The Theory of Multidimensional Reality
The Theory of Multidimensional Reality
The Theory of Multidimensional Reality
Douglas B. Vogt
Member of the Geological Society of America
Research Funded by
The Diehold Foundation, Inc.
Published by
Vector Associates
ISDN 978-0-930808-10-5
Chapter 2
The Theory of Multidimensional Reality 17
The basic theory 17
Creating analogies to describe and
information theory of existence 18
The videotape analogy 18
Relationship between matter, energy,
information, and reality 20
What is light and what is time. 21
The computer analogy 22
The main clock cycle 23
Cooperating evidence 28
The synchronizing and resynchronizing
frequencies 28
Redefining dimensions 30
The first dimension 30
The second dimension, the transmission
dimension 31
The third dimension of matter 32
The fourth dimension 33
The fifth dimension 33
The sixth dimension 34
The seventh dimension 34
The eight dimension 36
Gravity 36
Gravity wave experiments that may prove
the universe is a hologram. 38
I had to think hard about who I would give the most credit to
my ability to prove this information theory of existence. I came
up with the following scientists: Dr. Thomas Gold, Dr. Bart
J. Bok and the hundreds of other astronomers, astrophysicists,
mathematicians who work tireless hours late at night trying to
measure the distances, location and output of the stars in our
Galaxy. For their great work in producing catalogs of the stars
and trying to make sense of the great mystery, they see in the
heavens. Without their work, I would have had a much harder
time trying to prove the Theory of Multidimensional Reality.
This book is a pure philosophy of science book. The book
presents an information theory of existence that is totally dif-
ferent from what you were taught in college or universities.
Earlier versions of the theory were presented in three of my
previous books, which covered many other subjects besides
science philosophy. The first book Reality Revealed, The The-
ory of Multidimensional Reality dates back to 1977. That book
covered the beginning of this theory/philosophy and applied it
to some of the phonemes in science. Other authors have “bor-
rowed” this theory of existence and applied it to various sub-
jects. Some authors just changed the name but tried to describe
the same thing, but it was obvious they did not understand it.
Motion pictures also used parts of the Theory of Multidimen-
sional Reality in various ways. It appears I am the first to de-
scribe and apply an information theory of existence to many of
the toughest phenomena in the Universe. This current book rep-
resents about 45 years of research in most of the hard sciences
including astronomy, geophysics, electronics, physics, etc. In
my first book, I even had a chapter on psychic phenomena, by
which I explained many of the paranormal phenomena using
this information theory of existence. Even though there was
only one chapter out of twelve that was dedicated to explaining
parapsychology, the Library of Congress originally indexed the
book Psychical research, which I could never understand. In
mid April of 1994, I had the opportunity to visit the Library of
Congress in Washington D.C. I asked them why they indexed
it that way and requested the classification be changed. Much
to my surprise they told me that one of the intelligence agen-
cies in the U.S. Government reclassified my book on April 4th
just two weeks before, to Philosophy of Science (Q175.V638
The Theory of Multidimensional Reality answers the three
most difficult questions in the Universe: Why was the Universe
created? If God created the Universe then who created God?
And finally the big one: What is man’s purpose in the Uni-
verse? This philosophy is the only one that can logically an-
swer all three of these eternal questions.
Some of you may think that a science philosophy book is
irrelevant to your everyday life. You cannot be more wrong.
The philosophy presented is what I call a Foundation Phi-
losophy. Such a philosophy is one that everything, including
all science observations and experiments, are built upon and
filtered through. All philosophies are derived from a founda-
tion philosophy. Currently, society’s foundation philosophy
is a matter-oriented theory of the Universe thanks to Aristotle
and the Church. You will learn where man made a terrible mis-
take. Such a philosophy prevents man from discovering how
the Universe works and that there are cycles in time that al-
most completely destroys everything we have created includ-
ing man.
“Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young, nor
weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age
is too early or too late for the benefits of Philosophy.” Epicurus,
Letter to Menoeceus
Chapter 1
Defining the Problem
There are only two ways to explain how the Universe
works. The currently accepted teaching is that matter is the
dominant thing in the Universe, and everything could be
explained by understanding the relationship between matter and
energy. The only alternative explanation is that the Universe is
the product of information. The information creates the matter
world we live in, and it is transmitted from another time-space
relationship, into our time and space to create our reality. Only
one philosophy of these two philosophies can be correct.
Some thirty years after my first book Reality Revealed, the
Theory of Multidimensional Reality (1977), I expanded and
refined the theory in my third book God’s Day of Judgment,
the Real Cause of Global Warming (2007). The main purpose
of both books was to explain what caused the geomagnetic
reversals, the ice ages, mass extinctions and why they occur
together. The Theory of Multidimensional Reality is used as
the foundation philosophy that explains all of the phenomena
associated with these events and why they occur cyclically
through time. It has now been 39 years since I first presented
this information theory of existence. I felt it was time to dedicate
a book covering only the Theory of Multidimensional Reality
without the distractions of other subjects. The book will cover
how the theory explains all the major building blocks of our
Universe such as magnetism, gravity, light, mass, and time.
First let us define what is philosophy. The dictionary
definition is: The search for truth wisdom or knowledge through
logical reasoning rather than factual observation, an analysis of
the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs.
