HSBC Holdings PLC: Strategic Report 2018
HSBC Holdings PLC: Strategic Report 2018
HSBC Holdings PLC: Strategic Report 2018
Cover image
Our global marketing campaign
explores how HSBC helps people
prosper. The Group’s iconic hexagon
becomes a lens through which to
look at the world, showing how we
help individuals, businesses and
communities to grow and flourish.
This includes our commitment to
the development of renewable
energy sources that can support
the global transition to a low-carbon
economy. We have pledged to
provide $100 billion in sustainable
financing and investments by 2025.
Employee photos
All the photos on the inside pages
of this report, with the exception
of Board and executive profiles,
were taken by people working for
HSBC in locations including the UK,
China, India, Malta and Bangladesh.
Many more employees across the
Group’s international network have
contributed to HSBC Now Photo,
an ongoing project that allows
them to demonstrate their talent
as photographers and show the
diversity of the world around them.
Our international network, access to high-growth
markets and balance sheet strength help us deliver
long-term value for our stakeholders.
(2017: $17.2bn)
(2017: $21.1bn)
(2017: $51.4bn)
At 31 Dec 2018
Reported risk-weighted assets Common equity tier 1 ratio Total assets
($bn)1 (%)1 ($bn)
2018 865 2018 14.0 2018 2,558
2017 871 2017 14.5 2017 2,522
2016 857 2016 13.6 2016 2,375
(2017: $871bn)
(2017: 14.5%)
(2017: $2,522bn)
With assets of $2.6tn at In June 2018, we set out eight Selected awards and recognitions
31 December 2018, HSBC is strategic priorities against which Euromoney Trade Finance Survey 2019
one of the world’s largest we committed to tracking our Top Global Trade Finance Bank
banking and financial performance until the end of 2020. Euromoney Cash Management
services organisations. Below is a selection of highlights Survey 2018
from our progress in 2018. Best Global Cash Manager for Corporates
More than Best Global Cash Manager for Financial
39 million 11%
adjusted revenue
growth in Asia Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2018
World’s Best Bank for Transaction Services
customers bank with us World’s Best Bank for Corporates
revenue growth in North America’s Best Bank for Transaction
We employ around
transaction banking Services
percentage point Middle East’s Best Bank for Financing
people around the world2 improvement in employee
Insurance Asset Management
engagement to 66%
Awards 2018
We have around Best Emerging Markets Manager of the Year
shareholders in 130 countries
6 of 8
HSBC ‘scale markets’
improved by two
ranks or maintained
The Banker Investment Banking
Awards 2018
Most Innovative Investment Bank of the Year
a top-three rank in
and territories PWM/The Banker Global Private Banking
customer satisfaction
Awards 2018
For footnotes, see page 34. for RBWM
Best Private Bank in Hong Kong
Best Private Bank in the UK
Our operating model consists of four global businesses and a Corporate Centre, supported by HSBC Operations, Services
and Technology, and 11 global functions, including risk, finance, compliance, legal, marketing and human resources.
Retail Banking and Commercial Banking Global Banking and Global Private
Wealth Management (‘CMB’) Markets (‘GB&M’) Banking (‘GPB’)
We help 38 million customers We support approximately We serve approximately We serve high net worth
across the world to manage 1.5 million business customers 4,100 clients in more than 50 and ultra high net worth
their finances, buy their in 53 countries and territories, countries and territories. We individuals and families,
homes, and save and invest ranging from small enterprises support major government, including those with
for the future. focused primarily on their corporate and institutional international banking needs.
domestic markets, through clients worldwide.
Our HSBC Premier and to large companies operating Services provided include
Advance propositions are globally. Our product specialists Investment Management,
aimed at mass affluent and continue to deliver a which includes advisory
emerging affluent customers Our services include working comprehensive range of and brokerage services,
who value international capital, term loans, payment transaction banking, financing, and Private Wealth Solutions,
connectivity. For customers services and international advisory, capital markets and which comprises trusts and
with simpler banking needs, trade facilitation, as well as risk management services. estate planning, to protect
we offer a full range of expertise in mergers and and preserve wealth for
products and services acquisitions, and access to future generations.
reflecting local requirements. financial markets.
Our global businesses are presented on an adjusted basis, which is consistent with the way in which we assess the performance of our global businesses.
Group Chairman’s
Our ability to meet our targets depends on being able to help
our customers manage the present uncertainty and capture
the opportunities that unquestionably exist.
remain strong in spite of a softer regional We also cut the number of Board committees from
seven to five and simplified subsidiary governance.
economic outlook.” I believe this creates clearer and stronger lines of
authority and accountability, enabling the Board
to devote more time to priority areas.
Despite a challenging external environment in We welcome the new UK Corporate Governance
the fourth quarter, all of our global businesses Code, which places greater emphasis on how the
delivered increased profits and the Group achieved Board considers the interests of all stakeholders in
a higher return on tangible equity in 2018. Asia its discussions and decision making, and promotes
again contributed a substantial portion of the a strong internal culture.
Group’s profits, notably in Retail Banking and
Wealth Management and Commercial Banking.
Overall, the Group delivered reported profit before
tax of $19.9bn, up 16% on 2017, and adjusted profit
before tax of $21.7bn, up 3%.
We see the new Code as an opportunity The fundamentals for growth in Asia remain strong
to further enhance our existing stakeholder in spite of a softer regional economic outlook. The
engagement, ensuring that the business as a structural and financial reforms underway across
whole can continue to develop constructive the region should continue to support economic
and considerate relationships with all those development. China remains subject to domestic
with whom we work. We will include details and external pressures, but we expect it to maintain
of this in the Annual Report and Accounts 2019. strong growth. We also expect further financial
liberalisation to form part of China’s response to
changing external conditions. This will benefit
domestic and international customers and investors.
“The Board fully endorses the Group’s The US economy and the influence of the Federal
commitment to develop and support our people Reserve remain central to global sentiment. We
expect policymakers to adopt a more cautious
and we offer the Group Management Board our stance in 2019, even as the economy continues
wholehearted support in realising that ambition.” to grow. A slowdown in the pace of US interest
rate rises could carry positive implications for
Asian economies and businesses, as well as
for US growth. Both the Mexican and Canadian
Connecting customers to opportunities economies are poised to grow at a steady pace.
The financial targets that John announced in Many of our UK customers are understandably
June remain appropriate, even as the global cautious about the immediate future, given the
economic outlook becomes less predictable. prolonged uncertainty surrounding the UK’s exit
Our ability to meet them depends on being from the European Union. HSBC UK, our new
able to help our customers manage the present UK ring-fenced bank, has an important role in
uncertainty and capture the opportunities supporting our customers as they prepare for a
that unquestionably exist. range of possible outcomes. Our universal banking
business in France will also help provide continuity
The system of global trade remains subject to
to our customers in the UK and the rest of Europe.
political pressure, and differences between
In Europe, as elsewhere, we are confident in our
China and the US will likely continue to inform
ability to help customers make the most of the
sentiment in 2019. However, the conclusion
opportunities they see.
of major trade agreements – including the
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement There are more risks to global economic growth
for Trans-Pacific Partnership; the EU’s landmark than this time last year, and we remain alive and
bilateral agreements with Japan and Singapore; responsive to all possibilities. Our strong balance
and the potential ratification of the US-Mexico- sheet and revenue base equip us to navigate these
Canada Agreement in 2019 – provide important risks and, most importantly, enable us to help our
counterweights that could give impetus to customers negotiate their own paths.
international trade in the year ahead.
Expected credit losses were slightly higher than We plan to achieve positive adjusted jaws in 2019
loan impairment charges in 2017, reflecting the and remain focused on achieving a return on
uncertain economic outlook in the UK tangible equity of over 11% by 2020, while
and heightened downside risks. maintaining a stable dividend.
Our common equity tier 1 ratio of 14% was lower
than at the same point in 2017, due mainly to
adverse foreign exchange movements and the
impact of higher lending.
Our strategy
Our strategy enables us to connect customers to opportunities. It is
supported by long-term global trends and our strong combination of
strategic advantages.
Long-term trends
The world is expected to continue to become more connected as global flows Global services exports
of trade, finance and data continue to grow. ($tn)
2030 12.3
Source: Oxford Economics, Bilateral Trade in Services (2018).
2018 5.6
Global trade growth is expected to continue and trade within regions is expected Global trade volume growth of goods,
to be a key driver, accounting for over 40% of goods volume growth. 2017–2025 ($tn)
Within regions growth 4.7
Source: McKinsey & Company.
Across regions growth 6.6
Half of the world’s population is now considered middle class or wealthier, Global population by income segment
and this proportion is expected to grow to approximately two-thirds by 2030. (% of total)
Almost nine in 10 of the next billion middle-class consumers will be Asian. 2030
33 67
Source: Brookings, A Global Tipping point: Half the world is now middle class or wealthier (2018). 2018
50 50
Vulnerable or poor
Middle class or wealthier
Climate change is accelerating and global temperatures are trending Renewables share of megawatts
significantly higher. Investment in renewable energy capacity will be installed capacity for plants in
operation in G20 countries
needed to limit the global temperature increase to 2ºC. (%)
Source: OECD, Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth (2017); BP, Statistical Review 2050 requirement 71
of World Energy; HSBC analysis.
2017 33
Client examples
Strategic advantages
Leading international bank ––More than 50% of Group client International client revenue5
revenue linked to international clients (% of total)
––‘World’s Best Bank for Transaction 2018 54.3
Services’3 2017 54.2
North America
Middle East and North Africa
Latin America
Balance sheet strength ––Continue to maintain strong capital, Common equity tier 1 ratio
funding and liquidity position with (%)
diversified business model 2018 14.0
––Conservative approach to credit risk 2017 14.5
and liquidity management ECL/LICs as % of average gross loans
––Low earnings volatility and advances to customers
––Foundation for sustained dividend;
strong capacity for distribution to 2018 18
shareholders 2017 19
Liquidity coverage ratio
2018 154
2017 142
Strategic priorities
We entered the next phase of our strategy in 2018, focused on growth and
creating value for our stakeholders.
Performance in
Targets by end of 2018 (vs prior
Strategic priorities 2020 period) Highlights
Accelerate growth –– High single-digit –– Asia adjusted –– Wealth in Asia7 revenue, excluding market impacts
1 from our Asia revenue growth p.a. revenue: +11% in Insurance12, improved 13%
franchise; be the from Asia franchise –– Hong Kong: +14% –– Five of eight scale markets10 gained loan and/or deposit
leading bank to –– Market share –– Pearl River Delta: market share13
support drivers of gains in eight +31% –– Belt and Road Initiative: Awarded ’Best Belt and
global investment: scale markets10 –– ASEAN: +3% Road Bank’ in Asia for the second consecutive year
Deliver China-led Belt and –– No. 1 international –– Wealth in Asia7: +1% by FinanceAsia
growth Road Initiative and bank for Belt and –– Sustainable financing –– Pearl River Delta: Launched co-brand credit card
from areas the transition to a Road Initiative and investment with JD Finance
of strength low-carbon economy –– $100bn in sustainable (global): $28.5bn –– Awarded ’Asia’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance’
financing and cumulative (+$17.4bn by Euromoney
investment11 in 2018)
Complete the ––Market share gains ––Market share in –– Completed set-up of UK ring-fenced bank and opened
2 establishment mortgages: 6.6% new UK head office in Birmingham in October 2018
of UK ring-fenced (+0.5 percentage –– Launched dedicated SME fund with £12bn of funding,
bank and grow points) including £1bn of funding to help UK companies
market share grow overseas
–– Launched Connected Money app to enable retail banking
customers to view balances and transactions from their
UK bank accounts, including those with other providers,
in one place
Gain market –– Mid to high ––International client ––GLCM revenue +21%; FX revenue +10%; Securities
3 share and deliver single-digit revenue revenue: +7% Services revenue +11%; GTRF revenue +2% despite
growth from our growth per annum ––Transaction banking15 subdued global trade environment
international from international revenue: +14% ––Market share gains in GLCM, GTRF and FX16; GTRF
network network14 market share in Singapore and Hong Kong up by three
–– Market share gains in and one percentage points, respectively
transaction banking
Turn around ––US return on tangible ––US RoTE: 2.7% (+1.8 ––US adjusted revenue of $4.8bn up 1% vs 2017
4 our US business equity >6% percentage points) ––Adjusted profit before tax of $1.0bn up 32% vs 2017
––Nearly 200,000 more active retail customers
––Completed multi-year core banking system upgrade,
