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Glass in building Ð |
Determination of luminous and |
solar characteristics of glazing |
The European Standard EN 410:1998 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 81.040.20 |
BS EN 410:1998

National foreword
This British Standard is the English language version of EN 410:1998.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
B/520, Glass and glazing in building, to Subcommittee B/520/4, Properties and
glazing methods, which has the responsibility to:

Ð aid enquirers to understand the text;

Ð present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the
interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed;
Ð monitor related international and European developments and promulgate
them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request

to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled ªInternational Standards Correspondence Indexº, or by using the
ªFindº facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 24, an inside back cover and a back cover.

This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication

been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Board for Amd. No. Date Text affected
Building and Civil Engineering,
was published under the
authority of the Standards Board
and comes into effect on
15 November 1998

 BSI 1998

ISBN 0 580 30154 0


ICS 81.040.20

Descriptors: Buildings, glazing, glass, translucent glasses, determination, light transmission, sunlight, solar energy, ultraviolet radiation,
spectral distribution

English version

Glass in building Ð Determination of luminous and solar

characteristics of glazing

Verre dans la construction Ð DeÂtermination des Glas im Bauwesen Ð Bestimmung der

characteÂristiques lumineuses et solaires des vitrages lichttechnischen und strahlungsphysikalischen
Kenn groÈûen von Verglasungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 26 March 1998.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to
the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

 1998 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 410:1998 E
Page 2
EN 410:1998

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 129, Glass in building,
the Secretariat of which is held by IBN. Foreword 2
CEN/TC 129/WG 9, Light and energy transmission, 1 Scope 3
thermal insulation, prepared a working draft based on 2 Normative references 3
ISO/DIS 9050, Glass in building Ð Determination of 3 Symbols 4
light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total
solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet 4 Determination of characteristics 5
transmittance and related glazing factors, prepared by 4.1 General 5
ISO/TC 160, Glass in building. 4.2 Light transmittance 7
This European Standard shall be given the status of a
4.3 Light reflectance 8
national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 1998, 4.4 Total solar energy transmittance (solar
and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn factor) 9
at the latest by October 1998. 4.5 UV transmittance 14
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, 4.6 Colour rendering 14
the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European 5 Expression of results 19
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, 6 Test report 19
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Annex A (normative) Procedures for the
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, calculation of the spectral characteristics of
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. glass plates with a different thickness
and/or colour 20
Annex B (informative) Example of the
calculation of the colour rendering index 22
Annex C (informative) Bibliography 24

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1 Scope 2 Normative references

This European Standard specifies methods of This European Standard incorporates by dated or
determining the luminous and solar characteristics of undated references, provisions from other publications.
glazing in buildings. These characteristics can serve as These normative references are cited at the
a basis for lighting, heating and cooling calculations of appropriate places in the text and the publications are
rooms and permit comparison between different types listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent
of glazing. amendments to or revisions of any of these
This European Standard applies both to conventional publications apply to this European Standard only
glazing and to absorbing or reflecting solar-control when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For
glazing, used as vertical or horizontal glazed apertures. undated references the latest edition of the publication
The appropriate formulae for single, double and triple referred to applies.
glazing are given. EN 673, Glass in building Ð Determination of
This European Standard is accordingly applicable to all thermal transmittance (U value) Ð Calculation
transparent materials except those which show method.
significant transmission in the wavelength region EN 674, Glass in building Ð Determination of
(5 to 50) mm of ambient temperature radiation, such as thermal transmittance (U value) Ð Guarded hot plate
certain plastic materials. method.
Materials with light-scattering properties for incident EN 675, Glass in building Ð Determination of
radiation are dealt with as conventional transparent thermal transmittance (U value) Ð Heat flow meter
materials subject to certain conditions (see 4.2). method.
prEN 1098, Glass in building Ð Measuring method for
the determination of the thermal transmittance of
multiple glazing (U value) Ð Calibrated and guarded
hot box method.
prEN 12898, Glass in building Ð Determination of the

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EN 410:1998

3 Symbols
Sym. Deutsch/German/Allemand Englisch/English/Anglais FranzoÈsisch/French/FrancËais

D65 Normlichtart D65 standard illuminant D65 illuminant normalise D65

UV ultravioletter Strahlungsbereich ultraviolet radiation rayonnement ultraviolet
tUV ultravioletter Transmissionsgrad ultraviolet transmittance facteur de transmission de
t(l) spektraler Transmissionsgrad spectral transmittance facteur de transmission
r(l) spektraler Reflexionsgrad spectral reflectance facteur de reÂflexion spectrale
tV Lichtransmissionsgrad light transmittance facteur de transmission
rV Lichtreflexionsgrad light reflectance facteur de reÂflexion lumineuse
te direkter solar direct transmittance facteur de transmission directe
Strahlungstrans-missionsgrad de l'eÂnergie solaire
re direkter solar direct reflectance facteur de reÂflexion directe de
Strahlungs-reflexionsgrad l'eÂnergie solaire
g Gesamtenergiedurchlaûgrad total solar energy transmittance facteur de transmission totale de
(solar factor) l'eÂnergie solaire ou facteur
Ra allgemeiner general colour rendering index indice geÂneÂral de rendu des
Farbwiedergabeindex couleurs
Dl relative spektrale Verteilung der relative spectral distribution of reÂpartition spectrale relative de
Normlichtart D65 illuminant D65 l'illuminant normalise D65
V(l) spektraler spectral luminous efficiency efficacite lumineuse relative
Hellempfindlichkeitsgrad spectrale
ae direkter solar direct absorptance facteur d'absorption directe de
Strahlungsabsorptionsgrad l'eÂnergie solaire
fe Strahlungsleistung incident solar radiant flux flux eÂnergeÂtique solaire incident
qi sekundaÈrer WaÈrmeabgabegrad secondary internal heat transfer facteur de reÂeÂmission thermique
nach innen factor vers l'inteÂrieur
qe sekundaÈrer WaÈrmeabgabegrad secondary external heat transfer facteur de reÂeÂmission thermique
nach auûen factor vers l'exteÂrieur
Sl relative spektrale Verteilung der relative spectral distribution of reÂpartition spectrale relative du
Sonnenstrahlung solar radiation rayonnement solaire
he WaÈrmeuÈbergangs koeffizient external heat transfer coefficient coefficient d'eÂchange thermique
nach auûen exteÂrieur
hi WaÈrmeuÈbergangs koeffizient internal heat transfer coefficient coefficient d'eÂchange thermique
nach innen inteÂrieur
e korrigierter Emissionsgrad corrected emissivity eÂmissivite corrigeÂe
L WaÈrmedurchlaûkoeffizient thermal conductance conductance thermique
l WellenlaÈnge wavelength longueur d'onde
Dl WellenlaÈngenintervall wavelength interval intervalle de longueur d'onde
Ul relative spektrale Verteilung der relative spectral distribution of reÂpartition spectrale relative du
UV-Strahlung der Sonne UV in solar radiation rayonnement ultraviolet solaire

