03042017-43 M40 Appendix PDF
03042017-43 M40 Appendix PDF
03042017-43 M40 Appendix PDF
1. Concrete Grade M 40
2. Characteristic Strength Required at 28 Days at Site 40 Mpa
3. Maximum Size Of Aggregate 20 mm.
4. Degree Of Quality Control Good
5. Degree Of Exposure Moderate
6. Type of concrete PCC
7. Desired Slump about 75 mm.
8. Minimum Cement Content 340 kg/cu.m.
9. Maximum Water Cement Ratio 0.45
10. Specifications to be followed MORT&H
11. Flyash to be used..? No
13. If admixture is to be used…? Yes
14. Type of Admixture Super Plasticizer
As per MORT&H, the target mean strenngth for this grade is >>>> 52 Mpa
Based on experience of large number of concrete designs, the WC ratio selected is : 0.36
(Ref : as per clause 4.1 of IS:10262-2009)
E. Water Content
As per table 2 of IS:10262-2009, the water content for 20 MSA is 186 Kg/cu.m.
This water content corresponds to a slump of 25-50 mm. For each 25 mm. increase or decrease in slump
increase or decrease water content by 3 %. Hence for a required smump of 75 mm. the changed
water content shall be 191.6 kg/cu.m.
F. Cement Content
As per table 3 of IS:10262-09, for this sand zone and maximum aggregate size 20 mm.
Volume of coarse aggregates per unit volume of total aggregate is 0.62
Adjustment in CA Content :
The above CA content specified is for a WCR = 0.50. In this case WCR is >>> 0.36
For each 0.05 change in WCR, increase CA content by 0.01... Hence for above WCR, the CA Content will be
0.7058 cu.m.
h Mass of FA = f x (1- Vol of CA per unit Vol of total aggregates) x Spc.Gr of FA x 1000
0.7058 0.35 2.620 x 1000
651 Kg/cu.m.