Input and Output Devices Input Device
Input and Output Devices Input Device
Input and Output Devices Input Device
Input Device
Main functions:
1. Receive data from user.
2. Convert data into binary form.
3. Provide converted data to computer memory for processing.
- Keyboard is the most familiar input device. It is
most widely used input device to enter data
and instructions into the computer. Keyboard
has a set of keys like a typewriter. It has
alphabetic keys for A, B, C…Z or a, b, c,…z. It
has numeric keys like 0, 1, 2, 3,…9. It has
function keys F1, F2,…F12 used to perform
specific tasks.
- Mouse is an input device used to control
motion of pointer on screen. A mouse has two
or three buttons called Left, Right and Middle
button. Buttons are used to perform different
functions. It has a rubber or metal ball inside its
body. Mouse is rolled over a flat surface called
mouse pad. The movement of ball is detected
by internal circuits of mouse. These circuits
convert this movement into digital signals, which are sent to computer.
Track Ball
- Track Ball is an input device like a mouse. It is
used in Lap top computers to control motion
of pointer on screen. It is a pointing device like
upside down mouse. It has a ball on its upper
side. This ball is moved by fingers or thumb and the pointer moves
accordingly on screen.
Track Pad
- Track pad is a pointing input device. It is used
in Lap top computers to control motion of
pointer on screen. Track pad is a stationary
input device. It has a flat surface of 1.5 to 2
square inch. Finger is moved on this surface to
move pointer on screen.
Joy Stick
- Joystick is an input device used to play games
on computer. It is used to control motion of an
object quickly in game with the help of a
hand held stick. This stick can be moved
forward, backward or sideways. This stick is
mounted on a ball. When stick is moved, then
ball is moved and signals are sent to the
Light Pen
- Light pen is an input device consisting of a
special pen that is connected to a computer's
monitor. The user points at the screen with the
pen and selects items or chooses commands
either by pressing a clip on the side of the light
pen or by pressing the light pen against the
surface of the screen (the equivalent of
performing a mouse click).
- Microphone is an input device used to enter
sounds into the computer. We can record
sounds in computer with the help of
microphone and sound card.
- Scanner is an input device. It is used to save
pictures or text on paper into computer
memory. It converts picture or text on paper
in to binary form and saves it in computer
memory. With the help of scanner we may
save our time to type a lot of text. For
example, if we have a book and wish to enter
the whole text of book in to computer. It will be a long, tedious and time
consuming job. But if we use a scanner, we can do this with in less time.
We can scan each page of book. Editing of the scanned text is also
possible. So our job will become very easy with the help of a scanner.
Touch Screen
- In ATM and in latest smart phones, touch
screen is used to receive input from the user.
The user enters data by the touch of his finger
on different menu options or icons present on
touch screen.
Digital Camera
- A digital camera is one of the latest input
devices. We can take pictures with the help
of digital camera. These pictures are saved
on digital camera's internal memory. There is
no need of a film role as used in traditional
cameras. Later on we can easily input these
pictures with the help of a data cable into
computer's memory. Latest digital cameras
can take still snapshots and can record video as well.
Output Devices
- Used to display results of processing to the user.
Main functions:
1. Receive results from memory.
2. Convert data into human readable form.
3. Display results to the user.
- Monitor is the most commonly used output
device used to display results of processing. It
has a TV like shape. Pictures on monitor are
formed with picture elements called PIXEL.
Monitors may be Monochrome that will display
results in Black & White. Color Monitors are also
available. They display results in multi colors.
Monitor produces soft copy output.
- Printers are used to produce hard copy output. They print processing
results on paper.
Categories of Printers:
Impact Printers
o These printers print with striking of
hammers or pins on ribbon. For example
Dot Matrix printer and daisy wheel
printers are impact printers.
- Speaker produces sound output. We can listen
to the recorded voices, sounds or music with
the help of speaker. Speaker produces sound
output with the help of sound card.
- Plotters are used to draw different designs of
buildings or internal structure of machines.
Mostly Engineers and Architects use plotters.
Multimedia Projector
- Multimedia projector is used to produce
computer output on a big screen. These are
used in meeting rooms or in classrooms of
educational institutes.
Input Devices:
Output Devices: