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Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.

5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

Analysis On The Actual Variation Of Gas Article Info

Fuel Quality And Its Impact On Tuanku
Received: 6th August 2014
Jaafar Power Station Gas Turbines Accepted: 1st September 2014
Published online: 1st October 2014

Roslizam Jaafara, Mizam Mustafab,

Mokhtar Majidc, Mahmoud Khalid Almsafird

College Of Graduate Studies, Universiti Tenaga Nasional,

Jalan Ikram-Uniten, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia


ISSN (Online): 2232-1179

I ISSN (Print): 2314-8101 © 2012 Design for Scientific Renaissance All rights reserved

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) power plant gas turbines fuel is supplied by PETRONAS through
Peninsular Gas Utilization (PGU) pipeline system. In May 2013, PETRONAS started to inject
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) into PGU to meet the agreed gas fuel energy supply volume. The main
objective of this research is to find out the effects of the changes in gas fuel quality being supplied into
TNB owned power plant, namely Tuanku Jaafar Power Station (TJPS), before and after the LNG
injection into the PGU in 2013. This research is conducted to determine whether the new gas fuel
quality still conforms to gas supply agreement (GSA) and the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
specifications, and to study the impact of the LNG injection to the station’s gas turbine performances.
LNG is imported from different sources all over the world. Different sources produce different gas
quality, hence could cause significant swings of gas quality in the pipeline. This may affects TJPS gas
turbines (GTs) performances in terms of output, emissions and operations. The gas quality data from
daily PETRONAS Gas Billing Invoices from 2008 to 2014 are used to calculate the Wobbe Index (WI),
Gas Index and Modified Wobbe Index (MWI) of the gas for TJPS Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI)
GTs and General Electric (GE) GTs respectively, and compare the values to the OEM’s recommended
operating range. LNG injection has introduced variations to WI, GI and MWI but the quality of the
gases are found still within the specified limits.

Keywords: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Wobbe Index (WI), Modified Wobbe Index (MWI), Gas
quality, Gas turbine performance.
Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

1. Introduction

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) currently operates a fleet of Gas Turbines (GT) of various
models and capacities throughout the country. The main fuel for these GTs is natural gas.
PETRONAS is the sole provider of natural gas (NG) to TNB power stations via the Peninsular
Gas Utilisation (PGU) pipeline system. Initially, raw gas is supplied from off-Terengganu gas
fields. In 2002, PGU starting to get raw gas from Natuna gas field, Indonesia. In 2005, another
source of raw gas injected into PGU from the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area
(JDA), in Southern of Thailand.
Due to the fact that natural gas resources are depleting, gas delivered by PETRONAS are
getting lesser and lesser, with an average of 930 million standard cubic feet of gas per day
(mmscfd) for the year of 2011 (TNB, 2011). The gas curtailments necessitated TNB to rely on
alternative, and more expensive, fuels such as medium fuel oil (MFO) and distillates. This had
posed serious implication to both operational and financial aspects on TNB for the past three
In order to deal with the gas shortage, PETRONAS has indicated that starting 23rd May
2013, the agreed natural gas supply volume will be maintained through the supply of liquefied
natural gas (LNG) (TNB, 2013). The LNG will be injected into the PGU pipeline system
through the newly built re-gasification LNG terminal (RGT) located in Malacca. The imported
LNG comes from various sources all over the world with different gas composition depending
on the sources and countries of its origin (Adelt et al., 2010).
Tuanku Jaafar Power Station (TJPS) is one of the closest TNB power plants to the RGT
LNG injection point. In addition, TJPS operates 4 GTs with Dry Low NOx (DLN) combustors.
These types of GTs have stringent gas interchangeability range and more sensitive to variation
in gas compositions. With the injection of LNG, TJPS GTs are now have to burn fuel gases
that produced by a mixture of NG and LNG.
Block 1 of TJPS PD1consists of 2 GTs manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI).
MHI specified that for its GTs with Dry Low Emissions (DLE) combustors, the methane
content must be within 86% to 98% by mol. For the heat content, the Wobbe Index must be
within ±15% of 1200 British Thermal Units per standard cubic foot (BTU/scf) and the day-to-
day variations shall not exceed ±2% (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.).
Block 2 of TJPS PD2 consists of two 9FA GTs manufactured by General Electric (GE). GE
specified that the fuel gas to the GTs with Dry Low NOx (DLN) must has methane content of
85% to 100% by mol. GE GTs can operate with fuel gases having a very wide range of heating
values, but the amount of variation that a specific fuel system design can accommodate is
limited. The absolute range of Modified Wobbe Index (MWI) for the fuel gas coming into the
GTs must be 1073 to 1448 BTU/scf and the MWI variability within the range must be ±5%.
(General Electric Company, 2009).
Injecting LNG supplied from different sources all over the world into the PGU pipeline
system seems to cause significant swings of gas quality, hence affecting TNB’s gas turbine
performance in terms of output, emissions and operations.
The main objective of this research is to investigate the changes in gas composition and
heating values that coming into TJPS before and after the LNG injection, to determine whether

