T700 Prepreg Material Charecterization

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The document outlines testing procedures and results for material properties of TORAY T700SC-12K-50C/#2510 prepreg.

The document scope includes test procedures, prepreg documentation, lamina material properties testing and results for the specified prepreg material.

The methodology section outlines the test matrix, environmental conditioning, fluid sensitivity screening, normalization procedures, statistical analysis, and material performance envelope interpolation used in testing.

Advanced General

Aviation Transport

A – Basis and B – Basis

Design Allowables
Epoxy – Based Prepreg

TORAY T700SC-12K-50C/#2510
Plain Weave Fabric
[SI Units]


October 2002

J. Tomblin, J. Sherraden, W. Seneviratne, K. S. Raju

National Institute for Aviation Research
Wichita State University
Wichita, KS 67260-0093

1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................1
1.1. Scope ..............................................................................................2
1.2. Symbols Used ..................................................................................3
1.3. Acronyms and Definitions ..................................................................4
1.4. References.......................................................................................5
1.5. Methodology.....................................................................................9
1.5.1. Test Matrix..................................................................................9
1.5.2. Environmental Conditioning .......................................................11
1.5.3. Fluid Sensitivity Screening .........................................................11
1.5.4. Normalization Procedures..........................................................13
1.5.5. Statistical Analysis ....................................................................14
1.5.6. Material Performance Envelope and Interpolation........................14 Interpolation Example.............................................................16


PROPERTIES ...................................................................................................18
2.1. GENERAL......................................................................................19
2.1.1. Materials...................................................................................19
2.1.2. Lay-up/Bagging .........................................................................19
2.1.3. Cure.........................................................................................20
2.1.4. Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) ...............................................20
2.1.5. Tabbing ....................................................................................23
2.1.6. FAA Test Coupon Conformity and Test Witness ..........................23 Test Coupon Conformity.........................................................23 Test Witness .........................................................................24
2.2. Prepreg Documentation by Prepreg Lot............................................25
2.3. Data Documentation .......................................................................28

3. TORAY T700SC-12K-50C/#2510 LAMINA PROPERTIES...........................31

3.1. Test Results ...................................................................................32

3.1.1. Summary..................................................................................32
3.1.2. Individual Test Summaries.........................................................33 Tension, 1-axis ......................................................................34 Tension, 2-axis ......................................................................35 Compression, 1-axis ..............................................................36 Compression, 2-axis ..............................................................37 Shear, 12 axis .......................................................................38 Shear, 13 axis .......................................................................39
3.1.3. Individual Test Charts................................................................40 Tension, 1-axis ......................................................................41 Tension, 2-axis ......................................................................42 Compression, 1-axis ..............................................................43 Compression, 2-axis ..............................................................44 Shear, 12 axis .......................................................................45 Shear, 13 axis .......................................................................46
3.2. Raw Data .......................................................................................47
3.2.1. Raw Data Spreadsheets and Scatter Charts ...............................48
3.2.2. Fluid Sensitivity Raw Data Spreadsheets and Scatter Charts .......95
3.2.3. Representative Shear Stress-Strain Curve ................................ 100
3.3. Statistical Results ............................................................................. 102


A.1. Physical Properties .......................................................................... 114
A.1.1. Uncured Resin Content ............................................................... 114
A.1.2. Uncured Volatile Content ............................................................ 114
A.1.3. Resin Gel Time .......................................................................... 114
A.1.4. Resin Flow ................................................................................. 114
A.1.5. Uncured Fiber Areal Weight ........................................................ 114
A.1.6. Infrared Spectroscopy................................................................. 114
A.1.7. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) ....................... 115
A.1.8. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) ...................................... 115
A.1.9. Cured Neat Resin Density........................................................... 115

A.1.10. Fiber Volume ............................................................................ 115
A.1.11. Resin Volume ........................................................................... 115
A.1.12. Void Content ............................................................................ 116
A.1.13. Cured Laminate Tg by DMA ...................................................... 116
A.2. TENSILE PROPERTIES................................................................... 116
A.2.1. 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Tensile Properties ................................... 116
A.2.1.1. Tensile Calculations .............................................................. 117
A. Tensile Strength (Un-normalized) ..................................... 117
A. Tensile Strength (Normalized) .......................................... 118
A. Tensile Modulus of Elasticity (Un-normalized) ................... 118
A. Tensile Modulus of Elasticity (Normalized) ........................ 118
A. 0° (Warp) Tensile Poisson’s Ratio .................................... 118
A.3. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ........................................................... 119
A.3.1. 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Compressive Strength Properties ............. 119
A.3.1.1. Compressive Strength Calculations ........................................ 120
A. Compressive Strength Calculation (Un-normalized) ........... 120
A. Compressive Strength Calculation (Normalized) ................ 120
A.4. COMPRESSIVE MODULUS ............................................................. 120
A.4.1. 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Compression Modulus Properties ............. 120
A.4.1.1. Compression Modulus Calculations ........................................ 121
A. Compressive Modulus Calculation (Un-normalized) ........... 121
A. Compressive Modulus Calculation (Normalized) ................ 122
A.5. IN-PLANE (IOSIPESCU) SHEAR ...................................................... 122
A.5.1. In-plane (Iosipescu) Shear Strength Calculations .......................... 123
A.5.1.1. In-plane (Iosipescu) Shear, Ultimate Strength Calculation........ 123
A.5.1.2. In-plane (Iosipescu) Shear, Modulus Calculation..................... 123
A.6. SHORT BEAM SHEAR..................................................................... 123
A.6.1. Short Beam Shear Strength Calculations ..................................... 124
A.6.1.1. Short Beam Shear Strength Calculation.................................. 124


APPENDIX C. PHYSICAL TEST RESULTS..................................................... 135

APPENDIX D. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SUMMARY ...................................... 161

SAMPLES (SUPPLEMENT TO DOT/FAA/AR-47/00) ........................................ 172

APPENDIX F. RAW TESTING SUMMARIES ................................................... 178


FORM 8130-3 ................................................................................................. 205


This material characterization program was performed to characterize the lamina

properties of Toray Composites (America), T700SC-12K-50C/#2510, 190 g/m2,
plain weave fabric, herein designated F6273C-07M. The F6273C-07M prepreg
material system designation shall be used to refer the material in this report. The
material qualification was conducted under FAA project number TC1616SE-A
through Lancair Company that wanted to use the aforementioned material
prepreg system on their LC40 aircraft.

This report contains the test results obtained from the tests conducted for the
material qualification of F6273C-07M in accordance with FAA Document
DOT/FAA/AR-00/47: Material Qualification and Equivalency for Polymer Matrix
Composite Material Systems and Toray Composites (America), Inc. (TCA)
Material Process Specification, TCSPF-T-FC05, Revision 1 dated February 4,
2000. Toray Composites (America), Inc. (TCA), Integrated Technologies (Intec),
National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) and Rose Consulting performed
the testing on the unexposed and exposed prepreg materials for lamina baseline
test properties in accordance with ASTM test methods, SACMA test methods,
and TCA test work instructions.

Three batches of F6273C-07M and the corresponding mixed resins were tested
for baseline test properties. The data reported herein will be used to set material
acceptance criteria for future material production and material receipt. The Raw
Test Data, Inspection Records, Fabrication Records, Processing Records and all
other relevant documents of this report, TCQAL-T-1013, are archived at Toray
Composites (America), Inc., and it is available only upon request.

The physical and chemical tests were performed on the mixed resins, the
uncured prepreg materials and cured prepreg laminates. The mixed resins were
evaluated for cured neat resin density. The uncured prepreg samples were
evaluated for resin content, fiber areal weight, volatile content, gel time, flow, IR
(Infrared Spectroscopy), HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and
DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry). The cured prepreg laminates were
tested for fiber volume, resin volume, void content, cured ply thickness and Tg
(glass transition temperature) by DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer).

TCA Test Laboratories performed all the physical and chemical tests on the
mixed resins, the uncured prepreg materials and cured prepreg laminates,
except for fiber volume, resin volume and void content that Intec performed and
cured laminate glass transition temperature, dry and wet conditions, that Rose
Consulting performed.

TCA Test Laboratories performed the fabrication of all the test panels and test
specimens, ultrasonic inspection, chemical and humidity conditioning, except for
0° and 90° Compressive Strength specimens that NIAR tabbed and machined.

Also, the TCA Test Laboratories performed the attachment of strain gauges and
mechanical testing, except for specimens tested at –65 °F (Dry) that Intec
performed. Moreover, TCA Test Laboratories performed the fluid sensitivity on
one qualification batch by testing in-plane (iosipescu) shear strength only.

All TCA and Intec test equipments were calibrated with standards traceable to
the NIST.

1.1. Scope

The test methods and results described in this document are intended to provide
basic composite properties essential to most methods of analysis. These
properties are considered to provide the initial base of the “building block”
approach. Additional coupon level tests and sub-element tests may be required
to fully substantiate the full-scale design.

The test methods and results contained in this document are consistent with MIL-
HDBK-17-1E,2D,3E - Military Handbook for Polymer Matrix Composites. All
material, specimens, fixtures and test results contained within this document
were traceable and conformed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). It
should be noted that before application of the basis values presented in this
document to design, demonstration of the ability to consistently produce
equivalent material properties as that evaluated during this program should be
substantiated through an acceptable test program.

1.2. Symbols Used

ν12tu major Poisson’s ratio, tension

µε micro-strain
E1c compressive modulus, longitudinal
E1t tensile modulus, longitudinal
E2c compressive modulus, transverse
E2t tensile modulus, transverse
F12su in – plane shear strength
F13su apparent interlaminar shear strength
F1cu compressive strength, longitudinal
F1tu tensile strength, longitudinal
F2cu compressive strength, transverse
F2tu tensile strength, transverse
G12s in – plane shear modulus


c compression
cu compression ultimate
s shear
su shear ultimate
t tension
tu tension ultimate


1 1 – axis; longitudinal
(parallel to warp direction of reinforcement)
2 2 – axis; transverse
(parallel to fill direction of reinforcement)
12 in – plane shear
13 interlaminar shear (apparent)

1.3. Acronyms and Definitions

A – Basis 95% lower confidence limit on the first population

AGATE Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
B – Basis 95% lower confidence limit on the tenth population
C. V. coefficient of variation
CTD cold temperature dry
CPT cured ply thickness
DMA dynamic mechanical analysis
Dry specimen tested with an “as fabricated” moisture
ETD elevated temperature dry
ETW elevated temperature wet
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FAW fiber areal weight
Gr/Ep graphite/epoxy
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
RTD room temperature dry
SACMA Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials
SRM SACMA Recommended Method
Tg glass transition temperature
tply cured ply thickness
wet specimen tested with an equilibrium moisture content
per section 1.5.2

1.4. References

ASTM Standards

D 792-91 “Standard Test Method for Density and Specific Gravity of

Plastics by Displacement,” American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, PA 1991.

D2344 “Standard Test Method for Apparent Interlaminar Shear

Strength of Parallel Fiber Composites by Short-Beam
Method,” American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA.

D2734 “Standard Test Method for Void Content of Reinforced

Plastics,” American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA 1994

D3039 “Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymeric

Matrix Composite Materials," American Society for Testing
and Materials, Philadelphia, PA 1995.

D3171-90 “Standard Test Method for Fiber Content of Resin-Matrix

Composites by Matrix Digestion,” American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA 1990

D3530-90 “Standard Test Method for Volatiles Content of Epoxy Matrix

Prepreg” American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA 1990

D3531-76 “Standard Test Method for Resin Flow of Carbon Fiber-

Epoxy Prepreg,” American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, PA.

D3532 “Standard Test Method for Gel Time of Carbon Fiber-Epoxy

Prepreg,” American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA.

D4065-93 “Standard Practice for Determining and Reporting Dynamic

Mechanical Properties of Plastics,” American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA 1993.

D4473 “ Standard Practice for Determining Cure Behavior of
Thermosetting Resins Using dynamic Mechanical
Procedures,” American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA.

D5379-98 “Shear Properties of Composite Materials by the V-Notched

Beam Method,” American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA 1998.

E168 “General Techniques of Infrared Quantitative Analysis,”

American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA

E1252 “Standard Practice for General Techniques for Qualitative

Infrared Analysis,” American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, PA 1995.

E1356 “Glass Transition Termperature by Differential Scanning

Calorimetry or Differential Thermal Analysis,” American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA 1995.

SACMA Standards

SRM-1R-94 “Compressive Properties of Oriented Fiber-Resin

Composites," Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials
Association, 1994.

SRM-18R-94 “Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) Determination by DMA

of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites," Suppliers of Advanced
Composite Materials Association, 1994.

SRM-19R-94 “Viscosity characteristics of Matrix Resins," Suppliers of

Advanced Composite Materials Association, 1994.

SRM-20R-94 “High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Thermoset

Resins," Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials
Association, 1994.

SRM-22R-94 “Determining the Resin Flow of Preimpregnated “B” Staged

Material," Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials
Association, 1994.

SRM-23R-94 “Determination of Resin Content and Fiber Areal Weight of

Thermoset Prepreg with Destructive Technique," Suppliers
of Advanced Composite Materials Association, 1994.

SRM-25R-94 “Onset Temperature and Peak Temperature for Composite

System Resins Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
(DSC)," Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials
Association, 1994.

Toray Documents

TCSPF-T-FC05 “Material Process Specification for Torayca Plain

Weave Carbon Fiber Fabric Preimpregnated with
Epoxy Resin (EP-resin) Prepreg Fabric – 250°F
Curing System,” Revision 1, Toray Composites
(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, February 4, 2000.

TCWIN-U-C002 “Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis," Toray

Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-C003 “Differential Scanning Calorimetry," Toray Composites

(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-C004 “High Performance Liquid Chromatography," Toray

Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M003 “Lay-up/Vacuum Debulking,” Toray Composites

(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M006 “Autoclave Curing,” Toray Composites (America),

Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M008 “Panel Tabbing,” Toray Composites (America), Inc.,

Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M101 “Tensile Specimen Machining," Toray Composites

(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M102 “Compression Specimen Machining," Toray

Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M103 “Compression Modulus Specimen Machining," Toray

Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M111 “90 Degree Tensile Specimen Machining," Toray
Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M201 “Tensile Testing,” Toray Composites (America),

Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M204 “Compressive Strength Testing," Toray Composites

(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M206 “Compressive Modulus Testing,” Toray Composites

(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M214 “Strain Gauge Attachment," Toray Composites

(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M215 “Laminate Density/Fiber Volume Testing," Toray

Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-M216 “Strain Gauge Calibration," Toray Composites

(America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-P001 “Volatile Content," Toray Composites (America), Inc.,

Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-P004 “Resin Content/Fiber Areal Weight," Toray

Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-P007 “Gel Time," Toray Composites America), Inc.,

Puyallup, WA, 1998.

TCWIN-U-P008 “Flow," Toray Composites (America), Inc., Puyallup,

WA, 1998

Other Documents

FAA Document DOT/FAA/AR-00/47: Material Qualification and

Equivalency for Polymer Matrix Composite Material Systems, J.S.
Tomblin, Y.C. Ng and K.S. Raju, 2001.

MIL-HDBK-17 1E, 2D, 3E – Military Handbook for Polymer Matrix


1.5. Methodology

1.5.1. Test Matrix

Testing was performed according to the test methods delineated in the test
matrix, with modifications as referenced in FAA Document DOT/FAA/AR-00/47:
Material Qualification and Equivalency for Polymer Matrix Composite Material
Systems. The test matrix for properties included in this document is listed on the
next page, with the following notation cited in each column:

where the first # represents the required number of prepreg batches, defined as:
Prepreg containing T700 12K graphite fibers from one mill roll, impregnated with
one batch of resin in one continuous manufacturing operation with traceability to
all components. The second # represents the required number of replicates per
prepreg batch. For example, “3 x 6” refers to three prepreg batches of material
and six specimens per prepreg batch for a total requirement of 18 test

Table 1.5.1: Minimum Recommended Test Matrix and Standards Used for


0o (warp) Tension Strength ASTM D3039-95 1x4 3x4 3x4 3x4
0o (warp) Tension Modulus, ASTM D3039-95
1x2 3x2 3x2 3x2
Strength and Poisson’s Ratio
90o (fill) Tension Strength ASTM D3039-95 1x4 3x4 3x4 3x4
90o (fill) Tension Modulus and ASTM D3039-95
1x2 3x2 3x2 3x2
0o (warp) Compression SACMA SRM 1-94
1x6 3x6 3x6 3x6
0o (warp) Compression SACMA SRM 1-94
1x2 3x2 3x2 3x2
90o (fill) Compression Strength SACMA SRM 1-94 1x6 3x6 3x6 3x6
90o (fill) Compression Modulus SACMA SRM 1-94 1x2 3x2 3x2 3x2
In-Plane Shear Strength ASTM D5379-93 1x4 3x4 3x4 3x4
In-Plane Shear Modulus and ASTM D5379-93
1x2 3x2 3x2 3x2
Short Beam Shear ASTM D2344-89 1x6 3x6 3x6 3x6
Fiber Volume ASTM D3171-90 One sample per panel
Resin Volume ASTM D3171-90 One sample per panel
Void Content ASTM D2734-94 One sample per panel
Cured Neat Resin Density --- Supplied by manufacturer for
Glass Transition Temperature SACMA SRM 18-94 3 dry, 3 wet per prepreg batch

Notes :

1 CTD: One prepreg batch of material tested (test temperature = -65 ± 5o F,

moisture content = as fabricated, soak time at –65 was 5 min.)
2 RTD: Three prepreg batches of material tested (test temperature = 70 ±
10o F, moisture content = as fabricated)
3 ETW: Three prepreg batches of material tested (test temperature = 180 ±
5o F, moisture content = equilibrium per section 1.5.2, soak time at 180
was 2 min.)
4 ETD: Three prepreg batches of material tested (test temperature = 180 ±
5o F, moisture content = as fabricated, soak time at 180 was 2 min.)

1.5.2. Environmental Conditioning

All ‘wet’ conditioned samples were exposed to elevated temperature and

humidity conditions to establish moisture saturation of the material. Specimens
were exposed to 85 ± 5 % relative humidity and 145 ± 5 °F until an equilibrium
moisture weight gain of traveler, or witness coupons (1” x 1” x specimen
thickness) was achieved. ASTM D5229 and SACMA SRM 11 were used as
guidelines for environmental conditioning and moisture absorption.

Effective moisture equilibrium was achieved when the average moisture content
of the traveler specimen changed by less than 0.05% for two consecutive
readings within a span of 7 ± 0.5 days and was expressed by:

W i - W i - 1 < 0.0005

where Wi = weight at current time

Wi-1 = weight at previous time
Wb = baseline weight prior to conditioning

It is common to see small fluctuations in an unfitted plot of the weight gain vs.
time curve. There were no fluctuations that made significant errors in results or
caused rejection in the moisture equilibrium criteria. Once the traveler coupons
passed the criteria for two consecutive readings, the samples were removed from
the environmental chamber and placed in a sealed bag with a moist paper or
cotton towel for a maximum of 14 days until mechanical testing. Strain gauged
specimens were removed from the controlled environment for a maximum of 2
hours for application of gages in ambient laboratory conditions.

1.5.3. Fluid Sensitivity Screening

Although epoxy-based materials historically have not been shown to be sensitive

to fluids other than water or moisture, the influence of some fluids other than
water or moisture on the mechanical properties were characterized. These fluids
fell into two exposure classifications. The first class was considered to be in
contact with the material for an extended period of time, and the second class
was considered to be wiped on and off (or evaporate) with relatively short
exposure times.

To assess the degree of sensitivity of fluids other than water or moisture, Table
1.5.2 shows the fluids which were used in this qualification plan.

Table 1.5.2: Fluid Types Used for Sensitivity Studies

Fluid Type Specification

Jet Fuel
MIL-T-5624 Extended Period
Hydraulic Fluid
MIL-H-5606G Extended Period
(Tri-N-butyl phosphate ester)
Laboratory Grade Extended Period
(Methyl Ethyl Ketone)

To assess the influence of various fluids types, a test method sensitive to matrix
degradation was used as an indicator of fluid sensitivity and compared to the
unexposed results at both room temperature dry and elevated temperature dry
conditions. Table 1.5.3 describes the fluid sensitivity-testing matrix with respect
to the fluids defined in Table 1.5.2. Engineering judgment and statistical tests
were used to assess the degree of material degradation. The results of this
screening are included following the data sheets in section 3.2.2.

Table 1.5.3: Material Qualification Program for Fluid Resistance

Test Number of
Fluid Type Temp. Exposure1
Method Replicates2
(o F)
Jet Fuel JP-4 ASTM D53793 180 See note 4 5
Hydraulic Fluid ASTM D53793 180 See note 5 5
Solvent (MEK) ASTM D53793 Ambient See note 5 5

Notes :

1 Soaking in fluid at ambient temperature (immersion).

2 Only a single batch of material is required.
3 Shear strength only.
4 Immersion duration = 500 hours ± 50 hours
5 Immersion duration = 60 to 90 minutes

1.5.4. Normalization Procedures

The normalization procedure attempts to reduce variability in fiber-dominated

material properties by adjusting raw test values to a specified fiber volume
content. Only the following properties were normalized:

• 0° (warp) and 90° (fill) Tensile Strength and Modulus

• 0° (warp) and 90° (fill) Compression Strength and Modulus

The normalization procedure was adopted from MIL-HDBK-17-1E, section The procedure which was used to normalize the data is based on two
primary assumptions:

• The relationship between fiber volume fraction and ultimate

laminate strength is linear over the entire range of fiber/resin ratios.
(It neglects the effects of resin starvation at high fiber contents.)

• Fiber volume is not commonly measured for each test sample, so

this method accounts for the fiber volume variation between
individual test specimens by utilizing a relationship between fiber
volume fraction and laminate cured ply thickness. This relationship
is virtually linear in the 0.45 to 0.65 fiber volume fraction range.

Additional information is detailed in FAA Document DOT/FAA/AR-00/47: Material

Qualification and Equivalency for Polymer Matrix Composite Material Systems.
For all normalized data contained in this document, the test values are
normalized by cured ply thickness according to:

CPT specimen
Normalized Value = Test Value ×
CPT normalizing
Average Sample Thickness
CPTspecimen =
# of plies

1.5.5. Statistical Analysis

When compared to metallic materials, fiber reinforced composite materials

exhibit a high degree of material property variability. This variability is due to
many factors, including but not limited to: raw material and prepreg manufacture,
material handling, part fabrication techniques, ply stacking sequence,
environmental conditions, and testing techniques. This inherent variability drives
up the cost of composite testing and tends to render smaller data sets than those
produced for metallic materials. This necessitates the usage of statistical
techniques for determining reasonable design allowables for composites.

The analyses and design allowable generation for both A and B basis values
were performed using the procedure detailed in section 5.3 of FAA Document
DOT/FAA/AR-00/47: Material Qualification and Equivalency for Polymer Matrix
Composite Material Systems.

1.5.6. Material Performance Envelope and Interpolation

Using the B-basis numbers, a material performance envelope may be generated

for the material system by plotting these values as a function of temperature.
Figure 1.5.1 shows an example material performance envelope using B-basis


Actual Basis Value

Estimated Value


B-Basis Strength Values (ksi)



Envelope ETW



-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

Temperature (o F)

Figure 1.5.1 Material performance envelope.

Since each specific aircraft application of the qualified material may have
different Material Operational Limits (MOL) than those tested in the material
qualification (which is usually the upper limit), some applications may require a
reduced MOL. In this case, simple linear interpolation may be used to obtain the
corresponding basis values at the new application MOL.

This interpolation may be accomplished using the following simple relationships

assuming TRTD < TMOL < TETD :

For the corresponding MOL “dry” basis value, the “interpolated” basis value using
the qualification data is



where BMOL = new application basis value interpolated to TMOL
BRTD = basis RTD strength value
BETD = basis ETD strength value
TRTD = RTD test temperature
TETD = ETD test temperature
TMOL = new application MOL temperature

For the corresponding MOL “wet” basis value, an estimated Room Temperature
Wet (RTW) value must be calculated. This may be accomplished by the simple


The “interpolated” wet basis value using the qualification data may then be
obtained by



where: BMOL = new application basis value interpolated to TMOL

BRTW = estimated basis RTW strength value
BETW = basis ETW strength value
TRTW = RTW (i.e., RTD) test temperature
TETW = ETW test temperature
TMOL = new application MOL temperature

These equations may also be used for interpolated mean strengths as well as A-
basis values with the appropriate substitutions. It should be noted that because
unforeseen material property drop-offs with respect to temperature and
environment can occur, extrapolation to a higher MOL should not be attempted
without additional testing and verification. In addition, the interpolation equations
shown above are practical for materials obeying typical mechanical behavior. In
most cases, some minimal amount of testing may also be required to verify the
interpolated values. Interpolation Example

This section provides an example of linear interpolations to a specific application

environment less than the tested upper material limit used in qualification.

Assuming a specific application environment of 150o F, Figure 1.5.2 depicts the
linear interpolation of the B-basis design allowable to this environment. Using
the above equations along with the nominal testing temperatures (see Table
1.5.1), the interpolated basis values at 150o F become

ETD : BMOL = 75.106 ksi

ETW : BMOL = 59.746 ksi


Actual Basis Value

Estimated Value

100 CTD

B-Basis Strength Values (ksi)







-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

Temperature (o F)

Figure 1.5.2 Example of 150o F interpolation for B-basis values.



All of the testing described in the report took place at Toray Composites
(America), Inc. in Tacoma, Washington, except for the following tests:

Test Laboratory Test Property

Integrated acid digestions (fiber volume, resin volume, laminate
Technologies density and void content)
(Intec), Bothell, WA -65°F (Dry) mechanical tests (0° & 90° Tension, 0° & 90°
Comp. Modulus and In-plane Shear)
Rose Consultant, cured laminate transition glass temperature, Tg
Half Moon Bay, CA
NIAR Short Beam Shear (Additional tests)

2.1.1. Materials

The T700SC-12K-50C/#2510, F6273C-07M, Plain Weave Fabric prepreg

batches were manufactured by the hot melt method of resin impregnation.
Toray, Ehime of Japan and Carbon Fibers America (CFA) in Decatur, Alabama
manufactured the carbon fiber. Sakai Composites of Japan performed the
weaving of the plain weave fabric. The resin mixing and impregnation were done
by Toray Composites (America), Inc. at the Frederickson, WA facilities.

This material qualification program characterized the physical, chemical and

mechanical properties of F6273C-07M prepreg material, namely; batches
AF991009, AF991010 and AF991011. The prepreg batches were manufactured
with two lots of plain weave carbon fabric and three batches of resin matrix. The
F6273C-07M batches were manufactured to nominal uncured resin content of 42
% (by weight) and a fiber areal weight (FAW) of 190 grams per square meter.

2.1.2. Lay-up/Bagging

TCA Test Laboratories manufactured all the mechanical test laminates by laying
up plies of the F6273C-07M prepreg material in the desired orientations, and by
vacuum bag cure. Both the ply orientation and vacuum bag assembly for cure
were in accordance with Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments
(AGATE) “Material Qualification Methodology for Epoxy-Based Prepreg
Composite Material System”, dated February 1999, TCA Material Process
Specification, TCSPF-T-FC05, Revision 1 dated February 4, 2000, and TCA
work instructions. Figure 2-1 describes the vacuum bag assembly for cure of

the test laminates. The test laminates were vacuum debulked in accordance with
TCA work instructions, TCWIN-U-M003.

2.1.3. Cure

The test panels were cured in accordance with TCWIN-Q-M006 and per Figure
2-2. For the specimen selection methodology and batch traceability of each test
property, batch replicates were sampled from at least two different panels
covering at least two independent cycles per Figure 2-3. Test specimens were
selected from each individual test panel. The test specimens were extracted
from panel areas that were good, visually and based on non-destructive
inspection techniques.

2.1.4. Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI)

Laminates fabricated for mechanical testing were non-destructively inspected

using a Sonix/KrautKramer Branson Ultrasonic equipment at 5MHz pulse.