paving the way for significantly enhanced client digital
Improve capital ––Increase in asset ––Revenue / average ––Overall capital efficiency improvement driven by 4%
of low-return
5 efficiency productivity RWA: 6.2% (+30bps) revenue growth
––Continue to redeploy RWAs to higher-return businesses
Create capacity ––Positive adjusted ––Adjusted jaws: ––Jaws impacted by negative market environment in the
6 for increasing jaws, on an annual negative 1.2% last quarter of 2018
investments in basis, each financial ––Revenue growth helped support $4.1bn in investment for
growth and year growth, productivity, regulatory and mandatory purposes
technology through
Build a bank efficiency gains
for the future Enhance customer ––Improve customer –– Markets that sustained ––Improved digital capabilities and customer journeys
that puts the 7 centricity and satisfaction17 in eight top-three rank and/or ––RBWM: circa 45% of customers now digitally
customer at customer service scale markets10 improved by two ranks active and more than 30% of sales are through
the centre in customer satisfaction: digital channels20
–– RBWM: six markets 18
––CMB: simplified online journeys on HSBCnet for
–– CMB: three markets19 41,000 clients across 36 countries
Simplify the ––Improved employee ––Employee ––Made governance more efficient, simplified policies,
8 organisation and engagement engagement: and streamlined processes
invest in future skills ––ESG rating: 66% (+2%) ––Actively promoted learning and development
‘Outperformer’21 ––ESG rating: opportunities for employees with the set-up of
‘Average’ performer the HSBC University Online and additional online
Empower training courses
our people
Financial overview
Reported results
This table shows our reported results for 2018 2017 2016
the last three years ended 31 December Reported results $m $m $m
2018, 2017 and 2016. Net operating income before change in expected 53,780 51,445 47,966
credit losses and other credit impairment charges
HSBC adopted the requirements (‘revenue’)
of IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ on
ECL/LICs (1,767) (1,769) (3,400)
1 January 2018, with the exception of
the provisions relating to the presentation Net operating income 52,013 49,676 44,566
of gains and losses on financial liabilities Total operating expenses (34,659) (34,884) (39,808)
designated at fair value, which were Operating profit 17,354 14,792 4,758
adopted on 1 January 2017.
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 2,536 2,375 2,354
Under IFRS 9, the recognition and Profit before tax 19,890 17,167 7,112
measurement of expected credit losses
differs from the approach under IAS 39.
The change in expected credit losses included a favourable effect of foreign than offset by a net favourable
relating to financial assets under IFRS 9 is currency translation differences of movement in significant items of $2.1bn.
recorded in the income statement under $0.1bn, broadly offset by a net adverse Significant items included:
‘change in expected credit losses and movement in significant items of $0.1bn.
––the non-recurrence of costs to achieve,
other credit impairment charges’ (‘ECL’).
Significant items included: which were $3.0bn in 2017; and
As prior periods have not been restated,
changes in impairment of financial assets ––a net loss on disposals, acquisitions and ––customer redress programme costs of
in the comparative periods remain in investment in new businesses of $0.1bn $0.1bn in 2018, compared with $0.7bn
accordance with IAS 39 and are in 2018, compared with a net gain of in 2017.
recorded in the income statement under $0.3bn in 2017. These were partly offset by:
‘loan impairment charges and other
This was partly offset by: ––settlements and provisions in
credit risk provisions’ (‘LICs’) and are
therefore not necessarily comparable ––a net release of provisions related to connection with legal and regulatory
to ECL recorded for the current period. customer redress programmes in the matters of $0.8bn in 2018. This
UK of $0.1bn in 2018, compared with compared with a net release of
All commentary in this financial overview $0.2bn in 2017;
net charges of $0.1bn in 2017; and
compares the 2018 results with 2017, ––a provision in relation to past service
unless otherwise stated. ––lower adverse fair value movements
on financial instruments (up $0.1bn). costs of guaranteed minimum pension
Reported profit before tax benefits equalisation of $0.2bn in
Excluding significant items and foreign 2018; and
Reported profit before tax of $19.9bn was currency translation differences, revenue
$2.7bn or 16% higher, mainly reflecting ––the non-recurrence of gains on
increased by $2.3bn or 4%. the partial settlement of pension
growth in revenue. Operating expenses
fell by $0.2bn, as increases, mainly Reported ECL/LICs obligations of $0.2bn in 2017.
associated with investments to grow the In 2018, reported ECL of $1.8bn related Excluding significant items and adverse
business, were more than offset by a net mainly to RBWM ($1.2bn), notably in foreign currency translation differences
favourable movement in significant items, Mexico, the UK and Asia, as well as of $0.1bn, operating expenses increased
which included the non-recurrence of our CMB ($0.7bn). by $1.8bn or 6%.
costs to achieve programme.
In 2017, reported LICs were $1.8bn, Reported share of profit in
Reported profit before tax included a notably in RBWM ($1.0bn) as well as associates and joint ventures
net favourable movement of significant in CMB ($0.5bn) and GB&M ($0.5bn). Reported share of profit in associates
items of $2.1bn, which is described in This was partly offset by net releases of $2.5bn was $0.2bn or 7% higher,
more detail on page 34 of the Annual in Corporate Centre of $0.2bn.
Report and Accounts 2018. Excluding primarily reflecting an increase in income
these items and a favourable effect of Foreign currency translation differences from Bank of Communications Co.,
foreign currency translation differences between the periods were $0.1bn Limited (‘BoCom’).
of $0.1bn, profit before tax increased by favourable. Excluding the favourable effect of foreign
$0.6bn or 3%. Reported operating expenses currency translation differences of $41m,
Reported revenue share of profit in associates increased
Reported operating expenses of $34.7bn by $0.1bn.
Reported revenue of $53.8bn was were $0.2bn or 1% lower, as an increase
$2.3bn or 5% higher, which reflected in operating expenses from near- and Dividends
revenue growth in all global businesses, medium-term investments to grow On 19 February 2019, the Board
although revenue fell in Corporate the business, together with higher announced a fourth interim dividend
Centre. The increase in reported revenue performance-related pay, were more of $0.21 per ordinary share.
Adjusted performance
Our reported results are prepared in Alternative performance measures or reconciliations of our reported results
accordance with IFRSs as detailed in are highlighted with the following to an adjusted basis, including lists of
significant items, see page 49 of the Annual
the Financial Statements on page 224 of symbol: Report and Accounts 2018.
the Annual Report and Accounts 2018.
