History Project
History Project
History Project
2019063 I semester
I have made my project titled “HINDU AND BUDDHA DHARMA” under the supervision of
prof. (Dr) VISWA CHANDRA MADASU., Faculty Lecturer, Damodaram Sanjivayya National
Law University. I find no words to express my sense of gratitude for Viswa Chandra Madasu sir
for providing the necessary guidance at every step during the completion of this project.
I am also grateful to the office, librarian and library staff of DSNLU, Visakhapatnam for
allowing me to use their library whenever I needed to. Further I am grateful to my learned
teachers for their academic patronage and persistent encouragement extended to me. I am once
again highly indebted to the office and Library Staff of DSNLU for the support and cooperation
extended by them from time to time. I cannot conclude with recording my thanks to my friends
for the assistance received from them in the preparation of this project.
Hindu dharma and Buddhist dharma are the major religions in our world today. They
have been practicing for many years and have been surviving from many centuries
The word “Dharma” derived from the Sanskrit word “dhri” which means to uphold or
ethics. These are the principles which built the character of man as an individual and also as a
member of society. In Mahabharata, when Bhishma was asked to explain the meaning of the
dharma he said that anything which helps for upliftment of humans is Dharma but according to
Vedas dharma is the duty of the different groups i.e. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras
According to Buddhists “Dharma” means the teachings of Buddha and the realization of his
teachings. Buddha spread nearly 83000 teachings all these teachings constitute as Buddha
dharma. According to “Tripitaka” the sacred book of Buddha, the problems in our life occurs due
to lack of knowledge and the one and only method to get the knowledge is to practice Dharma
i.e. Teachings of Buddha
According to Hindus Dharma is in every aspect of his/her life. From the birth as a
baby to death dharma is present. According to Hindu dharma everyone was born in a caste. This
caste determines their level in the society and their job in the society. According to Dharma the
highest caste is Brahmins who are considered as closest to God. According to Hindu Dharma
(Vedas) these people help the other persons to get the blessings of God by performing Yagnas
and sacrifices. The second highest place was occupied by Kshatriyas whose duty was to protect
the other people. The third place was occupied by Vaishyas who performs farming activities and
the last caste are called Sudras whose duty was to assist all the three groups
According to Buddha Dharma means the teachings of Buddha and the realization of these
teachings. Buddha dharma is contradictory to Hindu Dharma. These teachings do not focus on
supernatural matters instead these teachings focused on concept of why we are suffering and the
ways. These teachings explained that humans have the powers to become liberated from these
sufferings. Buddhist teachings said that the suffering is due to dukkha, which are the unhappy
experiences that we have experienced in life. Some of these unhappy experiences are getting old,
lack of health, pain and death and attachment of things and ideas. These teachings explained that
one should accept that Happiness and unhappiness are always interconnected and one should
When we are aware of dukkha, the interdependence and impermanence of things helps us
to see the things in reality. Nirvana (The state in which there is no suffering) can be achieved by
controlling the desire on things (craving). When we control the desire on things and being aware
Hinduism’s and Buddhism’s Dharma are distinct from each other. Hindu Dharma
established on scriptures which teaches about supernatural powers and influences and guides the
society to become free from the cycle of Samsara and achieve moksha. But the Buddhist dharma
focused through the realization of reality the world can be released from suffering that is by
understanding the impermanence and interconnections of everything one can achieve Nirvana.
Objective of study
The objective of the study is to know the relationship between Hindu and Buddha dharma
Research question
Whether the Buddha dharma was the part of Hindu dharma?
Literature review
The books referred were,
Research Methodology
Doctrinal research and Historical study is conducted
900-600 BC- This period is called later Vedic period where ritual worship was
developed and Upanishads have also emerged where the concept of Karma,
Moksha have developed
500BC-1000AD-The Puranas were written at this time where the concept of three
gods was developed i.e. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Epics like Ramayana,
Mahabharata was also started to form at this time
2 nd
century AD- Composition of Ramayana was completed at this time
1. Samanyadharma
Samanyadharma means qualities of the soul of an individual. It includes
control on the mind, truth, offerings, mercy, pilgrimage, control over the
senses, honesty, honoring deities and Brahmans, non-violence, absence of
the greed and not criticizing anyone etc
for their nation, family, society and communities. One of the main aspect
in social dharma is religious and moral law
3. Ashrama dharma
Human law or Ashrama dharma is the stages of life. There are four stages
in human life. They are
Brahmacharyashram-It’s the first stage of human life. It’s the
stage of celibacy and it’s the student life. In this stage one can get
education with the help of guru
Gruhasthashram-It’s the stage of married life. Here the person has
the duties of maintaining the family, educating the children. This
is the most important stage of human life as they produces food
which helps for the people of other stages
Vanaprasthashram-This is the stage of retirement life. The
transitions not only from house hold life to retired life but also
from emphasis on artha and Kama to Moksha.
Sanyasashram- This is the stage of renunciation of life where
one emphasis mainly on Moksha. One can go directly to
Sanyasashram after Brahmacharyashram
4. Guna dharma
Guna dharma means the duty performed by the role one plays or in the
position one was there. For example the duty of king is to protect the
people it’s the Guna dharma of king. The quality of the cosmic elements
like air, water, fire, earth comes under Guna dharma for example the
quality of water is coolness that means the Guna dharma is coolness etc.
