In this portfolio, you will develop an assessment plan and create assessments for a 2-4 week instructional unit
within a grade level of your choosing. Over the duration of the course, you will draft and refine your plan,
assessments and learning activities through an iterative process. This portfolio represents the entirety of your
graded work for the course, and must be submitted by 11:59pm Monday, December 10, 2018. See course
schedule for draft due dates, each draft is worth 1 point, there will be nine in total. The components of the
assignment include:
1. Assessment Plan (15 points) – Before developing any specific tasks, you will provide a foundation for
the assessment activities in your unit. See course schedule for draft due dates, each draft is worth 1
2. Assessment Opportunities (15 points) – You will describe/develop four forms of assessment within
your unit:
a. In-process formative assessment strategies
b. Selected-response assessment
c. Constructed-response assessment
d. Performance assessment
3. Synthesis Statement (5 points) – You will write a 2-3-page single-spaced statement that synthesizes
your assessment plan and opportunities. Your response will address a variety of reflective and
summative questions regarding your assessment portfolio as a whole.
4. Peer Feedback (5 points) – You will give and receive feedback on each component of the Assessment
Portfolio featuring a different feedback strategy for each component in the assignment. Feedback will
follow the principles of feedback discussed in class lessons, activities, readings, and resources provided
in the course. You are expected to include in your portfolio both the feedback you gave to and the
feedback you received from a peer in the class. Only the feedback you gave will be considered in your
score for the assignment.
What learning standards will you emphasize in your unit? (add rows as needed)
Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion,
supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion
and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop
points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce
a report; record science observations).
Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
when writing.
2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.
Cognitive Complexity Matrix
To organize your system of assessment and plan your assessment tasks, complete the following matrix. First, list the learning standards you identified
on the previous page. (Add additional rows as needed.) Next, identify the DOK level that best describes each standard. Then, applying a process for
deconstructing standards like we practiced in class, articulate what student performance would look like, in the form of learning objectives, not only
at the target DOK level, but also at the levels that build up to and extend the level identified for the standard. This will help you think about
assessment and instructional activities that scaffold student learning and provide enriching opportunities for students who exceed the learning
standard. Finally, identify the form(s) of assessment (FA: Formative Assessment, S-R: Selected-response, C-R: Constructed-response, and PA:
Performance Assessment) you will use to address each standard.
DOK 1: Form(s)
Learning Standards (add rows as DOK Recall & DOK 2: DOK 3: DOK 4: (FA, S-R,
needed) Level Reproduction Skills & Concepts Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking C-R, PA)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1 (I can) state that an (I can) state my (I can) state my (I can) create a C-R
Write opinion pieces in which opinion is an opinion on which opinion on which diagram of the FA
they introduce the topic or book expression of a habitat is the best. habitat is the best. habitat and the 3 S-R
they are writing about, state an person's feelings Give 3 reasons why I reasons depicted in PA
opinion, supply reasons that that cannot be believe that habitat is the picture.
the best using linking
support the opinion, use linking proven. words (because, and,
words (e.g., because, and, also) also). Make a
to connect opinion and reasons, conclusion statement
and provide a concluding 3 about my opinion
statement or section. sentence.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.2 (I can) state that a (I can) chose a (I can) chose a (I can) draw a C-R
Write informative/explanatory fact is a statement habitat and make an habitat and make an conclusion about my FA
texts in which they introduce a that can be proven informative informative chosen habitat. S-R
topic, use facts and definitions true or false. statement about it. statement about it. PA
to develop points, and provide Give 3 facts about my
a concluding statement or chosen
habitat and the plants
and animals that live
there. Make a
conclusion statement
about my informative
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.7 (I can) find books on (I can) work with a (I can) conduct a (I can) conduct a FA
Participate in shared research my specific habitat. partner to make a research project and research project and C-R
and writing projects (e.g., read writing project from assess the analyze the PA
a number of books on a single the book’s information from information S-R
topic to produce a report; 2 information. the research. obtained from the
record science observations). research.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.2 (I can) understand (I can) find the main (I can) determine (I can) evaluate how FA
Identify the main topic of a what a main idea of a idea of the text that the important the details support C-R
multiparagraph text as well as 2 text is. we read in class or details within the the main idea. PA
the focus of specific paragraphs individually. text that connect to S-R
within the text. the main idea.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.2 (I can) remember (I can) use the (I can) assess my (I can) demonstrate FA
Demonstrate command of the grammar rules
correct grammar peers writing and knowledge about C-R
conventions of standard (punctuation, (punctuation, find punctuation English grammar
English capitalization, 2 spelling, and
spelling, and and capitalization rules that are
punctuation, and spelling when capitalization). capitalization) mistakes and offer appropriate for my
writing. within my paper. correction. grade level.
