Term Paper Microbiology
Term Paper Microbiology
Term Paper Microbiology
Roll No.- B 34
I hereby declare that the following project report titled “classification of algae”
is an authentic work done by me. This is to declare that all my work indulged in
the completion of this term paper Report such as research, analysis &
presentation of final report is a profound and honest work of mine.
This entire Project was done in consultation and under supervision of Dr.
Leena Parihar
Santosh Kr.Chaurasiya
We think if any of us honestly reflects on who we are, how we got here, what
we think we might do well, and so forth, we discover a debt to others that spans
written history. The work of some unknown person makes our lives easier every
day. We believe it's appropriate to acknowledge all of these unknown persons;
but it is also necessary to acknowledge those people we know have directly
shaped our lives and our work.
First of all we would like to thank our teacher Dr. Leena Parihar for their
guidance throughout the semester.Then i would like to thank our teacher Dr.
Leena Parihar for providing us the Information that was required for
completion of this project.
Thank you
Santosh Chaurasiya
The word algae is composed of latin word alga which means see weed. Algae
have chlorophyll containing thallophytes and their relatives which is
characterised by the absence of embryo stage but present of nonjacketed
gametangia where mostly cells fertile. Algae has classified in plant kingdom in
traditionally two kingdom along with bacteria and fungi. Whittakers classified
algae are grouped in three kingdoms monera (blue –green algae), protista
(dinoflagellates, diatoms, euglenoids) and plantae brown algae, red algae and
green algae. Algae lack the various structures that characterize land plants, such
as phyllids (leaves) and rhizoids in nonvascular plants, or leaves,roots, and
other organs that are found in tracheophytes (vascular plants). Many
are photoautotrophic, although some groups contain members that
are mixotrophic, deriving energy both from photosynthesis and uptake of
organic carbon either by osmotrophy, myzotrophy, or phagotrophy. Some
unicellular species rely entirely on external energy sources and have limited or
no photosynthetic apparatus.
Nearly all algae have photosynthetic machinery ultimately derived from
the Cyanobacteria, and so produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis,
unlike other photosynthetic bacteria such as purple and green sulfur bacteria.
Fossilized filamentous algae from theVindhya basin have been dated back to 1.6
to 1.7 billion years ago.[7]
The first alga to have its genome sequenced was Cyanidioschyzon merolae.
High oil prices, competing demands between foods and other biofuel sources,
and the world food crisis, have ignited interest in algaculture (farming algae) for
making vegetable
oil,biodiesel, bioethanol, biogasoline, biomethanol, biobutanol and
other biofuels, using land that is not suitable for agriculture. Among algal fuels'
attractive characteristics: they do not affectfresh water resources,[3] can be
produced using ocean and wastewater, and are biodegradable and relatively
harmless to the environment if spilled.[4][5][6] Algae cost more per unit mass yet
can yield over 30 times more energy per unit area than other, second-generation
biofuel crops.[citation needed] One biofuels company has claimed that algae can
produce more oil in an area the size of a two car garage than a football field
of soybeans, because almost the entire algal organism can use sunlight to
produce lipids, or oil.[7] The United States Department of Energyestimates that if
algae fuel replaced all the petroleum fuel in the United States, it would require
15,000 square miles (40,000 km2).[8] This is less than 1⁄7 the area
of corn harvested in the United States in 2000.
The characters of algae are as follows:
1. Plant body is thallus that means without any differentiation into root,
stem and leaves which are unicellular, colonial, filamentous,
parenchymatous or pseudoparenchymatous.
