2nd Set Digest
2nd Set Digest
2nd Set Digest
The letter
G.R. No. L- 23815 (June 28, 1974) basically informed the recipient of Tagorda”s intention to continue
residing in Echague, despite having to attend board sessions in
Facts: Ilagan, in order that he may continue to serve his hometown as a
notary public and lawyer. The letter subtly offered information
Petitioner Ledesma was assigned as counsel de parte for an regarding Tagorda”s office hours, together with an express request
accused in a case pending in the sala of the respondent judge. On that the recipient spread the word as to his willingness to accept land
October 13, 1964, Ledesma was appointed Election Registrar for the registration cases for a fee of P3.00 per title. The government,
Municipality of Cadiz, Negros Occidental. He commenced through the provincial fiscal of Isabela, together with the Attorney-
discharging his duties, and filed a motion to withdraw from his General, brought this matter to the attention of the Court.
position as counsel de parte. The respondent Judge denied him and
also appointed him as counsel de oficio for the two defendants. On ISSUE:
November 6, Ledesma filed a motion to be allowed to withdraw as Whether or not the advertisement of Atty. Tagorda through the card a
counsel de oficio, because the Comelec requires full time service nd letter is wrong and be punished.
which could prevent him from handling adequately the defense.
Judge denied the motion. So Ledesma instituted this certiorari RULING:
proceeding. Yes. The acts of Atty Tagorda of direct and indirect advertising and st
irring up litigation were violative of the Code of Ethics. Still, the most
Issue: worthy and effective advertisement possible, even for a young lawyer
and especially with his brother lawyers, is the establishment of a we
Whether or not the order of the respondent judged in denying the ll-merited reputation for professional capacity and fidelity to trust.
motion of the petitioner is a grave abuse of discretion?
It becomes the duty of the court to condemn in no uncertain terms th
Holding: e ugly practice of solicitation of cases by lawyers. It is destructive of
the honor of a great profession. It lowers the standards of that profes
No, Ledesma's withdrawal would be an act showing his lack of sion. It works against the confidence of the community in the integrity
fidelity to the duty rqeuired of the legal profession. He ought to have of the members of the bar. It results in needless litigation and in ince
known that membership in the bar is burdened with conditions. The nting to strife otherwise peacefully inclined citizens.
legal profession is dedicated to the ideal of service, and is not a mere
trade. A lawyer may be required to act as counsel de oficio to aid in The commission of offenses of this nature would amply justify perma
the performance of the administration of justice. The fact that such nent elimination from the bar. But as mitigating, circumstances worki
services are rendered without pay should not diminish the lawyer's ng in favor of the respondent there are, first, his intimation that he wa
zeal. s unaware of the impropriety of his acts, second, his youth and inexp
erience at the bar, and, third, his promise not to commit a similar mist
Ratio: ake in the future. Atty. Tagorda is suspended for one month.
“The only attorneys who cannot practice law by reason of their office
are Judges, or other officials or employees of the superior courts or ATTY. ISMAEL G. KHAN, JR. vs. ATTY. RIZALINO T. SIMBILLO
the office of the solicitor General (Section 32 Rule 127 of the Rules
of Court [Section 35 of Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Facts:
Court]. The lawyer involved not being among them, remained as
counsel of record since he did not file a motion to withdraw as The administrative complaint arose from the paid advertisement that
defendant-appellant’s counsel after his appointment as Register of appeared in the July 5, 2000 issue of Philippine Daily Inquirer which
Deeds. Nor was substitution of attorney asked either by him or by the read: Annulment of Marriage Specialist 532-4333/521-2667. Ms. Ma.
new counsel for the defendant-appellant (People vs. Williams CA Theresa Espeleta, a staff member of the Public Information Office of
G.R. Nos. 00375-76, February 28, 1963) the Supreme Court, took notice of the advertisement and inquired by
To avoid any frustration thereof, especially in the case of an pretending as an interested party. After such inquiry, confirming that
indigent defendant, a lawyer may be required to act as counsel de Atty. Rizalino Simbillo is actually promoting himself as an expert in
officio (People v. Daban) Moreover, The right of an accused in a handling annulment cases and is guaranteeing a court decree within
criminal case to be represented by counsel is a constitutional right of four to six months with a fee of P48,000 to be paid in installment
the highest importance, and there can be no fair hearing with due basis, further research was conducted by the Office of the Court
process of law unless he is fully informed of his rights in this regard Administrator (OCA). The research revealed other similar
and given opportunity to enjoy them (People vs. Holgado, L-2809, advertisements published in two other newspapers – August 2 and 6,
March 22, 1950) 2000 issues of Manila Bulletin and August 5, 2000 issue of The
The trial court in a criminal case has authority to provide Philippine Star. Atty. Ismael Khan, Jr., afterwards, in his capacity as
the accused with a counsel de officio for such action as it may deem Assistant Court Administrator and Chief of the Public Information
fit to safeguard the rights of the accused (Provincial Fiscal of Rizal Office filed an administrative complaint against Atty. Simbillo for
vs. Judge Muñoz Palma, L-15325, August 31, 1930) improper advertising and solicitation in violation of Rule 2.03 and
Rule 3.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR) and Rule
138, Section 27 of the Rules of Court. The IBP, taking cognizance of
In re Luis B. Tagorda (1929) (card and letter) the referral to investigate, report and recommend, found the
respondent guilty. Respondent, then, filed an Urgent Motion for
Doctrine: • The most worthy and effective advertisement possible, even for Reconsideration, which was denied. Hence, this petition for certiorari.
a young lawyer, and especially with his brother lawyers, is the
establishment of a well-merited reputation for professional capacity Issue:
and fidelity to trust.
