Note Ihm
Note Ihm
Note Ihm
Food science is the application of basic science and food engineering to study
the fundamental physical, chemical and biochemical properties of food and food
Food science was first used to describe the activities involved in moving food
from farm to table. This implied the transformation of raw materials to usable food
stuffs, wheat to bread, animals to meat, milk to butter and cheese.
Food science is inevitably drawn into certain aspects of farming on the one
hand and into problems of human and animal nutrition on the other. Food science may
be applied to develop technological processes designed to produce sophisticated foods
to increase the palatability of the consumers. The development of food science and
technology that enables foods to be preserved by canning, dehydration and freezing so
that they can be produced and processed in those parts of the world best suited to their
culture, transported safety half round the world and be made available to distant
markets at any season of the year.
Foodchemistry is the science that studies the composition of the earth and it
has been built up mainly from observation and experiment. The rapid growth of the
food industry, into big business and the changes in the number of items on the
grocer’s shelves, the many ready to eat products, the new control on food additives
and the attempts to standardize some food articles, all serve to emphasize the growing
importance of the chemistry of foods.
The kind of careers that a food scientist might follow includes food
development, quality control, sensory specialist, flavour chemist, food safety research
and education. It is because of food science amazing achievements have taken place in
the food industry. It is a fact that the food industry is able on the most part to supply
the cheap, healthy and safe food.
Carbohydrates like proteins and fat are naturally occurring bulk nutrients
present in almost all foods in different quantities. They are sugars or polymers of
sugars such as starch, that can be hydrolysed to simple sugars by the action of
digestive enzymes or by heating with dilute acids. Generally, but not always, the
hydrogen and oxygen in them are in the proportions to form water; hence the term
The main carbohydrate foods mostly cereals is starch. All sources of starch
consist of linear polymers of glucose which are tightly coiled in the form of granules.
These have a characteristic shape and size depending upon the plant from which they
are derived.
Starch granules do not dissolve readily in cold water but they will form a
temporary suspension with the starch tending to settle out as soon as the mixture is
allowed to stand. When heated with water, the intramolecular hydrogen bonding is
broken and grains absorb water and (a) swell, (b) the viscosity increase until a peak
thickness is reached and (c) the translucency of the mixture also increases.
The increase in the viscosity of the heated starch mixture is caused by the
action of the enlarged starch granules bumping against each other, trapping the water
and inhibiting its free flow. Once a starch mixture has reached a temperature at which
gelatinisation takes place, the mixture needs to only be held at that temperature until
the flavour of the uncooked starch has disappeared.
Completely gelatinised starch should not be stirred unless necessary since the
swollen granules are easily broken. The broken grains and fragments will thin out of
the mixture. As the cooked starch mixture cools there is a marked increase in stiffness
of the gel formed. This is due to the decrease in kinetic energy which keeps the
molecules from reassociating.
Basmati rice is preferred because after cooking, they are soft not sticky, possess
pleasant aroma and show linear kernel elongation without significant increase in
Gelatinisation temperature of different starches
Rice 68-75°C
Wheat 52-54°C
Barley 61-62°C
Potato 56-69°C
Corn 62-72°C
Ragi 90-95°C
Temperature and time of heating: Starch pastes may be prepared most quickly by
bringing them to a boiling temperature over direct heat, constantly stirring as they
thicken and simmering them for approximately one minute. Under carefully controlled
conditions, starch pastes that are heated rapidly are somewhat thicker than similar
pastes heated slowly.
Types of starches: The starches vary in their thickening power. Wheat starches
gelatinise earlier compared to rice, sorghum or corn starch. Corn or sorghum starch
give opaque pastes of higher viscosity than wheat starch at the same concentration.
Waxy corn starch (more amylopectin) does not form a gel and remains clear because
of the lack of amylose. Flour that has been browned has less thickening power as
some of the starch molecules had been converted to dextrins.
