Chapter 1 - Introduction: Agile Big Data Analytics

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Agile Big Data Analytics

Chapter 1 – Introduction
A general model for data science is a lifecycle of data collection, curation,
analysis, and action to achieve mission goals. Depending on the data under
observation, the desired goal, and metrics for success, the amount of time
allocated across these steps will vary. Advanced analytics and machine learning
are fast-growing areas of practice and research, so there is a need to develop a
modernized, standard process that addresses current challenges in machine
learning application development and deployment cycles – and encompasses
changing techniques and technologies.
Much of the thinking about data science has been driven by large internet
companies, which are fundamentally data driven. The focus has been to “fail
fast”, that is, to learn quickly if an analytics direction has promise. The goal is a
business outcome rather than improving a measure of accuracy on a specific
analytic model. In some cases, a surrogate hypothesis is developed that can lead
to the same business outcome by inference from an entirely different
hypothesis. This process is typically ad hoc for a data science team and strongly
depends on the skills of the leading data scientist. While the specifics of the
analytics are discussed, the process is not standardized to allow repeatability
across the broader community.
Typically, data science is discussed only in the context of the pre-analytics
cleansing and transformations and, in the analytics step, – relying on a
traditional data analytics lifecycle. Operational Big Data Analytic (BDA) systems,
introduce a number of complexities due to the distribution of the data, the novel
data storage techniques, and the involvement of multiple organizations when
for example using cloud services.
Software development lifecycles (SDLC) have changed dramatically with
the introduction of agile methodologies, to reduce development times, to
provide earlier value, and to lower the risk of failure. The data science lifecycle
for BDA systems is currently in the same situation as SDLC-driven development
prior to the introduction of agile methods.
We present in this paper our approach to a modern process model for
BDA that aligns with new technological changes and implements agility in the

Agile Big Data Analytics

lifecycle of advanced analytics and machine learning systems development – to

minimize the time required to reach a desirable mission outcome.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Chapter 2- Big Data Analytics Challenges

A. Limitations of Prior Process Model
Traditionally in statistical analysis, data were carefully collected to be
necessary and sufficient to definitively answer a specific question, for example,
in the pharmaceutical industry to pass the Food and Drug Administration
regulatory requirements for releasing a drug.
In the late 1990s, analytics moved beyond the realm of traditional
statistics into what became known as data mining. At that time, the data mining
community began to use a range of models on repurpose data—to analyse data
in a new context rather than the one for which the data were collected. These
new mathematical models were used to provide a probabilistically accurate
answer rather than a deterministic answer.
As the data mining community grew, comparing and contrasting
approaches was difficult, because the activities in the end-to-end process were
described in various numbers and types of steps. The solution developed by a
consortium is the Cross-Industry Standard Process Model–Data Mining (CRISP-
DM). CRISP-DM remains the dominant process model still in use today in spite
of the recognition of a number of problems.
Data science as a term grew out of the advances in big data engineering
with the recognition that large-volume or high velocity datasets required new
parallelization techniques to be able to handle the large amounts of data
efficiently. In addition, often leveraging correlation was sufficient rather than
having to understand causation.
For example, in website A and B testing, if more customers click on a blue
link than a green one, the perceptual reasons do not need to be known; the
correlation itself is actionable for optimizing the design of the web page.
web page. Big data represents data distribution and parallel processing,
so the data storage, algorithms and analytics lifecycle are no longer separable
from the technologies of big data. While still the de-facto standard, CRISP-DM
does not address these changes, as well as automation, data science, or systems
development methodologies.

