Trends in Analytical Chemistry: Lucian Rotariu, Florence Lagarde, Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault, Camelia Bala

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 80–87

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t r a c

Electrochemical biosensors for fast detection of food contaminants –

trends and perspective
Lucian Rotariu a,b, Florence Lagarde c, Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault c, Camelia Bala a,b,*
a Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Bucharest, 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018 Bucharest, Romania
b LaborQ, University of Bucharest, 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018 Bucharest, Romania
University of Lyon, Lyon 1, Institute of Analytical Sciences, UMR CNRS-UCBL-ENS 5280, 5 rue de la Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne, France


Biosensor technology represents an extremely wide field with a great impact to healthcare, environ-
mental and food quality control. The aim of this review is limited to biosensors developed in the very
Food analysis
Food safety
last years specifically for monitoring food contaminants. The review covers the basic principles and types
Contaminants of electrochemical biosensors reported for food-specific applications. Innovation in materials science, nano-
Nanomaterials technology and biomimetic design are reinforcing the biosensor field. This review highlights current and
Carbon nanotubes future trends in materials used for biosensing, miniaturization and development of portable devices in
Graphene order to have on-site detection of the target analytes.
Polymers © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Enzyme inhibition


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
2. Biosensors for food ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 81
2.1. Enzyme-based biosensors ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
2.2. Affinity biosensors ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
3. Materials for food biosensors .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
3.1. Carbonaceous materials and nanomaterials ................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
3.1.1. Carbon nanotubes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 83
3.1.2. Graphene materials .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84
3.2. Metal nanoparticles .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
3.3. Molecularly imprinted polymers ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
4. Miniaturization and portability ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
5. Conclusions and perspectives ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
References .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 86

1. Introduction The demand for developing simple, rapid, accurate, low-cost and
portable analytical instruments is growing and biosensors fulfill these
The impact of the biosensing technology is increasing in all major requirements. The current review is focused on the very recent ad-
sectors such as pharmaceutical, healthcare, environment and food. vances in biosensing for the food quality control from the last 3 years
Food safety is a global issue in the actual context of intensive de- and will not cover earlier published papers, unless it was consid-
velopment of the agriculture and the food industry. Nutrients ered necessary. Older publications are covered by many review
monitoring and fast screening of contaminants represents some of articles have been published earlier [1–6]. We proposed an over-
the key issues in agrifood field for assessment of the food quality. view of the main types of the electrochemical biosensors with
applications in food analysis and the most recent biosensing con-
figurations with improved performance characteristics based on
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +40 21 4104888; Fax: +40 21 4104888. carbonaceous materials and nanomaterials, metal nanoparticles and
E-mail address: (C. Bala). molecularly imprinted polymers to understand and evaluate the state
0165-9936/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Rotariu et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 80–87 81

