Lach J Assignment 1
Lach J Assignment 1
Lach J Assignment 1
Unit of Work
Jayden B. Lach
Author Note
Student Declaration: I am aware that this work may be de-identified and reproduced
in part or in full as an example for future students and for course accreditation.
Table of Contents
Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 5
Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 11
Reconstructed Unit................................................................................................................... 15
References ................................................................................................................................ 33
Appendix A .............................................................................................................................. 36
Appendix B .............................................................................................................................. 44
Appendix C .............................................................................................................................. 52
Unit of Work
Executive Summary
Report’s Objective
This report has been developed for the Science faculty at Kingswood High School.
The purpose of this report is to adjust a previously developed unit of work for a year 7 class,
titled “What’s the Matter?” to align more closely with the principles of Understanding by
Design (UbD). This report will consist of recommendations for modifications to the unit, as
well as discussing the strengths and other weaknesses of the unit, with recommendations
School Context
Kingswood High School is a public co-educational high school located within the
Penrith valley. This western Sydney school is situated on the traditional land of the Dharrug
people, with students largely attending from Caddens, Claremont Meadows, Orchard Hills,
Kingswood, and Penrith South regions. The school is composed of 735 students, with 414
male students, and 321 female students. Of those students, 9% are Indigenous students, and
22% have a language background other than English. The majority of students attending
Kingswood High School come from families that are considered to be in the bottom quartile
of socio-educational advantage, with the school earning an ICSEA value of 939 compared to
Figure 1. Student enrolment numbers for Kingswood High School. From “School Profile” by
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2018. Retrieved from Reprinted with permission under the Copyright Act 1968
Most subjects at Kingswood High School are streamed by ability, with the ‘A’ class
containing high achieving, and gifted and talented students. The original unit of work
supplied is for the class 7F. The class consisted of students of mixed ability, however the
The goals of this report include providing recommendations for the modification of a
year 7 science unit of work titled “What’s the Matter?” (see Appendix A). By providing
• Develop critical thinking skills through the increase of inquiry style approaches to
learning, and;
To address the goals of this report, the following recommendations have been posed:
• Increasing the amount of inquiry throughout the unit to improve student engagement,
The unit “What’s the Matter?” is an introductory chemistry topic for stage 4 students.
Throughout the unit, students learn to define the concept of matter, and use models to
understand the structure of different states of matter, namely solids, liquids, and gases.
Students also will be able to make connections between a change in energy possessed by
particles and the movement of particles. By the end of the unit, students should be able to
relate the change of state to an increase (or decrease) of kinetic energy in the particles of a
substance above (or below) the threshold, and that there is no change in temperature when a
substance changes state. Due to being an introductory chemistry unit, there is scope to
include various practicals and demonstrations, as well as creating models to explain the
Comparative Table
Table 1
Strengths and weaknesses of the original unit of work: “What’s the Matter?”
Area of consideration Strengths of the area Concerns of the area Suggested changes to Research support for the changes
of consideration of consideration counteract concerns suggested
Literacy Students are given the Since much of the Explicit teaching of Fang and Wei (2010), and Pressley
opportunity to scientific vocabulary is strategies to process (2004) recommend explicitly
understand abstract new to the students, scientific language. teaching strategies for literacy.
concepts through the relying on them to such as predicting, Alvermann and Moore (1991), and
use of scientific make understand questioning, thinking the National Reading Panel (2000)
language, particularly concepts using only this aloud, summarizing, recommended the strategies to teach
when discussing method could cause note taking, and students
processes such as when student confusion, recognizing text
a substance changes particularly with structure.
state. abstract concepts. Students may also wish
Students are able to Students with low to develop a topic
write practical reports literacy skills may not glossary
for many of the be able to comprehend
experiments and scientific information
demonstrations that that may be used for
describe their methods, research purposes. This
observations, and the may restrict learning
results of their experiences due to the
experiments. This need for extensive
allows students to direct instruction to
demonstrate the explain abstract
connections made concepts.
between theory and
investigation through
their discussion
following their results.
Numeracy Students are able to The junior science Work in collaboration Ross et al. (2015) suggest working
draw graphs of syllabus is based more with the mathematics in collaboration to provide
temperature vs. time for on skill development faculty to develop a consistency among approaches in
multiple practical and content rather than school approach to how the school
investigations numeracy skills. Higher graphs are to be
throughout this unit, ability students may be represented and
allowing for the able to gain a greater interpreted.
development of using understanding of certain
scale when plotting concepts if a
data, and interpretation mathematical
of the data from the connection can be made
graphs. to the content.