To derive adjusted performance, we
We also present alternative adjust for:
performance measures. Adjusted
––the year-on-year effects of foreign
performance is an alternative
currency translation differences; and
performance measure used to align
internal and external reporting, identify ––the effect of significant items that
and quantify items management distort year-on-year comparisons,
believes to be significant, and provide which are excluded in order to improve
insight into how management assesses understanding of the underlying trends
period-on-period performance. in the business.
Adjusted results
This table shows our adjusted results
for 2018 and 2017. These are discussed
in more detail on the following pages.
Adjusted jaws
Adjusted revenue up Adjusted jaws measures the difference between the rates of change
in adjusted revenue and adjusted operating expenses.
unexpected movements in revenue or operating expenses growth.
Adjusted operating
expenses up Positive jaws occurs when the figure for the percentage change in
revenue is higher than, or less negative than, the corresponding rate
for operating expenses.
In 2018, adjusted revenue increased by 4.4% and our adjusted operating
expenses increased by 5.6%. Adjusted jaws was therefore negative 1.2%.
To achieve these financial targets by 2020, we aim to deliver mid-single-digit growth in revenue, low- to mid-single-digit growth in
operating expenses, and approximately 1–2% annual growth in RWAs. Given the current economic environment, we will seek to
offset some or all of any possible weaker-than-planned revenue growth with actions to manage operating expenses and investments.
Global businesses
We manage our products and services globally through our global businesses.
Commercial Banking
20%) and MENA (up 5%).
Adjusted profit before tax of $7.7bn
was $0.8bn or 12% higher, driven by ––Corporate customer value from our
increased revenue, partly offset by higher international subsidiary banking
operating expenses. ECL of $0.7bn in proposition grew by 19%*.
* Analysis relates to corporate client income,
2018 compared with LICs of $0.5bn Adjusted ECL were $0.7bn in 2018, which includes total income from GB&M
in 2017. reflecting charges across most regions, synergy products, including foreign exchange
and debt capital markets. This measure differs
Adjusted revenue of $14.9bn was including a charge in the UK related to from reported revenue in that it excludes
$1.6bn or 12% higher with increases uncertainty in the economic outlook, Business Banking and Other and internal
in all products, most notably GLCM. partly offset by releases in North cost of funds.
America. This compared with adjusted
LICs of $0.5bn in 2017, which reflected
emerging markets.
mandates, and from favourable interest
rate movements, notably in Asia.
How we do business
Supporting sustainable growth
We conduct our business intent on supporting
the sustained success of our customers, people
and communities.
2018 2017
Same day or next working day
Between 2–5 days
Longer than 5 days
Make it easy ––In Singapore, we simplified our mortgage
to understand application forms and offer letters, so
our fees and customers can be clear about their repayment
charges schedule, terms and conditions, and fees
and charges. of RBWM customers are digitally active
––Through digital messaging we are raising
customer awareness around overdrafts. In
the UK, we expanded the volume of overdraft Taking responsibility for the service we deliver
alerts, which we first introduced in 2017,
sending more than 26 million alerts in 2018. We define conduct as delivering fair outcomes for customers
and supporting the orderly and transparent operation of
Make our ––In the UK, we have continued to simplify financial markets. This is central to our long-term success
processes our mortgage process. Through automatic and ability to serve customers. We have clear policies,
easier valuations, improved credit policies and frameworks and governance in place to protect them. These
increased underwriter availability, applications cover the way we behave; design products and services;
can be approved within 10 days. train and incentivise employees; and interact with customers
––To make investing more accessible, we
equipped our branch employees in Hong Kong, and each other. Our conduct framework guides activities
China and Singapore with tablets and launched to strengthen our business and increases our understanding
an online financial health check. Customers can of how the decisions we make affect customers and other
now understand their investment options in their stakeholders. Details on our conduct framework are available
own time, without a specialist appointment. at For further information on conduct,
see page 66 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2018.
Our employees
Our people are critical to our success, and and Exchanges were held Group-wide Gender diversity statistics
we have made a commitment to build the as part of the conversation around the 9 64%
Holdings Board
healthiest human system in our industry healthiest human system. 5 36%
to enable them to thrive. As we work Group Management 17 89%
Snapshot and Exchange provide robust
towards this, we are focused on fostering Board 2 11%
feedback that we use to improve the
a culture in which our employees feel
employee experience. For instance, our Combined executive 148 74%
valued, empowered to share their views, committee and 51 26%
people fed back that mental well-being is
and able to fulfil their potential. direct reports*
important. We already provide employee
Listening to our people assistance lines in every country, and in Senior 6,887
leadership 2,701 28%
2019 we will provide additional mental
Understanding how our people feel 69%
health education and support to line Senior leadership 752
about HSBC is vital. It helps us ensure RBWM 331 31%
managers. Our focus will be on spotting
that we are giving them the right support
the signs of mental ill-health, having Senior leadership 652 74%
to achieve their potential and to serve CMB 226 26%
open conversations and signposting
our customers well.
where to find support. Senior leadership 2,398 80%
We capture the views of our people on GB&M 608 20%
HSBC’s purpose is to connect people Financial crime compliance Taxes paid by region
with opportunities. With this purpose ($bn)
In order to help protect the integrity 0.3
comes the responsibility to protect our 0.4
of the global financial system, we have 0.2
customers, our communities and the
made, and continue to make, significant
integrity of the financial system.
investments in our ability to detect, 2.7
Non-financial risks deter and prevent financial crime.
