Dry Sliding Wear Characterization of Al 6061/rock Dust Composite

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Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc.

China 25(2015) 3893−3903

Dry sliding wear characterization of Al 6061/rock dust composite


1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore 641046, India;
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore 642109, India
Received 24 February 2015; accepted 21 July 2015

Abstract: The influence of rock dust size (10−30 µm) and mass fraction (5%−15%) on density, hardness and dry sliding wear
behavior of Al 6061/rock dust composite processed through stir casting was investigated. Wear behavior of the developed composite
was characterized at different loads, sliding velocities and distances using pin-on-disc setup. The experiments were conducted based
on Taguchi’s L27 orthogonal array and the influence of process parameters on wear rate was studied using ANOVA. The
experimental results reveal that the applied load and reinforcement size are the major parameters influencing the specific wear rate
for all samples, followed by mass fraction of reinforcement, sliding velocity and sliding distance at the level of 47.61%, 28.57%,
19.04%, 9.52% and 4.76%, respectively. The developed regression equation was tested for its accuracy and made evident that it can
be used for predicting the wear rate with minimal error. With the help of SEM images, the worn surfaces of the novel composite were
studied and the analysis proves that the wear resistance of aluminium alloys can be well improved with the addition of rock dust as
Key words: aluminium metal matrix composite; rock dust; stir casting; wear; ANOVA

compared with conventional hard materials in use.

1 Introduction Nevertheless, wear is the main cause for the failure of
materials. To widen the applications of these materials,
Aluminum metal matrix composites (Al MMCs) are recent researches have been oriented towards improving
used globally in variety of structural and tribological wear resistance and high specific strength for their
applications because of their superior properties such as ultimate advantages.
high specific modulus, strength, hardness, low density, MMCs developed by reinforcing fly ash and silicon
excellent wear resistance, low heat expansion coefficient carbide with aluminium using conventional techniques
and stable properties at elevated temperatures [1,2]. In exhibit increasing trend for many properties with the
recent years, the aerospace applications have propelled increase in reinforcement level, except for density which
the development of high-temperature aluminum alloys decreases with the increase in reinforcements [7,8].
for the reason being capable of competing with titanium Researchers concentrate both on experimental and
alloys [3,4]. The increased use of Al MMCs has found its analytical portions of Al MMCs to gain better
way as a substitute for cast iron in brake rotors/discs mechanical properties and excellent wear resistance.
used for ground transportation systems including The fabrication techniques of Al MMCs play a
passenger cars and trains [5,6]. Further, studies are in major role in the improvement of mechanical and
progress to optimize the properties and chemical tribological properties. Many techniques were developed
formulation of both disc and brake pad in order to for producing particulate reinforced Al MMCs, such as
achieve superior performance during braking. powder metallurgy [9], friction stir processing [10], stir
Aluminium 6061 alloys with good corrosion casting and squeeze casting [11]. Based on expertise and
resistance and workability were employed in valves, through literature representation of the above methods,
brake components and certain other similar applications, stir casting technique was supposed to be the
but their wear resistance is somewhat lower when simplest and the most economical process for fabricating

Corresponding author: K. SOORYA PRAKASH; Tel:+91-9443654639; E-mail: k_soorya@yahoo.co.in

DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(15)64036-5
3894 K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903
particulate reinforced MMCs [12]. Uniform distribution dust composite using Taguch’s DOE. The combined
of reinforcement is obtained by pre-heating it in graphite effect of these parameters and their interaction were
crucible maintained under an inert atmosphere with investigated using ANOVA technique.
two-step stirring action until the matrix alloy is
completely melted. Aluminum-based silicon carbide 2 Experimental
particulate metal matrix composites fabricated using this
technique showed an increasing trend in hardness and 2.1 Materials
impact strength values with the increase in volume Aluminium 6061 alloy was stir-cast with rock dust
fraction of SiC [13]. Experiments prove that the stir as reinforcement so as to fabricate Al 6061/rock dust
casting specimens have higher mechanical strength than composites. The chemical composition of Al 6061 alloy
the powder metallurgy specimen [14]. is shown in Table 1. Rock dust was collected from
The tribological properties such as wear rate and quarries and Table 2 presents the detail of its chemical
coefficient of friction are considered to be the major composition. The temperature of the furnace was
factors controlling the performance of any MMC. In precisely measured and accurately controlled (±1ºC)
general, friction and wear behaviors of Al MMCs are using two thermocouples and a PID controller. The
generated from pin-on-disc tests. In all those tests, pins experimental setup used a 1HP motor to rotate the stirrer
of Al MMCs slide against EN32 hardened steel disc or at different speeds; a hydraulic lifting mechanism was
cast iron disc [15]. The results revealed that as the SiC used to bring the stirrer in contact with composite
content increases, the wear rate decreases, but for material.
coefficient of friction, reverse trend can be observed [16].
It is well within the discussion of researchers that the Table 1 Chemical composition of Al 6061 alloy (mass fraction,
applied load and sliding velocity affect the wear rate of %)
composite materials wherein the wear rate increases with Mg Si Fe Cu Ti Cr Zn Mn Al
the increase in sliding speed and load [8,17]. At high 0.88 0.65 0.24 0.23 0.1 0.14 0.08 0.03 Bal.
sliding velocities, composites with higher content
reinforcement exhibit higher wear resistance [18]. The Table 2 Chemical composition of rock dust (mass fraction, %)
addition of reinforcement to aluminum matrix alloys
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO
affects the transition from mild wear to severe wear, and
51 18.4 9.29 10.2 5.0
thereby increases the wear resistance of composite
materials [19−22], but the effect may be adverse Na2O K2O TiO2 Others
depending on the matrix hardness [23] and on the wear 2.1 0.59 0.78 Bal.
mechanism of composite materials [24]. Therefore, it is
indispensable to consider the factors such as mass Simultaneously, a measured quantity of rock dust
fraction of reinforcement, size, load, sliding velocity and weighed using digital electronic weighing machine was
distance while determining the wear behavior of a kept in a preheating furnace and preheated up to 600 °C.
material. The preheated rock dust particles were added to the
The application of design of experiment (DOE) molten metal. The mixture was then kept in a furnace
concepts like Taguchi and response surface methodology and heated to about 720 °C. The melt was subsequently
has gained significance in recent years as these are stirred at 900 r/min using a stirrer attached to the variable
supportive in providing the hierarchical rank order of the speed motor. The furnace temperature was kept constant
information on the influence of various parameters and at 720 °C for 10 min; magnesium with mass fraction of
their combined effects. The influence of parameters 1.5% was added to increase the wettability. Then, the
like sliding speed, sliding distance, normal load, and molten metal was poured into the mould and the required
mass fraction of reinforcements on tribological behavior composite was obtained. The same procedure was
can be analyzed by utilizing an orthogonal array and repeated for fabricating all other compositions as
analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique [25]. The tabulated in Table 3.
widely used method for predicting response variables is The cast Al 6061/rockdust composites were
regression analysis as it can predict the variables with machined to the required specimen size for conducting
minimal error [26]. various tests. SEM images of the novel composites under
In the present study, an attempt was made to the specified compositions as given in Table 3 are
understand and expose the influence of wear parameters acquired and shown in Fig. 1. From SEM images, it is
such as sliding velocity, applied load, sliding distance, evident that the reinforcement is properly mixed with the
reinforcement size and mass fraction of reinforcement on matrix material and also clearly exhibits the presence of
the dry sliding wear behavior of the novel Al 6061/rock Si particles due to rock dust reinforcements.
K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903 3895
Table 3 Parameters of composite specimens Reinforcement size, mass fraction of reinforcement
Sample Reinforcement Mass fraction of Density/ and their corresponding density values for each
No. size/µm reinforcement/% (g·cm−3) composite sample are given in Table 3. Also from
1 10 5 2.710 Table 3, it is evident that the density of the developed
2 10 10 2.694
composite is higher than that of the unreinforced
aluminium alloy which approximately equals 2.7g/cm3.
3 10 15 2.751
Brinell hardness value (BHN) of the composite increases
4 20 5 2.732 with the increase in reinforcement size and its mass
5 20 10 2.781 fraction; therefore, the outcome of this study correlates
6 20 15 2.733 with early researches that material hardness has greater
7 30 5 2.804
influence on wear resistance [27]. The same is clearly
depicted in Fig. 2.
8 30 10 2.666
9 30 15 2.694

Fig. 2 Hardness value of MMC with corresponding reinforce-

ment size and its mass fraction

2.2 Wear test

Pin-on-disc method was used to evaluate the
specific wear rate of the specimen’s sliding surfaces. The
tests were conducted under dry laboratory conditions
according to ASTM G99−95 standards. Schematic view
of the pin-on-disc setup is shown in Fig. 3. The tests
were carried out by applying normal loads of 10, 20, and
30 N and different sliding distances of 1, 2 and 3 km at
three different sliding velocities of 2, 3 and 4 m/s,
respectively. The disc material was made of EN32 steel
with a hardness of HRC 65. The MMC samples were

Fig. 1 SEM images of different composites: (a) 10 µm, 5%

reinforcement; (b) 20 µm, 10% reinforcement; (c) 30 µm, 15%
reinforcement Fig. 3 Schematic representation of pin-on-disc setup
3896 K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903
prepared as pins with regular dimensions of 8 mm × S ⎛1 ⎞
= −10 lg⎜ ∑ Yi 2 ⎟ (2)
8 mm with 40 mm in height. The pins slide on the disk at N ⎝ n ⎠
a track radius of 100 mm, the end surfaces of test sample
are flat and polished with metallographic alloy before where n is the number of observations, Yi is the measured
testing. Conventional aluminum alloy polishing value of wear rate. It is suggested that quality
technique was adhered to make the contact surfaces of characteristics are optimized when the S/N response is as
the composite specimen on hand ready for wear test. In small as possible.
order to obtain more precise values of the wear rate, each
trial was performed twice for the end surfaces prepared. 3 Results and discussion
At the end of each test, the pin was weighed and the
differences between the initial and final masses were 3.1 Analysis of control factors
taken as a measure of slide mass loss. The average value The influence of each control factor (A, B, C, D and
of the wear rate was then used for further calculations so E) on the wear rate was determined with S/N response
as to reduce the error. The specific wear rate (W) was table using Minitab 16.1 software. Table 5 shows the
calculated using the following equation: orthogonal array and experimental results for wear rates
with calculated S/N ratio. The S/N response table for
Δm wear rate presented in Table 6 illustrates the calculated
W= (1)
ρtvs Fn S/N ratio for each level of control factors. The control
factor that has the strongest influence is determined
where Δm is the mass loss on the pin samples (g), ρ is the depending on the δ value shown in Table 6. δ equals the
density of the test sample (g/mm3), t is the test duration difference between maximum and minimum S/N ratio for
(s), vs is the sliding velocity (m/s), Fn is the applied load a particular control factor. It is obvious that higher δ
(N) and W is the wear rate (mm3/m). value denotes greater influence of the corresponding
control factor.
2.3 Experimental design It is clear from Table 6 that the strongest influence
The experiments were carried out to analyze the is exerted by applied load, followed by other considered
influence of testing parameters on wear rate of the significant parameters viz reinforcement size, mass
composite material based on Taguchi method wherein fraction of reinforcement, sliding velocity and sliding
the experimental results are transformed into a signal- distance, respectively.
to-noise (S/N) ratio for analysis. The test parameters, Taguchi’s technique analyzes S/N ratio using a
their codes and levels are given in Table 4. Taguchi’s conceptual approach by graphing the special effects and
the-smaller-the-better performance characteristic was visually make out the significance of various other
considered since the performance was measured in terms influencing factors. The influence of each control factor
of wear rate, generally expected to be as low as possible. on wear rate is graphically represented by Figs. 4 and 5,
Moreover, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed which help to easily determine the optimum levels for
to determine the statistically significant parameters. each control factor. With “mean of means”, it is referred
as to firstly take the mean of individual values within the
Table 4 Control factors and their levels
team (team consists of two wear rate values observed
Code Control factor through individual trials) and then the mean of team
1 2 3 means within the group comprising of 27 trials was
Reinforcement particle calculated.
A 10 20 30
Response graphs show the variation of S/N ratio
Mass fraction of with the change in control factors from one level to the
B 5 10 15
other level. Figure 4 suggests the optimum condition for
C Applied load/N 10 20 30 the minimum wear rate in combination of A1B1C3D1E3
D Sliding velocity/(m·s ) 2 3 4 levels of control factors. In order to reduce wear rate,
E Sliding distance/km 1 2 3 factors such as mass fraction of reinforcement and
sliding velocity should be lowered while reducing the
A standard Taguchi experimental plan with L27 (33) reinforcement size. Again, it is proven that applied load
orthogonal array was chosen for the statistical analysis. has the most dominating effect on wear rate of the
The experimental results of wear rate are further composite. Researchers have reported that wear rate of
transformed into a signal-to-noise ratio which is the composite was superior to the matrix alloy at all
evaluated as the logarithmic transformation of loss loads [23]. Because of small magnitude of loads
function and the expression is as follows: considered, the wear rate decreases as load increases. At
K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903 3897
Table 5 Orthogonal array and results for Al 6061/rock dust composites
Reinforcement Mass fraction Applied Sliding velocity/ Sliding Average wear rate/
Experiment No. −1 S/N ratio
size/µm of reinforcement/% load/N (m·s ) distance/km (10¯3 mm3·m−1)
1 10 5 10 2 1 0.607 64.33623
2 10 5 10 2 2 0.584 64.67174
3 10 5 10 2 3 0.575 64.80664
4 10 10 20 3 1 0.498 66.05541
5 10 10 20 3 2 0.478 66.41144
6 10 10 20 3 3 0.458 66.78269
7 10 15 30 4 1 0.681 63.33706
8 10 15 30 4 2 0.584 64.67174
9 10 15 30 4 3 0.588 64.61245
10 20 5 20 4 1 0.589 64.59769
11 20 5 20 4 2 0.672 63.45261
12 20 5 20 4 3 0.653 63.70174
13 20 10 30 2 1 0.557 65.08290
14 20 10 30 2 2 0.494 66.12546
15 20 10 30 2 3 0.471 66.53958
16 20 15 10 3 1 1.307 57.67449
17 20 15 10 3 2 1.108 59.10920
18 20 15 10 3 3 0.992 60.06977
19 30 5 30 3 1 0.592 64.55357
20 30 5 30 3 2 0.572 64.85208
21 30 5 30 3 3 0.533 65.46546
22 30 10 10 4 1 1.359 57.33561
23 30 10 10 4 2 1.248 58.07571
24 30 10 10 4 3 1.289 57.79494
25 30 15 20 2 1 1.099 59.18005
26 30 15 20 2 2 0.842 61.49376
27 30 15 20 2 3 0.812 61.80888

Table 6 Response to S/N ratio for wear rate (smaller S/N ratio is better)
Level Reinforcement size Mass fraction of reinforcement Applied load Sliding velocity Sliding distance
1 65.08 64.49 60.43 63.78 62.46
2 62.93 63.36 63.72 63.44 63.21
3 61.17 61.33 65.03 61.95 63.51
δ 3.90 3.16 4.60 1.83 1.05
Rank 2 3 1 4 5

an applied load of 10 N, wear loss is high and gets matrix with various reinforcements increases with the
decreased while increasing load to 20 N, as shown in increase in the applied load [28,29].
Fig. 4. Even though the wear loss decreases with further Reinforcement size is the second most effective
increase in load from 20 to 30 N, the wear rate is higher factor on the wear rate of the composite. It is observed
compared with the former (10−20 N). Further increase in that the wear rate of the composite increases with the
load will possibly result only in increased wear rate. increase in reinforcement size and vice versa. Smaller
Hence, the current study also acknowledges that the wear size reinforcements fill the pores in the matrix materials,
behavior of the composite based on pure aluminum hence increases the bonding strength and concurrent
3898 K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903