Students gain numeracy There is little
skills through practical opportunity for students
measurement during to interpret and present
experiments, data in graphical
particularly measuring formats such as graphs,
volume, mass, and since much of the
temperature. experimentation
throughout the topic
relies on observational
data to form
connections to content.
Critical and creative There is great scope for Because there is no Students should be able Dovemark and Beach (2015)
thinking students to develop instruction for teaching to perform experiments suggest IBL style learning may
these skills by making individual experiments, themselves, with some decrease student disengagement.
hypotheses for there is no explicit experiments being pure
experiments, and instructions for teachers inquiry, with only the Minner et al. (2010) suggest the
analysing data collected to be asking students to aim of the experiment increased motivation and first-hand
from experiments to pose hypotheses, and is given to students, where
The original unit supplied by Kingswood High School had very limited elements of
literacy explicitly stated in the unit outline. However, from experience teaching and
observing this unit, some activities listed in the outline have literacy components
incorporated with them, despite not being explicitly listed. The lack of formal literacy
strategies within this unit is of concern, since scientific vocabulary can be difficult for
middle-school aged students to comprehend due to the lack of relevance to their lives (Fang,
2005). Additionally, the students at Kingswood High School read at a substantially lower
level compared to the national average according to NAPLAN (2018) data. As such,
recommendations from Fang and Wei (2010), and Pressley (2004) suggest assisting students
with scientific vocabulary skills, through explicitly teaching strategies for learning and
understanding abstract science language. Some strategies that have been shown to be
effective through explicit instruction include summarizing information, and thinking out loud,
in addition to other approaches such as developing predicting skills (Alvermann & Moore,
1991; National Reading Panel, 2000), which naturally lends itself to the nature of science
(Rutherford, 1964).
background knowledge in the content (Hirsch, 2006), as well as relating the texts to students,
making them more inclined to participate in reading and learning (Tobias, 1994). However,
these two strategies may be ineffective for this particular unit of work since the content may
be too abstract for year 7 students to relate to their every day lives, and background
knowledge will be developed throughout their schooling experience rather than solely in an
eight-week period. As such, there should be a focus on improving literacy skills by explicitly
teaching the strategies for developing scientific literacy, as well as exposing students to
approximately ten minutes of engaged reading of scientific content at the beginning of each
lesson, since Wade and Moje (2000) suggest teenage students do not read enough whilst in
school, and may improve literacy levels through the reading of a range of science books
(Fang & Wei, 2010), not just textbooks. It might also be helpful for students to develop a
glossary of key terms from the topic including definitions, too allow for quick reference when
Interpreting Graphs
Much like the literacy strategies, the unit supplied by Kingswood High School lacked
explicit strategies for teaching numeracy, apart from the statement in the unit context
regarding a focus on graphing skills. This can be an issue, since the NAPLAN data (2018)
show that like literacy, Kingswood High School ranks substantially below the average
Australian student.
The majority of the numeracy elements that can be incorporated into this unit of work
involve taking measurements, including temperature, volume, and mass, as well as recording
those measurements in a table, and graphing the results based on measurements. In addition,
there is scope under outcome CW1-e to include calculations to find the density of liquids, as
well as regular and irregular shaped solids, in addition to simply explaining it using the
particle model. This can assist in improving students’ mathematical skills through a practical
One suggestion from Ross, Lakin, McKechnie, and Baker (2015) is for the science
addition to the way algebraic expressions are to be manipulated and solved, which will assist
in improving students’ numeracy skills outside of the maths classroom, since learning
numeracy in school is like learning a system (Muijs & Reynolds, 2011). In addition, having
one consistent method for numeracy skills across a school can assist students to see relevance
and importance of mathematics, and the skills associated (Ross et al., 2015). One suggestion
that Ross et al. make for developing numeracy related to graphs, is to make the graph tell a
One of the ideas that originates from Understanding by Design (UbD) (Wiggins &
McTighe, 2005) is the idea of designing lessons for a purpose. Throughout the redesigned
unit, this principle has been the focus of the planning for individual activities. In addition to
this idea, increasing the amount of inquiry-based activities was another focus of the redesign,
since inquiry is the organic course of science (Rutherford, 1964). Although a pure inquiry
understanding of science concepts (Dalton, Morocco, Tivnan, & Rawson Mead, 1997), also
incorporating other approaches to teaching such as explicit instruction, and using class
understanding of the unit (Dalton et al., 1997; Hattie & Donoghue, 2016).