2. Mostly algae are aquatic either marine or fresh water. Only few algae are
found in terrestrial habitats such as wet rocks, moist soil and tree trunks
3. Algae like other aquatic plants, are covered over by mucilage. Mucilage
protects the algae from epiphytic growth and decaying effect of water. It
also prevents
8. It might be mentioned here that the whole group of the Fungi (q.v.),with its
many thousands of species, is now generally regarded as having been derived
from algae, and the system of classification of fungi devised by Brefeld is based
upon this belief. The similarity of the morphological characters of one group of
fungi to those of certain algae has earned for it the name of Phycomycetes
or alga -fungi. Further discussion of the general characters of algae will be
deferred in order to take a brief survey of the subdivisions of the group. For this
purpose there will be adopted the classification of algae into four sub-groups,
founded on the nature the. colouring matters present in the plant:
1845, coined from Gk. diatomos "cut in two," from diatemnein "to cut
through," from dia- "through" + temnein "to cut." So called because they
typically appear to have been cut in half.
di·a·tom (dī'ə-tŏm')
n. Any of various microscopic one-celled or colonial algae of the class
Bacillariophyceae, having cell walls of silica consisting of two interlocking
symmetrical valves.
Except for their male gametes, diatoms lack flagella. Instead many
diatoms achieve locomotion from controlled secretions in response to
outside physical and chemical stimuli. Diatoms have unique shells,
which serve as their cell wall. The overlapping shells, or frustules that
surround the diatom protoplasm are made of polymerized, opaline silica.
Identification of diatom species is based on the delicate markings on
their frustules, comprising a large number of tiny, intricately-shaped
depressions, pores and passageways that bring the diatom’s cell
membrane in contact with the environment. Diatom frustules have
accumulated over millions of years to form the fine, crumbly substance
known as diatomaceous earth, which has a variety of uses (e.g. for
filtration and insulation). Diatom remains in both marine and freshwater
sediments are also important as indicators of paleo-environmental
conditions at the time the sediments were formed.
Reproduction in diatoms
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction
the growth phase. Auxospore splits the two valves of the parent
test, continues to grow.
Test Secretion
Asexual Reproduction
Resting spores
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction
the growth phase. Auxospore splits the two valves of the parent
test, continues to grow.
Test Secretion
Asexual Reproduction
Resting spores
Sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction of a pinnate diatom (morphological isogamy,
physiological anisogamy)
Asexual Reproduction
Resting spores
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdo Chromalveolat
m: a
Phylum Heterokontoph
: yta
Class: Bacillariophyce
Haeckel 1878
CHAROPHYTA (stoneworts)
Brown algae are a member of the phylum Phaeophyta. There are nearly
1,500 different species, most of which are marine species. Brown algae
vary in color from dark brown to olive green. The range of color is due to
the various pigments, fucoxanthin is the brown pigment and chlorophyl
adds the color green. There are many different sizes and forms of brown
algae ranging from small filamentous epiphytes to very complex giant
kelp, which can reach heights of one hundred meters. To aid in
photosynthetic production, the pneumatocysts (gas filled bladders) help
keep the brown algae floating on or near the surface of the water. Algae
have no roots, stems leaves or flowers. Brown algae can reproduce both
sexually and asexually; both the motile zoospores and gametes have
two unequal flagella (Britannica Online, 2000).
The life cycle of most large kelp begins when a mature plant releases its
spores directly into the water. The release of spores is directly related to
the seasonal increase in daylight (Edwards, 1998). These spores settle
to a rocky bottom and begin to grow into haploid gametophyte plants,
which immediately undergo sexual reproduction. The embryo that is
formed remains attached to the female gametophyte and is secured to
the bottom by a hold fast (Ricklefs, 1990).
Kelp grows best along coast were the water is well mixed due to a lot of
wave exposure. They are not often found in bays. There are some kelp
forest on the east coast of North America, but the species lack those
found in kelp forest on the west coast of North America. They are found
as far south as Cap Cod, Massachusetts and sporadically southward to
the eastern tip of Long Island, New York (Kelp Forest, 2000). The cold
waters off Alaska and the west coast of North America have large kelp
forest with a large variety of species. Along the Southern coast of
California large flourishing kelp forest can also be found.
