MOCCA Fact Sheet English - 0
MOCCA Fact Sheet English - 0
MOCCA Fact Sheet English - 0
The MOCCA Program is a five-year initiative funded by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA´s) Food for Progress Program. Implemented in six countries where
more than 750,000 smallholder farmers produce coffee and cacao, MOCCA will help
farmers to overcome the barriers that limit their capacity to effectively rehabilitate and
renovate their coffee and cacao plants – increasing their productivity, while improving
their marketing capacity, incomes, and livelihoods within these key value chains.
Across Central America and the Andean Region, old
and unproductive trees, diseases, and changing
climatic patterns are adversely impacting the
production of quality coffee and cacao, and forcing
some farmers to abandon the crops, if not their
entire farms. Rehabilitation and Renovation (R&R)
can represent practical solutions to counteract
these chronic challenges and are vital to ensuring
the longevity of these sectors without expanding
their footprints into fragile forest ecosystems.
However, at present, most farmers are not
renovating and rehabilitating their coffee and cacao
plots, or are unable to do so in a way that
maximizes their outcomes.
MOCCA Activities
Farmer Training
Bolster platforms
Benefit more than 120,000 coffee and cacao farmers, and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
1,230 organizations
MOCCA will not reach its targets without
Integrate over 40,000 farmers into higher-value trading
collaboration from coffee and cacao market system
actors including buyers, trade associations, producer
Support more than 950 nurseries and clonal gardens to organizations, research institutions, lenders,
supply high-quality genetic material for planting government offices, donors, and fellow project
Facilitate over $64 million in loans to more than 29,000 implementers.
farmers If you are interested in collaborating with us, please
Increase productivity by 33 percent contact