Sri SAI Baba's Charters and Sayings
Sri SAI Baba's Charters and Sayings
Sri SAI Baba's Charters and Sayings
Ah Blessed Lord, Oh High Deliverer !
Forgive this feeble script, which doth Thee wrong,
Measuring with little wit Thy lofty love.
I take my refuge in Thy name and Thee.
" Edwin Arnold*
Faith is the sun of life
^ '
Frontispiece Lord Sai ... i"
Death-(Apantaratma)-By Sufi (Bedil) ... iii
Faith-Plea for faith-(Browning and Tennyson). ... iv
Foreword by Justice MLB. Rege ... v
lioksha Marga
Samsara ... '20
What is God
i. Faith
of faith-instances. 46
Baba'sregard for Hindu Gods-Maruti, Mohiniraj,
Rama and Krishna and Vittai " "" 47
Baba and Hindu Gods ; Avatars etc. ... 48
God realisation and not talk "*" 51
Decayof faith etc., in thesedays """ 52
(a) Mahlsapathyand Bitch ... 117
(b) H. S. Dixit and Serpent ... 113
(c) MadDog ... US
Non-Resistance to Evil
(a) Attai ... 118
(b) Sathe ... 118
(c) Jawar Ali ... 138
Baba's Humility : Guru Baba is and is not God
(a) to Master "... 119
(b) to other devoteesin general ,.. 120
(c) Curtis' Visit ... 121
(d) Jawar Ali ... 121
(e) Nana Wall ,.. 121
(a) With Suavity and Straightforwardness-
N.G. C. ... 122
(b) Without Anger and Arrogance-N.G.C. ... 128
(c) Without discrimination-N.G.C. ... 124
Laws of Karma and Poorva Karma ... 125
Satsanga ... 126
Yama, Niyama etc. ... 126
Moral Teachings
(A) Death
Death ... 127
Birth ... 128
Selfishness of sorrow ... 129
Death of a son, daughter, etc.
(a) M. G. Pradhan ... 129
(b) Bayyaji Patil ,., 129
Jnani's passing away ... 129
Death-when Baba will not avert it
(a) Bendre ... 130
(b) Cobra bitten boy,
when death is an advanta-ge ... 130
(c) Girl with slit lip-S.B. Mohile'sgirl ... 131
(d) Appa Kulkarni ... 131
Ineffectual attempt to prevent Death-Nigoj , 132
C. Controls fire
(a) Kondaji stack ... 145
(b) Fire in the dhuni ... 145
(c) Heat . 145
D. Controls departed spirits and guides them ... 146
E. Materialisation
(1) Gadgil-Udhi ... 146
(2) Kusa Bhav produces Udhi ... 146
(3) Das Ganu-Ganga from Baba's feet ... 146
(4) N. G. C. water on H. Hill ... 147
(a) N. G. C. Power to give power ... 147
(5) Produces seedless grapes out of seeded
grapes Jethabai ... 148
F. Appearance(Manifestation)
(1) To Mahlsapathy at Jejuri ... 150
(2) As Dholap Maharaj to Mule Sastri ... 151
(3) Baba assumesobjector's father's voice ... 151
G. Baba appears as others or identifies himself with
(1) Tendulkar ... 16^
(2) Sapatnekar's
friend ... 166
(3) Dixit's son -
' 166
(4) Medical student ...
K.-Baba repeatsSanskrit Sloka ... 167
Baba teaches Sanskrit ... 167
L.-Baba's Recipes.
(1) Dr. G. Pillai-guineaworm ... 168
(2) Overcoming Karma for Saranagata ... 169
(3) Granting son when Karma was against
Scindhe ... 171
(Baba's promises in his own name.)
9. My eye (of vigilant supervision) is ever on those
who love me,
What ever you do, where ever you may be, ever
bear this in mind, that 1 am always aware of everything
you do.
10. If one ever meditates on me, repeats niy name,
sings my deeds*and is thus transformed into mef one's
Karma is destroyed. I stay by his side always.
11. You should have truth always with you. Then
I shall be always with you, wherever you are, and at all
53. Saints exist to give devotees temporal and spi-
ritual benefits. Dr. Pillai need not have ten more births
for this. All the pain can be enduredin ten days.
54; I have cometo give such go3d tilings to the
(showing his nature, moods, power.)
58. I am God (Allah)
1 am Mahalaxmi:-I speak the truth-sitting as I do
*at the mosque.
fl am Vittobha of Pandhari--] Go, I am at Pand-
Baba's Function
90- I am the slave of God.
God is the Lord and Master.
Baba's Nature
110. Do not say of any one that he is inimical.
Who is whoseenemy? Do not entertain ill feelings
towards any one. All are one and the same.
111. People differentiate between themselvesand
-other, their properties, and others' properties. This is
wrong* <I am in you and you in me.
This is the Teli's wall that parts you from me; pull
down this wall; and then we see each other clearly face
to face.
Narain Asram of Wai, Satara (then Mr. Toser) was,
'about 1914 made by Baba to feel that differences do not
.exist; and NA had the blissful feeling of non-difference
while at Shirdi. (Krishna encouraged Bhishma, in the bliss
^of ex|>eriencing
the cosmic self at the view of his own
"Shadow at sunrise.)
113. N-G. Chandorkar bowed to Sai Baba and said--
Enough of this Samsara for me- As the Sastras describe
it, samsara is really nissara i.e., worthless- Break its
fetters off from me, Baba. What first, seems^to be joy
here is seen to be but sorrow at the end. Fate leads us a.
nice dance here and there. I cannot discover even a bit
of happiness in this Samsara. I am quite disgusted. I do-
not wish to touch it, Baba, any further.
Baba:-What crazy and delusive talk is yours!:
There is some truth in it-mixed up with error. As long
as the body remains,samsara remains. None escapes it.How
can you? Even I am caught up in it. Samsara is of vari-
ous sorts- It is like the surface of the body. Kama (desire)'*
Krodha (anger) etc and any mixture of these is samsara.
