Soil Mechanics - I: Lab Manual
Soil Mechanics - I: Lab Manual
Soil Mechanics - I: Lab Manual
Soil Mechanics - I
Lab Manual
Approved by:
Table of Contents:
Page No.
Sr. No. Description
Objectives of Laboratory
1 2
List of experiments
2 3
List of Equipments
3 4
Layout of Laboratory
4 5
5 Moisture Content determination by Oven Drying Method 6
The basic objective of laboratory testing of soils to determine their physical properties is
an integral part in the design and construction of structural foundations, the placement and
improvement of soil properties, and the specification and quality control of soil
compaction works.
It needs to be kept in mind that natural soil deposits often exhibit a high degree of non-
homogeneity. The physical properties of a soil deposit can change to a great extent even
within a few hundred feet.
The fundamental theoretical and empirical equations that are developed in soil mechanics
can be properly used in practice if, and only if, the physical parameters used in those
equations are properly evaluated in the laboratory. So, learning to perform laboratory tests
of soils plays an important role in the geotechnical engineering profession.
The engineering properties of soil are measured in Soil Lab by following the standards of
tests prescribed by ASTM and AASHTO
The test methods, which are used to assess the properties of soil, cover particle size
analysis, Atterberg limits, determination of the specific gravity of soil solids, laboratory
compaction methods used to determine the relationship between water content and dry unit
weight of soils.
(ASTM D4318)
(ASTM 1557)
D4914 )
List of Equipment:
Sr. No Equipments
1 Casagrande Apparatus
5 Electric Oven
6 Grooving Tools
7 Hydraulic Jack
9 Proctor Penetrometer
12 Sieve sets
Practical 1
Moisture Content determination by Oven Drying Method
ASTM D 2216
For many soils, the water content may be an extremely important index used for establishing the
relationship between the way a soil behaves and its properties.
The consistency of a fine-grained soil largely depends on its water content. The water
content is also used in expressing the phase relationships of air, water, and solids in a given
volume of soil
This test is performed to determine the water (moisture) content of soils. The water content is the
ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the mass of “pore” or “free” water in a given mass of soil to
the mass of the dry soil solids
Drying oven
Moisture can
Record the moisture can and lid number. Determine and record the mass of an empty,
clean, and dry moisture can with its lid.
Place the moist soil in the moisture can and secure the lid.
Determine and record the mass of the moisture can (now containing the moist soil) with
the lid.
Remove the lid and place the moisture can (containing the moist soil) in the drying
oven that is set at 105 °C. Leave it in the oven overnight.
Remove the moisture can. Carefully but securely, replace the lid on the moisture can
using gloves, and allow it to cool to room temperature. Determine and record the mass
of the moisture can and lid (containing the dry soil)
Empty the moisture can and cleans the can and lid.
Practical 2
Moisture Content determination by Speedy Moisture Tester
ASTM 4944
This test used to determine the moisture content of soils by means of a calcium carbide gas pressure
moisture tester in the field. The tester is referred to as the “Speedy”.
This method shall not be used for granular material having particles retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm)
Calcium carbide pressure moisture tester “Speedy”,
which includes a balance, steel ball.
Cleaning brush
Place the steel balls into the body.
Take two full measures of reagent and place in body of
vessel. For bulky materials, use three to five measures
to ensure adequate coverage.
Measure the sample. The sample size needed is determined by the manufacturer of tester.
Tester kit may have an electronic balance or a beam balance. For a beam balance, lift into
an upright position and add material to the pan. The correct amount of material is
determined when the red markings on the balance and beam coincide.
Place the sample in the cover of the “Speedy”.
Hold the “Speedy” in a horizontal position and place the cover on the end. Bring the
stirrup in position and tighten. This should be completed without the sample and reagent
coming in contact with each other.
Hold vertically so that the material in the cap falls into the “Speedy” body. Return the
instrument to a horizontal position, shake to break all lumps, and mix the soil and reagent.
Shake with a rotating motion to put the steel balls into ‘orbit’ around the inside
circumference. Rotate for 10 seconds, rest for 20 seconds. The rest time allows for
dissipation of the heat generated by the chemical reaction. Continue this cycle for a
minimum of 3 minutes.
When the needle stops moving, hold the instrument horizontal at eye level with the dial
facing you. Read and record the dial reading to the nearest 0.1.
Hold tester away from body. Point the directional release away from yourself and anyone
else, and then slowly release the pressure. Avoid breathing the fumes. Empty the contents
and examine for lumps. If material contains lumps, repeat the test.
Thoroughly clean the tester with the brush provided.
Practical 3
Determination of Liquid Limit of Soil.
ASTM D 4318
AASHTO T 89-96
1. This test method covers the determination of the liquid limit of soil.
2. Two methods for determining the liquid limit are provided as follows:
Method A, Multipoint test
Method B, One-point test
The method to be used shall be specified by the requesting authority. If no method is
specified, use Method A.