of the art of the subject. This review is structured on two parts. First biosensors have few incontestable advantages: selectivity that allow
one is addressing to the type of the biosensors taking into account direct detection of the analyte without any sample pretreatment
the bio-recognition mechanism. Applications to food detection are samples or minimal sample pretreatment, fast analysis with results
discussed and examples of current publications are given. Ad- in few minutes, low costs, perspectives for miniaturization and por-
vances in materials science, nanotechnology and biomimetic design tability. Not the least, biosensors are very easy to be used and do
are boosting the biosensing field. Therefore, the second part deals not require highly trained personnel and therefore commercially
with some of the most used materials and nanomaterials used to available devices can be easily launched on the consumers market.
improve the performances of the transducer or the whole biosen- Food quality control requires fast analysis and on the field avail-
sor or as immobilization matrix for bioreceptor. The most recent able devices for testing different parameters. Biosensors come to meet
papers are discussed highlighting the advantages of the proposed these requirements and justify the increased interest of develop-
approach. A special emphasis is given to a further step to be done ing biosensors for food quality control. Basically, there are two types
in this field – from bench to market. For their implementation into of compounds that are analyzed: compounds whose concentra-
the everyday life, the biosensors must come out from the labora- tion presents interest for nutritional food quality and contaminants
tory. Miniaturization, automated analysis, low reagent consumption, that are not supposed to be found in food products. Some other tests
portability, minimal demand on user time or skills and connectiv- are performed to find information about the origin, counterfeiting
ity represent the demands for passing to commercially available or adulteration of the food products. Classification of the biosensors
biosensors. can be realized based on different criteria e.g. type of the bioreceptor
or transducer, analytes or reactions monitored, detection or mea-
2. Biosensors for food surement mode [7]. Biochemical recognition mechanism was
considered in this review to classify the biosensors and the main
Biosensors are analytical devices that integrate a biocomponent/ types of biosensors used for food analysis are presented in Fig. 1.
bioreceptors (isolated enzymes, organelles, whole cells, tissue, Enzyme biosensors represent the main class of electrochemical
immunosystems, nucleic acids, aptamers, etc.) with a suitable trans- biosensors used for food analysis. Two principles are used in this
ducing system to detect chemical compounds. Common transducers sense: substrate detection by its conversion in a reaction catalyzed
are electrochemical, optical, mass based transducers (piezoelec- by an enzyme with consumption or formation of an electroactive
tric, surface acoustic), thermal transducers (thermistors and others. compound and detection of enzyme inhibitors. Substrate detection
As a result of the specific interaction between the target molecule uses mainly enzymes from the oxido-reductases class (oxidases, per-
and the biocomponent an electrical signal is usually produced that oxidases, dehydrogenases) and the main electroactive compound
can be measured and recorded. A wide range of analytes form in- detected are hydrogen peroxide or reduced form of nicotinamide
organic compounds, small organic molecules to small proteins can adenine dinucleotide (NADH). Determination of the inhibitors is per-
be detected. Compared to the conventional methods used for food formed by measuring the enzyme activity in the absence and in the
analysis, such as spectrometric or chromatographic methods, the presence of the inhibitor and correlation of the inhibition degree

Fig. 1. Types of biosensors used in food analysis.