Fig. 4 Effect of various parameters on S/N ratio for wear rate (smaller S/N ratio is better)

hardness which results in higher wear resistance. further proved that the addition of rock dust improves the
The third factor influencing the wear rate of the wear resistance. The result has a good coherence with
composite is the mass fraction of reinforcement. Upon earlier researches of which the presence of ceramic
clear notification, it is concluded that the wear rate of the reinforcements increases the wear resistance of
composite increases with the increase of rock dust aluminum matrix alloys at low loads [19], but the wear
content in the composite. This occurrence reveals that resistance is less at higher loads.
higher content of reinforcements decreases the bonding The fourth influencing factor of the developed
strength. Figure 6 shows the EDAX pattern of the composite is the sliding velocity. From the observance
composite with 10 µm and 5% reinforcement. It is seen over the experimental data, it is noticeable that the wear
from the peak that the silica present in the rock dust has rate of the composite increases with the increase in
been mixed evenly within the composite. Hence, it is sliding velocity. The friction and wear properties of the
K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903 3899

Fig. 5 Effect of various parameters on mean of means for wear rate

reinforced composites were studied [30−32] and the composite. As the sliding distance increases, the increase
results of similar other researches also show that wear in surface temperature is unavoidable, resulting in
rate of materials increases with sufficient increment in softening of material and high wear loss [33].
sliding velocity.
The least influencing factor for the wear rate is 3.2 ANOVA
sliding distance, when compared with all other factors. The ANOVA was used to investigate which of the
With the increase in sliding distance from 1 to 2 km, the design parameter significantly affects the quality
volume loss of the composite decreases initially, and for characteristics of the composite. It was performed by
further increase in distance from 2 to 3 km, the wear rate separating the total variability of the S/N ratios into
of the composite is higher compared with that of the contributions by each of the design parameters and the
former. This behaviour depicts that further increase in errors.
sliding distance will increase the wear rate of the The total variability of S/N ratio was measured by
3900 K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903
3.3 Regression model
The correlation between the control factors
(reinforcement size (A), mass fraction of reinforcement
(B), applied load (C), sliding velocity (D) and sliding
distance (E)) and the wear rate (W) was obtained by
multiple linear regression technique and represented as
W= 3.67×10−4 +1.8×10−5A+2.9×10−5B−2.2×10−5C+
9.0×10−5D−5.0×10−8E (3)
The correlation coefficient is R2=0.929. The
developed equation should be validated by confirmation
test wherein the predicted results are compared with
experimental values.

Fig. 6 EDAX pattern of composite with 5% reinforcement of 3.4 Confirmation test

10 µm in size The final step in design process is confirmation test.
In this work, dry sliding wear test was conducted with a
the sum of the squared deviations from the total mean combination of levels and parameters to validate the
S/N ratio. The calculated Fisher’s value (F) shows that statistical analysis. The preferred combination of the
factor C has very great influence and factor E has small levels of the factors is indicated to be significant by the
influence on the wear rate of the composite (Table 7). analytical methods and also to validate the conclusions
Generally, if F>4, the relative design parameter has a drawn during the analysis phase. Table 8 shows the test
significant effect on the quality characteristic of the parameters for conducting the dry sliding wear test. The
composite. Thus, F value indicates that there is a reinforcement size and mass fraction of reinforcement
significant effect on all the factors of composite. The last were maintained constant (10 µm, 5%; 20 µm, 10%) for
column of Table 7 indicates the percentage of both experiments. Confirmation experiment was carried
contribution (Pr) of each factor on the wear rate of the out and then the comparison between experimental
composite. It shows that the applied load, reinforcement values and computed values shows an error associated
size, mass fraction of reinforcement, sliding velocity and with dry sliding wear of composites varying from 3.10%
sliding distance have percentage of contribution (Pr) of to 6.59%.
47.61%, 28.57%, 19.04%, 9.52% and 4.76%,
respectively. From this, it is evident that the addition of 3.5 SEM observations
rock dust influences wear performance of the material The morphological changes on the worn out surface
significantly and it can be further investigated by adding of Al 6061/rock dust composite developed are clearly
smaller size rock dust particles. visualized through SEM images summarized in Fig. 7.

