

After all, the peda was some old stuff that had already
feeenoffered as Naivedya. As there was nothing else to
send to Baba through Manker, Mrs. T. sent up this old peda,
with 'great love and devotion.

(j) Mrs. G. S. Khaparde's Naivedya

516. When Baba was seated at noon in the Dwaraka
Mayi, a number of dishes had been brought at Naivedya

and placedby devoteesbefore Baba who did not touch any of

them. As soon as Mrs. G. S. Khaparde brought and placed
her dish, Baba tasted it.

Sama.-What Deva ! What discrimination is this ?

What others brought, you did not touch. As soon as this
lady brings her dish you taste it.

B.-She (Mrs. G. S. K.) was formerly a cow of a bunya

and gave (me) plenty of milk. Then she was born of a
mali (gardener) and later went to a Kshatriya. Then she
married the bunya. Then she was born a Brahmin. After
a long spell of time, I am seeing her again, and the food
she gives me is sweet (with her love).

(k) Baba's kindness to Lepers-Leper's peda.

517. A stinking feeble leper with a packet of peda
(tied up in his dirty cloth) which evidently he wanted to
present to Baba, to take back part of it as prasad, came
climbing up the steps and took considerable time to move
up to the Dhuni, take the Udhi and give it to Baba. In his
shyness and fear he parted from Baba without presenting
the peda. A lady, Mrs. Manager, who was there with Baba,
felt relieved at the stinking man's departure and said
within herself " Thank God, this fellow is off".

B.-(darting a piercing glance at her) :-Hallo, call that

man back.

The leper came and bowed, keeping the peda parcel in

his hand.

Baba, picking up that parcel and opening it:-Hallo*

what is this ? Pedas I

Babatookup a pieceand giving it to Mrs.Manager

said, " Eat this ".

And thenBabaput a piece of the pedainto his own.

mouth. Thoughthelady felt mortified,sheswallowedit,.
noting that Babawasteachingher a lessonon consideration
for fellow creatures and trust in the Guru.

Baba,taking up the balanceof the pedaand returning

it to the leper.- Take away this prasad.
Babathus enabledthe poorleper to get prasado£peda
though the man did not dare to offer it.

(1) Gifts with pure mind (Garde'sMangoes

Pandit's Sesha(urlai) ladus)
518. K. K. Garde, B.A., L.L.B., Sub-Judge, Nagpur,
(now retired) purchased at Poona Reay Market, three-
excellent mangoes and presented them to Baba.

Baba(receivingthem) :- Hallo, thesefruits he (Garde)

has purchased in the market for me, and has brought the-
whole lot to me, without tasting any part of it - quite
unlike what the pandit did the other day. Pandit got a
whole packet of ladus intending to give them to me ; but
on the way after bath in the Godavari he was hungry and
ate away some of the ladus and brought me the rest. These-
fruitsarenot ^^> or seshalike that.
(m) Gifts with impure mind- BMkubai's
flowers, melon and Peda
519. Bhikubai Bayyaji Patel returning from Ahmed- -
nagar to Shirdi brought with her a garland of flowers,.
a water melon,(Turbuj) 2^3^ and somemilk sweets,.

peda. With these,she crossed the Godavari at Kopergaon.

Then rememberingthe wretched death of a friend of hers
at that place-wasweepingand blamingBabamentally for
not averting sucha wretched death. But she forgot all those
thoughtsevidently when making the presentsto Babaat

B.--I do not want this garlandof Tultul ^ <f^

i.e., mental uneasiness.

Then she lifted the garland and went near Baba to

place it on him, Strangely, the garland snappedinto three,
-one bit on each hand and one on the floor. Then she
offered the water melon and milk sweets.

Baba refused them.

B.-This woman wasweepingand sheddingtears at the

Godavari and she has brought this with such a troubled
.heart. So I will not acceptit.

Dubious Gifts. Mrs. Kanitkar's grapes

520. Mrs. Kanitkar went with her daughters to Baba
with a very nice basket of grapes, which she specially and
lovingly brought for him.
B.-(in a kind tone) What have you brought ? Grapes?
Mrs. K.-Yes, for your sake, I have brought it from

"thebasket. As Baba was turning
over a few grapes, her daughter, Banuthayi thought the
fruits were going to be scatteredand wastedby Baba.

Babapushing asidethe whole basketto Mrs. K. said :-

£ro, take away yours.

Mrs. K, was mortified. Baba evidently feeling for her,,

picked up a few dried and worthless fruits from the basket
and returned the rest saying, " Go, now, let your children
eat this."

As Mrs. K. and her daughters returned with the basket,

Banuthayi said " Mother, I do not know what made me
think so: but as you presented the basket I thought,
" "WhatI she has given him the whole basket of fruits r
It will be all scattered in a trice. He will eat nothing and
we shall get nothing ".
Baba's action and words showed, that he appreciated
the mother's intention to present her gift which was vitiat-
ed by the daughter's unwillingness to part with it.


(a) Balwant G. Khaparde's plague drawn
by Baba to himself.
521. In 1911-12, Plague started at Shirdi and Bal-
want Khaparde, son of G. S. Khaparde had fever (evidently
Mrs. G. S. K.-Baba, give us leave to go.
B.--It is cloudy. Then it will rain. Then crops will
grow and mature. Clouds will disperse. Why do you

Mrs. G. S. K. not understanding anything goes away.

Later, Baba, lifting up his Kupni and showing bubos
on his person :-Mother, see,I have to suffer for your sake
to remove your sufferings.

The Bubonic fever Baba had evidently drawn from

Balwant'sbody; andBalwant'sfeverlike Baba'spassed
in two or three days,

(b) Baba's offer of his own Throat.

522. When R. A. Tarkhad, Mir Jaman of Kandahar
^andothers were sleeping by the side of Baba at the Chavadi,
Mir Jaman woke up at midnight and spoke to Baba.
M. J. :-Baba, the Hindus are spoiling you, and the Give me leave. I will cut all their throats
-at once, with my sword.
B.-I am (pagal) mad ; and the Hindus worshipping
me are mad. I am responsible for their heterodoxy ; not
-they for mine. If you want to cut any throat, cut mine.
Mir Jaman kept quiet thereafter.

(c) Baba's sacrifice of his own health.

523. B.-(To G. S. K. in 1910) For two years, I have
been so ill as to live on mere bread and water. I have
string worm. People rush and give me no rest. This will
continue till I go back to the place of my origin. I do not
mind it because, I care more for my peoplethan for my
own life.


. (a) For Mother'sPrayer(HaribhavPanse).
524. Haribhav PanseDahanukar started for Rarne-
swaramagainstliis mother'swill and shewas observinga
fastthatshouldlastup to his return. Hearingthather sou

hadstoppedat Shirdi with Babasheprayedthus :-fci If Baba

is a true Sadhu, he should make my son cancel his
pilgrimage and send him back to his house."
Baba to Haribhav :-Give me Dakshina.

Baba took from Haribhav the entire railway fare

from Shirdi to Rameswaram and back.

Baba to H. B. :-Go home, Rameswar is starving since

you left home. If you do not go now, Rameshwar will
<ceaseto exist and Badreswar will take its place.
Haribhav went home, found his mother fasting and
learnt of her prayers, which Baba thus granted.

(b) Kusal Bhav's Pious wishes.

525. Baba told H. S. Dixit one day to take a tonga and
go to Rahata and fetch Kueal Bhav, a devotee greatly
attached to Baba. What was the reason ? K. B. thought
on the previous day that for a long while he had not seen
Baba, and that night, Baba came to him in his dream and
"said "Come to Shirdi", In the morning, K. B. found that
he had no horse for his tonga and so he could not go. He
sent his son on foot to Shirdi in his stead. Before the son

B.-Kaka, (H. S. Dixit), take a tonga and go to Rahata

and bring Kusal Bhav.
When H. S. D. came, to K. B. he pleaded the absence of
Ms horse.

H. S. D.-That is why Baba asked me to take a tonga

.and bring you in the tonga.
K. B. therefore paid the visit he was anxious to pay.

The Bubonic fever Baba had evidently drawn

body; andBalwant's
feverlike Baba's
in two or three days,

(b) Baba's offer of his own Throat.

522. When R. A. Tarkhad, Mir Jaman of Kandahar
^.nd others were sleeping by the side of Baba at the
Mir Jaman woke up at midnight and spoke to Baba.
M. J. :-Baba, the Hindus are spoiling yon, and Give me leave. I will cut all their threats
.at once, with my sword.
B.-I am (pagal) mad ; and the Hindus worshipping
me are mad. I am responsiblefor their heterodoxy; not
.they for mine. If you want to cut any throat, cut mine.
Mir Jaman kept quiet thereafter.

(c) Baba's sacrifice of his own health.

523. B.-(To G. S. K. in 1910) For two years, I have
been so ill as to live on mere bread and water. I have

string worm. Peoplerush and give me no rest. This will

continue till I go back to the place of my origin. I do not
mind it because, I care more for my people than for my
own life.


(a) For Mother's Prayer (Haribkav Panse).
524. Haribhav Panse Dahanukar started for Rarae-
swaram against his mother's will and she was observing a
fast that should last up to his return. Hearing that her son

had stoppedat Shirdi with Babasheprayedthus :-u If Baba

is a true Sadhu, he should make my son cancel his
.pilgrimageand send him back to his house."
Baba to Haribhav :-Give me Dakshina.

Baba took from Haribhav the entire railway fare

from Shirdi to Rameswaram and back.

Baba to H. B.:-Go home, Rameswar is starving since

you left home. If you do not go now, Rameshwar will
ceaseto exist and Badreswar will take its place.

Haribhav went home, found his mother fasting and

learnt of her prayers, which Baba thus granted.

(b) Kusal Bhav's Pious wishes.

525. Baba told H. S. Dixit one day to take a tonga and
go to Rahataand fetch Kusal Bhav, a devotee greatly
attached to Baba. What was the reason ? K. B. thought
on the previous day that for a long while he had not seen
Baba, arid that night, Baba came to him in his dream and
"said "Come to Shirdi'7. In the morning, K. B. found that
he had no horse for his tonga and so he could not go. He
sent his son on foot to Shirdi in his stead. Before the son


B.-Kaka, (H. S. Dixit), take a tonga and go to Rahata

and bring Kusal Bhav.
When H. S. D. came,to K. B. he pleaded the absenceof
his horse.

H. S. D.-That is why Babaaskedme to take a tonga

.and bring you in the tonga.
K. B. thereforepaid the visit he wasanxiousto pay.

(c) Consideration for Feelings of Devotees

Mavu she's.

526. B.-(one day) said :-My stomach is aching.

Then MavusJie applied a red hot brick over Baba's.
abdomen and then removing it began pressing Baba's sides-
with her hands with great violence. S. B. Naehne, then
present, cried out :-Hold, Hold. Be more gentle. Baba.
will suffer,

Baba to Nachne :-Get out, do not interfere.

(d) Baba asked Dada Kelkar to get onions from

S. B. N's Mother-in-law.

(e) Vadhavkar's Hunger.
527. SadashivT. VadhavJcarwent to Baba and sat
beforehim. Thoughfeelinghungry,delicacypreventedhis-
mentioningit. A packet of pedaswas broughtto Baba.
Babausuallytouchednothingwhen it was brought. But
thepacketandthrew one peda
into Yadhavkar'slap. V. retainedit in his hand.
B.-It is notgivento youfor merelykeeping.
ThenY. ateit andhis hungerwashalf appeased
ThenBabaflung anotherpedaat him. Y. heldit in his
hand thinking of taking it home.


(f) B. V. Vaidya's health and safety

528. (1) B. V. Vaidya in 1911 went with family to
Shirdi and at 1 a. m. alighted at Sathe Wada. He took
light tiffin (faral) and went to bed. In the morning, Baba,
to the people at the Wada, angrily :-My children arrived*
None looked after them and you made them upas i.e. eat

With these words Baba drove away the Bhaktas from

the Mosque.

