EY To BEE - Technical Study On EVs & Charging Infrastructure

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Propelling Electric

Vehicles in India
Technical study of Electric Vehicles
and Charging Infrastructure
The transition towards electric mobility offers India not The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), an agency
only an opportunity to improve efficiency and transform established under the provision of Energy Conservation
the transport sector but also addresses several issues Act, 2001, is transforming the way energy is consumed
that the country is currently grappling with. The concerns by running several programs to efficiently use the
regarding energy security and rising current account energy and ensure its conservation by providing policy
deficit (CAD) on account of rising fossil fuel imports can framework and coordinating and implementing several
be addressed with the uptake of electric mobility. India programs that demonstrate robust delivery mechanisms
is a power surplus country and is currently witnessing through public-private partnerships. BEE, in consultation
lower plant load factors due to lower capacity utilization. with the Ministry of Power (MoP), Government of India
As per the conservative estimates, demand from electric (GoI), took an initiative to study techno-commercial
vehicles (EV) could greatly improve the utilization factor challenges in proliferation of electric vehicle (EV) charging
of underutilized power plants, as charging pattern of EV infrastructure, which is considered an essential spoke
users is considered to coincide with power demand during without which the wheel of electric mobility cannot roll.
the non-peak hours in the country. A lot of deliberation has taken place in several forums
on the chicken and egg situation of EV and charging
Moreover, India has a clear intention of multiplying its
infrastructure. Subsequently, it has been concluded that
generation from renewable energy (RE) sources which
charging infrastructure (both fast and slow) needs to
are inherently intermittent. Several reports suggest that
come first to ensure a smooth transition for end-users,
EVs can complement the intermittent nature of power
especially when range anxiety and charging time are
generated from RE by absorbing power at off-peak hours.
considered major barriers to adoption.
The batteries in EVs can act as ancillary services for the
proliferation of distributed generation resources (DER). The study undertaken by BEE involved a consortium
Apart from supporting RE generation, EVs with feasible of consultants led by Ernst & Young LLP to conduct
vehicle to grid technology can act as a dynamic storage a study encompassing the technical and commercial
media and can enhance the grid resilience through aspects of sustainable operations of EV charging
ancillary market. This can reduce the burden of exchequer infrastructure by taking a cue from business models that
to create static energy storage systems, especially in are prevalent globally, technological interventions as
distribution networks, to support proliferation of grid- well as technical and testing standards. It also includes
connected roof top solar and DERs. assessments on the degree of federal support required
and the role distribution utilities play in facilitating the
The new ecosystem offers India the opportunities to
growth in advanced markets such as United States (the
become a leader in domestic manufacturing and job
US), Germany, Finland, China and Japan. The study
creation as electric mobility is still in nascent stages
further dives into development and assessment of
in many advanced markets around the globe. Further,
commercial viability of business models for EV charging
transition to electric mobility can undoubtedly help India
infrastructure. Moreover, assessment of readiness of the
achieve its global commitments of reducing carbon
1 industry was undertaken by conducting a consultation
footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However,
with several stakeholders to identify the challenges and
to accelerate the adoption of electric mobility in India, a
barriers in embracing the transition to the era of electric
lot of preparation needs to be done so that the market
mobility. An analysis on the impact of transition to electric
grows in a self-sustainable manner with minimal federal
mobility on distribution infrastructure of Delhi, Lucknow
support and interventions.

1 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

and Nagpur was assessed using statistical models followed
by a development of a city-agnostic implementation
model. Key findings of the study are mentioned below:

ၔၔ T
 o boost EVs’ demand in India, the government
should focus on both fiscal and non-fiscal

ၔၔ I  nitial deployment of charging infrastructure should

not be seen from the lens of generating profits
rather as an opportunity to build a market and get
customers accustomed to the e-mobility ecosystem.

ၔၔ T
 he government should consider providing
financial and non-financial incentives to charge
point operators (CPO) to encourage charging
infrastructure deployment at the center, states
and cities.

ၔၔ E
 arly adopters are expected to be from urban
ecosystem with major sales coming from the
metro cities led by mass-mobility requirements and
considerably high disposable income levels. City
level ecosystem development initiatives are likely to
play an important role in adopting electric mobility
solutions and supporting their uptake.

ၔၔ I  n a zero-subsidy scenario, the government may

consider providing tax rebates and tax holidays,
lower Goods and Service Tax (GST) on electric
vehicles, charging stations and associated
components, and on services rendered by charging
infrastructure operators. Waivers on road tax and
income tax benefits may also be considered.

ၔၔ S
 pecial tariff category including Time of Use (TOU)
for residential chargers and blended tariff for public
chargers is recommended.

ၔၔ N
 on-fiscal measures such as exemption of permit
fee, free parking spots and toll exemption may
be adopted.

ၔၔ I  ndigenous manufacturing of electric vehicle

supply equipment (EVSE) and EVs are likely to be
considered under “priority sector lending”.

For ensuring viable and sustainable business models,

states may consider facilitating access to land at a
subsidized price for initial years to agencies interested in
setting up charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 2

The transition towards electric mobility has become one The team thanks EY India’s SCORE team Dhriti Gandhi,
of the major initiatives undertaken by the Government of Pranjal Bhatnagar and Sahil Mardi who have played an
India (GoI) to strengthen its effort towards the reduction integral part in the editorial and design.
of carbon emissions. The “Technical Study of Electric
To enhance the recommendations as part of the study
Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure” has been conducted
and to obtain a detailed understanding of parameters
by the consortium led by Ernst and Young LLP (EY) under
that affect the development of a sustainable electric
the directions of the Ministry of Power (MoP) and the
mobility ecosystem, the team conducted several in-
guidance of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
depth interviews. We express our sincere gratitude to
Along the tenure of the engagement, the team has Dr. Sajid Mubashir (Scientist G, Department of Science
received significant guidance from the Ministry of Power and Technology, DST), Smt. Seema Saxena (Chief
and would like to extend its sincere gratitude for the Engineer, Central Electricity Authority (CEA)), Shri B.P.
same. We are grateful to the valuable inputs received from Singh (Member, Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
Shri R.K. Singh (Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent (DERC)), Shri Surendra Edupghanti (Secretary, DERC),
Charge), Shri Ajay Kumar Bhalla (Secretary, MoP), Shri Shri R.K. Mehta (ED (Law, DERC), Shri Mahender Singh
Aniruddha Kumar (Joint Secretary, MoP), Smt. Archana (ED (Tariff), DERC), Shri U.K. Tyagi (ED (Engg.), DERC),
Agrawal (Joint Secretary, MoP), Shri Harpreet Singh Dr. Anand Deshpande (Director, ARAI), Smt. Amrita
Pruthi (Director, MoP), Shri Pawan Kumar Kalarwal Soni (Director, UPNEDA), Shri Alok Kumar (Secretary,
(Director, MoP) and Shri Anoop Singh Bisht (Under UPNEDA), Shri Ashok Srivastava (Project Officer,
Secretary, MoP). UPNEDA), Smt. Namrata Kalra (Project Officer, UPNEDA),
Shri Abhishek Ranjan (AVP, System Operations and
The study was formulated by Shri Abhay Bakre (Director
Head Renewables, BRPL), Shri Chetan Pathak (Business
General, BEE), Shri Pankaj Kumar (Secretary, BEE), Shri
Manager, BRPL), Shri Naveen Nagpal (GM, BRPL), Shri
Sameer Pandita (Director, BEE) and Shri Rajeev (Project
S.K. Singh (Director, Technical, MVVNL), Shri B.P. Saini
Engineer, BEE) from Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
(Director, Commercial, MVVNL), Smt. Sonal Khurana (BU
The study was collectively executed by Ernst & Young Head, SNDL), Shri Rajesh Turkar (Head Networks, SNDL),
LLP (EY), led by Shri Somesh Kumar (Partner and Shri Shivaji Jagtap (Transport Manager, RTO Nagpur), Shri
Leader, Power & Utility), Shri Shuvendu Bose (Associate Mahesh Gupta (AGM, Nagpur metro), Shri Sivam Sabesan
Partner), Shri Ashish Kulkarni (Associate Partner) and (Managing Director, CharIn), Shri Yoshida San (Secretary
Shri Kanv Garg (Director), and supported by the delivery General, CHAdeMO), Shri S. Victor P. Selvakumar (GM,
team comprising of Kaustuv Mohapatra, Harsh Jain, PGCIL), Dr. Rajesh Kumar Panda (Senior Engineer, PGCIL),
Sushovan Bej, Gagandeep Singh, Tanmay Tyagi and Shri Anil Kaushik (AGM, NTPC), Shri Anurag Singh (Sr.
Tanmay Nag. The EY team was also supported by the Manager, BD, NTPC), Shri Priyank Agarwal (VP, Strategy
team from pManifold Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd., led and Business Development, Exicom), Shri Akshay Ahuja
by Shri. Rahul Bagdia and supported by Ashish Balki, (DM, Strategy and Business Development, Exicom), Shri
Kunjan Bagdia and3
Rishabh Badlani. We would also like Anil Chutani (Head BD, ACME), Smt. Sulajja Firodia (Vice
to extend our gratitude to EY Global Knowledge team Chairman, Kinetic Greens), Shri Ajit Kumar Jindal (Head
members comprising of Shikhar Gupta, Yoon Jae Heo, Tech, Vice President, Tata Motors), Shri Vinod Viswanath
Young Zhu, Amit Gupta and Anjushi Joshi, who supported (Sr. Manager Product Marketing, TE Connectivity), Shri
us extensively with the compilation of data on policies, Yuvraj Sarda (Senior Manager – Strategy, Sun Mobility),
market developments and market projections for the Shri Puneet Jain (Founder and CEO, GrinnTech) and Dr.
international case studies. Prabhjot Kaur (Professor, IIT-M).

3 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 4

5 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Charge de Move(Japanese standards
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project CHAdeMO
AFV alternative fuel vehicle CO2 carbon dioxide
AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association California Pollution Control
Financing Authority
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
and Air Conditioning Engineers CPO charging point operators
ATC Advanced Transportation Controller CPUC California Public Utilities Commission
BESCOM Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd. CSPG China Southern Power Grid
BHEL Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited CVRP Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
BLDC Brushless DC DSO distribution system operators
Federal Ministry for Education and Research
BMBF EMC electromagnetic compatibility
Energy Industry Act
Bengaluru Metropolitan EnWG
BMTC (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz)
Transport Corporation
Federal Ministry for the Environment, EPA Environmental Protection Agency
BMUB Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
Safety (Germany)
ESP electric service providers
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
Infrastructure (German) EV electric vehicle
Federal Ministry for Economic
BMWi EVI electric vehicle initiative
Affairs and Energy (German)
BSES Brihanmumbai Suburban Electric Supply EVSE electric vehicle supply equipment
Faster Adoption and Manufacturing
BWP Burbank Water and Power FAME
of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles
California Alternative Energy and Advanced Guobiao standards (Chinese national
Transportation Financing Authority standards - Recommended)
CAFC corporate average fuel consumption GGEMO Joint Agency for Electric Mobility (German)
CAISO California Independent System Operator GHG greenhouse gases
CalCAP California Capital Access Program HEV hybrid electric vehicle
CAN controller area network HOT high occupancy toll
CARB California Air Resources Board HOV high occupancy vehicle
China Automotive Technology and
CATARC HMRL Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited
Research Center
Contemporary Amperex Technology ICC International Code Council
Co. Limited
ICE internal combustion engine
CCA community choice aggregators
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
CCS combined charging system
Institute of Electrical and
CEA Central Electricity Authority Electronics Engineers

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 6

IETA International Electrical Testing Association NAESB North American Energy Standards Board

IMA input measurement apparatus NCS Nippon Charge Service

INR Indian Rupee National Development

and Reform Commission
ISA International Society of Automation
NEA National Energy Administration
International Organization
ISO NECA National Electrical Contractors Association
for Standardization
Japan Automotive Manufacturers New Energy and Industrial Technology
Association Development Organization
JARI Japan Automotive Research Institute North Eastern Karnataka
Road Transport Corporation
Japan Electric Wiring Devices and
JEWA National Electrical
Equipment Industries Association NEMA
Manufacturers Association
JRS Japan Revitalization Strategy
NEMMP National Electric Mobility Mission Plan
JSAE Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
Los Angeles Department of Water
LADWP Next-Generation Vehicle Charging
and Power NGV-
Infrastructure Deployment
LIB Lithium-Ion batteries CIDPP
Promotion Project
mb/d Millions of Barrels per Day National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration
Ministry of Economy,
METI National Institute of Science
Trade and Industry (Japan) NIST
and Technology
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (Japan) NITI Aayog National Institution for Transforming India
Ministry for Industry and Information North Western Karnataka Road
Technology (Japan) Transport Corporation
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport OEM original equipment manufacturer
and Tourism (Japan)
Occupational Safety and
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy OSHA
Health Administration
Ministry of Finance of the People's PACE Property-Assessed Clean Energy
Republic of China
PEV plug-in electric vehicle
MoH&UA Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
PFPP Public Fleet Pilot Project
Ministry of Heavy
Industries and Public Enterprises PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric Company
MoP Ministry of Power
PLCC Power Line Carrier Communication
MoRT&H Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
PPP Public Private Partnership
MoST Ministry of Science and Technology
PRC People's Republic of China
Mobile Source Air Pollution
MSRC REC Rural Electric Cooperative (USA)
Reduction Review Committee's
Mt Million Ton RESS rechargeable energy storage system

Mtoe Million Tons of oil equivalent RH relative humidity

7 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

RMI Rocky Mountain Institute

SAC Standardization Administration of China

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission
South Coast Air Quality
Management District
SCE Southern California Edison

SDG&E San Diego Gas & Electric

SEP Strategic Energy Plan

SGCC State Grid Corp of China

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution
Control District
SLM Straight Line Method

SoCalGas Southern California Gas Company

SRM Switch Reluctance Motors

TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company

TOD time-of-day

TOU Time-of-use

TSO transmission system operators

UL Underwriters Laboratories

UN United Nations

US$ United States Dollar

USDoT United States Department of Transportation

VEM vehicle emulator module

VW Volkswagen Group

WACC weighted average cost of capital

WDV Written Down Value Method

World Forum for
Harmonization of Vehicle Regulation
ZEV zero emission vehicle

2W two-wheeler

3W three-wheeler

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 8

Table of

9 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

01 Foreword 165 4. Viability assessment for
setting up charging stations
03 Acknowledgements
4.1. Viability assessment for deployment of a DC
05 Abbreviations fast charger- with capital subsidy
4.2. Viability assessment for deployment of a DC
09 Contents
fast charger- without capital subsidy.
11 List of Figures 4.3. Assessment of ownership structures for
reducing risks
13 List of Tables
15 Executive summary 189 5. City Level Assessment Model for
Charging Infrastructure
43 1. Electric vehicle charging 5.1. Delhi
infrastructure: Global landscape 5.2. Lucknow
5.3. Nagpur
1. Electric vehicle charging
infrastructure: Global landscape
1.1. United States of America 211 6. City level implementation plan
1.2. Germany
6.1. Potential market players
1.3. Finland
mitigating land risks
1.4. Japan
6.2. Key assessments required for developing
1.5. People’s Republic of
implementation plan
China (PRC)
6.3. Conclusions

111 2. EV Charging Infrastructure

221 Annexure
Landscape: India
7.1. Regulatory treatment of Setting-up Electric
2.1. Policy landscape in India Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
2.2. Policy Level Recommendations 7.2. Detailed charging standards adopted in the
2.3. Regulatory framework relevant to studied countries
deployment of charging infrastructure 7.2.1. U.S.A.
in India 7.2.2. Germany
2.4. EV Supply Chain Readiness and 7.2.3. Japan
R&D in India 7.2.4. China
7.3. Business Model: Data Sheets
135 3. Standardization of 7.4. City model dashboard
Charging Infrastructure 7.4.1. Delhi
7.4.2. Lucknow
3.1. EVSE Classification 7.4.3. Nagpur
3.2. Global EVSE related Standards 7.5. Discussion points from stakeholder
3.3. Recommendations to modify/improve interactions
Indian EVSE related standard
3.4. Testing standards

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 10

List of figures
Figure no. Figure name Page no. Figure no. Figure name Page no.
Investment recovery Regulatory framework of
1 56 23 107
mechanism for Charge Ready standardisation in China
2 EV charging ecosystem 58 Key role played by
24 113
Investment recovery mechanism various ministries in India
3 61
for Charge Ready Impact of EVs on
25 125
Investment recovery scheme for automotive supply chain
4 63
Power Your Drive 26 AC DC Charging scenario 137
EV growth trajectory from 2010 EVSE testing procedure
5 69 27 151
to 2017 in Germany setup system
Rise in publicly accessible charger EVSE test measurement points
6 stock from 2010 to 2017 69 28 (Source: Energy Star Program 151
in Germany Requirements)
EV charging ecosystem 29 Test procedure 153
7 74
in Germany Deployment model for a DC
Growth trend of EVs in Finland 30 fast charging station in a public 167
8 77
from 2010 to 2017 parking EV charging
Finland publicly accessible Net present value
31 169
9 chargers (slow and fast) 77 dependence on capital subsidy
2013-2017 Equity IRR variation
32 169
10 Regulatory framework in Japan 83 with capital subsidy
11 Japan EV market (2010-2017) 84 Impact of utilization of
Japan publicly accessible 33 DC fast charger on retail 170
12 chargers (slow and fast) 84 price of charging
2010-2017 Operational Cost
34 170
Projections and targets competitiveness of EVs
13 representation of electric mobility 85 Deployment model for a DC
in Japan 35 fast charging station in a public 174
Six plans outlined for parking EV charging
14 87
the Next-Generation Vehicle Plan Net present value dependence
36 175
Japan's roadmap and targets on mark-up on lease
15 for the development of charging 88 Equity IRR variation
37 175
infrastructure with change in mark-up on lease
16 Founding organizations of NCS 90 Impact of utilization of DC fast
38 176
NCS charger labeling for quick charger on retail price of charging
17 90
and normal charger Operational Cost
39 176
Founding organizations competitiveness of EVs
18 1 91 Net present value dependence
of CHAdeMO
40 on mark-up on electricity 177
Standardization regulatory
19 92 charged to EV owners
framework in Japan
Equity IRR variation with
20 China EV market (2010-2017) 98
41 change in mark-up on electricity 178
China publicly accessible chargers
21 98 charged to EV owners
(slow and fast) 2010-2017
Impact of utilization of DC fast
Pilot models in “The Ten Cities, 42 178
22 103 charger on retail price of charging
One Thousand Vehicles Program”

11 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Figure no. Figure name Page no.
Tariff charged by
43 179
discom to charging stations
PPP players key
44 181
obligation representation
PPP- No subsidy is provided and
45 mark-up on cost of electricity 183
is variable
PPP- Mark-up vs. equity IRR
46 183
(zero subsidy)
47 Charging price v/s mark-up 184
PPP- NPV vs. subsidy
48 184
(fixed mark-up)
49 Subsidy v/s equity IRR 185
50 186
improvement (Case 1)
YOY improvement in utilization
51 186
v/s equity IRR (Case 1)
Sensitivity of NPV with respect
to improvement in charger
52 187
utilization considering
25% subsidy
YOY improvement v/s equity
53 187
IRR (case 2)
Cost components of charging
54 213
City-level collaborations to
55 enhance overall business viability 213
and timeliness of deployment
56 Phase-wise implementation plan 219

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 12

List of tables
Table no. Table name Page no. Table no. Table name Page no.
Key growth drivers in the Types of EV charging adopted
1 43 26 108
countries studied in China
Electric mobility policy roadmap Electricity tariff and service fee
2 47 27 109
in California for EV charging in major cities
3 State incentives 50 Schemes by GoI for
28 114
4 Utility/Private incentives 53 promoting Evs
Summary of the electric mobility Policies and schemes promoting
29 116
5 programs by the California 55 EVs in India
utilities 30 Recommended incentives 119
Rate plan structure for SCE 31 EV component manufacturers 127
6 59
Charge Ready Key charging station operators
32 129
7 Ownership models in PG&E 60 in India
Ownership models cost break-up 33 Key automotive players in India 131
8 60
in PG&E 34 Power ratings of chargers 138
9 Rate plans in PG&E 61 35 Prominent charging protocols 138
10 Pricing options in PG&E 62 36 Standards list 140
Types of EV charging adopted Country wide mapping
11 64 37 146
in California of standards
12 Policy roadmap 67 38 India EVSE standards 147
13 Standardization bodies 70 39 Global EV testing standards 155
Types of EV charging standards 40 Global list of EV testing agencies 157
14 71
adopted in Germany 41 Global list of testing standards 157
Comparative analysis of EV policy 42 India EV landscape 163
15 78
schemes in Nordic countries
Assumptions taken for the
Types of EV charging adopted 43 168
16 79 model developed
in Finland
Summary table of assumptions
Electric mobility policy 44 174
17 86 taken for the model
roadmap in Japan
Summary table of assumptions
Subsidy rates under four 45 177
18 89 taken for the developed model
Delhi’s population and
Incentive structure for 46 191
19 89 vehicle stock
EVSE in Japan
EV mix and adoption across
Types of EV charging adopted 47 191
20 92 different vehicle segments
in Japan
Technical specifications assumed
City wide public charging 48 193
21 97 in the Delhi model
ports by FY17
49 Cumulative LIB in the system 193
22 Policy roadmap 99
Various charging options as per
Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives 50 194
23 105 vehicle categories
in China
Electricity consumption for
24 Subsidies in the initial years 106 51 EV charging (at network input 195
Subsidies allocated at present 106 incorporating distribution losses)
in China Average connected EV charging
52 load to grid across 195
charging segments

13 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Table no. Table name Page no. Table no. Table name Page no.
Assumptions on EV charging 78 Standards adopted in Japan 265
53 195
load distribution 79 Standards adopted in China 268
Peak demand across charging Statistics dashboard for
54 196 80 285
types in Delhi Delhi projections
Skill development at DISCOMs to Statistics dashboard for Lucknow
55 197 81 290
minimize impact on grid City projections
56 Lucknow and vehicle stock 198 Statistics dashboard for
82 295
57 Lucknow EV adoption scenarios 199 Nagpur projections
Technical specifications assumed
58 200
in Lucknow model
59 Cumulative LIBs in system 200
Various charging options as per
60 201
vehicle categories
Electricity consumption for
61 EV charging (at network input 202
incorporating distribution losses)
Total avg connected EV charging
62 202
load to grid
Assumptions on EV charging load
63 202
Lucknow peak demand
64 203
Nagpur population and
65 204
vehicle stock
66 EV adoption scenarios 205
Technical specifications
67 206
assumed in Nagpur model
68 Cumulative LIBs in system 206
Battery size and types of charging
69 207
across the vehicle segments
Electricity consumption for
70 EV charging (at network input 208
incorporating distribution losses)
Total average connected
71 208
EV charging load to grid
EV charging load distribution
72 209
across time slots
Assessment of Lucknow’s
73 209
peak demand
Charging options identified for
74 211
various vehicle categories
Specifications of charging
75 212
options identified
76 Standards adopted in USA 227
77 Standards adopted in Germany 252

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 14


What challenges are driving India’s electric mobility initiatives?

Today, India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, but its increasing dependency on oil imports, rising
environmental concerns and growing need for sustainable mobility solutions are posing serious economic and social
challenges for the country.

Rising crude oil imports – Rising pollution levels –

an energy security challenge an environmental challenge
Since the early 2000, India’s crude oil imports have risen India ranks as the third largest carbon emitting country in
exponentially reaching a record high of 4.3mb/d in 2016. the world accounting for 6% of the global carbon dioxide
The demand for oil grew by 5.1% in 2016, higher than the emissions from fuel combustion3. According to the WHO
world’s largest net importers, the US (0.7%) and China Global Air Pollution Database (2018), 14 out of the 20
(2.9%), making India the world’s third largest most polluted cities of the world are in India4.
crude oil consumer1.

India’s crude oil deficits stood at US$52 billion in 2017 Rising population –
and accounted for almost 50% of the total trade deficit of a sustainable mobility challenge
US$109 billion. This crude oil deficit is further expected
India’s current population of 1.2 billion is expected to
to almost double to US$100 billion against the total trade
reach 1.5 billion by 2030. Out of the 1.5 billion people,
deficit of US$202 billion in 20192.
40% of the population is expected to live in urban areas
compared to 34% of 2018 population projection5 . The
additional 6% population growth is likely to further add
strain on the struggling urban infrastructure in the
country, including a rise in demand for sustainable
mobility solutions.

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/download/direct/2262?fileName=Oil_Information_2018_Overview.pdf
Commerce ministry; ICICI Bank

15 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Today, India is one of the fastest INR3.9 lakh crores (or ~US$60 billion (at US$52/bbl of
crude)). The cumulative savings for the tenure 2017-
growing economies in the world, 2030 is expected to reach 876 MToE of savings for petrol
but its increasing dependency on and diesel, which totals to INR22 lakh crores (or ~US$330
billion), and 1 gigaton for carbon-dioxide emissions.
oil imports, rising environmental
concerns and growing need for
Perspective of change –
sustainable mobility solutions
how are stakeholders aligned?
are posing serious economic and
The electric mobility sector, though growing rapidly, is still
social challenges for the country. in its nascent stage in India. A primary barrier towards
mass adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is the lack of
reliable, accessible and affordable charging infrastructure.
In 2017, the total installed publicly accessible chargers in
India stood at 2228 . The adoption of EVs and deployment
of charging stations is often described as the chicken and
Evolving global automotive market – egg problem, i.e., the need for ample EV penetration as
a manufacturing transition challenge a prerequisite for EV charging infrastructure deployment
versus the need for abundant EV charging infrastructure
India is the world’s fourth largest producer of internal as a prerequisite for EV adoption. However, recent studies
combustion engine (ICE) based automobiles. The growth confirm that availability and accessibility of reliable
in automotive market in India has been the highest in the public charging infrastructure must precede widespread
world, growing at a rate of 9.5% in 20176. The recent EV penetration. In the absence of a robust charging
shift in global automotive technology and an increasing infrastructure, the growth in EV adoption will be difficult,
uptake in electric vehicles is likely to pose a challenge to as observed in the global markets and extensively covered
the existing automotive market if the country does not in the report.
plan its transition towards newer mobility solutions and
develop the required manufacturing competencies The development of a sustainable electric mobility
ecosystem requires a multi-stakeholder collaborative
effort. It is imperative to develop a common
Electric mobility - understanding among the stakeholders (mentioned below)
and identify challenges of the concerned stakeholders,
a potential solution for India critical for the uptake:

In India, majority of the oil demand comes from the

transport sector. The sector accounts for over 40% of the
Government and regulators
total oil consumption with around 90% of the demand The central and state governments as well as nodal
arising from the road transport. By 2020, 330 mt(million agencies that are driving the policy levers are always
tons) of carbon emissions are expected to arise from the considered to be the primary stakeholders in the
transportation sector, 90% of which may be from road development of a new technology or sector. With electric
transport alone7. mobility, the central and state governments as well as
nodal agencies must identify the policy and regulatory
The premier think tank of GoI, NITI Aayog (National
barriers to facilitate private sector investments in the
Institution for Transforming India), reports that India
sector. Subsequently, the stakeholders must identify
can save 64% of anticipated passenger road-based and
ways to promote the transition of the existing automotive
mobility-related energy demand and 37% of carbon
industry in adopting newer technologies, preserving
emissions by 2030 if it pursues electric mobility in future.
jobs and maintaining its economic contributions. The
This would probably result in an annual reduction of 156
government should also proactively identify the future
MToE in diesel and petrol consumption for 2030, saving
trends of the rapidly changing sector to promote the
adoption of the best and efficient technologies.

Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
International Energy Agency (IEA) - World Energy Outlook 2018
International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 16

OEM How is this study important?
To predict a sustainable growth, it is imperative for
established original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the Ministry
and start-ups to identify the actual demand and adoption of Power (MoP), envisaged this study to address the
trends for the electric mobility ecosystem. The adoption challenges of the emerging electric mobility sector and
trends will subsequently determine the development identify possible solutions. The study includes assessment
of supply chains and upskilling of the workforce from of techno-commercial and regulatory aspects for setting
conventional technologies to the emerging ecosystem. up charging stations, review of best practices followed
Further, newer business models need to be developed for in mature markets, and review of global electric vehicle
transitioning and sustaining the change. supply equipment (EVSE) and testing standards. With an
aim to achieve grassroot solutions, city level assessments
Power utilities have been conducted for Delhi, Lucknow and Nagpur to
assess the impact of expected EV uptake on the grid.
The role of the power utilities will be the forefront for
the successful development of a sustainable electric In order to identify the multi-stakeholder initiative
mobility ecosystem. Though the rise in electricity demand required for the development of a sustainable electric
from EVs presents an opportunity for the utilities with mobility ecosystem, a comprehensive stakeholder
increased revenue, the additional investments required for consultation exercise was carried out across
strengthening or augmenting the present infrastructure to governments, regulators, OEMs, DISCOMs and academic/
cater to the intermittent demand refers to a research institutions. The study covers an extensive
financial challenge. review of global landscape and success stories from
Germany, the US, Finland, China and Japan. This was
followed by an assessment of Indian market including
Oil and gas a review of policy and regulatory landscape, readiness
With the overall push towards reducing emissions, oil and assessment of market players for EV adoption and review
gas players are likely to face the brunt if the investments of existing EVSE and testing standards. Based on the best
towards cleaner and greener products are not part of practices identified in a global study and observations
their future business models. from assessment of Indian market landscape, techno-
commercial assessments were carried out to study the
viability of setting up charging stations. This includes
Real estate
analysis of PPP models. In addition, analytical models
The availability of affordable (for charging infrastructure were developed to study the impact of EV growth on grid
operator) and accessible (for consumers) land is one of in Delhi, Lucknow and Nagpur.
the major cost drivers that affects the business viability
of the charging infrastructure operations. Real estate
plays one of the critical parameters that impacts the
development of an electric mobility ecosystem.

Consumer perceptions on newer technologies determine
their adoption trends. The range anxiety of an EV is an
outlook challenge that has resulted in the low uptake of
EVs, further resulting in low investments from the
private sector.

17 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

How are the international markets shaping up?

Globally, it has been understood that for a sustainable China is leading the deployment of public charging
uptake of EVs, charging infrastructure is a vital key. In infrastructure, accounting for 50% of the total public
2017, the total number of electric vehicles crossed the chargers deployed worldwide. China is followed by the US
three million mark accompanied by EV chargers crossing accounting for just 10%; amongst the rest, 34% comes
the two million mark, globally. As of December 2017, the from 19 countries such as The Netherlands, Japan and
world had seven times the number of electric vehicles Germany, further 6% is attributed to others9 . One of the
than the number of available public chargers. The number primary reasons for this rapid deployment of the electric
of publicly available chargers saw a 70% increase in 2016. vehicle chargers was due to a conducive policy and
regulatory environment created by the governments.

Various fiscal and
non-fiscal incentives
have increased value
proposition of EVs

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 18

A technology
agnostic approach shall
be considered allowing
adoption of charging
standard as per the
market demand.

19 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

A market assessment study of the US, Germany, China, Japan and Finland has shown that apart from the subsidy
support, various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives have played a defining role in improving the business viability of setting
up a charging infrastructure. The table listed below gives a brief of the key growth drivers in each of these countries:

Country Key growth drivers

public charging

reserved lanes)
involvement in

Incentives for
EV purchase
Tax holidays


Time of Use

(access to
EV Policy


California        
China        
Japan        
Germany        
Finland        

In addition to the fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, adoption The host has the option to include a rate added above
of standards for EV, EVSE and testing has been an the TOU rate being charged. The rate added represents
important factor influencing the growth. However, most the non-energy additional charges such as demand
of these markets (except China) have been technology charges, meter charges, etc. Site hosts are required to
agnostic, i.e., charging station operators choose the revise the rate added based on the historic EV charger
charging standard based on the local market conditions. utilization to ensure that the site hosts do not overcharge
the customers. In custom pricing, the host creates a
As per the global assessment study, it can be observed
customized pricing structure. For e.g., US$ per unit time
that the electric mobility markets have been driven by
rates, flat fees pricing and free charging.
utilities and network service providers, both playing
critical roles in the development. In addition, the prevalent business models in the studied
countries have been utility-centric. Role of utilities varies
Role of power utilities based on the power market structure of the region. In
Utilities are playing a critical role in EV ecosystem in the California, a region having regulated market structure,
assessed markets. They have launched various electric utilities are responsible for deploying grid infrastructure
mobility programs specifying the number of chargers to and billing the consumers. Expenditure for installing
be installed, total budget, names of the eligible agencies the requisite infrastructure is recovered through the
for setting up charging infrastructure, minimum number tariff (expenditure is accounted for in the tariff filings).
of chargers required on each site and modes of pricing as However, in Germany, a region having unregulated
well as business models. power market, power retailers charge the charging point
operators (CPOs) for supplying electricity. CPOs are free
Most of the utilities follow two modes of pricing, namely, to choose the retailer for procuring the power.
pass-through pricing and custom pricing. In pass-through
pricing, the charging point operator/host passes the TOU
tariff directly to the EV owner.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 20

For billing CPOs, a smart meter is installed at the point of connection of each charging station.
The various models adopted in mature markets have been mentioned below:

1 2
Charging point operator provides free CPO charges EV owners at market
public charging: driven tariff: EV owners are charged as
per their usage (per kWh) in accordance
CPO is a commercial entity (restaurant/
with the Time- of – use regime. Payment is
retail store owner). The EV owners are
done either through a direct transaction
offered free charging at their premises.
between EV owner and CPO or through the
Accordingly, the CPO benefits through
network service provider.
increased customer attraction at the site.

3 4
Pay per click model: Utilities collaborate Utilities providing IT services (Franchise
with shopping malls, restaurants or gas model): Utilities can provide IT support to
stations to install fast chargers in their customers like municipalities, car-sharing
premises. They can receive a fixed sum of companies that have EV fleets to better
money from the owner of the premises, manage their own networks of charging
each time the charger is used by stations. Ex. RWE is providing IT support
the customers. to select customers in Germany. Fortum

Charge and Drive provides cloud based
Subscription model: Utilities can own and services to to customers to locate nearest
operate charging infrastructure in this charging point.
model. They can charge a subscription fee
from customers for using their charging
facility. The subscription fee could include
free charging, or a lower price on charging,
or a number of included charges.

Most Prevalent Business Models in Selected Geographies

California China Germany Finland Japan

1 2 3 1 3 5 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 5

Role of network service providers (NSPs) information such as nearest stations, service charge and
expected waiting time. They also provide services such as
Network service providers (NSPs) have also played an
advanced booking of charging slots and payment options.
important role in e-mobility ecosystem. These cloud
In addition to these, NSPs provide visibility to DISCOMs
service providers have been instrumental in addressing
on real-time basis to enable them to implement demand
key concerns of EV
1 owners by providing real-time
2 response and TOU/TOD tariff regimes.

21 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

NSPs have been instrumental in
increasing operational efficiency by
providing real-time data visibility to
Taking a cue from the internationally prevalent models of technology and supply may not be as a bigger challenge
deploying charging infrastructure globally, it is inferred as demand. This is primarily because India is a price
that federal support in forms of subsidy and stringent sensitive market. The battery and EV prices are expected
policy measures have been instrumental in proliferation of to fall further and come at par with other competing
electric mobility. However, in India’s case, the story could technologies once the demands picks up.
be completely different where the consumers are price
However, policy and regulatory level initiatives are
sensitive and adoption pattern is driven by commercial
required to give a further boost to both supply and
viability of the solution.
demand-side stakeholders. This includes finalizing
standards, regulations and key incentives required to
How can India lead the change improve the supply-side readiness. In addition, to boost
the demand aggregation initiatives are required. State
towards electric mobility?
governments are likely to act as facilitators by providing
an easy access to land for setting up EV infrastructure.
The availability of EV technology has gradually increased
in India. The established players across value chains
have invested more than five years to develop EV related
technologies. The automobile industry is working on
technologies to increase the range, shorten the charging
time and make electric vehicles affordable for masses.

Hence, if we consider global EV market, it can be said that

Central and state governments to act as

facilitators to mitigate risks of supply
and demand-side stakeholders.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 22

Supply side Standardization primarily requires the connectors
between the EV and EVSE, and specification of
To improve business viability for supply-side stakeholders
communication protocols apart from defining the level
(such as OEMs, EVSE/battery manufacturers),
of voltage/power. India is looking forward to deploying a
standardization and effective alliances are likely to be
modular charging infrastructure giving all the available
crucial. Key recommendations on standards and modes
options such as Bharat Chargers, CCS and CHAdeMO to
of collaborations based on industry readiness study are
EV users. Further for grid resilience, existing standards of
mentioned in the section below:
grid connectivity, quality of power and registrations needs
to be amended as per the following recommendations:
a. Standardization
a.1. Energy performance standards
India is a diverse market that provides substantial
The recommendations made by the CEA are:
growth opportunities for players across the value chains.
This is primarily due to two reasons. Firstly, Indian “The stored energy available shall be less than 20 J (as
market provides a wide consumer base ensuring scope per IEC 60950). If the voltage is greater than 42.4 V peak
of various technology options ranging from vehicle types (30 Vrms) or 60 V DC, or the energy is 20 J or more, a
(2W, 3W, 4W and buses) to IT-based services (digital warning label shall be attached in an appropriate position
services). Secondly, growing aspirations of potential on the charging stations”.
consumers, driven by an increase in per capita income
a.2. Grid connectivity regulations
levels, provide considerable investment opportunities to
private sector investors. The following recommendations were made by the CEA,
regarding standards for charging station, prosumer
As Indian market is suited to various technological
or a person connected or seeking connectivity to the
options, policymakers may face a challenge to carve out
electricity system are:
an option in the initial phase to enhance private sector
participation. Accordingly, all options may be allowed to ၔၔ Applicant shall provide a reliable protection system
play out as per the existing market conditions. As the to detect various faults/abnormal conditions and
market matures, key learnings derived from market and provide an appropriate means to isolate the faulty
investment trends may be utilized to adopt India equipment or system automatically. The applicant
specific standards. shall also ensure that fault of his equipment or
system does not affect the grid adversely.
Vehicle adoption patterns and India’s ambient
temperature will be critical considerations for finalizing ၔၔ The licensee shall carry out an adequacy and
the standards. India is a tropical country and witnesses stability study of the network before permitting
high temperatures across the year. Presently, the connection with its electricity system.
standards for charging infrastructure are as per a.3. Power quality standards
European ambient conditions. Hence, India may consider
modifying existing standards so that the products ၔၔ T
►► he limits of injection of current harmonics at point
comply with Indian conditions, without compromising on of common coupling (PCC) by the user, method of
the efficiency. harmonic measurement and other matters, shall be
in accordance with the IEEE 519-2014 standards, as
Further, the adoption of electric vehicles in India has amended from time
been largely in the light vehicle category, with smaller to time.►
battery packs and lower power requirements. As of
ၔၔ Prosumer
► shall not inject direct current greater than
2017, e-3W and e-2W accounted for 99% of the total
0.5% of the rated output at interconnection point.
EVs in India, with e-3W estimating 78% (17.5 lakhs)
and e-2W estimating 21% (4.75 lakh)10 . Therefore, ၔၔ The
► applicant seeking connectivity at 11 kV or
it is imperative to define the standards or charging above shall install power quality meters and share
methodologies for such category data as and when required by the licensee.
of vehicles.


23 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

ၔၔ Users connected at 11 kV or above shall comply ၔၔ For
► installation of electrical equipment, the areas
with this provision within 12 months of notification have been divided into three categories under
of these regulations.► hazardous areas, namely:

ၔၔ In
► addition to harmonics, the limits and ၔၔ Zone “0” area, where inflammable gas and
measurement of other power quality parameters vapors are expected to be continuously present,
like voltage sag, swell, flicker, disruptions, etc. shall e.g., inside the tank.
be as per relevant BIS standards or as per IEC/IEEE
ၔၔ Zone
● “1” area, where inflammable gas and
standards if BIS standards are not available.►
vapors are expected to be present under
ၔၔ Requirement under Rule 102 of the Petroleum normal operating conditions, e.g., on the mouth
Rules, 2002 lays down that no electrical wiring shall of the vent pipe or near the fill point, unloading
be installed, and no electrical apparatus shall be point, etc., during the operation.
used in a petroleum refinery, storage installation,
ၔၔ Zone
● ”2” area, where inflammable gas and
storage shed, service station or any other place
vapors are expected to be present under
where petroleum is refined, blended, stored, loaded/
abnormal operating condition, e.g., during the
filled or unloaded unless it is approved by the chief
failure or rupture of the equipment.
controller of explosives. It is in this context that
electrical equipment, which has to be used in a
hazardous area covered under Petroleum Rules,
2002 shall require an approval from the chief
controller of explosives.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 24

a.4. Considerations for V2G, integration of solar ၔၔ No applicant shall be granted connectivity with
PV and storage the grid without the unique registration number
subsequent to implementation of the
ၔၔ Globally,
► low level EVSE does not require registration scheme.
communication. However, for India it is essential ၔၔ The users shall comply with the above-mentioned
for low level EVSEs or slow chargers to also have a provision within a period, specified by the authority
provision for communications. EVs, being charged separately, of implementation of the
with a slow charger, can better support in grid registration scheme
stability through V2G application as these vehicles
would be parked for longer duration and connected
to grid. As time of connection to grid is longer as Improving supply side readiness through
compared to EV connected through fast chargers, effective alliances
higher reliability is likely to be achieved. Users of
fast chargers are likely to be connected for very The large volumes of electric vehicles are bound to disrupt
short duration and could support only minimally. the existing supply chain of the automotive industries.
This transition from ICE to electric engines is also likely to
ၔၔ The
► peak hours of solar and wind might match with open new opportunities for the technology companies and
EV charging patterns. Power generation with the start-ups. Hence, the established players need to re-invent
help of GRPV to cater to the demand of EV charging themselves to adapt to new EV technology before they
could help address technical losses and stability start losing their businesses.
concerns of distribution utilities.
The design complexity in EV is less as compared to ICE
ၔၔ With
► applications such as vehicle to home or vehicle vehicles because of the involvement of less moving parts.
to the grid that utilizes batteries of EVs as dynamic This may lead to the commoditization of the vehicle once
storage media, multiple points of injection of power the technology matures. In such a case, it is important for
in the distribution network is likely to take place. If the existing players to increase their value proposition to
the system is designed well, managing the multiple differentiate their offerings in the market. These offerings
injection points could aid the grid in enhancing may include owning dedicated charging stations and
its resilience. providing free charging, warranty, post-sales service and
ၔၔ However,
► power flow studies and load flow analysis other relevant services.
would need to be conducted to understand if the
The below-mentioned figure represents the impact of
network nodes are resilient enough to absorb the
EV on the automotive supply chain, identifying the focus
impact of a sudden power injection and drawls.
areas in planning investments for portfolio diversification
There is a need for holistic assessment of the impact
and capacity building.
of VRE, storage and EV charging on
distribution networks. It is evident that the value added by the OEMs will shrink
as EVs’ market grows. To protect their interest, OEMs
ၔၔ Hence,
► the regulations also need to be evaluated
need to focus on in-house battery development and
as the points of reverse power flows in the network
manufacturing to retain their share in the overall
could increase drastically, that too with a lot of
value chain.
The disruption in the supply chain may have implications
a.5 The following regulation shall be added after
on the logistics management as well. There may be a
Regulation 13 of the principal regulation:
need to build more collaborative supply chains to develop
Registration in the registry maintained by CEA inventory management of batteries, motors and
5 power electronics.
ၔၔ The applicant shall get its generating unit(s) of 500
kW capacity and above registered after which a Based on the readiness assessment study, it can be
unique registration number gets generated online inferred that identifying the apt battery technology
from the e-registration facility at the portal of and logistics management would be the key to success.
Central Electricity Authority when such scheme is Accordingly, supply-side players need to form alliances
made available. across the value chains to increase product portfolios and
reduce operational risks.

25 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure



Components Services Components Services Components Consumables
• Engine • Unorganized • Air conditioners • Insurance • Batteries • Wire and plugs
• Fuel tanks service staions • Breaking system • Financing • Electric motors Services
• Gear box • Steering system • Painting • Controllers • Electronic
• Fuel pumps • Chassis • Denting • Cooling systems component
• Seats • Chargers services
Consumables • Battery
• Headlights • Microprocessors
• Oil & lubricants replacements
Consumables • Inverters
• Filters and recycle
• Car accessories • DC-DC converter
• Charging
• Wire harnesses network

Some of the strategies that can be adopted by Demand-side

automobile manufacturers to stay relevant in the
Demand for electric vehicles shall be driven by reduced
industry are highlighted below:
total cost of ownership (TCO) and deployment of chargers
ၔၔ Joint venture: for e.g., an automobile and battery at strategic locations in a city to reduce the range anxiety
manufacturer enter into a joint venture. ► and grid augmentation planning so as to ensure a reliable
ၔၔ Acquisition: for e.g., an automobile manufacturer power supply for charging batteries. Accordingly, city
acquires a battery manufacturer. level models (in Delhi, Lucknow and Nagpur for assessing
the impact on grid), business models (to assess the
ၔၔ V
► ertical integration: an automobile manufacturer key considerations for reducing TCO) and city level
develops an in-house R&D team and production line. implementation plan (for deploying chargers at strategic
ၔၔ Strategic suppliers: an automobile manufacturer locations in a city) have been covered in the subsequent
continues to procure batteries from its strategic section: subsequent section:
local and global players.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 26

Impact assessment on city grid
In order to assess the expected impact of EVs uptake on grids in cities, a comprehensive analytical model was developed.
Existing city planning reports and data (mobility plan, RTO data and power distribution expansion plan), and local
stakeholders’ consultations including and not limited to DISCOM, transport and city officials were utilized.
The key findings for Delhi, Lucknow and Nagpur are mentioned below:

Key outputs of
S. No. Delhi Lucknow Nagpur
city level model

EVs mix as % of total stock 37% (86 lakhs) 40% (19 lakhs) 40% (19 lakhs)
1 (For 100% yearly new addition
to become EVs by 2030)
EVs’ mix across segments • T
► wo-wheelers: 66% • Two-wheelers: 65% • T
► wo-wheelers: 85%
in 2030 • T
► hree-wheelers: 1% • Three-wheelers: 5% • T
► hree-wheelers: 2.8%
• Four-wheelers: 32% • Four-wheelers: 30% • F
► our-wheelers: 11.9%
• Buses: 0.1% • Buses: 0.2% • B
► uses: 0.3%
Cumulative LIB capacity 48.48 GWh 13.67 GWh 3.7 GWh
3 in 2030 (GWh)
• I► ntegrated LIBs: 88% • I► ntegrated LIBs: 70% • I► ntegrated LIBs: 70%
• S
► wap batteries: 12% • S
► wap batteries: 30% • S
► wap batteries: 30%
Total average connected EV • 2
► 020: 346 • 2020: 224 • 2
► 020: 44
4 charging load to grid (MVA) • 2
► 030: 15,901 • 2030: 6,000 • 2
► 030: 1,600
• CAGR: 47% • CAGR: 39% • C
► AGR: 43.3%
Total peak demand of city • 2
► 020: 7,844 • 2
► 020: 587 • 2
► 020: 536
5 including EVs (MVA) • 2
► 030: 14,845 • 2
► 030: 2,458 • 2
► 030: 1,038
• C
► AGR: 6.6% • C
► AGR: 15% • C
► AGR: 6.8%
% EV contribution to • 2
► 020: 1% • 2
► 020: 11% • 2
► 020: 2%
peak demand • 2
► 030: 20% • 2
► 030: 71% • 2
► 030: 32%
Electricity consumption • 2
► 020: 176 • 2
► 020: 120 • 2020: 22
for EV charging (MUs/year) • 2030: 8169 • 2030: 2,864 • 2
► 030: 798
EVs’ contribution • 2020: 0.5% • 2020: 0.4% • 2
► 020: 1%
in electricity consumption (%) • 2030: 13% • 2030: 2% • 2
► 030: 18%
Electricity consumption • H
► ome charging: 49% • Home charging: 44% • H
► ome charging: 39%
from EV charging across • Swapping: 25% • S
► wapping: 28% • S
► wapping: 31%
9 charging types (2030)
• Office/private: 13% • Office/private: 16% • O
► ffice/private: 20%
• Public charging: 13% • Public charging: 12% • Public charging: 9%

Total27LIB charges 12,540 lakhs 3,703 Lakhs 1,434 lakhs

in 2030
• H
► ome charging: • Home charging: • Home charging: 61%
61% 56% • Office/private
• Office/private • Office/private charging: 8%
10 • Public charging: charging: 10% • Public charging: 9%
10% • Public charging: • Bulk swap charging:
• B
► ulk swap 11% 22%
charging: 21% • Bulk swap
charging: 23%

27 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Key outputs of
S. No. Delhi Lucknow Nagpur
city level model

Estimated 22.6 lakhs 6.3 Lakhs 2.6 lakhs

• Slow chargers (Home): • Slow chargers • Slow chargers
points by 2030
11 93% (Home): 91% (Home): 93%
• Fast chargers: 2% • Fast chargers: 3% • Fast chargers: 2%
• Swapping: 5% • Swapping: 6% • Swapping: 5%

EV/EVSE ratio 17 (International 11.48 (International 20 (International

(public charging) benchmark:15)11 benchmark: 15)11 benchmark: 15)11

Viability assessment for setting up Accordingly, the following three cases have
charging stations been considered:

ၔၔ Case
► 1: Capital subsidy is provided
Effective deployment of charging infrastructure based
on a sustainable operating model is necessary for ၔၔ Case
► 2: No capital subsidy is provided
accelerating adoption of EVs. At present, low uptake ၔၔ Case
► 3: Charging station operator gets into
of EVs results in lower asset utilization in terms of PPP mode
utilization hours of charging stations. Further, due to rapid
Key findings for each of the cases are mentioned below:
technological transitions in battery and apprehension
on standards of EVSE, the technology risk seems to be Key findings - with capital subsidy►
higher. Due to this, investors are skeptical of deploying ၔၔ It
► is determined that the project is viable i.e., net
such an infrastructure. present value (NPV) is greater than zero, when
The models developed in this study are based on a capital subsidy is more than 45%. Moreover, project
detailed viability assessment study. The models are based is feasible if subsidy is greater than 45%, as NPV
on a scenario wherein the parking lot operating agency becomes greater than zero and equity IRR is 30.2%,
installs a 22kW fast DC charging station at its parking which is greater than WACC.
lot. The charging station has a single DC charging point ၔၔ It
► is observed that higher utilization of EVSE results
and is used for charging vehicles with an average battery in lower retail per minute pricing that would be
capacity of 18.55 kWh. It has been further assumed charged by the charging station operator. The retail
(on basis of existing electric cars available in the Indian pricing has been determined to be INR4 per minute
market) that the vehicle would deliver a range of 130 km of charging that the operator is likely to charge the
on a single full charge. Further, it has been assumed that EV user, considering the charging station shall be
the losses due to conversion and across other active and effectively utilized six hours a day and shall operate
passive electrical components present in EVSE would be for 330 days in a year.
about 20%.
ၔၔ The
► cost of operation on an electric car with a range
of 130 km and a battery capacity of 18.55 kWh has
been determined to be INR1.54 per km. Further, the
cost of operations of equivalent diesel and CNG fuel-
fired internal combustion engine (ICE) car was found
to be INR4.20 and INR1.85 per km, respectively.
If the tariffs charged by DISCOMs to the charging
station operators exceeds INR8.5 per kWh, then it is
observed that EVs will lose the advantage of lower
operational costs.


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 28

Key findings - without the capital subsidy Key findings – PPP models
ၔၔ It
► was determined that the project is viable, i.e., NPV ၔၔ Land
► opportunity cost for municipal corporation,
is greater than zero when the mark-up on electricity considering monthly rental of INR20,000 with
is more than 3%. Moreover, the project is feasible an annual escalation of 10%, comes out to be
if mark-up on electricity is greater than 3%, as NPV INR18 lakhs. Even after a 10% revenue sharing
becomes greater than zero and equity IRR is, 14.5%, arrangement with private entity, the public entity
which is greater than WACC. cannot recover this cost. As observed in mature
markets, public entity has to look for additional
ၔၔ The
► retail pricing has been determined to be
revenue streams (like advertising and lease rental
INR4.13 per minute of charging that the operator
from restaurants) to increase its viability.
will charge the EV user considering the utilization of
charging station to be effective for six hours a day ၔၔ Public
► entities with underutilized land (having a
and would operate for 330 days in a year. low opportunity cost) will be more suitable for this
model. For e.g., distribution companies might utilize
ၔၔ The
► cost of operation on electric car with a range
their land near existing substations for setting
of 130 km and battery capacity of 18.55 kWh has
up charging stations which might also require a
been determined to be INR1.61 per km. Further, the
collaboration with the municipality to get clearances
cost of operations of equivalent diesel and CNG fuel-
to allow vehicles to park
fired internal combustion engine (ICE) car was found
and charge.
to be INR4.20 and INR1.85 per km, respectively. If
the tariffs charged by DISCOMs to charging station ၔၔ Assuming
► no capital subsidy is provided, the
operators exceed INR9 per kWh, then it is observed charging station operator has to charge a minimum
that EVs will lose the advantage of lower of 13% as the mark-up on cost of electricity tariff as
operational costs. retail price for ensuring project viability.

Viability gap funding shall be crucial for
reducing overall cost of operation and
risks due to lower demand
City level implementation plan strategic locations in a city. This is likely to be based
on pre-assessments of land, availability of power,
Public charging infrastructure deployment faces a
civil works for pedestal and foundations, installation
major challenge of land unavailability. Government and
of transformers, line, terminations and packaged
public-sector agencies are ideally placed to mitigate
substations constituting of distribution boards,
this risk through collaborations with private players.
isolators, protection devices and metering equipment.
Market players, such
9 as municipal corporations and
In addition, a phase wise city level deployment plan
transport utilities, shall be anchoring the deployment of
must be made. Deployment can begin with charger
infrastructure at city level. Accordingly, electric mobility
installation at existing fuel retail stations. Additionally,
is expected to be a city-led development, wherein various
fast charging stations can be set up at the bus depots,
city-level stakeholders shall be collaborating to reduce
workshops, etc. and swapping stations can be set up
risks and improve overall operational efficiency.
at the intermittent halts for intracity and intercity
Thus, city level initiatives will hold the key for reducing buses. Charging/swapping stations for HDVs shall be
risks of supply- and demand-side stakeholders to deployed at intermittent halts such as food joints on
boost demand and the issue of range anxiety must be highways, transport nagars and places where they
addressed through deployment of charging stations at are parked.

29 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

might be carried
out at city level for
identifying strategic
locations considering
land availability and
reliable source
of power.
The following are the key assessments required for
identifying strategic locations for charging stations:

Assessment of demographic aspects and consumer


One of the key assessments is that of demographic

aspects. It is the demography of a city that reflects the
acceptance of end users/customers for transitioning to
electric mobility.

The following assessments need to be undertaken to

determine the demographic aspects of a city.

ၔၔ Literacy
► levels of residents and
daily commuters

ၔၔ Economic
► levels to understand the market
for different types of electric vehicles

ၔၔ Preference
► of the medium of transport for inter/
intra-city commutation

ၔၔ Preference
► of the medium of transport for first
and last mile connectivity

ၔၔ Commuter
► preference for
ride-sharing services

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 30

Assessment of existing transportation system
To understand the availability of dominant mode
of transport in a city, the entire available transport
system needs to be studied. Such an assessment may
help in preparing a transition plan for a city to shift
to electric powertrains. The following assessments
might be required to be done to achieve the intended
objective of reducing vehicular emissions.

ၔၔ GIS
► assessment and mapping

ၔၔ Medium
► of transport for commuting
within the city

ၔၔ Identification
► of routes with highest

ၔၔ Mapping
► distances between the routes
with highest commutation

ၔၔ Route
► planning

Infrastructure assessment for electric buses

City-level implementation for electric buses needs
to analyze the existing design of the transportation

network and introduce suitable alterations to the
existing routes and planning methodologies. Such
alterations to route planning and scheduling of fleet
services need to assess the following factors:

ၔၔ Number
► of buses plying in and around the city

ၔၔ Number
► of buses plying on routes having Existing fuel
highest commutation

ၔၔ Number
► of bus depots available in and around stations, bus depots,
the city

ၔၔ Assessment
► of route plan and schedule metro stations and
ၔၔ Average
► number of trips on routes of
highest commutation shopping complexes
ၔၔ Average

ၔၔ Average

distance between the depots

number of buses parked in a depot

can be considered
ၔၔ Availability
► of space in depot for setting up
charging stations for e-buses
as initial locations
ၔၔ Availability
► 1of alternate spaces in the route
3 for deployment of
ၔၔ IT
► and automation for metering, billing and data
related to utilization and handling of chargers
electric buses

31 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Infrastructure assessment for public chargers
Assessment for deployment of public chargers for
private fleet and individual private electric vehicle
owners is essential to boost the transition to electric
powertrains. The assessments for this category of
vehicles (mostly car and commercial vehicle) may
encompass forecasting exercises of vehicle stocks,
EV penetration projections and possible locations of
deployment of charging infrastructure in a city.

ၔၔ Existing
► vehicle stock and growth trends

ၔၔ Forecast
► vehicle stock and EV penetration

ၔၔ Determine
► year-on-year (YOY) growth rates of
electric vehicles in the city

ၔၔ Determine
► the number and type of chargers/
number of battery swapping stations

ၔၔ Number
► of parking lots in shopping malls,
railway stations, office complexes, etc.

ၔၔ Number
► of fuel retail stations (sharing of space
for distribution/retail of battery) for installation
of DC fast chargers or setting up battery
swapping stations
Assessment of operations of first and last mile ၔၔ GIS
► assessment
commuting vehicles in a city Infrastructure assessment of power distribution
First and last mile connectivity are provided by three
infrastructure availability and resilience
wheelers in India. India has witnessed a natural Electric mobility can be sustainably implemented
transition to electric powertrains by these service if both issues in transport and power sectors are
providers for whom the economics work even today judiciously taken care of. Assessment for availability
owing to shorter trip lengths and lower upfront of power distribution infrastructure and augmentation
purchase costs. Charging of such vehicles has been plan needs to be in place as part of city-level
mostly noticed to be unauthorized. It is important to implementation plan as transition of vehicles to
assess the clusters in which such vehicle operates electric powertrains and augmentation of distribution
so as to plan their infrastructure and fulfil their infrastructure need to take place in tandem.
requirements to support a sustainable growth. ၔၔ Assessment of existing margins in distribution
ၔၔ N
► ► umber of rickshaws plying in the clusters transformer levels
of a city ၔၔ Load
► flow analysis
ၔၔ Number
► of rickshaws plying on routes of highest ၔၔ GIS
► assessment
ၔၔ Access
► of reliable power
ၔၔ Average
► distance commuted by a rickshaw
ၔၔ Existing
► type of point of connection
in a day
ၔၔ Applicable
► tariff structure
ၔၔ Average
► number of trips taken by an e-rickshaw
in a day ၔၔ Grid
► integration for vehicle to grid (V2G)
ၔၔ Availability
► of free space for parking and access
to reliable power for charging ၔၔ Renewable
► power purchase obligation

ၔၔ Availability
► of alternate spaces in the route

ၔၔ IT
► and automation for metering, billing and data
related to utilization and handling of
electric buses

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 32

Electric mobility initiatives in India, initially, were led by the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (MoHIPE)
who launched National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) in 2013 and Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of
(Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) in 2015. Over the years, identifying cross sectoral complex linkages of
electric mobility and achieving a multi-stakeholder development NITI-Aayog was mandated to anchor and coordinate the
Electric mobility efforts in India.

Government of India NITI Aayog

Policy roadmap Consultation



Ministry of Heavy (Ministry of Road (Ministry of Power) (Ministry of Science and (Ministry of Housing
Industries and Public Transport and Highways) Technology) and Urban Affairs )

• MoHIPE has • MoHIPE has

been leading been leading • The MoP • The MoST • Initial EV
electric mobility electric mobility launched has formed a development will
initiatives in India initiatives in India the National “Technology be predominantly
since 2013. since 2013. e-Mobility Platform for an urban scenario
• MoHIPE launched • MoHIPE launched Programme Electric Mobility led by cities.
the NEMMP the NEMMP by procuring (TPEM)”, funded • MoH&UA notified
and manages and manages EVs and EVSE primarily by the that residential
FAME scheme to FAME scheme to through EESL. MoHIPE. and commercial
disburse disburse financial • The MoP released • MoST will play complexes will
financial incentives. a notification a key role have to allot 20%
incentives. declaring EV in forming of their parking
charging to be electric mobility space for electric
a service rather standardization vehicle charging
than sale of roadmap for facilities
electricity. India. • MoH&UA will
• The MoP declared play a key role in
guidelines bringing together
for setting various city-wide
up charging stakeholders
infrastructure. together
to facilitate
3 development.

Coordinated efforts resulted in six key facilitative initiatives, namely, FAME II, Urban facilitation, power sector facilitation,
evolving tax regime, public private alliances and demand aggregation, which are attributed for the development of
electric mobility in India.

33 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 34
Electric mobility

I ndia has witnessed four demand aggregation models in the

electric mobility sector –
• EESL led demand aggregation
• PSU & city administrators led
• Private sector led
• City-led under FAME program
• Tariff categories, standards, business models etc.

• Tata Power and Mahindra collaborated with the Government of

Maharashtra to deploy EVs and EVSE in the state.
• PGCIL collaborated with L&T Hyderabad Metro Rail (HMR) to
set up charging stations in metro premises.
E sector
• FORTUM and IOCL collaborate to set up charging alliances
infrastructure in Hyderabad.
• Smart-e in collaboration with Kinetic green, DMRC,PhonePe,
Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd (REIL) and Exicom is
deploying e-mobility ecosystem in Delhi

tax regime

Tax initiatives to promote fully electric vehicles:

• GST reduction on Fuel cell vehicles: 28% to 18%

• GST reduction on Li-ion battery: 28% to 12%
• Hybrid vehicles have been kept in the same category as luxury
cars and will be taxed at the peak rate of 28% plus a cess of 15%

35 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

• The NEMMP targets were supported by fiscal incentives of ₹
795 crores ($ 114 Mn) through FAME scheme.
• As a part of Government’s investments for demand creation,
incentives are provided to buyers, which can be availed upfront
at the point of purchase.
Faster • The scheme is expected to be renewed as FAME II focusing on
Adoption and city level public sector fleet electrification
Manufacturing of A
Electric Vehicles
- II

• To facilitate city level developments three key programs Smart

City level
cities, AMRUT and Light house were launched. There are

100 smart cities, 500 AMRUT cities and 1 Light city (Pune)
Smart Cities,
B approved by the government.
Light house • Smart cities and AMRUT focus on a holistic development and
Light House initiative will focus on a ‘Shared’, ‘Electric’ and
connected mobility developments in the city.
• Investment: 1
₹ lakh crore ($14 Bn) for urban development

Power sector
• Power sector entities have taken an active stance in electric
mobility –
• Ministry of Power declared EV charging to be a service
rather than sale of electricity, facilitating the private sector
• MoP is drafting a policy on charging infrastructure covering
technological, regulatory and implementation aspects
• Statutory bodies BEE, CEA, CERC, SERC are enabling the
sector by exploring/forming safety provisions, tariff categories,
standards, business models etc.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 36

Policy level recommendations

Electric mobility proliferation will be a private sector-led development. However, policy and regulatory bodies and city/state governments need to act as facilitators to reduce
the risks of private sector. To increase the uptake of electric mobility market in India, various policy and regulatory initiatives have already been taken. The section below
highlights the policy level recommendations and key regulations instrumental for the uptake of electric mobility in India.

Vehicle Responsible
S. No. Incentive User Recommendations
segment agency

Fiscal measures

Central • T
► he GST rate for EV may be brought down.
1 GST All All
and state • I► f the above is not feasible then the state government may consider exempting SGST.

Central • The
► road tax should be fully exempted in EV for first few years.
2 Road tax All All
and state • The
► above amendment in Motor Vehicle Act can act as an enabler.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Financing - Central • Setting
► up manufacturing units, charging stations and EV purchase(s) can be considered under
3 All All
interest rate and RBI priority sector lending.

• The
►► EV buyer can avail accelerated depreciation of 40% like solar.
Income Tax Institution
4 All Central • The
► EV charging stations can be promoted with solar or energy storage solutions to avail
benefits corporates
such benefits.

Non-fiscal measures
The following tariff changes could be adopted by India:

• Relaxing
► additional fixed/demand charges coming from EVs for all connection categories. This could
be time bound for first five years and upon evaluation, it can be extended further.
• For
► (not-for-profit purposes) home and office/work charging, allowing an option to move to three-
phase connection with TOD tariff or continuing with same tariff category.
► (profit purposes) commercial EV charging or EV leasing as a service (with some minimum number of
• For
5 Power tariff All All State
chargers or kW load), allowing new separate meter under new EV tariff category. This tariff category to be
kept competitive like Delhi order of fixed 5 and 5.5 INR/kWh for LT and HT connection. Keeping this tariff
tied to the average cost of supply (ACoS) of DISCOMs and allowing the maximum loading of 10%-15% for
AT&C losses, could be a good way for all states to lend support.

• Also allowing such businesses to mark up their charging services prices (including electricity) at
market rates.

• Allowing such businesses to opt for an easy open access (if they meet minimum kW load requirements).
Vehicle Responsible
S. No. Incentive User Recommendations
segment agency

Non-fiscal measures

6 Toll All All State ►

• This can be exempted for EV buyers till 2022-23.

PV and ►
• The state entry taxes may be fully exempted.
7 Entry tax Commercial State

8 Parking fees All All State ►

• The parking fees may be exempted for all types of EVs.

3W ►
• The permit cost may be fully exempted.
9 Permits Commercial State
and PV

Central and ►
• Motor Vehicle Act may be amended to allow 2W and 3W as fleet/taxi businesses and corporate ownership.
10 2W/3W taxi 2W/3W Commercial

• The green plates can be given to EV buyers. Some EVs (cars and buses) with green plates could be given
11 Green plates All All Central
access to dedicated lanes and parking areas.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Regulations for deployment of charging infrastructure

The landmark clarification from the MoP that operations of charging infrastructure is not resale of electricity and hence, beyond the purview of EA 200312 , has paved the
way for participation of private players. Further, CEA has amended regulations to incorporate charging stations. Other than central level regulations supply code, metering
regulations and EA 2003 clearly outlines the procedural requirements for deployment of charging infrastructure. The following table lists the various regulations applicable to
set up charging infrastructure.

