6 3 OTM Fleet Management Overview PPT PDF

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Welcome to the Oracle Transportation Management Transfer of
Information session explaining the enhancements to the Fleet
Management section of the OTM 6.3 release. This functional overview
provides a high-level description of the key features added to Fleet
Management in the OTM 6.3 release.

This session will prepare you to:

• Identify the new functionality in this release

• Learn how the new features address business needs
• Determine how to configure the new functionality
• Find additional release information and resources

Generally, OTM 6.3 fleet management focused on expanding OTM to accommodate clients
ith llocall outbound
tb d and/or
d/ so called
ll d “bl
d d fleets”.
fl t ” A bl
d d flfleett iis th
the notion
ti ththatt you
manage both inbound, typically serviced by common carriers, as well as local outbound, for
instance, from a distribution center. Often times, local outbound operations are serviced by a
fleet that you own.

Historically, if you wanted to manage both inbound and outbound with a fleet, you were
required to use more than one system. With OTM 6.3, you now have the ability to use OTM
to manage both operations. Further, given that both operations can now be managed on one
system, there is opportunity to seamlessly blend the functions that were once distinct and
isolated. If you wish merely to use OTM to manage your local outbound fleet needs, the
enhancements in 6.3 will be of great benefit to you over previous versions as well.

OTM 6.3 enhancements are oriented towards improving existing functionality, such as adding
the map option to the Move Order to Existing Shipment action and getting the driver home.
As well, OTM was enhanced with an eye on taking new functional ‘ground’ such as the map
enriched workspace and straight truck enhancements.

This session will cover the following new or changed features for Fleet which were added
i OTM 6.3:
in 63
• Get the driver home
• Straight trucks/kits
• Slip seating and other miscellaneous fleet enhancements
• Map enriched workspace and advanced layout enhancements
• Move Order to Existing Shipments action

For each feature, we will review:

• A description of each feature and the business value it provides.
• Steps for setting up and using each feature.

And finally, a list of resources where you can find additional information.

First, let’s review the enhancements to the get the driver home functionality.

Get the driver home functionality was manual and could be cumbersome.

Get the driver home process has been enhanced to be integrated and streamlined.

There are four setup steps as shown here, which are:
1. Define the home location and/or work profile on the driver.
2. Configure the depot functionality, if applicable.
3. Configure the parameters and logic configuration.
4. Complete the optional setup steps.

There are seven process steps. These are:

1. Build shipments with or without depot stops added
2. Assign driver via Optimize Driver Assignments (Dispatch Plan Optimization)
or manual.
3. Manual: You or OTM decide whether to get the driver home* or just get the driver
4. Dispatch plan optimization: OTM adds then removes the get the driver home stop
with each subsequent string assignment in the Optimize Driver Assignments
5. Assign drivers internal: determine if stops are removable.
6. Internal: Remove removable stop and append next shipment to previous.
7. Assignment action succeeds.

* Note that get the driver home functionality can be automated with parameter configuration.

First, let’s review the idea of ‘home’. Home, in this context represents the driver’s domicile, or
the place the driver parks his personal vehicle. During driver assignment, OTM determines a
driver’s home by first reviewing a driver’s work profile to see if there are any applicable
profiles that overlap with the shipment, if so, the location from that profile is used. If there is
no overlapping driver work profile, or one does not exist at all, then the driver’s default home
location is used.

There are six major components of the Get the Driver Home capability in OTM 6.3 that we will
review in this section. On this slide, we’ll review the first three at a high level:
1. Allow for Removable Stops allows for the removal of unnecessary stops that were added for
convenience. That is, a driver’s current shipment, in the absence of other information, may have
had the get the driver home stop added either manually or automatically (this will be discussed
later in this TOI). There is no freight associated with a removable stop. If a driver is assigned a
shipment and does not have a subsequent assignment, OTM can be configured to automatically,
or manually as part of assignment, add a get the driver home stop to the last stop of that
2. Enable Depot Shipments to work with Fleet - Prior to 6.3, fleet assignment actions did not work
with depot type shipments. Stops that were added to represent the driver’s home made it
impossible to assign a driver to. This was resolved in 6.3. The fleet assignment actions now
work with depot shipments. This is accomplished by changing a depot shipment as part of the
assignment itself. Specifically, the depot stops that were added as part of shipment building
initially have a stop type of “O” (other). Fleet assignment actions change this to be a stop type of
NFR or non-freight
non freight related
related. Note that un-assignment
un assignment does NOT change this back as it is not
3. Add opportunistic back-haul opportunity to the assign driver to shipment and assign shipment to
driver fleet actions - The restriction that existed previously that prevented service providers that
were marked not fleet, from being assigned has been relaxed. Also a new parameter was added
to control this behavior operationally. Lastly, a shipment saved query is now used to determine
the set of applicable assignment candidates. This allows the query definition to determine the
applicability of shipments to potentially assign, whether the considered shipments are fleet or
not. Assignment of a non-fleet shipment to a fleet driver will result in change of service provider
to that of the driver’s rate offering’s associated service provider.