We have exited customers, products
We use a range of tools to monitor
and countries where we deemed the
and manage our non-financial risks,
financial crime risk too high to manage. 2.7
including our risk appetite, risk map, top
We are also working with governments
and emerging risks, and stress testing
and other banks to advance our Key 0.7
processes. During 2018, we continued UK
collective interests in this area. These
to strengthen our approach to managing Rest of Europe
steps are enabling us to reduce the risk Asia
operational risk as set out in the
of financial crime much more effectively. Middle East and North Africa
operational risk management North America
framework (‘ORMF’). The approach sets Our risk appetite has been set formally. Latin America
out governance, appetite and provides Further details may be found in the Risk
a single view of non-financial risks section on page 30.
that matter the most and associated
Anti-bribery and corruption
controls. It incorporates a risk
management system to enable active We are committed to high standards We apply a number of tax initiatives
risk management. The enhancement of ethical behaviour and operate a introduced after the global financial
and embedding of the risk appetite zero-tolerance approach to bribery and crisis with the aim of increasing
framework for non-financial risk and corruption, which we consider unethical transparency. These initiatives address
improving the consistency of the and contrary to good corporate both the tax positions of companies and
adoption of the end-to-end risk and governance. We require compliance of their customers. These include:
control assessment processes has with all anti-bribery and corruption laws
––the US Foreign Account Tax
been a particular focus and while there in all markets and jurisdictions in which
Compliance Act (‘FATCA’);
remains more to do, progress has been we operate. We have a global anti-
made in 2018 to strengthen the control bribery and corruption policy, which ––the OECD Standard for Automatic
environment and the management of gives practical effect to global initiatives, Exchange of Financial Account
non-financial risk. such as the Organisation of Economic Information (the ‘Common Reporting
Co-operation and Development Standard’);
For further details on our non-financial ––the Capital Requirements (Country
(‘OECD’) Convention on Combating
risks and the ‘Top and emerging risks’, by Country Reporting) Regulations;
Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in
see pages 30 and 31.
International Business Transactions and ––the OECD Base Erosion and Profit
Cybersecurity Principle 10 of the United Nations Global Shifting (‘BEPS’) initiative; and
Compact. We continue to invest in ––the UK legislation on the corporate
Cybersecurity continues to be a focus
technology and training. In 2018, 98% criminal offence (‘CCO’) of failing to
area for HSBC and is routinely reported
of our workforce were trained via a prevent the facilitation of tax evasion.
at the Board level to ensure appropriate
mandatory e-learning course and more
visibility, governance and executive Human rights
than 12,000 employees, who undertake
support for our ongoing cybersecurity
activities with a high risk of bribery, HSBC’s commitment to respecting
activities. We continue to strengthen
received targeted role-based training. human rights, principally as they apply
and invest significantly in both business
and technical controls in order to Tax to our employees, our suppliers and
prevent, detect and respond to an through our lending, is set out in our
We are committed to applying both 2015 Statement on Human Rights. This
increasingly hostile cyber threat
the letter and spirit of the law in all statement, along with our ESG Updates
environment. These include enhancing
territories where we operate. We aim to and our statements under the UK’s
controls to protect against advanced
have open and transparent relationships Modern Slavery Act (‘MSA’), which
malware, data leakage, infiltration
with all tax authorities, ensuring that any include further information, is available
of payments systems and denial of
areas of uncertainty or dispute are on
service attacks.
agreed and resolved in a timely manner. measuring-our-impact. Our next MSA
For additional information, please see As a consequence, we believe that we statement will be published in April 2019.
the ‘Top and emerging risks’ section on pay our fair share of tax in the
page 30. jurisdictions in which we operate. Other matters
We have adopted the UK Code of Information on our corporate
Practice on Taxation for Banks, which governance is on page 152 of the
was introduced in 2009, and manage Annual Report and Accounts 2018,
tax risk in accordance with a formal and information on legal proceedings
tax risk management framework. and regulatory matters can be found
on page 289 of the Annual Report and
Accounts 2018.
As part of our drive to deliver growth from areas of strength, we are committed to helping our clients transition
to a low-carbon economy, supporting the achievement of the SDGs, and supporting positive societal impacts.
Cumulative progress through 2018
Since the start of 2017, we have achieved $28.5bn of our commitment to provide and facilitate $100bn of sustainable
financing and investment by 2025. A data dictionary, including detailed definitions of contributing activities, may be
found on our website
* PwC provided limited assurance over progress towards the $100bn sustainable finance commitment as at 31 December 2018 in accordance with International
Standard on Assurance Engagement 3000 (Revised) ’Assurance Engagements other than Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information’. This can be
found on our website Further information on the external assurance of our contribution to sustainable
finance and our overall ESG assurance planning will be included in our next ESG Update and on our website at
We all have a role to play in limiting We report on the emissions of our own its day-to-day credit risk management.
climate change and supporting the operations via CDP (formerly the Carbon The aim is that over time, each
transition to a low-carbon economy, Disclosure Project). This is available, as wholesale counterparty will receive a
and we are a signatory to the disclosure well as other information related to the client transition risk rating based on
recommendations by the Financial sustainability of our own operations, at: their susceptibility to, and ability to
Stability Board’s task force. This manage transition risk.
represents our second disclosure measuring-our-impact.
We have identified six higher transition
under the framework.
Risk management risk sectors based on their contribution
Governance to global carbon dioxide emissions.
We are increasingly incorporating
These sectors are: oil and gas; building
Mitigating climate change is a key climate-related risk, both physical and
and construction; chemicals;
priority for our senior leadership, with transition, into how we manage and
automotive; power and utilities; and
sustainable finance metrics included oversee risks internally and with our
metals and mining. Over time we may
in the Group’s strategic priorities. In customers. Climate risk is now included
identify additional sectors as having
2018, there were two presentations as a theme in our ‘Top and emerging
higher transition risk depending on a
on sustainability to the HSBC risks report’ to ensure that it receives
variety of factors, including country-
Holdings Board, two to the Group monthly management oversight via the
level carbon dioxide reduction plans
Audit Committee, four to the Group Risk Management Meeting of the Group
per the Paris Agreement.
Risk Committee, and two to the Management Board (‘RMM’) (see page
HSBC Group Management Board. 30). In addition, our Board-approved The table below presents our exposure
Senior leadership have engaged with risk appetite statement contains a to the six higher transition risk sectors.
regulators, industry associations and qualitative statement on our approach These figures capture all lending
non-governmental organisations on to sustainability, which will be further activity, including environmentally
this topic, such as through the Bank of expanded in 2019 to include climate responsible customers and sustainable
England consultation on climate change, risk explicitly. financing. Further details on our
the Group Chairman’s participation in approach to the quantification of
We have a number of sustainability risk
the One Planet Summit and the Group exposures can be found in footnote
policies covering specific sectors. In
Chief Executive’s designation as a 29 on page 34. This is expected to
2018, we updated our energy policy
World Economic Forum climate evolve over time as we develop new
to limit the financing of high-carbon-
leader. A summarised list of HSBC’s climate-related metrics.
intensity energy projects, while still
sustainability-related memberships is
supporting energy customers on their Next steps
available at:
transition to a low-carbon economy.