Agile Big Data Analytics

B. Outcomes-Focused Requirements

Analytics systems development is driven by detailed requirements for the

construction of each capability in the system. Most advanced analytics systems
development is driven by desired outcomes rather than specific requirements.
Categories of analytics can be described as a ladder of increasing complexity, as
shown in Fig. 1. Reporting and business intelligence systems can be described
by explicit requirements.
In contrast, more sophisticated analytics require multiple computational
experiments and comparative analysis through modelling, machine learning,
and simulation to achieve results. Tuning and optimizing models are an iterative
exploratory process of experimentation and testing and evaluation. Advanced
analytics cannot be specified by a list of detailed model requirements but only
by desired outcomes.
C. Fail Fast

One of the main tenants of data science as it emerged as a new discipline

for the large-scale internet applications is the need to fail fast. The idea is that
given the large amounts of data, rough order of magnitude estimations should
be done first.
Techniques or approaches that show promise should continue to be
investigated, while others should be stopped. Conceptually, the analytics should
go through a set of iterations of ever-greater granularity and fidelity, stopping
when the results are sufficient to meet the outcome requirements. CRISP-DM
was considered essentially a waterfall model—one step was finished before the
next began.
While evaluation may indicate the need to step back and modify the
actions in a prior step, the results were only achieved at the end of the complete
lifecycle. Data science needs to follow the lessons learned in software
development to address this need for agility.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Fig 2.1. The Analytics Ladder

Agile Big Data Analytics

Chapter 3 – Agile Software Development

During the past 15 years, the use of agile for the software development
lifecycle (SDLC) has gradually eclipsed the traditional waterfall model to become
the dominant practice across projects and organizations of all sizes. Roughly
seventy-five percent of software developers currently report using primarily
agile practices, compared to twenty-five percent for waterfall.
This trend is being amplified by the addition of complementary concepts
from DevOps, which build on the foundation of agile practices. The popularity
of the agile software development methodology (often referred to simply as
agile) and how its principles may be applied to data science are best understood
from how it evolved.
A. The Waterfall Model

The traditional waterfall model for software development is a linear,

sequential approach—a progression through phases of requirements gathering,
design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. The phases are
completed in sequential order, and work begins in each phase only when the
previous phase is complete. This model had its origins in the industries of
manufacturing and construction and was applied to software development in
the 1960s primarily because an alternative model for knowledge work did not
The deficiencies of the waterfall model for development of software were
recognized relatively early (the paper most frequently cited describing the
model was written by Winston W. Royce in 1970, who characterized it as risky
and prone to failure.
These issues were largely attributable to the fact that a failure in one of
the later phases or a change in requirements necessitated returning to one of
the early phases and restarting the process. This typically led to one of two
outcomes: either the project was significantly delayed and over budget or the
initial requirements were delivered but did not provide the anticipated value.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Despite these issues (and the fact that alternative, iterative processes
were in use throughout this period), the waterfall method persisted as the
dominant methodology in software development through at least the early
2000s. Factors that contributed to its longevity include its ease of
understanding, implied promise of predictability, perception of management
control from stage gate approvals and extensive documentation, and well-
defined roles for various specialists.
B. The Emergence of Agile

Despite the widespread use of waterfall methods, many professionals

working in software development from the earliest days recognized its
deficiencies and proposed alternatives.
Most of these alternative approaches relied on a more iterative
development process, recognizing that the activities could not be completed in
a strictly sequential manner. During the 1990s, several iterative approaches
began to gather significant momentum, culminating in the publication of the
Agile Manifesto and Principles in 2001, as shown in Fig. 2.
Several factors highlighted the inherent deficiencies in the waterfall
method and drove the emergence of the agile methodology as a necessary
evolution in software development. These can be grouped into three primary
1. Human factors in software development.
2. Changes in cost and risk factors.
3. Understanding the nature of complex systems.

C. Drivers of Agile

There are three main drivers for the move to agile software development.
1) Human factors in software development

Agile Big Data Analytics

Agile focuses on the understanding that software development is knowledge

work performed by individuals working together with other individuals in teams.
While this may appear obvious, it is not something on which the waterfall
method placed much importance.