Next, let’s review the final 3 at a high level:
4. Just Get the Driver Home was added to as part of the Assign Driver to Shipment and the Assign
Shipment to Driver actions to allow the dispatcher to consider assignment options, as part of the
standard show options functionality and to decide that none of the potential shipments are viable
and to select “none of the above”. By NOT selecting a shipment and selecting the option to get
the driver home, OTM will, as part of the completion of the action ensure that the driver’s
current/last known shipment gets updated with the derived get the driver home stop. So the
dispatcher does not need to cancel an action and perform another in order to review possible
shipment assignment options for a given driver, without actually assigning that driver to a
shipment, but still attending to the need to get the driver back home.
5. Equipment
E i t assignment
i t can add
dd NFR stops
t to
t a shipment.
hi t OTM was enhanced
h d as partt off the
th gett
the driver home efforts, to include logic to allow equipment to be dropped as needed, and still get
the driver home once all of his intended work is complete. Note that in this case, equipment
stops are not freight-related, they are not removable, and as part of the get the driver home
functionality they are properly sequenced as required work, to be attended to prior to the getting
the driver home.
6. There was a separate effort to make sure Optimize Driver Assignments will allow, if
configured to do so, the get the driver home functionality to be employed as part of each
shipment assignment to a driver. With each shipment assignment for a given driver in Optimize
Driver Assignments, that driver’s home stop is added. If the Optimize Driver Assignments
is configured to do so, (via a parameter that indicates that the get the driver home stop should be
added to each assignment) then each shipment assigned to a driver in the Optimize Driver
Assignments will add the get the driver home stop to its end, and, if applicable, will remove the
get the driver home stop from the driver’s previous shipment. So, a given driver string (multiple
shipment assignments to the same driver) will only have a single get the driver home stop affixed
to the last shipment in that string.

First, we’ll discuss the ability to understand and work with removable stops.

OTM 6.3 introduced the ability to allow for removable stops. This addresses removal of
unnecessary stops that were added for convenience sake. That is, a driver’s
driver s current
shipment, in the absence of other information, may have had the get the driver home stop
added either manually or automatically. We will discuss this more later. There is no freight or
other required activity associated with this ‘removable stop’. If a driver is assigned a
shipment and does not have a subsequent assignment, OTM can be configured to
automatically, or manually as part of assignment, add a get the driver home stop to the last
stop of that shipment. This stop can be automatically removed if deemed removable by OTM,
as part of subsequent assignments for that driver of that shipment.

Note that in this graphic the shipment starts and ends at the driver’s domicile: location “A”.
This could have been brought about in one of the following ways
1. As part of the shipment building, using the depot functionality.
2. As part of a driver or shipment assignment, employing the get the driver home functionality.

Adding an additional shipment, in this case F->G in green to that driver, OTM will consider
location E, as the driver’s NAT/NAL (or next available time, next available location), not
Location A as OTM will determine that location A is removable in this case. This makes
perfect sense. Just because the driver was originally scheduled to come home and the stop
was added to the first shipment, if that driver was given additional work, in this case the green
shipment he would not need to physically drive all the way back to his domicile (location ‘A’)
shipment, A)
simply to turn around to go back to pick up the second shipment.

If the assignment action is successful, then the second location A will be removed from the
first shipment, the driver will be assigned to the second shipment, and potentially location A
will be added to the second shipment (shipment in green) if OTM is configured to do so
automatically or you manually chose to get the driver home as part of the assignment action.

Note: If you want to ensure that a shipment stop is not removed, you can always add a
special service to the stop such as STOP_NOT_REMOVABLE.

Next, we’ll discuss the ability for fleet actions to work with shipments that were built using
depott functionality.
f ti lit

As was the case in the previous example, this shipment would have been formulated during
hi t building
b ildi tot include
i l d the
th home
h domicile
d i il using i existing
i ti ddepott ffunctionality.
ti lit

As shown here, adding an additional shipment, in this case F to G in green to that driver,
OTM will consider location E, as the driver’s NAT/ NAL (or next available time, next available
location), not Location A as OTM will determine that location A is “removable” in this case.

If the assignment action is successful, then Location A will be removed from the first
shipment, the driver will be assigned to the second shipment
shipment shipment, and potentially location A will
be added to the second shipment (shipment in green) if OTM is configured to do so
automatically or you manually chose to get the driver home as part of the assignment action.

Drivers who are seemingly at the end of their day, or at least at the end of the current
i t may h have th
the ability,
bilit based
b d on the
th situation,
it ti tto h
have additional
dditi l workk added
dd d to
their day. This is true even if that driver has already been assigned the task of ‘coming home
when you’re done’ and the home stop is added to their current shipment.

In this case, a dispatcher using a shipment saved query during shipment assignment can
id various
i shipments
hi t iincluding
l di shipments
hi t whose
h service
i providers
id are nott explicitly
li itl
fleet service providers. OTM will evaluate the shipment candidates which are the blue
shipment and the green shipment and ‘rank’ the closest/best options. In this case, the green
shipment is ‘better”.

If a shipment for a non-fleet service provider is selected, then the change service provider
logic is employed to change to the driver’s rate offering’s service provider. If you want to use
a non-fleet service provider, you must set the new parameter “Consider Third Party
Shipments” to TRUE. You can also set this parameter from the shipment assignment page.

There is a need to simply just get the driver home. In 6.3, OTM was enhanced to provide the
bilit to
t gett that
th t driver
di home,
h for
f their
th i currentt shipment,
hi t while
hil still
till considering
id i whether
h th there
may be additional work the driver could do.