3. The multipoint liquid limit method is generally more precise than the one-point method. It
is recommended that the multipoint method be used in cases where test results may be
subject to dispute, or where greater precision is required.
4. Because the one-point method requires the operator to judge when the test specimen is
approximately at its liquid limit, it is particularly not recommended for use by
inexperienced operators.
When a cohesive soil is mixed with an excessive amount of water, it will be in a somewhat liquid state and
flow like a viscous liquid. However, when this viscous liquid is gradually dried, with the loss of moisture it
will pass into a plastic state. With further reduction of moisture, the soil will pass into a semisolid and then
into a solid state. The moisture content (in percent) at which the cohesive soil will pass from a liquid state
to a plastic state is called the liquid limit of the soil. Similarly, the moisture contents (in per-cent) at which
the soil changes from a plastic to a semisolid state and from a semisolid state to a solid state are referred to
as the plastic limit and the shrinkage limit, respectively. These limits are referred to as the Atterberg limits
1. Casagrande liquid limit device
2. Grooving tool
3. Moisture cans
4. Porcelain evaporating dish
5. Spatula or knife
6. Paper towel
7. Balance sensitive up to 0.01 g.
6. Oven
1. Determine the mass of three moisture cans (W1).
2. Put about 250 g of air-dry soil, passed through No. 40 sieve, into an evaporating dish. Add
water from the plastic squeeze bottle and mix the soil to the form of a uniform paste.
3. Place a portion of the paste in the brass cup of the liquid limit device. Using the spatula,
smooth the surface of the soil in the cup such that maximum depth of the soil is about 8
4. Using the grooving tool, cut a groove along the center line of the soil pat in the cup.
5. Turn the crank of the liquid limit device at the rate of about 2 revolutions per second. By
this, the liquid limit cup will rise and drop through a vertical distance of 10 mm once for
each revolution. The soil from two sides of the cup will begin to flow toward center. Count
the number of blows, N, for groove in the soil to close through a distance of 0.5 in. (12.7
(a) (b)
Fig. Schematic diagram of soil pat in the cup of the liquid limit device at
(a) Beginning of test, (b) end of test
If N = about 25 to 35, collect a moisture sample from the soil in the cup in a moisture can.
Close the cover of the can, and determine the mass of the can plus the moist soil (W2).
Remove the rest of the soil paste from the cup to the evaporating dish. Use paper towels to
thoroughly dean the cup.
If the soil is too dry, N will be more than about 35. In that case, remove the soil with the
spatula to the evaporating dish. Clean the liquid limit cup thoroughly with paper towels.
Mix the soil in the evaporating dish with more water, and try again.
If the soil is too wet, N will be less than about 25. In that case, remove the soil in the cup
to the evaporating dish. Clean the liquid limit cup carefully with paper towels. Stir the soil
paste with the spatula for some time to dry it up. The evaporating dish may be placed in
the oven for a few minutes for drying also. Do not add dry soil to the wet-soil paste to
reduce the moisture content for bringing it to the proper consistency. Now try again in the
liquid limit device to get the groove closure of 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) between 25 and 35 blows.
6. Add more water to the soil paste in the evaporating dish and mix thoroughly. Repeat Steps
3, 4 and 5 to get a groove closure of 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) in the liquid limit device at a blow
count N = 20 to 25. Take a moisture sample from the cup. Remove the rest of the soil paste
to the evaporating dish. Clean the cup with paper towels.
7. Add more water to the soil paste in the evaporating dish and mix well. Repeat Steps 3, 4
and 5 to get a blow count N between 15 and 20 for a groove closure of 0.5 in. (12.7 mm)
in the liquid limit device. Take a moisture sample from the cup.
8. Put the three moisture cans in the oven to dry to constant masses (W3). (The caps of the
moisture cans should be removed from the top and placed at the bottom of the respective
cans in the oven.)
Determine the moisture content for each of the three trials (Steps 5, 6 and 7) as
Test No. 1 2 3
Moisture content
Graph: Plot a semi-log graph between moisture content (arithmetic scale) versus number of
blows, N (log scale). This will approximate a straight line, which is called the flow curve. From
the straight line, determine moisture content w (%) corresponding to 25 blows. This is the liquid
limit of the soil.
Practical 4
Determination of Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soil.
ASTM D 4318
AASHTO T 90-96
1. This test method covers the determination of the plastic limit and the plasticity index of
2. The plastic limit test is performed on material prepared for the liquid limit test
3. The liquid limit and plastic limit of soils are often collectively referred to as the Atterberg
limits. These limits distinguished the boundaries of the several consistency states of plastic
Plastic limit is defined as the moisture content, in percent, at which a cohesive soil will change from a
plastic state to a semisolid state. In the laboratory, the plastic limit is defined as the moisture content (%) at
which a thread of soil will just crumble when rolled to a diameter of 1/8-in. (3.18 mm). This test might be
seen as somewhat arbitrary and, to some extent, the result may depend on the person performing the test.