In our country this is also called as Swabhav of an object
an atonement the person has to chant the deity name 108 times. Here the
chanting is Nimmittadharma
6. Apaddharma
Apaddharma means the code of duty one should follow during any
calamity. Guna dharma will be followed by the people in normal
circumstances but a time comes where the collapse of this system takes
place due to the unforeseen circumstances such as famines, forcible
migrations etc., At this time it is impossible to perform their duty which
is given according to their class I.e. Guna dharma. So at this time a
person of one class can perform the duty of another class under some
exceptions. This is also called as Dharma in adverse times. After the
crisis has done one should perform their previous duty I.e their own
There are 3 types of crisis
Spiritual crisis- This crisis is due to drought etc.
Physical crisis- This crisis is caused due to enemies
Crisis due to some mistake- Punishment received from the guru
for their own fault
7. Stridharma
Stridharma is the dharma of woman. According to god Ram the woman
who worships only to his husband attains Moksha. According to this
Dharma for a woman her husband is companion and God. For a woman
to develop spiritually the husband must. They should treat their husband
like Gods
9. Rashtra dharma
The efforts one used to put for the development of their Rashtra (Nation)
is known as Rashtra dharma
Hindu dharma teaches man to strive for perfect as it says that the final aim of a person is
to attain Moksha which can and will be done by being perfect in their life
It teaches one should do the work regardless of the result. Here the performance of work
is duty and the desire for the result should be irrelevant. In social services this principle
should be applied because in social service one should not expect the personal benefit to
perform the work
Hindu dharma concentrates mainly on truth and reality rather than beliefs. Hindu dharma
never restricts the freedom of thought and feeling of man
Hindu dharma says that there will be rebirth of a person and for every life the soul gets a
new body. This soul passes from one body to another body based on the merits and
demerits of previous lives. This cycle is interlinked to the karma of the person and one
can attain moksha when all the lessons of life are learned. The goal of Hindu dharma is to
attain Moksha. Hindu Dharma mainly concentrates on conduct of the person not on the
beliefs of person. So the quality of Hindu dharma is to respect for others creeds
Hindu dharma is existed due to the teachings of the Vedas. These are the source and authority of
Hindu dharma. In world parliament of religions in Chicago Swami Vivekananda said that the
Vedas have no beginning and no end. This means that they are the collection of laws by the
people at different times. Even before discovering of Vedas people would perform it and this
Vedas would act even the entire universe forget their existence. The credit for discovering of
Vedas goes to the Rishis and those rishis were considered as perfect human beings. These Vedas
are so fresh till today because it is interpreting by the rishis every time based on the
contemporary situations. The term “Veda” is a Sanskrit word which means knowledge. These are
written in four books namely Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. According to
some sources Vedas are written before four thousand years. Rishis believe that Vedas are
considered as the treasury of spiritual truths which were revealed to them by the god. As the
Rishis consider these Vedas are the revealed truths they were called as Shrutis which means
heard. These Vedas contain fundamental and basic principles of Hindu dharma. Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa once said that Vedas do not contain any God but they give the knowledge about
Every Veda contains a part known as Karma Kanda which explains about Rituals. This karma
Kanda again divided into three parts namely Samhita, Brahmana and Aranyaka and the
remaining part of Vedas were called as Jnana Kanda or Upanishads or Vedanta which explains
about the knowledge
Rig Veda
It is considered as oldest among four Vedas it has ten books or mandalas. In this Veda some of
the mandalas are devoted to some of the Rishis for example 2nd mandala is devoted to the Rishi
Gritsamada, the 3rd to Vishvamitra and 4th to Vamadeva and the sixth to Bharadvaja and the fifth
to Atri and the 9th to Soma. Purusha Sukta theory was found in 10th mandala. Rig Veda has three
groups the first one dealt with gods like Indra, Agni and Varuna. The second group dealt with the
parts like the origin of universe and the third dealt with subjects like marriages and wars.
According to this Veda there are 33 dieties who are under the 3 gods namely Prithvi, Vayu and
Anthariksha. According to this Veda the truth is one but the Rishis call it by different names
Sama Veda
This Veda is also known as holy book of songs. These songs are sung by Udgatris at the time of
performance of yagas. This Veda mainly concentrated on performance of rituals. This Veda is
considered as the way to reach the god through songs. Nearly 1875 Verses are present in Sama
Veda. Sama Veda is divided into three parts namely Purva Archika, Uttara Archika and Maha
Namni Archika and this Purva Archika is divided in to four kandas namely Agneya Kanda,
Aindra kanda and Pavmana Kanda. The Purva Archika and Uttara Archika has twobtypes of song
Yajur Veda
This Veda is the collection of Yajus which means mantras and which are useful for performing of
Sacrifices. This Veda is also deals about the rituals and duties of the priest who performs
sacrifices. This Veda has 1975 verses and forty chapters. Mainly this Veda deals about praying or
pleasing the god through the sacrifices. The contents in this Veda are the mantras regarding the
rituals and sacrifices (killing of animals). Some of the Yagnas in this Veda is Agnistoma,
Vajapeya and Rajasuya.