82 L. Rotariu et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 80–87

with the inhibitor concentration. Affinity biosensors are a wide class food products like meat or milk. Penicillin G, a β-lactam antibiot-
of sensors but this review will cover only aspects about electro- ic, was determined using a biosensor based on this enzyme [35].
chemical sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers for food Enzymes can be used as bioreceptors in biosensors design not
analysis. only for determination of substrates but also for detection of their
effectors especially inhibitors [2]. Biosensors based on enzyme in-
2.1. Enzyme-based biosensors hibition are widely reported for detection of toxic compounds
(pesticides, mycotoxins). Acetylcholine esterase (AChE) and
First class of biosensors is based on reactions catalyzed by butyrylcholine esterase (BChE) are the most common enzymes used
enzymes. Isolated enzyme, multi-enzyme systems or integrated in detection of organophosphorous and carbamates pesticides [2].
enzyme systems such as, organelles, whole cells, and tissues are used Enzyme activity is measured in the absence and in the presence of
as bioreceptors. Oxidoreductases are the most used enzymes for de- inhibitor and the inhibition degree is correlated with the concen-
velopment of the biosensors for detection of substrates. Enzymes tration of the inhibitor [36]. However, there are a consistent number
catalyze specific conversion of the substrate and the generated prod- of papers that use other enzymes like tyrosinase, alkaline phos-
ucts are directly determined using an appropriate transducer. The phatase or organophosphate hydrolase as bioreceptors for pesticide
enzyme determines the selectivity of the biosensor but neverthe- detection [2]. These biosensors lacks of a poor selectivity for a spe-
less, the transducer selectivity affects the final analytical performance cific compound that could be sometimes an advantage when this
of the biosensor. Oxidases were extensively used for developing type of device is intended to be used as a screening method for the
enzyme based biosensors. For instance, biogenic amines such as presence of a class of toxic compounds in the sample. An excep-
putresceine, histamine, spemine, spermidine, tyramine, cadaver- tion is represented by the methyl parathion hydrolase, which is
ine, 2-phenylethylamine, tryptamine, which are formed in food specific to methyl parathion [37]. Our group has reported an ap-
mainly by the microbial decarboxylation of amino acids [8] can be proach about use of AChE for detection of mycotoxins like aflatoxin
determined using monoamine oxidase or polyamine oxidase [9]. In B1 [38]. A biosensor for cyanide detection was realized by immo-
food analysis, the current freshness tests are based on detection of bilization of peroxidase on different matrices and was based on the
these biogenic amines. Poor selectivity of these enzymes deter- determination of enzyme inhibition [39].
mined different research groups to use enzymes with higher
selectivity for a particular amine, such as putrescine oxidase ex- 2.2. Affinity biosensors
tracted from Micrococcus rubens [10] characterized by specificity
to putresceine, or spermine oxidase an enzyme specific to sperm- Affinity biosensors are based on the analytical recognition systems
ine [11]. L-lactic acid detection is used for freshness detection in such as, antigen – antibody, hormone – receptor or interaction
tomato or infant food. Different configuration of L-lactate biosensors between DNA strands, which do not imply a chemical transforma-
based on L-lactate oxidase were reviewed in the literature [12]. tion of the target analyte. Recently, new classes of recognition
Beside the biogenic amines, xanthine is considered an important elements were reported. Among them the aptamers, molecularly
biomarker for fish freshness. The increase of the xanthine concen- imprinted polymers or affibodies attracted attention to the re-
tration is a sign of fish spoilage and it was determined by oxidation searchers and it was subject of reviewing [40]. The main difference
with a biosensor based on xanthine oxidase [13]. Lysine oxidase was between the affinity (bio)sensors and enzyme biosensors is the
reported in the literature as an efficient bioreceptor for detection absence of a biochemical transformation of the analyte after inter-
of L-lysine with potential application in food quality control [14]. action with the bioreceptor. The interaction between the analyte
Phenols and poli-phenols, chloro- and alkyl-phenols or aromatic and the affinity partner is reversible, the formation and the de-
amines, can be found in food products as anti-oxidants or contami- composition of the affinity complex being realized in mild conditions
nants and can be oxidized by different enzymes. Laccase can oxidize by modifying the physico-chemical parameters like pH or ionic
the substrate using oxygen that is reduced to water and it was used strength. Molecularly imprinted polymers represent attractive ma-
for detection of mono and poli-phenols [15–20]. Peroxidase uses terials used in bio-mimetic sensors that will be presented in the
hydrogen peroxide to catalyze the oxidation of a large group of next section.
phenol compounds [21–24], chloro-phenols [22], xenoestrogen alkyl-
phenols [25–27]. Tyrosinase has the active site close to the surface
of the protein and it able to catalyze the oxidation of small and large 3. Materials for food biosensors
substrates [28], such as tyramine [29] or bisphenol A [30–32]. Nitrite,
used as preservative on a large scale in food industry, can be de- In the recent years, the new functional materials and
termined by using nitrite reductase. This enzyme is capable of a nanomaterials were used in the biosensing on two directions: to
direct electron transfer with the surface of the electrochemical trans- improve the response characteristics of the transducer and as the
ducer as it was recently reported [33]. Dehydrogenases, belonging immobilization matrices for the bioreceptor. Carbonaceous mate-
to the same group of oxidoreductases, are a huge class of enzymes rials and nanomaterials (e.g. graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanowires,
based on the NAD+/NADH or NADP+/NADPH redox systems in re- nanorods), metal and metal oxides nanoparticles, ionic liquids, mag-
alization of the electrons transfer from or to the substrate. Histamine netic nanoparticles, quantum dots, molecularly imprinted polymers
dehydrogenase was used to develop of a selective histamine bio- are providing an enhancement of the detecting systems, but are also
sensor [10]. An alternative to lactate oxidase for detection of L-lactate representing a very attractive and favorable biosensing interface [40].
is the L-lactate dehydrogenase, with numerous advantages for elec- In this sense, Table 1 presents a selection of the most recent pub-
trochemical detection of NADH [12]. The dehydrogenase-based lications, which were grouped on the type of biosensors presented
biosensors require the addition of a high amount of co-enzyme in in section 2.
the sample solution. This problem was fixed by incorporating the
glutamate dehydrogenase and NAD+ in the immobilization matrix 3.1. Carbonaceous materials and nanomaterials
of a reagentless glutamate biosensor [34]. A very small number of
enzymes from the hydrolases class are used for electrochemical A huge number of applications based on carbonaceous materi-
biosensors. β-lactamase is the enzyme responsible for the resis- als, nanomaterials and composites are reported in the field of
tance of the bacteria to some class of antibiotics. Actually, there is electrochemical biosensors. These materials are important through
an increased concern about the content of antibiotics in different their electrochemical properties, conductivity, high surface area,
L. Rotariu et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 80–87 83

Table 1
Recent publications on biosensors for food analysis

Target analytes Bioreceptor Transducer LOD Ref.

