Passive Design Guidebook Designed 2015-12-31 0
Passive Design Guidebook Designed 2015-12-31 0
Passive Design Guidebook Designed 2015-12-31 0
A step-by-step guide to integrating
passive solar design strategies
into your green portfolio
SECTION 2 | 00
SECTION 3 | 00
SECTION 4 | 00
The Passive Design Guide for Existing Buildings offers a resource to building designers so they may better understand the
opportunities and business case for low- and no-energy building renovation solutions. Passive design solutions, which
addresses the local climate and site conditions to maximize the comfort and health of building users while minimizing energy
use, are often overlooked. However, building designers should consider passive design solutions in all building renovations
as they often provide energy-efficient options at low cost.
Existing building renovation offers an interesting challenge for implementing passive design solutions. While it often costs
very little to incorporate passive design elements into a new building, it is more challenging and often more costly to
incorporate these solutions into existing buildings. That being said, existing buildings offer the greatest opportunity for
change. The average commercial building has a lifespan of 70 to 75 years,1 which means that most of the buildings that will
be around during our lives have already been built. These buildings will undergo multiple renovations during their lifetimes
and at each renovation opportunities to optimize the passive design solutions to take advantage of low-cost energy efficiency
opportunities often exist.
The Passive Design Guide for Existing Buildings focuses on solutions that are most likely to be usable for existing buildings
in the Southern California climate. This design guide provides background information and tools for building designers to
better incorporate passive design solutions into renovation projects. Focusing on passive design solutions will help Southern
California design a more sustainable future while also improving the comfort of the people who live and work in its buildings.
Passive design solutions are most cost-effectively and easily employed in new buildings, and strategies are best
implemented during the initial design phase for new construction projects. However, they can also play an important role
during retrofits of existing buildings but may be more challenging. Because the average commercial building has a lifespan of
70-75 years,1 there are more opportunities to renovate existing buildings than there are to influence new buildings, which
only replace or add a few percent to the existing building stock each year. Each renovation that follows a passive design
approach offers an opportunity to optimize the interaction of buildings and their local microclimates, taking advantage of
energy efficiency opportunities for relatively low cost.
The proper application of passive design solutions can greatly reduce building energy requirements before the consideration
of mechanical systems. Even the most efficient mechanical systems will use more energy to maintain thermal comfort in a
poorly designed building than in a well-designed building.
To successfully implement passive design approaches in existing buildings, design teams must:
• Review the characteristics of the existing building, including organization, structure, systems, operational schedules
• Analyze the local microclimate, with as close to site-specific data as possible (see a discussion of Southern
California climate on page 7)
• Define acceptable thermal comfort criteria (see a discussion of thermal comfort criteria on page 17)
• Establish clear and measurable energy performance targets
1 U.S. Department of Energy, (2011). Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Buildings Energy Databook. Chapter 3:
Commercial Sector. Table 3.2.7: Commercial Building Median Lifetimes (Years). Retrieved from http://
Southern California is described as a Mediterranean climate with winter rains and hot, dry summers.2 While the casual
observer may consider the climate to be generally unified across the entirety of Southern California, microclimatic differences
are actually quite large in terms of their impact on passive design approaches. The specific climatic information presented in
this section provides an overview of Southern California climates. More detailed microclimatic information should be collected
for any design project.
Los Angeles
The Los Angeles climate zone is characterized by beaches at the foot of the Southern California hills. The proximity to the
Pacific Ocean maintains a very mild climate and creates winds that provide summer cooling. Average high temperatures
range from about 68°F in the winter months to 84°F in the summer, while average low temperatures range from 47°F to 64°F.
During the winter, rainfall is typically between two and four inches each month. Figure 1 shows average monthly precipitation
and temperature. The prevailing winds come from the west-southwest during the summer, and from the east during the
winter. As one moves east of the coast into the mountains, the average temperatures rise and humidity declines. Solar
radiation is relatively abundant year-round.3
2 University of Southern California Cooperative Extension, (n.d.). Climate, Fire, and Habitat in Southern California. Retrieved
3Pacific Energy Center, (2006). The Pacific Energy Center's Guide to: California Climate Zones. Retrieved from http://
San Diego
San Diego is located in the southernmost coastal region of California. The climate is very mild due to the proximity to warm
ocean water. The summer weather is warm and comfortable, and the area is naturally cooled during evenings due to dense
fogs. Winters are cool, but the winter design temperature is still relatively warm at 44°F. As Figure 2 shows, average high
temperatures range from 65°F in the winter months to 77°F in the summer, while average low temperatures range from 48°F
to 67°F. Typical rainfall amounts to between one and two inches per month during the winter months. Figure 2 shows the
average monthly precipitation and temperature. The prevailing winds come from the west-northwest during the summer and
the northeast during the winter. 4
The climate in Brawley consists of extremely hot, dry summers, and moderately cold winters. In the summer, average
temperatures are much higher than those of other Southern California climate zones and humidity is below the comfort range
for most of the year. The low humidity causes large temperature swings between day and night. Average high temperatures
range from 70°F in the winter months to 107°F in the summer, while average low temperatures range from 40°F to 77°F. The
prevailing winds come from the north in the summer and the southeast during the winter. Brawley receives moderate solar
radiation, though less than the other Southern California climate zones. Unlike Los Angeles and San Diego, occasional
summer storms provide some precipitation, although the majority of the annual precipitation still occurs during the winter.
Average rainfall throughout the year is typically between 0.2 and 0.5 inches each month. Figure 3 shows average monthly
precipitation and temperatures. 5
The climate in Southern California is also affected by heat islands. An urban heat island describes a metropolitan area that is
warmer than surrounding rural areas because of a higher concentration of manufactured materials that collect heat. The
temperature difference as a result of the heat island effect is more pronounced during the summer and winter and when
winds are weak. In Southern California, the Los Angeles area is most affected by the heat island effect because of the high
concentration of population in this area. Passive design strategies for cooling-dominated climates in regions with strong heat
island effects include increasing tree and vegetation cover, creating green and reflective roofs, and using cool pavements to
combat the heat gain from these urban environments.
The heat island effect is very difficult to accurately measure. Landsat satellite images are often used to classify land cover
and identify heat islands, but they do not fully capture radiant emissions. Landsat satellite images primarily observe
emissions from horizontal surfaces such as streets, rooftops, and treetops; they do not completely depict radiant emissions
from such vertical surfaces as walls. The data from Landsat satellite images must also be corrected to accurately represent
the effects of surface properties such as solar reflectance and temperature.
The University of Minnesota conducted a study to determine the variations in temperature and urban heat island effect
across Minneapolis and St. Paul. Researchers recorded temperatures during all seasons from 180 sensors distributed
across the metro area from 2011 through 2014. The study concluded that temperatures in urban areas averaged 2 °F higher
in the summer and in the winter when snow cover is low. The study also found that the temperature differences were higher
at night during the summer and higher during the day in winter. This type of information can be used to inform green
infrastructure projects to help offset surface warming.