Just get the driver home functionality was added as part of the driver assignment actions to
ll the
th di
t h tto consider
id assignment
i t options,
ti as partt off th
the standard
t d d show
h options
functionality, and to essentially decide, that none of the potential shipments are viable and to
select none of the above. By not selecting a shipment and selecting the option to get the
driver home, OTM will, as part of the completion of the action ensure that the driver’s
current/last known shipment gets updated with the derived get the driver home stop. In this
way, the user experience can be better attended to in that the dispatcher does not need to
cancel an action and perform another in order to review possible shipment assignment
options for a given driver, without actually assigning that driver to a shipment, but still
attending to the need to get the driver back home

In the above case, the green shipment is reviewed, but not selected. As part of the same
action that allowed review, you can simply get the driver home, that is, add the home stop to
the driver’s last known shipment. This is the shipment in red.

Equipment assignment can add non-freight related (NFR) stops to a shipment. OTM was
h d as partt off the
th gett th
the d
i h
home efforts,
ff t tto iinclude
l d llogic
i tto allow
ll equipment
i t tto b
dropped as needed, and still get the driver home once all of the driver’s intended work is
complete which includes disposing of equipment. Note that in this case, equipment stops are
not freight-related, but they are not considered removable either, and as part of the get the
driver home functionality are properly sequenced as required work, to be attended to prior to
getting the driver home.

In this case, the last freighted stop in red would normally be followed, in the get the driver
home ffunctionality,
ti lit byb simply
i l adding
ddi the
th home
h stop/domicile
t /d i il stopt following
f ll i theth llastt ffreighted
i ht d
stop. However, in this case there is equipment, indicated by the green circle that must be
dropped prior to the driver heading back to his domicile. OTM will ensure that the proper stop
sequences are adhered to. In this case, the drivers NAT/ NAL for subsequent assignments is
the drop equipment stop, and has the appropriate equipment status.

Lastly, the get the driver home functionality has been enabled in Optimize Driver

In this scenario, Optimize Driver Assignments will, in the end, result in all three
shipments assigned to a given driver: red, then blue, then green. As each shipment
is assigned to the driver, the home stop is added to that shipment, if OTM has been
so configured. As the next shipment is added, the previous shipment’s home stop is
removed and the assigned shipment is supplied with its own home stop. So, in the
above example, there will be three home stops added as part of running dispatch
plan optimization. Two of these will have been removed once the solve is complete.

The get the driver home changes were added to the buy shipment action, Assign Driver to
Shipment.t To
T access this
thi action,
ti select
l t a shipment
hi t and
d go to
t Actions
A ti > Fleet
Fl t Management
M t>
Assign > Driver.

Here you can transactionally select the option to get the driver home as part of a given driver
i t That
Th t is,
i this
thi particular
ti l shipment-driver
hi tdi pairing
i i will
ill h
have th
the d
i ’ h home stop
added to the shipment as the last stop.

The Assign Shipment to Driver action from the Driver manager has also been enhanced. To
access this
thi action,
ti select
l t a driver
di and
d go to
t Actions
A ti > Fleet
Fl t Management
M t > Assign
A i >

Selecting More Options on the Assign Shipment To Driver – Override Criteria page reveals
th new gett th
the the d
i h
/ t i ti b
kh l ffunctionality.
ti lit The
Th query is
i a shipment
hi t
saved query which is now transactionally responsible for defining the shipment set to be
defined. Again this set of shipments can now include shipments whose service providers are
not explicitly marked as fleet service providers.

The Assign Shipment to Driver action has been enhanced in the following ways.
1. For ‘Just Get the Driver Home’ you, in the above scenario, have the ability to not
select the shipment(s). The ability to not select the option is new in OTM.
2. The driver’s current shift end time, as well as his home location city, is displayed as
information to enhance decision making.
3. As discussed before, this action also allows for determining whether the get the
driver home stop is to be added to the end of the assigned shipment, or for just get
the driver home, the driver’s last shipment, if one of the options indicating a selected
shipment, is not selected.

As stated not selecting a shipment option still allows you to add the home stop to the driver’s
l t known
last k shipment.
hi t

A new shipment action Assign Backhaul Shipment has been added. This allows non-fleet
hi t to
t be
b included.
i l d d This
Thi slide
lid shows
h shipment
hi t candidates
did t using
i theth known
k information
i f ti
from the driver on the shipment, from which the action was run; specifically, the calculated
NAT/NAL (including removable stops considerations) and the cost implications of the
potential shipment candidates.

In this case, a driver has been assigned already, with the red shipment. The blue and green
shipments can be evaluated as potential candidates as part of the assign backhaul logic. In
this case, the green shipment is deemed better in that there are fewer out of route miles.

To access this new shipment action, Assign Backhaul Shipment, select a shipment in the
Shipmentt manager andd go to
t Actions
A ti > Fleet
Fl t MManagementt > A
i >B Backhaul
kh l Shi
This new action Assign Backhaul Shipment, in essence, acts like the action Assign Driver to

Here you see the Assign Backhaul Shipment – Override Criteria page. Once More Options is
l t d you see a ShiShipmentt Saved
S d Query
Q field
fi ld as wellll as a Service
S i P Provider
id P Profile
fil fifield
ld tto
include or restrict various service providers. In addition, there is a Shipment Advanced Filter
that can be specified. If not specified, the default value specified in the parameter will be
used. The advanced filter can be overridden by selecting the Override Advanced Filter button.
Once done, the Parameter grid appears.

