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Impact resistance of fiber-reinforced concrete – A review

Doo-Yeol Yoo, Nemkumar Banthia

PII: S0958-9465(18)31153-3
Reference: CECO 103389

To appear in: Cement and Concrete Composites

Received Date: 9 November 2018

Revised Date: 12 June 2019
Accepted Date: 6 August 2019

Please cite this article as: D.-Y. Yoo, N. Banthia, Impact resistance of fiber-reinforced
concrete – A review, Cement and Concrete Composites (2019), doi:

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1 Impact resistance of fiber-reinforced concrete – A review
3 Doo-Yeol Yoo, Ph.D.
4 Assistant Professor
5 Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
6 Seoul, 04763, Republic of Korea.
7 E-mail:
9 Nemkumar Banthia, Ph.D.
10 Professor and Distinguished University Scholar
11 Department of Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, 6250 Applied Science Lane,
12 Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada.
13 E-mail:
16 Acknowledgements
17 This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the
18 Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2017R1C1B2007589).

2 This paper reviews the state of the art of the impact resistance of ordinary fiber-reinforced concretes
3 (FRCs) containing various fibers. First, various types of impact test methods that are current available
4 are addressed as well as some concerns about them based on extensive literature reviews and our
5 perspective. Then, common properties of FRCs under impact loading regardless of fiber type, such as
6 the reasons for their enhanced strength under impact, the effect of size on impact resistance, and
7 several factors (i.e., matrix strength, loading conditions, and fiber existence) that influence strain-rate
8 sensitivity, are discussed. Furthermore, the comprehensive impact resistances of FRCs with various
9 fibers (i.e., steel, polymeric, carbon, basalt, natural, and hybrid fibers) is investigated under different
10 loading conditions. After summarizing the impact properties of FRCs with various fibers, the
11 comparative impact resistance of FRCs by fiber type is evaluated to determine which type best
12 improves impact resistance. Lastly, the effect of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), i.e.,
13 fly ash, silica fume, and slag, on the impact resistance of FRCs is examined, and some combinations
14 of SCM and fiber types that lead to enhanced impact resistance are suggested.
16 Keywords: Fiber-reinforced concrete; Impact resistance; Strain rate; Fiber type; Strength
17 enhancement; Supplementary cementitious material