(2) When leaving Shirdi with intent to go to Nasik,

Yaidya went to Baba and asked leave,

B.-Going to Nasik ! What for should you go to

Nasik ! There is plague there. Bo not go there. Go back
home, taking your little ones with you.

(3) Taidya took Baba's photo 'and gave it into his

hands. Babatouched it and returned it (for worship).
Baba then said :-You had better go now.

Yaidya and family got into the tonga and arrived at the
station just in time to miss the train. They believed they
were unlucky and spent some hours at the station for the
next train. They arrived at Manmad by the next train and
learnt that the previous train, which they would have
boarded at Manmad had they arrived earlier, had an
accident in which one carriage was smashed.

(4) At the next visit Baba made them overstay their


B.-Be quiet. Do not fear.

C-15 *

Whenthey returned threedaytsafter expiry of leave,

they applied for extension of leave to the G. I. P. and that
was granted without any trouble,

(g) Consideration for Mrs. Pradhan's baby's cries

529. Mrs. M. W. Pradhanwasdoing her puja of Baba
at Dwaraka-Mayiand suddenlyBabastoppedher.
B.-" Stop. Go to your Wada(lodgings).
She stopped and went to her lodgings. There she
found her baby was crying. She then comforted it, put it
to sleep and came back to Baba.
B.-Now do your Puja.
Baba had heard the baby's cries by his Antarjnan,
though:the lady's lodgings were far from the mosque. Such
hearing is referred to:in the well known song.

fjWTI I!
i e. Sai hears even the footfall of an ant.

(h) Purandhare's Obstinacy

530. When a Palki was brought and silver ornaments
therefrom were stolen, R. B. Purandhare and his friends
were keen on erecting a room or garage for it next to the
mosque on the northern side. For erecting a room, R.B.P.
was boring someholes in the mosque wall, when Babawas
absent. Baba came and ordered him to stop the work.
E. B, P. however went on in spite of Baba's threats. He
went on with the work not minding bis own mealtime.
B.-See how bad it is. He won't listen to me. I have
to put up with all this.

Again Baba said :-Go for your meal.

R. B. P.:-Baba, I will not, because
you will undo my
work in my absence.
Baba.-No, You may go for your meal.
Then R. B. Purandhare went.

B.--What is to be done ? If a child passes stools

upon your leg, do we cut off the leg or cub off the child ?
We have to put up witk it.

(i) Varde's Obstinacy

531. Varde.-Baba, give meleave to do Satyanarayan
Puja at this Mosque.
B.-You may do it.
Then Yarde went out and brought young plantain trees
and put them on all sides of Baba, treating Baba as the
B.-Do not do that. I won't allow it.

Then Yarde began to weep aloud and kept on weeping

so vehemently that finally Baba yielded assent. Then,
Yarde.-Baba, I have not gob money for expenses.
B.-How much do you want ?
Yard0.-~Rs. 2-8-0.

B.-(Pointing out Jayakar) That man has it.; borrow

It from him.

Though that was all the money Jayakar had, he had to

lend it. And Yarcle's Batyanarayana Pooja was finished.
Baba's help to recover property :-(See under Moral
Teachings and Correction 5 A (a) 6.



(1) Chulia Bahalkar'sboy'sillness

532. In March 1913, Raoji Balakrishna Upasani
Bahalkar'syounger son had high fever for 5 or 6 days.
The doctor gave up hopes. Then he sat and prayed to

Baba, appearing at 2 a. in. in his room at Dhulia and

applying Udhi to the boy said:-Now, have no more
anxiety. In two hours, your boy will perspire. In the
morning he will feel better. After he gets well, bring him
to me.

In the morning the boy was better. This was about


On 8-3-1913 Shama wrote to Raoji, as follows :~

Baba said, " I have been to your Dhulia friend's house ".
I (Shama) asked. Who is that friend ?
B.-Upasani Bahalkar Raoji. / am daily going to his
house. You had better write to him.

Therefore I have written this letter ".

Fifteen days later, Raoji and his son were going ta

Shirdi. On the way at Kopergaon the tonga driver was
delaying them. At Arati time, Babatold Shama :-Shama,
wait a bit for the Arati to start. Your Dhulia friend

is coming. The tonga driver is troubling him. On their

arrival, in time for receiving prasada,
Baba (to the boy) :-When yon were ill, I came ta
Dhulia. Do you remember?

(2) Hahalsapathy-Snakes
533. B.-Bhagat, two serpentsaremoving about near
your house. Mahalsapathy (who was addressedby Baba as
Bagati.e. Bhakta) returning from Dwarkamayeesaw one
serpentat his own door and anotherat the potter's beneath
Ms pillow.
(2) Baba-Bhagat, when you comehereto-night,come
with a lamp. Yon will meet thieves at the village gate.
Mahalsapathy came that night with a lamp and found
a serpent at that gate.
534. A devotee had gone out in the dusk to ease
himself. There he heard the rustle of something. Believ-
ing it to be a snake, he hurried back to his quarters. Later
he met Baba.

B.-Am I not in the place where you go to ease your-

self ? Why do you fear ?

(3) cf. Mrs. Manager being saved from treading on a


(4) Abhayam to Merikar-Snake

535. Sardar Merikar of Ahmednagar was about to take
leave of Baba.

B.-Do you know there is Dwaraka Mayi of ours ?

Merikar was puzzled, as he did not know.

B.-This is Dwaraka Mayi, in which you are sitting.

This wards off all dangers and anxieties from her children.
Highly merciful is this Masudi Ayi. She is the mother of
all those who place entire faith in her. She will save them,

in the hour of danger. Once a person trusts her, all his

troubles are over.

B.-(then giving Udhi, added) Do you know the

enlongatedgentleman? (Babaextends both his arms afc
full length and movesonepalin, like the hood of a cobra).
So terrible he is ! But what can it do against the children of
Dwaraka Mayi ? If it appears,we shall be merely amused.
When the Dwaraka Mayi protects, can the serpent strike ?
Baba ordered Shama to accompany Merikar. At
Chi tale, at 9 p.m. that night, Merikar, Shama, and some
peons were at the Maruti temple. Merikar was reading
newspapers. Suddenly the peon heard a rustling sound on
the newspaper. The peon took a lamp and saw what it was,
A part of Merikar's upper cloth was on a newspaper and. a
serpent lay on that end of the cloth.

The peon cried "Snake, Snake I" and it moved off from.
Merikar. People gathered and clubbed it to death.

(5) Abhayam (Ganda) to Buti

536. Nana SahebDengle(who wasgood at Astrology)
told Buti one day that there was Ganda, i.e., danger to his-
life that day. Later both came to Baba.

B.-What does Nana say ? He sees death coming to

you, eh ? We have no need to fear. Strike ! Strike ! Let
me see how you strike and kill.
Later Buti went to ease himself and there saw a snake.
His servant saw it and lifted up a stone. A stick is safer
andbetter,saidButi. But beforethestick came,theserpent
moved away.

The "Ides'of March'*had comeandgone without loss

of life.


Bala Shimpi's
537. Babafound Bala Shimpi on the road side, very
ill with no one to attend to him. Babahad beggedfood jin
his (B.S'S) houseand was deeply attachedto his family.
Baba told Bala Shimpi to go to Nana Saheb Dengle at
Nimgoan. Nana Suliebliad at that time a dream and Baba
in that dream told him to undertakethe care of Bala Shimpe
who would goto him. SowhenBalawent,he wascordially
received and looked after by Nana SahebDengle.

Baba towards lepers.

538. (a) B.-Bhimabai,takethis leperwoman home,
and attend to her.

Bhimabai.-Baba,but sheis a leper.

B.-Never Mind. Whatof that ? Sheis my ownsister.
Take her home.

Bhimabai then took the leper and attendedon her for

one month, whereafter, the leper died.

(&) B.--(to Balaji Fatal Nevaskar)Bala, do not go

home; stay and attendon this Dagdu Bhav, (a moslem
Bala obeyedand tendedtheleperfor a month where
after the leper died.



(a) D. S. Rasane
539. Dainodar S. Rasane-married one wife, had 110
issue, and married another hoping to get issue. But still
the second marriage also was not fruitful. In his horoscope
there was a papi in the fifth place from lagna. The stars
evidently were against him. But he had great faith in
Baba. When he went to Shirdi, Baba was waiting for him
and gave him four mango fruits.
B.-Damia, take these fruits now. Eat and die.

Damia was shocked, failing to see that begetting

progeny and .continuing in Samsara was Spiritual death.
B.-Do not eat the fruits yourself. Give them to your

Damia :-Which wife ?

B.-Junior wife. Let her eat the fruits. She will

have two sons first, the first to be named Daulat Shah, and
the second to be named Thana Shah.

Later Baba told him that he would have eight children

in all. This proved to be exactly the case. Damia had two
sonsfirst. He took his first sonto Baba and said, "How
shall I name this child ?"

B.-Have you forgottenwhat I told you ? You have

writtenit at page3 of your notebook.Did I not say that
he should be named 'Daulat Shah'?

(b) Rao Bahadur H. V. SatTae

540. H. Y. Sathe, a depnty collector was at the age of
50, a widower without male issue; and he hesitated
very much to marry again, as there \vas no guarantee that a
marriage would give him male isaue. He eame to Shirdi
in 1904 along with the Mamlatdar.
Mamlatdar :-Saheb has no male issue, Baba,
B.-If Saheb marries, God will give him, a son.

Thus assured H. V. S. was prepared to marry. Next

year, Dada Kelkar's daughter was offered ; but H. Y. S.
wished to consult Baba. As soon as the girl was taken by
Shama and Dada Kelkar to Baba, Baba (putting Kumkum
on the forehead of the girl) said :-Send this girl away to
Ahinedabad (the place where H. Y. S. thea was).
Then H. Y. S. married her; but during the next six
years, two daughters only were bom. In 1912, Dada
Kelkar and his wife went to Baba and said :-" Baba, when
are we to have a grandson ?"

B.-I am requesting Allah. He will comply with my

request. In 1913 a son was born to H. Y. S. and he is still
hale and hearty.

(c) Sapatnekar
541. One, Sapatnekar, a lav/ student found his friend
going up for the Law Examination with him and asked him
what hopes of success he could have with his insufficient
preparation of his subjects. The latter replied that he was
relying upon Sat Baba's assuranceto him of successdespite
insufficiency of preparation. Then Sapatnekar reviled both

his friend and Baba. The examination results came and

proved the correctness of Baba's statement. Sapatnekar,
however, attributed the results to a fluke and still held Baba
in low esteem. He then,practised at Akkalkot as a lawyer
and after ten years lost his only son. Then conscience
beganto prick him and he wished to visit apologise.
He went and bowed to Baba.
B.- " Chal ! Hut ". (i. e. get away).
A little later, again he bowed to Baba.
B.-Get away from here.
The man went back.

A year later Baba appeared in his wife's dream and

invited the pair to come to him. On this occasion Sapat-
nekar apologised humbly for his past contempt. Baba then
addressed a shepherdess in S's presence and narrated the
incidents of S's life as his own. While S. was wondering
at Baba's thorough knowledge of things transpiring at
distant places and at distant times, Baba spoke again to the
B.-This man (pointing to S.) blames me, thinking that
I killed his son. Now I will again bring back that identical
child to his wife's womb.

Baba then turned to S., placed his palm over his head
and said :-Your object will be quickly attained.
Sapatnekar was full of joy and his faith grew and
developed as Baba showed him more and more of his
Antarjnana. For instance Baba gave a full account of
Mrs. Sapatnekar'sdiseaseand foretold (or directed) its cure.
In the face of such utterances, it was impossible to

disbelieveBaba again,as he (S) did in Ms studentdays*

At leavetakingBabagavehim acocoamit
andsaid*'Put this
in thePadar(thefringe of the uppercloth)of yourwife
and go away rejoicing ".
In 12 months' time he got a son, whom later he
brought to Baba.

