Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing
• Morphological Analysis: Individual words are analyzed into their components and
nonword tokens such as punctuation are separated from the words.
• Syntactic Analysis: Linear sequences of words are transformed into structures that show
how the words relate to each other.
• Semantic Analysis: The structures created by the syntactic analyzer are assigned
Morphological Analysis
• Suppose we have an english interface to an operating system and the following sentence
is typed:
– Pull apart the word “Bill’s” into proper noun “Bill” and the possessive suffix “’s”
• This process will usually assign syntactic categories to all the words in the sentece.
• Consider the word “prints”. This word is either a plural noun or a third person singular
verb ( he prints ).
Syntactic Analysis
• Syntactic analysis must exploit the results of morphological analysis to build a structural
description of the sentence.
• The goal of this process, called parsing, is to convert the flat list of words that forms the
sentence into a structure that defines the units that are represented by that flat list.
• The important thing here is that a flat sentence has been converted into a hierarchical
structure and that the structure correspond to meaning units when semantic analysis is
• Each one corresponds to some entity that has been mentioned in the sentence.
Semantic Analysis
– It must map individual words into appropriate objects in the knowledge base or
– It must create the correct structures to correspond to the way the meanings of the
individual words combine with each other.
Discourse Integration
• Specifically we do not know whom the pronoun “I” or the proper noun “Bill” refers to.
• To pin down these references requires an appeal to a model of the current discourse
context, from which we can learn that the current user is USER068 and that the only
person named “Bill” about whom we could be talking is USER073.
• Once the correct referent for Bill is known, we can also determine exactly which file is
being referred to.
Pragmatic Analysis
• One possible thing to do is to record what was said as a fact and be done with it.
• For some sentences, whose intended effect is clearly declarative, that is precisely correct
thing to do.
• But for other sentences, including ths one, the intended effect is different.
• We can discover this intended effect by applyling a set of rules that characterize
cooperative dialogues.
• The final step in pragmatic processing is to translate, from the knowledge based
representation to a command to be executed by the system.
• Lpr /wsmith/stuff.init
• Syntactic Processing is the step in which a flat input sentence is converted into a
hierarchical structure that corresponds to the units of meaning in the sentence.
• It plays an important role in natural language understanding systems for two reasons:
In the second sentence, syntactic facts demand an interpretation in which a planet revolves
around a satellite, despite the apparent improbability of such a scenerio.
• Almost all the systems that are actually used have two main components:
– A procedure, called parser, that compares the grammar against input sentences to
produce parsed structures.
– S → NP VP
– NP → the NP1
– NP → PRO
– NP → PN
– NP → NP1
– NP1 → ADJS N
– VP → V
– VP → V NP
– N → file | printer
– PN → Bill
– PRO → I
– ADJ → short | long | fast
– V → printed | created | want
• First rule can be read as “ A sentence is composed of a noun phrase followed by Verb
Phrase”; Vertical bar is OR ; ε represnts empty string.
• Symbols that are further expanded by rules are called nonterminal symbols.
• Symbols that correspond directly to strings that must be found in an input sentence are
called terminal symbols.
• Grammar formalism such as this one underlie many linguistic theories, which in turn
provide the basis for many natural language understanding systems.
• Pure context free grammars are not effective for describing natural languages.
• NLPs have less in common with computer language processing systems such as
• Parsing process takes the rules of the grammar and compares them against the input
• The simplest structure to build is a Parse Tree, which simply records the rules and how
they are matched.
• Every node of the parse tree corresponds either to an input word or to a nonterminal in
our grammar.
• Each level in the parse tree corresponds to the application of one grammar rule.
• Its weak generative capacity, by which we mean the set of sentences that are contained
within the language. This set is made up of precisely those sentences that can be
completely matched by a series of rules in the grammar.
• Its strong generative capacity, by which we mean the structure to be assigned to each
grammatical sentence of the language.
• All Paths – Follow all possible path and build all the posiible intermediate components.
• Best Path with Backtracking – Follow only one path at a time, but record, at every choice
point, the information that is necessary to make another choice if the chosen path fails to
lead to a complete interpretation of the sentence.
• Best Path with Patchup – Follow only one path at a time, but when an error is detected,
explicitly shuffle around the components that have already been formed.
• Wait and See – Follow only one path, but rather than making decisions about the function
of each component at it is encountered, procrastinate the decision until enough
information is available to make the decision correctly.
