Group Activities

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Group Activities

Here is a list of ideas that I have employed at various times in a mental health setting for groups
of adults, children, and teens.

1. Lighthouse
Visualization: You are lost at sea on a stormy night. You see a glimmer of light leading you to
land. If you row hard, you can make it. Someone waits for you with a warm meal, dry clothes,
and a place to rest.
Draw, color, or paint an image of a lighthouse as a source of guidance in your life. Depict
yourself somewhere in the image, either in a boat on the water, in the lighthouse, etc. Add words
to represent your sources of guidance in life, i.e. faith, family, hope.

2. Joyful Memory
Everyone shares the most joyful memory that comes to mind. Each person directs the scene,
casting group members in the various roles, including him or herself. Participant watches the
scene and comments on the feelings and memories that come up.

3. Good and Evil (This one seems complex at first but once everyone gets it, it's a very fun and
powerful activity.)
Clients take six strips of paper each. Write three Negative Messages or beliefs on three of the
paper strips; i.e. You're dumb, you're ugly, etc. Write three Powerful, Positive Responses to the
messages on the other three paper strips; i.e. I have confidence in my abilities. I'm proud of the
way I look.
Form two rows of three standing opposite each other. Let participants choose if they want to be
in the "Good" row or the "Evil" row. A participant gives one of his Negative Messages to each
person in the "Evil" row. He gives the corresponding Powerful, Positive Response paper to the
person in the "Good" row that is facing the "Evil" side. The participant stands between the first
pair as they read the messages on the sheets and try to influence the participant using ad lib
sentences. The "Evil" person extends her arm out to block the participant from passing.
e.g. Evil: "You're really dumb. You are always so slow. Why don't you ever understand
anything?" Good: "I'm proud of my abilities. I may not be perfect, but I'm exactly who I need to
be." Participant listens to the two sides and finally chooses the "Good" side by repeating the
Powerful Positive Response and pushing past the "Evil" person's arm block. Participant repeats
process with next pair until finished with all three pairs. Repeat for each person.

4. Friendship Mural
Big banner: "A true friend is someone who..."
Clients fill the mural with images and words that complete this sentence.

5. Resilience
Draw, color, or paint an image of a being in nature that survives in a harsh environment: a flower
in a sidewalk; a fish at the bottom of the ocean; a creature in the desert.

6. Violence
Discuss quote from Elie Wiesel: "Violence is a form of communication for a person who fails to
find words" (paraphrased). Participants complete the following sentences for a journaling
Violence happens because...
Someone who is violent toward others is trying to...
Someone who is violent toward himself is trying to...
Someone I have trouble communicating with is...
What I really need is....
What I wish people would understand about me is...

7. Powerful Ally
Think of a person or character, real or imaginary, who is powerful, strong, or wise. Remember a
time you felt alone, scared, out of control, or helpless. Imagine that the Powerful Person is there
with you during the experience, either offering help or just being with you. Participants enact the
memories with the Powerful Person present in the scene. Each participant casts the needed
players in the scene and instruct the players how to enact the various characters' actions. Client
plays herself in the scene.

8. Inner Child
Draw yourself as a child on your paper. Add images and words to give this child everything that
it needs, including a supportive nurturing parent.
9. Purpose in Life (adapted from an activity used in the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium)
Fold paper into three sections. In the first section, list your gifts, strengths, talents, including
abilities and personal qualities. In the third section, list problems in the world that are concerning
to you, such as child abuse, animal abuse, unemployment, etc. In the middle section, use
creativity to devise at least three ways to use your gifts in the first section to solve problems in
the third section. Draw and color an image of one of these ideas as if it has already happened and
succeeded in solving the problem.

10. My Relationship with _____

Select a magazine image for yourself and another person with whom you have conflict or
difficulty. Glue each image on opposite sides of the paper. Draw arrows from the other person
to yourself and write words above each arrow to indicate the disagreeable actions of the other
person. Draw a protective wall between you and that person using bricks, laser shields, or any
kind of imaginary protective device that believably prevents the disagreeable actions from
harming you. Now safe from harm, add images, words, and colors around the picture of the other
person to depict your wish for their healing, growth, and peace. Write your prayers or hopes that
they will receive what they need to be happy. Add images, words, and colors around the picture
of yourself to describe what goals and values you will pursue once you are healed from the
negative impacts of this relationship.

11. Lifeline (adapted from a standard Expressive Therapies activity I learned at Lesley
On a piece of paper, make two points on the opposite ends of the paper, one labeled "birth" and
the other labeled "now." Draw a line between the two points. Identify at least three high points
and three low points in your life and graph them according to your age (horizontally) and
according to the feelings in the experience (vertically). Low points will be below your lifeline
and high points will be above your lifeline. Connect the points with lines making a zig-zag
line. Share the events with the group and the group responds with cheers, applause, and praise on
the high points and boos and words of encouragement at the low points. If participant doesn't
feel comfortable sharing details of their lives, they can simply say, "Age 6, high point."

12. Inside - Outside Bags/ Boxes. (standard Expressive Therapies activity used at Lesley
Decorate a bag or box with images and words on the outside to represent the qualities you show
to the world. Decorate the inside of the bag or box with images and words that represent the
inner qualities that are hidden to most people.

13. Feeling Code Collage (learned from my art therapy supervisor, Susan LaMantia)
Take one sheet of paper and draw and color an image to represent various feelings, such as
happy, sad, mad, scared, embarrassment, love, peace, crazy, bored, etc. Label each image with
the feeling. Participants can also choose feelings to add to the list. Encourage participants to use
creativity; i.e. "happy" might first make you think of a smiley face, but it could also be like a
purple and green spiral or a puppy. On a second sheet of paper, use the feeling code to make
another drawing in which the images can be made bigger, smaller, repeated, overlapped, or
arranged in a unique relationship to other images. Title the new drawing and discuss.