Phase of EV Regulatory framework
S.No. Regulation Article Centre/ Verbatim Description
state level
1 Connection request Supply code Chapter 3 State New and existing connections Procedure to follow to raise a connection request for deploying
a charging station.
2 Request processing Distribution Chapter 4 State 23. Obligation to supply The timelines for grant of approval for establishing the charging
and agreement on License on demand infrastructure is to be within a month if that does not require
timelines Regulations13 augmentation of grid infrastructure.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

23.1 Subject to the provisions of
the Act, the distribution licensee
shall, on the application of the
owner or occupier of any premises
within the area of license, give
supply of electricity to such
premises within one month of
the receipt of such application
or within such period as may be
specified by the commission, if
such supply requires extension
of distribution mains or new
Right of way Electricity Act, PART VIII State Section 67. (Provisions as to opening The act defines the provisions to obtain the right of way as per the
200314 - Works of (DISCOM of streets, railways, etc.): sections 67, 68 and 69.
licensees is a state
Section 68. (Provisions relating to
overhead lines):
Section 69. (Notice to telegraph
Other approvals Supply code 2. & State Application for power supply/ Relevant forms that an individual or entity needs to fill for placing a
Annexures additional power supply request for connection to distribution utility.
- Form A1
A-1 Application Form (to be used for
residential and other connections,
except agriculture and industrial)
Phase of EV Regulatory framework
S.No. Regulation Article Centre/ Verbatim Description
state level

5 Safety and CEA (2010 Supply Centre 9. DISCOM specific supply mains As per the provisions of supply code, electricity rules and
standards and and later Code - 9, and state and apparatus distributed generation resources regulations, the standards for
quality of hardware amended), 10 and 11 connectivity of a charging station to distribution infrastructure
supply code needs to be ensured.
(state) and 10. Wiring on consumers’ premises
Rules 2005
and draft 11. Consumers’ apparatus
of Distributed
Resources,15 16

6 Installation Terms and 5.6 State Return on Capital Employed (RoCE) As per the provisions of state-level conditions for determination
implementation and conditions for shall be used to provide a return of tariff which suggests methodology for calculation of return on
cost of incurrence by determination to the capital employed (RoCE).
DISCOM of Wheeling
distribution licensee, and shall
Tariff and
cover all financing costs, without
providing separate allowances for
Supply Tariff
interest on loans and interest on
working capital.

7 Tariff determination Draft 8.3 Centre (a) Tariff shall be less than or equal The proposed amendments to NTP, 2016 vide letter no.
methodology amendments to the average cost of supply 23/2//2018-R&R specifies that tariff for charging station
to National determined, based on AT&C loss operations should not be two-part tariff but single part and
Tariff Policy level of 15% or actual, whichever is the tariff should be average cost of supply of DISCOM with an
2016 18 lower, and (b) there shall be single assumption of 15% AT&C losses blended into it.
part tariff for this purpose in the
initial three years

https://powermin.nic.in/sites/default/files/webform/notices/Clarification_on_charging_infrastructure_for_Electric_Vehicles_with_reference_to_the_provisions_of_the_Electrcity_Act_2003.pdf (last accessed on 14 August 2018)
http://tserc.gov.in/file_upload/uploads/Regulations/Draft/2016/DraftTSERC%20Distribution%20Regulation.pdf (last accessed on 07 August 2018)

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

http://www.cercind.gov.in/Act-with-amendment.pdf (last accessed on 07 August 2018)
http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/regulation/draft_tech_std_dgr_2018.pdf (last accessed 07 August 2018)

http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/regulation/draft_safety_regulations_2018.pdf (last accessed 07 August 2018)
http://www.derc.gov.in/regulations/dercregulations/Regulaations2011/Distribution.pdf (last accessed 07 Aug. 18)
https://powermin.nic.in/sites/default/files/webform/notices/Proposed_amendments_in_Tariff_Policy_0.pdf (last accessed 07 Aug. 18)
Phase of EV Regulatory framework
S.No. Regulation Article Centre/ Verbatim Description
state level

Tariff setting Electricity Act U/S 86 State a) Determine the tariff for State Electricity Regulatory Commission has been empowered

(EA), 2003 generation, supply, transmission by EA 2003 to determine tariff as per ARR filed.
and wheeling of electricity,
wholesale, bulk or retail, as the
case may be, within the state.

9 Standard for Installation Part III Center The consumer meter may have Existing provisions as mentioned in the supply code with
metering and Operation the facilities to measure, record reference to metering regulations mentions the parameters to
of Meter and display one or more of the be measured for consumer meter.
Regulations, following parameters depending
2006 upon the tariff requirement for the
various categories of consumers.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

10 Future EV charging EA 2003 and U/S 51 Center A distribution licensee may, with With consent of SERC, the DISCOMs can invest in deployment
infrastructure treatment and state prior intimation to the appropriate of charging infrastructure and maintain books as per the
investments by of income commission, engage in any other regulations for non-tariff income specified by SERCs.
DISCOM from other business for optimum utilization
business of its assets: Provided that a
proportion of the revenues derived
from such business shall, as may
be specified by the concerned
state commission, be utilized for
reducing its charges for wheeling.
Retail pricing/tariff to Center Charging of batteries of electric Clarification note of MoP specifies charging of EV is a service and
EV users vehicles by charging station does does not require any license. This enables operator of charging
Clarification not require any license under the infrastructure to charge innovative pricing to EV users such as INR/
on charging kWh, INR/km, INR/min, etc.
provisions of the Electricity Act,
for electric
De-licensing vehicles, dated Charging of battery of an EV by a Charging station operators do not require a license to operate.
ownership and 13 April 2018 charging station does not involve sale/
operation of charging distribution of electricity.
Phase of EV Regulatory framework
S.No. Regulation Article Centre/ Verbatim Description
state level
13 Technology adoption Charging Central Create adequate charging Specification of a charging station
for Charging Infrastructure and state infrastructure as per all the
Infrastructure for Electric available charging technologies.
Vehicles – • CCS
► (min 50 kW)
Guidelines • CHAdeMO
► (min 50 kW)
and • Type-2
► AC (min 22 kW)
Standards -
• Bharat
► DC-001 (min 15 kW)
• Bharat
► AC-001 (min 10 kW)
14 Deployment strategy To achieve a uniform distribution of • One
► charging station should be available in a grid of 3 km
for public charging accessible charging infrastructure. X 3 km.
infrastructure • One
► charging station should be available at every 25 km
on both sides of highway.
• One
► fast charging station at every 100km for long
range EVs.

15 Real estate Amendments 10.4 Central Availability of affordable (for • The

► total parking provisions in the premises of building for
for charging to Model and state charging station operator) and charging infrastructures shall be provided only for EVs.
infrastructure Building Bye- accessible (EV owner) space plays • This
► would be 20% of all vehicle holding capacity (i.e.,
Laws, 2016 a critical role in the viability of parking capacity) at the premise.
charging station operations.
• Additionally,
► the building premise will have to have
an additional power load, equivalent to the power
required for all charging points (in a PCS) to be operated

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

1 Electric vehicle charging
infrastructure: global landscape

In 2017, the total number of operational electric vehicle Market assessment study of the US, Germany, China,
chargers crossed two million. As of December 2017, the Japan and Finland has shown that apart from the
world had six times the number of electric vehicles than subsidy support, various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives
the number of available public chargers. The number have played a defining role in improving business viability
of publicly available chargers saw a 70% increase in of setting up charging infrastructure. The table listed
2017. There has been a rapid increase in the number of below gives a brief of key growth drivers in each of
deployed fast chargers due to the rapid deployment in these countries.
mature markets such as China. This rapid deployment of
the electric vehicle chargers has been made possible due
to various policy and regulatory level initiatives of the

Table 1: Key growth drivers in the countries studied

Country Key growth drivers

public charging

reserved lanes)
involvement in

Incentives for
EV purchase
Tax holidays



EV Policy

(access to
Use tariff

Time of

The USA        
China        
Japan        
Germany 4
3        
Finland        

43 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

In addition to the fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, adoption In addition, the prevalent business models in the studied
of the standards for EV, EVSE and testing has been an countries have been utility centric. Role of the utilities
important factor influencing the growth. Although, most vary based on the power market structure of the region.
of these markets (except China) have been technology In California, a region having regulated market structure,
agnostic. i.e., charging station operators choose the utilities are responsible for deploying grid infrastructure
standards based on the market conditions. In addition, and billing the consumers. Expenditure for installing
these operators are independent to adopt any the requisite infrastructure is recovered through the
revenue model. tariff (expenditure is accounted for in the tariff filings).
However, in Germany, a region having unregulated
e-mobility markets in these countries have been driven
power market, power retailers charge the charging point
by utilities and network service providers. Utilities have
operators (CPOs) for supplying electricity. CPOs are free
launched various electric mobility programs specifying the
to choose the retailer for procuring power. For billing
number of chargers to be installed, total budget, eligible
CPOs, a smart meter is installed at the point of connection
agencies for setting up charging infrastructure, minimum
of each charging station.
number of chargers per site and modes of pricing.
Most of the utilities follow two modes of pricing, namely Network service providers (NSPs) have also played an
pass through pricing and custom pricing. important role in e-mobility ecosystem. These cloud
service providers have been instrumental in addressing
In pass through pricing, the charging point operator/
key concerns of EV owners by providing real-time
host passes the Time of Use (TOU) tariff directly to the
information such as nearest stations, service charge and
EV owner. The host has the option to include a rate
expected waiting time. They also provide services such as
added above the TOU rate being charged. The rate added
advanced booking of charging slots and payment options.
represents the non-energy additional charges such as
In addition, NSPs also provide visibility to DISCOMs on
demand charges, meter charges, etc. Site hosts are
real-time basis to enable them to implement demand
required to revise the rate added, based on the historic
response and Time of Use (TOU)/Time of Day (TOD)
EV charger utilization to ensure that the site hosts are not
tariff regimes.
overcharging the customers. In custom pricing, the host
creates a customized pricing structure. For e.g., a dollar The sections below detail out the key developments which
per unit time rates, flat fees pricing, free charging, etc. led to market development in the US, Germany, Japan,
China and Finland. This includes assessment of power
market structure, key growth drivers such as policy and
regulatory level initiatives, technological developments
and utility centric business models for setting up
charging stations.

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 44



45 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

United States of America
Various states in the United States of America have adopted different approaches for propagating
EV chargers. California has emerged as one of the largest market for EVs in the country.

California ၔၔ In this model, local entities aggregate the

electricity demand within their local jurisdiction
and choose power generation source on the behalf
1.1.1. Power market in California of consumers.
The electricity sector restructuring of the 1990s and ၔၔ Rural electric cooperatives (REC)
early 2000s introduced competitive markets in the US
These are not-for-profit organizations, owned and
electricity sector. The competitive market in the country
controlled by the people who use their services.
boosts more than 3,000 electric utilities operating in
the sector. More than 2000 utilities operate in power
distribution whereas a fewer than 1,000 utilities are Regulatory framework
power generation based.
California has established the following three governing
Based on the ownership structure, electric utilities in institutions to regulate and manage their energy sector:
California can be grouped into five categories 20 21:
ၔၔ California Energy Commission: regulates the
state’s primary energy policy and planning.
ၔၔ Publicly owned utilities (municipal utilities)
ၔၔ California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC):
ၔၔ Owned by the local community and operated by regulates investor-owned public utilities, which
local governments (e.g., cities and towns). includes -
ၔၔ These utilities own the generation, transmission
and distribution in their service territories. ၔၔ Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)

These are private organizations owned by investors ၔၔ San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E)
holding the company stocks. ၔၔ Southern California Edison (SCE)
ၔၔ Investor-owned utilities (IOU) ၔၔ Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)
ၔၔ These are private organizations owned by Note: PG&E, SDG&E and SCE serve approximately three
investors holding the company stocks. quarters of California’s electricity demand.
ၔၔ Electric service providers (ESP)
ၔၔ ►California Independent System Operator (CAISO)
ၔၔ These are non-utility entities that offers
"direct access" electric service to customers ၔၔ CAISO is an independent, not-for-profit, public
located within the service territory of an benefit corporation.
investor-owned utility. ၔၔ They are responsible for operating high voltage
ၔၔ Community choice aggregators (CCA): and long-distance electric transmission lines that
make up 80% of California’s electricity system.
ၔၔ CCA are local, not-for-profit agencies operating as
an alternative to the investor owned utilities. ၔၔ They are also responsible for facilitating
California’s wholesale electric power markets

List of utilities in California: http://www.energy.ca.gov/almanac/electricity_data/utilities.html#service


National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/67106.pdf


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 46

1.1.2. Policy roadmap for electric mobility in California
California has been a trendsetter in the US in environmental reforms. The Government of California has set a target for
5 million zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) on the roads by 2030 and 250,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2025.
Towards that aim, California is constantly pushing for green mobility through various policy reforms, some of the key
policies are 22:

Table 2: Electric mobility policy roadmap in California

S. No. Policy/Initiative Timeline Description

1 Electric Vehicle 2011 Encourages installation or use of EVSE in a homeowner's designated parking
Supply Equipment Updated space or in a common area.
(EVSE) Policies for - 2012
multi-unit dwellings

2 Zero Emission 2012 E

► ncourages all state agencies of California to support and facilitate rapid
Vehicle (ZEV) Updated commercialization of ZEVs in California.
Promotion Plan - 2018
The targets include:

• By
► 2020, the state will have established adequate infrastructure to
support one million ZEVs.
• By
► 2025, there will be 1.5 million ZEVs on the road in California and
clean as well as efficient vehicles will displace 1.5 billion gallons of
petroleum fuels annually.
• By
► 2025, there will be 200 hydrogen fueling stations and 250,000
plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) chargers, including 10,000 direct current
fast chargers, in California.
• By
► 2030, there will be 5 million ZEVs on the road in California.
• By
► 2050, greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector will
be 80% less than 1990 levels
State agencies must also work with their stakeholders to accomplish
the following:

• U
► pdate the ZEV action plan, with a focus on low income and
disadvantaged communities.
• Recommend
► actions to increase the deployment of ZEV infrastructure
through the Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
• Support
► and recommend policies that will facilitate the installation of
PEV infrastructure in homes and businesses.
• Ensure
► PEV charging and hydrogen fueling are affordable and
accessible to all drivers.
The ZEV Promotion plan additionally directs the state fleet to increase the
number of ZEVs in the fleet through gradual vehicle replacement. By 2020,
7 ZEVs should make up at least 25% of the fleet's light-duty vehicles. Vehicles
with special performance requirements necessary for public safety and
welfare are exempt from this requirement.
3 State Agency 2012 Encourages California’s state agencies to actively identify and pursue
Electric Vehicle opportunities to install EVSE and accommodate future EVSE demand.
Supply Equipment Locations recommended are state employee parking facilities and in new
(EVSE) Installation existing agency buildings.

The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), Department of Energy (USA) - https://www.afdc.’energy.gov/laws/all?state=CA

47 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

S. No. Policy/Initiative Timeline Description

4 Electric 2013 EVSE service providers may not charge a subscription fee or require
Vehicle Supply membership for use of their public charging stations.
Equipment (EVSE) Operators must disclose:
Open Access
• a
► ctual charges for using public EVSE at the point of sale
• allow at least two options for payment
• disclose the EVSE geographic location
• schedule of fees
5 The California 2013 E
► stablishes building standards for EVSE installation in parking spaces at
Building Standards multi-family dwellings and non-residential developments.
Mandatory Electric
Vehicle Supply
Equipment (EVSE)
Building Standards
6 Zero Emission 2013 California signed a multi-state MoU on electric mobility collaborations. Each
Vehicle (ZEV) state committed to:
• Deploy
► at least 3.3 million ZEVs and adequate fueling infrastructure
within the signatory states by 2025.
• Support
► ZEV commercialization through consistent state-wide building
codes and standards for installing EVSE, streamline the metering
options for homes equipped with EVSE, provide opportunities to reduce
vehicle operating costs, increase electric system efficiency through
time-of-use electricity rates and net metering for electric vehicles, and
integrate ZEVs with renewable energy initiatives.
• Establish
► ZEV purchase targets for governmental agency fleets, explore
opportunities for coordinated vehicle and fueling station equipment
procurement, work to provide public access to government fleet fueling
stations, and include commitments to use ZEVs in state contracts with
auto dealers and car rental companies, wherever appropriate.
• Evaluate
► the need for, and effectiveness of, monetary incentives to
reduce the upfront purchase price of ZEVs as well as non-monetary
incentives, such as high occupancy vehicle lane access, reduced tolls
and preferential parking and pursue these incentives as appropriate.
• Work
► to develop uniform standards to promote ZEV consumer
acceptance and awareness, industry compliance and economies of
scale, including adoption of universal signage, common methods of
payment and interoperability of EVSE networks, and reciprocity among
states for non-monetary ZEV incentives.
• Cooperate
► with vehicle manufacturers, electricity and hydrogen
providers, the fueling infrastructure industry, corporate fleet owners,
financial institutions, and others to encourage ZEV market growth.
• Share
► researches and develop a coordinated education and outreach
campaign to highlight the benefits of ZEVs, including collaboration with
related national and regional initiatives.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 48

S. No. Policy/Initiative Timeline Description

Establishment of 2014- US$12 million-US$20 million in funding annually through 2020, for zero
a Zero Emission 2020 and near-zero emission heavy-duty vehicles, including vocational trucks,
7 Medium- and short- and long-haul trucks, buses and eligible off-road vehicles and
Heavy-Duty equipment.
Vehicle Program
8 Zero Emission 2014 Establishes a goal of 1 million ZEVs in California by 2023.
Vehicle (ZEV)

9 Electric Vehicle 2014 Encourages installation of EVSE in residential locations.

Supply Equipment
(EVSE) Policies
for Residential
and Commercial
10 Plug-In Electric 2014 Electricity used to charge PEVs at a state-owned parking facility is exempt
Vehicle (PEV) from California law, prohibiting gifting public money or items of value.
11 State Agency Low 2015 At least 3% of the aggregate amount of bulk transportation fuel purchased
Carbon Fuel Use by the state government must be from very low carbon transportation fuel
Requirement sources. From 2018, the percentage will increase by 1% annually
until 2024.

Such policies are to promote the uptake of low carbon mobility like
electric vehicles.
12 Freight Efficiency 2015 Various public- sector entities of California implemented the California
Action Plan Sustainable Freight Action Plan, which establishes targets to improve
freight efficiency and transition to zero emission technologies. The plan
identifies state policies, programs and investments to achieve the following

• Improvement
► of freight system efficiency by 25% by 2030.
• Deployment
► over 100,000 zero emission freight vehicles and
associated equipment, maximizing the number of vehicles powered by
renewable energy, by 2030.
13 Electric Vehicle 2015 A city or county must adopt an ordinance that creates an expedited,
Supply Equipment streamlined permitting process for EVSE.
(EVSE) Local
Permitting Policies
14 Zero-Emission 2017 From 2020, zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) owners must pay an annual road
Vehicle (ZEV) Fee improvement fee of US$100 upon vehicle registration or registration
renewal for ZEVs’ model year 2020 and later.

15 Volkswagen Group 2017 As required by the October 2016’s 2.0-Liter Partial Consent Decree, VW
of America's (VW) must invest $800 million over ten years to support the increased adoption
Zero Emission of ZEV technology in California.
Vehicle (ZEV)
Investment Plan

49 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

S. No. Policy/Initiative Timeline Description

16 Plug-in Electric 2017 Establishes specific parking spots for EV users. It also levies traffic violation
Vehicle (PEV) penalties to users violating the rule.
Parking Space

17 Support for Zero 2017 Cities and counties are encouraged to fund advanced transportation
Emission and technologies and communication systems, including, zero emission vehicle
Autonomous fueling infrastructure and infrastructure-to-vehicle communications for
Vehicle autonomous vehicles.
18 Electric Vehicle 2017 EVSE facilities located at roadside businesses are eligible to be included on
Supply Equipment state highway exit information signs.
(EVSE) Signage
Authorization on

1.1.3. Incentives for EV uptake

The Government of California, through their various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, has reinforced their support for the
development of electric mobility sector. Innovative schemes like specific lanes, toll tax waiver, insurance discounts, etc.
have been brought to action to popularize EVs in the state.

Table 3: State incentives 22

State incentives
S. No. Title Description
1. Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) and Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Insurance Discount
Insurance Discount
Farmer insurance scheme provides a discount of up to 10% on all
major insurance coverage for HEV and EV owners.
2 Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Parking This program encourages Department of General Services (DGS)
Incentive Programs - 2012 and California Department of Transportation (DOT) to implement
AFV parking incentive programs in public parking facilities

3 The South Coast Air Quality This is an employer investment fund to meet employers'
Management District (SCAQMD) emissions reduction targets. The revenues collected are used to
fund electric vehicle projects.
Air Quality Investment Program (AQIP)

Employer Invested Emissions Reduction

Funding - South Coast
4 Low Emissions School Bus Grants- 2011 Encouragement incentives to replace older school buses with
5 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) and High Allots “Clean Air Vehicle” sticker for EVs which can be used to
Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Exemption- access HOV lanes. EVs are also eligible for tax rebates in HOT
2006 (Updated-2017) lanes.

The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), Department of Energy (USA) - https://www.afdc.’energy.gov/laws/all?state=CA; EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 50

State incentives
S. No. Title Description
6 Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) and The Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Program provides funding
Fueling Infrastructure Grants for purchasing electric vehicles and developing charging

7 REMOVE II program - Low Emission Provides incentives to educate personnel on the mechanics,
Vehicle Incentives and Technical operation safety, maintenance of AFVs, fueling stations and tools
Training - San Joaquin Valley involved in the implementation of alternative fuel technologies.

8 Technology Advancement Funding - Funding for research, development, demonstration and

South Coast deployment projects that are expected to help accelerate the
commercialization of advanced low emission transportation

9 Alternative Fuel and Vehicle Incentives Financial incentives for businesses, vehicle and technology
manufacturers, workforce training partners, fleet owners,
2007 (Updated- 2012)
consumers, and academic institutions with the goal of developing
and deploying alternative and renewable fuels and advanced
transportation technologies.

Funded projects include:

• C
 ommercial alternative fuel vehicles’ (AFVs) demonstrations
• D
 eployment
• A
 lternative and renewable fuel production
• R
 esearch and development of alternative and renewable fuels
• i nnovative technologies
• A
 FV manufacturing
• W
 orkforce training
• P
 ublic education, outreach and promotion.
10 Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and California Air Resources Board provides vouchers in the range
Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Purchase of US$2,500 to US$117,000 to eligible fleets to reduce the
Vouchers incremental cost of qualified medium- and heavy-duty HEVs and
ZEVs at the time of purchase.
2010 (Updated- 2016)
11 Plug-In Hybrid and Zero Emission Light- The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) offers rebates for the
Duty Vehicle Rebates purchase or lease of electric vehicles.

2010 (Updated- 2017)

12 Advanced Transportation Tax Exclusion- The California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation
2015 Financing Authority (CAEATFA) provides sales and use
tax exclusion for the qualified manufacturers of advanced
1 transportation products, components, or systems that reduce
pollution, use energy and promote economic development.
13 Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Public Benefit Grant Program, which provides funding to cities,
Incentives - San Joaquin Valley counties, special districts (such as water districts and irrigation
districts), and public educational institutions for the purchase of
electric vehicles. The maximum grant amount allowed per vehicle
is US$20,000, with a limit of US$100,000 per agency per year.

51 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

State incentives
S. No. Title Description
14 Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD)
Rebate - San Joaquin Valley administers “The Drive Clean! Rebate Program”, which provides
rebates for the purchase or lease of electric vehicles. The
program offers rebates of up to US$3,000
15 Hybrid and Zero Emission Truck and Bus The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD)
Vouchers - San Joaquin Valley contributed funds to the California Hybrid and Zero Emission
Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) for eligible
vehicles used in the eight-county San Joaquin Valley Air Basin.
Vouchers range from US$12,000 to US$30,000, depending on
the vehicle. These vouchers are provided in addition to California
Air Resources Board voucher amounts.
16 Residential Electric Vehicle Supply Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing allows
Equipment (EVSE) Financing Program- property owners to borrow funds to pay for energy
2014 improvements, including purchasing and installing EVSE.
Financing limits are 15% of the first US$700,000 of the property
value and 10% of the remaining property value.
17 Plug-In Hybrid and Zero Emission Light- The Public Fleet Pilot Project (PFPP) offers rebates to eligible
Duty Public Fleet Vehicle Fleet Rebates- state and local public entities for the purchase of qualified
2014 (Updated- 2016) light-duty fleet vehicles located in disadvantaged communities.
The rebates are for up to US$5,250 for plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles, US$10,000 for battery electric vehicles.
18 Voluntary Vehicle Retirement Incentives The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and the
- San Joaquin Valley and South South Coast Air Quality Management District administer the
Coast-2015 Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program (EFMP) Pilot Retire and
Replace program, and provides incentives to replace a vehicle
eligible for retirement with a more fuel-efficient vehicle like
electric vehicles.
19 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program
(EVSE) Loan and Rebate Program- 2015 (Program), a part of the California Capital Access Program
(CalCAP), provides loans for design, development, purchase, and
installation of EVSE at small business locations in California. The
program may provide up to 100% coverage to lenders on certain
loan defaults. Lenders must apply to the California Pollution
Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) to participate and enrol
each qualified EVSE loan through CalCAP. Small businesses
are eligible for a rebate of 50% of the loan loss reserve amount
after the small businesses repay the loan in full or meet monthly
payment deadlines over a 48-month period.
20 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD)
(EVSE) Incentives - San Joaquin Valley- administers the Charge Up! Program, which provides funding for
2015 public agencies and businesses for the purchase and installation
of new, publicly accessible EVSE. A single-port Level 2 station
is eligible for up to US$5,000 per unit, and a dual port Level 2
station may receive up to US$6,000 per unit. There is an annual
funding cap of US$50,000 per applicant.
21 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will provide
(EVSE) Pilot Programs- 2017 funding for pilot utility programs to install EVSE at school
facilities, other educational institutions and state parks or

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 52

State incentives
S. No. Title Description
22 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
(EVSE) Rebate - South Coast and and the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review
MSRC- 2018 Committee's (MSRC) Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
Incentive Pilot Program offers rebates of up to US$250 towards
the purchase of a qualified residential Level 2 EVSE. Additional
rebates of up to US$250 are available for low-income residents.

Also, various utilities and private organizations have come up with novel incentives to further boost the demand.
Listed below are some of the utility and private incentives 24:

Table 4: Utility/Private incentives

Utility/Private incentives
S. No. Title Description
1 Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Charging The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
Rate Reduction - LADWP offers a US$0.025 per kilowatt-hour discount for electricity used
to charge PEVs during off-peak times. Residential customers
who install a separate time-of-use meter panel will also receive a
US$250 credit.
2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
Rebate - LADWP provides rebates to commercial and residential customers
toward the purchase of Level 2 EVSE. Commercial customers
can receive up to US$4,000 for each charger and residential
customers can receive US$500.
3 Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Charging Southern California Edison (SCE) offers a discounted rate
Rate Reduction – SCE to customers for electricity used to charge PEVs. Two rate
schedules are available for PEV charging during on- and off-peak
hours, the Residential Time-of-Use Plan and the
Electric Vehicle Plan.
4 Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Rebate - SCE Southern California Edison (SCE) provides rebates of US$450 to
residential customers who purchase or lease an eligible new or
pre-owned PEV.

5 Clean Vehicle Electricity and Natural Gas Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) offers discounted residential time-
Rate Reduction - PG&E of-use rates for electricity used for plug-in electric
vehicle charging.
6 Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) provides rebates of US$500 to
53 - PG&E residential customers who purchase or lease an eligible PEV.

7 Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) and Natural San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) offers lower rates to customers
Gas Infrastructure Charging Rate for electricity used to charge PEVs.
Reduction - SDG&E

The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), Department of Energy (USA) - https://www.afdc.energy.gov/laws/state_summary?state=CA&search_button=Go

53 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Utility/Private incentives
S. No. Title Description
8 Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) and Natural San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) offers lower rates to customers
Gas Infrastructure Charging Rate for electricity used to charge PEVs.
Reduction - SDG&E

9 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Qualified customers are eligible to receive a free EVSE with
and Charging Incentives - Sonoma communication software “JuiceNet” enabled.
Clean Power

10 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment and Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) offers residential
Charging Incentives - SMUD customers a US$599 rebate or a free Level 2 (240 volt) plug-in
electric vehicle (PEV) charger.

11 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) BWP provides rebates to commercial and residential customers
Rebate - Burbank Water and Power (BWP) towards the purchase of Level 2 EVSE.
Commercial customers rebate - US$2,000 for each charger and up
to four rebates per fiscal year.
Residential customers rebate - US$500 and will be allotted BWP's
time-of-use electricity rate.

1.1.4. Role of utilities

Till 2014, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) prohibited the utility ownership of electric vehicle service
equipment (EVSE), with an exception for charging infrastructure for utilities’ own fleet or vehicles. CPUC acknowledged
certain benefits of utility ownership of the charging infrastructure, but mentioned that the benefits were speculative and
did not outweigh the competitive limitation that may result from utility EVSE ownership. CPUC mentioned to revisit the
prohibition if the utilities provided an evidence of any underserved markets or market failure which may have occurred
due to the prohibition.

In a proceeding consisting of various parties of the power and transport sector, unanimous comments in the favor of
utility ownership of EVSE were received by the CPUC, post which CPUC endorsed an expanded role for utility activity in
developing and supporting EV charging infrastructure. However, CPUC declined to define the extent of involvement of
the utility and decided to evaluate the utility proposals on case-specific basis 25 .

In response to removal of the prohibition, the three investor‐ owned electric utilities (IOUs) of California namely, Southern
California Edison (SCE), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) developed
proposals for their individual EVSE deployment pilot programs for CPUC’s approval. The CPUC-approved pilot programs
of the three utilities are as follows:

ၔၔ S
► CE – charge Ready

ၔၔ PG&E
► – EV Charge Network

ၔၔ SDG&E
► – Power Your Drive

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) - R.13-11-007 http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Published/G000/M143/K682/143682372.PDF


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 54

Table 5: Summary of the electric mobility programs by the California utilities26

Summary of the programs SCE – Charge Ready PG&E – EV Charge Network SDG&E – Power Your Drive
Number of chargers to be 1,500 7,500 3,500
deployed under
the program

Budget US$22 million US$130 million US$45 million

Eligibility Public, MUDs and MUDs and workplaces MUDs and workplaces
Disadvantaged 10% or greater 15% or greater are reserved 10% or greater are reserved
communities are reserved for for the disadvantaged for the disadvantaged
the disadvantaged communities communities
Minimum number of 10 10 10 at workplaces and
chargers per site 5 at MUDs
Ownership of charger Host Host or utility Utility
Cost to host Charger costs, Charger costs, charger No costs other than
charger installation installation costs, operations, participation fees.
costs, operations, maintenance and network
maintenance and costs
network costs
Pricing Pass through pricing Pass through pricing or Pass through pricing or
or custom pricing custom pricing custom pricing (free only)

South California Edison (SCE) - Charge Ready 27 The process for enrolling into the program is as follows:

Charge Ready is an EV charging infrastructure ၔၔ Enrolment: the participant is required to enrol

deployment program run by the SCE with an aim of themselves on the Charge Ready website. The
increasing the deployment of 1,500 level 1 and level consumer is required to provide the SCE account
2 EV chargers in its service territory. As part of this details, tax registration details, approval of property
pilot program, the SCE provides the requisite grid owner(s), name of the authority for issuing building
infrastructure at an SCE consumers’ premises (also permits, proposed charging station’s location and
known as the site host) for installing the EVSE. Under the site plan.
the program, the consumer holds the responsibility
ၔၔ Agreement: site assessment will be conducted by
for procuring, owning and maintaining the charging
SCE to assess the feasibility of deploying charging
infrastructure in accordance with the program rules
stations. Post the review, SCE will develop a
and regulations.
proposal mentioning the number of proposed
Any existing non-residential SCE consumer interested in charging stations at the site. Post deliberations
deploying the charging infrastructure at their premises; between the site host and SCE, an agreement will
and the sites that5 offers/consists long dwell-time parking be signed for the deployment of the chargers.
spaces such as office spaces, fleet parking, cinema halls, Necessary approvals from the site owner (if the
stadiums are eligible for the program. However, single property is leased) are required. The property
family homes are ineligible. Each consumer is required to owner is also required to provide an easement to
deploy at least 10 chargers. SCE for accessing the property for carrying out the
construction process.

EY analysis

South California Edison (SCE) - https://www.sce.com/wps/wcm/connect/2938d47c-ab4a-4457-a162-7d7c927c1090/ChargeReadyProgramParticipationPackage.pdf?MOD=AJPERES


55 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

ၔၔ Planning and construction: the site host is manufacturers’ contractors. Consumers are also
expected to share a certification of purchase to SCE required to subscribe to an EV charging network
confirming the purchase of the chargers from a provider and share the charging data with SCE.
list of SCE empaneled charger manufacturers. SCE
ၔၔ Note: All charging stations are installed on a new
according to its design and installation standards
and dedicated circuit deployed by SCE with its own
will locate, design and install the required grid
panel, meter and service separate from any existing
infrastructure including the required distribution
panel, meter or service.
infrastructure (including any new transformers,
services and meters) and customer premises ၔၔ ► Final assessment: a post-installation site
distribution infrastructure (including any new assessment will be conducted to confirm equipment
panels, step-down transformers, conduits, wires, installation and the operability of the charging site
connectors and any other hardware installed by with the approved plans. Any applicable rebates are
SCE). SCE is responsible for all the costs associated issued to the host post the final assessment.
with the deployed distribution infrastructure. The Note: Under the Charge Ready program, all consumers
chargers will then be installed by the charger are eligible for a rebate on the full (100%), partial (0% or
25% or 50%) on the base cost of the charging stations
installed. The value of rebate is dependent on the
consumer category and the location.

Demand Response program: customers installing level 2 chargers are mandated to participate in at least one EV
charging related demand response programs when they are introduced. These customers are also required to contract
a qualified EV charging network provider to access usage related data and to obtain demand response (DR) services.
The service provider and the consumer are required to provide SCE with information related to the (not limited to)
duration of each charge, rate, cost and load. The data is received directly from the network provider.

Investment recovery: charge ready

Cost to host: capital, operation

and maintenance
Recovery of cost: tariff charged
to EV owner or increased s ales
at businesses due to availability
of c harging service

Grid Transformer Panel Wiring to Charger EV

infrastructure charger (host)

Cost to utility – Capital, operation and maintenance

Recovery of cost – Tariff charged to host

Figure 1: Investment recovery mechanism for Charge Ready28

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 56

EV charging ecosystem

• The network provider transmits real-time • The network provider collects the information from the
information to a DISCOM on charging EV owners and the charging stations in real-time and

session durations, current load, expected shares it through a mobile application.
load based on bookings, rates charged • The site host sets the charger specifications and the
to the EV owner, charger utilization, etc. pricing through the network provider.
This information is very useful for the Network • The network provider transfers the payments made by
DISCOM for grid infrastructure planning,
provider the EV owner to the site host’s account.
power procurement, etc. for informing the
regulators and policy makers on the existing
market scenario.
1 7 6
7 8 3 2

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Site host/EV
charging station

• DISCOM provides the requisite

grid infrastructure for installation 4 10 • EV owner subscribes to a network provider and pays an
of the chargers. annual/monthly subscription fees to access the network.

• The tariffs charged to the site • The network provides real-time information on the nearest
host are based on the ToD charger location, charger availability, pricing, other
methodology and the chargers Charger installer services available, etc. through a mobile application.
are separately metered. • The application allows the EV owner to book a charging
• The charger installer, usually a partner session in advance at a charging station available in the
with the network provider, installs the selected time slot.
chargers at the premises of the • Payments for the charging session are made over the
site host. network through credit card/e-wallet, etc.
Transfer of funds • The installer charges the site host • Payment for the charging session is made to the
Sale of product/service for the capital cost of the chargers, network provider.
Network ecosystem installation cost and the periodic
maintenance cost.
1 7
Transmission of data on nearby charger availability,
Subscription fee for utilizing the network charger types, pricing, available time slots for
+ fees charged by the host for the harging session booking charging sessions, available payment
options, other services available at the station, etc.

2 8
Subscription fee for utilizing the network Visibility to the network-subscribed EV owners of
the charging station

3 9
Fees charged by the host for the Requisite grid infrastructure for deployment of
charging session chargers and electricity supply

4 10
Capital cost for chargers + one-time installation Installation of chargers
cost + periodic maintenance cost

5 11
DISCOM tariff payment for energy consumed Real-time information to the DISCOM on charging
session durations, current load, expected load based
on bookings, rates charged to the EV owner, charger
utilization, etc.
Transmission of real-time location, vehicle type,
battery capacity, charging preference, time slot for
a charging session and payment information

Figure 2: EV charging ecosystem

Pricing: EV charging is identified as a separate consumer category while defining the applicable tariffs.
Time-of-use tariffs apply for EV charging under the SCE distribution circle. The tariff has been defined under three
different rate options:

1. Rate plan 1 (EV load: 0 - 20 kW): TOU tariff design with two separate rate schedules:

ၔၔ Rate schedule 1: does not incorporate demand charges but has higher energy charges than rate schedule 2.

ၔၔ Rate schedule 2: incorporates demand charges and has lower energy charges than rate schedule 1.

2. Rate plan 2 (EV load: 20 - 500 kW): TOU tariff design incorporating demand charges

3. Rate plan 3 (EV load: exceeding 500 kW): TOU tariff design incorporating demand charges

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 58

Tariffs under each rate plan have been defined as per the following format:

Table 6: Rate plan structure for SCE Charge Ready29

Rate plans Summer Winter

On-peak rates (noon to 6 PM on weekdays except holidays) 22 - -
Mid-peak (8 AM to noon and 6 PM to 11 PM on weekdays except holidays) - -
Off-peak (All other hours) - -
Customer charge - -
Facilities related demand charge - -

Business models more customers at their business (café, restaurant,

retail store, etc.) by offering charging at the utility
Under all the mentioned business models, the following
rates. The EV owner utilizing the installed charging
stakeholders play the following roles:
infrastructure pays for the electricity consumed
ၔၔ Utility: under the Charge Ready program, SCE per kWh (at the utility rate) through the charging
deploys the requisite distribution infrastructure and network provider.
the customer premises distribution infrastructure.
ၔၔ BM 3 – Site host provides free charging but charges
Expenditure for installing the requisite infrastructure
for parking: the host plans to benefit by retaining
is recovered through the tariff (expenditure is
and attracting more customers at their business
accounted for in the tariff filings). SCE charges the
(café, restaurant, retail store, etc.) by offering free
metered consumer (SCE consumer) based on the
charging. The EV owner is charged for parking the
TOU tariff charged per kWh.
vehicle at the host’s premises. The pricing for the
ၔၔ Site host/participant/metered consumer: under parking is fixed by the host and is usually set as US$
the Charge Ready program, the SCE consumers per unit time. The payment for utilizing the charging
procure the EV chargers and are responsible for station is made to the network provider which
the procurement costs, operation costs and the transfers the payment to the host. The cost for the
maintenance costs of the charging infrastructure. electricity used is borne by
The SCE consumers, with deployed charging the host.
infrastructure, receive a rebate ranging from 0% -
ၔၔ BM 4 – Existing SCE consumer provides charging
100% for the charging infrastructure procured.
at utility rates and also charges for parking: the
ၔၔ Charging network provider: the network provider consumer, a commercial entity, plans to benefit by
is paid a subscription fee/usage fee by the SCE retaining and attracting more customers at their
consumer (charging infrastructure owner) and business (café, restaurant, retail store, etc.) by
the end consumer utilizing the installed charging offering charging at the utility rates in addition to
infrastructure. parking charges. The pricing for the parking is fixed
The business models (BM) are as follows: by the SCE consumer and is usually set as US$ per
unit time. The payment for parking the vehicle and
ၔၔ BM 1 – Site host provides free public charging: the electricity used is made to the network provider
the host, a commercial entity, plans to benefit by which transfers the payment to the SCE consumer.
retaining and
9 attracting more customers at their
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) – EV Charge Network
business (café, restaurant, retail store, etc.) by
offering free charging to the EV owner and thereby In 2016, CPUC approved the three-year EV Charge
paying for the electricity consumed. Network program to install 7,500 electric vehicle chargers
ၔၔ BM 2 – Site host charging at the utility rates: the at multi-unit dwellings and workplaces lying within the
host plans to benefit by retaining and attracting PG&E service territory. Existing PG&E non-residential

EY analysis

59 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

customers having more than 10 available parking spaces The eligible customers under the program have two
are eligible under the program. The program covers level ownership options for the chargers:
2 chargers only.
ၔၔ Customer-owned
► chargers: available to all program
PG&E will be responsible for the payment, maintenance participants.
and coordination of the construction of the infrastructure
ၔၔ PG&E-owned
► chargers: available to program
from the transformer to the parking space which is
participants residing in multi-unit dwellings and
estimated to be around 60% to 80% of the project cost.
disadvantaged communities.

Table 7: Ownership models in PG&E30

Ownership models Customer-owned chargers PG&E-owned chargers

Eligibility All program participants are eligible. Multi-unit dwellings and workplaces in
disadvantaged communities.
Costs Complete installation costs of the chargers and Participants pay a one-time participation fees.
all costs post installation are borne by the host.
Host may be eligible for some rebate.
Charger A participant selects from a full list of A participant selects from a limited list of
approved vendors. approved vendors.

Table 8: Ownership models cost break-up in PG&E31

Ownership models cost

Customer-owned chargers PG&E-owned chargers
Infrastructure till the parking All program participants are Multi-unit dwellings and workplaces in
space (or grid infrastructure) eligible. disadvantaged communities.

Charger installation Responsibility of the participant. No cost borne by the participant. Costs borne
by PG&E.
Charger costs Costs borne by the participant. No cost borne by the participant. Participant to
pay a one-time participation fees.
Ongoing costs Costs borne by the participant. No cost borne by the participant. Costs borne by

The process for applying to the EV Charge Network and other equipment based on the shared design.
program is as follows: The selection will be done from a list of PG&E-
empaneled EV chargers and network providers.
ၔၔ Application:
► existing PG&E customers with greater
Post selection of the ownership model and the
than 10 available parking spaces and those who
chargers, PG&E will provide the site host with an
are willing to host chargers at their premises are
implementation schedule and plan.
required to submit an application at the
PG&E website. ၔၔ F
► inal approval: once the site host approves the
design, PG&E and the site host sign:
ၔၔ Approval:
► PG&E conducts a site visit and
determines the eligibility of the site for the program. ၔၔ Contract for 10 years

ၔၔ Design
► and contracting: once approved, PG&E ၔၔ An easement agreement to provide access to
will create a preliminary site design/layout for PG&E over the property of the host
installation and share it with applicant/site host.
ၔၔ Participation agreement
The applicant will select the ownership model for
procurement and procures the requisite chargers

EY analysis

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Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 60

ၔၔ Construction:
► PG&E manages the site construction with the host. PG&E and its contractors design and construct
the EV service connection and EV supply infrastructure in compliance with the terms mentioned in the contract.
The site host and its contractors install the EV charging infrastructure in compliance with the terms of the contract.

ၔၔ Activation:
► once the construction is complete, the charging station receives electricity and PG&E conducts an
inspection to assess if the installation complies with the quality and safety standards before confirming project
completion and issuing any rebate, if applicable. Based on the ownership model selected by the host, PG&E issues
rebates, if applicable, to the site host or collects the participation fees.

Investment recovery: EV charge ready

Cost to host:
• Complete capital,
operation and maintenance (Option 1)
• Participation fees (Option 2)
Recovery of cost: Tariff charged to EV owner

Grid Transformer Panel Wiring to Charger EV

Infrastructure charger (host)

Option 01
Cost to utility – Capital, operation and maintenance
Recovery of cost – Tariff charged to host

Option 02
Cost to utility – Capital, operation and maintenance
Recovery of cost – Tariff charged to host

Figure3: Investment recovery mechanism for Charge Ready32

Pricing: the EV chargers deployed at the site are dedicatedly metered and are charged under a commercial rate plan for
the EV chargers, irrespective of the rate plan of the site facility. Two rate plans are available for consumers within the
PG&E distribution area:
Table 9: Rate plans in PG&E 33

Rate A10 (small general time-of-use service)

A6 (small general time-of-use service)
plans (medium general demand-metered service)
Eligibility The power consumption by the site host at any time The power consumption by the site host at
1 be less than 75 kW. Any host with the maximum
6 one time can be greater than 75 kW.
demand greater than 75 kW for three consecutive
months will be automatically shifted to the A10 rate plan
Energy Higher energy rates (US$/kWh) compared to A10 and no Lower energy rates (US$/kWh) compared to
rates demand chargers A6 and demand chargers are applicable as
Demand Not applicable Applicable

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61 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Two pricing options apply in the program:
ၔၔ Pass-through
► pricing
ၔၔ Custom
► pricing
Table 10: Pricing options in PG&E 34

Pricing options Pass-through pricing Custom pricing

Pricing Time-of-use (TOU) pricing structure, accounted through a dedicated meter.
for host The power consumption by the site host at one time can be greater than 75 kW.
Pricing for The host passes on the TOU rate (US$/kWh) directly to the The host creates a customized
EV owner EV owner. The host has the option to include a rate added pricing structure. For e.g. US$ per
above the US$/kWh rate being charged. The rate adder should unit time rates, flat fees pricing,
represent the non-energy additional charges such as demand free charging, etc.
charges, meter charges, etc. converted into US$/kWh. Site
hosts are required to revise the rate adder based on the historic
EV charger utilization to ensure that the site hosts are not
overcharging the customers. The visibility provided by the
network provider to the utility in terms of utilization of the
chargers, prices charged to the EV owners, charging sessions
booked in-advance, etc. will be very useful for the PG&E to
check any inflation in rate adder by the host.
Pricing The host sets the pricing structure through the The host sets the pricing structure
implementation network provider. through the network provider and
submits a load management plan
to PG&E.

Load management plan: it is mandatory to provide a load ၔၔ Modifying

► the prices for charging.
management plan to PG&E in case of selection of custom
ၔၔ Requiring
► advance charging schedules on the
pricing model by the site host. PG&E will provide load
event days
management plan guidelines to the site hosts. All load
management plans must be acceptable to PG&E. EVSE Business models
site used patterns will be monitored, and in addition, site
Unlike SCE’s Charge Ready program which caters to Multi-
host-determined prices or fees to use the EVSE will be
Dwelling Units (MUD), workplace and public chargers,
tracked. This data will be used to inform CPUC policy.
PG&E’s EV Charge Network caters to just MUDs and
Through the load management plan, site hosts will be workplaces. The business models in EV charge network
required to shift the amount of EV charging from their will be similar as in case of Charge Ready.
sites on certain occasions called “events”. This is done
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) – Power Your Drive
to support the grid. Site hosts may be asked to increase/
decrease the EV charging at their sites during certain The Power Your Drive program is very similar to the EV
events such as during increased solar generation/ charging programs run by SCE and PG&E. The program
increased demand from the grid respectively. The site is targeting at installing 3,500 charging stations in the
hosts are notified in advance of the event. MUDs and office spaces across its service area. All the
chargers deployed under the program are for private
The site hosts can deploy the following load
charging and public chargers are not covered under
management strategies:
the program.
ၔၔ C
► ommunicating to employees or residents through
As opposed to the programs run by SCE and PG&E,
an e-mail and texts to encourage them to partake in
the event.

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 62

SDG&E’s Power Your Drive program is responsible for (excluding energy costs), maintenance, etc. are borne
owning, operating and maintaining the installed chargers. by SDG&E.
The program is open to existing SDG&E consumers who
Only two pricing options are available under
have dedicated parking spaces (minimum five for MUDs
the program:
and 10 for businesses). The eligible property owners have
to apply to the program through the SDG&E website and ၔၔ Energy costs are borne by the EV user. The cost of
complete a similar evaluation process as in the case of charging is added onto the SDG&E electricity bill of
SCE and PG&E. the EV user.

All costs are borne by the program in case the participant ၔၔ Energy costs are borne by the site host. The
lies in a disadvantaged community, while for participants charging service is provided free of cost to the
not belonging to disadvantaged communities, one-time EV user.
participation fee is applicable. All other characteristics of the program are similar to the
All other costs including capital, installation, operation SCE and PG&E’s programs.

Investment recovery: Power Your Drive

Cost to host:
• Participation fees

Grid Transformer Panel Wiring to Charger EV

infrastructure charger (host)

Cost to utility – Capital, operation and maintenance

Recovery of cost – Tariff charged to host

Figure 4: Investment recovery scheme for Power Your Drive35

Apart from the utility-driven pilot programs on electric vehicle charging infrastructure in California, the Clean Energy
and Pollution Reduction Act was passed which sets the targets for California to undertake vehicular
electrification activities.

1.1.5. Standards
3 adopted in the US 1.1.6. Technological growth drivers
Standards related to safety specifications, testing The Silicon Valley has been at the forefront of innovations.
methods and communication interface can be referred Startups like Tesla Motors have innovated and disrupted
from annexure Table 76: Standards adopted in USA36 the sector with their cutting-edge automobile and energy
solutions. Global organizations like GM, Ford and Renault
too are following the lead and coming up their
EV projects.

EY analysis

63 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Types of chargers

The chargers used for EV charging are broadly categorized by the level, current and power. A brief description of the
power levels, type of connectors and the charging options is given in the table below37 .

Table 11: Types of EV charging adopted in California 38

Conventional plugs Slow chargers Fast chargers

Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Current AC AC AC, tri-phase DC

Power <= 3.7 kW > 3.7 kW and <= 22 kW > 22 kW and Currently < 200 kW
<= 22 kW <= 43.5 kW

Type B; SAE SAE J1772 Tesla (Under CCS Combo Tesla and CHAdeMO
J1772 Type 1 Type 1 development) 1 (SAE J1772 and (IEC 62196-3 Type 4)
SAE J3068 IEC 62196-3)

Batteries ၔၔ Increase
► the renewable energy procurement goal
from 33% in 2020 to 50% in 2030.
With the uptake of EVs, Li-ion battery chemistry
has emerged as the primary energy source. Newer ၔၔ Double
► the savings through energy efficiency
chemistries like solid state and metal-air are also being measures in electricity and natural gas end uses.
explored by some EV manufacturers.
ၔၔ Transform
► California Independent System Operator
Panasonic, the battery manufacturing giant, has (CAISO)
collaborated with Tesla motors to establish a Li-ion battery ၔၔ Undertake
► vehicular electrification activities
“Giga-Factory” with a planned annual battery production
capacity of 35 gigawatt-hours (GWh). To ensure that the goals are met, the publicly owned
utilities (POUs) in California with an average load greater
than 700 GWh (from 2013-2016) will be required to
Artificial Intelligence (AI) develop and submit Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs)
The rise of EVs has sparked a series of developments in by 1 January 2019. Based on the historic load data, 16
AI to realize a fully autonomous (Level 5) vehicle that will POUs are required to submit the IRPs. The IRPs will be
be able to drive itself and will no longer need a driver. electricity grid planning documents which will provide
There have been various examples where Tesla, which is an insight into the proposed roadmap of the utility for
partial autonomous, has avoided on-road accidents while achieving the goals mandated by SB 350. The POUs are
driving, the car had already computed the possibilities of mandated to mention the resource requirements, policy
an accident by analyzing the driving patterns of the other goals as well as physical and operational constraints
vehicles on the road and avoided the accident. Companies during implementation.
like Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Uber are already The bill requires the POUs to consider transportation
extensively working on it and are now in the stage of electrification in their IRP. Proceedings were held by the
achieving Level 4 autonomy (wherein, a driver is not California Energy Commission and the POUs need to
needed to drive but the car is mostly confined to a specific understand and explore the capabilities and the barriers
geographical area). faced by the POUs in terms of:

ၔၔ Transportation
► electrification planning
1.1.7. Appendix: Senate Bill 350 (SB 350) -
Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act ၔၔ Funding
► charging infrastructure and the required
utility system up gradation
SB 350 came into power on 7 October 2015 and had
set ambitious targets for California to achieve energy ၔၔ The
► impact of the EVs on grid operation,
efficiency, renewable energy deployment and vehicular management, etc. 39
electrification. The bill mandates California to:

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) -https://www.ansi.org/standards_activities/standards_boards_panels/evsp/overview


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 64



65 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Germany has a prominent footprint in automobile developments and has been a hub of major research and
developments in the sector. The German government’s push towards the adoption of cleaner technologies has given a
substantial push to the adoption of electric mobility in the country.

In order to tap in numerous benefits of EV market uptake, have resulted in challenges in regulatory planning and
the Federal Ministry of Germany has been proactive in designing large scale programs for EV proliferation.
the policy and regulatory front. The EV sector presents
opportunities for cross sector collaboration and requires Regulatory framework
a dedicated body for designing long-term strategy. The
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), The regulatory framework governing EV market in
in February 2010, set up a dedicated Electric Mobility Germany comprises of the following ministries
coordination office with the Federal Ministry of Transport, and agencies:
Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) in the guise ၔၔ Federal
► Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
of the Joint Agency for Electric Mobility (GGEMO). (BMWi)
The agency has been specially created to bundle and
ၔၔ Federal
► Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
coordinate the Federal Government’s electric
mobility tasks. ၔၔ Federal
► Ministry of Transport and Digital
Infrastructure (BMVI)
Further, the National Electric Mobility Platform was
created by the Federal Government which constituted ၔၔ Federal
► Ministry for the Environment, Nature
of seven working groups of 20 members responsible for Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
directing and shaping the roadmap for EV proliferation.
ၔၔ Joint
► Agency for Electric Mobility (GGEMO)
GGEMO supports both the Federal Government and
the National Electric Mobility Platform to implement ၔၔ National
► Electric Mobility Platform
and further develop the National Electric Mobility In order to tap in numerous benefits of EV market uptake,
Development Plan. the Federal Ministry of Germany has been proactive in
the policy and regulatory front. As EV sector presents
opportunities for cross sector collaboration and requires
1.2.1. Power market in Germany
a dedicated body for designing long term strategy,
The energy sector in Germany is governed by a number the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
of acts and ordinances which are subject to constant (BMWi), in February 2010, set up a dedicated Electric
modifications and amendments. The main legislation Mobility co¬ordination office with the Federal Ministry
is the Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS)
(EnWG)). As per this legislation, electricity grid has to be in the guise of the Joint Agency for Electric Mobility
operated through “unbundled” entities and grid operators (GGEMO). The agency has been specially created to
cannot be involved in power production or retail activities bundle and coordinate the Federal Government’s Electric
as in a vertically integrated entity. Accordingly, the market Mobility tasks.
consists of independent transmission system operators
Further, National Electric Mobility Platform was created
(TSOs), distribution system operators (DSOs) and retailers.
by the Federal Government which constituted of seven
TSOs are subject to either full ownership unbundling or
working groups of 20 members responsible for directing
must ensure that the grid operation is independent of
and shaping the roadmap for EV proliferation. GGEMO
both electricity production and supply.
supports both the Federal Government and the National
Unbundled market has had both positive and negative Electric Mobility Platform to implement and further
implications for EVs’ growth in Germany. Segregation develop the National Electric Mobility Development Plan.
of content and wire business has resulted in innovative
business models for charging infrastructure. Further,
competition in retail supply has been a key factor for
determining market driven pricing structures which are
acceptable to most of the EV owners. However, large
number of markets players, including DSOs and retailers,

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 66

1.2.2. Policy roadmap for electric-mobility in Germany
Germany has set the goal of becoming the leading market for electric mobility by 2020 as part of its long-term zero
emission mobility vision. As per its National Electric Mobility Development Plan, Germany plans to have one million EVs
on road by 2020. Other targets set by the federal government include:

ၔၔ Target
► of achieving 40% reduction in CO2 emission levels, accounting to 34 million ton by 2020.

ၔၔ ► Achieving battery density by volume level of 280 to 300 Wh/L by 2025 as part of technical development of third
and fourth generation batteries.

Table 12: Policy roadmap 40

S. No. Policy/Initiative Timeline Description

1 Integrated Energy and 2007 In 2007, the German Federal Government declared the promotion of
Climate Programme electric vehicles as a major building block in its Integrated Energy and
(2007) Climate Programme to achieve climate protection goals.
2 Lithium-Ion Battery 2007 A consortium of companies including BASF, BOSCH, EVONIK, LiTec
2015 – BMBF and Volkswagen made a commitment to invest EUR360 million in
Innovation Alliance lithium-ion battery research in the coming years, a figure which will be
(2007) matched by EUR60 million BMBF funding. Battery research in Germany
extends across the entire battery production value chain: starting at
the identification of new materials to the development of individual
components, and cell and battery production.
3 National Strategy 2007 This was followed by talks with the industry, research and policy
Conference Electric stakeholders at the National Strategy Conference Electric Mobility
in November 2008, which, in turn, paved the way forward for the
creation of the National Electromobility Development Plan. The four
government departments responsible at this time (Federal Ministry
of Economics and Technology; Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
and Urban Development; Federal Ministry of Education and Research;
and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety) gave their support to a comprehensive package of
support measures.
4 Economic Stimulus 2009 The Umweltprämie (“environmental premium” but more commonly
Package Ii (2009) known as the “scrapping bonus”) was introduced in January 2009 to
help promote demand for new vehicles as part of the Konjunkturpaket
II (“Economic Stimulus Package II”) to counter global recession.
5 National 2009 The Economic Stimulus Package II also sets out a number of progress
Electromobility milestones on the route to Germany establishing itself as the lead
Development Plan market for Electric Mobility. These activities will be further developed
(2009) and implemented within the framework of the National Electric Mobility
7 Development Plan. As well as this, existing government promotion
instruments were adjusted to include Electric Mobility as part of their
subsidy and support remit.

EY analysis

67 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

S. No. Policy/Initiative Timeline Description

6 Joint Agency for 2010 The Joint Agency for Electric Mobility (GGEMO) was set up by the
Electric Mobility – Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) in February
GGEMO (2010) 2010 to coordinate all Federal Government’s Electric Mobility activities.
The agency supports both the Federal Government and the National
Electric Mobility Platform to implement and further develop the
National Electromobility Development Plan.
7 National Electric 2010 In May 2010, the German Federal Government constituted the National
Mobility Platform Electric Mobility Platform (NPE), consisting of representatives from
(2010) politics, industry, science, local authorities and consumers. The
platform’s seven working groups direct and shape the roadmap for the
realization of the objectives laid out in the National Electromobility
Development Plan.
8 Government Program In May 2011, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)
Electromobility (2011) and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
(BMVBS) adopted a far-reaching R&D support program in response to
the findings of the second report of the National Platform for Electric
Mobility. Ministry-supported R&D measures were flagged by regional
showcase and technical flagship projects for the creation of increased
synergies within the electric mobility sector.
9 Electric Mobility Act 2014 Formally approved by the Federal Cabinet in September 2014, the
(2014) new act providing preferential treatment to electric vehicles became
effective in 2015 for a period of 15 years (June 2030). According
to the new law, vehicles approved in Germany will be identifiable by
special number plates entitling them to preferential treatment.

Impact of Electric Mobility Act The Electric Mobility Law, passed in 2014, was quite
significant as it provided further impetus to the country’s
EV market has shown a significant growth in Germany
electric mobility revolution. By putting the appropriate
since 2011. By the end of 2017, the number of electric
policy measures and R&D funding to implement the
cars in Germany rose 29% to 77,153, up from just 4,000
necessary changes in place, the German Federal
in 2011. Further, Germany now has 7,407 charging
Government has tried to ensure that Germany plays a
points, which is 27 % higher than in 201641. This growth
decisive role in electric mobility.
has been primarily driven by policy level clarity and a
favourable investment climate.

Cleantechnica - https://cleantechnica.com/2017/04/17/germany-increased-electric-car-charging-points-27-2016.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 68

Germany EV market

(2010-2017) 1.80%
1.60% 1.60%

80 1.20%
60 54.56
48.12 0.80%
0.70%0 .70%
40 0.60%

24.93 23.19 24.61 0.40%

12.190.20% 12.74
0.10% 0.10% 0.20%
5.26 6.93
1.89 1.65 3.37
0 0.00%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Electric car stock (BEV and PHEV) (thousands) New electric car sales (BEV and PHEV) (thousands)
Market share of electric cars (BEV and PHEV) (%)

Figure 5: EV growth trajectory from 2010 to 2017 in Germany42

The above-mentioned graph43 highlights the growth trajectory for different types of EVs. Accordingly, from 2013 to
2015, the market share and overall sales of EVs experienced a spike primarily attributed to the electric mobility act. In
addition, a similar trend was observed for publicly accessible slow and fast chargers.

Germany: Publicly accessible chargers (slow and fast)



20000 17509



9 5328
5000 2447 2846

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Figure 6: Rise in publicly accessible charger stock from 2010 to 2017 in Germany44

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


69 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

1.2.3. Incentives for EVs’ ၔၔ Road traffic measures such as:
uptake in Germany ၔၔ Special parking places for electric vehicles
EV market growth in Germany has been further fueled by ၔၔ Suspension of restricted entry access for
various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives. Key incentives are electric vehicles
mentioned below:
ၔၔ Authorized use of bus lanes for electric vehicles
ၔၔ Motor Vehicle Tax Exemption: EVs registered
ၔၔ Special traffic lanes for electric vehicles
between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016
have been exempted from motor vehicle tax for ၔၔ Emissions and Environment Law Measures:
five years. In accordance with the ordinances to Federal
emissions control act, zero emission vehicles are
ၔၔ Company Car Taxation: Annual Tax Act was passed
issued blue stickers which get special privileges in
in 2013 regulating private use of commercial
traffic and public places.
vehicles. This was done to ensure that electric
and hybrid vehicle owners are not subjected to Other measures such as low interest kFW bank credit,
an income tax advantage and to make EVs more interchangeable vehicle license plates and public
competitive. procurement plan.

1.2.4. Standards adopted in Germany

Structure of standardization landscape
Apart from the international bodies, such as ISO and IEC, European and national organizations have played a crucial role
in setting up the standards related to safety, performance and testing methods. The figure below shows the relationship
between the various standard setting organizations and their regulatory bodies.

Table 13: Standardization bodies45

Electro Tele
technology communications

International standardization

European standardization

National standardization National

(Germany) legislation

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 70

Prevalent standards in German EV market46
Key standards prevalent in German electric mobility can be referred from Annexure Table 77: Standards adopted
in Germany

1.2.5. Key technological enablers for EV proliferation

Types of chargers

Brief information about different type of chargers currently deployed in Germany is mentioned in the following table47 .

Table 14: Types of EV charging standards adopted in Germany48

Conventional plugs Slow chargers Fast chargers

Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Current AC AC AC, tri-phase DC
Power <= 3.7 kW > 3.7 kW and <= 22 kW > 22 kW and Currently < 200 kW
<= 22 kW
<= 43.5 kW
Germany Type C/F/G IEC 62196-2 IEC CCS Combo CCS Combo Tesla and
Type 2 62196-2 CHAdeMO (IEC
2 (IEC 2 (IEC
62196-3 Type
Tesla Type 2
62196-3) 62196-3) 4)
62196-3) 62196-3)

Apart from the standard developed by IEC, several mass- In terms of energy management, integration of private
produced vehicles are equipped with connecting devices charging stations into automation systems of building
enabling the use of CHAdeMO chargers. In addition, Tesla is being considered. ISO/ IEC 14534 -3 “Information
has been using its own standard to support all levels and Technology – Home Electric Systems (HES)” is a current
modes of charging through the same connector type. standard that provides guidelines for application in both
residential and non-residential buildings. In addition, IEC
618450 -420, “Communication Networks and Systems
The currently preferred solution for the physical layer for for Power Utility Automation - Basic Communication
a communication interface between the charging station Structure for Distributed Energy Resources Logical
and the vehicle is the home plug greenphy which is a Nodes”, is considered.
power line communication system. This is a downwardly
compatible communication system and can be used with
standardized plugs and sockets. Furthermore, IP and XML
based technologies, in particular, are being used for the
higher layers and it is widely assumed that the charging
infrastructure will
1 act as a gateway.

German Institute for standardization (DIN) - https://www.din.de/blob/235254/a0d14b63b9685859b1c0c297827e50f8/roadmap-en-2020-data.pdf.


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


71 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Payment options Battery
ၔၔ Scenario A: it is now possible to charge cars at At present, the automotive industry almost exclusively
public charging stations without entering into a uses nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries for high
contract with a supplier. Charging is authorized performance applications (hybrid). Lithium-ion batteries,
via smartphone app. Alternatively, this also works however, have an energy density several times higher
using a smart charging lead or via "Smart Charging" than NiMH batteries at the system level. As such, lithium-
(ISO 15118). With smart charging, the charging ion battery technology is widely recognized as being the
station communicates with the charging control battery technology with the best long-term prospects
device of the electric vehicle. The drivers locate the thanks to its low weight, high-energy density and long
charging point in the app and start the process by durability. For that reason, the industry is committed
tapping "Charge vehicle". To pay, they select PayPal to evolving lithium-ion technology in order to create a
or credit card and then enter the desired charging number of electric vehicle mobility strategies (e.g., BEV,
time in minutes. The app displays the total price for REEV) to increase the driving distance in all the
the charging process. Charging commences after electric modes.
tapping "Pay and start charging".
The amount of energy stored requires that electric vehicle
ၔၔ Scenario B: the customers enter into a contract cells and batteries satisfy strict safety requirements.
with a supplier of electricity for electric vehicles, There are already a number of cells, batteries and vehicles
for e.g., with the local municipal utility. These are in the market which use lithium-ion technology for hybrid
usually the members of a payment system network applications.
such as "Inter-charge". In this way, drivers can
Tremendous growth prospects exist in the lithium-ion
charge their cars at all charging stations that are
market as battery manufacturers and suppliers strive
also a part of the network. The drivers are identified
to provide cheap, reliable and safe battery solutions
via their access cards or smartphone app at the
with increased energy density which make hybrid and
station and start the charging process. Alternatively,
electric vehicles a genuinely feasible consumer option.
they can be identified through Smart Charging
Germany has intensive R&D focus to evolve lithium-ion
(ISO 15118) which governs the automated, secure
technology and develop post-lithium-ion technologies.
exchange of information between the vehicle
Accordingly, R&D funding of around EUR500 million
and the charging infrastructure based on digital
has been made avail¬able for batteries, whole system
certificates. The customers are billed by their
energy management, training and further educational
electricity supplier.
activities. Battery research in Germany extends across
the entire battery production value chain: starting at the
identification of new materials to the development of
individual components as well as cell and
battery production.

1.2.6. EV charging ecosystem in Germany

Utilities have been at the forefront of evolution of electric mobility ecosystem in Germany. Based on the business
models, utilities play diverse roles which include acting as system operators, providing installation and maintenance
services to the host as well as acting as network service providers. Various business models, currently deployed in
Germany, are detailed out in the section below.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 72

• The network provider collects the information from the

EV owners and the charging stations in real-time and
shares it through a mobile application.
• The site host sets the charger specifications and the
pricing through the network provider.

Network • The network provider transfers the payments made by
provider the EV owner to the site host’s account.