With practice, however, fairly consistent results may be obtained.
1. Porcelain evaporating dish
2. Spatula or knife
3. Moisture cans
4. Ground glass plate
5. Balance sensitive up to 0.01 g.
6. Oven
1. Put approximately 20 grams of a representative, air-dry soil sample, passed through No. 40
sieve, into a porcelain evaporating dish.
2. Add water from the plastic squeeze bottle to the soil and mix thoroughly.
3. Determine the mass of a moisture can in grams and record it on the data sheet (W1).
4. From the moist soil prepared in Step 2, prepare several ellipsoidal-shaped soil masses by
squeezing the soil with your fingers.
5. Take one of the ellipsoidal-shaped soil masses (Step 4) and roll it on a ground glassplate
using the palm of your hand. The rolling should be done at the rate of about 80 strokes per
minute. Note that one complete backward and one complete forward motion of the palm
constitute a stroke.
6. When the thread is being rolled in Step 5 reaches 1/8-in. (3.18 mm) in diameter, break it
up into several small pieces and squeeze it with your fingers to form an ellipsoidal mass
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until the thread crumbles into several pieces when it reaches a
diameter of 1/8-in. (3.18 mm).It is possible that a thread may crumble at a diameter larger
than 1/8-in. (3.18 mm) during a given rolling process, whereas it did not crumble at the
same diameter during the immediately previous rolling.
8. Collect the small crumbled pieces in the moisture can put the cover on the can.
9. Take the other ellipsoidal soil masses formed in Step 4 and repeat Steps 5 through 8.
10. Determine the mass of the moisture can plus the wet soil (W2) in grams. Remove the cap
from the top of the can and place the can in the oven (with the cap at the bottom of the
11. After about 24 hours, remove the can from the oven and determine the mass of the can
plus the dry soil (W3) in grams.
Test No. 1 2 3
Moisture content
If the liquid limit of the soil is known, calculate the plasticity index, PI, as:
General Comments:
The liquid limit and the plasticity index of cohesive soils are important parameters for
classification purposes.
Practical 5
Particle size analysis of soil.
Sieve Analysis
ASTM D 422-63
AASHTO T 88-97
This test method covers the quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes
in soils. The distribution of particle sizes larger than 75 µm (retained on the No. 200
sieve)is determined by sieving, while the distribution of particle sizes smaller than 75 µm
is determined by a sedimentation process, using a hydrometer to secure the necessary data.
Separation may be made on the No. 4 (4.75-mm), No. 40(425-µm), or No. 200 (75-µm)
sieve instead of the No. 10. For whatever sieve used, the size shall be indicated in the
In order to classify a soil for engineering purposes, one needs to know the distribution of the size
of grains in a given soil mass. Sieve analysis is a method used to determine the grain-size
distribution of soils. Sieves are made of woven wires with square openings. Note that as the sieve
number increases the size of the openings decreases. Table 1 gives a list of the U.S. standard sieve
numbers with their corresponding size of openings. For all practical purposes, the No. 200 sieve is
the sieve with the smallest opening that should be used for the test. The sieves that are most
commonly used for soil tests have a diameter of 8 in. (203 mm).
The method of sieve analysis described here is applicable for soils that are mostly granular with
some or no fines. Sieve analysis does not provide information as to shape of particles. Aset of
sieves giving uniform spacing of points for the graph, as shown in Table 2, may be used if desired.
1. Sieves, a bottom pan, and a cover
Note: Sieve numbers 4, 10, 20, 40,
60, 140, and 200 are generally used
for most standard sieve analysis
2. A balance sensitive up to 0.1 g
3. Sample Splitter
4 4.75-mm
8 2.36-mm
1. Collect a representative oven dry soil sample. Samples having largest particles of the size
of No. 4 sieve openings (4.75 mm) should be about 500 grams. For soils having largest
particles of size greater than 4.75 mm, larger weights are needed.
2. Break the soil sample into individual particles using a mortar and a rubber-tipped pestle.
(Note: The idea is to break up the soil into individual particles, not to break the particles
3. Determine the mass of the sample accurately to 0.1 g (W).
4. Prepare a stack of sieves. A sieve with larger openings is placed above a sieve with smaller
openings. The sieve at the bottom should be No. 200. A bottom pan should be placed
under sieve No. 200. As mentioned before, the sieves that are generally used in a stack are
Nos. 4, 10,20,40,60, 140, and 200; however, more sieves can be placed in between.