14. Cooling My Hot Spots

Using a pre-printed picture of a human silhouette, use color and image to represent feelings of
anger or emotional pain on the place of the body associated with the feelings, i.e. black pit in the
stomach, red squiggles on the fists wanting to punch, etc. Draw a cooling image and phrase
beside each of the hot spots, i.e. a waterfall with the words, "Let go," or music notes with the
words, "Don't let other people get you down."

15. Three Animals (adapted from a game I used to play with friends - I have no idea where we
learned it from.)
On a sheet of paper, write the name of your favorite animal and three qualities you like about that
animal; i.e. cheetah: sad, caring, and shy. Next, write the name of your second favorite animals
with three qualities, and finally, your third favorite and its three qualities. Consider the
possibility that the first animal represents how you want others to see you, the second animal
represents how people actually see you, and the third animal represents who you really
are. (Reading them aloud with their meanings with the group can be quite humorous.) Next,
draw, color, or paint a mixed breed animal with the three animals you chose, such as a creature
with a cheetah head, a mouse body, and a fish tail. Add a habitat, food, family and friends for
this animal.
16. Relationship Needs
Select a magazine picture to represent you and glue it to the middle of a large piece of
paper. Select magazine pictures to represent the six most important people in your life and glue
them in a circle around you. Draw a line connecting each of the people to the picture of you. On
the top of each line, write a word or phrase about what you need from that person. Under each
line, write a word or phrase about what that person needs from you.

17. Wise Puppet

Using craft materials, create a puppet of a real or imagined character that represents wisdom,
such as a grandfather or Yoda. Each person enacts a skit with their puppet in which the
participant asks the puppet for advice about something in life. Participants should use a special
voice for their puppet characters and keep the conversation with their puppet going as long as

18. Good and Bad Mandalas

Discussion: The world has happy and sad aspects, but sometimes negative events can lead to
positive events. Consider the possibility that the negative and positive events are in some kind of
harmony and that there is a larger order of goodness. Draw, color, or paint a mandala that
includes both happy and sad things in life, intertwined with each other, in a balanced and colorful
harmony; i.e. gravestones next to blossoming trees, broken hearts next to rainbows, thief next to a
policeman, etc.

19. Treasure Map

On a piece of paper, label one corner, "The beginning" and another corner, "Success." Draw a
windy path between the two points. Using collage materials, create stations along the path with
creative titles, such as "Crossing the desert of loneliness," "Forgiveness and letting go,"
"Climbing the mountain of determination," "Resting in the shade of a caring friend," etc.

20. Affirmation Poster

Think of a sentence or expression that makes you feel better when you are depressed/ angry/
anxious. Make a large poster of the saying using glitter, favorite colors, and/or images to put on
your wall; i.e. "This will pass." or "You're worth whatever it takes."
21. Inspired Poem
Think of a quote that is meaningful to you and write it at the top of a piece of paper. (A list can
be found at Add your own lines below it that expand on the
quote in the way you understand it - continue for the rest of the page. Find someone in the group
to read your poem for you as you use movement or gesture to express the meaning of your poem.

22. Heroes, Allies, and Companions

Divide paper into three parts, titling each section, "Heroes," "Allies," and "Worthy
Companions." Identify and draw artistic representations of people for each box. Heroes are
people that you look up to and admire for their achievements or way of being. Allies are those
who have more power than you that you trust or can enlist to help you move toward your
goals. Worthy Companions are peers who are on a similar journey or could be a good support to
you in your journey.

23. Predator vs. Hero

Divide paper in half. On one side, draw an artistic representation of the part of you that
sabatoges your success in life. On the other side, draw an artistic representation of the part of
you that is working hard to be successful. On the back of your paper, draw an image representing
your Hero gaining control of your Predator, either by putting the predator on an island, in jail, or
by negotiating some kind of agreement. Alternatively, place two chairs facing each other in a
"stage area" of the room. Each person enacts a dialogue between the two characters on the stage,
moving back and forth between the two chairs. As a facilitator, decide if you will require the
hero to win or not.

24. Law Books

Discuss Kohlberg's six stages of morality. Do you do the right thing to 1) avoid punishment, 2)
gain reward, 3) be regarded as a good boy or girl, 4) because you believe in the law, 5) because
you believe in a social contract, or 6) because you feel what is right and wrong in your own
heart? Make a book of laws as you would like them to be, including one page each for the
following topics: World Laws, Society Laws, School Laws, Friendship Laws, Romantic
Relationship Laws, Family Laws, and Self Laws.

25. Butterfly Initiation

Discuss initiation rites of indigenous cultures that enacted a death/ rebirth cycle for
youth. Compare that process to the death and rebirth of a butterfly larvae entering a cocoon
phase in which its body disintegrates before forming the adult butterfly. Divide paper into four
segments and label each one, Child, Preparation, Death, and Rebirth. Draw, color, or paint an
artistic representation in each box, such as caterpillar, cocoon weaving, disintegration in the
cocoon, and the butterfly.

26. My Perfect Healing Hospital

Discussion: What are some treatments for physical illnesses, such as a wound, a cold, or a
disease? (i.e. rest, bandages, surgery, etc.) How are these symbolic of the same treatments we
use for emotional or mental problems? (i.e. talking to friends and family, talking to a therapist,
hiding or protecting our hurt places, changing destructive patterns, etc.) Design your perfect
healing hospital or retreat center that would help you to heal your heart and mind whenever you
are having problems. Include animals, food, recreation, support, mediation, and anything you
think would be helpful.