2-LS4-1. Make observations of (I can) label the (I can) state the (I can) connect the (I can) draw a FA
plants and animals to compare names of the plants similarities and similarities and conclusion on why S-R
the diversity of life in different 3 and animals. differences between differences of animals and plant C-R
plants and animals habitats traits and are in specific PA
in different habitats. sort plants and habitats.
animals into their
correct habitat.
Informal Assessment
On this page identify (name or briefly describe) four informal assessment actions you plan to take during your
unit. Informal assessment activities can be deeply embedded in instructional activities and should provide
immediate information that allows you to monitor student learning (or the student to monitor their own
learning). High-scoring edTPA lesson plans typically include two or more informal assessment activities. For
this portfolio assignment, one of your forms of informal assessment must be a self-assessment activity, and one
form must be a peer assessment activity. The remaining two forms you may determine at your discretion. Then
describe the information you anticipate collecting from each action and the formative and/or summative value it
will provide.
What forms of informal assessment will you use in What formative and/or summative information will
your unit? they provide you and the student with regard to the
student’s progress toward (or achievement of) the
learning standards?
Self-assessment: This would inform the student and myself how they
The students would have a rubric and they would were doing meeting the requirements for the papers.
circle the number that they think represented their This would allow them to see on the scale that I
work at the time for each column. would be grading their paper on where they would
fall for each component. This is giving the student
the opportunity to make adjustments that will be
beneficial to their grade not just correcting things
without an idea for what is being asked of them.
We will use the rubric throughout our time drafting
and forming our papers.
The first time that we us it the students are expected
to have a opinion/informative statement, 3 supporting
details, and a concluding statement.
The second time that we us it the students are
expected to have everything from the time before, but
will be focusing on fixing their capitalization,
punctuation, and grammar.
The third time they are expected to have everything
from the two times before, but we will be focusing on
nice handwriting.
The final time they are using it to make sure they
have everything that they have everything that the
rubric is asking for.
Peer assessment: This would inform the student and myself if they
The students would have a checklist that lists what have all the necessary parts of their paper. This
was required in their papers. They would use this would also tell them in they are meeting or getting
checklist to evaluate their peers’ papers and see if all near meeting the standard on grammar.
the necessary components are in their paper. We would do the peer assessment at the same points
- Grammar that we would do the self-assessments. It will be
- Capitalization beneficial for the students to have peer feedback on
- Punctuation their work because their peers might notice things
- 3 supporting details that they aren’t noticing. We would do them at the
- Opinion statement same milestones as the self-assessments because they
- Concluding statement
will be looking for the same things in other peoples
- At least 5 sentences
work as their own.
Additional informal strategy #1: This would be a good formative assessment for
12 Word summary standard RL:2.2 and W:2.7 because they focus on
In 12 words or less, I would have students finding and pulling the main idea from the text. If
summarize important aspects of a particular part they can summarize a portion of the text in 12 words,
of reading. then they have grasped what is truly important from
the reading. This would be done during the research
part of the unit. The students and I would be able to
see what the student finds important from the
multiple different texts that they would be reading for
their papers. They would write several different 12-
word summaries, along with taking notes of
important details that they want to incorporate within
their papers. This will show us if the students
understand the main idea or bigger picture of the
specific text.
Additional informal strategy #2: We would go back and look at the goals at different
I would have the students make goals for what they points in the unit. The goal setting strategy will allow
would like to learn during the unit, as well as what the students an opportunity to have student voice.
they would like to improve on. They will be able to say what they want to learn from
the unit and what they want to improve upon.
The first time we would look at the goals would be
when we were writing them at the beginning of the
unit. We would then come back to look at them about
half way through the unit and I would be looking for
the students to be showing some steps towards
meeting their goals. If there are students that have
already completed some of their goals, I would have
them write new goals, or even revise those same
goals towards how the can continue to grow for the
rest of the unit. The third time we would look at the
goals would be before we turned in our final drafts of
our papers. I would have the students look at their
goals and compare it to their final work. They would
be seeing if the work they are about to turn in meets
the goals that they had for themselves. This allows
them a last-minute opportunity to complete the goals
that they set for themselves. During all of these
stages the goal setting and revising of goals allows
the students to be more hand on in their learning as
well as keeps them accountable. If they are given the
opportunity to set their own goals they will care
about them more, because its expectations that they
set for themselves.
What forms of formal assessment will you use in What formative and/or summative information will
your unit? (add rows as needed) they provide you and the student with regard to the
student’s progress toward (or achievement of) the
learning standards?