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

the new gas composition still conforms to the OEM specifications, and to study the effects on
TJPS GTs performances.
Prior to this research, question has been raised on how much is the gas composition and
calorific value would change at the TJPS gas intake as a result of the LNG injection into
Malaysian’s PGU pipeline system. By getting the answer for this question, the relevancy and
significant of the following question would be higher.
The next question is, if there is a significant changes of gas composition due to LNG
injection into PGU, would the new fuel mix properties still complies to the GTs OEM
recommended operational range? This is important as any operation beyond OEM’s
recommendation and specification could pose high risk to cause machine’s abnormal behavior
and increase failure rate.
Most importantly, how much the gas composition changes had affects the GTs
performances in terms of output, combustion and emissions? The performances of the GTs are
important in supporting TNB’s mission to be committed in excellence to provide reliable,
sustainable and cost effective supply of electricity to the country (TNB, 2013).
This research is significant in order to ensure the preparedness of TNB power plant
operators to the potential issues that may arise due to the changes in the gas composition to the
GTs operations and performances. Therefore adequate initiatives and strategic maintenance
regimes can be made by the operators and OEM to ensure the GTs performances are always
optimized and emission level minimized, in order to continually deliver reliable and
uninterrupted power supply to the nation.
This research will also be a reference for other TNB power plants’ performance
improvement initiatives and strategic maintenance regimes of the existing GTs. The research
findings will also aid TNB in planning for new plant up projects, financial planning,
operational, and maintenance of power plants in the future.

2. Literature Review

Modern power generation industry today is facing tremendous challenges in producing

sustainable clean energy economically, without sacrificing reliability and efficiency. The world
now is facing substantial decrease in indigenous sources of Natural Gas (NG). As a result,
industry players start to look into fuel mix by having to import Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
from other countries. Since liquid is more dense than gas, LNG has lower physical volume of
equivalent energy as compared to NG. Therefore it makes LNG more cost efficient to be
transported across the globe via sea vessels without depending on pipeline network that might
involves potential political instability affecting the long pipe route in between the countries.
Dermibas (2010) suggested that dominant composition for NG and LNG is methane, which
typically ranges from 87% to 96% of the total volume. However, the LNG composition is
based on the sources and countries of its origin as studied by Adelt, et al., (2010). Today, gas
interchangeability has becoming one of important researches to the industry due to the mixing
of indigenous gas and imported LNG which varies in gas compositions and properties
depending on their sources.
Different gas compositions and quality may affect the performance of a gas turbine. High
Heating Value (HHV), Low Heating Value (LHV), and Wobbe Index (WI) of LNG are