27. Pride Collage

On one side of your paper, list the following: age, race, body type, speech/ language, fashion/
style, mental ability, physical ability, sexual orientation, social style, income/ financial. Make
two columns entitled, Advantage and Disadvantage. Place a check in one or both of the columns
for each word depending on whether that characteristic has been an advantage or disadvantage in
your life. For example, a teen might say his age is both a disadvantage and an advantage because
people treat him like a child and he's not allowed to drive, but he also isn't responsible for bills or
working and can still have fun. Share with the group, and then draw, paint, or color a "pride"
collage of various images and words that represent qualities about yourself, including any aspects
that have been a disadvantage in your life.

28. My Perfect Life

Draw an image of your perfect life, including your home, relationships, clothing, job, and
achievements. Turn your paper over and write three steps that will help you make your dream
come true.

29. Perfect Imperfections

Discussion: If someone makes mistakes in life, does that make them a bad person? Can someone
admit to being imperfect and still be proud of himself or herself?
On a sheet of paper, write six sentences in the following form, "I may be [something negative],
but [something positive]. For example, "I may smoke, but I'm trying to quit." "I may be mean
sometimes, but I can be caring too." "I may have problems, but I'm still a good person." Either
sitting in a circle or in partners, take turns saying a statement while looking into a peer's
eyes. After saying the statement, keep looking in their eyes for a count of ten seconds without
laughing. If the speaker laughs, then the count has to start the count over. Each time around the
circle, go to the next statement and make it harder for the speaker to keep a straight face, such as
allowing others to make faces, noises, or comments. The speaker must have strong commitment
to him or herself to make the statement seriously without being distracted.

30. Layers of Feelings (adapted from a lecture by WIlbert Alix, Trancedance Trainer)
Discuss layers of feelings: Our first response to difficulty is often anger, to protect
ourselves. Under anger is fear of being hurt. Under the fear is sadness or pain about the situation
that we don't want to feel. Under the sadness is our deep need for love or respect.
Draw four circles inside each other, like a bullseye. Label the circles, starting from the outer
circle, anger, fear, sadness, and love. Fill in each circle with the different layers of feelings for
the same situation. For example, I was mad when my teacher yelled at me in class. (Anger) I
was afraid of being sent to the office and getting in trouble. (Fear) I'm sad that things don't
always go the way I want them to in my life, and that my teacher seems to hate me. (Sadness) I
wish I was more appreciated and valued by people in my life. (Love) Add colors and images to
express your associations with the feelings in each layer.

31. Fill in the Story

Find and print pictures of scenes from plays, movies or tv shows in which there are several
characters pictured together in the middle of the story (not posing for the camera and
smiling). Each participant chooses a picture and writes the following:
Names and ages for everyone in the picture.
Name of the main character
Main character' greatest wish, greatest fear, best quality and worst quality
Setting of the scene
Background to the scene: what has happened before the moment pictured?
Write the conclusion of the story and draw, color, or paint the final scene of the story.

32. Ants and Tigers

Discussion: What are the qualities of ants? (i.e. small, teamwork, defined roles,
coordination) What are the qualities of tigers? (i.e. solitary, acts on its own impulse, big and
powerful) Are there times it is better to be like an ant? A tiger? Are there times it is worse to be
like an ant? A tiger? Divide your paper in half, and label one side "Ants" and one side
"Tiger." On the ant side, draw yourself as an ant in a situation in which you remember that you
behaved like an ant. On the tiger side, draw yourself as a tiger in a situation in which you
remember that you behaved like a tiger. (Few people feel confident in their ability to draw
tigers. Encourage participants to take risks, use their erasers, and be nonjudgmental of their

33. Four Elements Of You

Discussion: Passion gives us the will to live and gives shape to our lives.
Fold your paper into four sections. Label each section, The Earth of Me, The Air of Me, The Fire
of Me, and The Water of Me. Use image and color to express your passion in life as symbolized
by the four elements.

34. Tank of Gas

Discussion: Even with great talents, someone with low self-esteem can't get very far. It would be
like having a nice car without any gas. On the other hand, some people who have physical
limitations have achieved great things due to their self-confidence.
Make two columns on a piece of paper. On one column, list the areas of your life that you feel
confident about, and on the other column, list the areas of life that you feel insecure about; i.e.
academics, work, appearance, creativity, making friends, etc. Count the number of items listed in
each column and write the total at the bottom of each list. Subtract the Insecure total from the
Confident total: that is how much gas you have left in your tank. On another piece of paper,
make a visual affirmation of your ability to improve your confidence and self-acceptance in areas
of your life that you are currently insecure about.

35. God Grant Me the Serenity

Discuss the quote, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to
change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Make two lists, "The things I can change" and "The things I can't change." On each side, list the
things you can and can't change in your life. On another sheet of paper, draw how your life
would look after you successfuly changed the things on your list, "The things I can change."

36. Gratitude and Wishes

Draw, paint, or color a tree, including its roots and branches, by creating intricate patterns that
become more complex as they get farther from the tree's trunk. Add words or glue pieces of
paper shaped like rocks in the soil at the roots to represent things you are grateful for in your
life. Add words or glue pieces of paper shaped like leaves in the branches to represent things you
wish for in life. Discussion: Why is gratitude at our roots and our wishes in our branches?