(d) Mrs. Aurangabadkar

542. One SakhararnAurangabadkarof Sholapurhad
no issue by his second wife. She never conceived even
once during the 27 years she lived with him. Shama asked
her to wait near the mosque, when he would call for her,
after Baba should get into a pleasant mood. After Shama
poured water on Baba's foodsoiled hand to wash it, Baba
pinched his cheek. Shama, feigning anger, " What Deva,
is it good for you to pinch me ? "

Baba.-During the 72 Janmas that you were -with me,

I never pinched you till now ; and yet you resent my
touching you.

Shama.-Deva, we want a deva to give us sweet things,

e.g. Swargaloka, Vimana, etc.

B.-Yes, indeed I have come for that. Then Baba sat

011his usual seat. Shama beckoned to the lady and she
came, bowed and presented cocoanut and scented sticks.

Baba shook the cocoanut, which was dry. The kernel

within rolled and made a noise.

Baba.-(holding it in " guduguduppandi " fashion) :"-

Shama, this is rolling. See what it says.

Shama.-The woman prays that a child might be

similarly quickening in her womb. So give her the cocoa-
nut with that blessing.
Bc-Will the cocoanut given to her turn into a baby ?
How foolish people are to fancy such things !
S.-I know the power of the blessing and the cocoanut.
Give her the cocoanut and the blessing.
B.-Break the cocoanut,

S.-Give the blessing and the cocoanut.

This was repeated twice or thrice.
B.-She will have issue,

S._But when ?

B.-In 12 months' time.

Then the cocoanut was broken and one half was given
to the lady.
B.-Madam, you see what he said. If in 12 months'
time you do riot get issue, I will break a cocoanut against
his head and drag him out of the Masjid. If I do not, I will
not call myself " Madhava Rao ".

She was delivered of a son in one year's time and the

boy was brought to Baba in his fifth month and the grateful
father paid Rs. 500/- which was used for constructing a
stall for Babci'shor^e " Syarnakarna ".

(e) OMntamani Eao

543. Baba to Mahalsapathy :-Tell thab man Cliinta-
mani Rao that, if lie marries again, he will have one BOH
and one daughter.

Chintamani married again and had just one son and one
(f) Mahalsapathi
544. Mahalsapathy had only female issue and yet
resolved to lead a life of Brahmacharya and slept at the*
mosque or temple.
Baba :-Bhagat, Go and live in your house. You will
get a son. A son is a mango fruit. A daughter is a
tamarind fruit.

Bhagat went on a Gokul Ashtami day and stayed at his

house. Next Gokul Ashtami, a son was born to him.

(g) Ratanji Sait

545. Ratanji Sapurji Wadia of Nanded (Nizam's
States) having no issue gave a picnic party to Das Ganu
Maharaj and a Moulana at a cost of Rs. 3-14-0 and went
to Baba. He had no issue and wanted blessings from Baba,
for issue.

B.-You have already given me Rs. 3-14-0. Give me

now Rs. 2-2-0 Dakshina.

Ratanji gave the required amount, but wondered how

he had given Rs. 3-14-0 to Baba as he had sent him no
money and never met him before.
Baba :-God will fulfil your heart's desire.
With this blessing, Ratanji returned and learnt from
D. G. that Baba's receipt meant that Baba had received it in
the form of the Maulana. Ratanji looked up the account
and saw that Rs. 3-14-0 was the amount expended on the
Ratanji thereafter was blest with the birth of a son.

(la) Ee i Narayan Govind SIndhe

N.G.S. who got one son (after 7 daughters were born)
by prayer to Datta in 1903 was told by Baba, that Baba
granted the prayer, though there was no male issue in the
man's Prarabdha. See under "Powers".


(a) Mr. and Mrs. Nimonkar,
546. Nana Mmonkar (to his wife) :-See our boy at
Belapur and return immediately.
Mrs. N. N. :-How ? There are so many relations there
to see.

N. N. :-I cannot wait. Next day being Amavasya, you

must return.

Mrs. N. N. was greatly worried and perplexed.

Baba coming up just then from the mosque said :
Mother, you are going to see your convalescent son at
Belapur. Go quickly. Gounperturbed. See all your rel-
ations there and then return to Shirdi, after 2 or 4 days of

Thus Baba's appellate decree reversed Nana Nimonkar's.

Nana proposesand Baba disposes.
(b) Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Bathe
547. Mrs. H. V. Sathe had agreed to go with her
husband to see a land recently purchased near Shirdi. But
her father persuaded her and she resolved not to go as, if
she did, Babu's widow would give trouble by claiming rights

in the land. So when the cart came and stood in front of

Sathewada and her husband asked her to get in, she
refused. The irate husband pulled out the whip from the
cartman and raised it aloft to chastise the wife. Suddenly
Megha rushed in.,

Megha :-Baba wants you urgently to go to Dwaraka


H. V. S. dropped the whip and went to Baba.

Baba :-What is the matter ? What is it that has

happened ? Your land is there. Where is the necessity to
go and see it ?

H>¥. S. felt ashamed of his attempt at whipping his

wife and was glad to note the watchful eye of Baba over
himself and family.


(a) D. S, Rasane
548. Damodar S. Rasane had an offer for speculation
at Bombay in cotton from a broker. The broker promised
him lakhs of rupees by way of profit. D. S. Rasane wrote to
Shama to get Baba's permission. Shama brought the letter
to Baba. Before it was read, Baba spoke.

Baba :-Damia wants to catch at the sky. He is not>

content to keep what God has given him. Damia's mind
is confused. Write to him that his present state is not
unhappy. His present half loaf is enough. Let him not be
bothered about lakhs.

Then Damia went in person and thinking of starting

that speculation and giving Baba a share in the profits,.
massaged Baba's feet.

Baba, loudly :-Damia, I am not in anything (i.e. I do

not wish to get entangled in any samsara, like sharing
So, that enterprise was given up.

Again Damia had a proposal, when prices of grains

were running high to buy in a lot of grain and store it
for some months or years and then sell it. Damia went to
Baba and said " Shall I trade in grain ? "

B.-No, you will be buying at five seers and selling at


But for weeks, the rise in prices was kept up and

Baba'sprophecy seemedto be falsified ; but a month or two
later i.e., in Sravan, there was abundant rain.on all sides ;
and the prices suddenly fell and remained low for a long
time. The grain storers had a serious loss. Bctba saved
Lamia from that fate.

(b) Bayyaji Patel

549. (1) Baba was giving regularly Rs. 4/- per diem
to Bayyaji Appaji Patel for years.

B.-Do not lend these moneys, nor give them away to

others. Do not eat and excrete these.

Baba evidently wanted the money to be invested in

land purchases. Accordingly Bayyaji purchased 84 acres
of land which he is still retaining.

(2) Sugarcanewas the vogue and everybody was

planting the Oodavari valley with sugarcane.

Bayyaji:-Baba, shall I plant sugarcane?

Baba ?-Don't.

But the example of others and the hope of large

profits from sugarcanemade Bayyaji disregard Baba's
adviceand go in for" sugarcaneplanting. What was the
result ? First, a loss of Rs. 300/- in the money invested
and next the going without the usual supply of dry crops
he would have got on the land.

(c) Eao Bahadur S. B. Dhumal

550. S. B. Dhumal was offered the Public Prosecutor-
«hip at Nasik. He wrote to Shaina for Baba's approval,

B,-Why should he accept the new ? The old is good


S. B. D. rejected the Public Prosecutorship and his

income was still good.


551. Baba from the beginning disliked or avoided the
worship of his body by devotees. But Mahlsapathy'sardent
devotion began the worship and could not be resisted.
Bapu, a four year old son of N. G. Chandorkar extendedit,
and all began to claim the same privilege as the child.
Still Baba did not wish to have sandal applied to his
forehead-e.g. in three horizontal lines. But Dr. Pandit

came and put these lines of sandal on Baba's forehead.

Baba suffered it quietly.
Dada Kolkar :-Baba, how is it that though yon
objectedto this form of sandal paste, you allow it now ?
B.-Pandifc believes in his inind that I am the same

as his Brahmin guru Dhopeswar Kaka Maharaj, and

applied sandal to me as he was doing to that guru. Hence
I conld nob object*
Abdul Rangari, a mosleni, carne later and asked

A. R.-Baba, how is it that sandal is being pasted

on yon ? This is not our custom.
. B.-Jaisa Desli, Vaisa Yesh (i.e., we must conform to
our surroundings). The Hindus worship me as their God.
Why should I displease them ? I allow them to do so.
I myself am a devotee of God.

Baba orders Guru Furnima Celebration

552. Baba's(group) Arati and Pooja on ordinary days

was started in 1909, but for some time, there was no celebra-
tion of Guru Purnima by special worship of Baba on that day.
Baiia himself sent for Dada Kelkar on Guru Purnima day
and said " Do you not know that this is Guru Poornima,
Bring your worship materials and do your Guru Pooja.
Then Guru Pooja was done on that day and this practice of
celebrating Guru Poornima by all the devotees worshipping
Baba, in'oil beyuii, lias continued cp-to-date.

But Baba objected 10 stealthy midnight worship of

himself on Sivarathri, by H. V. Bathe,

(a) N. G. Ohandorkar
553. When N. G. C. was transferred to Pandharpur
and "wasapproaching Shirdi to take leave of Baba, Baba
addressed the devotees present and said to Mahlsapathy,
Kasiram and Appa Scindhe :- " Let us four do Bhajan.
The door of Pandari is wide open. Let us joyously do

Then Baba led with the song :-

To Pand'ri I will wend my way,
Therein to be staying, -
To stay there, O, therein to stay.
For there my Lord is living.
As they were singing this, Nana Saheb entered the

(b) Joshi of Kalyan.

554. Joshi, younger brother of the Thana pleader
Joshi, wanted to go to Baba (Shirdi); but could not afford it.
Some days later a Konkanasfch Brahmin was taking leave of
Baba to go to Bombay.

Baba (to K. B.)- Take this packet of Udhi and give it

to a man who will meet you in the traia and ask you for
just a span of space to sit.

K, B. (receiving it) :- If I do not find any man, I will

send this packet back to you.
B. - You will rind iac mail.

Then K. B. started from Kopergaon to Bombay and

up to Kalyan found no one. At Ivalyan the whole train
and his compartment were overcrowded and Joshi, the
younger rushed into his compartment and asked for a
span of space. K. B. gave him the space and also the

(c) Kaka Mahajani,

555. On the 3rd week of October 1917 at 5 p.m.,
K. M. wasat his office and met the son of his master, the

S. S.-My father writes from Nasik and wants to know

if Sai Baba would advise him to prolong his stay there or
go back to Bombay. Please go to Shirdi and consult Baba.
K. M.-H. S. Dixit is at Shirdi. We shall write to
him to consult Baba and get his orders,

S. S.-No, no. The sait is particular that you should

go and get orders direct from Baba.
K. M.-I will go.

At that same time Baba was at the mosque with

H. S. D. and 24 others.

Baba turning to H, S. D.-Baba Saheb ! What matters

are being bruited and what deliberation ! !

Next day K. M. arrived at Shirdi.

Baba to K. M.-You have done well in coming.

Baba (turning to H. S. D.)-Last evening we were

thinking of this. Were we not ?

Then K. M. and H. S. D. compared notes and found

how Baba was watching devotees both at Bombay and at
Shirdi at the same time.

(d) Rao Bahadur M. W. Pradhan's mother.

556. Baba to M. W. Pradhan-On this side of my
body there is excruciating pain. It will be alright in two
or four days.
Baba, when saying this, was apparently healthy and
M. W. P. could not make out its meaning at the time ; but
whenhe went home to Bombayhe found that Ms (M. W.
P's) mother's body on one side (by reason of hemiplaegia)
had excruciating pain and it was alright in two or four

(e) Manager's servant

557. Baba, before Mr. Manager :-My leg is paining.
It will be alright, if Korphad (aloe. G^n-figix s^^.Tsrotp)
is split in two, warmed over a fire and applied.
It was Manager's servant that had pain (lumbago) and
the suggestedapplication of Korphad was adoptedand the
servant was cured.


