Distribution Line Standard

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Standard for Distribution Line

Design Underground
These standards created and made available are for the construction of Ergon Energy
infrastructure. These standards ensure meeting of Ergon Energy’s requirements. External
companies should not use these standards to construct non-Ergon Energy assets.
If this standard is a printed version, to ensure compliance, reference must be made to the Ergon
Energy internet site www.ergon.com.au to obtain the latest version.

Approver Jason Hall

Group Manager Engineering Standards and Technology
If RPEQ sign off required insert details below.

Ergon Energy

Certified Person name and Position Registration Number

Carmelo Noel 8802

Engineering Manager Distribution Network

Abstract: Design standards for underground line design

Keywords: distribution, design, design manual, underground
Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
For definitive document version and control detail, please refer to the information stored on the
Process Zone.
Revision history

Revision date Version Author Description of change/revision


1.0 Carmelo Noel Original Issue

Document approvals

Name Position title Signature Date

David Edmunds Executive General Manager Network Optimisation

Jason Hall Group Manager Engineering Standards and


Leigh D’Arcy Group Manager Network Maintenance and


Stakeholders / distribution list

Name Title Role

Dave Shephard Regional Asset Manager South Endorse

Dave Gray Regional Asset Manager Central Endorse

Roy Hamilton Regional Asset Manager North Endorse

Tony Loveday Distributed System Platform Architect Endorse

Adam Bletchly UG & PL Standards Engineer Endorse

Nev Nolan Regional Asset Coordinator South Comment

Greg Canavan Regional Asset Coordinator Central Comment

Darrin Hoffensetz Regional Asset Coordinator North Comment

Kevin Hunter Manager Lines Design Endorse

Danny Miles Design Engineering Manager Comment

Bert Borland Distribution Design Manager Comment

Ian Branch Distribution Design Manager Comment

Paul McCarthy Design Support Manager Comment

Ken Lewis Engineering Manager Maintenance & Refurbishment Endorse

Jeff Shears Senior Engineer Line Maintenance Standards Endorse

i Standard STNW3369 Ver 1

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
Table of Contents

1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................... 1
2 References ........................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Ergon Energy controlled documents ........................................................................ 2
2.2 Other documents ..................................................................................................... 2
3 Legislation, regulations, rules, and codes ............................................................................. 3
4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations.............................................................................. 3
4.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................ 3
4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations .................................................................................... 4
5 High Voltage Network Design ............................................................................................... 5
5.1 Network Planning Arrangement ............................................................................... 5
5.1.1 General .............................................................................................................. 5
5.1.2 Residential Development ................................................................................... 5
5.1.3 Commercial and Industrial Development ............................................................ 6 Subdivisions ................................................................................................. 6 Larger Customers ........................................................................................ 7
5.1.4 Rural Developments ........................................................................................... 8
5.1.5 Padmounted Substation Determination .............................................................. 8
5.1.6 Community Powerline Projects ........................................................................... 8
5.2 Padmounted Substation HV Switchgear Selection ................................................... 9
5.2.1 General .............................................................................................................. 9
5.2.2 Interconnected Backbone Feeders ..................................................................... 9
5.2.3 Radial Feeders ................................................................................................. 10 General ...................................................................................................... 10 Connecting to an Underground Backbone .................................................. 10 Connecting to an Overhead Line ................................................................ 11
5.3 Padmounted Substation Site Selection .................................................................. 12
5.3.1 General ............................................................................................................ 12 Common Earth Sites .................................................................................. 13 Separate Earth Sites .................................................................................. 13
5.4 Pole Top Selection ................................................................................................. 14

ii Standard STNW3369 Ver 1

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
5.5 Cable Selection...................................................................................................... 14
5.5.1 General ............................................................................................................ 14
5.5.2 Standard Underground Cables ......................................................................... 15
5.5.3 Cable Route Selection...................................................................................... 15
6 LOW VOLTAGE NETWORK DESIGN ................................................................................ 17
6.1 Network Planning and Design Arrangement .......................................................... 17
6.1.1 General ............................................................................................................ 17
6.1.2 Residential Subdivisions .................................................................................. 17 Network Arrangement ................................................................................ 17 ADMD ........................................................................................................ 19 Voltage Drop Calculations .......................................................................... 20
6.1.3 Commercial and Industrial Development .......................................................... 20 Network Arrangement ................................................................................ 20 ADMD (Commercial / Industrial) ................................................................. 24 Voltage Drop Calculations .......................................................................... 24
6.2 Cable Selection...................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1 General ............................................................................................................ 24 Introduction ................................................................................................ 24 Mains Cable ............................................................................................... 25 Cross-road Cable ....................................................................................... 25 Service Cables ........................................................................................... 25
6.3 Pole Top Selection ................................................................................................. 25
6.4 Installation Guidelines ............................................................................................ 26
7 ELECTRICAL DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 28
7.1 Ferroresonance ..................................................................................................... 28
7.1.1 Methods of controlling ferroresonance ............................................................. 29
7.2 Electromagnetic fields (EMF) ................................................................................. 31
7.3 HV & LV Isolators (Links) Capacitive Charging Current Limitation ......................... 32
7.4 Metallic Pipelines in Close Proximity to High Voltage Installations ......................... 33
8 CABLES ............................................................................................................................. 35
8.1 HV Cable Data – Non insect Protected .................................................................. 35
8.2 HV Cable Data – Insect Protected ......................................................................... 36
8.3 LV Cable Data – Non Insect Protected................................................................... 37
8.4 LV Cable Data – Insect Protected .......................................................................... 38

iii Standard STNW3369 Ver 1

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
8.5 Cable Installation – Design Considerations ............................................................ 39
8.5.1 Route Selection ................................................................................................ 39
8.5.2 Cable Pulling .................................................................................................... 39 Cable Pulling Tension Calculator ............................................................... 42
8.5.3 Conduits ........................................................................................................... 43 Maximum Continuous HV Cable Runs ....................................................... 44
8.6 Cable Ratings ........................................................................................................ 44
8.6.1 General ............................................................................................................ 44
8.6.2 Soil Thermal Resistivity () ............................................................................... 45
8.6.3 Soil Temperatures ............................................................................................ 46
8.6.4 Depth of Cover ................................................................................................. 46
8.6.5 Mutual Heating Affects ..................................................................................... 46
8.6.6 Conduit............................................................................................................. 47
8.6.7 Cyclic Rating Factors ....................................................................................... 47
9 EARTHING ......................................................................................................................... 49
9.1 Earthing System .................................................................................................... 49
9.1.1 CMEN .............................................................................................................. 49
9.1.2 Separate Earthing ............................................................................................ 49
9.2 CABLE SCREEN EARTHING ................................................................................ 49
9.2.1 General ............................................................................................................ 49
9.2.2 Zone Substations Exits..................................................................................... 50 Earthing Options ........................................................................................ 50 Earthing Policy at Zone Substation Exits .................................................... 51
9.2.3 Earthing of Feeder and Radial Cables .............................................................. 51
9.3 LOW VOLTAGE EARTHING ................................................................................. 52
9.3.1 General ............................................................................................................ 52
9.3.2 Earthing at Pillars (Design Rules) ..................................................................... 52
9.3.3 Earthing at OH LV Cable terminations .............................................................. 52
9.3.4 Earthing of Public Lighting Columns ................................................................. 52
9.3.5 Earthing of Bridge Lighting ............................................................................... 53
9.4 PROXIMITY TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS .......................................................... 53
9.4.1 Telecommunications ........................................................................................ 53
9.5 Approach to Earthing Design for Developer Design and Construct Works and Ergon
Energy Works ..................................................................................................................... 54

iv Standard STNW3369 Ver 1

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
10 AGREEMENTS .................................................................................................................. 55
10.1 QR DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 55
10.1.1 Prior Approval .................................................................................................. 55
10.1.2 General ............................................................................................................ 55

v Standard STNW3369 Ver 1

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
1 Overview

1.1 Purpose
This standard has been compiled in order to provide support for Designers and Asset Managers in
the application of Ergon Energy Corporation’s Construction Standards.

It replaces the content in the Distribution Design Manual, Blue binder underground section
currently in circulation and the relevant contents of the Distribution Asset Manual. All references to
distribution line design underground shall be carried in accordance with this document and this
section of the Blue Binder can be disposed of accordingly.

1.2 Scope
This standard contains design information and guidelines necessary to allow use of the
Underground Construction Standards structures in a manner consistent with optimum economic,
reliability and safety objectives.

It is proposed that the standard will be expanded in conjunction with future issues of the
Underground Construction Manual.

The provisions of this standard are in accordance with relevant Australian Standards and / or
recognised electricity design practice and have RPEQ sign off. Designs carried out in accordance
with this standard can be considered to comply in this regard.

Support for this design standard is available from the Distribution Network Standards staff as

Overhead Craig Avenell, Jeff Guy, & Candice Horig

Underground & Public Lighting Adam Bletchly & Kim Slater

Materials Peter Beikoff

Estimating & Compatible Units Darren Sayers

Drafting Leon Burton & Tim Borg

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
2 References

2.1 Ergon Energy controlled documents

Document number or location Document name Document type
(if applicable)

ES000904F100. Magnetic Field Calculator - User Reference

Notes (Reference)

ES000904W108. Management of EMF Queries Work Instruction

and Public Communications
(Work Instruction)

NA000404R100 Power Coordination Guidelines Guideline

Agreement between Ergon
Energy and Telstra (Distribution

2.2 Other documents

Document number or location Document name Document type

(if applicable)

AS/NZS 2067 Substations and high voltage Standard

installations exceeding 1kV a.c.

ESAA C(b)2 Guide to the Installation Cables Guide


AS 5488 Classification of Subsurface Standard

Utility Information

IEEE Std 525 Guide for the Design and Standard

Installation of Cable Systems in
ESAA HB100 Coordination of power and Handbook
telecommunications - Manual for
the establishment of safe work
practices and the minimization
of operational interference
between power systems and
paired cable
telecommunications systems

AS/NZ 3853.1 Earth potential rise – Protection Standard

of telecommunications network
users, personal and plant
Part 1: Code of practice

AS/NZ 3853.2 Earth potential rise – Protection Standard

of telecommunications network

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
users, personal and plant
Part 2: Application guide

3 Legislation, regulations, rules, and codes

Legislation, regulations, rules, and codes

Electrical Safety Act 2002

Electrical Safety Regulation 2013

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011

Electricity Act 1994

Electricity Regulation 2006

Building Code of Australia (BCA) – National Construction Code 2015

4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

4.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:

<Term> <Definition>

Electric Fields Fields, produced by voltage, which increase in strength as the voltage increases.
The electric field strength is measured in units of volts per meter (V/m) or kilovolts
per meter (kV/m).

Electric and Magnetic A term used to refer to both electric and magnetic fields. This guideline applies to
fields (EMF) extremely low frequency (under 3kHz) electric and magnetic fields around power
lines, electrical apparatus and electrical wiring.

Magnetic fields Fields, resulting from the flow of current through wires or electrical devices, which
increase in strength as the current increases. Magnetic fields are measured in
units of gauss (G) or tesla (T). Gauss is the unit most commonly used in Australia.
Tesla is the internationally accepted scientific term. Since most environmental
EMF exposures involve magnetic fields that are only a fraction of a tesla or a
gauss, these are commonly measured in units of microtesla (µT) or milligauss
(mG). To convert a measurement from microtesla (µT) to milligauss (mG), multiply
by 10. That is, 1 µT = 10 mG.

Sensitive Areas Areas or potential areas where children congregate such as schools, child-care
and kindergarten centres and playgrounds.

Time Weighted A weighted average of exposure measurements taken over a period of time that
Average (TWA) takes into account the time interval between measurements. When the
measurements are taken with a monitor at a fixed sampling rate, the time-
weighted average equals the arithmetic mean of the measurements.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
The following abbreviations and acronyms appear in this standard.

<Term, abbreviation <Definition>

or acronym>

ABS Air Break Switch

ADMD After Diversity Maximum Demand

CARE Cyclone Area Reliability Enhancement

CB Circuit Breaker

CFS Combined Fuse Switch

CMEN Common Multiple Earth Neutral

CPP Community Powerline Project

EMF Electromagnetic Fields

HV High Voltage

ICNIRP The International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection EMF

Exposure Reference Limits 2010 [4].

LV Low Voltage

NPO Network Planning Officer

POS Point of Supply

RAC Regional Asset Coordinator

RMU Ring Main Unit (also previously known as GMS or ground mounted switchgear)

SDO Senior Design Officer

STR Soil Thermal Resistivity

UDC Underground Distribution Construction

URD Underground Distribution Development

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Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
5 High Voltage Network Design

5.1 Network Planning Arrangement

5.1.1 General
The design of any underground work must be integrated into an overall vision for development of
the network. Planning provisions cater for the orderly and cost effective growth and development of
the network and its safe and reliable operation through:

• prudent investment in network assets

• the avoidance of costly augmentation and

• replacement of assets to meet demand growth.

The following provides some guidance in making design decisions and this, together with,
consultation and the support of RAM, Network Planning and Network Performance will enable the
achievement of this objective.
5.1.2 Residential Development
Residential developments can range from small isolated developments through to the extensive
developments covering large tracts of land.