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

important measurement used to identify the general characteristics and the quality of LNG. The
gas compositions can be determined through calculation, model simulation, and actual data
Gas properties also can be determined by measurement using gas chromatograph as well as
by mathematical calculation as done by Rahmouni, et al., (2003). Important natural gas
combustion properties such as LHV, WI and the stoichiometric air–fuel ratio were determined
by two physical properties which are thermal conductivity and refraction index, and using
specific ternary diagrams (CH4–C2H6–C3H8 and CH4–C2H6–N2). The results show that the
error on the combustion properties of natural gas is less than 1% over the gases considered in
the study and over about 20 typical gases supplied over Europe. The analysis of natural gas by
gas chromatography usually gave good accuracy results on the natural gas but still subject to
certain error especially when there is a big variation to the pressure. Brown, et al., (2004)
proposed improvement to this error via lab experiments and uncertainties normalisation
According to Muller, et al., (2011), the comparison between simulation data and actual data
show that HHV values can be determined through simulation with acceptable error. The
calculated HHV then can be used to determine the WI of the mixed fuel. WI is the main
indicator used for evaluating the interchangeability of fuel gases and it is commonly accepted
as the most efficient index in measuring fuel mix quality (Klassen, 2005). Li, Gross and
Schmitt (2011) compared the simulated result of fuel composition correction curve using WI
with the conventional correction curves which based on LHV and hydrogen to carbon ratio
method. The results shows that fuel composition correction curve using WI has lower mean
error, lower maximum error and lower standard deviation value as compared to the correction
curves based on LHV and hydrogen to carbon ratio. This proves that WI method is a much
more simplified process in analyzing the corrected measured performance due to fuel mix
Fuel gas and LNG need enrichment or derichment process in order to meet various
industrial facility requirements. The composition results from the enrichment or derichment
process can be predicted using simulation software. Ricker et al., (2012) simulated a fuel gas
enrichment process using MATLAB/Simulink with fuel gas pressure and three measures of gas
quality being the controlled variables. The result shows that fuel gas enrichment benchmark
was determined within 25% the estimated optimal performance. Tuncer, (2013) studied the
effect of Hydrogen enrichment of Methane fuel to the combustor flame stability and emissions.
The effect was studied through lab experiment using a laboratory scale 30kW thermal power
swirl stabilized atmospheric test rig. It was found that Hydrogen enrichment increases adiabatic
flame temperatures and the flame speeds (Tuncer, 2013). This subsequently increases the NOx
emission of the combustor.
This study was further explored by York, et al., (2013). The researchers conducted
experimental tests using three high-pressure rigs namely Entitlement Rig, Single Nozzle
Ceramic Combustor Rig and Full-Scale Single Nozzle, to perform testing on hydrogen fuel
nozzle concepts, emissions measurements and flame holding tests. They found that NOx
emissions were observed to increase moderately with pressure and residence time over the full
flame temperature range tested (York, et al., 2013). These results are in line with Tuncer’s
finding that hydrogen in fuels will affect the NOx emission of combustors.

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of gas turbines normally designs their
machines to be able to operate at certain range of fuel quality. From the analysis of the actual
operational data of a gas turbine with DLE combustor in UK by McMillan, et al., (2004), it is
found that the gas turbine has reliable system in generating low emissions on both pipeline
quality NG and premium liquid fuels. However, it is going to be a big challenge to maintain the
ability of the machine to run on wider range of gases fuel while achieving and maintaining a
low emission level.
This is supported by Wisniewski and Handelsman (2010) research paper when they
conducted a combustion rig test by expanding the gas turbine’s fuel flexibility and observed
that even though the machine has the potential to operate in the lower range of MWI with high
inert gas, it is not advisable to push the machine to operate beyond their MWI too much and
too often.
LNG composition, quality and calorific value have direct and indirect effects to the gas
turbine’s performance such as fuel flow rate into the combustor, combustion and flame
stability, vibration, and emission and output power quality. A study on low calorific fuel mix
effects to a combine cycle plant in Sweden was conducted through software and data
simulation by Jonshagen, Eriksson and Genrup, (2009). They have proved that the lower the
LHV, the higher the mass flow of fuel required. LNG composition and quality have big
impacts on the combustor’s flame stability. Lieuwen, et al., (2008) have identified through
chemical kinetic calculations, flame structure and instability measurement that any change in
fuel composition due to mixing of fuels will affect basic combustion properties such as flame
speed and flame stability. The changes in fuel composition outside the range of combustor
design may result in combustor yellow tipping, CO emission, blowout, flashback, dynamic
instability and auto ignition. All this effects can cause damages to the gas turbine hardware and
combustor parts.
Variations in gas composition will not only affect the gas characteristics, but will also
affect the thermoacoustic oscillations of the combustion. This can induce vibration and
ultimately damage the combustor parts. Zhu, et al., (2012) conducted experimental tests on a
generic combustor designed to model the fuel injection and premix ducts of an industrial gas
turbine in order to study this subject. It shows that, for thermoacoustic oscillations in the model
combustor for natural gas, the unstable oscillation occurs with the increasing of equivalence
The fuel composition and quality that coming into the combustor can affect the gas turbine
emission. Flores, McDonell, and Samuelsen, (2003) conducted a research to study the
emissions behaviour of combustor prediction using statistical model. The researchers used
statistically based experiments on a model gas turbine combustor to assess the impact of
various fuel compositions, in terms of the emissions of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Carbon
Monoxide (CO). The statistical methodology was then verified with emission maps. The
statistical model captures the majority of the emissions behaviour noted in the emissions maps,
and has generated an empirical expression that relates the emissions to both fuel composition
and fuel distribution.
Loubar, et al., (2007) have proved that important natural gas combustion properties can be
predicted using calculation and would cause different emission performances. Forte, et al.
(2008) found through actual measurement of the NOx and CO emission of multiple scenarios