1 1. Introduction
2 Concrete has been widely used as a construction material in combination with deformed steel
3 reinforcing bar (rebar) and prestressing strand. Since they have great compressive strength, the steel
4 rebar or strands are only adopted in zones in which tensile or shear stress occur, which have been
5 called reinforced concrete (RC) or prestressed concrete (PSC) elements. The enhanced tensile or shear
6 resistance of RC and PSC leads to their successful use as structural elements under quasi-static loading
7 conditions. However, in recent years, civil structures or buildings have frequently been exposed to
8 extreme loading conditions, such as impacts, blasts, and fire from a variety of sources, including
9 terrorist attacks. Although ordinary RC and PSC structures are successfully used under static
10 conditions, they are insufficient under extreme loads because of the poor energy absorption capacity
11 and brittle nature of concrete, which lead to its fragmentation. To overcome the drawbacks of plain
12 concrete under impacts and blasts, researchers [1–3] have suggested that concrete be strengthened with
13 continuous textiles, discontinuous short fibers, external fiber-reinforced polymer, etc. Among others,
14 the inclusion of discontinuous fibers made of materials such as steel, polymer, carbon, and basalt, has
15 been most widely adopted by researchers because of its several advantages: (1) they are easy to
16 include in concrete mixtures, (2) they are effective in enhancing concrete’s toughness under impact or
17 blast by fiber bridging, and (3) they are more cost effective than other methods.
18 Concrete that contains discontinuous fibers with random orientation is called fiber-reinforced
19 concrete (FRC). The randomly orientated fibers can effectively resist crack propagation and widening
20 in the cement matrix, improving the post-cracking ductility of concrete under both static and impact
21 loads. The fibers’ effectiveness in enhancing post-cracking ductility depends on their bond
22 performance, which is affected by factors such as the number of fibers per unit area, fiber orientation,
23 fiber shape/aspect ratio, matrix strength, etc. Thus, to properly design FRC for practical application to
24 civil structures and buildings, the factors affecting post-cracking ductility must be comprehensively
25 investigated. The comprehensive mechanical properties and developments of FRCs including various
26 fiber types (i.e., steel, glass, synthetic, and carbon fibers) in static conditions were reviewed by Brandt
27 [4]. If the properties of FRCs are independent of the loading rate, the previous review paper [4] can
28 provide useful information to researchers and engineers who are interested in using FRCs for
29 protective structures under extreme loads. However, unfortunately, plain concrete and FRCs are both
30 very sensitive to loading rates (i.e., strain or stress rates), exhibiting totally different behaviors under
31 impact as compared to static conditions, thus requiring a new review of the state of the art on the
32 impact resistance of FRC. In this paper, several important points regarding the impact resistance of
33 FRCs are addressed as follows: (1) a summary of current impact testing methods; (2) some limitations
34 of and solutions for current impact testing methods; (3) the general impact behaviors of FRCs
35 regardless of fiber type, (4) the specific impact response of FRCs by fiber type, i.e., steel, polymer,
36 carbon, basalt, and natural sources; and (5) the comparative impact resistances of FRCs by fiber type,
37 which suggests the best ones for use in protective structures. Finally, we examine the effect of
38 supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), which are now widely used in environmentally
39 sensitive concrete mixtures, on the impact resistance of FRCs.
2 2. Impact test machines and methods
3 2.1 Types of impact test methods
4 Several types of impact test methods are available worldwide, as shown in Fig. 1. Kim et al. [5]
5 categorized the high strain-rate test methods into four classes: (1) methods based on potential energy,
6 in which a large mass freefalls onto the specimens (i.e., the drop-weight impact, Charpy, and Izod
7 tests); (2) methods based on kinetic energy, in which a mass strikes the specimen very rapidly (i.e., the
8 gas gun and fiber pullout impact tests); (3) methods in which hydraulic machines deform specimens at
9 a medium loading rate; and (4) methods based on stress wave propagation, in which a stress wave is
10 generated and propagated through a long steel bar and impacts the specimens (i.e., the split Hopkinson
11 pressure bar (SHPB) test). Given the loading condition (compression, tension, flexure, or projectile)
12 and type of specimen (e.g., cylinder, cube, beam, or slab), engineers can adopt the proper impact test
13 methods. In this section, some of the impact test methods most widely used, mentioned above, are
14 summarized and discussed.
16 – Fiber pullout impact test: The fiber pullout impact test utilizes kinetic energy from air or a
17 nitrogen gas gun [6–8]. The test setup is given in Fig. 1a. A single fiber is embedded in a preseparated
18 specimen; the top half is fixed to the machine, whereas the bottom half is pulled down at a high speed
19 using air pressure. The load cell is installed at the top of the machine to measure the impact pullout
20 load, and a laser linear differential displacement transformer (LVDT) measures the slip of the fiber
21 from the cement matrix. Depending on the magnitude of the air and nitrogen gun pressure, very high
22 pullout displacement rates can be achieved. According to the test machines installed, the maximum
23 loading rates are different: for example, the maximum pullout loading rates, reported by Bindiganavile
24 and Banthia [6], Tai et al. [7], and Jang and Yoo [8], were about 3000 mm/s, 1800 mm/s, and 1050
25 mm/s. The fiber pullout impact machine adopted by Jang and Yoo [8] can achieve the maximum
26 pullout loading rate of about 4000 mm/s without specimens. If it is assumed to adopt a gauge length of
27 80 mm for composite tensile specimen in accordance with the JSCE recommendations [9], the
28 maximum strain-rates are able to be from approximately 13 /s to 37.5 /s, respectively. These rates can
29 be included in the range of hard impact and explosive blast loads [10,11], as shown in Fig. 2.
31 – SHPB test: This test method is frequently adopted by researchers to evaluate the dynamic
32 compressive and splitting tensile behaviors of concrete [12–14]. This test is based on two basic
33 assumptions: (1) one-dimensional stress pulse propagation and (2) stress uniformity along the
34 specimen thickness. As shown in Fig. 1b, the SHPB test includes several solid circular steel bars,
35 which are aligned in the direction of a specimen, and a specimen sandwiched between two long bars.
36 The diameter and length of the incident, transmission, and absorbing steel bars differ with researchers’
37 objectives. A projectile strikes the incident bar, and the resulting incident stress pulse propagates along
38 the bar to the interface between the incident bar and specimen, where it is reflected or transmitted. The
39 stress wave reflection is obtained at the interface between the specimen and steel bar to homogenize
1 the stress distribution in the specimen [15]. The transmitted stress pulse propagates through the
2 specimen into the absorbing bar. The stress, strain rate, and strain of the specimen can be calculated
3 from the forces used, which are obtained from attached strain gauges at both the transmission and
4 absorbing bars, and the particle velocities at the interfaces between the incident and transmission bars
5 and the specimen.
7 – Drop-weight impact test: This test method is based on potential energy. A heavy hammer freefalls
8 from a height, striking the specimen, to evaluate the specimen’s flexural and compressive behaviors
9 [16,17]. As shown in Fig. 1c, an impact load is applied to the middle of the specimen by dropping a
10 mass from a drop height, leading to a certain potential energy. The impact velocity can be simply
11 calculated by assuming that there is no friction between the guide and hammer using the following
12 equation: EP = 1/2mv2, where Ep is potential energy, m is the hammer’s mass, and v is velocity. Since
13 the impact load—measured from a load cell affixed to the drop hammer—includes inertial load, two
14 methods for measuring actual impact load can be applied: (1) measuring the reaction load from
15 supports [18] and (2) substituting the inertial load from the measured impact load based on the
16 specimen’s acceleration [17]. To obtain a load–deflection curve, a potentiometer, laser LVDT, and
17 accelerometer are used to measure midspan deflection.
19 – Free falling ball test: This is a potential-energy-based impact test method [19] recommended by
20 the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 544 for measuring the impact resistance of FRC. As
21 illustrated in Fig. 1d, a round steel ball is dropped from a height to cylindrical samples with a diameter
22 of 150 and a height of 64 mm. The number of blows required to cause an initial crack and sample
23 failure is recorded; specimens with more blows at first crack and failure have higher impact resistance.
24 The energy absorption capacity of the sample is calculated by multiplying the potential energy and
25 number of blows.
27 – Charpy impact test: This test method is similar in principle to the drop-weight impact test, in that
28 it is based on the potential energy of a heavy mass [20,21], and can be applied to both tensile and fiber
29 pullout tests, as shown in Fig. 1e. A swinging pendulum hits a specimen in its pathway, and
30 momentum is transferred to the specimen, causing a high strain rate. A notched specimen is gripped
31 with a frame: one support (A) is fixed, whereas the other support (B) is placed on rollers. The
32 swinging pendulum impacts the support (B), causing an impact force on the specimen. The load is
33 measured from a load cell affixed to the fixed support (A). Load–displacement curves under impact
34 are obtained by measuring the displacement of the support (B).
36 – Strain energy impact test system (SEITS): As shown in Fig. 1f, this test setup provides high strain-
37 rate kinetic energy to specimens via the sudden release of stored strain energy in a long steel bar [5].
38 First, load is continuously applied to a short bar, which is connected with a long energy bar by a
39 coupler. Once the applied load exceeds the coupler strength, a sudden, brittle failure occurs in the
1 coupler and the stored energy in the long energy bar is abruptly released. If the energy bar is perfectly
2 attached to the specimen, the stress wave is directly applied to the specimen, as in the mechanism of
3 SHPB; if there is a gap between the energy bar and specimen, both the stress wave and kinetic energy
4 are applied to the specimen. Several impact test machines based on the SEITS, such as the strain
5 energy frame impact machine (SEFIM) and modified SEFIM, have been also suggested [22,23].
7 – Projectile impact test: This impact test method is based on kinetic energy. As shown in Fig. 1g
8 [24], a projectile is launched via air or gas gun. Several projectile nose shapes (e.g., conical, biconical,
9 ogive, and flat) are available; impact performance can differ depending on this shape. The projectile
10 impact test quantitatively evaluates impact resistance using local damage to the concrete plate or
11 slab—including the diameters of the front and rear faces’ craters, penetration depth, residual velocity
12 of the projectile, and weight loss.
14 2.2 Concerns regarding current impact test methods
15 Fig. 2 shows typical strain-rate ranges for concrete structures [10,11] and summarizes the available
16 strain-rate ranges for all loading conditions, i.e., compression, tension, flexure, and fiber pullout, based
17 on extensive literature reviews. For the compressive tests, SHPB machine has been mainly adopted
18 and most of available test data on the dynamic compressive behavior of FRCs are included in the hard
19 impact and explosive blast loading rates, faster than other loading conditions. Although smaller strain-
20 rate was applied for the dynamic tensile tests based on the SHPB and swinging pendulum machines
21 than the compression, it was included in more various kinds of dynamic loads, i.e., the plane crash,
22 earthquake, induced shock, hard impact, and explosive blast. The strain-rate ranges adopted by
23 researchers for dynamic flexural and fiber pullout tests were quite similar, as shown in Fig. 2, but they
24 were wider than those of dynamic tensile and compressive tests. Therefore, they can be included in
25 more various kinds of dynamic loads, such as vehicular impact, plane crash, earthquake, induced
26 shock, hard impact, and explosive blast. The available strain-rate ranges, dynamic increase factors
27 (DIFs), and some other useful findings of FRCs are summarized in Table 1.
28 Bentur et al. [17] reported that specimen (beam or plate) inertia plays a substantial role in drop-
29 weight impact load because of its high loading rate. In general, the impact load—measured from a
30 load cell affixed to a drop hammer—increases very steeply immediately after impact, while almost no
31 reaction load or deflection were measured during this period [25]. This means that a large portion of
32 the initial impact load, which is obtained from the hammer load cell, is caused by the inertial force
33 exerted on the beam opposite to the acceleration direction [17]. Therefore, to obtain the actual impact
34 load that causes specimen failure, the inertial load must be excluded from the impact load measured
35 from the hammer. Banthia et al. [26] have suggested a method to exclude the inertial load from the
36 measured impact load based on the measured acceleration and virtual work expression. By assuming a
37 linear acceleration distribution along the beam length, the inertial load can be calculated based on the
38 sample’s geometry, density, and midspan acceleration. Other researchers [18,27–29] have measured
39 the pure load, excluding the inertial term, using support load cells. Since the reaction load measured
1 from support load cells does not include inertial force, it can be directly adopted for obtaining
2 strengths and load–displacement curves. However, Yoo et al. [29] recently pointed out that RC beams
3 with higher span-to-depth ratios exhibit unrealistic reaction load versus midspan deflection curves
4 under drop-weight impact, mainly because the slow stress wave in concrete causes a delayed increase
5 in the reaction load.
6 Yoo et al. [30] compared the reaction load versus midspan deflection histories of concrete beams
7 with a cross-section of 100 mm × 100 mm and a length of 400 mm under drop-weight impact loads.
8 The midspan deflections were obtained from a potentiometer and an accelerometer. Their interesting
9 findings showed that the load–deflection curves displayed different behaviors with each measurement
10 device. Since the beams completely failed very quickly (1 ms), an unrealistic load–deflection curve
11 was obtained from the potentiometer. On the contrary, the deflection, which was calculated from
12 double integration of the acceleration measured from accelerometer, started to increase at the same
13 time as the reaction load. Therefore, a reasonable reaction load–deflection curve was obtained. Thus,
14 previous researchers [25,31] have adopted the accelerometer to calculate the midspan deflection of
15 small-sized concrete beams under impact loads.
16 The correlation between single-aligned fiber pullout resistance and beam tests under impact loads
17 was examined by Bindiganavile and Banthia [6,32]. They reported a lack of agreement between these
18 test methods for the following reasons. First, the effect of fiber orientation could not be considered in
19 the single-fiber pullout test, even though most fibers in the beam are randomly oriented. Second, fiber-
20 fiber interaction remains obscured in the single-fiber pullout test. Lastly, the actual crack opening rate
21 in the beam under drop-weight impact was not identical to the loading rate applied to the single-fiber
22 pullout test. Therefore, further study is required to resolve the disagreement between the single fiber
23 pullout-test and beam test under impact loads.
24 Based on several decades of study of the impact resistance of FRC, Banthia [33] has insisted that it
25 is very difficult to standardize impact test methods for FRC because data reported in the literature
26 cannot be compared. These data were obtained from different impact machines using various support
27 systems, different mechanisms of energy loss, and different methods for providing a high loading rate,
28 greatly influencing the test results. As can be seen in Fig. 3 [33], considerably different flexural
29 toughness values were obtained from identical FRC materials using impact test machines with
30 different capacities. Thus, data comparison is only possible when results are obtained from machines
31 with similar capacities.
33 3. Common properties of FRC under impact
34 The strength of FRC is sensitive to the rate of loading [34], mainly because (1) crack growth
35 resistance is enhanced (greater stress intensity factor KI) with increasing crack velocity under impact
36 [35] and (2) the crack path is altered and shortened with increasing loading rate because crack
37 propagation is significantly slower than applied stress [36]. Increased crack velocity was successfully
38 observed from Bindiganavile and Banthia [35] using a contoured double-cantilever beam test under
39 drop-weight impact loads, while the shortened crack path under impact was experimentally observed
1 by Tai et al. [7] based on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) study, as shown in Fig. 4.
2 The strain-rate (or stress-rate) sensitivity of concrete is affected by several factors, such as matrix
3 strength, moisture content, temperature, and loading configurations (compression, tension, and flexure)
4 [32,34,37,38]. Ross [37] noted that tensile strength of ordinary concrete is more sensitive to strain-rate
5 than compressive strength, which is consistent with findings of Banthia et al. [20,39] and Suaris and
6 Shah [38]. They [20,38] further reported that the sensitivity of flexural strength of ordinary concrete to
7 strain rate appears to be an intermediate value between the tensile and compressive strengths, as
8 shown in Fig. 5. Matrix strength also influences the sensitivity of strength to strain or stress rates:
9 Bindiganavile et al. [34], Ross [37], Bentur et al. [40], Banthia [41], and Yoo et al. [25,30] insisted that
10 concrete with a higher strength exhibits less sensitivity to strain- and stress-rates compared to that with
11 a lower strength, whereas Bishoff and Perry [42] reported that higher strength concrete has higher