Fig 3.1. Agile Manifesto

While this may appear obvious, it is not something on which the waterfall
method placed much importance. The waterfall process evolved from the
practices of mass manufacturing physical products and valued standardization,
automation, and repetition. Individuals performed limited functions, and
provided they produced a result within certain tolerances, their output could be

Agile Big Data Analytics

reliably consumed by the next stage of the process. The end result is a final big-
bang delivery at the end, with little change in knowledge until the end, as
illustrated by Cockburn in Fig. 3,
Individuals could (with minimal training) be substituted at any particular
stage of the overall process with no change to the final product or initial design.
This model seemed to apply well enough when computing resources were
scarce and software development involved producing large quantities of
physical cards to input data for calculation. As computing power increased and
developers gained access to their own personal computing resources, the
human factors began to have significant impact.
Agile strives to address these issues relating to human factors by placing
the focus on individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Small, cross-
functional teams of five to nine members allow for a mix of complementary skills
and efficient team communication. Teams are empowered to make decisions on
the software design and to organize their own work. Product owners and
stakeholders (representing the interests of the consumers of the end value) and
developers collaborate frequently.
Teams are kept stable so that group dynamics are optimized and
performance increases over time. Teams deliver work incrementally in time-
boxed iterations of 2 to 4 weeks. Each iteration contains elements of analysis,
design, coding, testing, and deployment to create an increment of working
software. Iterative delivery facilitates frequent feedback from users and the
ability to respond to changing requirements, mitigates the risk of mistakes
through limited work-in-process and continuous integration and testing.
In modern software development, the primary constraint is the rate of
learning of the development team. Agile accelerates learning through its use of
frequent integration, iterative releases, and user feedback. Prototyping is
relatively fast and inexpensive in software, and early feedback can replace big
upfront design with better end results. Sometimes multiple prototypes are
employed, using A/B testing to rapidly converge on the best solution. The
learning curve from Cockburn in Fig. 4 illustrates the rapid learning by the team
early on in the project.

Agile Big Data Analytics

2) Changes in cost and risk factors

If computing resources are scarce and expensive, it makes sense for a

development team to spend significant time and effort on extensive
requirements gathering and upfront design work.

Graph 3.1. Waterfall Learning Curve

Or, if the business innovation cycle is sufficiently long, perhaps the organization
can tolerate the cost of delay when the development project delivers no working
software for several years. In either scenario, there may not be any motivation
to look for an alternative to the waterfall method. Currently, it is unlikely that
either of those scenarios apply in any industry or organization.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Graph 3.2. Waterfall Learning Curve.

When development projects typically spanned many years and systems

were expected to operate for decades, the risk of changes to the requirements
or design was very high. Currently, the speed with which technology evolves and
the reduced expectation in product cycle times means that the cost of delay in
releasing software is frequently the highest risk. Because of agile’s imperative to
deliver working software early and often, there is an early return on the
investment, and early feedback allows the development to more quickly reach
the level of a minimum viable product (MVP).

Agile Big Data Analytics

3) The nature of complex systems

Additional support for the applicability of agile principles to the activity of

software development comes from complexity science. Software development
as an activity is an example of a complex adaptive system (CAS). A CAS can be
described as “a dynamic network of many agents acting in parallel, constantly
acting and reacting to what the other agents are doing. The control of a CAS
tends to be highly dispersed and decentralized.
If there is to be any coherent behaviour in the system, it has to arise from
competition and cooperation among the agents themselves. The overall
behaviour of the system is the result of a huge number of decisions made every
moment by many individual agents.” Typical examples of complex adaptive
systems include climate; cities; markets; ecosystems; social networks; traffic
flows; human social group activities, and the brain. Kurtz and Snowden provide
a useful sense-making model of systems in his Cynefin framework.
The model categorizes systems into four domains (shown in Fig. 5): Simple,
Complicated, Complex, and Chaotic. The open space in the centre represents
Disorder, that is, not knowing which domain you are dealing with.
This framework helps us to understand the types of decisions and
behaviours that are likely to be successful in each domain based on the
characteristics of the system. In the Simple domain, the relationship between
cause and effect is apparent, repeatable, and predictable. In this domain, we
create best practices and categorize events based on the established patterns.
An example of a system in the Simple domain is a bicycle. In the
Complicated domain, causes and effects are separated by both time and space,
but they do repeat and they are knowable through analysis. This domain
requires expert knowledge and analysis. There is not an obvious best practice,
but there may be several good practices.
A Boeing 747 would be an example of a system from the Complicated
domain. In the Complex domain, causes and effects are only perceivable in
retrospect. They do not repeat except by random chance. Because it is
impossible to predict in advance which actions will produce desired results, the
best approach is trying multiple safe-to-fail experiments, evaluating the results,