The network should be designed to achieve the minimum number of padmounted substations
necessary to meet the calculated design demand and voltage regulation requirements. For
conventional subdivisions a 500 kVA transformer is the largest padmount capacity that can
practically be distributed, but in most cases a 315 kVA transformer capacity will be sufficient (refer
to Section 6 - LV Network Design).

As a design rule the transformer capacity should be chosen to achieve:

• 90% utilisation, as a minimum and

• 125% utilisation, as a maximum

The above utilisation figures shall be based on the estimated demand at the time of
commissioning, given the limitations imposed by the range of transformer sizes available.

Radial feeders are allowed under the following circumstances:

 Where the final connected capacity will not exceed 1.2MVA

 Provision of additional conduits to allow for loop-in / loop-out arrangement if the connected
capacity is likely to exceed 1.2MVA.

 Developers will be required to fund the loop-in / loop-out arrangement when the connected
capacity exceeds 1.2MVA – see Figure 5.1.2-1

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Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
Where the design capacity requirement of a development or the combined design capacity with
adjoining developments exceeds 1.2 MVA, and the Developer is building successive stages, the
Developer can exceed the 1.2 MVA if all of the following conditions are met:

 A detailed staged development master plan must be provided and agreed with Ergon

 The connected transformer capacity of the radial must not exceed 2MVA.

 The developer is to provide a Bank Guarantee to Ergon Energy for the agreed sum that it
would cost Ergon Energy to construct a connection to remedy the radial arrangement.

 The developer has 3 years to progress the development and complete the connection so
that the radial connected capacity no longer exceeds 1.2MVA.


Up to
500kVA 315kVA capacity

Future Conduits
315kVA for installed
capacity greater
than 1.2MVA

Figure 5.1.2-1 Radial connection

Information will often be sketchy and incomplete and the strategy plan may need to cater for a
number of contingencies, but nevertheless the plan will enable an orderly development of the
network. Designers must also consult with the RAM and the SDO to establish whether the
development they are designing is part of an established network development strategy plan.

Guidelines for the selection of switchgear and cable sizes for these network arrangements are
provided in Sections 5.2 and 5.5.

5.1.3 Commercial and Industrial Development Subdivisions

In general the same principles apply as underground Residential Development (in addition to no
tee-offs as shown in Figure 5.1.3-1) because the substation supplies distributed customers. But for

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Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
this customer class the electrical requirements of allotments are generally unknown and less

A figure of 100 VA per m² may be applied to known office space for lighting and air-conditioning
load, but otherwise, the estimated demands will generally need to be based on the knowledge of
similar developments.

A demand allocation can be assigned by allotment size and a substation/s sited to meet the
resulting demand. Subsequent supply requests exceeding allocations may require the
establishment of another substation and the assigned allocations will need to be incorporated into
supply agreements for the subdivision.

Padmounted substation transformer capacities up to 1500kVA for 11kV and 1000kVA for 22kV are
available for commercial and industrial applications. It is important however, not to rely too heavily
on large transformers and LV distribution for supply to distributed customers. There is a risk of over
investment in LV distribution to cater for the volatile and unpredictable demands associated with
this customer class. Consequently it is generally better to minimise the number of LV circuits by
establishing another substation site, or future site, as this will provide greater flexibility for meeting
demand variables.


(4 Way)

500kVA 315kVA 315kVA 315kVA



Figure 5.1.3-1 Commercial and Industrial applications Larger Customers

Electrical requirements may be established from existing operations, or, in the case of a new plant,
from knowledge of the equipment to be installed with a working diversity applied.

For larger customers the substation should be situated as close as practical to the customers load
centre, regardless of whether this makes the provision of an external low voltage interconnection
impractical. This cannot however be hard and fast rule because of the different situations that will
be encountered, and good engineering practice will need to be applied.

Padmounts are preferred for supply requirements up to 1500kVA for 11kV and 1000kVA for 22kV,
provided a site satisfactory to Ergon Energy and the customer can be established. Multiple
padmounts may be used under certain conditions in consultation with Distribution Network
Standards. Otherwise an indoor/chamber type substation will be required.

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Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
When assessing the customer’s supply requirements, future growth must be taken into account as,
it may be necessary to establish an indoor/chamber substation initially to cater for the longer term

Some industrial customers may, because of the nature of their business, seek to have an
alternative HV supply. In such cases commercial considerations will apply. As a design rule Ergon
will not normally provide a second supply cable and the associated switchgear in these situations.

Designers must consult with the Regional Asset Coordinator (RAC) before a “ring feed” is
considered for network purposes in these circumstances.
5.1.4 Rural Developments
For rural developments the likely demand will not generally warrant an interconnected HV network,
unless this is required for other reasons. The selection of the substation transformer size must be a
practical balance between the cost of padmounts, HV cables, LV cables and reliability

As the number of connected customers falls, there will be less diversity of demand and a greater
impact from unbalanced supply factors, making the extensive use of LV networks unattractive. The
best solution will depend on allotment size and it should be expected that transformer size and the
extent of LV networks will decrease with an increase in allotment size.

Designers must consult a SDO to determine the most appropriate underground arrangement for
the allotment sizes involved and local demand factors.

An arrangement using overhead high voltage (HV) pole substations and underground property
services will be more cost effective for large allotments.
5.1.5 Padmounted Substation Determination
Where the agreed maximum demand will exceed 100kVA, Ergon Energy has a Legislated right to
require a padmount substation site on the property.

A connection with no padmount may be approved as long as allowance is made for a future
padmount to be installed to cater for future load growth.

If there is to be, a padmount substation established and the RAM approves the connection with no
padmount substation, then an easement may be required, dependent upon the existing Network
performance and possible future growth in load requirements by the customer concerned.

RAM will determine in consultation with the DPO what feeder connection is made to the substation
where more than one feeder is available.

Proposed sites that are for redevelopment where Ergon Energy already has a substation must
retain provision for at least equivalent substation capacity within the redeveloped site. Any
proposal to relinquish the padmount site or reduce the substation capacity will require RAM
5.1.6 Community Powerline Projects
The Community Powerline Projects (CPP) scheme is a long-term scheme initiated by Ergon
Energy to reduce the impact of powerlines on streetscapes and the environment. Eligible projects
will be considered for financial assistance towards relocation, undergrounding or replacement of
existing powerlines, the emphasizes being in areas of environmental, historic or scenic
significance, or high pedestrian use. Projects must benefit the local, if not the wider, community
and generally require local government support.

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Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
5.2 Padmounted Substation HV Switchgear Selection
5.2.1 General
The selection of switchgear for the electrical design of any project must be based on the planning
and reliability considerations discussed earlier, any specific operational functionality required and
physical conditions affecting the placement of the equipment.

Padmounts are purchased as modular units fitted out with either a:

For 11kV –
o LV board comprised of a single switch fuse (suitable only for a 100kVA transformer),
o LV board comprised of an isolating switch and 3 fuse switches, plus provision for a
spare (the capacity of the isolating switch is dependent on transformer size
required). 750kVA and 1000kVA are also provided with right angle adaptor brackets
for the option of direct mounting of up to 3x300mm2 cables per phase to the busbar
o Circuit breakers are also available and is required for single loads of starting from

For 22kV –
o 500kVA LV board comprising of an isolating switch and 4 fuse switches, plus
provision for a spare;
o 1000kVA LV board comprise of a transformer isolating switch and 2 fuse switches,
plus provision for a spare, together with a customer’s mains isolating switch and
connection point.
o Circuit breakers are also available and is required for single loads of starting from

The type of HV switchgear, if any, is purchased to fit the application. The Underground
Construction Manual, PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing No’s 5094, 5095 & 5096 for
11kV and No‘s 5104 & 5082 for 22kV set out the available combinations.
5.2.2 Interconnected Backbone Feeders
Interconnected underground systems used by Ergon Energy are normally a “ring main”
arrangement with incoming and outgoing feeder cables being connected to load break / fault make
switching at padmounts. The transformer is connected to the bus linking the feeder switches by a
switch fuse combination as generally shown in Figure 5.2.2-1.

Figure 5.2.2-1 Interconnected backbone feeders

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Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
Pole top arrangements for the connection of the underground network to the overhead system are
set out in Section 5.4.

As an underground network grows there will be a need to establish interfeeder ties along the
backbone. As a design rule, a tie should be considered for every 2MVA design demand along a
feeder for 11kV and 3-4 MVA for 22kV. Switchgear is available for padmounts with 3 feeder
switches as shown in Figure 5.2.2-2 (refer Underground Construction, Manual PADMOUNTED
SUBSTATIONS drawing No’s 5096/3 for 11kV and 5082/2 & /3 for 22kV) to enable this.

Figure 5.2.2-2 Interfeeder tie for 22kV or 11kV

5.2.3 Radial Feeders General

Radial supplies will generally supply only one or two padmounts and with this arrangement there is
no alternative high voltage supply in the event of damage to the cable or a failure. The time to fix a
high voltage cable fault can run into days and therefore the choice of a radial connection must take
account of the consequential affect this will have on the customer and the community (i.e. essential

In some circumstances it may be possible to provide a limited alternative supply from low voltage
interconnections but this will generally be inadequate for the time required to repair a cable fault.

While every case must be assessed individually, the general design rule is that demands < 1.2
MVA are acceptable for a radial connection subject to the availability of portable generation.

Many commercial and industrial customers will desire an alternative high voltage supply. Where
the design rule requirements for a radial supply apply and no other, planning, operational or
reliability requirements affect this, commercial conditions may apply to the provision of the second

Designers should seek further advice if in doubt from the RAC.

A RMU shall be used for all loop-in / loop-out on radial feeders. Connecting to an Underground Backbone

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Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
For 22kV systems a ring main switch with an additional switch fuse unit is available. This enables a
radial supply to be taken off an underground backbone to a padmount with a direct connection to
the transformer (refer Underground Construction Manual, PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing
No’s 5082/2 & /4). Because the cable is fused at the supply end, 35mm2 cable with limited screen
fault rating can be used.

Figure 5.2.3-1 Backbone connection for 22kV only

For 11kV systems this is not available, however radial feeds are possible by using the interfeeder
unit (refer Underground Construction Manual PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing No’s
5096/3) and a feeder rated cable (refer Section 5.5). A switch fuse arrangement will be required at
the radial padmount to protect the transformer (refer Underground Construction Manual
PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing No’s 5096/1 & /2).

Figure 5.2.3-2 Backbone connection for 11kV / 22kV

This option should be used for 11kV application or 22kV application where a feeder rated cable for
possible future use is a requirement. Connecting to an Overhead Line

The choice of padmount/s for a radial connection to an overhead system should be the lowest cost
arrangement available.

Generally, radial cables will need to be protected by a switch fuse combination at the pole top
connection to protect the cable and transformer and avoid the risk of ferroresonance (see Section
7.1). For a single padmount arrangement Underground Construction Manual, PADMOUNTED
SUBSTATIONS drawing No’s 5094 for 11kV and 5104 for 22kV will apply.

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Figure 5.2.3-3 Radial connection to OH line

For 2 substations on a radial supply the first will need to incorporate a ring main unit (RMU).

Feeder cables may also be used for radial connections. This may be done to utilise accumulated
short cable lengths from other projects or to allow future conversion to a feeder cable.

In situations where there is a significant possibility of the LV load being disconnected for extended
periods, padmount selection may require a switch fuse arrangement for transformer protection.
This is to prevent ferroresonance overvoltages occurring following a single phase fuse operation at
the cable source end. Feeder rated cable should be used for these applications.

For 11kV systems a single switch fuse unit is available for a single padmount arrangement and
may be used in conjunction with ring main units for a multiple padmount arrangement (refer
Underground Construction Manual, PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing No’s
5096/1 & /2).

Figure 5.2.3-4 Alternative feeder cable connection to OH line

Pole top arrangements for the connection of the underground network to the overhead system are
set out in Section 5.4.

5.3 Padmounted Substation Site Selection

5.3.1 General
The selection of the site for a padmounted substation should be as close as practical to the
optimum position for electricity supply distribution. The site must also:

• be sensitive to the local environment

• be secure from third party and environmental damage
• be relatively flat and structurally sound
• not be subject to tidal inundation, storm surge or flooding (1:100 year risk)
• provide secure and safe access for operational purposes
• consideration for road safety and
• not be an obstruction or public nuisance.

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It may not be possible to fully meet all these criteria and the local government authority may have
preferences for these sites, which need to be taken into account.

Site selection must also take into account the following:

 Effect of Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) (see Section 7.2), in particular, on surrounding
dwellings. The effective means of reducing EMF levels at surrounding buildings is to limit
the transformer kVA rating and also provide reasonable separation between its LV bushing
and the buildings.

 For the padmount locations as detailed in the Underground Construction Manual

PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawings to apply, the LV cabinet must face the street and
the maximum transformer rating for 11kV should not exceed 500kVA.

 Other clearances are covered in the Underground Construction Manual EARTHING folder,
drawing 5250 for clearances to earthing systems, communication plant and fire hydrants.

 General compliance with the requirements in AS2067 Substations and high voltage
installations exceeding 1kV a.c.

