History and Physical Examination

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Date of Interview: ______________________________ Occult blood in stool
Time of History: _______________________________ Cholesterol test
Informant: ____________________________________ Urinalysis
Relationship to the Patient: ______________________ Xray/CT Scan/MRI
% Reliability: _________ Others

General Data:
Patient’s Name: _____________________________ Menstrual and Obstetric History:
Age: ______ Sex: _______ Marital Status: ________ LMP: ____________ PMP: _______________
Address: _________________________________________________ Age of menarche: ____________ Period: regular/irregular
Birthday: ________________ Birthplace: _______________________ Character of flow: ____________
Nationality: ______________ Religion: _________________________ Duration of period (range): ____________
Occupation: __________________________ No. of pads used per day: ____________
PMS: ___________________________________________________
Date of Admission: ______________________ Age of Menopause: _______
Time of Admission: ______________________ Age of 1st coitus: ________ No. of sexual partners: __________
No. of times admitted at OM: ______________ History of post-coital bleeding, pelvic infection, dyspareunia?
Birth control methods used:
Chief Complaint: ________________________________________ Artificial Natural
 condom  rhythm method
History of Present Illness:  pills  withdrawal
Onset: _______________________________  spermicidal  abstinence
Duration: _____________________________ Others: ____________________________________
Frequency: ___________________________ Length of time used: _________
Setting at which the Symptom Occurred: _______________________ Complications: ______________________________
Manifestations: ___________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________
Precipitating Factors: _______________________________ Gravidity: ______ Parity: _______
Quality: _________________________________________ OB Index: ________ Term
Radiation: _______________________________________ ________ Preterm
Severity: ________________________________________ ________ Abortions/Miscarriages
Aggravating Factors: ______________________________________ ________ Living Children
Alleviating Factors: ________________________________________ Date of Birth Sex Manner of Delivery
Previous Treatment for the Problem: __________________________ ______________________ ____________________
Associated Signs and Symptoms: _____________________________ ______________________ ____________________
________________________________________________________ ______________________ ____________________
Pertinent Positives and Negatives: ____________________________
________________________________________________________ OB Hx: G _ P_ (T-P-A-L)
Additional Notes: __________________________________________ G1: When _________, NSD or CS d/t _________, delivered by
________________________________________________________ _________, where _________, M/F, weight _________, fetomaternal
________________________________________________________ complications _____________________, present status __________.

Past Medical History: Family History:

