Air Pollution Control
Air Pollution Control
Air Pollution Control
Air pollution refers to a chemical, physical or biological alteration to the atmospheric air. It results
whenever harmful gasses, smoke, or dust enters the atmosphere and in turn, hinders the survival
of animals and plants as the air contains toxic substances.
The survival of human beings and animals greatly depend on the combination of gasses in the
atmosphere; slight disruption of this composition can cause devastating effects on their existence.
An imbalance in these atmospheric gasses is known to result in global warming, a great threat to
the contemporary world. We cannot underestimate the effects air pollution has on the ozone layer
which largely contributes to the existence of organisms on the planet.
For the causes of air pollution to be well articulated, it is important to delve into the types of air
pollutants. Air pollutants can be caused by secondary and primary sources. If a process directly
results to pollution, then this forms the primary source. For instance, factories emit sulfur dioxide
which is a primary source of air pollution. Reactions and interactions between primary
sources form the secondary pollutant. For instance, the intermingling of primary pollutants forms
smog which is a secondary pollutant.
Air pollution is probably the most dangerous and common form of environmental
pollution and it has been seen to be synonymous with urbanisation. The primary reason for this is
the high rate of fuel combustion. Fuel combustion is now a very basic requirement for transport,
cooking and some other activities both domestically and industrially. All these activities release a
large number of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and are not removed from the air, affecting
and threatening our existence.
Another cause of air pollution is burning of coal, gasoline, petroleum, and other fossil fuels.
These fuels are the main cause of acid rain, smog, greenhouse gas emissions, and presence of
heavy metals in the air. Fossil fuels form an important part of the society; they are used in
transportation, heating, manufacturing, and even in electricity generation. This makes them an
important part of the society making it difficult (but not uncontrollable) to curtail. In modern
society, the use of fossil fuels can be made so that its burning becomes efficient, but this comes
with a monetary cost. It is important to note that unless alternative cleaner option is found, we will
have the future facing the same problems of pollution.
Sulphur oxide is released into the air by the smoke and this makes the air very toxic. This
is primary caused by smoke from factory stacks, chimneys, vehicles or even something very
common like the burning of a log of wood. The emission of sulphur oxide and many other gases
into the atmosphere leads to global warming with the capacity to lead to an acid rain. The
emission of these greenhouse gases and the global warming it causes has led to droughts, erratic
rains and increased temperatures worldwide. Conditions and ailments like Bronchitis, Asthma
and the extremely dangerous case of lung cancer and this occurs majorly in the cities.
An example of one of the many sad examples of the calamities that can rise due to air
pollution is the 1984 gas tragedy of Bhopal. The gas tragedy was a result of the release of a gas
(methyl isocyanate) at a gas plant. About 2,000 people lost their lives in the tragedy and more
than 200,000 people suffered from extensive respiratory problems. Respiratory illnesses,
increase in asthma and cardiovascular diseases can be caused by an irritant (for example,
particulates that are below 10 micrometers in size). Till this very moment, there are still birth
defects in babies born and this has been attributed to the Bhopal Tragedy.
An another example, New Delhi, the capital of India, made global headlines recently
when it turned up in the top 10 most-polluted places on earth. Supreme Court of India has
imposed a ban on old petrol and diesel vehicles in Delhi. Despite numerous efforts by the
government to manage polluting emissions from the industries and use alternate traffic
mechanisms, the air condition continues to deteriorate. The major sources of air pollution are
traffic, power plants, industry, burning waste, cooking using wood and charcoal. Emission of
greenhouse gasses poses a real time threat to the concentration of toxic elements in the air.
Air pollution is the leading cause of respiratory diseases. Exposure to air pollutants can
cause lung cancer and even asthma. Asthma can lead to death if not well treated, as it might
cause difficulty in breathing. A prolonged exposure of pollutants can cause lung cancer. Then,
the rise in sea level, rising temperature in the world, and the melting of ice glaciers are the
evidence for the global warming. Global warming is a direct effect of air pollution in the world.
The only way to curb this increasingly destructive menace is to reduce air pollution.