Agitation or stirring: Stirring while cooking a starch mixture is desirable in the early
stages for obtaining uniform consistency. However, if agitation is too intense or
continued too long it accelerates the breakdown or rupturing of the starch and
decreases viscosity and may give a pasty mouth feel.
Addition of other ingredients: Sugar – The sugar added decreases the thickness of
the cooked product. Sugar limits the swelling of the starch grains while competing
with them for water. In addition, it elevates the temperature at which starch grain
begins to thicken a liquid. It also makes the swollen grains more resistant to
mechanical rupture after they are gelatinised.
In a recipe calling for a large amount of sugar, only part of the sugar needs to
be added before cooking. After the starch mixture has been cooked, the remainder of
the sugar can be added with much less effect on viscosity.
Acid - Acid in the form of vinegar or lime juice reduces the thickness of hot
starch paste and the firmness of the cooled paste. The decrease in thickness and
stiffness has been attributed in part to fragmentation of swollen granules and
hydrolysis of starch molecules. Acid and heat catalyse the hydrolysis of starch to
dextrins. Acid hydrolysed starch, when it is boiled hydrates at lower temperature than
the unmodified starch. Acid thinned starch is often used in confectionery industry.
Fats and proteins: The presence of fats and proteins which tend to coat starch
granules and thereby delay hydration also lower the rate of viscosity development.
Gel formation: Gelation takes place on cooling of the starch paste after the starch
granules have been gelatinised. Gel formation in cooked starch pastes is a gradual
process that continues over a several hour period as the paste cools. Waxy varieties of
starch without amylose do not form gels. Starches containing relatively larger amounts
of amylose such as corn starch, form firmer gels than starches with a somewhat lower
concentration of amylose, such as tapioca.
Many starch molecules are disrupted during the process of gelatinisation as the
starch granules swell. Some of the molecules of amylose, the linear starch fraction
leach out from the granule. Two or more of these chains may form a juncture point,
creating a new bond, which gradually leads to more bonds and more extensively
ordered regions. Bonding with the amylose molecules begins immediately after
cooking. Amylopectin, the branch fraction, usually remains inside the swollen granule
where it more slowly forms new bonds between branches in a process of
recrystallisation. Bonds formed between the branches of the bushy amylopectin
molecules are weak and have little practical effect on the rigidity of the starch paste;
however, bonds between the long chain amylose molecules are relatively strong and
form readily. This bonding produces a three-dimensional structure that results in the
development of a gel with the amylose molecules forming a network that holds water
in its meshes. The rigidity of the starch mixture is increased.
Freshly baked chapathisare soft, pliable and elastic but on storage become hard and
brittle. Similar problem has been encountered in case of stale bread, where in the
crumb becomes hard, dry and crumbly. Retrogradation of starch is the prominent
factor bringing about staling. Hardening of crumb structure is due to physical changes
in branched chain wheat starch molecules within the swollen granules amylose
fraction retrogrades rapidly during initial cooling. Retrograded amylopectin can be
reverted to its amorphous state, when energy equivalent to a 40-50°C temperature
increase is applied. Retrogradation of amylose is not reverted by heat. Stale bread
reverts to freshly baked bread when the bread in moist state is heated at 95°C.
Surfactants may also be helpful in restoring original freshness.
Dry heat brings changes to the starch granules through a process known as
dextrinisation. If a starch product is subjected to dry heat carbohydrate compounds
called dextrins are formed. When these are dissolved in water they have a sweet taste.
Colour and flavour changes also occur. Extensive dextrinisation reduces the
thickening power of starches. Non-enzymatic browning occurs and a burnt toasted
flavour develops. Dry dextrins known as pyrodextrins are formed in the crust of baked
flour mixtures. Dextrins which are smaller units of starch breakdown can be easily
digested by the body. Chapathis, bread toast in almost all mixed cereals and pulses
dextrinisation takes place.
1. Thickening: Starch in the form of the corn flour, refined wheat flour, rice flour
and arrow root are used for thickening. The gravies, soups, puddings etc.