• The tariffs charged to the site host are

based on the ToD methodology and the
chargers are separately metered. a
a 1 A 5 c

Site host 1 B EV owner

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

• EV owner subscribes to a network provider and pays an
7 e annual/monthly subscription fees to access the network.
• The network provides real-time information on the nearest
charger location, charger availability, pricing, other
• DSO provides the requisite grid installer services available, etc. through a mobile application.
infrastructure for installation of
the chargers.
• The application allows the EV owner to book a charging
• The charger installer, usually a partner session in advance at a charging station available in the
with the network provider, installs the selected time slot.
chargers at the premises of the • Payments for the charging session are made over the
site host. network through credit card/e-wallet, etc.
• The installer charges the site host • Payment for the charging session is made to the
for the capital cost of the chargers, network provider.
installation cost and the periodic • Payment can also be made directly to the host based on
maintenance cost. the contractual arrangement.
• The installation and maintenance
activities can be also be provide by
subsidiaries of DSOs.

Cash Flow Service

1. a. Fees charged by the host for the a. Transmission of data on nearby charger availability,
charging session. charger types, pricing, available time slots for booking
b. Fees directly charged by site host from charging sessions, available payment option, other
EV owner services available at the station etc.
2. Electricity supply contract with retailer of choice/ b. Transmission of real-time location, vehicle type, battery
Tariff payment for energy consumed capacity, charging preference, time slot for charging
session and payment information

3. Retailer signs an electricity transport contract with c. Visibility to the network-subscribed EV owners of the
the DSO. charging station
4. The direct relation between DSO and charging point d. Real-time , expected loads information to the DISCOM
operator is only for connection. on charging session durations., current loads on based
bookings, rates charged to the EV owners, charger
utilization etc.
5. Subscription fee for utilising the network e. Installation and maintenance of chargers,

6. Subscription fee for utilising the network + fees f. Responsible for providing requisite grid infrastructure.
charged by the host for the charging session.
7. Capital cost for charger + One-time installation cost
+ periodic maintenance cost

Figure 7: EV charging ecosystem in Germany Cash flow Services

Business models In most of the cases, maintenance services are

outsourced to a third-party. As the market is
In accordance with the ecosystem mentioned above,
unregulated, the output tariff (tariff charged to EV
roles played by the key stakeholders are
owners) is market driven. EV owners are charged as
mentioned below:
“pay per kWh” in accordance with TOU tariff design.
ၔၔ Utilities: utilities play varied roles as per the
ၔၔ Charging network provider: the network provider
business models. Acting as DSOs, utilities are
is paid a subscription fee/usage fee by the charging
mainly responsible for setting up requisite grid
point operator and the end consumer utilizing the
infrastructure. However, DSOs, through their
installed charging infrastructure.
subsidiaries, also act as independent network
service providers. In addition, these subsidiaries The business models (BMs) are as follows:
also provide installation and maintenance services. ၔၔ BM1: Charging point operator provides free public
Accordingly, charging point operators are charged charging: in this case, CPO is a commercial entity
on an yearly/monthly subscription basis. (restaurant/retail store owner). The EV owners are
ၔၔ Power retailer: as per the market structure of offered free charging at their premises. Accordingly,
Germany, power retailer has to charge the charging the CPO derives benefits through increased
point operators (CPOs) for supplying electricity. customer attraction at the site.
However, CPOs are free to choose the retailer for ၔၔ BM2: CPO charges EV owners at market driven
procuring power. For billing CPOs, a smart meter is tariff: EV owners are charged as per their usage (per
installed at the point of connection of each kWh) in accordance with the TOU regime. Payments
charging station. are done either through a direct transaction
ၔၔ Charging
► point operator: charging point operator between EV owners and CPO or through the
is responsible for procuring requisite equipment. network service providers.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 74



75 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

1.3.1. Power market in Finland
Similar to Germany, the power market in Finland is also liberalized and is dominated by TSO and DSOs. Finnish
electricity wholesale market is part of North European electricity market. Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Norway,
Lithuania and Latvia have integrated their wholesale electricity markets. Additionally, the Finnish market has been
gradually liberalized and opened for competition. Accordingly, consumers have been able to choose their preferred
electricity supplier since 1998.

Regulatory framework
The regulatory framework governing EV market in Finland comprises of following ministries and agencies:

ၔၔ Finnish
► Energy Authority which is the main authority regulating the Finnish electricity sector.

ၔၔ Ministry
► of Employment and Economy which is responsible for preparing legislations affecting the electricity sector.

ၔၔ Centre
► for Economic Development, Transport and Environment which supervises the relevant environment permits
and designs electric mobility legislations for Finland.

ၔၔ Finnish
► Competition and Consumer Authority which supervises competition law issues arising in the
electricity sector.

1.3.2. Policy roadmap for Finland has aimed to achieve these targets through
Electric Mobility in Finland technological innovations in vehicles and increasing the
use of biofuels. Although the initial focus was majorly
Finland, being a prominent member of the EU, is on biofuels for meeting the emission reduction targets,
committed to the EU’s environment targets and Kyoto Finland has started to explore the opportunities for EV
Protocol. As per the directives, GHG emission should be adoption in the last couple of years. The government has
reduced to the level of 1990 and renewable energy mix set an EV deployment target of 2,50,000 by 203050.
should increase to 38% by 2020. As transport causes Furthermore, Finland government has supported EVI’s
20% of Finland’s GHG emissions, government has set “EV30@30” campaign which sets a collective aspirational
dual goals of reducing GHG emissions from traffic and goal to reach 30% market share for EV by 2030.
transport by 15% and to increase the energy efficiency For facilitating increased usage of EVs, Finnish
of the transport sector by 9% from 2005 to 2020. The government has further set a target of 25,000 charging
government has also developed a vision for 2050 in which points by 203051.
the direct specific emission of cars are supposed to reach
80g-90g CO2 per km by 2030, 50-60g CO2 per km by Although the growth was slow in the initial phase, EV
2040 and 20-30g CO2 per km by 205049 . market has picked up since 2015. The number of EVs
grew by a CAGR of 99.87%52 from 2015 to 2017.

Nordic Energy Research; KTH Royal Institute of Technology https://www.sintef.no/globalassets/project/norstrat/d4.2---policy-and-institutional-review-electric-vehicles.pdf.
International Energy Agency (IEA) - IEA NordicEVoutlook 2018.
50,7, 8
International Energy Agency (IEA) - IEA NordicEVoutlook 2018.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 76

Finland: EV
Market (2010-2017)
7 3.00%

6 2.60%


3.29 1.50%
2 1.59 1.43
0.40% 0.60%
0.93 0.50%
1 0.20% 0.20% 0.69
0.02% 0.44
0.06 0.18 0.22
0.03 0.24 0.47
0 0.00%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Electric car stock (BEV and PHEV) (thousands) New electric car sales (BEV and PHEV) (thousands)

Market share of electric cars (BEV and PHEV) (%)

Figure 8: Growth trend of EVs in Finland from 2010 to 201753

Finland: Publicly accessible chargers (slow and fast)

900 848 858





300 267



0 7
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Figure 9: Finland publicly accessible chargers (slow and fast) 2013-201754

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


77 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

The steep rise in the number of EVs can be attributed to order to boost the implementation of fast chargers.
following policy level initiatives: The subsidy rate is 30% for normal chargers and
35% for fast chargers and the budget is equally split
ၔၔ Finland government has provided direct financial
between the two. Further, only the installations with
support for EVSE deployment. The electric vehicle
open payment system will be eligible for funding55 .
systems programme (2011- 2015), set up by the
Ministry of Employment and Economy, allocated ၔၔ The Finland government launched “The Finnish
Euro10 million in 2012 to support EV procurement Transport Services Act” act in 2017. It establishes
and to give a necessary push to investments in common rules for all mobility service providers. As
charging infrastructure. per the act, all public and private transport service
providers will be required to give unbiased access
ၔၔ The government had also launched a subsidy
to essential data such as routes, time tables, prices
scheme of Euro4.8 million in 2017 for public
and other related information. This shall result in
charging stations. As per the scheme, subsidy will
a proficient data driven approach for setting up
be provided to public smart charging stations in
charging stations factoring in key parameters such
as strategic location and type of charger.

Other incentives for EV adoption in Finland

Other incentives for EV market proliferation include56 :

ၔၔ From
► 2018, an acquisition discount of EUR2,000 will be given for cars priced below EUR50,000 at the time of
leasing or sale.

ၔၔ Registration
► tax rate for zero emission vehicles will decline from 4.4% in 2016 to 2.7% in 2019.

Overview of the policy level incentives in Finland as compared to those in other Nordic countries is mentioned below:

Table 15: Comparative analysis of EV policy schemes in Nordic countries57

EV use and
Country EV purchase incentives circulation Waivers on access restrictions
(excl. VAT) exemption

tolls, parking, ferries)

Tax credits (company

Registration tax/sale

Waivers on fees (e.g.

Access to bus lanes

Registration tax

VAT exemption

Circulation tax

Circulation tax
TAX credits











National policy Local policy No policy

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018
International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018
EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 78

As evident from the table, major incentives have been applicable. In addition, IEC 61851-1 and 61851-23
around rebates in registration taxes. Other popular are applicable for DC charging.
measures such as access to bus lanes, dedicated parking
ၔၔ Tesla connector and CHAdeMO standards are
and modification of building codes have not been adopted
also followed.
in Finland till now.
ၔၔ The
► communication interface between the electric
vehicle and the charging point is based on the
1.3.3. Standards adopted in Finland
international standard ISO/IEC 15118.
The standards adopted in Finland, along those countries
All the IEC and ISO standards followed in Germany are
of Nordic region, are in line with European standards.
applicable for Finland as well. For details refer,
Also, international IEC standards are also applicable
Table 77: Standards adopted in Germany
for Finland. A brief overview of standards applicable in
Finland are mentioned below:

ၔၔ IEC 62196-1 (general requirements), IEC 62196- 1.3.4. Key technological enablers for
2 (AC charging, level 2) and IEC 62196-3 (AC EV proliferation in Finland:
and DC charging, level 3): standards regarding Chargers
plugs, sockets/outlets, vehicle connectors and
vehicle inlets for the conductive charging of electric Different types of chargers are classified as per the power
vehicles (level 2 and level 3 chargers). levels into level 1, level 2 and level 3 chargers. A brief
description of the power levels, type of connectors and
ၔၔ Combined charging system for connectors: for AC the charging options is given in the table below58
charging, IEC 61851-1 and 61851-22 standards are

Table 16: Types of EV charging adopted in Finland59

Current Level Power mode Connector type

Devices installed in households, AC Level -1 ≤ 3.7 KW Mode1-2 Type C

the primary purpose of which is
not to recharge electric vehicles
Slow EV chargers AC Level -2 ≥ 3.7 KW and Mode2-3 IEC 62196 type 2 (7-22
(private or public) ≤ 22 KW KW); Commando (7-22KW)
Fast EV chargers Ac Level -2 >22KW and Mode-3 IEC 62196-2 type 2
(publicly available) tri-phased ≤ 43.5KW
DC Level -3 >22KW and Mode-4 CCS combo 2 connector
≤ 150KW (IEC 62196-3 type 2) 50kW

CHAdeMO (IEC 62196-3

type 4)(50KW)

Tesla (120KW)
Ultra-fast/high power
9 EV chargers DC Level -3 >150KW and Mode-4 CCS Combo 2 (IEC 62196-
(intended for public use but not yet ≤ 350KW 3) (150-350KW) and
deployed) CHAdeMO(150-350KW)
Note: KW= Kilowatt; AC=Alternate Current; DC=Direct Current; CCS=Combined charging system; CHAdeMO=Charge de
Move; IEC 62196-2 type 2 and 62196-3(CCS Combo 2) connectors are mandated by the EU 2014/94 directive 60.

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


EY analysis

79 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Communication and payment options ၔၔ Power retailer: as per the market structure of
Finland, power retailer has to charge the charging
Various standards for EV to EVSE and EVSE to grid level
point operators (CPOs) for supplying electricity.
communication along with the payment options are
However, CPOs are free to choose the retailer for
similar to those adopted in Germany. For further details,
procuring power. For billing CPOs, a smart meter is
refer Table 77: Standards adopted in Germany.
installed at point of connection of each
Batteries charging station.
Batteries are primarily based on Lithium-Ion technology. ၔၔ Charging point operator: charging point operator
Almost all electric vehicle manufacturers have is responsible for procuring requisite equipment.
partnerships with battery suppliers and are looking to In most of the cases, maintenance services are
promote the development of battery pack technology. outsourced to a third-party. As the market is
unregulated, the output tariff (tariff charged to EV
1.3.5. EV ecosystem in Finland owners) is market driven. However, in this case,
CPOs charge EV owners as per different pricing
The EV ecosystem for Finland is similar to that of methods such as pay per kWh and pay per hour.
Germany primarily due to similar market structure. The
major operators in the field of EV charging stations are ၔၔ Charging network provider: the network provider
Fortum charge and drive, and the network of charging is paid a subscription fee/usage fee by the charging
locations developed and managed by Virtapiste, also point operator and the end consumer utilizing the
known as Liikennevirta Oy. Virtapiste operates in Finland installed charging infrastructure.
as both an infrastructure developer and network manager Various business models adopted in Finland are
for companies like Helen. Additionally, it handles payment mentioned below:
systems for electric vehicle charging and provides an
ၔၔ BM1: Charging point operator provides free public
application interface to facilitate payments and
charging: In this case, CPO is a commercial entity
customer services.
(restaurant/retail store owner). The EV owners are
Business models offered free charging at their premises. Accordingly,
the CPO benefits through increased customer
In accordance with the ecosystem mentioned above, roles
attraction at the site.
played by the key stakeholders are mentioned below:
ၔၔ BM2: CPO charges EV owners at market driven
ၔၔ Utilities: utilities play varied roles as per the
tariff: EV owners are charged as per their usage (per
business models. Acting as DSOs, utilities are
kWh) in accordance with the time-of–use regime.
mainly responsible for setting up requisite grid
Payment is done either through a direct transaction
infrastructure. However, DSOs, through their
between EV owner and CPO or through the network
subsidiaries, also act as independent network
service providers.
service providers. In addition, these subsidiaries
also provide installation and maintenance services. ၔၔ BM3: CPO charges EV owners for parking: EV
Accordingly, charging point operators are charged owners are charged on pay per hour basis
on a yearly/monthly subscription basis. for parking.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 80



81 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

1.4.1. Power market in Japan
The electricity sector in Japan was gradually fully liberalized following the 2011 occurred, Great East Japan
Earthquake and the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants.

Japan, before the Fukushima meltdown, relied on nuclear power for 25% of its electricity generation. However, the
country’s entire nuclear power capacity (42GW in total), was gradually shut down in the aftermath of the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear accident and came to a complete halt in 2013 , .

Since the Fukushima accident, Japan’s energy security remains at a risk. Japan’s dominant reliance on fossil fuel imports
(coal, gas and oil) for 82% of its electricity generation has contributed to a reversal in its trade balance from the 30
years of trade surplus to a deficit that reached US$116 billion in 2014. Seven years after the incident, its challenges are
delineated by sluggish economic growth, a shrinking population and declining electricity demand, down 11.5% from its
2010 peak61 62

Regulatory framework
The regulatory framework governing EV market in Japan comprises of following ministries and agencies:

► - The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

► - The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

► - New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

► - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

► – Japan Automotive Research Institute

► – Japan Electric Wiring Devices and Equipment Industries Association

► – Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan

► – Japan Automotive Manufacturers Association

ၔၔ Next
► Generation Vehicle Promotion Center

IEA - https://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/EnergyPoliciesofIEACountriesJapan2016.pdf

Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis - http://ieefa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Japan_-Greater-Energy-Security-Through-Renewables-_March-2017.pdf


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 82

Cabinet office Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI)

Policy and Budget allocation Consultation



(Ministry of Education, (Ministry of Economy, (The Ministry of Land,

Culture, Sports, Science Trade and Industry) Infrastructure, Transport
and Technology) and Tourism)


(Japan Society for the (Japan Science (New Energy (National Institute
Promotion of Science) and Technology Agency) Development of Advanced Industrial
Organization) Science and Technology)

Budget and Funding

Academia Industry

Figure 10: Regulatory framework in Japan63

1.4.2. Electric mobility growth trends

In 2017, Japan boosts an EVSE (quick charging points) to EV (electric vehicles) ratio of 0.039. The country's quick
charging points have already crossed the 5,000 mark and are at 5,990 public quick-charge stations. Non-residential slow
charger points are at 17,260 which is just 1% of Japan’s two million slow charger target. In 2016, Japan’s electric car
charging points crossed the number of petrol stations in the country. Japanese car manufacturer, Nissan, reported that
the number of charging points including domestic chargers surged past 40,000 compared to 35,000 petrol stations64.


63The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

64World Economic Forum (WEF) - https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/05/japan-now-has-more-electric-charging-points-than-petrol-stations/

83 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Japan EV market
(2010 -2017)
250 1.20%

1.00% 1.00%

150 0.70%
0.60% 0.60% 0.60%
100 0.50% 0.50%

69.46 0.40%

0.30% 54.1
50 40.58
28.88 32.29 0.20%
24.44 24.65 24.85
3.52 2.44
0 0.00%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Electric car stock (BEV and PHEV) (thousands) New electric car sales (BEV and PHEV) (thousands)
Market share of electric cars (BEV and PHEV) (%)

Figure 11: Japan EV market (2010-2017)65

Japan: Publicly accessible chargers (slow and fast)

(2010 -2017)






1381 1794
312 801
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Figure 12: Japan publicly accessible chargers (slow and fast) 2010-201766

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 84

1.4.3. Policy roadmap for Electric Mobility in Japan
Policy framework has been extensively developed and evolved over the years to support and achieve the target set
by the government. The “Roadmap for EVs and PHVs toward the dissemination of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid
vehicles” set an aim to capture 50% to 70% of next-generation vehicles to total new car sales by 2030. The Government
of Japan established its support as a facilitator in the development process supplying both R&D support and artificially
creating niche markets, and easing the way for targeted technologies by means of legislation and standards67 68, .

Projections v/s Target

Diffusion Projection (with Private sector effort) Diffusion Target (Government Targets)

2020 2030 2020 2030

Conventional vehicles 80% or more 80% or more Conventional vehicles 50%-80% 30%-50%

Less than 30%-40%

Next Gen Vehicles Next Gen vehicles 20%-50% 50%-70%

Hybrid vehicles 10%-15% 20%-30% Hybrid vehicles 20%-30% 30%-40%

EV/plug-in EV/plug-in hybrid

5%-10% 10%-20% 15%-20% 20%-30%
hybrid vehicles vehicles

Fuel cell vehicles Miniscule 1% Fuel Cell vehicles -1% -3%

Clean diesel Miniscule Clean diesel

-5% -5% 5%-10%
vehicles vehicles

Figure 13: Projections and targets representation of electric mobility in Japan69




The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)


85 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Timeliness of electric mobility policies as observed in Japan70.

Table 17: Electric mobility policy roadmap in Japan70

S. No. Policy/Initiative Timeline Description

1 Strategic Energy 2014 The Japanese government implemented the fourth Strategic Energy
Plan (SEP) Plan (SEP). These policies identified the promotion of next-generation
vehicles as a way to reduce Japan’s consumption of fossil fuels,
promote a low-carbon transportation sector and strengthen
Japan’s energy security.
2 Japan 2015 (rev.) Under the Strategic Market Creation Plan of Japan Revitalization
Revitalization Strategy (JRS), on a theme of realizing clean and economical energy
Strategy (JRS supply and demand, the Government of Japan’s Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry (METI) aims to capture 50% to 70% of next-
generation vehicles to total new car sales by 2030.
3 Next-Generation Drafted in “Next-Generation Vehicle Plan” set forth six plans to achieve the
Vehicle Plan 2010 and electric vehicle diffusion projections for 2020 and 2030, of which
updated after the infrastructure roadmap for the deployment of Electric Mobility
JRS, 2015 infrastructure sets a target to achieve 2 million normal chargers and
5,000 quick chargers by 2020.
4 Next-Generation 2013 • METI
► launched a large‐ scale project named “Next Generation
Vehicle Charging Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment Promotion Project”
Infrastructure using 100 billion JPY of supplementary budget for fiscal year
Deployment 2012, followed by utilizing the 30 billion JPY from the FY 2014
Promotion Supplementary Budget71 .
Project (NGV- • The
► objective is the strategic and quick deployment of charging
CIDPP) infrastructure. This project has encouraged municipalities and
expressway operating organizations nationwide to issue charger
deployment plans, which were made public in April 2013.
• This
► ground-breaking project subsidizes:
• the cost of chargers
• 2/3 of the installation costs for the municipalities and organizations
who intend to install public chargers based on their published
charger deployment plan, which shall accelerate the deployment of
charging infrastructure along the principal
routes nationwide72.
5 Extension 2018 • Tokyo
► government, in order to cover the remaining cost of
support by Tokyo charging infrastructure after the national subsidy, has announced
prefecture to plans to include one billion Yen in the fiscal 2018 budget.

EY analysis

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) - http://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2015/0312_02.html


CHAdeMo - https://www.chademo.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FY2013ActivitiesReport_EN1.pdf

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 86

Overall plan Batteries Rare metals Infrastructure Systems International

next-gen. vehicle Secure battery R&D Secure rare metals Install 2 million Vehicles with systems Strategic international
development and and technology and build resource normal chargers & (smart grid, etc.) standardization

production recycling systems 5,000 quick chargers

• Set diffusion targets • Improve • (Upstream) • Build infrastructure • Create new business • Establish international
(for 2020/2030) performance of • Strategically secure intensively and models in EV/PHV standards for battery
• Next-generation lithium-ion batteries rare metals systematically towns. performance and
vehicles account for • Develop post- during the market • Verify systems through safety evaluation
• (Middle course)
up to 50% in 2020 lithium-ion batteries preparation phase the Next-Generation methods.
• Develop batteries
• Advanced eco- • Achieve economies • Mainly in EV/PHV Energy and Social • Establish international
and motors free of
friendly vehicles of mass production towns System Demonstration standards for charging
rare metals
program. connectors/systems.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

(next-generation by promoting EVs • Pave the way for full-
• (Downstream)
vehicles + • Create an scale diffusion • Promote international • Enhance public-private
• Establish battery
eco-friendly environment for • Compile EV/PHV standardization and organization
recycling systems
conventional secondary use of town best practice business development for standardization.
vehicles) account for batteries handbook based on the • Develop human
up to 80% in 2020 verification results resources for

Action Plan
• Collaborate
• Diversify fuels with the private standardization
• Higher-value-added sector (CHAdeMO
parts Association)
• Promote the siting
of low carbon

Battery R&D Resource Infrastructure

Development International Standardization Roadmap
Target (set in 2006) Strategy Roadmap

Figure 14: Six plans outlined for the Next-Generation Vehicle Plan71

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Market Wide
Market Preparation
Development Diffusion

FY 2030
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 2020

• Establish Infrastructure development guidelines (set-up one stop offices)

• Compile EV/PHEV towns best practice handbook
• Build on EV/PHEV towns information platform (online)
Organise charger location information in corporation with MLIT

Support for intensive infrastructure

National Government
development mainly in EV/PHEV Towns (Priority allocation of CEV subsidy)

Intensive and systematic Installation targets-

infrastructure development based on demonstration results • 2 million normal
• 5,000 quick chargers

Efficient infrastructure

Local Governments
development based on experiences in EV/PHEV towns

• Promotional activities mainly through CHAdeMO Association • Ensure billing
• Organize quick charger location information system
• Develop CHAdeMO protocol certification system compatibility
• Formulate safety measures and installation guidelines for quick chargers by around 2015

Companies, etc
• Conduct international standardization activities
Self reliant infrastructure
development by making charging service a viable business

Figure 15: Japan's roadmap and targets for the development of charging infrastructure74

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Promotion project to develop charging infrastructure for next-generation vehicles
Budget amount

ၔၔ 1
► 00.5 billion JPY - FY2012 Supplementary Budget

ၔၔ 30
► billion JPY - FY 2014 Supplementary Budget

Eligibility and subsidy rate

Purchasing and installation of chargers will be subsidized under the following categories:

Table 18: Subsidy rates under four categories75

Category Outline Covered Subsidy rate

1 Subsidy is given to the charging infrastructure development Purchase and installation 2/3
plans by local governments for public chargers cost of chargers
2 Installation of public chargers not based on the local Purchase and installation 1/2
government plans cost of chargers
3 Installation of chargers in MUDs and parking areas Purchase and installation
cost of chargers
4 Others Charger purchase cost

PHV, PHEV and EV charging infrastructure assistance project

Automakers Toyota Motor Corporation, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Honda Motor Co., Ltd., and Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
announced a joint project to support the developments of EV charging infrastructure by providing additional subsidies to
cover the remaining costs from government subsidies.

Table 19: Incentive structure for EVSE in Japan76

Category Standard chargers Quick chargers

Installation costs One third of charger purchase cost

One third of charger installation cost

Start-up inspection expense

Maintenance Costs (8 years) Communication fees, maintenance contract and insurance

Demand charge (Low voltage only)

Electricity costs
Energy charge

Next-generation vehicles (NGV); EY analysis


CHAdeMO; EY analysis

89 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Entities associated with “Charging Infrastructure Electric Power Co., Inc. formed a new entity Nippon
for Next-generation Vehicle” Charge Service, LLC in 2014. The new company
compensated for the installation cost, which was not fully
1. Nippon Charge Service (NCS)
covered by the government subsidies. NCS provided car
Participating companies of “PHV, PHEV and EV Charging owners with a universally-accepted charging card which
Infrastructure Assistance Project” along with additional enabled them to use all the chargers in NCS charging
funding and support from Development Bank of Japan station network.
Inc., Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc., and Chubu

Charge Service (NCS)

Figure 16: Founding organizations of NCS77

Figure 17: NCS charger labeling for quick and normal charger

Nippon Charge Service (NCS)



Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 90

2. Charging Network Development Service CHAdeMO’s members are spread across the value
(CHAdeMO Charge) chain and include:
ၔၔ Automobile
► manufacturers
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), an electric
ၔၔ Electric
► power companies
utility in Japan initiated the formation of “CHAdeMO
ၔၔ Charger
► manufacturers
Association” for the dissemination of charging ၔၔ Charging
► service operators
infrastructure to promote the adoption of EVs in Japan. ၔၔ Local
► governments/prefecture

Charging Network Development

(CHAdeMO Charge)

Figure 18: Founding organizations of CHAdeMO79

Note: 1. Both the entities, Nippon Charge Service, LLC, and Charging Network Development Service (CHAdeMO Charge)
were merged around 201480 .

CHAdeMO CHAdeMO protocol

CHAdeMO primarily operates as an e-mobility CHAdeMO defines a DC charging protocol (under the
collaboration platform around CHAdeMO DC charging same name CHAdeMO) enabling power levels from 6kW
protocol. They are supported by 350 members, out of to 200kW. 350 kW-400kW of power is under preparation.
which 50 are charger manufacturers complying with It was the first global fast charging protocol for electric
CHAdeMO protocol. CHAdeMO performs three primary vehicles and boosts more than 10,000 points, globally.
functions: CHAdeMO, in 2014, was published as an IEC and EN
standard. In 2016, it was published as an IEEE standard.
ၔၔ Develop
► the protocol: adapting the protocol as per
the market and the member requests. ၔၔ Safety:
► CHAdeMO mandates strict guidelines in
designing chargers for electrical safety in any
ၔၔ Certify
► EV chargers: CHAdeMO performs
operating conditions.
certification and testing of chargers to ensure they
are compatible with the infrastructure and the EVs. ၔၔ Future-proof: CHAdeMO is smart grid-ready through
its bi-directional charging capability.
ၔၔ Promotion
► of fast chargers: CHAdeMO actively
promotes the
1 adoption of fast chargers by
9 ၔၔ Ease of application: CHAdeMO works on Controller
disseminating their benefits and data through Area Network (CAN) communication which is an
various communication channels. on-board communication network for all EVs. Hence,
its integration with the rest of the cars is easy and

ၔၔ Uniformity: CHAdeMO connector is identical across

the globe and is a stand-alone plug that can be with
or without an AC connector.
CHAdeMO - https://www.chademo.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/FY2014ActivityReport.pdf


91 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

1.4.4. Key technological enablers for EV proliferation in Japan

Electric vehicle charging standardization in Japan is regulated by Japan Automotive Research Institute (JARI), New
Energy and Development Organization (NEDO) that acts as a governing body and coordinates with METI81 . The key
standards in Japan can referred from annexure Table 78: Standards adopted in Japan




JARI liaison


Industrial plugs and Electric road Electric propelled Electrical and
socket-outlets vehicles and electric road vehicles electric equipment
industrial trucks

Figure 19: Standardization regulatory framework in Japan82

Types of chargers

CA brief information about different type of chargers, currently deployed in Japan, is mentioned in the following table 83► ►

Table 20: Types of EV charging adopted in Japan82

Conventional plugs Slow chargers Fast chargers

Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Current AC AC AC, tri-phase DC
Power <= 3.7 kW > 3.7 kW and <= <= 22 kW > 22 kW and Currently < 200 kW
22 kW
<= 43.5 kW
Japan Type B SAE J1772 Type 1 Tesla Accepts all Tesla and
IEC 62196-3 CHAdeMO (IEC
standards 62196-3 Type 4)

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) http://www.a3ps.at/site/sites/default/files/conferences/2011_eco-mobility2011/2011_Eco-Mobility_01_04_Miura.pdf
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) http://www.a3ps.at/site/sites/default/files/conferences/2011_eco-mobility2011/2011_Eco-Mobility_01_04_Miura.pdf
International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018
International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 92

1.4.5. EV ecosystem in Japan
The major operators in the field of EV charging stations is ၔၔ Charging point operator: charging point operator
Nippon Charge Network, which manages the installation is responsible for procuring requisite equipment.
and promote other charger installers to join the network. In most of the cases, maintenance services are
Also, they manage payment systems for electric vehicle outsourced to a third-party. As the market is
charging and smart user cards based on the type of the unregulated, the output tariff (tariff charged to EV
charger used. owners) is market driven. However, in this case,
CPOs charge EV owners as per different pricing
Utilities have been involved the development of EV
methods such as pay per kWh and pay per hour.
charging infrastructure in Japan. CHAdeMO, as an
alliance, was initiated by TEPCO, Inc. to promote common ၔၔ Charging network provider: the network provider
standard for the country. CHAdeMO protocol is based on is paid a subscription fee/usage fee by the charging
a TEPCO’s patented high-voltage (up to 500 V DC) high- point operator and the end consumer utilizing the
current (125 A) fast charging via a Japan Automobile installed charging infrastructure.
Research Institute (JARI) DC fast-charge connector.
Various business models adopted in Japan are
The connector is specified by the Japan Electric Vehicle
mentioned below:
Standard (JEVS) G105-1993 from the JARI.
ၔၔ BM1: Charging point operator provides free public
charging: CPO is a commercial entity (restaurant/
Business models
retail store owner). The EV owners are offered free
In accordance with the ecosystem mentioned above, the charging at their premises. Accordingly, the CPO
roles played by the key stakeholders are mentioned below: benefits through increased customer attraction at
the site.
ၔၔ Utilities: utilities play varied roles as per the
business models. Acting as DSOs, utilities are ၔၔ BM2: Pay per click model: Utilities collaborate with
mainly responsible for setting up requisite grid shopping malls, restaurants or gas stations to instal
infrastructure. CHAdeMO, as an alliance, was fast chargers in their premises. They can receive a
initiated by TEPCO, Inc. to promote a common fixed sum of money from the owner of the premises,
standard for the country. each time the charger is used by the customers.

ၔၔ Power
► retailer: as per the market structure of ၔၔ BM3: Subscription model: Utilities can own and
Japan, power retailer has to charge the charging operate charging infrastructure in this model. They
point operators (CPOs) for supplying electricity. can charge a subscription fee from customers for
However, CPOs are free to choose the retailer for using their charging facility. The subscription fee
procuring power. For billing CPOs, a smart meter is may include free charging.
installed at the point of connection of each
charging station.


93 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 94


95 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

People's Republic of China (PRC)
1.5.1. Power market in China
The power sector in People's Republic of China, hereafter China, is undergoing a power sector transition from being a
vertically integrated, state-owned monopoly to an unbundled and market-oriented sector. The government’s vision is
to restructure electric sector as 85:►

ၔၔ Generation - fully competitive in large automobile country. Further, the shift towards new energy
regional markets vehicles is also seen as a strategic move to upgrade
China’s indigenous automotive industry and to enable it
ၔၔ Transmission
► and distribution: regulated
to become a dominant leader in the new energy vehicle
monopoly services
value chain.
ၔၔ Retail
► service: fully competitive such that
customers will be able to choose among Regulatory framework
providers and products
ၔၔ The
► Ministry for Industry and Information
The State Council issued “Decree No. 9: Several Guiding
Technology (MIIT)
Principles of Furthering the Reform of the Electricity
Market”, 2015 which forms the governing principles for ၔၔ Ministry
► of Science and Technology (MOST)
the liberalization of the wholesale and retail electricity ၔၔ Energy
► Bureau
market, leaving the transmission in control of the
ၔၔ Standardization
► Administration of China (SAC)
ၔၔ National
► Development and Reform Commission
In the overall energy front, to meet its growing energy
demand, China has shifted its focus to renewables and
electricity, drastically scaling down the consumption of ၔၔ Ministry
► of Finance of the People's Republic of China
fossil fuels by two-thirds (at present) to less than 40% (MoF)
in 204086 . Focus is not only on phasing out fossils from
ၔၔ State-owned
► Assets Supervision and Administration
generation but also from the consumption sectors like
Commission (SASAC)
transport. This strategy towards a greener energy mix
has given light to initiatives targeted at improving the ၔၔ China
► Automotive Technology and Research
energy security and reducing the pollution levels of Center (CATARC)
the country. ၔၔ National
► Energy Administration (NEA)
As the level of economic and social development in China China’s Electric Mobility initiatives are government-driven,
continues to increase, the car ownership continues to where the policy guidelines are directly issued by the
climb. Vigorously developing new energy vehicles can highest authority, i.e., the ‘State Council’ that follows a
accelerate fuel substitution and reduce automobile top down approach and is supported by multiple ministries
exhaust emissions, which is of a great significance in and agencies.
ensuring energy security, promoting energy conservation
and emission reduction, preventing and controlling
atmospheric pollution, and promoting China's transition
from a major automobile country to a powerful

IEA - https://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/EnergyPoliciesofIEACountriesJapan2016.pdf

Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis - http://ieefa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Japan_-Greater-Energy-Security-Through-Renewables-_March-2017.pdf


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 96

1.5.2. Policy roadmap for Electric Mobility The number of charging poles in China range from
in China approximately 300k-350k units, which included 50k
public ports and 49k specialized ports. The primary
The central government weights great importance on growth in charging infrastructure is dominant in major
promoting the construction of charging infrastructure cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and Shenzhen
to speed up the promotion and application of electric due to a strong policy support. The public EV chargers
vehicles. To improve the installation speed of new EV saw a growth from 50k units in FY15 to ~150k units by
charging stations, the government has been actively the end of FY1687 .
reforming the state electric power sector by breaking
electricity distribution monopolies over sales and
gradually opening the electric power market to the public.

Table 21: City wide public charging ports by FY1788

City Public charging ports (January FY17)

Beijing 22.5 k

Guangdong 22 k

Shanghai 17 k


EV:EVSE - 1:1

The central government weights great importance on promoting the construction of charging infrastructure to speed
up the promotion and application of electric vehicles. To improve the installation speed of new EV charging stations, the
government has been actively reforming the state electric power sector by breaking electricity distribution monopolies
over sales and gradually opening the electric power market to the public.

The number of charging poles in China range from approximately 300k-350k units, which included 50k public ports and
49k specialized ports. The primary growth in charging infrastructure is dominant in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai,
Guangdong and Shenzhen due to a strong policy support. The public EV chargers saw a growth from 50k units in FY15
to ~150k units by the end of FY1688 90 .


NOMURA - https://publishing.dealogic.com/nomura/China_EV_battery_Recharging_for_a_sequential_recovery.pdf
NOMURA - https://publishing.dealogic.com/nomura/China_EV_battery_Recharging_for_a_sequential_recovery.pdf
IEA - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018

97 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

China EV market
(2010 -2017)
1400 2.50%




600 648.77

400 336

312.77207.38 0.50%
0.01% 0.1… 73.17
0.01% 0.04% 105.39
1.91 1.43 6.98 5.07 16.88 9.91 5.34
0 0.00%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Electric car stock (BEV and PHEV) (thousands) New electric car sales (BEV and PHEV) (thousands)
Market share of electric cars (BEV and PHEV) (%)

Figure 20: China EV market (2010-201791

China: Publicly accessible chargers (slow and fast)

(2014- 2017)






2014 2015 2016 2017

Figure 21: China publicly accessible chargers (slow and fast) 2010-201792

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018
International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) - https://info.ornl.gov/sites/publications/files/Pub72210.pdf
Fraunhofer - https://www.isi.fraunhofer.de/content/dam/isi/dokumente/ccp/innovation-systems-policy-analysis/2012/discussionpaper_30_2012.pdf
Harvard University - https://www.hks.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/centers/mrcbg/files/RPP_2015_07_Howell.pdf

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 98

The Government of China issues its new energy vehicle policies directly through the State Council , and is based on
four pillars of development , namely95, namely:

ၔၔ T
► echnological upgrading

ၔၔ Energy
► security

ၔၔ Local
► pollution reduction

ၔၔ Carbon
► emissions

Table 22: Policy roadmap96

S. No. Policy/initiative Timeline Description

1 Tenth Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) Promotes R&D of new energy vehicle
2 Auto Industry Development Policy 2004 This policy identifies hybrid vehicles as a priority and
encourage electric vehicles’ development.
3 China Medium and Long-Term (2006-2020) This policy too was focused on and identifies hybrid
Science and Technology vehicles as a priority and encourages alternate fuel
4 Eleventh Five-Year Plan on 2006 This policy promotes the PEV industrialization.
Energy-Saving and New Energy
Vehicle Project
5 Rules on the Production Admission 2007 Targets manufacturing and sales
Administration of New Energy
6 Auto Industry Restructuring and 2009 The State Council of China has set a target to achieve
Revitalization Plan nation-wide 500,000 NEVs by the end of 2011, which
will be 5% of new car sales by 2011.
7 Directory of Recommended Types 2009 This directive led to the formation of strategy for NEVs
of Energy Saving and New Energy by major automakers in China.
Vehicle Demonstration Projects for
Promotion Application
8 Admittance Management Rules for 2009 This policy defines “new energy vehicles” - the vehicles
New Energy Auto Manufacturing based on non-fossil fuel or newer forms of propulsions
Companies and Products will be considered as an NEV.

9 Ten Cities, One Thousand Vehicles 2009 The Government of China (MoST, MoF, MIIT and NDRC)
Program By 2011, the total model initiated demonstration projects with a plan to diffuse
cities were increased to 25. 1,000 vehicles to be introduced every year for a period
of three years in 10 selected cities.
10 State-owned Enterprise Electrical 2010 This is an alliance of Chinese state-owned companies
Vehicle9 Industry Alliance (SEVIA) under the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission (SASAC).

SEVIA plans to invest CNY 93.34 billion for the uptake

and development of the NEVs.

EY analysis

99 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

S. No. Policy/initiative Timeline Description

11 Development of New Energy 2011-2015 Drafted by MIIT to form the roadmap of NEV diffusion
Vehicle Industry until 2020.
12 Development Plan for Fuel- 2011-2020 It is an industrial plan supporting the development of
efficient and New Energy Vehicles NEV value chain. The government invested 100 billion
CNY with a target to have highest NEV sales in
he world.

• 50
► billion: energy saving and new energy vehicle
industry fund utilized for technology R&D support
and industrialization.
• 30
► billion: pilot and demonstration projects
• 20
► billion: promotion of energy saving vehicles.

• 10
► billion: support for core automotive industry
• 5
► billion: pilot urban infrastructure projects
Phase I – • Develop
► Chinese owned intellectual property (IP)
2011-2015 for NEV value chain components.
• 1
► million mark out of 500,000 should be achieved
by 2015 (include number of HEVs)
• Upper
► limit of 5.6 liters per 100 km mileage is set
for the newly launched cars.

Phase II – • Major
► emphasis on EV and HEV.
2016-2020 • Market
► volume should be 5 million vehicles.
• ► Upper limit of mileage is increased to 4.5 liters
per 100km.

National • National
► teams were formed comprising of
teams leading enterprises.
• National
► teams will build pilot bases for the
NEV industry and will integrate them with
demonstration projects.
• Pilot
► bases should achieve a mark of 90% by 2020.
Battery plan • Hangzhou,
► Shenzhen and Tianjin will be
established as the base locations to set up lithium-
ion battery industries.
• Two-three
► enterprises with sales of over 20 billion-
watt hours will be set up
13 Exemption of Vehicle Purchase Tax 2014 • Tax incentives for PEV purchasing.
on New Energy Vehicles
14 Notice of Subsidy for Charging 2014 • Charging infrastructure development subsidies.
Infrastructure Constructions
15 Financial Support Policies on the 2015 • The incentives provided in this scheme are
Promotion and Application of New gradually being withdrawn since 2016.
Energy Vehicles (2016-2020)

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 100

S. No. Policy/initiative Timeline Description

15 Financial Support Policies on the 2015 The incentives provided in this scheme are gradually
Promotion and Application of New being withdrawn since 2016.
Energy Vehicles (2016-2020)

16 Made in China 2025 2015 Guidelines for the development of NEV value chain.
17 Provisions on the Administration 2015 Small scale manufacturers were motivated to become
of Newly Established Pure Electric NEV manufacturers.
Passenger Vehicle Enterprises
18 Provisions on the Administration 2015 Small scale manufacturers were motivated to become
of Newly Established Pure Electric NEV manufacturers.
Passenger Vehicle Enterprises
19 Guiding Opinions on Accelerating 2015 Construction and planning of charging infrastructure.
the Construction of Electric Vehicle
Charging Infrastructure
20 New Vehicle Charging National 2015 Development of national standards was done.

Pilot models in “The Ten Cities, One Thousand ၔၔ Goals

► of the model were:
Vehicles Program”
i. Testing and piloting the EV development model
This pilot program saw cities developing and working on
ii. Test innovations in vehicle performance
various deployment and implementation models97
iii. Route design
1. Beijing: State leadership model
iv. Charging facility distribution
ၔၔ The
► capital city’s EV deployment was dependent on
government support and policies. Primary focus was v. Provide a site for auto manufacturer R&D
to build a strong EV industrial base which will cater collaboration
to China’s strategy to reinvent and dominate the 3. Shenzhen: Cooperative commercialization model
automobile market.
ၔၔ Shenzhen
► had the advantage of well established
ၔၔ Yanqing
► government (a district in Beijing) set up a electric grid and battery companies.
joint venture with BAIC Foton to deploy EV taxis.
The capital investment was shared 50-50 and the ၔၔ The
► utility China Southern Power Grid with state-
Yanqing government provided the charging facility owned enterprises, Potevio New Energy and
and operating personnel and BAIC Foton provided Shenzhen government, initiated a financial leasing
the taxis. model which can be looked as a commercial way to
popularize the EVs
2. Shanghai: Platform-led business innovation model
ၔၔ Potevio’s
► leasing model reduces the capital
ၔၔ Shanghai
► was established as an EV pilot expenditures by separating the cost of the battery.
demonstration city with a focus on international
cooperation. ၔၔ Battery
► ownership is retained by Potevio (around
$56,000) which is then leased to the Shenzhen Bus
ၔၔ Shanghai
► has adopted a rental model borrowed from Company.
Bremen, Germany, wherein consumers can lease an
EV with a membership card.

Stanford Social Innvoation Review -https://ssir.org/articles/entry/chinas_quest_to_adopt_electric_vehicles


World Resources Institute - http://www.wri.org/blog/2018/04/how-did-shenzhen-china-build-world-s-largest-electric-bus-fleet


101 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

ၔၔ Moreover,
► because of the support from the local ၔၔ Chongqing’s
► model is based on some strategic
government and BYD (an EV OEM), Potevio was able motivations:
to buy the batteries at a subsidized price.
i. Chongqing is near the robust ‘Three Gorge Power
ၔၔ Today,
► Shenzhen has the world’s largest EV bus fleet Grid’ which is a 940-kilometre bipolar high-voltage
of 16,359 buses98 . direct current (HVDC) transmission line .
4. Hangzhou: Flexible rental model ii. Being a mountainous region, Chongqing is
ၔၔ Hangzhou’s
► Rental Model is similar to Shanghai and generally unsuitable for swapping which requires flat
is targeted at high initial capital cost of an EV. surface area.

ၔၔ This
► model is termed flexible as here, the customers iii. Chongqing is home to fast-charging auto
can choose to either lease the entire car or just the manufacturers that provide industrial support for
battery separately (Swapping model). its strategy.

5. Chongqing: Fast-charging Model

ၔၔ Chongqing
► has taken pilot initiatives for grid
intensive fast-charging EV technology.

ၔၔ Other
► cities were operating on various other models
such as:

i. Shenzhen and Hangzhou: swapping

ii. Beijing and Shanghai: slow-charging stations


Stanford Social Innvoation Review -https://ssir.org/articles/entry/chinas_quest_to_adopt_electric_vehicles


Fitch Ratings: China New Energy Vehicle Blue Book


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 102

Beijing Shanghai Shenzhen Hangzhou Chongqing

State Leadership Model Platform-Led Business Cooperative Flexible Fast
Innovation Model Commercialization Mode Rental Model Charging Model

• Government aligns • Jiading provides • Multiple industrial • Rental model works on the • Of all the pilot cities,
itself and depends on an EV international players participate principle that either car Chongqing was the only one
favourable policies demonstration zone actively. or battery (swap) can be implementing fast-charging
to create a strong EV which is a platform • Potevio (a state-owned rented. solutions.
industrial base. to promote EV enterprise supervised • Battery swapping was first
• Important industry development. by SASAC) introduced a adopted in Hangzhou.
players cooperate • Planners intend to financial leasing model

Action plan
actively. spread EV rental which reduces cost of

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

business across the city. purchasing EVs.

Figure 22: Pilot models in “The Ten Cities, One Thousand Vehicles Program 100
Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 104
1.5.3. Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for EV uptake in China
The government strengthened its support by deploying generous incentive packages for NEV producers and buyers,
implementing innovative NEV license-plate schemes in large cities and setting clear targets and roadmaps for public-
sector NEV deployment and electric-vehicle supply equipment construction101 .

Table 23: Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives in China

Production Purchase Usage Infrastructure

Financial incentives
Rewards for NEV research Subsidies for NEV Electricity tariff Subsidies for charging
and development purchase and leasing. discounts and subsidies. infrastructure construction.
Rewards for NEV and sales Purchase tax waiver; Vehicle circulation and Subsidies for NEV parking
import tariff cut. ownership tax waiver. infrastructure construction.
Replacement subsidies Free charging at public
for NEVs. charging facilities.
Discounts for large NEV Parking discounts and
orders. priority.
Subsidies for NEV Road and bridge toll
dealership store waiver.
Subsidies for e-bus and
e-taxi operations.
Subsidies for battery
Insurance premium
Non-financial incentives
Setting corporate-average Free license plates Rights to use dedicated Fast-tracked approval for
fuel consumption (CAFC)/ in ICE-restricted bus lanes. charging infrastructure
NEV credit targets. cities like Beijing, projects.
Regulators require Shanghai, Shenzhen,
automakers to reduce their Tianjin, Hangzhou and
CAFC to 5.0L/100km by Guangzhou.
2020, 4.0L/100km by 2025
and 3.2L/100km by 2030.
NEV promotion and No restrictions on Priority in land allocation.
marketing. accessing urban areas.
Setting targets for Priority in annual Online management system
5 NEV shares in vehicle inspections. for public charging poles.
Setting e-car targets for
government use.
Priority in commercial
operating license
issuance, for example,
taxi and logistic vehicles.

105 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Central government, since early 2000, has allocated heavy subsidies for the proliferation of PEVs. The total amount of
the subsidies allocated for a PEV can be upto 60% of the total value of the PEV. Due to the allotted subsidies, a consumer
paid less than half the actual price of the PEV, e.g., a Geely Zhidou costed 49,800 CNY after a subsidy of 109,000 CNY93

Table 24: Subsidies in the initial years88

Type Range 2013 2014 2015

Plug-in hybrid electric car > 50 km 35,000 CNY 33,250 CNY 31,500 CNY
(includes extended range EV)
Electric car 80 - 150 km 35,000 CNY 33,250 CNY 31,500 CNY
150 -250 km 50,000 CNY 47,500 CNY 45,000 CNY
> 250 km 60,000 CNY 57,000 CNY 54,000 CNY

Subsidies 2016 onwards

The new central government subsidy scheme gradually declines subsidy support for PEVs. Moreover, this new incentive
scheme raises the bar for an electric car range to minimum 100 km (earlier 80km) and maximum speed to 100 km/hr.
(earlier 80 km/hr). Even after the decline of subsidies, the sale of EVs in 2017 tipped over 600,000103 .

Table 25: : Subsidies allocated at present in China104

Type Range 2016 2017-18 2019-2020

Plug-in hybrid electric car > 50 km 30,000 CNY 2016 × 80% 2016 × 40%
(includes extended range EV)
Electric car 100 -150 km 25,000 CNY
150 -250 km 45,000 CNY
> 250 km 55,000 CNY

EY analysis


EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 106

1.5.4. Standards adopted in China105
EV standardization sub-committee Out of the four standards, national standards and
enterprise standards are known for Electric Mobility
Standardization Administration of China (SAC) is the
governing body for the EV infrastructure which forms four
levels of Chinese standards A detailed list of standards can be referred from annexure
Table 79: Standards adopted in China
ၔၔ National
► standards: GB/GBT

ၔၔ Ministry
► standards: JB/JBT, YY/YYT, etc.

ၔၔ Provincial
► standards: DB/DBT

ၔၔ Enterprises
► standards: QB/QBT


Secretariat: CATARC

National standards
Industry standards


Secretariat: CATARC Secretariat: CEC

Figure 23: Regulatory framework of standardization in China106

1.5.5. Key technological enablers for EV proliferation

China is abundant in Lithium and Cobalt reserves which The economies of scales would be an essential factor of
are the two primary components of a Li-ion chemistry cutting the battery cost down to meet the target.
battery. China’s current production capacity of Lithium is
By 2017, there were 140 EV battery manufacturers
2,000 tonnes (ranked 4th largest) and for cobalt is 7,700
in China, who are estimated to become a US$240
tonnes (ranked 2nd largest).
billion global industry in the next 20 years, led by BYD
7 was originated in Japan; then further
Battery technology (Shenzhen) with a 20 GWh of battery cell capacity and
developed by companies in Korea; and is now shifting CATL (Ningde, Fujian province) with 7.7 GWh of battery
strongly towards China. China has built an integrated capacity. CATL is estimated to reach 50 GWh of capacity
battery product line with the largest production capacity by 2020107 .
and market demands globally.

CATARC; UNECE - https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2012/wp29grsp/EVS-1-08.pdf
CATARC; UNECE - https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2012/wp29grsp/EVS-1-08.pdf
Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackperkowski/2017/08/03/ev-batteries-a-240-billion-industry-in-the-making/#7849db503f08
International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018

107 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Types of chargers
China is abundant in Lithium and Cobalt reserves which are the two primary components of a Li-ion chemistry battery.
A brief information about different types of chargers currently deployed in China is mentioned in the following table 108.

Table 26: Types of EV charging adopted in China109

Conventional plugs Slow chargers Fast chargers

Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Current AC AC AC, tri-phase DC
Power <= 3.7 kW > 3.7 kW and <= 22 kW <= 22 > 22 kW and <= 43.5 kW Currently < 200 kW
China Type 1 GB/T 20234 AC Tesla GB/T 20234 DC

1.5.6. EV ecosystem in China Charging point operator: charging point operator is

responsible for procuring requisite equipment. In most of
China is transitioning towards an unbundled electricity
the cases, maintenance services are outsourced to a third-
market and a market structure similar to that of Germany,
party. As the market is gradually being unregulated, the
though major players still remain “State Grid Corp of
output tariff (tariff charged to EV owners) will be market
China (SGCC)” operating in 26 provinces in North,
driven. However, in this case, CPOs charge EV owners as
West and East China and, “China Southern Power Grid
per different pricing methods such as pay per kWh and
(CSPG)” which covers the other five southern provinces
pay per hour.
(Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Hainan).” In
2014, the government opened the EV charging market to Charging network provider: the network provider is paid a
private players. Several private players such as the BYD, subscription fee/usage fee by the charging point operator
ABB, Shanghai Xundao New Energy Technology and other and the end consumer who utilizes the installed
state-owned entities have been investing in building and charging infrastructure.
operating of the charging stations. Various business models adopted in China are
mentioned below:
Business models ၔၔ BM1: Charging point operator provides free
In accordance with the above-mentioned ecosystem, public charging
roles played by the key stakeholders are CPO is a commercial entity (restaurant/retail store
mentioned below owner). The EV owners are offered free charging at
their premises. Accordingly, the CPO gets benefits
Utilities: utilities are involved in the complete
through increased customer attraction at the site.
development of charging infrastructure from establishing
grid infrastructure to installing charging stations. Utilities ၔၔ BM2: Pay per click model
also provide installation and maintenance services. Utilities collaborate with shopping malls, restaurants
or gas stations to install fast chargers in their
Power retailer: as per the market structure of China,
premises. They can receive a fixed sum of money
power retailer has to charge the charging point operators
from the owner of the premises, each time the
(CPOs) for supplying electricity. However, CPOs are free to
charger is used by the customers.
choose the retailer for procuring power.

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 108

ၔၔ BM3: Subscription model However, the story for India could be completely different
Utilities can own and operate charging infrastructure with minimal federal support in form of purchase subsidy.
in this model. They can charge a subscription fee Additionally, well designed incentive mechanisms can
from customers for using their charging facility. The help in accelerating the adoption especially in a country
subscription fee could include free charging. like India as the consumers are highly price sensitive and
adoption pattern is driven by commercial viability of
Taking a cue from the prevalent models for deployment of
the solution.
charging infrastructure globally, it is inferred that Federal
support in the forms of subsidy and push with stringent
policy measures have been instrumental in proliferation of
electric mobility.

Regulations on tariff
Electricity sector in China is undergoing deregulation, though throughout the process, the Electricity tariffs are expected
to be regulated. Following table provides information on electricity tariffs in various regions with the service fee 110

Table 27: Electricity tariff and service fee for EV charging in major cities

Cities Electricity tariff (CNY/kWh) Service fee (CNY/kWh)

Beijing Peak: 1.004, Normal: 0.6950, Valley: 0.3946 0.8
Shanghai Summer 1.3
Peak: 1.138, Normal: 0.710, Valley: 0.268


Peak: 1.113, Normal: 0.685, Valley: 0.333

Wuhan 0.6348 0.95
Nanjing 0.667 1.44
Tianjin 0.7109 1
Hefei 0.675 0.75 (DC Charging), 0.53 (AC Charging)
Yantai 0.5146 0.65
Taiyuan 0.5292 0.45


China – National Energy Administration; https://blog.cometlabs.io/china-expands-ev-charging-to-satisfy-millions-of-evs-on-the-road-d6c977da9a31


109 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 110
2 EV charging
infrastructure landscape: India

Electric mobility market of India differs from those of the However, as per the observations in globally mature
countries having higher levels of penetration of electric markets, resorting to a technology agnostic approach
vehicles and mature market conditions. The difference (allowing adoption of standards as per market conditions)
is primarily due to various aspects such as geographical has been a key strategy for increasing the market uptake.
area, public policy, social norms as well as economy. Accordingly, stations can provide all options (Bharat
Heterogeneous development in urban areas, large charger AC001, DC001, CHAdeMO, CCS and GB/T) to EV
population, low availability of public infrastructure and low users on a common board/kiosk.
affordability pose several barriers to mass scale adoption
Responding to the proactive approach of the policy
of e-vehicles.
makers, the electric mobility market has witnessed
In order to address the barriers, governments at both strategic partnerships between the various players of the
central and state levels have taken proactive steps. EV supply chain. This has been done with dual objectives
Initiatives such as National Electric Mobility Mission of diversifying product portfolio and reducing operational
Plan (NEMMP) and Faster Adoption and Manufacture of risks thereby increasing readiness of the industry to
(Hybrid and) Electric Vehicles (FAME) have been crucial respond to the electric mobility disruption.
in increasing the participation of private sector in electric
Accordingly, the section below briefs about the policy
mobility space. In addition, MOP’s landmark clarification
and regulatory framework for electric mobility in India,
that operation of charging infrastructure shall not be
assesses the supply chain readiness of automotive
considered as resale of electricity has further given a
players and reviews the standardization landscape of
boost to the sector.
India as compared to global markets. Based on this,
In addition to the policy and regulatory initiatives, recommendations have been made on policy level
standardization plays a critical role in proliferating uptake initiatives, on key strategies for collaborations between
of any technology. supply side players and on the most prevalent standards
for EVs, EVSE and testing standards.

111 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Policy landscape in India

India’s sustained commitment towards an improved energy security, green house gases (GHG) emissions and air
quality has initiated a paradigm shift towards electric mobility in the nation. It is estimated that with the uptake of
electric mobility, India will save US$330 billion111 (INR20 lakh crore) on oil imports by 2030. Furthermore, this shall
result in 300 MT of reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030112 .

2.1.1. Institutional framework

Electric mobility initiatives in India, initially, were led by the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (MoHIPE)
which launched National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) in 2013 and Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of
(Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) scheme in 2015.

FICCI - http://ficci.in/spdocument/20975/RMI-Report-20-Nov.pdf

Planning Commission of India (Now NITI Aayog) http://planningcommission.nic.in/sectors/index.php?sectors=National%20Transport%20Development%20Policy%20Committee%20(NTDPC)


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 112

Later, it was realized that electric mobility is a complex area with linkages across each segment of energy and transport value chain. Hence, in order to approach a

multi-stakeholder scenario, various government ministries were roped in. NITI Aayog has been given the responsibility to anchor the EV policy roadmap for India.
The figure below highlights the key roles played by various ministries:

EY Analysis
Government of India NITI Aayog

Policy roadmap Consultation



Ministry of Heavy Industries (Ministry of Road (Ministry of Power) (Ministry of Science (Ministry of Housing
and Public Enterprises) transport and Highways) and Technology) and Urban Affairs)

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

• MoHIPE has been leading • MoRTH will play a key • The MoP launched the • The MoST has formed a • Initial EV development will
electric mobility initiatives role in forming non-fiscal National e-Mobility “Technology Platform for be predominantly an urban
in India since 2013. policies and incentives Programme by procuring Electric Mobility (TPEM)”, scenario led by cities.
• MoHIPE launched the for the EVs in terms lane EVs and EVSE funded primarily by • MoH&UA notified that
NEMMP and manages access, parking infra, etc. through EESL. the MoHIPE. residential and commercial
FAME scheme to disburse • MoRTH is likely to further • The MoP released a • MoST will play a key role in complexes will have to allot
financial incentives. enable transport utilities to notification declaring EV forming electric mobility 20% of their parking space
adopt electric fleets charging to be a service standardization roadmap for electric vehicle
rather than sale of for India. charging facilities
electricity. • MoH&UA will play a
• The MoP declared key role in bringing
guidelines for setting up together various city-wide
charging infrastructure. stakeholders together to
facilitate development.

Figure 24: Key role played by various ministries in India113

2.1.2. Policy roadmap
In 2010, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) first launched the Alternate Fuels for Surface
Transportation Program which was followed by National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) in 2013. NEMMP laid the
foundation of electric mobility developments in India by setting a goal to achieve 6-7 million EVs by 2020. The following
table represents the electric mobility policy roadmap of India since its inception.

Table 28: Schemes by GoI for promoting EVs115

Key initiatives for electric mobility proliferation

S.no. Initiative Timeline Description
1 Alternate Fuels 2010 • The
► program promotes research, development and demonstration
for Surface projects on electric vehicles.
Transportation • Incentives
► given include:
• Package worth INR950 million was provided
• 20% on the ex-factory prices of electric vehicles
2 National Electric 2013 • NEMMP
► envisaged a total investment of US$6-US$7 billion for the
Mobility Mission promotion of electric mobility with investments in R&D and electric
Plan (NEMMP) vehicle infrastructure.
• Proposed investment by the government is US$2.7-US$3 billion.
• Proposed investment by private sector US$4-US$4.5 billion.
• Demand
► incentives have been included in government investments.
• Target
► to achieve 6 to 7 million on road electric vehicles by 2020.
• The
► vehicle target will enable fuel savings of 2.2 to 2.5 million tonnes.
• Savings
► from the decrease in the consumption of liquid fossil fuel as
a result of a shift to electric mobility alone will far exceed the support
provided, thereby making this a highly economically viable proposition.
• Carbon
► dioxide emissions as a result of vehicular emissions will
decrease by 1.3%-1.5% in 2020.
• Develop
► phase-wise strategy for research and development (R&D),
demand and supply incentives, manufacturing and infrastructure
3 Faster Adoption 2015 • The program promotes research, development and demonstration
and Manufacturing projects on electric vehicles.
Phase 1:
of (Hybrid &) • Incentives
► given include:
2015- 2017
Electric Vehicles
(extended till • Package worth INR950 million was provided
September • 20% on the ex-factory prices of electric vehicles
• By
► 2017, under the government’s FAME I scheme, incentives worth
Phase 2: INR211.74 crores (~US$31.6 million) have been disbursed114 .

2019 – 2023 • 11
► cities across India were selected for pilot projects to promote
(Expected) electric vehicle developments. These include:

Government of Uttar Pradesh - https://niveshmitra.up.nic.in/Documents/DraftPolicies/Uttar_Pradesh_Electric_Vehicles.pdf


EY Analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 114

Key initiatives for electric mobility proliferation

S.no. Initiative Timeline Description

• 390
● electric buses
• 370
● electric taxis
• 720
● electric autos
• INR40
● crores for charging infrastructure
• The
► following subsidy will be provided based on the vehicle class

Vehicle Minimum Maximum

segment subsidy subsidy

Scooter Two- INR1,800 INR22,000


Motorcycle Two- INR3,500 INR29,000


Auto rickshaw Three- INR3,300 INR61,000


Cars Four- INR11,000 INR1,38,000


Light commercial vehicle Light INR17,000 INR1,87,000

(LCVs) commercial

Buses Buses INR3,00,000 INR66,00,000

► II scheme, with a subsidy package of INR9,381 crores
(~US$1.4 billion), is expected to be launched for a period of five
years from 2018-2023.
4 Clarification 2018 The MoP clarified that EV charging will be considered a service and not
on charging a resale of electricity.
infrastructure for
The charging of battery involves utilization of electrical energy which
electric vehicles
gets stored in the battery. Thus, the charging of battery of an EV
involves a service by the charging station and earning revenue from
the EV’s owner.

The electricity is consumed within the premises owned by the charging

station and hence is not a sale of electricity.

This landmark notification has opened the charging infrastructure

market and within a month of the notification, various projects were
launched within the country.


Government of Uttar Pradesh - https://niveshmitra.up.nic.in/Documents/DraftPolicies/Uttar_Pradesh_Electric_Vehicles.pdf


EY analysis

115 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

State electric mobility policies
In addition to the central level initiatives, various states have also announced dedicated policies for increasing EV market
uptake. Key highlights of these policies are mentioned below:

Table 29: Policies and schemes promoting EVs in India 116

State policy
S.no. Timeline Description
1 Karnataka 2017 • Separate
► tariff has been included (4.85/kWh) for EVs
• Government
► of Karnataka intends to make Karnataka the EV capital of India and
aims to achieve 100% electric mobility by 2030 in the following segments:
• Auto rickshaws
• Cab aggregators
• Corporate fleets
• School buses/vans
• Karnataka
► aims to attract investments of INR31,000 crores
• Four
► strategies defined by the state are:
• Special initiatives for EV manufacturing
• Support for charging infrastructure
• Support for R&D and skill development
• Incentives and concessions
• State
► transport - BMTC, KSRTC, NWKSRTC and NEKRTC will introduce 1,000 EV
buses during a time period of five years.
Support for charging infrastructure

• Certifications/standards: the government will encourage private players to set

up ARAI compliant/BIS standards EV charging infrastructure.
• Land identification and leasing: the government will identify potential places
and allocate government lands wherever available on long lease for setting up
of EV fast charging stations and battery swapping infrastructure by following a
transparent bidding process.
• Subsidy:
► the government will offer incentives in the form of capital subsidy based
on the type of charging stations.
Fast charging stations Battery swapping stations
Battery swapping stations
Eligibility First 100 stations First 100 stations

First 50 stations (4W)

First 50 stations (buses)

Subsidy amount 25% on equipment and 2W/3W swapping station
machinery (maximum
25% on equipment and
INR10 lakhs per station)
machinery (maximum
INR3 lakhs per station)

State Policies; EY analysiss


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 116

Key initiatives for electric mobility proliferation
S.no. Timeline Description
4W swapping station

25% on equipment and machinery

(maximum INR5 lakhs per station)

Buses swapping station

25% on equipment and machinery

(maximum INR10 lakhs per station)
• Building code amendments: the amendments will be made to building bye-laws
for providing charging infrastructure for EVs in all high-rise buildings/technology
park/apartments in the state.
• The
► government has exempted EV users from paying taxes on all electric non-
transport and transport vehicles including e-rickshaws and e-carts.
Incentive and concessions for EV and component manufacturing enterprises

• Investment
► promotion subsidy
• ● For micro enterprises: 25% of the value of fixed assets
(maximum INR15 lakhs)
• ● Small enterprises: 20% of the value of fixed assets (maximum INR40 lakhs)
• ● Medium manufacturing enterprises: INR 50 lakhs
• 100%
► exemption from stamp duty on loan agreement, credit deeds,
hypothecation deeds, etc.
• Concessional
► registration charges for all loan documents and deeds.
• 100%
► reimbursement of land conversion fee from agriculture to industrial use.
• Subsidy
► for setting up effluent treatment plant (ETP).
• ● One-time capital subsidy up to 50% of the cost of ETP, subject to a ceiling of
INR50 lakh till medium level enterprises and INR 200 lakhs for large and
above enterprises.
• Exemption
► from tax on electricity tariff.
• Interest
► free loan on net SGST to large and above large-scale enterprises for
certain number of years.
2 Maharashtra 2018 Incentive and assistance for EV charging
• Separate tariff has been included (2.06 /kWh) for EVs.
• Common
► charging points in residential areas, societies, bus depots, public
parking areas, railway stations, fuel pumps, etc. will be allowed. After the receipt
of the application for setting up a charging point, the concerned planning
authority and electricity supplying agency shall grant the permission within
7 15 days.
• Petrol
► pumps will be allowed to setup charging stations freely subject to the
areas qualifying under fire and safety standard norms under relevant acts/rules.
• Commercial
► public EV charging stations for two-wheelers, two-wheelers, cars
and buses will be eligible for 25% capital subsidy on equipment/machinery
(limited up to INR10 lakhs per station) for the first 250 commercial public EV
charging stations.
• As
► per the requirement, the facility of robotic battery swapping arm will be
created at public bus stations.