Current Medications: Family Age Health/ Age & Date Cause of
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Purpose Member Diseases of Dx death
 BCG  DPT  Polio  Hepa B
Others: ________________________________________
Allergies: Medical Problems for any blood-relative
Food: ___________________________________
Relationship to Px Age & Date of Dx
Medications: ______________________________
Pollen/Animals/Others: ______________________ Cancer
Childhood Illness: Hypertension
 rheumatic fever  polio Diabetes
 chicken pox  measles Tuberculosis
 mumps Heart Disease
others: ______________________________ Stoke
Adult Illness: Kidney Disease
Illness Age Date of Diagnosis Arthritis
Hypertension Blood Disorder
Stroke Asthma
Renal Epilepsy
Asthma Mental Disorder
Cardiac Personal and Social History:
GI No. of years married: ______
STD Health Status of Spouse: ______________
Others No. of Children: _______
Health Status of Children: ___________________________________
Surgical Procedures: Highest Educational Attainment: ______________________________
Date: _______________________________ Occupational History: _______________________________________
Type of Operation: _____________________ ________________________________________________________
Purpose: _____________________________ ________________________________________________________
Previous Hospitalizations: Occupational Hazards: _____________________________________
Date Cause Hospital Treatment Smoking Habits:
 non-smoker  smoker ex-smoker
No. of sticks/packs per day: _________
Year started: ______ Year quitted: ______
Alcohol Consumption
 never  occasionally
Screening Tests:  daily  weekly
Test Date Result Alcohol type: ___________________
Tuberculin test Amount Consumed: ______________
Nutrition:  Discharge (characteristics): ________________
No. of meals per day: ________  Ulcers  Itching
Food preferences: ___________________ Peripheral vascular:
Coffee/tea/soda intake: _______________  Leg cramps  Varicose veins
Nutrient Supplement:: ________________ Muskuloskeletal:
OTC: _______________________  Muscle weakness  Stiffness
Prohibited Drugs: _____________  Backache  Joint swelling
Substance Abuse: _____________  Muscle pain  Join Pain
Exercise: ___________________________________ Neurologic:
Regularity of Sleep: ___________________________  Paralysis  Numbness
Habits/hobbies: ______________________________  Tremors  Seizures
Sources of Stress: ___________________________  Memory Loss
Coping Strategies: ___________________________ Hematologic:
Living Conditions:  Easy bruising  Bleeding
No. of years in current residence: _______  Pallor
Previous place of residence: ____________ Endocrine
___________________________________  Polydypsia  Polyphagia
Type of residence: ___________________  Heat/cold intolerance  Excessive sweating
No. of rooms: _______________________ Psychiatric:
No. of occupants: ____________________  Nervousness  Depression
Relationship to occupants: __________________________  Anxiety  Hallucinations
Source of Drinking Water: ___________________________ PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
Garbage Disposal: _________________________________
Fecal Disposal: ___________________________________ General Survey:
Pet/s: __________________________________________ Mood: ______________
Personally gives bath to pets? Y/N Distress/ Unusual Position: _____________
General State of neighborhood: _____________________ Cooperative/ Non-cooperative
Review of Systems: Coherent: _________
Constitutional: Oriented to time and space: _______
 Fever  Weight gain/loss Personal Hygiene: _______________
 Chills  Fatigue Level of Consciousness: _______________
Skin: Height: ____________
 Rashes  Itching Weight: ____________
 Lumps  Dryness BMI: ______________
 Color Change  Changes in Nails
Hair: Vital Signs:
 Baldness  Excess Hair Temperature: ________  Oral  Axillary  Rectal
Head: Respiration: _________  Normal  Labored
 Headache  Dizziness Pulse: _____________  Regular  R. Irreg.  Irr. irreg.
 Lightheadedness  Trauma Blood Pressure: _______  Lying  Sitting  Standing
 Syncope  Tenderness
Eyes: Head:
 Pain  Redness Trauma: ________________________________
 Double Vision  Blurred Vision Size: ______________ Shape: _____________
 Use of Glass/Lenses  Photalgia Tenderness: __________________________________
 Lacrimation Condition of hair and scalp: _______________________________
Ears: Symmetry: ___________________________
 Hearing Problem  Earache Masses: _____________________________
 Discharge (color/consistency) ____________
 Tinnitus  Vertigo Eyes:
Nose and Sinuses: Visual acuity:
 Epistaxis  Nasal stuffiness Far: (R) ________ (L) ________
 Discharge (color/consistency): ____________ Near: (R) ________ (L) ________
 Itching Visual Fields (H test): ___________________
Mouth and Throat: Accommodation: _______________________
 Use of dentures  Mouth sores Test of confrontation: ___________________
 Bleeding Gums  Toothache Conjunctiva:
 Sore throat  Hoarseness Color: ____________________________
 Dysphagia Discharge: ________________________
Neck: Sclerae:
 Pain  Stiffness Color: ____________________________
 Lump Discharge: ________________________
Breast: Cornea:
 Pain  Discharge Clarity: ___________________________
 Lumps  Periodic Exam Corneal Arcus: _____________________
Lids: ______________ Iris: ________________
Respiratory: Position of eyes in orbits: ______________________________
 Cough  Sputum (color/quantity) ________ Pupil:
 Hemoptysis  Dysnea
 Wheezing Size: (R) __________ (L) ___________
Cardiovascular: Shape: ____________ Symmetry: ______________
 Chest Pain  Palpitations Accommodation: _______________
 Orthopnea  Edema Light reflex test (PERLA): ________________
 Cyanosis  Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea EOM: ________________________
 Easy Fatigability Visual Field: ____________________________
Gastrointestinal: Direct Reaction: ____________ Consensual Reaction: ____________
 Loss of appetite  Nausea Fundoscopic
 Vomiting  Hematemesis Red orange reflex: ______________
 Abdominal pain  Diarrhea Disc: ________________________
 Hematochezia  Excessive belching/passing of gas Macula: _____________________
Renal: Blood vessels: _________________
 Dysuria  Polyuria
 Nocturia  Gross Hematuria Ears:
 Incontinence  Urinary Retention Symmetry: _______________
 Urinary Urgency  Tea-Colored Urine  Swelling: ______________________________
In Males:  Redness: ______________________________
 Reduced caliber of force of stream  Discharge: ______________________________
 Hesitancy  Tenderness: _____________________________
 Dribbling  Hearing Impairments: _______________________
Genitalia:  Presence of Hearing Aid: _____________________
 Pain  Swelling Weber Test: ______________________________
Rinne Test: (R) AC __________ BC ___________ Tenderness: ______________ Mobility: _____________
(L) AC __________ BC ___________ Borders: _________________