2. Binding: in cutlets
3. Coating: Starches are often used in the form of pabtis to coat food before frying.
This gives the products crispness and seals in the flavour by forming a barrier to
evaporation of food contents and provides smooth and golden appearance to the
product by any crevices or irregularities on the surface.
4. Gelling: Provides the gelling in porridge and puddings.
5. Browning: It provides the browning to products such as toast or chappati due to
Fat is present naturally in many foods. This is often referred to as invisible fat.
Examples of foods containing appreciable quantities of invisible fat include meat,
poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds. Visible fats are made from these
products. They are lard cooking oils, salad oils, margarine and butter.
In common usage, fats that have a relatively high melting point and are solid at
room temperature are called fats, whereas those that have lower melting point and are
liquid at room temperature are called oils.
Based on origin, fats and oils can be classified into animal fats and vegetable
fats. Animal fats are those that are derived from animal sources and those that are
derived from plant sources are called vegetable fats.
Based on the degree of saturation, the fats and oils can be classified into
saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
SaturatedFattyAcids (SFA): -
ill leadstodecreaseinbloodcholesterollevelto3mg/dl.
UnsaturatedFattyAcids (USFA):-havingdoublebond.
(1). MUFA(monounsaturatedfattyacids):-havingsingledoublebond
(2). PUFA(Polyunsaturatedfattyacids):-
MUFA:-Theseareliquidatroomtemperature. MUFAisanexcellent
10isconsideredashealthy.Thiscanbeobtainedbyamixture of oils; that is combinationof
corn+ sunfloweroil gives ratio between 5-10.This is not
Richsources of PUFA
ω3 ω6
Oliveoil, Sunflower
fishoil, Oil,corn oil
Soyabean oil &sesame oil
areessentialforhealthbutitisnotproducedinourbody it must be supplied in the diet
from plant sources.
Richestsource Dietarysource Fairsource Poorsource
Eg:Sunfloweroil,soya Eg:- Eg:-egg Coconutoil
beanoil Peanut,ricebran Yolk
Spoilage of fats may occur on storage, particularly if the fats are highly
unsaturated and the conditions of storage are conducive to chemical change in the fats.
This is called autoxidation. It is also known as rancidity. Rancidity refers to the
spoilage of fat. Rancidity is of two types – hydrolytic and oxidative.
Hydrolytic rancidity
Hydrolysis is brought about by enzymes that decompose fats into free fatty
acids and glycerol. Butyric and caproic acids which are the volatile fatty acids
predominating in butter are largely responsible for the odour and flavour of rancid
butter. These acids may render butter inedible eve when they are present in low
Long chain fatty acids do not usually produce a disagreeable flavour unless
other changes such as oxidation also occur.
Heating thoroughly to destroy the lipase enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis
of triglycerides should prevent hydrolytic rancidity. Contaminating microorganisms
may also produce lipase and these can similarly be destroyed with sufficient heating.
Oxidative rancidity
Only unsaturated fats and foods which have lipoxygenase are susceptible to
oxidative changes. Highly hydrogenated and saturated fatty acids are relatively
resistant to oxidation. Hydroperoxides that are formed, break readily producing
smaller volatile substances that give the characteristic odours of rancid fat. The
reaction is a chain reaction that is self-perpetuating.
Prevention of rancidity
Fats can be protected against the rapid development of rancidity by controlling the
conditions of storage.
The chief precursors of the reversion flavour in oils are thought to be the
triglycerides containing linolenic acid, although linolenic acid is probably also
involved in some degree. The fats that are most susceptible to reversion contain
linolenic acid in large amounts than do the fats that are relatively stable. Selective
hydrogenation decreases the amount of linolenic acid and aids in preventing flavour
Soyabean oil is most susceptible for flavour reversion. It has traces of iron and
copper which may act as pro-oxidants. The flavour of soyabean oil is stabilised by the
use of metal inactivators or sequestrants which tie up the trace amounts of iron and
copper that are present. Corn and cotton seed oils are quite resistant to this type of
Fats and oils commonly used in food preparation are separated from various
materials and refined. Many oils come from seeds or fruits, lard comes from pork
tissue and butter comes from cream. Further processing of fats give products such as
margarine and hydrogenated shortening.