5. Sieves are arranged in descending order of their sizes with pan at bottom.
6. Pour the soil prepared in Step 2 into the stack of sieves from the top.
7. Place the cover on the top of the stack of sieves.
8. Run the stack of sieves through a sieve shaker for about 10 to 15 minutes.
9. Stop the sieve shaker and remove the stack of sieves.
10. Weigh the amount of soil retained on each sieve and the bottom pan.
11. If a considerable amount of soil with silty and clayey fractions is retained on the No. 200
sieve, it has to be washed. Washing is done by taking the No. 200 sieve with the soil
retained on it and pouring water through the sieve from a tap in the laboratory.
The results of the mechanical (sieve) analysis shall be reported as follows:
Sieve No Sieve Weight Cumulative Weight Percentage
opening retained (gm) percent passed (gm) passing
Gradation curve is obtained by plotting percentage passing on y-axis and log of sieve sizes on x-
axis using a semi-log paper. Gradation curves are the best representation of soil nature i.e. it is
well graded, uniformly graded or poorly graded soil.
Uniformity coefficient (Cu) and coefficient of gradation (Cc) are also give us an idea of soil
nature. They are calculated as follows:
General Comments:
The diameter, D10, is generally referred to as effective size. The effective size is used for several
empirical correlations, such as coefficient of permeability. The coefficient of gradation, Cu, is a
parameter which indicates the range of distribution of grain sizes in a given soil specimen. If Cu is
relatively large, it indicates a well graded soil. If Cu is nearly equal to one, it means that the soil
grains are of approximately equal size, and the soil may be referred to as a poorly graded soil.
The parameter Ccis also referred to as the coefficient of curvature. For sand, if Cu is greater than 6
and Ccis between 1 and 3, it is considered well graded. However, for a gravel to be well-graded,
Cushould be greater than 4 and Ccmust be between 1 and 3.
Hydrometer Analysis
Hydrometer analysis is a widely used method of obtaining an estimate of the distribution of soil
particle sizes from the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve to around 0.01 mm. The data are presented on a
semilog plot of percent finer vs. particle diameters and may be combined with the data from a
sieve analysis of the material retained (+) on the No.200 sieve. The principal value of the
hydrometer analysis appears to be to obtain the clay fraction (generally accepted as the percent
finer than 0.002 mm). The hydrometer analysis may also have value in identifying particle sizes <
0.02 mm in frost susceptibility checks for pavement subgrades. This test is done when more than
20% pass through No.200 sieve and 90% or more passes the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve.
The hydrometer analysis is based on Stokes’ Law, which gives the relationship among the
velocity of fall of spheres in a fluid, the diameter of the sphere, the specific weights of the sphere
and of the fluid, and the fluid viscosity. In equation form this relationship is
2 (Gs – Gf )
v = ---- * ------------ *
(D / 2)2
Solving the equation for D and using the specific gravity of water Gw, we obtain
D = 18 v / ( Gs – Gw)
A = 18 / ( Gs – Gw)
D = A L (cm) / t (min)
Hydrometer (152H model preferable)
Quantity (about 2.5L per test) of distilled water
Sedimentation cylinder (1000mL cylinder) also
termed a hydrometer jar
Graduated 1000 mL cylinder for control jar
Soil-dispersion device (malt mixer or air-jet
Dispersion agent (NaPO3 or Na2 SiO3)
Hydrometer jar bath (optional, for temperature
Prepare the control jar by adding 125 ml of 4% sodium metaphosphate (NaPO3) solution
and sufficient distilled water to produce 1000 ml. (This solution can be made by mixing
40g of dry chemical with enough water to make 1000 ml). Put the hydrometer into the
control cylinder and record zero and meniscus correction; then record the temperature by
putting the thermometer in it
Weigh out exactly 50g of soil passing the No. 200 sieve. Mix the soil with 125 ml of 4%
sodium metaphosphate (NaPO3) solution. Allow the soil mixture to stand about 12 hours.
At the end of the soaking period, transfer the mixture to a dispersion (or malt mixer) cup
and add tap water until the cup is about two-thirds full. Mix for 1 minute. After mixing,
carefully transfer all the contents of the dispersion cup to the sedimentation cylinder.
Rinse any soil in the dispersion cup by using a plastic squeeze bottle or adding stabilized
water and pour this into the sedimentation cylinder. Now add distilled water to fill the
cylinder to the 1000 ml mark.
Cap the sedimentation cylinder with a No. 12 rubber stopper and carefully agitate for
about 1 min. Agitation is defined as turning the cylinder upside down and back 60 turns
for a period of 1 min. An upside down and back movement is 2 turns.
Put the sedimentation cylinder beside the control cylinder and start the stopwatch
immediately. This is cumulative time t = 0. Insert the hydrometer into the sedimentation
Take hydrometer readings at cumulative times t = 0.25 min., 0.5min., 1 min. and 2 min.