Kelp forests occur in cold, nutrient rich water and are the underwater
equivalent of a terrestrial forest. Kelp live a long time compared to other
marine plants, once a kelp forest is established it can last up to ten years
depending on its locality and exposure to waves (Ricklefs, 1990). The
basic form of kelp is a blade, stipe and holdfast. The leave like blade is
were the sunlight is absorbed for photosynthesis in order to create that
sugars which are carried to the rest of the plant via the stipe. The
holdfast anchors the plant to a hard surface. Each family of kelp has its
own variation of this simple design.
Like forest on land kelp forest change from season to season and year
to year. Sunlight, nutrients, water temperature and storms all effect the
growth of the kelp. In the spring when the winds blow the surface water
offshore, the cold water rises from the depths. This cold nutrient filled
water, along with the extended period of sunlight provides an ideal
growing condition for the kelp (Monterey Bay Aquarium, 2000). During
this time new fronds of giant kelp sprout from the holdfast, and by June
the kelp will create a canopy cutting the light off.
After a long summer of growing the kelp forest becomes filled with life.
But in the fall as the wind shifts the warmer water is blown in which
hinders the kelp’s growth. The warm water, which has few nutrients
along with less sunlight attribute to the stunt in growth. Then as winter
storms bring in huge waves that not only break the fronds and shake
animals from the blades, but also tear away the kelps holdfast. Once the
kelp is ripped away from the rock their holdfast swings around in turn
taking out other kelp (Monterey Bay Aquarium, 2000). Dead kelp that
have been torn from their holdfast generally get washed up on land or
are swept out to sea. Many grazers feed off the kelp in the forest.
Kelp forests have their own food chain that helps them to thrive and
flourish. Snails, sea urchins, and other grazers live and feed off the kelp
with in the forest. They then fall prey to fishes and sea otters, which are
always being hunted by large sharks and sea lions. The crabs and other
bottom dwelling scavengers pick up all the scraps that float to the bottom
(Monterey Bay Aquarium, 2000). There have been many studies done
showing how this unique system can be effected when the web is out of
balance. Where otter populations have been rebuilt, the sea urchin
populations have decreased and the kelp beds have return to their
former abundance (Schindler, 1991).
The predator prey interaction between the otters and sea urchins play a
major role in shaping the kelp forest. Sea urchins graze on the kelp
which in turn weaken the holdfast. This cause the kelp to be more
vulnerable to wave damage which can lead to the death of the kelp. An
increase in urchin population will lead to a decrease in the kelp forest
(Watt et al., 2000). Sea otters prey on the urchins though. This helps to
control the population of urchins so that the forest can thrive. A study
done by Schueller (1999) showed the humans can also change the web
of the kelp forest by overfishing. The reduction of fish means that there
is less food for sea lions and seals. The decrease in these organisms
causes the killer whales to prey on the otters. When the otter population
decreases the urchin population increases causing the kelp forest to
diminish. Even though humans may have a negative impact on a kelp
forest, kelp is collected today for industrial purposes.
Various types of brown algae are harvested today for different reasons.
Brown algae are a very good source of algin, which is a colloidal gel.
The gel is used today in both the baking and ice cream industry because
it acts as a stabilizer. Algin is also found in toothpaste, bread, beer and
paint. There are several species that are collected and eaten, which is
known as a vegetable in the Orient, kombu. Kelp have been harvest
because of their great source of iodine and fertilizer (Ricklefs, 1990).
Commercial kelp harvesters work from ship that has huge hedge clipper
like tools, which can cut off the top four feet and collect the kelp. In
California where kelp grows very fast about 100,000 tons is collected a
year (Monterey Bay Aquarium, 2000). The change of over harvesting
kelp is not likely due to the fact how fast it grows.