37. Holistic Health

Discussion: What is a healthy mind? A healthy heart? A healthy body? A healthy spirit?
Divide your paper diagonally into four triangles. Fill each triangle with color, words, and images
that represent what a healthy mind, heart, body, and spirit is for you.

38. How Does This Serve Me?

Write down a common emotional difficulty you have in life, such as depression or anger. Make a
list of ways that feeling is serving you in your life. For example "Depression serves to express
my grief, protect me from failure, gets me attention, and makes people leave me alone." "Anger
allows me to feel powerful and in control." Make another list of some alternative ways of getting
those needs met.
Fold a large paper into three sections. Using magazine images, make a collage for each section,
entitled, "My feeling," "How it serves me," and "Alternatives."

39. Daily Schedule

Make a schedule of your daily routine. Add into your schedule one activity to improve each of
the following: mental health, emotional health, physical health, and spiritual health. For
example, "On my walk to school, I will try to think positive about my day." "I will spend a few
moments in prayer or meditation before I go to sleep." "I will do some yoga while I watch tv at
night." Decorate your schedule with markers, designs, and glitter so it looks attractive to
you. Take it home and tape it someplace you will see it daily.
40. Spirit
Identify a spiritual power that you believe in, and write it in the middle of your paper using
special lettering, i.e. God, Spirit, Nature, Love, etc. Using color and image, depict six qualities of
the spiritual power in a circle around the word, such as "All-knowing," "Healing," or
"Unconditional Love." Add a border and background color to tie the images together.

41. How Animals Heal

Read source material from wikipedia or websites about animals' natural ability to identify plants
that they need to heal when they are sick (i.e.
animals-heal-themselves.html). Discuss what else animals do when they are sick, i.e. whine, rest,
lick themselves, etc. Draw, color, or paint a picture of yourself as an animal in your natural
habitat. Depict your animal as injured in some way, i.e. twisted ankle, cut on the paw, has a cold,
etc. Add to your image three natural remedies you will use to heal yourself; i.e. a shady resting
place away from predators, a healing plant, an animal ally who can bring you food while you rest.

42. My Wise Self (adapted from an exercise from The Progoff Intensive Journal Program)
Discussion: Everyone has a unique kind of wisdom that allows them to see and understand things
about life that no one else can.
Divide your paper in half. On one side, draw yourself surrounded by any problems you currently
have, including words, colors and images. On the other side, draw your Wise Self, either as a
god or goddess, an old man or woman, an animal, a mountain, or any image that fits for
you. Imagine that your Wise Self is looking across the paper and seeing you in your difficult
situation. On another piece of paper, let your wise self speak using your non-dominant hand to
write his or her words. Using your dominant hand, write questions to your Wise Self to keep the
conversation going as long as possible.

43. Rewrite History

Pick a negative memory you feel comfortable to process in the group. Draw, paint or color the
scene as vividly as possible. Add whatever you needed in that moment to prevent, tolerate, or
respond to the situation in a way that would have been better than what actually
happened. Afterwards, journal or freewrite about your experience. If it feels right, make a
promise to yourself to learn from the experience and strive to get the help you need to prevent or
overcome difficult experiences.

44. The Eye of the Hurricane

Draw, color or paint an image of anything that has a still, calm, powerful presence that is
unaffected by disturbances in its environment: i.e. the eye of a hurricane, a mountain undisturbed
by the birds squaking above, a tree undisturbed by the squirrels, etc.

45. Shadow (another seemingly complex activity but very worthwhile)

Each participant gets nine small squares of paper, arranged in three columns. Using a different-
colored marker for each column, number the pieces of paper in each column, 1, 2, 3. In the
middle column, draw yourself. Draw your head in the top square, your torso and arms in the
middle square, and your legs and feet in the bottom square. Write a word or phrase next to your
head in the top square that expresses "How I look to others." Write a word or phrase next to
your torso in the middle square that expresses "How I usually feel." Write a word or phrase next
to your feet in the bottom square that expresses "How I usually act." Use words like, beautiful/
handsome, tough, calm, shy, anxious, silly, cool, crazy, ect. On the left column, draw someone
you really dislike or hate. Again, draw the head in the top square, torso in the middle square, legs
in the bottom square. Add words to each box like before, "How do I look to others," "How do I
feel," and "How do I act." On the right column, draw someone you really admire or are jealous
of. Add words for each square as before.
In the next step, mix and match the different qualities to make your ideal personality. Try to take
at least one quality from the person you hated and one from the person you admired. Imagine
how your life would be different if you had this new personality. Write a story about an event
from your regular life, such as riding the bus or going to work that turned out differently because
of your new personality.

46. Missing Pieces (adapted from the concept of soul hunting)

Think of a bad experience from your life that still affects you now. Imagine that some part of
you ran away because of the pain of that experience. Identify what part of you ran away:
strength, joy, confidence, peacefulness, power, pride, courage, trust in others, self-esteem,
etc. Draw, color, or paint a picture of how that part of you looks or feels when it is in its full and
healthy state. Write a letter to that part of you, asking it to return. Make your own letter or use
the following form:
"Dear ____, I know you left because of ____. It is now safe for you to return because ____. I
promise to make sure it stays safe by _____. I miss you and I need you in my life because
_____. Please return so I can be whole. Love, ____"
If desired, write a response letter from the missing part.