Another benefit to using this style of learning, is the increased engagement and
motivation that has been shown to occur when authentic and hands-on investigations are used
(Dovemark & Beach, 2015; Minner, Levy, & Century, 2010 for teaching concepts, which
engagement, inquiry style tasks naturally lend themselves to increasing students’ critical and
creative thinking skills, due to the focus on “designing investigations to test ideas,
interpreting data, and forming explanations based on data” (National Research Council
[NRC], 1996, p. 136), which mimics the processes of science in the real-world.
Using inquiry as a strategy for teaching and learning, can often lead to debate
amongst students and teachers. By channelling some of these debates, students can begin to
reflect upon their beliefs of consequences and integrity in science. This can be directed by the
teacher towards those topics, with additional prompts such as ‘what do you think the
claim?’ as well as other ‘what if’ scenarios. Ryan and Buntting (2012) suggest that this type
of discourse can be an additional way to motivate and engage students to embed themselves
into the content. This can be in part due to the need for prior conceptual knowledge to make
an informed ethical decision (Lewis & Leach, 2006). Additionally, it has been shown by
Buntting and Ryan (2010) that students of primary age appreciated discussing these types of
ethical issues, as do students of high-school age by Macer, Asada, Tsuzuki, Akiyama, and
Macer (1996), where students at the start of year 7 fall between in their development. Thus,
from the principle taken from UbD, and coupled with structure inquiry style learning,
their critical and creative thinking skills, and will be more engaged in the classroom.
Reconstructed Unit
The original scope and sequence was well set out, and the only modification that should be considered would be reducing topic 1 “Being
a Scientist” by one week, and an extra week added to topic 2 “What’s the Matter?” The reasoning for this, is to account for the interruptions that
NAPLAN testing accounts for during term 2. The new scope and sequence for term’s 1 and 2 would then become like the following:
Famous Famous
Scientist Scientist
Research Research
task goes task
out submitted
– 20%
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
– 20%
Figure 3. Reworked scope and sequence for year 7 at Kingswood High School
Concept Map
Figure 4. Concept map showing the connections between the sub-topics within the "What's the Matter?" unit of work at Kingswood High School
Assessment Task.
The following is a redesigned unit of work, based off the recommendations of this report. Changes that have been made to the original
document will be colour coded to aid in visualising the changes. Any content that is to be removed from the unit of work will have a line placed
through it to denote the removal. Teaching and learning strategies have been added to the unit, including discussions and classwork as they were
mostly absent from the original unit, or outdated. The knowledge and understanding outcome SC4‑17CW has been removed from the redesigned
unit, as the content does not apply to the outcome statement. Content outcomes sections ‘e’ and ‘f’ have also been swapped in the progression of
the unit to allow for a more natural flow of progression, in addition to the working scientifically outcomes and content moved into sections that
could consist of those outcomes rather than being standalone content. The additional content section of the unit has been removed since the
students would benefit from deeper understanding of the prescribed content if time permitted rather than non-essential content designed for more
advanced students. The formatting of some portions of the unit of work have also been changed to bring it into line with the guidelines of the
Content taught prior to teaching the class, Administration changes, Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and creative thinking, Ethical understanding,
Understanding by Design.
Outcomes: Glossary:
Particles, solid, liquid, gas, compression, energy, pressure, change,
› SC4‑1VA appreciates the importance of science in their lives and the role of
scientific inquiry in increasing understanding of the world around them
state, melting point, boiling point, model, density, mass, volume,
expansion, contraction, evaporation, condensation, kinetic,
› SC4‑4WS identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched sublimation, vaporization, freezing, deposition, matter, theory, speed,
and makes predictions based on scientific knowledge physical change, model
› SC4‑5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate
questions and problems
› SC4‑17CW explains how scientific understanding of, and discoveries about, the
properties of elements, compounds and mixtures relate to their uses in everyday
Students participate in a science literacy workshop to develop skills for Texts for students to read
understanding scientific vocabulary The Particle Idea: Science Search 2 ch4 p72
CW1 The Students are to read texts with scientific context at the beginning of every
properties of lesson, preferably with connections to matter or particles
the different Activity: Particles (Achieve Science 3 p19)
states of matter Define the terms solid, liquid and gas. Activity: How are particles arranged? (Achieve Science 3
can be TALE: What the world is made of: sorting matter p20)
explained in TALE: What the world is made of: states of matter. Activity: Gases on the move Sheet 1&2
terms of the TALE: Types of matter: solids, liquids and gases. (Achieve Science 3 p21&22)
motion and TALE: What the world is made of: modelling matter Activity: Human Model of the Three State of Matter.
arrangement of TALE: Properties of solids, liquids and gases. (Science Works 3 p29)
particles. TALE: Types of matter: Quiz W/S – How can we tell if Matter is a solid?