Insulation describes products that reduce heat loss or heat gain and provide a barrier between areas of different
temperatures. Effective insulation is one of the most important materials in passive cooling design because its contribution to
reducing heat gain in the summer can help keep a building cool. Some of the most common insulation types include
cellulose, glass wool, polystyrene, polypropylene, recycled cotton denim, and earth. The effectiveness of insulation is
determined by its R-value, which is the material’s resistance to conductive heat flow. Minimum R-values for key building
components (e.g., roof, walls, basement walls) are prescribed in the current (2013) version of the California Building Energy
Efficiency Standards, found in Title 24, Part II, of the California Building Code.
Insulation strategies also affect the interior surface temperature of the building envelope, which, in turn, has a direct impact
on thermal comfort for building occupants. Cold surface temperatures (e.g., from lack of insulation) affect occupant thermal
comfort by both radiation and convection. To achieve effective insulation of the building envelope, building assemblies must
be carefully detailed to avoid thermal bridging. Thermal bridging occurs when a building material, or section of material, has a
significantly higher heat transfer rate than the surrounding materials, which results in an overall reduction of the insulation
value of the entire system.
Thermal Mass
Thermally massive materials have the ability to absorb, store, and gradually release heat. Materials with high thermal mass
are typically high-density materials with high specific heat capacities. Concrete, stone, masonry, and rammed earth are the
most common thermally massive materials. Because of their high specific heat properties, these materials require a large
amount of energy to change their temperature.
When a material with high thermal mass is exposed to a heat source, such as the sun or heat from the building interior, the
thermal mass absorbs that heat. Such material also remains at a more consistent temperature than that of a material with
lower thermal mass. The high thermal mass material will continue to absorb heat until there is no longer a heat gradient
driving that absorption. When the material is exposed to cooler air, it will release its stored heat. This process functions in
reverse with cooling, where the thermally massive material is pre-cooled, such as with cooler nighttime air in the process of
night flushing, and will then absorb heat as the interior space begins to warm from the sun and other internal heat gains.
Night flushing is more fully described in the Natural Ventilation section below.
A designer can ensure effective insulation and the limiting of thermal bridging by using a tool like THERM. THERM is a mod-
eling software tool developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that allows designers to adjust envelope param-
eters, materials, and boundary conditions, and then visualize the heat flow through the proposed wall construction. For ex-
ample, in the images below, the wall/floor condition on the left shows a thermal bridge, and the wall condition on the right
shows a solution to limit the thermal bridging.
When using thermal mass for passive cooling in a design strategy, the designer must consider the time lag and damping that
is achievable with a specific material. Time lag is the difference in time between the peak temperature on the inside surface
of a building component and the peak temperature on the outside surface. Some materials, such as glass, do not have a
substantial time lag, whereas materials with high thermal mass can have a time lag of multiple hours. Damping is the
difference in temperature between the peak temperature on the inside surface of a building component and the peak
temperature on the outside surface. Materials with high thermal mass have greater damping characteristics, which reduce
the temperature fluctuations on the material’s interior surface. Figure 4 illustrates the effects of thermal mass and damping.
External Temperatures
Radiative Cooling
Figure 5 illustrates the two main types of cooling systems used in buildings, convective and radiative cooling. The most
common form of room conditioning is convective cooling by means of forced air, usually through ceiling or wall diffusers.
Convection is the process of heat transfer by the movement of fluids, such as air or water, from one place to another. As air
moves over a hot surface, the air gets warmer, becomes less dense, and rises. Because of the mechanics of convection,
convective cooling requires high ventilation rates and low air temperatures to achieve the typical goal of fully mixed cool air.
Radiative cooling is achieved through radiation rather than air movement. When a wall, floor, or ceiling surface is cooler than
a heat source (e.g., occupant, computer), heat will naturally radiate from the warmer surface to the cooler surface. If all
cooling is achieved through radiation rather than convection, this allows for the decoupling of ventilation and space
conditioning, which in turn allows for lower ventilation rates and a wider temperature deadband, or the neutral temperature
range when neither heating nor cooling is needed.
While radiative cooling is a passive design strategy, lowering the temperatures of room surfaces requires some active
cooling. The two most common strategies for cooling room surfaces are thermally activated building systems (TABS) and
suspended (or surface mounted) metal panels. TABS are comprised of pipes embedded in a thermally massive floor or
ceiling slab. By piping cold water through the slab, the slab surface is cooled down, allowing heat that is radiated by
occupants and other heat producers to be absorbed by the exposed slab. For TABS to be effective, a large exposed surface
area is required. TABS take a long time to cool down due to their thermally massive properties, but the process of radiation
from occupants and other heat sources is immediate. Suspended metal panels work like TABS in that they use water to cool
their surface. However, unlike TABS, the metal panels cool down very quickly because they have low thermal mass and can
therefore more quickly adjust to changes in the outdoor temperature. They also differ in cost; because TABS are integrated
into the building structure, they typically cost less per unit area than metal panels. The ideal climatic conditions for radiative
cooling are low outdoor humidity and a large diurnal temperature swing, or the variation between the high and low
temperature during the same day.
Natural Ventilation
Natural ventilation is a passive cooling strategy that can be successfully implemented in moderate climates. By making
windows operable or by adding more openings to the building enclosure, a building originally designed for mechanical
ventilation can easily make use of natural ventilation.
Natural ventilation can be broken down into two categories: wind-driven ventilation and temperature-driven ventilation. To
use wind-driven ventilation for cooling, architects must design the openings in the building to catch the wind. While single-
sided wind-driven ventilation can be effective, cross ventilation allows for optimal use of the wind. Temperature-driven, or
buoyancy-driven, ventilation does not require any wind to be effective. Instead, ventilation occurs due to the difference in
density between cooler and warmer air. By introducing warm outdoor air into the space at a low inlet, the warm air will rise,
creating an upward air stream, and leave the space at a high outlet. This method is known as the “stack effect,” which is
most commonly seen in solar chimneys, double-skin facades, and rooms with high ceilings. Figure 6 illustrates wind-driven
and temperature-driven ventilation.
Buildings located in a climate that is not optimal for natural ventilation year-round can use both natural and mechanical
ventilation. These types of buildings are considered “mixed-mode.” Mixed-mode buildings describe all buildings that use
different modes of ventilation at different times of the year, different times of the day, or in different rooms at the same time.