12 stress-rate sensitivity in compression. The higher strain-rate sensitivity for lower strength concrete
13 might be caused by the significant difference in the strengths of the cement matrix and aggregates.
14 Fully saturated concrete provides increased strain-rate sensitivity compared to dry concrete, as
15 reported by Sercombe et al. [43]. However, there was no obvious effect of subzero temperature on the
16 stress-rate sensitivity of concrete, based on the test results performed by Banthia et al. [44].
17 To evaluate the size effect on the impact resistance of FRC, it is very important to ensure that an
18 identical stress- or strain-rate is applied to specimens of various sizes [41]. Qian et al. [45] and Morton
19 [46] also mentioned the importance of maintaining impact velocity to enable scaling. Banthia [41] has
20 examined the effects of specimen size and stress-rate on the impact resistance (including strength and
21 toughness) of FRC beams under drop-weight impacts based on normalized impact data. They reported
22 a clear size effect on the impact toughness of FRCs that include both steel and polypropylene (PP)
23 fibers. The flexural toughness of FRC beams under impacts decreased with increasing specimen size,
24 and the size effect on flexural toughness became more pronounced at higher impact intensities. In
25 addition, the flexural strength of FRC showed a size effect under impact similar to that under static
26 loads, indicating a strength reduction with increasing specimen size.
27 Wang et al. [47] comprehensively compared the DIF of compressive strength of plain concrete and
28 steel and PP FRC. It was clearly reported that FRC has a smaller DIF for compressive strength as
29 compared with plain concrete at a similar strain-rate, meaning that FRC is less sensitive to loading rate
30 than plain concrete. This is consistent with the findings from Bindiganavile et al. [34]. The lower
31 sensitivity of FRC has two causes. (1) In accordance with ACI Committee 446 [48], concrete strength
32 increases with crack velocity. For the FRC, although higher crack velocity was obtained at higher
33 strain rates, the fibers might slow the crack velocity as compared with plain concrete. In addition, (2)
34 steel fibers may be less sensitive to loading rate compared to concrete, due to its homogeneity and few
35 defects. Thus, the FRCs exhibited lower strain-rate sensitivity than plain concrete.
37 4. Dynamic crack growth resistance of FRC
38 In contrast to ordinary concrete, FRC can provide higher closing pressure at crack surface due to
39 fiber bridging effect, acting behind the propagating crack tip where fibers undergo bond-slip process
1 [49] and mitigating the stress intensity factor [50]. The fracture process of FRCs is thus more complex,
2 and a sophisticated model is required to simulate it properly. Previously, cohesive crack model [51]
3 and J-integral [52] were applied to model the fracture behavior of FRC, but these are applicable for
4 only criteria on crack initiation and inappropriate to define its continued crack growth. In order to
5 overcome the limitation of previous approaches, an R-curve was adopted by Mobasher et al. [50] for
6 continuously simulating the toughening of cement matrix by fiber reinforcing and monitoring
7 variations of the stress intensity with a crack growth. Banthia et al. [49] reported that the R-curve is
8 suitable for evaluating fracture process of FRC at impact if a dynamic stress intensity factor is
9 incorporated, and Bindiganavile and Banthia [35] evaluated the crack growth resistance and effective
10 crack length curve of plain concrete and FRCs with polymeric and steel fibers at various loading rates.
11 They [35,53] reported several useful findings that (1) a higher crack growth resistance is maintained
12 even at larger crack length when the fibers are incorporated; (2) the crack grow resistance increases
13 with increasing the magnitude of input energy and rate of loading; (3) a higher impact rate leads to a
14 faster crack extension; and (4) the existence of fibers decreases the rate of crack growth. Similarly,
15 Mindess et al. [54] observed the crack velocity of plain concrete is only one-tenth (‒115 m/s) of the
16 theoretical Rayleigh wave velocity and a further reduction to ‒75 m/s by adding steel fibers. For the
17 above reasons, a higher fracture toughness is generally obtained under faster loading conditions for the
18 cement-based materials, and FRCs can be effectively applied for protective structures due to their
19 superior and excellent dynamic crack growth resistance.
21 5. Impact resistance of various types of FRC
22 FRC exhibits significantly improved impact resistance compared to plain concrete. Due to the fiber
23 bridging effect at crack surfaces, fiber reinforcement is effective in improving the energy absorption
24 capacity of concrete under impact. However, as indicated by Banthia et al. [21], the improvement
25 depends on the fiber type and geometry; as a result, the impact resistance of FRC must be analyzed by
26 fiber type and geometry. This section comprehensively summarizes and analyzes the impact resistance
27 of FRCs including various fiber types.
29 5.1 Steel fibers
30 5.1.1 Fiber pullout behavior
31 Gokoz and Naaman [55] reported that the bond strengths of straight steel, glass, and PP fibers
32 embedded in a Portland cement matrix were only slightly improved at higher loading rates. In
33 particular, they [55] noted that the frictional component of straight steel fiber was almost insensitive to
34 loading rate, which is consistent with findings on the pullout response of smooth steel rebar from Vos
35 and Reinhardt [56] and Naaman [57]. Pacios et al. [58] similarly noted that the overall sensitivity to
36 loading rate was minor for straight steel fibers. Due to the pullout mechanism (only friction) of
37 straight steel fiber, no cracks in the surrounding matrix perpendicular to the interface between the steel
38 fiber and matrix were observed even under high loading rate.
39 Bindiganavile and Banthia [6] reported that, in general, the bond strength and pullout energy of flat-
1 end steel fibers improved with increasing loading rates, whereas the slip capacity was reduced, as in
2 Fig. 6. However, at very high loading rates (a crack opening displacement (COD) rate of
3 approximately 3000 mm/s), the pullout resistance in terms of bond strength, pullout energy, and slip
4 capacity of the flat-end steel fibers decreased due to their fracture. Since the pullout resistance of fiber
5 deteriorates when the failure mode changes from pullout to fracture, the tensile strength and aspect
6 ratio of steel fibers must be properly designed to prevent fracture during pullout by considering the
7 DIF of the bond strength. Banthia and Trottier [59] also examined the pullout resistance of various
8 steel fibers embedded in cement paste and mortar under hammer impacts. Their study [59] found
9 higher peak pullout loads for deformed (hooked and crimped) steel fibers under impact loads than
10 under static loads, and that the deformed fibers in cement paste were less sensitive to stress-rate than
11 those in cement mortar, which might be related to the homogeneity of the paste. The hooked steel
12 fibers embedded in both cement paste and mortar exhibited increased pullout energy absorption
13 capacities under impacts, whereas the crimped fibers showed both higher and lower energy absorption
14 capacities under impacts as compared to under static loads, due to the change in failure mode from
15 pullout to fracture. Accordingly, they [59] commented that the fiber pullout failure mode greatly
16 affects the energy absorption capacity of deformed steel fibers under impacts. Banthia [33] reported
17 that the deformed steel fibers provided a higher loading rate sensitivity as compared with straight (or
18 smooth) steel fibers, as well as smaller slips at a higher rate. The latter was inconsistent with findings
19 from Pacios et al. [58], which noted that higher slips of straight steel fibers were obtained under
20 impacts than static loads.
22 5.1.2 Flexural behaviors
23 In contrast to single-fiber pullout behavior, several researchers [38,60] have reported that the
24 flexural strength of FRC with straight steel fibers greatly increased with loading rates. Suaris and Shah
25 [38] found that the flexural strength of mortar that includes straight steel fibers was slightly more
26 sensitive to strain rate as compared to that of plain mortar, and Naaman and Gopalaratnam [60] also
27 reported an almost threefold increase in flexural strength of straight steel FRC (SFRC) beams as the
28 strain-rate increased from 0.5 × 10-5 /s to 1.2 /s. The inconsistent results between the pullout resistance
29 of single fibers and flexural strength are mainly caused by factors associated with apparent bond
30 strength [60], considering various inclination angles of the fibers. For example, when the straight steel
31 fibers are inclined, mechanical bond components in addition to the frictional bond component are
32 obtained, owing to the bearing of fiber on the matrix. Since the bond strength of aligned deformed
33 steel fibers increases with loading rate, consequently, the additional mechanical bond component of
34 inclined straight steel fiber resulted in rate sensitivity. The SFRC beams obviously include fibers with
35 various inclination angles along the tensile load direction.
36 Mindess et al. [54] studied the crack growth resistance of SFRC using impact testing and high-speed
37 imaging and observed that steel fibers decrease crack velocity under impact loads, resulting in
38 concrete with increased impact toughness. According to the drop-weight impact test for concrete slabs
39 performed by Ong et al. [61], the impact resistance of plain concrete slabs greatly improved by
1 including hooked steel fibers and increasing their amount. This is consistent with the findings from
2 Yoo et al. [2] that the impact resistance and residual performance of concrete beams improved with
3 the addition of hooked steel fibers and their increased volume fraction. Similar observations were also
4 reported by Wang et al. [62] for ordinary concrete and Wang and Wang [63] for lightweight concrete.
5 The impact resistance (including strength and energy absorption capacity) of lightweight concrete
6 improved with the addition of steel fibers [63]. Wang et al. [62] noted that the optimum impact
7 resistance/cost ratio was achieved with a hooked steel fiber content of 0.75% because the fracture
8 energy absorption capacity of concrete significantly increased for fiber volume fractions of 0.5% to
9 0.75%. Post-cracking flexural strength clearly increased when including the steel fibers, due to their
10 fiber bridging effect [2]. Slab integrity after impact and cracking behaviors were improved for SFRC
11 slabs compared with plain concrete slabs [61]. Hooked SFRC slabs with 0.5%, 1%, and 2% fiber
12 volume fractions showed fracture energies approximately 2.2, 3.2, and 4.6 times higher than those of
13 plain concrete slabs. Suaris and Shah [38] reported that the energy absorbed by SFRC with 1.2 vol%
14 steel fibers under flexural impacts was approximately 20–100 times higher than that absorbed by plain
15 concrete. These results indicate that the addition of deformed steel fibers increases the energy
16 absorption capacity of concrete, but the degree of improvement in energy absorption capacity from
17 including steel fibers is inconsistent across studies due to several parameters like machine
18 characteristics, loading configurations (compression, tension, and flexure), fiber properties, the
19 magnitude of imparted energy, and loading rate.
20 Banthia et al. [21] similarly pointed out that the energy absorption capacity of plain concrete varies
21 greatly with different impact test machines because, especially for brittle materials, a considerable
22 portion of the hammer impact energy is dissipated by machine vibrations, and machines with higher
23 capacity lose more energy in this way. Banthia et al. [16,64,65] investigated the impact resistance of
24 wet-mix shotcrete beams and plates with and without deformed (i.e., hooked, flat, and twin-coned)
25 steel fibers. Based on their drop-weight impact test results, they reported that including deformed steel
26 fibers improved the fracture energy absorption and toughness of wet-mix shotcrete, but the
27 improvements are not as pronounced as those under static loads. Hooked steel fibers most significantly
28 improved the energy absorption capacity under impact, followed by the flat and twin-coned fibers,
29 which indicates that the impact resistance of shotcrete with steel fibers is influenced by the fiber
30 geometry. This is consistent with the findings from Murali et al. [66] that slightly better impact
31 resistance in terms of absorbed energy is obtained for concrete with hooked steel fibers than that with
32 crimped steel fibers. According to impact test results performed by Wang et al. [62], very similar
33 energy absorption capacities were observed for SFRC beams including 0.75 vol% hooked and crimped
34 steel fibers under drop-weight impact loads. In fact, the differences between hooked and crimped steel
35 fibers on impact resistance were relatively minor as compared with the differences between the
36 hooked and flat or twin-cone fibers.
37 Nili and Afroughsabet [67] have examined the combined effect of silica fume and hooked steel
38 fibers on impact resistance of concrete. The addition of silica fume or steel fiber increased the number
39 of blows at first crack and failure of normal- and high-strength concretes, respectively. In addition, the
1 inclusion of silica fume in SFRC also led to an improved impact resistance, and as a result, they
2 recommended using silica fume and steel fibers in concrete simultaneously to improve post-peak
3 resistance and ductility under impact loads. Similar results were also reported by Ramadoss and
4 Nagamani [68]. They [68] mentioned that the resistance of concrete under repeated impacts greatly
5 improved by including 0.5–1.5% crimped steel fibers and positive interactions between silica fume
6 and steel fibers was observed. The maximum impact strengths at first crack and failure of the concrete
7 that includes crimped steel fibers were 1.51 and 1.79 times higher those of concrete without fibers.
8 Based on micromechanical and advanced multilayer sectional analysis, first introduced by Armelin
9 and Banthia [69], Banthia [33] tried to predict the impact flexural response of SFRC beams. They
10 modeled the pullout load versus slip behaviors of aligned and inclined flattened end steel fibers under
11 impacts based on Ramberg-Osgood functions, and considered the stress-rate sensitivity on strength
12 increases. The proposed model predicted the peak load and toughness well. However, the true post-
13 cracking impact response of an SFRC beam was not reflected in the analytical curve, because of
14 missing crack growth information in the model.
16 5.1.3 Tensile behavior
17 Banthia et al. [21] examined the effects of matrix strength (38–90 MPa) and deformed steel fiber
18 geometry (hooked, crimped, and twin-cone) on the resistance of concrete under tensile impacts. At a
19 fiber dosage rate of 40 kg/m3, tensile strengths and fracture energies were higher for SFRC under both
20 impact and static loads compared with plain concrete. The increase in tensile strength under impact
21 became more pronounced with increasing compressive strength and deformed steel fiber content.
22 However, the increase in fracture energy under impact was far more pronounced for plain concrete
23 than for SFRC. In addition, the effectiveness of deformed steel fibers in improving the energy
24 absorption capacity of concrete under impact and static loads diminished with increasing matrix
25 strength because the fiber fracture and matrix splitting were more pronounced at higher matrix
26 strengths [70]. Similarly, reductions in post-peak ductility for high-strength and ultra-high-strength
27 SFRC were observed due to the fracture of deformed steel fibers [30]. Hao and Hao [71,72]
28 investigated the static and dynamic splitting tensile behaviors of concrete with and without spiral steel
29 fibers. They [71] used an SHPB test machine and high-speed camera to evaluate cracking behaviors
30 under impact loads, exhibiting strain rates between 2 /s and 20 /s. The addition of spiral steel fibers
31 obviously improved the splitting tensile strength and energy absorption under both static and impact
32 loads. A content of 1.5% spiral steel fibers effectively inhibited crack opening under impact; for
33 example, a COD of SFRC with 1.5% spiral steel fibers was as small as 8% of that of plain concrete at
34 170 µs. This ability to maintain its integrity was the main reason for improving the energy absorption
35 capacity of SFRC.
36 Pająk [73] noted that the addition of steel fibers decreases the strain-rate sensitivity of cement-based
37 composites under tensile impact. The addition of 1.5% and 2% steel fibers subtly decreased the DIF.
38 However, at a fraction of 6 vol% steel fibers, there was a pronounced decrease in DIF at the same
39 strain-rate. This result is inconsistent with the findings from Hao and Hao [71], who examined rate
1 sensitivity on the splitting tensile strength of plain concrete and SFRC using the SHPB test. In their
2 study, the rate sensitivity of the splitting tensile strength increased with the inclusion of spiral steel
3 fibers up to 1.5%. However, neither paper explained why the SFRC exhibited lower or higher
4 sensitivity compared with plain concrete. Further study is required to reasonably explain this
5 discrepancy.
7 5.1.4 Compressive behavior
8 Wang et al. [47,74,75] studied the dynamic compressive behaviors of plain concrete and steel and
9 polyethylene (PE) FRCs using the SHPB test. In their study [47], higher compressive strengths of
10 SFRC were obtained at higher strain-rates. In addition, the number of fractured steel fibers in the
11 concrete increased with strain-rate, meaning that the failure mode of the steel fiber changed from
12 pullout to fracture at increased strain-rates. The fiber fracture failure mode limited the improvement of
13 post-peak ductility under impact loads. Wang et al. [76] similarly examined the dynamic compressive
14 behavior of SFRCs that include 0%, 3%, and 6% very short straight steel fibers using a SHPB test
15 machine up to a strain rate of 100 /s. In their study, compressive strength also increased with strain rate,
16 and as was expected, higher strength was obtained at higher fiber volume fractions. This result is
17 consistent with the findings from Wang et al. [77] for SFRCs that include 0%, 1.5%, and 3% short
18 straight steel fibers under high strain rates from 20 /s to 90 /s, as shown in Fig. 7, and from Yet et al.
19 [78] for SFRCs with 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% hooked steel fibers under strain rates from 30 /s to 60 /s.
