Emotion Regulation in Older Age: Heather L. Urry, and James J. Gross
Emotion Regulation in Older Age: Heather L. Urry, and James J. Gross
Emotion Regulation in Older Age: Heather L. Urry, and James J. Gross
Emotion Regulation in Older Age 19(6) 352-357
ª The Author(s) 2010
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0963721410388395
Heather L. Urry1, and James J. Gross2
Tufts University and 2 Stanford University
Older age is normatively associated with losses in physical, cognitive, and social domains. Despite these losses, older adults often
report higher levels of well-being than do younger adults. How can we explain this enhancement of well-being? In this article, we
consider one possible explanation, namely, that older adults show enhanced emotion regulation. Specifically, we propose that
older adults achieve well-being by selecting and optimizing particular emotion regulation processes to compensate for changes
in internal and external resources. With this framework in mind, we suggest several directions for future research.
emotion regulation, aging, selection, optimization, compensation, well-being
Imagine waking up to find that you no longer see, hear, or taste acuity, have increasing difficulty managing activities of daily
as well as you used to. Looking around your bedroom, you living, and are more likely to have multiple, sometimes debil-
notice a number of medication bottles on your bedside table itating, health conditions. Cognitively, we suffer from memory
with your name on them. As you reach over to examine them, declines that, for some people, herald the onset of dementia.
your joints creak in protest, and you feel an excruciating pain We also have trouble monitoring our own performance, inhibit-
shoot through your back. Carefully, you get to your feet, but ing prepotent responses, and altering behavioral patterns in
find yourself weaker and more unsteady than before. As you response to feedback. Socially, we are more likely to experi-
go about your day, people speak to you more slowly (and ence losses as the people we care about move away or die.
loudly) than usual, as if you’re mentally incompetent. You find These observations paint a depressingly bleak picture of
you aren’t thinking as quickly as you normally do, and you lose older age. Remarkably, however, many studies show that, com-
several things you need, including your keys. pared to younger adults, older adults experience higher levels
Now imagine that you will spend the rest of your life like this. of hedonic well-being, at least until very late in life. For exam-
How does it feel? Your answer probably falls somewhere ple, in a cross-sectional study, older adults reported lower lev-
between ‘‘awful’’ and ‘‘terrible.’’ Given that the changes we’ve els of negative affect and higher levels of positive affect than
described are all normatively associated with growing old, it is younger adults did (Stawski, Almeida, Sliwinski, & Smyth,
hardly surprising that we tend to believe that people who are 2008). Such findings are not simply due to birth cohort effects;
much older than us—at least those who actually experience the longitudinal studies also show that older age is related to
things we’ve just imagined on a daily basis—must be miserable. increases in subjective well-being (Cacioppo et al., 2008) and
And yet, when you ask older people how they feel, their levels of decreases in negative affect (Charles, Reynolds, & Gatz, 2001).
well-being seem to be at least as high as those of younger adults.
Why don’t older people feel worse? In this review, we consider
several mutually compatible explanations. We then focus on the Explaining High Levels of Well-Being in
possibility that changes in emotion regulation, which refers to the Older Age
processes we use to modulate which emotions we have, when we
have them, and how we experience and express them (Gross, Why do older adults experience higher levels of well-being
1998), may be key to understanding well-being in older age. than younger adults? One possibility is that we are mistaken
from others Encouragement
from others
Situation selection
Fig. 2. Contrasting two resources (close relationships with other people who encourage involvement in positive situations and cognitive con-
trol) for two forms of emotion regulation (situation selection and cognitive reappraisal, a form of cognitive change). The sizes of the ovals indi-
cate how much of the resource is available. The sizes of the text in which the emotion regulation processes (middle labels) are printed indicates
degree of success/use.
Table 1. The SOC-ER Framework: Resources That May Affect the Use of Five Families of Emotion Regulation Processes
Situation selection Internal Ability to predict the emotions one is likely to experience in particular situations
Knowledge of the trade-offs associated with approaching/avoiding certain situations
External Relationships with people who encourage involvement in positive situations
Fewer roles that place one in negative emotion-eliciting situations
Situation modification Internal Knowledge about which aspects of a situation provide best route to modify emotions
Ability to carry out one’s plans for modifying the situation
External Access to people who help you shape your environment
Ability to compel desired outcomes
Attentional deployment Internal Ability to recognize information as positive versus negative
Undivided attention
External Access to people who draw attention to positive and away from negative information
Access to situations with many positive and few negative stimuli
Cognitive change Internal Ability to take a different perspective
Working memory to hold goal emotional state in mind
Cognitive control
External Access to people who help you generate hedonically beneficial meanings
Response modulationy Internal Knowledge about the impact of one’s own emotional expressions
Ability to tolerate a mismatch between inner experience and outward expression
Ability to exert voluntary control over facial and bodily behavior
External Access to or use of activities that influence somatic responding (e.g., medications,
relaxation, exercise)
Access to people who model context-appropriate emotional displays
Resources for response modulation focus on regulation of expressive behavior
two emotion regulation processes (situation selection and cognitive resources may already be declining to some degree,
cognitive reappraisal, a form of cognitive change). in which case frequent use will not necessarily translate into
As may be seen by the size of the ovals, older adults may actual success.
receive more encouragement from others to get involved in We must stress that the example in Figure 2 is only an illus-
positive situations than do younger adults because they have tration and a promissory note; there is as yet very little empiri-
a smaller but closer social network (Carstensen et al., 2003). cal research that identifies the resources required for emotion
This represents a resource gain in older age. However, older regulation. We can only offer a plausible list of logically
adults may have lesser levels of cognitive control than younger derived (rather than empirically supported) suggestions (see
adults because of age-related changes in the brain (Opitz et al., Table 1) and speculate about how age differences in resources
in press). This represents a resource loss in older age. As rep- might explain known age differences in emotion regulation.
resented by the larger size of the text in which the emotion reg- But there are some compelling hints:
ulation processes are printed, this contrast of resources would
lead us to expect younger adults to use cognitive reappraisal ! Older adults are better at predicting feelings of emotional
relatively more frequently and/or successfully, whereas we arousal than are younger adults (Nielsen, Knutson, &
would expect older adults to use situation selection relatively Carstensen, 2008). Better predicting how aroused one
more frequently and/or successfully. might feel in anticipated situations could be a resource that
Note that we referred just now to using emotion regulation leads to improved situation selection in older age.