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

and fuel mix, WI can assist in controlling the gas turbine performance for a mixed fuel gas.
However, a study by Hack and McDonell, (2008) shows that via lab experiments, emissions of
NOx, CO and NOx/NO are not well correlated with the HHV. This is because higher
hydrocarbons lead to increase in NOx emission if compared to 100% methane, while CO
emissions do not depend on fuel composition at full load.
According to a paper review on the technical issues associated with using variable-
composition gaseous fuels in low emission energy systems, different gas fuel would definitely
produce significant difference in emission and affect gas turbines performances. Neglecting
combustion tuning can result in damage to gas turbine hardware (Richards, et al., 2000).
Kuhakarn, (2010) mentioned about this in his study and experiences in tuning dry low NOx
combustion for MHI Gas turbine at Wang Noi Power Plant. Tuning of combustor must be done
if NOx value exceeds desired value by adjusting pilot ratio value or position of air-bypass
Simulation can also be used to predict the ignition behaviour of different fuel mix and the
CO and NOx emission prediction (Gokulakrishnan, et al., 2012). Based on their study in
developing detailed chemical kinetic model for natural gas fuels, and predicts CO and NOx
emissions at lean premixed combustion conditions, it proved that the model predictions have
reasonable agreement with the ignition delay time experimental data and the actual data
Liu and Sanderson, (2013) measured the influence of changes in fuel composition and
heating value on the performance of an industrial gas turbine combustor on Siemens SGT-300
dry low emission combustion system turned out that higher WI caused higher NOx emission. A
major change in burner design is probably required and the low fuel supply pressure can be
resolved by having a minor modification through the fuel injection design especially when NOx
emission, combustion dynamics and flashback have been adversely affected (Liu, et al., 2014).
In Malaysia, Wan Mustafa, (2011) gathered the information on fuel gas going into Tuanku
Jaafar Power Station for the year of 2009 to 2011. The data on the fuel gas quality were
analyzed and compared against the recommended manufacturer’s design specification. For the
period concern, the researcher found that there were several of occasions where the MWI fell
out beyond the OEM’s recommended range.
The study on fuel gas feed into DLN combustors of Tuanku Jaafar Power Station was then
extended by Lim, (2013) for the year of 2010 to 2011. Results from Lim’s study also indicated
that MWI of the gas exceeded OEM’s recommended operational range on several occasions.
Lim’s research also include investigation on the gas turbine performance in which the analysis
of the load range, the vibration level of the gas turbine and the emission level due to the
variation on the fuel gas quality. Lim found that the gas turbines had been operating within the
limits for the aforementioned period.
Subramaniam and Palanisamy, (2013) used actual and simulated data to determine WI
effects to the performance of the gas turbine. They proved that gas turbine power output and
efficiency decreases as the WI increases. However, more accurate data needed as WI variation
can also be done by introducing inert gas into the pipeline. If that be the case, a different result
for emission can be anticipated.

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

The above researches in Malaysia were done prior to the injection of LNG into the pipeline
system. Therefore this research will cover the period of after the injection of LNG and the
impact towards the concerning power station.