Always read the upper level of meniscus. Remove and place the hydrometer in the control
Continue taking hydrometer and temperature readings at approximate elapsed times of 8, 15, 30
and 60 min. and then 2, 4, 8, 24 and 48 hr. For each reading, insert the hydrometer into the
sedimentation cylinder about 30 sec before reading is due. After the reading is taken, remove the
hydrometer and put it back into the control cylinder.
Practical 6
Determination of Specific Gravity of Soil by Water Pycnometer
ASTM D 854-02
1. These test methods cover the determination of the specific gravity of soil solids that pass
the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve, by means of a water pycnometer.
2. Two methods for performing the specific gravity are provided. The method to be used
shall be specified by the requesting authority:
Method A: This procedure is the preferred method. For organic soils; highly plastic, fine
grained soils; tropical soils; and soils containing hallo site, Method A shall be used.
Method B: This procedure is preferred for oven-dry
Pycnometer, Balance, Vacuum pump, Funnel, Spoon.
The specific gravity of a given material is defined as the ratio
of the weight of a given volume of the material to the weight
of an equal volume of distilled water. In soil mechanics, the
specific gravity of soil solids (which is often referred to as the specific gravity of soil) is an
important parameter for calculation of the weight-volume relationship. Thus specific gravity, G, is
defined as:
Ws = mass of soil solids (g)
Vs = volume of the soil solids (cm3)
Ρw = density of water (g/cm3)
1. Determine and record the weight of the empty clean and dry pycnometer, WP.
2. Place 10g of a dry soil sample (passed through the sieve No. 10) in the pycnometer.
Determine and record the weight of the pycnometer containing the dry soil, WPS.
3. Add distilled water to fill about half to three-fourth of the pycnometer. Soak the
sample for 10 minutes.
4. Apply a partial vacuum to the contents for 10 minutes, to remove the entrapped air.
5. Stop the vacuum and carefully remove the vacuum line from pycnometer.
6. Fill the pycnometer with distilled (water to the mark), clean the exterior surface of
the pycnometer with a clean, dry cloth. Determine the weight of the pycnometer
and contents, WB.
7. Empty the pycnometer and clean it. Then fill it with distilled water only (to the
mark). Clean the exterior surface of the pycnometer with a clean, dry cloth.
Determine the weight of the pycnometer and distilled water, WA.
8. Empty the pycnometer and clean it.
Data Analysis
Calculate the specific gravity of the soil solids using the following formula:
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝑊0 + (𝑊𝐴− 𝑊𝐵 )
W0 = weight of sample of oven-dry soil, g = WPS - WP
WA = weight of pycnometer filled with water
WB = weight of pycnometer filled with water and soil
Practical 7
Determination of Moisture Density Relationship of Soil (AASHTO Compaction
Test) using Standard Effort.
ASTM D 698-70
AASHTO T 99-97
This test method covers laboratory compaction methods used to determine the relationship
between water contentand dry unit weight of soils (compaction curve) compacted ina 4 or 6-in.
(101.6 or 152.4-mm) diameter mold with a 5.5-lbf(24.4-N) rammer dropped from a height of 12
in. (305 mm)producing a compactive effort of 12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3).
For construction of highways, airports, and other structures, it is often necessary to compact soil
to improve its strength. Proctor (1933) developed a laboratory compaction test procedure to
determine the maximum dry unit weight of compaction of soils which can be used for
specification of field compaction. This test is referred to as the' standard Proctor compaction test
and is based on the compaction of the soil fraction passing No. 4 U.S. sieve.
1. Compaction mold
2. No.4 U.S. sieve
3. Standard Proctor hammer (5.5lb)
4. Balance sensitive up to 0.1 g
5. Large flat pan
6. Steel straight edge
7. Moisture cans
8. Drying oven
9. Plastic squeeze bottle with water
10. Jack
Proctor Compaction Mold and Hammer:
A schematic diagram of the Proctor compaction mold, which is 4 in. (101.6mm) in diameter and
4.584 in. (116.4 mm) in height, is shown in Fig. There is a base plate and an extension that can be
attached to the top and bottom of the mold, respectively. The inside of the mold
is 1/30 ft3 (943;9 cm3).
Figure also shows the schematic diagram of a standard Proctor hammer. The hammer can be lifted
and dropped through a vertical distance of 12 in. (304.8 mm).
6. Pour the moist soil into the mold in three equal layers. Each layer should be compacted
uniformly by the standard Proctor hammer 25 times before the next layer of loose soil is
poured into the mold.
Note: The layers of loose soil that are being poured into the mold should be such that, at
the end of the three-layer compaction, the soil should extend slightly above the top of the
rim of the compaction mold.