Atharva Veda
Atharva Veda is the last Vedas in the list. This Veda is contributed by the sages Angria and
Atharvan. It has different aspects like Kingship, marriage etc. Atharva Veda discusses about the
tantric system which mentions about mantras to approach the benefit. This Veda also talks about
the Varna system and the prayers regarding the health and long life
History of Buddhism
The word Buddhism means devotion for Buddha this means the enlightened one or the awakened
one. There are many Buddhas in our society according to Buddhist texts but the most common
Buddha we know or we talk about is Gautama Buddha. He was born in a royal family which
ruled kapilvastu now Nepal at time 490 B.C.E., According to Buddhist texts he was born when
his mother queen Mahamaya was travelling to her parental home Devadaha to give birth to her
child. On that way , she gave birth to the child at a place now known as Lumbini. His father
name was Suddhodana and he invited some scholars to name him and they named the baby boy
as Siddharta. After his birth her mother was died and he was nutured by his aunt. He grow up in
the luxuries and he was married to a girl named Yashodhara. At age 29 he went out of the palace
with his charioteer Channa to know about the real world. He had seen four sights which were a
sick man crying with pain, an old suffering or weakened due to age, a dead man whose corpse
were taken for cremation and also a roaming sanyasi. He became so sad and decided to leave his
place, his wife and his son to know about the real life, sufferings and solutions. He practiced
asceticism. He practiced this asceticism for six years and realized that luxury and starvation
won’t give the reality of life and followed a path known as meditation. He meditated under a
Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya and gained enlightenment and he became the enlightened one
(Buddha). He gave his first teachings to some of the ascetics who later became the first disciples
of him. He spread his teachings for forty five years when the Brahmans were dominating the
society. He rejected the concepts of sacrifices and caste system. So it was opened to all classes
Buddha became a teacher and attracted many people to follow his ideas. As many people joined,
a community with certain rules and regulations were formed. Buddha never proclaimed himself
as the leader of the community that’s why he had not appointed any successor of the community.
He encouraged the affected people because of Brahmins to follow his teachings (Dharma).
Teachings of Buddha
Buddha through his teachings and lectures spread his beliefs for 45 years. His teaching
method was unique and different from others. He travelled around the villages and cities with
his disciples and followers and spread his ideas. He was fed by local followers and in the
afternoon he gave the time for meditation and instruction. He followed four noble sutras
which says or explains that the pain in our life can be removed by removing desires in our
1. The first sutra is the existence of sorrow which explains that every one’s life has sorrow
and pain
2. The second sutra is cause of the sorrow which says that the cause for all evils in our life
is desire so it must be removed
3. The third sutra is sorrowing can be prevented by removing the desires in our life the end
of sorrow gives the perfect happiness
4. The fourth sutra explains about the way to obtain happiness and elimination of desires.
He said that the main evil is not the desire but the evil is selfish desire. Buddha gave
moral rules for right living. They are
Let no murder should take place
Let not think about the things which we do not posses
Let no person speak falsely
Let no one drink intoxicating drinks
Let no one have illicit relationship
Let a man overcome evil by good and anger by kindness
Buddha did not concentrate on rituals and sacrifices but concentrated on the efforts or
conduct and he was also not bothered about the caste system he accepted all the people in
to the Buddhism
5. Another important reason is the followers and disciples were also played an
important role in spreading of Buddhism. The goal of their life is to spread their
6. Many kings also played a vital role in spreading of Buddhism. Some of them were
Asoka, Kanishka and harsha. Not only in India these kings they spread these
teachings to the other countries also
7. At that time there was only one important religion i.e. Hinduism, as the people
opposed this dharma the other alternative to them is Buddhism. That means non
development of big rivals like Islam and Christianity led to the migration of
people from Hinduism to Buddhism
Buddhists reject the idea of that god is There are many gods according
present everywhere. Buddha himself to Hinduism but they believe that
rejected that a self-conscious, personal all are from the atman i.e. from
Belief of God
God created the universe. the soul of a person
They believe in rebirth of the persons and .They also believe that life is a
believe that life is a cycle which starts cycle of birth and death ant main
from birth and ends with death. This cycle aim is to stop this cycle which is
Life after death
cane be stopped by attaining Nirvana and called attainment of Moksha
their belief is that through Nirvana they
can escape from suffering called life.
Status of women and also allowed to spread the teachings men became supreme in Hindu
All the other Dharmas were rejected Hindus believe that Dharma of
View on other
Buddhism, Jainism are also part
Dharmas of Hinduism
The goal is to eliminate the sufferings in The goal is to attain the freedom
Goal of life from cycle of birth
We could conclude that after the death of Buddha, Buddhism was considered as an
integral part of Hinduism. But later it went out to the outside world which was affected
by the geographical diversity and tradition and became one of the most important and
influential religions in the world but there is a deep connection between Hinduism and
Buddhism a short history by Edward Conze
Ancient India by V.D. Mahajan