Special Education Checklist
Special Education Checklist
Special Education Checklist
Instructional Adaptations- Are any changes that are made to the classroom
environment that promotes equality to success and to access the curriculum.
Adaptations include accommodations and modifications. While student
teaching, there have been many occasions where I have had to adapt my
lessons so that all students can be successful.
Visual Supports:
Classroom transitions and routines: What students follow everyday. Students are
expected to follow directions and move from one activity to the next. In my
classroom I was able to see how different students responded to transitions as
well as how my teacher approached transitions.
Sensory Supports:
Calming Interventions- Students with autism need calming supports for times
when routine unexpectedly changes or something makes them uncomfortable
in the classroom. The reaction they have because of this could involve tantrum
like behaviors. One of the students in my class had to listen to certain songs in
order to calm her down.
Assisted Communication Device- Are devices that help students who have
expressive language difficulties and communicate efficiently with others their
basic wants and needs. These communication devices can be installed on
iPads and iPhones, which makes it portable for specific locations. All of the
students in my classroom had some variation of a communication device.
Social Skills Training -Social Skills training is a form of training that involves students
learning how to interact with other people in social situations. These training skills
help students how to master social skills for specific social situations. The students
in my class were taught many social skills, the main one was how to interact with
their peers.
Defining Space Defining space does not just include labeling, it can also include
organizational skills and how a room is set up. In the classroom, there were a few
labels to define space. In our classroom, certain areas were labeled with words
or pictures for the convenience of some students.
Child Study Team Meeting- Involves different professionals that have to decide
what is best for a child. The members of this team provide consultation,
evaluation, and other services that are needed to help a child succeed within a
school setting. Child Study Teams evaluate the student who is struggle and tries
to determine the disability is responsible for the struggles the child is facing.
Annual IEP Re-Evaluation-Goal Setting- The IEP is reviewed and goals are
School/District Due Process- A due process is a hearing that parents can partake
in if they feel that the goals, accommodations, services, and other services are
not up to par. In other words, if parents disagree on the process and the items
included in the IEP, the parents have a right to resolve the issue in a legal
Visual Supports:
Safety- Safety within a special education setting deals with teaching students
who to express their wants and needs in an appropriate manner. The students
also have to take in account the rules and guidelines that are needed to follow
in order to avoid dangerous situations.
Organization- To keep students with autism organized in their work, teachers can
use different strategies. Folders and notes can be color coded. A homework
planner or agenda book is great for writing down reminders and notes in one
space. Teachers can also use timers to set a time frame for when the students
should complete the task.