You can transactionally decide whether to and how to consider such items as:
• Shipment Match Driver Retained Equipment
• Shipment Maximum Distance From Driver
• Shipment Maximum Duration From Driver
• Shipment Minimum Distance From Driver
• Shipment Minimum Duration From Driver

On another of the Assign Backhaul Shipment pages, you see information regarding the driver
i f
ti associated
i t d with
ith th
the d
i th
thatt iis already
l d assigned
i d tto th
the shipment
hi t th
thatt th
the action
was run against. So, more like the Assign Driver to Shipment action, the driver assignment
details, such as home location city and shift end time are included to help inform the
dispatcher which backhaul shipment to assign to this driver, if any. As elsewhere, the
dispatcher can select the option here to just get the driver home, and the home stop will be
added to the shipment that the action was run against, if it is not present already.

There are two Fleet Management parameters for get the driver home:

GET THE DRIVER HOME: If set to true, for every shipment or driver assignment made, OTM
will attempt to add the potentially removable get the driver home stop to the end of the
resulting shipment. This must be set to TRUE for get the driver home functionality to work. To
access this parameter, go to Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Parameter
Sets. The GET THE DRIVER HOME parameter is included in the Fleet Management section.

Assignment looks. To access this parameter, go to Shipment Management > Power Data >
General > Logic Configuration. Select a Logic Configuration Type of Fleet Optimization. We’ll
look at this one later.

As was the case in the previous release for Assign Shipment [to Driver], you can now set the
OTM ddefault
f lt bbehavior
h i ffor whether
h th tto anddhhow tto consider
id ititems ffor th
the A
i B Backhaul
kh l
Shipment action. Items such as:
• Shipment Match Driver Retained Equipment
• Shipment Maximum Distance From Driver
• Shipment Maximum Duration From Driver
• Shipment Minimum Distance From Driver
• Shipment Minimum Duration From Driver

To set the OTM-wide defaults, go to Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Logic
Configuration. Select a Logic Configuration Type of SHIPMENT ADVANCED FILTER and
click Search. You see the shipment advanced filter logic configuration page in the top screen

You also have the ability to adjust and configure these items transactionally as part of the
A i Shi
Assign Shipmentt to
t Driver
Di and
d Assign
A i Backhaul
B kh l Shipment
Shi t actions,
ti by
b selecting
l ti theth Override
O id
Advanced Filter button on the action input screens. You see this is the lower screen shot.

The newly added logic configuration parameter, GET THE DRIVER HOME FOR
FLEET OPTIMIZATION, within the Fleet Optimization type of Logic Configuration,
speaks to whether the Optimize Driver Assignments is to attempt to get the driver
home as part of each assignment made. This must be set to TRUE to enable this
Optimize Driver Assignments get the driver home functionality.

If you use a common shipment saved query, it can be specified in the FLEET DEFAULT
f lt value.
l IIn thi
this way, you d
do nott h
have tto specify
if a
value on the Assign Driver to Shipment, Assign Shipment to Driver, or Assign Backhaul
Shipment action input screens. However, if values are specified on those action input
screens, this saved query value is not used.

To access this parameter, go to Shipment Management > Power Data > General >
Parameter Sets. The parameter is included in the Fleet Management section.

You can launch the Optimize Driver Assignments functionality using the Optimize
Driver Assignments action. To access this action from the Shipment manager, go to
Actions > Fleet Management > Assign > Optimize Driver Assignments.

Here you see the Optimize Driver Assignment action input page.

Next, let’s review straight trucks/kits.

Prior to 6.3, driver and equipment assignments were distinct and decidedly separate. This
was true
t even though
th h there
th are d
i th
thatt ‘‘always’
l ’ use th
the same power unit
it and
d ttrailer.
Dispatchers in this situation were frustrated with the need to run assignment actions more
than once.

6.3 enables driver assignment to assign power unit, as well as, equipment, in one step. This
makes operational assignments more streamlined.

There are four setup steps. These are:
1. Establish the driver – power unit relationship.
2. Configure the slip seating calendar, if required.
3. Establish the power unit – equipment relationship.
4. Configure location asset inventory functionality.

There are six process steps. These are:

1. Create a shipment
2. Assign the driver via either dispatch plan optimization or manually.
3. Internally, OTM checks whether there is a valid driver – power unit – equipment
4. Internally, OTM evaluates inventory for feasibility.
5. Internally, OTM assigns driver, power, and equipment ‘en mass’.
6. Complete the straight truck/kit assignment.

OTM has been enhanced to allow for an additional relationship between power unit and
i t The
Th OTM A Assign
i Shi
Shipmentt tto D
i action
ti h has also
l b been enhanced
h d tto allow,
ll if
so configured, driver, power unit, as well as, equipment, all as part of driver assignment. The
requisite driver, equipment type, and equipment assignment statuses are also properly
managed, as if the assignment actions had been run individually.