With the greenhouse effect which is the major contributor of the release of
chlorofluorocarbon into the atmosphere has led to the depletion of ozone layer. This layer is
important in shielding the earth from the destructive ultraviolet (UV) radiations. Emission of
harmful gasses such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen into the atmosphere lead to the formation of
acid rain. It is quite common for rain water to have sulfuric acid due to rampant cases of air
pollution in the modern society. Acid rain is a major threat to the aquatic life as well as human
There are carcinogenic substances in the acid rain, and it has devastating effects to even
metal which can be observed by the extent of corrosion that often results. Air pollutants such as
nitrogen oxide speed up the growth of algae on the water surface. This growth competes with
aquatic life for oxygen, therefore, posing a major threat to fishing. The only way to reduce the
devastating effects of air pollution will be to come up with effective ways of reducing air pollution.
Air is essential for all humans, flora and fauna and other organisms. Its importance can be
estimated by the fact that humans can survive without food and water for a few days, but without
the air it is impossible to survive. The air is 80 percent of what man takes in the day. It is known
that every day man breathes 22,000 times a day. Thus, every day he receives 16 kilograms of air.
Air is a mixture of various gases in which nitrogen content is 78 percent, while 21 percent is
oxygen and 0.03 percent carbon dioxide is found and the remaining 0.97 percent contains
hydrogen, helium, argon, neon, krypton, xenon, ozone and water vapour.
The above quantities of different gases in the air keep it balanced. It becomes unbalanced
when there is an uneven difference in their ratio, posing a grave threat to human health.
Whenever carbon dioxide and nitrogen increase in the air beyond permissible levels, it is
called air pollution. According to a research by America’s Health Effects Institute (HEI), more
than 42 lakh people died in 2015 due to air pollution in the world. Out of these, 11 lakhs
belonged to India and almost the same deaths occurred in China.
According to HEI, about 92 percent of the world’s population is breathing in polluted air
and air pollution has become the fifth largest cause of death in the world. Mostly industrial units
are responsible for increasing the pollution, which often flout environmental standards with
impunity. First, we should limit the amount of chemicals discharged into the air by the factories.
Increasing numbers of vehicles running on petrol and diesel on the roads are not less responsible
for the increased risk of air pollution. The authorities should restrict the number of vehicles
allowed to run in the city, especially in the rush hours when there is heavy traffic.
Even though a variety of laws have been laid for the regulation of air pollution, there are a
number of things that all individuals may do to curb air pollution and the worsening condition of
air from going out of hand. Following are a few suggestions to control air pollution:
Conserve energy
We should buy efficient appliances to use energy saving bulbs that consume less electricity. The
less energy we all use, the lower our demand is on our use of power, which means less pollution.
We should give up reckless and extravagant habits while using electricity and embrace good
habits like switching off all the electrical appliances, fans, ACs, bulbs and tube lights, when
leaving our room or office. Using solar energy, and fluorescent lighting instead of incandescent
lights, and purchasing only energy-saving appliances, is also a good option to reduce air
pollution. Adopt smokeless stove and solar energy.
To reduce air pollution, we should make efforts to save energy, because whenever we burn fossil
fuel, it contaminates the air. Apart from less petrol, diesel, natural gas, etc, even the use of
electricity should also be brought down, as large amount of coal is used in production of
Curb Unbridled Industrialization
Chimney in the factories should have high altitude. Factories should be installed away from
urban areas, and technology should to be used so that most part of the smoke is absorbed and the
residual material and the gas cannot be found in excessive amounts. To check unbridled
urbanization, employment and cottage industries and other facilities should be provided in
villages and towns too. Uncontrolled harvesting of forests should be stopped. In this regard,
along with the government, NGOs and every human being should participate in the plantation
programmers. The sewerage should be in place for disposal of residual substances in cities and
We may use a variety of alternative modes of transport. Resisting the temptation to take
out our own vehicle every time may help a lot in reducing air pollution. The viable options that
we may go for include carpool, walk-to-work, cycling, shopping through e-commerce, availing
public transport, tele-shopping and tele-communicating.
You can also use a good vacuum cleaner to keep at bay chemicals and allergens that can
poison your home. Use of a large mat out of your rooms can help you reduce the amount of dirt,
and other pollutants that may plague your homes.
A quick look at ways to reduce air pollution at a glance:
Keep the smoke emanating from house, factory, vehicle within the permissible range.