20 Thus, note that both the fiber volume fraction and loading rate exert significant effects on the dynamic
21 compressive strength of SFRC. In addition, the use of steel fibers significantly improved compressive
22 toughness under impact loads, and the effectiveness increased with the fiber volume fraction up to 3%
23 [77]. The compressive strength and elastic modulus of fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete (HSC)
24 with straight steel and PE fibers were less sensitive to strain-rate, yielding lower DIF values at
25 identical strain-rates as compared with plain HSC subjected to high strain-rates from 40 /s to 300 /s
26 [74]. This is consistent with findings from Pająk [73] that reported that the strain-rate sensitivity of
27 cement-based materials decreased with increasing steel fiber volume because of the slower crack
28 velocity obtained in fiber-reinforced HSC than in plain HSC and the lower strain-rate sensitivity of
29 steel fibers than the concrete matrix. The main mechanism of the observed dynamic strength
30 enhancement of concrete or concrete-like materials under SHPB tests is lateral confinement from
31 contact surface friction and lateral inertia under high compressive loading rates [15,79]. The SFRC
32 was almost insensitive to strain-rate when the volume fraction of steel fibers was greater than 6% [79].
33 Interestingly, increased critical strain, which is the strain corresponding to maximum stress, was
34 observed in the HSC that included straight steel fibers compared to the plain HSC. According to
35 Bischoff and Perry [80], the extent of cracks for failure increased with the strain-rate. In addition,
36 lateral internal confinement generated by high volume fractions of steel fibers, led to the formation of
37 significant microcracks, but limited the formation of macrocracks, as reported by a previous study [10].
38 The CEB-FIP [81] model underestimated the DIF of the compressive strength of plain HSC, whereas
39 it overestimated the DIF of the compressive strength of HSC that included fibers [74].
1 Lok and Zhao [12] examined the dynamic compressive behaviors of hooked SFRC using the SHPB
2 test. The compressive strength of SFRC increased with strain-rate, which is similar to that of ordinary
3 concrete and consistent with the findings from Xu et al. [82]. The effect of the deformed shape of steel
4 fibers on dynamic compressive properties of concrete was investigated by Al-Masoodi et al. [83]. In
5 their study [83], γ- and W-shaped steel fibers provided greater compressive strengths under 2 and 3
6 MPa impact pressures as compared with plain concrete and conventional hooked SFRC. In particular,
7 the specimen that included W-shaped fibers provided the highest ultimate strain and toughness at both
8 2 and 3 MPa pressures. Marar et al. [84] also evaluated the dynamic compressive toughness of hooked
9 steel fiber-reinforced HSC with various aspect ratios (60, 75, and 83) and volume fractions (0.5%,
10 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%) using a drop-weight impact testing machine, and reported that the compressive
11 toughness and impact energy of high-strength SFRC improved by increasing the fiber content and
12 aspect ratio.
13 Fujikake et al. [85] studied the dynamic properties of cement mortar with steel fibers under high
14 loading rates and triaxial stress states. The volume fractions of steel fibers ranged from 0% to 4%, and
15 the confining pressures and strain-rates ranged from 0 MPa to 70 MPa and from 1.2×10-5 /s to 2 /s,
16 respectively. By including the steel fibers, the failure mode of high-strength cement mortar changed
17 from a mixed mode accompanied by splitting failure to shear slip failure under both static and impact
18 loads, since the fibers provided a confinement effect. Given the confining pressure by steel fibers, the
19 dynamic failure criterion under high strain-rates and triaxial stresses predicted the maximum strength
20 of cement mortar that includes steel fibers.
22 5.1.5 Projectile impact resistance
23 With the addition of hooked steel fibers in concrete slab mixtures, the resistance to damage around a
24 penetration crater by a projectile impact improved, and the residual velocity of the projectile after
25 penetration was markedly reduced [86]. The reduced crater volume of SFRC plates at both the front
26 and rear was experimentally observed by Almansa and Cánovas [87], compared to that of plain
27 concrete plates. Reduced front and rear craters and total weight loss were also observed by Dancygier
28 et al. [88] for HSC panels with hooked steel fibers. In addition, perforation resistance increased up to
29 60% by including 60 kg/cm3 steel fibers, whereas the increase in fiber content from 60 to 80 kg/cm3 in
30 the rear of slab did not improve perforation resistance. Enhanced perforation resistance by including
31 steel fibers, as reported by Dancygier et al. [88], is inconsistent with the finding from Zhang et al. [89]
32 noting that the addition of 1.5 vol% steel fibers substantially reduced crater diameter (to
33 approximately 40–80% lower than that of plain concrete) and crack propagation, but did not have a
34 significant effect on penetration depth. Based on Almansa’s examination [87] of the projectile impact
35 resistance of normal concrete and SFRC including 0.5 vol%, 1.0 vol%, and 1.5 vol% hooked steel
36 fibers, the addition of hooked steel fibers only slightly decreased the thickness of the plain concrete
37 plate required to avoid perforation, but significantly reduced the thickness needed to avoid scabbing
38 and endure multiple hits by projectile impacts. Furthermore, Luo et al. [90,91] reported the higher
39 impact resistance of SFRC under projectile impact compared with that of steel-bar-reinforced HSC.
1 Smash failure of the reinforced HSC specimen was prevented by including steel fibers, and the SFRC
2 specimens exhibited several radial cracks in the front faces by projectile penetration and some minor
3 cracks in the side surfaces. Consequently, although there are conflicting results, it can be generally
4 noted that incorporating steel fibers is more effective in reducing the area of craters or scabbing than
5 penetration depth.
7 5.2 Polymeric fibers
8 5.2.1 Fiber pullout behavior
9 The pullout energy and bond strength of deformed PP fibers continuously increased with the
10 loading rate, whereas the slip capacity was reduced [6], as shown in Fig. 6. This stiffening (lower slip
11 capacity) is beneficial for decreasing the maximum crack width at the peak load for PP FRC. A drastic
12 increase in the pullout energy of straight PP fibers was also obtained by Naaman [57] from loading
13 velocities approximately from 1 × 100 cm/s to 300 cm/s. This is inconsistent with the pullout energy of
14 straight steel fibers, which is independent of loading velocity. In addition, since the strength of the PP
15 fiber itself was rate sensitive, a mixed failure mode (fracture or pullout) was strongly dependent on the
16 loading rate.
18 5.2.2. Flexural behavior
19 Banthia et al. [64] reported that superior static and impact resistances were obtained when longer
20 straight PP fibers were incorporated compared to short ones. In addition, the shotcrete including
21 crimped PP fibers exhibited better energy absorption capacity under both static and impact loads
22 compared to that with straight PP fibers, because of their higher pullout resistance. Based on
23 Toutanji’s study [92], the impact resistance of PP FRC substantially improved with increasing the
24 amount of silica fume incoporated, which helped to better disperse fibers. The optimal silica fume
25 content was determined to be 10% for FRC with PP fibers with a length of 19 mm. Nili and
26 Afroughsabet [93] also evaluated the effects of silica fume and PP fibers on the impact resistance of
27 concrete, according to a free falling ball test. The number of blows at first crack and concrete failure,
28 indicating impact resistance, significantly increased by including 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.5% PP fibers by
29 31%, 100%, and 360%, respectively, at first crack and by 42%, 107%, and 376%, respectively, at
30 failure. This result is consistent with findings from Manolis et al. [94], Song et al. [95], and
31 Soroushian et al. [96]. Manolis et al. [94] evaluated the effect of PP fibers on the impact resistance of
32 concrete using the free falling ball test and reported that the number of blows required to cause initial
33 cracking and failure all increased by including PP fibers up to 5%. Similarly, Song et al. [95]
34 experimentally verified that the first crack and failure strengths of 0.6 kg/m3 PP FRC were 11.9% and
35 17.0% higher than those of plain concrete. However, in their study [95], nylon fibers were more
36 effective in improving the impact resistance of concrete than an identical amount of PP fibers (0.6
37 kg/m3). For instance, the addition of 0.6 kg/m3 nylon fibers into a concrete mixture led to 19.0% and
38 30.5% higher first crack and failure strengths under impact loads as compared with plain concrete.
39 Mindess and Vondran [97] also reported that the addition of PP fibers enhanced impact resistance for
1 both flexural strength and fracture energy. 0.5 vol% PP FRC had a flexural strength and fracture
2 energy approximately 40% and 100% higher, respectively, than plain concrete under a drop-weight
3 impact with a velocity of 2.95 m/s. In addition, Mindess et al. [98] noted that normal concrete with 0.5
4 vol% fibrillated PP fibers with a length of 37 mm exhibited higher fracture energy and fracture
5 toughness than plain normal concrete and HSC without fibers. The HSC produced lower fracture
6 energy and toughness than the normal-strength concrete due to its greater brittleness, and regardless of
7 the strength and existence of fibers, the fracture energy and toughness significantly increased with the
8 loading rate. In contrast, as compared with other researchers [93,94], Alhozaimy et al. [99] published
9 test results indicating that the number of blows at first crack was not obviously influenced by the
10 addition of PP fibers, but that the number of blows at failure improved up to a PP fiber volume fraction
11 of 0.2%.
12 The effectiveness of adding PP fibers in increasing impact resistance decreased with the water-to-
13 cement ratio, indicating higher strength concrete. The increased brittleness of concrete from including
14 silica fume was mitigated by adding PP fibers, and the ability of silica fume concrete to absorb kinetic
15 energy from a hammer drop improved considerably with the addition of PP fibers [92]. A considerable
16 increase in the fracture energy of reinforced concrete beams by adding PP fibers under impact was also
17 reported by Mindess et al. [100], and the fracture energy was much greater for the concrete beams
18 reinforced with PP fibers and steel rebar simultaneously as compared with the sum of the effects of PP
19 fibers and steel rebar considered separately. This means that there was a synergetic effect of using both
20 the steel rebar and PP fibers. On the other hand, the addition of PP fibers did not have a noticeable
21 effect on the first natural frequency of concrete slabs because of the insignificant changes in the
22 specimen mass and static stiffness [94], and the flexural strength of concrete under drop-weight impact
23 was not affected by the fibrillated PP fibers [100].
24 Dey et al. [31] also evaluated the impact response of aerated concrete with and without PP fibers
25 under a drop-weight impact load. In their study [31], dynamic flexural strength was found to be more
26 than 1.5 times higher than static strength, due to the strain-rate effect. The strain-rates applied by the
27 hammer drop ranged from about 0.02 /s to 22.4 /s. Interestingly, similar flexural strength was obtained
28 for aerated concretes with and without PP fibers, but the one with 0.5 vol% PP fibers showed flexural
29 toughness 3 times higher than the one without fibers. The drop-weight impact test method is good for
30 quantitatively evaluating the impact resistance of cement-based materials like aerated concrete for
31 masonry products.
32 The impact resistance of plain concrete improved by using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers
33 [16,64,101,102]. The addition of high volume fractions of PVA fibers changed the impact failure
34 mode from a brittle pattern to ductile one, causing a great increase in impact toughness [102].
35 However, this improvement was insignificant as compared with those adding steel and PP fibers
36 [16,64]. This is because a relatively brittle failure mode was obtained for the FRC with deformed PVA
37 fibers, as compared with those including steel and PP fibers, due to an increase in fiber fracture under
38 impact.
39 Foti and Paparella [103] have performed impact tests for concrete slabs with and without
1 polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers. The discrete, long PET fibers were included in the concrete
2 slab as reinforcement, and a metallic cylinder was dropped at the center of the slab. The slab
3 reinforced with PET fibers did not completely fail because of the impact, whereas the slab without
4 fibers completely failed, confirming the improvement of impact resistance in FRCs. In addition, a
5 good adhesion between the PET fibers and concrete was observed, even after the presence of cracks.
7 5.2.3 Compressive behavior
8 Al-Masoodi et al. [83] have reported that by including PP fibers, dynamic compressive strength and
9 toughness were improved as compared with plain concrete. Similar to the results reported by Banthia
10 et al. [64], the addition of PP fibers has less influence on the static properties of plain concrete,
11 whereas it greatly improved the dynamic compressive properties. Thus, the use of PP fibers under
12 impact is more effective in improving the mechanical properties of concrete than under static loading
13 conditions. The dynamic compressive behaviors of HSC that includes PE fibers were also evaluated
14 by Wang et al. [74] using the SHPB test method. The applied strain-rates ranged from 40 /s to 300 /s,
15 and 0.5 vol% PE fibers were included in an HSC mixture having a static compressive strength of about
16 80–90 MPa. In static loading conditions, there was no significant effect of including 0.5% PE fibers in
17 the HSC mixture, as in the results reported by previous studies [64,83]. However, a lower compressive
18 strength and elastic modulus were found for the PE fiber-reinforced HSC compared to the plain HSC
19 under impact, which is inconsistent with the previous findings [64,83]. Lower DIF values of the
20 compressive strength and elastic modulus were also observed in the PE fiber-reinforced HSC than in
21 its counterpart without fibers, owing to the slower crack velocity [74]. This discrepancy might be
22 caused by different concrete strengths and fiber types, but to draw a clear conclusion on the effect of
23 polymeric fibers on the dynamic compressive behaviors of concrete, further study that considers
24 various concrete strengths and polymeric fibers is needed.
26 5.3 Carbon fibers
27 Banthia and Ohama [104] noted that the impact resistance (i.e., tensile strength and fracture energy)
28 of plain concrete improved after adding carbon fibers; this enhancement was proportional to the
29 volume fraction of carbon fibers up to 5%. The addition of silica fume was also effective in dispersing
30 carbon fibers in the matrix. Similar results were also reported by Ohama et al. [105] and Tabatabaei et
31 al. [106]. Ohama et al. [105] examined the impact resistance of cement composites reinforced with
32 carbon fibers and silica fume using JIS A 1421 (a freefalling steel ball test). In their study [105], an 80-
33 g steel ball was dropped on plate specimens made of carbon-fiber reinforced composites (100 mm ×
34 100 mm × 10 mm) from a height of 20 cm and measured the number of blows up to complete failure.
35 The plain specimen failed after only one blow, whereas the composite with 5 vol% carbon fibers did
36 not break even at more than 3000 blows, indicating that impact resistance was substantially improved
37 by including carbon fibers. In addition, regardless of carbon fiber length, impact resistance increased
38 with the volume fraction up to 5%. In the same manner, Tabatabaei et al. [106] reported that the blast
39 resistance of RC panels was greatly enhanced by including 1–1.5% 100-mm-long carbon fibers. They
1 further found that the addition of carbon fibers effectively reduced the vibrations of concrete under
2 dynamic loads of low magnitude and high frequency as they increased the concrete’s damping ratio
3 [107].
4 However, at very high loading rates (a strain-rate of 0.71 /s by drop hammer freefall), energy
5 absorption capacity in shotcrete including micro carbon fibers decreased compared with that of plain
6 shotcrete [64], mainly because of carbon fiber’s fractures. Since the coarse aggregate included in
7 concrete mixtures normally adversely affects FRC that includes micro fibers, it was eliminated in a
8 previous study [64]. Nevertheless, there was no improvement in the impact resistance due to the fiber
9 fracture. Therefore, it is concluded that in order to improve the impact resistance of concrete by
10 including carbon fibers, the mixture of carbon FRC must be properly designed to prevent the fracture
11 of carbon fibers. In other words, the normal-strength concrete mixture may be more proper for making
12 impact resistant carbon FRCs than the HSC mixture.
14 5.4 Basalt fibers
15 Li and Xu [13] investigated the impact resistance of geopolymeric concretes (GCs) with static
16 compressive strengths of 26.2, 44.1, and 56.4 MPa, with and without basalt fibers. In this study, they
17 employed a 100-mm-diameter SHPB test machine and applied strain-rates from 10 /s to 100 /s. The
18 addition of basalt fibers (vf of 0.1–0.3%) significantly improved the deformation and energy
19 absorption of plain GCs, but there was no obvious enhancement in dynamic compressive strength. Li
20 and Xu [108] also examined the effects of basalt fibers and strain-rate (30-100 /s) on the dynamic
21 compressive behavior of GC using the same SHPB machine and reported that the impact properties of
22 basalt fiber-reinforced GC—including dynamic compressive strength, critical strain, and specific
23 energy absorption—increased almost linearly with the average strain rate. In addition, the optimum
24 volume fraction of basalt fiber was suggested to be 0.3% by Li and Xu [108], which increased the
25 special energy absorption of GC from 8.9% (at 40 /s) to 13.2% (at 100 /s). Other researchers [109]
26 also reported that the inclusion of 0.1 vol% basalt fibers increased the dynamic compressive strength
27 and energy absorption capacity of ordinary concrete by up to 26% and 14%, respectively, and the
28 strengthening effect of basalt fibers was more significant than that of carbon fibers for ordinary
29 concrete.
31 5.5 Natural fibers