One typical strategy used in mixed-mode buildings is night ventilation, or night flushing. Night ventilation is a passive cooling
technique that uses the outdoor diurnal temperature swing and the building’s thermal mass to cool the space. Windows or
other openings in the building enclosure are opened at night, increasing the nighttime airflow, and are closed during the day,
enhancing the radiant cooling capacity when the building is occupied during the day. Some applications of night ventilation
use TABS or phase change materials, which have the ability to offset the peak cooling load. To design for natural ventilation,
architects must size the envelope openings and room configurations to achieve the desired air pattern and necessary
reduction in heat load.
technologies such as automated or operable windows, or low energy technologies such as ceiling fans or pedestal fans. It is
also important to consider the necessity of personal control over air movement, as personal control allows the comfort range
to expand to even higher operative temperatures. Ceiling fans are a very common cooling strategy in developing countries,
and are gaining traction in the United States, especially in high metabolic equivalent spaces such as gymnasiums.
Evaporative Cooling
Evaporative downdraft cooling towers implement a specific application of Figure 7. Evaporative Downdraft Cooling Tower
natural ventilation in which dry outdoor air enters high inlets and passes
through a series of wetted evaporative pads (or misters), which cool the air
as it picks up moisture. The cooler air sinks down through the tower shaft
and into the occupied space, as seen in Figure 7. This semi-passive
strategy requires a simple electric water pump to feed a trickle flow through
the pads. Evaporative downdraft cooling towers are most appropriate in
moderately dry climates in which the wet bulb depression, or the difference
between the dry bulb and wet bulb temperature, is high. The dry bulb
temperature is the air temperature with no consideration of moisture in the
air while the wet bulb temperature is determined by both the air
temperature and the relative humidity. At 100% humidity, the wet bulb
temperature equals the dry bulb temperature. The efficiency of the system
also depends on the tower height, inlet size, and wind speed.
Shading Strategies
The most basic strategy for controlling solar heat gain is to incorporate
shading devices into the building envelope. Horizontal overhangs, vertical
fins, louvers, blinds, and shutters can serve as shading devices. Horizontal
overhangs are ideal for protecting from overhead sun and are best for
southern facades. Vertical fins and louvers are used to protect from low-
altitude sun and are best for east and west facades. To determine the ideal
depth of an overhang, the design team must consider the building height,
glazing height, building orientation, and the path of the sun.
Glazing Properties
Specific types of glazing can also help control solar heat gain. Heat interacts with window glazing through transmission,
reflection, and absorption, as shown in Figure 8. The design team should consider the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC)
and U-factor of any windows they select. The SHGC is the fraction of solar radiation that is transmitted through the window
and/or absorbed and later released into the interior of the building. The U-factor represents the rate of conduction through the
window. It is also important to consider low-emissivity glass, spectrally selective glass, and double- or triple-pane glass. Low-
emissivity (low-e) coatings reduce the U-factor, which increases the insulating properties of the glass. During the summer,
low-e coatings reflect incoming heat and prevent it from entering the interior of the building. If low-e, reflective, and tinted
coatings are not used in conjunction with spectrally selective coatings, they will often lower a window’s visible light
Spectrally selective coatings are designed to reflect heat, which reduces the U-factor and SHGC, while still allowing for the
transmission of visible light. Double- and triple-pane glass include two or three pieces of glass, each of which is separated by
a vacuum or a gas in order to reduce heat transfer and increase the insulating properties of a window. Coatings can be
applied to various surfaces to achieve the desired U-factor and SHGC values. In retrofit situations, windows either can be
replaced with better performing glazing or a film can be applied to existing windows.
Basic climate analysis can give insights on how to minimize solar heat gain and maximize natural ventilation capability,
important goals in a cooling-dominated climate. Take advantage of existing massing and orientation. To minimize solar heat
gain when orientation is set, architects should place high-occupancy spaces in low-irradiance zones of the building.
Irradiance is the measure of solar energy, or brightness, on a surface. Highly occupied spaces create heat from occupants
and therefore should be placed in low-irradiance zones to limit solar heat gain from interior surfaces. Wind-driven natural
ventilation works best in buildings oriented for wind direction and predominant wind speed. Buoyancy-driven ventilation
works best in buildings with high ceilings.
The goal of passive heating strategies is to use energy from the sun to maintain adequate indoor thermal comfort without the
use of energy-intensive systems. Passive heating may be less important than passive cooling in Southern California, but the
climate still demands mechanical heating during the winter. Building owners can realize energy savings when mechanical
heating is replaced by passive heating systems.
Architects can optimize the glazing properties, size, and orientation of a window to provide direct solar gain during the winter
season and shade during the summer. Combining optimal orientation and shading elements can increase the performance of
this strategy. Positioning the glazing area on the south-facing facade to maximize the solar heat gain during the winter and
designing shade elements (such as overhangs) to fully shade this surface during the summer can reduce energy
consumption for space heating and minimize heat gain during the summer, reducing the need for air conditioning. Designers
should use solar simulation software when designing for solar heat gain of an envelope system.7 These software tools will
be discussed in more detail in Section IV.
7 DeKay, M. and Brown, G.Z., (2014). Sun, Wind & Light: architectural design strategies. 3rd edition.
Thermal Mass
Air Cavity Closed
Winter Condition Opened
Heating by Radiation and Convection
Summer Condition
Cooling by Induced Ventilation
Some Trombe walls include vents, which create air circulation and instant heating of the space. Trombe walls without vents
rely on material conduction to transfer heat to the interior of the building. Designers can position vents low and high on the
wall to create convective loops and induce heat circulation to reduce daytime heating loads. High-performing Trombe walls
with vents are usually 12 to 16 inches thick, and those without vents are usually 10 to 14 inches thick. The wall thickness
varies depending on the density of the wall material.
There is high potential for incorporating a Trombe wall in a building retrofit if the building has high-mass walls (such as
concrete blocks, brick, or stone). However, Trombe wall retrofits are only a good design strategy for buildings with good
southern exposure. Therefore, it is important to make sure that trees, overhangs, and adjacent buildings do not shade the
south facade during the day in the winter. Another important element for maximum Trombe wall performance is building
insulation. Without sufficient insulation, the heat will not be stored in the wall. Assuming that the building has a substantial
southern exposure and insulation, adding a Trombe wall can be relatively simple. Typically, builders install an external frame
and layer of glass on the south wall. They position the glass three to six inches from the mass wall and use low-e double
pane windows with a high SHGC. Trombe walls are usually more expensive than direct gain retrofit strategies but are better
suited for spaces used mainly at night or those requiring privacy, such as hotels and hospitals.
A sunspace is an alternative passive solar heat system that can improve thermal comfort. It is usually composed of glass
walls and is attached to a south-facing facade. The sunspace collects solar heat during the day and transmits heat to the
interior of building through windows or vents between the sunspace and the existing building. Sunspace structures can also
be used for growing plants.
Lighting Controls
Lighting controls can produce significant energy savings. Since most people simply do not turn off lights when they leave the
room, lighting controls such as occupancy sensors will turn off lights when spaces are vacant. These controls sense the
presence of people using infrared or ultrasonic motion sensors. Daylight sensors are another type of lighting control. When
sufficient daylight is available, these controls dim or turn off electric lighting, resulting in additional energy savings.