Do not burn firecrackers.
Do not burn garbage; keep it in a fixed place.
If necessary, use flowing drains for spitting.
Follow all the laws related to air pollution.
Efforts of China in Curbing Pollution
Since coal is the main factor of carbon emissions in China, it has targeted to cut the use
of coal by 70 percent by 2017 and has reduced the dependence significantly in the past year.
Now in China, efforts are being made to meet the energy needs with electricity and non-fossil
fuels. In China, all the iron, steel, cement and heavy industries are being closed which are based
on coal. China has made the goal of getting the country coal free by 2020.
It is worth noting that the Chinese government kept the data of air pollution in place till
the year 2008. But when they saw that Beijing and its other big cities started suffocating, they
started arranging online air reporting. In China, now 1500 sites are issued real-time figures of
pollution every hour. The Chinese government also regularly issues the ranking of air quality of
cities. Also, people are also advised to check these data from time to time.
Given the declining level of pollution since January 1, 2015, environmental protection
laws are strictly in force in China. There, the law is so stringent that there is no limit on penalties
for imposing polluting. Fines have also been imposed on many big companies. Non-profit
organizations can file public interest litigation against polluters. Local governments have the
obligation to strictly enforce these laws. In 2015, China appointed an environmentalist as the
Minister of Environment.
To control pollution, China has made strict arrangements to drive on the roads. China has
targeted to exclude all such trains from the road till 2017, which have been registered till 2005.
The Chinese government has planned to cut down the number of trains in the next five years in
Air pollution has adverse effect on humans, animals, and plants. To prevent air pollution, the
concerned departments have been made legally empowered by the government. But laws are not
being implemented in right earnest on the field level.
Our air has become too deadly to breathe. It is a matter of deep regret that such a situation does
not constitute a political issue in their country nor it is prominent in media discussions.
Occasionally, even the non-governmental organizations also raise serious concerns about air
pollution, but nothing concrete happens on the ground.
There is a consensus among medical experts that air pollution increases the risk of cancer, heart
disease and respiratory diseases. According to HEI, while China is taking concrete steps to deal
with this problem, there is still a lack of adequate awareness about air pollution in India.
Though many laws have been enacted in India to prevent pollution and environmental protection,
but their implementation is pathetic. The Supreme Court created the National Green Tribunal for
this purpose. But its orders have to be executed by the government machinery only. Due to
corruption and negligence, judicial orders are not implemented in letter and spirit. The rules of
environmental protection are openly violated in industry sectors and tourist places.
However, the Government of India is now fully committed to the control of pollution in the
country and for this purpose the initiative of Euro-6 type fuel will be initiated by 2020. He
Ministry of Environment is supporting all efforts to encourage clean fuel including gas. With the
experimental phase of CNG kit in the two-wheeler, there will be a far-reaching impact in
reducing pollution. Others efforts to combat pollution include a cess of Rs. 400 per tonne of coal,
introduction of e-rickshaw and subsidy on electric/hybrid cars.
Electric locomotives should be used in place of coal or diesel locomotives in railway traffic. The
Government offers generous support on kerosene and LPG under its main policy and thus
provides incentives to choose the cleaner option of fuel. In today’s time, the domestic consumers
get kerosene at one-third of the actual cost and LPG by giving nearly half of the total cost.
In today critical times, it has become necessary that all the countries of the world get
together to curb the problem of air pollution. Nature cannot be destroyed for industrialisation and
urbanisation. When life is endangered, then of what use will be the modern means of luxuries
and comfort?
1. Johnson, Keith (18 April 2009). "How Carbon Dioxide Became a 'Pollutant'". Wall Street Journal.
2. Barbalace, Roberta C. (November 7, 2006). "CO2 Pollution and Global Warming: When does carbon
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3. "Graphic: The relentless rise of carbon dioxide". Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. NASA.
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6. "Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - NHS". 2017-10-17.
7. "Evidence growing of air pollution's link to heart disease, death". Archived from the original on 2010-
06-03. Retrieved 2010-05-18. // American Heart Association. May 10, 2010
8. J.R. Balmes, J.M. Fine, D. Sheppard Symptomatic bronchoconstriction after short-term inhalation of
sulphur dioxide Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 136 (1987), p. 1117