Vacuum bag
Metal dam*
Vacuum Sealant (one edge only) Surface
(Tack tape) breather
Edge dam
Pressure plate (3 sides tack
Solid FEP (optional)
Edge breather 1
Solid FEP (optional)
Glass yarn
Laminate Edge breather

Vacuum Sealant
(Tack tape)


Figure 2-1. Vacuum Bagging Stack Sequence

The solid FEP may not be necessary when the caul plate is treated with a release agent, for example, Frekote
release agent.

300 30

250 25

200 20

Vacuum, in Hg
Temp, °F

150 15

100 10

50 Temperature 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time, minutes

(1) Apply 22 inches Hg minimum vacuum to the vacuum bag assembly and
check for leak before beginning the cure cycle. The leak rate shall be less
than 2.0 inches Hg over 5 minutes.
(2) Apply the temperature ramp from ambient to 270 ± 10 °F at a rate of 3.0 ± 1.0
°F per minute.
(3) Maintain the cure temperature at 270 ± 10 °F for 120 ∼ 150 minutes.
(4) Cool down the temperature to 170 °F or lower at a rate of 4.5 ± 0.5 °F per
before removing the vacuum.
(5) Remove the bagged laminates from the autoclave and de-bag for inspection.




Material Batch BATCH 1 BATCH 2 BATCH 3


(Independent cure Process) “A” “B” “A” “B” “A” “B”

Panel “A1” “A2” “B1” “B2” “A1” “A2” “B1” “B2” “A1” “A2” “B1” “B2”

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Typical Number of
Specimens (1)

(1) 6 specimens for Tension, Compression Strength, In-plane Shear and Interlaminar Shear
2 specimens for Compression Modulus

2.1.5. Tabbing

Tabs were used to ensure the accuracy of the tensile and compressive strength
specimens. Tabs were applied to the tension and compression strength specimens
in accordance with Section 3.1.4 of the AGATE “ Material Qualification Methodology
for Epoxy-Based Prepreg Composite Material System”, dated February 1999, with
the following exceptions;
1.) AF 163-2 film adhesive used to bond the tabs to the test specimens described
below was further cured by placing the test specimens in a temperature chamber at
180 °F for 24 hours. This was because the AF163 was not fully cured, initially, at
180°F for 5 hours. The 180°F cure temperature was selected because it was the
maximum temperature allowed by the AGATE methodology, described in section
3.1.4, since the cure temperature of the P707AG-15 was 270 ± 10°F
a.) 0° (warp) & 90° (fill) tension specimens for testing at -65°F (Dry), 75°F
(Dry), 180°F (Dry) and 180°F (Wet).
2.) Hysol EA9628 film adhesive used to bond the tabs to the specimens described
below was cured up to 260 °F for up to 120 minutes.
a.) 0° (warp) & 90° (fill) compressive strength tested -65°F (Dry), 75°F (Dry),
180°F (Dry) and 180°F (Wet).
The same material or strain compatible material tabs as the test coupon were used
for compressive strength specimens. Fiberglass tabs were used for tension
specimens. To retard the absorption of moisture into the tabs and bond lines of the
tension specimens tested at hot/wet condition, the tab section (including the edges)
were masked with a room-temperature curing “Plasti Dip” rubber coating prior to
humidity conditioning. The rubber coat was peeled off just before testing. The
National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) of Wichita State University bonded
the tabs and machined the 0° (warp) & 90° (fill) compressive strength specimens.

2.1.6. FAA Test Coupon Conformity and Test Witness

The material traceability and test specimen conformity were performed for the cured
laminate mechanical test properties of the program. For the physical properties,
material traceability was verified by TCA inspection section only. Test Coupon Conformity

A conformity traveler accompanied each group of test specimens for cured lamina
mechanical properties. The conformity traveler recorded the materials and process
definition, completion and verification by inspection of each process, that included
lay-up, cure cycle, tabbing and final coupon dimensions. Mr. Wing C. Chin, FAA
Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR) performed the test specimen
conformity and reviewed the completeness of traveler conformity records. Finally,
Mr. Wing C. Chin, FAA DAR prepared a statement of conformity, FAA 8130-3 tags

for all the test panels and test specimens, prior to environmental conditioning and
testing of the test specimens. The conformity of all the test panels was performed
November 15, 1999. However, additional test panels, specifically for compressive
strength test, were fabricated and conformed on March 24, 2000 due to problems in
the testing process, for example, tabbing and machining of specimens. The
conformed additional test panels, for compressive strength test, were replacements
for previously fabricated test panels. The conformity of all the test specimens was
performed December 13, 1999. However, the additional compressive strength
specimens were conformed April 14, 2000 and April 21, 2000, to replace the test
specimen with “out-of-mode” failure, for example, tab failure due to adhesive failure
and end broom failure. Test Witness

Mr. Moto Ashizawa, FAA Designated Engineering Representative (DER) witnessed

all the cured lamina mechanical test property testing of at least one batch of the
prepreg material for the program. TCA personnel that were authorized to witness on
behalf of Mr. Moto Ashizawa, FAA DER witnessed the rest of the tests. The test
dates of the lamina mechanical test properties were described in the tables of test

2.2. Prepreg Documentation by Prepreg Lot
Prepreg Documentation Prepreg Manufacturer & Product ID: Toray Composites F6273C-07M
Material Identification (weave, form, class, etc.): Carbon/Epoxy Plain Weave Fabric
Impregnation Method: Hot Melt
Prepreg Batch or Lot # AF991009 AF991010 AF991011
Batch (Lot) ID as labeled on samples 910-056 910-057 910-058
Date of Manufacture 10/20/1999 10/20/1999 10/20/1999
Expiration Date 10/20/2001 10/20/2001 10/20/2001
Resin Content [%] 41.5% 41.7% 41.4%
Reinforcement Areal Weight 194 g/m2 190 g/m2 193 g/m2
& Test Method SACMA SRM 23R-94 SACMA SRM 23R-94 SACMA SRM 23R-94
Resin Flow 23.5% 23.5% 23.5%
& Test Conditions @ 250°F @ 250°F @ 250°F
Gel Time 8.0 minutes 7.9 minutes 9.0 minutes
& Test Conditions @ 250°F @ 250°F @ 250°F
Volatile Content 0.13% 0.21% 0.18%

Reinforcement Documentation Fiber Manufacturer & Product ID: Toray T700S-12K-50C

Fabric Manufacturer & Product ID: Sakai CK6273C
Precursor Type: PAN
Nominal Filament Count: 12K
Finish/Sizing Type and %: 50C (1.0%)
Nominal tow or yarn count/inch: 3.05/inch
Twist: Never twisted
Fabric Batch or Lot # 138043 138051 138051
Date of Manufacture 04/1998 05/1998 05/1998
Average Fiber Density per Lot Warp 1.78 g/cc Warp 1.78 g/cc Warp 1.78 g/cc
& Test Method Fill 1.80 g/cc Fill 1.78 g/cc Fill 1.78 g/cc
TY-030B-02 TY-030B-02 TY-030B-02

Matrix Documentation Resin Manufacturer & Product ID: Toray Composites #2510
Matrix Batch or Lot # 3-CCH 3-CCG 2-BFC
Date of Manufacture 10/01/1999 10/01/1999 10/04/1999
Average Neat Resin Density by Lot 1.267 1.267 1.266
& Test Method ASTM D792 ASTM D792 ASTM D792

Prepreg Documentation Prepreg Manufacturer & Product ID: Toray Composites F6273C-07M
Material Identification (weave, form, class, etc.): Carbon/Epoxy Plain Weave Fabric
Impregnation Method: Hot Melt
Prepreg Batch or Lot # AF020224 AF020324 AF020422 AF020522
Batch (Lot) ID as labeled on samples A-49, B-50 A-51, B-52 A-53, B-54 A-55, B-56
Date of Manufacture 02/21/2002 03/18/2002 04/19/2002 05/01/2002
Expiration Date 02/21/2004 03/18/2004 04/19/2002 05/01/2004
Resin Content [%] 40.8% 41.6% 41.3% 41.0%
Reinforcement Areal Weight 193 g/m2 191 g/m2 191 g/m2 193 g/m2
& Test Method SACMA SRM 23R-94 SACMA SRM 23R-94 SACMA SRM 23R-94 SACMA SRM 23R-94
Resin Flow - - - -
& Test Conditions
Gel Time 9.6 minutes 12 minutes 10 minutes 13 minutes
& Test Conditions @ 250°F @ 250°F @ 250°F @ 250°F
Volatile Content 0.06% 0.19% 0.16% 0.23%

Reinforcement Fiber Manufacturer & Product ID: Toray T700S-12K-50C

Fabric Manufacturer & Product ID: Sakai CK6273C
Precursor Type: PAN
Nominal Filament Count: 12K
Finish/Sizing Type and %: 50C (1.0%)
Nominal tow or yarn count/inch: 3.05/inch
Twist: Never twisted
Fiber Batch or Lot # 131121 132021 121031 121041
Date of Manufacture 12/2001 02/2002 03/2001 04/2001
Average Fiber Density per Lot Warp 1.80g/cc Warp 1.80g/cc Warp 1.80g/cc Warp 1.80g/cc
& Test Method Fill 1.80 g/cc Fill 1.80 g/cc Fill 1.80 g/cc Fill 1.80 g/cc
TY-030B-02 TY-030B-02 TY-030B-02 TY-030B-02

Matrix Documentation Resin Manufacturer & Product ID: Toray Composites #2510
Matrix Batch or Lot # 2-CMP, 2-CNK, 2- 2-COQ, 2-CPF 2-CQW, 2-CQX 2-CRB, 2-CQY
Date of Manufacture 12/29/2001, 02/20/2002, 04/14/2002, 04/17/2002,
01/19/2002, 03/05/2002 04/15/2002 04/15/2002
Average Neat Resin Density by Lot - - - -
& Test Method

Notes: (1)Test methods to determine resin content, reinforcement areal weight, resin flow, gel time, and volatile
content are defined in TORAY Material Specifications (see reference section). (2) These information and test results
were submitted to NIAR by TORAY Composites (AMERICA), Inc.

2.3. Data Documentation

R material identification T700SC-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric
R material class Carbon/Epoxy

R ply manufacturer Toray Composites (America), Inc
R date of manufacture 10/1999, 02/2002, 03/2002, 04/2002, 05/2002
R material lot number AF991009, AF991010, AF991011, AF020224,
AF020324, AF020422, AF020522
R commercial designation F6273C-07M
R material form Plain Weave Fabric Prepreg
R reinforcement areal weight 185 – 201 g/m2
reinforcement areal weight test method Solvent Extraction
R resin content 39 – 45 %

F precursor type PAN
R commercial designation T700SC-12K-50C
R manufacturer Torayca
R date of manufacture (fabric) 05/1998, 07/1998, 03/2001, 04/2001, 12/2001, 02/2002
R date of manufacture (fiber) 01/1998, 03/1998, 11/2000, 12/2000, 03/2001, 06/2001
R lot number (fabric) 138043, 138051, 131121, 132021, 121031, 121041
R lot number (fiber) 818012, 818013, 818014, 818033, 811062, 811032,
810112, 810113, 810124
R surface treatment (Y/N) Y
R surface finish (sizing) identification 50C
R density (Average per lot) 1.78 g/cm3
density test method JIS R 7601
R nominal filament count 12000/tow
R nominal tow or yarn count/inch 3.0
R twist No Twist
R fiber areal weight (when applicable) 185 – 201 g/m2
fiber areal weight test method SRM 23


R commercial designation #2510
R manufacturer Toray Composites (America), Inc
R date of manufacture 10/1999, 12/2001, 01/2002, 02/2002, 03/2002, 04/2002
R lot number (R – not prepregged, 3-CCH, 3-CCG, 2-BFC, 2-CMP, 2-CNK, 2-COP, 2-COQ,
F – prepregged) 2-CPF, 2-CQW, 2-CQX, 2-CRB, 2-CQY
R nominal density and test method 1.267 g/cc

F part (panel) manufacturer Toray Composites (America), Inc
R date of manufacture (date completed) original QT: 10/1999 – 3/2000
cure cycle (for each state) additional QT: 05/2002
R process stage type Cure Cycle
R process time 120 +10/-0 minutes
R process temperature 270 ± 3 °F
R process pressure none
R other critical control parameters minimum 22 inHg vacuum

R form (panel, tube, etc.) Panel
R ply count 12 – warp & fill tensile; 12 – warp & fill Comp
strength; 14 – warp & fill comp modulus;
16 – IPS; 12 – ILSS
R lay-up code (warp) 12 – warp tensile; (fill) 12 – fill tensile;
(warp) 12 – warp comp strength; (fill) 12 – fill comp
strength; (warp) 14 – warp comp modulus; (fill) 14 –
fill comp modulus; (warp/fill) 4S – IPS;
(warp) 12 – ILSS
R fiber volume 49.6% Average
F void content 2.3% Average
density 1.501g/cc Average
R glass transition temperature (wet, nominal) 267°F
R glass transition temperature (dry, nominal) 294°F
R glass transition temperature test method DMA E’

R specimen orientation fill, warp, fill/warp
F tab adhesive curing temperature (nominal) up to 260°F

R number of specimens See data files
R test procedure ASTM D 3039 (Tensile),
(citing all deviations from standard SACMA SRM 1 (Comp),
procedures including reporting ASTM D 5379 (IPS),
requirements) ASTM D 2344 (ILSS)
R date of applicable standard 1995(Ten), 1994(Comp), 1993(IPS), 1989(ILSS)
R date of testing original QT: 12/1999 – 7/2000
additional QT: 05/2002 – 06/2002
R specimen thickness for each specimen nominal: 0.1032”(warp & fill tensile),
0.1032”(warp & fill comp strength),
0.1204” (warp & fill comp modulus),
0.1376” (IPS), 0.1032” (ILSS)
R specimen conditioning method DOT/FAA/AR-00/47 Section 3.2, Sept. 2000
R conditioning temperature 145 ± 5°F
R conditioning humidity 85 ± 5%
R conditioning time until saturation (10 to 16 weeks)
R conditioning environment (if not lab air) for fluid sensitivity: Jet Fuel, Hydraulic Fluid &
MEK (IPS only)
R fastener type (if any) N/A
R fastener torque-up conditions (if any) N/A
R test temperature -65 ± 5°F, 75 ± 5°F, 180 ± 5°F
F moisture content Dry : 0.2 - 0.5 % Wet : 1.4 - 2.0%
R soak time at test conditions -65°F: 5 – 6 minutes 180°F: 2 – 3 minutes
R failure mode identification and location Per specimen
R all non-normalized (raw) data Per specimen
R method of calculating modulus 1000 – 3000 microstrain (Tens)
1000 – 3000 microstrain (Comp)
2500 – 6500 microstrain (IPS)
nominal ply thickness 0.0086 in.
nominal fiber density 1.78 g/cm3
nominal fiber areal weight 193 g/m2

R – Required for all data
F – Required for fully-approved data
These requirements are current for MIL-HDBK-17-1E, which supercedes for any discrepancies.


3.1. Test Results

3.1.1. Summary

MATERIAL: T700SC-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric T700 PW/#2510

PREPREG: Toray Composites F6273C-07M Summary

FIBER: Toray T700S-12K-50C RESIN: Toray Composites #2510

Tg (dry): 146 °C T g (wet): 131 °C Tg METHOD: DMA (SRM 18-94)

PROCESSING: Vacuum bag cure (minimum 560 mmHg): 132 ± 2 °C for 120 +10/-0 minutes

Date of fiber manufacture 01/1998 – 02/2002 Date of testing 12/1999 – 06/2002

Date of resin manufacture 10/1999 - 04/2002 Date of data submittal 04/2002 – 07/2002
Date of prepreg manufacture 10/1999 - 05/2002 Date of analysis 07/2002 – 09/2002
Date of composite manufacture 10/1999 – 05/2002


Data Reported as: Measured
(Normalized by CPT= 0.2184 mm)


B-Basis Mean B-Basis Mean B-Basis Mean B-Basis Mean

F1tu (MPa) 738.480 802.874 853.790 917.599 901.601 968.984 978.797 1051.949
(737.897) (803.236) (847.726) (912.052) (896.912) (964.970) (975.143) (1049.137)

E1 t (GPa) --- 0.057 --- 0.056 --- 0.056 --- 0.058

(0.057) (0.056) (0.056) (0.058)

ν 12tu --- 0.085 --- 0.042 --- 0.037 --- 0.029

F2tu (MPa) 614.325 718.773 677.690 775.382 733.095 838.774 780.537 893.055
(616.820) (722.602) (673.994) (771.977) (727.913) (833.734) (779.024) (892.276)

E2 t (GPa) --- 0.056 --- 0.055 --- 0.054 --- 0.054

(0.056) (0.055) (0.055) (0.054)

F1cu (MPa) 621.925 747.203 605.822 708.869 571.291 668.465 404.168 472.915
(621.623) (749.955) (603.589) (708.742) (565.607) (664.143) (404.402) (474.854)

E1 c (GPa) --- 0.055 --- 0.055 --- 0.056 --- 0.055

(0.055) (0.056) (0.056) (0.055)

F2cu (MPa) 654.992 744.535 629.671 702.974 581.719 649.439 529.870 479.913
(653.537) (741.866) (626.087) (698.158) (579.039) (645.694) (429.285) (478.702)

E2 c (GPa) --- 0.049 --- 0.053 --- 0.053 --- 0.055

(0.048) (0.054) (0.053) (0.055)

F12su (MPa) 144.345 154.888 124.746 132.570 99.938 106.206 70.168 74.569

G12s (GPa) --- 0.004 --- 0.004 --- 0.004 --- 0.003

F13su** (MPa) --- --- 55.317 59.935 --- --- --- ---

** Apparent interlaminar shear strength

3.1.2. Individual Test Summaries

33 Tension, 1-axis

Tension, 1-axis
Material: Toray - TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric Gr/Ep
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain
Resin content: 39 - 45 wt% Comp. density: 1.48 - 1.52 g/cc
Fiber volume: 47 - 55 % Void content: 1.0 - 3.0 %
Weave Fabric
Ply thickness: 0.2113 - 0.2229 mm [0] 12
Ply range: 12 plies

Test method: D3039-95 Modulus calculation: linear fit from 1000 - 3000µε

Normalized by: 0.2184 mm ply thickness

Test Temperature [°C] -53.89 23.89 82.22 82.22
Moisture Conditioning dry dry dry equilibrium
Equilibrium at T, RH as fabricated as fabricated as fabricated 62.78 °C, 85%
Source code
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured

Mean 803.236 802.874 912.052 917.599 964.970 968.984 1049.137 1051.949

Minimum 756.865 752.490 846.883 842.606 864.643 880.860 1003.433 1002.461
Maximum 848.175 843.194 994.092 998.737 1014.012 1015.816 1109.689 1106.526
C.V.(%) 4.672 4.720 4.394 4.596 4.567 4.241 3.046 2.938

F1 B-value 737.897 738.480 847.726 853.790 896.912 901.601 975.143 978.797
(MPa) A-value 701.302 702.415 805.025 811.431 851.733 856.870 926.023 930.236

No. Specimens 6 18 18 18
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3
Mean 0.057 0.057 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.058 0.058
Minimum 0.055 0.055 0.054 0.054 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.054
Maximum 0.059 0.060 0.061 0.062 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063
E1 C.V.(%) 3.298 3.514 3.265 3.553 4.481 4.463 4.606 4.288
No. Specimens 4 12 12 12
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3
Mean 0.085 0.042 0.037 0.029
ν 12
No. Specimens 4 12 12 12
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3

34 Tension, 2-axis

Tension, 2-axis
Material: Toray - TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric Gr/Ep
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain
Resin content: 39 - 45 wt% Comp. density: 1.49 - 1.52 g/cc
Fiber volume: 47 - 54 % Void content: 1.3 - 3.7 %
Weave Fabric
Ply thickness: 0.2131 - 0.2210 mm [0] 12
Ply range: 12 plies

Test method: D3039-95 Modulus calculation: linear fit from 1000 - 3000µε

Normalized by: 0.2184 mm ply thickness

Test Temperature [°C] -53.89 23.89 82.22 82.22
Moisture Conditioning dry dry dry equilibrium
Equilibrium at T, RH as fabricated as fabricated as fabricated 62.78 °C, 85%
Source code
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured

Mean 722.602 718.773 771.977 775.382 833.734 838.774 892.276 893.055

Minimum 696.157 688.155 688.601 687.602 722.975 728.125 752.772 759.543
Maximum 746.775 742.458 852.207 858.027 943.274 942.857 1008.063 1004.365
C.V.(%) 2.788 2.725 7.359 7.512 7.895 7.792 7.883 7.677

F2 B-value 616.820 614.325 673.994 677.690 727.913 733.095 779.024 780.537
(MPa) A-value 557.575 555.826 608.950 612.839 657.665 662.941 703.844 705.844

No. Specimens 6 18 18 18
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3
Mean 0.056 0.056 0.055 0.055 0.054 0.055 0.054 0.054
Minimum 0.056 0.055 0.054 0.053 0.052 0.052 0.051 0.052
Maximum 0.057 0.057 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.057 0.058 0.057
E2 C.V.(%) 1.471 1.536 1.419 1.581 2.207 2.256 2.941 2.502
No. Specimens 4 12 12 12
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3

35 Compression, 1-axis

Compression, 1-axis
Material: Toray - TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric Gr/Ep
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain
Resin content: 39 - 45 wt% Comp. density: 1.49 - 1.51 g/cc
Fiber volume: 46 - 54 % Void content: 1.1 - 3.1 % Weave Fabric
Ply thickness: 0.2132 - 0.2216 mm [0]12, [0] 14
Ply range: 12 - 14 plies

Test method: SRM 1-94 Modulus calculation: linear fit from 1000 - 3000µε

Normalized by: 0.2184 mm ply thickness

Test Temperature [°C] -53.89 23.89 82.22 82.22
Moisture Conditioning dry dry dry equilibrium
Equilibrium at T, RH as fabricated as fabricated as fabricated 62.78 °C, 85%
Source code
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured

Mean 749.955 747.203 708.742 708.869 664.143 668.465 474.854 472.915

Minimum 704.469 701.885 589.686 593.713 573.899 580.651 396.111 394.658
Maximum 848.082 844.971 780.970 782.660 765.078 774.079 539.716 531.983
C.V.(%) 6.862 6.862 8.151 7.966 8.753 8.759 9.502 9.126

F 1cu B-value 621.623 621.925 603.589 605.822 565.607 571.291 404.402 404.168
(MPa) A-value 549.748 551.760 533.785 537.415 500.195 506.784 357.633 358.531

No. Specimens 6 18 18 18
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3
Mean 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.055 0.055
Minimum 0.054 0.054 0.051 0.052 0.054 0.054 0.051 0.051
Maximum 0.055 0.055 0.057 0.058 0.061 0.062 0.062 0.063
E1c C.V.(%) 1.527 1.527 3.391 3.932 4.715 5.436 7.418 7.863
No. Specimens 2 6 6 6
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3

36 Compression, 2-axis

Compression, 2-axis
Material: Toray - TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric Gr/Ep
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain
Resin content: 39 - 45 wt% Comp. density: 1.48 - 1.51 g/cc
Fiber volume: 47 - 51 % Void content: 1.3 - 3.1 %
Weave Fabric
Ply thickness: 0.2159 - 0.2251 mm [0]12, [0] 14
Ply range: 12 - 14 plies

Test method: SRM 1-94 Modulus calculation: linear fit from 1000 - 3000µε

Normalized by: 0.2184 mm ply thickness

Test Temperature [°C] -53.89 23.89 82.22 82.22
Moisture Conditioning dry dry dry equilibrium
Equilibrium at T, RH as fabricated as fabricated as fabricated 62.78 °C, 85%
Source code
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured

Mean 741.866 744.535 698.158 702.974 645.694 649.439 478.702 479.913

Minimum 634.596 636.880 640.837 638.979 555.232 556.310 433.678 435.238
Maximum 828.187 831.167 765.583 774.590 703.056 707.857 519.773 523.323
C.V.(%) 9.888 9.888 5.168 5.261 6.108 6.175 5.185 5.249

F2 B-value 653.537 654.992 626.087 629.671 579.039 581.719 429.285 429.870
(MPa) A-value 604.067 604.841 578.243 581.010 534.790 536.764 396.481 396.650

No. Specimens 6 18 18 18
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3
Mean 0.049 0.048 0.053 0.054 0.053 0.053 0.055 0.055
Minimum 0.048 0.048 0.051 0.051 0.051 0.052 0.049 0.049
Maximum 0.049 0.049 0.056 0.057 0.056 0.056 0.058 0.059
E2c C.V.(%) 1.260 2.192 3.831 3.915 2.845 2.984 5.588 5.798
No. Specimens 2 6 6 6
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3

37 Shear, 12 axis

Shear, 12-axis
Material: Toray - TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric Gr/Ep
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain
Resin content: 39 - 45 wt% Comp. density: 1.48 - 1.51 g/cc
Fiber volume: 47 - 51 % Void content: 1.7 - 2.9 %
Weave Fabric
Ply thickness: 0.2142 - .2214 mm [0/90]4s
Ply range: 16 plies

Test method: D5379-93 Modulus calculation: linear fit from 1000 - 6000µε

Normalized by: N/A

Test Temperature [°C] -53.89 23.89 82.22 82.22
Moisture Conditioning dry dry dry equilibrium
Equilibrium at T, RH as fabricated as fabricated as fabricated 62.78 °C, 85%
Source code
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured

Mean 154.888 132.570 106.206 74.569

Minimum 140.140 119.133 99.529 68.150
Maximum 164.811 139.524 110.741 77.954
C.V.(%) 5.806 3.676 2.735 2.865

F12 B-value 144.345 124.746 99.938 70.168
(MPa) A-value 138.440 119.552 95.777 67.247

No. Specimens 6 18 18 18
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3
Mean 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003
Minimum 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003
Maximum 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004
G12s C.V.(%) 10.252 5.266 4.995 7.029
No. Specimens 4 12 12 12
No. Prepreg Lots 1 3 3 3

38 Shear, 13 axis

Shear, 13-axis
Material: Toray - TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric Gr/Ep
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain
Resin content: 39 - 45 wt% Comp. density: 1.45 - 1.55 g/cc
Fiber volume: 47 - 54% Void content: 0.4 - 3.0 %
Weave Fabric
Ply thickness: 0.1976 - .2210 mm [0] 12
Ply range: 12 plies

Test method: D2344-89 Modulus calculation: linear fit from 1000 - 6000µε

Normalized by: N/A

Test Temperature [°C] -53.89 23.89 82.22 82.22
Moisture Conditioning dry dry dry equilibrium
Equilibrium at T, RH as fabricated as fabricated as fabricated 62.78 °C, 85%
Source code
Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured Normalized Measured

Mean 59.935
Minimum 52.403
Maximum 68.707
C.V.(%) 5.213

F13 B-value 55.317
(MPa) A-value 51.771

No. Specimens 149

No. Prepreg Lots 7

NOTES: These values represent the apparent interlaminar shear properties and are to be used for quality control
purposes only. Do not use these values for interlaminar shear strength design values.

3.1.3. Individual Test Charts

40 Tension, 1-axis

0° Tension -- Normalized Strength

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



Strength (MPa)


200 X Dry
O Wet

-100 -50 0 50 100
Temperature (°C)

NOTE: The symbols represent the ‘pooled’ average of all tests, and the bars represent the upper and lower limit of
the data. The 180° dry and wet data has been staggered for clarity

41 Tension, 2-axis

90° Tension -- Normalized Strength

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



Strength (MPa)


200 X Dry
O Wet

-100 -50 0 50 100
Temperature (°C)

NOTE: The symbols represent the ‘pooled’ average of all tests, and the bars represent the upper and lower limit of
the data. The 180° dry and wet data has been staggered for clarity.