Nose: Abdomen:
Symmetry: ___________________________ Inspection
Frontal, maxillary sinus tenderness: ____________________  Irregular Contours: ____________ Scars
Obstruction: __________________________  Discoloration: ________________
Congestion: __________________________  Bulges: _____________________
Lesions: _____________________________ Shape: _____________________
Exudates: ____________________________  Striae: ______________________
Inflammation: _________________________ Distance of umbilicus from xiphoid process: __________
Abdominal Girth: __________________
Throat: Auscultation
Lips: _____________________ Bowel Sounds: Frequency: ___________ Character: ____________
Teeth/dentures: _______________________  Bruit: ___________________
Gums: _______________________________  Venous Hum: ______________
Tongue: _____________________________  Friction Rub: _______________
Pharynx: Percussion
 Lesions: ______________  Erythema: _____________ Liver Span: _______________ Normal: 6-12 cm in (R)MCL
 Exudates: _____________ Tonsillar Size: _________ Splenic Dullness: ______________
Other Areas of Dullness: _______________
Neck: Special Tests
Symmetry: _________________________  Rebound Tenderness: Rovsing’s, Blumberg
Limitation of ROM: __________________  Costovertebral Tenderness
Tenderness: _________________________  Shifting Dullness
JVD: ______________________________  Psoas Sign
Lymph nodes: ________________________  Murphy’s Sign
Size: _____________
Mobility: ___________ Male Genitalia:
Tenderness: _____________  Penile Lesions: _______________
Borders: ________________  Scrotal Swelling: _______________________
Consistency: _____________ Testicles
Thyroid cartilage: _____________ Cricoid cartilage: ______________ Size: ________  Tenderness: ___________
Thyroid gland: ________________  Masses: ______________
 Varicocoele: _________________
Chest and Lungs  Hernia: ________________
Inspection Transillumination: ________________
Comfort and Breathing Pattern: _____________________
Shape of the Chest: ______________________________ Extremities:
Chest Movement: ________________________________ Amputation Visible joint swelling
 Use of Accessory Muscles of Breathing: ______________ Deformities Limitation of ROM
 Deformities of Asymmetry: _________________________ Tenderness Redness
 A/N Retraction of Interspaces on Inspiration: ___________ Warmth Edema
 Impairment of Respiratory Movement: ________________
Color of Patient (Lips & Nail Bed): ___________________ Capillary refill: ______________
Palpation Peripheral pulses: ___________
 Tender Areas: ___________________________________
Respiratory Expansion (10th rib): Symmetry  Yes  No
Tactile Fremitus: Symmetry  NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION
Increased Decreased Absent 
Percussion: ____________________________________ Mental Status Examination
Auscultation A. Awareness
Breath Sounds: _________________________________ Orientation
 Bronchophony  Whispered Petoriloquy Name:  Season  Date  Day  Month  Year
 Egophony Name:  Hospital  Floor  Town  State  Country
Level of consciousness:
Heart: B. Speech (Normal, dysphasia, dysarthria, dysphonia)
Inspection C. Language
Precordial bulge or heave: __________________ Name:  Pencil  Watch
PMI: __________________________ Repeat: “ No ifs  ands  or buts”
Palpation D. General Knowledge
PMI: __________________________ Knowledge of current events, vocabulary
Thrill: _____ (Historical events, 5 last presidents, 5 largest cities)
Location: _________________ E. Memory