3. Research Methodology

This study is specifically conducted to study the impact of LNG injection into the gas
pipeline to TJPS GTs. It commences a deductive approach with literature review and theories
relevant to the subject matters from published papers, research thesis, reports, and
manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manuals to the actual data from the plants.
In order to conduct the analysis, several key areas and the power plant parameters
significant to the research are identified. These data were required to be collected and analyzed
before deduction on findings can be made. The first significant data for the purpose of this
research are the fuel gas properties such as the gas Gross Heating Value (GHV), pressure,
temperature and Specific Gravity (SG) that could be extracted from the archival documents of
daily PETRONAS Gas Invoices in 2008 to 2014. GHV is also referred to as Higher Heating
Value (HHV) or Superior Calorific Value (ISO 6976:1995).
The other significant data are the gas quality operational limits of the GT combustor that
could be obtained from the OEM operation and maintenance manual of the GT, and the plant
performance technical data during commissioning that is currently under the possession of the
TJPS. Thus a visit was arranged to the power plant to get the data manually.
These quantitative data are very important in order to achieve greater understanding and to
generate baseline statistics for long term studies and comparisons. The volume of the data
required is enormous as it involves daily actual reading data of the GTs for over 5 years of
period. This is to get a confidence range of data that covers an appropriate span of the gas
turbine’s maintenance cycle. One cycle of major maintenance for TJPS gas turbine is about
48,000 Equivalent Operating Hours (EOH) which is achieved in 5 years time. (TNB, 2011).
The other sources are to collect the actual data reading from PI System, at the power plant’s
historian system installed for the purpose of historical data analysis. PI System is a software
system that connects all process control systems from various sources of database using a
secure, read-only architecture and brings the real-time data as well as historical data and
delivers it instantaneously over the company network to users at all level of management. PI
System offers tools for user to carry out complex post-processing on the raw data and to
develop their own modules or displays.
Over the years within the research periods, the GTs has to undergo periods of outage due to
routine maintenance or breakdown. The data during this outage time may not be available and
appear as zero readings. Therefore the unavailable data during that particular period need to be
filtered and taken out first from the analysis to avoid misleading results.
Generally, a common practice in determining gas quality is using interchangeability index
of the gas fuel. Interchangeability is measured using an index based on the Wobbe Index (WI).
This index represents the ability to substitute one gaseous fuel for another in a combustion
application without affecting the safety, efficiency, performance or hazardous emissions from
the combustion of the fuel. (BP and IGU).
The Wobbe Index is represented by the formula below (Abbot et al., 2009):

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85


Wobbe index is expressed in British thermal units per standard cubic foot (Btu/scf), or
Mega Joules per standard cubic meter (MJ/Sm3), at standard ambient pressure of 101.325kPa
(760mmHg) and temperature of 15°C.
MHI specified fuel specifications for TJPS PD1 according to the following formula:



MHI uses the Gas Index (GI) for its fuel specification. GI is derived from LHV which is
expressed in British thermal units per standard cubic foot (Btu/Scf). Most common gases
having a GI of 1,200 ± 15% can be handled with standard equipment. However, once a gas is
defined for a specific application, day to day variation form a control point of view should not
exceed ± 2%.
For GE gas turbines which are concerned to TJPS PD2, the Modified Wobbe Index (MWI)
of the fuel gas is widely used in the respective power plants. From the collected data, the MWI
will be calculated from the gas billing invoice using the following formula (General Electric
Company, 2009).


LHV = Lower Heating Value (Btu/Scf)
= Specific gravity of the gas fuel
= Absolute temperature of the gas fuel in Rankine (°R)

Modified Wobbe Index (MWI) is normally expressed in British thermal units per standard
cubic feet (Btu/Scf) i.e at 30 inHg and temperature of 60°F.
The calculated MWI will be tabulated and compared to the specification MWI stated by
OEM to answer the research objectives and questions whether the actual gas composition after
the introduction of LNG still conforms to the OEM specifications.
The second stage is to review the GT performance data, and the effects on the combustion
and emission data of the power plant that gathered from the power station and PI System and
compared them before and after the LNG injection to the gas pipeline. This data would give the
answer to the research objective and questions whether the injection of LNG into the gas
pipeline would affect the performances of the GTs.

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

4. Results And Discussion

Data on gas quality were collected from 1st January 2012 until 31st May 2014. Data taken
from PETRONAS Gas Invoices are the actual gas Higher Heating Values (HHV) in MJ/Sm3,
actual Specific Gravity (SG), actual Gas Temperature in degree Celsius and actual Gas
Pressure in KPag. Cleansing of data were done to filter unreliable data but at the same time
ensuring sufficient population of data prior and after the injection of LNG. For purpose of
validation, data of calculated HHV by Gas Chromatograph (GC) were also collected using PI
System and compared to the Gas Invoices values.
The gas fuel quality GHV, SG, WI and MWI were then plotted over the time in order to see
the variations of the gas quality. The analysis were divided into three section were the first
section is comparison of actual gas received against GSA specifications. The second section is
the analysis on the actual gas received against the MHI specifications for TJPS PD1 and the
third section is the analysis on the actual gas received against the GE specifications for TJPS
For the impact on gas turbine performance such as parameters on the NOx and CO
emissions, load ranges of the gas turbine, temperatures of the gas fuel, vibration levels of the
gas turbine and the plant heat rates, a longer time period and more of the gas quality data are
needed to be collected in order to assess them.