42 Compression, 1-axis

0° Compression -- Normalized Strength

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


Strength (MPa)



200 X Dry
O Wet

-100 -50 0 50 100
Temperature (°C)

NOTE: The symbols represent the ‘pooled’ average of all tests, and the bars represent the upper and lower limit of
the data. The 180° dry and wet data has been staggered for clarity.

43 Compression, 2-axis

90° Compression -- Normalized Strength

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


Strength (MPa)



200 X Dry
O Wet

-100 -50 0 50 100
Temperature (°C)

NOTE: The symbols represent the ‘pooled’ average of all tests, and the bars represent the upper and lower limit of
the data. The 180° dry and wet data has been staggered for clarity.

44 Shear, 12 axis

In-Plane Shear -- Measured Strength

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



Strength (MPa)



X Dry
25 O Wet

-100 -50 0 50 100
Temperature (°C)

NOTE: The symbols represent the ‘pooled’ average of all tests, and the bars represent the upper and lower limit of
the data. The 180° dry and wet data has been staggered for clarity

45 Shear, 13 axis

Apparent Interlaminar Shear -- Measured Strength

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


Strength (MPa)


20 Conditioning
X Dry

-100 -50 0 50 100
Temperature (°C)

NOTE: The symbols represent the ‘pooled’ average of all tests, and the bars represent the upper and lower limit of
the data. The 180° dry and wet data has been staggered for clarity.

3.2. Raw Data

Specimen Naming Convention

Test coupons were identified using a ten-digit specimen code, with the significance of each digit delineated
below. A representative sample ID is shown for reference purposes.

A1 – 910-041 – 1-3
0° Tension
1st Character: Independent Cure Cycle
‘A’ designates a cure cycle that was
independently cured from ‘B’ cure cycle

2nd Character: Panel Number

Numeric order of the panel fabricated for each cure

3rd ~ 8th Character: Master Roll Number

Prepreg Master Roll number used to
fabricate the panel

9th ~ 10th Character: Sample Number

The samples cut from each panel,
increasing numerically.

Panel Type ID
Panels/specimens were also identified with
the test type

3.2.1. Raw Data Spreadsheets and Scatter Charts

0° Tension -- (RTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Poisson's Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. t ply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Ratio Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 931.083 0.055 0.025 2.608 12 0.21734 926.392 0.054
A2-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 854.083 0.055 0.015 2.599 12 0.21660 846.883 0.055
A1-910-056-1-6 A 1 1 998.737 2.609 12 0.21742 994.092
B1-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 901.475 0.054 0.020 2.623 12 0.21861 902.174 0.054
B2-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 931.011 0.057 0.040 2.536 12 0.21135 900.790 0.055
B1-910-056-1-6 B 1 2 842.606 2.670 12 0.22253 858.364
A1-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 925.146 0.057 0.025 2.604 12 0.21700 919.050 0.056
A2-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 949.049 0.056 0.040 2.604 12 0.21700 942.795 0.056
A1-910-057-1-6 A 2 3 906.782 2.614 12 0.21785 904.322
B1-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 943.333 0.057 0.045 2.607 12 0.21721 938.031 0.057
B2-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 892.232 0.056 0.025 2.623 12 0.21855 892.664 0.056
B1-910-057-1-6 B 2 4 881.665 2.604 12 0.21696 875.685
A1-910-058-1-7 A 3 5 950.632 0.054 0.050 2.608 12 0.21734 945.842 0.054
A2-910-058-1-7 A 3 5 939.799 0.057 0.135 2.602 12 0.21681 932.787 0.057
A1-910-058-1-6 A 3 5 943.037 2.618 12 0.21816 941.849
B1-910-058-1-7 B 3 6 977.498 0.056 0.045 2.584 12 0.21531 963.479 0.055
B2-910-058-1-7 B 3 6 869.287 0.062 0.035 2.579 12 0.21495 855.388 0.061
B1-910-058-1-6 B 3 6 879.324 2.612 12 0.21770 876.342

Average 917.599 0.056 0.042 Averagenorm 0.21715 912.052 0.056

Standard Dev. 42.177 0.002 0.031 Standard Dev. norm 40.079 0.002
Coeff. of Var. [%] 4.596 3.553 75.433 Coeff. of Var. [%]norm 4.394 3.265
Min. 842.606 0.054 0.015 Min. 0.2113 846.883 0.054
Max. 998.737 0.062 0.135 Max. 0.2225 994.092 0.061
Number of Spec. 18 12 12 Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 912.052 [MPa]
0° Tension -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 40.079 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 4.394 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

0° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.056 [GPa]

0° Tension -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.002 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 3.265 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

0° Tension -- (CTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Poisson's Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Ratio Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-7 A 1 1 843.194 0.060 0.110 2.606 12 0.21717 838.291 0.059
A2-910-056-1-7 A 1 1 765.594 0.055 0.070 2.616 12 0.21802 764.111 0.055
A2-910-056-1-8 A 1 1 802.934 2.609 12 0.21738 799.044
B1-910-056-1-7 B 1 2 810.573 0.056 0.090 2.629 12 0.21908 812.929 0.056
B2-910-056-1-7 B 1 2 842.461 0.057 0.070 2.639 12 0.21992 848.175 0.058
B2-910-056-1-8 B 1 2 752.490 2.637 12 0.21971 756.865

Average 802.874 0.057 0.085 Averagenorm 0.21855 803.236 0.057

Standard Dev. 37.896 0.002 0.019 Standard Dev. norm 37.526 0.002
Coeff. of Var. [%] 4.720 3.514 22.528 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 4.672 3.298
Min. 752.490 0.055 0.070 Min. 0.2172 756.865 0.055
Max. 843.194 0.060 0.110 Max. 0.2199 848.175 0.059
Number of Spec. 6 4 4 Number of Spec. 6 4

Pooled Average = 803.236 [Mpa]
0° Tension -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 37.526 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 4.672 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch # 4

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

0° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.057 [GPa]

0° Tension -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.002 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 3.298 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

0° Tension -- (ETW) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Poisson's Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Ratio Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 1029.085 0.054 0.029 2.628 12 0.21903 1031.877 0.054
A2-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 1106.526 0.061 0.026 2.603 12 0.21692 1098.806 0.060
A1-910-056-1-4 A 1 1 1105.084 2.632 12 0.21935 1109.689
B1-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 1074.110 0.063 0.035 2.640 12 0.22003 1081.916 0.063
B2-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 1031.145 0.055 0.033 2.557 12 0.21308 1005.866 0.053
B1-910-056-1-4 B 1 2 1056.629 2.660 12 0.22166 1072.192
A1-910-057-1-3 A 2 3 1074.747 0.057 0.036 2.603 12 0.21689 1067.145 0.057
A2-910-047-1-3 A 2 3 1063.688 0.056 0.029 2.626 12 0.21886 1065.749 0.057
A1-910-057-1-4 A 2 3 1063.892 2.586 12 0.21554 1049.768
B1-910-057-1-5 B 2 4 1003.072 0.059 0.038 2.623 12 0.21861 1003.849 0.059
B2-910-057-1-3 B 2 4 1051.592 0.058 0.017 2.624 12 0.21869 1052.814 0.058
B1-910-057-1-4 B 2 4 1007.153 2.622 12 0.21850 1007.446
A1-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 1046.771 0.057 0.028 2.618 12 0.21819 1045.554 0.057
A2-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 1055.648 0.059 0.032 2.598 12 0.21654 1046.442 0.059
A1-910-058-1-4 A 3 5 1027.570 2.622 12 0.21848 1027.769
B1-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 1077.413 0.059 0.041 2.604 12 0.21700 1070.314 0.059
B2-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 1058.495 0.059 0.011 2.585 12 0.21541 1043.828 0.058
B1-910-058-1-4 B 3 6 1002.461 2.624 12 0.21865 1003.433

Average 1051.949 0.058 0.029 Averagenorm 0.21786 1049.137 0.058

Standard Dev. 30.909 0.002 0.009 Standard Dev. norm 31.952 0.003
Coeff. of Var. [%] 2.938 4.288 29.313 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 3.046 4.606
Min. 1002.461 0.054 0.011 Min. 0.2131 1003.433 0.053
Max. 1106.526 0.063 0.041 Max. 0.2217 1109.689 0.063
Number of Spec. 18 12 12 Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 1049.137 [MPa]
0° Tension -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 31.952 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 3.046 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch # 4

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

0° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.058 [GPa]

0° Tension -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.003 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 4.606 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

0° Tension -- (ETD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Poisson's Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Ratio Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 969.265 0.054 0.035 2.615 12 0.21795 967.105 0.054
A2-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 989.999 0.055 0.065 2.609 12 0.21738 985.203 0.055
A2-910-056-1-6 A 1 1 984.976 2.675 12 0.22293 1005.210
B1-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 936.392 0.054 0.035 2.642 12 0.22013 943.651 0.054
B2-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 910.994 0.057 0.020 2.566 12 0.21383 891.750 0.055
B2-910-056-1-6 B 1 2 1005.439 2.644 12 0.22030 1014.012
A1-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 909.322 0.063 0.070 2.614 12 0.21785 906.855 0.063
A2-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 931.598 0.056 0.025 2.625 12 0.21872 932.772 0.056
A2-910-057-1-6 A 2 3 997.251 2.628 12 0.21903 999.957
B1-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 1002.260 0.058 0.015 2.623 12 0.21855 1002.746 0.058
B2-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 990.633 0.056 0.025 2.623 12 0.21859 991.305 0.056
B2-910-057-1-6 B 2 4 939.436 2.622 12 0.21848 939.619
A1-910-058-1-8 A 3 5 1009.674 0.057 0.045 2.589 12 0.21575 997.249 0.056
A2-910-058-1-8 A 3 5 1006.581 0.053 0.050 2.598 12 0.21649 997.608 0.053
A2-910-058-1-6 A 3 5 1015.816 2.598 12 0.21649 1006.761
B1-910-058-1-8 B 3 6 1000.107 0.056 0.050 2.558 12 0.21315 975.879 0.055
B2-910-058-1-8 B 3 6 880.860 0.058 0.005 2.573 12 0.21442 864.643 0.056
B2-910-058-1-6 B 3 6 961.103 2.583 12 0.21527 947.133

Average 968.984 0.056 0.037 Average norm 0.21752 964.970 0.056

Standard Dev. 41.099 0.003 0.020 Standard Dev. norm 44.067 0.003
Coeff. of Var. [%] 4.241 4.463 54.338 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 4.567 4.481
Min. 880.860 0.053 0.005 Min. 0.2131 864.643 0.053
Max. 1015.816 0.063 0.070 Max. 0.2229 1014.012 0.063
Number of Spec. 18 12 12 Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 964.970 [MPa]
0° Tension -- (ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 44.067 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 4.567 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

0° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.056 [GPa]

0° Tension -- (ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.003 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 4.481 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

90° Tension -- (RTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strength norm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-6 A 1 1 746.858 0.053 2.644 12 0.22030 753.227 0.054
A2-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 850.979 0.056 2.557 12 0.21311 830.199 0.055
A1-910-056-1-9 A 1 1 807.172 2.600 12 0.21664 800.524
B1-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 844.361 0.055 2.632 12 0.21935 847.879 0.056
B2-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 852.066 0.056 2.617 12 0.21812 850.827 0.056
B1-910-056-1-9 B 1 2 858.027 2.604 12 0.21696 852.207
A1-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 845.191 0.054 2.603 12 0.21692 839.294 0.054
A2-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 721.069 0.055 2.599 12 0.21658 714.921 0.054
A1-910-057-1-6 A 2 3 687.602 2.625 12 0.21876 688.601
B1-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 762.646 0.055 2.620 12 0.21829 762.128 0.055
B2-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 736.201 0.054 2.590 12 0.21586 727.498 0.054
B1-910-057-1-6 B 2 4 733.458 2.606 12 0.21713 729.051
A1-910-058-1-7 A 3 5 705.490 0.056 2.600 12 0.21668 699.816 0.055
A2-910-058-1-7 A 3 5 786.398 0.055 2.583 12 0.21527 774.967 0.054
A1-910-058-1-6 A 3 5 707.472 2.638 12 0.21982 711.928
B1-910-058-1-7 B 3 6 749.836 0.055 2.612 12 0.21766 747.148 0.055
B2-910-058-1-7 B 3 6 740.118 0.054 2.623 12 0.21855 740.477 0.054
B1-910-058-1-6 B 3 6 821.938 2.631 12 0.21922 824.885

Average 775.382 0.055 Average norm 0.21751 771.977 0.055

Standard Dev. 58.245 0.001 Standard Dev. norm 56.806 0.001
Coeff. of Var. [%] 7.512 1.581 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 7.359 1.419
Min. 687.602 0.053 Min. 0.2131 688.601 0.054
Max. 858.027 0.056 Max. 0.2203 852.207 0.056
Number of Spec. 18 12 Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 771.977 [MPa]
90° Tension -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 56.806 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 7.359 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

90° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.055 [GPa]

90° Tension -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.001 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 1.419 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

90° Tension -- (CTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strength norm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-7 A 1 1 742.458 0.057 2.637 12 0.21971 746.775 0.057
A2-910-056-1-7 A 1 1 736.290 0.055 2.652 12 0.22098 744.851 0.056
A1-910-056-1-8 A 1 1 718.240 2.614 12 0.21781 716.152
B1-910-056-1-7 B 1 2 688.155 0.056 2.652 12 0.22098 696.157 0.057
B2-910-056-1-7 B 1 2 719.311 0.055 2.637 12 0.21971 723.493 0.056
B1-910-056-1-8 B 1 2 708.183 2.621 12 0.21844 708.183

Average 718.773 0.056 Average norm 0.21960 722.602 0.056

Standard Dev. 19.586 0.001 Standard Dev.norm 20.145 0.001
Coeff. of Var. [%] 2.725 1.536 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 2.788 1.471
Min. 688.155 0.055 Min. 0.2178 696.157 0.056
Max. 742.458 0.057 Max. 0.2210 746.775 0.057
Number of Spec. 6 4 Number of Spec. 6 4

Pooled Average = 722.602 [MPa]
90° Tension -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 20.145 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 2.788 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

90° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.056 [GPa]

90° Tension -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.001 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 1.471 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

90° Tension -- (ETW) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 1004.365 0.054 2.631 12 0.21924 1008.063 0.054
A2-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 910.374 0.054 2.618 12 0.21819 909.316 0.054
A1-910-056-1-4 A 1 1 959.089 2.641 12 0.22007 966.245
B1-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 892.883 0.057 2.647 12 0.22056 901.535 0.058
B2-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 939.668 0.055 2.590 12 0.21584 928.468 0.055
B1-910-056-1-4 B 1 2 860.894 2.645 12 0.22039 868.569
A1-910-057-1-3 A 2 3 922.318 0.053 2.620 12 0.21829 921.692 0.053
A2-910-057-1-3 A 2 3 926.701 0.056 2.610 12 0.21749 922.660 0.056
A1-910-057-1-4 A 2 3 964.121 2.618 12 0.21819 963.000
B1-910-057-1-3 B 2 4 940.165 0.054 2.624 12 0.21865 941.076 0.054
B2-910-057-1-3 B 2 4 956.127 0.055 2.612 12 0.21764 952.606 0.054
B1-910-057-1-4 B 2 4 917.293 2.617 12 0.21812 915.960
A1-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 759.543 0.054 2.598 12 0.21649 752.772 0.054
A2-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 788.752 0.052 2.575 12 0.21457 774.766 0.051
A1-910-058-1-4 A 3 5 807.087 2.631 12 0.21922 809.980
B1-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 866.181 0.054 2.624 12 0.21869 867.188 0.054
B2-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 807.541 0.054 2.624 12 0.21869 808.480 0.054
B1-910-058-1-4 B 3 6 851.891 2.611 12 0.21759 848.589

Average 893.055 0.054 Average norm 0.21822 892.276 0.054

Standard Dev. 68.559 0.001 Standard Dev. norm 70.336 0.002
Coeff. of Var. [%] 7.677 2.502 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 7.883 2.941
Min. 759.543 0.052 Min. 0.2146 752.772 0.051
Max. 1004.365 0.057 Max. 0.2206 1008.063 0.058
Number of Spec. 18 12 Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 892.276 [MPa]
90° Tension -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 70.336 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 7.883 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

90° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.054 [GPa]

90° Tension -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.002 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 2.941 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

90° Tension -- (ETD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strength norm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 942.543 0.054 2.623 12 0.21861 943.274 0.054
A2-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 940.611 0.054 2.576 12 0.21463 924.205 0.053
A1-910-056-1-9 A 1 1 942.857 2.598 12 0.21654 934.635
B1-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 850.558 0.055 2.601 12 0.21679 844.130 0.055
B2-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 837.930 0.056 2.590 12 0.21584 827.943 0.055
B1-910-056-1-9 B 1 2 913.203 2.633 12 0.21939 917.185
A1-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 747.872 0.056 2.618 12 0.21819 747.003 0.056
A2-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 728.125 0.052 2.603 12 0.21689 722.975 0.052
A2-910-057-1-6 A 2 3 859.851 2.615 12 0.21791 857.768
B1-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 838.631 0.054 2.622 12 0.21850 838.875 0.054
B2-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 786.527 0.055 2.602 12 0.21681 780.658 0.054
B2-910-057-1-6 B 2 4 840.919 2.621 12 0.21844 840.919
A1-910-058-1-8 A 3 5 760.737 0.054 2.582 12 0.21520 749.459 0.054
A2-910-058-1-8 A 3 5 774.174 0.056 2.609 12 0.21742 770.573 0.056
A2-910-058-1-6 A 3 5 815.034 2.584 12 0.21533 803.424
B1-910-058-1-8 B 3 6 823.343 0.057 2.584 12 0.21537 811.775 0.056
B2-910-058-1-8 B 3 6 841.968 0.055 2.610 12 0.21749 838.296 0.055
B2-910-058-1-6 B 3 6 853.039 2.625 12 0.21872 854.113

Average 838.774 0.055 Average norm 0.21711 833.734 0.054

Standard Dev. 65.356 0.001 Standard Dev. norm 65.826 0.001
Coeff. of Var. [%] 7.792 2.256 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 7.895 2.207
Min. 728.125 0.052 Min. 0.2146 722.975 0.052
Max. 942.857 0.057 Max. 0.2194 943.274 0.056
Number of Spec. 18 12 Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 892.276 [MPa]
90° Tension -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 70.336 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 7.883 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

90° Tensile Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.054 [GPa]

90° Tension -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.002 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 2.941 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
5 Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Tensile Modulus [GPa]

0° Compression -- (RTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-8 A 1 1 677.158 2.616 12 0.21802 675.845
A2-910-056-1-5 A 1 1 662.500 2.616 12 0.21802 661.216
A1-910-056-1-10 A 1 1 640.284 2.616 12 0.21802 639.043
A2-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 0.056 3.009 14 0.21490 0.055
B1-910-056-1-5 B 1 2 773.197 2.616 12 0.21802 771.698
B2-910-056-1-7 B 1 2 724.194 2.616 12 0.21802 722.791
B2-910-056-1-8 B 1 2 707.896 2.616 12 0.21802 706.524
B2-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 0.056 3.011 14 0.21508 0.055
A1-910-057-1-5 A 2 3 659.142 2.604 12 0.21696 654.671
A2-910-057-1-7 A 2 3 761.160 2.604 12 0.21696 755.997
A2-910-057-1-8 A 2 3 759.365 2.604 12 0.21696 754.215
A2-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 0.056 3.019 14 0.21566 0.055
B1-910-057-1-5 B 2 4 782.660 2.604 12 0.21696 777.351
B2-910-057-1-7 B 2 4 616.231 2.604 12 0.21696 612.051
B2-910-057-1-8 B 2 4 593.713 2.604 12 0.21696 589.686
B2-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 0.057 2.985 14 0.21323 0.056
A1-910-058-1-4 A 3 5 774.963 2.642 12 0.22013 780.970
A1-910-058-1-5 A 3 5 724.387 2.642 12 0.22013 730.003
A2-910-058-1-4 A 3 5 714.168 2.642 12 0.22013 719.705
A2-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 0.052 3.051 14 0.21793 0.051
B1-910-058-1-4 B 3 6 717.585 2.642 12 0.22013 723.147
B1-910-058-1-5 B 3 6 715.597 2.642 12 0.22013 721.145
B2-910-058-1-4 B 3 6 755.441 2.642 12 0.22013 761.297
B2-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 0.058 3.013 14 0.21521 0.057

Average 708.869 0.056 Average norm 0.21761 708.742 0.055

Standard Dev. 56.467 0.002 Standard Dev. norm 57.768 0.002
Coeff. of Var. [%] 7.966 3.932 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 8.151 3.391
Min. 593.713 0.052 Min. 0.2132 589.686 0.051
Max. 782.660 0.058 Max. 0.2201 780.970 0.057
Number of Spec. 18 6 Number of Spec. 18 6

Pooled Average = 708.742 [MPa]
0° Compression -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 57.768 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 8.151 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
Prepreg Lot # 5

ASAP Batch #
Prepeg Lot #

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

0° Compression Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.055 [GPa]

0° Compression -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.002 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 3.391 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Compression Modulus [GPa]

0° Compression -- (CTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-4 A 1 1 723.024 2.631 12 0.21924 725.687
A1-910-056-1-5 A 1 1 701.885 2.631 12 0.21924 704.469
A2-910-056-1-4 A 1 1 731.741 2.631 12 0.21924 734.435
A2-910-056-1-6 A 1 1 0.054 3.071 14 0.21935 0.054
B1-910-056-1-4 B 1 2 844.971 2.631 12 0.21924 848.082
B2-910-056-1-4 B 1 2 758.523 2.631 12 0.21924 761.316
B2-910-056-1-5 B 1 2 723.076 2.631 12 0.21924 725.739
B2-910-056-1-6 B 1 2 0.055 3.071 14 0.21935 0.055

Average 747.203 0.055 Average norm 0.21927 749.955 0.055

Standard Dev. 51.276 0.001 Standard Dev. norm 51.465 0.001
Coeff. of Var. [%] 6.862 1.527 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 6.862 1.527
Min. 701.885 0.054 Min. 0.2192 704.469 0.054
Max. 844.971 0.055 Max. 0.2193 848.082 0.055
Number of Spec. 6 2 Number of Spec. 6 2

0° Compression -- (CTD) Pooled Average = 749.955 [MPa]
Pooled Standard Deviation = 51.465 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 6.862 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch # 4

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

0° Compression Strength [MPa]

0° Compression -- (CTD) Pooled Average = 0.055 [GPa]

Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.001 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 1.527 [%]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Compression Modulus [GPa]


0° Compression -- (ETW) normalizing tply

Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 456.991 2.631 12 0.21924 458.673
A1-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 473.407 2.631 12 0.21924 475.150
A2-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 394.658 2.631 12 0.21924 396.111
A2-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 0.057 3.037 14 0.21690 0.057
B1-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 419.416 2.631 12 0.21924 420.960
B1-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 400.440 2.631 12 0.21924 401.914
B2-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 531.552 2.631 12 0.21924 533.509
B2-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 0.052 3.043 14 0.21739 0.052
A1-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 482.242 2.604 12 0.21696 478.971
A1-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 463.025 2.604 12 0.21696 459.884
A2-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 439.285 2.604 12 0.21696 436.305
A2-910-057-1-3 A 2 3 0.051 3.050 14 0.21784 0.051
B1-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 527.114 2.604 12 0.21696 523.539
B1-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 446.287 2.604 12 0.21696 443.260
B2-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 446.260 2.604 12 0.21696 443.233
B2-910-057-1-3 B 2 4 0.063 3.012 14 0.21512 0.062
A1-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 524.241 2.659 12 0.22162 531.861
A2-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 504.937 2.659 12 0.22162 512.276
A2-910-058-1-2 A 3 5 488.704 2.659 12 0.22162 495.807
A2-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 0.055 3.042 14 0.21732 0.055
B1-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 531.983 2.659 12 0.22162 539.716
B2-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 488.411 2.659 12 0.22162 495.510
B2-910-058-1-2 B 3 6 493.512 2.659 12 0.22162 500.685
B2-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 0.053 3.041 14 0.21722 0.052

Average 472.915 0.055 Average norm 0.21870 474.854 0.055

Standard Dev. 43.159 0.004 Standard Dev. norm 45.123 0.004
Coeff. of Var. [%] 9.126 7.863 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 9.502 7.418
Min. 394.658 0.051 Min. 0.2151 396.111 0.051
Max. 531.983 0.063 Max. 0.2216 539.716 0.062
Number of Spec. 18 6 Number of Spec. 18 6

Pooled Average = 474.854 [MPa]
0° Compression -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 45.123 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 9.502 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
ASAP Batch # 5 Prepreg Lot #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

0° Compression Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.055 [GPa]

0° Compression -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.004 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 7.418 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Compression Modulus [GPa]

0° Compression -- (ETD) normalizing t ply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. t ply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-9 A 1 1 591.862 2.604 12 0.21696 587.847
A2-910-056-1-8 A 1 1 592.073 2.604 12 0.21696 588.057
A2-910-056-1-9 A 1 1 586.996 2.604 12 0.21696 583.014
A2-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 0.055 3.017 14 0.21550 0.054
B1-910-056-1-8 B 1 2 660.847 2.604 12 0.21696 656.365
B1-910-056-1-9 B 1 2 661.520 2.604 12 0.21696 657.033
B2-910-056-1-9 B 1 2 670.195 2.604 12 0.21696 665.649
B2-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 0.054 3.028 14 0.21630 0.054
A1-910-057-1-8 A 2 3 678.870 2.591 12 0.21590 670.976
A1-910-057-1-9 A 2 3 774.079 2.591 12 0.21590 765.078
A2-910-057-1-9 A 2 3 658.037 2.591 12 0.21590 650.386
A2-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 0.057 3.040 14 0.21717 0.056
B1-910-057-1-8 B 2 4 722.308 2.591 12 0.21590 713.909
B1-910-057-1-9 B 2 4 738.506 2.591 12 0.21590 729.919
B2-910-057-1-9 B 2 4 580.651 2.591 12 0.21590 573.899
B2-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 0.062 2.991 14 0.21367 0.061
A1-910-058-1-9 A 3 5 659.631 2.619 12 0.21823 658.992
A2-910-058-1-5 A 3 5 680.408 2.619 12 0.21823 679.749
A2-910-058-1-9 A 3 5 611.657 2.619 12 0.21823 611.064
A2-910-058-1-2 A 3 5 0.055 3.042 14 0.21726 0.055
B1-910-058-1-9 B 3 6 701.614 2.619 12 0.21823 700.934
B2-910-058-1-5 B 3 6 716.942 2.619 12 0.21823 716.248
B2-910-058-1-9 B 3 6 746.174 2.619 12 0.21823 745.451
B2-910-058-1-6 B 3 6 0.054 3.083 14 0.22022 0.054

Average 668.465 0.056 Averagenorm 0.21694 664.143 0.056

Standard Dev. 58.548 0.003 Standard Dev.norm 58.129 0.003
Coeff. of Var. [%] 8.759 5.436 Coeff. of Var. [%]norm 8.753 4.715
Min. 580.651 0.054 Min. 0.2137 573.899 0.054
Max. 774.079 0.062 Max. 0.2202 765.078 0.061
Number of Spec. 18 6 Number of Spec. 18 6

Pooled Average = 664.143 [MPa]
0° Compression -- (ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 58.129 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 8.753 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

0° Compression Strength [MPa]

0° Compression -- (ETD) Pooled Average = 0.056 [GPa]

Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.003 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 4.715 [%]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120

0° Compression Modulus [GPa]