Table 7 Analysis of variance for wear rate of composite

Source DF Seq SS/10¯5 Adj SS/10¯5 Adj MS/10¯5 F P Pr/%
Reinforcement size 2 0.06 0.06 0.03 66.76 0.000 28.57
Mass fraction of reinforcement 2 0.04 0.04 0.02 42.87 0.000 19.04
Applied load 2 0.10 0.10 0.05 105.80 0.000 47.61
Sliding velocity 2 0.02 0.02 0.01 16.96 0.000 9.52
Sliding distance 2 0.01 0.01 0.00 5.68 0.014 4.76
Error 16 0.01 0.01
Total 26 0.22

Table 8 Confirmation test parameters

Experiment Sliding velocity/ Sliding Experimental wear Regression model wear
Load/N Error/%
No. (m·s−1) distance/km rate/(10¯3 mm3·m−1) rate/(10¯3 mm3·m−1)
1 12 2.5 1.2 0.612 0.593 3.10
2 24 3.5 2.2 0.743 0.694 6.59
K. SOORYA PRAKASH, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 3893−3903 3901

Fig. 7 SEM images of worn surfaces of Al 6061/rock dust composites with different reinforcement sizes and contents: (a) 10 μm, 5%;
(b) 10 μm, 10%; (c) 20 μm, 10%; (d) 20 μm, 15%; (e) 30 μm, 10%; (f) 30 μm, 15%

In a naked view, it could be well furnished that wear rate material slides over other material at higher velocities,
of rock dust reinforced Al 6061 alloy is less when the temperature on sliding surface increases and softens
compared with that of unreinforced alloy. the parent material which results in particle pull-out. The
In Fig. 7(a), the micrograph of Al 6061/10 µm/5% overall picture of the SEM images points up as the
of reinforcement at a load of 10 N with sliding velocity mass fraction of the reinforcement decreases these
of 2 m/s for a sliding distance of 1 km is shown, and ridges and grooves become shallower and plastic flow
upon keen observation it is obvious to highlight that less zone of the material decreases. The above artifact
area of craters is a sign of minimum wear in these areas. could be regarded as a superior level of indication
Figure 7(b) shows the SEM image of Al 6061/10 µm/ confirming greater resistance to wear. Hence, as the
10% of reinforcement at load of 30 N with sliding research on the current material correlates well with the
velocity of 3 m/s for a sliding distance of 3 km. It is property values of other comparable rival materials, it is
observed that the plastic flow occurs on the surface due an inevitable fact that the developed composite could
to the increase in velocity and the sliding distance. also be affiliated to the existing stream of
Observance over Fig. 7(d), Al6061/20 µm/15% of composites developed on the similar platform. From
reinforcement at load of 20 N with sliding velocity of now, this novel material can be well utilized in
3 m/s for a sliding distance of 3 km shows large cavities manufacture of automobile accessories like brake
in the subsurface layer, indicating severe loss of material. components and for various products of such other
The reason for these larger cavities is that when the similar applications.
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6061 铝合金/岩粉复合材料的干滑动磨损行为

1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore 641046, India;
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore 642109, India

摘 要:研究岩粉尺寸(10~30 μm)和质量分数(5%~15%)对搅拌铸造法制备 6061 铝合金/岩粉复合材料密度、硬度

滑动摩擦磨损试验。采用 Taguchi 法进行正交试验(L27)设计,并对实验结果进行方差分析。结果表明,载荷和增
其影响程度分别为 47.61%、28.57%、19.04%、9.52%和 4.76%。对所得回归方程的预测精度进行实验论证,结果
显示,此回归方程能用于复合材料的磨损率的预测且预测误差很小。复合材料磨损表面的 SEM 结果表明,以岩
(Edited by Wei-ping CHEN)

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