Enzyme biosensors based on substrate detection

histamine histamine dehydrogenase TTF/SPE 8.1 μM [10]
putrescine oxidase
putresceine TTF/SPE 10 μM [10]
spermine spermine oxidase PB/SPE 2 μM [11]
xanthine xanthine oxidase MWCNTs – poly(GMA-co-VFc)/ PGE 0.12 μM [13]
lysine lysine oxidase MWCNTs-MNPs/Au 0.05 μM [14]
phenols laccase PDA-NiCNFs/MGCE 0.69 μM catechol [16]
phenols laccase RGO-PdCu NCs/GCE 1.5 μM catechol [17]
phenols laccase chitosan/ZnO sol-gel /GCE 0.29 μM catechol [18]
phenols peroxidase SWCNTs/SPE 110 nM catechol [21]
50 nM pyrogallol
phenols peroxidase AuNPs/GCE 74 μM hydroquinone [23]
phenols peroxidase AgNPs-SiSG /poly L-arginine/CPE 0.57 μM hydroquinone [24]
6.2 μM pyrogallol
2-chlorophenol peroxidase Co-Al layered double hydroxide/GCE 2 nM [22]
alkyl-phenols peroxidase MnO2/SPE 0.8 μM TBP [25]
0.7 μM OP
1.7 μM NP
dopamine laccase SiO2-PA NPs/GCE 0.26 μM [19]
bisphenol A tyrosinase TiO2/MWCNTs/PDDA/Nafion/graphite 0.066 μM [30]
bisphenol A tyrosinase RGO-chitosan/ITO 0.74 nM [31]
bisphenol A tyrosinase MWCNTs/BDD 10 pM [32]
nitrite nitrite reducase carbon ink/SPE 0.6 μM [41]
glutamate glutamate dehydrogenase MWCNTs-chitosan/MB-SPE 3 μM [34]
penicillin G β-lactamase CoPC/CPE 0.079 μM [35]
Inhibition-based enzyme biosensors
cyanide HRP Au sonoparticles/sonogel-carbon 0.03 μM [39]
paraoxon AChE Ni-NTA – GO/GCE 3 μM [42]
organophosphate pesticides AChE AuNPs-PPy-RGO 0.5 nM paraoxon-ethyl [43]
Methyl parathion methyl parathion hydrolase AuNPs/GCE 0.07 ppb [37]
carbamates laccase-tyrosinase AuNPs–chitosan/grahene dopped CPE 1.68 nM [44]
pirimicarb laccase MWCNTs paste electrode 0.18 μM [45]
Affinity sensors – MIP sensors
estradiol MIP (p-aminothiophenol functionalized gold nanoparticles) Au 1.09 fM [46]
aflatoxin B1 MIP (p-aminothiophenol functionalized gold nanoparticles) Au 3 fM [47]
tetracycline MIP (p-aminothiophenol functionalized gold nanoparticles) Au 0.22 fM [48]
quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane and tetraethoxysilane MWCNTs-chitosan/GCE 0.44 μM [49]
sulfadimethoxine overoxidized PPy Au 70 μM [50]
isocarbophos poly(o-phenylenediamine-co-gallic GCE 20 nM [51]
acid-co-m-aminobenzoic acid)

TTF – tetrathiafulvalene, PB – Prussian Blue, MWCNTs – multi-walled carbon nanotubes, SWCNTs – single-walled carbon nanotubes, VFc – vinylferrocene, GMA – Glycidyl
methacrylate, PGE – pencil graphite electrode, MNPs – magnetic nanoparticles, GCE – glassy carbon electrode, PDA – ploydopamine, NiCNFs – nickel nanoparticle loaded
carbon nanofibers, RGO – reduced graphene oxide, PdCu NCs – palladium-copper alloyed nanocages, SiO2-PA NPs – phytic acid functionalized silica nanoparticles, TBP –
4-t-butylphenol, OP- 4-t-octylphenol, NP – 4-n-nonylphenol, PDDA – poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), BDD – boron dopped diamond electrode, MB – Meldola Blue,
CPE – carbon paste electrode, AgNPs – silver nanoparticles, SiSG – silica sol-gel, CoPC – cobalt phthalocyanine, PPy – polypyrrole, SiO2-PA NPs – silica nanoparticles modi-
fied with phytic acid.