The brown algae are in their majority, inhabitants of the tidal zones at
the coasts of the oceans. In fresh water only Heribaudiell, Lithoderma,
Pleurocladia and Bodanella as well as some types of Ectocarpus and
Sphacerlaria fluviatilis can survive. Thereby, they obviously group
themselves under the influence of tides, the condition of the
underground as well as the intensity and composition of the light into so
called belts, whose floristic composition changes with increasing depth.
Impressive is the picture, which the giant seaweed forests offer at the
California Pacific coasts. To a depth of 25m the alga vegetation consists
of clear from each other issued and characteristically assembled
societies. The enormous production - it is estimated to be 10-15 t/ha
algae per year is of considerable economic importance. The algae are
harvested regularly for the production of the Alginate. The use of brown
algae as food is very old. However, it plays a small role in the daily live in
Western Europe: only the young, fresh stacks of Laminaria saccharina
and Alaria esculenta are eaten. However in Eastern Asia, Kombu is an
important food.
There are also calcite crusts which have been interpreted as the
remains of coralline red algae dating to the
terminal Proterozoic. Thallophytes resembling coralline red algae
are known from the late Proterozoic Doushantuou formation.
The red algae are classified in the Archaeplastida, along with
the glaucophytes and Viridiplantae (green algae and land plants).
Below are two valid published taxonomies of the red algae, although
neither necessarily has to be used, as the taxonomy of the algae is still
in a state of flux (with classification above the level of order having
received little scientific attention for most of the 20th century). If one
defines the kingdom Plantae to mean the Archaeplastida, the red algae
will be part of that kingdom; but if Plantae are defined more narrowly, to
be the Viridiplantae, then the red algae might be considered their own
kingdom or part of the kingdom Protista. The two classification systems
below place the red algae in the plant kingdom.
There are around 6,500 to 10,000 known
species, nearly all of which are marine, with
about 200 that only live in fresh water.
However, estimates of the number of real
species vary by 100%.
• Atractophora hypnoides
• Gelidiella calcicola
• Lemanea, a freshwater genus
• Palmaria palmata, dulse
• Schmitzia hiscockiana
• Chondrus crispus, Irish moss
• Mastocarpus stellatus
o Chemistry
The values of red algae reflect their lifestyles. The largest difference
results from their photosynthetic metabolic pathway: algae which use
HCO3 as a carbon source have far more negative values than those
which only use . An additional difference of about 1.71‰ separates
groups which are intertidal from those below the lowest tide line,
which are never exposed to atmospheric carbon. The latter group use
the more 13C negative which is dissolved in sea water, whereas those
with access to atmospheric carbon reflect the more positive signature
of this reserve.
Red algae have a double cell wall. The outer layer are usually
composed of "pectic substances", from which agar can be
manufactured. The internal wall is mostly cellulose.
Pit connections
Pit connections and pit plugs are unique and distinctive features of
red algae that form during the process of cytokinesis following mitosis.
In red algae, cytokinesis is incomplete. Typically, a small pore is left in
the middle of the newly formed partition. The pit connection is formed
where the daughter cells remain in contact.
Pit plugs
Red algae lack motile sperm. Hence they rely on water currents to
transport their gametes to the female organs – although their sperm
are capable of "gliding" to a carpogonium's trichogyne.
Alternation of phases
There are more than a thousand described species of golden algae, most of
them free-swimming and unicellular, but there are filamentous and colonial
forms. Other chrysophytes may spend part of their life as amoeboid cells. At
the left and center of the above illustration is Dinobryon, a freshwater
genus in which the individual cells are surrounded by vase-shaped loricae,
composed of chitin fibrils and other polysaccharides. The colonies grow as
branched or unbranched chains. A spherical colonial form, Synura, is on
the right; the surfaces of these cells are covered by silica scales. Species
which produce siliceous coverings may have bristles or scales with quite
complex structure. Some researchers group the chrysophytes with silica
scales in a separate taxon, the Synurophyceae.
The oldest known chrysophytes are from calcareous and siliceous deposits
of Cretaceous age, but they reached their greatest diversity in the Miocene.