(ACSSU151) TALE: The particle Theory W/S – How can we tell if Matter is a liquid?
Describe the arrangement and movement of particles in solids, liquids and W/S – How can we tell if Matter is a gas?
gas. W/S – What is a liquid solution?
a. describe the W/S – What is matter made of?
Explain the shape, volume and compressibility of solids, liquids and gases
behaviour of BoardWorks PowerPoints - The Particle Model
in terms of the arrangement and movement of particles.
matter in terms Simulation: Using a plastic syringe, observe that air can be
Simulation: Compare the compressibility of a gas with that of a liquid.
of particles that compressed. (About Science 1 p76)
(Science Focus 1 p40)
are continuously
Simulation: Determine if silly putty is a solid or a liquid. (Science Focus 1
moving and skool Particle Theory 14R
Model: Observe that air takes up space. (About Science 1 p75)
Ask the questions: Is the glass half full or half empty? :) Animation: States of matter 14R
Students are to read texts with scientific context at the beginning of every Texts for students to read
b. relate an
lesson, preferably with connections to matter, particles, or heat The Particle Model: Science Focus 1 p35
increase or
Science Works 3 p30
decrease in the Explain the relationship between the energy of the water Particles and Changes: Science Works 1 p45
amount of heat particles and their speed of movement, that is, as the Effects of heat: Science Search 2 p84
energy possessed temperature of the water increases, the particles gain energy Energy and particles: Science Search 2 p80
by particles to
and so they move faster. Simulation: Students become particles in the quad Science
changes in
Works 1 p47
Teacher Led Discussion – Ask students to predict what happens to the SLG 14R
particles in solids liquids and gases when gentle heat is applied. (Do not
provide answers at this point). Introduce experiment to investigate the
effect of adding heat energy to a liquid: Students quantitatively measure
the distance moved by food dye in a given time frame. (petri dish with 1cm
grid underneath). Students use results to predict how far food dye will
move in hot and cold temperatures.
Students are to read texts with scientific context at the beginning of every W/S – How can matter change from one state to another?
c. use a simple
lesson, preferably with connections to matter, particles, or heat
particle model to
predict the effect Describe Students learn to describe what happens when different states of
of adding or matter are heated in terms of energy and pressure) through direct
instruction and teacher led questioning. Students are to deduce that particles Texts for students to read
removing heat
gain more energy when heated and start to move apart. Stile activities planned
on different
Scootle activity: Matter and evaporation
states of matter
Students learn to describe the terms expansion and contraction in terms of
WS4 Students particle theory. Students achieve this by working through the Stile activity
question and “Expansion and Contraction of Solids” including multiple choice questions, Expansion and Contraction Game
predict by: drawing particles tasks, a self-assessment of their diagram, as well as
explaining why the diagram is larger after it has been heated. Real world
b) making examples of expansion and contraction are then given to ensure relevance skoool/phys/sim/exp_cont/bi_metallic_au.html
predictions for the students.
based on Devices with access to the internet (Preferably computer or
Investigation: Students investigate the effect of heat on solids using the laptop)
ball and ring apparatus. Students are to hypothesise what will occur when
knowledge and heat is added to either the ball and not the ring, and vice versa. Students are
their own Materials:
to record their hypothesis and observations, and write a statement stating
observations whether their hypothesis was correct, and why using particle theory as • Playdough
(ACSIS124, context. • Toothpicks
ACSIS139) • Clear container (lid preferred)
• Test tube
Demo: Observe expansion of air by placing hands around a air – filled flask • Balloon
with a stopper and glass tube fitted to the mouth, inverting the flask and • Bunsen burner
WS5.1 Students
identify data to placing the top of the tube in a beaker of water. Bubbles of air are seen in • Beaker
be collected in the water as the air in the flask expands due to heat from the hands. • Ice water
an investigation • Tongs
by: Investigation: Students work through the Stile activity “Experiment:
a) identifying the Investigating the effect of adding and removing heat on liquids.” Students Fill in the blanks worksheet
purpose of an hypothesise what will occur to the liquid inside a hand-boiler when adding
and removing heat. Students write the aim of the experiment, their Kahoot based on adding and removing heat from a
hypothesis, as well as listing the equipment needed from the information substance
provided in the method and an image of the setup. Students must take
measurements of the change in water level, and record their results in a
table. Students write their conclusion from the results that they found.