 The site shall border a property boundary, which provides access from the road reserve.
Proposal to locate a padmounted substation in other locations within a lot shall require
approval from the RAM Common Earth Sites

For 11kV –
• Refer Underground Construction Manual PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing
No’s 5000/1 to /4, 5010, 5174 and accompanying drawings.

For 22kV –
• Refer Underground Construction Manual PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing
No’s 5114/1 to /4, 5116/1 to /2, 5176 and accompanying drawings. Separate Earth Sites

For URD installations a CMEN system is generally required. A separate earth arrangement is
considered not practical due to the necessity of a considerably larger site, needed to provide
clearance between the padmount site (HV) earth system and nearby conductive structures. Note
also the required separation of the padmount site (HV) earth system from communications assets
and fire hydrants.

Site requirement needs to be identified in the initial stages of design & negotiation with the
Developer as an increase in size is almost certainly not practical at the time of construction. An
exception to the foregoing may be where a padmount is located in parkland & the separation, site
size, & other requirements are met.

For 11kV –
• Refer Underground Construction Manual PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing No
5000/1 to /4 & 5175.

For 22kV –

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• Refer Underground Construction Manual PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawing No
5114/1 to /4 & 5177.

5.4 Pole Top Selection

The Underground Construction Manual HV CONSTRUCTION drawing No’s 5101, 5076 & 5248
detail the standard arrangements for 11kV, 22kV and 33kV pole top assemblies respectively for
cable connections to the overhead network.

Pole top construction options provided and their applications are as follows:

Manual Gas Switch, Air Break Switch (ABS) and Expulsion Drop Out fuses (EDOs)
 Basic arrangement used for Single padmounts with no HV switchgear.
 The cable would generally be 35mm2 but could be feeder rated cable used to use up
odd lengths.

Links only
 used for single padmounts with HV switch fuse or RMU (in situations where LV load
may be disconnected for significant periods and which would present a ferroresonance
risk following failure of a pole mounted EDO fuse)
 used for supply to a section with multiple padmounts with an RMU at the first
 used for transitions from OH to UG cable. Feeder rated cable would always be used
with this option. These links are provided primarily as an isolation point to assist with
fault location.

The SGNW0006 Switching Equipment Application Strategy document provides further clarification
to the application of switches. Any deviation from the standard pole top arrangement must be in
consultation with Distribution Network Standards.

5.5 Cable Selection

5.5.1 General
Cables used in the network can be generally categorised as one of the following:

Substation Exit –
1. Cable from the feeder CB to the first operating device in the distribution network and is
protected by the feeder CB.
2. Designed to carry the full feeder load and half the adjacent feeder load under contingency
(4 / 6 MVA at 11kV and 8 / 12 MVA at 22kV) when laid in the proximity of up to 6 other
stations exit cables.

Note – For rural zone substations and other low demand applications, feeder rated cables may be
used as station exits. Network Development should be consulted.

Feeder Cable –
1. Forms part of the interconnected network, backbone supply and is protected by the feeder
2. Designed to carry full feeder load and half the load of an adjacent feeder under contingency
(4 / 6 MVA at 11kV and 8 /12 MVA at 22kV) without any de-rating from the mutual heating
of adjacent cables.

Fuse Protected Radial –

1. Must be fuse protected to ensure that the cable insulation is not raised to temperatures that
will cause permanent damage under short circuit conditions.
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2. Designed to carry the load nominated from the mutual heating affects of any adjacent

Non-Fuse Protected Radial –

 Protected only by the feeder CB and requires the same short circuit performance
characteristics as a feeder cable.

5.5.2 Standard Underground Cables

The standard Ergon range of cables is set out in Section 8 Cables, together with their electrical
characteristics and ratings. Other cables should not be used in the Ergon Energy network without
the agreement of Distribution Network Standards.

Note: Ergon Energy has adopted a rationalised range of 11kV, 22kV and 33kV cables and in some
instances insect protected cables are the only option for use in areas where insect protection is not
required. Refer to the table 5.5.3.

5.5.3 Cable Route Selection

Cable routes are required to be in the road reserve. If any distribution asset including spare
conduits needs to cut through any property to supply another part of the subdivision or a
connection to the distribution network, a 3m width pathway surveyed and registered as road
reserve is required.

Any departures to this requirement must first be discussed with the RAM.

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Not Insect Protected
Application Cable
Station Exit Cable #Triplex 400mm2 Al XLPE
Triplex 185mm2 Al XLPE
Feeder Cable / Non Fuse protected Radial Triplex 185mm2 Al XLPE
Fuse protected Radial Triplex 35mm2 Al XLPE
# Note: Insect Protected cable to be used.

Insect Protected
Application Cable
Station Exit Cable Triplex 400mm2 Al XLPE
Triplex 185mm2 Al XLPE
Feeder Cable / Non Fuse protected Radial Triplex 185mm2 Al XLPE
Fuse protected Radial Triplex 35mm2 Al XLPE
Special Applications (Including Feeder Exits where 1C 400mm2 Cu XLPE
significant grouping factors apply)
Table 5.5-1 Standard cable types for 11kV

Not Insect Protected
Application Cable
Station Exit Cable 1C 630mm Al XLPE
Feeder Cable / Non Fuse protected Radial Triplex 185mm2 Al XLPE

Insect Protected
Application Cable
Fuse protected Radial Triplex 35mm Al XLPE
Table 5.5-2 Standard cable types for 22kV

Insect Protected
Application Cable
Feeder Cable / Non Fuse and Fuse protected Radial / 1C 300mm Al XLPE
Station Exit Cable
Feeder Cable / Non Fuse and Fuse protected Radial 1C 50mm2 Al XLPE
Table 5.5-3 Standard cable types for 33kV

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6.1 Network Planning and Design Arrangement

6.1.1 General
The LV network is the end delivery vehicle of electricity supply to customers and the way it is
designed determines the make-up of the remainder of the network that supplies it.

The LV network design is constrained by:

 Regulated voltage limits that must be maintained at the customers terminals.

 Ergon Energy’s range of standard conductor sizes.

Substations must be situated (refer Section 5.3) to enable the distribution of the LV supply to
customers by the standard cable sizes within statutory voltage limits.

Great care must be taken in design as the cost to augment underground networks is much greater
than that of an overhead network and any future works will be disruptive to our customers.
Accordingly, due consideration must be given to future network expansion and provision for
demand growth.

Where there is uncertainty regarding future expansion and/or volatility in demand, reliance on
extensive LV networks should be avoided and provision made to grow the HV network to cover
expansion and demand growth risks.

Most voltage calculations will be associated with distributed customers and this requires
consideration of, demand, diversity and unbalance. These vary with customer class and are dealt
with separately below by the category of customer.

6.1.2 Residential Subdivisions Network Arrangement

The LV network is a loop pillar arrangement as generally shown in the Figure 6.1.2-1 below.

A single size, mains cable (3φ - 240mm2 Al) is looped from supply pillar to supply pillar to form a
circuit. Tee connections to other roadways are also made in the distribution pillars.

The pillars (supply & cross-road) are situated at every other adjacent property boundary on both
roadsides with a 3φ 16mm2 Cu cable connecting the supply pillars on the main’s cable roadside to
the cross road pillars on the remote roadside.

The customer’s main is connected through a fuse in the pillars on both roadsides.

Street lighting columns are supplied from the nearest pillar, via a fuse protected cable.

Circuits of adjacent substations are connected in linking pillars that incorporate a “combined fuse
switch unit” (CFS).

Details of pillar construction and connections are shown in the Underground Construction Manual,

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Figure 6.1.2-1 Typical LV circuit from padmount

Detail of the cables are shown in the Underground Construction Manual MATERIAL DATA drawing
No’s 5108 and 5110.

It must be noted that the use of linking pillars does not mean that transfer capacity is provided. This
facility is only for low capacity, alternative supply, in periods of light load for maintenance activities.

The following design rules apply:

 The maximum number of customers must be connected to a circuit that voltage limits will
 Circuits must be radial
 One link via a switch per circuit should be provided to a circuit emanating from another
transformer (where interconnection is only possible to a circuit of the same transformer,
then this is acceptable)
 All services in a linking pillar must be connected to the same supply side of the pillar
 Lighting columns connected to linking pillars must be connected to the supply side on which
the column is physically located
 Service connections must be balanced over the three phases, continuously along a circuit.

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 Use of the 4th LV Combined Fuse Switch is allowed where a padmount substation is
designed with an ultimate utilisation greater than 90%.
 Leap frogging from pillar to pillar is not acceptable.

The use of parallel LV express feeder is allowed with the following condition:
1. Paralleling of LV cables is only permitted on the first segment from the padmounted
substation between the LV CFS and the first connection point on that circuit. Both cables
must terminate on the same CFS in the padmounted substation and in the first connection
2. The first connection point of any parallel feeder shall be a CFS. This CFS can either be in
the form of a distribution cabinet or a link pillar.
a. Where a parallel feeder terminates into a Distribution cabinet it shall terminate on
the LV isolator
b. Where a parallel feeder terminates in a Link Pillar the CFS unit shall be fitted with a
maximum fuse size of 160A.
3. One (1) parallel LV express feeder per padmounted substation is acceptable. Where
additional parallel LV express feeder is proposed, this must be referred to RAM for
4. Provision of LV schematics in laminated A3 sheets shall be placed on all padmounted
substation whether a parallel LV express feeder exists or not.
5. Cable runs greater than 250m must be referred to RAM for consideration and cable pulling
calculations shall be provided with the design.
6. LV cable joints are not acceptable on parallel LV express feeder cable runs.
7. Conduits for the parallel LV express feeder shall be installed together (side by side) along
their full length.
8. Leap frogging from pillar to pillar is not acceptable.

Information Notes
Historically tapered main’s sizes have been used, but the cost associated with, bringing 2 cable
drums to site and the inventory expense of an additional cable and accessories, outweigh the
marginal cost benefit achieved in purchasing the smaller conductor size.

The loop pillar arrangement is favoured by most utilities in Australia. It maximises flexibility during
construction and minimises delays in locating and isolating faults. It is however, subject to pillar
damage particularly during the building development stage. Some States employ a buried tee
arrangement that has advantages where the works are undertaken by the land developer and it is
less prone to damage in the development phase. However, it causes considerable coordination
difficulties with the developer, where the utility undertakes the cable laying and jointing. This
arrangement will also require the consent of the Electricity Safety Regulator in Queensland, as it
does not currently conform with regulations if used in the same manner as other states. ADMD

To design a low voltage circuit supplying distributed customers it is necessary to know the demand
load of the customers to be supplied. This is required to determine padmount substation
requirements and carry out voltage drop calculations.

An After Diversity Maximum Demand (ADMD) can be determined and applied to all customers on a
circuit. The figure is derived from an accumulated knowledge of circuit demands and the number of
customers connected. The confidence in this approach increases with the number of customers
connected to a circuit.
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The ADMD adopted will not be the same throughout all of Ergon Energy because of climate
differences, the availability of alternative energies and the socio-economic factors.

The following design rules are provided for conventional housing development, in regional
centres, where reticulated gas is available. They have been determined from historical data, plus a
provision for future demand growth.

 South West, Wide Bay and Capricornia (SW, WB & CA) – ADMD = 4 kVA per Lot

 North, Far North and Mackay (NQ, FN & MK) – ADMD = 5 kVA per Lot

Local knowledge will need to be applied where the base assumptions listed above are not met and
variations to the nominated figures would be expected to be upward. Voltage Drop Calculations

The permissible voltage range at the customer’s terminal (located at Ergon Energy pillars on
adjacent property boundaries) is:

 415/240 Volts ± 6%, or;

 256 to 226 Volts φ-N

The nominal voltage level will be changed at some future date to conform with Australian
standards. For this reason voltage drops are considered for calculation purposes as a % change
from nominal and ADMD’s have been selected to accommodate associated demand changes.

Design rules:
 The volt drop on the mains cable must not exceed 5% (to the last distribution pillar)

 The volt drop on the distribution cable (from the distribution pillar to the customer’s
terminals in the cross-road pillar) is to be taken as 1%.

Voltage Drop calculations should be performed using the software program “LV Drop”. The
following inputs are design rules that will apply.

 Transformer Type – Low Impedance

 Unbalance Factor 1.8
 Cable Confidence Factor 2.0
 Volt Drop Confidence Factor 2.0
 TXF Confidence Factor 1.65
 Standard Deviation = ADMD

6.1.3 Commercial and Industrial Development Network Arrangement

The range of circumstances encountered in new developments and renewal sites will be much
more diverse than in residential areas. Demand and future growth will be unpredictable and other
constraints will be imposed in the placement of substations. As a consequence, designers must be
flexible in seeking solutions and aware of the limitations of LV networks to cope with the
unpredictable nature of this type of development.

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New Developments
The basic network arrangement used in new Commercial / Industrial developments are the same
Loop Pillar system as those for URD/UDC except that supply pillars are used on both roadsides.
The maximum 3φ supply to a customer from a supply pillar is 80 amps, this being limited by the
fuse capacity in the pillar.

The cross road cable rating must be matched to the anticipated demand (see below Section 6.2
Cable Selection).

For most applications the 80 amp limitation has been found to be sufficient, remembering that only
4 customers can be connected to a circuit at that rate of supply, subject to voltage drop
requirements being meet (see Figure 6.1.3-1 below).