The group actually has a fairly complete fossil record, because most
freshwater chrysomonads secrete resting cysts of silica, which may be
abundant in certain rocks -- in some Paleocene deposits, chrysophyte cysts
outnumber the diatoms! The fossils of chrysophytes, like those
of diatoms and coccolithophorids, are often used as paleoecological
indicators to reconstruct ancient environments.
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Chromalveolata
Phylum: Heterokontophyta
Class: Chrysophyceae
Cyanobacteria are aquatic and photosynthetic, that is, they live in the water,
and can manufacture their own food. Because they are bacteria, they are
quite small and usually unicellular, though they often grow in colonies large
enough to see. They have the distinction of being the oldest known fossils,
more than 3.5 billion years old, in fact! It may surprise you then to know that
the cyanobacteria are still around; they are one of the largest and most
important groups of bacteria on earth.
The other great contribution of the cyanobacteria is the origin of plants. The
chloroplast with which plants make food for themselves is actually a
cyanobacterium living within the plant's cells. Sometime in the late
Proterozoic, or in the early Cambrian, cyanobacteria began to take up
residence within certain eukaryote cells, making food for the eukaryote host
in return for a home. This event is known asendosymbiosis, and is also the
origin of the eukaryotic mitochondrion.
Because they are photosynthetic and aquatic, cyanobacteria are often called
"blue-green algae". This name is convenient for talking about organisms in
the water that make their own food, but does not reflect any relationship
between the cyanobacteria and other organisms called algae. Cyanobacteria
are relatives of the bacteria, not eukaryotes, and it is only the chloroplast in
eukaryotic algae to which the cyanobacteria are related.
The algae are the simplest members of the plant kingdom, and the
blue-green algae are the simplest of the algae. They have a
considerable and increasing economic importance; they have both
beneficial and harmful effects on human life. Blue-greens are not
true algae. They have no nucleus, the structure that encloses the
DNA, and no chloroplast, the structure that encloses the
photosynthetic membranes, the structures that are evident in
photosynthetic true algae. Infact blue-greens are more akin to
bacteria which have similar biochemical and structural
characteristics. The process of nitrogen fixation and the
occurrence of gas vesicles are especially important to the success
of nuisance species of blue-greens. The blue-greens are widely
distributed over land and water, often in environments where no
other vegetation can exist. Their fossils have been identified as
over three billion years old. They were probably the chief primary
producers of organic matter and the first organisms to release
elemental oxygen, O2, into the primitive atmosphere, which was
until then free from O2. Thus blue-greens were most probably
responsible for a major evolutionary transformation leading to the
development of aerobic metabolism and to the subsequent rise of
higher plant and animal forms. They are referred to in literature
by various names, chief among which are Cyanophyta, Myxophyta,
Cyanochloronta, Cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, blue-green
Terrestrial blue-greens
In the temperate region blue-greens are especially common in
calcareous and alkaline soils. Certain species, Nostoc commune,
are often conspicuous on the soil surface. Acid soils, however, lack
blue-green element and are usually dominated by diatoms and
green algae.
Gliding movement
When viewed under the light microscope, blue-greens show a
variety of movements, such as gliding, rotation, oscillation, jerking
and flicking.
Nuisance/Noxious Conditions
The formation of water blooms results from the redistribution
and often rapid accumulation of buoyant planktonic
populations. When such populations are subjected to
suboptimal conditions, they respond by increasing their
buoyancy and move upward nearer to the water surface.
Water turbulence usually prevents them reaching the
surface. If, however, turbulence suddenly weakens on a calm
summer day, the buoyant population may 'over-float' and
may become lodged right at the water surface. There the
cells are exposed to most unfavourable and dangerous
conditions, like O2 supersaturation, rapidly diminishing CO2
concentrations and intense solar radiation, which are
inhibitory to photosynthesis and N2-fixation, causing photo-
oxidation of pigments and inflicting irreversible damage to
the genetic constitution of cells. A frequent outcome of
surface bloom formation is massive cell lysis and rapid
disintegration of large planktonic populations. his is closely
followed by an equally rapid increase in bacterial numbers,
and in turn by a fast deoxygenation of surface waters which
could be detrimental to animal populations within the lake.