117 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Key initiatives for electric mobility proliferation
S.no. Timeline Description
Incentives and provisions for EV buyer
• The following incentives (user subsidy) in addition to central subsidy will be
provided to the private/public passengers whose vehicles are registered in the
state over a policy period of five years
• Exemption
► from road tax and registration fees for electric vehicles.
2-wheeler 3-wheeler 4-wheeler 5-wheeler
Eligibility First 70,000 First 20,000 First 10,000 First 1,000
Subsidy on 15% 15% 15% 10%
base price (maximum limit (maximum limit (maximum limit (maximum
of INR5,000 of INR12,000 of INR1 lakh limit of INR20
per vehicle) per vehicle) per vehicle) lakhs per
Subsidy 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months
Realization from the from the from the from the
purchase date purchase date purchase date purchase date
3 Delhi 2017 S
► eparate EV tariff has been included (5.5/kWh) for kWh for LT and HT connection
4 Telangana 2017 • Telangana
► State Transport Corporation has set a target of 100% electric buses
by 2030 for intra-city, intercity and interstate transport (key milestones – 25% by
2022, 50% by 2025 and 100% by 2030).
• Government
► vehicles (owned and contractual) are planned to switch to electric
by 2025, in a phased manner. Contract carriage permits will be given to private
operators with EV fleet operations.
• ► Corporate offices with annual turnover of INR100+ crores operating within
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) limits to compulsorily
migrate 25% of their employee commuting fleet to EVs by 2022 and
100% by 2030.
5 Andhra 2017 • Separate tariff has been included (INR6.95 /kWh) for EVs.
Pradesh • The
► state government is seeking to attract investments of INR30,000 crores
in the EV industry by providing capital subsidies to automakers and charging-
equipment manufacturers.
6 Gujarat 2017 • 1000 EV buses will be introduced by the state by 2030, in different phases ►
Separate tariff has been included (INR4.1/kWh) for EVs.
7 Uttar 2018 • 1000
► EV buses will be introduced by the state by 2030, in different phases - 25%
Pradesh in phase I by 2020, remaining 35% in phase II by 2022 and the rest (40%) in phase
III by 2030.
• UP
► will incentivize manufacturing of Lithium batteries with higher mileage per
charge. The state will also incentivize manufacturing of hydrogen-powered fuel
cells and solar powered cells, as an alternative clean energy source.
• The
► state government will also provide 100% road tax exemption for EVs
purchased in Uttar Pradesh.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 118

To give a further boost to EV demand in India, there is a need for the policy level initiatives to focus on financial and non-
financial incentives. These incentives need to be supported at central, state and city levels. The early adopters will be
primarily from urban areas with major sales coming from the metro cities because of large population and high-incomes.
Hence, city level policies will play an important role in the development of EV ecosystem in India.

To meet this objective, each state has started preparing its policy document for EV. This policy document shall define
clear guidelines, targets and roadmap to all the stakeholders. The policy should incentivize stakeholders (manufacturers,
user, service providers, etc.) across value chains to attract investments in different states.

Some of the key incentives that can be considered by the central and various state governments (if not taken into
consideration) have been covered in the following section:


Policy level recommendations

Table 30: Recommended incentives117

Vehicle Responsible
S.no. Incentive User Recommendations
segment agency

Fiscal measures

1 GST All All Central • The GST rate for EV may be brought down from 12%.
and state • If the above is not feasible, then state government
may exempt SGST.
2 Road tax All All Central • The road tax should be fully exempted in EV for the
and state first few years.
• The above amendment in Motor Vehicle Act can act
as an enabler.
3 Financing All All Central • Setting up manufacturing units, charging stations
interest rate and RBI and EV purchase can be considered under priority
sector lending.
4 Income tax All Institution Central • The EV buyer can avail accelerated depreciation of
benefits corporates 40% similar to the solar sector
• The EV charging stations can be promoted with solar
or energy storage solutions to avail such benefits.

Non-fiscal measures
5 Power tariff All All State Following tariff changes might be adopted by India:

• Relaxing the additional fixed/demand charges

coming from EVs for all connection categories. This
could be time bound for the first five years and on
evaluation, it can be extended further.
• For (not-for-profit) home and office/work charging,
allowing an option to move to three-phase
connection with TOD tariff or continue with the
same tariff category.

119 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Vehicle Responsible
S.no. Incentive User Recommendations
segment agency
• For (profit) commercial EV charging or EV leasing as
a service (with some minimum number of chargers
or kW load), allowing new separate meter under
new EV tariff category. This tariff category to be
kept competitive like Delhi order of fixed 5 and
5.5 INR/kWh for LT and HT connections. Keeping
this tariff tied to average cost of supply (ACoS) of
Discoms and allowing maximum loading of 10%-15%
for AT&C losses could be a good way for all states to
• Also allowing such businesses to mark up their
charging services prices (including electricity) at
market rates
• Allowing such businesses to opt for an easy
open access (if meeting minimum kW load
6 Toll All All State • This can be exempted for EV buyers till year
charges 2022-23.
7 Entry tax PV and Commercial State • The state entry taxes may be fully exempted.
8 Parking All All State • The parking fees may be exempted for types of EVs.
9 Permits 3W Commercial State • The permit cost may be fully exempted
and PV
10 2W/3W 2W/3W Commercial Central • Motor Vehicle Act may be amended to allow 2W
taxi and state and 3W as fleet/taxi business and allow corporate
11 Green All All Central • The green plates can be given to EV buyers. Some
plates EVs (cars, buses) with green plates could be given
access to dedicated lanes and parking areas.

In addition to the policy level initiatives, regulatory level push is also critical to address the barriers faced by stakeholders
at each step of the e-mobility value chain. The next section identifies current regulations regarding e-mobility space
in India.

EY analysiss

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 120

Regulatory framework
Stage in setting
S.no. up EV charging Center/
infrastructure Regulation Article state Verbatim Description
3 Right of way Electricity PART VIII State Section 67. (Provisions The act defines the
Act, 2003120 - Works of (DISCOM as to opening up of provisions to obtain
licensees is a state streets, railways, etc.): right of way as per the
subject) Sections 67, 68
Section 68. (Provisions
and 69.
relating to overhead

Section 69. (Notice to

telegraph authority).
4 Other approvals Supply code 2. and State Application for power Relevant forms that
Annexures supply/additional power an individual or
- Form A1 supply. entity needs to fill
for placing a request
A-1 application
for connection to a
form (To be used for
distribution utility.
residential and other
connections except
Agriculture and
5 Safety and CEA (2010 Supply Center 9. DISCOM-specific As per the provisions
standards and later code - 9, and supply mains and of the supply code,
and quality of amended), 10 and 11 state apparatus. electricity rules and
hardware supply code distributed generation
10. Wiring on
(state) and resources regulations,
consumer’s premises
electricity the standards for
rules 2005 11. Consumer’s connectivity of a
and draft apparatus charging station
regulations to distribution
of Distributed infrastructure needs
Generation to be ensured.
Resources ,121

6 Installation conditions 5.6 State Return on Capital As per the provisions

implementation for Employed (RoCE) of state-level
and cost of determination shall be used to conditions for
2 by of wheeling provide a return to the determination of
DISCOM tariff and Distribution licensee tariff which suggests
retail shall cover all financing methodology for
supply tariff costs, without providing calculation of return
regulations, separate allowances on capital employed
2011 123 for interest on loans (RoCE
and interest on working

Central Electricity Authority (CEA) http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/regulation/draft_tech_std_dgr_2018.pdf (last


Central Electricity Authority (CEA) http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/regulation/draft_tech_std_dgr_2018.pdf (last accessed 07 Aug. 18)


Central Electricity Authority (CEA) http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/regulation/draft_tech_std_dgr_2018.pdf (last accessed 07 Aug. 18)


121 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Stage in setting Regulatory framework
S.no. up EV charging
infrastructure Regulation Article Verbatim Description
state level
7 Tariff Draft 8.3 Center (a) Tariff shall be less The proposed
determination Amendments than or equal to the amendments to
methodology to National average cost of supply National Tariff Policy,
Tariff Policy determined 2016 vide letter
2016 124 number 23 February
based on AT&C loss
2018, the R&R
level of 15% or actual,
specifies that tariff for
whichever is lower, an
charging the station’s
(b) there shall be single operations should not
part tariff for this be a two-part tariff but
purpose in the initial a single part and the
three years. tariff should be the
average cost of supply
of DISCOM with an
assumption of 15 %
AT&C losses blended
into it.
8 Tariff setting Electricity U/S 86 State a) Determine the tariff State Electricity
Act (EA), for generation, supply, Regulatory
2003 transmission and Commission has been
wheeling of electricity, empowered by EA
wholesale, bulk or retail, 2003 to determine
as the case may be, the tariff as per the
within the state. ARR filed.
9 Standard for Installation Part III Center The consumer meter Existing provisions,
metering and may have the facilities as mentioned in
Operation to measure, record and supply code, with
of Meter display one or more reference to metering
Regulations, of the parameters regulations mentions
2006 depending upon the the parameters to
tariff requirement for be measured for
various categories of consumer meter

Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) - http://www.derc.gov.in/regulations/dercregulations/Regulations2011/Distribution.pdf


Ministry of Power - https://powermin.nic.in/sites/default/files/webform/notices/Proposed_amendments_in_Tariff_Policy_0.pdf


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 122

Stage in setting Regulatory framework
S.no. up EV charging
infrastructure Regulation Article Verbatim Description
state level
10 Future EV EA 2003 and U/S 51 Center A distribution licensee With consent of SERC,
charging Treatment and state may, with prior the DISCOMs can
infrastructure of income intimation to the invest in deployment
investments by from other appropriate of charging
DISCOM business commission, engage in infrastructure and
any other business for maintain books as
optimum utilization of its per the regulations
assets: for non-tariff income
specified by SERCs
Provided that a
proportion of the
revenues derived from
such business shall, as
may be specified by
the concerned state
commission, be utilized
for reducing its charges
for wheeling.
11 Retail pricing/ Clarification 4 Center Charging of batteries Clarification note of
tariff to EV on charging of electric vehicles by the MoP specifies
users infrastructure charging station does charging of EV is
for electric not require any license a service and does
vehicles under the provisions of not require any
the Electricity Act, 2003 license. This enables
operator of charging
infrastructure to
charge innovative
pricing to EV users
such as INR/kWh, INR/
km, INR/min, etc.

Apart from the policy and regulatory level initiatives, effective modes of collaborations between market players is crucial
to improve the operational efficiency and increase overall business viability. Accordingly, identification of key risks for
suppliers of technology products and for service providers in the e-mobility value chain is critical. The section below
tries to identify the current readiness of supply side players for the e-mobility disruption. Accordingly, possible modes of
collaborations for mitigating key risks have been suggested.


123 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


EV supply chain readiness and R&D in India

The large volumes of electric vehicles are bound to disrupt the existing supply chain of the automotive industries.
This transition from ICE to electric engines is also likely to open new opportunities for the technology companies and
start-ups. Hence, the established players need to re-invent themselves to adopt to new EV technology before they
start losing their businesses.

The design complexity in EV is less compared to ICE Electric motors: the internal combustion engines will
vehicles because of the involvement of less moving parts. be replaced by electric motors. Motor technology will
This may lead to the commoditization of the vehicle once define the key characteristic of the vehicle performance
the technology matures. In such a case, it is important for such as top speed. To communicate between motors
the existing players to increase their value proposition in and other vehicle components will be achieved through
order to differentiate their offerings in the market. These sophisticated controllers and microprocessors. Both
offerings may include owning dedicated charging stations brushless DC (BLDC) and AC traction motors are currently
and providing free charging, warranty, post-sales service prevalent in the market. Though BLDC motors have a
and other relevant services. better control and are more efficient, but the use of
permanent magnets make them costlier, and they pose
In order to differentiate product offerings, reduce
risk to supply chain with higher volumes. Some new
possible risks due to market disruption and improve
innovations in motors design like Switch Reluctance
operational efficiency, various players in the supply chain
Motors (SRM) are in R&D stage. SRM motors do not need
have adopted different modes of collaborations. The
permanent magnets, but have fairly complex design and
section below highlights the various components in the
are difficult to control.
EV supply chain, impact of e-mobility’s uptake on the
existing automotive value chain and possible modes of Chargers: the design of the chargers would depend upon
collaborations. the type of vehicle (2W, 3W, 4W and buses), which in turn
depends on the selection of batteries, vehicle electronics
2.4.1. Components of EV supply chain and system architecture. EVs can be charged using AC or
DC charger. When charged using AC charger, the vehicle
Electric vehicle manufacturing: EVs penetration in India
will need an on-board charger to convert the AC into DC
is happening at various levels - individual (2-wheeler,
and then charge the batteries. The power level of the
4-wheeler), commercial (3-wheeler, 4-wheeler fleet,
charger and ability of the EV to use that power level will
buses) public (intra-city and inter-city buses) and goods
determine the speed with which full charging will take
and logistics (2-wheeler, 3-wheeler, 4-wheeler) vehicle
place. Usually AC chargers provide slow charging (four to
segments. Existing and new vehicle manufacturers are
eight hours), while DC chargers can charge fast (0.5 to 2
launching and developing new models.
hours). Usually, for high power charging, communication
Lithium-Ion batteries (LIB): the heart of any EV is protocols between charger-grid and between charger-EV
battery. This is the single largest component in the are needed, to ensure proper safety during charging. India
EV cost. The cell-level chemistry, battery packs and has adopted AC-001 (15A, 3.3kW, IEC 60309 connector)
thermal management will play a critical role in the and DC-001 (200A, 15kW, GB/T 20234 connector)
overall performance of the vehicle. Some key battery for low voltage EV applications. India is in the phase to
performance parameters are range (distance travelled per define similar standards for medium and high voltage
charge), density (weight and volume per kWh), battery applications. The EV chargers would create more demand
capacity degradation with usage, maximum charging for inverters and DC-DC converters, going forward.
and discharging power, fast charging time and battery
Charging network operator: this is an open ground
life cycles. There is trade-off between cost and different
for all the market participants. There will be a huge
battery characteristics. NMC battery is the cheapest, LTO
demand for the charging infrastructure on most city
costliest, and LFP is in between the two in terms of cost
roads and also on highways. A good charging facility
and also performance.
and demand aggregation strategy would be critical for
the success of the charging infra business. Accordingly,

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 124

different ownership models (private, public, PPP), price parts and will require skilled labors and skill up (gradation/
determination, bundling strategies (INR/full-charge, INR/ training) of the existing workforce.
km, INR/min, INR/kWh, subscription, etc.) and payment
Re-cycling: different OEMs are giving different warranties
options shall emerge. All chargers and charging stations
on battery life ranging from three to eight years125 . EVs,
shall be new additions on the grid and it is important
being new in India, have not generated enough legacy
that the grid gets some signal on the charging demand
data on performance of Lithium-Ion batteries (LIBs) in
to be able to optimize peak-load management. This
Indian charging and discharging conditions (road, use,
data management and analytics around EV charging
temperature, etc.). These parameters have high impact
for improved grid management shall emerge as a new
on battery’s life cycle use and capacity degradation. It is
business opportunity.
expected that once LIBs complete useful life cycles in EVs,
Post-sales support: the elimination of engines from EV they can still be used for stationary applications, before
may decrease the demand of consumable items such as being taken up for final recycling. Re-cycling with current
lubricants and oil, and also bring down the after-sales technologies can extract 80%-100% of existing precious
maintenance cost. New EVs will have more electronic material used in the cells/batteries126 , and provide an
important link to mitigate the risk of supply of precious
metals for manufacturing the new cells/LIB.

2.4.2. Impact of EVs on automotive supply chain

The map given below represents the impact of EVs on automotive supply chain. This may be helpful in identifying the
focus areas, and in planning investments for portfolio diversification and capacity building.



Components Services Components Services Components Consumables
• Engine • Unorganized • Air conditioners • Insurance • Batteries • Wire and plugs
• Fuel tanks service stations • Breaking system • Financing • Electric motors Services
• Gear box • Steering system • Painting • Controllers • Electronic
• Fuel pumps • Chassis • Denting • Cooling systems component
• Seats • Chargers services
Consumables • Battery
• Headlights • Microprocessors
• Oil & lubricants replacements
Consumables • Inverters
• Filters and recycle
• Car accessories • DC-DC converters
• Charging
• Wire harnesses network

Figure 25: Impact of EVs on automotive supply chain127

Inside EVs - https://insideevs.com/tesla-model-3-battery-warranty-include-70-retention-guarantee/


Li-Cycle - https://www.li-cycle.com/blog

EY analysis

125 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

The EV market uptake is also expected to boost demand the selection of design strategy will have an impact on the
of the following raw materials: value chain of the automobile manufacturers and their
ability to differentiate their product offerings.
ၔၔ Aluminum: the use of light weight materials for
better vehicle dynamics to compensate for heavy The disruption in the supply chain may have implications
weight batteries. on the logistics management as well. Earlier, it was
easy to manage the movement of goods but in case of
ၔၔ Copper: the use of electric motors and need of
EVs’ batteries, it would pose new challenges. The EVs’
wiring harnesses.
battery is costly, heavy and bulky and contains hazardous
ၔၔ Carbon fibre: lightweight material suitable for better chemicals. Hence, the distance between the battery
vehicle dynamics. However, high prices will keep the factories and assembling units would be important to keep
demand in check. logistic, freight and insurance costs under control.
ၔၔ Lithium: the primary component used in the
manufacturing of Lithium-Ion batteries.
2.4.3. Modes of collaborations
It is evident from the above discussion that value addition
by the OEMs will shrink as EVs’ business grow. To protect As discussed above, battery technology and logistics
their interest, OEMs need to focus on in-house battery management would be a key to success. Some of the
development and manufacturing to retain their share in strategies that can be adopted by the automobile
the total value chain. manufacturers to stay relevant in the industry are
highlighted below:
The impact on value chain will be also be dependent
upon the design strategy adopted by the automobile 1. Joint venture: for e.g., the automobile and battery
companies. This strategy could be conversion design manufacturer enter into a joint venture.
or purpose design. Conversion design is based on 2. Acquisition: for e.g., the automobile manufacturer
conventional car concepts. In this design, the conventional acquires the battery manufacturer.
architecture is retained and only the electric motor
replaces the IC engines. The body structures may be 3. Vertical integration: the automobile manufacturer
modified. The biggest advantage of this strategy is develops and in-house R&D team and production line.
economies of scale and less initial investments in R&D and 4. Strategic suppliers: the automobile manufacture
production line. This strategy is likely to be adopted by continues to procure batteries from their strategic local
most of the players as a market strategy for entry. and global players.
On the other hand, the objective of purpose design is Accordingly, different stakeholders have already taken
to develop new vehicles which allow more innovations, such initiatives to increase their product offerings and
features and functionalities. The design is developed reduce supply side risks. The section below highlights
particularly to meet the needs of electric mobility. Hence, various strategic measures taken by EV component
manufacturers, OEMs, fleet aggregators and charging
station operators.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 126

2.4.4. EV component and their manufacturers
The manufacturing of EV components is witnessing several collaborations across the globe. Indian market is geared
up to embrace electric mobility. Though manufacturers grapple with scale, they are still seeking active support from
the government to lower the upfront costs for end users. Some manufacturers are also collaborating with operators to
assure demand and improvize the existing products.

Table 31: EV component manufacturers128

EV Manufacturer’s
S.no. Key notes
component name
1 Cells/battery Tesla • Signed exclusive partnership with Panasonic.
packs • Aims to reduce battery pack’s cost by 30% for Tesla vehicles.
• The investment to establish Gigafactory is US$5 billion. The production
capacity is 35 GWh.
2 Cells/battery Panasonic • Toyota partners to develop lithium batteries.
packs • Market leader in automotive Lithium-Ion battery cell suppliers.
3 Cells/battery Automotive • 2nd largest automotive Lithium-Ion cell supplier by market share.
packs Energy Supply
4 Cells/battery LG Chem • 3rd largest automotive Lithium-Ion cell supplier by market share.
packs • The plant is located in Wroclaw, South Poland.
5 Cells/battery Samsung SDI • 4th largest automotive Lithium-Ion cell supplier by market share.
packs • Three global production units.
6 Cells/battery Mahindra and • Partnered with LG Chem to develop cells exclusively for applications
packs Mahindra in India.
• The battery module and pack is expected to go into production line in the
last quarter of 2019-20.
7 Cells/battery Exicom • Company plans to scale up the production capacity to 1 GWh in 2018-19.
packs • One of the largest supplier of Lithium batteries in India with current
deployment of 600 MWh in storage applications.
8 Battery Reliance • There are reports that Reliance is looking to establish 25 GWh Gigafactory
packs in India at an estimated investment of US$3.5 billion.
9 Motor Borg Warner • They have technology which has already received good response in
Chinese market.
• In India, the company will invest locally when the demand picks up. There
is no defined plan yet.
10 Motor Hitachi • They plan to sell technology to other customers as well.
• The investment is pegged at US$44.69 millions.
• Honda announced JV with Hitachi to design, develop and manufacture
motors for future EVs.

EY analysis

127 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

EV Manufacturer’s
S.no. Key notes
component name
11 Motor BHEL • Signed an agreement with Ashok Leyland and Tata Motors for developing a
propulsion system for buses.

12 Chargers Ather Grid • Signed an agreement with Sanmina Corporation, a leading integrated
manufacturing solutions company headquartered in San Jose, California.
• Manufactures slow AC home charger for their e-bikes.
• Manufactures fast DC chargers for their public charging stations.
13 Chargers ABB • Running pilot with nine OEMs.
• Installed 50kW fast charger in NITI Aayog’s premises.
• Plans to setup 4,500 charging stations in India.
14 Chargers Exicom • Installed AC and DC charger in the MoP’s office, Delhi.
• The company will supply 1,080 AC chargers of 3.3kW and 100 DC fast
chargers of 15kW, which will be used to charge Tata Motors' Tigor and
Mahindra & Mahindra's eVerito cars procured by Energy Efficiency Services
Limited (EESL).
15 Chargers Delta • Plans to make US$150 million investment in India
Electronics • Installs first 15 kW DC fast charger in Maharashtra Mantralaya
• BHEL and Delta to supply 100 DC chargers under EESL tender
16 Chargers BHEL • BHEL and Delta to supply 100 DC chargers under EESL tender
17 Chargers SBD Green • To supply 720 AC chargers under EESL tender
and Infra


1. This is not a complete list and the above information is provided to highlight the preparedness of the EV suppliers to meet the
growing demand of EVs.

2. The other companies which participated in EESL tender for supplying EV chargers are Analogies Tech India, EVI Technologies,
Imperial Engineering, Ornate Agencies, RRT Electro Power, Siemens, and VIN Semiconductors.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 128

2.4.5. EV fleet and public charging station operators
Some of the key charging station operators in India are mentioned below:

Table 32: Key charging station operators in India129

Number Number Number of charging

S.no. EV component Key notes
of cities of cars stations
1 OLA Number of Fuel - Nagpur (4) • Partnered with Mahindra Electric to
cities - 110 6,00,000 pilot EV in Nagpur.
(only EVs - 65 • IOCL to setup charging stations
one city
• India’s first charging station was
have EV
established by Ola in Nagpur.
• Car charging took four to five hours
due to which driver working hours
increased significantly.
• Nagpur pilot investment was INR50
• Plans to add 10,000 EV in one year,
majority being e-rickshaws.
2 Tata Power Mumbai - Mumbai (12) • Partnership with Tata Motors to
support their EV deployment

3 Ather Bangalore - Bangalore (30) • Signed an agreement with Sanmina

Corporation, a leading integrated
manufacturing solutions company
headquartered in San Jose,
• Sanmina will exclusively manufacture
Ather’s charging system, battery
management systems and
dashboards at its state-of-the-art
manufacturing facility in Chennai,
• Free charging for the vehicle owners
for first 12 months.
• Free charging shall be followed by
monthly subscription fee towards
charging, support and maintenance.
4 Lithium Urban Bangalore, EV- 400 Bangalore (70), • B2B strategy
cabs New Delhi Delhi (20) • Plans to setup 60 public chargers
across Delhi-NCR. State government
to provide financial assistance.
• Plans to expand operations in Pune,
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad.

EY analysis

129 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

EV Number Number Number of charging
S.no. Key notes
component of cities of cars stations
5 SmartE cabs Delhi-NCR, e-rickshaws- • Partnership with Delhi Metro to
Gurugram, 600 rollout e-rickshaws.
Faridabad • Signed partnership with more than
1,000) 15 organizations.
• Served more than 20 million
passengers in the first two years of
• Make revenues from internal/external
brandings in e-rickshaw.
6 Hyderabad Hyderabad - 24 • Partnership with L&T and PGCIL
Metro Rail (under • This is done on a pilot basis to
Limited (HRML) implementation) understand market response.
7 Bangalore Bangalore - 11 • Charges end-users on ToD basis once
Electricity approved by the state commission.
company Ltd. Implementation-10)
8 Fortum (Finnish No - None • Fortum signed an MoU with NBCC
Clean Energy presence (India) for developing changing
Company) infrastructure across India in an
upcoming project.
• Plans to setup 150 charging stations
in the next 12-18 months.
9 BSES Delhi - 2 • MoU with Indian Railways
• This will be a pilot project. Indian
Railways will pay 8 cents/kWh as
charging tariff once approved by the
10 Mahindra Bangalore, - Bangalore (25), • Installed under FAME scheme
Reva electric Pune,
Delhi (6)


1. This is not a complete list and some information provided above may differ. The data is consolidated to show efforts being made
by various governments/private organizations to develop EV ecosystem in India.

2. EESL has deployed only 250 out of 500 EVs procured in Phase 1. Out of 250, 150 EVs are deployed in Delhi while 100 EVs in
Andhra Pradesh. The slow pace of setting up charging station is the main reason for the delay in EVs’ deployment. There are
approx. 250 charging stations across India, out of which major deployments are in Delhi and Bangalore.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 130

2.4.6. Key automobile players in India and their EV strategy
The key players in the automobile players in India and their EV strategies for India are highlighted below:

Table 33: Key automotive players in India130

Automobile Vehicle EV running

S.no. Key notes
players category models

1 Mahindra Four eSupro (2) • Zoomcar partners with Mahindra Electric to offer self-drive
Electric wheelers e20 Plus EV cars in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Mysore.
eVerito • Mahindra Electric has joined hands with Meru Cabs to deploy
electric vehicles.
• LG Chem is Mahindra Electric’s Lithium battery technology
• Signs an MoU with Government of Maharashtra for EV
manufacture and deployment.
• Partnered with Ola for Nagpur pilot.
• New EV SUV models to be launched soon.
• Plan to deploy 1,000 EVs in the next one year in
• Surpassed 50 million electric km.
• Investment planned in next four years is INR900 crores
starting 2017.

2 Tata Motors Four Tigor • Has signed an MoU with Government of Maharashtra to
wheelers deploy EV and setup charging infrastructure.
• Tata Motors to setup charging infrastructure with the help of
Tata Powers.
• Entry Market strategy: conversion design
• Plans to deploy 1,000 EVs that includes both commercial
and passenger vehicles.
• EESL Phase - 1,250 EV cars production completed
• Lowest cost bidder in EESL tender to procure 10,000 EVs.
• Work on more than a dozen EV solutions is in progress.
• Cars are manufactured exclusively for EESL. For public, to be
launched soon.

3 Maruti Four None • In September 2017, Suzuki announced partnership with

Suzuki wheelers Denso and Toshiba for Lithium battery technology.
expected EV • In November 2017, partnered with Toyota Motor Corp to
3 is by 2020) benefit from its electric car technology for Indian market.
• Plan to invest US$14.5 billion for the development of
EV technology.
• The company is yet to commercially launch its EV.

EY analysis

131 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Automobile Vehicle EV running
S.no. Key notes
players category models

• Market strategy: conversion design

• Plans to install charging stations in collaboration with its
dealers and business partners.
• Plans to manufacture 35,000 units by 2020-21.
• In December 2017, announced a survey to understand
customer preference.

4 Honda Four None • General Motors and Honda announced an agreement for new
wheelers advanced chemistry battery components, including the cell
and the module.
• Launched EVs in the US and Europe in 2017.
• No plans to launch EVs in India soon. The reason cited are
lack of clarity on its policy, especially EV charging.
• Honda revealed electric power packs to charge cars and
scooter. User can swap the batteries as well.

5 Hyundai Four None • Plans to invest INR6,300 crores in India in next three years
wheelers towards new products and offices, starting 2017.
(Expected to
launch Ioniq • Will import first EVs as completely knocked down (CKD) units
EV or Kona and assemble them at Chennai plants.
EV by 2019)

6 Nissan Four Nissan Leaf • E.ON and Nissan formed a strategic partnership focusing on
wheelers EV charging, Vehicle to grid (V2G) services and distributed
renewables plus storage systems
• Three battery manufacturing units.
• Nissan Leaf is one of the highest selling electric cars in the
• Plans to import complete units in initial years.

7 Ashok Buses Circuit S • Circuit-S is developed in partnership with Sun Mobility. It

Leyland works on the principle of battery swapping.
• To supply 40 e-buses for Ahmedabad.
• 500 kg battery in the Circuit-S can be swapped in just two
and a half minutes.
• The charging stations would be powered with solar energy to
charge EV batteries.
• Procure batteries from suppliers across the world.

8 Tata Motors Buses Starbus • To setup charging stations in partnership with Tata Powers.
(Hybrid) • To supply 190 e-buses to six cities.

9 Eicher Buses Smart • Developed in collaboration with KPIT Technology.

Motors Electric • The buses are 9m in length.
Skyline Pro E

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 132

Automobile Vehicle EV running
S.no. Key notes
players category models

10 Goldstone- Buses eBuzz K6 • Golden Infratech is an Indian partner of Chinese Giant EV

BYD Manufacturer BYD.
BYD K9 • Present production capacity: 600 per year
• Present localization content: 35%
BYD K7 • Plans to manufacture 5,000 electric buses per year in India
with 70% localization by March 2021.
• Plans to make India its manufacturing hub for exporting to
South Asian markets.
• Made an investment of INR 500 crores in setting up a
manufacturing unit in Karnataka.
• Plans to manufacture 7m, 9m and 12m buses.
• To start assembling Lithium battery packs in India by 2018.
• To setup their own charging infrastructures along the bus
• Buses in Operation: 31
• To supply 290 e-busses in three cities Mumbai, Bangalore
and Hyderabad.
• The investment of INR 100 crores has been made so far.

11 Ather Two- Ather 340 • Start-up backed by Hero MotoCorp with investment of
Energy wheelers INR205 crores.
Ather 450
• Received funding from the founders of Tiger Global and
Flipkart Founders.
• The hardware start-up was founded in 2013 by IIT Madras.
• Plans to setup chain of charging stations in Bangalore. Over
30 charging points (fast DC chargers) already in place.
• It plans to setup charging point every 4 kms.
• Launched ‘One Plan’ for support and maintenance.
• Provides slow home chargers with vehicles.
• In-house team to design Lithium-ion battery packs.
• Plans to expand footprints in Pune and Chennai.

12 Bajaj Two- None • Company plans to launch EV under a brand name, Urbanite,
wheelers by 2020.

13 TVS Two- None • Partnership with technology institutions to create

wheelers intellectual property (IP).
• Plans to develop battery packs in-house. The battery cells
will be outsourced from international suppliers.
• Plans to invest INR200 crores in IP development.
• Planning to launch e-bike in 2018.

133 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Automobile Vehicle EV running
S.no. Key notes
players category models

14 Okinawa Two- Praise • Founded in 2015

Autotech wheelers Ridge • Launched first electric scooter in January 2017.
• Its plant is based out in Rajasthan with production capacity
of 90,000 units.
• 100% focus on electric scooter manufacturing.
• Over 210 dealers network and over 10,000 test rides.
• Plans to invest INR 270 crores in the next three years.

15 Hero Two- High Speed • Sold 30,000 units in 2017-18

Electric wheelers Series (3) • Plans to sell 20X units by 2022-23
Super • Total Investment of INR400 crores is already made. Plans
Economy to make further investment of INR500 crores to strengthen
Series (5) the manufacturing capabilities.

Electric • Some models are available in lead acid battery pack to keep
NYX E5 product price within the reach of mass consumers.

16 Hero Two- Raahi • Sold 30,000 units in 2017-18

Electric wheelers (e-rickshaw) • Plans to sell 20X units by 2022-23
Rex 400
• Total Investment of INR400 crores is already made. Plans
to make further investment of INR500 crores to strengthen
the manufacturing capabilities.
• Some models are available in lead acid battery pack to keep
product price within the reach of mass consumers.

17 Mahindra Three- eAlpha

Electric wheelers

18 Lohia Two- OMA Star • Partnership with the US-based UM International.

wheelers • Over 100 dealers with presence in more than 40 cities.
OMA Star Li

19 Lohia Three- Humrahi • Partnership with US-based UM International.

wheelers Series (2) • Over 100 dealers with presence in more than 40 cities
Series (1)

Series (3)

20 Kinetic Three- Safar (1) • Partners with SmartE to deploy 10,000 EVs.
Green wheelers • First 500 EVs have been deployed in Gurgaon in
Buggies (5)
collaboration with Delhi Metro Rail, HSIIDC and Rapid Metro


1. This is not a complete list and actual information may differ. The above information is consolidated to show the overall EV trend in
India across all vehicle segments i.e., 2W/3W/4W/buses.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 134

3 EVSE classification

Standards are documented consensus agreements India, being a tropical country, witnesses higher
containing safety or technical specifications or other temperature. Presently, the standards for charging
precise criteria to be used consistently as rules or infrastructure are as per the European ambient
guidelines, of characteristics for materials, products, conditions. Hence, India needs to modify the existing
processes and services. It is important to develop standards so that the products comply with Indian
standards, as today, many devices and services found conditions without jeopardizing on the efficiency. Further,
in homes, hospitals, the workplace and industry run the adoption of electric vehicles in India has been in
off electricity. Such machines and equipment can be the segment of vehicles running on low voltage and
dangerous if they malfunction, causing explosions, fires power requirements. The volumes of such vehicles are
or electrocution to users or anyone who comes in their huge mostly consisting of two and three-wheelers. It is
contact, in addition to damaging property. The adoption vital to create standards for such a category of vehicle
of technical standards facilitates the expansion of both which operates on low voltages. In addition, India can
domestic and international markets. They also provide also approach a technologically agnostic approach for
users with an assurance that products and services from adopting standards for AC/ DC charging connectors
various sources meet quality to the extent that such allowing adoption as per the market demand.
products and services are interchangeable. Technical
The sections below assess the existing landscape for
standards also promote competition among suppliers and
standardization in India. The existing standards have
offer increased prospects for cost efficiencies.
been mapped with global standards to identify possible
In the context of electric mobility, despite improvements synergies and gaps. Finally, recommendations on
in the electric vehicle entering the market, charging improving the standards have been given.
infrastructure still suffers from fragmentation,
inconsistent data availability, and a lack of consistent
standards in most markets. Open standards for vehicle–
charge point communication and payment may mitigate
some of these issues by enabling interoperability
between charging networks, increasing innovation and
competition, and reducing the costs to drivers. With the
continuous advancement of electric vehicle charging
technology, several
5 standards and guidelines have
become widely accepted across the industry.

135 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


EVSE classification
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is an equipment or a combination of equipment providing dedicated
functions to supply electric energy from a fixed electrical installation or supply network to an EV for the purpose of
charging. There are different ways to classify an EVSE depending on power supply (AC or DC), power rating levels,
speed of charging and communication and connector type. The sections below give a brief about each of
these classifications.

3.1.1. EVSE Technology Classification buy the batteries, charge them and lease it to the vehicle
owners at convenient charge-cum-swap centers. In this
Rapid fast charging mechanism, the batteries can be swapped at a swapping
Fast charging systems are generally described as chargers station by replacing a discharged battery with a charged
providing high power output capable of charging a vehicle one. The vehicles, therefore, do not need to be fast-
to 80% in as little as 15 minutes. Such charge points are charged or have very large batteries.
common at present and are in the range of 20-50kW.
Charging solutions for 100kW level may be available in
Range extension (RE) systems
the medium term. Such systems are generally applicable
for major road networks, highways and other places RE systems are incorporated as a vehicle designed with
where drivers might need a quick top-up for their onward a small built-in fixed battery and a removable secondary
journey, while chargers closer to the 20kW level may battery called "range-extension swappable lock smart
provide a suitable solution where the electricity supply (LS) batteries (or RE battery). The smaller battery can
is restricted. Further, fast charging is used where large be regularly conductively charged catering to smaller
vehicles with very big batteries need the higher power to distances and in the case of a long-range journey, the
achieve an acceptable charge time 131 132 RE battery can be swapped in for an extended range.
RE systems, as a result, reduce upfront costs of a vehicle
and also reduce the weight, which is a key efficiency
Battery swapping metric in the EVs.
In the battery swapping mechanism, the battery is
separated from the vehicle and will not be owned by
the vehicle owner but an energy operator (provider of
charged battery as a service). The energy operator will

BEAMA – Guide to EV Charging Infrastructure


Intel - https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/solution-briefs/transportation-abb-terra-smart-connect-brief.pdf

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 136

Wireless charging Renewable energy charging
To enable longer service hours, smaller battery packs The impact of operating an EV on climate depends
and autonomous solutions, EVs with in-motion (dynamic) largely on the sources of electricity used to charge
wireless charging have emerged as a potential solution. up the vehicles’ batteries. Adoption of wind and solar
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. introduced Halo™ Wireless based charging for EVs could increase the adoption and
Electric Vehicle Charging (WEVC) system, enabling quick penetration levels of renewable energy sources. This will
charging with high power WEVC, supporting wireless further increase the green energy charging ratio of EVs.
power transfers at 3.7 kW, 7.4 kW, 11 kW and 22 kW with The coupling of renewable energy sources (RES) and EVs
a single primary base pad and wireless power transfer would require synchronization between the EV charging
efficiency of above 90%. The main drawbacks currently in periods with RES production periods and – if vehicle-to-
wireless charging are the EV-charger alignment issue and grid (V2G) capabilities are available – to discharge EVs in
foreign objects’ interference 133. case of substantial RES production shortfall 134 135 .

3.1.2. By EVSE output - AC or DC

In case of an AC EVSE, the vehicle has an on-board charger that converts AC into the DC first. An AC EVSE comes in
different power ratings ranging from 3.3 kW to 43 kW. A DC EVSE is able to supply higher power rating ranging from 10
kW to 240+ kW.


charging on-board
charger DC
BMS charger
Li-ion battery

Figure 26: AC DC Charging scenario


Power Electronics - https://www.powerelectronics.com/automotive/wireless-charging-electric-vehicles


Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL) - https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01660228/document


Battery University - https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/charging_with_solar_and_turbine


137 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

3.1.3. By EVSE power rating – levels 1, 2, 3
AC and DC chargers come with different power ratings and accordingly are classified into Level-1, Level-2, and Level-3.
These level definitions are different for AC and DC chargers as shown in table below:

Table 34: Power ratings of chargers136

AC chargers DC chargers

Level 1 120V single phase AC up to 1.9 kW (up to 16A) 200-450V DC up to 36 kW (up to 80A)

Level 2 240V single phase AC up to 19.2 kW (up to 80A) 200-450V DC up to 90 kW (up to 200A)

Level 3 Greater than 20 kW 200-600 V DC up to 240 kW (up to 400A)

3.1.4. By charging speed – slow, fast or 3.1.5. By charging communication and

ultra-fast connector type – CCS, GB/T, CHAdeMO
Different type of chargers take different duration of time In order to charge Lithium-Ion batteries, constant current/
to charge a vehicle’s battery fully. If the charging time constant voltage (CC/CV) is often adopted for high
for a charger is four to eight hours, it is usually referred efficiency charging and sufficient protection. The battery
to as a slow charger. If the charging time is one hour, (or the vehicle having the battery) and the charger need
the charger is usually referred to as a fast charger and to communicate with each other continuously during
if charging time is less than 30 minutes, the charger charging. When the charger (EVSE) is external to the
is usually referred to as an ultra-fast/super-fast/rapid vehicle (EV), a communication protocol is needed for the
charger. The use of Slow/Fast/Ultra-fast charger depends battery and the charger to communicate; this is referred
not only upon the availability of these chargers (along to as EV-EVSE communication protocol. There are three
with power), but also on the size, thermal management of standard EV-EVSE communication protocols which are
battery and type of battery used. A 10kW charging for a associated with three charging standards from three
vehicle with 100 kWh battery would be considered as slow different countries/continent. Each of these protocols
charging, whereas for a vehicle with 12kWh battery, the define the kind of connector to be used, maximum power
same charger would be considered fast. and voltage for the connection, the communication link
to be used and the communication protocols. The table
below briefs about the various charging protocols:

Table 35: Prominent charging protocols137


Country following the standards Worldwide adopted China Worldwide adopted

Charging standard SAE J1722 GB/T-20234 IEC 62196-4

Physical layer for EVSE-EV communication PLCC CAN CAN

Communication protocol CCS GB/T CHAdeMO

Type of charging AC and DC AC and DC DC

1000V 750V 500V

Charging limit 350A 200A 125A
350 kW 150 kW 400kW

EY analysis
EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 138


AC connector TYPE 1 7-pin 5-pin

5-pin Mechanical (optional Mechanical and electronic
Mechanical lock electronic) lock lock

IEC 62196-2/SAE J1722 GB 20234.2-2011 IEC 62196-2/SAE J1722

5-pin Mechanical lock

IEC 62196-2

DC connector TYPE 1 9-pin 4-pin

5-pin Mechanical (optional Mechanical and electronic
Mechanical lock electronic lock) lock

IEC 62196-3 IEC 62196-3 CHAdeMO/IEC 62196-3

IEC 62196-3

AC + DC combo connector TYPE 1 Not available Not available

Mechanical lock


SAE J1772/IEC 62196-3


SAE J1772/IEC 62196-3

139 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

The communication between EVSE and Central Management System (CMS) is a common global standard, referred
to as Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). It enables controlling the charging rate depending upon the grid supply’s
availability. It also enables metering at different rates.


Global EVSE related Standards

Standardization have been a key consideration for increasing uptake of electric vehicles in global markets. Various
standardization bodies have identified key global standards regarding overall safety for charging station, EVSE
safety, AC/ DC charging connector, EV- EVSE communication protocols and Vehicle to Grid (V2G). Brief description
of each of these standards is mentioned in the table below:

Table 36: Standards list138

Category Standard name Description and applicability Coverage

Overall charging IEC 61851-1 Electric vehicle conductive charging Power supply input and output
station related system - part 1: general requirements characteristics, environment conditions,
safety Applies to EV supply equipment for protection against electric shock,
charging electric road vehicles, with a description of charging modes and their
rated supply voltage up to 1,000 V AC functions, communication between EVSE
or up to 1,500 V DC and a rated output and EV, communication between EVSE
voltage up to 1,000 V AC or up to 1,500 and management system, conductive
V DC. electrical interface requirements,
requirements for adaptors, cable
assembly requirement, EV supply
equipment constructional requirements
and tests, overload and short-circuit
protection, automatic reclosing of
protective devices, etc.

IEC 61851-21-1 Electric vehicle conductive charging General test conditions, test methods
system - Part 21-1 electric vehicle on- and requirements, immunity of vehicles,
board charger EMC requirements for immunity of electromagnetic radiated
conductive connection to AC/DC supply. RF-fields and pulses on supply lines,
emission test conditions, emission of
It applies only to on-board charging
harmonics and voltage changes, high
units, either tested on the complete
frequency conducted and radiated
vehicle or tested on the charging system
disturbances, etc.
component level (ESA - electronic sub

IEC 61851-23 Electric vehicle conductive charging Rating of the supply AC voltage, general
system - Part 23: DC electric vehicle system requirements and interface,
charging station protection against electric shock,
connection between power supply
It gives the requirements for DC electric
and the EV, specific requirements for
vehicle (EV) charging stations, herein
vehicle coupler, charging cable assembly
also referred to as DC charger, for
requirements, EVSE requirements,
conductive connection to the vehicle,
specific requirements for DC EV charging
with an AC or DC input voltage up
station, communication between EV and
to 1000 V AC and up to 1500 V DC
DC EV charging station, etc.
according to IEC 60038.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 140

Category Standard name Description and applicability Coverage

IEC 61851-24 Electric vehicle conductive System configuration, digital communication

charging system - Part architecture, charging control process, overview
24: digital communication of charging control, exchanged information for DC
between a DC EV charging charging control, etc.
station and an electric
vehicle for control of DC

This part together with IEC

61851-23, applies to digital
communication between a
DC EV charging station and
an electric vehicle (EV) for
the control of DC charging,
with an AC or DC input
voltage up to 1000 V AC
and up to 1500 V DC for
the conductive charging

GB/T 18487.1- Electric vehicle conductive Charging system general requirements,

2015 charging system. Part 1: communication protection against electric
general requirements shock, vehicle and power supply interface, EVSE
construction and performance requirements,
overload and short circuit protection, etc.

GB/T 18487.2- Electric vehicle conductive Standard conditions for operation in service and
2001 charging system AC/DC for installation, rating of AC input and DC output
electric vehicle charging voltages and current, general test requirements,
station functions, electrical safety, dielectric insulation test,
environment tests, specific connector requirements,
communication between EV and DC charging
stations, etc.

ISO 17409 Electrically propelled road Environment conditions, requirement for protection
vehicles - connection to of persons against electric shock, protection against
an external electric power thermal incident, specific requirements for the vehicle
supply - safety requirements inlet, plug and cable; additional requirement for AC
electric power supply; additional requirement for DC
electric power supply, operational requirements and
test procedures.

EVSE safety IEC 61140 Protection against electric Protection against electric shock, elements of
shock - common aspects for protective measures, provisions for basic protection,
installation and equipment fault protection, enhanced protective, protective
measures, coordination between electrical
4 equipment and protective provisions within an
electrical installation, special operating and servicing
conditions, etc.

IEC 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic Performance criteria, conditions during testing,

compatibility (EMC) - Part product documentation, applicability, measurement,
6-2: generic standards uncertainty, immunity test requirements, etc
- immunity standard for
industrial environment

141 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Category Standard name Description and applicability Coverage

IEC 61000-6-3 Electromagnetic Conditions during testing, product documentation,

compatibility (EMC) - Part applicability, emission requirements, measurement
6-3: generic standards uncertainty, application of limits in tests for
- emission standard for conformity of equipment in series production,
residential, commercial compliance with this standard, emission test
and light-industrial requirements, etc

AC charging and IEC-62196-2 Plugs, socket-outlets, provisions, resistance to ageing of rubber and
connectors (normal + high vehicle connectors thermoplastic material, construction of socket
power) and vehicle inlets - outlets, connectors and vehicle inlets, insulation
conductive charging of resistance, temperature rise, breaking capacity,
electric vehicles - Part 2: flexible cables and their connection, mechanical
dimensional compatibility strength, current carrying parts and connections,
and interchangeability creep-age distances, resistance to heat and fire,
requirements for AC pin and corrosion and resistance to rusting, conditional short-
contact-tube accessories circuit current withstand test, EMC, resistor coding,
It applies to plugs, socket-
outlets, vehicle connectors
and vehicle inlets with
pins and contact-tubes of
standardized configurations,
herein referred to as

IEC 60309-1 Plugs, socket-outlets and Standard rating, marking and dimensions, electric
couplers for industrial shock protection, earthing provisions, resistance
purposes - Part 1: general to ageing of rubber and thermoplastic material,
requirements construction of outlets, plugs, connectors and inlets,
insulation resistance, temperature rise, breaking
It applies to plugs and
capacity, flexible cables and their connection,
socket-outlets, cable
mechanical strength, current carrying parts and
couplers and appliance
connections, creepage distances, resistance to
couplers, with a rated
heat and fire, corrosion and resistance to rusting,
operating voltage not
conditional short-circuit current withstand test,
exceeding 690 V DC or AC
electromagnetic compatibility, etc.
and 500 Hz AC, and a rated
current not exceeding

250 A.

It is primarily intended for

industrial use, either indoors
or outdoors.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 142

Category Standard name Description and applicability Coverage

IEC 60309-2 Plugs, socket-outlets Standard rating, marking and dimensions, electric
and couplers for shock protection, earthing provisions, resistance
industrial purposes — to ageing of rubber and thermoplastic material,
Part 2: dimensional construction of outlets, plugs, connectors and inlets,
interchangeability insulation resistance, temperature rise, flexible cables
requirements for pin and and their connection, mechanical strength, current
contact-tube accessories carrying parts and connections, creepage distances,
resistance to heat and fire, corrosion and resistance
It applies to plugs and
to rusting, conditional short-circuit current withstand
socket-outlets, cable
test, electromagnetic compatibility, etc..
couplers and appliance
couplers with a rated
operating voltage not
exceeding 1000 V, 500
Hz and a rated current not
exceeding 125 A.

SAE J 1772 SAE Electric Vehicle General conductive charging system description,
(Type 1) Conductive Charge Coupler control and data, general EV and EVSE requirements,
coupler requirements, etc.
It is also known as a "J
plug", is a North American
standard for electrical
connectors for electric
vehicles maintained by the
SAE International.

GB/T 20234.2- Connection set for General requirements, function definitions, rated
2015 AC conductive charging of values of AC charging coupler, functions of charging
electric vehicles - Part 2: AC coupler, parameters and dimensions of AC charging
charging coupler coupler for conductive charging of electric vehicles,
Electric vehicle connection
set - AC charging coupler

DC Charging IEC-62196-3 Dimensional compatibility Connection between EVSE and EV, design and
and Connectors (normal + high and interchangeability construction of socket outlets, plugs, vehicle
power) requirements for DC and connectors, vehicle inlets, interlocks, earthing,
AC/DC pin and contact-tube protection against shock; insulation, resistance,
vehicle couplers normal operations, temperature rise, breaking
capacity, cables and connections, distances, EMC,
Intended for use in electric
short circuit test, etc.
vehicle conductive charging
systems which incorporate
control means, with rated
operating voltage up to
1500 V DC and rated
current up to 250 A, and
3 1000 V AC and rated
current up to 250 A.

143 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Category Standard name Description and applicability Coverage

GB/T 20234.3- Connection set for General requirements, function definitions, rated
2015 conductive charging of values of DC charging coupler, functions of vehicle
electric vehicles - Part 3: DC coupler, parameters and dimensions of DC charging
charging coupler coupler for conductive charging of electric vehicles,
This part is applicable to
vehicle coupler in charging
mode 4 and connection
mode C, of which the rated
voltage shall not exceed
1,000 V (DC) and the rated
current shall not exceed 250
A (DC).

Vehicle to grid ISO 15118-1 Road vehicles - vehicle Requirements for communication concept, user
standard to grid communication specific, OEM specific, utility specific, start of
interface - Part 1: general charging process, communication set-up target
information and use-case setting and charging scheduling, end of charging
definition process, etc.

It specifies terms and

definitions, general
requirements and use
cases as the basis for the
other parts of ISO 15118.
It provides a general
overview and a common
understanding of aspects
influencing the charge
process, payment and load

ISO 15118-2 Road vehicles - Vehicle Basic requirement for V2G communication, service
to grid communication primitive concept of OSI layered architecture, security
interface - Part 2: network concept, V2G communication states and data link
and application protocol handling, data, network and transport layer, V2G
requirements transfer protocol, V2G message definition, V2G
communication session and body element definitions,
V2G communication timing, message sequencing and
error handling, etc.

ISO 15118-3 Road vehicles - vehicle System architecture, EV and EVSE system
to grid communication requirements, connection coordination, plug-in
interface - Part 3: physical phase for EV and EVSE side, loss of communication
and data link layer for EV and EVSE side, plug-out phase, timings
requirements and constants, matching EV – EVSE process, EMC
requirements, signal coupling, Layer 2 interfaces, etc.

ISO 15118-4 Road vehicles - Vehicle Test architecture reference model, platform and SUT
to grid communication adapter interfaces, test suite conventions, test case
interface - Part 4: network descriptions for 15118-2 V2GTP, SDP messages and
and application protocol V2G application layer messages
conformance test

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 144

Category Standard name Description and applicability Coverage

Other Vehicles ISO 6469-4 Electrically propelled Applied crash test procedures, electrical safety
related safety road vehicles - Safety requirements, electric shock protection, protection
specifications - Part 4: post- against overcurrent, RESS electrolyte spillage, test
crash electrical safety conditions, test procedures for electrical safety, test
procedures for RESS electrolyte spillage, etc.
It specifies safety
requirements for the electric
propulsion systems and
conductively connected
auxiliary electric systems of
electrically propelled road
vehicles for the protection of
persons inside and outside
the vehicle.

ISO 26262 Road vehicles – functional It is a risk-based safety standard, where the risk of
safety hazardous operational situations is qualitatively
assessed and safety measures are defined to avoid
It is intended to be applied
or control systematic failures and to detect or control
to electrical and/or
random hardware failures or mitigate their effects.
electronic systems installed
in "series production
passenger cars" with a
maximum gross weight of
3500 kg. It aims to address
possible hazards caused by
the malfunctioning behavior
of electronic and electrical


145 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

3.2.1. Country specific mapping of Standards
Mature markets such as US, Europe, China and Japan have laid emphasis on standardization for EVSE and overall
safety, AC/ DC connectors, communication protocols and vehicle to grid interaction. Although CCS and Chademo have
been prevalent standards for connectors in US and Europe respectively, it can be seen from the table below that these
markets have been technologically agnostic allowing adoption based on market demand.

Table 37: Country wide mapping of standards139

Category Standard Name US Europe China Japan

Overall Charging Station IEC-61851   

Related Safety
IEC 61851-1   
IEC 61851-21-1   
IEC 61851-23   
IEC 61851-24   
GB/T 18487-20 t101 
ISO 17409   
EVSE Safety IEC 61140   
IEC 61000-6-2   
IEC 61000-6-3   
IEC 61508   
AC Charging and Connectors IEC-62196-2 (normal + high power) 
IEC 60309-1    
IEC 60309-2    
SAE J 1772 (Type 1)  
GB/T 20234.2-2015 AC 
TESLA AC    
DC Charging and Connectors IEC-62196-3 (normal + high power)  
CCS Combo Type 1 
CCS Combo Type 2 
CHAdeMO   
GB/T 20234.3-2015 

EY analysis
EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 146

Category Standard Name US Europe China Japan

Vehicle to grid standard ISO/IEC 15118 (all parts)  

CHAdeMO V2X  
Other vehicles related safety ISO 6469-4   
ISO 26262   

3.2.2. India EVSE related Standards

In India, IS 15886 was drafted for standardization of electric and hybrid vehicles and their components by Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS). Some standards were drafted by ARAI. These include:
AIS-138 (Electric Vehicle Conductive AC Charging System) for DC charging system for electric vehicles with assistance
from existing international standards including IEC 61851-1(General Requirements), IEC 61851- 23 (electric vehicle
charging station) and IEC 61851-24 (Digital communication).
ARAI has also published Automotive Industry Standard (AIS) document including AIS-102 (Part 1 and 2) on CMVR Type
Approval for Hybrid Electric Vehicles, AIS-123 on CMVR Type Approval of Hybrid Electric System Intended for Retro-
fitment and AIS 131 on type Approval Procedure for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles introduced in market for pilot/
demonstration projects intended for government schemes.
In late 2017, the Ministry of Heavy Industries instituted “Committee on Standardization of Protocol for Electric Vehicles”
which framed draft standards for charging stations – Bharat EV charger AC – 001 and Bharat EV charger DC – 001.
Brief about the above-mentioned standards is mentioned in the table below:

Table 38: India EVSE standards

Name of Description and applicability Coverage, Notification Point

standard global reference status of distinction

AIS 138 (Part 1) For charging electric road vehicles IEC 61851 With DST and BIS IEC 61851 has
at standard AC supply voltages (as Part 1, 22; SAE for notification as ambient temperature
per IS 12360/IEC 60038) up to J1772; GB/T IS standard of -25 to 40 ºC.
1000 V and for providing electrical 18487 Part
For Indian conditions,
power for any additional services 1,2,3
AIS has suggested it
on the vehicle if required when
0 to 55 ºC. CEA, in
connected to the supply network.
its recommendations,
have suggested higher
Applicable for 1) AC slow charging
+60 ºC.
(230 V, 1 Phase, 15 A outlet with
connector IEC 60309) and 2) AC
fast charging (415 V, 3 Phase, 63 A
7 outlet with connector IEC 62196).

AIS 138 (Part 2) For DC EV charging stations for IEC 61851 Part With DST & BIS
conductive connection and digital 1, 23, 24 for notification as
communication to the vehicle, with IS standard
an AC or DC input voltage up to
1000V AC and up to 1500V DC (as
per IS 12360/IEC 60038).

147 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Name of Description and applicability Coverage, Notification Point
standard global reference status of distinction

AC-001 It presents the specifications of a IS 12360; IEC Submitted to DHI

public metered AC outlet (PMAO) 60309
which is to provide AC input to
the vehicle which has on-board

This document applies to electric

road vehicles for charging at 230V
standard single-phase AC supply
with a maximum output of 15A
and at a maximum output power of
3.3kW. PMAO is a slow charger for
low-power vehicles.

DC-001 It prescribes the definition, IEC 61851 Part Submitted to DHI

requirements and specifications for 1,23; GB/T
low voltage DC electric vehicle (EV) 20234.3
charging stations in India, herein
also referred to as "DC charger",
for conductive connection to the
vehicle, with an AC input voltage of
3-phase, 415 V.

It also specifies the requirements

for digital communication between
DC EV charging station and electric
vehicle for control of DC charging.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 148


Recommendations to modify/improve Indian

EVSE related standard
Energy performance standards measurement of other power quality parameters
The recommendations made by the CEA are:of each of like voltage sag, swell, flicker, disruptions, etc. shall
these standards is mentioned in the table below: be as per relevant BIS standards or as per IEC/IEEE
standards if BIS standards are not available.
“The stored energy available shall be less than 20 J (as
per IEC 60950). If the voltage is greater than 42.4 V peak
(30 Vrms) or 60 V DC, or the energy is 20 J or more, a Considerations for Oil and Gas companies setting
warning label shall be attached in an appropriate position up stations
on the charging stations”. ၔၔ Requirement
● under Rule 102 of the Petroleum
Rules, 2002 lays down that no electrical wiring shall
be installed, and no electrical apparatus shall be
Grid Connectivity Regulations used in a petroleum refinery, storage installation,
The following recommendations were made by the CEA, storage shed, service station or any other place
regarding standards for charging station, prosumer where petroleum is refined, blended, stored, loaded/
or a person connected or seeking connectivity to the filled or unloaded unless it is approved by the chief
electricity system are: controller of explosives. It is in this context that
electrical equipment, which has to be used in a
ၔၔ Applicant
● shall provide a reliable protection system
hazardous area covered under Petroleum Rules,
to detect various faults/abnormal conditions and
2002 shall require an approval from the chief
provide an appropriate means to isolate the faulty
controller of explosives.
equipment or system automatically. The applicant
shall also ensure that fault of his equipment or ၔၔ For
● installation of electrical equipment, the
system does not affect the grid adversely. areas have been divided into three categories
under hazardous areas, namely:
ၔၔ The
● licensee shall carry out an adequacy and
stability study of the network before permitting ၔၔ Zone “0” area, where inflammable gas and
connection with its electricity system. vapors are expected to be continuously present,
e.g., inside the tank.

Power Quality Standards ၔၔ Zone “1” area, where inflammable gas and
vapors are expected to be present under
ၔၔ The
● limits of injection of current harmonics at point
normal operating conditions, e.g., on the mouth
of common coupling (PCC) by the user, method of
of the vent pipe or near the fill point, unloading
harmonic measurement and other matters, shall be
point, etc., during the operation.
in accordance with the IEEE 519-2014 standards, as
amended from time to time. ၔၔ Zone ”2” area, where inflammable gas and
9 vapors are expected to be present under
ၔၔ Prosumer
● shall not inject direct current greater than
abnormal operating condition, e.g., during the
0.5% of the rated output at interconnection point.
failure or rupture of the equipment.
ၔၔ The
● applicant seeking connectivity at 11 kV or
above shall install power quality meters and share
Considerations for V2G, integration of solar
data as and when required by the licensee. Users
PV and storage
connected at 11 kV or above shall comply with this
provision within 12 months of notification of these ၔၔ Globally, low level EVSE does not require
regulations. communication. However, for India it is essential
for low level EVSEs or slow chargers to also have a
ၔၔ In
● addition to harmonics, the limits and
provision for communications. EVs, being charged

149 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

with a slow charger, can better support in grid impact of a sudden power injection and drawls.
stability through V2G application as these vehicles There is a need for holistic assessment of the impact
would be parked for longer duration and connected of VRE, storage and EV charging on
to grid. As time of connection to grid is longer as distribution networks.
compared to EV connected through fast chargers,
ၔၔ Hence,
● the regulations also need to be evaluated
higher reliability is likely to be achieved. Users of
as the points of reverse power flows in the network
fast chargers are likely to be connected for very
could increase drastically, that too with a lot
short duration and could support only minimally.
of uncertainties.
ၔၔ The
● peak hours of solar and wind might match with
Following Regulation shall be added after Regulation
EV charging patterns. Power generation with the
13 of the Principal Regulation:
help of GRPV to cater to the demand of EV charging
could help address technical losses and stability Registration in the Registry maintained by CEA:
concerns of distribution utilities. ၔၔ The
● applicant shall get its generating unit(s) of 500
ၔၔ With
● applications such as vehicle to home or vehicle kW capacity and above registered after which a
to the grid that utilizes batteries of EVs as dynamic unique registration number gets generated online
storage media, multiple points of injection of power from the e-registration facility at the portal of
in the distribution networ k is likely to take place. If Central Electricity Authority when such scheme
the system is designed well, managing the multiple is made available.
injection points could aid the grid in enhancing ၔၔ No
● applicant shall be granted connectivity with
its resilience. the grid without the unique registration number
ၔၔ However,
● power flow studies and load flow analysis subsequent to implementation of the
would need to be conducted to understand if the registration scheme.
network nodes are resilient enough to absorb the ၔၔ The
● users shall comply with the above-mentioned
provision within a period, specified by the authority
separately, of implementation of the
registration scheme.


Testing standards
Electrification of transport plays an important role in achieving clean and efficient transportation that is crucial to the
sustainable development of the whole world. In the near future, electric cars are expected to have a major impact in
the auto industry given advantages of reduced pollution levels, less dependence on oil and expected rise in gasoline
prices. For development and adoption of EVs, it is important to have the right ecosystem.

Apart from standardization of EVs and EVSE, testing 3.4.1. Introduction to EV testing
standards shall be playing a critical role in facilitating
The different types of components which are tested are
this ecosystem. There are different components of EVs
given below:
which need to be tested before they are made available
to the public. For India, Automotive Research Association Electric vehicles testing
of India (ARAI)has prepared draft standards for testing
In order to deliver safe and high-performing electric
of EVs, batteries, etc. to ascertain quality and efficiency
vehicles, components need to be evaluated properly
which are the most essential parameters to be validated.
as unsafe components can cause danger to vehicle
Moreover, performance standards need to be developed to
operators in hazardous conditions. Wiring tests for high
give users an informed choice to select the right product.
voltage cables are also done to ensure smooth working
Accordingly, the section below assesses the current of electrical components. To ensure safety, graphical
testing landscape of as per Indian standards. The same symbols test and emission test are carried out to
have been mapped with global equivalent standards ensure conformity.
to identify gaps. Further, US’s star labelling program
has been assessed to derive key learning about testing
procedures and guidelines.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 150

Batteries testing EVSE testing
Battery plays an important part of the EV ecosystem. Electric vehicle chargers (otherwise known as Electric
Batteries come in many conditions and their charge Vehicle Supply Equipment – EVSE) are a fundamental
can easily mask a symptom allowing a weak battery to part of the plug-in electric vehicle system. For integrated
perform well. Likewise, a strong battery with low charge safety performance and interoperability, EVSEs are tested
shares similarities with a pack that exhibits capacity according to all industry recognized standards. On-board
loss. Battery characteristics are also swayed by a recent battery chargers, charging inlet, electrical connectors,
charge, discharge or long storage. Hence, testing of charging station/cod sets, charging plug, personal
battery is essential as manufacturers must be aware of all protection circuitry, etc. are tested as part of EVSE
applicable components as well as infrastructural and OEM testing. Currently, there are three major types of EVSE:
requirements to ensure their long-term performance and AC level 1, AC level 2, and DC fast charging.
compatibility with new charging equipment.