Whether or not Atty. Rizalino Simbillo is guilty of violating Rule 2.03
and Rule 3.01 of CPR.
Facts: Luis B. Tagorda was an attorney who was elected as the third Held:
member of the provincial board of Isabela. He admits that prior to his
Yes. The Court agreed with the IBP’s resolution, holding that the
election, he made use of a card2 written in Spanish and Ilocano,
practice of law is not a business but a profession in which duty to
which contains a list of tasks he may undertake as a notary public,
public service and not money is the primary consideration. By
and a lawyer, as well as a general invitation to consult with him for
advertising himself as an “Annulment Specialist,” he undermined the
free. Tagorda also admits that after he was elected into office, he
stability and sanctity of marriage —encouraging people who might "The rendition of services requiring the knowledge and the
have otherwise been disinclined and would have refrained from application of legal principles and technique to serve the interest of
dissolving their marriage bonds, to do so. In addition, although another with his consent. It is not limited to appearing in court, or
solicitation of legal business is not altogether proscribed, for advising and assisting in the conduct of litigation, but embraces the
solicitation to be proper, it must be compatible with the dignity of the preparation of pleadings, and other papers incident to actions and
legal profession which the petitioner failed to do. Therefore, the Court special proceedings, conveyancing, the preparation of legal
suspended the petitioner from the practice of law for one year and instruments of all kinds, and the giving of all legal advice to clients. It
sternly warned him that a repetition of the same or similar offense will embraces all advice to clients and all actions taken for them in
be dealt with more severely. matters connected with the law."
Mauricio C. Ulep vs. The Legal Clinic, Inc. The contention of respondent that it merely offers legal
B.M. No. 553. June 17, 1993 support services can neither be seriously considered nor sustained.
Said proposition is belied by respondent's own description of the
Facts: services it has been offering. While some of the services being
Mauricio C. Ulep, petitioner, prays this Court "to order the offered by respondent corporation merely involve mechanical and
respondent, The Legal Clinic, Inc., to cease and desist from issuing technical know-how, such as the installation of computer systems
advertisements similar to or of the same tenor as that of Annexes `A' and programs for the efficient management of law offices, or the
and `B' (of said petition) and to perpetually prohibit persons or computerization of research aids and materials, these will not suffice
entities from making advertisements pertaining to the exercise of the to justify an exception to the general rule. What is palpably clear is
law profession other than those allowed by law.” The advertisements that respondent corporation gives out legal information to laymen and
complained of by herein petitioner are as follows: lawyers. Its contention that such function is non-advisory and non-
diagnostic is more apparent than real. In providing information, for
Annex A example, about foreign laws on marriage, divorce and adoption, it
SECRET MARRIAGE? strains the credulity of this Court that all that respondent corporation
P560.00 for a valid marriage. will simply do is look for the law, furnish a copy thereof to the client,
Info on DIVORCE. ABSENCE. and stop there as if it were merely a bookstore. With its attorneys and
ANNULMENT. VISA. so called paralegals, it will necessarily have to explain to the client
THEPlease call: 521-0767, the intricacies of the law and advise him or her on the proper course
LEGAL5217232, 5222041 of action to be taken as may be provided for by said law. That is what
CLINIC, INC.8:30 am-6:00 pm its advertisements represent and for which services it will
7-Flr. Victoria Bldg. UN Ave., Mla. consequently charge and be paid. That activity falls squarely within
Annex B the jurisprudential definition of "practice of law." Such a conclusion
GUAM DIVORCE will not be altered by the fact that respondent corporation does not
DON PARKINSON represent clients in court since law practice, as the weight of
an Attorney in Guam, is giving FREE BOOKS on Guam Divorce authority holds, is not limited merely to court appearances but
through The Legal Clinic beginning Monday to Friday during office extends to legal research, giving legal advice, contract drafting, and
hours. so forth.