knowledge and
their own
WS5.1 Students
identify data to
be collected in
an investigation
a. identifying the
purpose of an
Students are to read texts with scientific context at the beginning of every Texts for students to read
d. relate changes
lesson, preferably with connections to matter, particles, heat, or changes of Expansion: Science Focus 1 p48
in the physical state Changes of state: Science Focus 1 p41
properties of
Changes of state: Science Works 1 p50
matter to heat Students learn to describe physical changes that happen during change of
state, through direct instruction of the concepts, with students asking and Changes of state: About Science 1 p87
energy and
answering questions throughout. To solidify learning, students draw a TALE: Matter: Change of state: Assessment
labelled diagram to show physical changes between the states of matter. Expansion and Contraction Game
movement that
Students to watch a short video (example in resources) on changing state,
occur during and take notes as needed. Students are asked questions throughout the skoool/phys/sim/exp_cont/bi_metallic_au.html
observations of video, and the answers and diagrams should be recorded in their books. Surfing Scientist
condensation, Group Challenge: In groups students are given the challenge of melting Sites/Web/ruben_meerman/6416_01.htm
boiling, melting ice inside a Ziplock bag in the quickest time. Refer to activity description
and freezing on Stile and RiskAssess. Devices with access to the internet (Preferably computer or
In groups, students must plan their method for melting the ice, recording laptop)
their plan on the Stile activity “Ice Challenge.” Students then attempt to Stile lessons
WS4 Students
melt their ice cubes the fastest time, and record their time to melt.
question and Formative Assessment - Class Discussion: Students evaluate the method Change of state video
predict by: they used. The group who completes the challenge the quickest explains
their procedure to the class provides explanation of why this procedure
a) identifying
worked the quickest. Students infer that heat energy is required to melt the Materials:
questions and
ice. The more heat energy provided in the given time, the quicker the ice • Ice
problems that
melts. • Ziplock bags
can be
Students use observations and particle model to explain change of state • Stopwatches
from a solid to a liquid in terms of kinetic energy and overcoming attractive • Bunsen burner
forces. • Tripod
ACSIS139) • Gauze mat
Investigation: Students identify that water boils at 100°C, and temperature • Matches
b) making does not change when a change of state occurs. Students set up apparatus in
• Beaker
predictions order to heat ice (or ice water). Students are to take temperature
• Thermometer
based on measurements at the beginning of the experiment, as well as at 1-minute
• Graph paper?
scientific intervals, finishing the recordings 2 minutes after the water has reached
knowledge and • Ball and ring apparatus
100°C. Upon completion, students are to graph their results, and deduce
their own that there is no temperature increase when a change of state occurs, and that
observations water boils at 100°C. Teacher led discussion to follow regarding the ethical
(ACSIS124, considerations of recording and reporting incorrect data. From the
ACSIS139) experiment, and prior knowledge, students can then explain the relationship
between the energy of the water particles and their speed of movement, that
is, as the temperature of the water increases, the particles gain energy and
WS5.1 Students so they move faster.
identify data to
be collected in
an investigation Students are tasked with giving a written explanation for why at melting
by: and boiling points, the substance can change from solid to liquid and liquid
to gas respectively. Students should make their point around the particles
a) identifying the
gaining enough energy to increase their speed of movement to change state.
purpose of an
Investigation: Students conduct a valid experiment to determine if twice as
b) proposing the much water takes twice as long to boil OR if two ice cubes take twice as
type of long to boil as one. Students are to record their hypothesis, measure the
information and temperature at 1-minute intervals until 2 minutes after the water has
data that needs reached 100°C. Upon completion, students are to graph their results, and
to be collected in write their conclusion based off their data.
a range of
investigation Students complete the Stile activity “States of Matter.” Students must read
types, including and comprehend some given information to answer the questions.
sources Demonstration: Students hypothesise and record what will happen when
steam hits a beaker containing ice water. Students observe steam hitting a
WS5.2 Students
beaker containing ice water and condensing. Students link this phenomenon
plan first-hand
with the slowing of the particles in the steam to a level that no longer
allows the steam to be a gas.
and individually Kahoot as formative assessment to see students’ learning of content
planning a range
of investigation TALE: Changes of state
types, including TALE: Interpreting changes of state: heating
experiments TALE: Interpreting changes of state: cooling
b) outlining a Simulation: Measure and graph the temperature of water as it heated to
logical boiling point. (Science Focus 1 p45)
procedure for
undertaking a
range of Describe the terms expansion and contraction in terms of particle theory.