Whereas previously driver to power unit assignments could be made, now, if so configured,
the driver to power unit to equipment assignment can be made all as part of driver

This is a screen shot of the previously existing DRIVER_POWER_UNIT_JOIN table. For 6.3
thi h
this has nott changed.
h d It iis iincluded
l d dhhere b
because as you will
ill see thi
this same conceptt h
has b
extended between power unit and equipment.

This is the new POWER_UNIT_EQUIPMENT [JOIN] table that was added to maintain the
new relationship
l ti hi b
t power unitit and
d equipment.
i t NNote
t th
thatt it iis similar
i il tto th
the existing
i ti
Driver-Power Unit table in structure.

This is the Power Unit manager which now contains an Equipment section which allows you
t specify
to if the
th relationship
l ti hi bbetween
t power unitit and
d equipment.
i t

Next, let’s review slip seating and other miscellaneous fleet enhancements.

There are three setup steps for slip seating. These are:
1. Define the driver.
2. Define the calendar.
3. Add calendars to driver’s power unit assignment grid(s).

There are six process steps for slip seating. These are:
1. Create the shipment and assign the driver.
2. Internally OTM checks power unit assignment calendar
Internally, calendar, then it checks the grid for
applicable power unit.
3. Internally, OTM evaluates calendars for overlap with shipment.
4. If there is no existing overlap, the action fails.
5. If there is suitable overlap, then the driver and power unit (and equipment, if so
configured) are assigned.
6. Complete the straight truck/kit assignment.

OTM static slip seating configuration has been enhanced to allow repetitive calendars to be
d th
b streamlining
t li i setup
t and d maintenance
i t off slip
li seating
ti configuration.
fi ti

Additionally, other features such as a new Duration between Driver and Shipment End Time
rate basis item or RBI, and fleet-related Fusion Transportation Intelligence (FTI) dimensions
and metrics have been added. This allows you to make improved use of OTM as well as the
fleet-related information and dashboards.

Slip seating is a term meaning multiple drivers share a power unit for a given period of time.

For example, driver ID, D-001, uses power unit ID, MAC CH10, for the first shift, which is 8:00
am to 6:00 pm, and another driver uses that same power unit ID, MAC CH10, for the second
shift which is 6:01 pm to 3:00 am.

While this was possible prior to 6.3, a daily shift change for a given power unit would result in
no less than 702 records for a given year because the effective and expirations date windows
could not overlap whatsoever.
whatsoever This was tedious to set up and maintain
maintain. To improve this
this, the
driver-power unit relationship was enhanced to allow for the use of repetitive calendars. If
there is a calendar present, it is now possible, to have overlapping effective and expiration
windows, assuming the calendars have been configured to avoid any assignability overlap. In
this way, repetitive calendars can be set up to model the daily back and forth between two (or
more) drivers and then only two records can take the place of 702 or more such records for a
given year!

This is an example of how the first shift calendar is set up. The activity in this case must be
driver work,
k perform.
f S
So ffor each
hdday, th
the fifirstt shift
hift d
i can work
k ffrom 8
00AM tto 6

Here is how the second shift driver in our example is set up. Again, the activity is driver work,
f Because
B the
th period
i d spans midnight,
id i ht th
there are ttwo records,
d one ffor pre-midnight,
id i ht and
one for post-midnight.

Here we see that the second shift driver can work from 12:00 am (midnight) to 3:00 am, and
then they can work again from 6:01 pm to 11:59 pm. There cannot be any overlap between
this calendar and the first shift calendar shown previously.

Once the calendars are created, the distinct calendars are assigned to the drivers. In this
l ddriver
i D
001 gets
t the
th FIRST SHIFT calendar,
l d and dddriver
i D
002 gets
t the
SHIFT calendar and both get assigned the power unit, MAC CH10. Here you see driver D-
001 and his power unit and calendar assignments.

Again, the calendar definitions must not overlap in terms of time of day. Upon saving the
driver, OTM will validate that there are no duplicate assignments for other driver-power unit

Here you see that driver D-002 gets the SECOND SHIFT calendar for that same power unit,

If there is overlap between calendars or conventional assignment using merely effective and
i ti d dates
t without
ith t calendars,
l d th
the error message shown
h h
here iis di
l d Thi
This ttells
ll you
that there is a duplicate assignment somewhere and that the data needs to be fixed.

A new rate basis item (RBI), Duration between Driver and Shipment End Time, has been
dd d This
Thi RBI returns
t the
th difference
diff off the
th shipment's
hi t' endd time
ti and
d the
th driver's
d i ' shift
hift end
time for that day. You can use this RBI to steer the driver's work assignments to complete
close to his end of his day.

This RBI calculates the duration between the driver's shift end time and the shipment's end
time (shipment end time - driver end time). If no driver is assigned to the shipment or the
driver does not have a calendar associated, OTM returns a null value.

For 6.3 Fusion Transportation Intelligence (FTI), two new dimensions were
added: Driver and Power Unit,
Unit and many fleet-related
fleet related shipment metrics
illustrated on the next 2 slides.

• Shipment analysis now has facts around fleet-related distances like bobtail and deadhead
di t
distance. On
O the
th di
i side,
id you can separatet ffacts
t bby fl
fleett versus non-fleet
fl t with
ith the
‘actual service provider type’. You can also work with dimensions that cover individual
drivers, individual power units, team versus single drivers, and types of power units.