Philosophy is the theory or logical analysis of the principles
underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the
Universe. I would disagree with this liberal arts definition and
add that a philosophy can also be proven right or wrong by
factual observation using the scientific process.
shattering for many of you so put your ego and your degrees
aside and think hard about what is presented. The way our
Universe was created there is a cyclical time limit for man to
understand how the Universe really works, and we are running
out of time.
Philosophies come in different forms. Some are religious
philosophies, and some are science philosophies. Today these
two philosophies are diametrically opposed to one another.
The majority of scientists and academicians believe there is
no God. The theologians believe God exists in spite of what
they may or may not know about Roman history. One would
assume that a science philosophy that could explain all known
phenomena in the Universe would also prove the existence of
God and explain His relationship to His creation. I contend the
Theory of Multidimensional Reality accomplishes that.
Science Philosophy
Determinism is the predominant philosophy in current day
science. This is the end result of a matter-oriented philosophy
of the Universe. It is the pragmatic viewpoint of an engineer
who needs to know the cause and effect of his environment
so outcomes can be predicted, and products can be built with
predictable results. The words science and physics are derived
from the word physical that denotes the study of the matter
world, the structure of matter and the Universe, including
its measurement. The scientific process is about performing
experiments and related fact-based theorizing that predicts
things that can be verified and repeated. This approach is fine
for producing products with consistent performance and results.
There is nothing wrong with this approach to science
but it fails when you try to explain the subatomic world or
explain the causes of magnetism, gravity, light and mass. What
eventually happens is when a scientist discovers a phenomenon
that cannot be explained, they just bypass it or come up with a
workaround. Many times they just ignore it because its solution
would represent too much of their time and money to find the
correct answer. The worst situation for the academic status quo
the modern era there have been a few very notable physicist-
philosophers who hinted that the Universe was something
other than what they were taught and that there was something
more than the traditional four dimensions (length, width, depth
and time). Some of these famous scientists knew there was
something wrong with the accepted philosophies and wrote
about their doubts to friends and in lectures. With that said, the
following are without question philosopher-scholars in their
fields even though I may not agree with everything they have
written and thought.
Sir Arthur Eddington, the outstanding scientist of Great
Britain in the Twentieth Century (The Nature of the Physical
World) stated:
“Not in the dim past but continuously by conscious
mind is the miracle of creation wrought. The idea of
a universal Mind or Logos would be, I think, a fairly
plausible inference from the present state of science
theory. ... To put the conclusions crudely, the stuff of
the world is mind-stuff ... consciousness is not sharply
defined but fades into sub-consciousness and beyond
that we must postulate something indefinite but yet
continuous with our mental nature ... it is difficult for
the matter of fact physicist to accept the view that the
substratum of everything is of mental character.”
University, wrote:
“The Universe begins to look more like a great
thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer
appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of
matter; we are beginning to suspect that we ought
rather to hail it as the creator and governor of the
realm of matter.”
“we suspect it [the Universe] is all waves and
nothing but waves.”
“The old dualism of mind and matter, which was
mainly responsible for the supposed hostility, seems
likely to disappear, not through matter becoming
in any way more shadowy or insubstantial than
heretofore, or through minds becoming resolved
into a function of the working of matter, but through
substantial matter resolving itself into a creation and a
manifestation of mind.”
Richard Feynman commenting on the state of affairs
in quantum mechanics during his November 1964 Cornell
Lectures entitled the Character of Physical Law stated:
“It always bothers me that, according to the laws
as we understand them today, it takes a computing
machine an infinite number of logical operations to
figure out what goes on in no matter how tiny a region
of space, and no matter how tiny a region of time.
How can all that be going on in that tiny space? Why
should it take an infinite amount of logic to figure
out what one tiny piece of space/time is going to do?
So I have often made the hypothesis that ultimately
physics will not require a mathematical statement,
that in the end the machinery will be revealed, and the
laws will turn out to be simple, like the checker board
with all its apparent complexities.”
The only scientist-mathematician-cyberneticist that came
close to hinting that the Universe was the product of information
a building that may fall or rot away in a few years. The point
being that the tools and their correct application cannot show a
faulty plan incorrect.
Math is similar. Math is just a tool that can express almost
any type of reality the skilled mathematician chooses to use.
That is the weakness of the tool. It cannot prove faulty logic
incorrect because it can describe almost any kind of reality.
An example of this is in General Relativity that concludes the
existence of black holes with infinite gravity. The first question
that should have been asked is: can black holes even exist
in our reality? Another example is with String theory. It is
entirely created out of a very complicated long math construct
and not from observed facts. With ten or more dimensions
and unobtainable experiments to prove it one way or another,
it borders on faith, not science. In science, unobserved
speculations do not disprove observed facts. An example of
such faulty logic is from Dirac, “It is more important to have
beauty in one’s equations, than to have them fit experiment.”2
The problem with his kind of thinking is that he forgot that the
math is merely a tool to understand the experimental results not
that the math is the end result.
1 New York Times article of December 7, 2004. String Theory, at 20, Explains It All
(or Not) b y Dennis Overbye.
2 Dirac, ‘The Evolution of the Physicist’s Picture of Nature’, Scientific American,
May 1963, 208, 47.
3 Plato, The Sophist, Vol. 7, pp. 371, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University
Press, 1967.
4 Plato, the Republic, Book VII. Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press.
5 Quote attributed to Dr. Smolin in 1977 and listed on the Open-Site Web page: /Physics/Modern/Theory_of_Everything.