Figure 6.1.3-1 Typical arrangement Commercial / Industrial Subdivision

The cross road cable rating must be matched to the anticipated demand (see below Section 6.2
Cable Selection).

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Where the anticipated maximum demand of a commercial and industrial customer will exceed the
fuse rating of a supply pillar a pillar type “A” should be used. The customers main is connected to
the load side of the CFS and where the mains cable is looped in the pillar these are connected
back to back up on the supply side terminal.

The CFS unit has a capacity of 160A but as a design rule - if the customers anticipated maximum
exceeds 100kVA (140 amps) they will be supplied by either:

 a substation situated on the customers property, or,

 dedicated circuits to the customers terminals from the substation (see below Supply to
Individual Customers).

The forgoing is based on the presumption of knowledge of the prospective customer’s maximum
demand. Reality is that this will generally be unknown (see below Section ADMD
Commercial and Industrial). It is possible that pillars and cross road cables will need to be
augmented. Where the agreed maximum demand will exceed 100 kVA, Ergon Energy has a
Legislated right to require a padmount substation site on the property and this right should be
exercised wherever provision of that supply weakens Ergon Energy’s ability to meet future demand
growth of other customers.

In general, the right to install a padmount may be exercised, however, in the range of 100A to
200A the decision pillar or padmount would be based on the likely future demand on the site and
near proximity.

Spare conduits will be laid (design rule) to cover future contingencies for HV and LV network
augmentation and including cross road conduits. Refer to RAM and SDO for conduit numbers and

Renewal Projects
The redevelopment of existing commercial areas generally results in changes in purpose and/or
amenity and consequently electrical demand. This can pose a number of challenges as it is
generally difficult to site substations at desired locations or to establish new sites. This requires
optimal utilisation of available sites.

Distribution Cabinets (see figure below) enable distribution points to be established at locations
remote from the substation sites (see Figure 6.1.3-2 below). The cabinets can facilitate up to 5 –
630 amp fuse strips for distribution circuits with isolators controlling the incoming main (refer
Underground Construction Manual LV CONSTRUCTION drawing No 5136).

The mains cable feeding the distribution cabinet will need to be sized to meet demand and voltage
requirements. Standard arrangements would be either a 1 x 240mm2 or 2 x 240mm2 mains. Any
other arrangements would require the agreement of the SDO and the RAC.

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Figure 6.1.3-2 Typical arrangement Commercial Redevelopment. Public lighting and customer connections not

Supply to Individual Customers.

The low impedance of underground cables makes them ideal for providing relatively large parcels
of supply from existing assets either overhead or underground. This can enable the use of
unutilised substation capacity via a dedicated circuit.

In these circumstances the supply cable should be taken directly to the customers terminals. The
customer must provide the facility (switchboard / cabinet / pillar or the like) to accommodate this
which must be located within 5 metres of the property boundary (Design Rule). Supply can be
extended up to 10m onto the property as good engineering practice (eg the main switchboard is in
close proximity) and with the agreement of a SDO.

It is not Ergon Energy’s responsibility to extend the supply to the customers load centre in these
circumstances. This should correctly be part of the customer’s installation and be subject to the
requirements of the wiring rules.

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30kVA/0SD per lot has been determined for LV Drop calculations for Commercial & Industrial
subdivision designs.

Of note however is that demand in these developments is more unpredictable than for residential
developments. Local knowledge should provide a guide for likely demand based on similar
developments if the above requirement is not suitable. For design purposes a demand may be
allocated to each property. This may be on the basis of allotment size where this has been
demonstrated as an appropriate measure from previous developments. Designers use the agreed
demands as provided by the RAM and these must be included into supply agreements as “agreed
rates of supply”. Voltage Drop Calculations

The permissible voltage range at the customer’s terminal (located at Ergon Energy pillars on
adjacent property boundaries) is:

 415/240 Volts ± 6%, or;

The following design rules apply:

 The volts at the transformer terminals are to be taken as 240 volts.

 The volt drop on the mains cable must not exceed 5%

 The volt drop on the service cable (from the main to the customers terminals) is to be taken
as 1%

Voltage Drop calculations should be performed using the software program “LV Drop”. The
following inputs are provided as a guide to these factors.

 Unbalance Factor 1.8

 Cable Confidence Factor 2.0
 Volt Drop Confidence Factor 2.0
 TXF Confidence Factor 2.0
 Standard Deviation = ADMD

Due to the uncertainties associated with this customer class some fine-tuning may be required to
account for local knowledge. Designers should seek the advice of a SDO in this regard, who in turn
should escalate the matter through established protocols where further advice is required.

6.2 Cable Selection

6.2.1 General Introduction

Cables used in the LV Underground network can be categorised as:

 Mains cable
 Cross-road cable
 Service cable
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Mains cables form the backbone of the LV circuits looping between supply pillars, distribution
cabinets and substations. A single mains cable size is used (design rule) - 240mm² Al, 4/C
stranded sector cable, XLPE insulated PVC or NJ-PVC* sheathed.

The demand requirement from distribution Pillars may require 2 x 240mm² Al, 4/C stranded sector
cable, XLPE insulated PVC or NJ-PVC* sheathed (see CABLES section 2, Cable Ratings).

*Termite areas Cross-road Cable

Cross-road cable connects between the mains cable in the supply pillar to the cross road pillar on
the remote road side. The size of the cross road cable will depend on the application, as follows
(design rules):

URD - 16mm² Cu, 4/C stranded circular cable, XLPE insulated PVC / NJ-PVC* sheathed

Commercial / Industrial

Supply up to 75kVA - 16mm² Cu, 4/C stranded circular cable, XLPE insulated PVC / NJ-PVC*

Supply over 75kVA - 240mm² Al, 4/C stranded sector cable, XLPE insulated PVC or NJ-PVC*

*Termite areas Service Cables

Underground service cables connect the distribution network assets to the customer’s terminals
(generally at the POS). This could be from overhead or underground network assets.

In the loop pillar system this generally occurs in the pillars and there is no service cable.

The rating of the service cable must be matched to the customer’s maximum demand (see
CABLES section 8.6, Cable Rating).

6.3 Pole Top Selection

In some situations underground LV cables will need to connect to the overhead network as a
source of supply or for linking purposes. Connections may also be made for earthing purposes
(See EARTHING Section 9.1).

The Underground Construction Manual LV CONSTRUCTION drawing No 5056 details the

standard arrangements for LV pole top assemblies including cable connections to the overhead

Any deviation from the standard pole top arrangement must be in consultation with Distribution
Network Standards.

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6.4 Installation Guidelines
LV underground cables are generally installed in lengths between pillars and cabinets and
consequently lengths are relatively short. Nevertheless the same principles as those set out for HV
cables in Section 8.5 Cable Installation – Design Considerations, apply.

The Underground Construction Manual, MATERIAL DATA drawing No’s 5108 & 5110 detail the
physical properties and installation limitations of the standard LV cable range.

Historically, various trenching arrangements and alignments have been agreed to by Ergon
Energy’s predecessors with local government authorities and other utilities. While a long term goal
is to standardise arrangements, current policy is to continue with the standing regional practices.

The Underground Construction Manual, TRENCHING folder, sets out each of the regional trench
arrangements, including, cross road arrangements, alignments and pillar base installation.

The Underground Construction Manual, TRENCHING folder, also covers the entry arrangements
for padmounted substations, distribution cabinets and pole termination (trench and conduit)

LV cables are normally protected by fuses which are located at:

 The LV board of padmount substations (for isolation of faults on the mains cable)

 The LV board in Distribution Cabinets (for isolation of faults on the mains cable)

 Pole terminations (for isolation of faults on the mains or service cables)

 Pillars (protecting the upstream LV network from faults on the customers installation)

 Pillars protecting public lighting cables

Cross-road cables are not normally fused.

The table below sets out the recommended fuse size for the cable applications.

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Application Fuse Rating

Substation Circuit 250A
Pillar 63 A

Commercial / Industrial
Substation Circuit 315
Customer Circuit (Note 1)
Distribution Cabinet Circuit 160A
Pillar (Supply) 80A
Pillar (C&I) CFS Unit 160A
Pillar (C&I) 80A
Service Cable (Note 1)
Table 6.4-1 Cable fuse sizing
# 2
Where the circuit supplies a Distribution Cabinet and the demand requires 2x240mm Al cables for current rating the
fuse size is 400A.

Note 1: Fuse size is the best match to the customers agreed Maximum Demand.

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7.1 Ferroresonance
The phenomenon of ferroresonance is the occurrence of high voltages which may occur when a
modest size capacitance is either in series or in parallel with nonlinear inductance, such as an iron
cored transformer.

In power systems, the most common place to find ferroresonance is with a three phase distribution
transformer energised through an underground cable of moderate length. Under no load, or very
light load conditions, the capacitance of the cable is sufficient to precipitate ferroresonant
behaviour under single phase switching conditions (eg. the operation of an HV fuse or
asynchronous operation of singlephase 11kV switches such as a drop-out fuse unit.)

The trend towards undergrounding of distribution assets and the increasing installation of URD has
resulted in a higher incidence of situations where single phase switching of the cable connecting
the transformer could result in dangerous overvoltage due to ferroresonance.

The simplest form of occurrence of a ferroresonance circuit in a URD distribution system is when
the single-phase operating switchgear or switch fuses are located some distance away from the
transformer itself, with a length of cable joining the switchgear and transformer. A circuit of this sort
could occur, for example, where a substation is supplied from a set of EDO’s on a cable
termination pole.

In the case where single phase switching is performed directly at the transformer terminals, there is
no capacitance in circuit and as a result no abnormal circuit. Since the equivalent circuit of a cable
under no load conditions is essentially a capacitive circuit, the presence of the cable introduces a
capacitance into the circuit and forms a series LC circuit consisting of the transformer winding,
which under no load can be represented by an iron cored inductance, in series with the core-
sheath capacitance of the cable. [Note that this circuit applies to 3-core screened and single core
cables, ie. There is no core to core capacitance.] The three-phase equivalent circuit is shown in
Figure 6.2.1-1.

Figure 6.2.1-1 Ferroresonance circuit

With one phase energised (R phase for example as shown in Figure 6.2.1-1) a series circuit is
formed consisting of the magnetised inductance Lm between R and Y phases and the Y phase
core-to-sheath cable capacitance. In parallel with this circuit is a second identical series circuit
consisting of the magnetised inductance Lm between R and B phases and the B phase core-to-
sheath capacitance. Since each branch of this parallel circuit is identical, the potential between the
points Y and B is zero and therefore the magnetising inductance Lm between Y and B phases
does not enter into the circuit. Combining the circuit components results in an equivalent series
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circuit consisting of a capacitance in series with a nonlinear inductance which is therefore the
ferroresonant circuit as shown in Figure 6.2.1-2.

Figure 6.2.1-2 Equivalent ferroresonance circuit.

It is the interaction of this non-linear inductance in series with the capacitance of the cable that can
cause severe overexcitation of the transformer and impose large overvoltages on the HV and LV
7.1.1 Methods of controlling ferroresonance
The four most effective methods of controlling ferroresonance are:

1. three-phase switching;
2. single-phase switching at transformers;
3. resistive load on the transformer; and
4. limiting cable length.

Methods (1) and (4) require action on the part of the system designer. Methods (2) and (3) require
special operating procedures to ensure that there is effectively no length of cable being energised
or de-energised at the same time as the transformer, or the presence of some load.

Three-phase Switching
The use of ganged three-phase switching is one of the most effective and commonly used
methods of avoiding ferroresonance.

Single Phase Switching at Transformers

The practice of switching at the transformer terminals themselves, is a particularly effective means
of controlling ferroresonance. By doing this, the cable length between the transformer and the
switch is essentially zero and the only possible capacitance in the network is that of the internal
capacitance of the transformer.

This is a particularly suitable method and can be applied in distribution systems using single-phase
switchgear. Where a cable transformer combination is to be energised, the cable only should be
energised and then the transformer. Conversely on de-energising, the transformer only should be
de-energised first and then the cable. Both sets of switchgear can then be single phase operating.

Since the critical cable length, which is actually proportional to the critical cable capacitance, is
inversely a function of the square of the voltage, the critical capacitance for higher system voltages
is quite small and the transformer capacitance can become significant.

Resistive Load on the Transformer

A resistive loading of 2 to 3% is generally sufficient to control ferroresonance. However in a
distribution network, alternative supply is often provided by paralleling the low voltage network to
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adjoining substations. Should the LV network not be disconnected before HV switching, back
energisation of the transformer would occur. Therefore this option is generally unavailable.
Similarly on commissioning a transformer, there is usually no load available for this option to be

Limiting Cable Length

The derivation of the formula for the critical cable length assumes that the critical length is that
which will result in a ferroresonant over-voltage of 2.73 times rated phase-to-ground system
voltage. For an 11kV system this is 17.4kV phase-to-ground. This is also equal to the maximum
acceptable power frequency voltage on the system. The expression for critical cable length is
given by:

0.6 I mag %kV . Ar 1000

l crit  metres 
 C 
1.58  cc 62.8kVr 2 C cs
 C cs 


Imag% = transformer magnetising current

(typically 0.8% of rated current)
kV.Ar = 3-phase transformer rating (kV.A)

Ccc = core-core capacitance (F/km)

Ccs = core-sheath capacitance (F/km)
kVr = system nominal voltage (kV)

Inspection of the formula shows that the critical length is:

i) directly proportional to transformer capacity and therefore the cable length

for small transformers can be quite small;
ii) directly proportional to transformer exciting current. (Old transformers
which were manufactured before cold rolled grain oriented steel was used
and had magnetising currents of typically up to 5%, allowed for
considerably longer cables than for modern transformers);
iii) inversely proportional to the square of the rated system voltage. (22kV
and 33kV systems therefore can have maximum cable lengths of only one
quarter and one ninth respectively of the 11kV cable length); and
iv) inversely proportional to the cable core-to-sheath capacitance (since
cable capacitance is a logarithmic function of the cable size, this is the
least sensitive term in the expression).