which are the determining factors to attain an unprecedented low composite material was electrodeposited onto a pencil graphite elec-
detection limits and high sensitivities. trode and the resulted biosensor exhibited a low detection limit of
0.2 nM acrylamide with a wide linear range (5 nM to 75 mM). A paste
3.1.1. Carbon nanotubes electrode based on MWCNTs and paraffin was used to immobilize
Carbon nanotubes have a cylindrical nanostructure and are clas- laccase. The biosensor showed an excellent electron transfer kinetic
sified upon the number of rolled layers of graphene. Both, single for detection of 4-aminophenol, used as enzyme substrate, and a
walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi-walled carbon good stability of approx. one month [45]. Pirimicarb was deter-
nanotubes (MWCNTs) were equally used as electrode materials. The mined by inhibition of laccase with a low detection limit of
small size and a corresponding large active surface, the easy 1.8 × 10−7 mol L−1. Tomato and lettuce samples were analyzed and
functionalization with carboxyl or amino groups represents advan- no interferences from pro-vitamin A, vitamins B1 and C, and glucose
tages, which were exploited for electrochemical applications. Anyway, were observed. A biosensor for organophosphate neurotoxins based
CNTs are not soluble in hydrophilic solvents and tend to agglom- on a renewable nanocomposite interface was developed by Kirsch
erate. Nanocomposites prepared in combination with other materials et al. [53] by using cationic and anionic layers of CNTs modified with
e.g. polymers, ionic liquids or metal nanoparticles were designed biopolymers in a layer by layer structure with immobilized organo-
to overcome these drawbacks, to improve the electrocatalytical prop- phosphorus hydrolase. The biosensor showed a high sensitivity with
erties and/or to facilitate the immobilization of the bioreceptor. a stable electrochemical response. In the last years our group re-
Covalent immobilization of hemoglobin (Hb) onto carboxylated ported the use of nanocomposite materials based on MWCNTs and
MWCNTs/copper nanoparticle/polyaniline composite was used for imidazolium-based ionic liquids for detection of thiocholine [54],
construction of a biosensor for acrylamide [52]. Acrylamide can be which was successfully applied for developing AChE biosensors for
found in a variety of fried and oven-baked foods, in some food pack- organophosphate pesticides [55]. Chlorpyrifos was determined in
aging and adhesives, presents a high toxicity and cancer risk. The the concentration range from 10−8 to10−6 M with a detection limit
84 L. Rotariu et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 80–87