Furthermore, a common energy-efficient option for outdoor lights are photosensors. These electronic control devices adjust
the light output of a lighting system based on the amount of light sensed at certain locations. While some controls simply turn
on lights at dusk and off at dawn, photosensors can also maintain the output of light fixtures to compensate for lamp and dirt
depreciation effects.9
Glare is a common problem and occurs when areas of high and low brightness are located next to each other. To avoid
glare, lighting must be well distributed with low contrast.10 Contrast is the luminance difference between an object and its
background and is measured as the ratio of the luminance of the brighter color to that of the darker color. Lighting designers
should avoid contrasts greater than 10:1 and an absolute illuminance value of 2,000 lux or greater to avoid glare. A contrast
of 20:1 will cause occupants to see silhouettes, although this is often appropriate for corridors. Designers should always
avoid a contrast of 50:1 as it causes discomfort. Architects can use light meters to measure and verify these values.11
In conjunction with proper lighting controls, daylighting can result in significant energy savings through reduced electric
lighting loads and the corresponding decreased cooling load. Through the use of daylighting strategies, the solar gains
experienced during cooling load periods can be reduced and solar gains found during heating load periods can be made
effective, reducing the energy requirements for both cooling and heating a space.12
South-facing windows can be designed to be shaded during the summer while admitting direct sunlight during cold months
when solar heat gain is desirable. North-facing windows have evenly distributed natural light with less glare from direct
sunlight. Architects should minimize east- and west-facing windows to avoid glare and excessive solar heat gain.13
A building’s massing and orientation significantly affect the availability of daylighting. The daylight access of an indoor space
is a function of the location and size of apertures, glazing transmissivity, ceiling reflectance, shape and size of indoor spaces,
and external obstructions. Generally, the amount of light in a space is directly proportional to the glazing area. However,
increasing side light and top-light area can increase heat gain and glare. A well-designed daylighting strategy uses shading
elements, high-performance glass, and proper aperture sizing. ASHRAE 90.1 provides a resource for aperture sizing
guidance through climate-responsive window-to-wall area ratios.
Side light apertures such as windows and glazed doors can deliver daylight a maximum of 25 feet into a space. Side light
can provide not only daylight accessibility, but also views at the occupant level. Generally, the size of windows should be
about 25 to 40% of the wall area. Shading elements such as light shelves or vertical louvers help control glare and heat gain,
as well as reflect light deeper into the space. Figure 11 shows several daylighting strategies.
Screen light: Diffuses light and views Louvers: Blocks summer light, allows
winter light, while maintaining views
In an urban context, daylight may be blocked by adjacent buildings and surrounding elements such as trees. For buildings
with limited daylight availability due to external obstruction or deep floor plans, use of top-light strategies such as skylights
and light tubes can increase daylighting in the space. Skylights can be passive or active, including a mirror system that tracks
the sun. Most commonly, skylights are passive, including double-glazed clear glass or a diffusing acrylic medium that allows
daylight into the building. Light tubes are composed of a highly reflective film that transmits daylight from a lens at the roof
level to the interior of the space.
Daylighting strategies can reduce energy use when well integrated with electric lighting systems. Designers should position
lighting fixtures to complement the daylighting source and circuit the fixtures in zones, allowing occupants to turn off areas of
electric lighting when daylight is available. Electric lighting systems should include dimming and photocell controls to reduce
the use of electricity when daylighting is available.14
14 National Institute of Building Sciences. Whole Building Design Guide, Retrieved from
Solar hot water systems offer a quick payback period, as they are not very expensive to install and save considerable
energy. They are also well-suited to a wide range of climates; the warm and sunny climate of Southern California is a
particularly good application. Most solar hot water systems are designed and installed by solar hot water experts. Building
owners that are interested in installing solar hot water should have a solar hot water technician conduct a feasibility
assessment for their facility.
Rainwater Collection
Rainwater collection is the harvest of rainwater for use on site. Rainwater can be collected from building roofs or from ground
surfaces such as parking lots. Rainwater collection is not an energy-intensive process; it should primarily use gravity to
collect the water from roofs or other impermeable surfaces. The water can flow into reservoirs or cisterns that store the
rainwater until it is needed, when the water is pumped into irrigation or plumbing systems. This water can be used for
landscape irrigation or as greywater for indoor plumbing like flush fixtures in restrooms. Both of these uses reduce the
demand for potable water and can help reduce monthly water bills.
Greywater is gently used water from bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines. It does not include water that
comes from toilets. Greywater may contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and certain cleaning products. It can be used
indoors in flush fixtures or for landscape irrigation. Aside from the benefits of saving potable water and money on water bills,
greywater reuse keeps this water out of the sewer or septic system, which reduces risks of storm overflow.
There are many different passive design strategies but it is important to evaluate which are the best strategies to implement
on each particular building according to the climate, existing building site conditions, and budget. This next section will
inform the process for evaluating options during design and provide tools and processes for successful implementation.
The design team should examine the sun path and wind rose for the site. Considering sun angles and the prevailing wind
direction allows the team to most effectively design for use of passive cooling, passive heating, natural ventilation, and
daylighting. Additionally, the team should evaluate the impact of nearby vegetation, land formations, and adjacent buildings,
including known future developments. These factors will have a direct impact on the effectiveness of passive design
strategies. For daylighting, building orientation has the largest impact on potential passive design strategies. In general,
daylighting and visual comfort are most effective when the long axis of the building is aligned with the east-west axis. Existing
buildings with orientation and massing that does not fit this criteria can still use daylighting via overhangs, light shelves,
skylights, atria, and courtyards.15
Considering the sun path for the site allows the design team to select the most effective daylighting and passive heating and
cooling strategies. Sun path diagrams indicate the sun’s altitude and azimuth for various times throughout the year. Several
software programs have the ability to create sun path diagrams and allow the design team to analyze the sun path for
specific days and times. Some of these programs include Vasari/Revit, Ecotect, and IES Virtual Environment (IESVE).
Designers often study the sun path on the winter and summer solstices in order to evaluate the sun path at its extremes.
Additionally, it may be important to study the path at specific times of day, such as the afternoon when overheating and glare
may be key concerns.16 Figure 12 shows two examples of a sun path diagram. The images on the top show the sun path
throughout the day on June 21st, the summer solstice. The images on the bottom show the sun path throughout the year at a
fixed time of 12 p.m.
