The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

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The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

Article · January 2009

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4 authors, including:

Jack Holbrook Miia Rannikmae

University of Tartu University of Tartu


Neil Taylor
University of New England (Australia)


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International Journal of Environmental & Science Education
The Meaning of Scientific Literacy
Vol. 4, No. 3, July 2009, 275-288
International Journal of Environmental & Science Education
Vo l. 3, N
Editors: o. 3 , JK.
Richard ul Coll
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0 8,Neil
x x-Taylor

The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

Jack Holbrook and Miia Rannikmae

University of Tartu, Estonia

Received 03 December 2008; Accepted 11 February 2009

This paper sets out to provide an overview of scientific literacy specifically related to
whether emphasis is placed on the ‘science’ or the ‘literacy’ aspect, accepting that literacy,
wherever used, is wider than simply reading and writing. It does this from a general rather
than a country perspective. The emphasis in giving meaning to scientific literacy is placed
on the literacy component in recognition of the trend towards relating scientific literacy to
skills and values appropriate for a responsible citizen. Rejected is a consideration that
scientific literacy is related to an emphasis on the acquisition of content and this is especial-
ly considered, noting the social bias and cultural embedding of science. The emphasis on
enhancing scientific literacy is placed on an appreciation of the nature of science, the de-
velopment of personal attributes and the acquisition of socioscientific skills and values.
Furthermore, in teaching towards this view of scientific literacy, a key component is seen as
relevance and a model of relevance for science teaching is put forward based on relevance
being seen from two perspectives. Relevance from both perspectives is very much geared to
the view that scientific literacy is best taught by seeing science education as ‘education
through science’ as opposed to ‘science through education.’

Key Words: education through science; nature of science, nature of science education;
relevance; responsible citizenship; scientific literacy

The term ‘scientific literacy’ has been used in the literature for more than four decades (Gal-
lagher & Harsch, 1997), although not always with the same meaning (Bybee, 1997). It is a
simple term and its major advantage is that it sums up, at the school level, the intentions of
science education. The term scientific literacy avoids the use of distracting detail and, as such,
convincingly portrays a complex idea which intuitively appears to be correct (Baumert, 1997).
Baumert recognises that the core of the idea behind scientific literacy lies in its analogy with
Many definitions have been put forward for scientific literacy since Paul deHard Hurd
used the term in 1958 (American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS], 1989;
Bybee, 1997; Gräber et al., 2001; Holbrook & Rannikmae, 1997; Hurd, 1958; Laugksch, 2000;
National Science Education Standards [NSES], 1996; Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development [OECD], 2003; 2007). There is confusion as to its exact meaning; Norris
ISSN 1306-3065
Copyright © 2009 IJESE
Holbrook and Rannikmae

and Philips (2003) contend that the term scientific literacy has been used to include various
components from the following:

(a) Knowledge of the substantive content of science and the ability to distinguish from
(b) Understanding science and its applications;
(c) Knowledge of what counts as science;
(d) Independence in learning science;
(e) Ability to think scientifically;
(f) Ability to use scientific knowledge in problem solving;
(g) Knowledge needed for intelligent participation in science-based issues;
(h) Understanding the nature of science, including its relationship with culture;
(i) Appreciation of and comfort with science, including its wonder and curiosity;
(j) Knowledge of the risks and benefits of science; and
(k) Ability to think critically about science and to deal with scientific expertise.