Agile Big Data Analytics

and then reinforcing the experiments that work and discontinuing those that do
not. Here, practices emerge. Examples of systems from the Complex domain are
an ant colony and a stock market.

Fig 3.2. Cynefin Framework.

The Chaotic domain has no perceivable connection between cause

and effect. The approach in this domain is to take immediate action in an
attempt to establish order and move the system into some other domain.
This is the domain of novel practice and can sometimes result in
innovation and the breaking of old patterns. An example from the Chaotic
domain is a house fire. By examining the features of a software development
project, we can see that many of the activities fall into the Complex and
Complicated domains.
The overall project with its many interactions between human agents and
computer systems certainly are in the Complex domain. Given this knowledge,
it is apparent that practices of agile are ideally suited to this system. The iterative

Agile Big Data Analytics

delivery of software with regular feedback matches the domain-appropriate

probe sense-respond practice.
The emergent design practiced by agile teams matches the emergent
practice of multiple safe-to fail experiments. Big-design upfront is of no value if
cause and effect are only perceivable in retrospect and do not repeat. The
waterfall model presumes that software development is a system in the Simple
or Complicated domain and, for that reason, applies the incorrect practices.
These three drivers for agile have resulted in significant improvements in
software and systems development, improvements that are equally relevant for
advanced analytics.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Chapter 4 – Agile Analytics Process Model

SAIC has developed a BDA process model extending the earlier CRISP-DM
data mining model to incorporate the new technologies of big data and cloud.
This BDA process model is called Data Science EdgeTM (DSE), shown in Fig. 6,
which serves as our process model for Knowledge Discovery in Data Science
(KDDS) [13].
It is formed around the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) big data reference architecture (RA), explicitly showing the frameworks
that the application draws from. DSE provides a number of enhancements over

Fig 4.1. Data Science EdgeTM—a big data analytics process model

A. The Complete Analytics Lifecycle

Agile Big Data Analytics

DSE guides the data processing and analytics experiments that are
beyond a software development lifecycle for BDA systems. DSE provides the
step-by-step guidance for the additional needs of computational experiments to
develop of machine learning analytics.
DSE is a five-step model—plan, collect, curate, analyse, act. It is
organized around the maturity of the data to address the mission needs – going
from the original raw data to contextualized information, to synthesized
The steps roughly align with the major steps from CRISP-DM but
explicitly consider the collection from external sources and the data storage.
CRISP-DM subtasks are re-grouped in different ways to accommodate big data
techniques which change the ways data is managed. The sixth step in CRISPDM
is evaluation, which essentially was applied only to the accuracy of the modelling
Evaluation has been pulled explicitly into each step rather that solely
referring to the accuracy of models. This process model contains all the lower
level activities of CRISP-DM—albeit with a different grouping—while adding in
BDA, automation, and security and privacy activities.

