Kode Obat Nama Obat Satuan Jumlah Harga: Fargoxin Injeksi 2 ML

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422 K000290 Ett king-king 6 Pcs 7 269.5

423 K000291 Ett king-king 6,5 Pcs 11 423.5
424 K000292 Ett king-king 7 Pcs 171 11.440.869
425 K000293 Ett king-king 7,5 Pcs 167 9.962.538

426 K001105 Ett non king king without cuff 4,5 Pcs 2 438.9

427 K001112 Ett non king king without cuff 5 Pcs 1 218.405

428 K000296 Ett non king-king 3 non cuff Pcs 2 41.695

429 K000299 Ett non king-king 4,5 non cuff Pcs 3 59.565
430 K001699 eTT Non King-king 4.5 + cuff Pcs 2 256.458
431 K000300 Ett non king-king 5 non cuff Pcs 2 187.798
432 K000301 Ett non king-king 5,5 + cuff Pcs 3 359.387
433 K000302 Ett non king-king 6 + cuff Pcs 8 1.139.642
434 K000303 Ett non king-king 6,5 + cuff Pcs 21 1.990.660
435 K000304 Ett non king-king 7 + cuff Pcs 77 7.823.917
436 K000305 Ett non king-king 7,5 + Cuff Pcs 75 9.160.349
437 K001579 Ett uncuffed 2,5 Pcs 1 20.9
438 K001580 Ett uncuffed 3 Pcs 1 20.9
439 K000306 Extension set / perfusor Pcs 1.003 7.257.683
440 K001645 Face mask silicon or Pcs 1 950
441 F000206 Fargoxin injeksi 2 ml Amp 45 1.804.000
442 K000308 Feeding tube 10 fr (jms) Pcs 7 126.522
443 K000309 Feeding tube 12 fr ped (jms) Pcs 1 13
444 K000310 Feeding tube 3,5 (terumo) Pcs 2 11.884
445 I000010 Feeding tube 5 / 40cm (Terumo) pcs 3 42.243
446 K000313 Feeding tube 5/40 cm jms Pcs 2 38.6
447 K000314 Feeding tube 8 fr panjang Pcs 1 19.8
448 K001197 Feeding tube 8/120 jms Pcs 1 27.17
449 K001573 Feeding tube 8/40 terumo Pcs 1 14.081
450 I000008 Feeding tube/ Stomach tube 8 / 40cm pcs 21 897.82
Feeding tube/Stomach tube 10 /
451 I000011 120cm pcs 36 1.142.460
Feeding tube/Stomach tube 3,5 /
452 I000009 35cm pcs 27 1.086.291
453 K000315 Feeding/Stomach tube 8/100 cm Pcs 8 154.4
454 F000055 Fentanyl 2 ml Amp 635 27.248.543
455 F000318 Fibrion 1.500.000iu Vial 1 3.400.000
456 G000050 Fimahes inf Fls 11 1.047.200
457 D100028 Fleet enema Sup 2 75.075
458 K001096 Fm crepe 4" Roll 31 1.463.866
459 K001097 Fm crepe 6" Roll 31 1.795.236
460 K001794 FOGARTY EMB 4 PCS 1 1.633.500
461 I000077 folley cathether no 18 rush Pcs 1 27.715
462 K000327 Folly catheter 10 croma Pcs 29 950.697
463 K000329 Folly catheter 12 croma Pcs 53 609.076
464 K000330 Folly catheter 12 silicon Pcs 1 15
465 K000331 Folly catheter 14 croma Pcs 39 446.997
466 K001078 Folly catheter 16 croma Pcs 1.47 16.857.360
467 K000333 Folly catheter 16 silicon ( rush ) Pcs 118 18.095.300
468 K000334 Folly catheter 18 croma Pcs 82 1.330.394
469 K000332 Folly catheter 18 silicon Pcs 4 552
