Spinal Cord Compression
Spinal Cord Compression
Spinal Cord Compression
Risk factors
What is spinal cord compression?
Your spinal cord has nerves that send signals or messages back and forth
between your brain and the rest of your body. Spinal cord compression occurs
when a mass places pressure on the cord. A mass can include a tumor or bone
fragment. Compression can develop anywhere along the spinal cord from the
neck to the lower spine.
The symptoms of spinal cord compression can vary. They depend on how severe
the compression is and on what area of the spinal cord is compressed.
One of the most common symptoms is stiffness or pain in the back or the neck.
Numbness or weakness in the legs, hands, and arms can also develop. A
condition known as cauda equina syndrome can develop if the compression is in
the lumbar area. The symptoms of this syndrome include:
Spinal cord compression has many possible causes. The compression can come
on suddenly in some cases. Compression can occur over time in other instances.
The causes of spinal cord compression include the following:
Anyone can have an injury or develop a condition that leads to spinal cord
compression. A few factors may increase your risk. Use of poor lifting techniques
may increase your risk of a neck or back injury, which can cause spinal cord
compression. People who have osteoarthritis may also be at an increased risk for
developing spinal cord compression.
How is spinal cord compression diagnosed?
The doctor may order a myelogram in some cases. This involves injecting dye
into your spinal area and then taking a CT scan of that area.
Treatment for a spinal compression depends on the causes and the severity of
the compression. Your doctor may recommend reduced physical activity or
immobilization. Treatment plans can include the following:
The cause of the compression along with the severity of symptoms affects your
outlook. Some people respond well to treatment while others may not.
It may not be possible to prevent spinal cord compression in all cases because
there are so many possible causes. Maintaining a healthy weight and getting
regular exercise can help reduce added pressure on the back and symptoms of a
cord compression. Learning how to lift properly may decrease your likelihood of
Spinal cord compression can occur anywhere from your neck down to your lower spine
and cause symptoms, such as numbness, pain, and weakness. Depending on the cause of
the compression, symptoms may develop suddenly or gradually, and they may require
anything from supportive care to emergency surgery.
Facts about spinal cord compression
Your spine is divided into three areas. The cervical spine is the upper part of your spine
that supports your neck. The cervical spine has seven vertebrae. The middle part of your
back is your thoracic spine. It is made up of 12 vertebrae. The lumbar spine is your lower
back and has five vertebrae. Spinal compression can occur in any of these areas.
One of the most common causes of spinal compression is the gradual wear and tear of
osteoarthritis. People who develop spinal cord compression from this are usually older
than 50. Other conditions that may cause spinal cord compression can develop more
quickly, even very suddenly, and can occur at any age.
Abnormal spine alignment
Injury to the spine
Spinal tumor
Certain bone diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
Symptoms of spinal cord compression can develop quickly or slowly, depending on the
cause. Injuries may cause immediate symptoms. Tumors or infections may cause
symptoms that develop over days or weeks. Wear and tear of the spine may take years to
cause symptoms.
To diagnose spinal compression, your doctor will ask you questions about your
symptoms and do a complete physical examination. During the exam, your doctor will
look for signs of spinal compression, such as loss of sensation, weakness, and abnormal
reflexes. Tests that help with your diagnosis may include:
X-rays of your spine. These may show bone growths called spurs that push against
spinal nerves. X-rays may also show an abnormal alignment of your spine.
Special imaging tests of your spine. A CT or MRI scan will give a more detailed look at
the spinal cord and the structures surrounding it.
Other studies that may be done include a bone scan, myelogram (a special X-ray or CT
scan taken after injecting dye into the spinal column), and electromyography, or EMG,
an electrical test of muscle activity.
The medical team involved in treating your spinal cord compression may include
arthritis specialists, bone surgeons, nerve specialists, and physical therapists. Treatment
may involve medication, physical therapy, injections, and/or surgery. Except in cases of
emergency, such as cauda equina syndrome or a broken back, surgery is usually the last
Medications may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain and
swelling, and steroid injections that reduce swelling.
Physical therapy may include exercises to strengthen your back, abdominal, and leg
muscles. You may learn how to do activities more safely. Braces to support your back or
a cervical collar may also be helpful.
Surgical treatments include removing bone spurs and widening the space between
vertebrae. Other procedures may be done to relieve pressure on the spine or repair
fractured vertebrae. The back may also be stabilized by fusing some of the vertebrae
Some other treatments that may be helpful for some people include acupuncture and
chiropractic care.
Many causes of spinal cord compression can’t be prevented. You can help prevent
symptoms of spinal cord compression caused by gradual wear and tear by keeping your
back as strong and healthy as possible:
Get regular exercise. Exercise strengthens the muscles that support your back and helps
keep your spine flexible.
Maintain good posture and learn how to safely lift heavy objects. Other good body
mechanics include sleeping on a firm mattress and sitting in a chair that supports the
natural curves of your back.
Maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, know that excess weight puts more
stress on your back and can contribute to developing symptoms of spinal compression.
Home remedies
Simple home remedies like an ice bag, heating pad, massage, or a long hot shower can