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4 Determination of characteristics
4.1 General
The characteristics are determined for quasi-parallel, near normal radiation incidence (see C.1) using the
radiation distribution of illuminant D65 (see Table 1), solar radiation in accordance with Table 2 and ultraviolet
(UV) radiation in accordance with Table 3.
The characteristics are as follows:
Ð the spectral transmittance t(l) and the spectral reflectance r(l) in the wavelength range (300 to 2 500) nm;
Ð the light transmittance tV and the light reflectance rV for illuminant D65;
Ð the solar direct transmittance te and the solar direct reflectance re;
Ð the total solar energy transmittance (solar factor) g;
Ð the UV transmittance tUV ;
Ð the general colour rendering index Ra.
To characterize glazing, the principal parameters are tV and g; the other parameters are optional to provide
additional information.
If the value of a given characteristic is required for different glass thicknesses (in the case of uncoated glass) or
for the same coating applied to different substrates, it can be obtained by calculation (in accordance with
annex A).

Table 1 Ð Normalized relative spectral distribution Dl of illuminant D65 multiplied by the

spectral luminous efficiency V(l) and by the wavelength interval Dl
l DlV (l)Dl ´102 l DlV (l)Dl ´102
nm nm
380 0,000 0 580 7,899 4
390 0,000 5 590 6,330 6
400 0,003 0 600 5,354 2
410 0,010 3 610 4,249 1
420 0,035 2 620 3,150 2
430 0,094 8 630 2,081 2
440 0,227 4 640 1,381 0
450 0,419 2 650 0,807 0
460 0,666 3 660 0,461 2
470 0,985 0 670 0,248 5
480 1,518 9 680 0,125 5
490 2,133 6 690 0,053 6
500 3,349 1 700 0,027 6
510 5,139 3 710 0,014 6
520 7,052 3 720 0,005 7
530 8,799 0 730 0,003 5
540 9,442 7 740 0,002 1
550 9,807 7 750 0,000 8
560 9,430 6 760 0,000 1
570 8,689 1 770 0,000 0
780 0,000 0

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Table 2 Ð Normalized relative spectral distribution of global solar radiation Sl multiplied by the
wavelength interval Dl
l SlDl1) l SlDl1)
nm nm
300 0,000 5 1000 0,032 9
320 0,006 9 1050 0,030 6
340 0,012 2 1100 0,018 5
360 0,014 5 1150 0,013 6
380 0,017 7 1200 0,021 0
400 0,023 5 1250 0,021 1
420 0,026 8 1300 0,016 6
440 0,029 4 1350 0,004 2
460 0,034 3 1400 0,001 0
480 0,033 9 1450 0,004 4
500 0,032 6 1500 0,009 5
520 0,031 8 1550 0,012 3
540 0,032 1 1600 0,011 0
560 0,031 2 1650 0,010 6
580 0,029 4 1700 0,009 3
600 0,028 9 1750 0,006 8
620 0,028 9 1800 0,002 4
640 0,028 0 1850 0,000 5
660 0,027 3 1900 0,000 2
680 0,024 6 1950 0,001 2
700 0,023 7 2000 0,003 0
720 0,022 0 2050 0,003 7
740 0,023 0 2100 0,005 7
760 0,019 9 2200 0,006 6
780 0,021 1 2300 0,006 0
800 0,033 0 2400 0,004 1
850 0,045 3 2500 0,000 6
900 0,038 1
950 0,022 0
1)The relative spectral distribution of global solar radiation (direct and diffuse) is calculated from the values given in C.3 for air mass
= 1; water content = 1,42 cm precipitable water; ozone content = 0,34 cm at standard temperature and pressure; albedo of earth surface
= 0,2; spectral optical depth of aerosol extinction (at l = 500 nm) = 0,1.

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Table 3 Ð Normalized relative spectral

distribution of the UV part of the global solar
radiation Ul multiplied by the wavelength
interval Dl
l UlDl
282,5 0,000 00
287,5 0,000 00
292,5 0,000 00
297,5 0,000 82
302,5 0,004 61
307,5 0,013 73
312,5 0,027 46
317,5 0,041 20
322,5 0,055 91
327,5 0,065 72
332,5 0,070 62
337,5 0,072 58
342,5 0,074 54
347,5 0,076 01
352,5 0,077 00
357,5 0,078 96
362,5 0,080 43
367,5 0,083 37
372,5 0,086 31
377,5 0,090 73
4.2 Light transmittance
The light transmittance tV of the glazing is calculated using the following formula:
780 nm
∑ Dlt(l)V(l)Dl
l = 380 nm
tV = 780 nm
∑ DlV(l)Dl
l = 380 nm
Dl is the relative spectral distribution of illuminant D65 (see C.2);
t(l) is the spectral transmittance of the glazing;
V(l) is the spectral luminous efficiency for photopic vision defining the standard observer for photometry
(see C.2);
Dl is the wavelength interval.
Table 1 indicates the values for DlV(l)Dl for wavelength intervals of 10 nm. The table has been drawn up in
such a way that ∑ DlV(l)Dl = 1.
In the case of multiple glazing, the spectral transmittances t(l) are calculated from the spectral transmittances
and reflectances of the individual components as follows:
For double glazing:
t(l) = (2)
1 2 r1(l)r2(l)
t1(l) is the spectral transmittance of the outer pane;
t2(l) is the spectral transmittance of the second pane;
r91(l) is the spectral reflectance of the outer pane, measured in the direction opposite to the incident
r2(l) is the spectral reflectance of the second pane, measured in the direction of the incident radiation.