Vegetable oils are removed from oil containing seed, fruits or nuts by various
pressing processes, by solvent extraction and by combination of these. A seed cake
that is relatively high in protein remains after fat extraction and is often used for
animal feed.
After extraction, the crude oil is refined. The first step is usually to react the oil
with an alkaline material to remove the free fatty acids that are not attached to
glycerol molecule. The unwanted products of this reaction are then removed by
centrifuging and washing, with a final drying process. This is followed by bleaching
and deodourising to remove colour pigments and further purify the oil.
Most fats that appear to be solid at room temperature actually contain both
solid fat crystals and liquid oil. The liquid part is held in a network of small crystals.
Because of this unique combination of liquid and solid, the fat can be moulded or
pressed into various shapes without breaking. This property of fat is called plasticity.
The type and size of the crystals in a plastic fat influence the performance of the fat in
baked products and pastry. Plastic fats can be creamed, that is mixed with the
incorporation of air.
Soyabean oil, cotton seed and palm oil are used for hydrogenation.
Hydrogenation greatly improves the stability of soyabean oil and therefore its
resistance to the development of undesirable flavours. Examples of hydrogenated fats
are margarine, vanaspati, salad dressings and shortenings.
Some cooking oils become cloudy when they are stored in the refrigerator. This
occurs because some of the triglyceride molecules in the oil have high melting points
than other molecules in the mixture and crystallise or become solid at the low
Fat has a shortening power, that is, it interlaces between protein and starch
structures and makes them tear apart easily. It makes the protein strands short rather
than allow them to stretch long. Thus, they tenderise baked foods by preventing the
cohesion of wheat gluten strands and are used in making biscuits, cakes, doughnuts,
pastries and breads. The different layers developed in puffs, and in biscuits are due to
the addition of fat which acts as a shortening agent. The fat added to maida dough
results in soft roti due to shortening power of fat.
Fat gradually soften on heating, they do not have a sharp melting point. Since
fats can be heated substantially above the boiling temperature of water they can brown
the surface of foods.
Smoke point, flash point and fire point
When heated further the smoke point they flash and burn. He temperatures at
which these occur are known as the Flash point and Fire point.
The development of free fatty acids by hydrolysis of the fat during frying
causes a decrease in the smoke point.
A fat that has had repeated or prolonged use will begin to smoke at a
temperature too low for frying.
Suspended matter such as flour or batter particles also lower the smoke point.
And the greater the surface of the fat exposed, the lower is the smoke point.
Fats heated in shallow wide pans with slightly sloping sides begin to smoke at
lower temperatures than do those heated in smaller pans with vertical sides.
The temperature required for deep frying is 175-200°C. Oils with smoke point
above this temperature are suitable for frying.
UNIT 4 – Proteins
Proteins are polymers of amino acids covalently linked through peptide bonds
into a chain. Within and outside of cells, proteins serve a myriad of functions,
including structural roles, as catalysts (enzymes), transporter to ferry ions and
molecules across membranes, and hormones to name just a few.
Proteins are polymers of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds. There are
20 different amino acids that make up essentially all proteins on earth. Each of these
amino acids has a fundamental design composed of a central carbon (also called the
alpha carbon) bonded to:
a hydrogen
a carboxyl group
an amino group
a unique side chain or R-group
Thus, the characteristic that distinguishes one amino acid from another is its unique
side chain, and it is the side chain that dictates an amino acids chemical properties.