Constructed Response. The paper will be their final produce of all their work
I would have the students write me an opinion paper throughout the unit. I will be able to see if the
on why their chosen habitat is their favorite. They students met all the criteria that I was looking for
would write drafts and turn them in with their final based on the rubric that was made available to the
revised paper. students. With turning all their drafts with their final
paper, I can see the progress that the students have
made throughout the unit and how they have grown
in their writing skills and their ability to write
different forms of papers.
Constructed Response. The paper will be their final produce of all their work
I would have the students write me an informative throughout the unit. I will be able to see if the
paper on their chosen habitat. They would write students met all the criteria that I was looking for
drafts and turn them in with their final revised paper. based on the rubric that was made available to the
students. With turning all their drafts with their final
paper, I can see the progress that the students have
made throughout the unit and how they have grown
in their writing skills and their ability to write
different forms of papers.
Selected Response I will be giving the students this assessment at the
I would have a formal assessment where the students beginning of the unit as a pre-assessment, at the
will have to identify if statements are fact or opinion. midway point through the unit, as well as at the end
It will be selected response, so multiple choice, True of the unit. This will inform the students and myself
or False, and circle all opinion statements and if they understand the difference between an opinion
underline all facts in a short paragraph. and a fact which is one of the all class goals for the
unit. I will be able to see how the students understood
the difference from the pre-assessment, the midway
assessment, and finally with the last assessment.
Performance Assessment This will be one of the last opportunities in this unit
The students will work in groups of the same habitat for students to demonstrate their ability to find the
to narrow down the important details about the main idea and supporting details in a text. I will also
habitat. They will make a poster and give a be able to check their spelling and grammar skills
presentation on their habitat and why they chose the from the poster. The students will be making
details that they did. observations about their specific habitat and the
animals that live there. They will do this assessment
after their informational and opinion papers are
complete. This will give me and the students a final
look at their ability to achieve the standards or see
how they are progressing towards them. This will
help us to see if they have met standard but also
allow us to make appropriate adjustments to give
every student the best chance of success.
Assessment Plan Rubric
Emerging Developing Proficient Exemplary
Identifies relevant Identifies relevant Identifies relevant Identifies relevant
learning standards learning standards learning standards from learning standards from
within the core content within the core content within the core content both within and outside
area. area. area. the core content area.
Identifies a DOK level Identifies a DOK level Identifies a defensible Identifies a defensible
for each learning for each learning DOK level for each DOK level for each
standard. standard. learning standard. learning standard.
Illustrates the identified Illustrates DOK levels Illustrates every DOK Illustrates every DOK
DOK level by providing up to the one identified level for each learning level for each learning
statements of what the for the learning standard standard by providing standard by providing
student can do to by providing statements statements of what the specific, attainable, and
demonstrate the level of of what the student can student can do to measureable learning
cognitive complexity. do to demonstrate the demonstrate the level of objectives that would
level of cognitive cognitive complexity. demonstrate the level of
Identifies a form of complexity. cognitive complexity.
assessment to address Identifies a form of Identifies multiple forms Identifies multiple
each learning standard. assessment to address of assessment to address forms of assessment to
each learning standard. each learning standard. address each learning
standard and uses all
Identifies assessment four forms of
activities, but does not Correctly identifies Sufficiently identifies assessment.
correctly classify them informal and formal informal and formal Sufficiently identifies
as informal/formal assessment activities assessment activities and informal and formal
and describes describes anticipated assessment activities
anticipated information formative/ summative and describes
information anticipated formative/
Demonstrates some summative information
movement from Demonstrates some As a whole, serves as a with detail.
standards to instruction/ movement from bridge between learning As a whole, serves as a
assessment. standards to instruction/ standards, instruction, bridge between learning
assessment. and assessment activities standards, instruction,
that will take place in the and assessment
unit. activities that will take
place in the unit.
(5 points) (7 points) (9 points) (11 points)
Peer Feedback – Assessment Plan
Give written feedback to one classmate on their assessment plan using the Ladder of Success strategy. Your
feedback should follow principles of feedback discussed in class and from reading resources assigned in
class. Consistent with these principles, make sure to reference the expectations for this portion of the portfolio
Strategy: Directions: Refer to the descriptions of exemplary performance in the
Ladder of Success assessment plan. For each description, give your partner’s work a if there
is strong evidence of the description, a – if there is some evidence of the
description, or a Ο if there is no evidence of the description. Then, in the
large space on the right, provide your peer a summary of where their work is
strong and support them to identify next steps to take in their work.
Feedback Given to your Peer
Identifies relevant _ 1.You found a good range of standards in Music to fit your unit topic. I
learning standards from didn’t see a standard for a different content area then music and I didn’t
both within and outside know what the standards names were because you just had their
the core content area. description. I would look for a standard that is in a different content area
then music and label the standards with their titles, so anyone would
know where to find them.
