Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Overview
Grade Level 2nd
Estimated Time Needed 45 Min
Lesson Description Students will be performing a 3 Act Task in order to solve a word problem
2.4C: Solve one step word problems involving addition within 1000 using a
Content Area Standards variety of strategies based on place value including algorithms with
Technology Standards NA
Student will be able to solve one step word problem using a variety of
strategies and regroup
number sentences
place value chart
Terms/Vocabulary total
place value chart
Technology Resources Teacher will be using smart board to present video and power point
Other Resources Linking cubes for students.
Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on task
Describe how each stage of Cite specifically what
noted in parentheses for each step.
the lesson will be managed, resources for this activity
In other words, completely describe
including role of teacher and will be used, and describe
This template is built on the flow of the lesson-the content to
learners (who is doing what in detail how they will be
be presented, and the strategies to
the traditional “Madeline be used. Include actual words you
at each point), location (e.g., used.
Hunter” lesson structure. classroom, computer lab, Note who will be using the
will use and questions you will ask
outside), and any special tool and in what ways. Note
students. Consider items such as:
considerations, such as for any safety considerations
parts of the lesson that might be
differentiated instruction. needed.
difficult, and how you will know
whether you can go on; how to
ensure that students completely
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students will
do if they finish their work early.
The teacher will share the
following video with the
https://youtu.be/xiBiZeP75SE -Students will be
After the students watch the seated at carpet. The
video the TW ask: What do teacher will ask
you notice? What do you students to watch a
wonder? (¿Qué es lo que
video and pay close
Engage- Act1 notas? ¿Qué te attention to what is xiBiZeP75SE
preguntas?). happening.
Provide students with the - Turn and talk to a Video Act 1
following sentence stems: partner.
Yo noto___. Yo me
-Teacher recording
pregunto_____ . I
notice____. I wonder_____.
Give students one minute
to turn and talk to a partner.
TTW record students
answers on anchor chart.
Word Problem to be solved:
-Students turn and talk
Ms. Ramirez has a bag of
-Teacher is monitoring
skittles. She wants to know
students conversations
how many green and brown
and will record
skittles she has in all?
questions when they
Teacher will ask students:
What do we need to know in
Possible responses:
order to figure this out?Turn
- Students might
and talk to your partner.
forget to
Teacher will record students
question in anchor chart.
- Students could
Possible responses:
Explore- Act 2 possibly start
-How many green skittles are
in the bag?
incorrectly by
-How many brown skittles
starting in the
are in the bag?
tens place and
-How many skittles are in the
not regroup
entire bag?
- Students might
-Can we count the skittles?
do algorithm or
Once the students have
base ten to
shared their question the TW
solve problem.
say “how many green and
- Students working in
brown skittles are in the bag?”
TW provide the following
information: Picture of skittles
in the bag with how many there Students will be
are of each color. working in groups of
Teacher will say : “Today you 3. Each student has
will focus only on how many to be actively
green and brown skittles their participating.
are, your job is to solve for how
many green and brown skittles
there are in total using
Teacher will send students
back to their desks. Each table
will have linking cubes for
students to explore.
Students will be working in
groups of 3. The teacher will
monitor and adjust as needed.
As the teacher is walking
around and observing students
she will ask:
-What do you already know?
- Tell me what you are
-Do you need all the skittles or
just some?
Potential Challenges/Plan B