3.4.2. Energy Star Program: eligibility criteria for Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment

Performance testing procedure for EVSE

In the US, the Energy Star Test method is used for determining the product compliance with the eligibility requirements
of the Energy Star Program. The requirements of the Energy Star Test are dependent on the feature set of the product,
i.e., electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) being evaluated140

Figure 27: EVSE testing procedure setup system


Figure 28: EVSE test measurement points (Source: Energy Star Program Requirements) 141

United States Department of Energy https://www.energystar.gov/sites/default/files/Final%20Version%201.0%20EVSE%20Program%20Requirements.pdf
EY analysis

151 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Components of EVSE performance test setup ၔၔ EVSE intended for hardwire connection,
the UUT’s input power is connected to AC
ၔၔ The
► electrical system operates on AC input power.
input power source with cables and optional
ၔၔ The
► EVSE is a unit under test (UUT). It operates at connectors that are rated for voltage and
the highest rated voltage and at a rated frequency current levels that will be encountered during
combination. The UUT is designed to operate at testing.
multiple voltage ranges (SAE standard Level 1 and
ၔၔ The
► test needs to be conducted at 25°C ± 5°C with
Level 2 functionality). However, the voltage tolerance
the relative humidity (RH) set between
specified is +/- 4.0%, maximum total harmonic
10% and 80%.
distortion as 5.0% and frequency tolerance specified is
+/- 1.0%. ၔၔ Test
► loads are required to be connected to the EVSE
output in lieu of a vehicle: Vehicle Emulator Module
ၔၔ The
► input supply requirements are as follows:
(VEM) and AC load. VEM allows current and voltage
measurements of the UUT output without modifying
Figure 28: Input supply requirements 142 or altering the UUT output cable(s). AC load, on the
other hand, has the capability to sink AC current up
Voltage Frequency
to the related RMS current of the UUT.
240 V AC 60 Hz
ၔၔ Power
► meter should have the following attributes:
208 V AC 60 Hz
ၔၔ Multiple channels such as – one channel
120 V AC 60 Hz to measure the AC power of the internal
components of UUT, the other to measure
power loss across the EVSE on line 1 and the
ၔၔ Components of EVSE performance test setup third channel to measure power loss across the
ၔၔ Cables: All power cables for the test shall be the EVSE on Line 2/N143
default provided by the manufacturer ၔၔ Crest factor
ၔၔ For EVSE equipped with input plug(s) and ၔၔ Minimum frequency response set on 3.0kHz
cord(s), the corresponding receptacle will be
ၔၔ Minimum resolution set for values less than
used to provide power to the input plug(s) of
10 W will be 0.01 W; for measurement values
the EVSE. If this is a multi-input EVSE, the
less than 10 W to 100 W, it will be 0.1 and for
inputs shall be connected together in parallel,
measurement values greater than 100 W, it is
requiring only one power supply and one power
set on 1.0 W
meter. An Input Measurement Apparatus (IMA)
shall be used with EVSE that are provided with ၔၔ Accuracy: +/- 0.1% of reading PLUS +/- 0.1% of
input plug(s) and cord(s). The IMA enables full scale
input current and input voltage measurements
ၔၔ Measurements and calculations: cable length
of EVSE without the need to modify the EVSE
(ft.), cable gauge (AWG), power factor (PF),
input cord(s).
apparent power (S), voltage (RMS), current
(RMS), average power (W), frequency (Hz)

EY analysis
In a four-conductor system, the conductor labeled L2/N will actually be two separate conductors: L2 and N.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 152

Guidance for implementation of the ၔၔ All
► products with Automatic Brightness Control
EVSE test procedure (ABC) enabled by default should be tested in two
luminance conditions—light and dark—to simulate
ၔၔ The
► model unit should be tested in its default
daytime and nighttime conditions.
configuration as shipped.
ၔၔ Light
► source alignment for testing products with
ၔၔ The
► UUT should have network connection
ABC should be enabled by default.
Test procedure
ၔၔ Any
► peripherals shipped with the UUT should be
connected to their respective ports as per the ၔၔ The
► first step that needs to be followed for testing
manufacturer’s instructions. all the products is to ensure that the UUT is
prepared. UUT preparation includes activities
ၔၔ The
► UUT should maintain the live connection to the
such as –
network for the duration of testing, disregarding any
brief lapses. a. Setting up of the UUT,

ၔၔ Connection
► to the wide area network, if required, in b. Connect VEM output to AC load,
the manufacturer’s instructions.
c. Connect the power meter,
ၔၔ If
► the UUT needs to install any software updates,
d. Connect an oscilloscope or other instruments to
wait until these updates have occurred; otherwise,
measure the duty cycle of the control pilot signal,
if it will operate without updates or skip the updates.
voltage at the VEM between charging point (CP) and
ၔၔ In
► the case of a UUT that has no data/network grid voltage measurement connections.
capabilities, the UUT shall be tested as “shipped”.
e. Connect the UUT input connection, providing
ၔၔ Luminance
► testing should be performed for all input power to the EVSE input connection(s).
products at 100% of screen brightness possible.
f. Power on the UUT and perform initial system
configuration, as applicable

Connect an Connect
Connect Connect on the UTT
Setting oscilloscope the UUT input
VEM output the power and perform
up of UUT or other connection
to AC load meter initial system

Figure 29: Test procedure144

g. Ensure the UUT settings are in their as-shipped configuration, unless otherwise specified in the Test Method and
report the test room ambient temperature, relative humidity and the presence of ABC and occupancy sensor.


United States Department of Energy

153 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

ၔၔ No
► Vehicle Mode (State A) Testing Determination of power loss across an EVSE

It will be conducted for all products. For conducting the The power loss is determined for each output under the
test, a UUT should be prepared, UUT output connector no vehicle mode, partial on mode and operation mode.
is unplugged from the Vehicle Emulator Module (VEM)
The following measurements shall be taken for calculation
should be verified and the UUT input power should be
of losses:
measured and recorded (power is measured according to
the IEC 62301 ed 2.0 – 2011). ၔၔ Stability
► of input power is checked by ensuring the
input current does not drift beyond 1% within five
ၔၔ Partial
► On Mode (State B) and Idle Mode (State C)
minutes of connection, else measurement of power
is done as per IEC Standard 62301.
In this mode, the testing is conducted for two operational
ၔၔ After
► five minutes of connection, measurement
states of the J1772 interface (State B and State C). The
of RMS input current, RMS input voltage, power
first step involves preparation of the UUT. Once the UUT
factor and RMS of output current of each output is
is prepared, demand – response functionality or timer
should be disabled followed by conducting the UUT power
consumption (power is measured according to IEC 62301 ၔၔ Measurement
► of EVSE internal power loss.
Ed 2.-2011). ၔၔ The
► internal power loss is calculated as a product
ၔၔ Operation
► Mode (State C) Testing of ‘differential current measured (Idiff1)’ and ‘input
voltage supply to UUT (Vin)’.
In operation Mode (State C) testing, the test is conducted
with the VEM(s) in State C (S2 closed). ၔၔ The
► conductive power loss on the line1 is calculated
as a product of differential voltage (Vdiff1) and input
ၔၔ Full
► Network Connectivity Testing
current (Iin1) measured across the UUT.
Full network connectivity testing is suitable for
ၔၔ The
► conductive power loss on line 2 of figure 2
products with data/networking capabilities. Full network
is calculated as a product of differential voltage
connectivity is determined by testing the UUT for network
(Vdiff2) and (Iout2).
activity in partial on mode.
ၔၔ The
► total power loss (Ploss) is calculated as follows:

Ploss = (Idiff1 x Vin) + (Iin1 x Vdiff1) – (Iout2 x Vdiff2)

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 154

3.4.1. Global EV testing landscape

Mapping of EV testing standards

The table below maps the standards around EVs, battery, battery performance and EVSE in mature
markets country-wise.

Table 39: Global EV testing standards145

Standard Name Japan China Germany USA Finland

EV IEC 60086     
SAE J2907 
SAE J2908 
UL 2231 
GB/T 18488.1-2015 
ISO 19363 
Battery SAE J2464     
SAE J2929     
IEC 61000     
UL 2580     
IEC 62133     
IEC 62660-2     
ISO 6469     
ISO 12405     
SAE J1766:2005     
SAE J2464:2009     
SAE J2929:2011     
UL 2580:2011     
UN 38.3 (refer 2)     
SAE J2380     
GB/T 31484/ 31485/ 31486 

EY analysis

155 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Standard Name Japan China Germany USA Finland

GB/T 31467.3:2015 
GB/T 18384.1:2015 
GB/T 31498:2015 
GB/T 24549:2009 
Battery IEC 61982     
standards IEC 62660-1     
SAE J1798 
SAE J551 
QC/T 743-2006 
Battery Battery IEC 61982     
standards IEC 62660-1     
SAE J1798 
SAE J551 
QC/T 743-2006 
EVSE UL 2251

UL 2594

UL 2202

IEC 62196    
GB/T 20234-2011 
IEC 61851    
GB/T 18487-2001 
GB/T 27930-2011 
SAE J2894 
SAE J2293 
SAE J1772     
ISO 17409     
Integrated JARI A 0201:2014b
( ased on
IEC 61851-1) 

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 156

Global testing agencies
Below mentioned are the key testing agencies for testing in key global markets:

Table 40: Global list of EV testing agencies146

Countries USA Germany Finland Japan China

Agencies Met Laboratories Deutscher Finnish Japan China Automotive

Kraftfahrzeug- Transport and Automobile Technology and
Überwachungs- Communications Research Research Center
Verein (DEKRA) Agency Institute (JARI) (CATARAC)
(Traficom) Automotive
Technology and
Reseach Center

Underwriters Technischer Finnish Chroma Automatic

Laboratory (UL) Überwachungs Transport and Testing Equipment
verein (TUV) Communications (ATE)

List of testing standards

Brief description of standards around EVs, battery, battery performance and EVSE in mature markets is described in the
table below. This includes standards adopted for standardizing battery dimensions, motor power ratings, overall vehicle
power, and safety for supply circuits, vibrations and other key aspects.

Table 41: Global list of testing standards147

Standards Description and Applicability Coverage

IEC 60086 Japan, China, Intended to standardize Requirements for battery dimensions, terminals,
Germany, the US primary batteries with respect designations and interchangeability; discharge
and Finland to dimensions, nomenclature, performance; dimensional stability; pen circuit
terminal configurations, voltage limits; safety; performance testing;
markings, test methods, typical discharge testing; open circuit voltage (OCV)
performance, safety and testing; leakage and dimensions; performance
environmental aspects test conditions; voltage and mechanical
measurement; battery packaging, etc.

SAE J2907 The US Motor power ratings Specifies the procedures for the assessment of
standard support motor net power and maximum
30-minute power.

SAE J2908 The US Vehicle power tests for Provides test methods for evaluating the
electrified powertrains maximum power of electrified vehicle
powertrain systems by direct measurement at
the drive wheel hubs or axles by conducting
powertrain system power test. Additional tests
are included specifically for PHEVs to measure
electric-only propulsion power and for HEVs to
measure electric power assist and
regenerative braking.

EY analysis
EY analysis

157 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Standards Description and Applicability Coverage

UL 2231-1 The US Standard for Safety of Standard Specifies general requirements to reduce the
for Personnel Protection risk of electric shock to the user from accessible
Systems for Electric Vehicle parts, in grounded or isolated circuits for
(EV) Supply Circuits: general charging electric vehicles.

UL 2231-2 The US Standard for Safety for States the particular requirements for
Personnel Protection Systems protection devices like construction of circuits,
for Electric Vehicle (EV) performance tests consisting of conditioning
Supply Circuits: Particular tests, system operational test requirements,
Requirements for Protection resistance to environmental noise test,
Devices for use in Charging normal temperature test, dielectric voltage
Systems withstand test, overload test, endurance test,
low resistance ground fault test, supervisory
circuit test, abnormal operations test, extra low
resistance ground fault test, terminal lead strain
relief test, power supply cord strain relief test,
mechanical test, leakage cancellation test, etc.

ISO 12405-1 Japan, China, Test specification for Lithium- Specifies test procedures of general tests
Germany, the US Ion traction battery packs and like preconditioning and standard cycle;
and Finland systems: high-power and high performance tests like energy and capacity
energy applications at room temperature, power and internal
resistance test, no load state of charge(SoC)
loss, SOC loss at storage, cranking power at
low/high temperature, energy efficiency, cycle
life, reliability tests like dewing temperature
change, thermal shock cycling, vibration,
mechanical shock and abuse tests like short
circuit protection, overcharge protection, over
discharge protection, etc.

ISO 12405-3 Japan, China, Test specification for Lithium- Specifies the requirements for safe performance
Germany, the US Ion traction battery packs and of the EVs. It consists of general requirements,
and Finland systems: safety mechanical tests - vibration and mechanical
shock, climatic tests - dewing and thermal shock
cycling, simulated vehicle accidents – inertial
load at vehicle crash, contact force at vehicle
crash, electrical tests and system
functionality tests.

SAE J1766 Japan, China, Recommended Practice for Specifies test methods and performance criteria
Germany, the US Electric and Hybrid Electric which evaluate high voltage system spillage,
and Finland Vehicle Battery Systems Crash battery retention, and electrical system isolation
Integrity Testing in Electric, Fuel Cell and Hybrid vehicles during
specified crash tests.

SAE J2464 Japan, China, Electric and Hybrid Electric Guides toward standard practice and is subject
Germany, the US Vehicle Rechargeable Energy to change to keep pace with the experience and
and Finland Storage System (RESS) Safety technical advances. It describes a body of tests
and Abuse Testing which may be used as needed for abuse testing
of electric or hybrid electric vehicle batteries
to determine the response of such batteries to
conditions or events which are beyond their
normal operating range.

Category M: used for the carriage of passengers. Category N: used for the carriage of goods

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 158

Standards Description and Applicability Coverage

SAE J2929 Japan, China, Safety standard for electric Defines a minimum set of acceptable safety
Germany, the US and hybrid vehicle propulsion criteria for a Lithium-based rechargeable
and Finland battery systems utilizing battery system to be considered for use in a
Lithium-based vehicle propulsion application as an energy
rechargeable cells. storage system connected to a high voltage
power train.

IEC 61000-4 Japan, China, Electromagnetic compatibility Specifies immunity requirements and test
Germany, the US (EMC) – Part 4-4: testing and procedures related to electrical fast transients/
and Finland measurement techniques – bursts. It additionally defines ranges of test
electrical fast transient/burst levels and establishes test procedures. The
immunity test. objective of this standard is to establish a
common and reproducible reference in order
to evaluate the immunity of electrical and
electronic equipment when subjected to
electrical fast transient/bursts on supply, signal,
control and earth ports.

IEC 62660-2 Japan, China, Secondary Lithium-Ion cells for Specifies test procedures to observe the
Germany, the US the propulsion of electric road reliability and abuse behavior of secondary
and Finland vehicles - Part 2: reliability and Lithium-Ion cells used for propulsion of electric
abuse testing. vehicles including battery electric vehicles (BEV)
and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). Electrical
measurements like capacity, SOC adjustment,
power, energy, storage, cycle life and energy
efficiency are included in the standard.

SAE J2380 Japan, China, Vibration testing of electric Specifies the vibration durability testing of a
Germany, the US vehicle batteries. single battery (test unit) consisting of either an
and Finland electric vehicle battery module or an electric
vehicle battery pack.

UL 2580 Japan, China, This standard evaluates Specifies tests like mechanical – shock, drop,
Germany, the US the electric energy storage immersion, crush/crash, rollover, vibration;
and Finland assembly and modules based electrical – external short circuit, overcharge/
upon the manufacturer’s overdischarge, thermal shock and cycling;
specified charge and discharge thermal stability, fire, and chemical – emissions
parameters at specified and flammability.

UL 38.3 Japan, China, It presents a combination of Specifies includes tests like thermal, vibration,
Germany, the US significant environmental, shock, impact, crush, external short circuit,
and Finland mechanical and electrical overcharge, forced discharge and altitude
stresses from transportation of simulation for safety of battery during
dangerous goods. transportation.
ECE R100 Germany and Safety requirements with Specifies the requirements for protection
Finland respect to the electric power against electrical shock, safety requirements of
train of road vehicles of rechargeable energy storage system (REESS),
categories M and N148. Functional Safety. Tests include determination
of hydrogen emissions. The REESS will be
subjected to vibration, thermal shock and
cycling, mechanical impact, fire resistant,
external short circuit protection, overcharge
protection, over discharge protection, over
temperature protection and emission to
determine safety.

159 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Standards Description and Applicability Coverage

USABC The US This manual determines the Specifies tests like mechanical – shock, drop,
test for EVs, batteries, storage penetration, immersion, crush/crash, rollover,
abuse and configuration vibration; electrical – external short circuit,
guidelines. overcharge/over discharge, thermal shock and
cycling, thermal stability, overheat, fire, extreme
cold temperature and chemical –
emissions, flammability.

FreedomCAR The US Electrical Energy Storage Specifies tests like mechanical – shock, drop,
System Abuse Test Manual for penetration, immersion, crush/crash, rollover,
Electric and Hybrid Electric vibration; electrical – external short circuit,
Vehicle Applications overcharge/over discharge, thermal shock and
cycling; thermal stability, fire; and Chemical –
emissions, flammability.

KMVSS Korea This standard specifies the Specifies tests like drop, immersion, external
general rules and safety short circuit, overcharge/over discharge,
standards for vehicles in Korea. thermal stability, fire, etc.

QC/T 743 China Applicable to Lithium-Ion Specifies tests like drop, penetration, crush/
batteries for electric vehicles, crash, vibration, external short circuit,
of which the overcharge/over discharge, thermal
stability, etc.
nominal voltage of monomer is
3.6V and modules are n×3.6V
(n is number of battery).

UL 2251 The US Standard for safety of plugs, Specifies construction, performance tests
receptacles and couplers like accelerated aging test, mold stress relief,
for electric vehicles. These moisture absorption resistance, humidity
requirements cover EV plugs, conditioning, insulation resistance, dielectric
EV receptacles, vehicle inlets, withstand, dew point test, conductor secureness
vehicle connectors and EV and pull-out, cable secureness test, impact,
breakaway couplings, rated up crush, vehicle drive over, withdrawal force,
to 800 amperes and up to 600 grounding path current, short circuit, overload,
volts AC or DC. endurance, electromagnetic, temperature rise,
resistance to arcing, polarization integrity,
resistance to corrosion, vibration, etc., along
with ratings and markings.

UL 2594 The US This standard covers conductive spacing, separations of circuits, control circuits,
electric vehicles’ (EVs’) supply capacitors, resistors and suppressors, over
equipment with a primary current protective devices, transformers
source voltage of 600 V AC or specifications, information on protection of
less, with a frequency of 50 or users against injury, performance tests which
60 Hz, and intended to provide includes dielectric voltage withstand test,
an AC power to an electric abnormal tests, strain relief test, grounding
vehicle with an on-board test, bonding conductor test, additional
charging unit. environmental test, etc.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 160

Standards Description and Applicability Coverage

UL 2202 The US It covers conductive and Provides general construction specifications,

inductive charging system tests pertaining to protection of users against
equipment intended to be injury, performance tests like dielectric voltage
supplied by a branch circuit of withstand test, abnormal tests, strain relief test,
600 V or less for recharging tests for permanence of cold tag, manufacturing
the storage batteries in over and production tests, ratings, markings, etc.
the road EV. The equipment is
loaded on or off boarded from
the vehicle.

IEC 62196 Japan, Germany, Establishes general Specifies the general requirements, ratings,
the US, Finland characteristics, including connections between power supply and electric
charging modes and vehicles, classification of accessories, marking,
connection configurations, dimension, protection against electric shock,
and requirements for specific size and color of protective earthing conductors,
implementations (including mechanical strength, temperature rise,
safety requirements) of electromagnetic compatibility, etc.
both electric vehicles (EVs)
and electric vehicle supply
equipment (EVSE) in a charging

IEC 61851-1 Japan, Germany, Electric vehicle conductive Specifies power supply input and output
the US, Finland charging system. Applies to EV characteristics; environment conditions;
supply equipment for charging protection against electric shock; charging
electric road vehicles, with modes description and their function;
a rated supply voltage up to communication between EVSE and EV;
1,000 V AC or up to 1,500 V communication between EVSE and management
DC and a rated output voltage system; conductive electrical interface
up to 1,000 V AC or up to requirements; requirements for adaptors; cable
1,500 V DC. assembly requirement; EV supply equipment
constructional requirements and tests; overload
and short-circuit protection; automatic reclosing
of protective devices, etc.

IEC 61851-21-1 Japan, Germany, Electric vehicle conductive Specifies general test conditions; test methods
the US, Finland charging system – Part 21-1: and requirements; immunity of vehicles;
electric vehicle on-board immunity of electromagnetic radiated RF-
charger EMC requirements for fields and pulses on supply lines; emission test
conductive connection to AC/ conditions; emission of harmonics and voltage
DC supply. It applies only to changes; high frequency conducted and radiated
on-board charging units either disturbances, etc.
tested on the complete vehicle
or charging system component
level (ESA - electronic sub
6 assembly).

IEC 61851-23 Japan, Germany, Electric vehicle conductive Provides rating of the supply AC voltage;
the US, Finland charging system – Part general system requirements and interface;
23: DC electric vehicle protection against electric shock; connection
charging station. It gives the between power supply and the EV; specific
requirements for DC electric requirements for vehicle coupler; charging cable
vehicle (EV) charging stations, assembly requirements; EVSE requirements;
for conductive connection to specific requirements for DC EV charging
the vehicle, with an AC or DC station; communication between EV and DC EV
input voltage up to 1 000 V AC charging station, etc.
and up to 1 500 V DC.

161 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Standards Description and Applicability Coverage

IEC 61851-24 Japan, Germany, Electric vehicle conductive Provides system configuration; digital
the US, Finland charging system - Part 24: communication architecture; charging
Digital communication between control process; overview of charging control;
a DC EV charging station and exchanged information for DC charging control,
an electric vehicle for control of etc.
DC charging.

This part, together with IEC

61851-23, applies to digital
communication between a DC
EV charging station and an
electric vehicle (EV) for control
of DC charging, with an AC or
DC input voltage up to 1000 V
AC and up to 1500 V DC for the
conductive charging procedure

SAE J2894 The US Power Quality Requirements Specifies those parameters of PEV battery
for Plug-In Electric Vehicle charger that must be controlled in order to
Chargers preserve the quality of the AC service. Identify
those characteristics of the AC service that
may significantly impact the performance of
the charger. Identify values for power quality,
susceptibility and power control parameters
which are based on the current standards in the
US and other countries. These values should
be technically feasible and cost effective to
implement into PEV battery chargers.

SAE J2293 The US Energy Transfer System for Specifies requirements for EV and the off-board
Electric Vehicles - Part 1: EVSE used to transfer electrical energy to an
Functional Requirements and EV from an electric utility power system (utility).
System Architectures Covers all characteristics of the total EV energy
transfer system (EV-ETS) that are necessary
to ensure the functional interoperability of
an EV and EVSE of the same physical system
architecture. The ETS, regardless of the
architecture, is responsible for the conversion
of AC electrical energy into DC electrical energy
that can be used to charge the storage battery
of an EV.

SAE J1772 Japan, China, SAE Electric Vehicle and Plug Specifies general physical, electrical, functional
Germany, the US, in Hybrid Electric Vehicle and performance requirements to facilitate
Finland Conductive Charge Coupler conductive charging of EV/PHEV vehicles
in North America. This document defines a
common EV/PHEV and supply equipment
vehicle conductive charging method including
operational requirements and the functional and
dimensional requirements for the vehicle’s inlet
and mating connector.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 162

Standards Description and Applicability Coverage

IEC 61982 Japan, China, Secondary batteries (except Accuracy of measuring instruments; dynamic
Germany, the US Lithium) for the propulsion discharge performance test; dynamic endurance
and Finland of electric road vehicles – test and performance testing for battery
performance and systems
endurance tests

IEC 62660-1 Japan, China, Secondary Lithium-Ion cells for Test conditions; dimensions and mass
Germany, the US the propulsion of electric road measurement; electrical measurement;
and Finland vehicles - Part 1: performance capacity; SOC adjustment; power; energy;
testing storage test; cycle life test; energy efficiency
test, etc.


India EV testing landscape

It is important to analyze the testing standards followed in the mature markets to identify the potential issues and
gaps in the existing practices in India. Global mapping was done to see the existing standards followed in the mature
markets. These mapping will help in benchmarking the standards around categories like EVs, battery, battery
performance and EVSE in mature markets which can help us to develop the standards in the India. Accordingly, the
table below describes the key considerations for testing according to the existing Indian standards and maps them to
global equivalent standards.

Table 42: India EV landscape

Standards Global
Category Descriptions and coverage
adopted equivalent

Electric vehicle AIS 038 Electric Power Train Vehicles Construction and Functional Safety UN ECE R100
Requirements. It specifies the construction and functional safety
requirements for L, M and N categories of electric power train
vehicles as defined in Rule 2 (u) of Central Motor Vehicles rules

AIS 039 Electric Power Train Vehicles– Measurement of Electrical Energy UN R101

AIS 040 Electric power train vehicles - Method of Measuring the Range UN R101 Rev3

It specifies the method for measuring the range expressed in km

for L, M and N categories of electric power train vehicles.

163 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Category Descriptions and coverage Global equivalent

AIS 041 Electric power train vehicles Measurement of Net Power and the UN ECE R85
Maximum 30 Minute Power

AIS 049 Electric Power Train Vehicles - CMVR Type Approval for Electric
Power Train Vehicles. This standard prescribes the applicability of
CMVR rules and corresponding standards for electric power
train vehicles.

Battery AIS 048 Battery Operated Vehicles - Safety Requirements of Traction IEC 60254
Batteries. This standard requires tests like electrical tests (short IS 13514
circuit tests, overcharge tests) and mechanical tests (vibration,
shock, roll over test and penetration test).

EVSE AIS 138 Part I Include characteristics and operating conditions of the supply IEC 61851
device and the connection to the vehicle; operators and third-
AC Charging
party electrical safety and the characteristics to be complied with
by the vehicle with respect to the EVSE-AC, only when the
EV is earthed.

AIS 138 Part II This standard gives the requirements for DC electric vehicle (EV)
charging stations, for conductive connection to the vehicle, with
DC Charging
an AC or DC input voltage up to 1000 V AC and up to 1500V DC.
This standard provides the general requirements for the control
communication between a DC EV charging station and an EV. The
requirements for

digital communication between DC EV charging station and

electric vehicle for control of DC charging are defined in this

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 164

4 Viability assessment for
setting up charging stations

Deployment of adequate charging infrastructure is In order to address the concerns of potential investors,
necessary for accelerating the adoption of EVs. Due to the GoI is planning to be technology agnostic in adopting
low uptake of EVs that results in lower asset utilization in the standards and looking at Viability Gap Funding (VGF)
terms of utilization hours of charging stations, investors instruments to encourage the market. This chapter
are sceptical in deploying such infrastructure. Further, due delves with viability assessment of operations of charging
to rapid changes in battery technology and apprehension infrastructure and focusses on determining the key cost
on standards of EVSE, the technology risk seems to drivers that could help the policy makers and investors
be higher. take measures for sustainable operations.


Viability assessment for deployment of a DC fast charger:

with capital subsidy
One of the major barriers towards adoption of EVs 4.1.1. Deployment scenario
is considered to be range anxiety. DC fast chargers
A charging station typically may be located at a public
seem inevitable for sustenance of the operation of
organizations who operate large fleets and even for parking of a municipal corporation that leases parking
travelers, who desire to drive their EVs out of a city space to an agency. Charging station deployed in such
premises. However, DC fast chargers are expensive as of a parking lot may consist of AC slow chargers, DC fast
now and capital recovery is difficult. chargers or a combination of both depending upon the
location and purpose for which people park their vehicles.
Moreover, lower utilization due to lower number of EVs
plying on roads may lead to stranded assets and high cost The model developed for the purpose of the study is
loading on retail 165pricing. This might be a deterrent for based on a scenario wherein the parking lot operating
EV users to use public DC fast charging infrastructure. agency installs a fast DC charging station of 22 kW at its
The model covered in this section intends to explore the parking lot. The charging station has a single DC charging
viability of a DC fast charging infrastructure and captures point and is used to charge vehicles with average battery
the elements that could ease their deployment. capacity of 18.55 kWh. It has been further assumed on
the basis of the existing electric cars available in Indian
market that the vehicle would deliver a range of 130 km
on a single full charge. Further, it is assumed that the
losses due to conversion and across other active and
passive electrical components present in EVSE would be
about 20%.

165 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

However, as the DC fast charger charges vehicles to 80% assumptions on location of deployment
of their capacity in a constant current (CC) mode, the of a charging station
charging station operator shall need to procure 20% extra
ၔၔ One
► charging point is available in a DC fast
power to compensate for the power lost in EVSE and shall
charging station.
even load the loses to the EV users.
ၔၔ Power
► rating of DC fast charger is assumed to
The DC fast charger deployed by a parking lot operator
be 22kW.
needs to apply for a separate metered connection for the
purpose of charging EVs as a consumer of DISCOM. The ၔၔ Cost
► of one DC fast charger has been assumed to be
tariff that the operator needs to pay to the DISCOM is INR2.5 lakh.
INR7.5 per unit (kWh). The connection that the operator ၔၔ Capital
► subsidy on DC fast charger is
needs to apply shall be for a low tension commercial considered as 75% .
consumer or a special consumer category for EVs’
charging. No mark-up shall be charged on electricity by ၔၔ Service
► life of charger 10 years.
the operator to pass on the benefit of preferential tariffs, ၔၔ Installation
► cost is 25% of capital cost of a
if any, as provided by the DISCOM. DC fast charger.
The operator shall, however, levy a mark-up of about ၔၔ Annual
► maintenance costs have been considered to
30% on fixed costs for recovery of investments made on be 1% of the capital cost of a DC fast charger and a
installation and operation of the charging station. yoy escalation is considered to be 2%.

ၔၔ It
► has been assumed that an electric vehicle shall be
charged till 80% of its battery capacity.
Assumptions on location of deployment
of a charging station ၔၔ Further,
► the losses in charger has been assumed
to be 20%.
ၔၔ The model delves around deployment of one DC
fast charger with one fast charging point at public ၔၔ Utilization
► of a DC fast charger has been assumed to
parking of Municipal Corporation of Delhi. be six hours a day with an yoy improvement of 2%.
ၔၔ The
► typical charges for parking of a vehicle is INR20 The cost of debt has been assumed to be 10% with a
per hour with year-on-year (YOY) escalation of 5%. repayment period of 10 years and the weighted average
cost of capital (WACC) is 13%. The debt to equity ratio for
ၔၔ A
► mark-up of 30% has been considered over the
the model has been considered to be 70:30. The duration
parking charges of INR20 per hour for recovering
of the installation for a charger ranges from a few days to
the investment done on the charging station.
a month and hence, the moratorium period for repayment
ၔၔ It
► has been considered that an operator needs to has not been considered.
pay INR10,000 per month as rent of the parking lot
to the lessee of the parking lot.

ၔၔ Annually,
► the charging station operation is done for
330 days.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 166

Other assumptions 4.1.2. Revenue model
ၔၔ For
► straight line value method (SLM), depreciation is The charging station operator pays to DISCOM for
considered to be spread over 10 years energy charges in per unit (kWh). The operator charges
(life of charger). EV users who shall park their vehicles and get it charged.
ၔၔ The
► written down value method (WDV) assumes Hence, the operator shall charge EV users on the basis
80% depreciation. of time (per minute). As benefit of tariff of electricity for
EV charging shall be passed on to the EV user, the mark-
ၔၔ Tax:
► basic tax – 30%, MAT – 19%, Surcharge – 12% up of 30% on parking charges of INR20 per hour shall be
and Cess – 3%. charged for recovery of capital investments done by the
operator. The operator shall charge the EV (end) user a
blended price on per minute basis that shall comprise of
both parking and energy charges.

P 2

parking on lease
3 4
Parking/Charging EV user
station operation

Seperate meter
for EV Charging

Lease of parking lot to an operator by The tariff that operator needs to pay to
1 Municipal Corporation
4 DISCOM is in per unit (kWh) basis

Operation of parking lot by the operator Blended price per minute basis of charging=
2 who provides parking at INR 20 per hour
5 Losses in EVSE + Capital cost for charges+
for a 4 wheeler One time installation cost + O&M costs is charged
to EV user by operator
DISCOM installs separate metered
3 connection for EV charging

Figure 30: Deployment model for a DC fast charging station in a public parking EV charging150


Department of Heavy Industry (DHI) - http://dhi.nic.in/writereaddata/UploadFile/FinalEoI31102017.pdf


EY analysis

167 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

The above figure represents the deployment model for a DC fast charging station in a public parking. The following
table is a summary of assumptions taken for the developed model.

Table 43: Assumptions taken for the model developed151

Deployement location MCD parking lot

Charger type DC fast charger

Installation cost (INR) 2,50,000

Capital subsidy % 75%

Installation cost (INR) 62,500

Maintenance cost % 1%

Cost of electricity (INR/kWh 7.50

Mark up on cost of electricity (%) 0%

Duration of charge event (hours per charge) 0.84

Number of charge events per day 7.12

Retail price per minute of charging paid by EV user (INR/min) 4.00

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) 13%

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 168

The internal rate of return (IRR) on equity has been determined to be 30.2% and net present value (NPV) was found to
be INR48,161.

Sensitivities of the model

NPV ( in INR '000)

20 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
NPV ( in INR '000)

(20 .00)
(40 .00)
(60 .00)
(80 .00)
(100 .00)
(120 .00)
(140 .00)
Capital subsidy (%)
Figure 31: Net present value dependence on capital subsidy152

The above figure captures the sensitivity of an NPV with respect to the percentage of capital subsidy on purchase
cost of the EVSE. It was determined that the project is viable, i.e., NPV is greater than zero, when capital subsidy is
more than 45%. Moreover, as shown in figure 2, project is feasible if the subsidy is greater than 45%, as NPV becomes
greater than zero and equity IRR becomes 30.2%, which is greater than weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

Equity IRR(%)


Equity IRR (%)



9 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Capital subsidy (%)
Figure 32: Equity IRR variation with capital subsidy153

EY analysis

EY analysis

EY analysis

169 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Cost vs Charging Utilization


Cost ( in INR)


4.00 Retail price of charging (INR/min)

Cost of charing an e-Car (INR/min)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Utilization of DC fast charger hour in a day

Figure 33: Impact of utilization of a DC fast charger on retail price of charging154

It has been observed that higher utilization of EVSE results in lower retail per minute pricing would be charged by a
charging station operator. The retail pricing has been determined to be INR4 per minute of charging that the operator
will charge the EV user considering that the utilization of the

Operational cost competitiveness of EVs

6.00 NG
Retail price of charging (INR/min)

4.00 Running cost of diesel car (INR/km

Cost ( in INR )

2.00 Cost of charging an e-Car (INR/km)

Running cost of CNG car (INR/km)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Tariff charged by DISCOM to charging station (INR/kWh)

Figure 34: Operational Cost competitiveness of EVs

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 170

charging station shall be effectively be about six hours As per the Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles
in a day and being in operation for 330 days in a year. – Guidelines and Standards – Regulation (dt. 14th
The model considers that the charging station shall in an December 2018), the tariff for supply of electricity to EV
average be in maintenance for 35 days in a year. Public Charging Station shall be shall not be more than
the average cost of supply plus 15%. This is a significant
The cost of operation on electric car with a range of
move considering that DISCOMs could be adequately
130 km and battery capacity of 18.55 kWh has been
compensated as ACS takes into account power purchase
determined to be INR1.54 per km. Further, cost of
cost as well as losses. Such a decision shall not burden
operations of equivalent diesel and CNG fuel fired
the DISCOMs unless they have losses more than 15%.
internal combustion engine (ICE) car was found to be
INR4.20 and INR1.85 per km, respectively. If the tariff Hence, it shall serve the purpose of keeping the
charged by DISCOMs to charging station operators operational costs of EVs low so that there would be price
exceeds INR8.5 per kWh, then it is observed that EVs will advantage for fleet operators as well as individual users
lose the advantage of lower operational costs. to switch to EVs. Further, this will support DISCOMs in
increasing their consumer base and generate revenue
to take up infrastructure augmentation projects so as to
strengthen their distribution network.


Viability assessment for deployment of a DC fast charger

without capital subsidy
4.2.1. Deployment scenario
A charging station typically may be located at a public parking of a municipal corporation that leases parking space
to an agency. Charging station deployed in such a parking lot may consist of AC slow chargers, DC fast chargers or a
combination of both depending upon the location and the purpose for which people park
their vehicles.

The model developed for the purpose of the study is charging the EVs as a consumer of DISCOM. The tariff
based on a scenario, wherein the parking lot operating that the operator needs to pay to the DISCOM is INR7.5
agency installs a charging a 22 kW fast DC charging per unit (kWh). The connection that the operator needs to
station at its parking lot. The charging station has a apply shall be for a low tension commercial consumer or a
single DC charging point and is used to charge vehicles special consumer category for charging the EVs. No mark-
with average battery capacity of 18.55 kWh. It has been up shall be charged on electricity by the operator to pass
further assumed on the basis of the existing electric cars on the benefit of preferential tariffs, if any, as provided by
available in the Indian market that the vehicle would the DISCOM.
deliver a range of17 130 km on single full charge. Further, it
The operator shall, however, levy a mark-up of about 30%
is assumed that the losses due to conversion and across
on fixed costs for recovery of investments made on the
other active and passive electrical components present in
installation and operation of charging station.
EVSE would be about 20%.
However, as the DC fast charger charges vehicles to 80%
Assumptions on location of deployment of
of their capacity, the charging station operator shall need
to procure 20% extra power to compensate for the power
charging station
lost in EVSE and shall even load the loses to EV users.
ၔၔ The
► model delves around deployment of one DC
The DC fast charger deployed by a parking lot operator fast charger with one fast charging point at public
needs to apply for a separate metered connection for parking of Municipal Corporation of Delhi.

171 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

ၔၔ The
► typical charges for parking of a vehicle is INR20 1.5.1. Power market in China
per hour with a year-on-year escalation of 5%.
A charging station typically may be located at a public
ၔၔ It
► has been considered that an operator needs to parking of a municipal corporation that leases parking
pay INR 10,000 per month as rent of the parking lot space to an agency. Charging station deployed in such
to the lessee/owner of the parking lot. a parking lot may consist of AC slow chargers, DC fast
chargers or a combination of both depending upon the
ၔၔ Annually,
► the charging station operation is assumed
location and the purpose for which people park their
for 330 days.
The model developed for the purpose of the study is
Assumptions regarding procurement and
based on a scenario, wherein the parking lot operating
installation of charging station
agency installs a charging a 22 kW fast DC charging
station at its parking lot. The charging station has a
ၔၔ One
► charging point is available in a DC fast single DC charging point and is used to charge vehicles
charging station. with average battery capacity of 18.55 kWh. It has been
ၔၔ Power
► rating of a DC fast charger is assumed further assumed on the basis of the existing electric cars
to be 22KW. available in the Indian market that the vehicle would
deliver a range of 130 km on single full charge. Further, it
ၔၔ Cost
► of one DC fast charger has been assumed to is assumed that the losses due to conversion and across
be INR2.5 lakh155 . other active and passive electrical components present in
ၔၔ Capital
► subsidy on a DC fast charger is considered EVSE would be about 20%.
as 0%. However, as the DC fast charger charges vehicles to 80%
ၔၔ Service
► life of a charger is 10 years. of their capacity, the charging station operator shall need
to procure 20% extra power to compensate for the power
ၔၔ Installation
► cost is 25% of the capital cost of a DC lost in EVSE and shall even load the loses to EV users.
fast charger.
The DC fast charger deployed by a parking lot operator
ၔၔ Annual
► maintenance costs have been considered to needs to apply for a separate metered connection for
be 1% of the capital cost of a DC fast charger and charging the EVs as a consumer of DISCOM. The tariff
the yoy escalation is considered to be 2%. that the operator needs to pay to the DISCOM is INR7.5
per unit (kWh). The connection that the operator needs to
ၔၔ It
► has been assumed that an electric vehicle shall be
apply shall be for a low tension commercial consumer or a
charged till 80% of its battery capacity.
special consumer category for charging the EVs. No mark-
ၔၔ Further,
► the losses in charger has been assumed up shall be charged on electricity by the operator to pass
to be 20%. on the benefit of preferential tariffs, if any, as provided by
ၔၔ Utilization
► of a DC fast charger has been assumed to
be six hours a day with a yoy improvement of 2%. The operator shall, however, levy a mark-up of about 30%
on fixed costs for recovery of investments made on the
The cost of debt has been assumed to be 10% with a
installation and operation of charging station.
repayment period of 10 years and the weighted average
cost of capital (WACC) is 13%. The debt to equity ratio for
the model has been considered to be 70:30. The duration Assumptions on location of deployment of
of the installation for a charger ranges from a few days to charging station
a month and hence, the moratorium period for repayment
has not been considered. ၔၔ The
► model delves around deployment of one DC
fast charger with one fast charging point at public
parking of Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
Other assumptions
ၔၔ The
► typical charges for parking of a vehicle is INR20
ၔၔ For
► straight line value method (SLM) depreciation is per hour with a year-on-year escalation of 5%.
considered to be spread over 10 years ၔၔ It
► has been considered that an operator needs to
(life of charger). pay INR 10,000 per month as rent of the parking lot
ၔၔ The
► written down value method (WDV) assumes to the lessee/owner of the parking lot.
80% depreciation. ၔၔ Annually,
► the charging station operation
ၔၔ Tax:
► basic tax – 30%, MAT – 19%, Surcharge – 12% is assumed for 330 days.
and Cess – 3%.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 172

Assumptions regarding procurement and Other assumptions
installation of charging station
ၔၔ For
► straight line value method (SLM) depreciation is
ၔၔ One
► charging point is available in a DC fast considered to be spread over 10 years
charging station. (life of charger).

ၔၔ Power
► rating of a DC fast charger is assumed ၔၔ The
► written down value method (WDV) assumes 80%
to be 22KW. depreciation.

ၔၔ Cost
► of one DC fast charger has been assumed ၔၔ Tax:
► basic tax – 30%, MAT – 19%, Surcharge – 12%
to be INR2.5 lakh . and Cess – 3%.

ၔၔ Capital
► subsidy on a DC fast charger is considered
as 0%.
4.2.2. Revenue model
ၔၔ Service
► life of a charger is 10 years.
The charging station operator pays to DISCOM for
ၔၔ Installation
► cost is 25% of the capital cost of a DC energy charges in per unit (kWh) basis. The operator
fast charger. charges EV users who shall park their vehicles and get
it charged. Hence, the operator shall charge EV users
ၔၔ Annual
► maintenance costs have been considered to
on the basis of time (per minute). As benefit of tariff
be 1% of the capital cost of a DC fast charger and
of electricity for EV charging shall be passed on to the
the yoy escalation is considered to be 2%.
EV user, the mark-up of 30% on parking charges of
ၔၔ It
► has been assumed that an electric vehicle shall be INR20 per hour shall be charged for recovery of capital
charged till 80% of its battery capacity. investments done by the operator. The operator shall
ၔၔ Further,
► the losses in charger has been assumed charge the EV (end) user a blended price in per minute
to be 20%. basis that shall comprise of both parking and energy
ၔၔ Utilization
► of a DC fast charger has been assumed to
be six hours a day with a yoy improvement of 2%. The current revenue model has been designed to
understand the effect on revenue, as the capital subsidy
The cost of debt has been assumed to be 10% with a is set to 0%.
repayment period of 10 years and the weighted average
cost of capital (WACC) is 13%. The debt to equity ratio for
the model has been considered to be 70:30. The duration
of the installation for a charger ranges from a few days to
a month and hence, the moratorium period for repayment
has not been considered.

P 2

parking on lease
3 4

3 Parking/Charging EV user
station operation

Seperate meter
for EV Charging

EY analysis

Alibaba - https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/22KW-DC-Integrated-EV-Charger-EV_60655409710.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.23.1fa9f17ezYIA0y

173 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Lease of parking lot to an operator by The tariff that operator needs to pay to
1 Municipal Corpotaion
4 DISCOM is in per unit (kWh) basis

Operation of parking lot by the operator Blended price per minute basisnof charging=
2 who provides parking at INR 20 per hour
5 Losses in EVSE + Capital cost for charges+
for a 4 wheeler One time installation cost + O&M costs is charged
to EV user by operator
DISCOM installs seperate metered
3 connection for EV charging

Figure 35: Deployment model for a DC fast charging station in a public parking EV charging156

The above figure represents the deployment model for a DC fast charging station in a public parking.

There are two cases that have been taken into consideration for the study.

ၔၔ Case
► 1: the capital subsidy is assumed to be 0%, whereas the effect on NPV and IRR is observed with the change in
mark-up on lease expenses.

ၔၔ Case
► 2: the capital subsidy is assumed to be 0% and the mark-up on lease expenses is assumed to be 40%, whereas
the effect on NPV and IRR is observed with the change in mark-up on electricity prices charged to the EV owners.

Case 1
In the following scenario, the capital subsidy is assumed to be 0%, whereas the effect on NPV and IRR is observed with
the change in mark-up on lease expenses. The following table is a summary of assumptions taken for the
model developed.

Table 44: Summary table of assumptions taken for the model157

Deployement location MCD parking lot

Charger type DC fast charger

Charger cost (INR) 2,50,000

Capital subsidy % 0%

Installation cost (INR) 62,500

Maintenance cost % 1%

Cost of electricity (INR/kWh) 7.50

Mark up on cost of electricity (%) 0%

Duration of charge event (hours per charge) 0.84

Retail price per minute of charging paid by EV user (INR/min) 4.14

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) 13%

Mark up on lease (%) 50%

Such that IRR>WACC

EY analysis://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/22KW-DC-Integrated-EV-Charger-EV_60655409710.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.23.1fa9f17ezYIA0y

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 174

The internal rate of return (IRR) on equity has been determined to be 16.6% and net present value (NPV) was found to
be INR21,074.

Sensitivities of the model


NPV ( in INR '000)

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

Mark up on leasee (%)

Figure 36: Net present value dependence on mark-up on lease 158

The above figure captures the sensitivity of NPV with respect to percentage of mark-up on lease on the amount paid as
per lease agreement. It was determined that the project is viable, i.e., NPV is greater than zero, when mark-up on lease
is more than 50%. Moreover, as shown in figure 2, project is feasible if the mark-up on lease is greater than 50%, as
NPV becomes greater than zero and equity IRR is 16.6%, which is greater than WACC.



Equity IRR (%)



5 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Markup on lease (%)
Figure 37: Equity IRR variation with change in mark-up on lease159

EY analysis

EY analysis

175 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Cost vs Charging Utilization



Cost ( in INR)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Charging Utilization (hr)

Retail price (INR/min) Cost of charging and EV (INR per km)

Figure 38: Impact of utilization of DC fast charger on retail price of charging160

It has been observed that higher utilization of EVSE results in lower retail per minute pricing charged by a charging
station’s operator. The retail pricing has been determined to be INR4.14 per minute of charging charged by an operator
from an EV user considering the utilization of charging station shall be effectively be about six hours in a day and
being in operation for 330 days in a year. The model considers that the charging station shall in an average be in
maintenance for 35 days in a year.

The cost of operation on electric car with a range of 130 km and battery capacity of 18.55 kWh has been determined
to be INR1.61 per km. Further, cost of operations of equivalent diesel and CNG fuel fired internal combustion engine
(ICE) car was found to be INR4.20 and INR1.85 per km, respectively. If the tariffs charged by DISCOMs to charging
station operators exceed INR9 per kWh, then it is observed that EVs will lose the advantage of lower operational costs.

Operational cost competitiveness of EVs

6.00 NG
Retail price of charging (INR/min)
Running cost of diesel car (INR/km

Cost ( in INR )

Cost of charging an e-Car (INR/km)

Running cost of CNG car (INR/km)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Tariff charged by DISCOM to charging station (INR/kWh)

Figure 39: Operational cost competitiveness of EVs

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 176

Case 2
In the following scenario, the capital subsidy is assumed to be 0%, whereas the effect on NPV and IRR is observed with
the change in mark-up on lease expenses. The following table is a summary of assumptions taken for the
model developed.

Table 45: Summary table of assumptions taken for the developed model157

Deployement location MCD parking lot

Charger type DC fast charger

Charger cost (INR) 2,50,000*

Capital subsidy % 0%

Installation cost (INR) 62,500

Maintenance cost % 1%

Cost of electricity (INR/kWh) 7.50

Mark up on cost of electricity (%) 0%

Such that IRR>WACC 3%

Duration of charge event (hours per charge) 0.84

Retail price per minute of charging paid by EV user (INR/min) 4.13

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) 13%

Mark up on lease (%) 40%

The internal rate of return (IRR) on equity has been determined to be 14.5% and the net present value (NPV) was found
to be INR8,673.

Sensitivities of the model





0 1
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%



Mark up on electricity (%)

Figure 40: Net present value dependence on mark-up on electricity charged to EV owners162

EY analysis

177 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

The above figure captures the sensitivity of NPV with respect to percentage of mark-up on cost of electricity levied on EV
owners. It was determined that the project is viable, i.e., NPV is greater than zero, when mark-up on electricity is more
than 3%. Moreover, as shown in figure 2, project is feasible if mark-up on electricity is greater than 3%, as NPV becomes
greater than zero and equity IRR is 14.5%, which is greater than WACC.


IRR (%)



0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%

Figure 41: Equity IRR variation with change in mark-up on electricity charged to EV owners163

Cost vs Charging Utilization



Cost ( in INR)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Charging Utilization (hr)

Retail price (INR/min) Cost of charging and EV (INR per km)

Figure 42: Impact of utilization of DC fast charger on retail price of charging

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 178

It has been observed that higher utilization of EVSE results in lower retail per minute pricing that is charged by a
charging station’s operator. The retail pricing has been determined to be INR4.13 per minute of charging that the
operator will charge the EV user considering that utilization of charging station shall be effectively be about six hours in
a day and being in operation for 330 days in a year. The model considers that the charging station shall, in an average,
be in maintenance for 35 days in a year.

The cost of operation on electric car with a range of 130 km and battery capacity of 18.55 kWh has been determined
to be INR1.61 per km. Further, cost of operations of an equivalent diesel and CNG fuel fired internal combustion engine
(ICE) car was found to be INR4.20 and INR1.85 per km, respectively. If the tariffs charged by DISCOMs to charging
station operators exceeds INR9 per kWh, then it is observed that EVs will lose the advantage of lower operational costs.

Tariff charged by DISCOMs to charging stations

0 12
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 8.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5

Retail price of charging (INR/min) Running cost of diesel car (INR/km

Cost of charing an e-Car (INR/km) Running cost of CNG car (INR/km)

Figure 43: : Tariff charged by discoms to charging stations 164


EY analysis

179 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Assessment of ownership structures for

reducing the risks
India’s electric mobility sector has seen a rapid transformation. This has been primarily due to policy and regulatory
level push both at central and state level. Government of India (GOI) has set an ambitious target of achieving 100%
EVs by 2030.

The GOI’s FAME scheme, which provides purchase 4.3.1. Public Private Partnership
subsidy for EVs, has been revised to further encourage
India has an opportunity to become the largest nation to
EV adoption. In addition, clarification by the Ministry
achieve 100% electric mobility by 2030 and availability of
of Power for considering EV charging as a service
adequate charging stations and associated infrastructure
has increased the interest of the industry players and
is imperative to achieve this objective. A PPP model may
investors for charging infrastructure deployment.
be one of the most suitable business models to develop
However, the EV landscape in India remains a chicken and such a critical public infrastructure. In addition to the
egg situation. Despite the above-mentioned incentives, fiscal benefits, the PPP model also gives an opportunity
investors lack confidence in setting up charging stations for the utilities to transfer the development and
due to lack of assured demand. In addition, operational operational risks to private entities. The PPP model can
risks related to lower utilization of chargers, financial risks minimize construction costs, implementation timelines
regarding capability to service debt and contractual risks and will allow the utilities access to the best practices and
regarding revenue sharing are the key areas of concern state-of-the-art technologies.
for setting up charging stations. Furthermore, land
For a typical PPP model for charging infrastructure, risks
acquisition remains a critical issue for market players.
can be broadly categorized as – risks to be managed by
Thus, it is imperative to design project structures which public players and risks that shall be transferred to private
address these issues through optimal risk allocation. players. The former shall include policy and regulatory
Accordingly, this section in the report aims at assessing risks while the latter shall include construction, real estate
two Public Private Partnership (PPP) models and a joint and technology risk.
venture set-up between PSUs. The assessment has been
In order to increase the overall project viability, it is
done based on inputs from the industry players looking to
imperative to reduce the risks of private investors.
set charging stations through these modalities.
Accordingly, state transport utilities and municipal
For each model, a detailed project structure was corporations have been considered as the potential public
designed. This included detailed review of cost allocation entities in the PPP structure. Municipal corporations can
methodology, contractual obligations, revenue model and provide access to land at strategic locations resulting in
risks. In addition, sensitivity analysis was done to identify reduced risk for land acquisition. Also, state transport
impact of parameters like charger utilization rate, mark up utilities can assure demand for EV charging apart from
on cost of electricity as service charge and subsidy on the providing land available in their depots for installation
overall project viability. of charging infrastructure. The following section tries
to evaluate the impact of these benefits on the overall
project viability.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 180

PPP between private investors and municipal corporations

In this model, municipal corporations shall be giving land to private investors on a lease basis. The public entity shall also
be having a revenue sharing mechanism with private investors. Private entities can be players ranging from OEMs to
cab aggregators. Apart from revenue from EV charging, the model looks at advertising and co-branding as prospective
revenue streams for private entities. In accordance with the PPP requirements, private entity shall be responsible for
raising funds and assuring demand for the overall operation and maintenance of the asset. Key obligations for each
player have been represented in the figure below

Monthly Monthly
Co branding charge charge

Energy User
charges charges

Private entity

DISCOM Equity EV car

Lease sharing
Debt mechanism Dividends

Lenders Public Equity investors


Construction O&M
contract contractors


Construction/ O&M
EPC contractor contractors

Figure 44: PPP players’ key obligation representation 165

EY analysis

181 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

PPP between private investors and municipal corporations: ၔၔ Cost
► of one DC fast charger has been assumed to
be INR18 lakh166 .
Deployment scenario ၔၔ Service
► life of a charger has been assumed t
be 10 years.
The model developed for the purpose of the study is
based on a scenario wherein a fast DC charging station ၔၔ Installation
► cost has been considered to be
of 50 kW has been deployed. The charging station has a 25% of capital cost of a DC fast charger.
single DC charging point and is used to charge vehicles ၔၔ Existing
► manpower deployed at the location shall be
with an average battery capacity of 18.55 kWh. It has utilized for preliminary admin activities.
been further assumed, basis the existing electric cars No additional cost has been considered for the
available in Indian market, the vehicle would deliver a private investor.
range of 130 km on a single full charge. Further, it is
ၔၔ It
► has been assumed that an electric vehicle shall be
assumed that the losses due to conversion in EVSE as well
charged till 80% of its battery capacity.
as losses in distribution and consumption due to auxiliary
load would be about 20%. ၔၔ Further,
► the losses in charger has been assumed
to be 20%.
However, as the DC fast charger charges a vehicle to
80% of its capacity in a constant current (CC) mode, the ၔၔ Utilization
► of DC fast charger has been assumed to
charging station operator shall need to procure 20% extra be six hours a day with a yoy improvement of 12%.
power to compensate for the power lost in EVSE and shall
even load the loses to an EV user.
Assumptions regarding revenue model ►
The DC fast charger deployed by a parking lot operator
needs to apply for a separate metered connection for ၔၔ Public entity shall be getting 10% of the PAT each
charging EVs as a consumer of a DISCOM. The tariff that year as part of the revenue sharing mechanism.
the operator needs to pay to the DISCOM is INR7.5 per ၔၔ For
► this PPP set-up, based on current EV volumes,
unit (kWh). The connection that the operator needs to lease expenses have not been considered.
apply shall be for a low-tension commercial category
ၔၔ For
► advertising revenue, INR5000 will be charged
consumer or a special consumer category for charging of
monthly with an annual escalation of 5%.
EVs. The operator can charge a mark up on electricity as a
service charge to derive the final consumer price for ၔၔ For
► co-branding, INR5000 will be charged with an
EV charging. annual escalation of 10%.

ၔၔ In
► order to assess the investment viability for public
utility, land opportunity cost has been calculated,
considering 10% yoy improvement in revenue
through alternate investments.
Assumptions on location of deployment of a
charging station The cost of debt has been assumed to be 10% with a
repayment period of 10 years and the weighted average
ၔၔ The
► model delves around deployment of one DC
cost of capital (WACC) is 13%. The debt to equity ratio
fast charger with one fast charging point at a public
for the model has been considered to be 70:30. Duration
parking of Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
of installation for a charger ranges from a few days to a
ၔၔ Annually,
► the charging station operation is done for month and hence, the moratorium period for repayment
330 days, considering 30-35 days for preventive has not been considered.
and breakdown maintenance.

Other assumptions
Assumptions regarding procurement and installation of
ၔၔ For
► straight line value method (SLM), depreciation
a charging station
is considered to be spread over 10 years (life of
ၔၔ One
► charging point is available in a DC fast charger).
charging station.
ၔၔ The
► written down value method (WDV) assumes 80%
ၔၔ Power
► rating of DC fast charger is assumed to depreciation.
be 50 kW.
ၔၔ Tax:
► Basic tax – 30%, MAT – 19%, Surcharge – 12%
and Cess – 3%.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 182

Sensitivity analysis

The model tries to capture sensitivity around the mark-up on cost of electricity as service charge and subsidy. However,
due to lack of assured demand, the yoy improvement in charger utilization is assumed to be constant.

Scenario 1: No subsidy is provided and mark-up on cost of electricity is variable

NPV vs Markup ( Zero subsidy )

NPV of casf flows





0 13% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Markup on cost of electricity

Figure 45: PPP- No subsidy is provided and mark-up on cost of electricity is variable 167

The above figure captures the sensitivity of NPV with respect to the percentage of mark-up on cost of electricity. It was
determined that the project is viable, i.e., NPV is greater than zero, when mark-up is more than 13%. Moreover, as shown
in figure, project is feasible if mark-up on cost of electricity is greater than 13%, as NPV becomes greater than zero and
equity IRR is greater than WACC.

Markup vs Equity IRR ( Zero subsidy )



Equity IRR


20% 1


13% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Markup on cost of electricity

Figure 46: PPP- Mark-up vs. equity IRR (zero subsidy)168

EY analysis

Stakeholder inputs

EY analysis

EY analysis

183 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

As evident from the figure below, the 5% increase in mark-up results in 4% yoy increase in the charges.

Charging price vs Markup



Charging price

13% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Per unit Per min Per km

Figure 47: Charging price v. mark-up169

Scenario 2: Mark-up is fixed at 10% and subsidy variable

The figure captures the sensitivity of NPV with respect to subsidy. It was determined that the project is viable, i.e.,
NPV is greater than zero (mark-up is fixed at 10%) when 13% subsidy is provided.

NPV vs Subsidy ( Fixed markup )

NPV of casf flows






13% 25% 30%

Subsidy 35% 40% 45% 50%

Figure 48: PPP- NPV vs. subsidy (fixed mark-up)170

EY analysis
EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 184

Moreover, as shown in the figure, project is feasible if 13% subsidy is provided as NPV becomes greater than zero and
equity IRR is greater than WACC.

Subsidy vs Equity IRR

Equity IRR

13% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%


Figure 49: Subsidy vs. equity IRR171

Key observations 4.3.2. PPP between private investors and

1. Land opportunity cost for municipal corporations, state transport utility for public charging
considering monthly rental of INR20,000 with an annual infrastructure
escalation of 10%, comes out to be 18 lakhs. Even after a
In this model, state transport utility shall be responsible
10% revenue sharing arrangement with the private entity,
for assuring demand and land. Revenue sharing model
the public entity cannot recover this cost. As observed in
has been assumed similar to the model with municipal
mature markets, public entity has to look for additional
corporation. However, the sensitivity analysis has
revenue streams (like advertising and lease rental from
been done assuming a constant mark-up on electricity.
restaurants) to increase the viability.
In addition, the model tries to capture impact of
2. Public entities with underutilized land (having low improvement in charging utilization due to assured
opportunity costs) will be more suitable for this model. For demand.
example, distribution companies might utilize their land
For studying viability for a state transport utility,
near existing substations for setting up charging stations
specifications for e buses have been included. Key
which might also require collaboration with a municipality
assumptions are mentioned below:
to get clearance to allow vehicles to charge and park. By
this, the unutilized piece of land could be monetized by 1. E bus with 300 KM range and 235 kWh of battery
municipality and distribution utility can provide a reliable capacity has been considered
power directly from a substation of a discom.
2. Markup on electricity has been considered to be
3. Assuming no capital subsidy is provided, charging fixed at 10%
station operator has to charge minimum 13% as mark-up
3. Cost of 100 kW charger has been assumed to be INR
on the cost of electricity
5 tariff as retail price for ensuring
project viability.
4. For a PPP setup, it has been assumed that the private
investor will not be charged any lease expense

The assessment has been done for following 2


ၔၔ Scenario
► 1: No subsidy is given and charger
utilization rate is variable

ၔၔ Scenario
► 2: 25 % Subsidy is given and charger
utilization rate is variable

185 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Scenario 1: No subsidy is given
The figure captures the sensitivity of NPV with respect to improvement in charger utilization. It was determined that the
project is viable, i.e., NPV is greater than zero (mark-up is fixed at 10%) when the yoy improvement is 13.5%.

NPV vs YOY improvement (Case 1)


NPV of casf flows






3% 5% 7% 9% 12%

Figure 50: NPV vs. yoy improvement ( Case 1 )172

Moreover, project is feasible if yoy improvement is 13.5% as NPV becomes greater than zero and equity
IRR is greater than WACC

YOY improvement in utilization vs Equity IRR (Case 1)


NPV of casf flows




3% 5% 7% 9% 12%

YOY improvement in utilization

Figure 51: yoy improvement in utilization vs. equity IRR ( Case 1 )173

EY analysis

Stakeholder inputs

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 186

Scenario 2: 25% subsidy is given
The figure captures the sensitivity of NPV with respect to improvement in charger utilization considering 25% subsidy.

YOY improvement in utilization vs NPV (Case 2)







0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%

yoy improvement in charger utilization

Figure 52: Sensitivity of NPV with respect to improvement in charger utilization considering 25% subsidy174

It was determined that the project is viable, i.e., NPV is greater than zero (mark-up is fixed at 10%) when yoy
improvement is around 1%.

YOY improvement vs Equity IRR (Case 2)

Equity IRR

0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%

yoy improvement in charger utilization

Figure 53: yoy improvement vs. equity IRR (case 2 )175

Key observations

1. Partnership with state transport utilities can result in a substantial reduction of demand risks for private investor.
2. The 3% annual percentage increase in charger utilization can result in the overall project viability.
3. With 25% subsidy support, the required improvement in charger utilization could be as low as 1%.

Stakeholder inputs

EY analysis

187 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 188
5 City Level Assessment Model
for Charging Infrastructure

Distribution infrastructure is a vital spoke in the electric ၔၔ End-user

► behaviours for choosing EV charging
mobility ecosystem. A vibrant ecosystem needs mass location (between home, office/private, public
scale deployment of charging infrastructure which charging, swapping), charging types (between slow
would be hooked up to the power distribution network. 5 hours or fast 1 hour) and time of the day
Availability of reliable power for operations of charging
ၔၔ Number
► of charges can happen yearly across
infrastructure is essential as its failure may lead to
different vehicle segments (given their typical
disruption of transport system of a city in scenario where
average distance run and assumed electric mileage
the fleets are electrified.
efficiency) and where (home, office/private, public
Hence, assessment of existing distribution and charging, swapping)
determination of augmentation requirements for
ၔၔ Peak
► load can come on to the grid in what time of
enhancing resilience is inadvertent for deployment
the day (given different charging behaviours), and
of sustainable operations of electric powertrains in a
how this compare to existing peak load and what
city. In the following sections analysis of distribution
time of the day
infrastructure has been done to assess the impact of
addition of load due to charging of EVs considering ၔၔ Year-on-year
► increase in peak load from Business-as-
possible charging patterns for different segments of EVs usual condition because of EVs assumed
depending on their usage. adoption scenario

It is important to understand following key aspects at city ၔၔ Grid

► planning and investment would need to be
level for good planning of charging infrastructure: undertaken to support the assumed EV adoption

It is important to understand following key aspects at ၔၔ Charger

► types (individual slow/ fast, centralized bulk
city level for good planning of charging infrastructure: charging) and numbers with deployment location
(home, office/private, public charging, swapping)
ၔၔ EV
► adoption numbers across different vehicle would be required over years to meet the
segments can evolve at a city level (driven through charging demand
different policy measures)
ၔၔ Above aspects were studied and modelled for
ၔၔ Typical
► battery charging load that can come to the Delhi, Lucknow and Nagpur cities, given their
grid (assuming typical battery sizes that will get different characteristics. Existing city planning
adopted for189different vehicle segments meeting reports and data (Mobility plan, RTO data, power
driving range and affordability criterion of the distribution expansion plan), and local stakeholders
end-users; and also choice of battery ownership – consultations including and not limited to Discom,
whether integrated or swapping) Transport, and City officials were undertaken to
build and vet the model. The assessment has been
done for Nagpur and Delhi as detailed in
following sections.

189 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Delhi is the third largest city in India and the most preferred city in terms of Investments, Industrialization, Information
Technology, Healthcare, Real Estate, etc. Investment in new projects to develop charging infrastructure such as Quick
Pilot on EV Charging Infrastructure has been recently introduced by NITI Aayog in Delhi.

The objective is to provide a structure for EV charging crore176 , meaning almost every second person in the
infrastructure rollout in the Gurgaon-IGI-South Delhi- city has a vehicle. Some measures have been announced
Noida corridor. The plan for the corridor includes 55 in the wake of ‘severe’ air quality of Delhi such as Odd-
locations with 135 charging stations of which 46 are DC Even Policy on Vehicles, Delhi Metro announcing that its
fast charging stations and 89 a AC slow charging stations. trains will undertake over 180 additional trips and charge
The actual deployment will rely on co-operation with four times the prevalent parking rates to discourage use
state governments, selected government authorities, of private vehicles, thereby increasing share of public
Ministry of Power, grid companies as well as some private transport in the city.
enterprises. By early 2018 there were few thousands of
The city is expected to grow at a faster rate with
electric vehicles already running on the roads of Delhi.
companies (Tata Motors, Mahindra, etc.) showing their
The distribution of power in Delhi is managed by five increasing interests in new projects and investments in EV
Discoms named BRPL, BYPL, Tata Power DDL (earlier with the help from the government. It is estimated that
NPDL), NDMC (a Govt. owned deemed licensee) and MES Delhi’s population shall increase by to 2.98176 crores
(deemed licensee under Defence Ministry), with below by 2030. The number of two-wheelers are expected to
geographic coverage. continue to form the highest modal share of 67%, followed
by individual passenger cars with modal share of 30.3%
The city is spread over 1484 sq.kms. The number of
and rising share of fleet vehicles including four-wheelers
registered vehicles in city is estimated around 1.02 crore
and three-wheelers.
in 2017 with then people population of around 2.04

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 190

Table 46: Delhi’s population and vehicle stock177

Delhi Units 2018 2020 2025 2030

City population no. 2,10,91,418 2,23,54,166 2,58,01,582 2,98,82,065

Total vehicle stock on road no. 1,08,94,161 1,23,81,046 1,69,85,525 2,34,28,142

2W % 65.4% 65.9% 66.7% 67.1%

3W – PV % 1.0% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8%

3W – CV % 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4%

4W – PV % 31.0% 30.8% 30.4% 30.3%

4W – CV % 1.7% 1.5% 1.3% 1.3%

Bus % 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1%

Vehicle per unit 1,000 Population no. 517 554 658 784

5.1.1. EVs Adoption and Mix

EVs adoption shall be higher in public/fleet vehicles, including buses, three-wheeler autos and fleet cars. Fleet vehicles’
higher kilometres run per year and daily certainty in travelled distances, makes EV economics better viable over other
personal vehicle segments (including personal two-wheelers and four-wheeler cars). Some 2030 all-India estimates on
EV mix and adoption across different vehicle segments are shared below:

Table 47: EV mix and adoption across different vehicle segments178

Scenario-1 (Fast and high adoption at national level) Scenario-2 (Medium optimistic adoption
Reference: NITI Aayog RMI Report at city level)Used in this case study
Vehicle category
EV mix % of new EV mix % of total EV mix % of new EV mix % of total
sales in 2030 vehicles stock in 2030 sales in 2030 vehicles stock in 2030

2-wheeler 100% ~40% 100% 36%

3-wheeler 100% (since 2025) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 40%

4-wheeler PV 100% ~40% 100% 37%

4-wheeler CV 100% (since 2020) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 50%

Buses – public 100% (since 2020) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 26%

Buses – private 1
9 100% (since 2020) ~50% 100% (since 2025) 26%

In both the above scenarios, percentage of EV mix of new sales is increased across the years to 100%. NITI Aayog RMI
report’s assumptions are aggressive with early, faster and higher adoption rate, which seems unlikely, given the current
level of EV supply chain and policy readiness in India. Hence Scenario-2, a medium optimistic scenario, is modelled with
the results shared in the analysis below. This Scenario-2 model estimates 37% EV mix of total stock with 86.28 lakhs
EVs on road by 2030. Morgan Stanley research assumed this number at an all-India level to be around 15%179 , which
supports higher mix in fast growing Tier-1 city, Delhi.