All mental and bodily processesare samsara*The contact
of any two things is samsara. By going away to a forest
you connot escape samsara. Your present condition, has
been brought about by yourself. What is the use of
irritation at it? This Deha Prarabdha is the result of
the karma done by you in former births. This body
was, therfore, born. The Jiva takes birth in body to
work out former Karma. Without suffering the results of
Prarabdha Karma, you connot get rid of it. All persons,
all creatures differ in form etc.r Why? Because of previ-
ous Karma of each. Differences between species, like
differences between individuals is due to the same cause..
Seethe difference between the rich man's dog lolling on,
sofa and the poor man's running about in search of;
crumbs- That is due to Deha Prarabdha.
& slfwqs (
disturb one so much. Should we not rel
Navavidha Bhakti
120. Baba often said " Who are we ? Night and day
think on this."
About 1915 R. A. Tarkhad, Managing Director of a
mill, got into a compartment at Manmad in the dark and
was fighting for a seat with a police constable, who was
there. When R. A. T. arrived at Shirdi,
Baba "-With whom were you persisting in contest
this morning? Bhav (brother), we should not engage in
-contest with such people! " Who are We ?" This we
must enquire into,
R. A. T-saw first, Baba's reference to the social
inequality of the disputing parties, and later on, the
Hiisband.-Baba and the Sastras want you to regard^
yourself as Siva or God.
Lady.-No, No. I am a petty sinner-a Jiva and
not the great God Siva.
Husband.~No doubt that is your feeling. But Babar
means that by constantly regarding yourself as God,
your deeply ingrained belief that you are only a finite
Jiva will be removed. This process continued, may be-
through numerous births and strengthenedand helped
by contact with saints, will give you the firm belief that-
you are Brahman. That must be Baba's meaning.
(The pair again returned to Dwaraka Mai).
Baba.-Mother, I have listened (from here)to affi
that your husband told you* Keep that in mind.
Who is God?
122. N. G. Chandorkar to Baba -
(1) Who is God?
(2) What is He like?
(3) Where is He?
(4) How are we to see him ?
S. B.-I will tell you later on.
S. Baba- (later).
Baddhas, (the very worldly) do not know or observe
the differencebetween right and wrong...or what God*
is. They have no moral tendencies.
Ever immersed in the world, (and impure in heart)*.
having nofaith in Scriptures or saints, they do not get
to God-but go to Hell
three stages.
What is God ?
(1) Receptivity.
131. (Baba was washing pots and placing them
mouth downward).
Visitor :-How ?
upon anything else. Night and day I pored upon his face
with an ardour of love that banished hunger and thirst.
The Guru's absence, even for a second, made me restless.
I meditated upon nothing but the Guru and had no goal or
object other than the Guru. Unceasingly fixed upon him,
was my mind. Wonderful indeed the art of my Guru ! I
wanted nothing but the Guru and he wanted nothing but
my love. Apparently actionless, he never neglectedme ; but
always protected me by his glance.
That Guru-I tell thee true, sitting as I do in this
Masjid-never blew any mantra into my ear ; nor do I
blow any into yours. Go thou and do likewise.
Sadhana I - Faith
(1) Faith
141. (Baba calls for faith, as his Guru did from him.)
My Guru, after depriving me of everything asked me
for two pice. I gave them to him. He did not want
metallic gifts. What he asked for was (1) Faith (Nishta)
and (2) Patient, cheerful endurance.,(Saburi).
142. Puraiidhare , Give me two rupees dakshina. It
is not these rupees I call for. I ask for Faith and Patient
Nil Anil
Anil Sunne
(Brahmananda's Songs.}
. -If
(&) PaduTca.
159. Nachne, keep this (Paduka) and do puja.
KO. Atmaram H. Chaubal took silver padukas to
Baba. Baba placed his feet on them and returned them
saying, " They are nice. Keep them in puja." Oncethey
were lost and very miraculously restored.
(c) Coins.
162. In 1908 Balakrishna Ramachandra Khairikar
B ;-Give it to ine.
B :-Keep it.
S. B. D. kept this picture and worshipped it all
The Guru came then and said " What was your
dispute? " and I told him all our talk. The others left him
and did not care for him. But I reverently bowed to him.
Then he took me to a well, tied up my legs with a rope,
and suspended me, head downwards, from a tree by a side
of the well. My head was about three feet off the water,
which I could not reach. And my guru left me there and
went away-God knows, where. He returned after 4 or
5 hours and asked me how I fared. " In great bliss was iny
time passed "-I answered. The Guru, mightily pleased
with me, drew me near him, passed his palm over my head
and body and spoke to me tender words dripping with love,
and he put me into his school-where I entirely forgot my
father and mother and all attachments and desires.
B. - Recite it audibly.
Then N. G. C. recited Gita Chapter 4, verse 34.
a- s w^w^oR' 1!
B. - Nana, do you understand this ?
N. G. 0.- I do.
B.- In cff3[FSC
what doesc?^ refer to ?
N. G. C.- Jnana.
N. G. 0.- Prostration.
B.- Whatdoes%3f(Seva)mean?
N. G. 0. - Service, such as massaging.
B.- Nothing more ?
N. G. C. - I cannot see what more it will mean.
B.-- Let that go. In the last two parts Krishna asks
Arjuna to get Jnana from Talwadarsi Jnanis. Was not
Krishna a jnani ?
N. G. C.- Yes.
B.-How ?
not reached
by speech
or mind? (*rai ^T^fr) etc*
N. G. C.-Yes.
N. G. 0.-No. It is not.
Is that not so ?
N. G. 0 :- Yes.
N. G. 0 :- Yes.
other hand, Ajnana has a cause and an end. " God is one.
The Devotee is another''. This is the root of ignorance.