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Distribution Transformer Size

100 200 315 500 750 1000 1500
Cable mm²
TRIPLEX 35 Al 12 24 38 60 90 119 179
TRIPLEX 185 Al 7 13 21 51 51 67 101
Table 7.1-1 Critical cable lengths for 11kV XLPE insulated cables in metres

Distribution Transformer Size

200 315 500 750 1000 1500
Cable mm²
TRIPLEX 35 Al 7 11 18 26 35 53
TRIPLEX 185 Al 4 6 10 15 21 31
Table 7.1-2 Critical cable lengths for 22kV XLPE insulated cables in metres

The cable lengths given in the above tables are less than the values calculated using the
equation. The cables lengths have been adjusted to suit the over voltage withstand
capability of the surge arresters.
Other standard cables with cross-sectional area of 400 or greater are not included as the
critical lengths are very small. This limitation also extends to 33kV cables.

7.2 Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

Magnetic Fields are fields, resulting from the flow of current through wires or electrical devices,
which increases in strength as the current increases. Magnetic fields emitted by underground
cables are directly proportional to the distance between cables. The smaller the distance between
the cables the smaller the magnetic field emitted at a given point.

Magnetic fields are measured in units of Gauss (G) or Tesla (T). Gauss is the unit most commonly
used in Australia. Tesla is the internationally accepted scientific term. Since most environmental
EMF exposures involve magnetic fields that are only a fraction of a Tesla or a Gauss, these are
commonly measured in units of microtesla (μT) or milligauss (mG), multiply by 10. That is 1μT =

Table 7.2-1 lists the distances from Electricity infrastructure at which point it can be expected that
magnetic field strength levels will fall below the recommended level for continuous exposure. This
applies to electrical infrastructure in the Ergon Energy network and relates to extremely low
frequency (under 3 kHz), electric and magnetic fields. These figures define the desirable minimum
design clearances from buildings, for which human occupation can be expected for significant
periods of time. Other regulatory clearance requirements or design practices will override these
values in many cases. The figures are based on maximum generally accepted plant rating practice
and in most cases the magnetic field strength levels will be less, however these recommendations
will allow for future load growth. Situations which differ from the standard cases listed below, or
have higher than usual loads will require an engineering review and should be submitted for
approval to the Ergon Energy contact person, in the case of designs carried out externally, or
Ergon Energy Asset Management staff for designs carried out internally. Installations such as,

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multiple cable installations in a common trench, and Indoor Substations with LV Distribution Boards
may come into this category.

For multiple circuits Ergon Energy Line Designers can use ES000904F100 Magnetic Field

Construction Type Clearance from Centre Line/Radius (m)

11kV Underground *No Limit
22kV Underground *No Limit
33kV Underground *No Limit
315kVA Padmount Sub 3
500kVA Padmount Sub 4.5
240mm Underground LV
*No Limit
11kV Underground *No Limit
22kV Underground *No Limit
33kV Underground *No Limit
315kVA Padmount Sub 4
500kVA Padmount Sub 5
750kVA Padmount Sub 6
1000kVA Padmount Sub 7
240mm Underground LV
*No Limit
315 Padmount – School 4.5
500 Padmount – School 5.5
750kVA Padmount Sub 7
1000 Padmount - School 8
Table 7.2-1 Layout clearances for magnetic fields


 For Padmount transformers, the distances are a radius from the front corner of the enclosure
adjacent to the LV switchgear
 The EMF clearance levels are at a height of 1m above ground level
 *No Limit means the maximum magnetic field strength level for a construction does not exceed the

7.3 HV & LV Isolators (Links) Capacitive Charging Current Limitation

HV isolators or links are only capable of opening and closing a circuit with ‘negligible current’ when
no significant change occurs in the voltage across the terminals. The definition given in the
Australian Standard AS 62271.102 High voltage switchgear and controlgear - Alternating current
disconnectors and earthing switches for ‘negligible current’ implies currents such as the
capacitive currents of very short lengths of cable for rated voltages 420kV and below is 0.5A. HV

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isolators or links are also capable of carrying currents under normal circuit conditions and carrying
for a specified time currents under abnormal conditions such as those of short circuit.

Capacitive current on UG cable is dependent on cable size and cable length. The size relates to
the distance between cable core and copper wire screens. Therefore the bigger the cable size (the
larger the distance between cable core and screens) and/or the longer the cable route length, the
quicker the 0.5A limit is reached. For Ergon Energy standard UG cables the maximum allowable
cable length connected to HV or LV isolators are given in the Table 7.3-1 and Table 7.3-2 below.


12.7/22 (24) kV
LV CABLE 6.35/11 (12) kV CABLE
16mm² 240mm² 35mm² 185mm² 400mm² 630mm² 185mm²
Cu Al Al Al Al Al Al
per phase in
microfarads f/km 0.2869 0.7231 0.208 0.377 0.523 0.444 0.261
per 1000
metres at 20°C
A/km/phase 0.05 0.14 0.414 0.752 1.043 1.771 1.041
m 10000 3500 1200 650 475 275 475
cable length
Table 7.3-1 Maximum cable lengths for HV and LV links – non-insect protected cables

12.7/22 (24) 19.1/33 (36) kV
LV CABLE 6.35/11 (12) kV CABLE
16mm² 50mm² 240mm² 35mm² 185mm² 400mm² 400mm² 50mm² 300mm²
35mm² Al
Cu Cu Al Al Al Al Cu Al Al
per phase in
microfarads f/km 0.2869 0.4293 0.7231 0.208 0.377 0.523 0.534 0.151 0.129 0.236
per 1000
metres at 20°C
Charging A/km/
0.05 0.08 0.14 0.414 0.752 1.043 1.065 0.602 0.514 0.941
current phase
m 10000 6250 3500 1200 650 475 450 825 950 525
cable length
Table 7.3-2 Maximum cable lengths for HV and LV links – insect protected cables

7.4 Metallic Pipelines in Close Proximity to High Voltage Installations

Electrical hazards may exist when a metallic pipeline runs in parallel or in close proximity to HV
installations. The magnitude of the electrical hazards are dependent on a number of factors such
as the distance of the metallic pipeline in relation to the overhead conductor, underground cables
or earthing system, the load of the conductor and/or cable, the coating of the metallic pipeline (if
any), soil resistivity, fault current magnitude and clearing time, and network configuration (single
circuit, double circuit, OHEW, etcetera).

These hazards are often classified into the following categories:

 Low frequency induction (LFI)

 Earth potential rise (EPR)
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 Capacitive coupling

Its occurrence is not limited to single-phase or three-phase systems. It is also present in the SWER
network. The consequence of such hazards could lead to electric shock, injury or death. It is
therefore necessary to design such HV installations to mitigate exposure to an acceptable level.
AS/NZS 4853 Electrical hazards on metallic pipelines provides guidelines to calculate the
magnitude of the electrical hazards, and to assess the effectiveness of methods used to mitigate
the hazard. It is important to note that the application of the standard is appropriate to any
conductive structures that run in parallel or in close proximity to HV installations. Typical examples
include: conductive fences made of star pickets connected with a plain or barbed wire, steel post
supporting a chainwire meshed fencing, and aluminium pool fencing. The standard approach is
based on risk management methodology that requires application of physical and procedural
controls that will reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Designers should seek assistance from the
Lines Design Engineering Group.

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8.1 HV Cable Data – Non insect Protected

6.35/11 (12) kV CABLE 12.7/22 (24) kV CABLE
35mm² Al 185mm² Al 400mm² Al
630mm² Al 185mm² Al
TRIPLEX TRIPLEX TRIPLEX 1 Core TRIPLEX 1. The maximum continuous
TR-XLPE TR-XLPE TR-XLPE TR-XLPE TR-XLPE current rating of the cables is
PVC/HDPE PVC/HDPE Anti Termite LAT/PVC/HDPE LAT/PVC/HDPE based on the following
MDPE assumptions:
I.I. No 2429942 2429959 2433811 2429926 2429934  soil ambient temperature
Nominal area of core conductors mm² 35 185 400 630 185 30°C;
130 320 472 595 320  soil thermal resistivity 1.2° K
Maximum continuous current carrying capacity of 3 (103) (254) (428) (421) (255) m/W;
single cores in ground (1 circuit) in trefoil formation  cable screens are bonded at
with 3 cables in 1 enclosure (PVC duct)
A both ends;
Emergency two hour current rating factor - cable at  depth of burial 800mm.
70% load prior to emergency 159 541 940 1074 553  In brackets () depth burial of
In trefoil formation with 3 cables in 1 enclosure A (116) (404) (734) (710) (415) 1100mm.
Design maximum conductor operating temperature
(a) Normal °C 90 90 90 90 90 2. Additional cable data can be
(b) Emergency (2 hour) °C 105 105 105 105 105 located in the “Underground
(c) Short Circuit °C 250 250 250 250 250
Construction Manual” in the
Positive and negative sequence impedance at 50Hz
of completed cable (resistive and reactive
components) at max. operating temperature Ω/km 1.11 + j0.143 0.211 + j0.110 0.102 + j0.0987 0.063 +j0.097 2.11 + j0.117
Zero sequence impedance at 50Hz of completed
cable at 20°C (resistive and reactive components) Ω/km 2.10 + j0.0770 0.537 + j0.0501 0.278 + j0.0442 0.296 + j0.0428 0.538 + j0.0586
Voltage drop - 3 phase @ pf =0.9 mV/A/m 1.95 0.418 0.1754 0.203 0.42
Three-phase symmetrical fault rating for 1 second kA 3.3 17.5 38.2 59.6 17.5
Capacitance per phase in microfarads per 1000
metres at 20°C µf/km 0.208 0.377 0.5230 0.47 0.261
Fault rating of cable screen kA 1s 3.3 10.2 13.5 14.2 10.2
Conductor insulation values (nominal) MΩ/km 11000 6000 4300 5300 8900
Sheath insulation values (nominal) MΩ/km 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

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8.2 HV Cable Data – Insect Protected
6.35/11 (12) kV CABLE 12.7/22 (24) kV CABLE 19/33 kV CABLE
35mm² Al 185mm² Al 400mm² Al 400mm² Cu 35mm² Al 50mm² Al 300mm² Al

I.I. No. 2429967 2429975 2433829 2429918 2429991 2423655 2424984

Nominal area of core conductors mm² 35 185 400 400 35 50 300
Insect protection details
(a) Material Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon
(b) Material thickness mm 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
(c) Construction Extruded Extruded Extruded Extruded Extruded Extruded Extruded
130 320 472 570 130 140 371
Maximum continuous current carrying capacity of 3 (103) (254) (428) (484) (103) (129) (337)
single cores in ground (1 circuit) in trefoil formation
with 3 cables in 1 enclosure (PVC duct)
Emergency two hour current rating factor - cable at
70% load prior to emergency 202 540 526 1020 227 231 612
In trefoil formation with 3 cables in 1 enclosure A (147) (403) (457) (783) (167) (192) (502)
Design maximum conductor operating temperature
(a) Normal °C 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
(b) Emergency (2 hour) °C 105 105 105 105 105 105 105
(c) Short Circuit °C 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Positive and negative sequence impedance at 50Hz
of completed cable (resistive and reactive
components) at max. operating temperature Ω/km 1.11 + j0.143 0.211 + j0.110 0.102 + j0.0987 0.0629 + j0.0984 1.11 + j0.156 0.822 + j0.156 0.129 + j0.121
Zero sequence impedance at 50Hz of completed
cable at 20°C (resistive and reactive components) Ω/km 2.10 + j0.0770 0.537 + j0.0501 0.278 + j0.0442 0.308 +j0.0410 2.10 + j0.0896 1.50 + j0.0971 0.369 + j0.060
Voltage drop - 3 phase @ pf = 0.9 mV/A/m 1.95 0.418 0.1754 0.213 1.95 1.46 0.311
Three-phase symmetrical fault rating for 1 second kA 3.3 17.5 38.2 57.2 3.3 4.9 28.4
Capacitance per phase in microfarads per 1000
metres at 20°C µf/km 0.208 0.377 0.523 0.534 0.151 0.129 0.236
Fault rating of cable screen kA 1s 3.3 10.2 13.5 13.5 3.3 4.9 13.8
Conductor insulation values (nominal) MΩ/km 11000 6000 4300 4300 15000 18000 9800
Sheath insulation values (nominal) MΩ/km 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

1. The maximum continuous current rating of the cables is based on the following assumptions:
- soil ambient temperature 30°C; - soil thermal resistivity 1.2°K m/W; - cable screen bonded at both ends; - depth of burial 800mm;

- in brackets ( ) depth of burial 1100mm.