(a) G. G. Narke.
558. In 1916, a halwa-maker usually supplying halwa
for Baba's Arati died of plague.
Baba to G. G-. N.-Go to the halwayi's shop and bring

G. G-.N".going to the placeasked Mrs. H.-Baba wants

Mrs. H.~-Look there. My husband'splagne-strickon
corpseis there.
The Halwa is in the almirah. Take it if you please.
G. G-.N. took it, trembling for himself and for others
who were going to take naiveclya,with the possibility of
catchingplague; an.! lie placedthe Halwa before Baba.
B.-You think yon will Jive if you are away from
Shirdi and lhab you would die if yon slay at Shirdi. Thai-
is not so. Whoever is destined to be strock will be struck.
Whoever is to die will die, Whoever is to be caressed will
be caressed.

The Halwa, was given as naivedya and none caught

plague from the Halwa.
(b) S. B. BhurnaL
559. S. B. Dhnraal at Nasik found plague in the
town and plague rats in his house. He wroio to rihama
afeShirdi asking him to consult Baba whether he should
leave the house and go to the bungalow, Balm's answer
permitting the removal to the bungalow came. But on the
very night of going to the bungalow a dead rat was found
in one of the beds and a letter was sent to Daha as t.o
whether he should move away. S. B. D. continued to
remain in the bungalow till the reply should come. The
reply cameadvisingcontinuedstay. Later, deadrats wore
foundall overthehouse,in the servant'squarters,in the
well,asin theneighbourhood.Thenwritinga letter again
to Baba,S.B. D. packedhis articlesbeforereplycame,and
was about to unlock his house at Nasik for re-occupation.
Just at that moment Baba's reply came. It was:-Why
should we give up (change)our residence?
At once S. B. D. went back to the bungalow and lived
there. By Baba'ssupervision, S. B. D. and his family were
perfectly safe.

(a) Kaka Mahajani.
560. B.-How is Thakersey,Kaka's (Mahajani's)
master ? He has a different master to give him bliss.

(b) Re : Piirandhare E. B.
561. A Devotee-His (R, B. P's) boss will take him
to task if he overstays.
B.-I am his bos?.

562. Devotee.-Baba, give me leave to catch the train;

else, I will be dismissed from service.
B.-There is no other superior here (for you, except
me.) Take food and go in the afternoon.
[Implicit obedienceto Baba'sorders was always found
to be the safestcourse].

563. One day in Dassera 1915, Baba said to H.SJX
Kaka, in our Durbar, the good and evil alike come. We
should regard them impartially ; should we not ?
A clerk then came and prostrated before Baba. There
was a warrant out for him for having embezzled his master's
money. So his immediate senior officer, who was present at
the mosque thought that he must go and inform the police*
o '<""
Baba then narrated the incidents about embezzlement
a-ndwarrant, however concealing the real names and substi-
tuting for these, general names like Yani, Teli, etc.

Baba to the clerk :-Go and have your meal at once.

Baba to the senior :-You had better remain here.

Babaagain,to the clerk, (who had finished his meal

and had a little private conversationwith Baba):-You
may go away now.

Baba(detainingthe senior,who wasafraid that his own

superiorsmight blamehim for letting the clerk escape):-
Are you afraid ?
Senior :-No, Baba.
The senior wassent away from Shirdi only after 3 or 4
days. His superiorsdid not blamehim. The clerk surren-
dered himself and pleaded guilty at the prosecution, evid-
ently following Baba's advice. The master did not press
for a severesentence and a light punishment was awarded.


564. B.~To Nana (with Haridas):-Take food and go
to the train.

[Haridas having no faith in Babastartedwithout meaL

N.G.C. took his meal and reached the station before the
train arrived].

565. B.-To Purandbare:-Stay two days at Nasik

and then leave.

[R. B. P. -wasforced by illnessof his children to stay

at Nasik for two days]
566. B.-B. V. Yaidya (going to Nasik) :-There is-
plagae in Nasik. Go back home, with your children.
567. B.-To Tatya, who had got a summons from
court:-Do not go to court to-day. [The court wassuddenly
closed that day.]
568. B.-Tatya, do not go to the market or at least
take Shama with you.
[Tatya went and one of his horses became uncontroll-
able with smart pai-n in the waist.]
569. B.-"Englishman, do not go to Kopergoan".
The Englishman, went and on the way was thrown oif
the carriage and had to be an in-patient at the Hospital.
570. B.- (to Kaka Mahajani, on his arrival) When
do you go back ?
Kaka :-When you order.
Baba.-Go to-morrow morning.
Kaka Mahajani started next morning and found that
he was badly needed at his office.
571. B.-(to Mr. Manager, soon after his arrival at
Shirdi with the hope of getting Baba's blessingsfor employ-
ment) :-"Go back to your place (Holy City) via Ahinad-
nagar. Start now with Tatya Patel."
Mr. Manager thought it was hard lines to go back at
once and that without employment. But, when he reached.

his Holy City, the directors of a Mill were eagerly waiting

for him, on account of a strike among mill hands and they
made him their manager,

57,2. Baba to H. G. 0.-Do not go to-day ; but go

to-morrow to meet the collector at Kopergaon.

The collector had cancelled that day's :engagement by

wire and came to Kopergaon only on the following clay,
facts unknown to N. G. 0,f but known to Baba by his
An tar jn ana.
573. Baba to Pandharpnr Vakil:-Bo not start to-day.
Start to-morrow for your Pandharpur case.
The Vakil later found that the Govt. Vakil on the

opposite side had obtained a day's adjournment without

notice to him.

574. H. S. D. to Baba.-On, 6-2-1916 the will case is to

come up for hearing. So the Bombay party wants me to
start now, to give evidence.
B.-No, no, let us wait and see.

F. S. D. later :-The case,it seems,has been posted to

the 9th.

B.-Let us wait and see.

H. B. D.-The casehasbeenpostedto the 13th.

B.-Let us wait and see.

BabapermittedH. S. D. to startonly on the 14th and

to berisky,asthepartysummoning
whetherto issuea warrant,But

(a) Adam Dalali
575. Adam Dalali (to Baba) :-My son has to be
married. Unless you bless and give permission, how am I
to get the money for it ?

After a time, Baba said to A. D.-Now, celebrate your

son's marriage.
A. B. then got very good brokerage business and with
the money got, he performed his first son's$marriage.
Similar blessingsfrom'Baba enabled him to perform
the marriage of his two other sons.

(b) L. 0. Blunge
576. Lascman Govind Mimge went in 1890 to Rahata
and there met Sai Baba.

B.-Come child, I was thinking of yon yesterday.

Come, eat this mango and shampoo my leg.
B.-What for have you come ?

Mimge.- My marriage is "settled. I have no jewels.

I have come to borrow jewels (from my relations.)
B.-Who is whose ? Who gives ? Who receives ?
None will give timely help. If you need 1,000Rupeesor
2,000 Rupees(worth of ornaments), receive it from me.
Munge (thinks)-How is this poor Fakir to give me
2,000 Rupees jewels.

His relations (as foretoldby Baba)refusedto help.

Then a Gujerati Sowcarat Sinner was inducedby M's
friend to lend him 2,000Rupeesworth of jewels,for a
payment of 25 rupees cash. Thus the marriage was

(c) Damodar Easane

577. Damodar Masane had four offers for his son
Daulat Shah, one of which had Rs. 2,5007-or 3,000/-of
D. R.-Baba, which of these girls' horoscopesshall I
accept for my eon ?
Baba, picking up a poor girl's horoscope:-Damia, let
this be your daughter-in-law. [That girl was married to-
Daulat Shah and proved a goodchoice].

(d) 8. B. Diiumal
$. B. Dhumal became a widower at 36 without issue.
The question about his marrying again was raised by his
father-in-law Rao Bahadur B. D. Einkhede. Rao Bahadur
approachedBaba. Baba's eyes gave the negative reply.
Baba did not permit him to marry at all. Hence Rao
Bahadur S. B. D. remained single till the end of his life.


578. Baba to R., a graduate, when he first came and
bowed to him.-What! Do you worship a man ?
R. was stunned by the remark (or rebuff rather) and
plunged in despair. Then finally when Baba was alone he
approachedhim. Bababeckonedhim to approachand after

R. placed his head upon Baba's feet, embraced him and

"seated him near himself.

B.-You are my child. When others, i.e., strangers,

are in the company, we keep the children off.
After R. began the japa of Sai's name, Baba sent for

B.-What were you doing in the morning ?

B.-Of what name ?

R.--Of my God ?
B.-What is your Q-od?
R.--You know it.

B.-(smiling) That is right.

Baba thereby expressly appz'ovedof Sai Nama Japa
and the maintenance of secrecy about one's religious

On one occasion (a Guru Poornima perhaps) when all

devotees (except R.) had brought and placed garlands upon
Baba, R. was mortified at his own forgetting to bring a
garland, Then Baba lifting up a bundle of garlands from
his body, said to R.-All theseare yours.
R. was identifying himself with Baba and in 1915, at
Rama Navami, tried to get Baba's approval and sanction
for that identification. At Rama Navami, numerous
devotees placed new cloths before Baba so that he may
touch and return them. R. brought a very fine Dacca
muslin (bought for Rs. So/-) kept it inside his shirt and
then bowing to Baba, slyly thrust the muslin under Baba's
gadi, when no one noticed it. R. was resolvedthat if Baba

cared for Ms love, the muslin should be retained and not

returned by Baba, as Baba and R. were one. When rail
clothes were returned, Baba got up.
B.-I say, clear off all that lies on the gadi (mattress)
and dust it.

The mattress was removed and the muslin packet was


B.-(picking it up and spreading it out) Hallo ! What

is this ! Muslin ! I am not going to return this. This is-

Baba then wore it over his body and turning to R.

said :-Do 1 not look nice in this ?

R. was overjoyed to see that Baba recognised that he

and R. were one and accepted the present in that spirit.

(a) S. B. Nachne's
579. Baba, in the presence of S. B. N. and many
others in 1913 said :-

We should not trust mad men.

In 1914 Nachne was doing puja at home and a mad

man rushed inside, seized his throat, and said, " I will drink
your blood ", and openedhis mouth wide to bite his throat.
So B. N. thrnst a spoon into the man's open mouth and then
lost his consciousness. Others rushed in and saved his life.
When he went later to Baba, Baba said to Anna Chinchikar
(pointing to S. B, N.) :-
Anna, if I had delayed an instant, then this man would.
have indeed perished. The mad man had seized with his

hands his very throat. But I extricated him. What is to

be done? If I do not savemy own children, who else

(b) Nimon&ar's baby

580. S. S. D, Nirnonkar, C. I. D. Inspectorwas on his
way from Poona to jSHmon, where his brother's wife was
recently delivered of a child. On the way he called on
Baba at Shirdi. Baba iu giving him leave with the usual
udhi said :-" Save the child's life ".

Then S. S. D. Nimonkar went to Nimon where the

new born child had become cold and chill and the parents
had lost all hope of its life. He looked for Baba's udhi and
not finding it took the baby in his lap and prayed to Baba
for his help, to give the baby its life. In 15 minutes' time,
the child improved.

(a) Bhulia Conrt Commission
581. A person was charged before the Dhulia Magis-
trate's Court with stealing jewels etc. The man pleaded
that Sai Baba of Shirdi had given him the jewels and cited
him as a witness. Summons came,

. Constable :-Baba, here is a summons for you.

B.-Take it and throw it into the fire.

Somebody took it and threw it into the fire. Any-

how the report was sent that Babawasservedand as Baba
was absent for the trial a warrant came to Shirdi.

Ganpatram, the constableto Baba :--Baba, they have

sent out a warrant. Will you kindly go with me to Dhulia ?
Baba,angrily :-Throw that pieceof paperinto-(Baba
was cursing and swearing).

The constable was perplexed. Then, as advised by

N. G. Chandorkar, a Mahajar (largely signed) was sent up
to the effect that Baba was worshipped by large numbers as
God, that the issue of summonsand warrant were improper
and undesirable and that if his evidence was necessary a
commissioner might be sent to take it. Then Nana Joshi the
commissioner, a first class magistrate came and examined

Commissioner :- What is your name ?

Baba :-They call me Sai Baba.
Com :-Your father's name ?
B :-Also Sai Baba.