B. The Data Storage

Organizing around data maturity facilitates the accommodation of the

characteristics of the big data. For a large volume application, the original data
are typically stored only in the form in which it is received, so the remaining
curate, analyse, and act activities are performed dynamically. For high-velocity
or data streaming applications, the entire process is done dynamically (typically
in memory), and the only data storage is after the processing potentially to store
aggregate or summary statistics.
Since the analytics application is no longer separable from the storage
technique, DSE includes advice on big data issues, such as choosing the most
appropriate NoSQL technologies and methods for distributing data across a
cluster of nodes. The determination of the types of storage at each step are
stated explicitly in the process.

Agile Big Data Analytics

C. Beyond Software Development

In addition to the organization around big data maturity, the

second differentiation of DSE from CRISP-DM or other analytics process models
is the adherence to agile methodologies. As a systems integrator, SAIC’s work
typically involves the development of a BDA system, including software
development for either integrating existing tools or developing new
components and capabilities.
Some analytic systems containing statistical analysis, and reporting or
business intelligence actions reside in the Cynefin Simple or Complicated realms.
DSE certainly covers this type of analytics lifecycle, but since the system can be
described with detailed requirements, an SDLC is also sufficient. If, however, the
analytics consists of any form of data mining, machine learning, or simulation -
the realm is the Cynefin Complex where only outcomes can be specified.
The more advanced types of analytics shown in Fig 1 involve
computational experimentation and are thus not covered in an SDLC. It remains
important that the additional experimental steps for analytics (including the use
of multiple, ever more sophisticated, models) align with agile processes that are
used for the software development portions. New sprints are not just to refine
the cleansing or the models – they likely will contain new algorithms to achieve
the greater refinement.
D. Step Decomposition

The major challenge to making DSE follow an agile methodology was to

provide the guidance for which activities in each step would be fundamental for
getting started and how to move quickly to an MVP product while considering
all else as enhancements for later iterations. The first issue was that the analytics
lifecycle has always been considered a waterfall process.
Each step in the process proceeded in sequence. At each step, an
evaluation could determine that some changes were required upstream, such
as a new dataset or a different cleansing or sub setting, essentially rewinding
the process back to that step and then proceeding again through the waterfall
process. Shifting to agile was a significant change in that some activities from

Agile Big Data Analytics

each of the steps could be performed in a given sprint. The second issue was the
difficulty in determining how long specific steps will take.
Advanced analytic systems have always operated in the Complex domain
of Fig. 5. Datasets are typically not as described in the documentation; over time
changes have been made and not documented. Datasets are typically not as
clean as expected. Data cleansing is typically an open-ended task unless the data
are well-governed and managed in the organization.
This led to the introduction of an initial assessment phase, described in
agile parlance as a spike. This initial effort clarified the issues in the data sources
to guide the initial sprint planning.
E. Analytics Improvement

During systems development, the focus of each sprint is on creating new

production ready capabilities. When the software development portions are
“finished”, there is often a need for continual refinement of analytics – as data
or outcome requirements change over time. In a traditional systems
development methodology, this would correspond to the continual operations
and maintenance of the system.
Under agile, DSE provides for an improvement phase that focuses purely
on analytic refinement. The evaluation of the results of this phase could be the
need to continue to enhance analytic models, to recommend the use of different
analytic models, or the need to introduce new datasets into the system. Each of
these results would have been out of bounds of normal operations and
maintenance activities, but within an agile methodology these AgileOps changes
can be re-introduced into the agile planning process for rapid accommodation.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Chapter 5- Agile Methodology in

Software Development
Because of the success of agile methodology in software development,
analytics practitioners and researchers are seeking to determine how agile
principles can be applied to the analytics lifecycle. Five representative areas are
(A) lifecycle models,
(B) business intelligence systems,
(C) the management of machine learning models,
(D) architecture, and
(E) analytics platforms.