Guam divorce. Annulment of Marriage. Immigration Problems, Visa
Ext. Quota/Non-quota Res. & Special Retiree's Visa. Declaration of That fact that the corporation employs paralegals to carry
Absence. Remarriage to Filipina Fiancees. Adoption. Investment in out its services is not controlling. What is important is that it is
the Phil. US/Foreign Visa for Filipina Spouse/Children. Call Marivic. engaged in the practice of law by virtue of the nature of the services
THE 7 F Victoria Bldg. 429 UN Ave. it renders which thereby brings it within the ambit of the statutory
LEGALErmita, Manila nr. US Embassy prohibitions against the advertisements which it has caused to be
CLINIC, INC. Tel. 521-7232521-7251 published and are now assailed in this proceeding. The standards of
522-2041; 521-0767 the legal profession condemn the lawyer's advertisement of his
talents. A lawyer cannot, without violating the ethics of his profession,
It is the submission of petitioner that the advertisements advertise his talents or skills as in a manner similar to a merchant
above reproduced are champertous, unethical, demeaning of the law advertising his goods. The proscription against advertising of legal
profession, and destructive of the confidence of the community in the services or solicitation of legal business rests on the fundamental
integrity of the members of the bar and that, as a member of the legal postulate that the practice of law is a profession. The canons of the
profession, he is ashamed and offended by the said advertisements, profession tell us that the best advertising possible for a lawyer is a
hence the reliefs sought in his petition as herein before quoted. well-merited reputation for professional capacity and fidelity to trust,
which must be earned as the outcome of character and conduct.
In its answer to the petition, respondent admits the fact of Good and efficient service to a client as well as to the community has
publication of said advertisements at its instance, but claims that it is a way of publicizing itself and catching public attention. That publicity
not engaged in the practice of law but in the rendering of "legal is a normal by-product of effective service which is right and proper.
support services" through paralegals with the use of modern A good and reputable lawyer needs no artificial stimulus to generate
computers and electronic machines. Respondent further argues that it and to magnify his success. He easily sees the difference between
assuming that the services advertised are legal services, the act of a normal by-product of able service and the unwholesome result of
advertising these services should be allowed supposedly in the light propaganda.
of the case of John R. Bates and Van O'Steen vs. State Bar of
Arizona, reportedly decided by the United States Supreme Court on
June 7, 1977. Dacanay v. Baker & McKenzie
NATURE: Atty. Dacanay, in his verified complaint, sought to enjoin
Issue: Juan G. Collas, Jr. and 9 other lawyers from practising law under the
Whether or not the services offered by respondent, The Legal name of Baker & McKenzie, a law firm organized in Illinois.
Clinic, Inc., as advertised by it constitutes practice of law and, in
either case, whether the same can properly be the subject of the FACTS: Respondents are members of the Philippine bar practising
advertisements herein complained of. under the firm name of Guerrero & Torres. They are likewise
members or associates of Baker & Mckenzie.
Yes. The Supreme Court held that the services offered by the
Torres, one of the respondents, made a letter using as
respondent constitute practice of law. The definition of “practice of
letterhead “Baker & McKenzie”. Included therein were the names of
law” is laid down in the case of Cayetano vs. Monsod, as defined:
the other lawyer-respondents. Through the said letter, they asked
Black defines "practice of law" as:
Clurman for the release of 87 shares of Cathay Products Issue:
International, Inc. to Gabriel, a client of the respondents.
WON the respondent violated canon 3.03 for engaging in the private
Atty. Dacanay denied any liability of Clurman to Gabriel. He practice of law while holding public office.
requested that he be informed whether the lawyer of Gabriel is Baker
& McKenzie and the purpose of using the said letterhead. Not having Held:
received any reply, he filed the instant complaint.
Yes. While the respondent vehemently denies the complainant's
ISSUE: W/N respondents are enjoined from practicing law under the allegations, he does not deny that his name appears on the calling
firm name Baker & McKenzie. card attached to the complaint, which admittedly came into the hands
of the complainant. The above explanation tendered by the
Respondent is an admission that it is his name which appears on the
calling card, a permissible form of advertising or solicitation of legal
services. Respondent does not claim that the calling card printed
RATIO: Baker & McKenzie, being an alien law firm, cannot practice without his knowledge or consent, and the calling card carries his
law in the Philippines. As admitted by the respondents in their name primarily and the name of Baligod, Gatdula, Tacardon, Dimailig
memorandum, Baker & McKenzie is a professional partnership and Celera with address at 220 Mariwasa Bldg., 717 Aurora Blvd.,
organized in 1949 in Chicago, Illinois with members and associates Cubao, Quezon City" in the left corner. The card clearly gives the
in 30 cities around the world. impression that he is connected with the said law firm. The
inclusion/retention of his name in the professional card constitutes an
As pointed out by the Solicitor General, respondents' use of act of solicitation which violates Section 7 sub-par. (b)(2) of Republic
the firm name Baker & McKenzie constitutes a representation they Act No. 6713, otherwise known as "Code of Conduct and Ethical
they could "render legal services of the highest quality to Standards for Public Officials and Employees."
multinational business enterprises and others engaged in foreign
trade and investment". This is unethical because Baker & McKenzie "(2) Engage in the private practice of their
is not authorized to practice law in the country. profession unless authorized by the Constitution or law,
provided that such practice will not conflict or tend to
conflict with official functions."