PROPERTY LAW 11 Usufruct Art 562 To 612 (2017) PDF
PROPERTY LAW 11 Usufruct Art 562 To 612 (2017) PDF
PROPERTY LAW 11 Usufruct Art 562 To 612 (2017) PDF
Chapter 1 Usufruct in General
Chapter 2 Rights of the Usufructuary
Chapter 3 Obligations of the Usufructuary
Chapter 4 Extinguishment of Usufruct
• Normal: non-consumable
• Abnormal: consumable
Art. 565
• ½ if he is the finder
What is the nature of dividends?
origin By law, contract, last will or prescription By contract; by law as an implied lease –
builder in good faith – art 448
Difference between Usufruct and Lease
- Paras pp. 574 - 575
cause Passive owner allows enjoyment Active lessor makes lessee enjoy
repairs Usufructuary makes ordinary repairs Lessee generally has no duty to pay for
taxes Usufructuary pays annual charges and Lessor generally pays no taxes
taxes on the fruits
things Usufructuary may lease to another Lessee cannot constitute a usufruct on
leased property
Art. 569
• The usufructuary shall have the right to enjoy any increase which the
thing in usufruct may acquire through accession, the servitudes
established in its favor, and, in general, all the benefits inherent
Increase in the Thing
• Grey was the administrator of the property but Fabie was the
usufructuary. Fabie leased the property to David. When David
violated the lease conditions, Fabie filed an action for unlawful
detainer. Grey intervened and insisted that Fabie has no right to file
the action as usufructuary, because Grey, as administrator, has that
• Fabie as usufructuary has the right to administer and manage the
property, collect the rents and make necessary repairs. This includes
the right to select the tenant.
Art. 573
• The usufructuary of woodland may enjoy all the benefits which it may
produce according to its nature.
• If the woodland is a copse or consists of timber for building, the usufructuary
may do such ordinary cutting or felling as the owner was in the habit of
doing, and in default of this, he may do so in accordance with the custom of
the place, as to the manner, amount and season.
• In any case the felling or cutting of trees shall be made in such manner as not
to prejudice the preservation of the land.
• In nurseries, the usufructuary may make the necessary thinning in order that
the remaining trees may properly grow.
• With the exception of the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, the
usufructuary cannot cut down trees unless it be to restore or improve some
of the things in usufruct, and in such case he shall first inform the owner of
the necessity of the work.
Special usufruct: Woodland
• What is a copse? • Thicket of small trees.
• Coconut trees are not commonly used for timber to build? – Paras p.
Art. 578
• The usufructuary may set off the improvements he may have made
on the property against any damage to the same.
• The provisions of No. 2 of the preceding article shall not apply to the
donor who has reserved the usufruct of the property donated, or to
the parents who are usufructuaries of their children’s property,
except when the parents contract a second marriage.
Art. 585
• Art. 588. After the security has been given by the usufructuary, he
shall have a right to all the proceeds and benefits from the day on
which, in accordance with the title constituting the usufruct, he
should have commenced to receive them.
• Art. 589. The usufructuary shall take care of the things given in
usufruct as a good father of a family.
• Art. 590. A usufructuary who alienates or leases his right of usufruct
shall answer for any damage which the things in usufruct may suffer
through the fault or negligence of the person who substitutes him.
• What is the effect of the • Retroactive
security when it is given?
• What kind of diligence is
• Pater familias or good father of
• Is the usufructuary liable for the a family
damages caused by his
representatives? • Liable for the fault or negligence
of his alienee, grantee, agent, or
• What is a sub-usufructuary? lessee
Art. 591
• If the usufruct be constituted on a flock of livestock, the
usufructuary shall be obliged to replace with the young
thereof the animals that die each year from natural causes,
or are lost due to the rapacity of beasts of prey.
• If the animals on which the usufruct is constituted should all
perish, without the fault of the usufructuary, on account of
some contagious disease or any other uncommon event, the
usufructuary shall fulfil his obligation by delivering to the
owner the remains which may have been saved from the
• Should the herd or flock perish in part, also by accident and
without the fault of the usufructuary, the usufruct shall
continue on the part saved.
• Should the usufruct be on sterile animals, it shall be
considered, with respect to its effects, as though constituted
on fungible things.
Art. 592
• The taxes which, during the usufruct, may be imposed directly on the
capital, shall be at the expense of the owner.
• If the latter has paid them, the usufructuary shall pay him the proper
interest on the sums which may have been paid in that character;
and, if the said suns have been advanced by the usufructuary, he
shall recover the amount thereof at the termination of the usufruct.
• Who pays the taxes • The naked owner pays the
imposed directly on the taxes on the capital, such as
capital? estate tax; not annual taxes.
Art. 598
• Who pays the debt for the • The naked owner must pay.
security of the mortgaged
Art. 601
• The usufructuary did not pay real estate taxes. Will this
act result in the loss of rights to the benefits derived
from the property?
Art 609