47. Tolerance Pledge Ceremony

Make a list of all the names that humiliate someone for being different. Write your pledge to
disavow the words. Make your own pledge or use the following form: "No one has the right to
call me these names and I don't have the right to call anyone else these names. I pledge that I will
accept others the way they are and try to appreciate people who are different from me. If I really
don't like someone, I will give them space to be who they are, and I will defend my right to be
who I am. (Add your own words) Signed, ___" One at a time, read your list of derogatory
names to the group, rip up the paper, and throw it in the garbage. Read your pledge aloud with
conviction to the group. Group applauds for each person.

48. Tough Guy and Drama Queen

Discussion: What are the stereotypical ways for males and females to respond to emotional
pain? Which one is more socially acceptable? Are there "tough guy" women and "drama queen"
On a pre-printed silhouette of a human figure, use color and image to express a balance of good
qualities from the Tough Guy persona, i.e. strong, self-controlled, and protective; and the Drama
Queen, i.e. expresses feelings, interdependent with other people, caring and sensitive.

49. Inner Sanctuary

Discussion: What are some benefits/ purposes of meditation?
On a pre-printed silhouette of a human figure, use color and image to depict a place you can
journey to during meditation, such as a natural scene, your religious faith or practice, a repeated
phrase, a color or song, or a safe place. You can depict the sanctuary as being inside the body
(preferred), or you can also depict the sanctuary around the figure. Title the page, "My inner
sanctuary" and discuss times in your life you might need to retreat to your sanctuary.

50. Dear Society

Draw three circles inside each other on a piece of paper, like a bullseye. On the inner circle,
write something that you feel insecure about, such as "my appearance," "my intelligence," or
"being weak." On the next circle, list phrases or words that have reinforced that insecurity, such
as "You're ugly," or "You're slow." Make sure to include any messages about the consequences
of having this deficit, such as "If you are ugly, no one will like you and you'll be alone forever,"
or "If you are dumb, you'll be a failure and be starving and poor forever." On the next circle,
write the names of people who have said those words or phrases to you, such as, "myself," "my
mom," or "people at school." In the four corners of the page, write where you think those people
learned those judgments, such as society's expectations for people to look a certain way or to fit
into a narrow definition of intelligence. Next, write a letter to society about how its expectations
have negatively affected your self-esteem, and express your commitment to feeling confident
about yourself. Make your own letter or use the following form:
"Dear Society, you expect everyone to be ___. If someone doesn't meet your expectations, then
you ___. This is not fair because ___. My self esteem is low because I've been told that ___. I
can try to work hard on improving ___ [i.e. grades, health, abilities, emotions, etc.] but I refuse to
feel less than other people. I value myself because I [three things I like about myself]. Please
stop trying to make me feel bad about myself. [Add your own final sentence]. Signed, ___."

51. Stuck and Unstuck (adapted from an exercise in The Moving Center by Gay and Kathleen
With selected music in the background, participants stand in a circle and warm up by moving
each part of the body in creative movements, starting with the head and moving down through the
arms, torso, legs, and feet. One at a time, participants go to the center of the circle and start by
moving freely. The participant then slows down until he is stuck in one body position, which can
represent a way that he feels "stuck," such as stuck in self-doubt, hopelessness, stress, or
neediness. He stays in the stuck position until he can devise a way to "unstick" himself, either by
making certain vocal sounds, saying a powerful phrase, shaking free, or breathing deeply into the
position until it releases. Repeat for each person and discuss.

52. Poetry Grid

Each person in the group comes up with five to ten words that everyone writes down on a blank
piece of paper. On lined paper, participants write 5 to 10 sentences using the words that were
spoken, adding filler words if needed. Share the sentences and take the best line from each
participant and arrange them on one piece of paper to make a group poem. (This activity often
produces astounding creativity and provocative lines of poetry.)

53. I Feel ___ Like A ______.

Each person writes "I feel ____ like a ____," filling in the blanks; for example, "I feel grumpy
like a turtle that fell into a sewer." Draw, color, or paint the images associated with the feeling
below the sentence, using as much color and detail as possible.

54. Chariots of Fire Ritual

Each person gets four pieces of paper. On one paper, each person writes their goal for their lives,
such as "success," "sobriety," or "happiness." On the three other pieces of paper, each person
writes an obstacle to reaching their goal, such as "Conflicts with my children," "boredom," or
"negative thinking." Create an obstacle course in the room with chairs and tables. The "obstacle"
sheets are placed on the chairs and tables on the obstacle course, and the "goal" sheet is placed at
the finish line. The participant can read aloud what has been written on each sheet as they are
being placed. As participants go through the obstacle course, they can either rip up each of the
obstacles on the pieces of paper, push aside the chairs on which they are placed, or crawl around
or under the obstacles to reach the finish line. The group stands behind the finish line shouting
encouragement and cheering for each person when they reach the finish. The process is repeated
for each person. Play "The Chariots of Fire" in the background for a dramatic effect!

55. Bardic Circle

Sitting in a circle, everyone takes turn sharing something with the group, such as performing a
song, a dance, a poem, a joke, or an interesting fact, or teaching a new skill. Everyone is
encouraged to be supportive and attentive when others share.

56. Drum Your Family

Percussion instruments are placed in the center of the room (which can also include "homemade"
instruments like a pen with a plastic cup or rattling keys!) Each participant describes the people
that live in the home with them, such as family members or roommates, and selects an instrument
to represent that person. The participant plays the instrument in a way that represents that family
member's qualities, such as loud, soft, fast, slow, easy-going or rigid. The participant selects
someone in the group to play that instrument according to the participant's specifications. The
participant continues to assign instruments to group members to represent each family member in
their home. When all the parts have been assigned, the group members play their instruments
together in the way that the participant has demonstrated, and the participant listens until she
directs them to stop playing. Discuss how the family sounded - were some family members more
aligned and others more dissonant? Repeat for each participant.