of 4 nM. A similar nanocomposite based on SWCNTs and 1-butyl- to synthesize functionalized graphene oxide nanomaterials was re-
3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate was published by Gurban ported by Zhang et al. [42]. A paraoxon biosensor was constructed
et al. [27] for detection of H2O2 and was further used for estrogen by covalent immobilization of the histidine (His)-tagged acetyl-
alkyl-phenols determination in the presence of immobilized HRP. cholinesterase (AChE) through the specific binding between Ni-
A fast response time of about 5 s and detection limits of 1.1 μM for NTA and His-tag. This approach leads to a great short-term and
4-t-octylphenol and 0.4 μM for 4-n-nonylphenol was achieved. An long-term stability of the biosensors with a detection limit of
amperometric acetylcholinesterase biosensor was developed 6.5 × 10−10 M paraoxon. A bi-enzymatic biosensor for carbamate pes-
using screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with MWCNTs ticides was reported by Oliveira et al. [44]. On the surface of a
and 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) [36]. The synergis- graphene doped carbon paste electrode laccase and tyrosinase were
tic effect of MWCNTs and TCNQ, due to a specific supramolecular immobilized by electrodeposition in a gold nanoparticles-chitosan
arrangement resulted from the interaction of the counterparts, was hybrid film. Good recovery was achieved for determination of car-
exploited for biosensing of organophosphates by inhibition of AChE. baryl, formetanate hydrochloride, propoxur and ziram in citrus fruits.
A very low detection limit of 30 pM (7 ppt) was achieved for Recently, our research group reported the use of composites based
paraoxon-methyl. A nanocomposite based on polypyrrole (PPy) with on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) and poly-
p-phenyl sulfonate-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes allylamine hydrochloride (PAH) for detection of NADH with potential
was reported by Raicopol et al. [56], which exhibited excellent application for developing dehydrogenase-based biosensors [61].
electrocatalytic activities towards the reduction or oxidation of H2O2. Despite the fact that graphene materials are very efficient in the elec-
The material allows facile enzyme immobilization and can be used tron transfer process at the surface of the transducer, the selectivity
as a platform for developing oxidase-based biosensors. A copoly- of the inhibition-based biosensors is affected by a relatively high
mer based on vinylferrocene and glycidyl methacrylate and MWCNT value of the working potential. In order to reduce the applied po-
were used to incorporate xanthine oxidase, which was used as tential nanocomposites materials based on graphene and gold
bioreceptor for xanthine biosensing, as a marker for fish freshness nanoparticles [62], platinum nanoparticles [63], gold nanoparticles
[13]. A dramatic increase of the sensitivity was observed in the pres- and polypyrrole [43], NiO nanoparticles [64], ZnO nanoparticles-
ence of MWCNTs compared to the biosensor based only on the decorated MWCNTs [65] are reported to improve the detector
copolymer as the immobilization matrix. selectivity. Moreover, a very low detection limit of 5 × 10−14 M methyl
Glutamate dehydrogenase and NAD+ were encapsulated in a com- parathion was achieved by using a GCE modified with NiO
posite based on chitosan and MWCNT using the layer-by layer nanoparticles, carboxylic graphene and Nafion, which offers a proper
method to develop a reagentless glutamate biosensor [34]. The linear environment for AChE immobilization [64]. A GO platform was used
response range was found to be 7.5–105 μM, with a detection to immobilize anti-aflatoxin B1 antibody and to fabricate a highly
limit of 3 μM. Food samples were analyzed for detection of mono- sensitive label free biosensor for detection of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)
sodium glutamate without any pre-treatment. A disposable by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) with an im-
electrochemical immunosensor for simultaneous detection of three proved detection limit of 0.23 ng·mL−1 and a stability of about 5