Amino acids are covalently bonded together in chains by peptide bonds. If the chain
length is short (say less than 30 amino acids) it is called a peptide; longer chains are
called polypeptides or proteins. Peptide bonds are formed between the carboxyl
group of one amino acid and the amino group of the next amino acid. Peptide
bond formation occurs in a condensation reaction involving loss of a molecule of
The head-to-tail arrangement of amino acids in a protein means that there is a amino
group on one end (called the amino-terminus or N-terminus) and a carboxyl group on
the other end (carboxyl-terminus or C-terminus). The carboxyl-terminal amino acid
corresponds to the last one added to the chain during translation of the messenger
Primary structure: the linear arrangement of amino acids in a protein and the
location of covalent linkages such as disulfide bonds between amino acids.
The primary structure of a protein can readily be deduced from the nucleotide
sequence of the corresponding messenger RNA. Based on primary structure, many
features of secondary structure can be predicted with the aid of computer programs.
However, predicting protein tertiary structure remains a very tough problem, although
some progress has been made in this important area.
Physical properties
Proteins vary in shape; they may be simple crystalloid structure to long fibrilar
Protein structures are of two distinct patterns - Globular proteins and fibrilar
Globular proteins are spherical in shape and occur in plants. Fibrilar proteins
are thread-like, they occur generally in animals.
Proteins tend to change their properties like denaturation. Many a times the
process of denaturation is followed by coagulation.
Chemical Properties
Proteins when hydrolyzed by acidic agents, like conc. HCl yield amino acids in
the form of their hydrochlorides.
When free amino acids or proteins are said to react with mineral acids like HCl,
the acid salts are formed.
This occurs when the bonds holding the helix shape are broken and the strands of the
helix separate and unravel. It is a permanent change in the structure of proteins. The
functional property of protein, denaturation is useful in food preparation for example
whisking eggs which is a component of many food products, the marinating a piece of
meat where the acid tenderises the meat before cooking, making sour cream and
Coagulation is more visible than denaturation. This process occurs when denatured
proteins separate from other nutrients and solidify or semi solidify. Applying heat for
a long period of time will cause the protein structure to create a network and trap
liquid which will form a gel. Coagulation is used in food preparation most commonly
for cooking eggs, some examples include; raw eggs being cooked eg. boiled or
scrambled as part of a dish, making a quiche with coagulated eggs, meringue
(denaturation for beating the eggs, coagulation for cooking the egg product), pretty
much any egg product being cooked.
Difference between denaturation and coagulation:
Gel formation
Gelatine can absorb large amounts of water and, when heated, forms a sol.
Foam Formation
When egg white is whisked, air bubbles are formed as the protein chains unravel.
Whisking also produces heat, which slightly sets the egg white.
Changes to
Chlorophyll Green Slightly Green Olive green
olive green
Little effect
Yellow and Little Little
Carotenoids Slightly excessive
Orange effect effect
which may
Very Darken if
Flavones White White Yellow
soluble excessive
1. To know the consumer preference: This helps the producer to discover which
qualities of the product need to be developed and emphasized. Consumer
preference panels may consist of several hundred persons and the products are
tested under ordinary conditions of use. The results are considered to represent
the taste of the significant portion of the population and are used to predict
market outlook for a product.
Different sensory tests are used for the evaluation of food. They are
A. Difference tests
B. Rating tests
C. Sensitivity tests
D. Descriptive tests
The colloidal systems in which fine droplets of one liquid are dispersed in another
liquid are called emulsions the two liquids otherwise being mutually immiscible.
Emulsions are the colloidal solutions in which both the dispersed phase and the
dispersion medium are liquids.
A good example of an emulsion is milk in which fat globules are dispersed in water.
The size of the emulsified globules is generally of the order of 10–6 m. Emulsion
resemble lyophobic sols in some properties.
Depending upon the nature of the dispersed phase, the emulsions are classified as;
(i) Oil-in-water emulsions (O/W): The emulsion in which oil is present as the
dispersed phase and water as the dispersion medium (continuous phase) is called an
oil-in-water emulsion. Milk is an example of the oil-in-water type of emulsion. In
milk liquid fat globules are dispersed in water.