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For triple glazing:

t(l) = (3)
[1 2 r91(l)r2(l)] ´ [1 2 r92 (l)r3(l)] 2 t22 (l)r91 (l)r3(l)

t1(l), t2(l), r91(l) and r2(l) are as explained in formula (2);

t3(l) is the spectral transmittance of the third pane;
r92(l) is the spectral reflectance of the second pane, measured in the direction opposite to the incident
r3(l) is the spectral reflectance of the third pane, measured in the direction of the incident radiation.

For glazing with more than three components, formulae similar to (2) and (3) are found to calculate t(l) of such
glazing from the spectral coefficients of the individual components. As an example, glazing composed of five
components may be treated as follows:
a) firstly, consider the first three components as triple glazing and calculate the spectral characteristics of this
b) next, run the same procedure for the next two components as double glazing;
c) then, calculate t(l) for the five component glazing, considering it as double glazing consisting of the
preceding triple and double glazing.
The use of an integrating sphere is necessary when light scattering materials are tested. In this case the size of
the sphere and its aperture shall be large enough to collect all possible scattered light and to obtain fair average
values when surface patterns are irregularly distributed.
4.3 Light reflectance
The light reflectance of the glazing rV is calculated using the following formula:
780 nm
∑ Dlr(l)V(l)Dl
l = 380 nm
rV = 780 nm
∑ DlV(l)Dl
l = 380 nm

Dl, V(l) and Dl are as explained in 4.2;

r(l) is the spectral reflectance of the glazing.

In the case of multiple glazing, the spectral reflectance r(l) is calculated from the spectral transmittances and the
spectral reflectances of the individual components as follows.

For double glazing:

r(l) = r1(l) + (5)
1 2 r91(l)r2(l)
t1(l), r2(l) and r91(l) are as explained in 4.2;
r1(l) is the spectral reflectance of the outer pane, measured in the direction of incident radiation.
For triple glazing:
t 21(l)r2(l)[1 2 r92(l)r3(l)] + t 21(l)t 22(l)r3(l)
r(l) = r1(l) + (6)
[1 2 r91(l)r2(l)] ´ [1 2 r92(l)r3(l)] 2 t 22(l)r91(l)r3(l)
r3(l) is the spectral reflectance of the third pane, measured in the direction of the incident radiation;
t1, t2, r1, r2, r91 and r92 are as defined in 4.2 and 4.3.
For glazing with more than three elements the same method as described in 4.2 is used.

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4.4 Total solar energy transmittance (solar factor)

4.4.1 Calculation
The total solar energy transmittance g is calculated as the sum of the solar direct transmittance te and the
secondary heat transfer factor qi of the glazing towards the inside (see 4.4.3 and 4.4.6), the latter resulting from
heat transfer by convection and longwave IR-radiation of that part of the incident solar radiation which has been
absorbed by the glazing:
g = te + qi (7)
4.4.2 Division of incident solar radiant flux
The incident solar radiant flux fe is divided into the following three parts (see Figure 1):
a) the transmitted part, tefe;
b) the reflected part, refe;
c) the absorbed part, ae fe;

te is the solar direct transmittance (see 4.4.3);

re is the solar direct reflectance (see 4.4.4);
ae is the solar direct absorptance (see 4.4.5).

re = 0,38 te = 0,41
qe = 0,17 qi = 0,04
g = 0,45

Figure 1 Ð Example of division of the incident radiant flux

The relationship between the three characteristics is:

te + re + ae = 1 (8)
The absorbed part aefe is subsequently split into two parts qife and qefe which are the energy transferred to the
inside and outside respectively:
ae = qi + qe (9)

qi is the secondary heat transfer factor of the glazing towards the inside;
qe is the secondary heat transfer factor of the glazing towards the outside.

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4.4.3 Solar direct transmittance

The solar direct transmittance te of the glazing is calculated using the following formula:
2 500 nm
∑ Slt(l)D(l)
l = 300 nm
te = 2 500 nm
∑ SlDl
l = 300 nm

Sl is the relative spectral distribution of the solar radiation (see Table 2);
t(l) is the spectral transmittance of the glazing;
Dl is the wavelength interval.

In the case of multiple glazing, the spectral transmittance t(l) is calculated in accordance with 4.2.
The relative spectral distribution, Sl, used to calculate the solar direct transmittance, is derived from C.3.
The corresponding values SlDl are given in Table 2. The table was drawn up in such a way that S SlDl 5 1.
NOTE Contrary to real situations, it is always assumed, for simplification, that the spectral distribution of the solar radiation
(see Table 2) is not dependent upon atmospheric conditions (e.g. dust, mist, moisture content) and that the solar radiation strikes the
glazing as a collimated beam and at normal incidence. The resulting errors are very small.

4.4.4 Solar direct reflectance

The solar direct reflectance re of the glazing is calculated using the following formula:
2 500 nm
∑ Slr(l)Dl
l = 300 nm
re = 2 500 nm
∑ SlDl
l = 300 nm

Sl is the relative spectral distribution of the solar radiation (see Table 2);
r(l) is the spectral reflectance of the glazing;
Dl is the wavelength interval.

