BAWTP1A Project: (Sign Name & Position (Sign Name & Position
BAWTP1A Project: (Sign Name & Position (Sign Name & Position
BAWTP1A Project: (Sign Name & Position (Sign Name & Position
Time: Revised
JSEA developed by
Reviewed by:
Superintendent (Sign Name & Position): HSE Professional (Sign Name & Position):
Residual Risk
Step Assessment
Number Job Steps Potential Hazards Controls Responsibility
Break the job down into Identify the hazards associated with Specify what action/procedures will be
steps. each step. taken to eliminate or minimise the Specify Person Responsible
1 hazards, the risk of injury/damage, and/or
potential severity factors. Including the
Each step should accomplish Examine each to find possibilities that measure to be taken to ensure the
some major task and be in a could lead top an accident proposed control
logical sequence
Site establishment / set up of Struck by other plant Site induction, wearing of hi vis clothing, 1 D 1 Sup
area to be painted from work isolate area if in a trafficable area by
2 truck. cones/bunting.
Manual handling strains from Two man lift for heavy equipment, use of
unloading equipment from truck vehicle loading crane for heavier 1 C 4 Sup
Time: Revised
JSEA developed by
(participants) stress work under shade where available, have
regular rest breaks depending on weather Sup / Everyone
condition, drink fresh water in small 1 D 2
amounts but often.
Set up site and equipment Plant failure causing injury to Plant item to be check by competent 2 C 8 Operator
operator/bystander and noise from operator before operating. Maintenance to
3 engine causing hearing loss be conducted as per manufacture manual,
faulty plant tagged out until repaired.
Maintenance of muffler system / hearing
Eye damage to personal walking past Area to be isolated if necessary and all
the area of clean down. personal on site to wear safety glasses as 2 C 8 Sup/Operator
a site requirement.
Slip trips and falls due to untidy area Area to be checked before gaining access
in which working. and leasing with site management regard 2 C 8 Sup/ Operator
area before starting. Correct foot ware to
be worn and in the correct manner. Hose
to be in area where it will not affect others
and out of walkways. (to one side off if
Access to the areas to be Slip trips and falls from poor house Supervisor to inspect area of operation 2 C 8 Sup
cleaned and painted. clean by others prior to commencement and liase with
4 project management with regards to
condition of the area to be access by our
Fall from heights / collapse of access *Scaffold to be used to access certain Sup/Operator
Time: Revised
JSEA developed by
(participants) equipment by us and others. areas, scaffold not to entered unless
scafftag is displayed as OK and passed.
2 C 8
*Ladder access is only for access and not
to be worked off, must be tied off at the
top and well footed at the bottom.
Manual handling strain from pulling
water hose up to a location for work at JSEA #58 to be used in conjunction with
heights this. Operator
2 C 8
Use of a rope to pull the hose up after the
operator has gained a position suitable to
pull the hose up without strain or effort /
risk for injury.
Mixing of painting. Poisoning due to poor mixing and Use gloves while mixing at all time, safety 2 C 8 Sup/Operator
handling through skin contact. glasses to be worn at all times. Coverall to
5 be worn. Mixing to be as per manufacture
data & MSDS instructions. Personal to be
aware of information contained on there
instructions and be available at all times
for reference.
JSEA #59 to be used here
Painting of Structural Poisoning from substance through Use of gloves while painting and mixing, 2 C 8 Sup/Operator
Steelwork. contact. correct PPE as per manufacture data /
6 MSDS sheet to be worn. Personal to be
aware of information contained on these
instructions and be available at all times
for reference. Personal to carry paint in
small amounts so not to strain or
overbalance while working at heights.
Personal being overcome by fumes Personal working in open area with good 2 C 8 Sup/Operator
from paint while applying. (Most of ventilation. Personal wear “SUNSTROM”
the work on this project is in open respirators at all times while painting in
areas with plenty of ventilation) enclosed areas or poor ventilation.
Time: Revised
JSEA developed by
(participants) paint the risk of spills of large amounts.
Contamination of the environment Ensure all tins have been catalysed and Sup
with empty containers. then placed in appropriate bins depending 2 C 8
on local council requirements
Time: Revised
JSEA developed by
H = High risk Immediate action required, activity must not start or be stopped if started. Highest level of Management needs to be involved.
M = Medium risk Monitoring controls are required. Management responsibility must be specified.
L = Low risk. Identify hazards and implement controls. Manage by routine processes. Ie inspections / observations