Identifies a defensible _ 2. I can see that you identified a DOK level for all your standards. You
DOK level for each made it clear to see which level you thought the standard fit into.
learning standard. Something that you could improve on is identifying one level that your
standard fits into because for some of the standards you have multiple
DOK levels and we were supposed to choose one level. I think once you
choose one level it will be easier to fix up some of the level’s
Illustrates every DOK _ 3. You filled out every DOK level for the corresponding standard,
level for each learning which is good so students are aware of the level their work produces.
standard by providing Something that could use some work is the descriptions of the levels. I
specific, attainable, and think they need to be more descriptive and connected to the songs that
measureable learning you will be using or if they get to choose. These feel a bit too formal of
objectives that would a description for the levels. Try using “I can” statement. I would look at
demonstrate the level of the circle of words that would go with each DOK level and make sure
cognitive complexity. that you learning objectives line up with those.
Identifies multiple _
forms of assessment to 4.I can see the you filled in the self and peer assessment parts of the
address each learning informal assessment. The self and peer assessments were good ideas for
standard and uses all the students to do for formative assessments. I feel like the assessments
four forms of are a bit too broad, they need to be centralized on the specific songs or
assessment. music you will be testing them on. You also need to add two more types
of informal assessments, so look at the book for the different strategies
for inspiration and to guide your thinking. You should also keep in mind
that he wants all four forms of assessment for you unit. Those forms are
listed at the top on the matrix with the DOK levels. I think the only one
Sufficiently identifies _ that you are missing is selected response.
informal and formal
assessment activities 5.You had both formal and informal assessments listed. They gave a
and describes general idea of what the standards would be like, so the students have
anticipated formative/ information to go off. I feel like they need to have more detail and like
summative information listen above finish filling out all the assessments. You have a good start
with detail. just connect it back to the specific songs or music you will have them
preform. Your assessment description could be more detailed and
As a whole, serves as a _ connected to the instructional part of your unit. You need to know when
bridge between learning you would use this and specifically what you would be expecting to see
standards, instruction, from them at that stage in the unit.
and assessment
activities that will take 6.You filled out almost all the matrix and assessment tables. I feel like
place in the unit. you have a good concept and idea for the unit. You just need to be more
descriptive and focus on a genre of music or if they get to choose what
they preform then state that. You have a good starting point but just needs
to give more detail. I think you need to connect your assessments with
how they would be used in your instruction and the specific standards
each assessment would be testing. You need to think about how your
instruction will be going and that will help with figuring out how to
connect them. Just need to build that connection between all three
components of your unit.
Feedback Received from your Peer
Identifies relevant X Learning standards within the content area are
learning standards from identified. Learning standards and learning objectives
both within and outside
the core content area. are from outside core content areas as well and I can see
Identifies a defensible _ how the learning objectives from outside core content
DOK level for each areas are integrated into unit.
learning standard. Each learning standard has a defensible DOK level for
each learning standard. Would like to see more in-depth
Illustrates every DOK X
level for each learning
learning objective for the extended thinking or expand a
standard by providing little more on what exactly the student is learning.
specific, attainable, and Every DOK level for each learning standard provides
measureable learning specific, attainable, and measurable learning objectives.
objectives that would Learning objectives are formatted in a way 2nd graders
demonstrate the level of
cognitive complexity.
can understand but can be more specific based on what
Identifies multiple forms _ specific content you are instructing. Perhaps including
of assessment to address more context for students in the cognitive complexity
each learning standard levels.
and uses all four forms Informal assessments are identified to address learning
of assessment.
standards. Different types of formal assessments need
Sufficiently identifies _ to be included which can help with differentiated
informal and formal instruction. Look to see which types of assessment can
assessment activities work with your unit in a way so that you can track
and describes students’ progress in different forms. Also, look at what
anticipated formative/
information students provide with these assessments
summative information
with detail. and how you can adjust these along with your
As a whole, serves as a _ instruction as the unit goes on.
bridge between learning Informal assessment activities are identified and
standards, instruction, describes the formative/summative information with
and assessment
detail. Formal assessment activities section can be
activities that will take
place in the unit. improved by including different types of assessment
such as selected response along with formative and
performance assessments. Try to find activities for
students that allows you to assess their performance
that can also tie into your learning standards and
The bridge between learning standards and instruction is
done well. Improvements can be made on assessment
activities that will take place in the unit, mainly
regarding the formal assessments. Look for formal
assessments where students can provide a measurable
output. I can see you did a good job on the specific and
attainable learning standards. Work can be improved by
having learning standards, along with assessments that
you can track and measure the students’ progress. A
variety of formal assessments should be included to
gauge student’s progress toward learning standards and
objectives and not just limited to constructed response.