In the case of multiple glazing, the spectral reflectance r(l) is calculated in accordance with 4.3.
4.4.5 Solar direct absorptance
The solar direct absorptance ae is calculated from formula (8) in 4.4.2.
4.4.6 Secondary heat transfer factor towards the inside Boundary conditions
For the calculation of the secondary heat transfer factor towards the inside, qi, the heat transfer coefficients of
the glazing towards the outside, he, and towards the inside, hi, are needed. These values mainly depend on the
position of the glazing, wind velocity, inside and outside temperatures and furthermore, on the temperature of the
two external glazing surfaces.
As the purpose of this standard is to provide basic information on the performance of glazing, conventional
conditions have been stated for simplicity:
a) position of the glazing: vertical;
b) outside surface: wind velocity approximately 4 m/s, corrected emissivity = 0,837;
c) inside surface: natural convection, emissivity optional;
d) air spaces are unventilated.

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Under these conventional, average conditions, standard values for he and hi are obtained:
he = 23 W/(m2´K)
hi = 3,6 + W/(m2´K)

ei is the corrected emissivity of the inside surface.

For uncoated soda lime glass and borosilicate glass ei = 0,837 and hi = 8 W/(m2´K).
The corrected emissivity shall be defined and measured in accordance with EN 673 or prEN 12898.
NOTE Values lower than 0,837 for ei (due to surface coatings with higher reflectance in the far infra-red) are only to be taken into
account if condensation on the coated surface can be excluded. Single glazing

The secondary internal heat transfer factor, qi, of single glazing is calculated using the following formula:
qi = ae (12)
he + hi

ae is the solar direct absorptance in accordance with 4.4.5;

he and hi are the heat transfer coefficients towards the outside and inside respectively in accordance
with Double glazing

The secondary internal heat transfer factor, qi, of double glazing is calculated using the following formula:
ae1 + ae2 + ae2

 
he L
qi = (13)
1 1 1
+ +
 hi he L 

he and hi are the heat transfer coefficients towards the outside and inside respectively in accordance
ae1 is the solar direct absorptance of the outer pane within the double glazing;
ae2 is the solar direct absorptance of the second pane within the double glazing;
L is the thermal conductance between the outer surface and the innermost surface of the double glazing
(see Figure 2).

ae1 and ae2 are calculated as follows:

2 500 nm
Sl a91(l) + 1
a (l)t1(l)r2(l)
∑  1 2 r1(l)r2(l) 
l = 300 nm
ae1 = 2 500 nm
∑ SlDl
l = 300 nm

2 500 nm
 a2(l)t1(l) 
∑ Sl 1 2 r9 (l)r (l) Dl
 1 2 
l = 300 nm
ae2 = 2 500 nm
∑ SlDl
l = 300 nm

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a1(l) is the spectral direct absorptance of the outer pane, measured in the direction of the incident
radiation, given by the formula:
a1(l) = 1 2 t1(l) 2 r1(l) (16)
a91(l) is the spectral direct absorptance of the outer pane, measured in the opposite direction to the incident
radiation, given by the formula:
a91(l) = 1 2 t1(l) 2r91 (l) (17)
a2(l) is the spectral direct absorptance of the second pane, measured in the direction of the incident
radiation, given by the formula:
a2(l) = 1 2 t2(l) 2 r2(l) (18)
Sl and Dl are as defined in 4.4.3;
t1(l), r2(l) and r91(l) are as defined in 4.2.

The thermal conductance L is determined by the calculation method in accordance with EN 673 whenever
possible or by measuring methods in accordance with EN 674, EN 675 or prEN 1098.

Figure 2 Ð Illustration of the meaning of thermal conductance L Triple glazing

The secondary internal heat transfer factor of triple glazing, qi, is calculated using the following formula:
 ae3 + ae3 + ae2 + ae3 + ae2 + ae1 
L L12 he 
qi = 23 (19)
1 1 1 1 
+ + +
h1 he L12 L23

ae1 is the solar direct absorptance of the outer pane within the triple glazing;
ae2 is the solar direct absorptance of the second pane within the triple glazing;
ae3 is the solar direct absorptance of the third pane within the triple glazing;
he and hi are the heat transfer coefficients towards the outside and inside respectively in accordance
L12 is the thermal conductance between the outer surface of the first pane and the centre of the second pane
(see Figure 3);
L23 is the thermal conductance between the centre of the second pane and the innermost surface of the third
pane (see Figure 3).

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Figure 3 Ð Illustration of the meaning of the thermal conductances L12 and L23

ae1, ae2 and ae3 are calculated as follows:

2 500 nm  t1(l)a91(l)r2(l) [1 2 r92 (l)r3(l)] + t1(l)t 22 (l)a91 (l)r3(l)
∑ Sl a1(l) + Dl
[1 2 r91 (l)r2(l)] ´ [1 2 r92 (l)r3(l)] 2 t 22 (l)r91 (l)r3(l) 
ae1 =
l = 300 nm  (20)
2 500 nm
∑ SlDl
l = 300 nm

2 500 nm  t1(l)a2(l) [1 2 r92 (l)r3(l)] + t1(l)t2(l)a92 (l)r3(l) 

∑ Sl  2 Dl
[1 2 r91 (l)r2(l)] ´ [1 2 r92 (l)r3(l)] 2t 2 (l)r91 (l)r3(l)
l = 300 nm
ae2 = 2 500 nm
∑ SlDl
l = 300 nm

2 500 nm  t1(l)t2(l)a3(l) 
∑ Sl  2 Dl
[1 2 r1 (l)r2(l)] ´ [1 2 r2 (l)r3(l)] 2t 2 (l)r1 (l)r3(l)
9 9 9
l = 300 nm
ae3 = 2 500 nm
∑ SlDl
l = 300 nm

a1(l), a 91(l) and a92(l) are as defined in;

a92(l) the spectral direct absorptance of the second pane, measured in the opposite direction to the incident
radiation, given by the formula:
a92(l) = 1 2 t2(l) 2 r92(l) (23)
a3(l) is the spectral direct absorptance of the third pane, measured in the direction of the incident radiation,
given by the formula:
a3(l) = 1 2 t3(l) 2 r3(l) (24)
Sl and Dl are as defined in 4.4.3.

