Biogeosystemic Basis of Free-Standing Neurosensing PDF
Biogeosystemic Basis of Free-Standing Neurosensing PDF
Biogeosystemic Basis of Free-Standing Neurosensing PDF
Kurt Strzyzewski
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
June 2010
humans and the Earth. Furthermore, the biophysical and thought-essence undergoing transformation as relatively
bioenergetic foundation of the human mind-body (biomind) independent massless transform including:
living matrix or living system’s resonant-like quantum
extensor capabilities shows us that the causal metafunction • Any vector-intention expressed by any living L-RIS
in biogeosystems is the corpoconscious self-awareness • Any upward-causal or downward causal chain
capable of vector-intentionality. expressed by either the T-boundary or one or more L-
2.1 Corpoconscious Vector-Intentionality in
Living Relatively Independent Subtotalities Vector-Intentionality then appears to become the
developing biominds expressed action-in-the-world
Living Relatively Independent Subtotalities (L-RISs) are function, manifest through the choices exhibited and
complex oscillating masses that require mirrored templaic experiences recorded by its central nervous system and
conformations to manifest form in 4-spacetime and to brains in interaction with, and in, the world. Interestingly
sustain the qualitative characteristics we know as life. Two enough, the expression of vectored-intention appears to
template-like fields of information and energetics work as precede in time, and propel a biominds action-in-the-world
the mirror of the other in order to maintain the existence – whether it be a behavioral manifestation in interaction
and connectivity of the L-RIS in 4-spacetime: with the environment, or as the initiation of an internal
psychophysiological cascade that serves as medium and
means of assigning meaning to either internal (thoughts,
• Manifestation in the electromagnetic spectrum to visions, attitudinal-belief constructs) or external (action-
guide the collocation of structural tissue and organs upon-the-world) experiences. [3]
• Expression as a syntonic/diffusive coherent templaic
field in the subPlanckian (or scalar) range
Corpoconsciousness manifests in human beings at about Much of life physics lies in phenomena between 4-
the age of two years old. This appears to be the organism’s spacetime and the Quantum Potential Superdomain. In the
living system’s ability to phase-lock to a progressive and Quantum Potential (Figure 1) all creative thought forms are
well-coordinated submicroscopic, microscopic and conformed as quanta, which makes up the quantum-
macroscopic quantum process wherein every cell exhibits potential template for all RISs and L-RISs manifesting in 4-
an orchestrated objective-reduction – or self-organizing spacetime. What is referred to in 4-spacetime as a “thing”
collapse of the quantum wave function related to instability or object is a Relatively independent subtotality (RIS)
at the most basic level of its spacetime geometry. which is holographically and hologramically a 4-spacetime
Unconscious perception of movement and spatial manifest oscillating system of an interference pattern’s
orientation arising from stimuli within the body extends to transform, its existence by 4-dimensional spacetime rules
the environment beyond the boundaries of the body, which are predicated on the existence of its mirror template and
then leads to the development of the cortical and enteric quanta support ranges. Any “thing” as a pattern-
brains – which begin to penetrate all organismic tissue in interference perceivable to an L-RIS appears to be
rhythmic patterns and it is at this point where we begin to translated by a set of Fourier transformation operations on
see consciousness emerge. both macro- and micro-quantum phenomena in a
time/space ratio in a 4-dimensional coordinate system. [4]
Vector-intention is causal thought initiated and propagated In Introduction to Idiomaterial Life Physics we saw that the
by L-RISs in order to create holomovement. Lorentzian transformations are patterns of light energy
Holomovement can be seen as the motion-equivalent of any packets that quantum macro-objects are in an environment.
In fact, it is the Lorentzian transformations that are in figure 2 as the waves of energy protruding away from
translated from their corresponding Fourier transformations the body. This field allows for the biomind to extend a
before becoming the holonomic representation of sights, point-of-view (POV) away from, but still linked to its
sounds, thoughts and intention. Meissner fundamental field. Such resonant harmonic
avatars appear to be emittable by extension neurosensors
using either of two generative modalities – free-standing
2.2 Human Biowave Genetics and technology-assisted. The exploration of the Unum
through the use of free-standing, soft, or dense
Meissner-antiMeissner fields surround the human body at antiMeissner forms is available for all humans, if they
90 degrees perpendicular and away from the surfaces of the know how. Life Physics teaches us the idiomaterial
body and can be seen as the by-products of a natural principles behind the phenomena - in order to extend to
organismic phenomenon that occurs in cells, which work as space-like and time-like targets within the Unum.