Peer Feedback Rubric
Emerging Developing Proficient Exemplary
Focuses mostly on the Identifies what the peer’s Describes the qualities and Describes the peer’s work
mechanics of the peer’s work does well and what shortcomings of the peer’s in language consistent
writing (e.g., grammar, qualities would be work with alignment to the with performance
punctuation, spelling) or needed to improve the rubric. descriptors.
general praise (e.g., work. Supports the student’s Identifies aspects of the
Good job!”). Is characterized more by thinking about next steps to peer’s work that reflect
Is characterized more by evaluation and judgment take and provides some success criteria.
evaluation and judgment than description of the guidance. Supports the student’s
than description of the peer’s work. Focuses on the work, not thinking about next steps
peer’s work. Provides more correction the peer. to take without directing
Consists almost entirely of the work than Respects the student as a the student on what to do.
of correction of the work guidance for the peer to capable, active learner. Focuses on the work, not
rather than guidance for take and act upon. the peer.
the peer to take and act Respects the student as a Respects the student as a
upon. capable, active learner. capable, active learner.
Lacks respect for the
peer and their motivation
to learn.
(3.5 points) (4 points) (4.5 points) (5 points)
Assessment Opportunities
In this section of the portfolio, you will develop/describe different forms of assessment you will use in your
unit. Across all of your planned assessment activities, you will want to make sure you have addressed each
learning objective thoroughly, and provided assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement
of different depths of knowledge. The due dates for drafts of the following sections are as follows:
Strategy 1: Self-assessment
Describe the activity:
The students would have a rubric and they would circle the number that they think represented their work at
the time for each column.
-You also add when and how many times you will being using each assessment.
-I think the next step is thinking of how the rubric will be set up for self-assessment, what will
you being asking your students to look for in their work.
- Something to improve upon is how does the selective response allow for cognitive complexity
in your students.
-Also, something to think about is how will these formative assessments be accessible to ELLs
and students with special needs. Maybe for peer assessment, allow for student who are very much
succeeding pair with ELLs and students with disabilities or for the 12 words or less summary
allow these students to draw their answer so that they too can show their understanding.
What evidence do you anticipate student responses to these items will provide?
I expect to be able to see what knowledge the students are coming in with from 1st grade on animals and their
habitats as well as the difference between opinion and fact. From the midterm I will be able to see how the
students are understanding the different habitat types and what lives in them and statements that are fact or
opinion. I will be able to see which students have a good grasp on the information and which students are
struggling with the topics. The final time I expect to get the final evaluation of the students learning through
out the unit on these topics.
Insert your selected-response items below. Be sure to include answer keys as needed for the questions.
1. _______ A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false.
2. _______An opinion is an expression of a person's feelings that cannot be proven.
9. Read this paragraph and underline the statements that are facts and circle the statements that are
My favorite animal is the Panda. The Panda eats bamboo and lives in China. It is black and white and
covered with fur. The first time I saw a Panda was at the zoo. The Panda loved living at the zoo. I will have
to go and visit the Panda again.
Answer Key
1. Fact
2. Fact
3. B
4. B
5. A2, B1, C4, D3
6. A-Fact, B-Fact, C-Opinion, D-Opinion.
7. B
8. C
9. My favorite animal is the Panda. The Panda eats bamboo and lives in China. It is black and white and
covered with fur. The first time I saw a Panda was at the zoo. The Panda loved living at the zoo. I will have to
go and visit the Panda again.
(Red is the opinion sentences.)
Yellow: I can see the connection between the learning objective and your selected response, but you could
include more for your instructional plan. I need to see this assessment bridge that gap. You should just be more
descriptive and not so general with your expected responses and what you plan to do with it. You should look
for your questions to be more than just reciting but to further the students thinking about the books.
Red: I think the something that you could improve on is being more explicit with what you will do with the
evidence from the assessments. How will you use this assessment to guide your instruction for students that
aren’t going to be where you expect them to be and for students that already understand the concept. Explain
more what you will do for the (-) and (+) students.
Yellow: Something to improve upon is how does the selective response allow for cognitive
complexity in your students. I think you have a great start but how will these selective responses
challenge and extend your students’ thinking?
Red: I think the next step is thinking about how the selective response will be accommodated for
ELLs and student with disabilities. Such as giving extra time for these students or allowing them
to have the assessment read aloud to them.
- DOK Level 3: (I can) state my opinion on which habitat is the best. Give 3 reasons why I believe that habitat
is the best. Make a conclusion statement about my opinion sentence.
- DOK Level 3: (I can) chose a habitat and make an informative statement about it. Give 3 facts about my
chosen habitat and the plants and animals that live there using linking words (because, and, also). Make a
conclusion statement about my informative sentence.
- DOK Level 2: (I can) use the correct grammar (punctuation, spelling, and capitalization) within my paper.