Demonstration: Ball and ring apparatus. (Science Focus 1 p53)
Demonstration: Observe expansion of water by placing hands around a
d) describing water – filled flask with a stopper and glass tube as it expands due to heat
safety and from hands.
guidelines to be TALE: What the world is made of: particles, heat and movement.
f. identify the Students are to read texts with scientific context at the beginning of every Check EMSAD resource
benefits and lesson, preferably with connections to matter, particles, models, and states Texts for students to read
limitations of of matter Spelling tests
using models to
Students identify the benefits and limitations of using models to explain the
explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases during small group discussions that
properties of lead into a class discussion. Throughout the discussions, students can be
solids, liquids prompted to discuss how they think science might be influenced if the
and gases models of solids, liquids, and gases were non-existent or if a new model
were to be suggested that opposed the particle model from this unit. What if
the new model was posed by someone who was known to report false
results, and what would the implications be if the model was rejected on
that basis but turned out to fit our knowledge better than previous models?
Students are also encouraged to write a reflection on Stile summarizing
their views of the above discussion. This also allows students who may not
like voicing their opinions in class to address their beliefs.
Students are to be given the spelling test during this lesson. The words will
be read aloud by the teacher, and put into a sentence for the students to gain
Students are to read texts with scientific context at the beginning of every Texts for students to read
e. explain
lesson, preferably with connections to matter, particles, mass, volume, or Measurement: Science Focus 1 p18
density in terms density
of a simple
Kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers video
particle model Students learn to define the term ‘mass’ and ‘volume’ through direct
instruction, stopping to check students’ understanding throughout. A
Kahoot can be given to again check for student understanding of the
concepts. How taking a bath led to Archimedes’ principle
* Investigation: * Students are to measure the volume of a variety of small
containers by filling them with water and then measuring them with a
measuring cylinder. Denser Than You Think
Students are introduced to the concept of density by viewing the video from
Limmy’s show posing the question, what is heavier? A kilogram or steel or Reading a Triple Beam Balance
a kilogram of feathers? (Link in resources) The video is stopped, and
students are asked which they think is heavier. Students then model the http://www.wisc-
particles in steel and feathers to show why they have the same mass despite
the size of each. The concept of density is introduced to the students along
with the equation for finding it using mass and volume, defining density as
Devices with access to the internet (Preferably computer or
mass per unit of volume.
* Investigation: * Using 1cm cubes, students weigh the cubes to calculate laptop)
the density of each, and rank them from most to least dense, placing all
results and measurements into a table. Materials:
• Small containers
Students are posed the question of finding the density of an irregular • Measuring cylinders
shaped rock. Students are then told the story of Archimedes needing to find
• 1cm cubes
whether a goldsmith made the king’s crown using silver by watching the
video “How taking a bath led to Archimedes’ principle” (link in resources). • Electronic balance
Students then deduce that the rock must be placed in water and the change • Various irregular objects
in water level is equal to the rock’s volume. • Water
* Investigation: * Using various irregular objects, students weigh the • Sugar
objects whilst dry, and then measure the volume by placing it into a
measuring cylinder filled with water, and the results recorded in a table and • Various food dyes
ranked from most to least dense. • Test tubes
• Triple beam balance
Students are shown a video “Denser Than You Think” (link in resources) • Various objects to weigh on balance
and asked to hypothesise why the different objects ‘get stuck’ within the
layers of different liquids. Students then relate this phenomenon to the
density of the objects and the liquids.
* Investigation: * Students observe the different densities of liquids by
using coloured sugar water. Different amounts of sugar (1tsbp, 2tsbp, etc.)
is dissolved in water containing different coloured food dyes. Students
carefully pipette the water into a test tube from most dense to least dense.
And record their observations in their workbooks.
Additional content:
Figure 5. Redesigned unit of work based upon recommendations for improvement, and UbD.
Assessment Task
examination that consisted of a section on practical skills, a section with multiple choice
questions, and a section with short answer questions. Since the nature of a half-yearly exam is
to assess all of the outcomes that had been taught prior to the exam being held, questions
were developed from two topics; Being a Scientist, as well as the unit being re-designed
What’s the Matter? At the time of the exam, this unit had been taught for six weeks, as
opposed to the eight weeks that the first unit had been taught for, without taking into account
the lost lessons due to NAPLAN testing in early term 2. Due to this, the majority of the
questions originated from the ‘Being a Scientist’ unit, however the knowledge and
understanding content outcome that the unit was based upon was adequately assessed within
the timeframe that was allocated to the exam due to scheduling constraints. As such, it is
recommended that the exam is adequate to be administered as part of this unit, considering
that this content may also be assessed as part of the yearly examination in week4 of term 4.