They cite references to illustrate this. The confusion as to a precise meaning has led to a
call to remove such a term as a goal for school science education (Fensham, 2008). Yet the
OECD sets out to determine scientific literacy for future adult life through a longitudinal in-
ternational study (OECD, 2007), although this has been criticised, not least because its meas-
ures are through written tests and questionnaires, which generally show developing countries
to be in poor shape to meet such a goal.
In this paper it is suggested that retaining the use of scientific literacy is still appropriate,
but it is necessary to relate scientific literacy to an appreciation of the nature of science, per-
sonal learning attributes including attitudes and also to the development of social values (Hol-
brook & Rannikmae, 2007). For this, relevance of the learning plays a role and teaching mate-
rials, striving toward student enhancement of scientific literacy, need to consider a societal
frame, introduction of conceptual science on a need to know basis, and to embrace the socio-
scientific situation that provides the relevance for responsible citizenship (Holbrook, 2008).
It is extremely difficult to give clarity of meaning to either the term scientific literacy, or
scientific and technological literacy (a term used in recognition of the relationship between
science and technology in everyday life). This is especially the case when translating the term
into languages other than English. A forum on scientific and technological literacy for all
(UNESCO, 1993) suggested the French term as “la culture scientifique et technologique,” a
translation that clearly reflects the cultural intention and points the way towards recognising
that a person who is scientifically and technologically literate is a person who can function
within society as a whole, rather than simply as a scientist in the workplace.
As part of the Science-Technology-Society (STS) movement, the NSTA (1991) suggested
that a scientifically and technologically literate person needs intellectual capability but that
other attributes are also important. The components put forward were (subdivisions added by
the authors for clarity):

Intellectual (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

1. uses concepts of science and of technology, as well as an informed reflection of ethi-
cal values, in solving everyday problems and making responsible decisions in every-
day life, including work and leisure;
2. locates, collects, analyses, and evaluates sources of scientific and technological in-
formation and uses these sources in solving problems, making decisions, and taking
The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

3. distinguishes between scientific and technological evidence and personal opinion

and between reliable and unreliable information;
4. offers explanations of natural phenomena testable for their validity;
5. applies skepticism, careful methods, logical reasoning, and creativity in investigating
the observable universe;
6. defends decisions and actions using rational argument based on evidence; and
7. analyses interactions among science, technology and society.

8. displays curiosity about the natural and human-made world;
9. values scientific research and technological problem solving;
10. remains open to new evidence and the tentativeness of scientific/technological
knowledge; and
11. engages in science/technology for excitement and possible explanations.

12. recognizes that science and technology are human endeavours;
13. weighs the benefits/burdens of scientific and technological development;
14. recognizes the strengths and limitations of science and technology for advancing
human welfare; and
15. engages in responsible personal and civic actions after weighing the possible con-
sequences of alternative options.

16. connects science and technology to other human endeavours e.g. history, mathe-
matics, the arts, and the humanities; and
17. considers the political, economic, moral and ethical aspects of science and technol-
ogy as they relate to personal and global issues.

However there are many who see scientific literacy aligned with ‘knowing science’, li-
mited to the intellectual components expressed above, and this view is particularly prevalent
on the internet. Even major projects such as Project 2061 (AAAS, 1993) try to spell out the
science content that students should know, even though they recognise that science (and tech-
nology) are evolving at a faster and faster pace and content is prone to becoming obsolete.
Millar (1997), in suggesting that civic scientific literacy – considered as the level of under-
standing of science and technology needed to function as a citizen – is important, puts forward
data to suggest that the amount of basic school science is the strongest predictor of civic scien-
tific literacy in adults.
Whatever the actual definition, there is, it seems, general agreement that the term ‘scien-
tific literacy’ is used somewhat metaphorically. It thus goes beyond any notion of reading and
writing, and few would claim that it refers simply to the ability to read scientific journals
(Hand, 1999; Klein, 2006). The metaphorical use tends to turn scientific literacy into a slogan,
meaning all things to all people, but it does serve to indicate the intentions of science educa-
tion. As such, the goal of science education can be expressed as scientific, or scientific and
technological, literacy (ICASE, 2003; Norris & Philips, 2003).

Holbrook and Rannikmae

Scientific Literacy – Two Views

While agreement on the meaning of scientific literacy, beyond the metaphorical use, is much
less universal, there seems to be two major camps, or points of view:

a) those that advocate a central role for the knowledge of science; and
b) those who see scientific literacy referring to a society usefulness.