4.1 Actual Gas Received against GSA specifications.

One of the important parameters to measure and analyse the quality of gas supplied is by using
WI. The actual WI received by TJPS should be between the range specified in the gas supply
agreement (GSA) that was signed between PETRONAS and TNB. GSA states the maximum
and minimum GHV and Specific gravity, but not WI values. The maximum and minimum
values of WI are derived using Eq.1, and the values are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 PETRONAS GSA specifications

Property Value
GHV +/-15% 41.8 MJ/Sm³
Maximum GHV 48.07 MJ/Sm³
Minimum GHV 35.53 MJ/Sm³
Specific Gravity 0.75 Max
Hydrocarbon Dew Point 10°C Max at 5600 kpag
Water Dew Point 10°C Max at 5600 kpag
Total Sulphur Content 5.7mg/Sm³ Max
Maximum WI 55.51 MJ/Sm³
Minimum WI 41.03 MJ/Sm³

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

The injection of
LNG started in

Actual WI
WI ( MJ/Sm3)

Max Limit
48 WI of GSA

Min Limit
44 WI of GSA

14-Sep-11 23-Dec-11 01-Apr-12 10-Jul-12 18-Oct-12 26-Jan-13 06-May-13 14-Aug-13 22-Nov-13 02-Mar-14 10-Jun-14 18-Sep-14

Figure 1 Actual WI Received by TJPS against GSA Limits in 2012 to 2014

WI values as shown in Fig. 1 are found well within the GSA maximum and minimum
limits over the study period. There were significant daily variations of WI in May 2013 until
December 2013. The reason for the variations was due to testing of the Re Gasification
Terminal facilities during the early stage of commissioning. The daily variations however were
still administered within GSA limits. The values of WI were getting higher after LNG
injection. The average actual WI before LNG injection is 49.31 MJ/Sm3 and the average
increased by 1% to become 49.80 MJ/Sm3 after the injection. The average WI after the
injection is higher 3% than reference WI value specified in GSA (48.3 MJ/Sm3). This suggests
that higher heating values of gasses are injected into the pipeline and confirms that LNG has
higher heating value as suggested in previous literatures.

GC data not The injection of

available LNG started in
40 during this May 2013
39.5 period.
GHV (MJ/Sm3)

39 Petronas






















Figure 2 Actual GHV Received by TJPS against GC values in 2012 to 2014

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

Fig. 2 shows the daily trending of GHV of the gas supplied by PETRONAS from 2012
until May 2014, against the Gas Chromatograph (GC) values owned by TJPS. The GHV values
were taken from the Gas Invoices issued to TNB. Both data sources show significant increase
in GHV values after May 2013. Prior to LNG injection, the GHV values average at 37.99
MJ/Sm3 whereas the GHV values average at 38.72 MJ/Sm3 after the LNG injection to the
pipeline. This is translated into about 1.9% increase of average GHV value. Comparing GHV
values from the Gas Invoices with values captured by Gas Chromatograph (GC) owned by the
power station results in percentage difference of ± 2%.
Maximum and minimum yearly values of GHV, SG and WI were extracted from the data
in order to see yearly trends of variation. Values for 2008 to 2012 were obtained from the
previous studies by Wan Mustafa, (2011) and Lim (2013). Their data were then extended to
2014 in this research.


GHV (MJ/Sm3)

40 (Actual)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014
(Before (After

Figure 3 Yearly Maximum and Minimum GHVs For 2008 to 2014

Fig. 3 shows yearly maximum and minimum values of GHV from 2008 to 2014 were
still within the GSA limits. From 2008 to 2012, the maximum GHVs were found decreasing
until the time where LNG was injected into the pipeline. The LNG injections have clearly
increased back the maximum GHV values. The range of GHVs was also more stable with the
injection of LNG as the values between maximum and minimum in 2014 has become closer.
Average difference between maximum and minimum GHV from 2012 until 2013 (before
LNG) was 1.85 MJ/Sm3 whereas after LNG injection the average difference was 1.09 MJ/Sm3.
The LNG injection facility has become a mean for PETRONAS to control the quality of the
pipeline gas.