Com. :-Your Guru's name ?

B .-Venkusa.

Com :-Creed or Religion ?

B :-Kabir.

Com :-Caste or race ?

B :-Parvardigar (i.e., God)

Com :-Age, please ?
B :-Lakhs of years.

Com:-Will you solemnlyaffirm that what youare

going to say is the truth ?
B :-Truth.

Com :-Do you know the accused,so and so ?

B :-Yes, I know him and I know everyone.
Com:- The mansayshe is your devoteeand that b«
lived with you. Is that so ?
B :-Yes. I live with every one. All are mine.
Com :-Did you give him jewels as alleged by him ?
B :-Yes. I gave him. Who giveswhat to whom ?
Com :-If you gave him the jewels, how did you get
them and becomepossessedof them ?
B;-Everything is mine.
Com :--Baba, here is a serious charge of theft. That
man says that you delivered the jewels to him.
B -.-What is all this ? What the devil have I to do
with all that ?

The Commissioner was perplexed. Then it was

suggestedthat the village diaries showingthe presenceof
strangersin the village should be sent for. The diary
showed that the accused, a stranger was not at Shirdi, at
the time of his alleged receipt from Baba. And it was
known that Baba never left the village.
The Commissioner put these facts before Baba and
Baba said they were true. That closed the Commission
evidence. Baba was not asked to sign or put his mark.
Baba doesnot appearto have signed or put his mark to any
paper at any time.
(b) Curtis' Visit
582. In 1910-11, Baba said at the Dwarakamayee :-
Rascal,coming to see me ! What have I got ? I am a naked
fakir with human organs.

People wondered whom Baba referred to. Then in

a short time a big official procession passedby the mosque,
including Mrs. and Mr. Curtis, Revenue Commissioner,
Mr. Macneil, the collector etc. They passedon to the
chavadi. The AssistantCommissionersaid (to N. B. S.) ;-
" Ask Sai Babato finish his morning routine quickly as the
sahebs(officers)wish to seehim ".
N. R. S.:-Such a communication to Sai Baba is un-
thinkable. If you have any businesswith him, you must
await his pleasure.
In half an hour, Baba passedby that side. Mrs. Curtis,
bowing to Babasaid:-We wish to have a little talk with
yon, Maharaj.
B.-Wait half an hour. I have to go and beg.
So saying, Baba went away ; but returned in ten
minutes. Mrs. Curtis, again bowing, repeated her request.
B.-Wait one hour.

So saying Baba passedon to the Masjid.

Tne officers were in a hurry and they did not stop ; and
Mrs. Curtis' object namely, to get a child by Baba's bless-
ings was not achieved.

Baba's Fearlessness-Worship with Sandal Paste-

Muslims with clubs

583. Baba was being worshipped by a number of

Hindus with flowers etc. As for sandal, the chief devotee,
Mahlsapathy applied it to Baba's neck, but not to the fore-
beau, J\sD.»baobjected to it. One day Mahlsapathy had a
vision of Baba with sandal on Baba's forehead. Thereafter

Mahlsapathy was regularly pasting sandal on Baba'sfore-

head without any objection from Baba. But some muslims
raised objections. But Babadid not care for their views.
Thea the musiiffis met together, consulted the Sangamiiere
Kazi and resolved to be&t anyone who should put sandal on
Baba's forehead. One Tambuli told Mahlsapathy of this
fact. Thai; day Mahlsapathy stood outside the mosque
compound and performed puja of Baba from there.
B.-Whai are yoa doing "here ?
*M.-Doing your Puja.
B.-Come in and dauD me with sandal on the forehead,
hands, breast, and everywhere. Let mo see who will dare
to beat !

The mosleme were cowed and the puja with sandal

"developedinto regular Hindu worship as in temples.
Babars Juafcice

584.' In 1913-1914, plague raged at Poona. R. K.

""JDubewho vowed to go to IShirdi, broke that vow and went
to Sasarwada. In that; trip he lost a child and his wife was
seriously unwell. Dube prayed to Baba.
Baba, appearing ia a vision, said :-One must perform
Ms vow. Else he has tc bear the punishment in this

Applying Udki to Mrs, "Dabe,Baba disappeared.

Dube saw the Ddhi on her face. The next day she

Later when Mr. and Mrs. Dub© went fco Shirdi, Baba
referred to the above

Baba's Justice and Equality

585. This world is funny. All are my subjects.

I look upon all with equal eye. But some turn thieves.
What can I do for them ? People at death's door plot
against the lives of others. 'These offend and hurt me:
much. But I am quiet, saying nothing. God is great.
He has his officers everywhere, who are all powerful.
One must rest content with his lot. I am very powerful.
I was here eight or ten thousands years ago.

(a) Margosa Tree Branch

586. Baba.- You have to cut your own child if it falls
athwart the womb. (With this remark, Baba himself cut
off a branch of the Margosa Tree that interfered with the
raising of a wall in Sathe Wada).

(b) S. B. N's Mother-in-Law's Revenge

587. Dada Kelkar. - Where am I to get onion for my
grand- daughter's eye ?

B.- Get it from this Ayi (pointing to S. B. Nacime's

M.-in-L.- Baba,this Dadaabusedme this morning for
cutting onions.
I do not care to give him anything ; but if youorder it,.
I will give him onion.
B.- Do,

(N's Mother-in-law
hadthe grandrevengeof returning
goodfor evil, by Baba'sjust orders.)

(c) Bala Patil

588. Damia (i.e. Damodar S. Rasane) went to Baba
and requested Mm to send Bala Palil, his attendant,
who was of a low caste, to D's house for a meal as Baba%
B.-Yes, but do not cry " Dhut, Dhnt " (keep away,
keep away) at him. Do not give him a place far away
from your own place of eating.
Damia adopted Baba's advice and took Bala Patil as Ills
guest and made him sit near him and not outside the house
for the meal.

(d) OJaakra Narayan

589. When a Christian, Chakra Narayan was appointed
Police Fouzdar at Kopergaon, a devotee said to Baba :-We
have got a Christian for the Fouzdar.
B.-What of that ? He is my brother.

(e) Peston Jamas

590. Peston Jamas and his brother-in-law went in
about 1915to Shirdi, to see " Sai Maharaj ". There at the
Dixit Wada, there was much crowding and rich people
alone were accommodated' upstairs and these two Parsis
were left downstairs.

44What sort of justice is here in this Darbar ! Big

peopleenjoying comforts above and poor people left down-
stairs to suffer inconvenience ", thought these Parsis. When
they went to Baba, at the Mosque.
Then, Baba (to some-one present) ;-Take these people
And they were given accommodation upstairs.

(f) Tukarara Barkn

591. TukaramBarku,a Mahar (Harijao) was leaving
Shirdi in quest of employment, Baba met him. and put his
arm round his neck.

Baba :-(to Barku) Do not go,

Barku :-I must go and earn,
Baba :-Do not go.
Barku disregarded tbe advice, went, fell ill and had
prolonged illness and returned earning nothing.

Baba and Creatures

592. Nana Saheb Deagle bringing a silver plateful

of dainties, gave it to Baba and begged him to eat, Baba
shouted out. A black dog ran up and licked' up tbe food*
Nana Saheb was disgusted and thought, " Is it for this
pariah dog that I prepared all this "
Baba (flinging away the plate) :-Take this away,

Baba's Religious Tolerance and Catholicity

593. Baba :-All Gods are one. There is no difference
between a Hindu and a Mohammadan. Mosque and
temple are the same. Yet I will respect your (people's)
susceptibilities, and not enter the temple (as you object to
the entry.)
Look at Chokamela's life.

594. Babato H. S. D, (who had been just recently

talking ill of Christ and Christianity at his own lodgings)-
Get away. Do not massage me,
(Again when H. S. D. repented and approached, Baba
raised no objection to his massage.)

Bafoa and Conversions

595. Bade Baba (Fakir Baba) brought with him a

recent Hindu Convert to Islam to the mosque.
Baba, slapping that convert on the cheek :-" Ah I
yoa have changed your father !"

Baba's Prayers
596. Sai Baba :-I speak things here. Things take
place there (in accordance with my words). This is all
God'ssport (lila).
(Re : M. W. P.), Baba :-0 God. Let the rain stop,
My children have to go home. Let them go back com-
fortably. (And the rains stopped till M.W.P. reached the
Railway Station,)
H. V. S. Dada Kelkar :-When are we to have a
grandson ?
Sai Baba :-I am requesting Allah. He will comply
with my request.
597. I have been considering long and thinking day
and night. All are thieves ; but we have to deal with them.
I prayed to God night and day for their improvement or
removal. But God delays and does not approveof the (my)
attitude, and grant the prayer. I will wait for a month or
two and see. But living or dead, I will have what I have
been praying for. I will not go to Teli or Yani. I will
never beg of them. The people are not good and devoted.
They are unsettled in mind etc A few friends will
gather together and talk divine wisdom, and sit and

598. In 1886. (Baba to Mahlsapathy) :-I am going

to God.

599. (Re : hand burnt] Baba :-Itis all God's play.

He himself will cure. Why should we be anxious ? Allah
is my doctor.

Baba, to R. B. P.:-In two or four days I will be

alright. Allah has given me this sickness and He will
make me alright within that period. You need not cry.

Baba's Practical wisdom and detachment.

600. Baba was seated at the mosque. The season for

custard apple (Seethapai) had just begun. A woman with
those fruits was coaxing Baba to take the fruit. She
demanded very high prices first.

B.-I do not want your fruits. Take them away.

Then the woman begged of him to take six fruits for
ten annas. The fruits were bought. A little later, before
the woman was paid, another woman with Seethapai turned
up and Baba bargained with her.
B.-For ten fruits, I will give only six annas.
Th$ woman agreed.
B.-Shama, what is the total to be paid to these women.
Syama :-Deva, one Rupee.
Then Baba addressing someone present:-Bhav, will
you give me 2 Rupees.
That man gave the two rupees asked for.
Then Baba calling the first woman :-Have this.
Take the money.

And lie paid her one rupee.

Then Baba called the second one and paid her also one

who paid2 rupeessaid, "Baba,I do not
understand all this. Can you make me understand ?
B.-What is the difficulty? When the first basket
came, fruits were scarce and so 10 annas for six was settled.
When the second basket came, fruits were not so
scarce; and so 6 annas was fixed for 10 fruits. As for
the actual payment, each was paid according to her Bhagya
(poorva Karma etc.)
601. In 1890 Nana Saheb Nimonkar voluntarily
offered a ten rupee note.
B.-I will not take this. I am a fakir.

602. Mr. Kanitkar went with his family in about 1907

to Baba and found Baba in the Chavadi using obscene
language by way of abuse and wondered at it. One of MB
clerks said that Baba was a great saint. Then Kanitkar
said, " I will consider Baba a great saint, if he returns all
the dakshina he has taken from members of my family."
Then when his wife and family went to Baba,
B.-Here is all the money you have given till now*
Take it away.
Mrs. K :-It may be useful for purchase of fuel etc. !
Keep it.
B.-I do not want it.

603. (to S. B. Nachne) Whatever you do, do thorough-

ly. Else do not undertake it.

604. Baba :-Do not borrow for celebrating a feast or

festival, for a pilgrimage or other journey.
605. Baba :-Always take your meal before you start;
for a journey.
Baba's Conservatism.

606. Baba (to Haribhav K. Karnik) :-Do not get tip

the steps of the mosque. Go back straight to your home
(Dahanu) without halting on the way.
Haribhav went back and found that his grandson's
wife had died just two hours before Baba spoke.
607. Mrs. Gokhale was coming into mosque with

Baba (to Mrs. Gokhale) :-Do not climb into the


She went back, purified herself and again tried to

eater it.

Baba (again) :-Do not enter.

Then Mrs. Gokhale went home and found that when
she tried to enter the mosque, she was under pollution,
arising frtm the death of a relation.

Baba's Mystical Eites and Wisdom.

608. (a) Village women to Baba:-You are grinding
wheat into flour. Let us also help you.

After some grinding,

Women :-Baba, you do not prepare bread. So we
will take away the flour.