approach/measuring-our-impact/ HSBC’s TCFD disclosures will
From the release of the new energy policy
sustainability-memberships. continue to evolve and expand
in April 2018 until the end of 2018, HSBC
over time. In line with TCFD
Strategy financed no new coal-fired power plants.
recommendations, our Annual Report
Supporting the transition to a low- Transition risk, in the context of and Accounts will start to disclose
carbon economy is a key part of HSBC's climate change, is the possibility that a the additional climate risk-related
strategy, and new products have been customer’s ability to meet its financial metrics relating to our portfolio for
offered to facilitate this, along with a obligations will deteriorate due to the specific sectors, as the availability
pledge to provide $100bn of sustainable global movement from a high-carbon of sufficient, reliable and relevant
finance by 2025. To date, we have to a low-carbon economy. HSBC is customer data permits.
reached $28.5bn of that goal. For working to embed transition risk into
further information, see page 28. We
recognise many clients across sectors
% of total wholesale loans and advances
are making significant shifts towards the Sector to customers and banks in 201837
low-carbon economy. During 2019, we
intend to develop new metrics to help Oil and gas ≤ 3.9%
measure these activities, with an aim Building and construction ≤ 3.8%
to publish in next year’s disclosure. Chemicals ≤ 3.9%
We believe education of our people Automotive ≤ 3.4%
is crucial on this topic. We gave Power and utilities ≤ 3.0%
sustainability training to more than Metals and mining ≤ 2.8%
2,300 employees during 2018 and
Total ≤ 20.8%
launched a sustainability online learning
programme for all employees globally,
Total wholesale loans and advances to customers and banks amount to $668bn.
with content developed in collaboration
For footnotes, see page 34.
with the University of Cambridge
Institute for Sustainability Leadership.
Risk overview
We actively manage risk to help protect and enable the business.
Managing risk
HSBC has maintained a conservative planning process. It is articulated in our participated in the Bank of England’s
and consistent approach to risk risk appetite statement, which is approved (‘BoE’) annual stress test, which showed
throughout its history, helping by the Board. Key elements include: that our capital ratios, after taking
to ensure we protect customers’ account of CRD IV restrictions and
––risks that we accept as part of doing
funds, lend responsibly and support strategic management actions, exceeded
business, such as credit risk and
economies. By carefully aligning our the BoE’s requirements.
market risk;
risk appetite to our strategy, we aim
––risks that we incur as part of doing Internal stress tests are an important
to deliver sustainable long-term
business, such as operational risk, element in our risk management and
shareholder returns.
which are actively managed to remain capital management frameworks. They
All employees are responsible for below an acceptable tolerance; and assess the impacts of potential adverse
the management of risk, with the ––risks for which we have zero tolerance, macroeconomic, geopolitical and other
ultimate accountability residing with such as knowingly engaging in activities HSBC-specific events. The selection of
the Board. We have a strong risk where foreseeable reputational risk has scenarios reflects our top and emerging
culture, which is embedded through not been considered. risks identification process and our risk
clear and consistent communication appetite. Stress testing analysis helps
and appropriate training for all We operate a wide-ranging stress testing management understand the nature
employees. A comprehensive risk programme undertaking both internal and extent of vulnerabilities to which
management framework is applied and regulatory stress tests. In 2018, we the Group is exposed.
throughout the Group, with
governance and corresponding risk
Key risk appetite metrics
management tools. This framework
is underpinned by our risk culture Risk
and reinforced by the HSBC Values. Component Measure appetite 2018
Returns Return on tangible equity (‘RoTE’)* ≥11.0% 8.6%
Our Global Risk function oversees
the framework and is led by the Capital CET1 ratio – CRD IV end point basis ≥13.5% 14.0%
Group Chief Risk Officer, an executive Change in Change in expected credit losses ≤0.50% 0.34%
Director. It is independent from the expected credit and other credit impairment charges
global businesses, including our losses and other as a % of advances: RBWM
sales and trading functions, to provide credit impairment Change in expected credit losses and other ≤0.45% 0.12%
challenge, appropriate oversight and charges credit impairment charges as a % of advances:
balance in risk/reward decisions. wholesale (CMB, GB&M and GPB)
Our remuneration policy supports the achievement
of our strategic objectives by balancing reward for
short- and long-term sustainable performance.
Remuneration principles
When deciding on the variable pay pool, the Group Remuneration Our variable pay pool was $3,473m, an increase of
Committee considers a number of factors, which are set out in the 5.1% compared with 2017.
following table:
Variable pay pool
Performance and risk ––Our variable pay pool takes into account our ($m)
appetite statement performance in the context of our risk appetite. Group 3,473
Countercyclical ––To dampen effects of economic cycles, the variable 3,303
Of which Global 1,098
funding methodology pay pool’s size has a floor and a ceiling, and we also
Banking and Markets 1,063
limit the payout ratio as performance increases to
prevent the risk of inappropriate behaviour.
Distribution of profits ––Our funding methodology ensures that the distribution Variable pay for our executive Directors
of post-tax profit between capital, shareholders and
variable pay is appropriate, and that the majority of Variable pay for our executive Directors is driven by
post-tax profit is allocated to capital and shareholders. scorecard achievement. Targets in the scorecard
are set according to our key performance
Commerciality and ––We face challenges arising from being headquartered
affordability in the UK, which has more stringent reward practices.
indicators to ensure linkages between our strategy
We take into account these challenges in determining and remuneration policies and outcome.
the size of the variable pay pool to help ensure we can ee the Directors’ remuneration report on page 186 of the
continue to attract and retain talent in key markets. Annual Report and Accounts 2018 for further details.
Supplementary information
1 The Group has adopted the EU’s regulatory transitional arrangements for IFRS 9 28 ‘Markets products, Insurance and Investments and Other’ includes revenue
‘Financial Instruments’. These apply to reported and adjusted RWAs, regulatory from Foreign Exchange, insurance manufacturing and distribution, interest
capital and related ratios for 2018 throughout the Annual Report and Accounts, rate management and global banking products.
unless otherwise stated. 29 From 1 January 2018, the qualifying components according to IFRS 7 ‘Financial
2 Full-time equivalent staff. Instruments: Disclosures’ of fair value movements relating to changes in credit
3 Recognised by Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2018. spreads on structured liabilities, were recorded through other comprehensive
4 Source: Greenwich Associates – Large Corporate Banking; percentage of large income. The residual movements remain in credit and funding valuation
corporates choosing HSBC as their lead international bank. adjustments, and comparatives have not been restated.
