C Programming Syl Lab Us
C Programming Syl Lab Us
C Programming Syl Lab Us
Duration: 7 days
· Working knowledge of Windows operating system
Day 1
1. Introduction to C
1.1. Hello World Program - Compilation and Execution on Command Line
1.2. Object File
1.3. Compiler – Language Translator
1.4. Linker
1.5. High-Level Language
1.6. Low-Level Language
1.7. Machine Language
1.8. Concept of Stack
6. Functions
6.1. Fundamentals of functions
6.2. Function declaration and prototype
6.3. Function definition
6.4. Function call
6.5. Caller and Callee
6.6. Call by value
6.7. The return statement
6.8. void Data Type
6.9. Function arguments
6.9.1. Passing Arguments to a Function
6.10. Scope Of Variables
6.11. Storage Classes
6.12. Automatic Variables
6.13. Local Variables
6.14. Static Variables
6.15. External Variables
6.16. Recursion
6.16.1. Recursive Function
6.17. Function Call Stack
6.18. Function Overloading not possible in C.
6.19. Variable Argument List
6.20. How arguments are passed from caller to callee?
6.21. Static Functions
Day 3:
7. Arrays
7.1. Definition
7.2. Declaration of Single Dimensional Array
7.3. Initialization of Single Dimensional Array
7.4. Array elements in memory
7.5. Multidimensional Arrays
7.5.1. Declaration of multi-dimensional arrays
7.5.2. Initialization of two-dimensional arrays
7.5.3. Memory Representation of Two-dimensional Arrays
Day 4:
8. Pointers
8.1. What is a pointer variable?
8.2. Address and Dereferencing (& and *) Operators
8.3. Pointer type Declaration
8.4. Pointer Assignment
8.5. Pointer Initialization
8.6. Pointer Arithmetic
8.7. Pointer Comparison
8.8. Pointers and Functions
8.8.1. Pointers to Functions
8.9. Functions returning Pointers
8.8. Pointers and Arrays
8.8.1. Pointer to Array
8.8.2. Arrays of Pointers
8.8.3. Pointers to Pointers
Day 5:
9. Function Revisited
9.1. Call by Value
9.2. Call by Pointer
Day 6
12. The Preprocessor
12.1. Macro substitution
12.2. Macros with arguments
12.3. Undefining a Macro
12.4. Assert macros
Day 7
14. Structures and Union
14.1. Basics of Structures
14.1.1. Declaration of Individual Members of a Structure
14.2. Structure Variables
14.3. Structure Initialization
14.4. Accessing Structure Members
14.5. Nested Structures
14.6. Structures and Arrays
14.6.1. Arrays of Structures
14.6.2. Arrays within Structures
14.7. Structures and Pointers
14.7.1. Pointers to Structures
14.7.2. Structures Containing Pointers
14.8. Structures and Functions
14.8.1. Structures as Function Arguments
14.8.2. Structures as Function Values
14.9. Unions
14.9.1. Operations on a Union
14.9.2. Differences between Structures and Unions
14.9.3. User Defined Data Types
1. Lab setup needs windows with codeblocks open source software