Buntting, C., & Ryan, B. (2010). In the classroom: Exploring ethical issues with young
children. In A. Jones, M. Reiss, & A. McKim (Eds.), Ethics in the science and
Dalton, B., Morocco, C. C., Tivnan, T., & Rawson Mead, P. L. (1997). Supported Inquiry
Dovemark, M., & Beach, D. (2015). Academic work on a back-burner: Habituating students
Hattie, J. A. C., & Donoghue, G. M. (2016). Learning strategies: A synthesis and conceptual
Hirsch, E. D., Jr. (2006). The knowledge deficit: Closing the shocking education gap for
Kingswood High School. (n.d.). About our school. Retrieved from https://kingswood-
Lewis, J., & Leach, J. (2006). Discussion of socio-scientific issues: The role of science
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Appendix A
The following is the original unit supplied by Kingswood High School for the topic “What’s the matter?” This unit has been copied in its
original form, however the sections that had previously been taught before arriving at the school (or when I was absent from school due to
Students will learn about the Particle Theory of Matter. They will the difference between 5-6 weeks
solids, liquids and gases. They will have particular emphasis on experimental procedure
and graphing skills.
› SC4‑4WS identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on scientific knowledge
› SC4‑5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems
› SC4‑6WS follows a sequence of instructions to safely undertake a range of investigation types, collaboratively and individually ·
› SC4‑7WS processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends, patterns and
› SC4‑9WS presents science ideas, findings and information to a given audience using appropriate scientific language, text types History
and representations
› SC4‑16CW describes the observed properties and behaviour of matter, using scientific models and theories about the motion and etc
arrangement of particles
SC4‑17CW explains how scientific understanding of, and discoveries about, the properties of elements, compounds and mixtures relate
to their uses in everyday life
Currency: Vocabulary
Unit of work developed by: Particles, solid, liquid, gas, compression, energy, pressure, change,
Date of development : 24/1/2014 state, melting point, boiling point, model, density, mass, volume,
expansion, contraction, evaporation, condensation
Define the terms solid, liquid and gas. The Particle Idea: Science Search 2 ch4
TALE: What the world is made of: sorting matter p72
CW1 The properties of the
TALE: What the world is made of: states of matter.
different states of matter can be
TALE: Types of matter: solids, liquids and gases. Activity: Particles (Achieve Science 3
explained in terms of the motion
TALE: What the world is made of: modelling matter p19)
and arrangement of particles.
TALE: Properties of solids, liquids and gases. Activity: How are particles arranged?
TALE: Types of matter: Quiz (Achieve Science 3 p20)
TALE: The particle Theory Activity: Gases on the move Sheet 1&2
a. describe the behaviour of matter (Achieve Science 3 p21&22)
in terms of particles that are Describe the arrangement and movement of particles in solids, liquids Activity: Human Model of the Three
continuously moving and and gas. State of Matter. (Science Works 3 p29)
interacting Explain the shape, volume and compressibility of solids, liquids and W/S – How can we tell if Matter is a
gases in terms of the arrangement and movement of particles. solid?
Simulation: Compare the compressibility of a gas with that of a liquid. W/S – How can we tell if Matter is a
(Science Focus 1 p40) liquid?
Simulation: Determine if silly putty is a solid or a liquid. (Science W/S – How can we tell if Matter is a
Focus 1 p40) gas?
Model: Observe that air takes up space. (About Science 1 p75) W/S – What is a liquid solution?
Ask the questions: Is the glass half full or half empty? :) W/S – What is matter made of?
BoardWorks PowerPoints - The Particle
Model Simulation: Using a plastic
Students completed ‘what am I’? activities to identify solids, liquids and syringe, observe that air can be
gases based on their properties. Students then wrote descriptions of each compressed. (About Science 1 p76)
state, after specific teaching of description writing and PEEL
paragraphs. skool Particle Theory 14R
Teacher Led Stile Lesson to Introduce the Particle Theory of Animation: States of matter 14R
Lead students through Stile lesson: Kinetic Particle Theory of Matter.
Students view video and answer questions. Ask students to read aloud
as the class moves through lesson.