5 Revenue from international clients is derived from an allocation of adjusted 30 ‘Other’ in GB&M includes net interest earned on free capital held in the global
revenue based on internal management information. International clients are business not assigned to products, allocated funding costs and gains resulting
businesses and individuals with an international presence. from business disposals. Within the management view of adjusted revenue,
notional tax credits are allocated to the businesses to reflect the economic
6 Adjusted basis, geographical view; Group total and regional percentage benefit generated by certain activities which is not reflected within operating
composition excludes Holdings; regional percentage composition calculated income; for example, notional credits on income earned from tax-exempt
with regional figures that include intra-Group revenue. investments where the economic benefit of the activity is reflected in tax
7 Our wealth business in Asia includes our asset management business in expense. In order to reflect the total operating income on an IFRS basis, the
Asia, our insurance business in Asia, our private banking business Asia and offsets to these tax credits are included within ‘Other’.
the wealth portion of our RBWM business in Asia. 31 Under the old revenue allocation, the 2017 results would have been: Global
8 Source for market data is Bank of England mortgage data. Markets: $6,840m; FICC: $5,555m; FX: $2,587m; Rates:$2,037m; Credit:
9 Both digital metrics include the following markets: the UK (excluding M&S Bank $931m; Equities: $1,285m; Securities Services: $1,762m; Global Banking:
and John Lewis Finance customers), Hong Kong (excluding Hang Seng customers), $3,858m; GLCM: $2,199m; GTRF: $703m; Principal Investments: $322m;
Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, mainland China, Canada, Australia, the US, Credit and funding valuation adjustments: $(267)m; Other revenue: $(132)m.
France, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Egypt, Argentina, and Taiwan. Digital sales also 2016 numbers have not been re-presented on the new basis.
include M&S Bank customers in the UK. Digitally active customers are defined as 32 Corporate Centre comprises Central Treasury, including Balance Sheet
percentage of customers who have logged on to HSBC digital channels at least Management (‘BSM’), our legacy businesses, interests in our associates
once in the last 90 days. Percentage of sales include the sales of loans and deposits and joint ventures, central stewardship costs and the UK bank levy.
through digital channels. 33 Central Treasury includes revenue relating to BSM of $2.5bn (2017: $2.7bn;
10 Eight scale markets are UK, Hong Kong, Pearl River Delta, Singapore, Malaysia, 2016: $3.0bn), interest expense of $1,267m (2017: $888m; 2016: $707m) and
Mexico, UAE and Saudi Arabia. adverse valuation differences on issued long-term debt and associated swaps
11 Commitment by 2025. of $313m (2017: gain of $120m; 2016: loss of $271m). Revenue relating to BSM
12 Excluding market impact in Insurance, which constitutes P&L impacts resulting includes other internal allocations, including notional tax credits to reflect the
from changes in financial market factors as compared with economic economic benefit generated by certain activities, which is not reflected within
conditions in place at the start of the year. operating income, for example notional credits on income earned from
tax-exempt investments where the economic benefit of the activity is reflected
13 Market shares: Saudi Arabia as of September 2018; UAE as of October 2018; in tax expense. In order to reflect the total operating income on an IFRS basis,
HK, Mexico, PRD and Singapore as of November 2018; UK and Malaysia as the offsets to these tax credits are included in other Central Treasury.
of December 2018.
34 Other miscellaneous items in Corporate Centre includes internal allocations
14 Revenue growth from international network includes transaction banking relating to Legacy Credit.
revenue growth and international client revenue growth.
35 Complaint figures for 2017 restated and weighted by country volumes.
15 Transaction banking includes GLCM, GTRF, Securities Services, and FX.
36 OECD, IEA, Investing in Climate, Investment in Growth, July 2017. The OECD
16 Market share data is as of 3Q 2018. estimates that for infrastructure to be consistent with a 2°C scenario, investment
17 Top-three rank or improvement by two ranks; measured by customer needs to amount to $6.9tn per year in the next 15 years, an increase of about
recommendation for RBWM and customer satisfaction for CMB among 10% in total infrastructure investment from the reference estimate of $6.3tn.
relevant competitors. 37 Amounts shown in table include green and other sustainable finance loans,
18 Customer satisfaction metrics for Pearl River Delta will be available from 2019, which support the transition to the low-carbon economy. The methodology
therefore they have been excluded from the assessment. Surveys are based on for the quantification of our exposure to higher transition risk sectors will
a relevant and representative subset of the market. Data provided by Kantar. evolve over time as more data becomes available and is incorporated in our
19 Customer satisfaction metrics for Pearl River Delta will be available from 2019, risk management systems and processes. Counterparties are allocated to the
therefore they have been excluded from the assessment. In HK, Singapore, higher transition risk sectors via a two-step approach:
Malaysia, Mexico and UAE, 2017 CMB performance is based on the bank that 1-W here the main business of a group of connected counterparties is in a
the customer defines as their main bank, whereas 2018 CMB performance for higher transition risk sector all lending to the group is included irrespective
these markets is based on the bank that the customer defines as the most of the sector of each individual obligor within the group.
important. Surveys are based on a relevant and representative subset of the 2 - Where the main business of a group of connected counterparties is not in
market. Data provided by RFi Group, Kantar and another third-party vendor. a higher transition risk sector only lending to individual obligors in the higher
20 Both digital metrics include the following markets: the UK (excluding M&S Bank transition risk sectors is included.
and John Lewis Finance customers), Hong Kong (excluding Hang Seng customers), As a result of this methodology, this metric is not directly comparable to
Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, mainland China, Canada, Australia, the US, other financial statement disclosures.
France, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Egypt, Argentina, and Taiwan. Digital sales also 38 60% of the 2012 annual incentive for Stuart Gulliver and Iain Mackay disclosed in
include M&S Bank customers in the UK. Digitally active customers are defined as the 2012 Directors’ remuneration report was deferred for five years. The vesting
percentage of customers who have logged on to HSBC digital channels at least of these awards was subject to a service condition and satisfactory completion
once in the last 90 days. Percent of sales include the sales of loans and deposits of the five-year deferred prosecution agreement ('AML DPA') with the US
through digital channels. Department of Justice ('DoJ'). The AML DPA condition was satisfied in March
21 Based on Sustainalytics. 2018 and the awards were released to the executive Directors. For Marc Moses
22 Costs relating to ‘Settlements and provisions in connection with legal and the value of the award attributable to services provided as an executive Director
regulatory matters’, a significant item in 2018 includes a 1Q18 provision in between 1 January 2014 and the vesting date has been included in the table.
relation to the US Department of Justice’s (‘DoJ’) civil claims relating to its 39 The first long-term incentive (‘LTI’) award was made in February 2017, with a
investigation of HSBC’s legacy residential mortgage-backed securities performance period ending in 2019. Vesting of the first LTI award will be included in
origination and securitisation activities from 2005 to 2007. Refer to Note 35 the single figure of remuneration table for the financial year ending 31 December 2019.