B.-No, no, no. Oome on. Let us carry all the flour.
Then Baba led the way to the streamlet which forms
the northern boundary of Shirdi.
B. Now let us throw all this flour alongside of the
stream on its bank. These epidemics, cholera, plague etc.
comein the shapeof Goddesses
and they will be satisfied
with this flour which we oifer and will go away from the
In point of fact, when Babathrew the flour alongside
of the streamlet the threatened epidemic did not visit the

(b) Babarubbing coina.

Babawhen alone usedto take out coina from his pocket
and rub their surfacewith his fingers,(asa result of which
all the letters etc. were rubbed out) saying :-
Nanache Nanache (i.e. Nana's Nana's) Kakache
Kakache ; Somyache Somyacheetc.
By this, adverse circumstances against tfcesepersons
were rubbed out. That is what the devotees felt and

(c) Baba watching over the safety of devotees.

Baba to Abdul :-Abdul, place somebuckets of water
next to that Akandam in the Lendi garden. See that
that lamp (Akandam) is perpetually burning. Feed it
always with oil.
Baba, after the buckets, full of water, were placed near
the Akandam, would sprinkle water from them in all the
cardinal directions and he would also stand up and walk a

few steps in each direction and intently speak at the

horizon in eachdirection evidently to note and avert evils
befalling his devotees.

(d) Baba one day suddenly put his hand up to the

elbowvery closeto the Dhuni fire at the mosqueor even
into the fire. His skin was burnt.

Shama.-Baba, why do you do so. So saying, Shama

pulled him off.

Baba.-Let the cursedhand go. A child had fallen into

the fire and I was picking it out.
Later, informaton was received that in some place,
not far off, a blacksmith's child had fallen into the fire and
was picked out before any danger to its life happened.

I. Baba's advice re. His Biography
609. Baba.-(How the biography ought to be

(1) Inquire and collect a true account of events

and experiences of devotees.

(2) The biographer should not write with self-

conceit and in the spirit of controversy. Let there be
no taking of sides and no aggressive debate.

(3) The biographer must drown himself in the

contemplation of Sai Baba and after full surrender of self
and egotism, the biography must be written. It will then
be really written by Baba himself.

(4) Benefitof reading, writing and thinking of

Baba's life is this :-

Devotion will be intensified and ignorance will be

dispelled. If however the book is written in a controversial
spirit, ignorance will develop thereby.
(5) If anyoneservesme (Baba) with faith, God
will be kind to him.

II. Baba's, Peculiar methods of Talk-


610. When H. S. Dixit had a vision of Vittal

(Pandari Nath) at his lodgings and then went to Baba,
Baba said :-

Has not; Yittal Patil come ? Have you not seen

him ? That Yittal is very elusive. Tie him fast. If
inadvertently, you lose sight of him for a second, he
will vanish.

611. Das Garni Mahraj was much confused about the

meaning of Isavasya Upanishad and went to Baba.

Baba.-What, man, is the difficulty in this ? Go back

to Kaka's house (in Yille Parle). His molkarin (i.e.,
servant girl of the agricultural class) will clear your doubt.

Das Ganu went; and a young servant girl aged 8 and

belonging to the Kumbi caste, by her words and conduct
enabled him to understand the Upanishad.
612. When Shama was stung by a snake and went
to Baba at the mosque, Baba :-
Do not get up Brahmin. Get back. Descend.
Shama was afraid that this was an order to him not to

climb. Baba,a little later, :-Come up. The fakir, God,is

kind. Yon will be cured. Then Shama discovered that
the first spokenwords wereaddressedto the poisonso that
it should not creep up the body of the Brahmin.
613. Uddhavesa Bua was writing a letter to Baba
every Ekadasi day i.e. once in 15 days. He visited Baba
some months before Baba passed away.

B.-Well, go. Yon need not be coming here every

fifteen days. I am always with you and will ever be. Tell
.all people there (i.e., convey my best wishes to all.)

This was really bidding farewell. Uddhavesa did not

however understand it, but somehow owing to forgetfulness,
he did not send his Ekadasi letter thereafter. Obviously
Baba's reference to the 15 days' visit, was a reference to
these letters.

614. Baba (1) (re : a poor but saintly man):-"He has

much paica (literally Cash) "

(2) " Brahmins earn mucn paica by their ways."

(Baba meant by " Paica"-Pnnya, or Apoorva, i.e., merit.)
615. B.-(re : a personof Harda who had just died)
How can he die ? In the morning, he will come to life.

(The relationsof the deceased

were looking for the
revival of the corpse and were disappointed. Baba referred
to survivalof personality
andtakingup a newbodyiu the
next birth.)

(516.B.-That Fakiris kind to all. [Babareferredto

his God-Guru, under the term Fakir. 1

617. H. S. D. to Baba :-Nana Saheb Karambelkar

-writes that his wife and brother are unwell and wants your
help for their recovery.
Baba.-The brother will recover.

H. S. D.-The lady ?
Baba.-Is she come ?
H. S. D.-No, but shall we send for her ?

The brother recovered and the lady died. ' Is she

come ?7 means, in " snkshma sarira, after death.'1

618. H. S. D. wished to help a devotee at Shirdi who

was in pecuniary difficulties, but who would not accept any
presents. So he enclosed the money in an envelope and
went to Baba.

H. S. D.-Baba, shall I send this letter ?


H. S. D. sent it at once ; and it was accepted. The

devotee gave the explanation. Two hours earlier, the wife
"of that devotee went to Baba.

Baba.- Mother, I am coming to your house. Tell your

husband, not to reject me.

III. Baba's peculiar humour, double entendre,

jokes etc.
619. Once a goat entered the mosque, old, famished
and just about to die.
Baba (to Bade Baba) :-Cut that goat with one stroke.
Bade Baba :-(Looking at it with pity) - How are we
to kill this ?
So saying,he went away from the mosque.
Baba:-Shama, You cut it. Fetch a knife from
Radhakrishna Ayi.
(Ayi sent a knife; but learning the purpose
recalled it.)
Shama :-I will go home to fetch a knife.
Shama went home and stayed away there.
Then Baba to H. S. D.-You fetch a knife and kill it.
EL S. D. went and fetched a knife.

H. S. D.-Baba, shall I kill it ?


H. S. D. lifted up the knife and held it up in


Baba.-What are you thinking of ? Strike.

Dixit obeyed and was bringing the knife down.

Baba.-Stop. Let the creature remain. I will kill it

myself but not at the mosque.

Then Baba carried the creature a few yards, after

which it fell dead.

620. Q-.D. Pandit of Pelaspe came and bowed to


Baba.-(to someone)Whatis BapuSahebdoing?

Narayan :-Sleeping.
Baba.-Narayan, beathim well, when he coniesher©.
He owesme three or four thousandRs. and delays
rSf "J
;*** v^r A&S&- :^JTxVSte*£S*""**'"
/^xv^V-.r^i^." --iM^-^^^v^ft^^ .

*^-'-1 *'" "1"*11^^-*^"»-* X-~~J



This referred to a debtor of G. D. Pandit named Bapu

Saheb who owed G. D. P. that amount and was delaying
payment. Bat B. S. Jog (who wasBaba'soccasionalbanker)
believed that it was a wrong accusationagainst him and he
declared in anger that he did not owe any such sums.

IV. Baba's peculiar method of Teaching

621. Madhava Bua, sat before Baba and thought that
Baba should teach him the nature of a " Hainsa " saint.

Baba (to M.) -Go and hear Pothi (read by H. S. D.)

At once M. went to H. S. D. and found him reading
Ekanath Bhagavat, skatida XI, Chapter 18, Verses 27-37,
describing Hamsas and Pararnahamsas.

622. A Prarthana Samajist discovering that Baba's

power, nature and acts showed (a) that Avatars were possible
and probable, (b) that God comes as Avatar to help devotees
and (c) that offer of camphor, and naivedyas to Avatars
and God is right, came 'to Baba and sitting before him
framed within his mind, this question :-Baba shall I place
all my burdens on you ?

Baba (loudly) :-Yes.

P. S. (loudly)-Do you look on all with equal eye ?

B.-Some sense is required to ask questions. What

a silly question you ask ? I look on all with equal eye.

P. S. mentally prayed or wished to have an Ishta

devata (divine form) for worship. He turned to the old sala
and there a lovely female figure was standing and looking at

him. He turned to Baba. Babalookedat him with a smile.

On that occasion this happened several times.
P. S. learnt later that the figure he saw was Annapurna
and made her his Ishta devata. On the second visit of
P. S. to Shirdi somebodydiscussedwith him the good of
goingto Shirdiandthatupsethis faith. Thenhe went and
sat before Baba.

B.-Shama, take this man. Tell him something.

Sham a took him out and said :-

Outsider's talk and upsetting of your faith thereby

is all Baba's Lila. Do not mind what the world says or the
troubles it gives. Keep your mind at Baba's feet. Then
Baba will give you peace.
When the two returned, Baba (to P. S.) :-Follow
Shama's advice.

623. Baba, to Radhabai Deshmukhin :-

rft Wfranr ^H^RI 3J^ *fSf;-I do not in-

struct through the ear.

srwT^nr srejSr Fkrar STF!*-Our traditions

are different.

624. Babato UpasaniMaharaj:-Be by me and keep

quiet. I will do the rest.
As in the case of Narayana Tirtha, he infused thin
devoteewith thought and feelingwithout giving expreua
instruction (Upadesa).
625. ShamaRaoR. Shrotrie,a recordkeeper of
DistrictCourt,Thana,sat beforeBaba at Shirdi with a
question in his mind.

B :-Go to Bai. Sheis reading Puran in the temple.

Then Shrotrie went up and listened and found the answer
to his question in what she read.
This is one of Baba's ways of giving answers.

V. Re. Photographing Baba

626. B.-Shama. What have the boys come here for?
Shama :-To take a photograph of you.
B.-Tell the boys that no photo should be taken. [To
have my real likeness), if the wall is pulled down, that is
N.B.-Wall is (1) the body and (2) the idea that we are the body.
Baba's real likeness is Brahman.

VI. Baba's Parables

627. Baba :-I had brought numerous assesladen with

gold. Robbers looted all that on the road. -So it is very
hard to live in the house (or proximity) of thieves. You
(Bhao Saheb Pradhan, Sub-Registrar)have been sent to me
that I may teach you this.-It is very difficult to remain in
this sapless world. That is what I was taught. Convey
this much to my brother Madhav Nath (Maharaj).
627 (a). My money was carried away by people. I said
nothing, but quietly followed them, killed them and
recovered my money.
628. Baba :- I once changed the lower part of my
body for that of a parrot, and after a year's experience, I
discovered that it was a serious loss. I lost a lakh of

Rupees ($553"
i.e. 5£$*T.aim)

629. Baba :-I sat near a post and then a great serpent
wokeup,andwasvery angry. It usedto jump up and
also fall from above.
630. Baba:- A man had a very beautiful horse. In
spiteof alf hisefforts,it wouldnotgo in pair. A vidwan
that it shouldbe takenback to the place whence
it was brought (its source). That was done. Then it
became controllable and useful.

631. Baba :-(To B. V. Dev.) You have given four,

it is true. Baba however gets only one.
632. Baba :"- (To Mrs. GLS. K.) :-It is cloudy. Rains
will fall. Crops will grow and mature. Clouds will
disperse. Why do you fear ?
633. Baba :-A person rode on a camel. It passed
excreta. I gathered all the excreta and ate them up. My
belly was puffed up-swollen. I felt listless. Then the
rider took pity upon me. He gave me four grains of
Bengal grain ^JIT (Cicer arietinum) and I ate them and
drank water. Thus my vehement turbulence ceased. My
swollen belly subsided. Now hereafter it will be cured.
634. Shama :-Why are you grinding corn with grind-
stones ?

Baba:-For thosewho comehere (to me), I have to


Madras-except forms
T. V. C. Press,Madras.

Kindly prepared by Sow Saradammagctru.

(Mrs, O. K. Varada Rao, B.A., B.L.}

(Numbers refer to pages.)