There is a new analysis folder to analyze driver behavior.

For fleet, FTI also provides many sample reports so you can quickly get a sense for what is
ibl anddh how it can b
be d
done. Th
The Fl
Fleett D
hb d iincludes
l d ththe ffollowing
ll i sections:

• The Fleet Utilization Metrics section which includes Bobtail, Deadhead, and Loaded
miles by Driver and Power Unit
• The Service Metrics section which includes % On Time by Pickup, Delivery for Fleet and
Non Fleet
• The Cost Metrics section which includes Cost per Distance and Cost per Weight for Fleet
and Non Fleet
• The Driver Utilization Metrics section which includes Actual Time Driven, Actual Time
Worked and Non Work Time

Next, let’s review map-enriched workspace and advanced layout enhancements.

For map enriched workspaces, there are four setup steps. These are:
1. Define an advanced layout with a map.
2. Configure the map appearance and functionality.
3. Configure action-specific PUBLIC advanced layouts. *
4. Configure properties.

There are five process steps. These are:

1. Launch the Advanced Layout/Run Map action
2. Use hover-over, select, left-click, right-click, as well as, Actions and SmartLinks.
3. Use the map interaction tools.
4. Add and remove objects from or to the map.
5. Use map to grid interactions.

*Note that changing data in the PUBLIC domain must be done with the understanding that
the application of or upgrading to,
to Patches
Patches, Roll
Ups and G/A Releases of OTM may result in
this data being replaced with the original default values.

In support of local outbound fleet operations and management, integrated maps into a
k provides
id valuable
l bl iinformation.
f ti All
i you tto visualize
i li where
h b
i objects
bj t
are physically helps in decision making. Enhancing advanced layouts to support maps makes
these processes more efficient.

Changes were made to the advanced layouts. To access advanced layouts, go to
C fi
ti and
d Ad
i i t ti > User
U Configuration
C fi ti > Ad

A new business object, Map, was added as an option to be added to advanced
layouts. First let’s review the attributes in the Common section:
• Combine Points - Selecting TRUE will combine different data types, such as,
locations and shipment stops onto one point on the map. If set to FALSE, then
the data types are in separate points. For example, all stops will appear as one
point and all locations will be one point. The two points are separate from each
other, even if they overlap on the map.
• ID - A unique ID so the map can be distinguished from other objects.
• Latitude - Controls the default latitude that is displayed on the map when the
map first appears.
• Longitude - Controls the default longitude that is displayed on the map when
the map first appears.
• Map Zoom - The default zoom factor on the map when the map first appears.
• Overview Initially Open - If you selected TRUE for the Show Overview option,
then this setting will allow you to set the overview map to appear on the map
map. If
you set this property to FALSE, then the overview map is minimized when the
map initially opens.
• Pre-populate - When TRUE, anything on a table in the advanced layout that is
mappable will be mapped when the map opens. Depending on the points
mapped, the map may be open to a different location and zoom level than
defined by the options above.
• Sh
Show Overview
O i - When
TRUE, you can make
k a smallll overview
i map appear in
the corner of the larger map. When FALSE, the overview map will not be

Next, let’s review the properties in the Route section:
• C
bi Routes
R t accepts t the
th following
f ll i values:
– None: Nothing is combined. For street level display, this means that routes are built
using segments. Consider shipment A going from PHL -> LAX -> ATL and shipment
B going from LAX -> ATL -> NYC. Shipment A will be built with 2 segments as will
shipment B. Each route will have its own LAX -> ATL segments.
– Same: Segments of the same object type are combined. For street level display, this
means that the segments of a route are built as individual routes. Consider the
above example along with an order release going from LAX -> ATL. This means that
4 routes will be displayed: PHL -> LAX, LAX -> ATL (shared by the 2 shipments),
LAX -> ATL (for the order release) and ATL -> NYC. This is equivalent to the
previous Combine Lines property set to false.
– All: Segments of all objects types are combined. This is the equivalent as Same
except there will only be 1 LAX -> ATL route that is shared by the 2 shipments and
order release. This is equivalent to the previous Combine Lines property set to true.
• Display Type accepts the following values-
– Street Level: This will display a route using directions.
– Line: This will display a route using a straight line (backward compatibility).
• Road Preference - Determines if the route uses highways (Highway) or local (Local)
roads when a choice is available
available. Only used if Display Type = Street Level
• Route Highlight - Determines how highlighting will work on the advanced layout. The
options include:
– Off: Highlighting is disabled
– Segment Only: Only the segment that the mouse is currently over will be
highlighted. For example, if a shipment has three stops and the mouse is over the
line connecting stops 2 and 3, only this line will change to the highlight style.
• Route Preference - Determines if the route with the lowest estimated driving time
(Fastest) or the route with the shortest driving distance (Shortest) is used. Only used if
Di l T
Display Type equalsl St
Streett L

There are 99 map-related properties in OTM which are documented well in OTM Help. Listed
on this
thi slide
lid are a ffew h
d i k d ititems tto ill
t t the
th types
t off configurations
fi ti that
th t can be
made via OTM properties. To define map appearance, you can use the properties:
• Spatial-Color-Code to OTM-Line-Color
• Line Styles
• Icon Images

