In - Patient Service Ward 1
In - Patient Service Ward 1
In - Patient Service Ward 1
The In – patient service ward 1 is a charity ward which is dedicated to the care of children from birth up
to 18 years old.
The PCCH – Child’s Hope is dedicated to deliver outstanding safe, compassionate care
1. To provide skillful, intelligent, need- based comprehensive care to the children in health and
2. To interpret the basic need of the children to their parents and family members and to guide
them in childcare.
3. To promote growth and development of children towards an optimum state of health for
functioning at the peak of their capacity in future.
4. Perform delegated task promptly, correctly, and safely.
5. Provide immediate care to newly admitted patients
6. Establishes collaborative relationship with colleagues and other members of the health care
7. Appreciate the importance of rendering safe and prompt services to the patients.
8. The members of the team must make the parents feel that they are working in a collaborative
manner for the treatment of their child.
9. The staff should speak in the language which the parents and child can understand.
10. The staff must be willing to acknowledge the parents’ rights to the decision concerning their
11. Learn how to manage multiple patients simultaneously and prioritize their care.
12. Learn how to handle problems and think of the best possible solution based on patients’
I. Organizational Chart
1. All medical staff should run-through the standard policy mandated by the guidelines of the hospital
and based on the proper standard procedure.
2. Suitable and consistent documentation of all the legal documents regarding of every patient should
be secured and remain private within the medical team.
To prevent the transmission and cross-infection of communicable diseases within the ward.
It covers all procedures and precautions that are needed to know by every nursing staffs with regards to
infection control preventions.
All infectious cases should be properly coordinated both with the Hospitalist and Infection Control
Standard Precautions will be used with all patients whenever contact with blood or other body fluids are
The following categories of precautions will be used in addition to Standard Precautions:
Airborne Precautions
Droplet Precautions
Contact Precautions
Types of Precautions:
1. Standard Precautions
a) Hand hygiene must be performed when entering and exiting the patient’s room. In addition
hand hygiene must be performed before and after touching the patient, the patient’s
belongings or the patient’s environment.
b) Gloves must be worn for touching blood and body fluids, mucous membranes, or non-intact
skin of all patients, and for handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids and
vascular access procedures. Gloves must be changed after contact with each patient and hand
hygiene must be performed after gloves are removed. Gloves must be changed between tasks
and procedures on the same patient if moving from a dirty site to a clean site.
c) Masks and protective eyewear (if noted necessarily) must be worn during procedures that are
likely to generate droplets of blood or other body fluids to prevent exposure of mucous
membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes.
d) Impervious gowns must be worn during procedures that are likely to generate splashes of
blood or other body fluids. Discard or deposit gowns after each patient contact and perform
hand hygiene. Do not reuse gowns.
e) Sharps safety: used syringes, needles, and other such objects are to be placed in designated
biohazard containers at the point of use. Never recap, bend, break, or otherwise manipulate
any sharps type items. Never force additional sharps into an overflowing disposal container.
f) Health Teaching: patients, families, and visitors should be taught about the basic concepts of
standard precautions, hand hygiene, and other precautions needed depending on the patients’
2. Transmission-Based Precautions
a) Airborne Precautions
Room: The door must be kept closed at all times. Contact Infection Control Committee
for further instructions.
Notifications: Place Contact Precautions sign in patient’s kardex.
Respiratory Protection: All personnel entering the room must wear either disposable
surgical mask or N-95 mask.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): In addition to respiratory protection, wear
gowns and gloves only when indicated (e.g., concomitant contact precautions).
Transport and procedures: Patient should remain in the room except for essential
therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. When out of the room, the patient must wear a
surgical mask. Notify receiving departments of required precautions.
Cleaning: Once patient is discharged, terminal cleaning (three times wall-to-wall using
mild or strong solution) and fumigation will be done. Notify ICC for further instructions.
Visitors: Limit visitors every visiting hours. Hand Hygiene is always required when
entering and exiting the room. Visitors should wear surgical mask while in the patient’s
b) Droplet Precautions
Room: The door does not need to be kept closed at all times. Contact Infection Control
Committee for further instructions.
Notifications: Place Contact Precautions sign in patient’s kardex.
Respiratory Protection: Surgical masks should be worn when entering the room.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): In addition to respiratory protection, wear
gowns and gloves only when indicated (e.g., concomitant contact precautions).
Transport and procedures: Patient should remain in the room except for essential
therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. When out of the room, the patient must wear a
surgical mask. Notify receiving departments of required precautions.
Cleaning: Re-useable instruments should be thoroughly cleaned before using on
another patient using appropriate disinfectant. Routine cleaning should be done with
staff wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
Visitors: Limit visitors every visiting hours. Hand Hygiene is always required when
entering and exiting the room. Visitors should wear surgical mask while in the patient’s
c) Contact Precautions
Room: Use a single room. Door does not need to remain closed. When a single room
is not available, place patient in a room with a patient who has the same
microorganism and no additional organisms. Consult with Infection Control Committee
before cohorting.