Abhaya, 230. Baba-

Adam Dalali, 155, 165, 251. A surrendered "nstruinent of
Advice to Sadakas, 116. God, 17.
Advice to Jog, Shadripus etc. See Against conversions, 263.
Moral Teachings, 77-140. Against unnecessary fast,
Ahimsa, 117-8. 109-10.
Akkalkote Maharaj, 13. And Black magic, 196-97.
Allah is all, 10 And creatures, 262.
Alms-giving, 122-4. And Guru Purnima, 242.
Aager (Ramdasi, Jog, R. B. P., And Hindu Gods, 9,48.
and Mrs. P ), 80, 81. And Karma, 169, 171.
Anger-Baba's Control of, 81. And Music, 75.
Anityanityavastu Viveka, 29. And other Saints, etc , 12, 181.
Anna Saheb Dabolkar and Desh- And Photography, 275.
mukin, 42, 114. And Rangari, 241,
Anticipates storm, Baba, 144. And Tapas, 115, 116.
Apiuitaratma, 7. Appears as others or identifies
Appa Kulkarni's death, 131. with them, 152-5.
Appeal of B's servant, 173. As Boss of Devotees, 247.
Appearanceof Baba,150-5. As cat, supplement.
As you sow, so you reap, 125. As devoteeof God, 106.
Atliarva Veda,177. As Dog,155.
Athiti, explained, 122. As Marwadi, 155.
Atmajnana-Adhikari; 38-43.
Atmavichara, 18, 24-26. Assumes objector's father's
voice, 151.
Attai (Non-resistance to evil,
Lobha), 87, 118. Averts death (Markandeya),
Attempt in. 1886 (to leave the
world-Baba's),134. Controlslire andheat,145.
Attempt in 1916 (to leave the Foretells coming glory of
world-Baba's) 135. Shirdi, 155.
Aurangabadkar,Mrs., 235. Granting Issue,171, 232-8.
Avasti, P. R., 90. Identifies with Anasuya and
Avatars, 43. Datta, 153; with many gods,
Ascetism (over-), 109-114. Ganapati, Krishna, Rama
Ananta Rao, 23. and Maruti, 9, 181.
Antarjnan, Baba's, 177-96. Is in the picture worshipped,
Anasuya and Datta, Baba as, 153. 54.
Baba- Baba's-
On Gajanan's passing away, Indifference to
178. Justice and eq
On Siddi or Yoga Marga, 143. Kindness even
On the Past, 202-10. 247.
On" Venkusa" 61. Love of devot
Repeats Sanskrit slokas, 167. Love to Mr. R
Strengthens faith in gods etc., Mission, 8.
55. Moods, 106.
Submits to worship, 241-2. Mystical rites
Teaches Sanskrit, 167. 254, 266.
Towards Lepers, 231. Nature, 9.
Tracing past lives-of others, Offer of his o-
198. Parables, 275.
Wants complete Surrender, Passingaway,
41. Peculiar humc
Peculiar meth<
Baba's- 273
Advice, re: hi-; biography, 268 Powers 143.
Appreciation of Prema, 213. Practical Wise
Approbation of Mystic ex- Prayers 263.
perience, 74. Promises-as D
An tarj nan, 177-96. in h
Autobiographic reminiscences Prophecy or c«
of past births 202-10 Recipes, 168-
Avowal of Antarjnan, 177. Regan! for H
Chamatkars,143-71,158. worship, 47.
Conservati-m, 266. Regard for Hii
Consideration for feelings of Regard for Vit
devotees, 222-31 Religious t o 1
Consideration for health^ Catholicity,
228. Remimscenes
Control over :-Storm, 145; lives, 202.
fire, 138-45; Departed Sacrifice of hi
Spirits, 129-46. 221.
Cure without medicine, 171-2. Sacrifice of sel
Fearlessness, 258. 221.
Forcing thought upon others. Sadhanain a f<
172-4. Saints and Bab
Function,16. Samadhiand 1
Giving proof of Antarjnan, Savinglife, 25
178. Sayings,9-16.
Helpfor Issue,232-8. Survivalas A$
Help in business,
239-41. Surrender,17.
Helpin domesticaffairs,238. Tapas,115.
Help in marriage,251-2. Test and de
Help to Students,
166. faith, 46.
Helpin travel,248. Tracingpastli
Humility, 119-21. 198.
Independence,255. Ubiquity,11.
Baba's- Children of D. Rasane,232.
Watch and Care, 228-31. ,, See under Issue.
Watch and fore-knowledge, ChintamaniRao(Issue),232-8.
245,246. Chitnis, Mrs. (Spirit possession),
Watch over devotees, 243- 197.
45. Cholkar's Tea with Sugar
Babu Pradhan, 198. (Antarjnan), 188.
BabuRao Boravke, 192. Cobra-bitten boy-death, advant-
Baby's cries (Mrs. M. W. P.'s), age, 130.
226. Conduct amidst Samsara, 22.
BadeBaba,87. Coins:- objectof worship,53.
228. Potful of (non-attach-
Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri, ment), 100.
152. ,, rubbing to ward oil evil,
Bala Pati], Harijan 26J. 267.
Bahi Shimpi, 231. Conservatism,262-6.
BalwantG. Kapharde,165-221. Consideration-Baba's,
Basappa,born as frog, 202. Consolation, 132.
BayyajiPatil, 85,136,240. Contentment
Beiidre, 130. Controls: Baba :-
Benefits of knowing the Future, Anger, 81.
197. Destiny (SeeKarma),169-71.
BhagavantRao Kshirsagar, 211. Fire, 138.
Bhakti andJnana, 23. Minds 149,172-4.
226,241. Spirits(departed)
Bhikubai's flowers,melonsetc., Storm,135.
219. Taste 149.
BhimajiPatel,169. Conversions,
on,128. Cosmic
Blindgetsight,143. Courage-in
108. dealing
with spirits,
Blind man-Satgathi, 138. Cow-whose Property, 104.
Bombay Lady,25. Creatures-Loveall, 107.
Books, 69. Baba ancl, 262.
32,39,40,50,64. Crueltyto animals
Brahminsfor Jog's pitrusraddha, 117-3.
162. Criminal proceedings-B'shelp,
Buti and Snakes-abhaya,
41, 230. 165-6.
Curtis' Visit, 121, 257.

CastePride, 84-5, 186.

ChakraNarayan,261. Dada Kelkar, 114,224.
Chamatkar(Powers),143-71. Dakshina, 82-96.
Chamatkars (Babadoes not do Dama,30.
Chamatkar), 158. Damodar S. Rasne, 232, 239.
Chandorkar, N. G. 69, 75, 82, 83, D. D. Rasane, 193.
100,109,116,117,119,140, 149, Das GanuxMaharaj,83, 112, 149,
151, 191, 201, 232. 178.
Date's-oranges, 184.
DattaandAnasuya,153. Ego,39.
127. Entendre-double,
130-1. Epidemics,
Death, averted,133. Evil-Non-resistence to, J
Death like birth not to be Evil-Spirits, 197.
grievedfor, 121. Evil-Warding off,267.
Debtors,Jog's(repayment), 162. Examination, 157,160,16
of faith etc,,in thesedays,
Experiences to beverifiec
Deccani Bahmins (Rs. 15 and
Rs. 35), 100.
Deha Prarabdha,20, 125. Faith-decay of, 52.
beforeyoudesire,38. ,, Test
and develo
Deshmukhin Radhabai, 41.
V.Y. (sightrestored), ,, in 48. GodsandAva
171. ,, Preserving of, 10
Detachment-Baba's,264. ,, Strengthening
Fasts, 109-110.
Dev, B. V., 94, 154, 174. Fate or Karma-See Kara:
Dev, R. S. 92, 181. Father'svoice, Babaassu
77. Feast,Mahalspathy,
Developmentof :-'faith, 46. Feelingsof Devotees,222
Vasanas,202. Fifteen rupees(Dakshina
194. Fifty rupees(Dakshina)
Devoteesin general-so, 115. Fire-Baba's control, of,
Dev Mamlatdar, 164. Fire in the Dhuni, 145.
Dholap Maharaj, (Baba appears First fruits, 92.
as), 151. Five-Surrender, 39.
Dhulia Bahalkar (Baba appears Forcing thoughts,172-74
to), 228. Foretells-Shirdi's comir
Dhulia Court : Baba as Defence 155.
Witness, 225. Foreword, 1,
Dhumal, S. B., Mr., 92, 93, 173, Former Guru, 62.
241,246, 252. Former Guru's Mahima,5
Dhumal, S. B. Mrs. Satgathi, 141. Function-Baba's, 16.
Dhyana, 45.
Difference between Miracle and
Prophecy, 158.
unreal,19. GadgilOhidambar
Gajanan, (Baba on his
Dixit, H. S., 37, 99, 109, 118, 160, away1, 178.
166, 172, 178, 191, 197, 269. Ganapathi (is Baba), 181.
Doctor S. African, 84. Garde's Mangoes, 219.
,, Pillai, 16S.
Gifts-of Kupnis, 183.
Dog,mad,118. dubious,220.
Dog,Babaas,155. with impuremind
Dube,R. K., 259. with puremind, 2
D warat aMayi is Baba, 1. Giridhar V. S.,Mrs., 213
-'Girl with slit lips, 131. Hansraj, 197. ,
Giving is no loss, 98. Happiness, True, 21.
Glory of Shirdi--coming, 155. Haribhav Panse, 222.
bornas,201. Harijansand Baba-Barku, Bala
"God- Patil, 261, 262.
Baba a devotee, 106. Harikanoba's Sandals, 186.
,, promotes faith in God: Harmony, 115.
also, 55. Health-Baba's sacrifice of hi",
Baba a surrendered instru- 222.
ment of, 17. of Bala Shimpi, 231-
Baba is and is not, 119. Vaidya's, 225.
Hindu, 47, 48- Hindu Gods, 46, 47.
Justice of, 202. Hospitality, 114.
reaching, 29-31. How are we to see God, 27.
realisation of, 35, 51. How to get Moksha, 28, 31.
who is, 26. Humility-Baba's, 119-121.
"Godavari water for Jog, 161. Humour-Baba's, 271.
"Gokhale Mrs. (fast), 110. Hunger-Lala Lakshmichaml's
Grain powder, 266. 195.
Grain trade Bayyaji's, 239. Vadhavakar'?, 224.
Grapes-Jetabai's, 148.
Mrs. Kantikar's, 220.
Greed (Lobha) (to N. G. C. Jaya-
gudi), 86, 88, 100. [-who am I ? 24.
Greed (Attai), Jog, Bade Baba Identifies with others-Baba,
N. R. S,, 84-92, 104. 152-155.
Granting- son, 162. Idleness, 107.
Guinea worm, 159. Ill-fated property, 104.
Gurjar, 187. Images, 52.
Guru :-follows devotee for Indifference to wealth, Bu-ba's
birth?, 202. 98-100.
Former, Kabir; and Individual self, 74.
Upasana, 62. Industry and Patience, 115.
By adoption by the "neffectual attempt to prevent
devotee, 62. death, 132.
,, Jnana and Guru, 63, nsanity, 158.
.,, Mahima of Baba's, 58. ssue :-
. Needed, 60. to Aurangabadkar, Mrs., 235.
Purnima, 242. ,, Chintamani Rao, 236.
", " Venkusa " Baba's-,61. ,, Mahalsapathy, 237.
4) Should be trusted (Nishta), Narke, 163.
21. Rasne, D. S-, 232.
,, Ratanji Sait, 237.
H Sathe, H. V., 233.
., Scindhe, N. G., 238.
Haji, 82.
Halwa-Plague house, 245.
n Sankaranti, 216.
Harmony, 115. Japa,Ramaand Sai, 71.
Hanged man,rebornas-son,200. Jani NarayauaRao,160.
Jawar AH, 118, 121. Laws of Karma and
Jayagudi, 87. Karma, 125.
Jayakar,S. R. V., 104,190. Laya by Music, 75.-
Jealousy,(N. G. C.), 86. Lele's first fruits, 93.
Jethabai, 148. Leper's peda, 218.
Jnana-Atma Vichara, 24. Lives-past traced,198.
AndBhakti, 23. Lizard's tick, 188.
Nature, 74. Loans-Jog's (nointerest)
Jnani's passing away, 129. Lobha, 86, 90, 92.
Jog, 77, 80, 87, 154, 162. Londa's caste-pride, 186.
Joshi of Kalyan, 243. Love-all creatures,107.
Judge, dakshina, 96. Baba's to Mr. R., 2
Justice of God, 202. Baba's-of devo
K 241.
Lust (to Devadoss, N. G. C
Kabir, 62, 202. Sathe), 77-9.
Kaka Mahajani, 148, 243, 24-7.
Kaka Maharaj's passing away, M
Kalyan Karnik, 164. Mada, 77.
Kanchana (See greed). Mad is Baba? G. G. Narke,
Kanoba, Hari, sandals, 186. Mad dog, Ahimsa to, 118.
Kanitkar's Mrs. grape?,220. Madman andNachne,160
Karma-Laws and poorva K, 125. Madrasi Swami fijiven
Overcoming, K. 169-71. 30, 140.
K. when against, 171. Magna Carta, 2,
Khaparde, G. S., 165, 172, 191, Mahalspathy, 117, 150, 156
217, 221. 229, 237.
Khaparde, B. G., 165. Mahajani Kaka, 148, 244, i
Kindness-Baba's, 247. Maruti, 47.
Krishna is Baba, 9 Mamlatdar Oev, 174.
Knowledge of future, 197. Manana, 45.
Kolambo, 1J4. Mr. Manager's servant, 24J
Kondaji's stack (fire), 104, 145. Mrs. Manager and Snakes,
Krishna, 47. Manifestation, 150.
Kshirsagar, 211. Manker, (sons provided) 4
Kuchela Sai's, 215. Margosa" tree even must
Kulkarni, Appa,131. 260.
Kupni (gifts), 183. Markandeya, Modern (
Kusal Bhav, 223. kicked), 133.
Kusha Bhav, 112, 146, 196. Marriage, Baba's help in, !
Maruti is Baba, 9
Marwadi Kondaji's stack, '
Master-Baba's humility t
Labour-compulsory by Baba, Masudi Ayi is Baba, 1.
206. Materialisation, 146-8.
Ladus-Pandit's Sesha, 219. Matsara, 77, 86.
Lala Lachmichand,194-5. Mavushe'sfeelings, 224.
Law examination,157. Mayaand SuddhaChaitar
Meekness, 108. Nature, Baba's, 9,
Megha, 185. of Jnana, 63.
Merikar, 229. Nava vidha Bhakti, 23.
Method of reaching God, 29-31. Nidhi Dhyasa, 45.
Miracles-(See "Chamatkars".) Nigoj-V. M.s' Wife, 132.
Mind impure, 219. Nimonkar S. D. (Dakshina), 92,
Miscellania, 268-75. 255.
Mission, Baba's, 8. Nishta and Saburi, 43.
Mistake, T's, Dr. Muiky's, 182, Nitya-Anitya VastuTivekan,29.
194. Non- Hatred, 107. *
Modak's friend, resiles, 189. Non-resistance to Evil, 118.
Modern Markandeya, 133. Noolkar, L. K., 139.
Mo ha, 77.
Mobile's girl, 131. O
Moksha Marga, 20, 28.
Moral Teachings and Correction, Obedienceto Parents, 108.
77-134. Obstinacy, Varde's and
Mohiniraj ("Siva) Visit to, Baba Purandare's,226.
recommends, 47. Onion,
Moral-from Dakshina, 94. and Dada Kelkar and
Teachings,122-27. Nachne's Mother-in-law.
Moral Teachings and Corrections, 114,269-
77. and Das Ganu, 112.
Moslems- and Baba, 258. and Kusha Bhav, 3 12.
Mother-in-law's revenge,114,260. andyoga, 111.
Mule Sastry, 85, 151 Others, Rabaas, 152- 55.
Mulharkar's-" Pucca devotee ", Forcing thought uponB
192- 172-74.
Mulharkar Mrs', life, 192. OthersDevoteesB's humility, 120.
Muiky's (Dr.)Mistake,182. OtherMoralTeachings,106.
Mumukshuta,31. OtherSaintsandBaba,12.
Munge,251. Over-Asceticism,
Musicfor laya,75. Overcoming
gatha, 169. Karmafor Sarana-
Mystical rites of Baba, 266.