90° Compression -- (RTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-5 A 1 1 672.954 2.591 12 0.21590 665.129
A2-910-056-1-8 A 1 1 659.447 2.591 12 0.21590 651.779
A2-910-056-1-9 A 1 1 649.514 2.591 12 0.21590 641.962
A2-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 0.051 3.033 14 0.21666 0.051
B1-910-056-1-5 B 1 2 666.617 2.591 12 0.21590 658.866
B1-910-056-1-8 B 1 2 723.408 2.591 12 0.21590 714.997
B2-910-056-1-4 B 1 2 774.590 2.591 12 0.21590 765.583
B2-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 0.052 3.071 14 0.21938 0.052
A1-910-057-1-8 A 2 3 715.706 2.591 12 0.21590 707.384
A2-910-057-1-4 A 2 3 724.567 2.591 12 0.21590 716.142
A2-910-057-1-5 A 2 3 704.268 2.591 12 0.21590 696.079
A2-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 0.054 3.064 14 0.21884 0.054
B1-910-057-1-7 B 2 4 729.546 2.591 12 0.21590 721.063
B2-910-057-1-4 B 2 4 745.664 2.591 12 0.21590 736.993
B2-910-057-1-5 B 2 4 728.080 2.591 12 0.21590 719.614
B2-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 0.053 3.029 14 0.21639 0.052
A1-910-058-1-4 A 3 5 734.190 2.629 12 0.21908 736.325
A1-910-058-1-5 A 3 5 638.979 2.629 12 0.21908 640.837
A2-910-058-1-4 A 3 5 675.819 2.629 12 0.21908 677.783
A2-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 0.055 3.062 14 0.21871 0.055
B1-910-058-1-4 B 3 6 696.084 2.629 12 0.21908 698.107
B1-910-058-1-5 B 3 6 684.123 2.629 12 0.21908 686.112
B2-910-058-1-4 B 3 6 729.969 2.629 12 0.21908 732.091
B2-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 0.057 3.028 14 0.21626 0.056

Average 702.974 0.054 Averagenorm 0.21715 698.158 0.053

Standard Dev. 36.981 0.002 Standard Dev. norm 36.083 0.002
Coeff. of Var. [%] 5.261 3.915 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 5.168 3.831
Min. 638.979 0.051 Min. 0.2159 640.837 0.051
Max. 774.590 0.057 Max. 0.2194 765.583 0.056
Number of Spec. 18 6 Number of Spec. 18 6

Pooled Average = 698.158 [MPa]
90° Compression -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 36.083 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 5.168 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

90° Compression Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.053 [GPa]

90° Compression -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.002 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 3.831 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Compression Modulus [GPa]

90° Compression -- (CTD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulus norm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-4 A 1 1 756.768 2.612 12 0.21766 754.055
A2-910-056-1-4 A 1 1 636.880 2.612 12 0.21766 634.596
A2-910-056-1-5 A 1 1 695.550 2.612 12 0.21766 693.056
A2-910-056-1-6 A 1 1 0.049 3.063 14 0.21880 0.049
B1-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 729.911 2.612 12 0.21766 727.294
B1-910-056-1-4 B 1 2 831.167 2.612 12 0.21766 828.187
B2-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 816.935 2.612 12 0.21766 814.006
B2-910-056-1-6 B 1 2 0.048 3.104 14 0.22171 0.048

Average 744.535 0.048 Averagenorm 0.21831 741.866 0.049

Standard Dev. 73.620 0.001 Standard Dev. norm 73.356 0.001
Coeff. of Var. [%] 9.888 2.192 Coeff. of Var. [%]norm 9.888 1.260
Min. 636.880 0.048 Min. 0.2177 634.596 0.048
Max. 831.167 0.049 Max. 0.2217 828.187 0.049
Number of Spec. 6 2 Number of Spec. 6 2

Pooled Average = 741.866 [MPa]
90° Compression -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 73.356 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 9.888 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

90° Compression Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.049 [GPa]

90° Compression -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.001 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 1.260 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Compression Modulus [GPa]

90° Compression -- (ETW) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 443.124 2.612 12 0.21766 441.536
A2-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 481.103 2.612 12 0.21766 479.378
A2-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 453.010 2.612 12 0.21766 451.386
A2-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 0.049 3.046 14 0.21759 0.049
B1-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 435.238 2.612 12 0.21766 433.678
B2-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 492.096 2.612 12 0.21766 490.332
B2-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 479.735 2.612 12 0.21766 478.015
B2-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 0.055 3.081 14 0.22004 0.055
A1-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 495.807 2.604 12 0.21696 492.444
A1-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 518.135 2.604 12 0.21696 514.621
A2-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 466.330 2.604 12 0.21696 463.167
A2-910-057-1-3 A 2 3 0.054 3.152 14 0.22512 0.055
B1-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 471.276 2.604 12 0.21696 468.080
B2-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 501.172 2.604 12 0.21696 497.772
B2-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 523.323 2.604 12 0.21696 519.773
B2-910-057-1-3 B 2 4 0.059 3.026 14 0.21617 0.058
A1-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 513.293 2.629 12 0.21908 514.785
A2-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 481.238 2.629 12 0.21908 482.637
A2-910-058-1-2 A 3 5 495.435 2.629 12 0.21908 496.875
A2-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 0.056 3.061 14 0.21868 0.056
B1-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 465.136 2.629 12 0.21908 466.489
B2-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 461.665 2.629 12 0.21908 463.007
B2-910-058-1-2 B 3 6 461.324 2.629 12 0.21908 462.665
B2-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 0.055 3.036 14 0.21684 0.055

Average 479.913 0.055 Averagenorm 0.21819 478.702 0.055

Standard Dev. 25.188 0.003 Standard Dev. norm 24.823 0.003
Coeff. of Var. [%] 5.249 5.798 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 5.185 5.588
Min. 435.238 0.049 Min. 0.2162 433.678 0.049
Max. 523.323 0.059 Max. 0.2251 519.773 0.058
Number of Spec. 18 6 Number of Spec. 18 6

Pooled Average = 478.702 [MPa]
90° Compression -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 24.823 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 5.185 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

90° Compression Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.055 [GPa]

90° Compression -- (HTW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.003 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 5.588 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Compression Modulus [GPa]

90° Compression -- (ETD) normalizing tply
Strength & Modulus [mm]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric 0.2184

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply Strengthnorm Modulusnorm
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm] [MPa] [GPa]
A1-910-056-1-7 A 1 1 653.659 2.616 12 0.21802 652.392
A1-910-056-1-8 A 1 1 556.310 2.616 12 0.21802 555.232
A2-910-056-1-10 A 1 1 589.406 2.616 12 0.21802 588.264
A2-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 0.052 3.040 14 0.21712 0.052
B1-910-056-1-9 B 1 2 600.151 2.616 12 0.21802 598.988
B2-910-056-1-5 B 1 2 683.364 2.616 12 0.21802 682.040
B2-910-056-1-9 B 1 2 703.935 2.616 12 0.21802 702.571
B2-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 0.053 3.075 14 0.21962 0.053
A1-910-057-1-10 A 2 3 632.877 2.604 12 0.21696 628.584
A2-910-057-1-8 A 2 3 701.496 2.604 12 0.21696 696.737
A2-910-057-1-9 A 2 3 707.857 2.604 12 0.21696 703.056
A2-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 0.052 3.061 14 0.21866 0.052
B1-910-057-1-8 B 2 4 646.723 2.604 12 0.21696 642.336
B2-910-057-1-10 B 2 4 648.515 2.604 12 0.21696 644.116
B2-910-057-1-11 B 2 4 638.429 2.604 12 0.21696 634.098
B2-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 0.056 3.030 14 0.21641 0.056
A1-910-058-1-9 A 3 5 673.102 2.599 12 0.21660 667.428
A2-910-058-1-8 A 3 5 651.037 2.599 12 0.21660 645.549
A2-910-058-1-9 A 3 5 620.254 2.599 12 0.21660 615.025
A2-910-058-1-6 A 3 5 0.053 3.052 14 0.21799 0.053
B1-910-058-1-9 B 3 6 651.003 2.599 12 0.21660 645.515
B2-910-058-1-8 B 3 6 664.063 2.599 12 0.21660 658.465
B2-910-058-1-9 B 3 6 667.730 2.599 12 0.21660 662.101
B2-910-058-1-2 B 3 6 0.052 3.033 14 0.21663 0.051

Average 649.439 0.053 Averagenorm 0.21733 645.694 0.053

Standard Dev. 40.100 0.002 Standard Dev. norm 39.442 0.002
Coeff. of Var. [%] 6.175 2.984 Coeff. of Var. [%] norm 6.108 2.845
Min. 556.310 0.052 Min. 0.2164 555.232 0.051
Max. 707.857 0.056 Max. 0.2196 703.056 0.056
Number of Spec. 18 6 Number of Spec. 18 6

Pooled Average = 645.694 [MPa]
90° Compression -- (ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 39.442 [MPa]
Normalized Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 6.108 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
5 Prepreg Lot #

ASAP Batch #

Prepeg Lot #


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

90° Compression Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.053 [GPa]

90° Compression -- (ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.002 [GPa]
Normalized Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 2.845 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch # 3
Prepreg Lot #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100

90° Compression Modulus [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (RTD)
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. t ply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-5 A 1 1 132.930 0.004 3.529 16 0.22058
A1-910-056-1-6 A 1 1 131.264 0.005 3.538 16 0.22111
A1-910-056-1-27 A 1 1 119.133 3.524 16 0.22023
B1-910-056-1-5 B 1 2 135.001 0.004 3.529 16 0.22058
B1-910-056-1-6 B 1 2 139.524 0.004 3.522 16 0.22011
B1-910-056-1-27 B 1 2 127.040 3.498 16 0.21863
A1-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 131.403 0.004 3.505 16 0.21908
A1-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 136.107 0.004 3.498 16 0.21863
A1-910-057-1-11 A 2 3 129.827 3.483 16 0.21768
B1-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 132.209 0.004 3.4628 16 0.21642
B1-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 132.249 0.004 3.4943 16 0.21839
B1-910-057-1-11 B 2 4 131.599 3.4595 16 0.21622
A1-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 139.408 0.004 3.438 16 0.21487
A1-910-058-1-2 A 3 5 138.150 0.004 3.452 16 0.21574
A1-910-058-1-11 A 3 5 129.980 3.447 16 0.21542
B1-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 131.098 0.005 3.443 16 0.21522
B1-910-058-1-2 B 3 6 131.647 0.004 3.458 16 0.21611
B1-910-058-1-11 B 3 6 137.698 3.445 16 0.21531

Average 132.570 0.004 Average 0.2178

Standard Dev. 4.873 0.000
Coeff. of Var. [%] 3.676 5.266
Min. 119.133 0.004 Min. 0.2149
Max. 139.524 0.005 Max. 0.2211
Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 132.570 [MPa]
In-Plane Shear -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 4.873 [MPa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 3.676 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #

ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250

In-Plane Shear Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.004 [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.000 [GPa]
Measured Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 5.266 [%]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

ASAP Batch #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008

In-Plane Shear Modulus [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (CTD)
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 164.811 0.005 3.526 16 0.22035
A2-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 158.190 0.005 3.518 16 0.21987
A1-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 140.140 3.523 16 0.22019
B1-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 159.376 0.004 3.526 16 0.22035
B2-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 158.554 0.004 3.528 16 0.22050
B1-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 148.258 3.533 16 0.22082

Average 154.888 0.004 Average 0.2203

Standard Dev. 8.994 0.000
Coeff. of Var. [%] 5.806 10.252
Min. 140.140 0.004 Min. 0.2199
Max. 164.811 0.005 Max. 0.2208
Number of Spec. 6 4

Pooled Average = 154.888 [MPa]
In-Plane Shear -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 8.994 [MPa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 5.806 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #

ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250

In-Plane Shear Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.004 [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (CTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.000 [GPa]
Measured Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 10.252 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008

In-Plane Shear Modulus [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (ETW)
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. t ply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [GPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-10 A 1 1 74.777 0.003 3.533 16 0.22082
A1-910-056-1-13 A 1 1 77.954 0.003 3.462 16 0.21638
A1-910-056-1-9 A 1 1 73.069 3.539 16 0.22117
B1-910-056-1-9 B 1 2 75.230 0.003 3.482 16 0.21760
B1-910-056-1-10 B 1 2 76.201 0.003 3.462 16 0.21634
B1-910-056-1-11 B 1 2 73.632 3.436 16 0.21474
A1-910-057-1-5 A 2 3 76.311 0.003 3.511 16 0.21942
A1-910-057-1-6 A 2 3 68.150 0.003 3.510 16 0.21936
A1-910-057-1-7 A 2 3 73.249 3.513 16 0.21958
B1-910-057-1-5 B 2 4 74.530 0.003 3.480 16 0.21752
B1-910-057-1-6 B 2 4 74.540 0.003 3.490 16 0.21812
B1-910-057-1-7 B 2 4 74.732 3.483 16 0.21769
A1-910-058-1-5 A 3 5 76.030 0.004 3.473 16 0.21709
A1-910-058-1-6 A 3 5 76.421 0.003 3.471 16 0.21693
A1-910-058-1-7 A 3 5 76.375 3.469 16 0.21682
B1-910-058-1-5 B 3 6 73.480 0.003 3.478 16 0.21736
B1-910-058-1-6 B 3 6 72.642 0.003 3.489 16 0.21809
B1-910-058-1-7 B 3 6 74.919 3.487 16 0.21796

Average 74.569 0.003 Average 0.2179

Standard Dev. 2.136 0.000
Coeff. of Var. [%] 2.865 7.029
Min. 68.150 0.003 Min. 0.2147
Max. 77.954 0.004 Max. 0.2212
Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 74.569 [MPa]
In-Plane Shear -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 2.136 [MPa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 2.865 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #

ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250

In-Plane Shear Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.003 [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (ETW) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.000 [GPa]
Measured Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 7.029 [%]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

ASAP Batch #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008

In-Plane Shear Modulus [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (ETD)
Strength & Modulus
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Modulus Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. t ply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-7 A 1 1 107.616 0.004 3.536 16 0.22103
A1-910-056-1-8 A 1 1 106.355 0.003 3.542 16 0.22138
A1-910-056-1-28 A 1 1 101.556 3.524 16 0.22023
B1-910-056-1-7 B 1 2 109.170 0.003 3.512 16 0.21947
B1-910-056-1-8 B 1 2 110.242 0.003 3.501 16 0.21879
B1-910-056-1-28 B 1 2 99.529 3.505 16 0.21908
A1-910-057-1-3 A 2 3 106.805 0.004 3.501 16 0.21881
A1-910-057-1-4 A 2 3 108.718 0.004 3.506 16 0.21915
A1-910-057-1-12 A 2 3 104.875 3.466 16 0.21665
B1-910-057-1-3 B 2 4 105.847 0.003 3.495 16 0.21844
B1-910-057-1-4 B 2 4 104.682 0.004 3.485 16 0.21781
B1-910-057-1-12 B 2 4 105.336 3.459 16 0.21622
A1-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 110.741 0.004 3.457 16 0.21606
A1-910-058-1-4 A 3 5 106.868 0.003 3.466 16 0.21665
A1-910-058-1-12 A 3 5 103.851 3.448 16 0.21550
B1-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 104.875 0.004 3.466 16 0.21661
B1-910-058-1-4 B 3 6 105.366 0.004 3.470 16 0.21690
B1-910-058-1-12 B 3 6 109.275 3.428 16 0.21423

Average 106.206 0.004 Average 0.2179

Standard Dev. 2.904 0.000
Coeff. of Var. [%] 2.735 4.995
Min. 99.529 0.003 Min. 0.2142
Max. 110.741 0.004 Max. 0.2214
Number of Spec. 18 12

Pooled Average = 106.206 [MPa]
In-Plane Shear -- (ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 2.904 [MPa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 2.735 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric


ASAP Batch #

ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250

In-Plane Shear Strength [MPa]

Pooled Average = 0.004 [GPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.000 [GPa]
Measured Modulus Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 4.995 [%]
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

ASAP Batch #
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #
4 Prepreg Lot #


0 0
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008

In-Plane Shear Modulus [GPa]

Apparent Interlaminar Shear -- (RTD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric
Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-1 A 1 1 57.920 2.642 12 0.22013
A1-910-056-1-2 A 1 1 58.551 2.640 12 0.22003
A1-910-056-1-3 A 1 1 57.803 2.652 12 0.22098
B1-910-056-1-1 B 1 2 60.352 2.457 12 0.20479
B1-910-056-1-2 B 1 2 60.745 2.413 12 0.20108
B1-910-056-1-3 B 1 2 58.369 2.371 12 0.19759
A1-910-057-1-1 A 2 3 60.601 2.619 12 0.21823
A1-910-057-1-2 A 2 3 59.346 2.631 12 0.21929
A1-910-057-1-3 A 2 3 61.704 2.637 12 0.21971
B1-910-057-1-1 B 2 4 60.376 2.648 12 0.22066
B1-910-057-1-2 B 2 4 54.675 2.650 12 0.22087
B1-910-057-1-3 B 2 4 57.335 2.648 12 0.22066
A1-910-058-1-1 A 3 5 59.497 2.610 12 0.21749
A1-910-058-1-2 A 3 5 59.855 2.597 12 0.21643
A1-910-058-1-3 A 3 5 59.073 2.652 12 0.22098
B1-910-058-1-1 B 3 6 57.103 2.634 12 0.21950
B1-910-058-1-2 B 3 6 59.581 2.629 12 0.21908
B1-910-058-1-3 B 3 6 55.447 2.630 12 0.21918
A-49-1-1 A 4 7 61.863 2.558 12 0.21315
A-49-1-3 A 4 7 62.396 2.549 12 0.21241
A-49-1-5 A 4 7 63.195 2.554 12 0.21283
A-49-4-7 A 4 7 55.749 2.588 12 0.21569
A-49-4-9 A 4 7 56.031 2.596 12 0.21632
A-49-4-11 A 4 7 61.862 2.586 12 0.21548
A-49-8-19 A 4 7 55.962 2.637 12 0.21971
A-49-8-15 A 4 7 54.073 2.634 12 0.21950
A-49-1-2 A 4 7 57.560 2.554 12 0.21283
A-49-1-4 A 4 7 58.535 2.551 12 0.21262
A-49-1-6 A 4 7 59.580 2.582 12 0.21516
A-49-4-8 A 4 7 55.659 2.584 12 0.21537
A-49-4-10 A 4 7 54.701 2.581 12 0.21505
A-49-4-12 A 4 7 62.263 2.592 12 0.21601
A-19-8-14 A 4 7 57.602 2.629 12 0.21908
A-19-8-16 A 4 7 54.034 2.637 12 0.21971
A-19-8-18 A 4 7 56.668 2.643 12 0.22024

NOTE: This table is continued in next four pages.

Apparent Interlaminar Shear -- (RTD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric
Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
B-50-1-1 B 4 8 60.383 2.570 12 0.21421
B-50-1-3 B 4 8 59.713 2.573 12 0.21442
B-50-1-5 B 4 8 59.096 2.582 12 0.21516
B-50-4-7 B 4 8 62.109 2.541 12 0.21177
B-50-4-9 B 4 8 66.875 2.554 12 0.21283
B-50-4-11 B 4 8 63.098 2.548 12 0.21230
B-50-8-13 B 4 8 62.651 2.546 12 0.21220
B-50-8-15 B 4 8 62.481 2.549 12 0.21241
B-50-1-2 B 4 8 60.359 2.573 12 0.21442
B-50-1-4 B 4 8 59.635 2.576 12 0.21463
B-50-1-6 B 4 8 62.105 2.564 12 0.21368
B-50-4-8 B 4 8 60.448 2.545 12 0.21209
B-50-4-10 B 4 8 61.147 2.548 12 0.21230
B-50-4-12 B 4 8 62.881 2.548 12 0.21230
B-50-8-14 B 4 8 57.243 2.549 12 0.21241
B-50-8-16 B 4 8 59.439 2.546 12 0.21220
B-50-8-18 B 4 8 61.484 2.551 12 0.21262
A-51-2-1 A 5 9 58.579 2.609 12 0.21738
A-51-2-3 A 5 9 56.016 2.600 12 0.21664
A-51-2-5 A 5 9 53.355 2.592 12 0.21601
A-51-5-7 A 5 9 59.925 2.582 12 0.21516
A-51-5-9 A 5 9 58.768 2.574 12 0.21452
A-51-5-11 A 5 9 56.709 2.574 12 0.21452
A-51-8-13 A 5 9 59.538 2.563 12 0.21357
A-51-8-15 A 5 9 57.405 2.549 12 0.21241
A-51-2-2 A 5 9 56.428 2.606 12 0.21717
A-51-2-4 A 5 9 55.804 2.593 12 0.21611
A-51-2-6 A 5 9 59.361 2.596 12 0.21632
A-51-5-8 A 5 9 59.384 2.577 12 0.21474
A-51-5-10 A 5 9 56.773 2.568 12 0.21400
A-51-5-12 A 5 9 59.957 2.565 12 0.21378
A-51-8-14 A 5 9 61.007 2.554 12 0.21283
A-51-8-16 A 5 9 57.059 2.553 12 0.21273

Apparent Interlaminar Shear -- (RTD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric
Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
B-52-2-1 B 5 10 58.841 2.629 12 0.21908
B-52-2-3 B 5 10 62.585 2.631 12 0.21929
B-52-2-5 B 5 10 58.986 2.638 12 0.21982
B-52-5-7 B 5 10 58.822 2.573 12 0.21442
B-52-5-9 B 5 10 63.797 2.572 12 0.21431
B-52-5-11 B 5 10 62.302 2.579 12 0.21495
B-52-8-13 B 5 10 60.569 2.496 12 0.20796
B-52-8-15 B 5 10 57.056 2.496 12 0.20796
B-52-2-2 B 5 10 55.612 2.630 12 0.21918
B-52-2-4 B 5 10 56.155 2.642 12 0.22013
B-52-2-6 B 5 10 56.251 2.634 12 0.21950
B-52-5-8 B 5 10 58.946 2.577 12 0.21474
B-52-5-10 B 5 10 58.941 2.573 12 0.21442
B-52-5-12 B 5 10 57.519 2.581 12 0.21505
B-52-8-14 B 5 10 60.910 2.496 12 0.20796
B-52-8-16 B 5 10 59.357 2.498 12 0.20817
A-53-1-1 A 6 11 54.943 2.567 12 0.21389
A-53-1-3 A 6 11 63.995 2.563 12 0.21357
A-53-1-5 A 6 11 59.350 2.574 12 0.21452
A-53-6-7 A 6 11 62.989 2.630 12 0.21918
A-53-6-9 A 6 11 66.662 2.628 12 0.21897
A-53-6-11 A 6 11 61.593 2.635 12 0.21960
A-53-7-13 A 6 11 60.238 2.635 12 0.21960
A-53-7-15 A 6 11 59.058 2.634 12 0.21950
A-53-1-2 A 6 11 60.611 2.562 12 0.21347
A-53-1-4 A 6 11 58.794 2.567 12 0.21389
A-53-1-6 A 6 11 62.150 2.572 12 0.21431
A-53-6-8 A 6 11 64.657 2.630 12 0.21918
A-53-6-10 A 6 11 61.962 2.631 12 0.21929
A-53-6-12 A 6 11 63.132 2.640 12 0.22003
A-53-7-14 A 6 11 57.863 2.638 12 0.21982
A-53-7-16 A 6 11 57.380 2.639 12 0.21992

Apparent Interlaminar Shear -- (RTD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric
Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
B-54-1-1 B 6 12 58.083 2.560 12 0.21336
B-54-1-3 B 6 12 60.695 2.568 12 0.21400
B-54-1-5 B 6 12 64.497 2.573 12 0.21442
B-54-6-7 B 6 12 65.876 2.590 12 0.21579
B-54-6-9 B 6 12 61.291 2.591 12 0.21590
B-54-6-11 B 6 12 63.554 2.586 12 0.21548
B-54-7-13 B 6 12 61.054 2.592 12 0.21601
B-54-7-15 B 6 12 56.860 2.595 12 0.21622
B-54-1-2 B 6 12 57.750 2.564 12 0.21368
B-54-1-4 B 6 12 58.821 2.570 12 0.21421
B-54-B-6 B 6 12 63.336 2.570 12 0.21421
B-54-6-8 B 6 12 64.157 2.590 12 0.21579
B-54-6-10 B 6 12 61.997 2.593 12 0.21611
B-54-6-12 B 6 12 61.184 2.591 12 0.21590
B-54-7-14 B 6 12 57.644 2.590 12 0.21579
B-54-7-16 B 6 12 57.504 2.593 12 0.21611
A-55-1-1 A 7 13 59.698 2.569 12 0.21410
A-55-1-3 A 7 13 58.242 2.545 12 0.21209
A-55-1-5 A 7 13 57.977 2.577 12 0.21474
A-55-3-7 A 7 13 67.924 2.564 12 0.21368
A-55-3-9 A 7 13 68.707 2.529 12 0.21071
A-55-3-11 A 7 13 65.772 2.559 12 0.21325
A-55-8-13 A 7 13 60.305 2.507 12 0.20892
A-55-8-15 A 7 13 59.223 2.507 12 0.20892
A-55-1-2 A 7 13 56.621 2.551 12 0.21262
A-55-1-4 A 7 13 56.811 2.559 12 0.21325
A-55-1-6 A 7 13 55.460 2.581 12 0.21505
A-55-3-8 A 7 13 65.113 2.540 12 0.21167
A-55-1-3-10 A 7 13 59.485 2.545 12 0.21209
A-55-3-12 A 7 13 63.402 2.572 12 0.21431
A-55-8-14 A 7 13 52.403 2.502 12 0.20849
A-55-8-16 A 7 13 57.681 2.513 12 0.20944
A-55-8-18 A 7 13 56.039 2.535 12 0.21124

Apparent Interlaminar Shear -- (RTD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric
Specimen Cure Prepreg ASAP Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. t ply
Number Cycle Lot # Batch # [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
B-56-1-1 B 7 14 60.252 2.558 12 0.21315
B-56-1-3 B 7 14 64.434 2.564 12 0.21368
B-56-1-5 B 7 14 61.858 2.559 12 0.21325
B-56-3-7 B 7 14 66.401 2.574 12 0.21452
B-56-3-9 B 7 14 65.081 2.582 12 0.21516
B-56-3-11 B 7 14 64.469 2.572 12 0.21431
B-56-8-13 B 7 14 61.837 2.634 12 0.21950
B-56-8-15 B 7 14 62.762 2.642 12 0.22013
B-56-1-2 B 7 14 61.919 2.560 12 0.21336
B-56-1-4 B 7 14 62.915 2.564 12 0.21368
B-56-1-6 B 7 14 60.770 2.546 12 0.21220
B-56-3-8 B 7 14 66.881 2.577 12 0.21474
B-59-3-10 B 7 14 60.064 2.578 12 0.21484
B-56-3-12 B 7 14 58.835 2.559 12 0.21325
B-56-8-14 B 7 14 60.979 2.635 12 0.21960
B-56-8-16 B 7 14 60.349 2.643 12 0.22024

Average 59.935 Average 0.2150

Standard Dev. 3.124
Coeff. of Var. [%] 5.213
Min. 52.403 Min. 0.1976
Max. 68.707 Max. 0.2210
Number of Spec. 149

Pooled Average = 59.935 [MPa]
Apparent Interlaminar Shear -- (RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 3.124 [MPa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 5.213 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

ASAP Batch #
Prepreg Lot # 6
ASAP Batch #

Prepreg Lot #


4 2

2 1

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength [MPa]

3.2.2. Fluid Sensitivity Raw Data Spreadsheets and Scatter Charts

In-Plane Shear -- (MEK - RTD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Batch Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply

Number Number [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-23 1 131.221 3.491 16 0.21817
A1-910-056-1-24 1 131.218 3.463 16 0.21646
B1-910-056-1-23 2 128.020 3.506 16 0.21912
B1-910-056-1-24 2 126.021 3.494 16 0.21839
B1-910-056-1-25 2 127.089 3.468 16 0.21677

Average 128.714 0.2178

Standard Dev. 2.394
Coeff. of Var. [%] 1.860
Min. 126.021 Min. 0.2165
Max. 131.221 Max. 0.2191
Number of Spec. 5

Pooled Average = 128.714 [MPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (MEK - RTD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 2.394 [MPa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 1.860 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Batch #

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

In-Plane Shear Strength [MPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (JP-4 JET FUEL - ETD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Batch Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply

Number Number [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-15 1 98.341 3.492 16 0.21825
A1-910-056-1-16 1 97.558 3.494 16 0.21839
B1-910-056-1-16 2 98.739 3.515 16 0.21968
B1-910-056-1-17 2 101.630 3.520 16 0.22003
B1-910-056-1-18 2 99.987 3.528 16 0.22047

Average 99.251 0.2194

Standard Dev. 1.594
Coeff. of Var. [%] 1.606
Min. 97.558 Min. 0.2182
Max. 101.630 Max. 0.2205
Number of Spec. 5

Pooled Average = 99.251 [Mpa]

In-Plane Shear -- (JP-4 JET FUEL - ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 1.594 [Mpa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 1.606[%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Batch #

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

In-Plane Shear Strength [MPa]

In-Plane Shear -- (Hydraulic Fluid - ETD)
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Specimen Batch Strength Avg. Specimen # Plies in Avg. tply

Number Number [MPa] Thickn. [mm] Laminate [mm]
A1-910-056-1-19 1 106.900 3.510 16 0.21934
A1-910-056-1-20 1 106.192 3.514 16 0.21963
A1-910-056-1-21 1 106.000 3.515 16 0.21971
B1-910-056-1-19 2 104.771 3.531 16 0.22071
B1-910-056-1-20 2 107.037 3.530 16 0.22063

Average 106.180 0.2200

Standard Dev. 0.904
Coeff. of Var. [%] 0.851
Min. 104.771 Min. 0.2193
Max. 107.037 Max. 0.2207
Number of Spec. 5

Pooled Average = 106.180 [Mpa]

In-Plane Shear -- (Hydraulic Fluid - ETD) Pooled Standard Deviation = 0.904 [Mpa]
Measured Strength Pooled Coeff. of Variation = 0.851 [%]

TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

Batch #

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

In-Plane Shear Strength [Mpa]

Fluid Sensitivity Comparison:

Average In-Plane Shear Strength Same Environment In-Plane Shear Worst Case Environment In-Plane
with Fluid (MPa) Strength without Fluid (MPa) Shear Strength (MPa)


128.714 132.570 74.569

The RTD average in-plane shear strength was reduced by 3% after exposure to MEK. However, it remained 73%
higher than water exposure in ETW condition.