Following are descriptions for the highlighted map control items:
• View button: Allows you to hide or display several map features, such as the zoom bar
and information panel.
• Pan: When selected, this allows you to reposition the map.
• Zoom In: Zooms in on the map.
• Zoom Out: Zoom away from the map.
• Clear Selection: Deselects all objects.
• Rectangular
g Selection: Draws a rectangle
g and selects objects
j within the rectangle.
g What
is selected is controlled by the Selection Configuration button. Once you click this icon,
you are in "selection mode", there is no right-click menu option. Left-click executes the
selected icon action. Exit selection mode by completing the icon action and clicking the
Pan icon.
• Circular Selection: Draws a circle and selects objects within the circle. What is selected
is controlled by the Selection Configuration button. Once you click this icon, you are in
"selection mode", there is no right-click menu option. Left-click executes the selected
icon action. Exit selection mode byy completing
p g the icon action and clicking
g the Pan icon.

Let’s review the remainder of the icons:
• Polygon Selection: Draws a polygon and selects objects within the polygon. What is
selected is controlled by the Selection Configuration button. Once you click this icon, you
are in "selection mode", there is no right-click menu option. Left-click executes the
selected icon action. Exit selection mode by completing the icon action and clicking the
Pan icon.
• Point Selection: Selects or deselects a specific point or line. Once you click this icon, you
are in "selection mode“; there is no right-click menu option. Left-click executes the
selected icon action. Exit selection mode by completing the icon action and clicking the
Pan icon.
• Selection Configuration: Allows you to indicate what is selected by the selection icons.
For example, you can limit the selection to shipments.
• Distance: Draws lines to calculate distance.
• Area: Draws a shape and calculates the area of the shape.
• Legend: Displays or hides the map legend.
• Information: Displays
p y or hides a latitude/longitude
g bar. The bar displays
p y the
latitude/longitude of the cursor.
• Alert: Appears only when a Spatial map error has occurred. Clicking this icon opens a
window displaying the Spatial error message in detail.

Here objects in the grids can be added and removed from grids, and removed from the maps
b selecting
by l ti and d right-clicking.
i ht li ki Thi
This works
k ffor as many selected
l t d objects
bj t as are, well,
ll selected.
l t d

This is an example of straight line view as configured on the advanced layout.

Here is an example of the street level view, for the same data as in the previous slide, as
fi d on th
the advanced
d d llayout.

Left-clicking on the map will generate pre-prescribed (that is, not user-configurable)
i f
ti about
b t th
the object(s)
bj t( ) clicked
li k d on. IIn thi
this example,
l that
th t same stop
t is
i shared
h d byb many
shipments as a break-down location.

The legend button indicates the particular configured values (configured via
properties) for the route (lines) and points (stops and fixed objects like drivers and
locations etc).

There are point themes for the following:
• Location which are shown on this screen shot.
• Driver
• Buy shipment
• Sell shipment
• Order release
• Order movement

Mouse-over will highlight the underlying object and display summary information about that
bj t

Left-clicking on an object, a shipment in this case, provides pre-prescribed (non-configurable)
hi h l
high-level l object
bj t iinformation
f ti as shown
h h
here. N
t th
thatt you can select
l t th
the check
h kb box h
here and
that will select and highlight that corresponding object in the grid.

This advanced layout is arrived at by selecting the new Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results button
from the
th Bulk
B lk Plan
Pl Results
R lt page. This
Thi is
i a straight
t i ht line
li view
i configured
fi d in
i the

This action is accessed via Fleet Management > Planning Results > Fleet Resource
Assignment Result > Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results button.

This advanced layout is arrived at by selecting the new Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results button
from the
th Bulk
B lk Plan
Pl Results
R lt page. This
Thi is
i a street
t t level
l l view
i configured
fi d iin th
the public
bli domain.
d i

This advanced layout will show shipments, as well as, unscheduled orders indicated on the
screen shot by the red dotted line.

This action is accessed via Fleet Management > Planning Results > Fleet Resource
Assignment Result > Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results button.

The business actions such as Map Bulk Plan Results (Navigation: Operational Planning >
i R Results
lt > Shi
Shipmentt Pl
i >A Actions
ti >O Operational
ti l Pl
i >M Map > M Map B
Plan Results), and Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results (Navigation: Fleet Management > Planning
Results > Fleet Resource Assignment Results > [Select a row/ record] > [Button at top of
screen: “Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results”) refers to a single pre-shipped advanced layout that is
stored in the PUBLIC domain only. That advanced layout in the PUBLIC domain must be
edited, for a single, instance-wide configuration of these actions. There are six such
examples of this as illustrated on this screen shot.

Note: Changing data in the public domain must be done with the understanding that the
application of or upgrading to, Patches, Roll-Ups and G/A Releases of OTM may result in this
data being replaced with the original default values. Once data has been modified from the
original version shipped with the product, care must be taken to ensure that this data does
not need to be re-edited once Patches, Roll-Ups and G/A Releases of OTM have been

The order release action Move Order to (Existing) Shipment/ Map: (Navigation: Order
Management t > Order
O d Release
R l >O
d R Release
l >A Actions
ti >OOperational
ti l Pl
i >C Create
Buy Shipment or Create Sell Shipment > Move Order to Existing Shipment: [Click More
Options] > [Click “Display on Map” button) will result in a View on Map option. Once you see
the order and it’s potential shipment candidates on the map, as illustrated above, the order
and shipment can be selected and the action Move Order to Shipment can be run again to
add that particular selected order to that particular selected shipment. That map can be
configured in the PUBLIC domain to appear as desired.