Timing in Cardiac Cycle (S/D): ______________ Immediate, recent, remote
Mode of Extension/Transmission: ____________ F. Registration (Retention and recall)
 Friction Rub: ___________________ Identify:  Object 1  Object 2  Object 3
Percussion: Cardiac Borders Attention and Calculation
Right (cm) ICS/MSL Left (cm) (100-7…):  93  86  79  72  65
5th Recall
4th Recall:  Object 1  Object 2  Object 3
3rd G. Reasoning
- 2nd Judgment, Insight, abstraction (interpretation of proverbs)
H. Object recognition
Agnosia (Visual, tactile, auditory, autotopagnosia, anosognosia)
S1 (M-loud, T-split): ___________________
Praxis (Ideomotor, Ideational)
S2 (A,P-loud, P-split I): ___________________
Perception (Delusion, Hallucination, illusion, astereognosis,
S3: _________________________
Murmurs/Accessory Heart Sounds:
I. Follows Command
Location: __________________ Timing: _______________
 Take this paper.  Fold it in half.  Place it on the table.
Quality: ___________________ Pitch: ________________
 Obey written command.
Intensity: __________________ Radiation: _____________
 Write a sentence.
 Copy a design.
Total: _____
Symmetry: _____________
 Dimpling/Skin Retraction: _____________________
Cranial Nerve Examination
 Swelling: ____________________
 Discoloration (Skin changes): _________________
 Identify odorant
 Orange Peel Effect: _________________
Position and Characteristic of Nipple: _________________
Visual acuity: ________ Visual field: _________
 Gynecomastia (Male): _________________
Fundoscopy: ____________________________________________
 Mass:
Location: _____________________________
Size and Shape of Pupil: __________________
Size: ___________ Consistency: _________________
 Light Reaction  Accommodation  Ankle
EOM: Superficial
 Paresis  Nystagmus  Abdominal
 Saccades  Oculomotor Ataxia  Cremasteric
 Diplopia  Other _____________ Reflexes in Infants
CN V  Grasp
 Ophthalmic  Maxillary  Suck
 Mandibular  Corneal Reflex  Moro
 Jaw Clench  Rooting
CN VII  Tonic neck
 Eyebrow Elevation  Forehead Wrinkling  Babinski
 Eye Closure  Smiling
 Cheek Puffing Sensory
CN VIII  Pin prick
 Hear finger rub or whispered voice  Touch
Rinne: ____________ Weber: ____________ Two point discrimination
CN IX, X  Sense of Position
Palate and Uvula: _____________  Vibratory Sense
 Gag Reflex  Superficial sensation
CN XI  Deep Sensation
 Shoulder Shrug (against resistance)
 Head Rotation (against resistance)
CN XII (Tongue)
 Atrophy  Fasciculation
Position with protrusion: _________
Strength: __________

Motor Examination
 Involuntary Movements
 Symmetry
 Atrophy
 Gait
 Paresis
 Paralysis
 Spasticity
 Rigidity
 Flaccidity
 Clonus
 Carpopedal Spasm
 Tics
 Tremors
 Athetosis
 Others

Description: ____________________________
 Flaccidity
 Spasticity

Muscle Strength

(R) (L)
Shoulder Flexion
Flexion at the elbow
Extension at the elbow
Extension at the wrist
Squeeze 2 of your fingers as hard as possible
Finger abduction
Opposition of the thumb
Flexion at the hips
Adduction at the hips
Abduction at the hips
Extension at the hips
Extension at the knee
Flexion at the knee
Dorsiflexion at the ankle
Plantar flexion

Coordination and Gait

 Rapid Alternating Movements
 Point to Point Movements
 Romberg
 Walk across the room, turn and come back
 Walk heel-to-toe in a straight line
 Walk on heels in a straight line
 Walk on toes in a straight line
 Hop in place on each foot
 Shallow knee bend
 Rise from a sitting position

Deep Tendon
 Biceps
 Triceps
 Brachioradialis
 Knee

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