(ii) Water-in-oil emulsion (W/O): The emulsion in which water forms the dispersed
phase, and the oil acts as the dispersion medium is called a water-in-oil emulsion.
These emulsions are also termed oil emulsions. Butter and cold cream are typical
examples of this type of emulsions.
It is a substance that helps an emulsion become more stable. They are added to an
emulsion to prevent the coalescence of the globules of the dispersed phase. An
emulsion is usually a mixture of two products such as oil and water that do not mix
together or that are also referred to as immiscible. By adding an emulsifying agent to
the mixture, they cause the oil to be broken down into smaller pieces that can then be
dispersed throughout then water. This is then what becomes known as an emulsion.
They are also known as emulgents or emulsifiers. They act by reducing the interfacial
tension between the two phases and forming a stable interfacial
film. The choice of selection of emulsifying agent plays a very important role in the fo
rmulation of astable emulsion. Substances that are soluble in both fat and water and
enable fat to be uniformly dispersed in water as an emulsion.
Emulsifying agents are able to prevent the separation of oil and water due to their
unique molecular structure. One end of the molecule is hydrophilic, or attracted to
water. The other end of the molecule is lipophilic, or attracted to oil. Since each end of
the molecule is attracted to one of the two main substances in the mixture, emulsifying
agents evenly distribute throughout the water and oil rather than forming a separate
third layer. The emulsifiers also keep the oil and water evenly distributed, preventing
them from forming separate layers of their own.
Natural Emulsion
Some food products are commonly used as emulsifying agents. According to Food
Network, milk, eggs, mustard and gelatin can be added to oil and water mixtures to
emulsify them. Mixtures can be emulsified by hand by adding an emulsifying agent
into a water-based mixture, then slowly pouring in oil while vigorously stirring. The
continued motion ensures the emulsifying agent evenly distributes through the mixture
to prevent the oil and water from separating. Oil-based salad dressings (such as Caesar
dressing) and mayonnaise often require this technique.
Emulsifying agents are one of the most common additives in processed foods. Low-fat
margarine spread relies heavily on added emulsifying agents. If the oil were to
separate in the spread, it would be susceptible to mould. Emulsifying agents are also
used to improve texture in processed baked goods. If oil is not evenly distributed
throughout batter or dough, the product will be dense rather than flaky or light. The
processed food industry also uses emulsifiers to prevent items from becoming thin or
runny over time, such as sauces or dressings.
Emulsifying agents are used in a large array of foods. Although baked goods,
mayonnaise and margarine tend to rely most heavily on emulsifiers, they are also used
to extend the shelf life of breakfast cereals and dehydrated potato flakes. Emulsifying
agents are added to soft drinks to prevent separation of the sugars and other materials.
They also help toffee, caramel and chewing gum retain their textures.
Food emulsifiers make the food very appealing as without emulsifier the water and the
oil content in food will look separate, which will give very unappealing appearance.
Apart from this they impart the freshness and quality to the food. Natural food
emulsifiers also prevent the growth of moulds in food.
Emulsifiers are used in creams and sauces, bakery, and dairy products. They may be
derived from the natural products or chemicals. Common emulsifiers are lecithins,
mono- and di-glycerides of fatty acids esters of monoglycerides of fatty acids and
phosphate monoglycerides.
Natural food emulsifiers are used in variety of foods. Some basic foods having food
emulsifiers are:
Biscuits and Cakes
Extruded snacks
Soft Drinks
Coffee Whitener
Unit 10 – BROWNING
The term browning refers to a several different processes taking place in food
resulting in the appearance of brown colour to the foods. Browning of foods may be either
desirable or undesirable.
Enzymatic browning
The rapid darkening of the cut surface of apple, brinjal, potato and banana are
examples of enzymatic browning. Normally the natural enzymatic compounds present in
intact tissues and do not come into contact with the phenol oxidases present in some tissues.