7. Remove the top attachment from the mold. Be careful not to break off any of the
compacted soil inside the mold while removing the top attachment.
8. Using a straight edge, trim the excess soil above the mold. Now the top of the compacted
soil will be even with the top of the mold.
9. Determine the weight of the mold + base plate +-compacted moist soil in the mold, W2(lb).
10. Remove the base plate from the mold. Using a jack, extrude the compacted soil cylinder
from the mold.
11. Take a moisture can and determine its mass, W3 (g).
12. From the moist soil extruded in Step 10, collect a moisture sample in the moisture can
(Step II) and determine the mass of the can + moist soil, W4 (g).
13. Place the moisture can with the moist soil in the oven to dry to a constant weight.
14. Break the rest ofthe compacted soil (to No.4 size) by hand and mix it with the left-over
moist soil in the pan. Add more water and mix it to raise the moisture content by about
15. Repeat Steps 6 through 12. In this process, the weight of the mold + base plate + moist soil
(W2) will first increase with the increase in moisture content and then de-crease. Continue
the test until at least two successive down readings are obtained.
16. The next day, determine the mass of the moisture cans + soil samples, W5 (g) (from Step
Dry Unit Weight and Moisture Content at Compaction
The sample calculations for a standard Proctor compaction test are given in the Table.
Referring to Table,
Line 1-Weight of mold, W1 to be determined from test (Step 4).
Line 2 - Weight of mold + moist compacted soil, W2to be determined from test (Step 9).
Line 3 - Weight of moist compacted soil = W2 – W1 (Line 2 -Line I).
Line 4 - Moist unit weight
= ( 30lb/ft3) x Line 3
Test No. 1 2 3 4 5
8. Moisture Content**
Line 5 - Mass of moisture can, W3, to be determined from test (Step 11).
Line 6 - Mass of moisture can + moist soil, W4, to be determined from test (Step 12).
Line 7 - Mass of moisture can + dry soil, Wsto be determined from test (Step 16).
General Comments:
In most of the specifications for earth work, it is required to achieve a compacted field dry unit
weight of 90% to 95% of the maximum dry unit weight obtained in the laboratory. This is
In this practical and also in previous practical, the laboratory test outlines given for compaction
tests use the following:
Volume of mold = 1/30 ft3
Number of blows = 25
These values are generally used for fine-grained soils that pass through No.4 U.S. sieve. However,
ASTM and AASHTO have four different methods for the standard Proctor compaction test that
reflect the size of the mold, the number of blows per layer, and the maximum particle size in a soil
used for testing.
Practical 8
Determination of Moisture Density Relationship of Soil (Modified AASHTO
Compaction Test) using Modified Effort.
ASTM D 1557-02
AASHTO T 180-97
This test method covers laboratory compaction methods used to determine the relationship
between water content and dry unit weight of soils (compaction curve) compacted in a 4- or 6-in.
(101.6 or 152.4 mm) diameter mold with a 10-lbf. (44.5-N) rammer dropped from a height of 18
in. (457 mm) producing a compactive effort of 56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700kN-m/m3).
In the preceding practical, we have seen that water generally acts as a lubricant between solid particles
during the soil compaction process. Because of this, in the initial stages of compaction, the dry unit weight
of compaction increases. However another factor that will control the dry unit weight of compaction of a
soil at a given moisture content is the energy of compaction. For the standard Proctor compaction test, the
The procedure is the same as described in previous practical except that the moist soil hasto be
poured into the mold in five equal layers. Each layer has to be compacted by the modified Proctor
hammer with 25 blows per layer.
General Comments:
In A comparison ofydVs. w (%) curves obtained from standard and modified Proctor compaction
tests shows that:
(a) The maximum dry unit weight of compaction increases with the increase in the compacting
energy, and
(b) The optimum moisture content decreases with the increase in the energy of compaction
Practical 9
Determination of Field Density of Soil by Sand Replacement Method.
ASTM D 1556-00
AASHTO T 191-93
1. This test method may be used to determine the in-place density and unit weight of soils
using a sand cone apparatus.
2. This test method is applicable for soils without appreciable amounts of rock or coarse
materials in excess of 1.5-in. (38 mm) in diameter.
3. This test method may also be used for the determination of the in-place density and unit
weight of undisturbed or in-situ soils, provided the natural void or pore openings in the
soil are small enough to prevent the sand used in the test from entering the voids. The soil
or other material being tested should have sufficient cohesion or particle attraction to
maintain stable sides on a small hole or excavation, and be firm enough to withstand the
minor pressures exerted in digging the hole and placing the apparatus over it, without
deforming or sloughing.
4. This test method is not suitable for organic, saturated, or highly plastic soils that would
deform or compress during the excavation of the test hole.