A. Agile Data Science Lifecycle Models

In Data Science, Jurney establishes a theoretical framework to perform

data science combined with agile philosophy. He outlines several areas:
• Iteration
• Intermediate output
• Prototyping
• Listening to what the data are telling us
• A data-value pyramid for structuring the process
• Pursuing the critical path to a product
• Documenting the analytics process as it unfolds

Like many data science process models, the author emphasizes the
iterative nature of the task to create, test, and train learning algorithms,
including any manual learning done during the stages of data preparation
and exploration.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Throughout these cycles of iteration, any intermediate output is

committed to the source at the end of a sprint for sharing with other team
members or end users if far enough along in development. The motivation
behind sharing work on a continual basis, even if incomplete, is to
encourage feedback to incorporate back into any future design decisions
and requirements changes and to validate existing design.
Prototyping ideas and experiments are important because of the
uncertainty of the outcome of an experiment leading to any value insight
or action. Applications are built based on what is possible with the data.

Fig 5.1. Agile Analytics Pyramids

The data-value pyramid, shown in Fig. 7, provides a process path

from initial data collection to discovering useful actions. Value generation
increases as the data scientist is able to work in the higher layers of the
The applied research process will not necessarily take a linear route
up the pyramid but often will involve skipping back and forth and over layers.
The lowest layer, Records, is concerned with data collection, data flows, and
the ability to simply display records.

Agile Big Data Analytics

The Charts layer is where data refinement and analysis begin,

including statistical summarization. The Reports layer is where much of the
exploratory data analysis and identification of relationships in the data take
place. The Predictions layer is about training algorithms to learn, and at the
top, the Actions layer is focused on leveraging what has been discovered by
the data science process to create business or mission value.
Finding the critical path is in essence eventually going through that
one iteration up the pyramid through which the output leads to something
actionable that creates value.
By having documented the process thus far, a working set of
documents have been generated to begin describing the product. This work
provides guidance on open source tools that can be brought together to
facilitate the manual tasks needed in the various iterations but does not
address the systems needed for automation; leveraging a large team, some
potentially outside your organization; and questions of security and privacy.

B. Agile Business Intelligence

Larson and Chang provide an overview of the agile process for

business intelligence and examine the changes required for big data. The
authors describe big data as a realm “where little time is spent defining
requirements up front and the emphasis is on developing small projects
They further describe big data as referring to non-traditional data
sources, implying unstructured data. While there is more emphasis on
unstructured data, there is no inclusion of high-volume or high-velocity
datasets. Table I provides a comparison between the two Larson and Chang
models and the DSE model presented in this paper.
The agile BI process does not explicitly address obtaining the data; it
is assumed that the data are within the organization and that the data are
already in hand. Neither model seems to address the need for data curation—
the cleansing and transformation of data. In the paper discussion, there is no

Agile Big Data Analytics

accommodation for the differing storage paradigms; the discussion assumes the
use of traditional relational databases.
BDA methods are no longer separable from the choices for
distributing the data across nodes and running parallel analytics. Their data
science process is in good alignment with DSE except that they separate out
individual steps within the analyse process.


C. Agile Machine Learning

In an interview this year [17], former senior data science manager and
principal data scientist at Walmart Labs, Jennifer Prendki, discusses how she, as
the interviewer described it, “built agile processes and teams for machine

Agile Big Data Analytics

learning” and “managed and measured machine learning models in

Prendki was a member of the search algorithms team for Walmart’s
online store, which is subdivided into three groups: perceive, guide, and
measure. The perceive team attempts to understand a shopper’s intent, and the
guide team attempts to show the user products that match the intent. The
measure team acts as an auditor of the other teams by creating success
measurements to evaluate their models, provide feedback to ensure best
practices, and make suggestions about how those teams can improve model
Traditionally, the data scientist who develops a learning algorithm is also
the person who evaluates and selects candidate models and iterates the process
until final selection. Having a separate review team supplement the evaluation
process potentially reduces the risk of latent biases by the model developer
during these stages and allows for a fresh perspective on how success should be
Regarding model management and maintenance, Prendki introduced the
notion of machine learning lifecycle management, which is essentially a checklist
of what should be done before pushing models to production:
• A data scientist must be able state what the model accuracy is as
well as how much CPU the model consumes.
• The agile technical debt must be minimized and extends beyond
code debt to include system debt, data debt, and machine learning
debt. Prendki defines data debt as issues in data quality but also
situations in which the organization is not using datasets available
to them when a competitor is using them. System debt is the
condition of having legacy systems no longer being improved or
updated or replacing them altogether. Machine learning debt is
when the deployed model is not optimal, for example, incorrect
retraining frequencies or not monitoring how changes in the data
affect its performance
• To ensure transparency and reproducibility, everything should be