The thermal conductances L12 and L23 are determined in accordance with

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4.5 UV transmittance
In the UV range, the global radiation of the sun contains components in the UV-B range (280 to 315) nm and the
UV-A range (315 to 380) nm. A standard relative spectral distribution for the UV part of the global solar radiation,
Ul, is given (see C.4). Table 3 gives the values of UlDl for wavelength intervals of 5 nm in the UV range. The
table has been drawn up with relative values in such a way that S UlDl = 1 for the total UV range.
The UV transmittance tUV is calculated as follows:
380 nm
∑ Ult(l)Dl
l = 280 nm
tUV = 380 nm
∑ UlDl
l = 280 nm

t(l) is the spectral direct transmittance of the glazing (see 4.2);

Ul is the relative distribution of the UV part of global solar radiation;
Dl is the wavelength interval.

NOTE If statements are made about the UV transmission of glazing, in most cases it is sufficient to give tUV, the transmittance for the
total UV radiation contained in global solar radiation. Only in special cases would there be any interest in the transmittances for the
sub-ranges UV-A and UV-B.

4.6 Colour rendering

The colour rendering properties of glazing in transmission are expressed by the general colour rendering index
Ra. This index enables the synthetic expression of a quantitative evaluation of the differences in colour between
eight test colours lighted directly by the reference illuminant D65 and by the same illuminant transmitted through
the glazing (see C.5).
NOTE C.5 suggests determining the colour rendering index with the help of a diskette. The utilizer should be aware of the fact that the
program contained in the diskette automatically compares the light filtered by a given glazing with the illuminant having the nearest
colour temperature, rather than with D65.
The test colours are defined by their spectral reflectance bi(l) (i from 1 to 8), reported in Table 4 (see C.5). The
relative spectral energy distribution of illuminant D65 is reported in Table 5 (see C.2).
The procedure to determine the general colour rendering index is as follows.
Calculate the tristimulus values Xt, Yt, Zt of the light transmitted by the glazing:
780 nm
Xt = ∑ dl
t(l)x(l)Dl (26)
l = 380 nm

780 nm
Yt = ∑ dl
t(l)y(l)Dl (27)
l = 380 nm

780 nm
Zt = ∑ dl
t(l)z(l)Dl (28)
l = 380 nm

Dl is the relative spectral energy distribution of illuminant D65 reported in Table 5 (see C.2);
t(l) is the spectral transmittance of the glazing;
x(l), y(l), z(l) are the spectral tristimulus values for the CIE 1931 colorimetric standard observer reported in
Table 6 (see C.2).

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Table 4 Ð Spectral reflectance, b(l) of the eight test colours (1 to 8) to be used to calculate the
general colour rendering index
l Test colour number
nm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
380 0,219 0,070 0,065 0,074 0,295 0,151 0,378 0,104
390 0,252 0,089 0,070 0,093 0,310 0,265 0,524 0,170
400 0,256 0,111 0,073 0,116 0,313 0,410 0,551 0,319
410 0,252 0,118 0,074 0,124 0,319 0,492 0,559 0,462
420 0,244 0,121 0,074 0,128 0,326 0,517 0,561 0,490
430 0,237 0,122 0,073 0,135 0,334 0,531 0,556 0,482
440 0,230 0,123 0,073 0,144 0,346 0,544 0,544 0,462
450 0,225 0,127 0,074 0,161 0,360 0,556 0,522 0,439
460 0,220 0,131 0,077 0,186 0,381 0,554 0,488 0,413
470 0,216 0,138 0,085 0,229 0,403 0,541 0,448 0,382
480 0,214 0,150 0,109 0,281 0,415 0,519 0,408 0,352
490 0,216 0,174 0,148 0,332 0,419 0,488 0,363 0,325
500 0,223 0,207 0,198 0,370 0,413 0,450 0,324 0,299
510 0,226 0,242 0,241 0,390 0,403 0,414 0,301 0,283
520 0,225 0,260 0,278 0,395 0,389 0,377 0,283 0,270
530 0,227 0,267 0,339 0,385 0,372 0,341 0,265 0,256
540 0,236 0,272 0,392 0,367 0,353 0,309 0,257 0,250
550 0,253 0,282 0,400 0,341 0,331 0,279 0,259 0,254
560 0,272 0,299 0,380 0,312 0,308 0,253 0,260 0,264
570 0,298 0,322 0,349 0,280 0,284 0,234 0,256 0,272
580 0,341 0,335 0,315 0,247 0,260 0,225 0,254 0,278
590 0,390 0,341 0,285 0,214 0,232 0,221 0,270 0,295
600 0,424 0,342 0,264 0,185 0,210 0,220 0,302 0,348
610 0,442 0,342 0,252 0,169 0,194 0,220 0,344 0,434
620 0,450 0,341 0,241 0,160 0,185 0,223 0,377 0,528
630 0,451 0,339 0,229 0,154 0,180 0,233 0,400 0,604
640 0,451 0,338 0,220 0,151 0,176 0,244 0,420 0,648
650 0,450 0,336 0,216 0,148 0,175 0,258 0,438 0,676
660 0,451 0,334 0,219 0,148 0,175 0,268 0,452 0,693
670 0,453 0,332 0,230 0,151 0,180 0,278 0,462 0,705
680 0,455 0,331 0,251 0,158 0,186 0,283 0,468 0,712
690 0,458 0,329 0,288 0,165 0,192 0,291 0,473 0,717
700 0,462 0,328 0,340 0,170 0,199 0,302 0,483 0,721
710 0,464 0,326 0,390 0,170 0,199 0,325 0,496 0,719
720 0,466 0,324 0,431 0,166 0,196 0,351 0,511 0,725
730 0,466 0,324 0,460 0,164 0,195 0,376 0,525 0,729
740 0,467 0,322 0,481 0,168 0,197 0,401 0,539 0,730
750 0,467 0,320 0,493 0,177 0,203 0,425 0,553 0,730
760 0,467 0,316 0,500 0,185 0,208 0,447 0,565 0,730
770 0,467 0,315 0,505 0,192 0,215 0,469 0,575 0,730
780 0,467 0,314 0,516 0,197 0,219 0,485 0,581 0,730