Water blooms are objectionable for recreational activities,
and more importantly, create great nuisance in the
management of water reservoirs.
Poisonous Conditions
(Also see, Diverse taxa of cyanobacteria produce ß-N-methylamino-
L-alanine (BMAA), a neurotoxic amino acid- Proc. the National
Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2005)
But many toxic blooms are also produced by either Anabaena flos-
aquae (manufactures "anatoxins") orAphanizomenon flos-
aquae (manufactures "aphantoxins").
Two other genera, Oscillatoria and Nodularia are also known to produce
toxic populations. Whether the animal survives the poisoning depends
primarily upon the concentration of toxin ingested. Blue-green toxins may
act on zooplankton and might be an effective mechanism of protection
against grazing pressures.
Little is known about the percent of blooms that are toxic (upto 25% quoted
in literature), and also why a toxic population is produced. A complicating
factor is that part of a bloom can be toxic and another part nontoxic within
the same lake. It has been suggested that toxic strains may develop only
under a particular set of environmental conditions, or that toxin production
may be associated with plasmid-mediated gene transfer.
The dinoflagellates (Gk. δῖνος dinos [whirling] and Lt. flagellum [whip or
scourge]) are a large group of flagellate protists. Dinoflagellates are
microscopic, (usually) unicellular, flagellated, often photosynthetic protists,
commonly regarded as "algae" (Division Dinoflagellata). They are characterized
by a transverse flagellum that encircles the body (often in a groove known as
the cingulum) and a longitudinal flagellum oriented perpendicular to the
transverse flagellum. This imparts a distinctive spiral to their swimming motion.
Both flagella are inserted at the same point in the cell wall, by convention
defining the ventral surface. This point is usually slightly depressed, and is
termed the sulcus. In heterotrophic dinoflagellates (ones that eat other
organisms), this is the point where a conical feeding structure, the peduncle, is
projected in order to consume food.
In 1753 the first modern dinoflagellates were described by Baker and
named by Muller in 1773.[3] The term derives from the Greek word δῖνος
(dinos), meaning 'whirling,' and Latin flagellum, a diminutive term for a
whip or scourge.
These same dinoflagellates were first defined by Otto Bütschli in 1885
as the flagellate order dinoflagellida. Botanists treated them as a division
of algae, named Pyrrhophyta ("fire algae"; Greek pyrrhos, fire) after the
bioluminscent forms, or Dinophyta. At various times
the cryptomonads, ebriids, and ellobiopsids have been included here,
but only the last are now considered close relatives. Dinoflagellates have
a known ability to evolve from non-cyst to cyst forming strategies which
makes it extremely difficult to recreate their evolutionary history.
Part of the challenge in dinoflagellate taxonomy and nomenclature is
that they have been independently classified by the rules
of zoology and botany, and only recently have the disciplines converged.
Most (but not all) dinoflagellates have a dinokaryon (see: Life-cycle,
below.).[5] Dinoflagellates with a dinokaryon are classified
under Dinokaryota, while dinoflagellates without a dinokaryon are
classified under Syndiniales.
Although classified as eukaryotes, the dinoflagellate nuclei are not
characteristically eukaryotic, as they lack histones, nucleosomes and
maintain continually condensed chromosomes during mitosis. In fact,
Dodge (1966)[6] termed the dinoflagellate nucleus as ‘mesokaryotic’, due
to its possession of intermediate characteristics between the coiled DNA
areas of prokaryotic bacteria and the well-defined eukaryotic nucleus.
This group, however, does contain typically eukaryotic organelles, such
as golgi bodies, mitochondria and chloroplasts [7]
Life cycle