When the tissues are cut or injured and the cut surface is exposed to air, phenol oxidase
enzyme released at the surface, act on the poly phenols present, oxidising them to
orthoquinones. The orthoquinones rapidly polymerise to form brown pigments. Tyrosine,
chlorogenic acid, the various catechins and several mono and dihydroxyphenols are among
the many compounds that can serve as substrates for oxidation by poly phenoloxidase to
cause browning or other discolouration in these foods. Phenolase is also known by other
names as polyphenol oxidase, tyrosinase or catecholase, each is specific for certain substrate.
The optimum pH for the activity of the enzyme polyphenolase is between 5 and 7.
O2 Polyphenolase
Enzymatic browning can be prevented either by inactivating the enzyme or cutting off
the oxygen.
Temperature: The most commonly used method is blanching. This method has
several limitations. The enzyme is fairly heat stable and requires to be heated at 100°C for 2-
10 minutes for complete inactivation. This may not be possible in practice as cooking for
long periods will affect the flavour and texture of fruits. The optimum temperature for
browning is 43-50°C.if food is kept at higher or lower temperature browning is reduced.
Coagulation of protein occurs during blanching, thereby inactivating the enzyme. When fruit
is canned or made into jams or jellies, the browning reaction stops as soon as the fruit is
heated sufficiently to denature the enzyme.
Change in pH: The optimum pH for polyphenolase activity is between 6.0 and 7.0,
lowering of pH to 4.0 by the addition of citric acid inhibits the phenolase activity. It is also
possible that citric acid reacts with copper present in the enzyme. Malic acid also has been
found to be effective. Lemon juice contains both citric and ascorbic acid and both are
Use of antioxidants: Chemical additives like sulphur dioxide and vitamin C serve to
inhibit enzymes, alter enzyme substrates or limit entrance of oxygen. Sulphur dioxide,
sulphites and bisulphites inhibit browning effectively. A sulphite concentration sufficient to
maintain a free sulphur dioxide concentration of 10 ppm will completely inhibit phenolase.
Pineapple juice has a relatively high percentage of sulphydryl compounds which are active
antioxidants. Fruits can be dipped in dilute solution of 0.025 per cent sodium metabisulphite
for 45 seconds. If the sliced fruit is then immersed for a short time for 5 minutes in solution
of 0.2 percent dipotassium phosphate, the odour of sulphur is less pronounced and the fruit
remains crisp and does not brown subsequently.
Ascorbic acid retards browning by virtue of its reducing power. It is used along with
citric acid to reduce browning. A solution of ascorbic acid is effective in preventing browning
as it acts as a reducing agent for the oxidised intermediate of a phenolic compound and thus
prevent polymerisation and subsequent oxidation of the substrate.
Prevention of contact with oxygen: Contact with oxygen can be reduced by
immersing the fruits in water or liquids like milk, curd, fruit juice or honey or by covering it
with wet cloth after cutting.
Sharp blade: Browning in brinjals is reduced by cutting with sharp blade. It causes
lesser physical injury and cellular death resulting in reduced leaching of phenolics and
polyphenol oxidase activity.
Addition of sodium chloride or sugar to the cut fruit prevents browning. Due to
osmosis, fruit is covered by leached solution and prevents contact with oxygen.
In a large scale, this is technically difficult to implement and costly. This is used when
other methods are not applicable or effective in controlling browning. A typical example is
browning in avocado products. Packaging the product under nitrogen prevents surface
browning effectively.
Non-Enzymatic browning
Ascorbic acid is responsible for the development of browning reaction in fruit juices
and concentrates and in canned vegetables. Mixtures of ascorbic acid and amino acids
develop brown colour more rapidly than mixtures of reducing sugars and amino acids.
Dehydro ascorbic acid is highly reactive and can react with amino acids.
The tamarind fruit pulp contains several phenolic compounds most of which are
proanthocyanidins. In addition, tamarind pulp contains tartaric acid and a small amount of
ascorbic acid. All these compounds are easily prone to oxidation.