Remove it. Jnana remains. Ignorance finds a snake in,
the rope. Remove the ignorance, then the rope is known
as it is.
N. G. C.:-Yes.
(A) Books, Pothi, Parayana.
(a) H. S. Dixit.
183, B.-Kaka, these two are quite enough.
They were (1) *4Adhyatma Ramayana and (2) Ekanath
Bhagavata ".
B.-Kaka, read this.
Soon after H. S. D. lost his daughter. Baba made him
read in Adhyatma Ramayana, Sree Rama's consolation to
(b) Lakshman.
184. B.-(to Lakshman) This (i.e., Tilak's Gita
Eahasya) is good.
Baba gave him Re. I/- with the book.
(c) Kusa Bhav.
185. B.-(to Kusa Bhav) Come here to this mosque
.and be reading " Guru Oharitra ".
(d) G. G. Narke.
186. Baba :-(to G. G. Narke) You are reading an
excellent book (Yoga Vasishta), Get me Rs. 15/- dakshina
from that.
196. JE>aba.
- (to someone) :-
(2) Sai.
Baba approves of " Sai " nama Japa (by the judge).
Worship Baba as God in all.
199. Bala :-Nana, I would like Pooran Poli. Pre-
pare it for Naivedya and bring it.
N. G. C :-It is late. There is no cook.
the poli,
Baba :-Good. Take away the plates.
N. G. 0 :-How is it you ask me to take the plates,
without touching them ? If you were not to eat anything,
why ask me to prepare this ? Unless you take something,
I will not take away the plates nor eat food.
Baba :-I have eaten the poll, take the plates awa
and have your meal.
Abdul :-Why ?
Baba :-There was music. I wept all night. They
abused me.
cf. Tliyagaraja's
[i.e.,Ramasaysto Marutithat whatMusicandthe
Lord'ssongpointto is within (Maruti).]
Moral Teachings and Correction.
203, BapuSaJieb
Jog:- Baba,I haveservedyon so
HowcanI discover
when its fruition comes ?
Bala ._ The fruition of your servicethat will glad-
denboth our hearts will be when you wear a kupni and
begyourfood,asI do(i. e.,identifyyourselfwith meand
be free from all attachment.)
(a) Devadas
204. Sai Babato Devadas(an ascetic):- 1. Adhere
to Vairagya.
2. Womenare the greatdangerto an ascetic.
The ladies came. The older removed her veil and took
00 H. V. Bathe
206. H. V. Satke, a Settlement Officer and devotee of
Baba was staying at his place, Sathewada. Out of curiosity,
he wished to visit a lady devotee of Baba, whose reputation
was not good. Earlier in the day, he called upon Baba.
(a) Ramadasi
207. Baba :-(to Ramadasi) You are reading pothi,
Adhyatma Rumayana, unceasingly. Yet your heart is nob
pure. You repeat Sahasranamaand yet your troubles are
not gone. You call yourself a Ramadasi. If you are one,
you ransb be indifferent to all objects. You ought not to
have Mamata, attachment, but must have Samata, viewing
everything with equal eye. You behave like a boy and
fight for your book. Books can be had by the ton for
money but not mon i. e., friendship.
208. Baba :-If any one is angry with another, he
wounds me to the quick. If any one abuses another, I feel
the pain. If any one bravely endures the abuse,I feel
highly pleased.
(6) Jog
209. Baba to Jog :-Give me dakshina.
(c) R. B. Purandhare
210. Bala to R. B. Purandhare :- If anybody comes
and abusesyou or punishes you, do not quarrel with him.
If you cannot endure it, speak a simple word or two, or
else leave the place. But do not battle with him and give
tit for tat. I feel sick and disgustedwhen you quarrel with
(e?)Mrs. Pradhan
211. Baba to Mrs. M. W. Pradhan :- If anyone
talks ten words at us, let us answer with one word, if we
reply at all. Do not battle with anyone.
Baba's Anger.
215. B»-I get angry with none. Will a mother harm
her little ones ? Will the ocean send back the water of the
streams ? I love devotion. I am the bondslave of my
(b) H. V. Sathe.
220. Baba,to H. V. Sathe:-Why do you go there (to
lay the foundation stone) ? What have we to do with all
this ? The masons and other workmen will do it.
(d) S. A. Doctor.
222. Mamlatdar says to a Brahmin Doctor from
South Africa.-Come, we shall go to seeSai Baba.
D.-I am a RamaUpasakaand will not bow to any
(f) Bayyaji
Baba putting down pride of physical strength.
224. Bayyaji Appaji Patel boasted of having Bhi-
ma's strength and occasionally lifted Baba up in his arms
after massageto place him before the fire. One day he
tried to lift Baba but could not. Baba looked at him and
laughed. That laughter was a homily against pride
cf. Kena, Upanishad.
Vayu trying to lift up a straw in vain.
(SON. G. 0. -
Pride of Learning.
Baba put down N. GLC's.pride of learning in Sanskrit
especially about Gita Bashya,-See No, 182.
Matsara or Jealousy.
225. Baba, to N. G. (7.-Among the six Vikaras,
Jealousy is the easiestto conquer. In this Vikara, there is
no question of (actual) gain or loss, to ourselves, Jealousy
(Matsara) is the inability to endure another'sprofit and
prosperity. If another gets fortune or power, we cannot
put up with it, we scandalise him. When he meets with
loss, we rejoice. But is this good ? When that man attains
prosperity, what loss have we really suffered ? But people
do not consider this point of view. If he attains good, let
us rejoice (with him) [or let us consider ourselvesalso as
lucky or benefitted] ; or let us attain or strive to attain
equal good. That should be our desire and determination.
"What has he taken away of'ours ? Nothing. He received the
prosperity that is the result of his Karma. How then should
we feel aggrieved at it ? So, Nana, conquer jealousy first.
Lobha or Greed
So saying he wept.