16 Ibid.
Building depth, height, and orientation have a significant impact on effectiveness of passive ventilation systems. In general,
wind-driven ventilation is maximized when the short axis of the building aligns with prevailing winds. Additionally, stack
ventilation is most effective when the height difference between air inlets and outlets is maximized. For existing buildings
where the orientation and opening locations may not be optimal, natural ventilation can still be achieved. However, this may
require the modification of the building structure or the construction of additional structural elements designed to channel air
in a specific direction.17 Before moving forward with a natural ventilation strategy, the design team should consider the
necessity and feasibility of these structural modifications. Figure 13 shows two examples of wind roses. Each wind rose
presents the same data: the frequency and speed of wind blowing from each direction. The example on the left shows a
speed distribution, which includes frequency on the radial scale. The example on the right shows a frequency distribution,
where the radial scale represents wind speed instead of frequency.18 Numerous software programs have the ability to create
a wind rose for a specific site. These programs include both architectural and energy analysis programs such as Revit,
Ecotect, IESVE, and Climate Consultant.
Along with building orientation and layout, the design team should consider the available space for building additions and the
ability to modify the building structure. Both of these factors may eliminate some passive design strategies from
consideration. For example, the ability to add new windows or openings for natural ventilation may not be possible for some
buildings. The building conditions also may inhibit modifications to the existing building structure such as the construction of
a solar chimney or the addition of thermal mass. In addition to evaluating the ability to modify the external building structure,
the design team should consider the potential to alter the interior structure and layout. The building’s operational program
has a substantial impact on heating and cooling loads and the strategies that can be used to address them. One strategy to
minimize cooling energy use involves moving spaces with large internal gains to north- or east-facing facades. However, this
may not be possible for some buildings as it could involve changes to the existing building structure. 19
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.
19 City of Vancouver, (2009). Passive Design Toolkit.
In order to select appropriate passive design strategies, the design team should have an understanding of occupant comfort
and behavior. This includes the consideration of comfort criteria including air temperature, air speed, brightness, humidity,
metabolic rate, and occupant attire. For example, occupant thermal comfort requirements for a gym may be dramatically
different from that of an office. The range of acceptable thermal comfort parameters may influence the selection of passive
design strategies. In addition to occupant comfort, the team should evaluate occupant behavior, including typical occupancy
schedules. Both occupant comfort and behavior can be obtained using occupant surveys. 21
When targeting passive design options, the design team should also consider any energy performance goals indicated by the
building owner or other stakeholders. Energy performance goals are often expressed as a percent reduction in energy use
between the pre- and post-retrofit conditions. As a result, it may be important to evaluate the building’s current energy use in
order to demonstrate that any goals have been achieved after the retrofit. Primary tools and strategies for the evaluation of
building energy use include analyzing electric and gas utility bills and building energy modeling. Analyzing electric and gas
utility bills informs seasonal peaks in energy use, which can help the design team select passive design strategies that will
have an impact on those peaks. Building energy modeling is especially useful for projects that have energy performance
goals, as the team can easily compare two models for the pre- and post- retrofit conditions. Building energy modeling will be
discussed in more detail in the following section.
U.S. Department of Energy, (2003). The Business Case for Sustainable Design in Federal Facilities. Retrieved from https://
The evaluation of building water use includes the analysis of indoor use, outdoor use, and any specialized use such as
kitchens and cooling towers. When evaluating design options, the design team should start by developing a water balance. A
water balance accounts for all water use in a building including fixtures, appliances, equipment, irrigation, and wastewater
discharge. Primary tools and methods for the evaluation of building water use include the analysis of water bills and
consumption data from water meters and submeters. Water metering enables the design team to track water consumption
and target design options that will have a significant impact on water reduction. Although building-level metering is important
for tracking total water consumption over time, the design team should also consider the metering of subsystems that may
have a significant impact on water consumption. Depending on the building type and water consumption trends and
expenses, these subsystems may include irrigation, indoor fixtures and equipment, domestic hot water, reclaimed water, and
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment.
One of the most widely used tools for evaluating energy savings is modeling software used to complete project-specific
building energy modeling. Architects and engineers should use whole-building energy modeling software to evaluate energy
savings because passive design strategies can have numerous interactive effects. Energy modeling can be used for several
purposes including evaluating energy savings for several design strategies, complying with green building certification
requirements, or evaluating the savings achieved by a final design when compared to the existing building.
Building energy modeling software often includes complex mathematical models requiring a variety of input data including
building geometry, weather data, building programming, construction materials, occupant and equipment schedules,
equipment power density, and HVAC equipment specifications. Typical outputs from the software include heating and cooling
loads, energy use by equipment type, and energy consumption.22 Due to the complexity of passive design strategies and the
software used for the analysis, including an energy modeling expert as part of the design team throughout the entire design
process is highly recommended. The building energy modeling process requires the cooperation of architects, engineers,
energy modelers, and other members of the design team in order to effectively evaluate passive design strategies and the
potential energy savings achieved by the final design.
There are numerous energy modeling programs, all of which have various capabilities. The Building Energy Software Tools
Directory, managed by the International Building Performance Simulation Association, maintains a list of hundreds of
software tools with descriptions of their capabilities. Some of the most widely used whole-building energy modeling programs
are eQUEST, EnergyPlus, TRACE 700, and IESVE. The design team may also wish to use software tools that focus on
specific building elements and passive design strategies. For example, Radiance and AGi32 are often used to evaluate
lighting and daylighting strategies. IESVE also includes specific modules dedicated to lighting and daylighting analysis.
Additionally, design teams for buildings incorporating renewable energy systems may utilize software such as PVWatts and
HOMER to make estimates of the energy generated by these systems.
In addition to evaluating savings through building energy modeling, there are several factors the design team should consider
when evaluating energy savings. In order to maximize savings, the team should consider the adoption of multiple passive
design strategies, including integrating daylighting design and electrical lighting through advanced controls or combining
solar heat gain with daylighting and internal heat load strategies. However, while some strategies have positive interactions,
it is always important to evaluate synergies between each strategy to ensure that their combination does not negatively
impact energy efficiency and occupant comfort.
The evaluation of water use and water reduction strategies may require a variety of data including site plans for vegetated
areas and water meters, fixture/equipment locations and specifications, occupancy schedules, water meter/submeter data,
and expected water quantities from alternative sources such as rainwater harvesting and greywater. For the evaluation of
outdoor water use, tools such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) WaterSense Water Budget Tool can
be used to calculate landscape water requirements for various plant types, planting densities, and irrigation systems. When
calculating the final landscape water requirement, the design team should account for any water reductions due to the use of
alternative water sources. For example, rainwater harvesting potential can be estimated with the use of historical rainfall data
and harvesting equipment specifications. For the evaluation of indoor water use, fixture and equipment water use is typically
calculated based on equipment specifications and occupancy schedules.