470 K001076 Folly catheter 2 way fr 10 Pcs 1 62.92
471 K001137 Folly Catheter 2 way fr 12 Pcs 2 35.343
472 K001077 Folly catheter 2 way fr 14 Pcs 2 41.14
473 K001079 Folly catheter 2 way fr 18 Pcs 4 74.8
474 K001180 Folly Catheter 2 way fr 6 Pcs 1 77
475 K000335 Folly catheter 20 croma Pcs 14 391.314
476 K000336 Folly catheter 22 croma Pcs 1 16.83
477 K000337 Folly catheter 24 croma Pcs 8 95.227
478 K000338 Folly catheter 3 way 20 croma Pcs 30 1.197.900
479 K000339 Folly catheter 3 way 22 croma Pcs 17 1.093.950
480 K000340 Folly catheter 3 way 24 croma Pcs 19 762.663
481 K000856 Folly catheter 6 Pcs 1 36.784
482 K000341 Folly catheter 6 croma Pcs 17 640.04
483 K000343 Folly catheter 8 croma Pcs 24 803.682
484 F000057 Forane 250 ml / aerrane 250 ml Btl 40,43 73.556.505
485 K001083 Framycetin sulfate Pcs 1.126 10.188.945
486 H000014 Furosemide 40 mg Tab 4 308
487 F000522 furosemide inj Amp 142 482.129
488 G000066 Futrolit inf Fls 13 488.375
489 K000346 Gantungan urin bag Pcs 1 66.55
490 K000347 Gaun operasi / surgical gown Pcs 38 87.362
491 G000043 Gelafusal Fls 173 25.276.111
492 G000096 Gelofusine 500 cc Btl 5 838.692
493 D100112 Genoint eo Tub 14 244.282
494 F000061 Gentamerck (gentamicin) Amp 1 4.061
495 F000300 Gentamicin 40 mg/ml Amp 26 121.672
496 D100039 Gentamicin salep mata Tube 35 1.445.900
497 A100024 Gentamycin 0,1% krim (d) Tub 1 3.468
498 E100024 Gentamycin 0,3% tm Btl 2 7.244
499 D100013 Gentamycin 3% eo Tub 4 15.83
500 I000058 gigli saw Pcs 2 1.100.000
501 M000279 Gigli Saw Aesculape 40 cm Pcs 4 1.453.760
502 B001041 grahabion tab 11 7.535
503 K000371 Gypsona 4(poligyp) Roll 96 2.046.868
504 K000372 Gypsona 6 (poligyp) Roll 101 2.850.626
505 S000114 H202 3% (100 ml) Btl 2 120
506 G000013 Haes inf 6% 500 ml Fls 2 330
507 F000496 HALDOL DECANOATE AMP 2 202.6
508 F000062 Halothane 250 ml Btl 0,60 574.75
509 K001851 HAND SWITCH PCS 229,05 17.241.180
510 K000375 Hansaplast Pcs 99 72.387
511 K000376 Hansaplast jumbo Pcs 243 160.215
512 K001152 Hd 2 lumen 12f 20cm Pcs 21 15.823.500
513 K001423 Hemotese compress 7 x 5 Pcs 148 19.668.000
514 F000184 Herbesser inj AMP 27 4.246.000
515 Q000014 Hibicet / poliaid 5 l Galn 1,86 1.469.184
516 Q000013 Hibicet 1 l/poliaid Galn 0,98 209.352
517 Q000015 Hibiscrub / poliwash 5 l Galn 19,53 18.881.829
518 I000018 HME Pcs 208 13.431.000
519 K001524 Hypafix 5 cm x 1 m Roll 1 12.011
520 K000384 Hypafix 5 x 15 cm Roll 1,25 195.5
521 B000092 Ibuprofen 400 mg Tab 1 205
522 D100015 Ikamycetin (chloramphenicol zm) Tub 1 4.048
523 F000072 Ikaneuron 5000 inj Amp 4 21.78