2. Additional cable data can be located in the “Underground Construction Manual” in the “MATERIAL DATA” folder.

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8.3 LV Cable Data – Non Insect Protected
240mm² Al 16mm² Cu
4 Core Sector 4 Core NOTES:
PVC PVC 1. The maximum continuous current rating of the
I.I. No. 1634155 1632489 cables is based on the following assumptions:
Nominal area of core conductors mm² 240 16  soil ambient temperature 30°C;
Maximum continuous current rating in ducts A 320 88  soil thermal resistivity 1.2°K m/W;
 depth of burial 600mm.
Emergency two hour current rating factor - cable at 70%
 In brackets ( ) depth of burial 900mm.
load prior to emergency in ducts A 370 95
Design maximum conductor operating temperature
(a) Normal °C 90 90 2. Additional cable data can be located in the
(b) Emergency (2 hour) °C 105 105 “Underground Construction Manual” in the
(c) Short Circuit °C 250 250 “MATERIAL DATA” folder.
Maximum AC resistance of conductor of completed cable
at 50Hz and 90°C Ω/km 0.162 1.47
Positive and negative sequence impedance at 50Hz of
completed cable (resistive and reactive components)
(a) At 20°C Ω/km 0.126+j0.062 1.15+j0.089
(b) At max. operating temperature Ω/km 0.162+j0.062 1.47+j0.089
Zero sequence impedance at 50Hz of completed cable at
20°C (resistive and reactive components) Ω/km 0.500+j0.062 4.6+j0.089
Voltage drop - 3 phase mV/A/m 0.300 2.55
Three-phase symmetrical fault rating for 1 second kA 22.7 2.3
Capacitance per phase in microfarads per 1000 metres at
20°C µf/km 0.045 0.035
Insulation megger readings 100 metre section tested with
2.5kV megger - Phase/Phase
(a) Expected Value GΩ 1.0 1.0
(b) Minimum accepted value GΩ 0.1 0.1
Insulation megger readings 100 metre section tested with
2.5kV megger - Phase/Earth
(a) Expected Value GΩ 1.0 1.0
(b) Minimum accepted value GΩ 0.1 0.1

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8.4 LV Cable Data – Insect Protected
240mm² Al 50mm² Cu 16mm² Cu 16mm² Cu 4mm² Cu
4 Core Sector 4 Core 4 Core 2 Cond. 2 Cond.
XLPE XLPE XLPE NS NS 1. The maximum continuous
PVC - NYL/PVC PVC - NYL/PVC PVC - NYL/PVC PVC - NYL/PVC PVC - NYL/PVC current rating of the
I.I. No. 2400272 2410371 2400273 2406943 2400260 cables is based on the
Nominal area of core conductors mm² 240 50 16 16 4 following assumptions:
Insect protection details  soil ambient
(a) Material Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon temperature 30°C;
(b) Material thickness mm 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4  soil thermal resistivity
(c) Construction Extruded Extruded Extruded Extruded Extruded 1.2°K m/W;
Maximum continuous current rating in ducts A 320 171 88 97 44  depth of burial
Emergency two hour current rating factor - cable at 70% load prior 600mm.
to emergency in ducts A 370 190 95 105 45  In brackets ( ) depth of
Design maximum conductor operating temperature burial 900mm.
(a) Normal °C 90 90 90 90 90
(b) Emergency (2 hour) °C 105 105 105 105 105
(c) Short Circuit °C 250 250 250 250 250
2. Additional cable data can be
Maximum AC resistance of conductor of completes cable at 50Hz located in the “Underground
and 90°C Ω/km 0.162 0.494 1.47 1.4 5.61 Construction Manual” in the
Positive and negative sequence impedance at 50Hz of completed “MATERIAL DATA”.
cable (resistive and reactive components)
(a) At 20°C Ω/km 0.126+j0.062 0.388 + j0.082 1.15+j0.089 1.15 + j0.140 4.61 + j0.174
(b) At max. operating temperature Ω/km 0.162+j0.062 0.494 + j0.082 1.47+j0.089 1.40 + j0.140 5.61 + j0.174
Zero sequence impedance at 50Hz of completed cable at 20°C
(resistive and reactive components) Ω/km 0.500+j0.062 1.55 + j0.082 4.6+j0.089 2.20 + j0.0555 7.84 + j0.0719
Voltage drop - 3 phase mV/A/m 0.300 0.868 2.55 2.970 11.7
Three-phase symmetrical fault rating for 1 second kA 22.7 7.2 2.3 1.6 0.4

Capacitance per phase in microfarads per 1000 metres at 20°C

µf/km 0.045 0.038 0.035 0.772 0.56
Insulation megger readings 100 metre section tested with 2.5kV
megger - Phase/Phase
(a) Expected Value GΩ 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5
(b) Minimum accepted value GΩ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05
Insulation megger readings 100 metre section tested with 2.5kV
megger - Phase/Earth
(a) Expected Value GΩ 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5
(b) Minimum accepted value GΩ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05

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8.5 Cable Installation – Design Considerations

8.5.1 Route Selection
Route selection is more than determining the shortest distance. The route of the cable must also
be chosen to:

 facilitate the future development of the network

 avoid natural and man-made obstructions that will add to the cost of installation
 avoid environmentally sensitive and polluted areas
 provide safe access for installation and repair
 account for the physical limitations of affecting the pulling of cables (see Section 1.2)

In most regions cable is procured cut to length and, to enable this service, forecasting is required.
Designers should also be aware of drum lengths of uncut cable for when cut lengths are not
possible, or available, as this may need to be taken into account in determining the route.

Joint locations should be avoided where future access will be difficult (under paved areas / public
activity areas) and close to conduit ends that enter inaccessible areas. This must be balanced with
the need to keep the number of joints to the minimum practical.

It is inevitable that, over time, short lengths of cable will be left, more than required for other
applications. The cost of high voltage cable makes it desirable to use these short lengths, however,
this needs to be balanced with the cost of the joints and the potential increase in risk to reliability
associated with joints.

Joints are designed to match the performance of the cable, but, are subject to more risk because
of the environmental conditions during installation and workmanship variables.

As a design rule the number of joints in a piece of cable, that would otherwise be available in a
single piece, should be limited to one and the cost benefit of the short lengths should be 20% >
salvage value of the cable + cost of joints.

8.5.2 Cable Pulling

Designers must be conscious of the factors affecting the pulling of cables. A poor design can
result in making the cable pull impossible without damage to the cable.

The Underground Construction Manual MATERIAL DATA, drawings set out the minimum bending
radii and maximum pulling tensions and the following demonstrates, in a practical example, how
designers need to confirm the practicality of their designs.

Calculation of Pulling Tensions

The approximate pulling tension required to install cables can be calculated by the following
formula. A more comprehensive guide can be found in C(b)2 – 1989 Guide to the Installation of
Cables Underground.

T = T0 + µWL (straight sections) and

T = T0 e (for bends)

Symbols used:
T0 = Tension at the commencement of a section (N)

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T = Tension at the end of a section (N)
M = Mass of cable per unit length (kg/m)
W = Equivalent cable force per unit length = 9.81xM
µ = Coefficient of friction in a given section
L = Length of cable in metres (m)
R = Radius of a horizontal bend (m)

 = Angle of subtended arc in a bend or angle of an

incline to the horizontal (rad)
F = Side wall force (N/m)

Calculations on reasonably flat ground will only need to consider the horizontal plane but if there is
significant inclines the following should be applied:

T = T0 + WL (Sin θ + μ cos θ) [-ve for declines or +ve for inclines]

For upward and downward, concave and convex bends the same approximate formula for bends
shown above applies.

The following is given as an example for an installation on level ground of an 11kV, 185mm² Al
TRIPLEX cable in conduit without lubricant. Mass of the cable is 5.4 kg/m.

For new clean conduits μ can be assumed as 0.3.

From the formula it can be seen that the affect of bends is a multiplier of the tension in the cable
entering the bend and the magnitude of the multiplier increases with the magnitude of the angle of
the bend. Consequently the direction in which the cable is pulled should be chosen so that bends
are in the section closest to the feed end rather than the pulling end and angles of deviation should
be kept as small as possible. This is demonstrated in the worked example below.

Angle of Bend Value of e

in Degrees
= = = = =
0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
15 1.2 1.17 1.14 1.11 1.08
30 1.44 1.37 1.30 1.23 1.17
45 1.73 1.60 1.48 1.37 1.27
60 2.08 1.83 1.68 1.52 1.37
75 2.50 2.11 1.92 1.69 1.48
90 3.0 2.57 2.19 1.87 1.60
Table 8.5-1

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Pulling from A to F

Tension at B T1 = T0 + WL
T1 = 0 + 0.3 x (5.4 x9.81) x 20
T1 = 318 Newtons

Tension at C T2 = T1e
T2 = 318 x 1.27
T2 = 404 Newtons

Tension at D T3 = 404 + 0.3 x (5.4 x 9.81) x 30

T3 = 881 Newtons

Tension at E T4 = 881 x 1.17

T4 = 1031 Newtons

Tension at F T5 = 1031 + 0.3 x (5.4 x 9.81) x 100

T5 = 2620 Newtons

Pulling from F to A

Tension at E T1 = T + WL
T1 = 0 + 0.3 x (5.4 x9.81) x 100
T1 = 1589 Newtons

Tension at D T2 = T1e
T2 = 1589 x 1.17
T2 = 1859 Newtons

Tension at C T3 = 1859 + 0.3 x (5.4 x 9.81) x 30

T3 = 2336 Newtons

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Tension at B T4 = 2336 x 1.27
T4 = 2967 Newtons

Tension at A T5 = 2967 + 0.3 x (5.4 x 9.81) x 20

T5 = 3285 Newtons

Pulling from F to A requires 25% more effort than pulling from A to F.

The side wall force is also an important factor to be considered. It shall be limited to
1450kg/m for PVC or HDPE sheathed cables and is calculated using the following

R Cable Pulling Tension Calculator

The program is designed to allow the calculation of the winching tension required
to pull a cable through a trench or duct in a predetermined path. The calculator
also calculates the tension should the cable be pulled in the reverse direction.
Additionally, the side-wall force is also calculated for those cables that pass
through bends in the path. The calculator has been specifically designed to cover
the Ergon Energy Standard range of LV, 11kV, 22kV and 33kV cables.

Complex route geometries must first be subdivided into simple subsections, each
identifiable with one of the basic shapes shown below. The formula accompanying
each illustrated shape gives a determination of the tension (T) imposed upon the
leading end of a cable as it exits from the section when the tension (T0) at the
commencement of that section is known.

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8.5.3 Conduits
Ergon Energy’s practice is to use conduit for all cable installations. This has been found to be the
most practical way to coordinate the works with the available resource.

Conduit also aids in the replacement and modification of the network.

Underground Construction Manual TRENCHING drawings set out trenching arrangements used

RAMS will decide whether to include spare conduit/s to cater for future development of the

The provision of a spare conduit can save considerable future cost and community disruption. But
the provision of a spare conduit that will never be used is a sunk investment for which the business
will never derive a return. Consequently prudent judgement is required, that is made with the best
available information and knowledge of the cost to the business.

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The following design rules apply:

Spare conduits should be installed in the following circumstances to meet future HV network
 Where the RAM identifies a future network requirement
 Where the SDO / RAC identifies a future supply requirement
 In CBD precincts, the number is to be determined in consultation with the RAC and the
 In locations where future access to the cable will be impossible or extremely difficult
 Along designated routes where future communications will be required
 In other situations, with the endorsement of the RAC or the SDO
 When installing spare conduit attach an Electronic marker ball to the end of each conduit
run to aid in locating the conduit/s for future use.

Designers must consult the RAC and/or SDO as appropriate. Maximum Continuous HV Cable Runs

Cable is installed between plant and equipment in the network creating points at which the cable
can be isolated and accessed. Generally the distances involved cause no network operational
management issues, but, where cable runs become long, consideration must be given to the time
and difficulty involved in identifying and isolating faults and the limitations of test equipment.

Most fault location equipment has the capability of locating faults on long cable runs (10-20km
using wave reflectometry and even further with bridge networks). However, the accuracy
diminishes and the interpretation of results becomes more difficult with distance, making the pin
point location of any faults much slower. The cable route may also need to be traced before fault
location is identified, causing greater delays.

HV Cable testing equipment (VLF proof tests) has a maximum reach of 5km.

Cables runs can be broken up using cabinets, cable terminations and connecting bus work.
Switchgear should not be used in the cabinets as the incidence of faults will be rare and the
location will have no operational purpose in the network.

The installation of “Fault Indicators” will enable the faulted section of cable to be identified.

The use of cabinets will impact on the cost of projects (diminishing with distance) and their use can
only be justified where the limitations discussed previously apply. As a design rule cabinets
should be employed where the continuous length of cable would otherwise be 4 km or greater,
having regard for the network arrangement and the customers affected.

Designers must consult the RAC and the SDO before proposing the use of cabinets.