Nachne, S. B. (fast), 110, 160, 183, Paduka, object of worship, 53.

184,224,254,260 Palanquin,99.
Pandhari V a k i 1-Scandalising,
Nadkar, L. V. (train late), 156. 188.
Naivedya, Mrs. G. S. K's, 217. Pandit's Sesha ladus, 219.
KamaJapa-(of Sai,Rama,)71. Parable's-Baba's,
Nana- Nimonker Mr. & Mrs., 238, Paradox,269.
255. Parayana,69.
Nana Wall, 121. Parsi'shealth and missingboy,158.
Nandaram Marwadi, 214. Passingaway of:-Baba, 134-37.
Narayan Govind Scindhe, 238. Jnanis, 129.
Narke G. G. (Rs. 15 dakshina) 95, Patience and Industry, 115.
163, 183, 245. Patience, 108.

Pause's, H. M. appeal, 166. Rampurkar, consolation, 132.

Peston Jamas, 261. Rangari and Baba, 241.
Photographing Baba, 275. Rasane, D. D., 193.
Picture worship, 54. Rasane, D. S., 232, 239, 252.
Pillai, C. Dr., 168. Ratanji Sait, 237.
Plague, 165, 221, 245, 246, 259. Reaching God, 29.
Plank vigil, 110. Realisation-Sakshatkara of God,,
Plantains-Vakharkar, 216. 35.
Police Officer (Rupees 50), 1%. Realisation-God, 51.
Poorva Karma, 125. Rebirth for revenge, 202.
Potful of coins, 100. ,, in lower species, 201-2.
Pothy, 69. Receptivity, 38.
Poverty, 105. Recipes, 168, 169.
Powers-Baba's, 143. Reminiscenes, Baba's, 202.
Power to give Power, 147. Repeating of Sanskrit slokas by
Practical wisdom, Baba's, 264. Baba, 167.
Pradhan M. G., 129. Restores sight, 143.
Pradhan, Rao Br. M. W., 93, 245. Rich man's adopted boy, 195.
Pradhan Mrs. M. W., 81, 226. Rinanubanda, 44, 211.
Prayers-Baba's, 263. Rinanubanda for animals, 212.
Prema-appreciation of, 213-18. Ritambara Prajna-Baba's, 177-
Preserving faith in case of doubt, 96.
Pride of :-Caste, 84,
,, Learning, 86. Sabari-Sai's, 215.
Haj Pilgrimage, 82. Saburi and Nishta, 43, 44.
Strength, 85. Sacrifice of Baba,221,222.
Printer, N. V., exposed194. Sadakas-advice to, 116.
Prophecy distinct from Control, Sadhanas-I. Faith, 46,-52.
or Chamatkar,
whichSee. II. Worshipof objects,
benefits from, 188. 51-56.
Profits-share in, 99. III. Guru, 58-63.
Promises-Baba's- IV. Books Nama Japa,
As Dwarkamayi, 1. 69-71.
In his own name,2. V. Worship Baba as
PromotesVairagya, 99. Godin all, 72.
,, re: Marwadi's stack, 100. VI. Sightsof Nature,74.
Property cow, whose?100. VII. Music,75.
Potful of coins, 96. Sadgati, 138-42.
Ill-fated, 101. Sadgatito animals,142.
Prophecy-Dakshina, as,89. Sadhana of Baba in former life,.
'Baba's, 155-66. 210.
Providence,Baba's,105 Sadhu(bayya), 87.
Purandhare,R. B., 81, 89,95, 213 Sahasrabuddhe,N. R., 88, 101,
226, 247. Saints and Baba, 12.
Sai's Kuchela, 215.
Sai's Sabari, 215.
Rajaballi Mohammad, 18. Sakshatkara, transient, 35, 37.
Rama, 47. Baba is 9. Sama, 30.
Ramdasi, SO. Samadhi and temple of Baba, 137
Samant, N. A. (Rupees5), 157. SnddhaChaitanyaandMaya,31.
D. V-, 156. Sugarcane
* Patel,240.
Samsara-and conduct,22. Surrender:-and contentment,
Mokshamarga, 20. 106.
Sandalpa.steon Baba,258. Five-if you want
Saving of life of Nachne, S.B., Brahman,39.
254. Must be complete,
,, Nimonkar Baby, 255. 41.
Sankar Rao (Rupees64-),92, 160. SurrenderedInstrument of God-
Saukarauti-Halwa, 216. Baba, 17.
Sanza-consideration,195. Syama(MadhavRaoDeshpande),
Siipiitnokur, 157, 166,234. 80, 165, 27L
Sathe, H. V. Rao Br., 79,83, 118,
233, 238.
Snthe, H. V. Mrs., 238.
Satsanga, 126. Takur B.A.'s buffalo ride, 189.
Scandal .--abstain from, 117. Tapas Baba's, 116.
and Pandhari Vakil, Tatya Patel, 173.
188 Teachings-Moral, 77-114.
S.-imlh.', N. G., 162,227. Tendulkar's Examination, 166.
Seedless grapes, 148* That is the only Sadana, Guru, 63.
Self-sacrifice of Baba, 210-21. Tiiembe Swami's cocoanut,180.
Serpc.ut Ahimsa to, 118. Theosophical Lady, 196.
Shadripus, 77-88. T. Mr., 194.
Sham a (~Madhava Rao Desh- T. Mrs., 96, 202, 217.
pando) (See Syama.) Tolerance, religion, 262.
Share in profit, to Baba, 99. Travel-Baba's help in, 248.
Shi rdi~-~Coming glory of, 155- True happiness, 21.
Siddhi, 143, True joy, 21.
Sights of nature, 74. Tukaram Barku, Harijan, 262.
Sight restored, 143.
Singvekar's Examination, 157. u'
S mar an a, 45.
Somadevaswami and standards, Ubiquity-Baba's, 11.
187. Uddhavesa's loss of money, 191.
Sorrow-selfishness of, 129. Udhi, 146.
Snur and not sour, 149. Unreal difference^ 19.
Sp<Tia! Po.da and Mrs. Mulhar- Upasanaof Guru, 62-3.
karS. life, 192. Upasani Sastri, B. G., 98, 152.
Spirits, 108. Upasani Maharaj, Mrs., 142.
Spirits :- Upadesh and ideas of R. S. Dev,
Control of departed, 146. 181; none by Baba , 41.
Kvil, 197.
Guides departed, 146.
Sntvana, 45.
Strengthens;faith in God-Baba, Vadhavkar'shunger,224.
55. Vaidya's health, and safety, 225.
Student1;--Baba's help to, 166. Vairagya, 30, 99.
andDas Ganu, Vakharkar'splantains,206-16.
178. Vakil's brother's insanity, 158.

227. Whoareyou?'Whence
Who is God and How to see God,*
26. a

(bornas Snake),
} Wisdom anddetachment,246.
Wisdom and MysticalJ!rites of
Venkusa,Baba'slast Guru,61. Baba,-266.
Vichara-Atma,18,4*. Womanof Bassein
Victimof BlackMagic 197. Worshipof Baba-acquiesces
Vittal Patel(=God),37. promotes^CGunr
2. «nBaba -*.^"alV72.
""- "
140. e>7 with sandal
Visit of Curtis, 257.
Vittal and Baba,47. paste,258.
Worship objects:-Coins, 53.
Images, 52.
W Paduka, 53.
Picture, 54.
Watchand CureBaba's,208-31. Tomb,54.
Watch over devotees-Baba s,

Watchand foreknowledge,245-
Wealth,87. Yama,Niyama,126.
to,98- Yamadened~(See
104. Yoga andOnion, 111.
Who am I ? 24. Yoga marga,143,
Who are We ? 24. Yoga Student, 111.

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