Sand-Cone Apparatus
1. Tray with hole
2. Stove or Oven
3. Weighing balance
4. Hand chisel for digging test hole
5. Container for retaining excavated soil
6. Containers for moisture content
1. Determine the volume of the bottle or cylinder and attachment including the volume of the
valve as follows:
a. Weigh the assembled apparatus
b. Place the apparatus upright and open the valve
c. Fill the apparatus with water until it appears over the valve.
d. Close valve and remove the excess water.
e. Weigh the apparatus and water.
f. Repeat the procedure described in steps (a) to (e) at least twice. Convert the weight
of water, in grams, to volume in cubic centimeters.
2. Determine the bull density of the sand to be used in the field test as follows:
a. Place the empty apparatus upright on a firm level surface, close the valve and fill
the funnel with sand.
b. Open the valve and, keeping funnel at least half full of sand, fill the apparatus.
Close the valve sharply and remove excess sand.
c. Weigh apparatus with sand and determine the net weight of sand by subtracting the
weight of the apparatus.
d. Divide the weight of sand filling the apparatus by the volume as determined in step
3. Determine the bull density of the sand to be used in the field test as follows:
a. Put sand in the apparatus and determine the weight of apparatus and sand.
b. Seat the inverted apparatus on a clean, level, plane surface and open the valve, the
sand will pour down and fill the funnel.
c. Close the valve sharply, weigh the apparatus with remaining sand and determine
the loss of sand which is the weight of sand filling the funnel W3.
4. Determine the density of soil in place as follows:
a. Prepare the surface of the location to be tested so that it is a level plane.
b. Seat the base place on soil surface and mark the outline of the hole in the plate.
c. Excavate the hole at least 150-mm deep in the soil. Carefully secure the soil
excavated from the hole.
d. Seat the apparatus on the base plate already sitting on the hole, open the valve and
after the sand has stopped flowing, close the valve.
e. Weigh the apparatus with the remaining sand and determine the weight of sand
used in the test i.e. to fill the test hole and funnel as W2
f. Weigh the soil that was excavated from the test hole W1
g. Take a representative sample for moisture determination.
a. Calculate the density as follows:
ɣsand= W/V1
ɣb = W1/V
V = Volume of the test hole or volume of the excavated soil
W2 = Weight of the sand used to fill the test hole and funnel
W3 = Weight of sand in funnel
W1 = Weight of soil excavated from test hole
c. Calculate the dry density of the soil in-place as follows:
Practical 10
Determination of Field Density of Soil by Drive Cylinder (Core Cutter)
AASHTO T 204-90
The drive cylinder method is not applicable for very hard soil or the soil containing gravels that
cannot be easily penetrated. Neither is it suitable for low plasticity or Cohesion less soils which
are not readily retained in the cylinder.
1. Drive Cylinder
2. Detachable drive head
3. Drive hammer
4. Drying oven
5. Weighing balance
6. Shovels for digging out cylinder
7. Steel straightedge
8. Containers for moisture content
1. Measure the height and internal diameter of the core cutter.
2. Weight the clean core cutter.
3. Clean and level the ground where the density is to be determined.
4. Press the cylindrical cutter into the soil to its full depth with the help of steelrammer.
5. Remove the soil around the cutter by spade.
6. Lift up the cutter and trim the top and bottom surfaces of the sample carefully.
7. Clean the outside surface of the cutter and weight the core cutter with the soil.
8. Remove the soil core from the cutter and take the representative sample in the containers
for moisture content determination.
Volume of the cylinder = (πd2/4) x h
Where h = height of mold (Cylinder)
D = internal diameter of mold (Cylinder)
Wet Density
Moisture Content
Dry Density
Practical 11
Sand Equivalent Test
To show the relative proportion of clay-like or plastic fines and silt in granular soils and fine
aggregates by means of a rapid field test known as the Sand Equivalent (SE).
The Sand Equivalent Test was devised by Hveem (1953) as a quick test to determine the
"presence of undesirable quantities of adverse clay-like materials since an excess of clays is
usually detrimental to the performance of any aggregate". Its primary application was for concrete
aggregate and sand. O'Harra (1955) applied the test to the fraction of road base aggregates finer
than 4.75 mm and made correlation of Sand Equivalent with Plasticity Index and percentage of
fines (less than 0.075 mm). He concluded that the quality of a pavement aggregate was always
satisfactory if SE > 55 and almost always satisfactory if SE > 35.
ASTM D2419
a preservative).
The sample must all pass through a 4.75 mm sieve and be in a slightly damp condition.
Where the sample has been separated from a coarser material (such as 40 mm base course)
care must be taken to collect all fines adhering to the larger stones. By quartering or
preferably using a riffle box, samples are split to provide enough material to fill the
measuring container to within 10 mm of the brim. Extreme care must be taken to obtain
truly representative samples.
Start the siphon so that solution will flow through the irrigator tube.