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Table 5 Ð Relative spectral power distribution of illuminant D65 for wavelengths

between 380 nm and 780 nm normalized to the value of 100 at 560 nm
l dfe l dfe
Spectral flux Dl Spectral flux Dl
nm dl nm dl

380 50,0 580 95,8

390 54,6 590 88,7
400 82,8 600 90,0
410 91,5 610 89,6
420 93,4 620 87,7
430 86,7 630 83,3
440 104,9 640 83,7
450 117,0 650 80,0
460 117,8 660 80,2
470 114,9 670 82,3
480 115,9 680 78,3
490 108,8 690 69,7
500 109,4 700 71,6
510 107,8 710 74,3
520 104,8 720 61,6
530 107,7 730 69,9
540 104,4 740 75,1
550 104,0 750 63,6
560 100,0 760 46,4
570 96,3 770 66,8
780 63,4

Table 6 Ð CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer. Abridged set of spectral tristimulus values
x(l), y(l), z(l) for l = 380 nm to 780 nm at 10 nm intervals
l x(l) y(l) z(l)

380 0,001 4 0,000 0 0,006 5

390 0,004 2 0,000 1 0,020 1
400 0,014 3 0,000 4 0,067 9
410 0,043 5 0,001 2 0,207 4
420 0,134 4 0,004 0 0,645 6
430 0,283 9 0,011 6 1,385 6
440 0,348 3 0,023 0 1,747 1
450 0,336 2 0,038 0 1,772 1
460 0,290 8 0,060 0 1,669 2
470 0,195 4 0,091 0 1,287 6
480 0,095 6 0,139 0 0,813 0
490 0,032 0 0,208 0 0,465 2
500 0,004 9 0,323 0 0,272 0
510 0,009 3 0,503 0 0,158 2
520 0,063 3 0,710 0 0,078 2

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Table 6 Ð CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer. Abridged set of spectral tristimulus values
x(l), y(l), z(l) for l = 380 nm to 780 nm at 10 nm intervals (continued)
l x(l) y(l) z(l)

530 0,165 5 0,862 0 0,042 2

540 0,290 4 0,954 0 0,020 3
550 0,433 4 0,995 0 0,008 7
560 0,594 5 0,995 0 0,003 9
570 0,762 1 0,952 0 0,002 1
580 0,916 3 0,870 0 0,001 7
590 1,026 3 0,757 0 0,001 1
600 1,062 2 0,631 0 0,000 8
610 1,002 6 0,503 0 0,000 3
620 0,854 4 0,381 0 0,000 2
630 0,642 4 0,265 0 0,000 0
640 0,447 9 0,175 0 0,000 0
650 0,283 5 0,107 0 0,000 0
660 0,164 9 0,061 0 0,000 0
670 0,087 4 0,032 0 0,000 0
680 0,046 8 0,017 0 0,000 0
690 0,022 7 0,008 2 0,000 0
700 0,011 4 0,004 1 0,000 0
710 0,005 8 0,002 1 0,000 0
720 0,002 9 0,001 0 0,000 0
730 0,001 4 0,000 5 0,000 0
740 0,000 7 0,000 2 0,000 0
750 0,000 3 0,000 1 0,000 0
760 0,000 2 0,000 1 0,000 0
770 0,000 1 0,000 0 0,000 0
780 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0

Calculate the tristimulus values of the light transmitted by the glazing and reflected by each of the eight test
780 nm
Xt,i = ∑ dl
t(l)bi(l) x(l)Dl (29)
l = 380 nm

780 nm
Yt,i = ∑ dl
t(l)bi(l) y(l)Dl (30)
l = 380 nm

780 nm
Zt,i = ∑ dl
t(l)bi(l) z(l)Dl (31)
l = 380 nm

bi(l) is the spectral reflectance of each test colour i (i from 1 to 8).

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Calculate the trichromatic co-ordinates in the CIE 1960 uniform chromaticity diagram. The following formulae
shall be used:
Ð for transmitted light:
ut = ; (32)
Xt + 15Yt + 3Zt

vt = ; (33)
Xt + 15Yt + 3Zt
Ð for light transmitted then reflected by the test colour i:
ut,i = ; (34)
Xt,i + 15Yt,i + 3Zt,i

vt,i = ; (35)
Xt,i + 15Yt,i + 3Zt,i

Calculate the trichromatic co-ordinates corrected in terms of distortion by chromatic adaptation, for the eight
test colours illuminated by the transmitted light according to:
c d
10,872 + 0,8802 t,i 2 8,2544 t,i
ct dt
u 9t,i = ; (36)
ct,i dt,i
16,518 + 3,2267 2 2,0636
ct dt

v t,i = ; (37)
c d
16,518 + 3,2267 t,i 2 2,0636 t,i
ct dt
with ct, dt for the transmitted light, ct,i, dt,i for each test colour i, expressed by the formulae:
Ð for transmitted light:
ct = (4 2 ut 2 10vt) ; (38)
dt = (1,708vt + 0,404 2 1,481ut) (39)
Ð for light transmitted, then reflected by the test colour i:
ct,i = (4 2 ut,i 2 10vt,i) ; (40)
dt,i = (1,708vt,i + 0,404 2 1,481ut,i) (41)
Conversion into the CIE 1964 uniform colour space system: for each of the test colours the conversion is worked
out using the formulae:

* 100Yt,i1/3
W = 25 2 17 (42)
t,i  Yt 

* *
U t,i = 13W t,i (u 9t,i 2 0,1978) (43)

* *
V t,i = 13W t,i (V 9t,i 2 0,3122) (44)

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Determination of the total distortion of the colour i. For each test colour i:

DEi = (U* 2 U* )2+ (V* 2 V* )2 + (W * 2 W * )2
t,i r,i t,i r,i t,i r,i
The values of U *r,i , V *r,i , W *r,i calculated for the test colours, lighted by the standard illuminant D65 without the
glazing being interposed, are given in Table 7 (see C.5).
Calculate the specific colour rendering index for each test colour i:
Ri = 100 2 4,6DEi (46)
Calculate the general colour rendering index:
Ra =
8 ∑ Ri (47)
The general colour rendering index Ra may attain a maximum value of 100. This will be achieved for glazing
whose spectral transmittance is completely constant in the visible spectral range. In the technique of illumination,
general colour rendering indices Ra > 90 characterize a very good and values Ra > 80 a good colour rendering.
An example of the calculation of Ra is given in annex B.