‘‘more frequently and/or successfully.’’ We make this distinc- ! Older adults pay more attention to positive than to negative
tion between frequency and success because, although one information, but this effect goes away when attention is
might generally expect that optimizing a particular emotion divided (Knight et al., 2007). Undivided attention could be
regulation process with practice (i.e., greater frequency of use) a necessary resource for attentional deployment in older age.
should lead to greater success in actually changing one’s emo- ! Compared to younger adults, older adults exhibit reduced
tions as desired, complex tradeoffs as resources ebb and flow reappraisal-related activation in prefrontal regions impli-
over time could lead to divergent findings. Consider reapprai- cated in cognitive control (Opitz et al., in press). Reduced
sal, a form of cognitive change. Evidence reviewed earlier cognitive control could be a resource that reduces effective-
shows that older adults use cognitive reappraisal more fre- ness of cognitive reappraisal to decrease negative emotions.
quently than younger adults do but that they are not necessarily
more successful. It is possible that, in the earlier stages of late
adulthood, one has acquired the necessary knowledge and life Directions for Future Research
experiences to know that reappraisal can be effective and thus We have argued that one explanation for higher well-being in
uses it with greater frequency than in the past. However, older age is that older adults select and optimize emotion
regulation processes that take advantage of resource gains and we believe its principles extend to developmental changes from
compensate for resource losses. We believe our SOC-ER infancy through old age. Still more broadly, if we view chron-
framework may be useful in guiding future research, and from ological age as a proxy for differences in internal and external
this vantage point, four research directions seem particularly resources, it may be useful to apply the SOC-ER framework to
compelling. other groups (e.g., those diagnosed with mental disorders), as
First, although our predictions regarding age-related well as to particular individuals within any particular group
changes in resources provide a useful starting point, research as they seek to adapt to different environmental contexts. From
to identify the resources that predict the types of emotion reg- our perspective, individual and contextual variation that is of
ulation processes people use, the frequency with which they interest to developmental, cognitive, personality, clinical, and
use them, and the extent to which their use successfully modi- health psychologists may be illuminated by considering how
fies emotional responses is urgently needed. We must also variation in internal and external resources shape the use of dif-
determine how these resources change as we age. In that ferent forms of emotion regulation.
research, it will be important to broaden the focus to consider
additional predictors. Beliefs about the malleability of emo- Recommended Reading
tions, perceived self-efficacy, and motivation to experience Baltes, P.B., & Baltes, M.M. (1990). (See References). A historical
certain emotions as described by socioemotional selectivity classic that describes the selection, optimization, and compensa-
theory will no doubt play a major role in the use and success tion meta-theory.
of emotion regulation processes. Blanchard-Fields, F. (2007). Everyday problem solving and emotion:
Second, there is good reason to believe that emotion regula- An adult developmental perspective. Current Directions in Psy-
tion processes are linked to well-being. For example, individual- chological Science, 16, 26–31. A review of everyday problem sol-
difference studies indicate that more frequent use of reappraisal ving with an emphasis on age-related changes in coping strategies.
(cognitive change) is associated with higher levels of positive Gross, J.J., & Thompson, R.A. (2007). Emotion regulation: Concep-
and lower levels of negative emotion, lower levels of depressive tual foundations. In J.J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of emotion regula-
symptoms, and higher life satisfaction. More frequent use of sup- tion (pp. 3–24). New York: Guilford. A highly accessible overview
pression (response modulation), by contrast, is associated with of emotion regulation.
lower levels of positive and higher levels of negative emotion, Mather, M., & Carstensen, L.L. (2005). Aging and motivated cogni-
higher levels of depressive symptoms, and lower life satisfaction tion: The positivity effect in attention and memory. Trends in
(John & Gross, 2004). However, studies that test whether the fre- Cognitive Sciences, 9, 496–502. A review of studies supporting
quency and/or success of emotion regulation processes mediate attentional deployment to positive more than negative information
the association between age and levels of hedonic well-being are by older adults.
needed. Moreover, although we focused on hedonic well-being Mroczek, D.K. (2001). Age and emotion in adulthood. Current Direc-
in this review, we speculate that SOC-ER principles might also tions in Psychological Science, 10, 87–90. A brief review that
promote eudaimonic well-being, which emphasizes achieving addresses moderators of the age–emotion association.
autonomy, mastery, growth, positive relations with others,
self-acceptance, and sense of purpose.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Third, although many older people fare surprisingly well,
not all do. Our analysis suggests that low well-being may The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with respect
to their authorship or the publication of this article.
accrue to older people who fail to make a compensatory shift
in emotion regulation in light of changing resources. In these
cases, treatments that teach older people how to use emotion References
regulation processes that rely on intact resources might be par- Baltes, P.B., & Baltes, M.M. (1990). Psychological perspectives on
ticularly useful. For example, older adults who struggle with successful aging: The model of selective optimization with com-
anxiety might benefit more from cognitive bias modification, pensation. In P.B. Baltes & M.M. Baltes(Eds.), Successful aging:
a treatment in which attention is trained, than from cognitive- Perspectives from the behavioral sciences (pp. 1–34). New York:
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