The first camp seems to be very prevalent among science teachers today. It builds on the
notion that there are ‘fundamental ideas’ in science that are essential and that there is content
of science which is a crucial component of scientific literacy. It has been described as a short
term view (Maienschein, 1998) of knowing science and even labelled as “science literacy” to
distinguish it from a longer term view of “scientific literacy”. The term science literacy, how-
ever, is not common, and for the most part it seems to be a play on words.
The second camp encompasses the longer term view and sees scientific literacy as a re-
quirement to be able to adapt to the challenges of a rapidly changing world. This focus sees
scientific literacy align with the development of life skills (Rychen & Salganik, 2003). It re-
cognises the need for reasoning skills in a social context, and above all, this view recognises
that scientific literacy is for all, having little to do with science teaching solely focusing on a
career in science, or providing only an academic science background for specialisation in
science. In fact, it is contended that the second view refutes the need for two types of school
science courses – one for general education and another for specialists – and recognises that a
specialist course is simply an extension of the former with an increase of “time on task” -
that is, more science lessons, which will give time for more in-depth investigation.
Between these two camps, Gräber et al. (2001) see a continuum of views that stretch be-
tween the two extremes of subject competence and meta-competence. Whereas Bybee (1997)
proposed a comprehensive hierarchical model still very much driven by the discipline of

What do people What do people

know? value?

- Subject
Competence - Ethical
- Epistemological Competence

- Learning Competence
- Social Competence
- Procedural Competence
- Communicative

What can people do?

Figure 1. The Gräber model for scientific literacy

The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

science, a more central position can be taken in which subject competence is important, but is
propagated by general competences within education, and this is strongly supported by Project
2061 (AAAS, 1993). A further intermediary view for scientific literacy sees the general aim as
being oriented towards societal requirements, to learn how to deal with social issues and to
make rationally founded decisions. Shamos (1995), however, doubts whether any definition of
scientific literacy, which includes both wide and deep content knowledge and process compe-
tence, is possible. He sees scientific literacy far more in terms of promoting competent con-
sumers of science with the ability to gain knowledge from experts as and when appropriate.
The Gräber model for scientific literacy (2001), illustrated in Figure 1, is put forward as
competency-based. The model reconsiders the balance between the various competencies and
reflects on the specific contribution science education can make to the education of adults.
This view upholds the need for scientific literacy to be far more than knowledge and integrates
the component of values education as an essential component of science education (and al-
though only an ethical component is mentioned, it can be seen to interrelate with human
rights, tolerance, education for peace, gender equity, and the place of indigenous technolo-
gies). But it contrasts, perhaps, with ideas that point to a need for education, and especially
science education, to play a strong role in the development of responsible citizens. In this area,
scientific literacy would need to encompass socioscientific decision making skills (Holbrook,
1998; Holbrook & Rannikmae, 2007; UNESCO, 2003) as an area above and beyond scientific
problem solving.

The Trend Towards Interpreting the Meaning of Scientific Literacy

The trend in defining scientific literacy is suggested as away from the short term product ap-
proach, in which the facts and skills are paramount, towards the inclusion of issue-based
teaching, the need to go beyond scientific problem solving to encompass socioscientific deci-
sion making, and the recognition that scientific literacy relates to enabling citizens to effec-
tively participate in the real world. The trend indicates a movement that gives less attention to
scientific literacy being viewed as the possession of conceptual understanding of pure science
abstract ideas and emphasises more the ability to make decisions related to the technological
applications of scientific ideas or socioscientific issues facing society, these being recognised
as crucial learning components. Shamos (1995) prefers the use of science awareness, rather
than scientific literacy in this context. In this frame, biological literacy, chemical literacy or
physical literacy are seen as non-existing entities and only the encompassing term, scientific
literacy, is seen as meaningful.
The shift toward the long term view of scientific literacy does not mean that it is a single
entity. At the school level, Bybee (1997) has suggested scientific literacy can be considered at
four functional levels:

- nominal (can recognise scientific terms, but does not have a clear understanding of
the meaning);
- functional (can use scientific and technological vocabulary, but usually this is only
out of context as is the case for example in a school test of examination);
- conceptual and procedural (demonstrates understanding and a relationship between
concepts and can use processes with meaning); and
- multidimensional (not only has understanding, but has developed perspectives of
science and technology that include the nature of science, the role of science and
technology in personal life and society).