Delhi Transport Department - https://delhi.gov.inwps/wcm/connect/doit_transport/Transport/Home/Statistics
177, 178
EY analysis
Morgan Stanley

191 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 192
5.1.2. EV battery technologies and From the total EV stock on road in 2030, it is assumed
ownership models that 60% EVs shall have integrated LIBs, 9% swapping and
31% with range extension battery option.
India with its value conscious customers, shall see a mixed
adoption of integrated lithium ion battery (LIB) EVs, LIBs are undergoing fast changes in battery chemistries,
battery swapping and range extension EVs. Public fleet driven by volumetric size, weight, charging speed,
vehicles are expected to see higher adoption of battery operating temperatures, stability and most important,
swapping model over years, while personal vehicles are cost. Lithium manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) batteries
likely to see an increased use of range extension batteries, with their size and cost advantages are likely to see higher
both driven by establishment of successful operational adoption in India, with higher charging performance
and economical battery swapping models in India. batteries like LTO getting increasingly adopted due to
the fall in their prices. The model assumed following
engineering values across different vehicle categories:

Table 48: Technical specifications assumed in the Delhi model181

Avg. battery size Avg. Avg. km kms per charge per # of charges per year per vehicle
(kWh/unit) vehicle run vehicle
If integrated

If swapping


If integrated

If swapping only

If integrated

If swapping only

If RE with integrated

(RE battery only)

2W 1.5 1.5 50.00 6,600 57.38 57.38 115.03 115.03 23.01

3W PV 4.5 3 20.00 33,000 68.85 45.90 479.30 718.95 143.79

3W CV 6 4.5 14.29 26,400 65.57 49.18 402.61 536.82 107.36

4W PV 15 12 7.69 12,540 88.27 70.62 142.07 177.58 35.52

4W CV 15 12 7.69 69,300 88.27 70.62 785.10 981.37 196.27

Bus 100 60 1.00 66,000 76.50 45.90 862.75 1,437.91 287.58

With above battery sizes and assumed EV stock, it is estimated that in 2030, Delhi shall have some 48.5 GWh of LIBs in
the system with approx. 88% as integrated LIBs and the remaining 12% as swappable LIBs. NITI Aayog’s report estimated
that India shall see some total 3,500 GWh of LIBs in 2030.

Table 49: Cumulative LIB in the system182

Delhi 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Cumulative LIBs in system MWh 28 707 12,271 48,478 53%

Integrated LIBs % 91% 95% 92% 88% -1%

Swapping + RE LIBs % 9% 5% 8% 12% 8%

193 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

5.1.3. EV charging technologies private charging, 10% via public charging and 21% via
(slow vs. fast) and choice of location centralized bulk charging for swappable batteries.

The choice of integrated and/or swappable batteries is Additionally, it is assumed that full home charging can be
likely to influence charging choices of the customers completed in six hours (assuming slow charging), office/
between mix of home charging, office/private charging, private and public charging can be undertaken in an hour
public charging and centralized bulk swappable battery (assuming fast charging), and bulk swapping charging
charging stations. The analysis assumed mix adoption of can take place in two hours (relative slow charging).
charging options between different vehicle categories, Depending on the battery sizes assumed, and full battery
and its variation over years with change in battery charging time specifications, the average peak charging
technology and costs. It is estimated that in 2030, there power is likely to vary across vehicle categories and
shall be a total of 12,540 lakh EV charges done in Delhi, charging options as below:
with 61% happening via home charging, 8% via office/

Table 50: Various charging options as per vehicle categories183

Avg. battery size (kWh/unit) *Peak charging load (kW) per battery charging

If integrated If swapping Home charging Office/Private Public Swapping

charging charging

Home chargers Fast chargers Fast chargers Slow chargers

2W 1.5 1.5 0.28 1.65 1.65 0.83

3W PV 4.5 3 0.83 4.95 4.95 2.48

3W CV 6 4.5 1.10 6.60 6.60 3.30

4W PV 15 12 2.75 16.50 16.50 8.25

4W CV 15 12 2.75 16.50 16.50 8.25

Bus 100 60 22.00 132.00 132.00 66.00

*Peak charging load is assumed uniform across charging time, but this may vary with battery chemistry. Hence peak
load multiple of 1.1 is used to absorb such variations.

India has developed two charging specifications – AC- There are other two higher voltage/power level charging
001 charger for AC charging, and DC-001 charger for standards that are under development, to be called AC-
DC charging. Both have a charging voltage level under 002 and DC-002, that can provide further fast charge
100 V and use custom GB/T communication protocol (within one hour). It will be important for India to define
over CAN mode. AC-001 charger can give max 15 A and use the standard chargers across vehicle categories,
charging current with 3.3 kW power, while DC-001 can to witness EVs’ scale-up.
give max 200 A current with 15 kW power. Between both
Battery chemistry and battery temperature highly
the chargers, above charging range for two-wheeler,
influence use of slow vs. fast charging. Low cost NMC
three-wheeler and four-wheeler can get closely covered.
battery life is likely to degrade if it charges fast (less than
For buses, India has developed another charger (under
an hour) at higher than 45-degree ambient temperatures,
development) that gives 50 A current and 30 kW power.
while LTO batteries can support such fast charging.

This is assuming 85% depth of discharge (DOD) in batteries and 90% close to DOD value when charging is initiated.
EY analysis
181, 182, 183

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 194

5.1.4. EVs and impact on the grid
It is estimated that 8,169 MUs/year of electricity consumption is likely to take place from EVs charging alone in 2030,
with home charging (at residential tariff) taking a majority of 49% share, followed by charging loads at commercial
tariff, including 25% of bulk swappable battery charging, 13% of office/private charging and 13% of public charging. The
assumptions for adoptions in charging categories across vehicle and time are changeable in the model and can give new

Table 51: Electricity consumption for EV charging (at network input incorporating distribution losses) 184

Delhi 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Electricity consumption for EV charging (at network input MUs/year 9 176 2,245 8,169 46.8%
incorporating distribution losses)

Home charging (residential tariff) % 54% 50% 51% 49% -0.2%

Office/private charging (commercial tariff) % 9% 21% 16% 13% -4.4%

Public charging (commercial tariff) % 13% 13% 13% 13% 0.1%

Swapping + RE (commercial tariff) % 23% 17% 20% 25% 4.1%

Total average connected load from EVs is estimated to grow faster from 346 MVA in 2020 to 15,901 MVA in 2030, with
a CAGR of 47% and an average load factor of 6%.

Table 52: Average connected EV charging load to grid across charging segments185

Delhi 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Total avg. connected EV charging load to grid MVA 16 346 4,321 15,901 47%

Home charging (residential) % 17% 14% 15% 14% 0.5%

Office/private charging (commercial) % 17% 34% 27% 23% -3.8%

Public charging (commercial) % 25% 22% 24% 23% 0.8%

Swapping + RE (commercial) % 32% 20% 24% 29% 3.6%

Further, depending upon the four charging location types and time of the day tariff incentives, the EV charging will be
spread up in four 6-hour time slots of the day (TS1 – 0:00 to 6:00; TS2 – 6:00 to 12:00; TS3 – 12:00 to 18:00; TS4 –
18:00 to 24:00). The following are the used assumptions for the EV charging load distribution across these time slots:

Table 53: Assumptions on EV charging load distribution186

Time slots Home charging Office/private Public Swapping + RE

TS1 35% 5% 5% 50%

TS2 15% 30% 30% 35%

TS3 15% 40% 30% 15%

TS4 35% 25% 35% 0%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

EY analysis
184, 185,186

195 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Using above load-time distribution in a day, peak charging 7,844 MVA in 2020, 10,463 MVA in 2025 and 14,845
load from EV charging across different locations is MVA in 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.6%. By 2030, peak
estimated to be 72 MVA in 2020, 878 MVA in 2025 and demand from EVs in TS4 is expected to contribute 20% of
3024 MVA in 2030, with 10-years CAGR of 45%. This the total peak load in Delhi, which is likely to be significant
peak from EV load comes in TS2 time slot in the day, for DISCOMs to plan their preparation. The next three
compared to the business-as-usual (BAU) peak in grid that to five years EV additional load may be catered to with
occurs in TS4 time slot during summers in Delhi. The BAU existing excess distribution capacity and BAU capital
peak without EVs for Delhi is assumed to be 7,771 MVA investments in the network by all the DISCOMs (TPDDL,
in 2020 and 11,822 MVA in 2030, with a CAGR of about BRPL, BYPL and NDMC) beyond which it will require
4.3%. The total system peak with EVs comes out to be special planning and interventions.

Table 54: Peak demand across charging types in Delhi 187

Delhi 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Peak EV demand for charging MVA 3 72 878 3,024 45.2%

(in TS2 6:00 to 12:00 noon slot)

BAU peak demand of city MVA 7,146 7,771 9,585 11,822 4.3%
(in TS4 12 noon to 6pm without EVs)

Total peak demand of city, including EVs MVA 7,149 7,844 10,463 14,845 6.6%
(in TS4)

% EV contribution to city’s peak demand % 0% 1% 8% 20% -

(in TS4)

BAU peak demand CAGR % 4.5% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% -

EV peak demand CAGR % - 123% 46% 22% -

Combined total peak demand CAGR % 4.6% 5.0% 7.8% 8.8% -

The transmission capacity of 13,151 MVA in 2014 also 5.1.5. Number of chargers and
will need higher augmentation with additional investments charging locations
by 2030. By top estimates, Delhi’s current distribution and
transmission network capacity (distribution transformers, Knowing the total number of charges per day across
11kV feeders, sub-station power transformers, 33kV different charging locations and assuming the operational
feeders and EHV sub-station power transformers) is some service hours for each of the charging location types
approx. 1.5 to 1.9 times of its current peak load, and has (average 14 service hours per day for each location
been grown at a little higher than load growth rate by types), total number of chargers at each location types
5%-6% annually. With the increase in the incremental EV can be calculated. It is estimated that in 2030, 22.62
load at faster rates, Delhi distribution and transmission lakhs charging points will be required in Delhi, with 93%
network will need to be augmented at higher 8% annually. being home chargers, followed by 5% bulk swappable
battery charging points and the remaining 2% at office/
private and public charging stations. This includes all EVs
and all charging points, including home chargers that
may yield EV to EVSE ratio of 3.81 by year 2030. After
removing home charging EVs and also home chargers,
the EV to EVSE ratio becomes approx. 17. This ratio for
Delhi for public charging is high as compared to the global
current best practice ratio of 10-12.

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 196

Table 55: Skill development at DISCOMs to minimize impact on grid 188

Skill development at DISCOMs to minimize impact on grid

DISCOMs are bound to play a critical role in EV ecosystem if India is to achieve it’s ambitious target of enhancing EV
penetration by 2030. According, capacity building initiatives are required to develop skill sets of DISCOM officials in
load estimation and in assessments required for giving clearances for settings up stations

Further assuming the number of charging points to be 5.1.6. Delhi City’s EV projections
5, 10 and 200, respectively for office/private, public and
Refer to the annexure table 80: Statistics dashboard for
swapping stations, it is estimated that Delhi may need to
Delhi projections for key EVs stats that Delhi city may
grow the number of office/private charging stations from
witness till 2030, under above assumed Scenario-2
75 in 2020 to 4536 in 2030; public charging stations
from 45 in 2020 to 2552 in 2030; and bulk swapping The chapter covered analyzed the impact on distribution
charging stations from 7 in 2020 to 592 in 2030. These infrastructure if the projected number of electric vehicles
numbers may change with sizing of each of these stations. are added to the system. It stresses on the fact that
Delhi has around 350 petrol pumps and these can be there is no immediate threat on stability of the power
used to co-locate EV public/swap charging stations. Home system. However, it would be win-win scenario if the
chargers need not have communication link and hence deployment of charging infrastructure in a city is done
may not need full fledge AC-001 chargers. However, in planned manner so that the operations remain viable
cluster EVs charging in the parking lot of a residential as explained in chapter 3 on business models, as well as
locality may use the option of AC-001 chargers, if adding minimum burden on distribution infrastructure.
managed by a third party. Malls, public parking spaces, Hence, several city-level assessments are encouraged for
cinema halls and metro/railway/bus stations are some of sustainable deployment of charging infrastructure.
the spaces that can be used for deploying mix of slow and
fast chargers.


EY analysis

197 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Lucknow is the capital of Uttar Pradesh in India. It is the 11th most populous city and the 12th most populous
urban cluster of India. The city is spread over an area of 2,528 square kilometers (976 sq. mi.). Lucknow has got an
extensive network of roads and railways and it has grown across the radius of 25 km189 .

Lucknow is a part of the 100-smart city mission and is in Lucknow is around 20 lakhs. This implies that almost
focusing on citywide solutions envisioned to develop every second person in Lucknow has a vehicle. Further,
the city as a clean, green, efficient and a citizen centric a CAGR of 7% is being witnessed in the new vehicle
modern economy. Four key initiatives, namely, Jeevant additions in the city from 2015.
Lucknow, Swachh Lucknow, Sugam Lucknow and
Lucknow power distribution is managed by Madhyanchal
Samruddh Lucknow have been launched under the smart
Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (a Government of UP
city mission focusing on the aspects of improving living
undertaking), catering to around 50 lakhs consumers.
standards, cleanliness, mobility and the economy of
Total electricity consumption is estimated to be 17,377
the state190 .
MUs/year with a CAGR of 16% in 2017. Distribution losses
The population of Lucknow in 2018 is estimated to be have been estimated to be down to 17% compared to 23%
more than 50 lakhs and the number of registered vehicles distribution losses in 2015191 .

Table 56: Lucknow and vehicle stock192

Lucknow Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

City population no. 55,58,170 57,82,720 63,84,590 70,49,103 2%

Total vehicle stock on road no. 21,37,214 24,65,384 34,87,770 49,28,235 7%

2W % 77.4% 76.0% 73.3% 71.1% -1%

3W - PV % 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.5% 2%

3W - CV % 1.3% 1.9% 2.7% 3.1% 5%

4W - PV % 13.7% 15.2% 18.1% 20.2% 3%

4W - CV % 7.0% 6.3% 5.3% 5.0% -2%

Bus % 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% -2%

Vehicle per unit 1000 Population no. 385 426 546 699 5%

Rajiv Gandhi University - http://www.ijhssi.org/papers/v4(5)/Version-2/B0452011020.pdf
Lucknow Smart City - https://www.lucknowsmartcity.com/
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Ltd. Lucknow (MVVNL) - http://www.mvvnl.in/post/en-tariff-details
EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 198

5.2.1. EVs adoption and mix
EVs adoption shall be higher in public/fleet vehicles, including buses, three-wheeler autos and fleet cars. Fleet vehicles
have higher operational periods and a daily certainty in travelled distances. This makes EV economics much viable over
other personal vehicle segments (including personal two-wheelers and four-wheeler cars). All-India estimates on EV mix
and adoption across different vehicle segments in 2030 are shared below -

Table 57: Lucknow EV adoption scenarios193

Scenario-1 (fast and high adoption at national level) Scenario-2 (medium optimistic adoption at city
Reference: NITI Aayog RMI Report level) Used in this case study

EV mix % of new sales EV mix % of total EV mix % of new EV mix % of total

Vehicle category
in 2030 vehicles stock in 2030 sales in 2030 vehicles stock in 2030

2-wheeler 100% ~40% 100% 30%

3-wheeler 100% (since 2025) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 50%

4-wheeler PV 100% ~40% 100% 35%

4-wheeler CV 100% (since 2020) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 35%

Buses – public 100% (since 2020) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 60%

Buses – private 100% (since 2020) ~50% 100% (since 2025) 60%

In both the above scenarios, percentage of EV mix of new sales is increased across the years to 100%. NITI Aayog RMI
report’s assumptions are aggressive with early, faster and higher adoption rate, which seems unlikely, given the current
level of EV supply chain and policy readiness in India. Hence Scenario-2, a medium optimistic scenario, is modelled. This
Scenario-2 model gives 40% EV mix of total stock in year 2030 with 19.55 lakhs EVs on road.

5.2.2. EV battery technologies and 10% swapping only and 28% with a range extension
ownership models battery option.

India, with its value conscious customers, is likely to see LIBs are witnessing a fast change in battery chemistries,
a mix adoption of integrated lithium ion battery (LIB) EVs, driven by volumetric size, weight, charging speed,
battery swapping194 and range extension195 EVs. Public operating temperatures, stability and most importantly,
fleet vehicles are expected to see a higher adoption of cost. NMC batteries with their size and cost advantages
battery swapping model over the years, while personal shall likely see higher adoption in India, with higher
vehicles shall see an increased use of range extension charging performance batteries like LTO getting
batteries, with both driven by establishment of successful increasingly adopted with lowering of their costs. The
operational and economical battery swapping models in model assumed the following engineering values across
India. Of the total EV stock on road in 2030, it is assumed different vehicle categories:
that 63% EVs are likely to have an integrated LIBs,


Swapping batteries: these batteries can be swapped at a swapping station, replacing a discharged battery with a charged one. The vehicles, therefore, do not need to be fast-charged or

have very large batteries. Here the batteries can be separated from the vehicle and will not be owned by the vehicle owner. Instead it will be owned by an energy operator (provider of charged
battery as a service), who will buy the batteries, charge them and lease it to the vehicle owners at convenient charge-cum-swap centre.
Range extension batteries: a normal integrated LIB will be charged every night. But since the battery is small, the range will not be large. Since most personal vehicles drive small distance

in India in a day, this small range may be acceptable on 90% to 95% of the days. But for the remaining 5% to 10% of the days, this could cause a problem. Instead of using a fast-charger and
battery life degradation problems, in this option, the vehicles will have a slot for a second battery called range-extension swappable batteries (or RE battery).
This is assuming 85% depth of discharge (DOD) in batteries, and 90% close to DOD value when charging is initiated.

199 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Table 58: Technical specifications assumed in Lucknow model197

Avg. battery size Avg. Avg. km kms per charge per # of charges per year per vehicle
(kWh/unit) vehicle run vehicle196
If integrated

If swapping



If integrated

If swapping only

If integrated

If swapping only

If RE with integrated
(below counts for RE
battery only)
2W 1.5 1.5 50.00 6,600 57.38 57.38 115.03 115.03 23.01

3W PV 4.5 3 20.00 33,000 68.85 45.90 479.30 718.95 143.79

3W CV 6 4.5 14.29 26,400 65.57 49.18 402.61 536.82 107.36

4W PV 15 12 7.69 12,540 88.27 70.62 142.07 177.58 35.52

4W CV 15 12 7.69 69,300 88.27 70.62 785.10 981.37 196.27

Bus 100 60 1.00 66,000 76.50 45.90 862.75 1,437.91 287.58

With above battery sizes and assumed EV stock, it is estimated that in 2030, Lucknow shall have some 13.7 GWh of LIBs
in the system with approximately 70% as integrated LIBs and remaining 30% as swappable LIBs.

Table 59: Cumulative LIBs in system198

Lucknow 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Cumulative LIBs in system MWh 150 387 3,305 13,669 43%

Integrated LIBs % 87% 87% 80% 70% -2%

Swapping + RE LIBs % 13% 13% 20% 30% 9%

5.2.3. EV charging technologies (slow vs. Lucknow, with 56% happening through home charging,
fast) and location choices 10% through office/private charging, 11% through public
charging and 23% through centralized bulk charging for
The choice of integrated and/or swappable batteries will swappable batteries.
influence the charging choices of the customers choosing
a range of options such as home charging, office/private Additionally, it is assumed that full home charging can
charging, public charging and centralized bulk swappable be completed within five hours, while office/private and
battery charging stations. The analysis assumed mixed public charging can be undertaken within an hour, and
adoption of charging options between different vehicle bulk swapping charging within two hours. Depending on
categories, and its variation over the years with change in the battery sizes assumed, and full battery charging time
battery technology and costs. It is estimated that in 2030, specifications, the average peak charging power may vary
there shall be some total 3,703 lakh EV charges done in across the vehicle categories and charging options as
given below:

EY analysis

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 200

Table 60: Various charging options as per vehicle categories199

Avg. battery size (kWh/unit) *Peak charging load (kW) per battery charging

If integrated If swapping Home charging Office/private Public Swapping

charging charging

Home chargers Fast chargers Fast chargers Slow chargers

2W 0.33 1.65 1.65 0.83 0.33 1.65

3W PV 0.99 4.95 4.95 2.48 0.99 4.95

3W CV 1.32 6.60 6.60 3.30 1.32 6.60

4W PV 3.30 16.50 16.50 8.25 3.30 16.50

4W CV 3.30 16.50 16.50 8.25 3.30 16.50

Bus 22.00 110.00 110.00 55.00 22.00 110.00

*Peak charging load is assumed uniformly across the charging times, but this may vary according to battery chemistry.
Hence peak load multiple of 1.1 is used to absorb such variations.

India has developed two charging standards – one called higher voltage/power level charging standards that are
AC-001 charger for AC charging, and another DC-001 under development, to be called AC-002 and DC-002,
charger for DC charging. DC-001 has charging voltage which can further provide faster charge (below one hour).
level under 100 V, and uses custom GB/T communication Therefore, it may be important for India to define and use
protocol over CAN mode. AC-001 has three charging such standard chargers across vehicle categories, to see a
points that can deliver maximum 15 A charging current scale-up of EVs.
at 3.3 kW power, while DC-001 can deliver maximum
Battery chemistry and battery temperature highly
200 A current at 15 kW power. Between these chargers,
influence use of slow vs. fast charging. Cycle life of low
the above charging range for 2-wheeler, 3-wheeler and
cost NMC batteries degrades if they are fast charged
4-wheeler can get closely covered. For buses, India has
(charged in less than an hour) at ambient temperatures
developed another charger (under development) that
higher than 45 °C, while LTO batteries supports such
gives 50 A current and 30 kW power. There are other two
fast charging.

5.2.4. EVs and impact on the grid

It is estimated that 2864 MUs/year electricity consumption shall happen from EVs charging by 2030, with home
charging (at residential tariff) taking a majority of 44% share, followed by charging loads at commercial tariff including
28% of bulk swappable battery charging, 16% of office/private charging and 12% of public charging. The assumptions for
adoption of charging options across vehicle categories and time are changeable in the model and can give new scenarios
to simulate and study.

199, 200,201
EY analysis

201 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Table 61: Electricity consumption for EV charging (at network input incorporating distribution losses)200

Lucknow 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Electricity consumption for EV charging (at network input MUs/year 40 120 867 2,864 37%
incorporating distribution losses)

Home charging (RESIDENTIAL TARIFF) % 63% 56% 51% 44% -2%

Office/Private charging (COMMERCIAL TARIFF) % 12% 17% 14% 16% -1%

Public charging (COMMERCIAL TARIFF) % 16% 14% 14% 12% -2%

Swapping + RE (COMMERCIAL TARIFF) % 10% 13% 21% 28% 8%

Total average connected load from EVs is expected to grow fast from 224 MVA in 2020 to 6000 MVA in 2030, with a
CAGR of 39% and an average load factor of 6%.

Table 62: Total avg connected EV charging load to grid201

Lucknow 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Total avg connected EV charging load to grid MVA 65 224 1,707 6,000 39%

Home charging (residential) % 24% 19% 17% 14% -3%

Office/private charging (commercial) % 23% 30% 25% 27% -1%

Public charging (commercial) % 31% 25% 23% 19% -2%

Swapping + RE (commercial) % 12% 16% 25% 30% 7%

Further, depending upon the four charging location types and the time of the day tariff incentives, the EV charging will
be spread up in four six-hour time slots of the day (TS1 – 0:00 to 6:00; TS2 – 6:00 to 12:00; TS3 – 12:00 to 18:00; TS4
– 18:00 to 24:00). The following are the assumptions that have been used for the EV charging load distribution across
these time slots:

Table 63: Assumptions on EV charging load distribution202

Time slots Home charging Office/private Public Swapping + RE

TS1 35% 5% 5% 50%

TS2 15% 30% 30% 35%

TS3 15% 40% 30% 15%

TS4 35% 25% 35% 0%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

EY analysis
201, 202, 203

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 202

Using the above load-time distribution in a day, peak charging load from EV charging across different locations is
estimated to be 18 MVA in 2020, 486 MVA in 2025 and 1755 MVA in 2030, with 10 years CAGR of 40%. This compared
to BAU scenario (i.e., without EVs) for Lucknow is assumed to be 496 MVA in 2020 and 703 MVA in 2030, with a CAGR
of 3%. By 2030, peak demand from EVs is expected to contribute 70% of total peak load in Lucknow, which shall be a
significant addition for DISCOMs to start preparing upfront. In the next three to five years, EV additional load may be
catered with existing excess distribution capacity and BAU capital investments in the network by the DISCOM, beyond
which it may require special planning and interventions.

Table 64: Lucknow peak demand assessment203

Lucknow 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Peak EV demand for charging MVA 18 62 486 1,755 40%

BAU peak demand of city (without EVs) MVA 496 526 608 703 3%

Total peak demand of city including EVs MVA 514 587 1,094 2,458 15%

% EV contribution to peak demand % 4% 11% 44% 71% -

BAU peak demand CAGR % 13% 3% 3% 3% -

EV peak demand CAGR % 54.7% 61% 44% 20% -

Combined total peak demand CAGR % 14% 7% 18% 15% -

5.2.5. Number of chargers and that necessary safety standards for such co-locations are
charging locations developed. Home chargers need not have communication
link and hence may not need full fledge AC-001 chargers.
Knowing the total number of charges per day across However, cluster EV charging in parking lots of residential
different charging locations and assuming the operational localities is an option that can use AC-001 chargers, if
service hours for each charging location type (average managed by a third-party. Malls, public parking spaces,
14 service hours per day for each location type), the cinema halls, metro/railway/bus stations are some of the
total number of chargers at each location type can be spaces that can be used for deploying mix of slow and
calculated. It is estimated that in 2030, Lucknow will fast chargers.
require 6.27 lakhs charging points, with 37% being
home chargers.

All the EVs and charging points (including home chargers), 5.2.6. Lucknow City’s EV projections
will yield EV to EVSE ratio of 3.12 by 2030. After Dashboard of key EVs stats that Lucknow city may witness
removing home charging EVs and also home chargers, the till 2030, under above assumed Scenario-2,
EV to EVSE ratio becomes 11.48. Table 81: Statistics dashboard for Lucknow City
Further assuming the number of charging points to be projections
5, 10 and 200, respectively for office/private, public and
swapping stations,
3 it is estimated that Lucknow shall need
to grow the number of office/private charging stations
from 58 in 2020 to 1634 in 2030; public charging
stations from over five in 2020 to 775 in 2030; and bulk
swapping charging stations from three in 2020 to 393
in 2030. These numbers may change with sizing of each
of these stations. Lucknow’s petrol pumps may be used
to co-locate EV public/swap charging stations, provided

EY analysis

203 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Nagpur is the third largest city in Maharashtra. It is located at exact geographical centre of India giving it an advantage
and easy access of commuting to any part of the country. It is one of the smart cities in making. It hosts country’s one
of the biggest multi modal logistics hub “MIHAN”.

It became the first city in India to pilot electric mass line of 2019. The metro proposed will run on two lines
mobility in partnership with Ola with a total fleet size of covering a total distance of 40 km, thereby increasing the
200 consisting of four-wheeler cars, three-wheeler autos, share of public transport in the city. It will also pave the
two-wheeler scooters and buses. Ola invested in four way for increased fleet vehicles share of four-wheelers,
charging stations with some 50 charging points. By early three-wheelers and two-wheelers for first and last mile
2018, it has 60 e-cars and 20 e-autos operational with commute to and from metro stations.
two charging stations.
The city is expected to grow at a faster rate with
The city has SNDL, an Essel Group company, as a power supporting ecosystem including smart city, Metro,
distribution franchisee of MSEDCL in three out of four MIHAN and EVs heads-up. By two projections, city
zones with MSEDCL operating the 4th zone. The city is population is expected to double-up in next 15 and 25
spread across some 218 sq. kms with some 2,295 km years, respectively. We assumed this to happen in 20
of roads. The number of registered vehicles in Nagpur is years, with population CAGR of 3.5%, giving some 41.5
estimated around 15 lakhs in 2017 with then population lakhs population in 2030. Total vehicles on-road are
of around 27 lakhs, meaning almost every second person expected to rise to 28 lakhs, with estimated 680 vehicles
in the city has a vehicle. New initiative like Metro is being per 1000 population. Two-wheelers are expected to
taken up at fast pace in the city, with completion time continue forming highest modal share of 87%, followed by
passenger cars and rising share of fleet vehicles including
4-wheelers and 3-wheelers.

Table 65: Nagpur population and vehicle stock204

Nagpur Units 2018 2020 2025 2030

City population no. 27,50,000 29,45,869 34,98,768 41,55,439

Total vehicle stock on road* no. 15,77,721 17,17,519 21,66,936 28,19,481

2W % 88.0% 88.1% 88.0% 87.7%

3W – PV % 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.5%

3W – CV % 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5%

4W – PV % 8.3% 8.3% 8.3% 8.4%

4W – CV % 1.5% 1.5% 1.6% 1.8%

Bus % 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%

Vehicle per unit 1000 population no. 574 583 619 679

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 204

5.3.1. EVs adoption and mix
EVs adoption is likely to be higher in public/fleet vehicles, including in buses, three-wheeler autos and fleet cars. Fleet
vehicles’ higher kilometers run per year and daily certainty in travelled distances, makes EV economics better viable
over other personal vehicle segments (including personal two-wheelers and four-wheeler cars). Nearly 2030 all-India
estimates on EV mix and adoption across different vehicle segments are shared below:

Table 66: EV adoption scenarios205

Scenario-1 (Fast and high adoption at national level) Scenario-2 (Medium optimistic adoption
Reference: NITI Aayog RMI Report at city level)Used in this case study
Vehicle category
EV mix % of new EV mix % of total EV mix % of new EV mix % of total
sales in 2030 vehicles stock in 2030 sales in 2030 vehicles stock in 2030

2-wheeler 100% ~40% 100% 30%

3-wheeler 100% (since 2025) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 50%

4-wheeler PV 100% ~40% 100% 35%

4-wheeler CV 100% (since 2020) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 35%

Buses – public 100% (since 2020) ~100% 100% (since 2025) 60%

Buses – private 100% (since 2020) ~50% 100% (since 2025) 60%

In both the above scenarios, %EV mix of new sales is increased across years till 100%. NITI Aayog RMI report’s
assumptions are aggressive with early, faster and higher adoption rate, which seems unlikely, given the current level of
EV supply chain and policy readiness in India. Hence Scenario-2, a medium optimistic scenario is modelled and results
shared in below analysis. This modelled Scenario-2 gives 33% EV mix of total stock in 2030 with 9.18 lakhs EVs on road
then. Morgan Stanley research assumed this number at all-India level to be 15%206 , which supports higher mix at fast
growing Tier-2 Nagpur.

5.3.2. EV battery technologies and ownership models

India with its value conscious customers, shall see a mix adoption of integrated lithium ion battery (LIB) EVs vs. battery
swapping207 and range extension208 EVs. Public fleet vehicles are expected to see a higher adoption of battery swapping
model over years, while personal vehicles are likely to see an increased use of range extension batteries, both driven by
establishment of successful operational and economical battery swapping models in India. Of the total EV stock on road
in 2030, it is assumed that 64% EVs shall have integrated LIBs, 8% swapping only and 29% with range extension
battery option.

The model assumed following engineering values across different vehicle categories:



Swapping batteries: these batteries can be swapped at a swapping station by replacing a discharged battery with a charged one. The vehicles therefore do not need to be fast-charged or

have very large batteries. Here, the battery can be separated from the vehicle and will not be owned by the vehicle owner. Instead it will be owned by an energy operator (provider of charged
battery as a service), who will buy the batteries, charge them and lease it to the vehicle owners at convenient charge-cum-swap centre.

Range extension batteries: a normal integrated LIB gets charged every night. But since the battery is small, the range will not be large. Since most personal vehicles drive small distance

in India in a day, this small range may be acceptable on 90% to 95% of the days. But for the remaining 5% to 10%, this could cause a problem. Instead of using fast-charger and face with
downgrade battery life problems, in this option, the vehicles will have a slot for a second battery called range-extension swappable batteries (or RE battery).

205 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Table 67: Technical specifications assumed in Nagpur model210

Avg. battery size Avg. Avg. km kms per charge per # of charges per year per vehicle
(kWh/unit) vehicle run vehicle196
If integrated

If swapping



If integrated

If swapping only

If integrated

If swapping only
2W 1.5 1.5 50.00 6,600 57.38 57.38 115.03 115.03 23.01

3W PV 4.5 3 20.00 33,000 68.85 45.90 479.30 718.95 143.79

3W CV 6 4.5 14.29 26,400 65.57 49.18 402.61 536.82 107.36

4W PV 15 12 7.69 12,540 88.27 70.62 142.07 177.58 35.52

4W CV 15 12 7.69 69,300 88.27 70.62 785.10 981.37 196.27

Bus 100 60 1.00 66,000 76.50 45.90 862.75 1,437.91 287.58

With above battery sizes and assumed EV stock, it is estimated that in 2030, Nagpur shall have 3.7 GWh of LIBs in the
system with approximately 70% as integrated LIBs and remaining 30% as swappable LIBs. NITI Aayog’s report estimated
that India is likely to see a total of 3,500 GWh of LIBs in 2030, which is almost 100 times of the total LIB capacity that
Nagpur will account in 2030.

Table 68: Cumulative LIBs in system211

Lucknow 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Cumulative LIBs in system MWh 2 55 875 3,729 52%

Integrated LIBs % 89% 85% 78% 70% -2%

Swapping + RE LIBs % 11% 15% 22% 30% 7%

EY analysis

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 206

5.3.3. EV charging technologies 61% happening via home charging, 8% via office/private
(slow vs. fast) and location choices charging, 9% via public charging and 22% via centralized
bulk charging for swappable batteries.
The choice of integrated and/or swappable batteries is
likely to influence charging choices of customers between Additionally, it is assumed that full home charging may
a mix of home charging, office/private charging, public be completed in five hours, while office/private and
charging and centralized bulk swappable battery charging public charging may take one hour to complete and bulk
stations. The analysis assumed a mix of charging options’ swapping charging, two hours. Depending on the battery
adoption between different vehicle categories, and their sizes assumed and time specifications taken to fully
variation over years with change in battery technology charge the battery, the average peak charging power
and costs. It is estimated that in 2030, a total of 1,434 may vary across vehicle categories and charging
lakh EV charges are likely to be done in Nagpur, with options as below:

Table 69: Battery size and types of charging across the vehicle segments212

Avg. battery size (kWh/unit) *Peak charging load (kW) per battery charging

If integrated If swapping Home charging Office/private Public Swapping

charging charging

Home chargers Fast chargers Fast chargers Slow chargers

2W 1.5 1.5 0.33 1.65 1.65 0.83

3W PV 4.5 3 0.99 4.95 4.95 1.65

3W CV 6 4.5 1.32 6.60 6.60 2.48

4W PV 15 12 3.30 16.50 16.50 6.60

4W CV 15 12 3.30 16.50 16.50 6.60

Bus 100 60 22.00 110.00 110.00 33.00

*Peak charging load is assumed to be uniform across charging times, but this may vary according to battery chemistry.
Hence peak load multiple of 1.1 is used to absorb such variations.

India has developed two charging standards – the first higher voltage/power level charging standards that are
being AC-001 charger for AC charging, and other being under development, to be called AC-002 and DC-002 that
DC-001 charger for DC charging. Both have charging has the potential to further improve fast charging (i.e.,
voltage levels under 100V and use custom GB/T below one hour). It will be important for India to define
communication protocol over CAN mode. AC-001 charger and use the standard chargers across vehicle categories,
can give maximum 15 A charging current with 3.3 kW to see scale-up of EVs.
power, while DC-001 can give maximum 200 A current
Battery chemistry and battery temperature highly
with 15 kW power.7 Between both the chargers, above
0 influence use of slow vs. fast charging. The life of low cost
charging ranges for two-wheelers, three-wheelers and
NMC batteries is likely to degrade if its charges fast (less
four-wheelers can get closely covered. For buses, India
than an hour) at higher 45°C ambient temperatures, while
has already started developing another charger that
LTO batteries can support such fast charging.
gives 50 A current and 30 kW power. There are other two

EY analysis

207 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

5.3.4. EVs and impact on the grid
It is estimated that a total of 798 MUs/year electricity consumption is likely to happen from EVs charging in 2030, with
home charging (at residential tariff) taking majority 39% share, followed by charging loads at commercial tariff including
31% of bulk swappable battery charging, 20% of office/private charging and 9% of public charging -

Table 70: Electricity consumption for EV charging (at network input incorporating distribution losses)213

Nagpur 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Electricity consumption for EV charging (at network input MUs/year 1 22 240 798 43%
incorporating distribution losses)

Home charging (residential tariff) % 60% 43% 43% 39% -1%

Office/private charging (commercial tariff) % 14% 26% 20% 20% -3%

Public charging (commercial tariff) % 14% 10% 10% 9% -1%

Swapping + RE (commercial tariff) % 11% 20% 27% 31% 5%

Total average connected load from EVs is likely to grow faster from 44 MVA in 2020 to 1600 MVA in 2030 with a
CAGR of 43% and an average load factor of 6%. This average connected load share is highest with 35% in office/private
charging stations, followed by 26% in bulk swappable battery charging stations, 16% in public charging stations and 13%
in home charging.

Table 71: Total average connected EV charging load to grid214

Nagpur 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Total avg. connected EV charging load to grid MVA 2 44 467 1,600 43%

Home charging (residential) % 24% 14% 15% 13% -1%

Office/private charging (commercial) % 28% 43% 34% 35% -2%

Public charging (commercial) % 28% 17% 18% 16% -1%

Swapping + RE (commercial) % 11% 16% 23% 26% 5%

EY analysis

EY analysis

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 208

Further, depending upon the four charging location types and time of the day tariff incentives, the EV charging will
spread up in four six-hour time slots of the day (TS1 – 0:00 to 6:00; TS2 – 6:00 to 12:00; TS3 – 12:00 to 18:00 and TS4
– 18:00 to 24:00). The following are the assumptions for the EV charging load distribution across these time slots:

Table 72: EV charging load distribution across time slots215

Time slots Home charging Office/private Public Swapping + RE

TS1 35% 5% 5% 50%

TS2 15% 30% 30% 35%

TS3 15% 40% 30% 15%

TS4 35% 25% 35% 0%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

Using the above load-time distribution in a day, the peak CAGR of 6.8%. By 2030, the peak demand from EVs in
charging load from EV charging across different locations TS4 is expected to contribute 32% of total peak load in
is estimated to be 13 MVA in 2020, 134 MVA in 2025 Nagpur, which may be a significant addition for DISCOMs
and 468 MVA in 2030, with 10 years CAGR of 43%. This to plan their preparation. The next three to five years of
peak from EV load comes in TS2 time slot in the day, as EV additional load can be catered to using the existing
compared to the business-as-usual (BAU) peak in grid excess distribution capacity and BAU capital investments
today that occurs in TS4 time slot. The BAU peak without in the network by the two DISCOMs (MSEDCL and SNDL),
EVs for Nagpur is estimated to be 526 MVA in 2020 and beyond which special planning and interventions may be
703 MVA in 2030, with a CAGR of 3%. The total system’s required.
peak with EVs comes out to be 536 MVA in 2020, 712
MVA in 2025 and 1038 MVA in 2030, growing at a

Table 73: Assessment of Lucknow’s peak demand216

Nagpur 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Peak EV demand for charging (TS2) MVA 1 13 134 468 43%

Peak EV demand for charging (TS4) MVA 1 11 104 335 41%

BAU peak demand of city (without EVs, in TS4) MVA 496 526 608 703 2.9%

Total peak demand of city including EVs (TS4) % 497 536 712 1,038 6.8%

% EV contribution to peak demand (TS4) % 0% 2% 15% 32% 32%

BAU peak demand CAGR % 13% 3% 3% 3% 0%

EV peak demand
9 yearly CAGR
0 % - 137% 47% 20% -18%

Combined total peak demand CAGR 13% 4% 8% 8% 7%

EY analysis

EY analysis

209 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

The 335 MVA peak load addition from EV charging in EVs and all charging points, including home chargers,
2030 is close to Nagpur today’s peak demand of 446 which may yield EV to EVSE ratio of 3.53 by 2030. After
MVA, and this is sizeable as it requires an estimate removing home charging EVs as well as home chargers,
of INR837.5 crores of incremental investments in the EV to EVSE ratio may become 20. This ratio for
augmenting the distribution network, including sub- Nagpur for public charging is high compared to global
station capacity. The current transmission capacity of 806 current best practice of 10-12 ratio.
MVA may also need higher augmentation with additional
Further assuming the number of charging points to be
investments by 2030.
5, 10 and 200, respectively for office/private, public and
swapping stations, it is estimated that Nagpur may need
to grow the number of office/private charging stations
5.3.5. Number of chargers and from 11 in 2020 to 545 in 2030; public charging stations
charging locations from 5+ in 2020 to 243 in 2030; and bulk swapping
After understanding the total number of charges per charging stations from 1 in 2020 to 71 in 2030. These
day across different charging locations and assuming numbers are likely to change with the sizing of each of
operational service hours for each charging location these stations. Nagpur has 80 petrol pumps and these
types (average 14 service hours per day for each location may be used to co-locate EV public/swap charging
types), total number of chargers at each location types stations. Home chargers do not need communication link
can be calculated. It is estimated that in 2030, 2.6 lakhs and hence may not need full-fledge AC-001 chargers.
charging points requirements may exist in Nagpur, with However, cluster EV charging in residential locality in
93% being home chargers, followed by 5% bulk swappable parking lot is an option that can use AC-001 chargers, if
battery charging points, and remaining 2% at office/ managed by a third party. Malls, public parking spaces,
private and public charging stations. This includes all cinema halls, metro/railway/bus stations are some of
spaces that can be used for deploying a mix of slow and
fast chargers.

5.3.6. Nagpur City’s EV projections

Refer Table 82: Statistics dashboard for Nagpur projections. for key EVs stats that Nagpur city may witness till 2030,
under above assumed Scenario-2:

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 210

6 City level implementation plan

India has emerged as one of the key automotive markets problem, i.e., the need for ample EV penetration as a
globally with a dominant position across several vehicle prerequisite for EV charging infrastructure deployment
segments. The country is actively exploring cost- vs. the need for abundant EV charging infrastructure as
effective and viable solutions to tackle poor air quality a prerequisite for EVs’ adoption. However, recent studies
in many of its cities as well as reducing its excessive confirm that availability and accessibility of reliable
dependence on oil imports. A blossoming EV market public charging infrastructure must precede dense
must be accompanied by adequate electric vehicle EV penetration. In the absence of a robust charging
supply equipment (EVSE) installations, also known as infrastructure, EV growth may be difficult to sustain.
EV charging points. In 2017, the total installed publicly
Below enumerated Table 70: Charging options identified
accessible chargers grew to 222 .
for various vehicle categories and Table 71: Specifications
The growth dependency of EV adoption and charging of charging options identified highlights optimal charging
stations is often described as the chicken and egg solutions identified for various vehicle segments and their
respective power and charge time specifications

Table 74: Charging options identified for various vehicle categories219

Charging locations

Home Society On-street/ Work Private Public Commercial218

Parking (dedicated charging station

2W Slow AC Slow AC • Slow

► AC Slow AC • Slow
► AC Intracity: Slow AC
• Battery
► Swap • Slow
► DC • Slow
► AC
• Fast
► AC
• Slow
► DC
3W Slow AC NA • Slow
► AC NA Battery swap • Fast
► DC • S
► low AC
• Battery
► swap • Battery
► swap • Fast
► AC
• Slow
► DC
4W Slow AC Slow AC • Slow
► AC • Slow
► AC • S
► low AC • NA
• Slow
► AC
• Fast
► AC • Fast
► AC • Fast
► AC
• Fast
► AC
• Slow
► DC • Slow
► DC • Slow
► DC
• Slow
► DC
• Battery
► swap • Fast
► DC►
• Fast
► DC
swap • High
► power fast
• Battery
► swap

International Energy Agency (IEA) - https://webstore.iea.org/global-ev-outlook-2018


E.g. e-commerce delivery fleets


211 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Table 75: Specifications of charging options identified220

Standard Power Level Typical Charging Time

2W 3W 4W Bus

1.25 kWh 3 kWh 15 kWh 100 kWh

Slow AC Bharat Charger AC-001 3.3 kW 1-5 hour 1-5 hour 5-8 hour NA

Fast AC Type-2 AC Min 22 kW NA NA ~35 minutes NA

Slow DC Bharat Charger DC-001 15 kW 0.5-1 hour ~45 mins ~50 minutes NA

Fast DC CCS-2/CHAdeMO Min 50 kW NA NA ~15 minutes 1-2 hour

High Power Fast DC CCS-2/CHAdeMO Min 100 kW NA NA NA 0.5-1 hour

EVs and supporting ecosystem is still evolving in the strategic locations in a city. This shall be based on pre-
Indian context. Home charging is expected to emerge assessments of land, availability of power, civil works for
as the primary option mainly due to the lack of public pedestal and foundations, installation of transformers,
charging facilities. It is expected that the share of public line, terminations and packaged substations constituting
charging will grow, however, home charging would of distribution boards, isolators, protection devices
continue to be the dominant source with a share of nearly and metering equipment. In addition, a phase-wise city
70% in 2030. level deployment plan has to be made. Deployment can
begin with installation at the existing fuel retail stations.
Public charging infrastructure deployment is expected to
Additionally, fast charging stations shall be set up at
face a major challenge of land unavailability. Government
the bus depots, workshops, etc. and swapping stations
and public-sector agencies are ideally placed to mitigate
shall be set up at the intermittent halts for intracity
this risk through collaborations with private players.
and intercity buses as well as to meet the fast charging
Market players, such as municipal corporations and
requirements for other four-wheelers. Charging/swapping
transport utilities, shall be anchoring infrastructure
stations for Heavy-Duty Vehicle (HDVs) shall be deployed
deployment at the city level. Accordingly, electric mobility
at intermittent halts such as food joints on highways,
is expected to be a city-led development wherein various
transport nagars and places where they are parked.
city level players shall be collaborating to reduce risks and
improve overall operational efficiency. The sections below assess the role of strategic
collaborations at city level, key assessments required
Thus, city-level initiatives will hold the key for reducing
and phased-wise approach for developing a city level
risks of supply and demand side stakeholders. To boost
implementation plan.
demand, there is a need to address the issue of range
anxiety through deployment of charging stations at

Stakeholder consultations http://electric-vehicles-in-india.blogspot.com/


Stakeholder consultations http://electric-vehicles-in-india.blogspot.com/


Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 212

Percentage cost break-up
6% 2% 1%
25% 25%



Electricity Real Depreciation Interest Maintenance Total

cost Estate Expense cost
Cost components of charging infrastructure

Figure 54: Cost components of charging infrastructure

nology Confi guration

Tech s


and utilities

Transport Oil marketing
utilities companies
specifi c strategy





Figure 55: City-level collaborations to enhance overall business viability and timeliness of deployment

213 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 214

Key assessments required for

developing the implementation plan
For an effective roll-out of electric mobility program in a city, several assessments need to be done to determine the
ease of deployment and prepare a transition plan. As per several stakeholder interactions and secondary research
done during the study, a list of such assessments was made that could help an implementing agency develop a plan
before the roll-out of electric mobility deployment programs.

6.2.1. Assessment of demographic aspects ၔၔ Preference of medium of transport for first and
and consumer behavior last mile connectivity

In several occasions of interaction with the stakeholders

One of the key assessments is that of demographic
and end users, concerns regarding provision of first and
aspects. It is the demography of a city that reflects the
last mile connectivity rose. Even if a robust transport
acceptance of end users/customers for transitioning to
infrastructure might exist, unavailability of reliable and
electric mobility.
efficient first and last mile connectivity could be a major
The following assessments need to be undertaken to deterrent for shift to public transport, especially in
determine the demographic aspects of a city. smaller cities where average commutation distance is less
ၔၔ Literacy levels of residents and daily commuters as compared to metropolitan cities.

It is a fair assumption to consider that people with higher ၔၔ Commuters preference for ride sharing services
literacy level have greater acceptance to new technology Awareness, affordability and technology have supported
and they easily adopt to changing socio-economic proliferation of ride sharing services offered by fleet
conditions as per the need of hour. Moreover, due to their aggregators which were offered by last mile service
reach, access to information and aspiration of better living providers such as three-wheelers. The timeliness of
conditions, they make efforts to participate in supporting availability of such service at doorsteps and their quality
greener initiatives. has led to an increase in aspiration of commuters and
ၔၔ Economic level to understand the market for their preference for ride sharing services.
different types of electric vehicle

Apart from literacy levels, economic level of residents

6.2.2. Assessment of existing
plays an important role in acceptance and adoption.
Economic level assessment will determine the affordability
transportation system
of end users. Sustainability of transitioning to electric In order to understand the availability of dominant mode
powertrains will largely depend on the viability of of transport in a city, the entire available transport system
operations. Hence, the price point at which the services needs to be studied. Such an assessment will help in
could be charged to end users will depend on the preparing a transition plan for a city to shift to electric
purchasing power of daily commuters and residents who powertrains. The following assessments might be required
should be comfortable
to afford such services. to be done to achieve the intended objective of reducing
vehicular emissions.
ၔၔ Preference
► for the medium of transport for inter/
intra-city commutation ၔၔ G
► IS assessment and mapping
Depending on the robustness of public transport in a city, It is necessary to map routes of prevalent options of
commuters decide their mode of transport. This greatly transport such as three-wheelers and buses across the
varies across cities due to economic considerations and entire city for developing a deployment an
quality of services rendered by transport authorities. transitioning plan.
Hence, such an assessment is inevitable to determine
footfall and enhance utilization of public infrastructure.

215 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

ၔၔ Medium of transport for commuting within the city infrastructure can lead to viable deployment models of
charging infrastructure that could be both owned and
The options for commutation that a city offers to
operated by transport undertaking or by a charge point
its residents to commute, needs to be considered to
determine the most viable segment of vehicles that could
be transformed to electric. ၔၔ A
► ssessment of route plan and schedule

ၔၔ Identification of routes with highest commutation Existing plans and schedules of buses and their
methodology might need to be tweaked, considering
For a viable operation of infrastructure that needs to be
the technical capability of an electric bus. It will largely
deployed, assessment of routes needs to be done. Higher
depend on capacity of battery and ability to charge in a
utilization of infrastructure to achieve lower marginal
shorter duration depending on the chemistry of battery
operational costs which could bring the fare at par or
used in prevalent models of electric buses available in
lesser than what users are being charged.
a market. Moreover, while accessing the schedule, the
ၔၔ Distance
► of routes with highest commutation enroute charging time should also be considered, if
Planning for deployment of charging infrastructure in required in certain cases.
the identified routes with high commutation needs to ၔၔ Average number of trips in routes of highest
assess the length of routes and even the type of vehicles commutation
being deployed. This is likely to aid in determination
ၔၔ Assessment of average number of trips is essential
in the selection and sizing of the requisite charging
to determine the specification of electric buses
infrastructure enroute.
and charging infrastructure for catering to the
ၔၔ Route planning requirements of a city. Scheduling of electric buses
For a complete implementation plan, it is important to depends on flexibility of charging enroute and
optimize the locations of charging infrastructure so that load factors in high commutation routes.Average
it could cater to maximum vehicles. It is ideal, if the distance between the depots
deployed infrastructure , can be at the intersection of As already mentioned, depots are suitable locations for
multiple routes that in-turn could ensure higher asset deployment of charging infrastructure due to access to
utilization and lower pricing for charging the services. infrastructure in terms of both land and power. However,
distance between depots needs be assessed as the
availability of space and grid infrastructure to charge
6.2.3. Infrastructure assessment for the entire fleet in a few locations of a city might be
electric buses inadequate to cater to the demands.

ၔၔ Number of buses plying in and around the city ၔၔ A

► verage number of buses parked in a depot

To build a transition and implementation plan, Determination of the number of buses parked shall give
determination of the number of buses that are catering an urban planner a sense of number of charging stations
to the entire population of a city is necessary. Adequacy that are needed to be deployed enroute. This is because
of buses to meet the growing demands of urbanization the infrastructure available in a depot may or may not be
needs to be assessed as well. able to charge the entire volume of fleet parked.

ၔၔ Number of buses plying on routes of ၔၔ A

► vailability of space in a depot for the setup of
highest commutation charging stations for e-buses

As the cities develop heterogeneously, assessment of Any additional deployment of infrastructure in a depot is
profitable routes of operation for fleet operators, such possible either by sacrificing the space utilized for some
as transport undertakings, is essential. Frequency of other purpose, such as maintenance bays or utilization
operation of buses apart from number of buses plying on of space, that is readily available. Hence, assessment of
such routes is essential in assessing the type of charging availability of space for parking and charging of electric
infrastructure that needs to be deployed. buses across depots needs to be undertaken so that
the load could be distributed across depots to avoid any
ၔၔ N
► umber of bus depots available in and
immediate infrastructure augmentation.
around the city

Considering the ease of deployment of charging

infrastructure, depots seem a simple and conducive
proposition. Availability of land and access to power

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 216

ၔၔ Availability of alternate spaces in the route ၔၔ Average distance commuted by a rickshaw in a day

Assessment of specific routes, where feasibility of plying Similar to infrastructure implementation planning for
electric buses is possible, needs to be assessed for the electric buses, average distance commuted needs to be
availability of spaces for emergency charging where assessed to determine the number of charging points that
an electric bus can park and charge for a while without needs to be deployed to charge the vehicles and to sustain
creating any traffic congestion. their operations.

ၔၔ IT and automation for metering, billing and data ၔၔ Average number of trips taken by e-rickshaws
related to utilization and handling of electric bus in a day
To improve operational efficiency, the implementing Average number of trips done by e-rickshaws also needs
agencies need to assess the right technology platforms to be assessed along with distance travelled by them to
that help the transport service provider maintain a optimize the number of charging points in clusters.
seamless connect with end users as well as charging
ၔၔ Free space availability for parking and access to
infrastructure operators. Further, such platforms could
reliable power for charging
encompass technology for automated metering, billing
and usage of vehicle. The data that would be collected Post assessment of routes, access to land and power
regarding usage of electric buses in this case could infrastructure needs to be assessed to identify the places
be used to monitor performance and aid in enhancing for setting up authorized parking and charging without
operational efficiency. hampering the regular operations and business.

6.2.4. Assessment of operations of first 6.2.5. infrastructure assessment for

and last mile commuting vehicles in a city public chargers
First and last mile connectivity are provided by three- Assessment for deployment of public chargers for private
wheelers in India. India has witnessed a natural transition fleet and individual private electric vehicle owners is
to electric powertrains by three wheeler service providers. essential to boost the transition to electric powertrains.
This is mainly because of the favourable economies due The assessments of this category of vehicles (mostly
to shorter trip lengths and lower upfront purchase costs. car and commercial vehicle) will encompass forecasting
Charging of such vehicles has been mostly noticed to be exercises of vehicle stocks, EV penetration projections
unauthorized. Assessment of operating clusters for such and possible locations of deployment of charging
vehicles needs to be conducted to plan the infrastructure infrastructure in a city.
requirement towards a sustainable growth.
ၔၔ Existing vehicle stock and growth trends
ၔၔ N
► umber of rickshaws plying in the clusters of a city
Assessment of existing vehicle stocks on road and their
The demand of power from this category of vehicle growth trends need to be assessed to project the growth
needs to be assessed and projections have been made for the following years. Though several other parameters
considering a large variety of offerings available in the also need to be considered, this projection will aid in
market, most of which with lower efficiency. The demand determining the annual transitioning targets.
would largely depend on average capacity of battery
ၔၔ Forecast vehicle stock and EV penetration
used and the number of vehicles plying in those cluster
and routes. The EV transition mix can be determined as per the EV
targets and market uptake through correction factors
ၔၔ N
► umber of rickshaws plying on routes of highest
build into the sizing model.
ၔၔ Determine y-o-y growth rates of electric vehicles
Certain target clusters need to be identified after
in the city
determining the routes that witness high commutation
and ridership. However, to prepare a transition plan, the Year-on-year growth rates that a city needs to target can
current fleet of rickshaws plying in those routes and the be determined and incorporated into the implementation
number of such vehicle that could transition to electric plan for target penetration levels by undertaking the
need to be determined. above-mentioned assessments.

ၔၔ D
► etermine the number and type of chargers/
number of battery swapping stations

217 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Assessment for deployment of charging infrastructure This assessment will help determine if any immediate
to cater to the forecasted number of EVs benchmarking augmentation is necessary. Further, it could help in
with the countries with high EV penetration as well as determining the readiness of network to cater to the
considering local geographical factors such as ambient demand of EVs that a city is planning to deploy. Further,
temperature. there is a need to need to assess the voltage levels,
availability of dedicated feeders, redundancy of supply
ၔၔ Number of parking lots in shopping malls, railway
station, office complexes, etc. and metering infrastructure.

The location of deployment of charging infrastructure ၔၔ Load flow analysis

needs to be assessed critically, considering that land Load flow simulation studies need to be conducted to
should be available at affordable costs to have a viable analyze the impact of addition of load as per the target
business model for sustainable operations. Cost of number of EVs. Further, it will also help to understand the
real estate along with availability of power are another load consumption pattern at any given location of the city.
key considerations. However, parking lots in shopping
malls, railway stations and office complexes that may ၔၔ GIS
► assessment
allow public charging also needs to be assessed for their GIS mapping of flow of distribution utility network will be
deployment potential as per the infrastructure and need useful to determine their proximity to transport routes
as per the estimates. that would have been GIS mapped as mentioned earlier.
ၔၔ Number
► of fuel retail stations (sharing of space for This could help in optimizing the number and size of
distribution/retail of battery) for installation of DC deployment of the charging infrastructure.
fast chargers or setting up battery ၔၔ A
► ccess to reliable power
swapping stations.
Charging infrastructure will be at the heart of operations
Assessment for the possibility of deploying charging of the entire electric mobility implementation plan in a
stations in fuel stations as per the available space and city. Uninterrupted supply is necessary else failure in
safety regulations should be determined. Oil marketing electric supply is likely to disrupt the transport service of
companies (OMC) may aid by sharing their available entire city. Hence, assessment of reliable sources of power
space for the installation of fast charging stations or for charging infrastructure is inevitable.
small battery swapping outlets.
ၔၔ Existing
► type of point of connection
ၔၔ GIS assessment
As per the type of charger to be deployed in a location
GIS assessments for locations to set up the charging determined from the assessments done earlier, the point
infrastructure needs to be done by mapping of connection needs to be looked for. However, these are
transportation geographic information system (GIS) guided by principles laid down in safety regulations.
assessment with power infrastructure. GIS assessment
ၔၔ Applicable
► tariff structure
will be described in grid infrastructure availability
assessment. Assessment of an applicable EV charging tariff is
necessary to determine the applicable connections in the
right consumer category, such that business viability of
6.2.6. Infrastructure assessment for charging infrastructure operators can be increased.
the availability and resilience of power ၔၔ Grid integration for vehicle-to-grid (V2G)
distribution infrastructure implementation

Electric mobility can be sustainably implemented if issues This assessment needs to be done to test for grid
in transport and power sectors are judiciously taken care resilience. Though CEA has defined the standards for
of. Assessment for the availability of power distribution connectivity in its draft distributed generation resource
infrastructure and augmentation plan needs to be in regulation, power flow simulations needs to be done and
place as part of the city-level implementation plan as clearance from the distribution utility might be necessary
both, transition of vehicles to electric powertrains and for obtaining the permission to install a charging station.
augmentation of distribution infrastructure, need to
It needs to be assessed if a city could bundle state
happen in tandem.
renewable power purchase obligation targets to meet the
ၔၔ Assessment of existing margins in distribution additional load of EVs. Considering the load curve of EVs
transformer levels to peak in afternoon and nights, power procured from
renewable sources could be used to cater their demand.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 218

ၔၔ R
► enewable power purchase obligation 6.2.7. Phase-wise implementation plan
It needs to be assessed if a city could bundle state Implementation at a city level can be based upon a
renewable power purchase obligation targets to meet the phase-wise procurement of EVs. In the initial phase,
additional load of EVs. Considering the load curve of EVs public fleet providing last mile connectivity is expected to
to peak in afternoon and nights, power procured from be introduced. This shall be followed by an adoption by
renewable sources could be used to cater their demand. fleet service providers and private players in subsequent
phases. Below mentioned diagram details out the
activities envisaged in each phase of the plan.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

1. Assessment of 1. Developing 1. Operational efficiency

strategic locations procurement plan for E improvement for
Key activities

Buses and public fleets for deployed buses

2. Developing DPR
and public fleet
2. Developing
3. Pilot projects
translation plan for 2. Developing
small commercial and translation plan for inter-
private vehicles city commuting services

Figure 56: Phase-wise implementation plan221

Phase 1

a) Activity 1: Assessments for identifying

strategic locations:
5. Feeder level assessment for identifying locations
this shall be based upon the review of existing public and grid augmentation requirements: this shall include
transport infrastructure, route planning and load analysis assessment of expected load patterns at feeder level
on distribution grid infrastructure at substation and DT for identified nodes. Accordingly, percentage of the
level. Key sub activities for each of these are availability of DT capacity for different durations in a day
mentioned below: shall be estimated.

1. Reviewing the existing public transport infrastructure: a) Activity 2: Developing DPR: DPR for city level
this shall include review of the existing bus depots and deployment shall be developed highlighting the following
metro stations to estimate inter-station distance. areas:

2. Route level assessment: route level assessment shall 1. Operating models based on gap assessment from
be done which shall factor in parameters such as expected mature markets
number of vehicles at each route, route length and
2. Phase-wise adoption targets for each vehicle segment
average daily run.
3. CAPEX requirements for each phase
3. Distribution grid infrastructure availability
assessment: this219shall include review of the existing cable 4. Expected grid infrastructure augmentation requirement
networks at city level. Business models
4. Identification of intersecting nodes: based on b) Activity 3: Pilot projects: based on the findings on
route assessment and grid infrastructure availability strategic locations and targets defined in DPR, a pilot
assessment, strategic locations corresponding to project shall be designed. The project shall factor in
intersecting nodes shall be shortlisted. collaborations amongst government agencies for reducing
the supply side, demand side and financing risks.

EY analysis

Stakeholder consultations http://electric-vehicles-in-india.blogspot.com/


219 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Phase 2 Phase 3
a) Improvement of operational efficiency for the
a) Activity 1: Developing procurement plan for e-buses
deployed buses and public fleet: this shall be based on:
and public fleets providing last mile connectivity. The plan
shall include: 1. Review of impact of technical inefficiencies on
operating parameters such as charge time, halt time,
1. Number of buses to be procured
expected range, number of trips and average trip length.
2. Capping of permit requirements for internal
2. Developing transition plans for inter-city
combustion engine (ICE)
commuting services.
3. Bid process management for selecting right partners
for program implementation

b) Activity 2: Developing transition plans for small

commercial and private vehicles based on:

1. Supply and demand mechanics in the city

2. Life cycle cost

3. Asset utilization


Electric mobility is expected to be a city-led development wherein various city-level stakeholders will collaborate
to reduce risks (such as land availability) through viable and sustainable business models. An ideal city-level
implementation plan shall be based on a phase-wise approach of procurement factoring in techno-commercial
considerations specific to the city.

Implementation plan needs to factor in the following critical areas:

1. Route planning and electric load analysis at feeder level for identifying strategic locations.

2. Assessment of transport infrastructure.

3. Viability analysis to structure pilots and explore options for PPP models.

Accordingly, there is a need to develop a detailed DPR and a detailed implementation plan factoring in phase-wise
adoption targets, CAPEX requirements and infrastructure augmentation assessments for both transport and power.
This shall also include learnings from use cases such as pilot programs run in other parts of the country and globally.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 220

7 Annexure


Regulatory treatment of Setting-up Electric Vehicle

Charging Infrastructure
Draft circular on explanation for EV charging not being considered as resale of electricity

National Context 3. Electrification of surface transport, especially roads,

can improve the carbon emissions while drastically
1. India, at 1.7 metric tonnes of CO2e per capita222 ,
reducing the oil import bill and hence improving the
has one of the highest per capita carbon-di-oxide
Current Account deficit (CAD). The NITI Aayog225 ,
emissions globally. A major contributor of these
in 2017, estimated that India can reduce 37% of its
emissions is transport fuel, constituting about 125 Mt
carbon emissions and USD 60 billion in the imported
of CO2e223 (2007). Further, towards this, India has an
oil bill for the year 2030 by pursuing a shared and
annual oil import bill of around INR 5 lakh224 crores
electric mobility future.
4. Towards this objective, the Government of India (GoI)
2. As part of the Intended Nationally Determined
has been concentrating its focus on propagating
Contributions (INDCs), under the United Nations
road electric mobility. On one hand, to incentivise
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
the supply of Electric Vehicles (EVs)226 in the market,
India has committed to reduce the emissions intensity
the GoI is implementing the Faster Adoption and
of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent from 2005 level and to
Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme.
achieve 40% of the cumulative electric power installed
On the other hand, one of the most important aspect
capacity from non-fossil fuel based energy resources
for global uptake of EVs is ubiquitous presence of
by 2030.
reliable charging infrastructure227, both at personal
and public levels.

The World Bank


The Final Report of the Expert Group on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth – Planning Commission of India

Indian petroleum & natural gas statistics (2015-2016)


India Leaps Ahead: Transformative Mobility Solutions For All – Niti Aayog

This circular covers all road-based electric vehicles, namely e-2Ws, e-rickshaws, e-4Ws, and e-buses.

The circular covers only public charging, both live plugged-in charging as well as battery swapping. Further, the circular covers all types of battery technologies used in charging and does

not discriminate or prefer one technology over another. Lastly, it covers only conductive charging and not wireless / inductive charging technologies or methods.