Average In-Plane Shear Strength Same Environment In-Plane Shear Worst Case Environment In-Plane
with Fluid (MPa) Strength without Fluid (MPa) Shear Strength (MPa)


99.251 106.206 74.569

The ETD average in-plane shear strength was reduced by 6.5% after exposure to JP-4 Jet Fuel. However it
remained 33% higher than water exposure in ETW condition.

Average In-Plane Shear Strength Same Environment In-Plane Shear Worst Case Environment In-Plane
with Fluid (MPa) Strength without Fluid (MPa) Shear Strength (MPa)


106.180 106.206 74.569

The ETD average in-plane shear strength was not reduced after exposure to Hydraulic Fluid.

3.2.3. Representative Shear Stress-Strain Curve

The following stress-strain curve is representative of the TORAY T700SC-12K-

50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric prepreg system. The tension and compression
stress-strain curves are not presented in graphical form. If strain design allowables
from these tests are required, simple one-dimensional linear stress-strain
relationships may be used to obtain corresponding strain design values. This
process should approximate tensile and compressive strain behavior relatively well
but may produce extremely conservative strain values in shear due to the nonlinear
behavior. A more realistic approach for shear strain design allowables is to use a
maximum strain value of 5% (reference MIL-HDBK-17-1E, section 5.7.6). If a
nonlinear analysis of the material’s shear behavior is required, the curve-fit of the
shear stress-strain curve may be used. The representative shear stress-strain curve
was obtained by taking the average of all the sample shear curves and determining
the best-fit line through the data. The actual data points are also presented on the
chart to demonstrate material variability.

Shear Stress vs. Shear Strain, RTD


Strain Data Points

Best Curve Fit Output
Shear Stress [psi]



y-1 = a + b ln x/x
r2 = 0.99940513
5000 a = 6.4451128 e-05
b = -2.1753988 e-07

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12

Shear Strain [in/in]

3.3. Statistical Results

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD
NONE 0.9



Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5



+ 10%
- 10%
0.0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

0° Measured Tension Strength Normalized Data

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6
- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Normalized Data
0° Normalized Tension Strength

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6
- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Normalized Data
90° Measured Tension Strength

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Normalized Data
90° Normalized Tension Strength

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Normalized Data
0° Measured Compression Strength

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Normalized Data
0° Normalized Compression Strength

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6
- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Normalized Data
90° Measured Compression Strength

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6
- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Normalized Data
90° Normalized Compression Strength

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6
- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
0 50 100 150 200
Normalized Data
In-Plane Shear

Mil-17 eg
TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric



1.2 CTD 1

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival

0.6 0.5




+ 10%
0.5 0.6- 10% 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalized Data
Apparent Interlaminar Shear


A.1. Physical Properties

A.1.1. Uncured Resin Content

Three (100 mm X 100 mm) uncured samples were taken across the width of the
prepreg ply sheet, from the start and end of the batch. These samples were tested
for resin weight percentage in accordance with TCWIN-Q-P004, using N-Methyl
Pyrrolidone (NMP) solvent to extract the resin matrix, and SACMA SRM 23-94,
Method A.

A.1.2. Uncured Volatile Content

The volatile content weight fraction was determined in accordance with TCWIN-Q-
P001 that meets the intent of ASTM D3530. Three (100 mm X 100 mm) uncured
samples were taken across the width of the prepreg ply sheet, from the start and
end of the batch.

A.1.3. Resin Gel Time

Three (6 mm X 6 mm) uncured samples were taken across the width of the prepreg
ply sheet, from the start and end of the prepreg material batch. The gel time property
was performed in accordance with ASTM D3532 and TCWIN-U-P007.

A.1.4. Resin Flow

The resin flow property was determined in accordance with SACMA SRM 22-94 and

A.1.5. Uncured Fiber Areal Weight

The surface areas of resin content samples tested in accordance with 2.2.1 were
precisely measured in accordance with TCWIN-Q-P004 and SACMA SRM 23R-94.
The fiber areal weight (g/m2) was calculated by dividing the mass of the resin free
fibrous residue by the measured surface area.

A.1.6. Infrared Spectroscopy

The infrared spectroscopy signature tests were performed in accordance with

TCWIN-U-C002 that meets the intent of ASTM D1252 and ASTM D168.

A.1.7. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

HPLC signature tests were performed in accordance with TCWIN-U-C004 and


A.1.8. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

DSC was performed to provide thermal property, specifically onset and peak
temperature, data for prepreg material. The DSC tests were conducted in
accordance with SACMA SRM 25R-94 and TCWIN-U-C003.

A.1.9. Cured Neat Resin Density

Testing the specimens in accordance with ASTM D792 Method A and TCWIN-U-
M215 determined the cured neat resin density. The density was calculated as
 W1 
ρ Re sin = ρ L  
 1
W − W2 

where: ρResin = Resin density, g/cc

ρL = density of ethanol or water, g/cc
W1 = weight of sample in air
W2 = weight of sample in ethanol or water

A.1.10. Fiber Volume

The fiber volume of each mechanical test laminate was determined in accordance
with ASTM D3171-90. The calculation was performed in accordance with the
following equation;
W 
VF = ρ C *  CF 
 ρF 
where: VF = calculated fiber volume, %
ρC = laminate density, g/cc (same method as 2.2.9)
WCF = weight of fibrous carbon fiber residue of acid digestion, g
ρF = nominal carbon fiber density, g/cc = 1.78 for T700S

A.1.11. Resin Volume

The resin volume of each mechanical test laminate was determined in accordance
with ASTM D3171-90. The calculation was performed in accordance with the
following equation;

 100 − WCF 
VF = ρ C *  
 ρR 
where: VF = calculated fiber volume, %(v)
ρC = laminate density, g/cc (same method as 2.2.9)
WCF = weight of fibrous carbon fiber residue of acid digestion, g
ρR = nominal cured neat resin density, g/cc = 1.267

A.1.12. Void Content

The void content of each mechanical test laminate was determined in accordance
with ASTM D2734-94. The calculation was performed in accordance with the
following equation;
  100 − WCF WCF 
VV = 100 −  ρ C *  + 
  ρR ρ F 
where: VV = Void content, %(v)
ρC = laminate density, g/cc (same method as 2.2.9)
WCF = weight of fibrous carbon fiber residue of acid digestion, g
ρF = nominal carbon fiber density, g/cc = 1.78 for T700S
ρR = nominal cured neat resin density, g/cc = 1.267

A.1.13. Cured Laminate Tg by DMA

The dry and wet Tg by DMA was determined on three specimens per batch in
accordance with SACMA SRM 18R-94. The wet Tg specimens were conditioned in
accordance with method described in paragraph The resultant wet Tg data
reflected the plasticization of resin matrix due to moisture absorption that is
anticipated for any operational environment.


Note: The following descriptions below apply to both 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill)
Tensile specimens unless otherwise specified.

A.2.1. 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Tensile Properties

The 0° (warp) and 90° (fill) tensile tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM
D3039 and TCWIN-U-M201. Six test specimens, 4 for tensile strength & modulus
and 2 for tensile strength only, were tested for each test condition. Test specimens

from one batch were tested at -65°F (Dry). Test specimens from three batches were
tested at 75°F (Dry), 180°F (Dry) and 180°F (Wet).

Twelve plies were used to fabricate the initial test panels, for zero-degree (warp)12
and ninety-degree (fill) 12 ply orientations. The panels were tabbed in accordance
with para. 2.1.5. The zero-degree and ninety-degree test specimens were wet cut to
9.0 inches nominal length and 1.00 inch nominal width in accordance with TCWIN-

The widths of the test specimens were measured with digital ¼” diameter flat anvil
and spindle micrometer. The thickness of the specimens were measured with digital
¼” diameter hemispherical anvil and spindle micrometer. The measurements were
recorded onto TCFOR-Q-033. The width and thickness measurements were
entered into the test frame computer along with the material type, batch number, test
condition and specimen identification.

The 0° (warp) tensile test specimens were strain gauged with CEA-06-125UT-120
biaxial strain gage, except the –65 °F test specimens that were strain gauge with
CEA-06-125UT-350 biaxial strain gage by Intec. The 90° (fill) tensile test specimens
were strain gauged with C-960401-A axial strain gage, except the –65 °F test
specimens that were strain gauge with CEA-06-125UW-350 axial strain gage by
Intec. Instron 4505 load frame, operated in stroke control mode, was used to apply
loading to the specimens at a crosshead rate of 0.05 inch/minute. For 0° (warp)
tensile specimens, the loads, crosshead displacements, longitudinal strains and
transverse strains were recorded throughout each test using a calibrated,
computerized data assimilation system. For 90° (fill) tensile specimens, the loads,
crosshead displacements and transverse strains only were recorded throughout
each test using a calibrated, computerized data assimilation system.

A.2.1.1. Tensile Calculations

The ultimate tensile strengths, moduli and the poisson’s ratio (zero-degree only)
were calculated by transferring the raw data recorded, for example, ultimate loads,
from the Instron computer into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, in
accordance with the following equations:

A. Tensile Strength (Un-normalized)

The un-normalized tensile strength was calculated using the following equation:

σ ULT =

where: σ ULT = the ultimate tensile stress (MPa)
P = the maximum load, (N)
b = the averaged measured width of the specimen (mm)
d = the averaged measured thickness of the specimen (mm)

A. Tensile Strength (Normalized)

The normalized tensile strength was calculated using the following equation:

P CPTspecimen
σ ULT = x
b * d CPTbatchaverage

A. Tensile Modulus of Elasticity (Un-normalized)

The un-normalized longitudinal tensile modulus of elasticity was calculated using

the following equation:

P0.3% − P0.1%
E11T =
b * d * (ε 0.3% − ε 0.1% )

where: E11T = the tensile modulus of elasticity (GPa)

b = the averaged measured width of the specimen (mm)
d = the averaged measured thickness of the specimen (mm)
P0.3% = the applied load at 3000 micron (N)
P0.1% = the applied load at 1000 micron (N)
ε0.3% = 0.3% measured longitudinal strain = 3000 micron (mm/m)
ε0.1% = 0.1% measured longitudinal strain = 1000 micron (mm/m)

A. Tensile Modulus of Elasticity (Normalized)

The normalized longitudinal tensile modulus of elasticity was calculated using the
following equation:

P0.3% − P0.1% CPTspecimen

E11T = x
b * d * (ε 0.3% − ε 0.1% ) CPTbatchaverage

A. 0° (Warp) Tensile Poisson’s Ratio

The poisson’s ratio (ν12) of 0° (warp) tensile specimen was calculated as follows:

εY 2 − εY1
υ12 =

where: υ12 = major Poisson’s ratio

εY1 = transverse strain at stress 1, mm/mm
εY2 = transverse strain at stress 2, mm/mm
0.002 = the longitudinal strain range (εX2-εX1)=0.003–0.001 mm/mm


Note: The following description apply to both 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Compressive
Strength specimens unless otherwise specified.

A.3.1. 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Compressive Strength Properties

The 0° (warp) and 90° (fill) compressive strength tests were conducted in
accordance with SACMA SRM 1R-94 and TCWIN-U-M204. Six compressive
strength specimens were tested for each test condition. Test specimens from one
batch were tested at -65°F (Dry). Test specimens from three batches were tested at
75°F (Dry), 180°F (Dry) and 180°F (Wet).

Twelve plies were used to fabricate the initial test panels, for zero-degree (warp)12
and ninety-degree (fill) 12 ply orientations. The panels were tabbed in accordance
with para. 2.1.5. The test specimens were wet cut, to nominal length of 3.18 inches
and a nominal width of 0.50 inch. The test specimens were machined at NIAR,
Wichita State University in accordance with SACMA SRM 1-94.

The widths of the specimens were measured with digital ¼” diameter flat anvil and
spindle micrometer. The thickness of the specimens used in calculations was the
average of measurements on untabbed test panel with digital ¼” diameter
hemispherical anvil and spindle micrometer. The measurements were recorded
onto TCFOR-Q-033. The width and thickness measurements were entered into the
test frame computer along with the material type, batch number, test condition and
specimen identification.

A modified ASTM D695 anti-buckling fixture was used to augment specimen stability
during the compressive tests. Instron 4510 load frame, operated in stroke control
mode, was used to apply loading to the specimens at 0.05 inch/minute crosshead
rate. The loads and displacements were recorded throughout each test using a
calibrated, computerized data assimilation system.

A.3.1.1. Compressive Strength Calculations

The ultimate compressive strengths were calculated by transferring the raw data
recorded, for example, ultimate loads, from the Instron 4510 into a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet program, in accordance with the following equations:

A. Compressive Strength Calculation (Un-normalized)

The un-normalized 0° (warp) & 90° (fill) ultimate compressive strengths were
calculated in accordance with the following formula:

b* t

where: F = the ultimate compressive strength (MPa)

P = the ultimate compressive load (N)
b = the averaged measured specimen width (mm)
t = the average thickness measured on untabbed compression panel (mm)

A. Compressive Strength Calculation (Normalized)

The 0° (warp) & 90° (fill) compressive strengths were normalized in accordance with
the following formula:

P CPTspecimen
F= x
b * t CPTbatchaverage


Note: The following description apply to both 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Compressive
Modulus specimens unless otherwise specified.

A.4.1. 0° (Warp) and 90° (Fill) Compression Modulus Properties

The 0° (warp) and 90° (fill) compressive modulus tests were conducted in
accordance with SACMA SRM 1R-94 and TCWIN-U-M206. Two test specimens
were tested for each test condition. Test specimens from one batch were tested at -
65°F (Dry). Test specimens from three batches were tested at 75°F (Dry), 180°F
(Dry) and 180°F (Wet).

Fourteen plies were used to fabricate the initial test panels, for zero-degree (warp)14
and ninety-degree (fill) 14 ply orientations. The test specimens were wet cut, to
nominal length of 3.18 inches and a nominal width of 0.50 inch, in accordance with

The widths of the test specimens were measured with digital ¼” diameter flat anvil
and spindle micrometer. The thickness of the specimens were measured with digital
¼” diameter hemispherical anvil and spindle micrometer. The measurements were
recorded onto TCFOR-Q-033. The width and thickness measurements were
entered into the test frame computer along with the material type, batch number, test
condition and specimen identification.

A modified ASTM D695 anti-buckling fixture was used to augment specimen stability
during the compressive tests. Instron 4510 load frame, operated in stroke control
mode, was used to apply the loads. The crosshead displacement rate for each test
was 0.05 in/min (1.27 mm/min) and the strains were measured with a FAE-12S-12-
S6EL-2 uni-axial strain gauge, except for the –65°F test specimens that were strain
gauged with CEA-06-125UW-350 uni-axial strain gauge and tested by Intec. The
loads and strains were recorded throughout each test using computerized data
assimilation system.

A.4.1.1. Compression Modulus Calculations

The compression moduli were calculated by transferring the raw data recorded, for
example, longitudinal strains, from the Instron 4510 into a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet program, in accordance with the following equations:

A. Compressive Modulus Calculation (Un-normalized)

The un-normalized 0° (warp) & 90° (fill) compressive modulus was calculated as

P0.3% − P0.1%
b * d * (ε 0.3% − ε 0.1% )

where: E = compressive modulus (GPa)

P0.3% = applied load at 3000 micron, (N)
P0.1% = applied load at 1000 micron, (N)
b = averaged measured specimen width, (mm)
d = averaged measured specimen thickness, (mm)
ε0.3% = 0.3% measured strain = 3000 micron (mm/m)
ε0.1% = 0.1% measured strain = 1000 micron (mm/m)

A. Compressive Modulus Calculation (Normalized)

The 0° (warp) & 90° (fill) compressive modulus normalization was calculated as

P0.3% − P0.1% CPTspecimen

E= x
b * d * (ε 0.3% − ε 0.1% ) CPTbatchaverage


The in-plane (iosipescu) shear tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM
D5379-93 and D5379-98 for new calculation range. Six test specimens, 4 for shear
strength & modulus and 2 for shear strength only, were tested for each test
condition. Test specimens from one batch were tested at -65°F (Dry). Test
specimens from three batches were tested at 75°F (Dry), 180°F (Dry) and 180°F

Sixteen plies were used to fabricate the initial test panels, in the (Warp/Fill) 4S ply
stacking sequence. The test specimens were wet cut, to nominal length of 3.0
inches and to nominal width of 0.75 inch. The specimen width is further machined to
symmetrical centrally located v-notched width of 0.45 inch, in accordance with ASTM

The symmetrical centrally notched widths of the test specimens were measured with
digital needlepoint and spindle micrometer. The thickness of the specimens were
measured with digital ¼” diameter hemispherical anvil and spindle micrometer. The
measurements were recorded onto TCFOR-Q-033. The width and thickness
measurements were entered into the test frame computer along with the material
type, batch number, test condition and specimen identification.

The test specimens were inserted into the v-notched beam test fixture, with the
notch located along the line-of-action of loading by means of an alignment tool that
referenced the fixture. The notches influence the shear strain along the loading
direction, as the two halves of the fixture were compressed by the load frame while
monitoring load.

Instron 4505 load frame, operated in stroke control mode, was used to apply the
loads. The crosshead displacement rate for each test was 0.05 in/min (1.27
mm/min). The strains were measured with a EA-06-125-TW-120 rosette strain
gauge, except the -65°F test specimens that were strain gauged with EA-06-062TV-
350 and tested by Intec. The loads and strains were recorded throughout each test
using computerized data assimilation system.

A.5.1. In-plane (Iosipescu) Shear Strength Calculations

The strains were measured using the bonded strain gauge. The shear cord modulus
was calculated in accordance with ASTM D5379-98, at 6500 microstrain and 2500
microstrain. The ultimate in-plane (iosipescu) shear strength and moduli were
calculated by transferring the raw data recorded, for example, ultimate loads,
measured strains, from the instron computer into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, in
accordance with the following equations:

A.5.1.1. In-plane (Iosipescu) Shear, Ultimate Strength Calculation

τ Ult. =

where: τUlt. = the ultimate in-plane shear strength (MPa)

P = the ultimate load (N)
b = the measured specimen width, in the symmetrical
centrally located notch (mm)
d = the average measured specimen thickness (mm)

A.5.1.2. In-plane (Iosipescu) Shear, Modulus Calculation

P0.6% − P0.1%
G12 =
b * d * (γ 0.6% − γ 0.1% )

where: G12 = shear chord modulus of elasticity (GPa)

P0.65% = applied load at 6500 micron (N)
P0.25% = applied load at 2500 micron (N).
b = the measured specimen width, in the symmetrical
centrally located notch (mm)
d = the average measured specimen thickness (mm)
γ0.65% = ε+45+ε-45= shear strain at 6500 micron (mm/m)
γ0.25% = ε+45+ε-45= shear strain at 2500 micron (mm/m)


The short beam shear tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM 2344-89.
Six test specimens from three batches were tested at 75°F (Dry) only.

Twelve plies were used to fabricate the initial test panels, in the zero-degree ply
stacking sequence, (warp)12. The test specimens were wet cut, to nominal length of
6*average thickness, in inches and to nominal width of 0.25 inch.

Instron 4505 load frame, operated in stroke control mode, was used to apply the
loads. The crosshead displacement rate for each test was 0.05 in/min (1.27
mm/min). The loads and displacements were recorded throughout each test using
computerized data assimilation system.

A.6.1. Short Beam Shear Strength Calculations

The short beam shear strengths were calculated by transferring the raw data
recorded from the Instron 4505 computer into Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program,
in accordance with the following equation:

A.6.1.1. Short Beam Shear Strength Calculation

3* P

where: F. = the short beam shear strength (MPa)

P = the ultimate load (N)
b = the measured specimen width (mm)
t = the measured specimen thickness (mm)


Traveler #1 Traveler #2 Traveler #4 Traveler #5

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2

Traveler #7 Traveler #8 Traveler #10 Traveler #11

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2

Traveler #61 Traveler #62 Traveler #63 Traveler #64

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2

Traveler #65 Traveler #66 Traveler #67 Traveler #68

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2

Traveler #69M Traveler #71M Traveler #73M Traveler #75M

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 1/2
Time, days

Traveler #77 Traveler #78 Traveler #79 Traveler #80

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain
% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2

Traveler #81 Traveler #82 Traveler #83 Traveler #84

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2

Traveler #85 Traveler #86 Traveler #87 Traveler #88

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 1/2 1/2
Time, days Time, days Time, days 1/2

Traveler #89M Traveler #91M Traveler #93M Traveler #95M

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2

Traveler #13 Traveler #14 Traveler #16 Traveler #17

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2

Traveler #19 Traveler #20 Traveler #22 Traveler #23

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2

Traveler #97 Traveler #98 Traveler #99 Traveler #100

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2

Traveler #101 Traveler #102 Traveler #103 Traveler #104

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2

Traveler #105 Traveler #106 Traveler #107 Traveler #108

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 1/2 1/2
Time, days Time, days Time, days 1/2

Traveler #109M Traveler #111M Traveler #113M Traveler #115M

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 1/2
Time, days

Traveler #25 Traveler #26 Traveler #28 Traveler #29

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2

Traveler #31 Traveler #32 Traveler #34 Traveler #35

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, days 1/2 1/2
Time, days Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2

Traveler #117 Traveler #118 Traveler #119 Traveler #120

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

% Weight Gain
% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain

% Weight Gain
1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2 Time, days 1/2
Time, days 1/2


Summary of Chemical and Physical Tests - Uncured
Material Properties
Physical Chemical
Material Batch Uncured Fiber Prepreg
Resin Areal Volatile Gel Resin
Content Weight Content Time Flow IR HPLC DSC
(%) (g/m ) (%) (minutes) (%) (% Area) (°F)
P1 P2 P 3 P4 P5 Onset Peak
AF991009 41.5 194 0.13 8.0 23.5 scan 9.8 8.5 5.9 61.1 14.8 280 329
AF991010 41.7 190 0.21 7.9 23.5 on 10.1 8.8 6.4 59.7 14.9 279 330
AF991011 41.4 193 0.18 9.0 23.5 file 10.4 8.9 6.3 59.8 14.6 280 331
Grand Average 41.5 192 0.17 8.3 23.5 10.2 8.8 6.3 60.0 14.8 280 330
Requirement 42 ± 3 193 ± 8 2.0 max 5 - 25 10 min TBD TBD TBD

Summary of Chemical and Physical Tests - Cured

Material Properties
Glass Transition
Material Batch Resin Temperature
Density by DMA
(g/cc) (°F)
Dry Wet

AF991009 1.267 290 264

AF991010 1.267 296 266
AF991011 1.266 296 271
Grand Average 1.267 294 267
Requirement 1.26 ± 0.03 TBD TBD *

* FAA Recommended Hot/Wet Tg: 230°F, Based on Maximum Operation Temperature of 180°F + 50°F

Summary of Chemical and Physical Tests - Cured
Material Properties, Batch AF991009
Cured Cure
Batch No./ Test Laminate Fiber Resin Void Ply Run
Panel ID Type Density Volume Volume Content Thickness ID
(g/cc) (%vol) (%vol) (%vol) (in.) -
A1-910-056 0° Tens 1.520 54.5 42.9 2.54 0.0086 99-595
A2-910-056 0° Tens 1.515 51.2 47.2 1.54 0.0085 99-595
B1-910-056 0° Tens 1.500 49.6 48.3 2.11 0.0087 99-596
B2-910-056 0° Tens 1.498 48.5 49.6 1.82 0.0085 99-596
A1-910-056 90° Tens 1.497 51.4 45.6 3.04 0.0086 99-595
A2-910-056 90° Tens 1.505 52.2 45.0 2.75 0.0086 99-595
B1-910-056 90° Tens 1.501 53.2 43.3 3.52 0.0086 99-596
B2-910-056 90° Tens 1.505 47.6 50.3 1.30 0.0086 99-598
A1-910-056 0° Comp 1.491 46.8 51.6 1.62 0.0086 99-595
A2-910-056 0°Comp 1.497 49.7 47.9 2.36 0.0086 99-595
B1-910-056 0°Comp 1.506 48.5 50.4 1.13 0.0086 99-598
B2-910-056 0°Comp 1.494 48.2 49.9 1.94 0.0086 99-598
A1-910-056 90°Comp 1.503 48.3 50.3 1.36 0.0086 99-597
A2-910-056 90°Comp 1.484 48.3 49.0 2.77 0.0086 99-597
B1-910-056 90°Comp 1.496 49.1 48.7 2.21 0.0086 99-598
B2-910-056 90°Comp 1.496 50.3 47.1 2.67 0.0087 99-598
A1-910-056 IPS 1.497 49.3 48.5 2.18 0.0087 99-597
B1-910-056 IPS 1.505 49.6 48.7 1.70 0.0086 99-596
A1-910-056 ILSS 1.489 47.3 50.4 2.34 0.0086 99-601
B1-910-056 ILSS 1.543 53.2 46.3 0.47 0.0082 99-600
Average 1.502 49.8 48.1 2.07 0.0086 -
Standard Deviation 0.013 2.1 2.4 0.73 0.0001 -
COV, % 0.85 4.30 5.02 35.09 1.08 -
Requirement TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD -

Summary of Chemical and Physical Tests - Cured
Material Properties, Batch AF991010
Cured Cure
Batch No./ Test Laminate Fiber Resin Void Ply Run
Panel ID Type Density Volume Volume Content Thickness ID
(g/cc) (%vol) (%vol) (%vol) (in.) -
A1-910-057 0° Tens 1.488 47.8 49.6 2.55 0.0085 99-626
A2-910-057 0° Tens 1.481 47.4 49.7 2.94 0.0086 99-626
B1-910-057 0° Tens 1.486 47.7 49.6 2.71 0.0086 99-627
B2-910-057 0° Tens 1.498 49.1 48.6 2.35 0.0086 99-627
A1-910-057 90° Tens 1.491 50.9 45.5 3.63 0.0086 99-629
A2-910-057 90° Tens 1.500 51.0 46.0 2.93 0.0086 99-629
B1-910-057 90° Tens 1.514 52.3 45.4 2.37 0.0085 99-627
B2-910-057 90° Tens 1.506 49.5 48.6 1.86 0.0085 99-627
A1-910-057 0° Comp 1.499 50.2 47.1 2.69 0.0085 99-624
A2-910-057 0°Comp 1.496 50.6 46.3 3.08 0.0086 99-624
B1-910-057 0°Comp 1.510 50.3 47.9 1.86 0.0085 99-625
B2-910-057 0°Comp 1.504 50.8 46.7 2.54 0.0085 99-625
A1-910-057 90°Comp 1.495 50.2 46.8 3.05 0.0085 99-624
A2-910-057 90°Comp 1.497 49.9 47.4 2.75 0.0086 99-624
B1-910-057 90°Comp 1.485 49.2 47.4 3.41 0.0085 99-625
B2-910-057 90°Comp 1.493 47.9 49.8 2.24 0.0085 99-625
A1-910-057 IPS 1.484 47.9 49.2 2.90 0.0086 99-629
B1-910-057 IPS 1.501 49.3 48.5 2.19 0.0086 99-628
A1-910-057 ILSS 1.494 48.0 49.8 2.21 0.0086 99-624
B1-910-057 ILSS 1.501 48.7 49.3 1.95 0.0087 99-625
Average 1.496 49.4 48.0 2.61 0.0086 -
Standard Deviation 0.009 1.4 1.5 0.49 0.0000 -
COV, % 0.59 2.76 3.14 18.84 0.54 -
Requirement TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD -

Summary of Chemical and Physical Tests - Cured
Material Properties, Batch AF991011
Cured Cure
Batch No./ Test Laminate Fiber Resin Void Ply Run
Panel ID Type Density Volume Volume Content Thickness ID
(g/cc) (%vol) (%vol) (%vol) (in.) -
A1-910-058 0° Tens 1.512 49.1 49.7 1.19 0.0086 99-633
A2-910-058 0° Tens 1.514 49.0 50.0 1.06 0.0085 99-633
B1-910-058 0° Tens 1.522 50.8 48.1 1.13 0.0085 99-637
B2-910-058 0° Tens 1.521 51.3 47.4 1.38 0.0085 99-637
A1-910-058 90° Tens 1.502 48.7 49.5 1.84 0.0085 99-633
A2-910-058 90° Tens 1.510 50.5 47.5 1.95 0.0085 99-633
B1-910-058 90° Tens 1.497 49.0 48.7 2.34 0.0085 99-630
B2-910-058 90° Tens 1.509 51.3 46.3 2.36 0.0086 99-630
A1-910-058 0° Comp 1.509 51.7 45.7 2.57 0.0085 99-631
A2-910-058 0°Comp 1.498 49.6 47.8 2.56 0.0085 99-631
B1-910-058 0°Comp 1.506 50.2 47.6 2.20 0.0087 99-630
B2-910-058 0°Comp 1.498 49.5 48.0 2.51 0.0087 99-630
A1-910-058 90°Comp 1.489 47.8 49.6 2.55 0.0086 99-631
A2-910-058 90°Comp 1.492 49.4 47.6 2.95 0.0086 99-631
B1-910-058 90°Comp 1.501 49.7 48.0 2.35 0.0086 99-630
B2-910-058 90°Comp 1.508 49.8 48.3 1.83 0.0085 99-630
A1-910-058 IPS 1.499 48.4 49.6 1.97 0.0085 99-636
B1-910-058 IPS 1.508 50.9 46.9 2.27 0.0085 99-637
A1-910-058 ILSS 1.500 50.9 46.2 2.91 0.0086 99-631
B1-910-058 ILSS 1.497 47.0 51.5 1.50 0.0087 99-639
Average 1.505 49.7 48.2 2.07 0.0086 -
Standard Deviation 0.009 1.2 1.4 0.58 0.0001 -
COV, % 0.59 2.49 3.01 27.81 0.76 -
Requirement TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD -

COMPANY : Toray Composites
MATERIAL SYSTEM : TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

DMA Results -- Onset Storage Modulus

As Fabricated Moisture Equilibrium at 85% RH
Sample # Tg [°C] Tg [°F] Sample # Tg [°C] Tg [°F]
A-1-910-056-1 142.5 288.5 A-1-910-056-4 129.0 264.2
A-1-910-056-2 144.0 291.2 A-1-910-056-5 129.5 265.1
A-1-910-056-3 143.5 290.3 A-1-910-056-6 128.5 263.3
A-1-910-057-1 148.0 298.4 A-1-910-057-4 130.0 266.0
A-1-910-057-2 146.5 295.7 A-1-910-057-5 129.0 264.2
A-1-910-057-3 146.0 294.8 A-1-910-057-6 130.5 266.9
A-1-910-058-1 144.0 291.2 A-1-910-058-4 133.0 271.4
A-1-910-058-2 148.0 298.4 A-1-910-058-5 132.5 270.5
A-1-910-058-3 147.5 297.5 A-1-910-058-6 132.0 269.6

Average [°F] 294.00 Average [°F] 266.80

Standard Dev. [°F] 3.78 Standard Dev. [°F] 3.00
Coeff. Of Var. [%] 1.28 Coeff. Of Var. [%] 1.12

DMA Results - Peak Tan Delta

As Fabricated Moisture Equilibrium at 85% RH
Sample # Tg [°C] Tg [°F] Sample # Tg [°C] Tg [°F]
A-1-910-056-1 193.5 380.3 A-1-910-056-4 151.0 303.8
A-1-910-056-2 196.0 384.8 A-1-910-056-5 151.0 303.8
A-1-910-056-3 192.5 378.5 A-1-910-056-6 149.0 300.2
A-1-910-057-1 198.0 388.4 A-1-910-057-4 152.0 305.6
A-1-910-057-2 198.0 388.4 A-1-910-057-5 151.5 304.7
A-1-910-057-3 190.5 374.9 A-1-910-057-6 152.5 306.5
A-1-910-058-1 198.0 388.4 A-1-910-058-4 154.0 309.2
A-1-910-058-2 197.5 387.5 A-1-910-058-5 150.5 302.9
A-1-910-058-3 198.0 388.4 A-1-910-058-6 153.5 308.3

Average [°F] 384.40 Average [°F] 305.00

Standard Dev. [°F] 5.19 Standard Dev. [°F] 2.77
Coeff. Of Var. [%] 1.35 Coeff. Of Var. [%] 0.91

DMA Results -- Peak of Loss Modulus

As Fabricated Moisture Equilibrium at 85% RH
Sample # Tg [°C] Tg [°F] Sample # Tg [°C] Tg [°F]
A-1-910-056-1 178.0 352.4 A-1-910-056-4 143.0 289.4
A-1-910-056-2 186.5 367.7 A-1-910-056-5 143.5 290.3
A-1-910-056-3 177.5 351.5 A-1-910-056-6 141.0 285.8
A-1-910-057-1 185.5 365.9 A-1-910-057-4 144.5 292.1
A-1-910-057-2 186.0 366.8 A-1-910-057-5 144.0 291.2
A-1-910-057-3 185.5 365.9 A-1-910-057-6 145.0 293.0
A-1-910-058-1 185.5 365.9 A-1-910-058-4 145.5 293.9
A-1-910-058-2 188.5 371.3 A-1-910-058-5 142.5 288.5
A-1-910-058-3 186.0 366.8 A-1-910-058-6 145.0 293.0

Average [°F] 363.80 Average [°F] 290.80

Standard Dev. [°F] 6.93 Standard Dev. [°F] 2.59
Coeff. Of Var. [%] 1.90 Coeff. Of Var. [%] 0.89



MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 0° Measured Compression Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 747.203 708.869 668.465 472.915
Std.dev 51.276 56.467 58.548 43.159
% Co. Variation 6.862 7.966 8.759 9.126
Minimum 701.885 593.713 580.651 394.658
Maximum 844.971 782.660 774.079 531.983

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 621.925 605.822 571.291 404.168
A-Basis Value 551.760 537.415 506.784 358.531

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.131 0.236 0.314 0.539
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.3941 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.880 0.975 0.981 0.986
Normality is Questionable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9930 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 1.565 1.179 1.520 1.200
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323


OUTLIERS EXIST! BASIS VALUES INVALID, Dispose Outliers & rerun Analysis


MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 0° Normalized Compression Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 749.955 708.742 664.143 474.854
Std.dev 51.465 57.768 58.129 45.123
% Co. Variation 6.862 8.151 8.753 9.502
Minimum 704.469 589.686 573.899 396.111
Maximum 848.082 780.970 765.078 539.716

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 621.623 603.589 565.607 404.402
A-Basis Value 549.748 533.785 500.195 357.633

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.131 0.164 0.371 0.543
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.3877 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.880 0.970 0.984 0.988
Normality is Questionable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9928 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 1.565 1.142 1.489 1.200
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323


OUTLIERS EXIST! BASIS VALUES INVALID, Dispose Outliers & rerun Analysis


MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 0° Measured Tension Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 802.874 917.599 968.984 1051.949
Std.dev 37.896 42.177 41.099 30.909
% Co. Variation 4.720 4.596 4.241 2.938
Minimum 752.490 842.606 880.860 1002.461
Maximum 843.194 998.737 1015.816 1106.526

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 738.480 853.790 901.601 978.797
A-Basis Value 702.415 811.431 856.870 930.236

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.531 0.560 0.026 0.429
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.1025 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.968 0.989 0.951 0.982
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9896 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 0.470 0.890 1.504 1.296
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323



MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 0° Normalized Tension Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 803.236 912.052 964.970 1049.137
Std.dev 37.526 40.079 44.067 31.952
% Co. Variation 4.672 4.394 4.567 3.046
Minimum 756.865 846.883 864.643 1003.433
Maximum 848.175 994.092 1014.012 1109.689

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 737.897 847.726 896.912 975.143
A-Basis Value 701.302 805.025 851.733 926.023

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.626 0.614 0.033 0.469
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.2087 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.980 0.989 0.948 0.984
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9901 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 0.470 0.973 0.919 1.169
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323



MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 90° Measured Compression Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 744.535 702.974 649.439 479.913
Std.dev 73.620 36.981 40.100 25.188
% Co. Variation 9.888 5.261 6.175 5.249
Minimum 636.880 638.979 556.310 435.238
Maximum 831.167 774.590 707.857 523.323

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 654.992 629.671 581.719 429.870
A-Basis Value 604.841 581.010 536.764 396.650

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.738 0.352 0.416 0.710
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.6440 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.988 0.985 0.976 0.994
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9940 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 1.565 1.317 1.227 1.362
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323



MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 90° Normalized Compression Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 741.866 698.158 645.694 478.702
Std.dev 73.356 36.083 39.442 24.823
% Co. Variation 9.888 5.168 6.108 5.185
Minimum 634.596 640.837 555.232 433.678
Maximum 828.187 765.583 703.056 519.773

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 653.537 626.087 579.039 429.285
A-Basis Value 604.067 578.243 534.790 396.481

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.738 0.474 0.479 0.625
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.6505 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.988 0.987 0.978 0.991
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9940 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 1.565 1.287 1.227 1.294
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323



MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 90° Measured Tension Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 718.773 775.382 838.774 893.055
Std.dev 19.586 58.245 65.356 68.559
% Co. Variation 2.725 7.512 7.792 7.677
Minimum 688.155 687.602 728.125 759.543
Maximum 742.458 858.027 942.857 1004.365

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 614.325 677.690 733.095 780.537
A-Basis Value 555.826 612.839 662.941 705.844

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.686 0.062 0.228 0.265
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.5273 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.979 0.967 0.976 0.979
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9943 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 1.565 1.467 1.916 1.967
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323



MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY 90° Normalized Tension Strength
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 722.602 771.977 833.734 892.276
Std.dev 20.145 56.806 65.826 70.336
% Co. Variation 2.788 7.359 7.895 7.883
Minimum 696.157 688.601 722.975 752.772
Maximum 746.775 852.207 943.274 1008.063

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 616.820 673.994 727.913 779.024
A-Basis Value 557.575 608.950 657.665 703.844

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.622 0.092 0.359 0.268
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.5816 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.978 0.970 0.983 0.978
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9953 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 1.565 1.702 1.886 2.009
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323



MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY In-Plane Shear
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 6 18 18 18
No. of Batches 2 6 6 6
Mean 154.888 132.570 106.206 74.569
Std.dev 8.994 4.873 2.904 2.136
% Co. Variation 5.806 3.676 2.735 2.865
Minimum 140.140 119.133 99.529 68.150
Maximum 164.811 139.524 110.741 77.954

Kb 2.028 1.758 1.758 1.758

Ka 3.163 2.925 2.925 2.925
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 144.345 124.746 99.938 70.168
A-Basis Value 138.440 119.552 95.777 67.247

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.343 0.073 0.496 0.072
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.0108 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.941 0.939 0.978 0.922
Normality is Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9642 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 0.470 0.764 0.668 1.165
ADC 2.105 1.501 1.501 1.501

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01
F CRITICAL 2.929 3.524 4.323


OUTLIERS EXIST! BASIS VALUES INVALID, Dispose Outliers & rerun Analysis


MATERIAL TCA T700S-12K-50C/#2510 Plain Weave Fabric

PROPERTY Apparent Interlaminar Shear
DATE December 23, 2002


Sample Size 149

No. of Batches 14
Mean 59.935
Std.dev 3.124
% Co. Variation 5.213
Minimum 52.403
Maximum 68.707

Kb 1.478
Ka 2.613
Equal C.V. Basis Values
B-Basis Value 55.317
A-Basis Value 51.771

Anderson Darling Test for Normality

O.S.L 0.489
Normality is Acceptable

O.S.L for pooled data is 0.4893 Normality is Acceptable

Check for Normality based on Normal Scores

r 0.987
Normality is Acceptable
r for pooled data is 0.9869 Normality is Acceptable

k-sample Anderson Darling Test ( ADK < ADC for batches from same population)
ADK 2.110
ADC 1.364

Equality of Coeff. of Variations: Pooled Data ( F CALCULATED < FCRITICAL for equality )
α LEVEL 0.05 0.025 0.01

*. Number of test conditions < 2, equality of c.v not applicable


The following Appendix describes a procedure to supplement the process described
in DOT/FAA/AR-47/00 for the case in which the variances are found to be unequal
per section of that document. A supplemental is given below which provides
guidance in the situation of unequal variances and describes procedures to obtain a
conservative design allowable. Note that these procedures must be combined with
engineering judgment and that the failure modes must remain the same across

The follow excerpt is taken from DOT/FAA/AR-47/00, section and is used as
the basis for this procedure:

In general, a coefficient of variation between 4% and 10% is typical of

composite materials. Experiences with large data sets have shown that this
range is representative of most composite material systems. Lower
coefficients of variation may be caused by the specimen fabrication and
testing by a single laboratory while higher coefficients may point to lack of
material and processing control. In cases where the coefficients of variation
of the pooled data set are higher or lower than this range, the reason for the
higher or lower coefficient of variation should be investigated before
determining design allowable values from the pooled data set. For the
coefficient of variation lower than 4%, an assigned value of 4% may be
considered as an alternative engineering solution.

Using this philosophy, the data in this report, which demonstrates unequal variances
per section of DOT/FAA/AR-47/00 will be modified by the supplemental
procedure described in this appendix with the revised presented below. The
coefficient of variation to be used in this case will be 4% as suggested by

Check Equality of Variance per

Equal ?

Using "engineering judgement",

assess the degree of inequality using ACCEPTABLE
α = 0.05, 0.025 and 0.01


Identify dataset problem looking at

Coefficients of Variations (CV)


analyze "problem" dataset using

procedure per supplemental section Proceed with analysis as presented in - substitute with modified section 5.3.1

Use A and B basis allowables as


Figure E.1. Procedures to obtain design allowables in the case of variance


A simple procedure for modifying the variance of a test sample to any desired value
is presented. This procedure is useful in the case in which an environmental pooled
dataset does not pass the equality of variance test per section of
DOT/FAA/AR-47/00. Consider a test sample xi of n specimens with an average
value of x . Let the variance of this sample be CV which is given by

∑(x i − x)

CV = i =1
eq. 1
n −1

Let the desired variance of the sample be CV * . Consider a transformation of the


xi* = xi + α (xi )∆ eq. 2

where xi* is the transformed data, ∆ is a constant and α ( x i ) is a weighting function.

Let the weighting function be

α (xi ) = (xi − x) eq. 3

The new variance for the transformed data is then given by

∑ (x )
i − x*
CV * = i =1
eq. 4
n −1

where x * is the average value of the transformed sample. Substituting equations (2)
and (3) into equation (4) we obtain

∑ [{x + (x − x )∆}− x ]
* 2
i i
CV * = i =1
eq. 5
n −1

If we further let x * = x , equation (5) reduces to

(1 + ∆ )2 ∑ ( xi − x )2
CV * = i =1
eq. 6
n −1

which gives

CV *
∆= −1 eq. 7

Thus, a sample with a known variance CV can be transformed using equation (2) to
obtain the desired variance CV*. The constant for transformation ∆ , can be
calculated using equation (7).

For example, consider a typical test sample of size n=10 with an average value of
146.27 and a corresponding CV of 0.0184 as shown in the table E.1. The sample is
transformed as per the previous discussions to obtain a transformed sample with a
CV* of 0.04 (desired value). The transformation is illustrated using a probability of
survival plot shown in Figure E.2. It can be observed that the original normal curve
has been rotated and stretched due to the transformation.

Table E.1: A typical data sample and transformed data.

i xi xi − x x*i
1 142.3 -3.97 137.63
2 143.2 -3.07 139.59 0 .040
∆= − 1 = 1.174
3 144.1 -2.17 141.55 0. 0184
4 144.8 -1.47 143.07
5 145.9 -0.37 145.46
6 146.8 0.53 147.42
7 147.5 1.23 148.95
8 148.2 1.93 150.47
9 149.6 3.33 153.52
10 150.3 4.03 155.04

x 146.27 146.27
CV 0.0184 CV* 0.040

In order to further investigate the effects of the above transformation on the

normality of the data, the Anderson- Darling test for normality was conducted for
both the original and transformed data. The test indicated no change in the
Observed Significance Level (O.S.L = 0.758) for both the samples. Thus, the

transformation not only maintains the average value of the sample but also retains
the normality of the sample.





( xi − x )∆

130 140 150 160

Figure E.2: Original and transformed data points

Once this sample has been transformed to the desired coefficient of variation, it may
replaced and the data analyzed per the method described in section 5.3.1 of
DOT/FAA/AR-47/00. It should be noted that this “replacement” is only for the
calculation of basis values and the original data should be retained for all follow-on
testing concerning material equivalence and acceptance.


[Raw test sheets report data in US units only. Please refer to Section 3 for data in SI units]

0° (Warp) Tension Properties, -65°F (Dry)

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: Bryan Mines

Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: I
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: -65°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-350)
Ply Orientation: (warp)12
Testing Facility: Intec CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/29/99, 2/23/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-056-1-7 0.1026 1.0010 12560 122 122 839.2 2631 8.68 8.63 0.110 Lateral failure under tab
A2-910-056-1-7 0.1030 1.0020 11460 111 111 768.4 2423 8.02 8.00 0.070 Lateral failure at tab
B1-910-056-1-7 0.1035 1.0010 12180 118 118 845.3 2497 8.12 8.14 0.090 Lateral failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-7 0.1039 0.9980 12670 122 123 802.0 2537 8.31 8.37 0.070 Lateral failure under tab
A2-910-056-1-8 0.1027 1.0000 11960 116 116 - - - - - Tensile failure inside/end of tab
B2-910-056-1-8 0.1038 1.0010 11340 109 110 - - - - - Tensile failure inside/end of tab
Average 0.1033 1.0005 12028 116 116 8.28 8.29 0.085
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0014 551 5.5 5.4 0.29 0.27 0.019
COV, % 0.54 0.14 4.58 4.72 4.67 3.51 3.30 22.53

0° (Warp) Tension Properties, 75°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/1/2000, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-056-1-1 0.1027 1.0010 13880 135 134 895.2 2523 7.92 7.88 0.025 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-1 0.1023 1.0011 12690 124 123 807.7 2451 8.02 7.95 0.015 Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-1 0.1033 0.9997 13500 131 131 838.3 2461 7.86 7.86 0.020 Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-1 0.0999 0.9983 13460 135 131 825.8 2471 8.25 7.98 0.040 Failure in gage area
A1-910-056-1-6 0.1027 0.9980 14850 145 144 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-6 0.1051 0.9971 12810 122 124 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1027 0.9992 13532 132 131 8.01 7.92 0.025
Std. Dev. 0.0017 0.0017 787 8.3 7.7 0.17 0.06 0.011
COV, % 1.66 0.17 5.81 6.31 5.84 2.17 0.73 43.20

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/1/2000, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-057-1-1 0.1025 1.0010 13770 134 133 882.0 2568 8.21 8.16 0.025 Failure in gage area
A2-910-057-1-1 0.1025 1.0013 14130 138 137 849.4 2523 8.15 8.10 0.040 Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-1 0.1026 1.0014 14060 137 136 920.2 2626 8.30 8.25 0.045 Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-1 0.1033 1.0014 13380 129 129 863.7 2542 8.12 8.12 0.025 Failure in gage area
A1-910-057-1-6 0.1029 1.0011 13550 132 131 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-6 0.1025 1.0010 13120 128 127 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1027 1.0012 13668 133 132 8.20 8.16 0.034
Std. Dev. 0.0003 0.0002 394 4.0 3.8 0.08 0.07 0.010
COV, % 0.30 0.02 2.88 2.99 2.87 0.98 0.84 30.54

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/1/2000, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-058-1-7 0.1027 1.0009 14170 138 137 841.0 2451 7.83 7.79 0.050 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-7 0.1024 1.0013 13980 136 135 916.6 2613 8.27 8.21 0.135 Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-7 0.1017 1.0013 14440 142 140 894.7 2539 8.07 7.96 0.045 Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-7 0.1016 1.0013 12820 126 124 992.5 2809 8.93 8.79 0.035 Failure in gage area
A1-910-058-1-6 0.1031 0.9981 14070 137 137 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-6 0.1029 0.9972 13080 128 127 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1024 1.0000 13760 134 133 8.28 8.19 0.066
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0019 651 6.2 6.2 0.47 0.44 0.046
COV, % 0.60 0.19 4.73 4.61 4.69 5.70 5.33 69.82

0° (Warp) Tension Properties, 180°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/1/2000, 2/22/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-056-1-2 0.1030 1.0010 14490 141 140 849.8 2457 7.80 7.78 0.035 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-2 0.1027 1.0016 14770 144 143 812.6 2461 8.01 7.97 0.065 Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-2 0.1040 1.0011 14140 136 137 870.4 2490 7.78 7.84 0.035 Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-2 0.1010 0.9987 13330 132 129 912.5 2569 8.21 8.04 0.020 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-6 0.1053 0.9983 15020 143 146 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-6 0.1041 0.9982 15150 146 147 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1033 0.9998 14483 140 140 7.95 7.91 0.039
Std. Dev. 0.0015 0.0016 673 5.2 6.6 0.20 0.12 0.019
COV, % 1.42 0.16 4.64 3.70 4.67 2.56 1.50 48.71

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/1/2000, 2/22/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-057-1-2 0.1029 1.0012 13590 132 132 1035.0 2910 9.10 9.07 0.070 Failure in gage area
A2-910-057-1-2 0.1033 1.0006 13970 135 135 846.3 2527 8.13 8.14 0.025 Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-2 0.1033 1.0014 15030 145 145 896.8 2628 8.37 8.38 0.015 Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-2 0.1033 1.0015 14860 144 144 893.2 2581 8.16 8.17 0.025 Failure in gage area
A2-910-057-1-6 0.1035 0.9982 14940 145 145 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-6 0.1032 1.0011 14080 136 136 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1032 1.0007 14412 139 140 8.44 8.44 0.034
Std. Dev. 0.0002 0.0013 607 5.8 5.9 0.45 0.44 0.025
COV, % 0.18 0.13 4.21 4.13 4.25 5.36 5.18 72.95

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/1/2000, 2/22/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-058-1-8 0.1019 1.0029 14970 146 145 873.4 2554 8.22 8.12 0.045 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-8 0.1023 1.0012 14950 146 145 853.1 2434 7.72 7.65 0.050 Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-8 0.1007 1.0009 14620 145 142 845.2 2489 8.15 7.96 0.050 Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-8 0.1013 1.0014 12960 128 125 914.4 2608 8.35 8.19 0.005 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-6 0.1023 0.9981 15040 147 146 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-6 0.1017 0.9988 14160 139 137 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1017 1.0006 14450 142 140 8.11 7.98 0.038
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0018 800 7.5 7.8 0.27 0.24 0.022
COV, % 0.60 0.18 5.54 5.30 5.55 3.36 3.02 58.12

0° (Warp) Tension Properties, 180°F (Wet)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/28/00, 4/27/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-056-1-3 0.1035 0.9984 15420 149 150 872.5 2494 7.85 7.87 0.029 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-3 0.1025 0.9984 16420 160 159 873.1 2679 8.83 8.77 0.026 Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-3 0.1040 0.9979 16160 156 157 976.0 2866 9.11 9.18 0.035 Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-3 0.1007 1.0010 15070 150 146 825.6 2419 7.90 7.71 0.033 Failure in gage area
A1-910-056-1-4 0.1036 1.0006 16620 160 161 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-4 0.1047 1.0007 16060 153 156 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1032 0.9995 15958 155 155 8.42 8.38 0.031
Std. Dev. 0.0014 0.0014 597 5.0 5.8 0.64 0.71 0.004
COV, % 1.37 0.14 3.74 3.22 3.76 7.62 8.42 12.60

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/28/00, 4/27/00, 5/3/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-057-1-3 0.1025 1.0011 15990 156 155 874.2 2582 8.33 8.27 0.036 Failure in gage area
A2-910-047-1-3 0.1034 0.9986 15930 154 155 882.6 2573 8.19 8.20 0.029 Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-5 0.1033 1.0016 15050 145 146 921.5 2700 8.59 8.60 0.038 Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-3 0.1033 1.0014 15780 153 153 946.5 2672 8.34 8.35 0.017 Failure in gage area
A1-910-057-1-4 0.1018 1.0017 15740 154 152 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-4 0.1032 1.0014 15100 146 146 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1029 1.0010 15598 151 151 8.36 8.36 0.030
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0012 416 4.5 4.1 0.17 0.17 0.010
COV, % 0.62 0.12 2.67 2.97 2.72 2.03 2.09 32.20

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (CEA-06-125UT-120)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12 Fiber Volume(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/28/00, 4/27/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Poisson's Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) Ratio &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. (0.1-0.3%) Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi) strain)
A1-910-058-1-3 0.1031 0.9981 15620 152 152 887.9 2593 8.29 8.28 0.028 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-3 0.1023 0.9985 15640 153 152 972.1 2727 8.59 8.51 0.032 Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-3 0.1025 0.9987 16000 156 155 899.2 2658 8.59 8.53 0.041 Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-3 0.1018 0.9985 15600 154 151 974.5 2720 8.59 8.47 0.011 Failure in gage area
A1-910-058-1-4 0.1032 1.0011 15400 149 149 - - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-4 0.1033 1.0014 15040 145 146 - - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1027 0.9994 15550 152 151 8.51 8.45 0.028
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0014 316 3.8 3.2 0.15 0.12 0.013
COV, % 0.59 0.14 2.03 2.52 2.15 1.79 1.40 45.50

90° (Fill) Tension Properties, -65°F (Dry)

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: Joel Patterson, Bryan Mines

Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: I
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: -65°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (CEA-06-250UW-350)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Intec CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/29/99, 2/23/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-7 0.1038 1.0020 11200 108 108 801 2507 8.23 8.28 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-7 0.1044 1.0010 11160 107 108 756 2459 7.96 8.05 Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-7 0.1044 1.0000 10420 100 101 843 2578 8.18 8.28 Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-7 0.1038 1.0010 10840 104 105 773 2459 8.04 8.09 Failure in gage area
A1-910-056-1-8 0.1029 1.0010 10730 104 104 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-8 0.1032 1.0000 10600 103 103 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1038 1.0008 10825 104 105 8.10 8.17
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0008 309 2.84 2.92 0.12 0.12
COV, % 0.59 0.08 2.85 2.72 2.79 1.54 1.47

90° (Fill) Tension Properties, 75°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/18/99, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-6 0.1041 1.0014 11290 108 109 822 2429 7.71 7.77 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-1 0.1007 1.0011 12440 123 120 861 2497 8.12 7.92 Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-1 0.1036 1.0015 12710 122 123 913 2583 8.05 8.08 Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-1 0.1031 0.9980 12710 124 123 854 2514 8.07 8.06 Failure in gage area
A1-910-056-1-9 0.1024 0.9998 11980 117 116 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-9 0.1025 0.9996 12750 124 124 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1027 1.0002 12313 120 119 7.99 7.96
Std. Dev. 0.0012 0.0014 580 6.25 5.68 0.19 0.14
COV, % 1.16 0.14 4.71 5.21 4.76 2.34 1.77

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/31/99, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-1 0.1025 1.0006 12570 123 122 871 2477 7.83 7.78 Failure in gage area
A2-910-057-1-1 0.1023 0.9999 10700 105 104 877 2506 7.96 7.89 Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-1 0.1031 1.0011 11420 111 111 875 2522 7.98 7.97 Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-1 0.1020 1.0010 10900 107 106 843 2451 7.87 7.78 Failure in gage area
A1-910-057-1-6 0.1034 1.0013 10320 100 100 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-6 0.1026 1.0007 10920 106 106 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1026 1.0008 11138 108 108 7.91 7.86
Std. Dev. 0.0005 0.0005 787 7.78 7.62 0.07 0.10
COV, % 0.50 0.05 7.06 7.17 7.07 0.89 1.21

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/1/00, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-7 0.1024 1.0005 10480 102 101 877 2534 8.09 8.03 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-7 0.1017 0.9992 11590 114 112 849 2470 7.98 7.86 Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-7 0.1028 1.0015 11200 109 108 849 2502 8.03 8.00 Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-7 0.1033 1.0015 11100 107 107 873 2489 7.82 7.82 Failure in gage area
A1-910-058-1-6 0.1039 1.0004 10660 103 103 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-6 0.1036 0.9995 12340 119 120 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1029 1.0004 11228 109 109 7.98 7.93
Std. Dev. 0.0008 0.0010 673 6.60 6.58 0.12 0.10
COV, % 0.78 0.10 6.00 6.06 6.05 1.47 1.27

90° (Fill) Tension Properties, 180°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/4/00, 2/22/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-2 0.1033 1.0015 14140 137 137 846 2463 7.82 7.82 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-2 0.1014 1.0012 13850 136 134 831 2425 7.85 7.71 Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-2 0.1024 1.0012 12650 123 122 914 2563 8.04 7.98 Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-2 0.1020 1.0006 12400 122 120 897 2552 8.11 8.01 Failure in gage area
A1-910-056-1-9 0.1023 0.9993 13980 137 136 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-9 0.1037 1.0009 13740 132 133 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1025 1.0008 13460 131 130 7.95 7.88
Std. Dev. 0.0008 0.0008 741 7.00 7.18 0.14 0.14
COV, % 0.81 0.08 5.50 5.33 5.51 1.80 1.78

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/4/00, 2/22/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-2 0.1031 1.0008 11190 108 108 896 2564 8.08 8.07 Failure in gage area
A2-910-057-1-2 0.1025 0.9999 10820 106 105 802 2357 7.59 7.54 Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-2 0.1032 1.0011 12570 122 122 861 2473 7.80 7.80 Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-2 0.1024 1.0013 11700 114 113 840 2467 7.93 7.87 Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-6 0.1032 1.0011 12600 122 122 - - - - Failure in gage area
A2-910-057-1-6 0.1030 1.0001 12840 125 124 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1029 1.0007 11953 116 116 7.85 7.82
Std. Dev. 0.0004 0.0006 839 7.89 8.11 0.21 0.22
COV, % 0.35 0.06 7.02 6.80 7.00 2.66 2.84

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/4/00, 2/22/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-8 0.1017 0.9975 11190 110 109 848 2449 7.89 7.78 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-8 0.1027 1.0014 11550 112 112 909 2574 8.09 8.06 Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-8 0.1018 1.0016 12170 119 118 898 2582 8.26 8.15 Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-8 0.1028 0.9994 12540 122 122 840 2475 7.96 7.93 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-6 0.1017 1.0012 12040 118 117 - - - - Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-6 0.1033 1.0012 12800 124 124 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1023 1.0004 12048 118 117 8.05 7.98
Std. Dev. 0.0007 0.0016 601 5.34 5.74 0.16 0.16
COV, % 0.69 0.16 4.99 4.54 4.92 2.03 2.03

90° (Fill) Tension Properties, 180°F (Wet)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/27/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-3 0.1036 1.0014 15110 146 146 796 2415 7.81 7.84 Failure in gage area
A2-910-056-1-3 0.1031 1.0014 13630 132 132 883 2495 7.81 7.80 Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-3 0.1042 1.0012 13510 130 131 980 2710 8.29 8.37 Failure in gage area
B2-910-056-1-3 0.1020 1.0009 13910 136 135 864 2498 8.00 7.91 Failure in gage area
A1-910-056-1-4 0.1040 1.0012 14480 139 140 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-056-1-4 0.1041 1.0007 13010 125 126 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1035 1.0011 13942 135 135 7.98 7.98
Std. Dev. 0.0009 0.0003 749 7.39 7.23 0.23 0.27
COV, % 0.82 0.03 5.37 5.49 5.36 2.87 3.34

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/27/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-3 0.1031 1.0010 13810 134 134 845 2432 7.69 7.68 Failure in gage area
A2-910-057-1-3 0.1028 1.0000 13810 134 134 837 2508 8.13 8.09 Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-3 0.1033 0.9996 14080 136 136 840 2468 7.88 7.89 Failure in gage area
B2-910-057-1-3 0.1028 1.0012 14276 139 138 874 2504 7.92 7.89 Failure in gage area
A1-910-057-1-4 0.1031 0.9983 14390 140 140 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-057-1-4 0.1031 1.0007 13720 133 133 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1030 1.0001 14014 136 136 7.90 7.89
Std. Dev. 0.0002 0.0011 277 2.77 2.76 0.18 0.17
COV, % 0.20 0.11 1.98 2.03 2.03 2.30 2.14

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D3039 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (C-960401-A)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/28/2000, 4/27/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Tensile Load @ Load @ Tensile Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Tensile Strength 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain) &
Load Actual Norm. Strain Strain Actual Norm. Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (ksi) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-3 0.1023 1.0002 11270 110 109 940 2548 7.86 7.79 Failure in gage area
A2-910-058-1-3 0.1014 0.9994 11590 114 112 780 2303 7.52 7.38 Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-3 0.1033 0.9969 12940 126 126 820 2445 7.89 7.89 Failure in gage area
B2-910-058-1-3 0.1033 1.0016 12120 117 117 884 2510 7.85 7.86 Failure in gage area
A1-910-058-1-4 0.1036 1.0005 12130 117 117 - - - - Failure in gage area
B1-910-058-1-4 0.1028 1.0015 12720 124 123 - - - - Failure in gage area
Average 0.1028 1.0000 12128 118 118 7.78 7.73
Std. Dev. 0.0008 0.0017 638 5.75 6.25 0.17 0.24
COV, % 0.81 0.17 5.26 4.87 5.32 2.25 3.06

0° (Warp) Compression Properties, -65°F (Dry)

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: Joel Patterson
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: I
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: -65°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: -65°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (CEA-06-125UW-350)
Ply Orientation: (warp)12 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (warp)14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: Intec CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/25/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 12/29/1999 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-4 0.1036 0.5000 5.43 105 105 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-6 0.1209 0.4980 686.0 1628 7.82 7.86
A1-910-056-1-5 0.1036 0.5002 5.27 102 102 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-6 0.1209 0.4990 684.7 1649 8.00 8.03
A2-910-056-1-4 0.1036 0.5002 5.50 106 107 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-4 0.1036 0.5000 6.35 123 123 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-4 0.1036 0.4997 5.69 110 111 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-5 0.1036 0.4998 5.43 105 105 Failure in gage
Average 0.1036 0.5000 5.61 108 109 Average 0.1209 0.4985 7.91 7.94
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0002 0.38 7.44 7.47 Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0007 0.12 0.12
COV, % 0.00 0.04 6.86 6.86 6.86 COV, % 0.00 0.14 1.53 1.53

0° (Warp) Compression Properties, 75°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (warp) 14 FV(normalizing): 49.8% in.
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086
Test Date: 4/20/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 12/27/1999 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-8 0.1030 0.5001 5.06 98.2 98.0 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-1 0.1185 0.4991 545.8 1513 8.18 8.05
A2-910-056-1-5 0.1030 0.5001 4.95 96.1 95.9 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-1 0.1186 0.4989 545.2 1506 8.12 8.00
B1-910-056-1-5 0.1030 0.5000 5.78 112 112 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-7 0.1030 0.4996 5.41 105 105 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-8 0.1030 0.4999 5.29 103 102 Failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-10 0.1030 0.5002 4.78 92.9 92.7 Failure in gage
Average 0.1030 0.5000 5.21 101 101 Average 0.1185 0.4990 8.15 8.02
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0002 0.36 6.94 6.93 Std. Dev. 0.0001 0.0001 0.04 0.04
COV, % 0.00 0.04 6.84 6.86 6.86 COV, % 0.06 0.03 0.50 0.44

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (warp) 14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/20/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4% Test Date: 12/27/1999 FV(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-5 0.1025 0.4991 4.89 95.6 95.0 Failure in gage A2-910-057-1-1 0.1189 0.4989 564.7 1525 8.10 7.99
A2-910-057-1-7 0.1025 0.5019 5.68 110 110 Failure in gage B2-910-057-1-1 0.1175 0.4986 552.5 1520 8.26 8.06
A2-910-057-1-8 0.1025 0.5016 5.66 110 109 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-5 0.1025 0.5000 5.82 114 113 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-7 0.1025 0.4998 4.58 89.4 88.8 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-8 0.1025 0.5000 4.41 86.1 85.5 Failure in gage
Average 0.1025 0.5004 5.17 101 100 Average 0.1182 0.4987 8.18 8.03
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0011 0.62 12.0 11.9 Std. Dev. 0.0009 0.0002 0.11 0.05
COV, % 0.00 0.21 11.98 11.85 11.85 COV, % 0.80 0.05 1.38 0.57

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (warp) 14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/20/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7% Test Date: 12/31/1999 FV(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-4 0.1040 0.5005 5.85 112 113 Failure in gage B2-910-058-1-1 0.1186 0.4986 532.4 1524 8.38 8.26
A1-910-058-1-5 0.1040 0.5004 5.47 105 106 Failure in gage A2-910-058-1-1 0.1201 0.4988 527.7 1423 7.47 7.45
A2-910-058-1-4 0.1040 0.5004 5.39 104 104 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-4 0.1040 0.5004 5.42 104 105 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-5 0.1040 0.5004 5.40 104 105 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-4 0.1040 0.4998 5.70 110 110 Failure in gage
Average 0.1040 0.5003 5.54 106 107 Average 0.1194 0.4987 7.93 7.86
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0003 0.19 3.69 3.72 Std. Dev. 0.0011 0.0001 0.64 0.57
COV, % 0.00 0.05 3.45 3.46 3.46 COV, % 0.89 0.03 8.13 7.25

0° (Warp) Compression Properties, 180°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (warp)14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/21/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 1/4/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-9 0.1025 0.5002 4.40 85.8 85.3 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-2 0.1188 0.5005 528.0 1479 8.00 7.89
A2-910-056-1-8 0.1025 0.5006 4.41 85.9 85.3 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-2 0.1192 0.5004 515.2 1451 7.84 7.77
A2-910-056-1-9 0.1025 0.5004 4.37 85.1 84.6 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-8 0.1025 0.5000 4.91 95.8 95.2 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-9 0.1025 0.5000 4.92 95.9 95.3 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-9 0.1025 0.4995 4.98 97.2 96.5 Failure in gage
Average 0.1025 0.5001 4.66 91.0 90.4 Average 0.1190 0.5005 7.92 7.83
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0004 0.30 5.9 5.9 Std. Dev. 0.0003 0.0001 0.11 0.09
COV, % 0.00 0.07 6.41 6.48 6.48 COV, % 0.26 0.02 1.38 1.12

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (warp)14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/21/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4% Test Date: 1/5/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-8 0.1020 0.4989 5.01 98.5 97.3 Failure in gage A2-910-057-1-2 0.1197 0.5003 548.5 1534 8.23 8.18
A1-910-057-1-9 0.1020 0.4986 5.71 112 111 Failure in gage B2-910-057-1-2 0.1178 0.5000 565.5 1626 9.01 8.81
A2-910-057-1-9 0.1020 0.5017 4.88 95.4 94.3 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-8 0.1020 0.4999 5.34 105 104 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-9 0.1020 0.5000 5.46 107 106 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-9 0.1020 0.4999 4.29 84.2 83.2 Failure in gage
Average 0.1020 0.4998 5.12 100 99 Average 0.1187 0.5001 8.62 8.49
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0011 0.50 10.0 9.8 Std. Dev. 0.0014 0.0002 0.55 0.44
COV, % 0.00 0.22 9.83 9.91 9.91 COV, % 1.15 0.05 6.38 5.23

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (warp)14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/21/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7% Test Date: 1/5/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-9 0.1031 0.5004 4.94 95.7 95.6 Failure in gage A2-910-058-1-2 0.1198 0.5002 520.9 1479 8.00 7.95
A2-910-058-1-5 0.1031 0.5000 5.09 98.7 98.6 Failure in gage B2-910-058-1-6 0.1214 0.4985 529.7 1477 7.83 7.89
A2-910-058-1-9 0.1031 0.5002 4.58 88.7 88.6 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-9 0.1031 0.5005 5.25 102 102 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-5 0.1031 0.4998 5.36 104 104 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-9 0.1031 0.4995 5.57 108 108 Failure in gage
Average 0.1031 0.5001 5.13 100 99 Average 0.1206 0.4994 7.91 7.92
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0004 0.35 6.8 6.8 Std. Dev. 0.0012 0.0012 0.12 0.04
COV, % 0.00 0.08 6.81 6.86 6.86 COV, % 0.96 0.25 1.51 0.55

0° (Warp) Compression Properties, 180°F (Wet)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp)12 Ply Orientation: (warp)14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 7/6/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 5/1/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-1 0.1036 0.4999 3.43 66.3 66.5 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-3 0.1196 0.4997 540.4 1530 8.28 8.22
A1-910-056-1-2 0.1036 0.5000 3.56 68.7 68.9 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-3 0.1198 0.4996 497.0 1398 7.52 7.49
A2-910-056-1-1 0.1036 0.4999 2.96 57.2 57.5 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-2 0.1036 0.4999 3.15 60.8 61.1 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-1 0.1036 0.4999 3.01 58.1 58.3 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-1 0.1036 0.4995 3.99 77.1 77.4 Failure in gage
Average 0.1036 0.4999 3.35 64.7 64.9 Average 0.1197 0.4997 7.90 7.85
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0002 0.39 7.57 7.59 Std. Dev. 0.0002 0.0001 0.53 0.52
COV, % 0.00 0.03 11.67 11.70 11.70 COV, % 0.16 0.02 6.75 6.59

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp)12 Ply Orientation: (warp)14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 7/6/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4% Test Date: 5/1/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.4991 3.58 69.9 69.5 Failure in gage A2-910-057-1-3 0.1201 0.4996 515.9 1406 7.42 7.40
A1-910-057-1-2 0.1025 0.4990 3.44 67.2 66.7 Failure in gage B2-910-057-1-3 0.1186 0.4994 588.0 1665 9.10 8.96
A2-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.5021 3.28 63.7 63.3 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.4996 3.92 76.5 75.9 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-2 0.1025 0.5000 3.32 64.7 64.3 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.5000 3.32 64.7 64.3 Failure in gage
Average 0.1025 0.5000 3.47 67.8 67.3 Average 0.1193 0.4995 8.26 8.18
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0011 0.24 4.81 4.77 Std. Dev. 0.0011 0.0001 1.18 1.10
COV, % 0.00 0.23 6.98 7.09 7.09 COV, % 0.89 0.03 14.34 13.46

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (warp)12 Ply Orientation: (warp)14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 7/6/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7% Test Date: 5/1/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-1 0.1047 0.5005 3.98 76.0 77.1 Failure in gage A2-910-058-1-3 0.1198 0.4994 527.5 1488 8.03 7.99
A2-910-058-1-1 0.1047 0.5000 3.83 73.2 74.3 Failure in gage B2-910-058-1-3 0.1197 0.4993 514.7 1427 7.63 7.59
A2-910-058-1-2 0.1047 0.4999 3.71 70.9 71.9 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-1 0.1047 0.5005 4.04 77.2 78.3 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-1 0.1047 0.4997 3.71 70.8 71.9 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-2 0.1047 0.4997 3.75 71.6 72.6 Failure in gage
Average 0.1047 0.5000 3.84 73.3 74.4 Average 0.1198 0.4994 7.83 7.79
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0003 0.15 2.73 2.77 Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0001 0.28 0.28
COV, % 0.00 0.07 3.79 3.72 3.72 COV, % 0.03 0.01 3.60 3.63

90° (Fill) Compression Properties, -65°F (Dry)

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: Joel Patterson
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Test Speed: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: -65°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: -65°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (CEA-06-125UW-350)
Ply Orientation: (fill)12 Ply Orientation: (fill)14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: Intec CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/25/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 12/29/1999 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-4 0.1028 0.4995 5.64 110 109 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-6 0.1206 0.4980 659.4 1514 7.12 7.13
A2-910-056-1-4 0.1028 0.5000 4.75 92.4 92.1 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-6 0.1222 0.4980 650.9 1491 6.90 7.00
A2-910-056-1-5 0.1028 0.5000 5.19 101 101 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-3 0.1028 0.4996 5.44 106 106 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-4 0.1028 0.4998 6.20 121 120 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-3 0.1028 0.4999 6.09 118 118 Failure in gage
Average 0.1028 0.4998 5.55 108 108 Average 0.1214 0.4980 7.01 7.07
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0002 0.55 10.7 10.7 Std. Dev. 0.0011 0.0000 0.15 0.09
COV, % 0.00 0.04 9.88 9.89 9.89 COV, % 0.93 0.00 2.19 1.26

90° (Fill) Compression Properties, 75°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2 Ply Orientation: (fill)14 in.
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086
Test Date: 4/20/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 12/27/1999 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-5 0.1020 0.4998 4.98 97.6 96.5 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-1 0.1194 0.4988 546.6 1431 7.42 7.36
A2-910-056-1-8 0.1020 0.5003 4.88 95.6 94.5 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-1 0.1209 0.4988 525.1 1432 7.52 7.55
A2-910-056-1-9 0.1020 0.5003 4.81 94.2 93.1 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-5 0.1020 0.4994 4.93 96.7 95.6 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-8 0.1020 0.4997 5.35 105 103.7 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-4 0.1020 0.4996 5.73 112 111.0 Failure in gage
Average 0.1020 0.4999 5.11 100 99.1 Average 0.1202 0.4988 7.47 7.46
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0004 0.36 7.01 6.93 Std. Dev. 0.0011 0.0000 0.07 0.13
COV, % 0.00 0.07 6.95 6.99 6.99 COV, % 0.88 0.00 0.89 1.77

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2 Ply Orientation: (fill)14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/20/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4% Test Date: 12/27/1999 FV(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-8 0.1020 0.4988 5.28 104 103 Failure in gage A2-910-057-1-1 0.1206 0.4987 525.9 1464 7.80 7.81
A2-910-057-1-4 0.1020 0.5006 5.37 105 104 Failure in gage B2-910-057-1-1 0.1193 0.4985 518.7 1430 7.66 7.59
A2-910-057-1-5 0.1020 0.5009 5.22 102 101 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-7 0.1020 0.4995 5.39 106 105 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-4 0.1020 0.4994 5.51 108 107 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-5 0.1020 0.4997 5.38 106 104 Failure in gage
Average 0.1020 0.4998 5.36 105 104 Average 0.1199 0.4986 7.73 7.70
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0008 0.10 2.0 2.0 Std. Dev. 0.0010 0.0001 0.09 0.16
COV, % 0.00 0.16 1.86 1.92 1.92 COV, % 0.80 0.03 1.23 2.02

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2 Ply Orientation: (fill)14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/20/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7% Test Date: 12/31/1999 FV(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-4 0.1035 0.4994 5.50 106 107 Failure in gage A2-910-058-1-1 0.1206 0.4984 542.0 1497 7.95 7.96
A1-910-058-1-5 0.1035 0.4995 4.79 92.7 93 Failure in gage B2-910-058-1-1 0.1192 0.4987 554.5 1536 8.26 8.17
A2-910-058-1-4 0.1035 0.5014 5.09 98.0 98 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-4 0.1035 0.5016 5.24 101 101 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-5 0.1035 0.5018 5.15 99.2 100 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-4 0.1035 0.4996 5.47 106 106 Failure in gage
Average 0.1035 0.5005 5.21 101 101 Average 0.1199 0.4986 8.10 8.06
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0012 0.26 5.17 5.19 Std. Dev. 0.0010 0.0002 0.22 0.15
COV, % 0.00 0.23 5.09 5.15 5.15 COV, % 0.80 0.04 2.69 1.89

90° (Fill) Compression Properties, 180°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill) 12 Ply Orientation: (fill) 14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/21/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 1/4/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-7 0.1030 0.4999 4.88 94.8 94.6 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-2 0.1197 0.5002 515.1 1420 7.56 7.51
A1-910-056-1-8 0.1030 0.4997 4.15 80.7 80.5 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-2 0.1211 0.5003 504.4 1436 7.69 7.73
A2-910-056-1-10 0.1030 0.5003 4.41 85.5 85.3 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-9 0.1030 0.4998 4.48 87.0 86.9 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-5 0.1030 0.4998 5.10 99.1 98.9 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-9 0.1030 0.5000 5.26 102 102 Failure in gage
Average 0.1030 0.4999 4.71 91.5 91.4 Average 0.1204 0.5002 7.63 7.62
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0002 0.43 8.4 8.4 Std. Dev. 0.0010 0.0001 0.09 0.16
COV, % 0.00 0.04 9.19 9.19 9.19 COV, % 0.81 0.02 1.22 2.03

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill) 12 Ply Orientation: (fill) 14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/21/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4% Test Date: 1/5/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-10 0.1025 0.4988 4.69 91.8 91.2 Failure in gage A2-910-057-1-2 0.1205 0.5003 491.4 1405 7.58 7.58
A2-910-057-1-8 0.1025 0.5008 5.22 102 101 Failure in gage B2-910-057-1-2 0.1193 0.5000 526.2 1498 8.15 8.07
A2-910-057-1-9 0.1025 0.5007 5.27 103 102 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-8 0.1025 0.4993 4.80 93.8 93.2 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-10 0.1025 0.4995 4.82 94.1 93.4 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-11 0.1025 0.4995 4.74 92.6 92.0 Failure in gage
Average 0.1025 0.4998 4.92 96.1 95.5 Average 0.1199 0.5001 7.86 7.83
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0008 0.25 4.8 4.8 Std. Dev. 0.0009 0.0002 0.40 0.34
COV, % 0.00 0.16 5.16 5.00 5.00 COV, % 0.73 0.04 5.13 4.40

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill) 12 Ply Orientation: (fill) 14
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 4/21/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7% Test Date: 1/5/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-9 0.1023 0.4994 4.99 97.6 96.8 Failure in gage B2-910-058-1-2 0.1194 0.5003 484.4 1384 7.53 7.47
A2-910-058-1-8 0.1023 0.5016 4.85 94.4 93.6 Failure in gage A2-910-058-1-6 0.1202 0.4982 507.5 1432 7.72 7.71
A2-910-058-1-9 0.1023 0.5017 4.62 90.0 89.2 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-9 0.1023 0.5021 4.85 94.4 93.6 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-8 0.1023 0.4994 4.92 96.3 95.5 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-9 0.1023 0.4992 4.95 96.8 96.0 Failure in gage
Average 0.1023 0.5006 4.86 94.9 94.1 Average 0.1198 0.4992 7.63 7.59
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0014 0.13 2.8 2.7 Std. Dev. 0.0005 0.0015 0.14 0.17
COV, % 0.00 0.27 2.71 2.91 2.91 COV, % 0.44 0.30 1.79 2.23

90° (Fill) Compression Properties, 180°F (Wet)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (fill)14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 7/6/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8% Test Date: 5/1/2000 FV(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-1 0.1028 0.4993 3.30 64.3 64.0 Failure in gage A2-910-056-1-3 0.1199 0.4995 516.1 1372 7.15 7.12
A2-910-056-1-1 0.1028 0.5001 3.59 69.8 69.5 Failure in gage B2-910-056-1-3 0.1213 0.4996 526.9 1488 7.93 7.99
A2-910-056-1-2 0.1028 0.4998 3.38 65.7 65.5 Failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-1 0.1028 0.4998 3.24 63.1 62.9 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-1 0.1028 0.4998 3.67 71.4 71.1 Failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-2 0.1028 0.4994 3.57 69.6 69.3 Failure in gage
Average 0.1028 0.4997 3.46 67.3 67.1 Average 0.1206 0.4995 7.54 7.55
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0003 0.17 3.38 3.37 Std. Dev. 0.0010 0.0000 0.55 0.61
COV, % 0.00 0.06 5.03 5.02 5.02 COV, % 0.79 0.01 7.34 8.13

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (fill)14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 7/6/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4% Test Date: 5/1/2000 FV(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.4994 3.68 71.9 71.4 Failure in gage A2-910-057-1-3 0.1241 0.4994 518.8 1482 7.77 8.01
A1-910-057-1-2 0.1025 0.4993 3.85 75.1 74.6 Failure in gage B2-910-057-1-3 0.1192 0.4995 554.4 1573 8.56 8.47
A2-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.5008 3.47 67.6 67.2 Failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.4996 3.50 68.4 67.9 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-1 0.1025 0.4990 3.72 72.7 72.2 Failure in gage
B2-910-057-1-2 0.1025 0.4996 3.89 75.9 75.4 Failure in gage
Average 0.1025 0.4996 3.68 71.9 71.5 Average 0.1216 0.4995 8.16 8.24
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0006 0.17 3.40 3.38 Std. Dev. 0.0035 0.0001 0.55 0.32
COV, % 0.00 0.13 4.66 4.73 4.73 COV, % 2.87 0.02 6.77 3.90

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4510 Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min Test Method: SACMA SRM 1-94 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Preconditioning: Section 3.2 of AGATE Control Mode: Stroke Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology
Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One axial gage (FAE-12S-AS-S6EL-2)
Ply Orientation: (fill)1 2 FV(normalizing): 49.8% Ply Orientation: (fill)14 FV(normalizing): 49.8%
Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in. Testing Facility: TCA CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 7/6/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7% Test Date: 5/1/2000 FV(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Ult. Ult. Comp. Failure Specimen Specimen Specimen Load @ Load @ Comp. Mod.
Number Thickness Width Comp. Strength Location Number Thickness Width 0.1% 0.3% (0.1-0.3% strain)
Load Actual Norm. & Strain Strain Actual Norm.
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi) (ksi) Comments (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (msi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-1 0.1035 0.4994 3.85 74.4 74.7 Failure in gage A2-910-058-1-3 0.1205 0.4993 545.4 1518 8.08 8.09
A2-910-058-1-1 0.1035 0.5014 3.62 69.8 70.0 Failure in gage B2-910-058-1-3 0.1195 0.4998 533.9 1486 7.97 7.91
A2-910-058-1-2 0.1035 0.5014 3.73 71.9 72.1 Failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-1 0.1035 0.5020 3.51 67.5 67.7 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-1 0.1035 0.4996 3.46 67.0 67.2 Failure in gage
B2-910-058-1-2 0.1035 0.4996 3.46 66.9 67.1 Failure in gage
Average 0.1035 0.5006 3.60 69.6 69.8 Average 0.1200 0.4995 8.03 8.00
Std. Dev. 0.0000 0.0012 0.16 3.08 3.09 Std. Dev. 0.0007 0.0004 0.08 0.13
COV, % 0.00 0.23 4.41 4.43 4.43 COV, % 0.60 0.08 0.98 1.57