Holbrook and Rannikmae

It is clear that only the multidimensional level is the goal for the long term view of scien-
tific literacy, and this is recognised by Bybee. While this breakdown of scientific literacy is
perhaps meaningful for school purposes, it may be less applicable to adult life. Here Shamos
(1995) suggests scientific literacy can be sub-divided as cultural, functional and true, where
the three 3 levels are seen as increasing in sophistication.

a) Cultural literacy refers to the factual information needed to read newspapers or maga-
zines and involves rote recall rather than an understanding of scientific terms. It has
the unfortunate connotation that adults operating at this level often assume they are li-
terate in science;
b) Functional literacy relates to some understanding of science ideas and adults at this
level can engage in meaningful conversation about scientific issues, although the dis-
cussion tends to largely draw on recall with some understanding; and
c) True science literacy involves knowing about the theories of science. At this level,
adults are aware of some major conceptual schemes that form the foundation of
science, the role of experimentation in science, elements of investigation and the log-
ical thought processes, plus the importance of a reliance on objective evidence.

Possible Definitions of Scientific Literacy

It should thus be clear that a single, simple definition of scientific literacy is extremely prob-
lematic. The OECD (1998) PISA study sees scientific literacy as;

The capacity to use scientific knowledge, to identify questions and to draw evi-
dence-based conclusions in order to understand and help make decisions about
the natural world and the changes made to it through human activity.

This was later modified and PISA moved to determining scientific literacy in three dimensions
(OECD, 2007).

• First, scientific concepts, which are needed to understand certain phenomena of the
natural world and the changes made to it through human activity…... The main con-
tent of the assessment is selected from within three broad areas of application:
science in life and health; science of the earth and the environment and science in

• Second, scientific processes, which are centred on the ability to acquire, interpret and
act upon evidence. Five such processes that are present in OECD/PISA relate to:
o the recognition of scientific questions
o the identification of evidence
o the drawing of conclusions
o the communication of these conclusions
o the demonstration of understanding of scientific concepts.

All but the last of these do not require a pre-set body of science knowledge. Yet since no
scientific process can be ‘content-free’, the PISA science questions will always require under-
standing of key scientific concepts.

The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

• Third, scientific situations, selected mainly from people's everyday lives rather than
from the practice of science in a school classroom or laboratory, or the work of pro-
fessional scientists. As with mathematics, science figures in people's lives in contexts
ranging from personal or private situations to wider public, sometimes global issues.
An issue here is the meaning of ‘key concepts’ related to the second part. By introducing
such a term, this more description picture contrasts with the definition put forward in the
ICASE-UNESCO forum on scientific and technological literacy for all (UNESCO, 1993, p.15)

The capability to function with understanding and confidence, and at appro-

priate levels, in ways that bring about empowerment in the made world and
in the world of scientific and technological ideas.

And both differ from a definition covering scientific and technological literacy, put for-
ward as (Holbrook and Rannikmae, 1997, p 15):

Developing the ability to creatively utilise sound science knowledge in eve-

ryday life or in a career, to solve problems, make decisions and hence im-
prove the quality of life.”

All, however, see the need for scientific literacy to relate to an ability of functionality as a
citizen within society (at home, at work, in the community), not purely at a knowledge level,
but in making decisions and acting as a responsible person. Only the last, however, may be
suggested as emphasising socio-scientific decision making, where it is not the changes to the
natural world alone that are the focus, but also the way of thinking.

Nature of Science (NOS)

An understanding of the Nature of Science plays an important role in the development of
scientific literacy. The difficulty here is that there is no specific description for appreciation
the exact nature of science. It seems that the Nature of Science does not have one clear inter-
pretation. As all philosophical concepts/terms, its context is not a continuum and hence its
meaning is floating/changing accordingly to the subject-object relationship (teacher to student;
scientist (1) to teacher, scientist (2) to teacher, etc.). However, there is a certain agreement as
to what science is - even if different groups argue and emphasize different aspects of the na-
ture of science (Bell & Lederman, 2003) – and it is not surprising, therefore, NOS within
science education schools can be considered from different perspectives:

(a) it can relate to the development of ‘big ideas’ in science in a conceptual sense, espe-
cially considering these with regard to higher order (Zoller, 2001) or with regard to
theories promoted by scientists.