(a) Dakshina.
233. E. B. P., A devotee.-Why are yon asking for
so much money ?
.£,--1 am not asking of every one. I ask only from
the man whom the fakir (God) points out. But in exchange,
I have to give that man ten times the amount, which I have
taken. I do not take the money for my own use. I have
no family.
Every morning Baba would be a poor fakir owning
zero and during the day dakshinas would accumulate and
by evening or night the whole accumulation will be dis-
bursed. When Baba passed away after receiving a
Governor's income from dakshina for about ten years, he
had only Rs. 16/- in his possession.
236. S. R. V. Jayakar who has painted Baba's port-
rait kept in Dwarka Mayee at Shirdi was staying before
Baba with Rs. 2- 8- 0 in his pocket, One Yarde of
Bombay came to Baba.
Y. - I have no money to perform Satyanarayana Pooja*
B. - How much do you want ?
V.- Rs. 2-8-0.
Thus again and again Baba took away the whole fund
with Mrs. P. R. A. and her son- except Rs. 30/-
Then with great pain at heart, Mr. Avaste took the last
remaining Rs. 30/- from his wife and paid to Baba.
Noolkar..-This is a guinea.
B.-What is it worth ?
N.-Rs. 15.
B.-I do not want this. Give me Rs. 15, and keep this.
After receiving the Rs. 20, he did not ask for anything
Again Baba sent for Nana and collected Rs. 20/-. Then
Nana sent some one to Kopergaon for the reserve fund,
but before it came, Baba wanted more from Nana and Nana
felt humiliated.
Then Baba opened the lid and with both, hands drew
out all the contentsand pouredthe sameto all and sundry.
In a few minutes, the trunk was empty. Mr. Garde, Sub-
Judge of Nagpur and a friend of H. S. D. watched the
latter's face. H. S. D. had not the slightest regret or
sorrow or concern at the disappearance of his hard earned
fees. It was evidently to testand strengthenhis vairagya
that Baba scattered his moneys thus.
252. When a silver palanquin was brought and
presented to Baba.
Baba.-Take it away, I do not want it.
But the devotees insisted that it was needed for
procession, when Baba's portrait would be placed in it.
The palki was left in the open and on the first night some
Bilver appurtenances were stolen.
Devotee.-Baba, the silver trappings are stolen !
Baba.-Why was not the whole palki stolen ?
253. Damodar Rasane wanted to start a business,
and wrote for Baba's approval. Baba disapproved of it.
Then Damia came and proposed to give Baba a share in
the profits.
know how Baba knew the exact amount. Day and night
I bewailed my loss. " How to recover the property",
that question staggered my mind. I gave a complaint to
the Police, but it was no good. I spent 15 days in great
anxiety. As I sat on the verandah with a long face, a
passing fakir noted my affliction and inquired for the
cause and I told him the whole story.
a.t is our £°0<i f°rtnne tiiat Baba iias drawn us
" laimself ? How wonderful was the recovery of the
utol^11 nioney!
Marwadi's Stack.
Ill-fated Property.
260. S. R. V. Jayakar lent Rs. 4.000/- to a moslern
purdah lady without issue. The money was not returned.
S. .R. V. Jayakar, to Baba:- Shall I go for the money,
Baba ?
261. B :- Poverty is highest riches and is a thousand
times superior to a lord's position. God is the brother of
the poor. Fakir is the real emperor. Fakirship does not
perish, but empire is soon lost.
of. Gospel.
St. Mathews Oh. YI 25. " Take no thought for your
life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for
your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than
meat, and the body than raiment ?"
Baba's Moods, as Devotee of God.
272. A Devotee.-Baba, do spirits really exist ?
B.-Yes. We have nothing to do with them.
273. R.A.T. one night went out. He saw a spectre
under a tree, got frightened and then thinking of Baba, got
courageand went back to his lodgings at Shirdi. Next
morning Baba himself when meeting him referred to the
B,-What did you see last night ?
R.A.T.-I saw a spirit,
B.-No. That was I.
277. Baba.-Do not get over-ascetic, e.g., by giving-
up all food, play and exercise. Rather regulate your meals,.
rest, etc. cf. " Yuktahara Yihara".
278. H. S. D. wanted to fast at night and to make-
it a rule.
Kusa - Bhav.-Onion.
What is Rojas ?
Then the lady gave the onion and Baba, through her,
humiliated D. K. for his intolerant overasceticism.
Baba shares food and smoke.
(a) Mahlsapathy and Bitch.
297. One day Mahlsapathy hit a bitch full of sores
with a stick and he went later to Baba.
felt that Babawasrebukinghim andso
repented for his mistake.
Non-Resistance to Evil,
300. (a) Baba, to Attai.-Aunt, let him eat. It is
only Anna (your own father)that eats(what he has gifted
to you.) Bo not suehim. Godwill giveyou plenty.
(6) B.-(to H. Y. Sathe,who was pushingdown
Nana Wali the aggressor)Saheb, do not do so.
(c) JAVAR AL1 EPISODE-See No. 304.
M. T.:-Baba, just now you said you are not God but
a petty Fakir. How then can you have four hands ?
(Baba did not reply, but smiled and looked at M. T.
with love and approval.)
302. Baba(to his owndevotees}.-
Your servants'servantI am. I am your debtor.
I am purified by your darshan. It is greatgraceon
your part to havegivenme the sight of your feet. I am
a worm in your excreta.
Curtis' Visit.
303. When a Revenue Commissioner and a host of
other officials were on the way to see him :-
Baba.-Rogue ! What is there to see in me ! I am
only a fakir, with normal limbs and organs.
Javar Ali.
STana Wali.
Alms giving with Suavity and Straightforwardness.