I will use this form of assessment throughout my unit. The students will write their own informative and opinion
papers based on the habitats that we read about. The students will use the rubrics to self and peer assess their
papers three different times in the unit.
What evidence do you anticipate student responses to these prompts will provide?
I expect to see how the students are progressing on their papers. The rubric is directly connected to my learning
objectives for this unit so I will get to see and as well as the student on how they are progressing through the
semester leading up to turning in their final draft.
Insert your constructed-response prompts below. Be sure to include rubrics or answer keys as needed for each
question. (If multiple prompts will be scored on the same rubric, you may present that rubric only once, but
make sure it is clear what prompts are aligned with each rubric.)
Informative Paper Prompt: Students will write an informative paper about a chosen habitat that was
discussed in class. They will have to introduce the topic, supply at least 3 supporting details/fact and write a
concluding statement that aligns with the topic sentence and supporting details.
Opinion Paper Prompt: Students will write an opinion paper about which habitat is their favorite, chosen
from a list of habitats that were discussed in class. They will have to introduce the topic, supply at least 3
supporting details/fact and write a concluding statement that aligns with the topic sentence and supporting details.
Check List
Use the following information to make sure your partners paper has everything that they need to have in it.
Spelling More than 2 words are 2 or less words are spelled Every word is spelled correctly.
spelled incorrectly. incorrectly.
Capitalization Every sentence ends with Every sentence ends with a Every sentence ends with a
a punctuation mark punctuation mark punctuation mark
Supporting There is only one There is only two There is three supporting detail
Details supporting detail that supporting detail that that connect to the topic sentence.
connects to the topic connects to the topic
sentence. sentence.
Providing The concluding statement Weak concluding sentence Solid concluding sentence is
Conclusion doesn’t connect to the is present. present.
topic sentence. And
Or Concluding sentence connects to
There is no concluding topic sentence and supporting
sentence. details.
Organization No paragraph structure is Organizes ideas and Organizes ideas and information
present. information into incomplete into clear paragraph structure.
paragraph structure. Used affective linking words to
Or connect ideas (because, and, also)
Paper is less than 5 And
sentences long. Paper is at least 5 sentences long.
Supporting There is only one There is only two There is three supporting detail
Details supporting detail that supporting detail that that connect to the opinion
connects to the opinion connects to the opinion sentence.
sentence. sentence.
Providing The concluding statement Weak concluding sentence Solid concluding sentence is
Conclusion doesn’t connect to the is present. present.
opinion sentence. And
Or Concluding sentence connects to
There is no concluding opinoin sentence and supporting
sentence. details.
Organization No paragraph structure is Organizes ideas and Organizes ideas and information
present. information into incomplete into clear paragraph structure.
paragraph structure. Used affective linking words to
Or connect ideas (because, and, also)
Paper is less than 5 sentence And
long. Paper is at least 5 sentences long.
Peer Feedback – Constructed-Response Assessment
Give written feedback to one classmate on their constructed-response assessment using the +, -, What’s Next?
strategy. Your feedback should follow principles of feedback discussed in class and from reading resources
assigned in class. Consistent with these principles, make sure to reference the expectations for this portion of
the portfolio assignment.
Strategy: Directions: Comment on what was done well in your peer’s work in relation
+, -, what’s next? to the success criteria (+) what could be done better (-). Then work with your
peer to establish a personal target to improve their work (what’s next).
(-): In the first part you need to put your learning objectives/DOK levels instead of your standards.
(-): You need to make your actual rubric and write the prompt for your research paper.
(-): How will you use the information you gained for the students that are above and below what you were
expecting of them at this point?
(-): How would you make this accessible for ELL students or students with learning disabilities.
What’s next?:
I think something that would be important for your text step is making sure that everything is completed
before. It will be difficult to build your assessments and make sure that they align with your work if you don’t
have you DOK levels complete. You could also focus on making sure your answers are more detailed and
specific to your expected results.
-: You could be a bit more explicit about when you plan to have your student complete the rubrics as in will
this be a weekly or daily checkup? Also, when are you going to have complete the check up for their peer?
What’s next?: A good thing you could would be to try to show how you could make your standards more
accessible to students with disabilities and those who are ELL. You could also take the chance to make your
plan of when to assess clearer.
DOK 3: (I can) chose a habitat and make an informative statement about it. Give 3 facts about my chosen
habitat and the plants and animals that live there. Make a conclusion statement about my informative sentence.
I will have my students perform this assessment once they complete each one of there papers. We will conduct
it two times in the unit and then they will present each one.
What evidence do you anticipate student responses to these prompts will provide?
The evidence that I expect to get is if my students are able to narrow down their ideas and zone in one the 3
most important details about their specific habitat. I will be able to see how students are at working together
and building a poster. I will get to see there speaking/presenting abilities.