57. Personal Mythology

Create a story using the following form: "Once upon a time there was a _____ named _____. It
was very _____, _____, and _____. It lived in _____ with ______. Every day it would
_____. It's favorite thing about its life was _____. It's least favorite thing was _____. More than
anything, it wanted _____. The only problem was that _____. One day, it was _____, when
suddenly _____." Continue the story to completion and write, "The End." Discuss if and how
the main character solved its problem.

58. Yes, No, I Don't Know (adapted from an exercise from Gabrielle Roth)
Participants partner in pairs facing each other, and decide which partner will be A or B. Partner
A starts by saying "Yes" and Partner B says "No." When the facilitator says "Go," each pair will
have about 30 seconds to say "Yes" and "No" to each other in a dialogue with varying moods,
attitudes and intensity. Repeat with Partner A saying "No" and Partner B saying "Yes" for thirty
seconds. Notice if it was easier to say "Yes" or "No" in the dialogues. Next, Partner A will ask
five questions to Partner B, to which Partner B can only answer "Yes." The questions can be
silly or serious. Repeat with Partner B asking Partner A five questions, to which Partner A can
only answer "Yes." What was it like to accept everything someone asks? Next, Partner A will
ask five questions to Partner B, but Partner B can only answer "No." Repeat with Partner B
asking Partner A. What was it like to reject everything someone asks? Finally, Partner A will
ask five questions to Partner B, but Partner B can only answer "I don't know." Repeat with
Partner B asking Partner A. What was it like to be in a state of unknowing?

59. Coloring Meditation

Trace objects in the room onto a piece of paper with a pencil, such as tissue boxes, cups, or
plastic containers. Make an interesting design with the overlapping shapes. Alternatively, make
designs by scribbling on a piece of paper in varying shapes and patterns. Color with markers,
colored pencils, or crayons. Facilitator can play relaxing music in the background as participants
are coloring. Discussion: How did this activity affect your mood?
60. Empty the Jug
Discussion: If feelings are kept bottled up, they build up and overflow.
Activity: Draw a large bottle or jug on your paper. Draw two lines across its center to make three
layers in the jug. In the top layer, write three lines describing feelings you feel right now and the
reason, such as "Tired because I didn't sleep well last night," or "Nervous because I'm with
people I don't know." In the middle layer, write three lines describing feelings you had in the
past and the reason, such as "Sad when my dog died," or "Mad when my mother kicked me out of
the house." In the bottom layer, imagine you are peering into the depths of your heart without
really knowing what is there, so you will try to guess by writing three lines like "Maybe I feel
mad because I have no friends" or "Maybe I feel scared because I'm getting old." Try to surprise
yourself and write something you didn't expect. Participants are not required to share their
bottom layer if it will help them to take more risks in their writing.

61. Balanced Ecosystem

Discussion: A balanced system is one in which each part plays a role by contributing and taking
something so the system can sustain itself. The same is true within one person, within a family,
or within a society.
Activity: Draw an ecosystem that is familiar to you, such as a beach, forest, ocean, or
jungle. Depict parts of the ecosystem that give and take from each other, such as the water that
nourishes animals, and replenishes itself with the rain. Animals eat plants and also fertilize
soil. Soil receives nutrients from fallen leaves and generates new plant growth. How does it feel
when a system is in balance? How can other systems keep their balance?

62. I Will Survive!

Discussion: Read the lyrics to the song, "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. What is a part of
your life that you would like to say good-bye to? In what way are you a Survivor?
Activity: Play the song while participants stand in a circle. Sing the song aloud together, adding
gestures and movements to send those negative aspects of your life "out the door!"

63. Call Waiting (adapted from theatre game we played at the West Virginia University Theatre
Pick three contrasting people in your lives that bring out different sides of your personality, such
as a romantic interest, a parent, a best friend, a sibling, a teacher or supervisor, or an ex-
partner. Pretend you get a phone call from the first person on your list and begin talking with
them about imaginary or real subject matter. Imagine that you get a phone call from the second
person on your list that "beeps in" while you are talking, and you place the first person on hold
while you answer the second person's call. Talk with the second person briefly, then end the
conversation and return to the call with the first person. Then imagine the third person "beeps in"
and you again talk to them briefly before ending that conversation and returning to the first
person. End the call with the first person and hang up. Discuss how the person's body language,
voice, attitude, and demeanor changed as they spoke with the different people in their lives.

64. Group Journey

Facilitator plays relaxing music, such as Native American flute or harp music. Participants sit
comfortably in their chairs with their eyes closed or gazing downward at the floor. Participants
are encouraged to imagine a scene that is relaxing, safe, comforting, and beautiful. After several
minutes, one at a time, each person invites the group to their scene by describing it in second
person; for example, "You are lying on soft sand under a warm sun with the sound of waves in
the background. A group of dolphins swim by and you can hear sea gulls passing
overhead." When the first person is finished sharing their scene in as much detail as possible, the
next person shares their scene; for example, "You are climbing up a mountain at night under the
moon. The sound of leaves crunches under your feet. Your heart beats with the feeling of
excitement and beauty. A wolf passes by and looks you in the eye before continuing walking
across your path." When everyone has shared, the facilitator invites anyone to share any feelings
that have come up before closing the meditation. The facilitator encourages everyone to slowly
come "back into the room," wiggle fingers and toes, and slowly open their eyes. Discuss favorite
images or scenes that peers described in the group.