Cost- effectiveness is one of the most important elements that the design team should consider when evaluating passive
design strategies. Cost-effectiveness can be evaluated through several methods including simple payback, internal rate of
return (IRR), and lifecycle cost analysis. The simple payback method, defined as the time required for the project’s annual
cost savings to equal its investment cost, is one of the most commonly used methods to evaluate cost-effectiveness. For
example, a $600,000 retrofit that saves $100,000 per year in energy costs has a simple payback of six years. Although this
method is easy to use, it does not consider costs and benefits over the full lifecycle of the investment. A second method often
used to evaluate cost-effectiveness is the IRR. Unlike the simple payback method, the IRR method considers a series of
Rocky Mountain Institute, (2013). Building Energy Modeling for Owners and Managers. Retrieved from
cash flows over a specific analysis period. Specifically, the IRR represents the discount rate that results in a net present
value of zero. Although the IRR method accounts for multiple cash flows over time, it assumes that these cash flows can be
reinvested at the IRR, which may not be a realistic assumption.23
Due to the substantial benefits that passive design strategies can provide over the full lifecycle of the investment, lifecycle
cost analysis (LCCA) methods are recommended for the evaluation of cost-effectiveness. LCCA methods account for all
cash flows over the lifetime of the project. When selecting between multiple passive design strategies, the design team
should consider the strategies with the lowest lifecycle costs. Unlike the simple payback method, the LCCA method accounts
for the time value of money. When using the LCCA method, each cash flow is reduced to its present value (PV). Important
cash flows include the initial investment cost, energy costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, rebates and incentives,
and salvage value. The lifecycle cost for an investment is defined as follows:
Res = residual value (resale value, salvage value) less disposal costs
E = energy costs
W = water costs
Investment costs refer to all initial costs associated with the construction of passive design strategies. This includes the
purchase cost of equipment and materials as well as installation costs. Replacement costs include any equipment and
materials that must be replaced when they reach the end of their useful life during the analysis period. The analysis should
assume that each component is replaced with a system with the same characteristics and efficiency as the original. Financial
incentives include rebates, tax credits, subsidies, and other incentives offered by the government and utilities. Residual value
is not common for building retrofits but should be included for any components that have salvage or resale value. Non-fuel
O&M costs associated with passive design strategies and energy-efficient equipment are often assumed to be less than
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, (2011).
those for traditional buildings; however, the design team should carefully consider any expected O&M costs and how these
costs may vary between different design options.26,27
Energy and water costs are some of the primary drivers for retrofits and should be carefully considered. When evaluating
energy costs from electricity and gas use for any cost-effectiveness method, it is important to use the utility rate schedules for
the building. This will allow for an accurate calculation of energy costs that accounts for any price variations throughout the
day or year. Additionally, it is important to determine the applicable peak demand charges, which can have a significant
impact on energy costs for some building types. In many cases, the modeling software that is used to complete project-
specific building energy modeling can also be used to evaluate energy costs when used in conjunction with utility rates. If this
is not possible due to software restrictions or complicated rate structures, hourly energy consumption results can be exported
from the software for a manual calculation of energy costs. In addition to utilizing the correct utility rate schedules, the design
team should also consider applying escalation rates to energy prices. Although energy prices are volatile and difficult to
predict, many economic analyses often include energy price escalation. One of the most commonly used sources for
escalation rates is the Annual Energy Outlook published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.28
It is important to note that the results of LCCA depend on the discount rate and the lifetime assumed for the project. The
discount rate is used to bring all cash flows occurring at different times to a common point in time. Discount rates should
accurately represent the rate of return that could be earned on an investment with a similar lifetime and level of risk.29 The
lifetime of the project should include the construction period as well as the occupancy period. In order to effectively compare
passive design strategies, the lifetime for the economic analysis should be the same for all strategies that are considered.30
Although the LCCA method is recommended when comparing passive design strategies, it is also important to consider any
stakeholder preferences when presenting cost-effectiveness. Some stakeholders may be comfortable with specific methods,
including simple payback or IRR. In this case, the design team should consider presenting cost-effectiveness through several
methods, with the inclusion of other elements that can build the business case for passive design strategies. In addition to
direct costs and benefits, LCCA often considers factors that have social and environmental impacts. Although these factors
are difficult to quantify, a complete LCCA considers social and environmental benefits and costs when presenting the final
business case for passive design strategies. Section V describes the business case for passive design in detail.
26 Ibid.
27 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, (2011).
28 Ibid.
29 U.S. Green Building Council, (2013). LEED Reference Guide for Building Design and Construction v4.
30 National Institute of Building Sciences.
Indoor air quality (IAQ), ventilation, thermal comfort, lighting, noise, and views all influence IEQ.31 IAQ refers to indoor
pollutant concentrations that can affect occupant comfort, health, and productivity. It is estimated that the average person
spends about 90% of their time indoors, where pollutant concentrations can be higher than outdoor concentrations due to
pollutants that are generated inside the building. Improving ventilation is one of the most common methods used to improve
IAQ in commercial buildings. However, providing significantly more outdoor air than a space requires often increases energy
requirements for HVAC equipment. A ventilation strategy incorporating natural ventilation has the potential to maintain good
IAQ while reducing energy use.
Ventilation rates indicate how much outdoor air is supplied to a specific space in a building by both mechanical and natural
methods. Ventilation is often described using air changes per hour, which is a function of the size of the space and the
volumetric flow rate of air.32 One of the most widely used resources for evaluating ventilation is ASHRAE Standard 62.1 –
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, which includes minimum requirements for the amount of outdoor air that should
be delivered to different types of spaces in a building. This ASHRAE Standard includes calculation procedures and
requirements for mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation, and mixed-mode systems. Before using any standards, the
design team should determine any local code requirements for building retrofits. For example, many localities adopt
California Title 24 standards, which have different calculation procedures and requirements for ventilation.
Thermal comfort refers to occupants’ satisfaction with the thermal conditions inside a building. Thermal comfort will be
described in detail in the following section. For buildings where thermal comfort, IAQ, and ventilation are especially important
or are primary components of a passive design strategy, the design team should consider the use of specific software tools
designed to evaluate these factors. Some of these tools include FloVENT and ANSYS Fluent. Both of these tools use
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models to analyze airflow. If the design strategies or IEQ criteria warrant an in-depth
study using these tools, engineers, building physics specialists, or other members of the team that have CFD expertise
should complete the analysis.
Lighting strategies are an important consideration for any building design due to their impact on energy use and IEQ.
Daylighting has the potential to significantly reduce lighting energy use; however, it is important to consider glare, illumination
levels, light distribution, and brightness, all of which have impacts on IEQ. When designing a lighting system, the design team
should start by determining the recommended lighting levels for the activities occurring in the building. Lighting criteria can be
found in local building codes, green building certification standards, or resources such as The Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America Handbook.33 When daylighting plays a significant role in a lighting strategy, several software tools
can be used to evaluate illuminance and glare. One of the most widely used tools is Radiance, which is built in to several
other software tools including Ecotect and IESVE. IESVE also includes other modules that analyze light distribution from
artificial light or a combination of artificial and natural light. Another widely used software tool for artificial light analysis and
visualization is AGi32. Figure 15 shows two examples of renderings produced by lighting analysis software. The image on the
left is an illuminance rendering with daylighting only, while the image on the right is a rendering with electric lighting only.