Insert your performance assessment prompt(s) below. Be sure to include rubrics or answer keys as needed for
each prompt. (If multiple prompts will be scored on the same rubric, you may present that rubric only once, but
make sure it is clear what prompts are aligned with each rubric.)
Students will work in groups of the same habitat to create a poster and presentation about it. They will
have to decide within their group what the 3 most important details are about their habitat are. They will use the
checklist to make sure they have everything required for their presentation and poster.
Check List
Use the following information to make sure your partners paper has everything that they need to have in it.
- You align your learning objective well to the assessment and show the connection to what is expected of the
- Include the (+) and (-) aspects for your assessment.
- You have a general idea of how you would use the evidence, but you could add a more detailed or specific
explanation of how you would use it in the class. What are some things that they could possibly struggle with
and how would you address that?
Raise the temperature:
- You could add additional tasks for students that are above and below the DOK level or learning objective. This
could be for students with special needs or ELL students.
Feedback Received from your Peer
Warm: I really like how students can do a group activity on the habitat they have chosen. It allows for students to
work on their communication skills and listen to each other’s ideas. Additionally, it allows the teacher to see if
students are cooperating and are able to finish each task to move onto the next task. The tasks/activities are very
relevant to what is going on in the unit.
Cool: Will students be able to use outside sources and how much time are they going to be working on the unit. Is
this a month-long unit or two weeks?
Raise the temperature: There are great potential of the qualities and shortcomings of the peer’s work and they do
align with the unit/project. I think by showing an example of a poster or presentation to students will really help
the students of how they should start their project and it will help the students to come up with some ideas.
The formative assessments that we will be utilizing for this unit are self-assessment, peer assessment,
goal setting, and writing summaries. We will use the peer and self- assessment at four different times in the
unit. The first time that we us it the students are expected to have a opinion/informative statement, 3
supporting details, and a concluding statement. The second time that we us it the students are expected to
have everything from the time before, but will be focusing on fixing their capitalization, punctuation, and
grammar. The third time they are expected to have everything from the two times before, but we will be
focusing on nice handwriting. The final time they are using it to make sure they have everything that they
have everything that the rubric is asking for. The goal setting, we will use at the beginning of the unit to
give the students an opportunity to set their own goals for what they want to learn in the unit. We will come
back to our goals several times in the unit, to give the chance for revision of our goals, either they didn’t
match what we would be learning in the unit or the students have already surpassed their goal. Writing
summaries, we will focus on in the research part of the unit, which is at the beginning. I will demonstrate
how to begin to narrow down a normal summary to only have the main idea of the text. The students will
then write their 12 word or less summaries on the different texts that they choose for their habitat of choice.
I will assist students in narrowing down to the main idea if they are still struggling with the process. The
students and I will use all the information gathered through these assessments to show the process of how
they are progressing in crafting their opinion and informational papers. I will be able to have one-on-one
meetings with students that are struggling and help them make a plan of action, so they are able to stay on
time with the project. The students will have daily morning work that they will have to complete as well.
This morning work will focus on fixing sentences that are grammatically incorrect, so the students will be
rewriting these to they begin with a capital and end with a punctuation. These assessments are here to help
the students monitor their own progress throughout the unit but also for me to check in and help clarify any
misunderstandings that the students might have. I want my students to have as much success as I can and
these assessments I believe will help guide their learning and my instructional process.
We will use the selected-response assessment three times throughout the unit, as a pre-assessment,
midterm informal assessment, and as a final summative assessment. Constructed response is the main portion
and focus of my unit. The students will be constructing two papers throughout the time frame of the unit.
Performance assessment will be done after the informational paper is finished. The will meet in groups of
people with the same habitat as them and will debate and choose the three best facts about their habitat out
of everyone’s papers. They will make a poster as a group and then present it to the class. I will be able to use
the selected-response to help me as a starting point of my student’s knowledge about habitats and will be a
good midway check in to make sure that I am teaching my students everything they need to know. The
constructed response will show me many of standards and learning objectives. I will be able to see if they
know what an opinion and informative statement is, if they could pull out the supporting details, make a
concluding statement, their grammar skills, and their handwriting ability. The performance assessment will
be another opportunity to see if the students can pull the main ideas from multiple texts, and if they can work
as a team to make a presentation. My students and I will be able to use this information to help see if they
are at standard, but also see the holes in the unit. There will be things that need to be touched on again and
these assessments will help show my class and myself these things.