The order release action Map Order Release Shipment Routes action has been converted to
i advanced
d d llayouts
t maps iin 6
3 as well.
ll TTo access thi
this action,
ti go tto O
d M Managementt
> Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Order Management > Map > Map Order
Release Shipment Routes.

That map can be configured in the PUBLIC domain to appear as desired.

Next, let’s review the improvements made for moving order to existing shipment.

Find candidate shipments for map - Given a particular order, find candidate shipments that
can service
i ththe order
d within
ithi a defined
d fi d radius.
di This
Thi allows
ll you to
t find
fi d potential
t ti l shipments
hi t andd
display them on a show-option screen or, alternatively display them on the map. The
functionality is embedded in the action Move Order to Existing Shipment available from the
Order Release manager, with an additional option called Show Options.

Move Order to Shipment drag and drop functionality - The Move Order to Shipment action is
now available as drag and drop functionality on the map. You can select an order
release/shipment on the map and right-click to execute the action Move Order to Shipment.
Of course, drag and drop is still available between the grids. In 6.3, this drag and drop
behavior is aided by the fact that you can now visualize the order and shipments on the map
as you perform drag and drop between the grids.

Let’s review these improvements in more detail in this section.

For move order to shipment improvements, there are three setup steps:
1. Create shipments.
2. Create additional orders.
3. Configure PUBLIC advanced layouts.*

There are seven process steps:

1. Select the order to move on the Order Release Finder results page.
2. Run the action Move Order to Existing Shipment.
3. Select the More Option check box
4. Specify a saved query ID.
5. Select either Show Options or Display on Map:
1. If Show Options is selected, you review and select the shipment candidate then select OK.
2. If the Display on Map action is selected, you visually select the shipment and the order and
drag between the order and shipment grids.
3. OR, you select the shipment and the order on the map and using the right-click, re-run the
action Move Order to Existing Shipment directly from the map. This time the order and
hi t values
l will
ill b
be pre-populated
l t d iinto
t th
the action
ti iinputt screen.
6. Internally, OTM performs final feasibility checking.
7. If all is feasible, then the order is added to the selected shipment.

Note: Changing data in the public domain must be done with the understanding that the application of or
upgrading to, Patches, Roll-Ups and G/A Releases of OTM may result in this data being replaced with
the original default values. Once these data have been modified from the original versions shipped with
the product, care must be taken to ensure that these data do not need to be re-edited once Patches,
p and G/A Releases of OTM have been applied.

The existing action, Move Order to Existing Shipment, was enhanced to provide a greater
amountt off valuable
l bl iinformation.
f ti Y
You can now preview
i shipment
hi t candidates
did t ffor a given
i order,
either in a show options, or map format. This additional valuable information makes
operational decisions more accurate and informed.

The existing order release action, Move Order to Existing Shipment, has been enhanced. To
access this
thi action,
ti select
l t an order
d release
l and
d go to
t Actions
A ti > Operational
O ti l Planning
Pl i > Create
C t
Buy Shipment > Move Order to Existing Shipment.

On the Move Order To Shipment action input screen shown here, there is an existing More
O ti
Options option.
ti Selecting
S l ti it reveals
l new ffunctional
ti l possibilities.
ibiliti A
As previously
i l di
d th
Shipment Saved Query ID field is now available. Also, you see two new paths:
• Show Options – If selected, you see a list of vetted shipment assignment candidates for
the order against which the action was run.
• Display on Map – If selected, OTM will take the order, against which the action was run,
and that order’s shipment candidates and display them on the map, so that you are
visually informed as to which shipment may or may not be the best candidate. The action
can then be finished/re-run on the map, using the map as defined in the scenario shown
on the following slides.

This action input requires a shipment saved query. This can be left blank only if the
li that
th t
specifies the default value for this, has been populated. Alternatively, populating this value
will override any value that has been specified on the parameter.

Here is an example of the show options path. You see a list of feasible shipment candidates
f that
for th t order.
d YouY can review
i the
th shipments
hi t andd select
l t th
the b
bestt option
ti and d complete
l t th

If on the Move Order to Shipment action input screen, you chose the Display on Map option,
th order
the d and d th
the same shipment
hi t candidates
did t that
th t were generated
t d for
f the
th Show
Sh Options
O ti path,
are presented on the map. The red X and the red dotted line in this screen shot represent the
order that needs to be assigned to one of the presented shipments, in green.

You can select the desired shipment – in this case, in grey, on this screen shot.

You can right-click on the order (which is the red dotted line) and re-run the Move Order to
E i ti Shi
Existing Shipmentt action,
ti exceptt thi
this time
ti th
the shipment
hi t ID andd order
d ID willill be
b pre-populated
l t d
with the selected shipment ID.

And finally, let’s look at some additional resources.

OTM specific resources including TOIs, Education, and My Oracle
Support information are listed on the next few slides.


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