306. B.--Nana, I will give you one more lesson.
N. G. Chandorkar ?-Very good.
S, B :-Nana, if anyone begs of yon anything, if that
be in your hand or power,andif youcangrant the request
or get it granted,do so. Do not say * No '. If you have
nothing to give, then, give a suave negative. Do not mock
or ridicule the applicant nor get angry with him. If you
do not like to part with what you have, do not say falsely
that you have nothing. Decline to give it in polite terms
and say circumstances or your desires stand in the way.
Will you remember this lesson or forget it ?
N. G. C.-What is the difficulty in this? I shall
N. G. 0.-Good.
call for any nor drive any away. Whatever the creature
that comes to eat, let not that disturb your mind. You get
thus the merit of feeding lakhs of guests.
Restrain Lust - wholly in respect of others' wives,
-and.partly in respectof your own wife.
(A) Moral Teachings.
314. Baba.-"Why do you grieve ? Men are born to
-die. One day each one of us will die.
Baba.-to Appa Kulkarni's wife.
Death and life are manifestations of God's activity.
You cannot separate the two, God permeates all. How-
ever, (in fact) none is born.
Selfishness of Sorrow.
(At the criesof an agedwoman crying at the death
of her husband who after intense suffering from protracted
disease died thinking of Baba)
316. Baba.-Listen to the cries of that woman!
" What will become of me ? Who will give me cloth or
food ?" she says. She wholly forgets the miseries and
happiness of her husband I
Death of a son, daughter etc. M. G. Pradhan.
317. Baba.-Why does the fool go on lamenting for the
loss of a son ? It is merely going to the earth. The body
must go to the earth. Why go on lamenting for that ?
Scatter your fruits-Ramphal-far and wide.
-To a Magistrate.
Do you prefer me to the child ? If so, do not grieve.
Sai Baba to N. G. Chandorkar (who had lost a grand-
child) :-See page.
318. Baba.-(to Bayyaji PatiV) Why should you be
sorry ? (for the death of your father). In five months, he
will come back.
If I draw him back into this body, then the new body
he has taken, will die and this body will live. I will do
this for your sake. But have you considered the conse-
quences ? Have you any idea of the responsibility and are
you prepared to take it up ?
H. S. Dixit desisted from pressing his request.
B.-I know what for you are come. I can cure her ;
but it will be of no use. The girl is of divine sort (Daivi)
and consequently her span of life will be very short.
JSTextMagha Shudda Chathurfci i.e., March 1914, she will
"expire. If on that day you are not at home and go away
to your office, you will not be able to see her (alive on
your return).
The girl died on that very date when the father was
in his office.
II. 1916.
(1) Blind man.
332. A blind man went to Baba for restoration of
sight. Baba did not give him any encouragement and so>
he went out of the Mosque. He was then admonished,
that restoration of physical sight to a man in his position,
with only a short span of life before him, perhaps, i&
undesirable, as restored sight may merely develop desires
and that his appeal to Sri Sai Baba should be for the grant
of spiritual vision. The man returned and said, " I do not
want my physical sight. Please take me under your
protection and give me the inner vision ".
Baba :-Stay on.
(2) L. K. Noolkar.
333. Lakshman K. Noolkar, who was Sub-Judgeat
Pandharpnr in 1909, while N. G. 0. was Deputy Collector-
there, was being induced to go to Shirdi by the latter.
L. K. Noolkar.-I cannot go until I get a Brahmin
cook, and good Nagpur oranges for presentation. I can
find neither of these.
(3) Vijayanandaswami
334. Vijayanandaswami, a Madrasi started from
Madras on pilgrimage to Manasarovar.
He visited Baba at Shirdi en route. Here one Soma-
Baba on Powers, Siddhis or Yoga Marga.
338. Baba, to one who by Pranayama etc., had deve-
loped clairvoyance and had seen fire in his Dhyana room
when his distant mill was burning wished to point
"out the danger of being attracted by the desire of Siddhis,
-and said:-Why are you gazing at the Strumpet's per-
formances ? I can never exhibit tricks. It does not
'behove us to dally with a strumpet.
The old man went back into Shirdi and from Shirdi
to Bombay with clear vision requiring no assistance.
Anticipating a storm
340. In Yaisak 1914, Bhima went from Bombay to
Baba desirous of seeing some chamatkars of Baba. When
afternoon Arati was over,
44Are you terrified ?" Then Bhima fell at his feet and :
cried for joy.
Bhil. - Under the very rock you are sitting on, there
is water.
First Baba knew his thoughts and next lie converted seeded
grapes into seedless grapes.
-came down. The other went up. You will come to know".
And then he went out of sight.
Many years later, at the end of 1911 he was going
about to trace the whereabouts of his younger brother,
Kasinath, now known as Upasani Baba. He alighted at
Kopergaonat the requestof the local mamlatdar who sent
him to Shirdi. When he went to Baba,
B,-Go to Khandoba's.
The reply was written and sent and Dev was con-
vinced that Baba ate in the form of the Sanyasi.
Baba as Dog.
359. Mrs. G. S. Khaparde when presenting Naivedya:
at the Mosque was daily inviting Baba to go to her lodgings
for a meal. Baba promised ; but did not come. One day
when she was preparing dishes, a dog came near her and as
she viewed it as an unclean and polluting animal, flung
burning fuel at the dog and it ran away. That day at.
Naivedya time at the Mosque,
Mrs. G-. S. K.-Baba, come to my lodgings for a meal.
L. V. Nadkar.
D. V. Sambhare-Train Late
363. Mahlsapathy was invited to a feast at his
daughter's father-in-law's house at Dorhali. He came to
Baba for leave.
365. Anant Mahadev Kulkarni Singvekar asked
Baba:-Shall I pass my examination ? Will my number
appear in the list ?
Baba.-Your number is 114. It will appear in the
pass list.
His number was 114 and it appearedin the passlist.
N. A. Samant
andyouturn yourreverence
onto me. I, in my turnr
turn your reverenceon to God and see that you are
,really benefited.