Definitions that do not recognise the meaning of ‘big ideas’, or suggest that such a con-
cept does not exist, obviously reject this interpretation of the nature of science.

(b) it can be an examination of the ways in which scientists work and a consideration of
the variety of scientific methods related to process skills. Among these are inquiry
learning, the investigatory approach, the development of problem solving skills, or
Holbrook and Rannikmae

simply through experimentation in which students follow written instructions (Tyt-

ler, Duggan & Gott, 2001).

Few definitions would omit this interpretation entirely, although the alignment with scien-
tists’ science is in contrast to an interpretation of science education which rejects a scientist’s
logic and stresses the need that science is for all and aligned with functionality in society. In
this view, content is acquired on a need-to-know basis, and emphasis is on the skills to know
how to extract and handle information when needed. It is here that a familiarity with language,
or communication tools in general, can play a role.

(c) a third direction relates to the nature of science in a social setting and encompasses
socio-scientific decision making. Here the nature of science is to interact with other
areas such as economics, environmental, social, politics and certain moral and ethi-
cal aspects. The decision-making process sees the nature of science as one of inte-
racting with all these areas leading to a decision in which the reasoning can be re-
lated to arguments on the importance of the science and the other aspects at the time
the decision is being made. This puts forward an image of science as tentative, not
able to provide a definite answer, but bringing to bear reasoned argumentation on
the science theories and methods related to the issue.

This alignment is very much related to definitions of scientific literacy which recognise
the need for decision making within a societal frame as important components of scientific
literacy. While views on the nature of science has been researched among scientists (Schwartz
& Ledermann, 2008), teachers and students (El-Khalick & Lederman, 2000; Zeidler, Walker,
Ackett & Simmons, 2002; Bell and Lederman, 2003; Sadler, Chambers & Zeidler, 2004), only
a few studies so far draw attention to this area of research among science educators and stu-
dents outside the USA and Europe (Rannikmae, Rannikmae & Holbrook, 2006). Nevertheless,
if it is appropriate to suggest that knowledge is not fundamental to the idea of scientific litera-
cy, then the basis of scientific literacy can be considered, in general, as the nature of science,
personal attributes and social development (Holbrook & Rannikmae, 2007, Figure 1).

Nature of Science

Nature of
Personal Development Attributes Education Social Development Attributes

Figure 2. The three domains which comprise the Nature of Science Education

This is proposed as a major change of focus for classroom implementation and also for the
assessment of student achievements in the discipline of science education. It suggests the
teaching of science subjects is through this educational structure, not simply through science
content. Furthermore, such a structure forms the focus for the enhancement of scientific litera-
cy through formal schooling. As such science content, as a specific identity rather than giving
meaning to the context, has little direct relationship with scientific literacy. The teaching
The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

thrust for this form of scientific literacy has been described as education through science and
contrasted with science through education (Holbrook & Rannikmae, 2007). This is illustrated
in Table 1 below.

Table 1. A comparison of similarities and differences in emphases between ‘Science through Edu-
cation’ and the alternative ‘Education through Science’(taken from Holbrook & Rannik-
mae, 2007, Table 2).

Science through Education Education through Science

Learn fundamental science knowledge, con- Learn the science knowledge and concepts impor-
cepts, theories and laws. tant for understanding and handling socio-scientific
issues within society.
Undertake the processes of science through Undertake investigatory scientific problem solving
inquiry learning as part of the development to better understand the science background related
of learning to be a scientist. to socio-scientific issues within society.
Gain an appreciation of the nature of science Gain an appreciation of the nature of science from a
from a scientist’s point of view. societal point of view.
Undertake practical work and appreciate the Develop personal skills related to creativity, initia-
work of scientists. tive, safe working, etc.
Develop positive attitudes towards science Develop positive attitudes towards science as a
and scientists. major factor in the development of society and
scientific endeavours.
Acquire communicative skills related to oral, Acquire communicative skills related to oral, writ-
written and symbolic/tabular/ graphical for- ten and symbolic/tabular/ graphical formats to bet-
mats as part of systematic science learning. ter express scientific ideas in a social context.
Undertake socio-scientific decision making related
to issues arising from the society.
Apply the uses of science to society and Develop social values related to becoming a re-
appreciate ethical issues faced by scientists. sponsible citizen and undertaking science-related