plenum engines in parallel and in series to produce a
coherent Meissner field and anchor a mobile field that has
been extended in 4-spacetime and into the quantum- 3. Extension Neurosensing
potential superdomain. (Bordon 2004f)
Complex oscillating biological observership agencies, such
as human beings, have the capabilities to extend a free-
standing Meissner-antiMeissner POV with or without
technology assisted avatar-forms. Free-standing (non-
technology assisted) extension neurosensing and fluid
topological thinking utilize the properties of the
antiMeissner resonant harmonic to extract information
from dynamically self-contained or fluid situation
information sets. In both cases the extension neurosensor
must learn to engage in a relaxed state of mental-
psychological-emotional flow, at which point the biomind
begins to behave with one degree of freedom. In other
words, all functions, all resources, all energetics, all
psychophysiological processes – literally everything going
on in the body functions as one organism and is in service
to one, and only one, objective, goal, or target. This
peaceful state of being in-the-flow makes possible for each
cell to begin manifesting energetics beyond their normal,
natural electrical capacitance for nonionizing radiant
energy. The result of which is a virtual “drain” through
Fig 2 - False color Meissner field of an athlete on the rings which any energy is sent to accumulate or to occupy a 4-
detectable in the EM range inside a modified SQUID spacetime address, indexed to a specific horizontal local
(superconducting quantum interference device)
The human biomind exists in a delicate balance of
processes, in a highly chaotic Meissner fundamental field 3.1 Time-Like Extension
which is illustrated above in the gray areas closest to the
body. This coherently ejected biophotonic field contains all
information regarding the health status of all subsystems of Time-like extensions involve deployments to well defined
the human body emitting it. Additionally the Meissner field physical locations on Earth or any other astronomical
acts as our memory and information processing center, object. A fairly straightforward sequence of energetic and
whereby the distribution of memory is seen as an vector-intentional processes, extensions to time-like
asymmetric but isomorphic phenomena allowing memories taskings are excellent means of building extensor
to be stored in the sub-Planckian range of the Meissner experiences in boundary-geometry operations and self
field. [5] The antiMeissner resonant harmonic can be seen confidence in the management of the process sequence
associated with the performance of Protocol activities.
Fig 3 – Messner-antimessner resonant harmonic movement in orthogonal spacetimes – quantum potential and 4-spacetime
Figure 3 shows how the quantum gravitational process Furthermore, candidates must be able to pass three
requires the antiMeissner resonant harmonic POV to operational benchmarks to qualify as a MAM dense form
operate in pumped-phase at right angles (increments of 90 extensor:
degrees), marginal orthorotatiosn (180 degrees away from
4-spacetime surface), and at one-full orthorotation (360 (1) Each must be able to demonstrate at least a healthy
degrees or more away from 4-spacetime) in order to body Meissner threshold by producing a measurable
accurately compute and evaluate dynamic information-sets normal state Meissner field on demand,
at a particular tasking location in space.
(2) All candidates must also be able to manifest a pump-
Time-like extension involves four stages: phase Meissner field of at least five seconds duration
unaided by technology, and
• Meissner dense form conformation
• Deployment and task contact (3) Of those who achieve the first two previous
• Activity at task relative location benchmarks, the candidates moving forward should also be
• Re-indexing or return to corpoconscious able to demonstrate vector-intention by performing simple
functioning. local operations (e.g., extending by native method and
abilities to a contiguous room and providing the examiner
The sequence of stages remains the same for both time-like with a physical description of contents and contextual
and space-like operations, but does vary in deployments to arrangement of the room).
targets in higher-entropic/symmetric superdomains.
Desirable candidates for Meissner-antiMeissner (MAM) The individual’s attitude and belief system plays a large
extension must understand this process and be able to role in the third qualification. This may emerge from the
derive sensorial information from which then can be
latent and insufficiently conscious ethical, tribal, familial,
extracted concrete information that can be abstracted as
direct knowledge of elements within the information set. religious, and personal beliefs which, by their strength and
pivotal importance, impede the integration of the
experience in the personal worldview of a candidate. [6]
3.2 Space-Like Extension 3.2 Upward-Causual Extension
Extensions to properly identified targets along a differential Extensions to the Unum draw on much of the same skill set
space/time ratio (timeline), with local time as time-index, and experiences gained in, and through, space-like target
run the gamut – from stable, sustainable and continuous to extensions. However, time dilation in these extensions
the unstable, episodic and highly discontinuous. Space-like reach qualitative holonomic levels of experience far beyond
targets require that antiMeissner dense forms assume a those experienced in the Quantum Potential. Furthermore,
nonlinear and nonlocal POV at a geometry that positions it Unum extensions driven by open-ended inquiry clusters
completely orthogonal to 4-spacetime, into the quantum draw to multiple location-angles of connectivity well
potential superdomain (see Figure 3). This allows for the beyond 1,080 nonlinear degrees. Cluster-driven interface
extensors antiMeissner dense form POV to connect to the inquiries may result in what, from the viewpoint of the
space-like location in the correct and appropriate history. extensor’s POV, seem like randomly organized series of
flashes in a timeless sequence. This occurs as the extensor
interfaces an information set and the result is rendered as
answers (i.e., understanding of relationships, events,
conditions, media and processes) in what could best be
described as time-compressed flashes.
6. References
[1] A. R. BORDON How To Combine Extension Neurosensing
And Topologic al Thinking To Ac c e s s Any Local &
Nonlocal/Nonlinear Information Set, 2009
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