372. B.-(to NarayanRao Motiram Jani of Nasik
in October'18) Henceforth,you are not to be a servant.
Do your own business.
Then N. started the Anandashram Hotel at Nasik
and that wasa great financial success.
373. B.~(to Nachne)(1) cometo Bombayfor service.
(2) do not trust mad men.
[(1) N. wastransferred
to a Suburb. (2) A madman
whomhe consideredharmlessat pooja time, grasped his
throat and attemptedto murder him.]
374. B.-(to Sankar Rao and Nachne) Give me-
Rs. 15A Dakshina.
B.-Go to Jog.
They went to Jog and Jog found that they were
Brahmins of his sect, well-versedin Sastras,able and
ready to perform his Pithru Shraddha.
Jog's Loans
378. Jogbadlent Rs.1,400/-
to anAurangabad
give meleaveto goto Aurangabad.
Karnik of Kalyan
382. Baba addressed Mr. Karnik of Kalyan, at his
first arrival at Shirdi :-Welcome, Sowcar (Banker or
Money lender).
H. M. Pense'sCriminal Appeal
386. Jtfachne.-
(to Baba)HaribhavM. Pensewants
in thecriminalappeal
he hasfiled,ashe
is innocent.
Baba's Recipes
391. B. - " Give curd rice to a black dog that will
come to you at the temple ". [This was the recipe for
Ague. That was done and the Ague was cured.
392. B. - " Kaka Mahajani, eat groundnut and drink
water ". Your anal sphincter is now tightly closed.
[Recipe for Diarrhoea which stopped.]
393. B.- To Buty :- *«Do not pass motions any more
nor vomit ". [Buty's motions etc., stopped without any
394. B. - " Let him (Buty) drink infusion of almond,
walnut and pistachio in milk for his cholera". [That
drink cured Cholera.]
H. S. D's Brother
Then Dev went in and brought Adyatma Ramayana.
Then the dream endedand Dev woke up.
(i) Baba's avowal
406. Babaat the close of the noon Arati one day
declared (a fact well known to staunch devoteesin their
everyday experience) :-
Be wherever you may,
Do whatever you may,
Rememberthis always,
I ever know whate'er you do or say.
(5) ThembeSwami'sCocoanut
410. When-I). 6r. was touring, one Thembe Swami
gavehim cocoanut to be presentedto Sri Sai Baba; but
on the way his companions
ate up the cocoanut.D, G.
arrived at Shirdi, and went to Baba without the cocoanut.
Baba accostedhim with the words, " Here is a thief-
Where is the cocoanutgiven for me by my brother ?"
G. G. Narke.
(15) S. B. Nachne-Leave
420. S. B. Nachne, when going to visit Baba for the
first time, alighted at Kopergaon station. The S. M. there
told him "Babais a merehypnotist. He is deceivingpeople
Swamiwonderedat Baba'sperfect Antarjnan.
(23) Gurjar and 1 Rupee
427. One Dhundiraj V. Gurjar alias Bapu sahebwas-
going to Shirdi and Mrs. Kanitkar delivered onerupee to
him to bepaid to Baba. At Shirdi he stayed for two or three
days. Babaaskedhim for dakshinaeachday. Onthe last day,
You have been told by that saint that you will get
teaching. But the spiritual path is rough. As in your
buffalo ride there, here also you must undergo much
The friend:-Yes.
When on the boat, his entire money and the tickets of all
fell into the sea. At Dwaraka, having no money, he wrote
a letter to Sai Baba at Shirdi wanting money and mentioned
the above facts. That very night before his letter could
reach Shirdi a rich man at Dahanu had a dream in which
he was told " Your father's money has dropped into the sea.
Send him money ". That man accordingly sent Rs. 50/- to
U. B. at Dwaraka. Then Uddhavesa Bua continued his
pilgrimage. One day he climbed up a hill and when half
way up felt scorching thirst which was allayed after
sometime by a fakir giving him water. When U. I?.
returned to Shirdi, Syama went up and reported his arrival
to Baba, before U. B. reached the mosque.
Baba at once:-I have seen him. Baba then quoted
two lines of verse.
" How money fell into the sea and how God gave him
money and water to drink ".
B.-Give me dakshina.
50Rs.andNeedfor it
448, Baba to Police officer :-Give me dakshina.
P.O.-I have none.
]3. See,in your pocketis a 50 Re. note.
P. O.-Here, take it.
]3, No. Keepit, yon will soonhaveneed for it.
P. O. went back and was in trouble very soon and had
need for the 50 Re. note.
(10) G. S. Khaparde
464. Baba to G. S. Khaparde :-
In a former birth, you were with me for two or three
years, and went into royal service, though there was enough
at home to live in comfort.
He and his wife died. In tlie next life, the rich man was
born at Mathura (Muttra). She was born as the daughter
of the Poojari of Siva and was named Gowri. Dubaki the
mortgagor was born as a man named Basappa and was
adopted as Poojari's heir. The rich man in his rebirth was
named Virabadra. The Poojari of Siva's temple was a
great friend of mine and he would conie to smoke with me*
His daughter also was devoted to rde. Her father, the
Poojari considered whom he should wed her to. I told him
44Do not bother. A man will come to yon for her hand."
Veerabadrappa left his poor parents and begged his food
wherever he went and finally came to poojari's house,
and offered to wed his daughter. Veerabadra married
Gowri. Veerabadra also bacame my devotee. But he
was hankering after money. He told me that I was res-
ponsible for his marriage and should help him to get
Baba draws people by Rinanubanda
(1) N. G. Chandorkar
500. Nana.-Baba, why did you send for me ?
Baba.-There are thousands in the world. Do I send
for them all ? Should there not be some special reasons to
send for you ?
N.-May be. I am not able to see.
B.-Nana, you and I have been intimate with each
other for the last four births. You do not know that;
but I do. So be coming here now and then when you
find time.
