Resume - Alicia Masseroni
Resume - Alicia Masseroni
Resume - Alicia Masseroni
● Strong effective communication, ● Exemplary problem-solving skills; able to
interpersonal, presentation, and identify problems and implement
analytical skills corrective processes
● Able to get along well with co-workers ● Strong leadership skills; able to prioritize,
● Willing to try new things and am and delegate tasks.
interested in improving efficiency on
assigned tasks
Childcare Service
11/18 to Amy Moldenhauer - Atwater, CA
Present ● Supervise and monitor the safety of children.
● Prepare meals and organize mealtimes and snacks for children
● Develop schedules and routines to ensure that children have enough physical activity and
Graduation pending year 2020
El Capitan High School - 100 Farmland Avenue, Merced, CA 95341
Merced College - Attending college courses to gain my A.A sooner