32 Ramaswamy et al. [110] examined the effect of natural fibers such as jute, coir, and bamboo, on the
33 impact resistance of concrete under free falling impact loads. The impact energy at first crack and
34 number of blows for failure all increased with a natural fiber volume fraction of 1%. For instance, the
35 impact energy for the first cracking of FRC with natural fibers was higher than that of plain concrete
36 by approximately 10–20%. In addition, jute and coir fibers gave slightly better impact resistance than
37 bamboo fibers for both slab and beam specimens.
38 de Andrade Silva et al. [111] also investigated the impact resistance of unidirectional continuous
39 sisal fiber-reinforce cement composites using a free-falling impact test machine. Their experimental
1 results indicated that sisal fiber-reinforced cement composites led to insignificant changes of flexural
2 strength according to the strain-rate ranging from static to impact (3.8 /s – 5.8 /s) conditions. However,
3 with this change in load, the dissipated specimen energy increased, and the ratio of total absorbed
4 energy to impact energy was found to be between 0.25 and 0.44. As compared with alkali resistant
5 (AR) glass fabric-reinforced composites [112], the composites with sisal fibers provided a more
6 ductile behavior under impact and a similar ultimate impact strength. Furthermore, based on Zhu’s
7 study [112], the total absorbed energy of AR glass fabric-reinforced composites increased with
8 hammer drop heights while the ratio of absorbed to potential energy decreased.
10 5.6 Hybrid fibers
11 Song et al. [113] statistically examined the impact resistance of steel-PP hybrid FRC based on the
12 ACI Committee 544 free falling ball test, and reported that the impact strength of steel-PP hybrid FRC
13 was slightly higher than that of single SFRC, which is consistent with findings from Wang et al. [114].
14 Based on a Kaplan-Meier analysis, they [113] also concluded that the hybrid FRC had slightly more
15 reliable first-crack and failure strengths than the SFRC. In the same vein, the superior impact
16 resistance of steel-PP or steel-glass FRC over hooked SFRC was also reported by Yildirim et al. [115].
17 Based on drop-weight impact test results from Mo et al. [116], the impact resistance of hybrid FRC
18 was better than that of SFRC at a constant fiber fraction of 1 vol%. However, the better impact
19 resistance was only achieved when a small amount of steel fibers were replaced with PP fibers. Hybrid
20 FRC with 0.9% steel + 0.1% PP fibers provided the best impact resistance, including impact energy of
21 17 kJ, which is 1.6 and 60 times higher than those of SFRC and plain oil palm shell concrete, and an
22 impact ductility index of 42, which is 1.9 and 8.4 times higher than SFRC and plain concrete. In
23 addition, Banthia and Nandakumar [117] reported that the effectiveness of using deformed steel fibers
24 to improve the crack growth resistance and fracture energy of concrete is enhanced by including
25 secondary PP fibers. The enhanced impact resistance of hybrid FRC can result in its effective use in
26 blast shelters and earthquake resistant structures.
27 Almusallam et al. [24,118] also evaluated the effectiveness of using hybrid steel and plastic fibers
28 on the projectile impact resistance of reinforced normal- and high-strength concrete slabs using an air-
29 gun system. They adopted fiber volume fractions from 0.6% to 1.4%, and some portion of the hooked
30 steel fibers was replaced with PP and Kevlar fibers to make hybrid FRC. In their earlier study [24], the
31 hybrid fibers’ inhibition of crack development led to a reduction in the area of spalling and scabbing
32 damage to concrete slabs under projectile impact, whereas the penetration depth was not greatly
33 affected by fiber type or amount. The slab with steel fibers exhibited better impact resistance than that
34 with PP fibers, indicating that the use of steel fiber is more effective in improving projectile impact
35 resistance. In the same vein, for hybrid fibers, better impact resistance was achieved when only a small
36 amount of the steel fibers were replaced with PP fibers. The optimum volume proportion of steel and
37 PP fibers was suggested as 2:1.
38 The hybrid effect of steel and PE fibers on the dynamic compressive behaviors of HSC was also
39 examined by Wang et al. [74]. The effect of adding 0.5% steel and 0.5% PE fibers on static
1 compressive strength was insignificant, but a lower compressive strength and elastic modulus were
2 obtained under impacts (strain rates of 40–300 /s) as compared with plain HSC. HSCs including either
3 steel or PE fibers exhibited similar strain-rate sensitivity on compressive strength to HSC with hybrid
4 steel-PE fibers, but a much smaller critical strain, along with a slightly higher elastic modulus. Most
5 importantly, the highest dynamic toughness was found when using hybrid steel-PE fibers, followed by
6 steel and PE fibers.
7 Dawood and Ramli [119] investigated the effect of hybrid steel, palm, and synthetic fiber
8 reinforcements on the impact resistance of high-strength flowable concrete using the free falling ball
9 test. They applied an identical 2 vol% of fiber for all test specimens, and some portion of the steel
10 fibers were replaced with palm and synthetic fibers. The top two impact resistances were obtained for
11 hybrid FRCs with 1.75 vol% steel fiber + 0.25 vol% palm fiber and 1.5 vol% steel fiber + 0.25 vol%
12 palm fiber + 0.25 vol% synthetic fiber, respectively. These hybrids provided better impact resistance
13 at both first crack and failure as compared with 2 vol% single SFRC. However, as more steel fibers
14 were replaced with palm and synthetic fibers, a significant deterioration in impact resistance was
15 obtained, and thus, they concluded that only a small amount of steel fibers can be replaced with palm
16 and synthetic fibers to retain the benefit to impact resistance. The hybrid FRC (1.75 vol% steel fiber +
17 0.25 vol% palm fiber) showing the best impact resistance required 25 times more blows for first crack
18 appearance than plain concrete, and the percentage increase in the post-cracking zone was 78.6%,
19 implying that hybrid fiber reinforcement is effective in improving impact resistance at both before and
20 after cracking.
21 Lastly, Banthia et al. [44] investigated impact resistance of mortar and concrete beams reinforced
22 with single and hybrid steel and carbon fibers under normal and subnormal temperatures (22°C and -
23 50°C). This study adopted macro- and micro steel fibers, and micro carbon fiber. Test results indicated
24 that the hybrid use of 1 vol% macro steel fiber and 1 vol% micro steel fiber was more effective in
25 improving impact energy absorption capacity compared with either alone. Furthermore, the addition of
26 1 vol% micro steel and micro carbon fibers improved the fracture energies of SFRC beams under
27 impact loads, due to their synergetic effect, and a marginal decrease in impact resistance was observed
28 at -50°C.
30 6. Comparative impact resistance of FRCs with various fibers
31 6.1 Steel fibers vs. polymeric fibers
32 Bindiganavile and Banthia [6] examined the pullout resistance of a straight polyolefin (PO) fiber, a
33 sinusoidally deformed PP fiber, and a flat-end steel fiber in concrete with a 28-day compressive
34 strength of 40 MPa. A higher pullout resistance was measured when using the steel fibers up to a COD
35 rate of 2000 mm/s. The bond strengths of all polymeric fibers increase with loading rate, but the steel
36 fiber showed a decrease in bond strengths at very high loading rates (COD rates of 2000 to 3000
37 mm/s), because it was fractured. At very high loading rates, the highest pullout resistance was
38 observed in the deformed PP fiber, followed by the steel and PO fibers, as shown in Fig. 6a.
39 Furthermore, slip capacity decreased with increasing loading rate for both polymeric and steel fibers
1 (Fig. 6b). However, the PP fibers produced the most significant decrease in the slip capacity with
2 loading rate, and this stiffening could effectively reduce the maximum crack width at the peak load.
3 They [6] thus concluded that, at very high loading rates, the pullout resistance and slip capacity of PP
4 fibers can approach those observed in steel fibers. In the same vein, Gokoz and Naaman [55] reported
5 the higher loading rate sensitivity on the tensile strength of PP fibers as compared to those of steel and
6 glass fibers, as shown in Fig. 8. All of the steel fibers were pulled out at all velocities, while the
7 percentages of fiber pulling out of PP fibers obviously increased with increasing the loading rate. So,
8 the pullout percentages of PP fibers were getting closer to the value of 100% with an increase in the
9 loading rate, owing to its higher rate sensitivity on the tensile strength. Thus, it can be noted that the
10 use of PP fiber in ordinary concrete is more effective in enhancing the fiber bridging capacity at higher
11 loading rates, such as impact and blast, than lower rates (quasi-static condition). For this reason, the
12 PP fibers provided higher energy absorption capability at high loading rates than the steel fibers, as
13 reported by Gokoz and Naaman [55].
14 Ong et al. [61] reported that, at the same volume fractions of 0.5%, 1%, and 2%, hooked SFRC
15 slabs provided approximately 40%, 100%, and 136% higher fracture energies than PO FRC slabs
16 respectively, and approximately 19%, 53%, and 80% higher fracture energies, respectively, than PVA
17 FRC slabs. PVA fibers were more effective in improving the fracture energy capacity of concrete
18 compared to that of PO fibers at the identical volume fraction. As shown in Fig. 9, the addition of
19 hooked steel fibers gave significantly superior performance with regard to multiple cracking behavior,
20 resistance to shear cone formation, and slab integrity after impact, as compared with polymeric (i.e.,
21 PO and PVA) fibers. Similarly, based on the impact test results performed as per ACI Committee 544
22 [120], Nia et al. [19] have reported that hooked steel fibers exhibited a better impact resistance in both
23 normal- and high-strength concretes as compared to PP fibers. They evaluated impact resistance by
24 counting the number of blows to final fracture. Concrete with steel fibers exhibited higher impact
25 resistance than that with PP fibers due to the steel fiber’s larger length, greater tensile strength, and
26 better cohesion [19]. Wang et al. [62] similarly reported that hooked steel fibers more greatly
27 increased the fracture energy of concrete beams under impact than PP fibers at low volume fractions
28 (up to 0.5%); Banthia et al. [16,64,65] also demonstrated that the inclusion of steel fibers provided the
29 greatest improvement in toughness for wet-mix shotcrete beams and plates under both static and
30 impact loads, as compared with PP and PVA fibers. In addition, as compared with PVA fibers, PP
31 fibers produced better impact resistance in terms of energy absorption capacity [16,64]. Bindiganavile
32 and Banthia [35] also noted that macro steel fibers exhibited superior crack growth resistance (greater
33 stress intensity) under both static and impact loads compared with micro PP fibers, as shown in Fig.10.
34 A much larger stress intensity factor, KI, was obtained in SFRC over PP FRC and ordinary concrete. In
35 addition, much higher KI values were obtained under impact loads (Fig. 10b) than under static load
36 (Fig. 10a), which is one of the main reasons for the increase in toughness under impact loads. In a
37 drop-weight impact test performed by Suaris and Shah [121], steel fibers were more effective in
38 improving flexural strength than PP fibers at both static and impact loads because of the smaller bond
39 strength between PP fibers and cement mortar. The energy absorption capacity of specimens including
1 PP fibers was found to be only one-third that of the specimens that included long steel fibers.
2 Interestingly, Bindiganavile et al. [32,34,35] reported that although deformed steel fibers resulted in
3 much higher energy absorption capacity under both static and impact flexural loads than polymeric
4 (i.e., PO and PP) fibers, the difference between the deformed steel fibers and polymeric fibers
5 diminished under greater impact intensities compared to those under static load, as shown in Fig. 11.
6 Long PP fibers absorbed approximately 80% of the energy absorbed by steel fibers under impact.
7 Therefore, they [32] concluded that PP fibers with suitable length, geometry, and deformations can
8 absorb fracture energy very close to that observed of deformed steel fibers. In addition, at very high
9 impact loads (incident energy = 600 J), FRC that includes crimped PP fibers exhibited higher flexural
10 toughness than flat-end steel FRC [34] because the flexural toughness of the SFRC decreased at
11 incident energies higher than 120 J owing to fiber fracture, whereas the PP FRC provided a continuous
12 increase in flexural toughness with the incident energy applied up to 600 J, which was attributed to the
13 improvement of the fiber’s elastic modulus.
14 As reported in Wang’s study [74], there was no significant effect of fiber type (steel v. PE fibers)
15 and volume fraction on the DIF of the compressive strength of HSC. However, the compressive
16 toughness of specimens including straight steel fibers was higher than that of those containing PE
17 fibers [74]. By considering fabrication cost and workability, Wang et al. [74] suggested using 0.5%
18 steel fibers to improve the impact resistance of concrete, rather than an identical amount of PE or
19 hybrid (steel + PE) fibers.
21 6.2 Polymeric fibers vs. glass fibers
22 Yildirim et al. [115] examined the resistance of PP and glass FRCs under repeated impact loads. At
23 the identical volume fraction of 0.1%, glass fiber was more effective in improving the impact
24 resistance in terms of number of blows at both first cracking and failure points than PP fibers. The
25 glass fibers exhibited better impact resistance mainly because of their higher elastic modulus, tensile
26 strength, and aspect ratio compared with PP fibers. In addition, specimens including glass fibers were
27 more sensitive to the strain-rate on the flexural strength as compared with specimens including PP
28 fibers, which means that higher flexural strength under impact was obtained using glass fibers than
29 using PP fibers. On the other hand, poorer impact resistance of the glass fiber than the PP fiber was
30 reported by other researchers [55,121]. Suaris and Shah [121] reported that, due to the fracture of glass
31 fibers, it exhibits the energy absorption capacity much smaller than that of PP fibers under impact load.
32 Gokoz and Naaman [55] also noted that the poorer energy absorption capacity of glass fibers is
33 obtained than that of PP fibers because of its lower rate sensitivity on the tensile strength. The
34 percentages of pulling out of PP fibers increased at higher velocities, whereas that of glass fiber was
35 insignificantly affected by the loading rate. So, the pullout resistance of PP fibers was much highly
36 enhanced according to the loading rate, relative to that of glass fibers.
38 6.3 Steel fibers vs. carbon fibers
39 According to Banthia et al. [64], the impact resistance of wet-mix shotcrete that includes deformed
1 steel fibers was much higher than that with micro carbon fibers. For instance, the fracture energies of
2 shotcrete reinforced with hooked steel fibers were found to be 124.94–135.95 J, which is at least 18
3 times higher than that reinforced with straight micro carbon fibers. Similar observations were also
4 reported by Banthia et al. [44] under both normal and low temperatures. The fracture energy
5 absorption capacity of mortar under drop-weight impacts was higher for macro steel fibers than for
6 micro carbon fibers. In addition, the improvement in the impact resistance of macro steel FRC was
7 more effective when using micro steel FRC instead of micro carbon FRC. However, under low-
8 magnitude high-frequency dynamic loads, carbon fibers were more effective in reducing the vibrations
9 of pre-cracked concrete as compared with steel fibers, since they resulted in a higher damping ratio
10 [107]. Hence, it is noted that steel fibers are more effective in bridging cracks and limiting crack
11 propagation and widening under impact loads, as compared with carbon fibers, whereas carbon fibers
12 more efficiently limit vibrations of pre-cracked concrete under small dynamic loads than steel fibers.
14 7. New findings on the strain-rate sensitivity of FRCs
15 Fig. 12a shows the relationship between the DIF on compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths and
16 strain-rate of FRCs with various fiber types and volume fractions. It was obvious that the least loading
17 rate sensitivity was obtained for the compressive strength, while the highest sensitivity was found
18 from the tensile strength. The flexural strength term provided an intermediate rate sensitivity because
19 it is subjected to both the compressive and tensile stresses in the cross section. This observation is
20 consistent with the findings of Suaris and Shah [38] and Banthia et al. [20] for plain concrete without
21 fibers and means that the addition of fibers into concrete does not influence the effect of loading
22 condition on its loading rate sensitivity.
23 Naaman and Shah [122] reported interesting findings that the fiber volume fraction affects the
24 pullout resistance of steel fibers in ordinary cement mortar. Pacios et al. [58] thus conducted static and
25 dynamic pullout tests of using multiple straight steel fibers in cement matrix with two different fiber
26 numbers (16 vs. 8) and reported two important findings: 1) maximum pullout load and slip capacity of
27 multiple steel fibers increased with increasing the loading rate and 2) increasing the number of fibers,
28 which reduces the fiber spacing, was effective in increasing the loading rate sensitivity but ineffective
29 in the average bond strength. In order to verify this explanation, the relationships between the DIF on
30 the bond strength and strain-rate of multiple and single steel fibers embedded in ordinary cement
31 matrix were compared, as shown in Fig. 12b. It was obvious that a higher loading rate sensitivity on
32 the pullout resistance of steel fibers in cement matrix is obtained when multiple fibers are adopted as
33 compared to the single steel fiber cases. However, no scientific and reasonable explanations on the
34 above observations have been reported yet, thus future studies require to be done.
35 The strain-rate sensitivity can be evaluated based on a prediction model for the DIF and strain-rate
36 relationship. The most widely adopted model for the strain-rate effect on the compressive strength of
37 concrete is proposed by CEB-FIP Model Code [81], and the proposed formula is given as follows.