Table 7 Ð Values of U*r,i, V*r,i, W*r,i for the test colours lighted by the standard illuminant D65
Test colour number * * *
U r,i V r,i W r,i
1 31,92 8,41 60,48
2 15,22 23,76 59,73
3 28,34 36,29 61,08
4 233,29 18,64 60,25
5 226,82 26,55 61,41
6 218,80 228,80 60,52
7 9,77 226,50 60,14
8 28,78 216,24 61,83

5 Expression of results
The general colour rendering index Ra shall be quoted to two significant figures. All the other characteristics
shall be quoted to two decimal places. Intermediate values shall not be rounded.

6 Test report
The test report shall state the following:
a) the number and thickness of panes in the glazing;
b) the type and position of panes (for the case of multiple glazing) designated as outer pane, second inner
pane, third inner pane, etc.;
c) the position of the coating (for the case of coated glass) designating the faces of the panes as 1, 2, 3 etc.,
starting from the outer surface of the outer pane;
d) the results for the required characteristics;
e) the type of instrument used (specifying, if used, the reflectance accessory or integrating sphere and the
reference material for reflectance).

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Annex A (normative)
Procedures for the calculation of the spectral characteristics of glass plates with a
different thickness and/or colour
A.1 Procedures for the calculation of the spectral transmittance and reflectance of an uncoated
glass plate with thickness y from its spectral transmittance measured for the thickness x
tx(l): the spectral transmittance of a glass plate with thickness x;
n(l): the refractive index of the glass (for soda lime glass see C.6);
the spectral transmittance for thickness y is calculated using the formula:

[1 2 rs(l)]2 ti,y(l)
ty(l) = (A.1)
1 2r2s (l)t 2i,y(l)

rs(l) designates reflectance at the air-glass interface in accordance with the following formula:

n(l) 2 12
 n(l) + 1 
rs(l) = (A.2)

ti,y(l) designates the internal transmittance of a glass plate with a thickness y in accordance with the
following formula:

ti,y(l) = [ti,x(l)]y/x (A.3)


ti,x (l) designates the internal transmittance of a glass plate with a thickness x, determined from its measured
spectral transmittance in accordance with the following formula:

ti,x(l) =
{[(1 2 rs(l))4 + 4r2s (l)t2x (l)]1/2 2[1 2rs(l)]2 } (A.4)
[2r2s (l)tx(l)]

In a similar way the spectral reflectance is calculated for a thickness y in accordance with the following formula:

 [1 2 rs(l)]2t2i,y (l)
ry(l) = rs(l) 1 +  (A.5)
 1 2 r2s (l)t2i,y (l) 
A green glass plate is 3,0 mm thick. At 550 nm the measured spectral transmittance is 0,83 and its refractive index
is 1,525. Calculate the transmittance of the same glass for a thickness of 5 mm.

x = 3,00
tx = 0,83
n = 1,525
y = 5,00

Formula (A.2) gives rs = 0,0432

Formula (A.4) gives ti,x = 0,9053
Formula (A.3) gives ti,y = 0,8472
Formula (A.1) gives ty = 0,7766 rounded to 0,78
Formula (A.5) gives ry = 0,0717 rounded to 0,07

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A.2 Procedures for the calculation of the spectral transmittance and reflectance of a coated glass
plate with thickness y from the spectral transmittance and reflectance of a plate of a different
glass with thickness x on which the same coating has been deposited
A.2.1 Intrinsic characteristics of the system air - coating - glass
In the formulae reported below it is convenient to utilize the following symbols to designate the intrinsic
photometric characteristics of the coating in the air ± coating ± glass system (see Figure A.1):

Figure A.1 Ð Illustration of the meaning of r1,r2 and tc

1) r1(l): spectral reflectance of the coating for light incident from the air towards the coating;
2) r2(l): spectral reflectance of the coating for light incident from the glass towards the coating;
3) tc(l): spectral transmittance of the system: air ± coating ± substrate.
The values of such characteristics are calculated from the measured spectral characteristics [rs(l) ti(l)] of a
sample of previously characterized glass on which the coating has been deposited. The following characteristics
shall be measured:
1) r1(l): spectral reflectance of the coated glass, measured in the direction air ± coating ± glass;
2) r2(l): spectral reflectance of the coated glass, measured in the direction air ± glass ± coating;
3) t(l): spectral transmittance of the coated glass.
The following formulae are applied:
r (l) t2(l)
r1(l) = r1(l) 2 s (A.6)
r (l) 2 rs(l)
r2(l) = 2 (A.7)
D(l)t2i (l)
t(l) [1 2 rs(l)]
tc(l) = (A.8)
D(l) = rs(l)[r2(l) 2 rs(l)]+[1 2 rs(l)]2 (A.9)
rs(l) and ti(l), characterizing the original glass, are as explained in A.1.
A.2.2 Characteristics of the same coating on a different glass
From such intrinsic characteristics of the air ± coating ± glass system, one can calculate the spectral
characteristics of another coated glass consisting of the same coating deposited on a plate of a different glass,
assumed to have the same refractive index (see C.6).
The following formulae are valid:

rs(l)tc2(l) ti2(l)
r1(l) = r1(l) + (A.10)

r2(l)[1 2 rs(l)]2ti2(l)
r2(l) = rs(l) + (A.11)

[1 2 rs(l)]ti(l)tc(l)
t(l) = (A.12)

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D9(l) = 1 2 rs (l)r2(l)ti2(l) (A.13)
ti(l) and rs(l) are, respectively, the internal transmittance and the air-glass reflectance of the other coated

A reflective coating is deposited on a clear glass 6,00 mm thick. At the wavelength of 550 nm the optical
characteristics of such coated glass are the following:
transmittance: t = 0,377 ;
reflectance measured on the coated side: r1 = 0,345 ;
reflectance measured on the uncoated side: r2 = 0,283.
What are the characteristics of a coated glass consisting of the same coating deposited on a green glass
4 mm thick?
It is assumed that the clear and the green glass have the same index of refraction, i.e. n = 1,525.

