QSP 7.5 Documented Information Rev 01
QSP 7.5 Documented Information Rev 01
QSP 7.5 Documented Information Rev 01
1. PURPOSE: 1 This procedure has been established to describe the process for controlling Documented Information
2. SCOPE: Applies to the all documents that directly affect product quality
3 Definition: Refer ISO 9001 2015: Documented information: Documented and records are covered in documented
5Work Instruction WI
6 Quality Record : Master List of Documents (Procedure process turtle Drawing PFD PFMEA CP Final quality plan
8 Procedures
• Document items that required document control are assigned a unique number or alpha numeric identifier for control
purposes. No two or more items shall be assigned the same number or identifier
• Document Control/Quality Assurance shall retain an electronic copy of the document for Document Control purposes; this
includes retaining old revision electronic copies. Document items shall have the item's unique part number and revision on
the front page and in the electronic file
• Documentation Numbering system :
Level one
QM: Quality Manual
QSP XXX; QSP = Quality System procedure XX ISO/IATF Clause number
QCP XXYY ; OCP –Operation control procedure XX –EM –ISO 14001 environment system or SM ;Safety Management system
ISO45001 YY is serial no’s
• Area supervisor(s) or leader(s) are responsible for obsolete documentation or software if exposed to the work area.
• All obsolete documents or software shall be disposed of as directed by Document Control/Quality Assurance.
Obsolete documents are to be marked as obsolete via a watermark, and the form description in the internal server folder
must begin with the phrase “Obsolete: Do Not Use Obsolete or earlier revision documents . In case any process owner
required to store hard copy for the future reference then same shall be clearly marked or stamped with “Obsolete” to
suitably identify for users that the item is not the most current revision
• . Personnel shall not use obsolete or earlier revision documentation unless required by Customer order, or when
specified by Document Control/Quality Assurance.
a) Only users as authorized by management and/or Quality have been granted access to contribute to the document libraries,
all other users as applicable based on department and need have read only access based on department and job
b) Users with read only access can only see approved versions of the documents. By doing so the AHCPL is able to ensure only
the most up to date version of the document is available at all times.
c) All documents and data that relate to the requirements of the quality system are reviewed and approved for suitability by
management and Quality.
Note 1: The author of the document shall not be authorized to also approve Process Procedures, Repair Procedures, or
Note 2: Policies and manuals must be approved by a Director
External Document
External documents deemed necessary for the Quality system shall be maintained in a master list by QA &every year HOD qa
ensures the updataion
Note 4: External documents used as reference during research and/or production need not be integrated into the Quality system,
only external documents deemed necessary by management or the Quality
The Project Manager working with Configuration Management is assigned the responsibility for reviewing and approving
Software Product Design documentation and/or software prior to release. This approval is electronically recorded via
Subversion Software or other project specific software.
Changes - All changes are require a change to the items revision and shall be approved in the same manner as an initial released
Software Product Design. The scope of change is tracked using the Internet Web Software or other project specific software
Rev Rev.
Details of Revisions
No. Date
00 01/12/2017 New release as per IATF 16949; 2016
01 01st oct 2019 Document Approval Matrix has been added & Document revision &modifications is added