= ≤ 30
/ (1)
= > 30

2 where = strain-rate (up to 300 /s), = static strain-rate (30 × 10-6 /s), α = , fs is the static
∙ ⁄

3 compressive strength, and log = 6.156( − 2.

4 Wang et al. [74] reported that the CEB-FIP model [Eq. (1)] is applicable but underestimates the DIF
5 on the compressive strength of plain concrete and overestimates that of FRCs with various types of
6 steel and PE fibers. The effect of adding fibers into concrete on the strain-rate sensitivity under
7 compression is still controversial: Wang et al. [74] noted that the strain-rate sensitivity of plain HSC is
8 higher than those of similar-strength FRCs, whereas Hao and Hao [123] found that the specimens
9 become more sensitive to the strain-rate when the fibers are added and their volume fraction increases.
10 Since the strain-rate sensitivity of plain concrete and FRCs is different [74,123], Wang et al. [74]
11 insisted that a modified equation for the DIF and strain-rate relation of FRCs needs to be suggested to
12 consider the strain-rate effect precisely when we design FRC structures or numerically simulate them.
13 Several previous studies [12,47,123-125] have thus proposed empirical equations for the DIF on the
14 compressive strength of FRCs and they are summarized in Table 2. Since the previous models were
15 suggested based on the test data (empirical), most of them can be only adopted for a certain
16 circumstance with limited ranges of matrix strength, fiber type and volume fraction. The rate
17 sensitivity of FRC is influenced by some factors: for example, the strain-rate sensitivity of SFRC
18 varied according to the fiber shape and volume fraction but is insignificantly affected by the matrix
19 strength [124]. The deformed steel fibers generally provided higher rate sensitivity than that of straight
20 one for HSC, and the rate sensitivity increased with increasing the fiber dosage from 1.5% to 2.5% but
21 rather reduced after that up to 3.0% [124]. Thus, to properly design FRC structures subjected to the
22 extreme loads, an appropriate prediction model, given in Table 2, is recommended to use for similar
23 type of FRC.
24 The most famous empirical DIF models for concrete under tension have been suggested by CEB-
25 FIP Model Code [81] and Malvar and Ross [126]. Among them, the CEB-FIP model [81] for DIF of
26 tensile strength is given by the following equation.
= ≤ 30
/ (2)
=+ > 30


29 where α = and log+ = 7.11( − 2.33.

∙ ⁄

30 Othman and Marzouk [127] compared the DIFs on the compressive and flexural-tensile strengths of
31 FRCs and CEB-FIP models and concluded that the CEB-FIP model [81] overestimates the

1 compressive and tensile strength of high-strength FRC and its overestimation becomes more
2 significant in tension. Furthermore, several researchers [71,128-130] have experimentally verified the
3 influence of adding fibers on the rate sensitivity of tensile strength of concrete. Hao and Hao [71] and
4 Shah [129] reported that the least sensitivity to the strain-rate is found in plain concrete under tension
5 and the higher rate sensitivity is achieved with the higher fiber volume fraction. On the contrary,
6 Wang et al. [130] reported that the most remarkable strain-rate effect on the tensile strength is
7 obtained in the plain concrete without fibers and the FRC with volume fraction of 1.5% is almost
8 insensitive to the strain-rate. Xu et al. [128] also noted that the inclusion of fibers affects the DIF of
9 tensile strength although the fiber contents and types have a minimum influence on it, and thus, they
10 [128] insisted that the available DIF formula on the tensile strength of plain concrete should not be
11 simply applied for the FRC materials. The empirical formula, especially suggested to the dynamic
12 tensile strength of FRCs, are thus collected from literature reviews and summarized in Table 2. In
13 accordance with Yang et al. [124], the deformed (e.g., hooked and twisted) steel fibers led to the
14 higher rate sensitivity on the tensile strength than the straight fiber due to clamping pressure and
15 interfacial microcrack formation and, up to a certain fiber dosage (about 2.5%), the rate sensitivity
16 increased with increasing it, similar to the trends on the compressive strength. Based on their empirical
17 equations on the DIFs of compressive and tensile strengths [124], it was found that the tensile strength
18 of SFRC is more sensitive to the strain-rate than its compressive strength, which is consistent with the
19 findings of Ross [37] for plain concrete.
21 8. The effect of supplementary cementitious materials on the impact resistance of FRC
22 Alhozaimy et al. [99] investigated the effect of SCMs such as fly ash, silica fume, and slag, on the
23 impact resistance of FRC that includes 0.1 vol% PP fibers. Replacing a portion of cement with SCMs
24 deteriorated the impact resistance of plain concrete. However, replacing a portion of cement in PP
25 FRC with SCMs led to great improvement in its impact resistance, because pozzolanic action
26 improved the bond performance of PP fibers in the cement matrix. The impact resistance at failure of
27 PP FRC with only cement was increased by 82%, 42%, and 90% with the inclusion of fly ash, silica
28 fume, and slag, respectively.
29 Toutanji et al. [92] examined the effect of silica fume on the impact resistance of PP FRC. They
30 reported that the impact resistance of PP FRC was greatly improved with increasing amounts of silica
31 fume, because the addition of silica fume led to better dispersion of PP fibers in the matrix. PP fibers
32 with a length of 19 mm and a silica fume content of 10% were suggested as the optimum value. The
33 increased brittleness of silica fume concrete was effectively mitigated by including PP fibers, and its
34 ability to absorb kinetic energy from a drop hammer was significantly improved by adding the PP
35 fibers. Gupta et al. [131] also reported that the impact resistance of concrete is improved by replacing
36 fine aggregate with rubber fibers and adding silica fume.
37 Yan et al. [132] examined the effect of silica fume and steel fibers on the impact resistance of HSC
38 using repeated freefalling ball tests as per ACI Committee 544. They mentioned that the impact
39 resistance of HSC improved with the inclusion of 1.5 vol% steel fibers, but the synergetic effect of
1 incorporating both silica fume and steel fibers led to much greater improvement, as shown in Fig. 13.
2 In this study, 20% of the cement was replaced with silica fume. By including only steel fibers, the
3 number of blows at first crack and failure, and the impact toughness of HSC increased by 15, 17, and
4 17 times, respectively, whereas by incorporating both silica fume and steel fibers, these measures
5 increased by 22, 29, and 29 times, respectively. Thus, the addition of silica fume in the SFRC was
6 effective in improving impact resistance. This result seems to be caused mainly by the enhanced bond
7 strength and pullout energy of the steel fibers. According to pullout test results from Chan and Chu
8 [133], the bond strength and pullout energy of steel fibers embedded in an ultra-high-strength cement
9 matrix increased as the amount of silica fume was increased up to 30%. For example, the pullout
10 energy increased by nearly 100% by replacing 30% of the cement with silica fume.
11 Siddique [134] studied the impact resistance of concrete with high volumes of class F fly ash and
12 natural san fibers, a subset of natural bast fibers. Portland cement was replaced with 35%, 45%, or 55%
13 of class F fly ash, and san fibers were incorporated as 0.25%, 0.5%, or 0.75% of the mixture. The
14 addition of san fibers improves the impact resistance of plain fly ash concrete; the improvement
15 increased with the fiber content. However, the best impact resistance was achieved by concrete with
16 35% fly ash, regardless of the fiber content; impact resistance decreases with increasing amounts of fly
17 ash. Thus, high volumes of fly ash are not effective in improving the impact resistance of concrete
18 with natural san fibers.
20 9. Conclusion
21 This paper comprehensively reviewed the impact resistance of ordinary FRC with various fiber
22 types. Based on literature reviews, several important findings were obtained, and the following
23 conclusions could be drawn from the above discussions.
24 1) The strain-rate sensitivity of FRCs differs according to loading condition, matrix strength, and
25 saturation. Tensile impacts lead to the highest rate sensitivity, followed by flexural and
26 compressive impacts. Matrix strength also affects the strain-rate sensitivity of FRC: higher
27 strength FRC is less sensitive to strain-rate than the lower strength FRC. Lastly, saturated concrete
28 exhibits increased strain-rate sensitivity compared with dry concrete.
29 2) The size effect on the flexural toughness of FRCs becomes more pronounced at higher impact
30 intensities.
31 3) The pullout resistance of straight steel fiber, which is resisted by only its frictional component, is
32 almost insensitive to the loading rate. Conversely, the pullout resistance of deformed steel and PP
33 fibers greatly improves with increasing loading rate. In the case of deformed steel fibers, once a
34 fiber is fractured, pullout resistance decreases at higher loading rate. These results indicate that the
35 strength of fibers must be properly designed to prevent its fracture under impact.
36 4) Higher rate sensitivity on the bond strength is observed in the multiple steel fibers than the single
37 steel fiber. However, increasing the number of steel fibers generally decreases the average bond
38 strengths under impact load.
39 5) In contrast with the single-fiber pullout impact test results, the SFRC including straight steel
1 fibers exhibits almost a three-fold increase of flexural strength at the strain-rate increased from 0.5
2 × 10-5 /s to 1.2 /s, due to their inclination.
3 6) Impact resistance, including both the strength and energy absorption capacity, of plain concrete
4 greatly improves with the inclusion of deformed steel fibers and increasing their amount under
5 compression, tension, and flexure. Hooked steel fibers are most effective in improving impact
6 resistance, followed by crimped, flat-end, and twin-cone steel fibers. However, the difference in
7 the impact resistances between SFRC with hooked and crimped steel fibers is minor compared
8 with that between SFRC with hooked and flat-end (or twin-cone) steel fibers.
9 7) Hooked steel fiber with a higher aspect ratio is more efficient in improving FRC’s compressive
10 toughness under impact. In addition, FRCs including PE and steel fibers are less sensitive to
11 strain-rate on compressive strength and toughness compared with plain concrete.
12 8) The addition of steel fibers effectively decreases the impact damage (i.e., the size of craters and
13 penetration depth) of concrete panels under projectile impact, and also, it is more effective in
14 reducing crater area and scabbing than penetration depth.
15 9) The impact resistance of concrete under flexure and compression improves with the inclusion of
16 PP and PVA fibers. Crimpled PP fibers are more effective in improving the impact resistance of
17 concrete than straight ones, and longer PP fibers give better impact resistance than shorter ones.
18 Compared to PP fibers, nylon fibers more effectively improve the impact resistance of concrete,
19 whereas PVA fibers do so less effectively. Since PVA fibers provide higher impact resistance than
20 PO fibers, the impact resistance of polymeric and nylon FRCs by fiber type in descending order is
21 nylon, PP, PVA, and PO.
22 10) Carbon and basalt fibers enhance the impact resistance of concrete. However, the strengthening
23 effect of basalt fiber is more significant compared to that of carbon fiber; the effectiveness of
24 adding carbon fiber is especially diminished at very high loading rates, causing the fiber fracture.
25 11) The impact resistance of single SFRC is enhanced by replacing a portion of steel fibers with PP,
26 palm, or synthetic fibers, to form a hybrid FRC. However, since single steel fibers generally
27 provide better impact resistance than single PP, palm, and synthetic fibers, this enhancement is
28 only obtained by replacing a small amount of steel fiber. The optimum volume proportion of steel
29 and PP fibers is suggested to be 2:1.
30 12) Among natural FRCs, the addition of jute and coir fibers is slightly more effective in improving
31 the impact resistance of concrete compared with that of bamboo fibers.
32 13) SFRC that includes deformed steel fibers generally exhibits better impact resistance than
33 polymeric (i.e., PP, PO, PVA, and PE) and carbon FRCs. However, the difference in impact
34 resistance between concretes with deformed steel and polymeric fibers decreases with greater
35 impact intensities, due to the deformed steel fiber’s higher possibility of fracture at very high
36 loading rates.
37 14) Glass fiber is more effective than PP fiber in improving the resistance to repeated impact loads.
38 However, since the higher rate sensitivity of PP fiber on its tensile strength than that of glass fiber,
39 the PP FRC has a higher energy absorption capacity than the glass FRC.
1 15) Significant improvement in the impact resistance of PP FRC can be obtained by replacing a
2 portion of cement with SCMs such as fly ash, silica fume, or slag. The use of silica fumes
3 significantly improves the impact resistance of SFRC, whereas a high volume of fly ash
4 deteriorates the impact resistance of concrete reinforced with natural san fibers.
6 Acknowledgements
7 This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the
8 Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2017R1C1B2007589).
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23 List of Figures
24 Fig. 1 Various impact test machines; (a) fiber pullout impact test [6], (b) SHPB test [13], (c) drop-
25 weight impact test [18], (d) free falling ball test [19], (e) charpy impact test [21], (f) strain
26 energy impact test system [5], (g) air-gun impact test (1. power unit, 2. guide barrel, and 3.
27 target frame and test section) [24]
28 Fig. 2 Typical strain-rate ranges for concrete structures [10,11] and summary of available strain-rate
29 ranges for all loading conditions based on literature reviews
30 Fig. 3 Influence of machine capacity on measured impact response of a given FRC material [33]
31 Fig. 4 SEM images for the fractured surface of UHPFRC under various loads; (a) bond fractured
32 extending around aggregate at static load and (b) aggregate fracture at impact load [7]
33 Fig. 5 Relationship between increase in strength and strain-rate of concrete in tension, flexure, and
34 compression [38]
35 Fig. 6 Pullout behaviors [6]; (a) peak pullout load, (b) slip capacity, (c) pullout energy (F1:
36 undeformed polyolefin fiber, F2: short crimped polypropylene fiber, F3: long crimpled
37 polypropylene fiber, and F4: flat-end steel fiber)
38 Fig. 7 Effects of steel fiber volume content and strain-rate on compressive strength of concrete [77]
39 Fig. 8 Pullout percentages of different types of fibers according to the loading rate [57]
1 Fig. 9 Failure patterns of concrete slabs including 2% by volume of; (a) polyolefin fibers, (b) PVA
2 fibers, (c) hooked steel fibers (bottom surface) [61]
3 Fig. 10 Crack growth resistance of plain concrete and FRC under (a) static load and (b) drop weight
4 impact load (750 mm drop) (Note: SFRC = FRC with steel fibers and PFRC = FRC with PP
5 fibers) [35]
6 Fig. 11 Fracture energy dissipated by polymeric fibers as compared to that by steel fibers [32] (MF1 =
7 polyolefin fiber, MF2 = polypropylene fiber (30 mm long), and MF3 = polypropylene fiber (50
8 mm long))
9 Fig. 12 Relationships between the DIF and strain-rate of FRCs according to (a) loading configuration
10 and (b) number of steel fibers
11 Fig. 13 Impact resistance of high strength concretes with and without silica fume and steel fibers; (a)
12 number of blows, (b) impact toughness (HSC = high strength concrete, SIFUHSC = silica fume
13 HSC, SFRHSC = steel fiber reinforced HSC, SFRSIFUHSC = HSC with silica fume and steel
14 fibers) [132]