502. In a former birth, I, you (6?.S. KC) Jog, KaJca,
(H. S. Dixit), Shama, and Dada Kelkar, were all living
together with our Guru in a blind alley. I hava therefore
now brought all these again together.
Nana, this man lias left a box with us, and now wants;
it back. It is not proper to refuse.
B.-Do not go. You are not going to die. I will not
let you die till I die.
Baba gave him Udhi and he was cured. He is still
alive (1940).
(d) Sai's Sabari.
510. In 1914, Ramanavami season, when myriads
flocked to Baba, an old woman was shouting,
O. W..-Hallo, take pity upon me, an old woman ?
Hallo, Baba, give me your darsan.
(Shama went out and elbowed his way back with her
into Sai Baba's presence. She melted into tears and held
Baba with both her arms round his waist.
Beg of him some candy for me and bring it. Shaina went
out and found an old man, his saliva dripping, stinking pus
exuding from a wound on his chest, pestered by flies, and
wearing a rag, in one corner of which some sugar candy was
tied in a knot. Shama brought him through the crowd to
Baba and said " Here he is". Baba placed his hand in
blessing on the old man's head, took out a piece of the candy
and said "Take back the rest of the candy" (as prasad).
(f) Plantains.
512. Baba Vakharkar of Bassein sent a bunch of
After all, the peda was some old stuff that had already
feeenoffered as Naivedya. As there was nothing else to
send to Baba through Manker, Mrs. T. sent up this old peda,
with 'great love and devotion.
"thebasket. As Baba was turning
over a few grapes, her daughter, Banuthayi thought the
fruits were going to be scatteredand wastedby Baba.
(e) Vadhavkar's Hunger.
527. SadashivT. VadhavJcarwent to Baba and sat
beforehim. Thoughfeelinghungry,delicacypreventedhis-
mentioningit. A packet of pedaswas broughtto Baba.
Babausuallytouchednothingwhen it was brought. But
thepacketandthrew one peda
into Yadhavkar'slap. V. retainedit in his hand.
B.-It is notgivento youfor merelykeeping.
ThenY. ateit andhis hungerwashalf appeased
ThenBabaflung anotherpedaat him. Y. heldit in his
hand thinking of taking it home.
Yaidya and family got into the tonga and arrived at the
station just in time to miss the train. They believed they
were unlucky and spent some hours at the station for the
next train. They arrived at Manmad by the next train and
learnt that the previous train, which they would have
boarded at Manmad had they arrived earlier, had an
accident in which one carriage was smashed.
fjWTI I!
i e. Sai hears even the footfall of an ant.
(2) Hahalsapathy-Snakes
533. B.-Bhagat, two serpentsaremoving about near
your house. Mahalsapathy (who was addressedby Baba as
Bagati.e. Bhakta) returning from Dwarkamayeesaw one
serpentat his own door and anotherat the potter's beneath
Ms pillow.
(2) Baba-Bhagat, when you comehereto-night,come
with a lamp. Yon will meet thieves at the village gate.
Mahalsapathy came that night with a lamp and found
a serpent at that gate.
534. A devotee had gone out in the dusk to ease
himself. There he heard the rustle of something. Believ-
ing it to be a snake, he hurried back to his quarters. Later
he met Baba.
The peon cried "Snake, Snake I" and it moved off from.
Merikar. People gathered and clubbed it to death.
Bala Shimpi's
537. Babafound Bala Shimpi on the road side, very
ill with no one to attend to him. Babahad beggedfood jin
his (B.S'S) houseand was deeply attachedto his family.
Baba told Bala Shimpi to go to Nana Saheb Dengle at
Nimgoan. Nana Suliebliad at that time a dream and Baba
in that dream told him to undertakethe care of Bala Shimpe
who would goto him. SowhenBalawent,he wascordially
received and looked after by Nana SahebDengle.
(a) D. S. Rasane
539. Dainodar S. Rasane-married one wife, had 110
issue, and married another hoping to get issue. But still
the second marriage also was not fruitful. In his horoscope
there was a papi in the fifth place from lagna. The stars
evidently were against him. But he had great faith in
Baba. When he went to Shirdi, Baba was waiting for him
and gave him four mango fruits.
B.-Damia, take these fruits now. Eat and die.
(c) Sapatnekar
541. One, Sapatnekar, a lav/ student found his friend
going up for the Law Examination with him and asked him
what hopes of success he could have with his insufficient
preparation of his subjects. The latter replied that he was
relying upon Sat Baba's assuranceto him of successdespite
insufficiency of preparation. Then Sapatnekar reviled both
Baba then turned to S., placed his palm over his head
and said :-Your object will be quickly attained.
Sapatnekar was full of joy and his faith grew and
developed as Baba showed him more and more of his
Antarjnana. For instance Baba gave a full account of
Mrs. Sapatnekar'sdiseaseand foretold (or directed) its cure.
In the face of such utterances, it was impossible to
S._But when ?
Then the cocoanut was broken and one half was given
to the lady.
B.-Madam, you see what he said. If in 12 months'
time you do riot get issue, I will break a cocoanut against
his head and drag him out of the Masjid. If I do not, I will
not call myself " Madhava Rao ".
Chintamani married again and had just one son and one
(f) Mahalsapathi
544. Mahalsapathy had only female issue and yet
resolved to lead a life of Brahmacharya and slept at the*
mosque or temple.
Baba :-Bhagat, Go and live in your house. You will
get a son. A son is a mango fruit. A daughter is a
tamarind fruit.
(a) D. S, Rasane
548. Damodar S. Rasane had an offer for speculation
at Bombay in cotton from a broker. The broker promised
him lakhs of rupees by way of profit. D. S. Rasane wrote to
Shama to get Baba's permission. Shama brought the letter
to Baba. Before it was read, Baba spoke.