221 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Background to the Circular c. Privately owned battery swapping stations that
shall not be considered as reselling of electricity
5. The Forum of Regulators (FOR) had conducted a
and third parties can set up the infrastructure by
study on impact of electric vehicles (EV) on the grid
intimating about the same to distribution licensee in
that was published on September 2017. The report
that are to avail special category tariff. It suggests
considers the service of charging electric vehicles
the charging infrastructure can procure power in bulk
as distribution or supply of electricity as per the
from distribution licensee of that area or through
Electricity Act, 2003 (hereinafter called EA or EA
open access, as per the provisions of the act. The
2003 or the Act).
bulk supply tariff to procure power from distribution
6. It further mentions that specific amendments to the licensee shall be determined by SERC.
Act are to be made to allow electric vehicle charging
business to resell electricity without license. Analysis of EV Charging Infrastructure with
7. Further, the report states as per the current Respect to Regulatory Aspects
regulation following three models of operation of 8. The hypothesis, behind this circular, is that the
charging infrastructure could be allowed, models developed in the FOR’s analysis have been
framed taking a conservative approach to the
a. Distribution licensee owned charging interpretation of EA 2003 itself. The charging of
infrastructure, which suggests the distribution electric vehicles is just not supply of electricity
licensee to own and operate charging infrastructure but value added services as well such as condition
at retail supply tariffs determined by state electricity monitoring of battery while charging in a safe
regulatory commission (SERC). and reliable manner. The user shall not come to a
charging station to buy electricity but to charge its
b. Distribution licensee franchised charging battery for a certain period of time and hence can be
infrastructure, which suggests that a third party inferred to avail services rendered by the charging
can be authorized by distribution licensee in its infrastructure operator.
area of supply to install and operate the charging
9. This circular aims to analyse the role of a typical
infrastructure. Public private partnerships model
public EV charging station, corresponding role of a
could also be encouraged. The single point bulk
utility, and evaluate how other countries have treated
supply tariff as well as the retail tariff is to be
setting up of such a public infrastructure under the
determined by SERC. Moreover, it suggests that
regulatory ambit, and how should it be treated under
franchisee could purchase power through open access
the prevalent regulation in India.
without application of any cross subsidy surcharge

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 222

10. A public EV charging station is expected to provide a. State of New York Public Service Commission
the following, if not all, to the end consumer228 : (NYPSC)230 removed a potential impediment
to investment into the electric vehicle charging
a. infrastructure for electrical charging of battery, infrastructure space by announcing that it did not
viz., step down transformer for high capacity have jurisdiction over publicly available electric
charging station; vehicle charging stations. The commission mentioned
b. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) to keep that charging stations do not fall under the definition
the electric car safe while charging, converter for of an “electric plant” since charging stations simply
DC charging; provide a service which requires the use of specialized
equipment and allows the customer to perform only
c. Connectors and space for parking of car with one thing i.e. charging.
appropriate lighting;
b. The Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC)
d. basic waiting arrangement for customers and announced that it does not have jurisdiction over EV
vehicles in queue; and charging stations since EV charging stations are not
“electric plant” as defined in the statute. It concluded
e. web-based real time charging station database that EV charging stations are facilities that use
to show the location of charging station, charging specialized equipment, such as a specific cord and
facilities available, rate, availability and occupancy of vehicle connector, to provide the service of charging
charging bays, etc. a battery in an electric vehicle. The battery is the
sole source of power to make the vehicle’s wheels
11. An EV with partially discharged/discharged battery
turn, the heater and air conditioner operate, and
comes to a Charging Station where it is provided
the headlights shine light. To rule otherwise would
parking space and service of charging of battery by
conceivably assert jurisdiction over other similar
electricity through EVSE. In the charging process
battery-charging services, such as smart phone
carried out at the premises of Charging Station, the
charging stations or kiosks, RV parks that allow
electrical energy is converted into chemical energy in
vehicles to connect to the park’s electricity supply, or
the battery. During the charging, the EVSE installed
airports that connect planes to a hangar’s electricity
at the charging station monitors the status of the
supply while parked etc.
battery and regulates the electricity supply to ensure
safe charging. The EV leaves the charging station
c. The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) released a
with change in the status of the battery condition
staff bulletin mentioning that the ownership or
from low chemical energy to high level of
operation of an EV charging station, and the selling
chemical energy.
of EV charging services from that facility, do not
12. EV is not coming to a Charging Station for purchase constitute distribution or retailing. In OEB staff’s view,
of electricity but for getting its battery charged in a an electrical apparatus or infrastructure owned or
safe and reliable manner and to know the condition operated for the sole intended purpose of charging
of its battery from the diagnostic tools of the EV EVs is not a system for distributing electricity.
charging station. The whole gamut of tasks a charging Providers of EV charging services to the public do
station has to essentially perform clearly shows that not simply sell or offer to sell a commodity. They
it will be a simplification to equate it with the sale of provide customers with a complete service, a “vehicle
raw electrical energy at standard voltage done by a refuelling” service, including, at a minimum, the use
DISCOM or a distribution licensee to a consumer. of a parking space and a charging device, and which
may also involve information technology letting EV
Global Precedence drivers know where charging stations are located,
13. Globally, EV charging business has been either whether they are occupied or available for use, and
exempted from regulatory business of utilities or how fast a charge they can expect to receive (e.g.
allowed as pure commercial service business, paving level 2 or level 3 charging).
way for its mass roll out229 :

Source: Private sector consultations


Source: private sector consultations


Source: 13080/13-E-0199 PSC Removes Obstacle to New Investments in Charging Stations


223 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

d. Finnish Energy Agency has not seen the As setting-up and operation of EV charging
requirement to justify or mention its position infrastructure falls outside of purview of a DISCOM
on whether charging infrastructure business be or its licensee, any other government or a private
considered under the scope of electricity distribution. sector entity, in addition to a DISCOM or its
It has been the general consensus in Finland that licensee, should be allowed to set up EV
charging infrastructure service should not be covered charging infrastructure.
under the electricity distribution regulation, and that
16. The EA 2003 only deals with Generation,
the distribution company remains responsible till the
Transmission, Distribution, Trading and Use of
electricity connection to the charging station. The
electricity as specified in the Preamble of the Act.
charging station operation is not covered under the
distribution regulations and is left to the market for
sale of service.

An Act to consolidate the laws relating to generation,

transmission, distribution, trading and use of
14. Thus, the charging process of an EV at a public electricity and generally for taking measures
charging station is not a simple transmission, conducive to development of electricity industry,
distribution or trade of electricity, as prohibited to be promoting competition therein, protecting interest of
freely undertaken, under Section 12 of the EA 2003. consumers and supply of electricity to all

Section 12: Hence, as setting up and operating EV charging

infrastructure falls under a service aspect, there is
No person shall no requirement to undertake any amendment of the
a. transmit electricity; or EA 2003
b. distribute electricity; or
17. The EA 2003 specifies under Section 176 sub-section
c. undertake trading in electricity, unless he is
2 (z) that the Central Government can make rules for
authorised to do so by a licence issued under section
any matter which is required, that
14, or is exempt under section 13.

Section 176:
It should be considered to treat public EV charging
as a sale of service where some value addition is
2. In particular and without prejudice to the generality
provided through the premises of charging
of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all
station operator.
or any of the following matters, namely:--
15. Setting up a public EV charging infrastructure should z. any other matter which is required to be, or may
not be restricted only within the purview of a DISCOM be, prescribed.
or its franchisee, as prescribed under Section 14 of
the EA 2003: Section 75: Directions by Central Government
to Authority:
Section 14:
1. In the discharge of its functions, the Authority
The Appropriate Commission may, on an application shall be guided by such directions in matters of policy
made to it under section 15, grant a licence to involving public interest as the Central Government
any person may give to it in writing.

a. to transmit electricity as a transmission licensee; 2. If any question arises as to whether any such
b. to distribute electricity as a distribution licensee; or direction relates to a matter of policy involving public
c. to undertake trading in electricity as an electricity interest, the decision of the Central Government
trader, in any area as may be specified in the licence: thereon shall be final

Source: https://www.efis.psc.mo.gov/mpsc/commoncomponents/view_itemno_details.asp?caseno=ET-2016-0246&attach_id=2017016053 Tariff No. YE-2017-0052


Source: https://www.oeb.ca/oeb/_Documents/Documents/OEB_Bulletin_EV_Charging_20160707.pdf

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 224

Section 107: Directions by Central Government: 18. Moreover, it has directed to the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE) to specify norms and energy
1. In the discharge of its functions, the Central standards for appliances under Section 14 (a) and (b)
Commission shall be guided by such directions in of the Energy Conservation Act 2001,
matters of policy involving public interest as the
Central Government may give to it in writing. Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Section 14. Power of
Central Government to enforce efficient use of energy
2. If any question arises as to whether any such and its conservation -
direction relates to a matter of policy involving public
interest, the decision of the Central Government The Central Government may, by notification, in
thereon shall be final. consultation with the Bureau,-

Section 62. (Determination of tariff): The Appropriate a. specify the norms for processes and energy
Commission shall determine the tariff in accordance consumption standards for any equipment, appliance
with provisions of this Act for – which consumes, generates, transmits o
supplies energy;
3. The Appropriate Commission shall not, while b. specify equipment or appliance or class of
determining the tariff under this Act, show undue equipments or appliances, as the case may be, for
preference to any consumer of electricity but may the purposes of this Act;
differentiate according to the consumer's load factor,
power factor, voltage, total consumption of electricity Hence, BEE is hereby directed to specify energy
during any specified period or the time at which the consumption standards for charging equipment of EV,
supply is required or the geographical position of any also referred to as Electric Vehicle Supply
area, the nature of supply and the purpose for which Equipment (EVSE).
the supply is required.
19. A vibrant EV charging infrastructure market will
provide revenue augmentation opportunities to
The Central Government henceforth directs this
DISCOMS, opportunity to upgrade the distribution
circular to be notified as per the the provisos of the
network, expand the business, and as well as
EA 2003 under Section 75 to the Central Electricity
encourage private sector to set up and operate a
Authority (CEA) and under Section 107 of the EA
reliable network of charging points. Amongst the
2003 to the Central Commission and Appropriate
developing nations, India should take a lead in
Commissions to give preferential tariff category to
developing a forward-looking framework towards
EV charging service providers/operators by capping
encouraging electric mobility.
the tariff to a maximum of +…% for the purpose of
EV charging as specified under Section 62 sub-
section 3 of the EA 2003.


225 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 226

Detailed charging standards adopted in the

studied countries
7.2.1. U.S.A.

Table 76: Standards adopted in USA


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

3rd Generation
Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a
TS 21.101 Partnership Project = =
UTRAN-based 3GPP system

Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for an

TS 21.201 3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS) based = =
3GPP system

Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a

TS 41.101 3GPP = =
GERAN-based 3GPP system

American Industrial
American National Standard for Occupational Health and
ANSI/AIHA Z10 Hygiene Association- = =
Safety Management Systems

American Society
of Heating,
Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green
189.1 Refrigerating and =
Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
Air Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE)

ANSI/ASHRAE/ Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential

IESNA 90.1 Buildings, I-P Edition

Control of Hazardous Energy - Lockout/Tag-out and

ANSI/ASSE Z244.1 ASSE (ASC Z244) =
Alternative Methods

Standard Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating

F496 2
7 ASTM =
Gloves and Sleeves

Standard Specification for Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic

F711 ASTM =
(FRP) Rod and Tube Used in Live Line Tools

Standard Performance Specification for Flame Resistant

Textile Materials for Wearing Apparel for Use by Electrical
F1506-10a ASTM =
Workers Exposed to Momentary Electric Arc and Related
Thermal Hazards

227 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Standard Specification for In-Service Test Methods for

F2249-03 ASTM Temporary Grounding Jumper Assemblies Used on De- =
Energized Electric Power Lines and Equipment

Standard Specification for Performance Requirements for

F2413 ASTM =
Protective (Safety) Toe Cap Footwear

Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) Standard for the
2070 Transportation =
type 2070 Controller
Controller (ATC)

Statement of Principles, Criteria and Verification

Auto Alliance Procedures on Driver Interactions with Advanced In-Vehicle =
Information and Communication Systems

Title 13, California Environmental Malfunction and Diagnostic System Requirements for 2004
Code Regulations, Protection Agency and Subsequent Model-Year Passenger Cars, Light-Duty =
Section 1968.2 Air Resources Board Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles and Engines (OBD II);

Title 13, Enforcement of Malfunction and Diagnostic System

California Code Requirements for 2004 and Subsequent Model-Year
of Regulations, Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty
Section 1968.5 Vehicles and Engines

Revisions and Additions to Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy
Protection Agency =

Electric Power
Research Institute Common Functions for Smart Inverters, Version 3 =

G3-PLC Alliance G3 MAC Layer Specification = =

G3-PLC Alliance G3 Physical Layer Specification = =

G3-PLC Alliance G3 Profile Specification = =

HomePlug Powerline
GreenPHY1.1 HomePlug GreenPHY Specification, 1.1 = =

HomePlug Powerline HomePlug AV2 – The Specification for Next-Generation

AV2 = =
Alliance Broadband Speeds over Powerline Wires

International Code
IBC International Building Code =
Council (ICC)

IECC ICC International Energy Conservation Code = = =

IFC ICC International Fire Code =

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 228


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

IgCC ICC International Green Construction Code =

IMC ICC International Mechanical Code =

IRC ICC International Residential Code =

IZC ICC International Zoning Code =

ICC A117.1 ICC (ASC A117) Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities =

60038 Electro technical IEC standard voltages =
Commission (IEC)

International Electro-technical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 482:

60050-482 IEC =
Primary and secondary batteries

60059 IEC IEC standard current ratings = = =

60068-1 IEC Environmental testing. Part 1: General and guidance = = =

60068-2 IEC Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests = = =

60068-3 IEC Environmental testing - Part 3: Background information = = =

Environmental testing. Part 4: Information for specification

60068-4 IEC = = =
writers - Test summaries

Environmental testing. Part 5: Guide to drafting of test

60068-5-2 IEC = =
methods - Terms and definitions

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines -

60204-1 IEC = =
Part 1: General requirements

60269-1 IEC Low-voltage fuses - Part 1: General requirements = =

60309 series IEC Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes =

60364 series IEC Low-voltage electrical installations = =

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Fundamental

60364-1 IEC principles, assessment of general characteristics, = = =
9 definitions

60417 IEC Graphical symbols for use on equipment = =

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface,

60445 IEC marking and identification - Identification of equipment = =
terminals, conductor terminations and conductors

60481 IEC Coupling devices for power line carrier systems =

229 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

60529 IEC Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) = = =

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other

60622 IEC non-acid electrolytes Sealed nickel-cadmium prismatic =
rechargeable single cells

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other

60623 IEC non-acid electrolytes Vented nickel-cadmium prismatic =
rechargeable single cells

Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage

60664-1 IEC = = =
systems - Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests

Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage

systems - Part 2-1: Application guide - Explanation of
TR 60664-2-1 IEC = = =
the application of the IEC 60664 series, dimensioning
examples and dielectric testing

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 1:

60721-1 IEC =
Environmental parameters and their severities

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2:

60721-2 IEC =
Environmental conditions appearing in nature

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3:

60721-3 IEC Classification of groups of environmental parameters and =
their severities

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 4-0:

Guidance for the correlation and transformation of the
TR 60721-4 IEC =
environmental condition classes of IEC 60721-3 to the
environmental tests of IEC 60068

General requirements for residual current operated

TR 60755 IEC = =
protective devices

TR 60783 IEC Wiring and connectors for electric road vehicles = =

TR 60784 IEC Instrumentation for electric road vehicles =

TR 60785 IEC Rotating machines for electric road vehicles =

TR 60786 IEC Controllers for electric road vehicles =

Common test methods for insulating and sheathing

materials of electric cables and optical cables - Part
60811 series IEC = =
1: Methods for general application - Measurement of
thickness and overall dimensions

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 2: Operating

60870-2-1 IEC conditions - Section 1: Power supply and electromagnetic = = =

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 230


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and

60884 IEC = =
similar purposes

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1:

60947-1 IEC =
General rules

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-

60947-2 IEC =

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches,

60947-3 IEC disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination =

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 6-1:

60947-6 IEC =
Multiple function equipment

60950 series IEC Information technology equipment - Safety = =

TR 61000-1 IEC Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1: General = = =

61000-2 IEC Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment = = =

61000-3 IEC Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3: Limits = = =

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

61000-4 IEC = = =
measurement techniques

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 5: Installation

61000-5 IEC = = =
and mitigation guidelines

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6: Generic

61000-6 IEC = = =

Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for

61140 IEC = = =
installation and equipment

Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - Part 3:

61204-3 IEC =
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

61316 IEC Industrial cable reels =

1 Marking of secondary cells and batteries with the
61429 IEC =
international recycling symbol ISO 7000-1135

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other

61434 IEC non-acid electrolytes Guide to the designation of current in =
alkaline secondary cell and battery standards

Possible safety and health hazards in the use of alkaline

secondary cells and batteries and health hazards in the
TS 61438 IEC =
use of alkaline secondary cells and batteries Guide to
equipment manufacturers and users

231 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable

61508 IEC = =
electronic safety-related systems

Communication networks and systems for power utility

61850-7-420 Ed.
IEC automation - Part 7-420: Basic communication structure - = =
Distributed energy resources logical nodes

Communication networks and systems for power utility

TR 61850-90-7 automation - Part 90-7: IEC 61850 object models for
IEC = =
Ed.1.0 power converters in distributed energy resources
(DER) systems

TR 61850-90-8
IEC IEC 61850 object models for electrical mobility =
Ed. 1.0

TR 61850-90-9
IEC Use of IEC 61850 for electrical storage systems =
Ed. 1.0

Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1:

61851-1 Ed. 2.0 IEC =
General requirements

Electric Vehicles conductive power supply system - Part

61851-3-1 Ed. 1.0 IEC 3-1: General Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) =
AC and DC conductive power supply systems

Electric Vehicles conductive power supply system - Part

61851-3-2 Ed. 1.0 IEC 3-2: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) DC off- =
board conductive power supply systems

Electric Vehicles conductive power supply system - Part

61851-3-3 Ed. 1.0 IEC 3-3: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) battery = =
swap systems

Electric Vehicles conductive power supply system - Part

61851-3-4 Ed 1.0 IEC 3-4: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) = =

Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21:

61851-21 Ed. 1.0 IEC Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to =
an a.c./d.c. supply

Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21-1

61851-21-1 Ed.
IEC Electric vehicle onboard charger EMC requirements for =
conductive connection to an a.c./d.c. supply

Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21-2:

61851-21-2 Ed.
IEC EMC requirements for off-board electric vehicle charging =

Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 22: AC

61851-22 Ed. 1.0 IEC =
electric vehicle charging station

Electric vehicle conductive charging system- Part 23: DC

61851-23 Ed. 1.0 IEC =
electric vehicle charging station

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 232


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 24:

61851-24 Ed. 1.0 IEC Digital communication between a d.c. EV charging station =
and an electric vehicle for control of d.c. charging

Electronic projection - Measurement and documentation

61947-1 IEC of key performance criteria - Part 1: Fixed resolution = = =

Electronic projection - Measurement and documentation

61947-2 IEC of key performance criteria - Part 2: Variable resolution = = =

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other

61959 IEC non-acid electrolytes Mechanical tests for sealed portable =
secondary cells and batteries

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or

61960 IEC other non-acid electrolytes - Secondary lithium cells and =
batteries for portable applications

Electric vehicle wireless power transfer systems (WPT) -

61980-1 Ed. 1.0 IEC =
Part 1: General requirements

Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems -

TS 61980-2 Ed. Part 2 specific requirements for communication between
1.0 electric road vehicle (EV) and infrastructure with respect to
wireless power transfer (WPT) systems

Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems -

TS 61980-3 Ed.
IEC Part 3 specific requirements for the magnetic field power =
transfer systems

On board electric power equipment for electric road

61981 IEC =

Secondary batteries (except lithium) for the propulsion of

61982 IEC =
electric road vehicles- Part 1: Test parameters

Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 1: General and

62040-1 IEC =
safety requirements for UPS

Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2:

62040-2 IEC =
3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements

Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of

62040-3 IEC =
specifying the performance and test requirements

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other

non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable
62133 IEC =
sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them,
for use in portable applications

233 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or

other non-acid electrolytes – Design and manufacturing
TR 62188 IEC =
recommendations for portable batteries made from sealed
secondary cells

Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets

62196-1 Ed. 3.0 IEC - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1: General =

Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle

inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
62196-2 Ed. 1.0 IEC =
2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability
requirements for a.c. pin and contact-tube accessories

Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle

inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
62196-3 Ed. 1.0 IEC 3: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability =
requirements for d.c. and a.c./d.c. pin and contact-tube
vehicle couplers

Future IEC 62196-4: Plugs, socket-outlets, and vehicle

couplers - Conductive charging electric vehicles - Part
62196-4 Ed. 1.0 IEC 4: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability =
requirements for a.c., d.c. and a.c./d.c. vehicle couplers for
Class II or Class III light e

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other

62259 IEC non-acid electrolytes Nickel-cadmium prismatic secondary =
single cells with partial gas recombination

Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries

62281 IEC =
during transport

Circuit breakers - Switched protective earth portable

62335 IEC residual current devices for class I and battery powered =
vehicle applications

Power systems management and associated information

TS 62351 IEC =
exchange - Data and communications security

Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery

62485-3 IEC =
installations. Traction batteries

Electric Double-Layer Capacitors for Use in Hybrid Electric

62576 Ed. 1.0 IEC =
Vehicles -Test Methods for Electrical Characteristics

Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road

62660-1 IEC vehicles - Performance testing for lithium-ion cells and =

Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road

62660-2 IEC =
vehicles - Reliability and abuse testing for lithium-ion cells

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 234


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

In cable control and protective device for mode 2 charging

62752 IEC =
of electric road vehicles -- (IC-RCD)

User identification in Electric Vehicle Service Equipment

62831 Ed. 1.0 IEC =
using a smartcard

Electric vehicle battery swap system Part 1: System

62840-1 Ed. 1.0 IEC = =
description and general requirements

Electric Vehicles Battery Swap System - Part 2: Safety

62840-2 Ed. 1.0 IEC = =

Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment

80416-1 IEC = =
- Part 1: Creation of graphical symbols for registration

Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment

80416-3 IEC = =
Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical symbols

Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-

CISPR 11 IEC frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods = =
of measurement

Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio

CISPR 12 IEC disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of = =
measurement for the protection of off-board receivers

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity

CISPR 16 Series IEC = =
measuring apparatus and methods

Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance

CISPR 22 IEC = =
characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement

Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio

CISPR 25 IEC disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of = =
measurement for the protection of on-board receivers

Institute of Electrical American National Standard for Methods of Measurement

C63.4 and Electronics of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and = =
Engineers (IEEE) Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and

450 IEEE Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary =
5 Applications

Recommended Practice for Installation Design and

484 IEEE Installation of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary =

Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for

485 IEEE =
Stationary Applications

IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for

519 IEEE = = =
Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems

235 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:

802 IEEE =
Overview and Architecture

Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks --

802.1AB IEEE =
Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Media

802.1AE IEEE =
Access Control (MAC) Security

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks -

802.1AR IEEE =
Secure Device Identity

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks

802.1AS IEEE - Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive =
Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Link

802.1AX IEEE =

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Media

802.1D IEEE =
Access Control (MAC) Bridges

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks---

802.1Q IEEE Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges and Virtual Bridged =
Local Area Networks

Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks - Port-

802.1X IEEE =
Based Network Access Control

Standard for Management Information Base (MIB)

802.3.1 IEEE =
Definitions for Ethernet

Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications

and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and
802.3as IEEE Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements Part =
3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) Access Method and Phy

Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications

and information exchange between systems - Local and
802.11 IEEE Metropolitan networks - Specific requirements - Part 11: =
Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) specifications

IEEE Standard for Information technology--

Telecommunications and information exchange between
802.11ac IEEE systems Local and metropolitan area networks-- Specific =
requirements--Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications--

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 236


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

IEEE Standard for Information technology-- Local and

metropolitan area networks-- Specific requirements--
802.11n IEEE Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) = =
and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 5:
Enhancements for Higher Throughput

IEEE Standard for Information technology-- Local and

metropolitan area networks-- Specific requirements--
802.11p IEEE Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) =
and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 6:
Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments

Recommended Practice for Information technology -

Telecommunications and information exchange between
802.15.2 IEEE systems - Local and metropolitan area networks specific =
requirements - Part 15.2: Coexistence of Wireless Personal
Area Networks with Other Wireless Devi

Recommended Practice for mesh topology capability in

802.15.5 IEEE =
Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

Standard for Short-Range Wireless Optical Communication

802.15.7 IEEE =
Using Visible Light

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Part

802.16 IEEE =
16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems

Recommended Practice for Local and Metropolitan Area

802.16.2 IEEE Networks - Recommended Practice for Coexistence of =
Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems

Conformance to IEEE 802.16 - Part 4: Protocol

802.16.C04 IEEE Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma =
for Frequencies below 11 GHz.

Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications

and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and
802.17 IEEE Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - =
Part 17: Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) Access Method and
Physical Layer Specifications

Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks -

7 Standard Air Interface for Mobile Broadband Wireless
802.2 IEEE =
Access Systems Supporting Vehicular Mobility - Physical
and Media Access Control Layer Specification

Standard for Conformance to IEEE P802.20 Systems -

802.20.2 IEEE Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement(PICS) =

Standard for Minimum Performance Characteristics of IEEE

802.20.3 IEEE =
P802.20 Terminals and Base Stations/Access Nodes

237 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

802.21 IEEE Standard for Media Independent Handover Services =

Recommended Practice for Installation and Maintenance of

937 IEEE =
Lead-Acid Batteries for Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance,

1106 IEEE Testing, and Replacement of Vented Nickel-Cadmium =
Batteries for Stationary Applications

1375 IEEE Guide for the Protection of Stationary Battery Systems =

Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with

1547 Series* IEEE = =
Electric Power Systems

1584 IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations =

Guide for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments

P1609.0 IEEE =
(WAVE) - Architecture

IEEE Draft Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular

P1609.2 IEEE Environments - Security Services for Applications and =
Management Messages

IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular

1609.3 IEEE =
Environments (WAVE) - Networking Services

IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular

1609.4 IEEE =
Environments (WAVE)--Multi-channel Operation

Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments

P1609.5 IEEE =
(WAVE) - Communication Manager

IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular

Environments (WAVE)-- Over-the-Air Electronic Payment
1609.11 IEEE =
Data Exchange Protocol for Intelligent Transportation
Systems (ITS)

IEEE Draft Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular

P1609.12 IEEE =
Environments (WAVE) - Identifier Allocations

Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for

1657 IEEE =
Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Standard for Electric Power Systems Communications -

1815 IEEE =
Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3)

Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access

1901-2010 IEEE =
Control and Physical Layer Specifications

IEEE Standard for Low Frequency (less than 500kHz)

P1901.2 IEEE Narrowband Power Line Communications for Smart Grid =

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 238


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

IEEE Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy

Technology and Information Technology Operation with
2030 IEEE =
the Electric Power System (EPS), End-Use Applications,
and Loads

P2030.1 IEEE Guide for Electric-Sourced Transportation Infrastructure =

Standard Technical Specifications of a DC Quick Charger

P2030.1.1 IEEE =
for Use with Electric Vehicles

Guide for the Interoperability of Energy Storage Systems

P2030.2 IEEE =
Integrated with the Electric Power Infrastructure

Standard for Test Procedures for Electric Energy Storage

P2030.3 IEEE Equipment and Systems for Electric Power Systems =

IEEE Adoption of Smart Energy Profile 2.0 Application

2030.5 IEEE = = =
Protocol Standard

C2 IEEE (ASC C2) National Electrical Safety Code = = =

Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for

International Society
ANSI/ISA 61010-1 Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Part 1: = = =
of Automation (ISA)
General Requirements

Electric road vehicles - Safety specifications - Part 1: On-
6469-1 Organization for =
board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS)
Standardization (ISO)

Electric Road Vehicles—Safety specifications—Part 2:

6469-2 ISO = = =
Functional safety means and protection against failures.

Electric road vehicles—Safety Specifications—Part 3:

6469-3 ISO = = =
Protection of users against electrical hazards.

Electrically propelled road vehicles -- Safety specifications

6469-4.2 ISO = = =
-- Part 4: Post crash electrical safety requirements

Road vehicles -- Electrical disturbances from conduction

7637-1 ISO and coupling -- Part 1: Definitions and general =
Road vehicles -- Electrical disturbances from conduction
7637-2 ISO and coupling -- Part 2: Electrical transient conduction =
along supply lines only

Road vehicles -- Electrical disturbances from conduction

and coupling -- Part 3: Electrical transient transmission
7637-3 ISO =
by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than
supply lines

8713 ISO Electric road vehicles -- Vocabulary =

239 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Electric road vehicles -- Reference energy consumption

8714 ISO and range -- Test procedures for passenger cars and light =
commercial vehicles

8715 ISO Electric road vehicles — Road operating characteristics = =

Road vehicles -- Fuse-links -- Part 1: Definitions and general

8820-1 ISO =
test requirements

8820-2 ISO Road vehicles -- Fuse-links -- Part 2: User's guide =

Road vehicles -- Fuse-links -- Part 3: Fuse-links with tabs

8820-3 ISO (blade type) Type C (medium), Type E (high current) and =
Type F (miniature)

Road vehicles -- Fuse-links -- Part 4: Fuse-links with female

8820-4 ISO contacts (type A) and bolt-in contacts (type B) and their =
test fixtures

Road vehicles -- Fuse-links -- Part 5: Fuse-links with axial

8820-5 ISO terminals (Strip fuse-links) Types SF 30 and SF 51 and test =

8820-6 ISO Road vehicles -- Fuse-links -- Part 6: Single-bolt fuse-links =

Road vehicles -- Fuse-links -- Part 7: Fuse-links with tabs

8820-7 ISO =
(Type G) with rated voltage of 450 V

Road vehicles -- Test methods for electrical disturbances

10605 ISO = =
from electrostatic discharge

Road vehicles -- Vehicle test methods for electrical

11451-1 ISO disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy -- Part 1: General principles and terminology

Road vehicles -- Vehicle test methods for electrical

11451-2 ISO disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy -- Part 2: Off-vehicle radiation sources

Road vehicles -- Electrical disturbances by narrowband

11451-3 ISO radiated electromagnetic energy -- Vehicle test methods =
-- Part 3: On-board transmitter simulation

Road vehicles -- Vehicle test methods for electrical

11451-4 ISO disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy -- Part 4: Bulk current injection (BCI)

Road vehicles -- Component test methods for electrical

11452 series ISO disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =

Hybrid-electric road vehicles -- Guidelines for charge

TR 11954 ISO =
balance measurement

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 240


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Electrically propelled road vehicles — Test specification for

12405-1 ISO lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems — Part 1: =
High power applications

Electrically propelled road vehicles -- Test specification for

12405-2 ISO lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems -- Part 2: =
High energy application

Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for

12405-3 ISO Lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems -- Part 3: =
Safety performance requirements

Battery-electric mopeds and motorcycles -- Performance

13064-1 ISO =
-- Part 1: Reference energy consumption and range

Battery-electric mopeds and motorcycles -- Performance

13064-2 ISO =
-- Part 2: Road operating characteristics

Environmental management systems - Requirements with

14001 ISO
guidance for use

Road vehicles -- Vehicle to grid communication interface --

15118-1 ISO =
Part 1: General information and use-case definition

Road vehicles -- Vehicle-to-Grid Communication Interface --

15118-2 ISO = =
Part 2: Network and application protocol requirements

Road vehicles -- Vehicle-to-Grid Communication Interface

15118-3 ISO = =
-- Part 3: Physical and data link layer requirements

Road vehicles -- Vehicle to grid communication interface --

15118-4 ISO = =
Part 4: Network and application protocol conformance test

Road vehicles -- Vehicle to grid communication interface --

15118-5 ISO = =
Part 5: Physical layer and data link layer conformance test

Road vehicles -- Vehicle to grid communication interface

15118-6 ISO -- Part 6: General information and use-case definition for = =
wireless communication

Road vehicles -- Vehicle to grid communication interface --

15118-7 ISO Part 7: Network and application protocol requirements for =
1 wireless communication

Road vehicles -- Vehicle to grid communication interface --

15118-8 ISO Part 8: Physical layer and data link layer requirements for = =
wireless communication

16254 ISO Measurement of minimum noise emitted by road vehicles =

Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and

16750-1 ISO =
electronic equipment – Part 1: General

241 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for

16750-2 ISO electrical and electronic equipment – Part 2: Electrical =

Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and

16750-3 ISO =
electronic equipment – Part 3: Mechanical loads

Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for

16750-4 ISO =
electrical and electronic equipment – Part 4: Climatic loads

ISO 16750-5 Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and

16750-5 ISO testing for electrical and electronic equipment – Part 5: =
Chemical loads

Electrically propelled road vehicles - Connection to an

17409.2 ISO =
external electric power supply - Safety requirements

Electrically propelled road vehicles -- Specifications for

18300 ISO lithium-ion cell and battery coupled with other types of =
battery and capacitor

Electrically propelled road vehicles -- Magnetic field

PAS 19363 ISO wireless power transfer -- Safety and interoperability =

19092 ISO Financial services -- Biometrics -- Security framework = = =

Road Vehicles – Degrees of Protection (IP-Code) –

20653 ISO Protection of electrical equipment against foreign objects, =
water and access.

Hybrid-electric road vehicles — Exhaust emissions and

23273-1 ISO fuel consumption measurements — Part 2:Externally =
chargeable vehicles

Hybrid-electric road vehicles -- Exhaust emissions and

23274-2 ISO fuel consumption measurements -- Part 2: Externally =
chargeable vehicles

26262 ISO Road vehicles -- Functional safety =

Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment

80416-2 ISO
- Part 2: Form and use of arrows

Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment

80416-4 ISO -- Part 4: Guidelines for the adaptation of graphical
symbols for use on screens and displays (icons)

Information technology - User interface icons - Part 1:

TR 11581-1 ISO/IEC = =
Introduction to and overview of icon standards

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 242


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Information technology -- Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems -- Powerline
12139-1 ISO/IEC communication (PLC) -- High speed PLC medium access = =
control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) -- Part 1: General

Electrically propelled road vehicles -- Dimensions and

PAS 16898 ISO/IEC =
designation of secondary lithium-ion cells

Information technology -- Security techniques --

27001 ISO/IEC = =
Information security management systems -- Requirements

Graphical symbols - Technical guidelines for the

Guide 74 ISO/IEC = =
consideration of consumers' needs

North American
ESPI 1.0 Energy Standards Energy Services Provider Interface =
Board (NAESB)

National Electrical
Standard for Installing and Maintaining Electric Vehicle
413 Contractors =
Supply Equipment (EVSE)
Association (NECA)

National Electrical
250 Manufacturers Enclosures for Electrical Equipment = = =
Association (NEMA)

EV Charging Network Interoperability Standards


A Contactless RFID Credential for Authentication (UR

EVSE 1.2 NEMA = =

QR Code and NFC Tags for EV Charging Station

EVSE 1.3 NEMA = =
Identification (UT Interface)

Data Model and Protocols for Distributing Station

Directories (ID Interface)

Authentication and Authorization Across EV Charging

EVSE 1.5 NEMA = =
Networks (IA Interface)

3 Charging Session Status and Accounting Data Exchange (IC

Instrument Transformers For Revenue Metering, 10 Kv Bil

C12.11 NEMA (ASC/C12) =
Through 350 KV (0.6 KV NSV Through 69 KV NSV)

NEMA (ASC Z535) Product safety signs and labels = =

Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications for
ANSI/NETA MTS Electrical Testing =
Electrical Distribution Equipment and Systems
Association (NETA)

243 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

National Fire
1 Protection Fire Code (chapter 52) = = =
Association (NFPA)

13 NFPA Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems =

Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair

30A NFPA = =

70® NFPA National Electrical Code = = =

Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment

70B NFPA = = =

70E NFPA Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace = = =

88A NFPA Standard for Parking Structures =

730 NFPA Guide for Premises Security =

900 NFPA Building Energy Code

1001 NFPA Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications

1006 NFPA Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications

Standard for Incident Management Personnel Professional

1026 NFPA

1091 NFPA Traffic Control Management Professional Qualifications

1521 NFPA Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer

Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management

1561 NFPA =

Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of

1851 NFPA Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and =
Proximity Fire Fighting

Standard for Selection, Care and Maintenance of Protective

1855 NFPA =
Ensembles for Technical Rescue Incidents

1936 NFPA Standard on Powered Rescue Tools =

Standard on Protective Ensembles for Technical Rescue

1951 NFPA =

Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire

1971 NFPA =
Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting

Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical

1999 NFPA =

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 244


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

5000 NFPA Building Construction and Safety Code =

National Highway
Traffic Safety
49 CFR Part 575 Fuel economy and environment label =

FMVSS 101 NHTSA Controls and Displays =

Electric Powered Vehicles: Electrolyte Spillage and

Electrical Shock Protection

NHTSA Vehicle Sound for Pedestrians =

Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver Distraction Guidelines for In-

Vehicle Electronic Devices: Notice Of Federal Guidelines

Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver Distraction Guidelines for

NHTSA In-Vehicle Electronic Devices: Notice Of Federal Guidelines; =

Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical

Handbook 44 NIST =
Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices

National Institute
Uniform Laws and Regulations in the Areas of Legal
Handbook 130 of Science and =
Metrology and Engine Fuel Quality
Technology (NIST)

Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security, Volume 2:

Privacy and the Smart Grid

Open Automated Demand Response Communications

OpenADR v2.0 OpenADR Alliance =
Specification Version 2.0

OpenADE 1.0 OpenSG Business and User Requirements =

Safety and Health
1910.305 Storage Batteries =

1926.441 OSHA Batteries and battery charging General requirements =

29CFR 1910 OSHA Subpart S Electrical =

29CFR 1926 OSHA Subpart K Electrical =

PCI Security
PCI-DSS Standards Council PCI Data Security Standard = =

Draft Standard for Powerline Intelligent Metering Evolution,

PRIME PRIME Alliance =
Version 1.3.6

245 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Society of
Design and Safety Considerations for Automated Battery
2000-05-0356 Automotive =
Exchange Electric Vehicles
Engineers (SAE)

J240 SAE Life Test for Automotive Storage Batteries =

J537 SAE Storage Batteries =

Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of

J551-1 SAE Electromagnetic Compatibility of Vehicles, Boats (up to 15 = = =
m) and Machines (16.6 Hz to 18 GHz

Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of

J551-5 SAE Magnetic and Electric Field Strength from Electric Vehicles, =
Broadband, 9 kHz to 30 MHz

J1113 series SAE EMC measurements = = =

Test Procedure for Battery Flame Retardant Venting

J1495 SAE =

Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range

J1634 SAE =
Test Procedure

J1654 SAE High Voltage Primary Cable =

J1673 SAE High Voltage Wiring =

Recommended Practice for Measuring the Exhaust

J1711 SAE Emissions and Fuel Economy of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles, =
Including Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles

Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) & Electric Vehicle (EV)

J1715 SAE =

J1715/2 V1 SAE Battery Terminology =

Measurement of Hydrogen Gas Emission from Battery-

J1718 SAE Powered Passenger Cars and Light Trucks During Battery =

Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Design

J1739 SAE (Design FMEA), Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis =
in Manufacturing and Assembly Processes (Design FMEA)

Connections for High Voltage On-Board Road Vehicle

J1742 SAE Electrical Wiring Harnesses - Test Methods and General =
Performance Requirements

Recommended Practice for Electric, Fuel Cell and Hybrid

J1766 SAE =
Electric Vehicle Crash Integrity Testing

SAE Electric Vehicle and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

J1772TM SAE =
Conductive Charge Coupler

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 246


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

J1773 SAE Electric Vehicle Inductively Coupled Charging =

Recommended Practice for Packaging of Electric Vehicle

J1797 SAE =

Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Electric

J1798 SAE =

J1850 SAE Class B Data Communications Network Interface = =

J2183 SAE 60 V and 600 V Single-Core Cables = = =

J2185 SAE Life Test for Heavy-Duty Storage Batteries =

J2288 SAE Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules =

J2289 SAE Vehicle Sound Measurement at Low Speeds =

Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles--Part 1:

J2293/1 SAE =
Functional Requirements and System Architectures

Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles - Part 2:

J2293/2 SAE = =
Communication Requirements and Network Architecture

J2344 SAE Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Safety =

J2380 SAE Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries =

Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy

J2464 SAE =
Storage System (RESS) Safety and Abuse Testing

Power Line Carrier Communications for Commercial

J2497 SAE =

Round, Screened and Unscreened, 60 V and 600 V Multi-

J2501 SAE = = =
Core Sheathed Cables

Determination of the Maximum Available Power from a

J2711 SAE Rechargeable Energy Storage System on a Hybrid Electric =

Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message

J2735 SAE = =
7 Set Dictionary

Determination of the Maximum Available Power from a

J2758 SAE Rechargeable Energy Storage System on a Hybrid Electric =

Comprehensive Life Test for 12 V Automotive Storage

J2801 SAE =

Use Cases for Communication Between Plug-in Vehicles

J2836/1TM V1 SAE = =
and the Utility Grid

247 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Use Cases for Communication between Plug-in Vehicles

J2836/2TM V1 SAE = =
and the Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Use Cases for Plug-in Vehicle Communication as a

J2836/3TM V1 SAE = =
Distributed Energy Resource

Use Cases for Diagnostic Communication for Plug-in

J2836/4TM V1 SAE =

Use Cases for Communication between Plug-in Vehicles

J2836/5TM V1 SAE =
and their customers

Use Cases for Wireless Charging Communication for Plug-

J2836/6TM V1 SAE = =
in Electric Vehicles

Utility Factor Definitions for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles

J2841 SAE =
Using Travel Survey Data

Communication for Smart Charging of Plug-in Electric

J2847/1 V4 SAE =
Vehicles using Smart Energy Profile 2.0

Communication between Plug-in Vehicles and Off-Board DC

J2847/2 V2 SAE = =

Communication for Plug-in Vehicles as a Distributed

J2847/3 V1 SAE =
Energy Resource

J2847/4 V1 SAE Diagnostic Communication for Plug-in Vehicles =

Communication between Plug-in Vehicles and Their

J2847/5 V1 SAE = =

Wireless Charging Communication between Plug-in Electric

J2847/6 V1 SAE = =
Vehicles and the Utility Grid

J2889-1 SAE Measurement of Minimum Noise Emitted by Road Vehicles =

Power Quality Requirements for Plug In Electric Vehicle

J2894/1 SAE =

Power Quality Requirements for Plug In Vehicle Chargers -

J2894/2 SAE =
Part 2: Test Methods

J2907 SAE Hybrid Motor Ratings =

Hybrid Electric Powertrain Power Test Methods and

J2908 SAE = =

Design and Test of Hybrid Electric Trucks and Buses for

J2910 SAE = =
Electrical Safety

Safety Standard for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion

J2929 SAE Battery Systems Utilizing Lithium-based = =
Rechargeable Cells

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 248


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

J2931/1 V2 SAE Digital Communications for Plug-in Electric Vehicles =

In-band Signaling Communication for Plug-in Electric

J2931/2 SAE =

J2931/3 SAE PLC Communication for Plug-in Electric Vehicles = =

Broadband PLC Communication for Plug-in Electric

J2931/4 V3 SAE = =

Telematics Smart Grid Communications between

J2931/5 V1 SAE Customers, Plug-In Electric Vehicles (PEV), Energy Service = =
Providers (ESP) and Home Area Networks (HAN)

Digital Communication for Wireless Charging Plug-in

J2931/6 V1 SAE =
Electric Vehicles

J2931/7 V1 SAE Security for Plug-in Electric Vehicle Communications =

J2936 SAE Vehicle Battery Labeling Guidelines =

J2946 SAE Battery Electronic Fuel Gauging Recommended Practices =

Recommended Practices (RP) for Shipping Transport and

J2950 SAE =
Handling of Automotive-Type Battery System - Lithium Ion

Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Interoperability with Electric

J2953/1 V1 SAE =
Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Test Procedures for the Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV)

J2953/2 V1 SAE Interoperability with Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment =

J2954 SAE Wireless Charging of Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles =

Technical Information Report on Automotive Battery

J2974 SAE =

Identification of Transportation Battery Systems for

J2984 V2 SAE =
Recycling Recommended Practice

Hybrid and EV First and Second Responder Recommended

J2990 SAE =
9 Practice

Stranded Energy -- Reporting and Extraction from Vehicle

J3009 SAE =
Electrochemical Storage Systems

J3040 SAE EV Crash Testing Safety Guidelines =

Electric Vehicle Power Transfer System Using a Three-

J3068 SAE =
phase Capable Coupler

Interconnection Requirements for Onboard, Utility-

J3072 SAE =
Interactive, Inverter Systems

249 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

J3073 SAE Battery Thermal Management =

Performance Specification for Automotive Electrical

Connector Systems

High Voltage Connector Performance Supplement to SAE/

37 SAE/USCAR = =

Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental
50E Laboratories, Inc.

62 UL Flexible Cords and Cables = = =

355 UL Cord Reels = = =

Safety of Power Converters/Inverters for Electric Land

458A UL =

Tests for Safety-Related Controls Employing Solid-State

991 UL =

Safety of On-board Electric Vehicle Equipment Traction

1004-1 UL =

1642 UL Safety of Lithium-Ion Batteries – Testing =

1703 UL Standard for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels =

Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection

1741 UL =
System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy

Repurposed and Refurbished Batteries for Use in

1974 UL =
Stationary and Other Applications

1998 UL Standards for software in programmable components =

2202 UL Safety of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging System Equipment = =

ANCE / CSA C22.2 Standard for Safety for Personnel Protection Systems for
UL = =
No. 281.1 / UL Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Circuits: General Requirements

NMX-J-668/2- Standard for Safety for Personnel Protection Systems

ANCE / CSA C22.2 for Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Circuits: Particular
UL = =
No. 281.2 / UL Requirements for Protection Devices for Use in Charging
2231-2 Systems

Standard for Plugs, Receptacles, and Couplers for Electric
CSA C22.2 No. UL = =
282-13/UL 2251

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 250


Energy Storage

Standard Developer Title

Batteries and Battery Packs for Use in Light Electric

2271 UL =

2580 UL Batteries for Use in Electric Vehicles =

CSA C22.2 NO. UL Standard for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment =
280-13/UL 2594

2733 UL Surface Vehicle and On-Board Cable =

Safety of Connectors for Use with On-Board Electrical

2734 UL = =
Vehicle (EV) Charging Systems

2735 UL Electric Utility (Smart) Meters =

2748 UL Electric Vehicle Power Supplies =

Standard for Safety for Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging

2750 UL = =

Outline of Investigation for Bidirectional Electric Vehicle

9741 UL =
(EV) Charging System Equipment

United Nations
3090 Lithium Metal Batteries =
Regulation (UN)

3091 UN Lithium Metal Batteries Contained In Equipment =

3480 UN Lithium Ion Cells and Batteries =

Lithium Ion Cells and Batteries Installed in or Packed with

3481 UN =

UN/SCETDG/38/ Transport of waste lithium batteries and damage/defective

UN =
INF.22 lithium batteries

United States
Department of
38 Lithium batteries during shipping = w
Transportation (US

1 Proposal to Develop a Global Technical Regulation
Concerning Electrical Vehicle Safety

World Forum for

Harmonization of
Vehicle Regulation Proposal to Develop a Global Technical Regulation
(WP.29 Working Concerning Quiet Vehicles
Party on Noise

WP.29 Working Party

Proposal to Develop a Global Technical Regulation
on Pollution and =
Concerning Pollution and Energy Efficiency
Energy (GRPE)

251 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

7.2.2. Germany
Table 77: Standards adopted in Germany


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

EN 50160 UK 767.1 Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public

distribution networks

EN 55012 K 767 Vehicles. motorboats and internal combustion engines -

(05»: 12) Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of =
measurement for the protection of off-board receivers

EN 55025 K 767 Vehicles. motorboats and internal combustion engines -

(0591: 25) Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of =
measurement for the protection of on-board receivers

IEC 6036‘5-53 K 221 Vehicles. motorboats and internal combustion engines -

Edition 3.] Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of
DIN VDE 0100- measurement for the protection of on-board receivers

IEC 603645-54 UK 221 .1 Low voltage installations- Part 554: Selection and erection
Edition 3 of electrical equipment- Earthing arrangements protective
DIN VDE 0300- conductors and protective bonding conductors

IEC 603647-722 AK221.1.11 Low voltage electrical installations- Part 7-722:

Requirements for special installations or locations- Supply =
of electric vehicles

ND 60364-1722/ AK 221.1..11 Low voltage electrical installations- Part 7-722:

DIN VDE 0100- Requirements for special installations or locations =
722 - Supply of electric vehicle

EC 60364-441 UK 221.1 Low-voltage electrical installations-

Edition 5 Part 441: Protection for safety - Protection =
DINVDE 0100-410 against electric shock

EQTS 60479-1 UK 221.1 Effects of current on human beings and live-

Edition 4 stock- Part 1: General aspects = = =
(VDE 0140-479-1)

IEC 60529 K 212 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures(IP code)

Amendment 2 = =
Edition 2

IEC 61000-6-2 UK 767.3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Edition 3 Part 6-2: Generic standards- Immunity standard for =
industrial environments

IEC 61000-6-3 K 767 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 6-3: Generic

Edition 2 standards— Emission standard for residential. commercial =
and light-industrial environments

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 252


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

IEC 61140 Edition UK 221.1 Protection against electric shock - Common

= =
4 VDE 0140-1 aspects for installations and equipment

IEQTS 61439—7 AK 431.1 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies - Part
7: Assemblies for specific applications such as marinas,
camping sites, market squares. electric vehicles
charging stations

IIEC 61508 GK 914 Functional safety of electrical} electronic}

= = =
Part 1-7 Edition 2 programmable electronic safety-related systems

IEC 61850-7420 K 952 Communication networks and systems for power utility
Edition 2 automation- Part 7420: Basic communication structure - =
Distributed energy resources logical nodes

IEC 61851-1 GAK 353.0.4 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 1:
= =
Edition 3 General requirements

IEC 61851 -21 AK 353.0.6 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 21:
Edition 2 Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to = =
an a.c.3d.c. supply

IEC 61851 -21-1 AK 353.0.6 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 21-1:
Electric vehicle on board charger EMC requirements for = =
conductive connection to ac/dc supply

IEC 61851 -21-2 AK 353.06 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 21-2:
EMC requirements for OFF board electric vehicle charging = =
a; stems

IEC 61851-22 K 353 Electric vehicle conductive charging system Part 22: AC
= =
electric vehicle charging station

IEC 61851-23 GAK 353.0.2 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 23: DC
= =
electric vehicle charging station

IEC 61851 -24 GAK 353.0.2 Electric vehicle conductive charging system — Part 24:
Edition 2 Digital communication between a dc EV charging station = =
and an electric vehicle for control of do charging

IEQTS 61351-3-1 GAK 353.0.9 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply C system- Part
3-1: General Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles [LEVI = =
3 AC and DC conductive power supply systems

IECJTS 61851-3-2 GAK 353.0.9 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply CD system- Part
3-2: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles ILEVI DC
= =
offboard conductive power supply systems

253 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

IEC/TS 61851-3-1 GAK 353.0.9 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply A NW system-
Part 3-1: Requirements for Light = =
Electric Vehicles ILEVI battery swap systems

ECJTS 61851-34 GAK 353.03 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply system- Part
34: requirements for Light Electric Vehicles I'LEVI = =

IEC 619801 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer systems (WPT)-
Part l general requirements

IEQTS 61900-2 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems-
Part 2: Specific requirements for communication between
electric road vehicle(EV) and infrastructure with respect to
wireless power transfer (WPT)I systems

IECJYS 61990-3 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems-
Part 3: Specific requirements for the magnetic field power =
transfer systems

IEC 621961 OAK Plugs. Socket outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicles
Edition 3 in lets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1 = =
general requirements

IEC 621962 OAK Plugs. Socket outlets. vehicle connectors and CD vehicle
Edition 2 inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
= =
2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability
requirements for ac pin and contact-tube accessories

IEC 62196-3 GAK 542.4] Plugs. Socket outlets. vehicle connectors and IS vehicle
inlets- Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
3: Dimensional compatibility and Interchangeability = =
requirements for d.c and a.c.,/d.c. pin and contact-tube
vehicle couplers

IEC/TS 62196-4 GAK 542.4.1 Plugs. Socket outlets. and vehicle couplers - Conductive
charging of electric vehicles- Part 4: Dimensional
compatibility and interchangeability requirements for ac.
d.c. and a.c/ d.c. vehicle couplers for Class II or Class III = =
light electric vehicles ILEVI

IEC 62351 Parts K 952 Power systems management and associated information
1-8 exchange- Data and communications security

IEC 62351 Part-0 K 952 Power systems management and associated information
exchange- Data and communications security - Part 10: =
Security architecture guidelines

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 254


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

IEC 61140 Edition UK 221.1 Protection against electric shock - Common

= =
4 VDE 0140-1 aspects for installations and equipment

IEQTS 61439—7 AK 431.1 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies - Part
7: Assemblies for specific applications such as marinas,
camping sites, market squares. electric vehicles
charging stations

IIEC 61508 GK 914 Functional safety of electrical} electronic}

= = =
Part 1-7 Edition 2 programmable electronic safety-related systems

IEC 61850-7420 K 952 Communication networks and systems for power utility
Edition 2 automation- Part 7420: Basic communication structure - =
Distributed energy resources logical nodes

IEC 61851-1 GAK 353.0.4 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 1:
= =
Edition 3 General requirements

IEC 61851 -21 AK 353.0.6 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 21:
Edition 2 Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to = =
an a.c.3d.c. supply

IEC 61851 -21-1 AK 353.0.6 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 21-1:
Electric vehicle on board charger EMC requirements for = =
conductive connection to ac/dc supply

IEC 61851 -21-2 AK 353.06 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 21-2:
EMC requirements for OFF board electric vehicle charging = =
a; stems

IEC 61851-22 K 353 Electric vehicle conductive charging system Part 22: AC
= =
electric vehicle charging station

IEC 61851-23 GAK 353.0.2 Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 23: DC
= =
electric vehicle charging station

IEC 61851 -24 GAK 353.0.2 Electric vehicle conductive charging system — Part 24:
Edition 2 Digital communication between a dc EV charging station = =
and an electric vehicle for control of do charging

IEQTS 61351-3-1 GAK 353.0.9 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply C system- Part
3-1: General Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles [LEVI = =
5 AC and DC conductive power supply systems

IECJTS 61851-3-2 GAK 353.0.9 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply CD system- Part
3-2: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles ILEVI DC
offboard conductive power supply systems = =

255 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

IEC/TS 61851-3-1 GAK 353.0.9 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply A NW system-
Part 3-1: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles ILEVI = =
battery swap systems

ECJTS 61851-34 GAK 353.03 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply system- Part
34: requirements for Light Electric Vehicles I'LEVI = =

IEC 619801 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer systems (WPT)-
Part l general requirements =

IEQTS 61900-2 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems-
Part 2: Specific requirements for communication between
electric road vehicle(EV) and infrastructure with respect to
wireless power transfer (WPT)I systems

IECJYS 61990-3 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems-
Part 3: Specific requirements for the magnetic field power =
transfer systems

IEC 621961 OAK Plugs. Socket outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicles
Edition 3 in lets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1 = =
general requirements

IEC 621962 OAK Plugs. Socket outlets. vehicle connectors and CD vehicle
Edition 2 inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
= =
2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability
requirements for ac pin and contact-tube accessories

IEC 62196-3 GAK 542.4] Plugs. Socket outlets. vehicle connectors and IS vehicle
inlets- Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
3: Dimensional compatibility and Interchangeability = =
requirements for d.c and a.c.,/d.c. pin and contact-tube
vehicle couplers

IEC/TS 62196-4 GAK 542.4.1 Plugs. Socket outlets. and vehicle couplers - Conductive
charging of electric vehicles- Part 4: Dimensional
compatibility and interchangeability requirements for ac. = =
d.c. and a.c/ d.c. vehicle couplers for Class II or Class III
light electric vehicles ILEVI

IEC 62351 Parts K 952 Power systems management and associated information
1-8 exchange- Data and communications security

IEC 62351 Part-0 K 952 Power systems management and associated information
exchange- Data and communications security - Part 10: =
Security architecture guidelines

IEC TR 6240-34 AK 931.1 Industrial communication networks- Network and system

security - Part 3-1: Security technologies for industrial =
automation and control systems

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 256


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

IEC 62576 K 331 electric double-layer capacitors for use in hybrid A MW

Edition 2 electric vehicles- Test methods for electrical characteristics

IEC 626601 K 371 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 1 : Performance nesting

IEC 62660-2 K 371 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 2: Reliability and abuse testing

IEC 626603 K 371 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 3: Safety requirements of cells and =

IEC 62752 AK 541.36 In cable Control and Protection Device for mode 2 charging
of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD)

IEC 6283‘ AK 353.0.8 User identification in Electric vehicle Service Equipment

using a smartcard

IEC 62840-1 AK 353.0.7 Electric vehicle battery swap system – Part 1: System
description and general Requirements

IEC 62840-2 AK 353.0.7 Electric vehicle battery swap system –Part 2: Safety

IEC 62893 UK 411.2.8 Charging cables for electric vehicles =

23E/853/NP AK 541.3.7 Residual Direct Current Monitoring Device to be used for

Mode 3 charging of Electric Vehicle (RDC-MD)

VDE 0105-100 K 224 Operation of electrical installations – Part 100: General


ISO 6469-1 052-01-21 AA Electric propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications–

Edition 2 Part 1: On-board rechargeable energy storage system =

ISO 6469-2 052-01-21 AA Electric propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications–

Edition 2 Part 2: Vehicle operational safety means and protection =
against failures

ISO 6469-3 052-01-21 AA Electric propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications –

Edition 2 2
7 Part 3: Protection of persons against electric shock

ISO 6469-4 052-01-21 AA Electrically propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications –

Part 4: Post crash electrical safety

ISO 6722-1 052-01-03-04 AK Road vehicles – 60 V and 600 V single-core cables – Part
Edition 4 1: Dimensions, test methods and requirements for copper =
conductor cables (Ed. 2.0)

257 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

IEC/TS 61851-3-1 GAK 353.0.9 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply A NW system-
Part 3-1: Requirements for Light Electric Vehicles ILEVI = =
battery swap systems

ECJTS 61851-34 GAK 353.03 Electric Vehicles conductive power supply system- Part
34: requirements for Light Electric Vehicles I'LEVI = =

IEC 619801 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer systems (WPT)-
Part l general requirements =

IEQTS 61900-2 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems-
Part 2: Specific requirements for communication between
electric road vehicle(EV) and infrastructure with respect to
wireless power transfer (WPT)I systems

IECJYS 61990-3 GAK 353.0.1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems-
Part 3: Specific requirements for the magnetic field power =
transfer systems

IEC 621961 OAK Plugs. Socket outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicles
Edition 3 in lets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1 = =
general requirements

IEC 621962 OAK Plugs. Socket outlets. vehicle connectors and CD vehicle
Edition 2 inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
= =
2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability
requirements for ac pin and contact-tube accessories

IEC 62196-3 GAK 542.4] Plugs. Socket outlets. vehicle connectors and IS vehicle
inlets- Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part
3: Dimensional compatibility and Interchangeability = =
requirements for d.c and a.c.,/d.c. pin and contact-tube
vehicle couplers

IEC/TS 62196-4 GAK 542.4.1 Plugs. Socket outlets. and vehicle couplers - Conductive
charging of electric vehicles- Part 4: Dimensional
compatibility and interchangeability requirements for ac. = =
d.c. and a.c/ d.c. vehicle couplers for Class II or Class III
light electric vehicles ILEVI

IEC 62351 Parts K 952 Power systems management and associated information
1-8 exchange- Data and communications security

IEC 62351 Part-0 K 952 Power systems management and associated information
exchange- Data and communications security - Part 10: =
Security architecture guidelines

IEC TR 6240-34 AK 931.1 Industrial communication networks- Network and system

security - Part 3-1: Security technologies for industrial =
automation and control systems

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 258


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

IEC 62576 K 331 electric double-layer capacitors for use in hybrid A MW

Edition 2 electric vehicles- Test methods for electrical characteristics

IEC 626601 K 371 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 1 : Performance nesting

IEC 62660-2 K 371 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 2: Reliability and abuse testing

IEC 626603 K 371 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 3: Safety requirements of cells and =

IEC 62752 AK 541.36 In cable Control and Protection Device for mode 2 charging
of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD)

IEC 6283‘ AK 353.0.8 User identification in Electric vehicle Service Equipment

using a smartcard

IEC 62840-1 AK 353.0.7 Electric vehicle battery swap system – Part 1: System
description and general Requirements

IEC 62840-2 AK 353.0.7 Electric vehicle battery swap system –Part 2: Safety

IEC 62893 UK 411.2.8 Charging cables for electric vehicles =

23E/853/NP AK 541.3.7 Residual Direct Current Monitoring Device to be used for

Mode 3 charging of Electric Vehicle (RDC-MD)

VDE 0105-100 K 224 Operation of electrical installations – Part 100: General


ISO 6469-1 052-01-21 AA Electric propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications–

Edition 2 Part 1: On-board rechargeable energy storage system =

ISO 6469-2 052-01-21 AA Electric propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications–

Edition 2 Part 2: Vehicle operational safety means and protection =
against failures

ISO 6469-3 052-01-21 AA Electric propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications –

Edition 2 2
9 Part 3: Protection of persons against electric shock

ISO 6469-4 052-01-21 AA Electrically propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications –

Part 4: Post crash electrical safety

ISO 6722-1 052-01-03-04 AK Road vehicles – 60 V and 600 V single-core cables – Part
Edition 4 1: Dimensions, test methods and requirements for copper =
conductor cables (Ed. 2.0)

259 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

ISO 6722-2 052-01-03-04 AK Road vehicles – 60 V and 600 V single-core cables – Part 2:
Edition 4 Dimensions, test methods and requirements for aluminium =
conductor cables

ISO 7637-1 052-01-03-03 GAK Road vehicles – Electrical disturbances by conduction and
Edition 3 UK 767.13 coupling – Part 1: Definitions and general considerations =

ISO 7637-2 052-01-03-03 GAK Road vehicles – Electrical disturbances by conduction and
Edition 3 UK 767.13 coupling – Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along =
supply lines only

ISO 7637-3 052-01-03-03 GAK Road vehicles – Electrical disturbances by conduction

Edition 3 UK 767.13 and coupling – Part 3: Electrical transient transmission
by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than
supply lines

ISO TR 8713 052-01-21 AA Electrically propelled road vehicles Vocabulary =

ISO 10924-5 052-01-03-05 AK Road vehicles – Circuit breakers – Part 5: Circuit breakers
= =
with tabs with rated voltage of 450 V

ISO 11451-1 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Vehicle test methods for electrical
Edition 4 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 1: General principles and terminology

ISO 11451-2 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Vehicle test methods for electrical
Edition 4 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 2: Off-vehicle radiation sources

ISO 11451-3 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Vehicle test methods for electrical
Edition 3 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 3: On-board transmitter simulation

ISO 11452-1 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
Edition 4 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 1: General principles and terminology

ISO 11452-2 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
Edition 2 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 2: Absorber lined shielded enclosure

ISO 11452-3 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
Edition 3 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic
energy – Part 3: Transverse electromagnetic mode
(TEM) cell

ISO 11452-4 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
Edition 4 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 4: Harness excitation methods

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 260


Energy Storage

Standard or
specification National Body Title

ISO 11452-5 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
Edition 2 disturbances from narrowband radiate electromagnetic =
energy – Part 5: Strip line

ISO 11452-7 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
Edition 2 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic
energy – Part 7: Direct radio frequency (RF) power

ISO 11452-8 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
Edition 2 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 8: Immunity to magnetic fields

ISO 11452-9 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic =
energy – Part 9: Portable transmitters

ISO 11452-10 UK 767.13 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical
disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic
energy – Part 10: Immunity to conducted disturbances in
the extended audio frequency range

ISO 12405-1 052-01-21-03 GAK Electrically propelled road vehicles – Test specification for
lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems – Part 1: =
High-power applications

ISO 12405-2 052-01-21-03 GAK Electrically propelled road vehicles – Test specification for
lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems – Part 2: =
High-energy applications

ISO 12405-3 052-01-21-03 GAK Electrically propelled road vehicles – Test specification for
lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems – Part 3: =
Safety performance requirements

ISO 14572 052-01-03-04 AK Road vehicles – Round, sheathed, 60 V and 600 V

Edition 3 screened and unscreened single- or multicore cables – Test
methods and requirements for basic and high-performance

ISO 15118-1 2
052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface –
= =
Part 1: General information and use case definition

ISO 15118-2 052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface –

Part 2: Network and application protocol requirements = =

ISO 15118-3 052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface –

Part 3: Physical and data link layer requirements = =

261 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

ISO 15118-4 052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface –

Part 4: Network and application protocol conformance test = =

ISO 15118-5 052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface –

= =
Part 5: Physical layer and data link layer conformance test

ISO 15118-6 052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface

– Part 6: General information and use-case definition for = =
wireless communication

ISO 15118-7 052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface –

Part 7: Network and application protocol requirements for = =
wireless communication

ISO 15118-8 052-01-03-17 AK Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface –

Part 8: Physical layer and data link layer requirements for = =
wireless communication

ISO/IEC 15408-1 043-01-27-03 AK Information technology – Security techniques – Evaluation

Edition 3 criteria for IT security – Part 1: Introduction and = =
general model

ISO 16750, 052-01-03-13 AK Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for
Parts 1–5 electrical and electronic equipment

ISO/IEC PAS 052-01-21-03 GAK Electrically propelled road vehicles – Dimensions and
= =
16898 designation of secondary lithium-ion cells

ISO 17409 052-01-21 AA Electrically propelled road vehicles – Connection to an

external electric power supply – Safety requirements

ISO 17840 052-01-12 AA Road vehicles – Information for first and second responders
– Rescue sheet for passenger cars and light commercial =

ISO 18243 052-01-23 AA Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles–

Specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion =
traction battery systems

ISO 18300 052-01-21-03 GAK Electrically propelled road vehicles – Specifications for
lithium-ion battery systems combined with lead acid =
battery or capacitor

ISO PAS 19295 052-01-21-01 GAK Electrically propelled road vehicles – Specification of
voltage sub-classes for voltage class B

ISO PAS 19363 052-01-21 AA Electrically propelled road vehicles – Magnetic field wireless
power transfer – Safety and interoperability requirements

ISO 19453-1 052-01-03-13AK Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment for drive system of =
electric propulsion vehicles – Part 1: General

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 262


Energy Storage

Standard or
specification National Body Title

ISO 19453-2 052-01-03-13 AK Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment for drive system of =
electric propulsion vehicles – Part 2: Electrical loads

ISO 19453-3 052-01-03-13 AK Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment for drive system of =
electric propulsion vehicles – Part 3: Mechanical loads

ISO 19453-4 052-01-03-13 AK Road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment for drive system of =
electric propulsion vehicles – Part 4: Climatic loads

ISO 19642 052-01-03-04 AK Road vehicles – Automotive cables

Parts 1–10

ISO 23273 052-01-21 AA Fuel cell road vehicles – Safety specifications – Protection
against hydrogen hazards for vehicles fueled with =
compressed hydrogen

ISO 23274-1 052-01-21 AA Hybrid-electric road vehicles – Exhaust emissions and

fuel consumption measurements – Part 1: Non-externally =
chargeable vehicles

ISO 23274-2 052-01-21-02 AK Hybrid-electric road vehicles – Exhaust emissions and

fuel consumption measurements – Part 2: Externally =
chargeable vehicles

ISO 26262 052-01-26 AA Road vehicles – Functional safety

Part 1–10

ISO/IEC 27000 043-01-27-01 AK Information technology – Security techniques – Information

Edition 3 security management systems – Overview and vocabulary =

ISO/IEC 27001 043-01-27-01 AK Information technology – Security techniques – Information

Edition 2 security management systems – Requirements =

DIN SPEC 70121 DIN SPEC 70121 Electric Mobility – Digital communication between a DC EV
charging station and an electric vehicle for control of DC =
3 charging in the Combined Charging

SAE J 1773 Electric Vehicle Inductively Coupled Charging =

SAE J 1797 Recommended Practice for Packaging of Electric Vehicle

Battery Modules

SAE J 1798 Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Electric

Vehicle Battery Modules

263 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

ISAE J 2288 Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules = =

SAE J 2289 Electric-Drive Battery Pack System: Functional Guidelines = =

SAE J 2464 Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy

= =
Storage System (RESS) Safety and Abuse Testing

SAE J 2929 Safety Standard for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion
Battery Systems Utilizing Lithium based Rechargeable Cells

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 264

7.2.3. Japan
Table 78: Standards adopted in Japan


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

C601:2000 JEVS Plugs and receptacles for EV charging

D001-1995 JEVS Dimensions and Construction of Valve Regulated Lead-Acid

Batteries for EVs

D002:1999 JEVS Dimensions and Construction of sealed nickel-metal

hydride batteries for EVs

D701-1994 JEVS Capacity test procedure of lead-acid batteries for EVs =

D702-1994 JEVS Energy density test procedure of lead-acid batteries for EVs =

D703-1994 JEVS Power density test procedure of lead-acid batteries for EVs =

D704-1997 JEVS Cycle life test procedure of valve regulated lead-acid

batteries for EVs

D705:1999 JEVS Capacity test procedure of sealed nickel-metal hydride

batteries for EVs

D706:1999 JEVS Energy density test procedure of sealed nickel-metal

hydride batteries for EVs

D707:1999 JEVS Specific power and peak power test procedure of sealed
nickel-metal hydride batteries for EVs

D708:1999 JEVS Cycle life test procedure of sealed nickel-metal hydride

batteries for EVs

D709:1999 JEVS Dynamic capacity test procedure of sealed nickel-metal

hydride batteries for EVs

E701-1994 JEVS Combined power measurement of electric motors and

controllers for EVs

E702-1994 JEVS Power measurement of electric motors equivalent to the

on-board state for EVs

E901-85 JEVS Nameplates of electric motor and controller for EVs =

G101-1993 JEVS Chargers applicable to quick charging system at Eco-

G102-1993 JEVS Lead-acid batteries applicable to quick charging system at

Eco-Station for EVs

265 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

Station for EVs

G103-1993 JEVS Charging stands applicable to quick charging system at

Eco-Station for EVs

G104-1995 JEVS Communications Protocol Applicable to Quick Charging

System at Eco-Station

G105-1993 JEVS Connectors applicable to quick charging system at Eco-

Station for EVs

G106-2000 JEVS EV inductive charging system: General requirements =

G107-2000 JEVS EV inductive charging system: Manual connection =

G108-2001 JEVS EV inductive charging system: Software interface =

G109-2001 JEVS EV inductive charging system: General requirements =

G901-85 JEVS Nameplates of battery charger for EVs =

Z101-87 JEVS General rules of running test method of EVs =

Z102-87 JEVS Maximum speed test method of EVs =

Z103-87 JEVS Range test method of EVs = =

Z104-87 JEVS Climbing hill test method of EVs =

Z105-88 JEVS Energy economy test method of EVs = =

Z106-88 JEVS Energy consumption test method of EVs = =

Z107-88 JEVS Combined test method of electric motors and controllers

for EVs

Z108-1994 JEVS Electric Vehicle - Measurement for driving range and

= =
energy consumption

Z109-1995 JEVS Electric Vehicle - Measurement for acceleration =

Z110-1995 JEVS Electric Vehicle - Measurement for maximum cruising


Z111-1995 JEVS Electric Vehicle - Measurement for reference energy

= =

Z112-1996 JEVS Electric Vehicle - Measurement for climbing =

Z804:1998 JEVS Symbols for controls, Indicators and telltales for EVs =

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 266


Energy Storage

Standard or
National Body Title

Station for EVs

Z805:1998 JEVS Glossary of terms relating to EVs (General of vehicles) =

Z806:1998 JEVS Glossary of terms relating to EVs (Electric motors &


Z807:1998 JEVS Glossary of terms relating to EVs (Batteries) =

Z808:1998 JEVS Glossary of terms relating to EVs (Chargers) =

Z901-1995 JEVS Electric Vehicle - Standard Form of Specification (Form of

Main Specification)


267 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

7.2.4. China
Table 79: Standards adopted in China


Standard or National
specification Body

GB/T18384.1-200 SAC EV Safety Requirement Part1:

Energy Storage

GB/T18384.2-2001 SAC EV Safety Requirement Part2:

Function and protection

GB/T18384.3-2001 SAC EV Safety Requirement Part3:

electric shock protection

GB/T 4094.2-2005 SAC Symbol of operator, indicator and signal of EV =

GB/T 19596-2004 SAC Electric vehicle Terminology =

GB/T 18385-2005 SAC Electric vehicle Power performance

Test Procedure

GB/T 18386-2005 SAC Electric vehicle Energy consumption and

Range Test procedure

GB/T 18387-2008 SAC 30MHz EV EMC Limit and Test Procedure

Broad band , 9kHz~30MHz

GB/T 18388-2005 SAC Electric vehicle Type Approval Test Procedure =

GB/T 24552-2009 SAC EV Windshield defrost and defog requirement

and Test procedure

GB/T 19836-2005 SAC Electric vehicle Instrument panel =

QC/T 838-2010 SAC Electric Bus with Ultra-Capacitor = =

GB/Z18333.1-2001 SAC Li-ion Battery =

GB/Z18333.2-2001 SAC Zinc-Air Battery =

QC/T 741-2006 SAC Ultra- Capacitor =

QC/T 742-2006 SAC Lead Acid Battery =

QC/T 743-2006 SAC Li-ion Battery =

QC/T 744-2006 SAC NiMH Battery =

QC/T 840-2010 SAC Battery Structure and Size =

QC/T 897-2011 SAC Technical specification of Battery Management

System for Electric vehicles

GB/T18488.1-2006 SAC Motor and its Controller Part1: Specification =

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 268


Standard or National
specification Body

GB/T18488.2-2006 SAC Motor and its Controller Part2: Test Procedure =

GB/T 24347-2009 SAC DC/DC convertor =

QC/T 896-2011 SAC Interface of electrical machine system for

electric vehicle

QC/T 893-2011 SAC Failure classification and assessment of

electrical machine system for electric vehicle

GB/T18487.1-200 SAC Conduct Charging System General


GB/T18487.2-2001 SAC Connect Requirement of EV and DC Charger =

GB/T18487.3-2001 SAC AC/DC Charger (and Charger station) =

GB/T 20234.1- SAC Connection set for conductive charging of

2011 electric vehicles Part General requirements

GB/T 20234.2- SAC Connection set for conductive charging of

2011 electric vehicles Part 2:AC charging coupler

GB/T 20234.3- SAC Connection set for conductive charging of

2011 electric vehicles Part 3:DC charging coupler

QC/T 895-2011 SAC On-board conductive charger for electric


QC/T 839-2010 SAC Electric System of Ultra-Capacitor Bus = =

QC/T 841-2010 SAC Electric vehicle conductive charge coupler =

QCT/842-2010 SAC Communication Protocol between BMS and off

board Charger

GB/T 24158-2009 SAC Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds—

General specifications

GB/T 24157-2009 SAC Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds

- Energy consumption and range - Test =
GB/T 24156-2009 SAC Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds—
Power performance—Test methods

QC/T 791-2007 SAC Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds—Type

Approval Test Procedure

269 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Standard or National
specification Body

QC/T 792-200 SAC Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds—

Motor and its Controller Specification

GB 24155-2009 SAC Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds -

Safety specifications

GB/T 18384.1 SAC Safety Requirements for Electric Vehicles —

Part 1: rechargeable energy storage system

GB/T 18384.2 SAC Safety Requirements for Electric Vehicles— Part

2: Function Safety and Fault Defending

GB/T 18384.3 SAC Safety Requirements for Electric Vehicles— Part

= =
3: Protection against Electrical Shock

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 270


Business Model: Data Sheets

7.3.1. DC fast Charger

Charging requirement Taxes w/o cess eff.