Stile Lesson: Deep Understanding of the Kinetic Particle Theory of
Matter. In groups, students answer questions to address misconceptions
about particles. Use class discussion to address any misconceptions that
Peer Assessment Activity. On teacher provided scaffold, students draw
particles to represent a solid, liquid and a gas in containers. Students
also draw particles after the containers have been emptied. Students
exchange drawing with a peer. Peers asses each other’s work using
success criteria provided. Students give written feedback to their peer.
b. relate an increase or decrease in Explain the relationship between the energy of the water The Particle Model: Science Focus 1
particles and their speed of movement, that is, as the p35
the amount of heat energy possessed
temperature of the water increases, the particles gain energy Science Works 3 p30
by particles to changes in particle
and so they move faster. Particles and Changes: Science Works 1
Teacher Led Discussion – Ask students to predict what happens to the Effects of heat: Science Search 2 p84
particles in solids liquids and gases when gentle heat is applied. (Do not Energy and particles: Science Search 2
provide answers at this point). Introduce experiment to investigate the
Simulation: Students become particles
effect of adding heat energy to a liquid: Students quantitatively
in the quad Science Works 1 p47
measure the distance moved by food dye in a given time frame. (petri
dish with 1cm grid underneath). Students use results to predict how far
food dye will move in hot and cold temperatures.
Describe what happens when different states of matter are heated (in W/S – How can matter change from one
c. use a simple particle model to
terms of energy and pressure) state to another?
predict the effect of adding or Demo: Observe expansion of air by placing hands around a air – filled
removing heat on different states of flask with a stopper and glass tube fitted to the mouth, inverting the 1490/index.html
matter flask and placing the top of the tube in a beaker of water. Bubbles of air
are seen in the water as the air in the flask expands due to heat from the 1492/index.html
Describe changes that happen during a physical change. Expansion: Science Focus 1 p48
d. relate changes in the physical
Draw a labelled diagram to show physical changes between the states of Changes of state: Science Focus 1 p41
properties of matter to heat energy matter. Changes of state: Science Works 1 p50
and particle movement that occur
TALE: Matter: Change of state:
during observations of evaporation, Group Challenge: In groups students are given the challenge of Assessment
condensation, boiling, melting and melting ice in the quickest time. Refer to activity description on Stile Changes of state: About Science 1 p87
freezing and Risk Assessment. Class Discussion: Students evaluate the method
they used. Group who completed the challenge the quickest explains
their procedure and class provides explanation of why this procedure
worked the quickest. Students infer that heat energy is required to melt
the ice. The more heat energy provided in the given time, the quicker
the ice melts.
Explain the relationship between the energy of the water particles and
their speed of movement, that is, as the temperature of the water
increases, the particles gain energy and so they move faster.
Explain that at melting point and boiling point, the particles gain
enough energy to increase their speed of movement enough to change
from solid to liquid and liquid to gas respectively.
Describe the terms expansion and contraction in terms of particle
Demonstration: Ball and ring apparatus. (Science Focus 1 p53)
Demonstration: Observe expansion of water by placing hands around a
water – filled flask with a stopper and glass tube as it expands due to
heat from hands.
TALE: What the world is made of: particles, heat and movement.
Define the term ‘mass’ and ‘volume’. Measurement: Science Focus 1 p18
e. explain density in terms of a
Define the term density as mass per unit of volume.
simple particle model
Simulation: Measure the mass of a variety of small common objects on Activity: Reading a Triple Beam
a beam balance. (About Science 1 p85) Balance
Simulation: Measure the volume of a liquid in a measuring cylinder.
Website: http://www.wisc-
f. identify the benefits and Identify the benefits and limitations of using models to explain the Check EMSAD resource
limitations of using models to properties of solids, liquids and gases
explain the properties of solids,
liquids and gases
Additional content:
Appendix B
The following is a scanned copy of the half yearly examination that was to occur during week
4 in Term 2. The unit formed part of this exam, and thus has been included as part of this
unit. The marking criteria is included on this copy of the paper, for teachers’ use when
Appendix C
The following is the original scope and sequence supplied by Kingswood High School for year 7, 2019. The unit was taught on my practicum
from Term 2, week 2 until the conclusion of the topic in week 5 of Term 2.
What’s the
Being A scientist matter
SC4-1VA, SC4-4WS,
Term SC4-5WS, SC4-6WS,
SC4-7WS, SC4-9WS,
1 SC4-1VA, SC4-2VA, SC4-3VA, SC4-4WS, SC4-6WS, SC4-9WS
SC4-16CW, SC4-17CW
Famous Famous
Scientist Scientist
Research Research
task goes task
out submitted
– 20%
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
– 20%
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
3 SC4-6WS, SC4-7WS, SC4-10PW, SC4-11PW SC4-1VA, SC4-2VA, SC4-4WS, SC4-6WS, SC4-7WS, SC4-9WS, SC4-17CW,
Task -25%
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
– 25%