Dupont Verimark Insect Control: Material Safety Data Sheet
Dupont Verimark Insect Control: Material Safety Data Sheet
Dupont Verimark Insect Control: Material Safety Data Sheet
This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Canada and may not meet the regulatory requirements in
other countries.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Eye contact : The material is not likely to be hazardous by eye contact, but flushing the eye
if contact occurs is advisable. Consult a physician if necessary.
General advice : Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control
center or doctor, or going for treatment.
For medical emergencies involving this product, call toll free 1-800-441-3637.
See Label for Additional Precautions and Directions for Use.
Suitable extinguishing media : Water spray, Foam, Dry chemical, Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Material Safety Data Sheet
Firefighting Instructions : In the event of fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Use personal
protective equipment.
(on small fires) If area is heavily exposed to fire and if conditions permit, let
fire burn itself out since water may increase the area contaminated. Cool
containers/tanks with water spray.
Safeguards (Personnel) : Evacuate personnel, thoroughly ventilate area, use self-contained breathing
apparatus. Use personal protective equipment.
Spill Cleanup : Soak up with sawdust, sand, oil dry or other absorbent material. Dispose of in
an approved container. If liquid has been spilt in large quantities clean up
promptly by scoop or vacuum.
Accidental Release Measures : Prevent material from entering sewers, waterways, or low areas.
Exposure Guidelines
Exposure Limit Values
AEL * (DuPont) 3 mg/m3 8 hr. TWA
* AEL is DuPont's Acceptable Exposure Limit. Where governmentally imposed occupational exposure limits which are
lower than the AEL are in effect, such limits shall take precedence.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Sensitisation : Animal test did not cause sensitization by skin contact., multiple
Repeated dose toxicity :
The following effects occurred at levels of exposure that significantly
exceed those expected under labeled usage conditions.
28 - 90 d
Thyroid effects, Organ weight changes, No effect to neurotoxicity.
28 d
No toxicologically significant effects were found.
90 d
No toxicologically significant effects were found.
Material Safety Data Sheet
90 d
altered blood chemistry, Liver effects, Vascular arteritis
multiple species
28 d
Immune System, No toxicologically significant effects were found.
14 d
No toxicologically significant effects were found.
365 d
Liver effects, Gallbladder effects, altered blood chemistry, Vascular
28 d
No toxicologically significant effects were found.
Mutagenicity : Tests on bacterial or mammalian cell cultures did not show mutagenic
Evidence suggests this substance does not cause genetic damage in
Material Safety Data Sheet
96 h LC50 : Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) > 12.6 mg/l
Additional ecological information : Environmental Hazards: Do not apply directly to water. Drift and runoff
may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water adjacent to treated
areas. Toxic to bees. Do not apply this product if bees are visiting the
treatment area. See product label for additional application
instructions relating to environmental precautions.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
Contact person : E.I. DuPont Canada Company, Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 2H3
The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the
date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage,
Material Safety Data Sheet
transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information
relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any
other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.