Agile Big Data Analytics

• You should know your failures and weaknesses because

management is a lifecycle, and there will be more opportunities to
work on them.

According to Prendki, adopting this management lifecycle is about

changing the culture to believe that doing things right is important. Prendki
provides an excellent set of lessons learned from agile BDA development but
does not describe her complete model.

D. Agile Big Data Architecture

Agility in architecture is an important consideration, because one may not

know in advance what the requirements are for future analytics projects. The
architecture must have the flexibility to adapt to change. In Projects, Pääkkönen
and Pakkala attempt to answer two key questions:
1. How should a big data system be designed and developed to
effectively support advanced analytics?
2. How should the agile process be adapted for BDA development?

Through a series of three research cycles spanning ten case studies, the
authors explored various architectural design methods in which changes were
adopted after identifying the strengths and limitations of each. Some key
lessons learned include the following:
• “Architecture-supported agile spikes are necessary to address rapid
technology changes and emerging requirements.”
• “The use of reference architectures (RA) increases agility.”
• “A key part of architecture agility is the ability to change
technologies within [an RA’s] block.”
• “An architectural approach to DevOps was critical to achieving
strategic control over continuous delivery goals.”
• Technical and business “feedback loops need to be open.”

Agile Big Data Analytics

The lessons learned from the authors’ work show that, in order to support
agile advanced analytics, the architecture also needs to embrace agility.
Specifically, the RA must consist of flexible technology families so new
technologies can be adopted easily and accommodate changing requirements
during the analytics development lifecycle.
The authors provide interesting lessons learned in continuing to increase
big data platform capacity to meet the ever-increasing demands of analytics.

E. Other Agile Small-Data Analytics Discussions

A number of books and articles provide discussions of agile and include

discussions of analytics. These discussions focus on what has come to be called
small data - data that is manageable on individual resources - not requiring
distribution and parallel processing across a cluster.
Simon provides a good discussion of agile, but the analytics discussion
follows a step-by-step approach more like waterfall. The use cases do provide a
number of excellent examples of iterative improvements to mission questions
based on analytics results.
Alt-Simmons has an excellent description of analytics project
development using agile. Each step is well described with the analytics itself
again follows CRISP-DM, and deployment is an after-thought.
Collier addresses agile in the context of business intelligence and data
warehousing. He discusses the difference between software development and
data warehouse development, including the challenges of refactoring. He also
covers the changes in project management due to agile.
Saltz, Shamshurin, and Crowston considered the effects different
methodologies on master’s level student analytics teams, determining that
Kanban and CRISP-DM were more successful than Agile Scrum.

F. Agile Analytics Platforms

Agile Big Data Analytics

Big data engineering is a separate discipline from BDA done through data
science. While data scientists need to be conceptually aware of the techniques
and issues of big data platforms, they need not be the ones installing and
maintaining such platforms.
For agile analytics, there is a significant need for analytics platforms that
insulate the data scientist from the underlying storage implementation details.
Jurney described an open source platform using Avro, Pig, MongoDB, Elastic
Search, and Bootstrap, which could be used to address a number of data science
problems. SAIC has internally developed the Machine Augmented Analytics
Platform (MAAP), which is an enhancement of Zeppelin notebooks that can run
across a Mesos cluster using Spark and Docker containers.
The Cloudera Data Workbench (CDW) enables data scientists to develop
notebooks that invoke distributed compute jobs. The Griffon Data Science
Virtual Environment runs on Ubuntu MATE and includes a number of tools for
programming languages, editors and notebooks, and machine learning.
Traditional relational databases continue to evolve, pushing analytics into
the database as functions. Likewise, BDA platforms will continue to evolve, but
data science needs BDA platforms that allow the rapid development of scalable
agile analytics without the hindrance of continual software and platform