1. Begin in state S.
2. Push to NP.
4. This test succeeds, so set the DETERMINER register to DEFINITE and go to state Q6.
6. This test succeeds, so append “long” to the list contained in the ADJS register. (This list
was previously empty). Stay in state Q6.
8. Do a category test to see if “file” is a noun. This test succeeds, so set the NOUN register
to “file” and go to state Q7.
9. Push to PP.
10. Do a category test to see if “has” is a preposition. This test fails, so pop and signal failure.
11. There is nothing else that can be done from state Q7, so pop and return the structure ( NP (
11. The return causes the machine to be in state Q1, with the SUBJ register set to the
structure just returned and the type register set to DCL.
12. Do a category test to see if “has” is a verb. This test succeeds, so set the AUX register to
NIL and set the V register to “has”. Go to state Q4.
13. Push to state NP. Since the next word, “printed”, is not determiner or proper noun, NP
will pop and return failure.
14. The only other thing to do in state Q4 is to halt. But more input remains, so a complete
parse has not been found. Backtracking is now required.
15. The last choice point was at state Q1, so return there. The register AUX and V must be
16. Do a category test to see if “has” is an auxiliary. This test succeeds, so set the AUX
register to “has” and go to state Q3.
17. Do a category test to see if “printed” is a verb. This test succeeds, so set the V register to
“printed”. Go to state Q4.
18. Now, since the input is exhausted, Q4 is acceptable final state. Pop and return the
– Matching
b. If either is a variable, then bind it to the value of the other and return that value.
c. Otherwise, return the most general value that is consistent with both the original
values. Specifically, is disjunction is allowed, then return the intersection of the
2. Otherwise, do :
b. For each attribute A that is present (at the top level) in either G1 or G2 do :
(i) If A is not present at the top level in the other input, then add A its value to NEW
(ii) If it is, then call Graph-Unify with the two values for A. If that fail, then fail.
Otherwise, take the new value of A to be the result of that unification and add A
with is value to NEW.
c. If there are any labels attached to G1 or G2, then bind them to NEW and return NEW.
• Producing a syntactic parse of a sentence is only the first step toward understanding it.
• Because understanding is a mapping process, we must first define the language into
which we are trying to map.
• There is no single definitive language in which all sentence meaning can be described.
• The choice of a target language for any particular natural language understanding
program must depend on what is to be done with the meanings once they are constructed.
• There are two broad families of target languages that are used in NL systems, depending
on the role that the natural language system is playing in a larger system:
Lexical processing
• The first step in any semantic processing system is to look up the individual words in a
dictionary ( or lexicon) and extract their meanings.
• Many words have several meanings, and it may not be possible to choose the correct one
just by looking at the word itself.
• The process of determining the correct meaning of an individual word is called word
sense disambiguation or lexical disambiguation.
• It is done by associating, with each word in lexicon, information about the contexts in
which each of the word’s senses may appear.
• Sometimes only very straightforward info about each word sense is necessary. For
example, baseball field interpretation of diamond could be marked as a LOCATION.
Sentence-Level Processing:
– Case grammars, in which the structure that is built by the parser contains some
semantic information, although further interpretation may also be necessary.
– Conceptual parsing in which syntactic and semantic knowledge are combined into
a single interpretation system that is driven by the semantic knowledge.
• The result of parsing and applying all the associated semantic actions is the meaning of
the sentence.
Advantages of Semantic grammars:
• When the parse is complete, the result can be used immediately without the additional
stage of processing that would be required if a semantic interpretation had not already
been performed during the parse.
• My ambiguities that would arise during a strictly syntactic parse can be avoided since
some of the interpretations do not make sense semantically and thus cannot be generated
by a semantic grammar.
– The number of rules required can become very large since many syntactic
generalizations are missed.
– Because the number of grammar rules may be very large, the parsing process
may be expensive.
5.3.2 Case grammars
• Case grammars provide a different approach to the problem of how syntactic and sematic
interpretation can be combined.
• Grammar rules are written to describe syntactic rather than semantic regularities.
• But the structures the rules produce correspond to semantic relations rather than to
strictly syntactic ones
( object File ))
(baked(agent mother)
(timeperiod 3-hours)
(baked(agent pie)
(timeperiod 3-hours)
• Instrument – cause of the event or object used in the event (typically inanimate)
Conceptual Parsing:
• Conceptual parsing is a strategy for finding both the structure and meaning of a sentence
in one step.