Battery capacity (kW. H) 17.6 Corporate tax 30% 35%

Number of chargers at station 1 MAT 19% 21%

Surcharge 12%

Education cess 3%

Depreciation Source of Funds Useful conversions

Book depreciation 6.67% Debt 70% Minutes in an Hour 60

Tax depreciation 80.00% Equity 30% Hours in a day 24

WDV (no. of years) 15 Interest rate 5% Months in a year 12

SLM (no. of years) 15 Repayment yrs. 10 Days in a year 365

Discount rate 13% Discount rate 13%

Type Charger Charging Charging Installation Maintenance Maintenance Escalation in

cost rate time cost cost % cost maintenance

Unit (INR) (kW) (hrs) (INR) (% of installation (INR) (%)


DC Fast 2,50,000
1 44 0.50 12500 1% 125 2%

271 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Revenue assumptions Commercial space

Cost of electricity (INR/kWh) 3.50

Escalation in cost of electricity 0%

Mark up on cost of electricity (%) 57%

Cost of electricity to consumer (INR/ kWh) 5.5

Duration of charge event (hrs per charge) 0.50

# of charge events per day 48

Charger utilization (hrs per day) 24.0

Per charge fixed fee 0

Escalation in per charge fixed fee 1%

Discount on charging fee (% per session) 0%

Monthly membership fee (INR/ month) 0

Number of charges 0

Lease expenses (INR/ month) 0

Escalation in lease rental 0%

Overheads (% of maint. Cost) 0%

Fixed revenue sharing with EVSP 0%

Var. revenue sharing with EVSP 0%

Total project cost 1,68,000

Debt 1,17,600

Equity 50,400

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 272

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28


Variable fee 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664

Total revenue 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664 70,664


44,968 44,968 44,968 44,968 44,968 44,968 44,968 44,968 44,968 44,968

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

- - - - - - - - - -

operating 45,093 45,093 45,093 45,093 45,093 45,093 45,093 45,093 45,093 45,093

EBITDA 25,571 25,571 25,571 25,571 25,571 25,571 25,571 25,571 25,571 25,571

Depreciation 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

5,586 4,998 4,410 3,822 3,234 2,646 2,058 1,470 882 294

PBT 2,485 3,073 3,661 4,249 4,837 5,425 6,013 6,601 7,189 7,777

Tax 530 656 781 907 1,032 1,158 1,283 1,409 1,534 1,660

PAT 1,955 2,417 2,880 3,342 3,805 4,267 4,730 5,192 5,655 6,117

Cash flows

Capex 3(50,400)

Subsidy -

(11,760) (11,760) (11,760) (11,760) (11,760) (11,760) (11,760) (11,760) (11,760) (11,760)

Depreciation 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

FCFE (50,400) 7,695 8,157 8,620 9,082 9,545 10,007 10,470 10,932 11,395 11,857

273 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

NPV 155

Eq. IRR 13.1%


2,62,500 2,45,000 2,27,500 2,10,000 1,92,500 1,75,000 1,57,500 1,40,000 1,22,500 1,05,000

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Closing block
2,45,000 2,27,500 2,10,000 1,92,500 1,75,000 1,57,500 1,40,000 1,22,500 1,05,000 87,500
for book dep.


2,62,500 52,500 10,500 2,100 420 84 17 3 1 0

2,10,000 42,000 8,400 1,680 336 67 13 3 1 0

Closing block
52,500 10,500 2,100 420 84 17 3 1 0 0
for tax dep.


1,17,600 1,05,840 94,080 82,320 70,560 58,800 47,040 35,280 23,520 11,760

5,586.00 4,998 4,410 3,822 3,234 2,646 2,058 1,470 882 294

Repayment 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760

Closing debt 1,05,840 94,080 82,320 70,560 58,800 47,040 35,280 23,520 11,760 -

Tax schedule

PBT 2,485 3,073 3,661 4,249 4,837 5,425 6,013 6,601 7,189 7,777

Add: Book
17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 274

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

Less: Tax
(2,10,000) (42,000) (8,400) (1,680) (336) (67) (13) (3) (1) (0)

Less: Tax
(1,90,015) (2,11,442) (1,98,681) (1,78,612) (1,56,611) (1,33,753) (1,10,254) (86,155) (61,467) (36,190)

MAT 530 656 781 907 1,032 1,158 1,283 1,409 1,534 1,660

Income Tax - - - - - - - - - -

Tax Payable
Accounting 530 656 781 907 1,032 1,158 1,283 1,409 1,534 1,660
for Mat

Opening -
530 1,186 1,967 2,874 3,907 5,064 6,348 7,756 9,291

MAT Credit 530

656 781 907 1,032 1,158 1,283 1,409 1,534 1,660

MAT Credit -
- - - - - - - - -

Closing MAT 530 1,186 1,967 2,874 3,907 5,064 6,348 7,756 9,291 10,950

Tax to be 530
656 781 907 1,032 1,158 1,283 1,409 1,534 1,660

Effective tax 21%

rate of PBT 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21%


275 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

NPV 155

Eq. IRR 13.1%


2,62,500 2,45,000 2,27,500 2,10,000 1,92,500 1,75,000 1,57,500 1,40,000 1,22,500 1,05,000

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Closing block
2,45,000 2,27,500 2,10,000 1,92,500 1,75,000 1,57,500 1,40,000 1,22,500 1,05,000 87,500
for book dep.


2,62,500 52,500 10,500 2,100 420 84 17 3 1 0

2,10,000 42,000 8,400 1,680 336 67 13 3 1 0

Closing block
52,500 10,500 2,100 420 84 17 3 1 0 0
for tax dep.


1,17,600 1,05,840 94,080 82,320 70,560 58,800 47,040 35,280 23,520 11,760

5,586.00 4,998 4,410 3,822 3,234 2,646 2,058 1,470 882 294

Repayment 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760 11,760

Closing debt 1,05,840 94,080 82,320 70,560 58,800 47,040 35,280 23,520 11,760 -

Tax schedule

PBT 2,485 3,073 3,661 4,249 4,837 5,425 6,013 6,601 7,189 7,777

Add: Book
17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 276

Assessment of ownership structures for reducing risks

PPP: Private Investor and Municipal Corporation


Charging requirement EV specifications Source of Funds

Battery capacity (kWh) 17.6 Range (km) 120 Debt 70%

Number of chargers at station 1 Battery capacity (kWh) 18 Equity 30%

Interest rate 10%

Repayment yrs. 10

Discount rate 13%

Depreciation Taxes w/o cess eff. Useful conversions

Book depreciation 6.67% Corporate Minutes in an Hour 60

30% 35%
Tax depreciation 80.00% Hours in a day 12
MAT 19% 21%
WDV (no. of years) 15 Months in a year 12
Surcharge 12%
SLM (no. of years) 15 Days in a year 365
cess Days in a month 30

Charger costs

Escalation in
Charger Charging Installation Maintenance Maintenance
Type Charger cost maintenance
rating time cost cost % cost

(% of
Unit (INR) (kW) (hrs) (INR) installation (INR) (%)

DC Fast
18,00,000 50 0.34 1,80,000.0 0% - 2%


277 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Revenue assumptions Commercial space

Cost of electricity (INR/kWh) 7.50

Escalation in cost of electricity 5%

Mark up on cost of electricity (%) 13%

Cost of electricity to consumer (INR/ kWh) 8.5

Capital subsidy 0%

Duration of charge event (hrs per charge) 0.34

# of charge events per day 35.29

Charger utilization (hrs per day) 6.0

Per hour fixed fee (INR/hour) 20

Escalation in per charge fixed fee 5%

Discount on charging fee (% per session) 0%

Monthly membership fee (INR/ month) 0

Number of charges 0

Year on Year Improvement (%) 12%

Lease expenses (INR/ month) 0

Escalation in lease rental 10%

Overheads (% of maint. Cost) 2%

Mark up on lease (%) 30%

Private Investor revenue sharing 0%

MNC revenue sharing 10%

YOY improvement in rev sharing 0%

Total DC Charger Cost 19,80,000

Debt 13,86,000

Equity 5,94,000

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 278

Urban utility maintenance cost 2500 Escalation in opportunity cost for land 10%

Urban utility maintenance escalation 5%

Advertising Co-Branding

Per month Cost (INR) 5000 Per month Cost (INR) 5000

Annual Escalation (%) 5% Annual Escalation (%) 10%

Commercial Schedule:

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28


9,27,517 10,90,760 12,82,734 15,08,495 17,73,991 2086,213 24,53,386 28,85,182 33,92,974 39,90,138

Advertising 60,000 63,000 66,150 69,458 72,930 76,577 80,406 84,426 88,647 93,080

Co-Branding 60,000 66,000 72,600 79,860 87,846 96,631 1,06,294 1,16,923 1,28,615 1,41,477

Total revenue
10,47,517 12,19,760 14,21,484 16,57,813 19,34,767 22,59,420 26,40,086 30,86,531 36,10,237 42,24,695
from DCFC


8,21,250 9,65,790 11,35,769 13,35,664 15,70,741 18,47,192 21,72,298 25,54,622 30,04,235 35,32,981

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

Total 2
operating 8,21,250 9,65,790 11,35,769 13,5,664 15,70,741 18,47,192 21,72,298 25,54,622 30,04,235 35,32,981

EBITDA 2,26,267 2,53,970 2,85,715 3,22,148 3,64,026 4,12,229 4,67,788 5,31,910 6,06,002 6,91,714

279 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

Depreciation 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000

1,31,670 1,17,810 1,03,950 90,090 76,230 62,370 48,510 34,650 20,790 6,930

PBT (37,403) 4,160 49,765 1,00,058 1,55,796 2,17,859 2,87,278 3,65,260 4,53,212 5,52,784

Tax - 888 10,621 21,354 33,249 46,495 61,310 77,952 96,723 1,66,642

PAT (37,403) 3,272 39,144 78,704 1,22,546 1,71,364 2,25,968 2,87,307 3,56,489 3,86,142

Cash flows

Capex (5,94,000)

movement (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600) (1,38,600)

Depreciation 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000

FCFE (5,94,000) (44,003) (3,328) 32,544 72,104 1,15,946 1,64,764 2,19,368 2,80,707 3,49,889 3,79,542

NPV (0)

Eq. IRR 13.0%

opportunity 20000 240000 264000 290400 319440 351384 386522 425175 467692 514461 565907

NPV of Rs.
opportunity 18,87,3
cost 09.55

Cash flow
-33662 2945 35230 70834 110292 154228 203372 258577 320840 347527
for PI

revenue 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 280

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

Cash flow for

-3740 327 3914 7870 12255 17136 22597 28731 35649 38614

NPV for MNC 63023


19,80,000 18,48,000 17,16,000 15,84,000 14,52,000 13,20,000 11,88,000 10,56,000 9,24,000 7,92,000

1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000

Closing block
18,48,000 17,16,000 15,84,000 14,52,000 13,20,000 11,88,000 10,56,000 9,24,000 7,92,000 6,60,000
for book dep.


19,80,000 3,96,000 79,200 15,840 3,168 634 127 25 5 1

1584,000 3,16,800 63,360 12,672 2,534 507 101 20 4 1

Closing block
3,96,000 79,200 15,840 3,168 634 127 25 5 1 0
for tax dep.


Opening debt 13,86,000 12,47,400 1108,800 9,70,200 8,31,600 6,93,000 5,54,400 4,15,800 2,77,200 1,38,600

Interest 1,31,
1,17,810 1,03,950 90,090 76,230 62,370 48,510 34,650 20,790 6,930
expenses 670.00

Repayment 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600 1,38,600

Closing debt 12,47,400 11,08,800 9,70,200 8,31,600 6,93,000 5,54,400 4,15,800 2,77,200 1,38,600 -


Tax schedule

PBT (37,403) 4,160 49,765 1,00,058 1,55,796 2,17,859 2,87,278 3,65,260 4,53,212 5,52,784

Add: Book
1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000 1,32,000

Less: Tax (15,84,

(63,360) (12,672) (2,534) (507) (101) (20) (4) (1)
Depreciation 000) (3,16,800)

281 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

(14,89 (16,70, (15,51, (13,32, (10,46,
Profit after (6,97,638) (2,78,461) 2,18,778 5,85,208 6,84,783
403) 042) 637) 251) 989)

MAT - 888 10,621 21,354 33,249 46,495 61,310 77,952 96,723 1,17,973

Income Tax - - - - - - - 75,715 2,02,529 2,36,990

Tax Payable
Accounting - 888 10,621 21,354 33,249 46,495 61,310 77,952 2,02,529 2,36,990
for Mat

Opening MAT - - 888 11,509 32,863 66,112 1,12,606 1,73,916 1,76,154 70,348

MAT Credit
- 888 10,621 21,354 33,249 46,495 61,310 2,237 - -

MAT Credit
- - - - - - - - 1,05,806 70,348

Closing MAT - 888 11,509 32,863 66,112 1,12,606 1,73,916 1,76,154 70,348 -

Tax to be paid - 888 10,621 21,354 33,249 46,495 61,310 77,952 96,723 1,66,642

Effective tax
rate of PBT 0% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 30%


Year on Year
Improvement 12%

6 7 8 8 9 11 12 13 15 17
(Hours per

6.00 6.72 7.53 8.43 9.44 10.57 11.84 13.26 14.86 16.64


Year on Year
Improvement 5%

Cost of
electricity 7.50 7.88 8.27 8.68 9.12 9.57 10.05 10.55 11.08 11.63

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 282

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

Cost of
electricity to
8.47 8.89 9.34 9.81 10.30 10.81 11.35 11.92 12.51 13.14
(INR/ kWh)

Charging fee
per minute

Time to
charge a car 20.40

Quantum of
electricity to 17
charge (kWh)

Cost of
electricity to
144.00 151.20 158.76 166.70 175.03 183.78 192.97 202.62 212.75 223.39
charge a car

Cost of
electricity to
charge a car 7.06 7.41 7.78 8.17 8.58 9.01 9.46 9.93 10.43 10.95
per min (INR/

Fixed fee per

hour (INR/

expenses 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(INR/ month)

Charges per
hour (INR/

Fixed fee per

min (INR/

Total fee per

minute (INR/

Total fee per 2

minute (INR/ 7.06 7.41 7.78 8.17 8.58 9.01 9.46 9.93 10.43 10.95

283 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

6-Jul-18 6-Jul-19 6-Jul-20 6-Jul-21 6-Jul-22 6-Jul-23 6-Jul-24 6-Jul-25 6-Jul-26 6-Jul-27 6-Jul-28

Rupees per

addition per
minute of 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88

Charge per
1.20 1.26 1.32 1.39 1.46 1.53 1.61 1.69 1.77 1.86
km (INR/km)

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 284


City model dashboard

7.4.1. Delhi
Table 80: Statistics dashboard for Delhi projections

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

City population no. 2,10,91,418 2,23,54,166 2,58,01,582 2,98,82,065 2.9%

Total Vehicle
no. 1,08,94,161 1,23,81,046 1,69,85,525 2,34,28,142 6.6%
stock on road*

2W % 65.4% 65.9% 66.7% 67.1%

3W - PV % 1.0% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8%

3W - CV % 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4%

4W - PV % 31.0% 30.8% 30.4% 30.3%

4W - CV % 1.7% 1.5% 1.3% 1.3%

Bus % 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1%

Vehicle per
unit 1000 no. 517 554 658 784 3.5%

Total EVs stock

no. 8,602 1,14,488 20,43,091 86,28,783 54.1%
on road

2W no. 5,000 71,135 13,35,129 57,19,130 55.1%

3W - PV no. 3,000 5,962 32,494 87,575 30.8%

3W - CV no. - 1,025 9,013 31,305 40.8%

4W - PV no. 500 31,036 6,13,879 26,32,033 55.9%

4W - CV no. 100 4,876 49,070 1,50,555 40.9%

Bus no. 2 455 3,507 8,185 33.5%

EVs % mix of
total vehicle
% 0% 1% 12% 37%
stock on road
in that year

New EVs mix as

% of total new
% 1% 5% 51% 100%
vehicles added
in that year

285 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Total EVs stock

no. 8,602 1,14,488 20,43,091 86,28,783 54.1%
on road

With Integrated
% 80% 83% 73% 60%

With Swapping
% 14% 7% 8% 9%

With Range
% 7% 10% 19% 31%
Extension LIBs

MWh 28 707 12,271 48,478 52.6%
LIBs in system

Integrated LIBs % 91% 95% 92% 88%

Swapping + RE
% 9% 5% 8% 12%

Total no. of LIB

charges in a 24 208 3,105 12,540 50.7%

Home charging % 54% 66% 65% 61%

% 6% 8% 8% 8%

Public charging % 10% 11% 10% 10%

Swapping + RE % 30% 15% 16% 21%

Total Avg
connected EV
MVA 16 346 4,321 15,901 47%
charging load
to grid

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 286

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Home charging
% 17% 14% 15% 14%

charging % 17% 34% 27% 23%

Public charging
% 25% 22% 24% 23%

Swapping + RE
% 32% 20% 24% 29%

Peak EV
Demand for
charging (in MVA 3 72 878 3,024 45.2%
TS2 6am to 12
noon slot)

BAU Peak
Demand of city MVA 7,146 7,771 9,585 11,822 4.3%
(in TS4)

Total Peak
Demand of city
MVA 7,149 7,844 10,463 14,845 6.6%
including EVs
(in TS4)

% EV
to City Peak % 0% 1% 8% 20%
demand (in

BAU Peak
% 4.5% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3%
Demand CAGR

EV Peak
% 123% 46% 22%
Demand CAGR

Combined total
peak demand % 4.6% 5.0% 7.8% 8.8%


for EV
charging (at MUs/
9 176 2,245 8,169 46.8%
network input year

287 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Home charging
(RESIDENTIAL % 54% 50% 51% 49%

% 9% 21% 16% 13%

Public charging
(COMMERCIAL % 13% 13% 13% 13%

Swapping + RE
(COMMERCIAL % 23% 17% 20% 25%

BAU Total
of the city w/o
EV load (at % 29,820 32,626 40,853 51,155 4.6%
network input

Total electricity
of the city
EV load (at 29,829 32,803 43,098 59,324 6.1%
network input

% EV
% 0% 0% 5% 13%
in electricity

% Load factor
% 6.3% 5.6% 5.9% 6.0%
of EV charging

Total no. of EV
no. 3,932 39,875 5,89,956 22,62,252 49.8%

Home Chargers no. 3,529 37,627 5,54,624 20,95,473 49.5%

Fast Chargers
no. 81 835 12,015 48,328 50.1%
Private, Public

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 288

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Slow Chargers
no. 322 1,413 23,317 1,18,451 55.7%
(Swapping, RE)

Home Chargers % 90% 94% 94% 93%

Fast Chargers
% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Private, Public

Slow Chargers
% 8% 4% 4% 5%
(Swapping, RE)

EVs to
Chargers ratio
all EVs and ratio 2.19 2.87 3.46 3.81
all chargers
including home

EVs to
Chargers ratio
ratio 8.68 22.15 22.67 17.15
select EVs and
other than
home chargers)

No. of Charging
no. 3,544 37,763 5,56,624 21,03,772 49.5%

Home charging no. 3,529 37,627 5,54,624 20,95,473 49.5%

no. 7 77 1,131 4,563 50.4%

Public charging no. 4 45 636 2,552 49.7%

Swapping + RE no. 3 14 233 1185 55.7%


289 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

7.4.2. Lucknow
Table 81: Statistics dashboard for Lucknow City projections

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

City population no. 55,58,170 57,82,720 63,84,590 70,49,103 2%

Total Vehicle
no. 21,37,214 24,65,384 34,87,770 49,28,235 7%
stock on road*

2W % 77.4% 76.0% 73.3% 71.1% -1%

3W - PV % 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.5% 2%

3W - CV % 1.3% 1.9% 2.7% 3.1% 5%

4W - PV % 13.7% 15.2% 18.1% 20.2% 3%

4W - CV % 7.0% 6.3% 5.3% 5.0% -2%

Bus % 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% -2%

Vehicle per
unit 1000 no. 385 426 546 699 5%

Total EVs stock

no. 30,145 64,022 4,98,783 19,55,749 41%
on road

2W no. 21,106 41,202 3,15,551 12,68,040 41%

3W - PV no. 618 1,245 5,947 15,710 29%

3W - CV no. 2,191 4,021 25,511 85,545 36%

4W - PV no. 4,315 11,168 1,08,397 4,57,082 45%

4W - CV no. 1,915 6,234 42,053 1,25,593 35%

Bus no. - 151 1,323 3,778 38%

EVs % mix of
total vehicle
% 1% 3% 14% 40% 31%
stock on road
in that year

New EVs mix as

% of total new
% 6% 9% 53% 100% 27%
vehicles added
in that year

Total EVs stock

no. 30,145 64,022 4,98,783 19,55,749 41%
on road

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 290

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

With Integrated
% 85% 85% 75% 63% -3%

With Swapping
% 6% 6% 8% 10% 4%

With Range
% 9% 9% 17% 28% 12%
Extension LIBs

MWh 150 387 3,305 13,669 43%
LIBs in system

Integrated LIBs % 87% 87% 80% 70% -2%

Swapping + RE
% 13% 13% 20% 30% 9%

Total no. of LIB

charges in a 58 139 1,025 3,703 39%

Home charging % 69% 67% 62% 56% -2%

% 8% 9% 8% 10% 1%

Public charging % 11% 12% 12% 11% -1%

Swapping + RE % 11% 12% 18% 23% 7%

Total Avg
connected EV
MVA 65 224 1,707 6,000 39%
charging load
to grid

Home charging
% 24% 19% 17% 14% -3%

charging % 23% 30% 25% 27% -1%

Public charging
% 31% 25% 23% 19% -2%

Swapping + RE
% 12% 16% 25% 30% 7%

291 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Total electricity
of the city
EV load (at 17,417 24,316 56,221 1,29,500 18%
network input

% EV
% 0% 0% 1% 2% 17%
in electricity

% Load factor
% 7% 6% 6% 6% -1%
of EV charging

Total no. of EV
no. 11,664 26,818 1,87,704 6,27,201 37%

Home Chargers no. 11,125 25,437 1,75,134 5,71,949 37%

Fast Chargers
no. 233 617 4,237 15,923 38%
Private, Public

Slow Chargers
no. 306 764 8,332 39,329 48%
(Swapping, RE)

Home Chargers % 95% 95% 93% 91% 0%

Fast Chargers
% 2% 2% 2% 3% 1%
Private, Public

Slow Chargers
% 3% 3% 4% 6% 8%
(Swapping, RE)

EVs to
Chargers ratio
all EVs and ratio 2.58 2.39 2.66 3.12 3%
all chargers
including home

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 292

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

EVs to
Chargers ratio
ratio 27.42 20.88 15.06 11.48 -6%
select EVs and
other than
home chargers)

No. of Charging
no. 11,161 25,535 1,75,828 5,74,752 37%

Home charging no. 11,125 25,437 1,75,134 5,71,949 37%

no. 20 58 373 1,634 40%

Public charging no. 4 33 237 775 37%

Swapping + RE no. 3 8 83 393 48%


293 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Total electricity
of the city
EV load (at 17,417 24,316 56,221 1,29,500 18%
network input

% EV
% 0% 0% 1% 2% 17%
in electricity

% Load factor
% 7% 6% 6% 6% -1%
of EV charging

Total no. of EV
no. 11,664 26,818 1,87,704 6,27,201 37%

Home Chargers no. 11,125 25,437 1,75,134 5,71,949 37%

Fast Chargers
no. 233 617 4,237 15,923 38%
Private, Public

Slow Chargers
no. 306 764 8,332 39,329 48%
(Swapping, RE)

Home Chargers % 95% 95% 93% 91% 0%

Fast Chargers
% 2% 2% 2% 3% 1%
Private, Public

Slow Chargers
% 3% 3% 4% 6% 8%
(Swapping, RE)

EVs to
Chargers ratio
all EVs and ratio 2.58 2.39 2.66 3.12 3%
all chargers
including home

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 294

7.4.3. Nagpur
Table 82: Statistics dashboard for Nagpur projections

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

City population no. 27,50,000 29,45,869 34,98,768 41,55,439 3%

City population no. 27,50,000 29,45,869 34,98,768 41,55,439 3%

Total Vehicle
no. 15,77,721 17,17,519 21,66,936 28,19,481 5%
stock on road*

2W % 88.0% 88.1% 88.0% 87.7% 0%

3W - PV % 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.5% 0%

3W - CV % 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% -1%

4W - PV % 8.3% 8.3% 8.3% 8.4% 0%

4W - CV % 1.5% 1.5% 1.6% 1.8% 2%

Bus % 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 1%

Vehicle per
unit 1000 no. 574 583 619 679 2%

Total EVs stock

no. 650 12,395 2,19,345 9,18,575 54%
on road

2W no. 500 9,537 1,82,225 7,81,163 55%

3W - PV no. 50 788 7,342 20,929 39%

3W - CV no. - 171 1,501 5,205 41%

4W - PV no. - 873 18,226 80,390 57%

4W - CV no. 100 945 9,238 28,542 41%

Bus no. - 81 813 2,346 40%

EVs % mix of
total vehicle
5 % 0% 1% 10% 33% 46%
stock on road
in that year

New EVs mix as

% of total new
% 1% 6% 52% 100% 33%
vehicles added
in that year

295 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Total EVs stock

no. 650 12,395 2,19,345 9,18,575 54%
on road

With Integrated
% 85% 84% 74% 64% -3%

With Swapping
% 8% 7% 7% 8% 1%

With Range
% 8% 9% 18% 29% 13%
Extension LIBs

MWh 2 55 875 3,729 52%
LIBs in system

Integrated LIBs % 89% 85% 78% 70% -2%

Swapping + RE
% 11% 15% 22% 30% 7%

Total no. of LIB

charges in a 2 26 370 1,434 49%

Home charging % 65% 65% 65% 61% -1%

% 9% 9% 7% 8% -1%

Public charging % 11% 10% 9% 9% -1%

Swapping + RE % 15% 16% 19% 22% 3%

Total Avg
connected EV
MVA 2 44 467 1,600 43%
charging load
to grid

Home charging
% 24% 14% 15% 13% -1%

charging % 28% 43% 34% 35% -2%

Public charging
% 28% 17% 18% 16% -1%

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 296

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

Swapping + RE
% 11% 16% 23% 26% 5%

Peak EV
Demand for MVA 1 13 134 468 43%
charging (TS2)

Peak EV
Demand for MVA 1 11 104 335 41%
charging (TS4)

BAU Peak
Demand of city
MVA 496 526 608 703 2.9%
(without EVs, in

Total Peak
Demand of city
MVA 497 536 712 1,038 6.8%
including EVs

% EV
contribution to
% 0% 2% 15% 32% 32%
Peak demand

BAU Peak
% 13% 3% 3% 3% 0%
Demand CAGR

EV Peak
Demand yearly % 137% 47% 20% -18%

Combined total
peak demand % 13% 4% 8% 8% 7%

for EV
charging (at MUs/
1 22 240 798 43%
network input 2
7 year

Home charging
(RESIDENTIAL % 60% 43% 43% 39% -1%

297 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

Units 2018 2020 2025 2030 CAGR

EVs to
Chargers ratio
all EVs and ratio 2.08 2.52 3.10 3.53 3%
all chargers
including home

EVs to
Chargers ratio
ratio 19.16 23.15 24.86 20.20 -1%
select EVs and
other than
home chargers)

No. of Charging
no. 296 4,637 66,585 2,41,980 49%

Home charging no. 295 4,621 66,387 2,41,120 49%

no. 1 11 117 545 48%

Public charging no. 4 5 65 243 48%

Swapping + RE no. 0 1 16 71 54%

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 298


Discussion points from stakeholder interactions

1. SNDL, Nagpur

Date 02 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Great Nag Rd, Near Baidhyanath Chowk, Rambagh, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440003

Stakeholder consultation with SNDL, Nagpur to gain insights on the charger’s impact on Grid for
Nagpur case study

• Ms. Sonal Khurana
• Mr. Rajesh Turkar

• Mr. Rahul Bagdia
• Mr. Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr. Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Nagpur EV adoption model and its impact on grid -- all Discom nos. collected and model vetted with SNDL team (3 meetings)


299 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

2. Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Date 04 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, Block C, Adchini, New Delhi, Delhi, 110016

Agenda Stakeholder consultation with DST to gain insights on standards for EV Charging Infrastructure

• D
► r. Sajid Mubashir
Participants P-Manifold-
► • M
► r. Rahul Bagdia
• M
► r. Kunjan Bagdia
• M
► r. Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. The mandate of framing new standards has been given to Secretary, DST who will through support of BIS will frame IS

2. As discussed the IEC standards needs to be tweaked for Indian conditions such as ambient temperature range of 0 to 50 deg.

3. The directive to frame new standards similar to GB/T, CHAdeMO, CCS has come from NITI Aayog with rationale of having
Indian specific standards to meet domestic market and planning to have everything "Make in India"

4. For public heavy vehicles such as intra-city electric buses, India is looking to "Opportunity Charging" as well as swapping

5. Committees are being formed to take global perspectives so that the standards developed will form a level playing field for all
the OEMs

6. It was also discussed that DHI specifications for Bharat Chargers as well as AIS standards developed by ARAI are not
traceable and hence will be eventually dropped.

7. Ather, an electric 2 wheeler manufacturing start-up has developed an AC & DC combo connector for 2 wheelers which they
can open for adoption by India

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 300

3. CharIn: CCS association

Date 04 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting NA

Agenda Stakeholder consultation with CharIn to gain insights on standards for Charging Infrastructure

CharIn :
• Mr.
► Sivam Sabesan
Participants P-Manifold
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Government is planning to prepare new IS standards

2. Though govt. was interested in CCS but still is not ready to adopt it

3. Most of the OEMs comply with CCS while a few such as Honda, Mitsubishi, Peugeot support both CCS and CHAdeMO

4. GB/T is followed by Chinese manufacturers

5. Bharat Charger Standards are not for 2 wheeler & 3 wheelers though being a standard below 100VDC

6. A slow charger for car could be a fast charger for 2 & 3 wheelers is a misnomer as a 2 & 3 wheeler will not have circuitry
capable to handle the rated power of a charger. It will only absorb as per the load connected to charger i.e. the vehicle itself
with its own circuit characteristics.

7. There is no global standards for chargers below 120 VDC

8. Currently most 2 Wheeler and 3 Wheeler manufacturers use lead acid batteries which cannot be fast charged due to
constraints in chemistry

9. Even in conditions of high ambient temperature BMS will not allow the charger to charger EV at faster rate which was also the
case with OLA's Nagpur pilot. So, how fast an EV will charger shall also depend on thermal management of battery

10. In India CharIn is looking for CCS standards below 100VDC for 2 Wheelers and 3 Wheelers


301 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

4. Exicom Tele-Systems Limited

Date 05 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Plot No-77A, Sector-18, Sector 18, Gurugram, Haryana 122015

Stakeholder consultation with CEA to gain insights on Standards for Charging Infrastructure &
Supply Chain”

Exicom :
• Mr.
► Priyank Agarwal
• Mr.
► Akshay Ahuja

• Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Li-ion batteries are the only alternative for use in commercial scale as of now due to lower costs, wide range of applications
such as electric vehicles and storage solutions.

2. Exicom has supplied over 600MWh of Li-ion batteries mostly for telecom infrastructure

3. Exicom intends to establish 1GWh of Li-ion battery assembly unit

4. As per recent meetings, it has been confirmed that India is looking forward to bring in a 4th Standard for EVSE. Other three
being CCS, CHAdeMO and GB/T

5. It has been mentioned that the instruction has come from NITI Aayog for developing a new IS standard for EVSE.

6. Exicom is ready to adapt to any standard and currently is complying to Bharat Charger Specs and in process of development
of CCS chargers

7. It was also informed that Exicom is a member of standardization committee for EVSEs

8. The EESL tender has witnessed 14 participants and Exicom was allotted to supply 125 chargers to be installed at govt.
buildings in Delhi-NCR

9. Other manufacturers don’t have products ready as most of them being MNC’s don’t have chargers of ratings below 100 VDC.

10. Delta, RRT, BHEL Mastech were a few competitors in the tender

11. Due to discussions of a new standard for EVSE, industry has lost clarity of which way to move forward and align their
supply chains

12. Most of the components used in EVSEs of Exicom are domestically manufactured and use advanced circuit components such
as IGBTs while its competitors are still relying on MOSFET

13. Certain components such as connectors needs to be imported as they comply to certain standards such as GB/T for DC-001
which is a Chinese standard and not manufactured in India

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 302

5. BSES Rajdhani

Date 05 April 2018

Time of Meeting 13:30 – 18:00 hours

Place of Meeting BSES Bhawan, Nehru place, Delhi

Stakeholder consultation with BSES to validate study done for BEE on “Techno-commercial
assessment for charging infrastructure”

• Mr.
► Abhishek Ranjan
• Mr.
► Chetan Pathak
• Mr.
► Naveen
Participants EY:

► • Mr.
► Kaustuv Mohapatra
• Mr.
► Tanmay Nag
• Mr.
► Raghav Bhasin
• Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

Points from BSES’s meeting with Ministry of Power -

1. Upon the role of discom in charging infrastructure, BSES suggested to MoP that prior permission to establish charging station
involving technical feasibility should be taken from discoms.

2. MoP is considering an initial one year charging infrastructure deployment through PSUs -
a. 10 cities (population > 4 Million) – 1200 charging stations
b. 1 charging station at every 3-4 km
c. INR 240 Cr investment

3. MoP is considering to put an upper cap on the price which discom will levy from the charging station.

Points from EY’s discussion with BSES -

1. DERC has extended ToD for all consumers except single phase domestic consumers -

2. ToD slabs are applicable in the following slots-

a. Peak time :13:00 to 17:00 & 22:00 to 1:00 – 20% surcharge

b. Off Peak : 3:00 to 9:00 – 20% rebate
• V2G without ancillary services has no benefit to the consumer
3. Because of solar uptake, smart bidirectional meters have been installed even though they are in miniscule percentage
4. BSES has requested CEA to include the parameters of communication link in their report, this will help BSES to identify the
increasing load.

5. Earlier BSES used to depreciate a capex over 12 years, and it used to take close to 12 years for asset recovery. But now, assets
are getting redundant in 4 years and BSES/DISCOMs don’t have a long time frame. Network needs to be
upgraded regularly.

6. Following questions were posed -

a. EV usage is random and dynamic, so will early network recovery be possible?

b. Regulator should permit to socialize the cost if DISCOMs have to recover sooner. Due to this non-EV users will see impact in
their tariffs

303 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

c. The load will be at 6% load factor in terms of energy demand but to cater to that there’ll be an addition of 26-27% to network
upgrade. Now, how the differential will be recovered?

7. There can be no fixed charges for EVs and single point delivery system.

8. Losses in residential are observed to be higher compared to industries because of distribution and localization.

9. DERC Public charging tariff for EV is incentivized at INR 5.5/KWh. Personal home charging is as per the home tariff.

10. BSES has recommended to update supply codes as per EVs


1. What significant patterns in load growth have been observed in the past few years?

1.1. AC has significant impact but it is covered below 4%

1.2. Solar penetration is reducing load. BSES has done 600 installations, 21 MW and another 20 MW is in pipeline.

2. Any benchmarks on power infrastructure investments in NEP or other govt. documents to act as guideline to plan EV related
grid expansion?

2.1. Not aware of such guidelines on BSES, but Govt. is quantifying in Uday scheme certain specific investments to be made.
Input distribution franchise will need to invest based on CAPEX.

3. What changes envisaged in providing new connections for charging to following types of customers – meter, tariff, connected
load, supply point, DT limits etc.

3.1. Smart Meter and V2G:

3.1.1. Development of ancillary services is crucial and will provide advantage to the consumer.

3.1.2. Because of solar uptake, smart bidirectional meters have been installed even though they are in miniscule percentage.

3.2. Compatibility of currently procured smart meters with EVs?

3.2.1. EESL’s initial tender was for 2G meters which they revised to 3G with dual (2G & 3G) compatibility. Success of the meters
is yet to be determined

3.2.2. Problems are arising with the integration to the cloud platform

3.2.3. Smart Meters have two ledgers export and import which need to be enabled for V2G.

3.3.Charging network companies are pricing their analytical platforms exorbitantly equal to the electricity rate which should
be capped. DISCOMs need real time Overloading/under loading data which network providers cannot provide, they are more
customer centric.

3.4. If charging mandate is declared as service then BSES is ready to tie up in long term contract with land owner and will
provide operation and technical support. Chargers will be procured from empaneled vendors.

3.4.1. Revenue sharing will depend on the footfall

3.4.2. Income from this source will be considered as Non-tariff income.

3.4.3. Priority 1: Charging station assets to be capitalized. Comments by stakeholders is that it is not a level playing field.

3.4.4. Priority 2: If it is owing to the conventional business then 60 % profit will be passed on ARR and 40 % can be retained.

3.4.5. Priority 3: Land owner takes connection from DISCOMs and DISCOMs performs O&M. 40 % profit will be passed on ARR
and 60 % can be retained.

3.4.6. If charging station is not considered as services then BSES will be interested in 100% capitalization.

4. Whether need felt for separate feeders for EV charging – what different characteristics and SLAs?

4.1. No need is felt. Will be managed on a case to case basis

5. What POV on tariff structure for HHs for self-charging at homes – ToD (kVAh vs. kWh), smart meter, etc.

5.1. There should be a shift from ToD to ToU. This will enable decision making with respect to local grid. ToU enablers are CMS
(central monitoring system) and Smart meters.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 304

6. Central Electricity Authority of India (CEA)

Date 18 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Sector B 1, RK Puram, New Delhi, Delhi 110066

Stakeholder consultation with CEA to gain insights on standards for interconnection of EV

Charging Infrastructure.

• Ms.
► ► Seema Saxena,
Participants P-Manifold-
► • Mr.
►► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Technical Standards for flicker, Harmonic Injection, etc. has been incorporated in Distributed Energy Regulations.

2. Dr. Sajid Mubashir from DST is drafting technical standards for EVSE.

3. Change in operational temperature from 0 to 55 Degree Celsius for global standards that are being adopted for EVSE .

4. Standards for charging of fleets and heavy vehicles is yet to be determined.

5. Permission to set up of charging infrastructure needs to be taken from DISCOM.

6. Testing centers to be located across India and not limited to ARAI & IIT Madras.

7. CCS standard will be adopted as minimum for public charging standards. Market is open to adopt any other standards as well.


305 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Date 18 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Plot No. A-8A, Block A, Sector 24, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

Stakeholder consultation with NTPC to gain insights on PSUs POV around investing in EV
Charging Business

• Mr.
► Anil Kaushik
• Mr.
► Anurag Singh

• Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. NTPC has signed MOU with Jabalpur STU for setting up EV charging station. Inclined to do more POCs.

2. NTPC is interested in Energy Operator opportunity

8. RTO, Nagpur

Date 19 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Dipti Signal Road, Near Water Tank, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440035

Stakeholder consultation with RTO, Nagpur to gain insights on the Nagpur case study for study
done for BEE on “Techno-commercial assessment for charging infrastructure”

• Mr.
► Shivaji Jagtap
Participants P-Manifold:
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Nagpur EV adoption model and its impact on grid -- model inputs and outputs vetted for overall transportation data of Nagpur

2. Nagpur has taken out tender for small e-Buses

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 306

9. Nagpur Metro Rail Project

Date 19 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Metro House, Bunglow No: 28/2,, Anand Nagar,C K Naidu Road, Civil Lines, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Place of Meeting

Stakeholder consultation with Nagpur Metro to gain insights on the Nagpur case study for study
done for BEE on “Techno-commercial assessment for charging infrastructure”

Nagpur metro :
• M
► r. Mahesh Gupta
Participants P-Manifold:
► • M
► r. Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Nagpur Metro keen to have e-Buses and e-3Ws for last mile connectivity to and from its metro stations


307 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

10. ACME

Date 19 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting 152, Sector 44 Rd, Kanhai Colony, Kanahi, Gurugram, Haryana 122003

Stakeholder consultation with ACME to gain insights on EVSE and broader Charging Eco-system
and Supply Chain Readiness

• Mr.
► Anil Chutani
Participants P-Manifold-
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Bharat Charger Standards are not mature considering non-standard connector such as IEC 60309 which has not been used
anywhere in the world and is not designed for the intended purpose

2. Standards of Bharat Charger prescribe a locking mechanism that is not provided by IEC 60309 connector

3. No. of output charging point should not be fixed such as has been fixed to be three in case of AC001

4. Connector for 3.3 KW output of DC001 is yet not defined

5. DHI notification of 13 March 2018 suggests multiple standards

6. Either India should follow one global standard or derive from one from them

7. If the Indian market continues with the multiple standards, in next 10 years there will be inter-operability issues. This
situation will be similar to what cellphone users faced for incompatible chargers during late 90s. The automobile OEMs would
have to play important role in setting up charging stations to facilitate the sale of their EVs.

8. IEC 62196 Type 2 is a better solution as connector for 3 wheelers and 4 wheelers

9. CCS Combo Type 2 should be adopted for fast charging of 4 wheelers and CHAdeMO for heavy vehicles

10. ACME is looking to manufacture both AC&DC chargers

11. 50% domestic content requirement should be adequate

12. ISO 15118 is an international standard defining a vehicle to grid (V2G) communication interface for bi-directional charging/
discharging of electric vehicles which should be adopted by India.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 308

11. Kinetic Green

Date 27 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Innovation Park, D-1 Block Plot No.18/2, 411019., MIDC, Bhosari, Pimpri-Chinchwad,
Place of Meeting

Stakeholder consultation with Kinetic Greens to gain insights on the e-3W Supply Chain
Readiness and Learning from Nagpur pilot”

Kinetic Greens :
• Ms. Sulajja Firodia
Participants P-Manifold:
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. E-Rickshaw with battery swapping ready and under testing at IITM. Also e-Auto battery swapping prototype ready and to go
for testing.

2. All components but motor and motor controller are currently getting imported

3. Financing of e-3W is missing link to enable big adoption


309 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

12. ARAI

Date 27 April 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Survey No.102, Paud Road, Kothrud, Rambaug Colony, Vetal Hill, Pune, Maharashtra 411038

Agenda Stakeholder consultation with ARAI to gain insights on Testing Standards for EV Charging

• Dr.
► Anand Deshpande
• Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia

• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. GOI is aligning with European Regulations (UNEC).

2. AIS 138 (Part-1 and Part-2) prepared by ARAI led Committee has been passed on to DST/ BIS for incorporating it into IS
standards (ETD-51).

3. A custom Charging standard (communication protocol + Connector) for Medium and High voltage is a possible direction that
India can take and under high level discussion.

4. Car OEMs may consider to adopt higher than 100V architecture.

5. ARAI has a simulator that can simulate a Charger for EV testing and can an EV for Charger testing

6. Indian testing standards for EVs are aligned with global standards and India has all testing infra and skills

7. Nail penetration test is important and is already included and happening

8. UNEC has a mechanism called GTP (Global Technical Regulation) through which it can harmonize the standards globally. It
has been done for Motors.

9. Life cycle test and temperature performance test for LIBs are being performed as asked by OEMs, but are not mandatory.

10. Group/ bulk chargers will need separate standards.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 310

13. CHAdeMO

Date 17 May 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Conference call

Stakeholder consultation with CHAdeMO association to validate Japan’s electric mobility

landscape study done for BEE on “Techno-commercial assessment for charging infrastructure”

• Mr.
► Yoshida San, Secretary General
Participants • Mr.
► Kaustuv Mohapatra
► • Mr.
► Tanmay Tyagi
• Mr.
► Tanmay Nag
• Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Buses will adopt DC charging (Pantograph) without connectors because of safety concerns over human operation.

2. AC standards charging standards in Japan are based on IEC standards

3. Japan has an unbundled electricity market and pricing is based on market forces.

4. There are three types of charging station business models prevalent in Japan-

a. Gas station model: a particular fee is charged by the operator similar to gasoline station model

b. Monthly subscription: An EV user can take a subscription and use charging facilities
for a month etc. similar to telecom model

c. Free at commodity locations like malls, stores but user has to shop.

5. CHAdeMO supports V2X functionality

6. Parking areas at companies will most likely have slow charging facility.

7. Communication protocol is different in CCS’s AC and DC


311 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

14. DERC

Date 18 May 2018

Time of Meeting 11:30 – 14:00 hours

DERC Office, Viniyamak Bhawan, Basant Kaur Marg, Block C, Shivalik Colony, Malviya Nagar, New
Place of Meeting
Delhi, Delhi 110016

Stakeholder consultation with DERC to validate study done for BEE on “Techno-commercial
assessment for charging infrastructure”

• Sh.
► B.P. Singh (Member)
• Sh.
► Surendra Edupghanti, Secretary
• Sh.
► R.K. Mehta Executive Director (law)
• Sh.
► Mahender Singh, Executive Director (Tariff)
• Sh.
► U.K. Tyagi Executive Director (Engg.)
Participants EY:
► • Mr.
► Ashish Kulkarni
• Mr.
► Kanv Garg
• Mr.
► Kaustuv Mohapatra
• Mr.
► Sushovan Bej
• Mr.
► Tanmay Tyagi
• Mr.
► Tanmay Nag

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. 1. EY presented to DERC-

a. Global review of the electric mobility study

b. Key initiatives by Govt. of India to develop the sector

c. mpact assessment of electric mobility

d. Business models developed by the EY team

2. DERC has mandate to decide the tariff for EV charging.

3. Points on Standards:

a. Developing new standards for EV charging is not necessary

b. The decision to choose a standard should be with the installer of the charger.

c. Govt. should take a neutral stand on the standards and let market forces decide.

4. Main issue with charging infrastructure is the availability of the land

5. Initial deployment of charging infrastructure should not be considered as a profit motive but rather to build market and get
customers used to the e-mobility.

6. DERC initially focused on E-rickshaws as they were presently operating in Delhi in around 1-1.5 Lakhs in number. DERC suggested
that initially chargers should be placed in locations where currently E-rickshaws are available. DERC gave the following statistics -

a. Each e-rickshaw uses 7 units/day

b. For 1.5 Lakh rickshaws it is ~ 1 million units

c. This load is present and is not straining the system

d. Total loss estimated to discoms through e-rickshaw’s electricity theft is around 200 cr.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 312

7. DERC has observed that public sector authorities are reluctant to give land for chargers without financial motives.

8. E-mobility can learn from telecom, dish TV or cab aggregator models as they initially offered heavy discounts and low tariffs to
create a market demand.

9. Member planning DERC stated that he would prefer to have a portable charger in the car than to go a few Kms for charging. At
the end of day people will shift to EVs if they’ll get easy access mobility and better accessibility.

10. Traffic conditions should be taken into the performance and range of a battery as EVs will operate in urban areas.

11. Discoms will gain by reducing commercial losses.

12. Separate charger for separate vehicle category should be defined

13. There should a uniform tariff structure across the country

14. In Delhi all meters are ToD enabled just needs to be programmed

15. Blended tariff is at 5-5.5INR

16. Taxes should be put on petrol/diesel vehicles rather than imposing heavy taxes on HEV


313 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

15. TATA Motors

Date 30 May 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting NA

Stakeholder consultation with TATA motors to gain insights on the Electrical vehicle OEM on
charging infrastructure

CTata Motors :
• Mr.
► Ajit Kumar Jindal
Participants P-Manifold:
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. The key trends which will have a significant effect on the Charging Infrastructure

a. Higher range of the vehicle

b. Bigger Battery Size triggered by reduction in the battery prices

c. Reduced Charging Time

2. OEMs have a 500km range benchmark to match the ICE

3. Success Factors for the Charging Infrastructure for CVs and PVs

4. Suggested that we should have a common standard for fast charging across various categories of vehicles

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 314

16. E Connectivity India Pvt. Ltd

Date 30 May 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting NA

Stakeholder consultation with TE Connectivity India Pvt. Ltd. to gain insights on the charging
connectors and standards for India

CTE Connectivity India Pvt. Ltd.:

• Mr.Vinod
► Viswanath
Participants P-Manifold:
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Charging inlets performance, customization and flexibility

2. Charging cable safety and reliability


315 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure


Date 14 June 2018

Time of Meeting 11:00 – 13:00 hours

Place of Meeting Power grid's corporate office, Gurugram

Stakeholder consultation with PGCIL to validate study done for BEE on “Techno-commercial
assessment for charging infrastructure”

• Sh.
► S. Victor P. Selvakumar
• Dr.
► Rajesh Kumar Panda
• Mr.
► Kaustuv Mohapatra

• Mr.
► Sushovan Bej
• Mr.
► Tanmay Tyagi
• Mr.
► Tanmay Nag

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Power grid is currently working in the following locations on charging infrastructure projects:

a. Hyderabad – Deploying chargers on the metro corridor with L&T and Hyderabad metro rail corporation (HMRC)
• PGXCIL will own and operate the stations
• PGCIL has adopted a lease model and HMRC may give land free for 2 years
b. Chennai

c. Delhi

d. Kochi

e. Gurgaon – Project is in collaboration with IOCL and DMRC following a revenue sharing model

f. Mumbai-Pune corridor

g. Bhubaneshwar-Puri corridor

2. PGCIL has categorized real estate for charging infrastructure projects as per the following three categories:

a. Barren Land – type of land without basic construction and amenities. The lease expense for such a land shall be: 30 /₹ sq. feet

b. Built up land – areas such as parking with basic construction but little or no basic amenities like electricity, water etc. The lease
expense for such a land shall be: 70-80 /₹ sq. feet

c. Super built-up land – Area like metro parking where there is easy access to electricity and other amenities. The lease expense
for such a land shall be:100-130 /₹ sq. feet

d. Basements - As per the CEA safety regulations, basements are not preferred to install EV chargers. This is primarily due to
the water clogging conditions.

3. It is necessary to implement differential tariff for following reasons-

a. Personal EV owners are expected to most likely charge their vehicles at night.

b. ‘Time of use’ regime for EV charging can help balancing the load curve during peak and off peak hours.

c. A low differential pricing in low footfall areas will enable the traffic density to shift from high pricing in high footfall areas.

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 316

4. EV charging is ideally suited for maximizing capacity utilization from renewable (solar) energy plants. Peak load from such plants
can be utilized effectively through EV charging.

5. BOOT model is not expected to be viable due to high electric infrastructure costs.

6. Vehicle to Grid:

a. V2G implementation without government incentives will be difficult. This is primarily because EV users will need to install a
separate ₹ 30,000-40,000/- costing meter to enable V2G.

b. One thought is to sell V2G enabling devices along with the vehicle itself.

7. Standards:

a. It is better to adopt international standards as it promotes interoperability.

b. Moreover, most of our car makers in India are international players supporting international standards.

c. CEA has almost mandated CCS standards.

8. Collaboration:

a. PGCIL is actively exploring collaboration opportunities. They are in discussions with various STUs, Oil & Gas players, Discoms,
Railways, Airport authorities, Municipalities etc. to build charging infrastructure.

b. PGCIL is only working with public sector entities and has not been approached for any public private partnership.

c. With Smart E, PGCIL has suggested to buy batteries with almost 50: 50 cost split.

9. Public EV charging stations should be adopted to deal with real world parking issues, like that observed in CNG stations.

10. Revenue sharing between various business entities will depend upon the locations of deployment. Factors like land will be a major

11. The current EV charging market is observed to be about interest rather than business value.

12. Tariff charged to user should be a factor of parking, service, lease and electricity costs.

13. Electrical infrastructure is a major cost component of the charging infrastructure, with component such as –

a. 11 kV or 33 kV line

b. Transformer

c. Small substation etc.

14. Metro authorities use two kinds of electrical connections –

a. Primary line (25kV) – Used for train operation

b. Auxiliary line – This will be used for EV charging

15. MoP should consider amendment in the Electricity act regarding EV operations. Act should specify EV charging is not trading and
should allow EV charging without a license.

16. Points on Model:

a. It will be difficult to differentiate between an EV load and other loads, unless to install a separate meter for EV.

b. PGCIL was skeptical on the validity of preferential tariff and its implementation.

c. Government should consider tax free lease for EV charging. When no subsidy is considered for electric mobility then tax
should be waived off to reduce costs.

d. Consider3
7at-least 300 sq. feet for land and 50 KW charger (₹ 18 Lakhs).
e. Losses should consider transformer losses as well.

f. Rename mark-up as service cost.

g. Model should include shared manpower costs.

h. Since model’s accounted capex is low we should take into account other additional costs such as fire extinguisher costs,
lights, water supply etc.

17. i. Site construction costs should be accounted into the model like shed, tiles, roof etc.

317 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

18. Sun Mobility

Date 20 June 2018

Time of Meeting 10:30 – 12:00 hours

Place of Meeting Epsilon Office, A1 First floor, 1, Kariyammana Agrahara, Yemalur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

Agenda Stakeholder consultation with Sun Mobility to gain insights on e-3W and charging perspective

Sun Mobility.:
• Mr.
► Yuvraj Sarda
Participants P-Manifold:
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. 3W market landscape and challenges were discussed

2. OEM Majors are required to invest INR 50,000 for Bharat VI standard conversion, they shall resist adoption of EV.

3. A typical OEM shall require 7 years to recover increased capital investment in Bharat VI standards

4. Battery swapping has the lowest upfront cost and lowest refueling time

19. GrinnTech

Date Multiple meetings held

Time of Meeting NA

Place of Meeting NA

Agenda Stakeholder consultation with GrinnTech to gain insights on Battery OEM Supply Chain Readiness

Sun Mobility.:
• Mr.
► Yuvraj Sarda
Participants P-Manifold:
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Frequent share of info and knowledge on Batteries and EV ecosystem

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 318

20. IIT-Madras

Date Multiple meetings held

Time of Meeting NA

Place of Meeting NA

Agenda Stakeholder consultation with IIT-Madras to gain insights on Battery OEM Supply Chain Readiness

• Dr.
► Prabhjot Kaur
Participants P-Manifold:
► • Mr.
► Rahul Bagdia
• Mr.
► Kunjan Bagdia
• Mr.
► Rishabh Badlani

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. Frequent share of info and knowledge on Batteries and EV ecosystem


319 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

21. Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam limited (MVVNL)

Date 24 October 2018

Time of Meeting 12:00 – 14:00 hours

Place of Meeting Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam limited head office, 4-a, gokhale marg, Lucknow :- 226001

Stakeholder consultation with MVVNL for BEE study on “Techno-commercial assessment for
Electric vehicle and charging infrastructure”

• Sh.
► S.K. Singh (Director, Technical)
• Sh.
► B.P. Saini (Director, Commercial)

• Mr.
► Tanmay Nag
• Ms.
► Jagrati Yadav

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. EY team presented the following to MVVNL -

a. Overview of the scope of the study being conducted with BEE

b. Parameters being assessed in the Lucknow city level assessment

c. Overview of electric mobility landscape in India

2. Discussion was based on the adoption and feasibility of charging infrastructure in Lucknow

3. It was deliberated that different charging solutions needs to be developed for different kinds of vehicles

4. MVVNL recommended that charging infrastructure needs to be established around the city to cater to the issue of range

5. It was deliberated that private vehicle will mostly charge at home, hence such a pattern needs to be studied and will be
important for the discom

6. Land was identified as a challenge for the uptake of charging infrastructure and it was recommended that new ecosystems
needs to be developed for electric mobility. MVVNL recommended that substation land is an ideal location to install chargers.

7. It was further deliberated that swapping as a solution would emerge soon and is ideal for light vehicles such as e-rickshaws
and 2-wheelers

Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 320

22. Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA)

Date 26 October 2018

Time of Meeting 16:00 – 18:00 hours

Place of Meeting Bapu Bhawan, Secretariat, Lucknow

Stakeholder consultation with UPNEDA for BEE study on “Techno-commercial assessment for
Electric vehicle and charging infrastructure”

• Smt.
► Amrita Soni (Director)
• Sh.
► Alok Kumar (Secretary/CPO)
• Sh.
► Ashok Srivastava (Project officer)
• Smt.
► Namrata Kalra (Project officer)

• Mr.
► Tanmay Nag
• Ms.
► Jagrati Yadav

The following points were highlights of the discussion:

1. EY team presented the following to UPNEDA -

a. Overview of the scope of the study being conducted with BEE

b. Parameters being assessed in Lucknow city level assessment

c. Overview of electric mobility landscape in India

2. It was deliberated that to solve the chicken and egg issue of chargers and vehicles, available and accessible charging stations
shall be adopted before electric vehicles.

3. Alliances on the supply side to ensure supply of appropriate EVs and charging infrastructure facilities, a city level
collaborative effort on the facilitation side and awareness creation about electric mobility on the demand side are the three
necessary factors to enable the ecosystem.

4. To set up charging stations, availability of accessible land is a major hurdle, which can only be solved by a collaborative
approach of the city level stakeholders such as the urban, transport and power utilities.

5. Further, city level administrations should facilitate by conducting assessments such as location, feasibility and technology
assessments to address needs, gaps and develop a structured roadmap to deploy electric mobility. Please find attached a
presentation on city level perspective highlighting the assessments.

6. It was deliberated that every Indian state will have different mobility and infrastructure requirements and hence considering
no size fits all approach, customised policies at a state level is more appropriate than at a national level.

7. Authorities should look beyond the present higher upfront costs of an EV and should focus on entire life cycle/operational
1 of an EV compared to an ICE vehicle.

8. The total cost of ownership of an EV is very low by the virtue of its lower maintenance and cheap electricity for charging.
Hence, with a lifecycle approach, an EV is feasible, sustainable and efficient compared to an ICE vehicle. This can be proven
with an observation of rapid uptake of EVs in fleet businesses.

321 Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

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Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure 324


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