bacteria involved in bacterial food poisoning was published by weeks [66]. Detection limit as low as 1 fM aflatoxin B1 was re-
Viswanathan et al. [57]. The corresponding antibodies were immo- ported in a paper published by Linting et al. [67]. The enhanced
bilized on the surface of a MWCNT – polyallylamine modified screen- performances of the immunosensors are based on graphene/
printed electrode. After bacteria–Ab interaction, the sandwich conducting polymer/gold nanoparticles/ionic liquid composite film.
immunoassay was performed with three specific antibodies marked The graphene and gold nanoparticles are responsible for the elec-
with nanocrystal of CdS, PbS and CuS. The square wave anodic strip- trochemical properties of the film, while conducting polymer and
ping voltammetry was used to quantify the amount of metal ions the ionic liquid provide a suitable environment for the antibody. An
from the “sandwich” structure and correlated with the amount of extended stability for over 26 weeks was reported in these
bound bacteria cells. The three bacteria cells were determined in conditions.
the range of 1 × 103-5 × 105 cells mL−1. Carboxyl functionalized A comparison between different biosensor architectures based
SWCNTs were successfully used for covalent immobilization of ty- on graphene, nitrogen doped graphene (NG) and polymer compos-
rosinase and tyramine was determined amperometrically with a ites of NG was realized by Barsan et al. [68]. Hypoxanthine enzymatic
detection limit of 0.62 μM [29]. Recently, Lee et al. [58] reported the detection based on the direct regeneration of FAD at the surface of
chemical immobilization of olfactory receptors on SWCNTs-field NG modified GCE was performed and represents a model for other
effect transistors to build a bioelectronics nose for detection of oxidase-based biosensors.
gaseous trimethylamine. The same enzyme immobilized in a matrix Graphene nanoplatelets were used for electrocatalytic detec-
based on a diazonium-functionalized boron doped diamond elec- tion of H2O2 and to investigate the kinetic of immobilized HRP [69].
trode modified with MWCNTs was used for highly sensitive detection The linear response range was between 2.0 and 28 μM H2O2 with
of bisphenol A (detection limit of 10 pM) [32]. a detection limit of 0.6 μM. This interface is a promising tool for ap-
plications based on HRP biosensors. An improvement of the H2O2
3.1.2. Graphene materials sensor performances was reported by Chen et al. [70], which use
Graphene represents a class of carbon materials based on a mono- palladium nanoparticles / graphene nano-sheets film with an en-
layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice. Graphene hancement of the response range from 0.1 μM to 1000 μM and with
oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) are the main rep- a lower detection limit of 0.05 μM. Moreover, the sensor was se-
resentatives of this class. A surge in interest for graphene lective to H 2 O 2 in the presence of ascorbic acid, glucose and
electrochemical applications was observed lately due to their ex- dopamine. Another composite based on GO decorated with gold
cellent physico-chemical properties, simple preparation methods nanoparticles reported by Yu et al. [71] was used as interface to im-
and the presence of functional groups such as hydroxyl, carboxyl mobilize HRP for sensitive detection of H2O2 with a detection limit
or epoxide. Modification of the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) with of 7.5 nM. Graphene dots, due to their small size, possess peroxidase-
RGO [59] or graphene-Nafion matrix [60] for amperometric detec- like catalytic activity much higher than GO [72]. The graphene dots-
tion of organophosphate pesticides was reported. First approach is based electrochemical system presents similar performances with
based on the inhibition of AChE, while in the second case methyl- HRP-based sensors permitting a detection of H2O2 as low as 10 nM.
parathion was determined by stripping voltammetry with detection It is expected to be applied as enzyme-less H2O2 sensors in differ-
limits of 0.5 ng mL−1 and 1.6 ng mL−1, respectively. A versatile strategy ent fields.
L. Rotariu et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 80–87 85

3.2. Metal nanoparticles presence of the template molecule lead to an amplification of the
analytical signal of the MIP sensors [46,47]. Very low detection limits
Besides the carbon materials, metal nanoparticles have been of 1 fM and 4 fM were reported for detection of estradiol [46] and
widely used in biosensing for their unique electrochemical prop- aflatoxin B1 [47], respectively. Very recently, the same principle was
erties and the ability to immobilize bioreceptors without affecting applied to develop a MIP sensor for detection of tetracycline in honey
their bioactivity. Among them gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have the with an even lower detection limit of 0.22 fM [48]. Quinoxaline-2-
most reported applications. Very often, AuNPs are associated with carboxylic acid (QCA) is the major metabolite of carbadox veterinary
carbon materials (CNTs and graphene) in a synergetic effect to drug and it is difficult to be measured because it is present in com-
enhance the electrocatalytic effect of the working electrode and mercial pork meat products at trace level. A MIP-based sensor for
some recent papers were already mentioned in the section 3.1 QCA was developed by Yang et al. [49]. A sol-gel molecularly im-
[52,67,70,73,74]. An immobilization matrix based on a hydrogel with printed polymer was used as bio-recognition element, while
AuNPs was used for immobilization of AChE [75]. High retention MWNTs-chitosan functional composite was used to modify the
efficiency of the enzyme of about 92% and a long stability of the surface of a GCE in order to amplify the electrochemical detection
enzyme (half-life of 55 days) were achieved. Carbamates, includ- of QCA. A detection limit of 4.4 × 10−7 mol L−1 was achieved. Good
ing carbofuran, oxamyl, methomyl, and carbaryl were detected by stability and reproducibility of the MIP sensor permitted an eval-
enzyme inhibition with a detection limit between 2 and 236 nM. uation of the QCA content in commercial pork products. An
Various fruit and vegetable spiked samples were analyzed with good electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinted overoxidized
testing capabilities. A biosensor for detection of cyanide by inhi- polypyrrole for detection of sulfadimethoxine from milk samples
bition of HRP was reported by Attar et al. [39]. Different HRP was recently reported [50]. The detection limit of 70 μM, the highly
immobilization procedures with and without gold sononanoparticles reproducible response and good selectivity in the presence of struc-
were studied. The authors reported an enhancement of the turally related molecules are evidences of the sensing performances
electron transfer reaction and improvement of the analytical of imprinted polypyrrole. Isocarbophos was electrochemically de-
performances for cyanide detection in the presence of Au termined using a GCE modified with molecularly imprinted
sononanoparticles with a lower LOD than previous published studies terpolymer of poly(o-phenylenediamine-co-gallic acid-co-m-
(0.03 μM). An attractive material for its electrochemical proper- aminobenzoic acid) [51]. DPV measurements in the presence of ferri/
ties and suitable for enzyme immobilization was obtained by ferrocyanide redox probe pointed out a wide linear range (7.50 × 10−8
decorating GO with AuNPs, which was used to immobilize HRP for to 5.00 × 10−5 M) with a detection limit of 2 × 10−8 M. The MIP sensor
amperometric detection of H2O2 [71]. A selective and sensitive was successfully applied to determine isocarbophos in cabbage and
L-lactate biosensors was prepared by using a screen-printed elec- cowpea samples.
trode modified with AuNPs anchored on RGO and immobilized
L-lactate dehydrogenase [76]. In situ growth of AuNPs on graphene 4. Miniaturization and portability
nanosheets and immobilization of hemoglobin on this composite
material lead to a sensitive and selective biosensor for determina- The safety and quality of foods is a global concern that demands
tion of nitrite with a wide response range (0.05 to 1000 μM) and a suitable analytical methods for rapid and on-site detection. Food
detection limit of 0.01 μM. analysis is focused on analysis of food composition, online process
control in food industry and food security for detection of contami-
3.3. Molecularly imprinted polymers nants, allergens, toxins, additives, etc. There are large number of
papers published on biosensors for food, but very few are com-
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) based sensors consist in mercially available or in the phase of implementation for release
use of a cross-linked polymer or co-polymer as synthetic recogni- on the market. Despite the clear advantages of biosensors, com-
tion element for analyte detection. They display high physical, paring classical analysis methods there is a long way to emerge from
chemical and thermal stability, short time of synthesis, cost effec- the research laboratories to the marketplace [33]. The main ob-
tiveness and can be adapted to be highly selective. MIPs have a great stacles are related to the limited lifetime of the bioreceptor, the
potential to replace the natural bio-recognition elements such as biosensor’s integration into complete system, integrating electron-
enzymes or antibodies, which are known to have a low stability. The ics for data collection/analysis, miniaturization and portability of
interaction between MIPs and analyte is based on steric matching, the analytical systems [79].
hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions similar to the Ag-Ab in- On step forward was done by developing lab-on-a-chip devices
teraction. Therefore, MIPs are considered as the artificial antibodies for automation of the analytical process with minimal consump-
or plastic antibodies with real interest in sensing [1,77]. The basic tion of reagents and miniaturization [79]. Many microfluidic
design, preparation technology and applications was recently re- strategies, such as the application of droplet-based microfluidics,
viewed [78]. Basically, MIPs are synthesized by electrochemical paper-based microfluidic devices, handling liquids without
polymerization of functional monomers with cross-linkers and in pumps and valves are explored lately. Such a platform was re-
the presence of the template molecule, which is the target analyte. cently reported for detection of electrochemical detection of
After removal of the template molecules, active sites are created in organophosphorus pesticides in real food samples by using an AChE
the structure of the polymer, which are complementary in shape, biosensor [80]. It uses a novel AutoDip platform based on the move-
size and functional groups to the template molecule. Mimicking the ment of a solid phase through the reagents and sample instead of
biological activity of antibodies, MIPs can bind the analyte in the transporting the reagents through a fixed solid phase. Chlorpyrifos
molecularly imprinted sites. An appropriate transducer will convert was determined in apple samples at concentrations below the
this interaction in a measurable signal. maximum level defined by the European Commission. Not only the
However, poor signal transduction, lack of stability and selec- biosensors but also the equipments used for data acquisition/
tivity represent the main drawbacks of MIP sensors. In order to analysis are engaged in the miniaturization and integration process.
improve the sensitivity of the target analyte detection some re- Thus, a wireless potentiostat for mobile chemical sensing and
searchers proposed different way to amplify the signal. MIP biosensing was reported recently [81]. Kim et al. [82] reported a por-
preparation methods were modified by using some other materi- table biosensor system for pesticide detection integrated with
als in order to increase the sensors selectivity. Electropolymerization wireless communication. Highly topical for food quality control is
of p-aminothiophenol functionalized gold nanoparticles in the the development and implementation of multiplexing tests, which
86 L. Rotariu et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 80–87

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for Scientific Research, CNDI– UEFISCDI, projects no 107/2012 and
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177/2014. The Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange 2371–2379.
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1248080 Electrochemical biosensors for fast detection of food contaminants – trends and perspective 8


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