524 K000395 Infus set (terumo) dws Pcs 185 2.752.691
525 K001485 Infus set anak (terumo) Pcs 23 464.605
526 K001798 infus set buret 100 ml + valve jm5 PCS 6 557.194
527 K000396 Infus set dewasa (otsu) Pcs 9.709 77.783.904
528 K001938 Infus Set Inochi Y-Type Pcs 251 1.519.500
529 K001048 Infus set nipro Pcs 605 4.805.724
530 G000079 Infusan d5 1/2 ns dp @ 24 Fls 131 1.308.753
531 G000080 Infusan d5 1/4 ns dp @ 24 Fls 96 957.347
532 G000021 INFUSAN Manitol 20% Fls 3 183.95
533 R000015 Inviclot Vial 82,07 3.914.606
534 F000395 Inviclot inj (reg) Vial 40 1.940.639
535 F000353 Invomit 4mg inj Amp 2 68.894
536 H000019 Isdn 5mg Tab 25 2.306
J-curved intra lumanual stapler cdh
537 K000212 33a Pcs 2 10.659.000
538 K000579 J-ntlc 75 Pcs 2 8.083.075
539 K000621 J-proximate pph 03 Pcs 1 4.950.000
540 K000722 J-sr 75 selectable reload Pcs 6 6.058.800
541 K001440 Jackson reeves dws altech Pcs 44 11.988.000
542 K000405 Jacson reese 0,5 ltr ( pediatric ) Pcs 4 2.130.975
543 K000406 Jacson reese 1 ltr Pcs 12 3.788.400
544 K000407 Jacson reese 2 ltr (king system) Pcs 90 26.819.100
545 M000478 K Wire 1,0 Pcs 10 3.014.216
546 M000423 K WIRE 1,2 PCS 5 1.492.008
547 M000338 K WIRE 1,4 Pcs 5 1.630.800
548 M000430 K WIRE 1,6 Pcs 9 2.345.256
549 M000439 k wire 1,8 pcs 2 604
550 M000109 K wire 2,0 Pcs 2 388.08
551 M000283 K-wire 1,0 Pcs 8 2.446.200
552 M000233 K-wire 1.2 Pcs 8 2.491.500
553 M000234 K-wire 1.6 Pcs 3 936.2
554 G001006 KA EN 3B fls 51 545.496
555 K000451 Kacamata google hitam Pcs 10 400.452
556 K000453 Kacamata vissor Pcs 12 511.434
557 G000016 Kaen 3 b Fls 421 14.168.789
558 G001033 kaen mg 3 otsu Fls 11 226
559 D100141 Kaltrofen Suppo supp 1 12.1
560 F000076 Kanamycin 2 g Vial 5 112.92
561 K001159 Kapas 100 gr nasaco Roll 10,03 118.192
562 K000454 Kapas putih 1 kg Bks 0,62 50.112
563 K000455 Kasa bigest pcs 28 616
564 K001668 Kasa hidrophyl 40 x 40 rool 2,50 181.5
565 K000456 Kasa hidrophyl 40 x 80 Roll 173,47 21.356.125
566 K000457 Kasa perband 10 x 5 ( 10 cm ) Roll 297 527.615
567 K000458 Kasa perband 15 x 5 Roll 17 47.294
568 I000013 KASA STERIL 10 X 10 pak 392 13.662.466
569 I000014 KASA STERIL 10 X 10 ply x ray pak 18 719.377
570 I000012 KASA STERIL 7,5 X 7,5 Pcs 72 132.923
571 I000053 KASA STERIL KASA HUSADA Pcs 19 179.073
572 G000019 Kcl 7,46% 25 ml Fls 299 971.405
573 F000078 Ketamin Vial 12,10 2.147.200
574 F000274 Ketesse inj 50mg/5amp Amp 29 1.376.771
575 F000079 Ketoprofen inj Amp 3 20.337
576 D100093 Ketoprofen supp Tub 17 298.945
577 F000080 Ketorolac 30 mg Amp 2.577 3.415.570
578 G000053 Kidmin inf Fls 2 101.393