Some strengths that I see for my selected-response, constructed response and performance assessment are
how they can be adapted for different students needs. I would be able to have one on one meetings with
students that I saw were struggling from the selected-response. Also, with the peer and self-assessments that
would be done in the unit I would be able to see how the students are progressing on their paper. My
performance assessment would be an opportunity to see if students can support and back-up some of their
supporting details. I would want to see if they understand the main idea enough to work as a group and find
the best supporting details. Some weaknesses would be in my selected-response because I believe that I have
made it too easy for students to accomplish. I would want my students to be able to get the correct answer
not just by memorization but by understanding what they were learning and apply it. I want these to positively
impact the students and their learning because these assessments will help them become more comfortable with
taking tests and prepare them for state assessments. I want the students to feel empowered and like they have a
say in their education. I allow many opportunities for informal assessment and through the one-on-one meetings
I will be able to show the students their improvement and encourage further growth.
“Candidates individually and/or collaboratively design and implement a wide range of assessment
strategies to inform instruction and support student learning within and across academic content areas, " is
an expectation of teacher candidates for the EdTPA. I believe that the portfolio demonstrates that we are
meeting this competency this is exactly what we have done in the portfolio. We have built assessments that
guide instruction and support the students learning and completing the standards and learning objectives for
the unit. We have covered several different content areas with our unit and assessments. The students in my
unit will have support from their peers and from myself throughout the unit. With all of the informal or
formative assessments and the information collected from them, I will be able to modify my instructional
plan to better fit the needs of my students. These assessments will also give students insight on how they are
progressing towards meeting standard and will give them the information to ask for more support or to ask
for more challenging work.
I encountered many problems when building this portfolio and completing this assessment. It seemed
like every possible checkpoint was where I struggled and needed to problem solve. One problem that I had
was making a performance assessment that connected to my unit but also furthered my students
understanding of habitats and finding the main ideas of a text. I think what I struggled with the most was
bridging the gap from learning objective, to in class instruction, and finally to assessment. I overcame these
struggles through peer feedback and meetings with professor. I was able to find ways to bridge the gap and
show my plan for the class instruction. Threw adding more assessments that showed more of the stepping
stones in between the main assessments, I was able to show people a more complete view of my unit plan. I
incorporated the feedback of my peers into my final portfolio by making some of the corrections that they
advised me to make. It is beneficial to get peer feedback and to utilize it because they are giving you advise
to make your unit plan more universal and allow other people from yourself to use it or understand the process
of your unit. You can have the plan for your unit in your head and believe that you are meeting standard but
when I got peer feedback, I was able to see the holes in my unit and make the necessary changes.
Somethings that I would like to know more about for assessment would be how to modify them for
ELL students or students that are not at grade level. I feel like I would not want to move on from a unity until
I saw that all of my students met standard, but I know in a real classroom that it is not possible to do that. I
would have to keep moving with most of the class and have to challenge the students that are past that level
and give extra support to students that are lagging behind. More strategies for modifying assessments and
projects for students above and below standard would be really beneficial for me, when in regard to
Synthesis Statement Rubric
Emerging Developing Proficient Exemplary
Provides summary of Provides summary of Provides a clear and Provides a clear and
the unit. the unit. thorough summary of thorough summary of the
Describes strengths or Reflects an the unit. unit.
weaknesses of understanding of the Reflects an Reflects a strategic and
different forms of different forms of understanding of the evidence-based use of
assessment. assessment and their different forms of assessment activities that
Describes strengths of strengths and assessment and their takes advantage of each
the student. weaknesses. strengths and form’s strengths to provide
Describes strengths of weaknesses. useful, dependable
the student. Demonstrates self- information to the student
reflection on the and teacher in support of
student’s development learning.
through the course in Demonstrates self-reflection
relation to professional on the student’s development
competencies. through the course in relation
to professional competencies.
(2.5 points) (3 points) (3.5 points) (4 points)
Peer Feedback – Synthesis Statement
Give written feedback to one classmate on their synthesis statement using the strategy of your choice. Your
feedback should follow principles of feedback discussed in class and from reading resources assigned in
class. Consistent with these principles, make sure to reference the expectations for this portion of the portfolio
Feedback Given to your Peer
(+): You have done a great job showing your plan for the unit. From your synthesis I feel like I have a great
understanding of all aspects of your unit. You also do a good job of self-reflection on the students progress
throughout the semester.
(-):I think that you could address how the students will be using the information obtained from the
assessments and how it will help them further their learning.
What’s next?: I think that you have a good synthesis paper but for the next step you need to address the use
of the assessments in a more specific way, not just general with we will know where the holes are.
- You could spend some more time talking about the benefits and issues that come along with using the
different kinds of assessments. Here you could spend some time talking about why you think these are
going to be good options for you to use despite some of the challenges that you may face.
What's Next: One suggestion that I have for you would be to maybe combine your third and second to last
paragraphs. I think that they have very similar content and it would make sense for you to include them as
one piece in your statement.