2 Fig. 1 Various impact test machines; (a) fiber pullout impact test [6], (b) SHPB test [13], (c) drop-weight impact test [18], (d) free falling ball test [19], (e)
3 charpy impact test [21], (f) strain energy impact test system [5], (g) air-gun impact test (1. power unit, 2. guide barrel, and 3. target frame and test section) [24]

Fiber Pullout Impact Machine Fiber pullout
Drop-Weight Impact Machine Flexure

SHPB and Swinging Pendulum Machines Tension

SHPB Machine Comp.

Strain-rate (/s)
1E-08 0.0000001 0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Creep Quasi-static Vehicular impact Plane crash Hard impact (missile, rock fall)
Earthquake, induced shock
Explosive blast
3 Fig. 2 Typical strain-rate ranges for concrete structures [10,11] and summary of available strain-rate
4 ranges for all loading conditions based on literature reviews

9 Fig. 3 Influence of machine capacity on measured impact response of a given FRC material [33]

14 Fig. 4 SEM images for the fractured surface of UHPFRC under various loads; (a) bond fractured
15 extending around aggregate at static load and (b) aggregate fracture at impact load [7]


2 Fig. 5 Relationship between increase in strength and strain-rate of concrete in tension, flexure, and
3 compression [38]

8 Fig. 6 Pullout behaviors [6]; (a) peak pullout load, (b) slip capacity, (c) pullout energy (F1:
9 undeformed polyolefin fiber, F2: short crimped polypropylene fiber, F3: long crimpled polypropylene
10 fiber, and F4: flat-end steel fiber)

2 Fig. 7 Effects of steel fiber volume content and strain-rate on compressive strength of concrete [77]

8 Fig. 8 Pullout percentages of different types of fibers according to the loading rate [57]

2 Fig. 9 Failure patterns of concrete slabs including 2% by volume of; (a) polyolefin fibers, (b) PVA
3 fibers, (c) hooked steel fibers (bottom surface) [61]

9 Fig. 10 Crack growth resistance of plain concrete and FRC under (a) static load and (b) drop weight
10 impact load (750 mm drop) (Note: SFRC = FRC with steel fibers and PFRC = FRC with PP fibers)
11 [35]

2 Fig. 11 Fracture energy dissipated by polymeric fibers as compared to that by steel fibers [32] (MF1 =
3 polyolefin fiber, MF2 = polypropylene fiber (30 mm long), and MF3 = polypropylene fiber (50 mm
4 long))

8 12
Compression [74,78]
Dynamic increase factor, DIF

Dynamic increase factor, DIF

Single steel fiber [6,55,59]

7 Flexure [2,30,31,32,65,121] Multiple steel fibers [58]
Tension [20,21,71] 10 Fitted curve
6 Fitted curve Fitted curve
Fitted curve 8
Fitted curve
4 6
0 0
0.00000010.00001 0.001 0.1 10 1000 0.00000010.00001 0.001 0.1 10 1000
8 Strain-rate (/s) Strain-rate (/s)

9 (a) (b)
10 Fig. 12 Relationships between the DIF and strain-rate of FRCs according to (a) loading configuration
11 and (b) number of steel fibers

2 Fig. 13 Impact resistance of high strength concretes with and without silica fume and steel fibers; (a)
3 number of blows, (b) impact toughness (HSC = high strength concrete, SIFUHSC = silica fume HSC,
4 SFRHSC = steel fiber reinforced HSC, SFRSIFUHSC = HSC with silica fume and steel fibers) [132]

1 List of Tables
2 Table 1 ‒ Summary of some findings from various impact tests
3 Table 2 ‒ Summary of DIF models for FRCs
5 Table 1 ‒ Summary of some findings from various impact tests
Fiber Fiber
Type of Loading Comp.
geometry volume Loading Strain-rate
Author testing condition strength Type of fiber DIF Summary of results
[lf/df, fraction rate [ /s]
machine (Spec. type) [MPa]
mm/mm] [%]
Both the static and impact resistance of SFRC are
Flexure Hooked steel improved by increasing fiber volume fraction.
Yoo et al. [2] impact 90.1‒96.5 30/0.5 0‒2 - 3.37‒4.76 1.49‒1.75
(Beam) fiber But, the loading rate sensitivity decreased with
increasing the fiber volume fraction.
Straight PO
50/- 5.17, 7.07
Sin. crimped 3.57, Pullout resistance of both polymeric and steel fibers
Fiber pullout Pullout 30/- generally increased with increasing the loading rate.
Bindiganavile PP fiber* 2,000, 3.64‒3.80
impact (Dog-bone / 40 Single 25, 37.5** Steel fiber showed poorer pullout resistance, in terms of
and Banthia [6] Sin. crimped 3,000 mm/s
machine aligned) 50/- 1.90, 2.84 bond strength and energy aborption capacity, than the
PP fiber polymeric fibers at very high loading rates.
Flat-end steel
30/0.73 2.61, 1.92
Compressive strength of SFRC increased with
increasing the strain-rate, similar to the plain concrete.
Lok and Zhao Compression Hooked steel Post-peak ductility of SFRC under compression
SHPB 90 35/0.54 0.6 - 19.8‒103 1.02‒1.75
[12] (Cylinder) fiber becomes absent at the strain-rate exceeding 50 /s,
meaning that the compressive ductility of SFRC is able
to be achieved only at low strain-rate.
Hooked steel 30‒35/0.5‒
54‒55 0.77 5.06‒7.28
fiber 0.55
Flat-end steel
51 30/0.73 0.77 6.70 Adding steel and synthetic fibers was highly effective in
Straight PP 25‒38/0.38‒ enhancing the fracture energy absorption and toughness
Drop-weight 45‒49 1-1.5 7.15‒8.67 under impact.
Banthia et al. Flexure fiber 0.76 28,830
impact 0.71 Steel fibers provided the greatest improvement in
[64] (Beam) Straight carbon 10‒18/0.017‒ MPa/s 7.02‒ toughness under both static and impact loading.
machine 50‒52 2
fiber 0.018 12.45 PP and PVA fibers enhanced the toughness reasonably,
Flat-end PVA
50 30/0.55×0.75† 0.77 7.86 but carbon fiber failed to provide any improvement.
53 35/1 0.77 4.60
steel fiber
Banthia et al. Swinging Tension 75‒85 Carbon fiber 3/0.018 1-3 8,000 0.4 1.08‒1.53 Cement paste and mortar became stronger and tougher
[20] pendulum (Dog-bone) Flat-end steel MPa/s under impact and these improvements were greater at
3/0.005×0.025 1.13‒1.99
machine fiber higher fiber volume fractions.
Straight PP The order of strain-rate sensitivity on the tensile strength
6/0.004 1.04‒2.12 was as follows: PP fiber > steel fiber > carbon fiber.
Hooked steel
43‒90 60/0.8 1.17‒1.41
fiber Fiber reinforcement was effective in improving fracture
Crimped steel
Swinging 40‒84 60/1.0 1.10‒1.14 energy absorption capacity under impact.
Banthia et al. Tension fiber 3,500 Strength of matrix has a decisive effect: the higher
pendulum 0.5 0.08
[21] (Dog-bone) Crimped steel MPa/s strength of matrix led to the less effective the steel fibers
machine 43‒83 52/2.3×0.55 1.28‒1.32 in enhancing the fracture energy absorption under
Twin-coned impact.
38‒86 62/1.0 1.21‒1.64
steel fiber
Dynamic increase factors on the peak load and fracture
Flexure Hooked steel 0.1‒2,660 energy of SFRCs were approximately 3.5 and 2.5,
Zhang et al. [27] impact 92 50/0.75 0.82 - 1.12‒3.48
(Beam) fiber mm/s respectively, for the highest impact velocity at 2,660
Post-peak behavior was improved with fiber content.
Drop-weight 23,006‒ Increases of fiber content and strength led to the
Flexure Hooked steel
Yoo et al. [30] impact 39‒191 30/0.5 0.5‒2 123,249 3.29‒11.45 1.53‒5.20 enhancement in residual flexural performance.
(Beam) fiber
machine MPa/s At higher strength, less sensitivity to the strain-rate was
obtained under flexure.
Impact resistance of masonry structure can be improved
by adding PP fibers.
Flexure Straight PP FRAC showed more than three times higher flexural
Dey et al. [31] impact 5.61 12/0.048 0.5 - 0.02‒22.4 2.32‒4.82
(Beam) fiber toughness than AAC due to the role of short fibers in
bridging the flexural cracks and absorbing the impact
Straight PO 13,300
38 50/- 0.33 2.62
fiber MPa/s
Sin. crimped 15,500 Flexural strength of FRC increased at impact.
Drop-weight 40 30/- 0.38 2.34 Toughness of FRC with polymeric fibers was enhanced
Bindiganavile Flexure PP fiber* MPa/s
impact 0.75 under impact, whereas that of SFRC was rather reduced.
and Banthia [32] (Beam) Sin. crimped 16,100
machine 43 50/- 0.40 2.33 Effectiveness of polymeric fibers increased under
PP fiber* MPa/s impact, whereas that of steel fibers rather decreased.
Flat-end steel 12,900
43 30/0.73 0.32 1.52
fiber MPa/s
Straight steel
38/0.4 1.44‒2.70 PP fiber gave most rate sensitivity on the tensile strength
Fiber pullout Pullout fiber than steel and glass fibers.
Gokoz and 500‒2,000
impact (Dog-bone / - Straight PP Single 6.25-25 PP fiber exhibited the highest energy absorption
Naaman [55] -/0.38 mm/s 2.25‒7.43
machine aligned) fiber capacity at high loading rates (impact), followed by the
Glass fiber 38/0.0715 1.03‒2.39 steel fiber and glass fiber.