65. Mirroring Sequence

Sitting in a circle, the group will mirror the exact movements of each person in the group for 60
seconds. When it is someone's turn, that person can lead various movements, such as facial
expressions, clapping, or standing up, or they can simply sit normally, but the group will attempt
to mimic exactly the way the person is sitting or moving, including small movements of feet,
fingers, or facial expressions. When everyone has had a turn to lead, the group divides into pairs
sitting facing each other, selecting Partner A and Partner B. Partner A will lead slow movements
with the hands and Partner B will mirror the movements as closely as possible. Next, Partner B
will lead and Partner A will follow. Notice that the leader has to move slowly so that their
partner will be able to follow closely. If there is time, members can try also limit movements to
the legs and feet or to the face. (Mimicking funny faces in slow motion is truly hysterical.) Each
person can also rate their partner as a leader and as a follower on a score of one to ten. Finally,
each partnership will perform for the group without telling the group who is leading or following,
and the group will try to guess who was leading or following. Discussion: Is it easier for you to
lead or follow? Why?

66. Protect Your Treasures

On a blank piece of paper, draw a treasure box that is filled with aspects of your being that are
precious, including your Love, your Beauty, your Beliefs, your Dignity or Pride, and your
Sexuality. Draw a boundary around your treasures with various characters outside the boundary
who can determine who is trustworthy for you to share your treasures with. Pick protective
characters who are strong, wise, and discerning to help ward off anyone who may try to steal
your treasures.

67. The Red Shoes (from the book, Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola
Copy and read together with the group the story of "The Red Shoes." (A copy can be found
on Dr. Catherine Shafer's blog on Child Development.) Why did the girl become so obsessed
with the red shoes? What was she really longing for? What could she have done differently at
any point in the story to avoid the tragedy at the end? For example, could she have told the old
woman at the start of the story, "Thanks but no thanks, I'm fine on my own!"? Or could she have
made another pair of red shoes for herself that brought you the same joy as the ones she lost in
the beginning of the story? Or could she have run away from the old woman and gone back to
the forest? Depict how you would have avoided the bad ending of the story through artwork and
share with the group.

68. Labyrinth Meditation

Print different labyrinth designs for each person in the group (A google image search will have
hundreds of them.) Each person gets one of the sheets to trace with their finger or the back of a
pen or pencil. Participants are encouraged go as slowly as possible, to sit erect in their chairs,
and to breathe deeply in and out, since the labyrinth is a way to practice staying calm and focused
through the twists and turns that life brings. When you reach the center of the labyrinth, trace
your path back to the entrance of the labyrinth and repeat until the time is up. The facilitator can
allow five minutes for each labyrinth. After five minutes, group members can write on a separate
piece of paper any thoughts or feelings that came up with that design, including feelings of
impatience or relaxation. Participants pass their papers to the right and repeat the same process
with the next design for five minutes, again recording thoughts and feelings between each
one. Finish and discuss. What was challenging about this activity? What was enjoyable about
it? Did you prefer the more complex or simple designs?

69. Stars in the Night

Discuss quote by Stephenie Meyer, "Without the dark, we'd never see the stars." What are some
of the gifts of the dark times in your life? Paint, color, or draw a night scene with brilliant stars
and use words and images in the picture to represent what gifts you have found in the darkness.

70. Covered and Uncovered

Using large pieces of cloth or extra clothing, such as a sweater or jacket, participants are invited
to cover parts of their body in a way that increases a feeling of safety, protection, or containment,
such as wrapping it around their shoulders, around their waist or hips, or over their heads or
face. Notice how it feels to be hidden or covered from others. Without bumping into anyone, try
walking around the room with your covering, while experimenting with covering different parts
of your body. What felt the most comfortable to you? What did it feel like? Next, try
uncovering yourself with the cloth in your own timing, such as "flashing" little glimpses of the
hidden parts, opening and closing the fabric like wings, or completely discarding the cloth and
walking around the room without the covering. What did it feel like to reveal yourself? When do
you feel safe to reveal yourself to others? What is the hardest thing for you to reveal to others?

71. Dream Circle

Discussion: Imagery and symbols are a language that can help us to explore feelings in a different
way. When we think about about dream images, we can create meaning that is useful to the
Activity: One person from the group shares a dream that they had recently or a dream that has a
recurring theme. The person shares as much detail as possible without making any self-
deprecating comments about it or leaving out any embarrassing parts. (If the dreamer does not
feel comfortable sharing a dream in its entirety, they are encouraged to select a different
dream.) One at a time, each person in the group asks refining questions about the dream, such as,
"What were you feeling when that happened?" or "Did anything in your dream remind you of
something from real life?" or "Who else was with you in the scene?" After collecting as much
information as possible, group members and the facilitator can offer interpretations of the dream,
such as "I think your dream is trying to tell you that you are afraid of losing your relationship," or
"I think your dream is warning you about what will happen if you relapse." After everyone has
had a chance to share their interpretations, the dreamer is given the final word on what the dream
means to her by sharing her interpretation of her own dream. Repeat for anyone else who has had
a dream they would like to share in the group.

72. The Guest House

Read the poem, The Guest House by Rumi. Draw, color, or paint a Guest House on a piece of
paper, inviting six feelings to enter and stay. Depict words or objects in each room to care for
each of the feelings, such as a tissue box in the room for Sadness, a punching bag in the room for
Anger, or a cross in the room for Fear.