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

Specific Gravity (SG)

0.7000 GSA Max

0.6000 SG Max
0.5000 SG Min
0.4500 (Actual)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014
(Before (After
Figure 4 Yearly Maximum and Minimum SG For 2008 to 2014

Fig. 4 shows that the specific gravity of the gas supplied are also kept well below the
maximum limit. The SG trending also saw a decrease in difference of yearly maximum and
minimum SG values. Average difference between maximum and minimum actual SG from
2012 until 2013 (before LNG) was 0.0598 whereas after LNG injection the average difference
was 0.0493. Therefore this shows that the SG of gas supplied after LNG injection has become
more stable in 2014.


55.4 GSA Max

WI (MJ/Sm3)

50.4 WI Max
45.4 WI Min
40.4 GSA Min

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014
(Before (After
Figure 5 Yearly Maximum and Minimum WI For 2008 to 2014

The yearly maximum and minimum values of actual WI gas supplied in 2008 to 2014 show
inconsistencies notwithstanding within the GSA limits. However from Fig.5, it is noted that the
average difference between maximum and minimum values also decreasing after the LNG
injected into the pipeline. Average difference between maximum and minimum of WI from

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

2012 until 2013 (before LNG) was 2.41 MJ/Sm3 whereas after LNG injection the average
difference was 1.44 MJ/Sm3.


2103 (before
LNG Injection)
2013(After LNG
WI (MJ/m3)

38 2014

GHV Max ( GSA )


GHV Min ( GSA )



0.575 0.585 0.595 0.605 0.615 0.625 0.635 0.645
Specific Gravity (SG)

Figure 6 Distribution of WI with respect to SG for 2008 to 2014

The distributions of WI with respect to its SG are shown in Fig.6. It is observed that WI
values in 2014 (Green colour data) are more concentrated in the middle and consistent
compared to prior LNG injection. The distribution of WI after LNG injection in 2013 (Blue
colour data) show significant increase in values compared to prior LNG injection (Orange
colour data). Variations of WI values during 2013 are due to testing of the Re Gasification
Terminal facilities during the early stage of commissioning. All WI values however were still
administered within GSA limits.

4.2 Actual Variation of GI against MHI Specifications (For TJPS PD1)

For TJPS PD1, in which its gas turbines were supplied by MHI, the gas interchangeability was
measured using Gas Index (GI). GI is dependent on LHV, defined in BTU/Scf, and gas specific
gravity (SG). The values of GI were derived using Eq. 2. The actual GI values received by
TJPS PD1 for the period of study then compared against a reference GI value obtained during
guaranteed performance test by MHI during commissioning of the plant.

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85


Ref GI +2%
(BTU /Scf)
Gas Index, GI ( Btu/Scf)


Ref GI -2%
(BTU /Scf)

1157.5 Actual
Received GI
Data in Apr (Btu/Scf)
2011 until Dec The injection of
2011 were not LNG started in
available May 2013
14/Nov/07 28/Mar/09 10/Aug/10 23/Dec/11 6/May/13 18/Sep/14

Figure 7 Actual GI against MHI specifications 2008 to 2014

Fig. 7 shows that prior to LNG injection, GI values were found less than the reference GI
that MHI obtained during the commissioning time and near to the lower limit of GI -2%. Prior
to LNG injection, average GI value was 1195.35 Btu/Scf and the value increases to 1201.68
Btu/Scf for period after LNG injection. The increase in average GI values translated to 0.5%.
Fluctuation of GI values more prominent during initial injection of LNG and the GI values
touched the upper limits. Further study need to be conducted as there will be impact to the gas
turbine performance due to over limit values of GI.
It important to note that GI data for the period from 17 April 2011 to 31 December 2011
were unable to be extracted in time. As the injection of LNG started in May 2013, omitting this
data will not impact very much on the observation as sufficient population of data were
obtained from 2008 until March 2011.