Before applying formulae (A.6) to (A.9), it is necessary to calculate the internal transmittance, ti, of the clear
glass of 6,00 mm thickness.
Knowing that the clear glass has a transmittance tx = 0,894, for a thickness x = 6,00 mm, by applying formulae
(A.2) and (A.4) the following is obtained:

ti = 0,9749 for a clear glass of 6,00 mm thickness.

Formula (A.9) gives D = 0,925 8
Formula (A.6) gives r1 = 0,338 4
Formula (A.7) gives r2 = 0,272 5
Formula (A.8) gives tc = 0,399 7

The application of formulae (A.10) to (A.13) requires knowledge of the internal transmittance of the green glass
for a thickness of 4 mm.
The example described in A.1 leads to such a value by applying formula (A.3):

ti = (0,905 3)4/3 = 0,875 8

Formula (A.13) gives D9 = 0,991 0
Formula (A.10) gives r1 = 0,343 7 rounded to 0,34
Formula (A.11) gives r2 = 0,236 3 rounded to 0,24
Formula (A.12) gives t = 0,337 9 rounded to 0,34

Annex B (informative)
Example of the calculation of the colour rendering index
Example of the calculation of the colour rendering index of daylight defined by illuminant D65 which has been
transmitted through a typical absorbing glass.
Step 1: Calculate the trichromatic components for illuminant D65 through the sample.
An example of the spectral transmittance data for a typical green absorbing glass is given in Table B.1.
The calculated components are determined from formulae (26), (27), (28), (32), (33), (38) and (39).
Xt 766,143
Yt 814,400
Zt 811,715
ut 0,199
vt 0,317
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
ct 1,993
dt 2,054

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Table B.1 Ð Spectral transmittance for a typical

green absorbing glass from 380 nm to 780 nm
l Transmittance t(l)

380 0,592
390 0,652
400 0,678
410 0,683
420 0,684
430 0,687
440 0,690
450 0,699
460 0,709
470 0,717
480 0,726
490 0,735
500 0,744
510 0,752
520 0,760
530 0,766
540 0,773
550 0,779
560 0,782
570 0,784
580 0,784
590 0,784
600 0,783
610 0,779
620 0,776
630 0,771
640 0,766
650 0,761
660 0,755
670 0,749
680 0,743
690 0,734
700 0,726
710 0,717
720 0,707
730 0,698
740 0,686
750 0,676
760 0,665
770 0,654
780 0,642

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Step 2: Calculate, for each of the eight test colours, the following terms sequentially in accordance with the
formulae in 4.6.

The calculated components are reported in Table B.2.

Table B.2 Ð Calculated components

Component Test colour number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Xt,i 267,531 224,130 195,584 165,682 200,141 223,849 265,824 302,177
Yt,i 243,155 236,285 249,106 239,959 250,449 241,346 238,572 255,081
Zt,i 182,875 111,807 74,613 159,929 301,437 430,649 394,758 337,279
ut,i 0,240 0,218 0,188 0,156 0,165 0,174 0,211 0,235
vt,i 0,327 0,345 0,360 0,339 0,309 0,282 0,285 0,298
ct,i 1,504 0,946 0,599 1,333 2,407 3,569 3,309 2,645
dt,i 1,858 1,941 2,056 2,217 2,226 2,225 2,027 1,895
u9t,i 0,238 0,217 0,186 0,155 0,164 0,175 0,211 0,234
v9t,i 0,323 0,343 0,358 0,336 0,304 0,275 0,278 0,292
W*t,i 60,557 59,820 61,185 60,216 61,325 60,364 60,067 61,805
U*t,i 31,813 14,725 29,162 233,531 226,607 218,101 10,321 29,149
V*t,i 8,554 23,845 36,379 18,325 26,805 229,044 226,508 216,109
2Ei 0,196 0,510 0,834 0,398 0,343 0,757 0,556 0,392
Ri 99,100 97,653 96,166 98,169 98,422 96,519 97,443 98,195
NOTE Some small discrepancies in the calculated values of the above terms may arise according to the number of decimals used in
the calculations. However, the influence on the final value is negligible.

The general colour rendering index Ra is given by:

Ra =
8 ∑ Ri = 97,708 to be rounded to 98.

Annex C (informative)
C.1 Publication CIE No. 38 (TC-2.3), Radiometric and photometric characteristics of materials and their
measurement (1977).
C.2 Publication CIE No. 15.2, Colorimetry, 2nd ed. (1986).
C.3 Publication CIE No. 85, Solar spectral irradiance, Technical Report (1989).
C.4 P. Bener, Approximate values of intensity of natural UV radiation for different amounts of atmospheric
ozone, Final Technical Report 1972, Contract No. DAJA 37-68 C-1077.
C.5 Publication CIE No. 13.3, Method of measuring and specifying colour rendering properties of light sources
C.6 M. Rubin, Optical properties of soda lime silica glasses, Solar Energy Materials 12 (1985) pp. 275-288.

 BSI 1998
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| necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these
| details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior
| written permission of BSI must be obtained.
| If permission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing
| agreement. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager.
| Tel: 020 8996 7070.
389 Chiswick High Road |
London |
W4 4AL |

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