‘Legal proceedings and regulatory matters’ for further details. 40 John Flint succeeded Stuart Gulliver as Group Chief Executive with effect
23 ‘Other personal lending’ includes personal non-residential closed-end loans from 21 February 2018 and his remuneration in the single figure table of
and personal overdrafts. remuneration is in respect of services provided as an executive Director.
24 ‘Investment distribution’ includes Investments, which comprises mutual For services rendered between 1 January 2018 and 20 February 2018, he
funds (HSBC manufactured and third party), structured products and securities received salary of £97,138, fixed pay allowance of £130,236, cash in lieu of
trading, and Wealth Insurance distribution, consisting of HSBC manufactured pension of £27,999 and an annual incentive award of £272,000.
and third-party life, pension and investment insurance products. 41 Stuart Gulliver stepped down from the Board on 20 February 2018 and retired
25 ‘Other’ mainly includes the distribution and manufacturing (where applicable) from the Group on 11 October 2018. His remuneration in the single figure table
of retail and credit protection insurance. of remuneration is in respect of services provided as an executive Director.
26 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit 42 Iain Mackay stepped down as executive Director and Group Finance Director
impairment charges/Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions, on 31 December 2018.
also referred to as revenue. 43 To meet regulatory deferral requirements for 2018, 60% of the annual incentive
27 Adjusted return on average risk-weighted assets (‘Adjusted RoRWA’) is a measure award of Stuart Gulliver and Iain Mackay will be deferred in awards linked to
used to assess the performance of RBWM, CMB, GB&M and GPB. Adjusted HSBC’s shares and and will vest in five equal instalments between the third and
RoRWA is calculated using profit before tax and reported average risk-weighted seventh anniversary of the grant date. On vesting, the awards will be subject
assets at constant currency adjusted for the effects of significant items. to a one-year retention period. The deferred awards are subject to the executive
Director maintaining a good leaver status during the deferral period.
Enquiries Persons whose shares are held on their Any changes or queries relating to a
behalf by another person may have been nominated person’s personal details
Any enquiries relating to your
nominated to receive communications and holding (including any administration
shareholdings on the share register, for
from HSBC pursuant to section 146 of the thereof) must continue to be directed
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name or address, lost share certificates or
person’). The main point of contact HSBC’s Registrars. The only exception
dividend cheques should be sent to the
for a nominated person remains the is where HSBC, in exercising one of
Registrars at an address given below.
registered shareholder (for example, its powers under the UK Companies
The Registrars offer an online facility, your stockbroker, investment manager, Act 2006, writes to nominated persons
Investor Centre, which enables custodian or other person who manages directly for a response.
shareholders to manage their the investment on your behalf).
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Principal Register Holders of shares through Euroclear Bermuda Overseas Branch Register
Computershare Investor Services PLC France Investor Relations Team
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Email: Email:
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Electronic communications like to receive a printed copy, or if you nominated to receive communications
would like to receive future corporate from HSBC pursuant to section 146 of
Shareholders may at any time choose
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to receive corporate communications
write or send an email (quoting your person’). The main point of contact for a
in printed form or to receive notifications
shareholder reference number) to the nominated person remains the registered
of their availability on HSBC’s website.
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To receive future notifications of the
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or amend an instruction to receive A Chinese translation of this and future
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an email address to receive electronic Registrars if you have received a Chinese
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communications from HSBC, we will translation of this document and do not
and not HSBC’s Registrars. The only
also send notifications of your dividend wish to receive such translations in future.
exception is where HSBC, in exercising
entitlements by email. If you received
Persons whose shares are held on their one of its powers under the UK Companies
a notification of the availability of this
behalf by another person may have been Act 2006, writes to nominated persons
document on HSBC’s website and would
directly for a response.
Unless the context requires otherwise, of the People’s Republic of China is capital securities issued by HSBC
‘HSBC Holdings’ means HSBC Holdings referred to as ‘Hong Kong’. When used in Holdings classified as equity. The
plc and ‘HSBC’, the ‘Group’, ‘we’, ‘us’ and the terms ‘shareholders’ equity’ and ‘total abbreviations ‘$m’, ‘$bn’ and ‘$tn’
‘our’ refer to HSBC Holdings together with shareholders’ equity’, ‘shareholders’ represent millions, billions (thousands
its subsidiaries. Within this document the means holders of HSBC Holdings ordinary of millions) and trillions of US dollars,
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shares and those preference shares and respectively.
Highlights (pages 2-3): How we do business (pages 28-29): © Copyright HSBC Holdings plc 2019
Lavender field in Provence, France. Thrunton Woods, Northumberland.
All rights reserved
Taken by Andrea A Attard, who works Taken by Ciara Jennings, who works
in our corporate treasury solutions in the UK’s digital technology team No part of this publication may be
team in Malta reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
Risk overview (pages 30-31):
or transmitted, in any form or by any
Our strategy (pages 10-13): Raindrops on a peacock feather.
means, electronic, mechanical,
Boat navigating off the coast of Taken by Noman Anwar, who works
photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
Thailand. Taken by Joanna S Ellis, in communications in Bangladesh
without the prior written permission of
who supports with retail customer
Inside back cover: HSBC Holdings plc.
due diligence and is based in India
Crowds below an escalator in Incheon
Published by Global Finance, HSBC
Global businesses (pages 18-21): Airport, South Korea. Taken by Michael
Holdings plc, London
Hong Kong skyline at night. Taken Hu, who works in China’s finance team
by John Oldham, who works in the Designed by Superunion, London
Group Chairman and Group Chief
legal team in the UK
Executive portraits:
How we do business (pages 22-23): Taken by Charles Best
Fish off Raja Ampat, Indonesia, one
of the world’s most diverse marine
regions. Taken by Faith Li, who works
in asset management in China