This article recognises that the relevance of school science is also important for the enhance-
ment of scientific literacy. Relevance has been interpreted as importance, usefulness or mea-
ningfulness to the needs of the students (Levitt, 2001). A more personal interpretation of re-
levance put forward by Keller (1983) defines relevance as a student perception of whether the
content or instruction satisfied his/her personal needs, personal goals, and career goals. These
visions suggest that relevance influences motivation and in particular intrinsic motivation.
Furthermore a number of science educational literature studies have also equated relevance
with students’ interest (Matthews, 2004; Ramsden, 1998). Relevance is seen as the key to rais-
ing student interests by making it more useful in the eyes of students (Za`rour, 2001).
The relevance of science education in the eyes of students is multidimensional and de-
pends on several components (Teppo & Rannikmae, 2008). Van Aalsvoort (2004), in review-
ing the literature, concludes that there are four aspects of relevance related to the study of
science in school:

Holbrook and Rannikmae

1. personal relevance Science lessons needs to be relevance from a

student’s perspective
2 professional relevance Science lessons need to give insights into possi-
ble professions
3 social relevance Provide insights into the role of science in hu-
man and
social issues
4. personal/social Science lessons need to help students develop in-
to responsible citizens

From a teaching perspective, however, these components of relevance can be divided into
two major areas. From one perspective, relevance can be associated with the initial impact of
the learning on the students, that is, trying to justify the answer the question ‘why study this?’
(personal relevance). In this way relevance is a perception by the student. It is a perception of
usefulness, meaningfulness, being helpful, needfulness, and importance of the area of learn-
ing. And it is a perception before the learning starts to take place. It is thus viewed very much
from the perspective of whether the learning will meet the need perceived by the student. This
perceived need may have been previously initiated in a number of ways, for example, aspects
in the media, debates taking place in the society, relationship with employment, both at
present and in the future. This perspective suggests relevance cannot avoid ‘interest’ (individ-
ual interest and situational interest - Krapp, 2002) and leads towards emphasising the relev-
ance in an appropriate, and an appropriately addressed, topic for teaching.
But it is noteworthy that relevance can also be used within the learning to show that the
learning has relevance to the student i.e. relevance of the learning or if you wish, in answer to
the questions 'why learn these science components?'. This relevance is triggered by the teach-
ing (towards creating a professional, social or personal need by the student) and as such is
satisfying a need, rather than being perceived as having the potential to satisfy the need.
Both are presumed to relate to ‘motivation to learn’ (Keller, 1983). But the first means
that the initial impression or perception is important. If this does not conjure up an indication
that it can meet the need, the motivation to learn is likely to be strongly affected. The emo-
tional response is likely to be ‘why am I studying this?’ Thus here relevance precedes motiva-
tion and becomes a trigger to motivate the student. This relevance might be called the relev-
ance of the topic presented to the student for study.
To gain a relevant initial impression, the title of the section of learning and the ‘situation’
that introduces this (setting the scene) become very important. These form the impression. If
the title has unfamiliar, scientific terms with no obvious link to the student’s prior expe-
riences, why should this be perceived as relevant? And if the introductory situation is abstract,
or related to another culture, why should this be perceived as having meaning for the world of
the student? The title and ‘situation’ thus need to relate to familiar terminology (everyday
language) and to the life experiences of the student.
The second meaning of relevance leads to satisfying a need. It is sufficiently motivation-
ally promoted that the student participates in the learning and, if other factors promoting moti-
vation also function well, the student wants to, and does, learn. Here motivation drives relev-
ance by the science teaching satisfying student learning needs. Such relevance may be depen-
dent on the classroom situation, the comprehensibility of the science and how the learning
might help with a career or further studies. This relevance might be called the relevance of the
projected subject matter.

The Meaning of Scientific Literacy

Towards a Model of Relevance in Science Education

When these two components of relevance are applied to the student (i.e., relevance in the eyes
of the student from an initial encounter and also in the progression of the teaching towards
satisfying needs at a professional, personal and social level), then relevance is a measure of
appropriateness for the student as perceived by the student.

