Experiment 5: Combination of Resistors 2. Theory
Experiment 5: Combination of Resistors 2. Theory
Experiment 5: Combination of Resistors 2. Theory
Abstract 2. Theory
The value of the resistance is often denoted
with color codes. Practically all leaded
1. Introduction resistors with a power rating up to one watt
There are many different types of are marked with color bands. The color code
Resistor available which can be used in both is specified by several bands. The first two
electrical and electronic circuits to control bonds denote the number for the mantissa,
the flow of current or to produce a voltage the third signifies the band multiplier (power
drop in many different ways. But in order to of 10), and the fourth exemplifies the band
do this the actual resistor needs to have tolerance. Table 1 below demonstrates the
some form of “resistive” or “resistance” color of the bands and its corresponding
value. Resistors are available in a range of values.
different resistance values from fractions of
an Ohm ( Ω ) to millions of Ohms. Table 1. Resistor Color Codes
An international and universally
accepted resistor colour code scheme was
developed many years ago as a simple and
quick way of identifying a resistors ohmic
value no matter what its size or condition. It
consists of a set of individual coloured rings
or bands in spectral order representing each
digit of the resistors value. Components and
wires are coded with colors to identify their
value and function. The colors brown, red,
green, blue, and violet are used as tolerance
codes on 5-band resistors only. All 5-band Resistors are in series when the current
resistors use a colored tolerance band. The flows through the devices consecutively.
resistor colour code markings are always Figure 1 shows the three resistors in series
read one band at a time starting from the left connected to a voltage source (left) and the
to the right, with the larger width tolerance equivalent single resistance (right). This
band oriented to the right side indicating its implies that there is only one path for the
tolerance. By matching the colour of the first charges to flow through, hence the current is
band with its associated number in the digit the same through each resistor. The
column of the colour chart below the first equivalent resistance of resistors in a series
digit is identified and this represents the first connection is then equal to the sum of the
digit of the resistance value. individual resistances and algebraically
This experiment aims to determine speaking Req=R1+R2+R3. The current
the resistance by standard color code and by through the circuit depends on the voltage
the voltmeter-ammeter method, then to supplied by the voltage source and the
verify the laws on series or parallel resistors. resistance of the resistors. A potential drop
This will then be used to compare the happens for each resistor that is equal to the
hardness of different brands of bottled water loss of electric potential energy as current
based on its conductivity. travels through each resistor. The sum of the
potential drop of each resistor and the
voltage supplied by the voltage source
should equal to zero.
3. Methodology
Figure 1. Three resistors connected in The materials used for this experiment were
series to a voltage source and its three resistors, a multimeter, a breadboard,
equivalent resistance. connecting wires, a conductivity sensor, and
water samples.
Figure 2 below shows three resistors in
A. Determination of Resistance
parallel and the equivalent parallel
Determine the value of the three resistors
resistance when reduced. Resistors are in
using the color code.
parallel if each resistor is connected directly
to the voltage therefore each resistor has the
full voltage of the source applied to it. Each Color Digit Multiplier
resistor draws equal current if it is connected
to the voltage source. The sum of the Black 0 1
currents flowing into a junction must be
equal to the sum of the currents flowing out Brown 1 10
of the junction: Red 2 102
∑Iin=∑Iout Orange 3 103
This equation is signified to as Kirchhoff’s Yellow 4 104
junction rule which gives I=I1+I2+ I3. The
voltage across the resistors in parallel are the Green 5 105
same and denoted as V=V1=V2= V3. The
equivalent resistance Req of a parallel Blue 6 106
connection is equal to
Violet 7 107
Gray 8 108
White 9 109
Gold 10-1
are measured in series and in parallel. Three
Silver 10-2
resistors were experimentally measured.
The fourth band on the resistor indicates the R1= 100 ± 0.05 (10) Ω
precision of the value: +/- 20% if none, +/- R2= 220 ± 0.05 (22) Ω
10% if silver, +/- 5% if gold. R3= 330 ± 0.05 (33) Ω
D. Series/Parallel Resistors
1. Connect R1 parallel to R2. Resistors in Parallel
2. Connect R3 in series to the parallel
combination of R1 and R2. Voltage (V) Current (I)
3. Repeat steps 2-6 of Part B
R1 8.18 0.084
E. Water Hardness
1. Connect the conductivity sensor and the R2 8.18 0.039
data collection interface. R3 8.18 0.026
2. Submerge the tip of the sensor into a
sample of water. Record the conductivity RT 8.18 0.141
3. Determine the conductivity of other Experimenta 58.01 Ω
samples of water for comparison. l RT
4. Determine the water hardness of the
sample. Theoretical 56.9 Ω
4. Results and Discussion
% Error 1.95 %
This experiment allows the students to learn
the principles regarding resistors: how they Series/ Parallel Resistors
Voltage (V) Current (I) 6. Applications