8.6 Cable Ratings

8.6.1 General
The continuous ratings of the standard range of cables are given in Sections 8.1 to 8.4. It should
be noted that the ratings are based on assumptions regarding the environment and installation
conditions listed.

Cumulatively these will generally be conservative in order to cover the range of conditions that will
apply throughout the State. Conversely in extreme environmental and installation situations the

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assumptions may not be sufficient for local conditions and it is prudent to review these against
local conditions on all projects. The use of CYMECAP software is recommended to determine
cable ratings in this instance.

All zone substation exit and critical feeder cables shall be fully designed and must take into
account the factors listed in the following sub-sections.

8.6.2 Soil Thermal Resistivity ()

Soil Thermal Resistivity (STR) is the measure of the cable backfill bedding materials’ ability to
transfer heat, generated by cable losses, away to the general environment (usually to the
atmosphere). It is a product of soil composition, texture, moisture content and compaction.

The figure used for the ratings in the above drawings is  = 1.2 °K m/W. This is conservatively
representative of most clay based soils in Queensland (CSRIO figures for around Townsville are
about 1.0 °K m/W.). Coarse dry sand scoria, punis and similarly structured materials should be
avoided ( up to 6.0 °K m/W in extreme cases) as backfill material and replaced with a fine particle
material such as loams with some clay content or fatty sands. Refer to Table 8.6-1 for a general
guide to the thermal resistivity of different materials. These are general guides only and actual
thermal resistivity of the soil can be identified by testing.

Substation exit cables are at greatest risk of exceeding their rating as they must carry the full
feeder load and sometimes exposed to overloads. Controlled backfill material (flowable thermal
backfill ) should be used in this situation and where a maximum rating of the cable needs to be
assured the use of manufactured material is appropriate.

Thermal Resistivity
Material 
Air 4 (Large duct)
Air (still) 6 (Normal duct)
Aluminium 0.0045
Asphalt 1.2
Backfill - FTB 1.0
Backfill - stabilised 1.2
Bentonite 1.2
Concrete (dry) 0.8
Copper 0.0026
Lead 0.0286
PVC duct 6.0
Rock 0.4
Soil 1.2
Stainless steel 0.0617
Steel - mild for armouring 0.02
Water (fresh)
Water (sea)
XLPE - semiconductive
Table 8.6-1 Material thermal resistivity

In recent years, the Advance Analysis Ratings Group has progressed drastically in this area with
the group acquiring a test laboratory based in Townsville. As a result, regionally based sources of

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thermal backfill bedding materials have been investigated and approved on a project by project

8.6.3 Soil Temperatures

The temperature gradient through the soil to the atmosphere is the driving force that transfers the
heat generated by cable losses, away to the atmosphere.

The ratings in the Sections 8.1 to 8.4 are based on soil temperatures of 30 °C and a summer peak
demand. It will be conservative for most southern and inland applications but has been adopted for
standardisation. If additional rating is required for particular applications, refer to Advance Analysis
Ratings Group in determining a rating based on the local conditions.

Location Summer (Dec-Mar) Winter (Jun-Aug)

maximum maximum
temperature temperature
Brigalow 31 23
Brisbane 29 20
Cairns 31 26
Charleville 34 23
Mt Isa 34 27
Rockhampton 32 26
Townsville 35 28
Warwick 26 18
Weipa 33 30
Table 8.6 - 2 Ground temperatures at 1,000mm depth

8.6.4 Depth of Cover

The rating of cables decreases with an increasing depth of cover over the cable. This is because
the heat generated by cable losses needs to escape to the atmosphere. Putting the cable deeper
increases the length and hence the thermal resistance of the escape path.

The ratings in Section 8.1 and 8.2 are based on depths of 800mm and 1100mm and the ratings in
Section 8.3 and 8.4 are based on depths of 600 and 900mm. It is often necessary to go deeper
under other services or other obstructions. As a design rule this can be ignored for rating
purposes provided that the length of extra depth does not extend any further than 6 metres. It can
be assumed that sufficient heat will be conducted along the conductor core for short distances to
maintain core temperatures within manageable tolerances. Particular care must be taken at
substation exits where rating is more critical.

Where a cable needs to be laid at a greater depth than normal, designers should seek assistance
from the Lines Design Engineering Group.

8.6.5 Mutual Heating Affects

Where a number of cables are laid in proximity there is a combined heating affect that raises the
temperature of the cores in order to disperse the additional heat. This means that the cables must

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be derated to avoid core temperatures that will damage the cable dielectric. The separation of
cables and the number of cables in proximity will determine the amount of de-rating necessary
(group rating factor).

The ratings in the above drawings are based on a single circuit. For multiple circuits in a flat
configuration, a group de-rating factor should be applied.

Group rating factors that account for the mutual heating of adjacent cables are provided in the
table opposite. Designers should seek the assistance from the Lines Design Engineering Group for
different configuration.

8.6.6 Conduit
Placing cable in conduit de-rates the cable as the air space in the conduit has a higher thermal
resistance than the surrounding soil. There are however, other good reasons for using conduit and
this is currently Ergon Energy practice.

If there is a need to improve the rating of a cable in conduit the conduit can be filled with
“Bentonite” or a similar product. The affect of the conduit can then be ignored for rating purposes.

8.6.7 Cyclic Rating Factors

Cables laid in the ground have a thermal inertia and consequently there is a thermal time constant
associated with heating and cooling cycles.

The ratings given in Section 8 are a continuous rating for simple application, however, this will be
conservative for some customer classes; e.g. domestic residential.

For particular applications where rating is critical a cyclic rating factor can be determined based on
knowledge of the daily load curve.

As a general guideline Table 8.6-2 shows the de-rating factors applied on cables in single way
ducts laid on the same horizontal plane.

Number of Group rating factors for triplex cables in single

ducts in group way duct, horizontal formation - Refer cable
Data sheets

Minimum 0.30 m 0.45m 0.6m
2 0.88 0.91 0.93 0.94
3 0.8 0.84 0.87 0.89
4 0.75 0.81 0.84 0.87
5 0.71 0.77 0.82 0.85
6 0.69 0.75 0.8 0.84
Table 8.6-2 De-rating factors for single way ducts on the same horizontal plane

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Designers should seek the assistance from the Lines Design Engineering Group where application
of a cyclic loading factor is required.

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9.1 Earthing System

9.1.1 CMEN
The following deals with the treatment of high voltage earthing systems with respect to the low
voltage earthing systems.

The Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 issued in conjunction with the Queensland Electrical
Safety Act 2002 and Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 sets out earthing practices for distribution
networks. Ergon Energy considers the Common Multiple Earth system (CMEN, i.e. the bonding of
the two systems) as the preferred system. Studies undertaken, assessing the associated risks,
support this view so where it is possible to meet the criteria for CMEN connection this should be

The arguments supporting CMEN and the criteria for connection of CMEN Earthing systems are
set out in NA000403R481 Guideline for the Adoption CMEN Earthing System document.

It will not always be possible for physical reasons and reasons of cost to meet the criteria for
CMEN. Designers must be diligent in doing their assessment for CMEN connection as the common
earthing resistance value required for the padmounted substation is not normally sufficient, alone,
to hold the voltage rise of the earthing system at a safe level across the range of prospective fault
levels possible. Most situations will require the interconnection of the LV with adjacent substations
for the arrangement to operate safely.

For URD installations a CMEN system is generally required. In isolated developments

consideration should be given to using an interconnecting LV cable or extending the HV earth
along the cable trench to enable it to be bonded to an existing LV network if such exists. Refer
Section 5.3 for site requirements.

For isolated supplies such as Commercial or Industrial padmounted substations consideration

should be given to using an interconnecting LV cable or extending the HV earth along the cable
trench to enable it to be bonded to the existing LV network.

The Underground Construction Manual, EARTHING drawing No’s 5013 and 5123 sets out the
earthing arrangements and requirements for 11kV and 22kV padmounted substations respectively.

9.1.2 Separate Earthing

Where the criteria set out in NA000403R481 Guideline for the Adoption CMEN Earthing System for
CMEN connections cannot be met the HV and LV earth will be separated.

The Underground Construction Manual, PADMOUNTED SUBSTATIONS drawings define site size
and requirements for 11kV and 22kV padmounted substations.

The Underground Construction Manual, EARTHING drawings set out the earthing arrangements
and requirements for 11kV and 22kV padmounted substations.


9.2.1 General
The metallic screens of cables are designed to provide an effective earth return path for fault
current resulting from failed equipment and cables. This enables the speedy detection and isolation
of the faulted equipment from the network by protective devices and switchgear. There will, of
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course, generally be discontinuity in the path because of connections to the overhead lines and
plant and equipment. At these locations the screen must be effectively earthed and the following
provides guidance on how this should be done.
9.2.2 Zone Substations Exits Earthing Options

Option 1 - Earth Both Cable Ends

Connection of the cable screen at the substation to the substation earth provides the most secure
and reliable fault return path. It does however, transfer potential rises appearing on the substation
earth out into the distribution network. This includes not only rises associated with disturbances on
that feeder, but also with that on other feeders, the subtransmission network and those internal to
the substation, but the substation earth is designed to manage these at safe levels. The magnitude
of the fault current on distribution feeders is a maximum for a fault at the zone substation because
of the low fault impedance. The cable, if connected to the substation earth, must have sufficient
capacity to pass the prospective fault current without damage to the cable. The damage being a
result of heating (I2t) affects and governed by the upstream fault impedance and the performance
of protection and circuit breakers in clearing the fault.

Maximum fault levels at Zone Substations for line-to-ground faults (June 2015 Normal) are
normally considered to be:

 11kV – 20.0 kA for 1 sec

 22kV – 13.1 kA for 1.25 secs

For a cable screen to experience these currents the following coincident contingencies would be

 A single phase-to-ground bolted fault at the remote end of an exit cable.

 A primary plant or protection failure.
 All fault current returns in the cable screen.
 The process being adiabatic (no heat loss or transfer)
 All station transformers installed and connected.
 All the above occurring at a station with slow back-up clearing times.

Ergon Energy uses both single core and triplex cables for zone substation exits. Single core cables
laid in a touching trefoil arrangement can be considered as a triplex cable. As the screens of the
cable cores are insulated from one another, an electrical potential will be induced on the cable
screens by mutual electromagnetic induction. The magnitude of the voltage is a function of the
current being carried, the length of the cable and the spacing of the cores. Earthing both ends of
the cable will eliminate this voltage, but causes a current to flow through the screen, resulting in
heat and de-rating the cable. The symmetry of a touching trefoil arrangement minimises the losses
(<5%) through cancellation of most of the voltage induced, but care must be taken with single core
cables as losses rise quickly with loss of symmetry and separation of the cores.

Option 2 - Earth the remote End Only of the Exit Cable

Earthing the remote cable end would appear to eliminate all the issues associated with option 1.
 The size of the cable screen is not material as no current from faults can pass directly
through it to the station.
 No circulating currents can flow in single core and triplex cables screens.
 Does not extend the station earth into the distribution network

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There are however other issues.

The passage of fault current from both an exit cable fault or through fault must be returned via the
ground and one practice is to install an additional earthing conductor with the substation exit cable
to minimise any transfer (step and touch) potential.

For single core and triplex cables a voltage will exist on the open cable screen end. This can be
insulated, but, it would be prudent to limit its level which will place constraints on the maximum
length of a cable exit. For single core cables this voltage will be a minimum for a touching trefoil
arrangement but increases with core separation.

For single core and triplex cables sheath voltage limiters may be required at the open screen to
manage transient voltages induced by fault currents, lightning surges and switching surges that
could potentially puncture the sheath or cause a “flash over” at the screen termination.

CYMECAP can be used to determine the standing voltage on the sheath during transient

Signage will be required to identify the use of single point bonding to mitigate the standing voltage
hazard. Earthing Policy at Zone Substation Exits

Design Rule - Screens of all exit cables are earthed at both ends of the cable unless
otherwise approved by Line Design Engineering and Substation Standards groups.

The ratings given in for 3 x 1C cables and triplex cables in Section 8.1 and 8.2 are for a touching
trefoil arrangement with both cable ends bonded and earthed.

Where a touching trefoil arrangement cannot be maintained designers should seek engineering
advice on de-rating factors or alternative arrangements such as single point bonding, centre point
bonding and cross-bonding arrangements.

In some situations, such as close to Generators, fault levels can exceed the above. Engineering
advice should be sought in these circumstances.

Feeder rated cables may be used for rural zone stations exits and other special applications. The
screen size in this case will not be sufficient for a maximum fault under N –1 contingencies,
however, as the risk of achieving a maximum fault in these circumstances is low (refer Section the standard screen capacity of a feeder cable is acceptable.

9.2.3 Earthing of Feeder and Radial Cables

The same general principles apply in the earthing of feeder and radial cables as for substation exit

Design Rule - Screens of all feeder and radial cables are earthed at both ends of the cable
unless otherwise approved by Distribution Network Standards and Line Design Engineering

The screen capacity for a feeder cable has been set as 10kA for 1 second, which is consistent with
industry practice and represents a low risk balance of the range of fault levels experienced along a

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The screen capacity of a radial cable has been set as 10kA for 0.1 of a second, which is consistent
with industry standards and protection practice.