In-plane Shear (Iosipescu) Properties, -65°F (Dry)

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: Bryan Mines

Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: H
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: -65°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-062TV-350)
Ply Orientation: (0/90) 4S
Testing Facility: Intec CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/29/99, 2/23/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus (1) Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-1 0.1388 0.4520 1499 23.9 0.665 Shear failure in gage
A2-910-056-1-2 0.1385 0.4500 1429 22.9 0.689 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-1 0.1388 0.4460 1430 23.1 0.573 Shear failure in gage
B2-910-056-1-2 0.1389 0.4480 1431 23.0 0.563 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-3 0.1387 0.4510 1270 20.3 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-3 0.1391 0.4480 1340 21.5 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1388 0.4492 1400 22.5 0.623
Std. Dev. 0.0002 0.0022 81 1.31 0.064
COV, % 0.14 0.50 5.80 5.82 10.25

Modulus is determined to be the slope of the Stress-Shear Strain curve.
0.25 ~ 0.65% strain range per ASTM D5379-98, Section 12.3.1

In-plane Shear (Iosipescu) Properties, 75°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/31/1999, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus (1) Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-5 0.1390 0.4513 1209 19.3 0.619 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-6 0.1393 0.4526 1200 19.0 0.667 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-5 0.1390 0.4481 1219 19.6 0.598 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-6 0.1387 0.4477 1256 20.2 0.587 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-27 0.1387 0.4518 1083 17.3 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-27 0.1377 0.4493 1140 18.4 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1387 0.4501 1185 19.0 0.618
Std. Dev. 0.0005 0.0021 62 1.02 0.035
COV, % 0.38 0.46 5.26 5.39 5.73

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/31/1999, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus (1) Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-1 0.1380 0.4498 1183 19.1 0.628 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-057-1-2 0.1377 0.4499 1223 19.7 0.596 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-1 0.1363 0.4522 1182 19.2 0.593 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-2 0.1376 0.4514 1191 19.2 0.601 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-057-1-11 0.1371 0.4501 1162 18.8 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-11 0.1362 0.4505 1171 19.1 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1372 0.4506 1185 19.2 0.605
Std. Dev. 0.0007 0.0009 21 0.30 0.016
COV, % 0.55 0.21 1.78 1.58 2.65

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/31/99, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-1 0.1354 0.4484 1227 20.2 0.603 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-058-1-2 0.1359 0.4484 1221 20.0 0.575 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-1 0.1356 0.4566 1177 19.0 0.679 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-2 0.1361 0.4548 1182 19.1 0.588 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-058-1-11 0.1357 0.4488 1148 18.9 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-11 0.1356 0.4534 1228 20.0 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1357 0.4517 1197 19.5 0.611
Std. Dev. 0.0003 0.0037 33 0.61 0.047
COV, % 0.20 0.81 2.76 3.11 7.62
Modulus is determined to be the slope of the Stress-Shear Strain curve.
0.25 ~ 0.65% strain range per ASTM D5379-98, Section 12.3.1

In-plane Shear (Iosipescu) Properties, 180°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/5/2000, 2/14/00 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus (1) Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-7 0.1392 0.4511 980 15.6 0.524 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-8 0.1395 0.4514 971 15.4 0.507 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-7 0.1383 0.4492 983 15.8 0.498 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-8 0.1378 0.4543 1001 16.0 0.493 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-28 0.1387 0.4514 922 14.7 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-28 0.1380 0.4549 906 14.4 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1386 0.4520 961 15.3 0.506
Std. Dev. 0.0007 0.0022 38 0.62 0.014
COV, % 0.48 0.48 3.91 4.06 2.70

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/5/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-3 0.1378 0.4501 961 15.5 0.513 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-057-1-4 0.1381 0.4491 978 15.8 0.537 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-3 0.1376 0.4510 953 15.4 0.491 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-4 0.1372 0.4501 938 15.2 0.521 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-057-1-12 0.1365 0.4498 934 15.2 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-12 0.1362 0.4504 937 15.3 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1372 0.4501 950 15.4 0.516
Std. Dev. 0.0007 0.0006 17 0.22 0.019
COV, % 0.55 0.14 1.81 1.43 3.71

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F/Dry Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/5/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus (1) Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-3 0.1361 0.4484 980 16.1 0.584 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-058-1-4 0.1365 0.4546 962 15.5 0.495 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-3 0.1365 0.4529 940 15.2 0.514 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-4 0.1366 0.4569 954 15.3 0.530 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-058-1-12 0.1358 0.4541 929 15.1 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-12 0.1350 0.4416 945 15.8 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1361 0.4514 951 15.5 0.531
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0056 18 0.39 0.038
COV, % 0.46 1.23 1.90 2.52 7.21
Modulus is determined to be the slope of the Stress-Shear Strain curve.
0.25 ~ 0.65% strain range per ASTM D5379-98, Section 12.3.1

In-plane Shear (Iosipescu) Properties, 180°F (Wet)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 5/2/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus (1) Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-056-1-10 0.1391 0.4508 680 10.8 0.443 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-9 0.1371 0.4489 671 10.9 0.457 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-10 0.1363 0.4494 677 11.1 0.470 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-13 0.1363 0.4465 688 11.3 0.455 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-9 0.1393 0.4508 666 10.6 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-11 0.1353 0.4491 649 10.7 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1372 0.4492 672 10.9 0.456
Std. Dev. 0.0016 0.0016 14 0.26 0.011
COV, % 1.20 0.35 2.03 2.36 2.42

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 5/2/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-057-1-5 0.1382 0.4511 690 11.1 0.489 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-057-1-6 0.1382 0.4999 683 9.88 0.436 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-5 0.1370 0.4508 668 10.8 0.481 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-6 0.1374 0.4517 671 10.8 0.420 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-057-1-7 0.1383 0.4492 660 10.6 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-057-1-7 0.1371 0.4505 670 10.8 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1377 0.4589 674 10.7 0.457
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0201 11 0.41 0.034
COV, % 0.43 4.38 1.62 3.85 7.38

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: per Section 3.2 of AGATE Methodology Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: 180°F Strain Gage: One biaxial gage (EA-06-125-TW-120)
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 5/2/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear IPS Modulus (1) Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength (0.25-0.65%) (2) &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi) (msi)
A1-910-058-1-5 0.1368 0.4486 676 11.0 0.540 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-058-1-6 0.1367 0.4479 678 11.1 0.451 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-5 0.1369 0.4560 665 10.7 0.429 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-6 0.1374 0.4559 660 10.5 0.447 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-058-1-7 0.1366 0.4486 679 11.1 - Shear failure in gage
B1-910-058-1-7 0.1373 0.4543 678 10.9 - Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1369 0.4519 673 10.9 0.467
Std. Dev. 0.0003 0.0039 8 0.23 0.050
COV, % 0.25 0.86 1.20 2.14 10.66
Modulus is determined to be the slope of the Stress-Shear Strain curve.
0.25 ~ 0.65% strain range per ASTM D5379-98, Section 12.3.1

In-plane Shear (Iosipescu) Strength, Fluid Sensitivity
Fluid: Jet Fuel
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: at RT for 500 hrs Control Mode: Stroke
Test Temperature: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 1/5/2000 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi)
A1-910-056-1-15 0.1375 0.4502 883 14.3 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-16 0.1376 0.4510 878 14.1 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-16 0.1384 0.4487 889 14.3 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-17 0.1386 0.4559 931 14.7 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-18 0.1389 0.4496 906 14.5 Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1382 0.4511 897 14.4
Std. Dev. 0.0006 0.0028 22 0.23
COV, % 0.45 0.62 2.42 1.61

Fluid: Hydraulic Fluid

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: at RT for 60 - 90 minutes Control Mode: Stroke
Test Temperature: 180°F Strain Gage: N/A
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/30/1999 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi)
A1-910-056-1-19 0.1382 0.4513 967 15.5 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-20 0.1384 0.4509 961 15.4 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-21 0.1384 0.4517 961 15.4 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-19 0.1390 0.4491 949 15.2 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-20 0.1390 0.4493 969 15.5 Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1386 0.4505 961 15.4
Std. Dev. 0.0004 0.0012 8 0.13
COV, % 0.28 0.26 0.83 0.85

Fluid: MEK Solvent

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4505
Test Method: ASTM D5379 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: at RT for 60 - 90 minutes Control Mode: Stroke
Test Temperature: RT Strain Gage: N/A
Ply Orientation: (0/90)4S
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/30/1999 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Notch Ultimate In-plane Shear Failure Location
Number Thickness Width Load Strength &
Actual Comments
(in.) (in.) (lbs.) (ksi)
A1-910-056-1-23 0.1374 0.4489 1174 19.0 Shear failure in gage
A1-910-056-1-24 0.1364 0.4490 1165 19.0 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-23 0.1380 0.4491 1151 18.6 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-24 0.1376 0.4490 1129 18.3 Shear failure in gage
B1-910-056-1-25 0.1366 0.4490 1130 18.4 Shear failure in gage
Average 0.1372 0.4490 1150 18.7
Std. Dev. 0.0007 0.0001 20 0.35
COV, % 0.52 0.02 1.76 1.86

Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength, 75°F (Dry)
Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith
Batch Number: AF991009 Test Frame: Instron 4510
Test Method: ASTM D2344 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/27/1999 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.8%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Span: Ultimate Short Beam Failure Location
Number Depth Width Thickness Load Shear &
Ratio Strength Comments
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi)
A1-910-056-1-1 0.1040 0.2523 4:1 294 8.40 Shear Failure
A1-910-056-1-2 0.1040 0.2523 4:1 297 8.49 Shear Failure
A1-910-056-1-3 0.1044 0.2527 4:1 295 8.38 Shear Failure
B1-910-056-1-1 0.0968 0.2516 4:1 284 8.75 Shear Failure
B1-910-056-1-2 0.0950 0.2514 4:1 281 8.81 Shear Failure
B1-910-056-1-3 0.0934 0.2514 4:1 265 8.47 Shear Failure
Average 0.0996 0.2519 286 8.55
Std. Dev. 0.0051 0.0006 12 0.184
COV, % 5.11 0.22 4.25 2.15

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991010 Test Frame: Instron 4510
Test Method: ASTM D2344 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/31/1999 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.4%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Span: Ultimate Short Beam Failure Location
Number Depth Width Thickness Load Shear &
Ratio Strength Comments
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi)
A1-910-057-1-1 0.1031 0.2519 4:1 304 8.79 Shear Failure
A1-910-057-1-2 0.1036 0.2522 4:1 300 8.61 Shear Failure
A1-910-057-1-3 0.1038 0.2523 4:1 313 8.95 Shear Failure
B1-910-057-1-1 0.1043 0.2512 4:1 306 8.76 Shear Failure
B1-910-057-1-2 0.1044 0.2507 4:1 277 7.93 Shear Failure
B1-910-057-1-3 0.1043 0.2512 4:1 290 8.32 Shear Failure
Average 0.1039 0.2516 298 8.56
Std. Dev. 0.0005 0.0006 13 0.375
COV, % 0.47 0.25 4.32 4.38

Material Type: F6273C-07M Test Operator: John Smith

Batch Number: AF991011 Test Frame: Instron 4510
Test Method: ASTM D2344 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Specimen Preconditioning: as machined Control Mode: Stroke
Test Conditions: RT/Dry Strain Gage: N/A
Ply Orientation: (warp) 12
Testing Facility: Toray Composites (America) CPT (batch average): 0.0086 in.
Test Date: 12/31/1999 Fiber Volume(batch average): 49.7%
Specimen Specimen Specimen Span: Ultimate Short Beam Failure Location
Number Depth Width Thickness Load Shear &
Ratio Strength Comments
(in.) (in.) (kips) (ksi)
A1-910-058-1-1 0.1028 0.2519 4:1 298 8.63 Shear Failure
A1-910-058-1-2 0.1023 0.2528 4:1 299 8.68 Shear Failure
A1-910-058-1-3 0.1044 0.2526 4:1 301 8.57 Shear Failure
B1-910-058-1-1 0.1037 0.2515 4:1 288 8.28 Shear Failure
B1-910-058-1-2 0.1035 0.2514 4:1 300 8.64 Shear Failure
B1-910-058-1-3 0.1036 0.2516 4:1 279 8.04 Shear Failure
Average 0.1034 0.2520 294 8.47
Std. Dev. 0.0008 0.0006 9 0.256
COV, % 0.73 0.23 2.96 3.02

Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength, 75°F (Dry) - continued
Material Type: F6273C-07M Panel Fabrication: TCA - vacuum bagged at 270°F Specimen Preconditioning: as machined
Batch Number: AF020224 Ply Orientation: (warp)12 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Test Method: ASTM D2344-00 Test Conditions: RT/Dry Control Mode: Stroke
Specimen Specimen Specimen Span Ultimate Initial Total SBS Failure Testing Test Conditions Test Test Test
Panel Coupon Depth Width Load Load Load Strength Location Facility Temp RH Operator Frame Date
(in.) (in.) (in.) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ksi) (°F) (%)
A-49 1-1 0.10070 0.25060 0.413 301.9 0.0 301.9 8.97 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-49 1-3 0.10035 0.25065 0.413 303.5 0.0 303.5 9.05 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-49 1-5 0.10055 0.25000 0.413 307.2 0.0 307.2 9.17 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-49 4-7 0.10190 0.25005 0.413 274.7 0.0 274.7 8.09 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-49 4-9 0.10220 0.25005 0.413 276.9 0.0 276.9 8.13 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-49 4-11 0.10180 0.24995 0.413 304.4 0.0 304.4 8.97 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
A-49 8-13 0.10380 0.24890 0.413 279.6 0.0 279.6 8.12 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
A-49 8-15 0.10370 0.24890 0.413 269.9 0.0 269.9 7.84 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
A-49 1-2 0.10055 0.25075 0.413 275.5 5.2 280.7 8.35 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 1-4 0.10045 0.25025 0.413 279.4 5.2 284.6 8.49 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 1-6 0.10165 0.25030 0.413 288.0 5.2 293.2 8.64 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 4-8 0.10175 0.25005 0.413 268.7 5.2 273.9 8.07 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 4-10 0.10160 0.25015 0.413 263.7 5.2 268.9 7.93 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 4-12 0.10205 0.25005 0.413 302.1 5.2 307.3 9.03 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 8-14 0.10350 0.24915 0.413 282.1 5.2 287.3 8.35 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 8-16 0.10380 0.24870 0.413 264.6 5.2 269.8 7.84 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-49 8-18 0.10405 0.24885 0.413 278.6 5.2 283.8 8.22 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 1-1 0.10120 0.25065 0.413 296.2 0.0 296.2 8.76 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-50 1-3 0.10130 0.25065 0.413 293.2 0.0 293.2 8.66 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-50 1-5 0.10165 0.25050 0.413 291.0 0.0 291.0 8.57 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-50 4-7 0.10005 0.24990 0.413 300.3 0.0 300.3 9.01 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-50 4-9 0.10055 0.24970 0.413 324.7 0.0 324.7 9.70 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-50 4-11 0.10030 0.24970 0.413 305.6 0.0 305.6 9.15 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-50 8-13 0.10025 0.24930 0.413 302.8 0.0 302.8 9.09 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-50 8-15 0.10035 0.24940 0.413 302.4 0.0 302.4 9.06 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-50 1-2 0.10130 0.25080 0.413 291.4 5.2 296.6 8.75 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 1-4 0.10140 0.25060 0.413 287.9 5.2 293.1 8.65 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 1-6 0.10095 0.25045 0.413 298.5 5.2 303.7 9.01 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 4-8 0.10020 0.24985 0.413 287.5 5.2 292.7 8.77 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 4-10 0.10030 0.24970 0.413 291.0 5.2 296.2 8.87 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 4-12 0.10030 0.24970 0.413 299.4 5.2 304.6 9.12 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 8-14 0.10035 0.24940 0.413 271.9 5.2 277.1 8.30 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 8-16 0.10025 0.24945 0.413 282.3 5.2 287.5 8.62 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-50 8-18 0.10045 0.24955 0.413 292.9 5.2 298.1 8.92 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 61 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
Average 8.65
Std, Dev. 0.450
COV, % 5.20

Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength, 75°F (Dry) - continued

Material Type: F6273C-07M Panel Fabrication: TCA - vacuum bagged at 270°F Specimen Preconditioning: as machined
Batch Number: AF020324 Ply Orientation: (warp)12 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Test Method: ASTM D2344-00 Test Conditions: RT/Dry Control Mode: Stroke
Specimen Specimen Specimen Span Ultimate Initial Total SBS Failure Testing Test Conditions Test Test Test
Panel Coupon Depth Width Load Load Load Strength Location Facility Temp RH Operator Frame Date
(in.) (in.) (in.) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ksi) (°F) (%)
A-51 2-1 0.10270 0.25030 0.413 291.2 0.0 291.2 8.50 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
A-51 2-3 0.10235 0.25065 0.413 277.9 0.0 277.9 8.12 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
A-51 2-5 0.10205 0.25025 0.413 263.5 0.0 263.5 7.74 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
A-51 5-7 0.10165 0.25060 0.413 295.2 0.0 295.2 8.69 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
A-51 5-9 0.10135 0.25030 0.413 288.3 0.0 288.3 8.52 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-51 5-11 0.10135 0.25030 0.413 278.2 0.0 278.2 8.22 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-51 8-13 0.10090 0.24980 0.413 290.2 0.0 290.2 8.64 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-51 8-15 0.10035 0.24955 0.413 278.0 0.0 278.0 8.33 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
A-51 2-2 0.10260 0.25085 0.413 275.7 5.2 280.9 8.18 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-51 2-4 0.10210 0.25045 0.413 270.8 5.2 276.0 8.09 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-51 2-6 0.10220 0.25030 0.413 288.5 5.2 293.7 8.61 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-51 5-8 0.10145 0.25025 0.413 286.4 5.2 291.6 8.61 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-51 5-10 0.10110 0.25005 0.413 272.4 5.2 277.6 8.23 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-51 5-12 0.10100 0.24990 0.413 287.5 5.2 292.7 8.70 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-51 8-14 0.10055 0.24965 0.413 291.0 5.2 296.2 8.85 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-51 8-16 0.10050 0.24965 0.413 271.7 5.2 276.9 8.28 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 2-1 0.10350 0.24955 0.413 293.9 0.0 293.9 8.53 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-52 2-3 0.10360 0.24955 0.413 312.9 0.0 312.9 9.08 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-52 2-5 0.10385 0.24945 0.413 295.5 0.0 295.5 8.56 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-52 5-7 0.10130 0.24950 0.413 287.5 0.0 287.5 8.53 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4510 5/21/2002
B-52 5-9 0.10125 0.24945 0.413 311.6 0.0 311.6 9.25 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-52 5-11 0.10155 0.24945 0.413 305.2 0.0 305.2 9.04 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-52 8-13 0.09825 0.25000 0.413 287.7 0.0 287.7 8.78 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-52 8-15 0.09825 0.24980 0.413 270.8 0.0 270.8 8.28 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4510 5/17/2002
B-52 2-2 0.10355 0.24905 0.413 272.2 5.2 277.4 8.07 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 2-4 0.10400 0.24965 0.413 276.8 5.2 282.0 8.14 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 2-6 0.10370 0.24950 0.413 276.3 5.2 281.5 8.16 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 5-8 0.10145 0.24960 0.413 283.5 5.2 288.7 8.55 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 5-10 0.10130 0.24930 0.413 282.7 5.2 287.9 8.55 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 5-12 0.10160 0.24940 0.413 276.7 5.2 281.9 8.34 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 8-14 0.09825 0.24985 0.413 284.0 5.2 289.2 8.83 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-52 8-16 0.09835 0.24975 0.413 276.8 5.2 282.0 8.61 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 80 63 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
Average 8.49
Std, Dev. 0.329
COV, % 3.88

Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength, 75°F (Dry) - continued
Material Type: F6273C-07M Panel Fabrication: TCA - vacuum bagged at 270°F Specimen Preconditioning: as machined
Batch Number: AF020422 Ply Orientation: (warp)12 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Test Method: ASTM D2344-00 Test Conditions: RT/Dry Control Mode: Stroke
Specimen Specimen Specimen Span Ultimate Initial Total SBS Failure Testing Test Conditions Test Test Test
Panel Coupon Depth Width Load Load Load Strength Location Facility Temp RH Operator Frame Date
(in.) (in.) (in.) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ksi) (°F) (%)
A-53 1-1 0.10105 0.24840 0.413 266.7 0.0 266.7 7.97 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 1-3 0.10090 0.24850 0.413 310.3 0.0 310.3 9.28 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 1-5 0.10135 0.24905 0.413 289.7 0.0 289.7 8.61 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 6-7 0.10355 0.24910 0.413 314.2 0.0 314.2 9.14 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 6-9 0.10345 0.24955 0.413 332.8 0.0 332.8 9.67 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 6-11 0.10375 0.24940 0.413 308.2 0.0 308.2 8.93 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 7-13 0.10375 0.24905 0.413 301.0 0.0 301.0 8.74 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 7-15 0.10370 0.24900 0.413 294.9 0.0 294.9 8.57 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-53 1-2 0.10085 0.24825 0.413 288.3 5.2 293.5 8.79 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-53 1-4 0.10105 0.24880 0.413 280.7 5.2 285.9 8.53 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-53 1-6 0.10125 0.24920 0.413 298.1 5.2 303.3 9.01 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-53 6-8 0.10355 0.24920 0.413 317.5 5.2 322.7 9.38 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-53 6-10 0.10360 0.24960 0.413 304.7 5.2 309.9 8.99 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-53 6-12 0.10395 0.24935 0.413 311.3 5.2 316.5 9.16 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-53 7-14 0.10385 0.24900 0.413 284.2 5.2 289.4 8.39 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-53 7-16 0.10390 0.24915 0.413 282.1 5.2 287.3 8.32 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 64 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 1-1 0.10080 0.24695 0.413 279.6 0.0 279.6 8.42 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 1-3 0.10110 0.25020 0.413 296.9 0.0 296.9 8.80 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 1-5 0.10130 0.25050 0.413 316.5 0.0 316.5 9.35 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 6-7 0.10195 0.24985 0.413 324.5 0.0 324.5 9.55 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 6-9 0.10200 0.24955 0.413 301.7 0.0 301.7 8.89 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 6-11 0.10180 0.24945 0.413 312.1 0.0 312.1 9.22 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 7-13 0.10205 0.24940 0.413 300.5 0.0 300.5 8.86 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 7-15 0.10215 0.24955 0.413 280.3 0.0 280.3 8.25 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-54 1-2 0.10095 0.25000 0.413 276.7 5.2 281.9 8.38 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 1-4 0.10120 0.25040 0.413 283.1 5.2 288.3 8.53 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 1-6 0.10120 0.25030 0.413 305.1 5.2 310.3 9.19 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 6-8 0.10195 0.24955 0.413 310.5 5.2 315.7 9.31 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 6-10 0.10210 0.24945 0.413 300.2 5.2 305.4 8.99 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 6-12 0.10200 0.24920 0.413 295.6 5.2 300.8 8.87 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 7-14 0.10195 0.24950 0.413 278.4 5.2 283.6 8.36 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-54 7-16 0.10210 0.24965 0.413 278.3 5.2 283.5 8.34 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
Average 8.84
Std, Dev. 0.421
COV, % 4.76

Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength, 75°F (Dry) - continued

Material Type: F6273C-07M Panel Fabrication: TCA - vacuum bagged at 270°F Specimen Preconditioning: as machined
Batch Number: AF020522 Ply Orientation: (warp)12 Loading Rate: 0.05 in/min
Test Method: ASTM D2344-00 Test Conditions: RT/Dry Control Mode: Stroke
Specimen Specimen Specimen Span Ultimate Initial Total SBS Failure Testing Test Conditions Test Test Test
Panel Coupon Depth Width Load Load Load Strength Location Facility Temp RH Operator Frame Date
(in.) (in.) (in.) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ksi) (°F) (%)
A-55 1-1 0.10115 0.25100 0.401 293.1 0.0 293.1 8.66 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 1-3 0.10020 0.25085 0.401 283.1 0.0 283.1 8.45 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 1-5 0.10145 0.25065 0.401 285.1 0.0 285.1 8.41 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 3-7 0.10095 0.25075 0.401 332.5 0.0 332.5 9.85 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 3-9 0.09955 0.25070 0.401 331.6 0.0 331.6 9.97 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 3-11 0.10075 0.25065 0.401 321.2 0.0 321.2 9.54 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 8-13 0.09870 0.24960 0.401 287.3 0.0 287.3 8.75 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 8-15 0.09870 0.24965 0.401 282.2 0.0 282.2 8.59 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
A-55 1-2 0.10045 0.25080 0.401 270.7 5.2 275.9 8.21 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 1-4 0.10075 0.25075 0.401 272.4 5.2 277.6 8.24 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 1-6 0.10160 0.25040 0.401 267.7 5.2 272.9 8.04 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 3-8 0.10000 0.25060 0.401 310.4 5.2 315.6 9.44 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 3-10 0.10020 0.25060 0.401 283.7 5.2 288.9 8.63 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 3-12 0.10125 0.25040 0.401 305.7 5.2 310.9 9.20 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 8-14 0.09850 0.24950 0.401 243.9 5.2 249.1 7.60 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 8-16 0.09895 0.24965 0.401 270.4 5.2 275.6 8.37 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
A-55 8-18 0.09980 0.24960 0.401 264.8 5.2 270.0 8.13 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 81 62 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 1-1 0.10070 0.24895 0.413 292.1 0.0 292.1 8.74 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 1-3 0.10095 0.25050 0.413 315.1 0.0 315.1 9.35 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 1-5 0.10075 0.25025 0.413 301.6 0.0 301.6 8.97 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 3-7 0.10135 0.25065 0.413 326.2 0.0 326.2 9.63 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 John S. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 3-9 0.10165 0.25060 0.413 320.6 0.0 320.6 9.44 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 3-11 0.10125 0.25065 0.413 316.4 0.0 316.4 9.35 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 8-13 0.10370 0.24950 0.413 309.4 0.0 309.4 8.97 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 8-15 0.10400 0.24955 0.413 315.0 0.0 315.0 9.10 Interlaminar Shear TCA 73 50 Debra W. Inst 4505 5/20/2002
B-56 1-2 0.10080 0.25050 0.413 297.2 5.2 302.4 8.98 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 78 65 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 1-4 0.10095 0.25040 0.413 302.4 5.2 307.6 9.13 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 66 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 1-6 0.10025 0.25010 0.413 289.5 5.2 294.7 8.81 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 66 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 3-8 0.10145 0.25070 0.413 323.8 5.2 329.0 9.70 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 66 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 3-10 0.10150 0.25060 0.413 290.3 5.2 295.5 8.71 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 66 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 3-12 0.10075 0.25050 0.413 282.0 5.2 287.2 8.53 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 66 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 8-14 0.10375 0.24950 0.413 300.1 5.2 305.3 8.84 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 66 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
B-56 8-16 0.10405 0.24940 0.413 297.7 5.2 302.9 8.75 Interlaminar Shear NIAR 79 66 Ken G. MTS 318.1 6/3/2002
Average 8.88
Std, Dev. 0.557
COV, % 6.27



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