Two other important elements of IEQ include noise and views. Depending on the building location, orientation, and layout,
noise may be of particular concern for retrofits incorporating natural ventilation strategies. The design team should carefully
consider how all strategies will affect noise and views, as both of these may have impacts on occupant productivity and
satisfaction. Similar to daylighting, glare is sometimes a concern when designing for views. If views are especially important,
the design team should consider utilizing daylighting tools to analyze glare.
Australian Government, (2007). ESD Design Guide for Office and Public Buildings. Retrieved from https://
32 Autodesk Sustainability Workshop
33 Ibid.
Thermal Comfort
One of the most important aspects of IEQ is thermal comfort. ASHRAE Standard 55 – Thermal Environmental Conditions for
Human Occupancy defines thermal comfort as “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal
environment and is assessed by subjective evaluation.” Thermal comfort includes six parameters: air temperature, humidity,
MRT, air speed, clothing level, and metabolic rate. The typical comfort range is thought to be between 68°F and 80°F and
20% and 80% relative humidity.34 Although thermal comfort is highly subjective, it is an important factor to evaluate for
energy-efficient buildings. If occupants are not comfortable, they may utilize HVAC systems to increase building energy
Passive design strategies can have a significant impact on the four environmental factors that make up thermal comfort: air
temperature, MRT, humidity, and air speed. The comfort of occupants depends not only on air temperature but also on the
temperature of surrounding objects. The MRT is the weighted average of the temperatures of surfaces adjacent to an
occupant.36 As a result, the MRT for an occupant near a window will be different than that for an occupant located in an
interior zone. While almost all passive design strategies have an impact on air temperature and MRT, natural ventilation
strategies have the most significant impact on humidity and air speed. Clothing and metabolic rate also have a substantial
impact on occupant thermal comfort. Clothing level is measured in clo and refers to the amount of thermal insulation an
occupant is wearing. Metabolic rate is measured in met and is defined as the energy generated by an occupant based on
their activity.37 Typical clothing insulation values and metabolic rates for typical activities can be found in references such as
the ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals.
When considering the incorporation of passive design strategies, it is important for the design team to evaluate the range of
conditions where occupants feel comfortable, often referred to as the “comfort zone.” One of the most important tools for
visualizing air conditions and the comfort zone is the psychrometric chart. Figure 16 shows a simple example of a
psychrometric chart. The vertical blue lines represent dry bulb temperature, and the diagonal green lines represent wet bulb
temperature. Relative humidity is indicated on the curved red lines. The comfort zone is often indicated by shading a portion
of the psychrometric chart. This comfort zone is dependent on several factors including location, building activities, and the
level of clothing worn by the occupants.38
Passive design strategies can impact the comfort zone by shifting it to lower or higher temperature and/or humidity levels.
For example, if more radiant heat is available, occupants may still feel comfortable at lower air temperatures. Conversely,
occupants may still feel comfortable at higher air temperatures if more air movement is present. Figure 17 shows an example
of a psychrometric chart with a comfort zone. In this case, the blue boxes indicate the comfort zone without any passive
design strategies. The blue box on the left shows the comfort zone for winter clothing, while the box on the right shows the
comfort zone for summer clothing. The green box indicates the comfort zone when natural ventilation is applied; with this
strategy, the comfort zone shifts to include higher temperatures.
Although thermal comfort is subjective and difficult to measure, several methods for quantifying thermal comfort have been
developed. ASHRAE Standard 55 presents two thermal comfort models: the predicted mean vote (PMV) model and the
adaptive comfort model. The PMV model includes a thermal scale that ranges from -3 (Cold) to +3 (Hot), with zero
representing neutral. The PMV is calculated through a heat balance mathematical model that relates thermal comfort
parameters. The thermal comfort range recommended by ASHRAE Standard 55 corresponds to a PMV range between -0.5
and +0.5. The PMV model is typically used for buildings that utilize active mechanical systems. The percentage of occupants
that will not be satisfied with a set of thermal conditions is represented by the predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD). As the
PMV moves away from a value of zero (neutral), the PPD increases. ASHRAE Standard 55 recommends a PPD of less than
38 Ibid.
39 Ibid.
The adaptive comfort model is more appropriate for buildings incorporating passive design strategies because it
acknowledges a difference in expectations between occupants in a mechanically cooled building and a naturally ventilated
building. The adaptive comfort model assumes that thermal discomfort will prompt occupants to take actions such as making
clothing adjustments, opening or closing a window, and using controls. This assumption widens the comfort range and
expands the acceptable comfort conditions for occupants. The adaptive comfort model is appropriate for a building with
operable windows and no mechanical cooling system.40
Several tools are available to evaluate thermal comfort. Design teams can purchase thermal comfort software such as
ASHRAE’s Thermal Comfort Tool, which makes thermal comfort predictions using several existing thermal comfort models
including the PMV and adaptive comfort models. Alternatively, there are free software tools that can be used to evaluate
thermal comfort, including the Center for the Built Environment’s Thermal Comfort Tool. In order to utilize these thermal
comfort tools, the design team should start by evaluating occupant characteristics such as clothing level and metabolic rate.
Next, the design team should set comfort criteria for operative temperature, humidity, and air speed for each area of the
building. The comfort criteria should consider the building’s occupancy schedules, the level of occupant control, and any
energy or comfort goals established by the building owner.41
40 Ibid.
41 U.S. Green Building Council. (2013).
IPD brings all stakeholders to the table early and often to make design decisions when they are the most effective and least
costly. The Macleamy curve shown in Figure 18 illustrates how the ability to affect design decreases through the design pro-
cess while the cost of making these changes increases. By shifting typical design decisions to earlier phases in the schedule,
project teams can influence the design in a positive way while spending less money. Including occupants in the design pro-
cess can also increase acceptance at the end of the project.
Figure .
It is important to establish an operations cycle before designing or retrofitting a building’s systems using passive design strat-
egies. The first step is always to establish a baseline, through measuring performance data or using existing data if it is al-
ready collected. The next steps entail assessing the current building status, including the structure, systems and interiors
age, identifying existing thermally passive structures, and identifying tuning opportunities within the envelope and systems.
The design team should use this information and data to establish performance targets. These targets may include thermal
comfort, peak performance, annual energy, and thermal resilience. It is important to identify targets before taking any design
steps, so that design decisions align with pre-established goals.