If R = relevance, then a model of total relevance for the student (Rs,t) is taken to be a func-
tion of Rs,x , Rs,y, Rs,z , Rs.t.,c and Rs.t,p

where Rs, x = students perception of the relevance of the initial introduction for self;
Rs, y = relevance of the subject to the student as a component of motivation;
Rs, z = satisfaction and performance (assessment) by self from the learning;
Rs, t, c = students perception of curriculum perception/implementation by the
teacher plus assessment demands; and
Rs, t ,p = students satisfaction with teacher perception (ability) to meet student
needs and motivate.

Whereas Rs, x comes for the initial teaching set up (the ‘scenario’ for a lesson or series of
lessons) and is thus geared to relevance of the topic, Rs, y, Rs, z play a role later in ‘sustaining’
relevance in the teaching and are thus components of relevance of the teaching of the subject
matter. Also, both Rs, t, c and Rs, t, p are seen to play a role in the relevance of the teaching and
are thus extrinsic motivational components that drive relevance.
Rs,x is seen as having the potential to be the most crucial aspect of relevance for the stu-
dent and can play a strong motivational role (relevance driving intrinsic motivation). When
Rs,x is seen as high by the student, then learning is more likely to take place (Rs, t ~ Rs, x). In
addition, popularity and liking (interest, enjoyable) are more likely when Rs, x is high.
Irrelevance for the student, however, is not solely dependent on Rs, x. This component can
be absent (Rs, x = 0), while for example Rs, t, c can be very dominant. Irrelevance is given by
Rs, t = 0, where relevance of the initial topic and the subject teaching approach are absent in
the eyes of the student.
In the absence of examination pressure, Rs,x can be the most important motivator of stu-
dents. This suggests intrinsic motivation is dependent on this aspect of relevance and hence a
key component in the drive to enhance scientific literacy. Unfortunately international studies
have shown that topic and subject relevance of much of current science education is suspect
(Sjoberg, 2002), because it seems that students do not find the knowledge taught to be useful
in their future and everyday life (Holbrook, 1998; Osborne & Collins, 2001).

This article has sided with definitions where scientific literacy has been related to functionali-
ty within society and as such sides with those who relate being scientifically literate with situ-
ation and circumstance (Layton, Jenkins, Macgill & Davey, 1993). The article has also tried to
show that an appreciation of the nature of science is a further component important for scien-
tific literacy. The importance of differentiating science from pseudoscience or developing an
awareness that science in not applicable to the solving of all society’s problems, is recognised
as important in today’s world of horoscopes and dramatic media or advertising headlines. The
link to today’s world also brings in the need to consider relevance of the learning.

Holbrook and Rannikmae

A new definition is put forward for scientific literacy and hence the target for science
education. This tries takes note of the need to address an appreciation of the nature of science
and the relevance of the science being acquired.

Enhancing scientific literacy through science education is:

Developing an ability, to creatively utilise appropriate evidence-based scientific

knowledge and skills, particularly with relevance for everyday life and a career,
in solving personally challenging yet meaningful scientific problems as well as
making, responsible socio-scientific decisions.

But it is necessary to recognise that enhancing scientific literacy is also dependent on the
need to:

Develop collective interaction skills, personal development and suitable com-

munication approaches as well as the need to exhibit sound and persuasive rea-
soning in putting forward socio-scientific arguments.

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Jack Holbrook is visiting professor in science education at the University of Tartu, the presi-
dent of ICASE (International Council of Associations for Science Education) and a freelance
education consultant in the area of curriculum development, teacher education and assessment
with work experience in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Estonia, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, Ni-
geria, Tanzania, USA and the UK. Correspondence: Centre for Science Education, Universi-
ty of Tartu, Estonia. E-Mail:

Miia Rannikmae is professor in science education at the University of Tartu, with research
interests in curriculum development, relevance, critical thinking, literacy and inquiry teaching
in science education. She has extensive school teaching experience and been involved as a
committee member of a number of international science education organisations and in Euro-
pean Commission projects. She was a Fulbright scholar in 2003.


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