Maximum pullout load and slip capacity of multiple
-3 steel fibers in ordinary cement matrix increased with the
Charpy Pullout 1.70×10 ‒
Straight steel Single, 2.11×10-5‒ 0.78‒ loading rate.
Pacios et al. [58] pendulum test (Dog-bone / 57.78 12.7/0.4 528.47
fiber multiple 6.61 10.50 Increasing the number of fibers was effective in
machine aligned) mm/s
increasing the rate sensitivity but ineffective on the
average bond strength.
Hooked steel
60/0.6 1.39-4.59
At the identical failure mode only, pullout energy of
Charpy Pullout Crimped steel
Banthia and 58/1.0 0.93-2.26 deformed steel fibers increased under impact loads.
impact test (Dog-bone / - fiber Single 1.5 mm/s 0.019
Trottier [59] Hooked steel fiber has higher rate sensitivity than the
machine aligned) Crimped steel crimped steel fiber.
fiber (half 53/0.5×2.2 0.87-1.81
Hooked end 30‒35/0.5‒
54‒55 0.77 1.53‒1.60
steel fiber 0.55
Flat-end steel
51 30/0.73 0.77 1.32
Straight PP 25‒38/0.38‒ Wet-mix shotcrete with various fibers was highly
45‒49 1-1.5 2.56‒3.30 sensitive to the loading rate: stronger, stiffer, and
fiber 0.63
Drop-weight tougher at impact.
Flexure Crimped PP
Gupta et al. [65] impact 48 30/0.76 1.5 1,046 MN/s 1.08 3.58 The ability of an efficient fiber to reinforce concrete is
(Plate) fiber
machine magnified and clearly visible in plates than in beams.
Straight carbon 10‒18/0.017‒
50‒52 2 1.61‒4.51 FRCs with polymeric fibers exhibited higher rate
fiber 0.018 sensitivity on the flexural strength than SFRCs.
Flat-end PVA
54 30/0.55×0.75 0.77 2.49
53 35/1.0 0.77 2.69
steel fiber
Splitting about Adding steel fibers and increasing their volume fraction
Hao and Hao Spiral steel
SHPB Tension - 15/0.56 0‒1.5 150,000 about 2‒20 2.5‒6.7 led to higher rate sensitivity on the splitting tensile
[71] fiber
(Cylinder) MPa/s strength of concrete.
Straight steel
13/0.16 0.5 1.6‒1.7 Lower rate sensitivity on the compressive strength and
elastic modulus of HSC was observed by adding fibers.
Compression Straight PE
Wang et al. [74] SHPB 81.8‒90.7 12/0.039 0.5 - 100‒300 1.8‒2.1 Using 0.5% steel fiber was recommended for enhancing
(Cylinder) fiber
impact resistance of HSC than the PE fiber or hybrid of
Steel and PE
- 1.0 1.7‒2.2 them.
fiber hybrid
Compression 51.03‒ Hooked steel 30.21‒ Adding steel fiber was effective in improving static and
Yet et al. [78] SHPB 35/0.55 0‒1.5 - 1.61‒2.62
(Cylinder) 74.38 fiber 64.63 dynamic compressive strengths.
de Andrade Silva Drop-weight Flexure There was no strain-rate effect on the flexural strength
70 Sisal fiber -/0.04‒0.05 10 - 3.8‒5.8 0.76‒0.96
et al. [111] impact (Beam) of concrete with sisal fibers.
57.6 Steel fiber 25.4/0.25 1.15-1.92 Steel and glass FRCs were more sensitive to strain-rate
Drop-weight 45.9 Steel fiber 6.4/0.15 than the mortar itself, while the PP FRC shows similar
Suaris and Shah Flexure 6.8×10 ‒ 1.17-1.90
impact 1.0 - rate sensitivity with the mortar itself.
[121] (Beam) 57.6 PP fiber 63.5/0.20 0.27 1.09-1.69
machine Matrix cracking in FRC is a major process responsible
50.3 Glass fiber 25.4/- 1.02-2.00 for strain-rate sensitivity.
1 [Note] DIF = dynamic increase factor, PO = polyolefin, PP = polypropylene, SFRC = steel fiber-reinforced concrete, FRC = fiber-reinforced concrete, FRAC = fiber-reinforced
2 aerated concrete, AAC = autoclaved aerated concrete, PE = polyethylene, and HSC = high-strength concrete.
3 *Sinusoidally crimped PP fiber
4 **Strain-rate is calculated by assuming the gauge length of 80 mm based on JSCE recommendations [9].
5 †Cross-sectional dimension of fiber.
26 Table 2 ‒ Summary of DIF models for FRCs
Loading Strain-rate volume
Author Type of fiber strength Formula Note
condition [ /s] fraction
Lok and Zhao Steel fiber = 1.080 + 0.017log ≤ 20 DIF = dynamic increase factor;
Compression 91 20‒100 0.6
[12] (Hooked) = 0.067 + 0.796log 20 < ≤ 100 = strain-rate
Steel fiber DIF = dynamic increase factor;
Ngo et al. [123]
Compression 32‒160 < 300 2.0 = ≤ = strain-rate;

= 1 ln − 1 < ≤ 300 = static strain-rate;
= 0.00223 − 0.19893 +
α= ⁄
1 = −0.00443 + 0.9866;
1 = −0.02183 + 2.1396;
3 = static compressive strength
DIF = dynamic increase factor;
= strain-rate;
Steel fiber . = static strain-rate;
(Straight) = ≤ (30 + 236) α= ⁄
Wang et al. ∙
PE fiber Compression around 90 10-4‒300 0.5, 1.0 9 i = 0 for plain concrete and 1 for FRC;
Hybrid steel + =8 (30 + 236) < 8 = (1 − 0.33926);
PE fibers : = (1 + 0.056)⁄3;
= 6.156( − 2;
3 = static compressive strength
DIF = dynamic increase factor;
= strain-rate;
= static strain-rate (3 × 10-5 /s);
. ; = transition strain-rate (34 ‒ 85 /s);
Steel fiber = < ; α= ;
Yang et al. (Straight, ∙ ⁄
[124] hooked, and
Compression - 10-4‒300 0.5‒6.0 . < log+ = 6.156=( − 2.33;
twisted) = 0.6608+ ; ≤ K = steel fiber shape parameter (1 for
straight, 1.85 for hooked, and 0.55 for
i = function of fiber volume fraction;
3 = static compressive strength
• Plain concrete (vf = 0.0%):
= 0.80582 + 0.47058log ≤ 30
= 2.28551 − 1.32826log + 0.53894log 30 <
• vf = 0.1%:
= 0.67386 + 0.44832log ≤ 30
Su et al. = 0.06003 + 0.64067log + 0.15321log 30 < vf = fiber volume fraction;
Ceramic fiber Compression 56.6‒65.1 20‒120 0‒0.3 DIF = dynamic increase factor;
[125,135] • vf = 0.2%: = strain-rate
= 0.88205 + 0.33698log ≤ 30
= 6.05288 − 6.42447log + 2.20672log 30 <
• vf = 0.3%:
= 0.68776 + 0.53102log ≤ 30
= 0.67773 − 0.1803log + 0.24323log 30 <
• Plain concrete (vf = 0.0%):
= 1.2688 + 0.0672log 10 > ≤ ≤ 64.8
= 8.2551 − 8.575log + 2.6418log 64.8 ≤ ≤ 200
• vf = 0.5%:
= 1.2716 + 0.0679og 10 > ≤ ≤ 63.6
Hao and Hao Steel fiber around = 2.4951 − 2.8505log + 1.2421log 63.6 ≤ ≤ 200 vf = fiber volume fraction;
Compression 10-4‒200 0‒1.5 DIF = dynamic increase factor;
[136] (Spiral) 35‒45 • vf = 1.0%: = strain-rate
= 1.3628 + 0.0907log 10 > ≤ ≤ 58
= 4.0877 − 4.7911log + 1.8921log 58 ≤ ≤ 200
• vf = 1.5%:
= 1.4404 + 0.1101log 10 > ≤ ≤ 50.7
= 17.319 − 18.587log + 5.5039log 50.7 ≤ ≤ 200
DIF = dynamic increase factor;
= strain-rate;
= < 25
Blended steel
fibers 56, 81, -4
3.3×10 ‒ A = 0.017 − 2722 × C D ;
Park et al. [137]
(Hooked and
180 170
2.0 @ log+ = −0.007082 × 3 − 2.08;
straight) =+ 25 ≤ F = 0.12083 . ;
= 1 × 10 ;
3 = static compressive strength
DIF = dynamic increase factor;
= strain-rate;
= static strain-rate (1 × 10-6 /s);
; = transition strain-rate (0.65‒18 /s);
Steel fiber = ≤ δ= ⁄
; I∙
Yang et al. (Straight,
Tension 56‒190 - 1.0‒3.0 log+ = 7=( − 2.141;
[124] hooked, and K = steel fiber shape parameter (0.8
twisted) = G+ ; < for straight, 0.95 for hooked, and 1.3
for twisted);
m = a parameter describing fiber
volume fraction (0.54‒1.25);
3 = static compressive strength
= 1.0345 + 0.0095 ≤ 30
Steel fiber
DIF = dynamic increase factor;
Xu et al. [128] (Hooked and Tension - - 1.0‒2.0
= 0.2981 − 0.0436 + 0.00004ε 30 < = strain-rate
• Plain concrete (vf = 0.0%):
= 0.7085 + 3.0701log 2 ≤ ≤ 20
Hao and Hao Steel fiber DIF = dynamic increase factor;
Tension > 33 2‒20 0‒1.5
[71] (Spiral) • vf = 0.5%: = strain-rate
= 1.3493 + 3.4471og 2 ≤ ≤ 20

• vf = 1.0%:
= 2.2996 + 3.1296log 2 ≤ ≤ 20
• vf = 1.5%:
= 2.3491 + 4.0106log 2 ≤ ≤ 20
DIF = dynamic increase factor;
Steel fiber ?
= strain-rate;
(straight, = ≤ 10 = 1 × 10 ;
Thomas and -6
Sorensen [138]
hooked, and Tension 150 10 ‒100 0‒6.0
δ= ⁄
=+ 10 <
PE fiber log+ = 7δ − 5.25;
3 = static compressive strength
1 [Note] PE = polyethylene.


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