Once the building assessment is complete and performance targets are set, the design team should do a comprehensive
evaluation of the site opportunities and needs, including establishing site ecology, thermal needs, and determining design
solutions. The design team should use modeling tools to compare design solutions and confirm selected systems and strate-
gies will meet the performance targets. When the passive strategies are implemented, it is important to establish an ongoing
performance tracking mechanism. This ongoing feedback will allow building operators to assess functionality regularly and
make changes when needed to continue to achieve performance goals. Ongoing maintenance is important for continued
performance. This can be accomplished by designing for a planned life and age, identifying ways of ongoing feedback and
benefits, and designing systems for future improvements and upgrades. This full timeline is illustrated in Figure X.
In addition to energy savings, one of the primary benefits of passive design is improved occupant comfort in the renovated
space. To ensure that this improvement or any specific comfort goals are achieved, the design team should consider con-
ducting pre- and post-renovation measurements. These occupant comfort evaluations can include thermal comfort, air quali-
ty, acoustic comfort, lighting comfort, and office layout.
If the building will be occupied during construction, phasing will be important to maintain worker productivity with limited dis-
ruption. Health and safety for building occupants and construction workers are also important to consider both during and
after construction. It is common practice in the industry to follow the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors
Association’s (SMACNA’s) IAQ guidelines during construction. Following these guidelines includes limiting particulates, vola-
tile organic compounds, and microorganisms; using MERV 8 filters during construction; protecting HVAC equipment, duct-
work, and absorptive materials; considering source control and pathway interruption of potential contaminants; and good
housekeeping around the site. Additionally, smoking should be prohibited onsite, and vehicles should not be idling close to
outdoor air intakes. These concepts are important to consider both for the health of construction workers and also for the
health of occupants in cases where the building is still in use during construction.
Once the building renovation is complete or each phase is complete, a building flush out should be conducted to fully remove
any remaining contaminants in the building to prepare for occupant move in. If the building is being turned over in phases,
the flush out can also be conducted in phases. It is important that each flushed area is then isolated from non-flushed por-
Workplace Productivity
Workplace productivity, or task performance, can be measured by looking at quantity of work produced as well as the quality
of that work. There have been several studies on how daylight, outside views, ventilation, and other green building
components can affect the productivity of workers. Figure 19, adapted from a 2013 World Green Building Council (WGBC)
report, illustrates the productivity benefits of green buildings that utilize windows, daylighting, and improvements in lighting,
ventilation, and temperature control. A 2003 study by Heschong Mahone looked at call center workers and established that
given access to outdoor views, staff processed calls 6%-12% faster and performed 10%-25% better on mental function and
memory tests than staff without views.
Furthermore, connections to the environment through daylight and operable windows increased individual productivity as well
as organizational productivity through retail sales.
Figure .
In the Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, William J. Fisk concludes that, “for the United States, the estimated
potential annual savings and productivity gains are $6 to $14 billion from reduced respiratory disease, $1 to $4 billion from
reduced allergies and asthma, $10 to $30 billion from reduced SBS symptoms, and $20 to $160 billion from direct
improvements in worker performance that are unrelated to health.” The use of passive design strategies such as daylighting,
natural ventilation, and IAQ can contribute to these savings and better occupant health.
There are several environmental benefits that can result from using passive design strategies, particularly in existing
buildings. These include reducing pollution, ecosystem benefits, and lower resource use.
Less Pollution
The current U.S. building stock consumes 40% of U.S. energy, releases 30% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and 38% of
carbon dioxide emissions, and uses nearly 13% of all potable water in the United States. All energy- and water-reducing
measures implemented in buildings help to lessen the pollution impact. Particularly, energy savings resulting from passive
heating, cooling, and daylighting strategies reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the production of other pollutants
associated with energy generation. This improves the air quality in the immediate vicinity of the building and has global
implications by minimizing the contribution to climate change.
Ecosystem Impact
Some green building strategies such as green roofs can preserve the local ecosystem. Green roofs, which are used to grow
plants on the roof as opposed to a non-permeable surface, provide a habitat for both animals and plants. They also absorb
more water than hard surfaces, reducing runoff from the building to the surrounding landscape and preventing water pollution
and erosion. Green roofs also minimize the urban heat island effect, as they are lighter in color and less reflective than
traditional roofing materials. Other strategies similar to green roofs are cool roofs, in which the roof is painted white to reduce
the heat island effect, or blue roofs, which employ a number of water-absorbing or water-slowing mechanisms to reduce
runoff and the associated erosion and pollution issues.
Passive design strategies also offer many financial benefits including reductions in energy costs, keeping tenants longer,
and decreasing maintenance costs. When evaluating the financial benefits of a retrofit project, it is important to go beyond
weighing retrofit costs against energy cost savings in order to capture the total value of the retrofit. The Rocky Mountain
Institute developed a useful guide on this topic, titled “How to calculate and present deep retrofit value.” Figure 20
demonstrates this approach, which takes into account the development cost reductions, operating cost savings, tenant-
based revenues, and sales proceeds in addition to the energy cost savings.
Figure .
Source: Rocky Mountain Institute, (2015). How to Calculate and Present Deep Retrofit Value.
Callison, LLC
DPR achieved Net Zero Energy and LEED Platinum certification on its San Diego office by utilizing passive design features.
Through a major building retrofit, DPR incorporated natural ventilation and daylighting techniques into the 1984 one-story, tilt-
up concrete building. The retrofit increased daylighting by maximizing window area and adding vertical skylights and
Solatube light tubes. DPR also installed rooftop monitors to control the building’s electrical lighting and mechanical systems.
When the rooftop photosensors capture more than 30-foot candles of available daylight, the electric lighting fixtures
automatically turn off. In order to eliminate the need for tasklighting, DPR uses a layered lighting strategy that introduces the
appropriate light levels for each space’s use.
DPR’s office has operable windows that are connected to the building management system. These windows are also
controlled by the rooftop monitors on the north side of the roof. When the temperature outside is within the set comfort range,
the windows open and the HVAC system turns off and locks. This passive ventilation is employed in about 80% of the total
square footage of the building. The remaining floor area is composed of multi-occupant spaces and utilizes occupancy
sensors to control the HVAC system. Large, high-volume fans are installed to move air throughout the space when the
mechanical systems are turned off.
These passive design strategies have significantly improved the overall energy consumption of the office. Since
implementing these strategies and completing the retrofit, DPR's office achieved an energy utilization index of 4 kilowatt
hours per square foot. Using data from the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey, this value represents 25% of
the national average for commercial offices resulting in an Energy Star score of 97. Through these design strategies, the
building reduces energy use by 35% annually and reduces energy cost by 38% when compared to a baseline building
defined by ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007. In addition, the building also implemented high efficiency, low-flow fixtures to
reduce indoor water consumption and save 40% in annual water savings when compared to a calculated baseline defined by
the Uniform Plumbing Code.
Partner Resources
Other Resources
ASHRAE Standards
ASHRAE 90.1 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
ASHRAE 55 – Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
ASHRAE 62.1 – Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
ASHRAE 189.1 – Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings
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