(a) N. G. Ohandorkar
553. When N. G. C. was transferred to Pandharpur
and "wasapproaching Shirdi to take leave of Baba, Baba
addressed the devotees present and said to Mahlsapathy,
Kasiram and Appa Scindhe :- " Let us four do Bhajan.
The door of Pandari is wide open. Let us joyously do
(a) Kaka Mahajani.
560. B.-How is Thakersey,Kaka's (Mahajani's)
master ? He has a different master to give him bliss.
(b) Re : Piirandhare E. B.
561. A Devotee-His (R, B. P's) boss will take him
to task if he overstays.
B.-I am his bos?.
563. One day in Dassera 1915, Baba said to H.SJX
Kaka, in our Durbar, the good and evil alike come. We
should regard them impartially ; should we not ?
A clerk then came and prostrated before Baba. There
was a warrant out for him for having embezzled his master's
money. So his immediate senior officer, who was present at
the mosque thought that he must go and inform the police*
o '<""
Baba then narrated the incidents about embezzlement
a-ndwarrant, however concealing the real names and substi-
tuting for these, general names like Yani, Teli, etc.
(a) Adam Dalali
575. Adam Dalali (to Baba) :-My son has to be
married. Unless you bless and give permission, how am I
to get the money for it ?
(b) L. 0. Blunge
576. Lascman Govind Mimge went in 1890 to Rahata
and there met Sai Baba.
(d) 8. B. Diiumal
$. B. Dhumal became a widower at 36 without issue.
The question about his marrying again was raised by his
father-in-law Rao Bahadur B. D. Einkhede. Rao Bahadur
approachedBaba. Baba's eyes gave the negative reply.
Baba did not permit him to marry at all. Hence Rao
Bahadur S. B. D. remained single till the end of his life.
R.--Of my God ?
B.-What is your Q-od?
R.--You know it.
(a) S. B. Nachne's
579. Baba, in the presence of S. B. N. and many
others in 1913 said :-
(a) Bhulia Conrt Commission
581. A person was charged before the Dhulia Magis-
trate's Court with stealing jewels etc. The man pleaded
that Sai Baba of Shirdi had given him the jewels and cited
him as a witness. Summons came,
Later when Mr. and Mrs. Dub© went fco Shirdi, Baba
referred to the above
(N's Mother-in-law
hadthe grandrevengeof returning
goodfor evil, by Baba'sjust orders.)
Baba's Prayers
596. Sai Baba :-I speak things here. Things take
place there (in accordance with my words). This is all
God'ssport (lila).
(Re : M. W. P.), Baba :-0 God. Let the rain stop,
My children have to go home. Let them go back com-
fortably. (And the rains stopped till M.W.P. reached the
Railway Station,)
H. V. S. Dada Kelkar :-When are we to have a
grandson ?
Sai Baba :-I am requesting Allah. He will comply
with my request.
597. I have been considering long and thinking day
and night. All are thieves ; but we have to deal with them.
I prayed to God night and day for their improvement or
removal. But God delays and does not approveof the (my)
attitude, and grant the prayer. I will wait for a month or
two and see. But living or dead, I will have what I have
been praying for. I will not go to Teli or Yani. I will
never beg of them. The people are not good and devoted.
They are unsettled in mind etc A few friends will
gather together and talk divine wisdom, and sit and
who paid2 rupeessaid, "Baba,I do not
understand all this. Can you make me understand ?
B.-What is the difficulty? When the first basket
came, fruits were scarce and so 10 annas for six was settled.
When the second basket came, fruits were not so
scarce; and so 6 annas was fixed for 10 fruits. As for
the actual payment, each was paid according to her Bhagya
(poorva Karma etc.)
601. In 1890 Nana Saheb Nimonkar voluntarily
offered a ten rupee note.
B.-I will not take this. I am a fakir.
B.-No, no, no. Oome on. Let us carry all the flour.
Then Baba led the way to the streamlet which forms
the northern boundary of Shirdi.
B. Now let us throw all this flour alongside of the
stream on its bank. These epidemics, cholera, plague etc.
comein the shapeof Goddesses
and they will be satisfied
with this flour which we oifer and will go away from the
In point of fact, when Babathrew the flour alongside
of the streamlet the threatened epidemic did not visit the
I. Baba's advice re. His Biography
609. Baba.-(How the biography ought to be
H. S. D.-The lady ?
Baba.-Is she come ?
H. S. D.-No, but shall we send for her ?
Rupees ($553"
i.e. 5£$*T.aim)
629. Baba :-I sat near a post and then a great serpent
wokeup,andwasvery angry. It usedto jump up and
also fall from above.
630. Baba:- A man had a very beautiful horse. In
spiteof alf hisefforts,it wouldnotgo in pair. A vidwan
that it shouldbe takenback to the place whence
it was brought (its source). That was done. Then it
became controllable and useful.
Madras-except forms
T. V. C. Press,Madras.
227. Whoareyou?'Whence
Who is God and How to see God,*
26. a
(bornas Snake),
} Wisdom anddetachment,246.
Wisdom and MysticalJ!rites of
Venkusa,Baba'slast Guru,61. Baba,-266.
Vichara-Atma,18,4*. Womanof Bassein
Victimof BlackMagic 197. Worshipof Baba-acquiesces
Vittal Patel(=God),37. promotes^CGunr
2. «nBaba -*.^"alV72.
""- "
140. e>7 with sandal
Visit of Curtis, 257.
Vittal and Baba,47. paste,258.
Worship objects:-Coins, 53.
Images, 52.
W Paduka, 53.
Picture, 54.
Watchand CureBaba's,208-31. Tomb,54.
Watch over devotees-Baba s,
Watchand foreknowledge,245-
Wealth,87. Yama,Niyama,126.
to,98- Yamadened~(See
104. Yoga andOnion, 111.
Who am I ? 24. Yoga marga,143,
Who are We ? 24. Yoga Student, 111.