Notifications: Place Contact Precautions sign in patient’s kardex.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Gown and gloves must be worn by all
personnel when entering the room. Gowns are not to be re-used. After use, place
gowns in dirty linen hamper.
Patient Equipment: Patient must have their own thermometer. Blood pressure cuffs
and stethoscopes must be used and kept in room. No patient care items or equipment
can be shared with other patients until cleaned with an appropriate disinfectant.
Transport and procedures: Patient should remain in the room except for essential
therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. Notify receiving departments of required
precautions. When transport is necessary, ensure that infected or colonized areas of
the patient's body are contained and covered. Remove and dispose of contaminated
PPE and perform hand hygiene prior to transporting patients. Take clean PPE and don
clean PPE to handle the patient at the transport destination.
Cleaning: Re-useable instruments should be thoroughly cleaned with appropriate
disinfectant before using on another patient and when removed from room. Once
patient is discharged, terminal cleaning (three times wall-to-wall using mild or strong
solution) and fumigation will be done. Notify ICC for further instructions.
Visitors: Visitors should wear gown and gloves when participating in patient care. Hand
hygiene is always required when entering and exiting the room.
To prevent the transmission and cross-infection of communicable diseases within the ward.
It covers procedures and operations about designating and allocating rooms based on patients’ cases.
All infectious cases should be properly coordinated both with the Hospitalist and Infection Control
Emergency Room and Out-Patient Department will inform the ward for admission.
Rooms for newly admitted patients will be based on their diagnosis, unless
coordinated with Hospitalist-on-duty and Infection Control Committee.
The left wing (Oncology A, B, Hematology, Nephrology, Cardiology, Neurology,
Gastrology A, B, Adolescent, Miscellaneous and Isolation wards) is designated for
clean cases while the right wing (Pulmonology 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Surgery A, B wards) is
designated for infectious cases.
Patients who have chest x-ray result which are not normal (e.g. pneumonia, with
consolidation, with primary Koch’s infection) will be transferred to infectious rooms at
the right wing as ordered by HOD.
Patients with growth in their microbiology result will be allocated to a single room or to
a designated room with patients of the same laboratory result as per HOD orders or
ICC instructions.
To ensure the provision of effective and efficient care to the patients during their stay in the ward until
he/she will be discharged. And maintain optimum level of wellness at home.
From the time IPS1 Ward Nurse provided care to the patients until he/she goes home.
1. Carry out the may go home order of the Hospitalist.
2. Inform patients’ relative regarding patient discharge
3. Inquire about their need for Medical Certificate and Clinical Abstract, if so asked the relative to go to
Medical records Section.
4. Asked patients’ relative if they have a Philhealth, if so let the hospitalist accomplished the CF2 and
5. Tag the patient as billed then inform the billing section right away.
6. Give the discharge slip to patients’ relative and advise them to go to Billing Section after 30 mins- 1
7. Completion of clearance with statement of account will be presented by the patients’ relative to
8. Explain patients’ home medication and follow-up check-up and let them sign the Discharge
Instruction Form
9. Instruct patients relative to answer the Survey form.
10. Remove any patients’ contraptions.
11. Document patient care and discharge.
To ensure the provision of effective and efficient care to the patients during their stay in the ward until
he/she will be transferred to other institution.
From the time IPS1 Ward Nurse provided care to the patients until patient’s transfer.
1. Routine Patient Care
Perform complete endorsement every shift
Assess patient’s condition and contraptions
Carry out doctor’s order
Regulate intravenous fluid
Take and record Vital signs
Properly administer medications
Document patient’s care in nurses notes
2. Patient’s relative decides/needs to go be transferred
3. Inform patients attending physician
4. Attending physician discusses transfer patient and his/her relative
5. Attending physician accomplishes transfers/referral form
6. Accomplish trip ticket
7. Inform relative to go to information desk for the charge of trip ticket.
8. Tag patient as transferred in HIS
9. Inform billing section
10. Advise patient’s relative to settle bill
11. Completion of clearance
12. Instruct patients relative to answer survey form.
13. A doctor and a nurse assists in transferring the patient to the hospital of choice.
14. Document patients care and transfer
Request forms are essential communication tools used by hospitalist referring patients by Radiological,
Laboratory and Diagnostic investigations. It also indirectly helps to shorten the investigation time and
improve the quality of service offered to the patient.
it covers all request forms to the radiology, laboratory and diagnostic.
1. Radiology
Procedure to be done should be properly explained and understood by the patient
It should be properly accomplished by the Hospitalist with patient’s medical history
Endorsed the request form to the radiology department
Patient should be accompanied by the nurse-on-duty or Nurse assistant during the procedure
2. Laboratory
It should be accomplished by the Hospitalist with name and signature
Specimen should be properly secured with patent’s complete name
Bring the request form to the laboratory with the specimen and should be properly logged in
Specimen logbook with receiver’s name and signature
3. Diagnostic
It should be accomplished with name and signature of the Hospitalist
Endorse the request form to the diagnostics
Secure schedule