579 B000104 Ksr Tab 2 3.51
580 F000291 Ktm @ 100 injeksi Amp 2,10 238.883
581 B000105 Kurtigo 6 mg Tab 29 25.694
582 H000023 Kutoin 100 mg Tab 12 6.828
583 F000434 Kutoin inj Amp 194 8.151.097
584 M000739 l-plate left l6 Pcs 1 1.785.300
585 F000549 lansoprazol inj Vial 18 1.807.938
586 K001062 Leukoplast 4,5 x 5 Roll 1 28.213
587 E00005 Levica ampul 12 594
588 F000358 Levocin sanbe 500 mg infus Amp 1 308.275
589 F000082 Levofloxacin 500 mg inf Btl 1 18.006
590 F000083 Lidocain 2% Amp 2.878 3.005.428
591 F000084 Lidocain comp Amp 128 124.995
592 F000085 Lidodex 5% 2 ml Amp 9 611.802
593 K000481 Lma 2 Pcs 1 264.699
594 K000482 Lma 2,5 Pcs 1 250.767
595 K000476 Lma 3 Pcs 4 1.058.796
596 K000477 Lma 4 Pcs 14 3.585.966
597 K000483 Lma 5 Pcs 1 291.168
598 F000086 Lodomer inj Amp 6 126.46
599 B001045 loperamide tab 2 258
600 K000487 Lyostipe Pcs 13 1.727.440
601 K002205 Macan 2 Glove Examination Powder M Box 14 577.654
602 M000122 Maleo lar screw 㘠4,5 mm l 35 mm Pcs 1 165
603 M000124 Maleo lar screw 㘠4,5 mm l 45 mm Pcs 1 151
604 G001019 MANITOL BOTOL KACA Fls 61 2.688.300
605 G001018 MANITOL OTSU Fls 4 424.8
606 G00099 Mas nursing cap pcs 5 1.835
607 K001140 Mas suction connecting tube 3m Pcs 624 20.724.755
608 K001139 Mas surgical cap Pcs 9 10.528
609 K000501 Masker micromist nebulizer anak Pcs 61 1.057.608
610 K000497 Masker anastesi (km-201) dewasa Pcs 79 4.402.786
611 K001906 MASKER ANASTESI (KM-203) Pcs 1 728.42
612 K000496 Masker anastesi (km-204) anak Pcs 2 126.403
613 K000499 Masker karet Pcs 23.735 9.493.157
614 K001195 Masker nebulizer anak Pcs 65 1.211.417
615 K000502 Masker nebulizer dewasa Pcs 720 12.602.855
616 K001196 Masker non rebreathing anak Pcs 8 501.29
617 K000929 Masker non rebreting al-35200 Pcs 396 13.722.485
618 K001203 Masker o2 selang dws Pcs 1 23.65
619 K001204 Masker o2 +selang child Pcs 1 23.65
620 K000505 Masker o2 anak Pcs 4 73
621 K000507 Masker o2 dewasa Pcs 20 238.345
622 K000503 Masker o2 nrb kantung adult Pcs 215 6.807.067
623 K000504 Masker o2 nrb kantung child Pcs 9 445.5
624 I000024 masker suction connecting tube 3 m Unit 166 3.589.512
625 K000510 Masker tali Pcs 6.19 2.487.843
626 K000511 Masker tracostomy dewasa km 908 Pcs 15 618.403
627 I000054 MAYO 2 PCS 24 2.086.354
628 K000515 Mayo no. 03 / 30 mm Pcs 54 4.664.123
629 K002061 MAYO NO. 04 / 000 / 110 MM Pcs 1 25.74
630 K000514 Mayo no. 04 / 000 / 40 mm Pcs 14 122.6
631 K002040 MAYO NO. 04 / 000 / 90 MM Pcs 1 11.88
632 K000513 Mayo no. 05 / 00 / 50 mm Pcs 3 42.075

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