Fill 102 ± 3 mm of solution into the cylinder.
Pour the test sample into the cylinder and tap the base with heel of the hand to release any
air bubbles.
Leave to stand for 10 ± 1 minutes.
Stopper the cylinder and loosen the material by partially inverting the cylinder.
Hold the cylinder horizontally and shake it vigorously from side to side 90 cycles in 30
seconds with an amplitude of 23 ± 3 cm. Alternatively, a mechanical shaker having a
throw of 203.2 ± 1.0 mm and operating at 175 ± 2 cycles-per-minute may be used in which
the cylinder and its contents are shaken for 45 ± 1 s.
Immediately after shaking, set the cylinder upright on the bench and remove the stopper.
Insert the irrigator tube and start the flow, rinsing material from the sides of the cylinder
above the liquid level. Push the tube to the bottom of the sample. Stab and twist the tube
gently with one hand, and at the same time rotate the cylinder slowly with the other hand.
Make sure the fines are dislodged to ‘float’ above the sand column. Remove the irrigator
and allow the liquid level to rise to 380 mm.
Allow the cylinder to stand undisturbed and free from vibration for 20 minutes ± 15
seconds. Start the timer immediately after withdrawing the irrigator tube.
Read and record the level of the top of the silt/clay suspension. This is called the "Clay
Height", which represents the length of the (clay + sand) column.
Lower the weighted foot assembly very gently into the cylinder until it comes to rest on
the sand. Read and record the level of the indicator. The level at the top of the sand
column, called the "Sand Height", is determined by subtracting 254 mm from the reading
of the indicator.
Calculate the Sand Equivalent:
𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (ℎ2)
SE = 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡(ℎ1) 𝑥100%
The result is quoted to the next higher whole number.
Report the source of the aggregate, and any pre-treatment it has received, i.e.
sieving, washing, heating, drying, etc.
Report the clay and sand heights and the Sand Equivalent.
Comment on the result.
Compare your results with other group(s)
Practical 12
Reducing Soil Sample to Testing Size using Riffling Sample Splitter
This practice covers three methods for the reduction of large samples of aggregate to the
appropriate size for testing employing techniques that are intended to minimize variations in
measured characteristics between the test samples so selected and the large sample.
Significance and Use:
Specifications for aggregates require sampling portions of the material for testing. Other factors
being equal, larger samples will tend to be more representative of the total supply. This practice
provides procedures for reducing the large sample obtained in the field or produced in the
laboratory to a convenient size for conducting a number of tests to describe the material and
measure its quality in a manner that the smaller test sample portion is most likely to be a
representation of the larger sample, and thus of the total supply. Failure to carefully follow the
procedures in this practice could result in providing a no representative sample to be used in
subsequent testing. The individual test methods provide for minimum amount of material to be
tested. Under certain circumstances, reduction in size of the large sample prior to testing is not
recommended. Substantial differences between the selected test samples sometimes cannot be
avoided, as for example, in the case of an aggregate having relatively few large size particles in
the sample. The laws of chance dictate that these few particles may be unequally distributed
among the reduced size test samples. Similarly, if the test sample is being examined for certain
contaminants occurring as a few discrete fragments in only small percentages, caution should be
used in interpreting results from the reduced size test sample. Chance inclusion or exclusion of
only one or two particles in the selected test sample may importantly influence interpretation of
the characteristics of the original sample. In these cases, the entire original sample should be
Sample Splitter—Sample splitters shall have an even number of equal width chutes, but not less
than a total of eight for coarse aggregate, or twelve for fine aggregate, which discharge alternately
to each side of the splitter. For coarse aggregate and mixed aggregate, the minimum width of the
individual chutes shall be approximately 50 % larger than the largest particles in the sample to be
split. For dry fine aggregate in which the entire sample will pass the 9.5-mm (3⁄8-in.) sieve, a
splitter having chutes 12.5 to 20 mm [1⁄2 to 3⁄4 in.] wide shall be used. The splitter shall be
equipped with two receptacles to hold the two halves of the sample following splitting. It shall
also be equipped with a hopper or straight edged pan which has a width equal to or slightly less
than the over-all width of the assembly of chutes, by which the sample may be fed at a controlled
rate to the chutes. The splitter and accessory equipment shall be so designed that the sample will
flow smoothly without restriction or loss of material.
Place the original sample in the hopper or pan and uniformly distribute it from edge to
edge, so that when it is introduced into the chutes, approximately equal amounts will flow
through each chute.
Introduce the sample at a rate so as to allow it to flow freely through the chutes and into
the receptacles below.
Reintroduce the portion of the sample in one of the receptacles into the splitter as many
times as necessary to reduce the sample to the size specified for the intended test.
Reserve the portion of material collected in the other receptacle for reduction in size for
other tests, when required.