Long cable runs require earthing at (disconnect) cabinets (refer Section Where required
current rating approaches the maximum allowable for the cable, cross bonding of cable screens
may be required. Engineering advice should be sought if this be the case.


9.3.1 General
The different earthing systems used by Ergon Energy (CMEN, Separate Earthing) are discussed in
detail in Section 9.1. In this section it is not intended to go over earthing philosophy again, but to
set out where the LV underground cable network, beyond the substation, should be earthed. This
will apply regardless of the earthing system employed.

9.3.2 Earthing at Pillars (Design Rules)

An earth must be fitted at the end Supply Pillar of each radial feed of the main’s cable (240mm2
Al). Cross road pillars are not normally earthed.

An earth must be fitted at every 4th Supply Pillar on a circuit, but must be no further than 180m
from the furthermost consumer’s switchboard.

An earth must be fitted at every:

 Linking Pillar
 Commercial and Industrial Pillar
 Distribution cabinet.

Earths must be fitted in accordance with the underground Construction Manual, EARTHING
Drawing No 5085.

Notwithstanding the above rules the location of earthing should provide reasonable equality in
distribution along a circuit.

9.3.3 Earthing at OH LV Cable terminations

An earth will be fitted at every LV OH cable termination. Due to the various combinations of pole
mounted equipment associated with a cable termination pole, including earthing requirement,
earthing of these poles is included in Overhead Construction Manual, EARTHING folder.

A MEN connection is required at LV pole terminations.

Metal cable guards must be earthed in accordance with the applicable drawing in Overhead
Construction Manual EARTHING.
9.3.4 Earthing of Public Lighting Columns
Conductive public lighting columns are considered as being earthed by their ground mounting. The
body of the column must be bonded to the low voltage MEN neutral by a 6mm2 Cu earth
connection at the terminal panel of the column.

The neutral at the pillar end of the public lighting cable must be connected to the neutral bar of the
fuse panel in the pillar.

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9.3.5 Earthing of Bridge Lighting
Where the pole foundations cannot provide an “effective earth” (e.g. bridges), then a separate
earth conductor must be installed clear of the structure to ensure adequate earthing.

Where Ergon Energy Owned & Operated or Gifted and Ergon Energy Operated public lighting is
installed on a pedestrian and/or vehicular bridge, a separate earthing system will be required.

This earth conductor will be installed with the supply cabling and shall have a cross section area
according to the requirements of the Wiring Rules. The conductor shall have a cross sectional area
of not less than 6mm2 (Cu).

The earth wire is to be connected to an “effective earth point” at the first appropriate pole or pillar
(where there is a MEN point / earth rod). At each pole on the bridge, the earth cable is to be
bonded to the pole and the neutral conductor.

The provision of this clause will also apply to public lighting installed on other structures that do not
provide an effective earth.


9.4.1 Telecommunications
Electricity and telecommunications infrastructure must co-exist in the same environment as they
provide services to the same customers. This proximity can give rise to LFI and EPR (as discussed
in Section 7.4) affecting telecommunication systems under high voltage fault conditions on the
electricity network. These voltages are short duration but can reach dangerous levels.

The symmetry of cables minimises the affects of LFI and the exposure of underground networks to
telecommunications / EPR difficulties are primarily limited to locations where high voltage cables
are earthed at substations, pole terminations and switchgear.

The voltage rise that will appear at the earth under fault conditions is dependent on fault levels and
soil resistivity and will reduce with distance from the earth.

Required separation from telecommunications assets normally located on footpaths is defined in

Underground Construction Manual, EARTHING folder. Further reference can be sited on
NA000404R100 Power Coordination Guidelines Agreement between Ergon Energy and Telstra
(Distribution Only) for information on separation at Telephone Exchange Sites (including Radio
Sites, Above Ground Equipment and Housings).

Designers must ensure that relevant telecommunications companies are advised, with reasonable
notice, of details of the route of any proposed underground cables and the location of substations,
pole terminations and other equipment that will be earthed along the route.

The Telecommunications Companies have the responsibility of advising Ergon Energy of any
situations they believe to be at risk from EPR or LFI. The resolution of this matter is then a joint
responsibility of both parties.

Designers can seek engineering advice if assistance is required and further information can be
obtained from the publications; ESAA HB100 and the Joint ESAA / ATC EPR Code.

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9.5 Approach to Earthing Design for Developer Design and Construct Works and
Ergon Energy Works
Approach to earthing design requirements in Developer Design and Construct works and
Ergon Energy works is outlined in Table 9.5-1 below. It identifies the action required by the
Developer or Developer’s Consultant and Ergon Energy base on the works required (new or

Condition Action

10 ohms LV disconnected earth resistance required per padmount

Ergon Energy
1. Retrieve fault level
2. Retrieve protection operating time
Extension to existing residential and 3. Determine earthing resistance required
 >1 ohm – no action required
commercial subdivision development
 1< ohm –
where CMEN is already established and i. Retrieve earthing information of padmounts
continuing with CMEN and MEN – measured or assumed
ii. Use NA000403R482 spreadsheet to
determine new padmount/s earthed
iii. Ergon Energy to identify and arrange
rectification if required
Extension to existing residential and
commercial subdivision development
where Separate Earth is already Developer
established and continuing with Separate As per Ergon Energy Construction Manual
Ergon Energy
New residential and commercial No action required
subdivision development where
Separate Earth is going to be
Retrieve from Ergon Energy padmount/s earthing resistance

Ergon Energy
Extension to existing residential and 1. Retrieve fault level
commercial subdivision development 2. Retrieve protection operating time
where Separate Earth is already 3. Determine earthing resistance required (this may not be
established but converting to CMEN
 >1 ohm – no action required
 1< ohm –
New residential and commercial i. Retrieve earthing information of padmounts
subdivision development where CMEN is and MEN
going to be established, separate to any ii. Use NA000403R482 spreadsheet to
existing CMEN system. determine new padmount/s earthed
iii. Ergon Energy to identify and arrange
rectification if required
iv. Provide to Developer
Table 9.5-1

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10.1.1 Prior Approval
Where electric lines cross railways, a written application must be lodged (together with a fee) to
Queensland Rail in accordance with the “Agreement for Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Crossing Railways in Queensland”. Queensland Rail has 2 weeks in which to reply and may
impose terms and conditions on the work. Before any such work commences written notice must
be given to Queensland Rail at least 2 weeks prior to when the proposed work is intended to begin.
10.1.2 General
Underground electric lines shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements:

Orientation and Location of Underground Electric Lines

1. Underground electric lines should be orientated so as to pass through QR property in a
straight line and within approximately 5° of 90° to the track centreline. This restriction may
be relaxed in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Rail Manager if the depth of
the service is greater than 4m below formation level or if geotechnical investigation shows
that the bore will be self-supporting under railway loads.
2. No underground electric lines are to be located under track turnouts or crossovers.
3. No manholes, chambers, pits or anchor blocks are to be installed in QR property.
4. Where QR uses or jointly owns an underground electric line, and where that line runs along
the corridor, the alignment will be:
a. within approximately 1m of the boundary fence;
b. more than 6m from the toe of a bank or top of a cutting, and;
c. more than 10m from the nearest rail.

Depth of Underground Electric Lines

1. Where passing under railway tracks, the top of any underground electric line shall be laid at
a depth of not less than two (2) metres below rail level and maintained at the depth for not
less than three (3) metres beyond the outer rails measured at right angles to the track.
2. Elsewhere within the boundary of the railway, underground electric lines shall be laid at
least one (1) metre below ground surface and drain inverts.

1. Underground electric lines shall be separated by a clear spacing of at least 2m in the
horizontal plane from existing pipelines and power and communication cables, unless
agreed to otherwise, in writing, by the parties.
2. No underground electric lines will be allowed vertically above / below and parallel to
another service or an existing service.
3. Where new underground electric lines are to pass above / below an existing service at 90°,
a vertical clearance greater than 450mm should be achieved.
4. No underground electric lines should pass within 5m horizontally of any infrastructure
foundation within the boundary of the railway.

Geotechnical Advice
A geotechnical assessment of the ground conditions (soil types and depth of water table) over the
length of the bore is required prior to any excavation work commencing on the site for bore holes /
tunnels greater than 150mm diameter. For smaller diameter holes, this advice can be sought at
Ergon Energy’s’ discretion. This information is to be used to determine the most suitable method
for the work and the detailed equipment requirements to successfully complete the bore without
causing any disruption to the track and ground surface.

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These requirements apply to low and high voltage cables. There are three acceptable methods of

1. Trench
This method is suitable for HDPE conduits where the top of a protection slab (above the
conduits) is between 2m and 3m depth below both formation level and ground level. An
enveloping pipe is not required in this case. Protection from future excavation will be achieved
with the use of a protection slab similar to that described in AS4799. The slab is to be minimum
150mm thick reinforced concrete designed to resist excavator impact. It is to be 600mm greater
in width than the group of conduits and is to be placed centrally over the conduits. Electrical
warning tapes are also to be used. The minimum depth of the top of the conduits below the
underside of the slab is to be 300mm. Groups of conduits below the slab are to be protected by
backfilling the trench with flowable grout (approximately 2MPa) up to a minimum of 300mm
above the uppermost conduit.
2. Directional Drilling
HDPE conduits (without an enveloping pipe) may be used where the depth of the top of the
bore is greater than 3m below both formation level and ground level. The conduits are to be
installed within a single bore with a maximum diameter of 350mm. If a larger bore is necessary,
a different installation method must be used.
3. Micro-tunnelling
This method can be used in conjunction with an enveloping pipe of HDPE where the top of the
bore is between 2m and 3m below formation level and ground level.

Cable Markers
1. Cable markers shall be installed adjacent or above the route of the underground electric
line as follows:
a. where the underground electric line enters and leaves the boundary of the railway;
b. at changes in direction of the route of the underground electric line;
c. at distances between consecutive markers of the lesser of 200m or line of sight;
d. at all drains or other points of potential hazard;
e. at the ends of the under track crossing (the end of the under track crossing is taken
as the point three (3) meters beyond the outer rail or toe of the embankment).
2. Cable markers shall be maintained by Ergon Energy PROVIDED THAT Queensland Rail
shall repair, reinstate or replace as applicable any cable markers which have been
damaged or removed by Queensland Rail or any of its servants, agents or workmen.
3. Cable markers shall comply with the following requirements:
a. Stand at least 800mm out of the ground, to the bottom of the marker plate
b. Be of non-combustible material for the marker plates and of at least fire-resistant
material for the pole.
c. Wording on markers be legible, permanent, and formed in a non-combustible
medium, or otherwise approved by QR.
4. Descriptive wording and instructions that are shown on cable markers shall face the railway
5. Wording on cable markers shall include the following:
a. The owner’s name.
b. A warning of the presence of a buried service.
c. The nature of the buried service.
d. Contact advice in the event of an emergency.

Upon Completion
Upon completion of work, Queensland Rail must again be notified promptly in writing, and a copy
of the “as constructed drawings” of the infrastructure, the subject or the result of the work is to be
provided. These drawings shall be prepared in accordance with construction and design methods
approved by a professional engineer or certified by a professional engineer if required by law.

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To use the program

 Select the Calculator sheet.

 Enter a description of the current design in the text area Your Reference. This description will be
displayed on any electronically stored or hard copy design produced.

 Use the Cable drop down box to select the cable for this pull from the list of all Ergon Energy
Standard cables. The technical data on the chosen cable and the values used as the
coefficient of friction in the calculations are shown to the left of the screen, below the Cable
drop down box.

 Each cable pull can be divided into a number of pull sections. There are eight
section types and they are listed under Cable Section Types. Click on the section
name to view an example of the particular section type. Each section type has
been assigned a number from 1 to 8.

 In the row Section Number 1, select the Cable Section Type (number from 1 to
8) from the drop down list.

 If Cable Section Type 1 is selected, enter the Section Length in the respective

 If Cable Section Type 2 or 3 is selected, enter the Section Length and the Angle
of Incline in the respective columns.
The Slope Calculator sheet can be used to determine the angle of incline. Enter
the Rise and the Run in the respective text area, and the program will calculate
the angle.

 If Cable Section Type 4 is selected, enter the Angle of Subtended Arc in Bend
and the Section Radius (which will be 1.83) in the respective columns.

 If Cable Section Type 5, 6, 7 or 8 is selected, enter the Angle of Subtended Arc

in Bend and the Section Radius (which will be 1.2) in the respective columns.

 In the row Section Number 2, select the Cable Section Type from the drop down
list and enter the required information as stated previously. Continue this process
for all of the cable sections in the cable pull.

 To complete the calculation click the Click to Calculate Values button.

 The results of the calculation are shown in the table adjacent to the Click to
Calculate Values button. The Pull Tension Value, Pull Tension Limit, Side-
Wall Tension Value and Side-Wall Tension Limit are all displayed for the
specified cable pull and for a pull in the reverse direction. Intermediate pull tension
and side-wall force values are also shown for each cable section in the table

 Read the Messages box to determine if there are any problems associated with
the values calculated for this pull.
Page 57 Standard STNW3369 Ver 1

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Distribution Line Design Underground
 The spreadsheet can be printed and saved as per a normal Excel spreadsheet.

Page 58 Standard STNW3369 Ver 1

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

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