Additional Written Statement Under Order 8 Rule 9 of CPC: Aswathi Vakkayil
Additional Written Statement Under Order 8 Rule 9 of CPC: Aswathi Vakkayil
Additional Written Statement Under Order 8 Rule 9 of CPC: Aswathi Vakkayil
The expression ‘additional written statement’ has not been
defined in the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (C.P.C). According to a
legal dictionary, the term ‘written statement’ means a pleading 1/12
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as the court thinks fit, but the court may at any time require a
written statement or additional written statement from any of the
parties and fix a time for presenting the same. But any ground of
defence which has arisen after the institution of the suit or the
representation of a written statement claiming a set-off may be
raised by the defendant or plaintiff, as the case may be, in his
written statement or additional written statement.1
(b) which may tend to prejudice, embarrass or delay the fair trial
of the suit, or
Judicial precedents 6/12
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a time for presenting the same of not more than thirty days for
presenting the same.9 But the Court may, at any time, require a
written statement or additional written statement from any of the
parties. As a matter of practice, Courts allow the additional
written statement to be filed after the plaint is amended. Such
practice is recognised by the Supreme Court in case of Gurdial
Singh and others v. Raj Kumar Aneja and others.10
From the discussion above it can be analysed that the Court can
grant leave on such terms as it thinks fit, however, on its own at
any time it, can require a party to file written statement or an
additional written statement from any of the parties and fix the
time period, once the leave is granted, either the party may file a
supplementary statement 11 or the dependant upon the
allegations made in the plaint may make additional pleas 12.
However, no supplemental written statement can be filed after
the Plaintiff’s case is closed. Rule 9, therefore, invests the Court
with the widest possible discretion and enables it to accept a
written statement filed subsequently, after the settlement of the
issues upon such terms as the Court thinks fit.13 9/12
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manner, which may thwart the judicial process. The ultimate aim
of all laws including procedural laws has to finally set at rest
controversies between the parties. 14
It can be concluded under Order VIII Rule 9 of the Code of Civil
Procedure while filing an additional written statement, it is open
to the defendant to add a new ground of defence or substituting
or altering the defence or even taking inconsistent please in the
written statement as long as the pleadings do not result in
causing grave injustice and irretrievable prejudice to plaintiff or
displacing him completely. It is a well-established principle that
the courts should be more generous in allowing the amendment
of a written statement than in the case of the plaint. Further, it is
the duty of the Judge to prevent misuse of the pleadings by a
litigant. The courts have to ensure that what could not be
achieved by getting the pleading amended should not be allowed 10/12
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1. Order VIII, Rules 8 and 9 of C.P.C
2. Order VI Rule 16 CPC
3. Shakoor v. Jaipur Development Authority, AIR 1987 Raj 19.
4. Salicharan v. Sukanti, AIR 1979 Orissa 78.
5. Ramaswami Naidu v. Pethu Pillai, AIR 1965 Mad 9.
6. AIR 1962 Pat 159
7. [2009] 15 SCC 528
8. Order VI Rule 1
9. Pt. Govind Ram v. Ram Saroop, AIR 1999 JK 63
10. AIR 2002 SC 1003
11. Nemichand Burad v. Shri Jorawarmal, AIR 2005 Raj 235
12. GTL Ltd v. Maharashtra Rajya Rashtriya Kamgar Sangh, 2006
(3) MHLj 646
13. Binda Prasad v. United Bank of India Ltd., AIR 1961 Pat 152;
Dineshwar Prasad Bakshi v. Parmeshwar Prasad Sinha, AIR
1989 PAt 139.
14. Pt. Govind Ram v. Ram Saroop, AIR 1999 JK 63.
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