Short Story - 25 - Due Feb 20
Short Story - 25 - Due Feb 20
Short Story - 25 - Due Feb 20
Assignment 1 – Story
Jamie Wilson
The Chief
Linda the witch was hanging on a high above some sharp rocks. While the strong winds
threw her around, she wondered did this happen? “It was that King,” she said, “that horrible,
greedy, stupid King.” But it was HER fault! She was the one who had set the trap! And stealing
the old evil witch’s hat to make herself more powerful had been HER idea!
Looking back, she wished she had treated the village people well and had been less greedy. To
It was a snowy morning in the Village of ___________. When everyone was gathered in
the speaking hall, the event began and the Chief spoke.
He said, “Evil doing magic threatens my Village! I have received news from our Warriors
that there is a cave with a hat full of dark magic, guarded by a witch. I would like our bravest
A red-haired man and strong warrior, named Bernie said, “I volunteer, but I ask my
“Of course, You will leave within the hour.” The Chief said
The two brave warriors went into the forest. When they followed the map, it brought them far
into the woods. It was early winter so the little leaves crunched under their feet while it began
to snow. Linda back in her cave, had heard all about the Chiefs plan and decided to set up the
fearless warriors. Linda tied a rope tied to a old tree, so when they walk into the trap they,
would be thrown over the cliff. This cliff was just outside her cave and easy to fall from. This
Assignment 1 - Story 3
would stop the warriors. Linda went into her cave and sat in the chair saying, “I don’t not think
the warriors will arrive until tomorrow I will sleep and wait here.”
“I think that Linda will be waiting we are going to sneak up on the witch. We are using the
They waited until the witch went out and ran to the hidden door. But when they opened (open-
wood) the door, Linda was behind the door already. The warriors screamed in fright and ran
away. Linda chased the warriors screaming (yelling in the distance) “Go away! Go away! Don’t
come back!”.
Dave managed to hide in a bush and Linda kept chasing Bernie. Bernie ran away from the cave
and Dave went back to the cave. He looked for the hat and found a hat green in color, that
glows. He picked up the hat and Bernie walked into the cave.
“The witch is dead. She fell in the trap, she made.” said Bernie.
They were a little bit sad the witch was not alive and they did not take the hat to the village
because the hat really was evil. Instead they cut up/destroyed the hat and went home. When
they returned to the village the Chief was angry and burst out yelling.
The Chief wanted the hat because of its power to do things and he did not care the hat was evil.
This scared the village people and the people did not like the old chief anymore. The people
asked Dave to be the new chief and all was well in the village.
The End
Assignment 1 - Story 5
Aw Gimaa
Linda aw mnjidimooyenhish gii gojin shpaa aazhbikong shpa’iing giinzi siniin. Megwaa
zhiwebad? “Iw gii Gimaa, aw mnji’iiwish, gookooshwi, gimaaish” Linda kida. Aanwi gii wiin
mnjidimooyenhish wiiwkwaan ge bgami nawaj mshkawzi gii wiin ggiibaadendam! Aabnaabi gii
bagosenim wiin dnakiiwin bmaadzijig mno-doodwan miinwaa gii nwanj bangii gookooshwi.
Iw gii zoogpo wiiba gizheb dnakiiwinong ______ zhinkaazo. Pii kina wiya gii
mdewe naamaa’iing zidan megwaa gii iw maajpo. Linda waazhing gii noondwaan aw Gimaa
Maanda aazhbik gii gojiing Linda’s waazh, miinwaa wenpanzi ge onjibide. Aw daa
ngaabnaawaan miigaazoowninwag.
Bernie. Bernie gii maajiib’iwe iw waazh miinwaa Dave gii azhetaa waazhing. Gii ndawaabandan
Assignment 1 - Story 7
“Nbo mnjidimooyenhish ba. Gii biinjse daasoonaaganing, gii wzhichgaazo” Bernie kida.
wiiwkwaan dnaakiiwining onji gii wiiwkwaan daagnadaag mnji’iiwish. Meshkwad gii biigkodaan