4.3 Actual Variation of MWI against GE Specifications ( For TJPS PD2)

GE uses Modified Wobbe Index (MWI) to measure the interchangeability of a gas fuel. MWI
is dependent to LHV, SG and also the gas fuel temperature before it enters the gas combustor.
The gas fuel temperature is heated up to temperature of 180°C at the gas scrubber in order to
ensure MWI will be maintained within the design limits. The values of MWI were derived
using Eq. 4. The design limits for the LHV, fuel gas temperature and MWI were set by GE at ±

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

Table 2 The fuel gas specification obtained during guaranteed performance test
for TJPS PD2 by GE
GHV 38.9619 1044.57
LHV 35.1662 942.805
GHV-LHV 3.7957 101.764
(GHV-LHV)/GHV 0.0974 2.6119
LHV+5% 36.9245 989.945
LHV-5% 33.4079 895.665
°C °R
TEMP 185 824.67
TEMP+5% 194.25 841.32
TEMP-5% 175.75 808.02
SG 0.63
MWI 41.36 Btu/Scf
MWI+5% 43.42 Btu/Scf
MWI-5% 39.29 Btu/ Scf

Based on GE specifications stated in Table 2, the actual yearly maximum and minimum
LHV and MWI received were tabulated against the limits as in Fig.9:

LHV ( Btu/scf)

950 GE Max
800 LHV Min
750 GE Min
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014
(Before (After

Figure 8 Yearly Maximum and Minimum LHV against GE limits from 2009 to 2014

The maximum and minimum LHV that TJPS received are well within the limits of the
design specifications. The average difference between maximum and minimum of LHV in
2012 was 27.71 Btu/Scf and increased to 55.32 Btu/Scf at the initial stage of LNG injection.
The average LHV difference value was then decreased in 2014 to 37.50 Btu/Scf as the gas
quality in the pipeline stabilized.

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85


MWI (Btu/Scf)
50 MWI MAX Design
45 MWI GE Max (MWI
Ref +5%)
40 MWI Max (Actual)

35 MWI GE Ref

30 MWI Min (Actual)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014
(Before (After MWI GE Min(MWI Ref
LNG) LNG) -5%)

Figure 9 Yearly Maximum and Minimum MWI against GE Limits For 2009 to 2014

Fig. 9 shows that the MWI for GT2A and GT2B show converging towards the GE MWI
reference value. The average difference between maximum and minimum of MWI from 2009
until 2013 (before LNG) was 7.11 Btu/Scf whereas after LNG injection the average difference
was 3.03 Btu/Scf. All MWI values were found above the MWI reference value +5%. However
the MWI are still below the GE maximum design limit of 54 Btu/Scf. The minimum MWI
values after LNG injection were closer to the reference value in 2014.
Based on PD2 commissioning report, the measured temperature for the fuel gas
temperature is 180°C and during the normal operation of the gas turbine, the gas fuel
temperature shall be maintain at that temperature. In order to control the MWI values, fuel gas
heating control is provided by GE for TJPS gas turbines. The function of fuel gas performance
heater is to heat the fuel gas to the optimum temperature 185°C in case the fuel gas properties
exceed the specified range of fuel gas properties. The temperature is varied to obtain the MWI,
so that the MWI can be maintained in the range of the maximum and minimum. More time are
needed to gather data on the fuel gas temperature in order to conclude findings on the
temperature control.

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, there is a measureable variation to the gas quality as a result of LNG
injection into the gas pipeline system in May 2013. Study on the data turned out that the gas
quality pattern becoming better and more stable. The gas fuel quality received by TJPS always
meet the GSA limits and fell between within the maximum and minimum of OEM ranges.
Thus there is no immediate concern on the TJPS gas turbine operation and performance due to
LNG injection.
There are significant day to day gas quality variations during the initial stage of the LNG
injection especially in 2013 due to testing and commissioning of the RGT facilities. However
the gas quality became stabilized in 2014.

Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction and Environment Vol.3 No.5, Ocober 2014, 67-85

Improvement in the fuel gas quality suggest that there are improvement in fuel costs as less
volume of fuel gas is consumed and less volume to be handled. Hopefully this suggestion can
be further explored and conclude in the next opportunity of research.
The detailed impact to the plant performance which includes parameters on gas fuel
temperature, GT loads, plant vibration levels and emission levels could not be analysed in
detail and concluded due to time constraint and unavailability of data during long plant
shutdown in 2011 and 2013.
It is recommended that TNB to keep monitoring the gas quality data in TJPS and review
regularly in order to ensure safe and optimum operations of its gas turbines. TNB also advised
to extend the same study to the other power stations in order to determine the gas quality
variations with respect to the distance and location from the LNG point of injection.

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