Agile Big Data Analytics

Chapter 6 – Discussion
As discussed in Section III, agile methodologies have made a significant
impact on reducing development and rework time and increasing the success
rate of software development projects. Following this paradigm, a number of
fundamental assumptions must change for the BDA lifecycle.

A. Big Data Effects

The fundamental trade-off for agile BDA is that results must be presented
before they are considered done. The data quality may be low, but the results
should be presented to the customer for feedback anyway.
The data science community has proposed this approach, arguing that
large data volumes allows the curation assumption that most errors will cancel
each other out. This shortcut to data quality improvement bypasses the usual
full scan statistics to determine distributions and outliers—a task that is often
impractical. However, this assumption cannot hold when there are systemic
errors in the data.
A second assumption often made is that more data beats better
algorithms. For large enough datasets, it is assumed that many errors will cancel.
Thus, it is important to get an overview of any proposed analytic, so a quick first
look at the analysis is good enough to evaluate whether to continue. It is
assumed that more data will result in better outcomes than continual small
refinements to analytic models.
These two assumptions are truly fundamental changes in typical systems
development, especially for data warehouses or for those used to sample data
for their analytics. A large part of the effort in building an enterprise data
warehouse has been concerned with ensuring the absolute quality of the data.
Likewise, data miners would never want to present results that have not been
evaluated as accurate.
While there is always the risk of inaccuracies, they should resolve in
subsequent agile iterations.

Agile Big Data Analytics

B. Agile Effects

Since advanced analytics is in the Cynefin Complex realm, the objective is

to meet a specific outcome rather than conform to a set of detailed
requirements. This means the goal is to begin with steps toward an initial MVP.
This should expose issues in the overall approach and allow the team to
fail fast. The original or raw data initially should be pushed through and
presented at least in a limited way in the act stage.
Each subsequent iteration continues to add additional cleansing or
transformation, model refinement, or results presentation to provide a
continual improvement in outcomes. Advanced analytics or machine learning
are inherently experimental.
As you progress up the analytics ladder, models become computationally
more complex and require cycles of training and testing. This experimental
process does not fit into a specific time window. This improvement process is a
duration task, at best more in alignment with the Kanban agile methodology.

Agile Big Data Analytics

Chapter 7 - Conclusion
Agile practices and philosophy have transformed software development.
It solves some of the issues inherent in the highly linear approach of waterfall
methodologies. There is similarity between waterfall development and
outcomes driven analytics development, where final results are expected to
fulfil an initial set of well-defined goals.
However, because of the experimental nature of analytics development,
detailed requirements cannot be set with complete confidence. It is only when
the results are meeting the needs of the organization that the details of the end-
state analytics models become clear.
There is a critical need for BDA to follow the software development
lessons learned to adopt agile methodologies. By adopting agile philosophy for
analytics development, results are expected to be shared more frequently to
form a feedback loop of stakeholder opinion and use those needs to validate the
current state and influence its evolution to an agreeable end state.
We have presented our process model for BDA and discussed how it is an
improvement over the current industry standard, CRISP-DM, because of the
alignment with software development, the incorporation of agile practices, and
the adoption of a modern, flexible architecture based on NIST’s big data RA.
This new process model provides the added agility to adapt to the
differences in architecture depending on the data characteristics of volume,
velocity, variety or variability by explicitly considering the architecture and the
choice of NoSQL methods.

Agile Big Data Analytics

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