73. Body Talk

Cut a large paper roll into long pieces for each person to lay on. Group members assist each
other with tracing the silhouette of each person laying on their paper. Each person draws or paints
words or glues magazine images on or around their silhouette that include positive messages or
qualities for each of their body parts, such as "Good Listener" next to the ears or "Energetic" next
to the feet. Participants are encouraged to also include messages that the body parts may want to
communicate back to the person; for example, the lungs may say, "Stop smoking" or the stomach
may communicate words or images about wanting to be more calm and relaxed or confident.

74. Dance Prayers

Facilitator plays slow, rhythmic music and leads a warm up for participants to move different
parts of the body, starting with the head and moving downward to the shoulders, arms, hands,
torso, legs and feet. Going around the circle one at at time, each participant will lead the group in
a gesture or movement that expresses a positive affirmation. Each person will share a unique
expression for the same phrase until everyone has had a turn leading. The group will follow the
leader's movement, repeating the gesture several times if it seems appropriate to fully appreciate
the feeling in the movement. Then each person will lead a movement or gesture for the next
phrase. The facilitator can provide the positive affirmations, such as "I believe in myself," "I can
handle this," "I am loved," and "Everything will be alright," or group members can create their
own phrases to express.

75. The Joy of Giving

Take three sheets of paper and think about what gifts you would like to give to yourself, to
someone you love, and to a stranger. Draw or color your perfect gift for each person on one of the
sheets of paper. When you are finished coloring the gifts with as much detail as possible, fold up
the papers and draw wrapping paper, ribbons, and a bow on the paper as if it is a wrapped
gift. Open and share with the group.

When art and psychotherapy are joined, the scope and depth of each can be expanded, and when
working together, they are tied to the continuities of humanity's history of healing.
~ Shaun McNiff

The use of creative arts in adolescent group

Tim Rambo

The creative process is a positive experience for young people, and benefits derived from participation in the
arts are manifold (Emunah, 1990). In recognition that adolescents often possess dormant or untapped creative
potential, many mental health professionals are turning to the expressive arts therapies as part of their multi-
modal treatment of these exceptional individuals.

When the introspective and profoundly personal nature of the creative arts is combined with the social
experience of group therapy, a powerful therapeutic setting is created as new lines of communication and
avenues for change emerge. For young people grasping for some understanding, some method of
communication, or some kindred spirit in their world, this blending of therapeutic modalities may provide the
necessary environment for psychological growth and movement. While the combination seems natural,
expressive arts groups have yet to emerge as an established specialty.


An adolescent can be reluctant and uncomfortable with verbalizing feelings. However, in the art process,
"diagrams, symbols and metaphors allow the adolescent to distance . . . from the potential anxiety" of "feeling"
tasks in the immediacy of the group process (Linesch, 1988, p. 142). "A form of expression is desperately
needed, one which matches the intensity and complexity of (the adolescent) experience, is direct but
nonthreatening, is constructive and acceptable. The creative arts provide this means of expressing the inner
explosiveness of adolescence" (Emunah, 1990, p. 102).

Adolescent Groups
For the adolescent in therapy, adolescent group work can offer a safe environment where a wide variety of
concerns (e.g., substance abuse, social skills) can be addressed. The dynamics of group therapy allow for
interpersonal and intrapersonal growth with one's peers and is uniquely different from one-to-one interactions
with a counselor. Teens may also find safety in numbers and become more involved at the encouragement and
example of their peers.

Adolescent Creative Arts Groups

"Since the very struggles of the adolescent revolve around self expression and peer interaction, it seems obvious
that a combination of art and group therapy techniques will be particularly effective with this population"
(Linesch, 1988, p. 135). Counselors find it is a complementary process with the group interactions addressing
the therapeutic needs of the adolescent (e.g., providing a testing ground for self-perceptions and behaviors) and
the creative work directing and sustaining the group process (Linesch, 1988). The creative arts can also facilitate
group cohesion and offer adolescents the chance to regress and discover hidden skills or aspects of their
personality (Walsh, 1990). In his work addressing social skills training for early adolescents, Walsh reported
that "through trial and error the members soon realized that a cooperative group was critical for a creative effort
of which they could be proud" (p. 133).

While effective counselors must provide a safe and secure therapeutic environment with enough rules and
structure to maintain order, they must also avoid the role of judge or policeman (Emunah, 1985). For example,
in drama therapy the counselor can stop action and ask the group about alternative ways a member could react
to a situation. This effective process takes advantage of the importance of peers in the teen's life while allowing
everyone to examine situations from different perspectives (Emunah, 1985). The therapist can also utilize
directorial privileges to ensure that group members are aware of consequences that can arise from their
"fictitious" dramas; e.g., police can be instructed to arrest drug dealers. The group is thus confronted with
continuing their play and dealing with realistic issues. Many counselors find that videotaping sessions can give
concrete evidence of interactions and immediate feedback to the group.

Procedures and Techniques

Adolescent groups addressing more "internal" issues such as grief and withdrawal may achieve good results with
the more introspective arts such as painting and poetry; more interpersonal goals can be reached via
collaborative activities generally found in drama, movement and music (Emunah, 1990). One must remember
that it is unnatural (and unwise) to restrict group members to any one creative modality. Regardless of which
medium is used, respect for each member's artistic talent should be emphasized to the group and modeled by
the therapist.

Following is a sample list of strategies and activities. Statements in quotations reflect a counselor's comments to
the group members:

 The first few group sessions should feature nonthreatening activities which can be used to help address
any self-consciousness or art anxiety a teen may feel about dealing with "kids' stuff." The counselor
should emphasize respect for each other's creative work.
 Inclusive group art tasks (e.g. passing of piece of clay around for individual manipulation) can gauge
and encourage group cohesiveness (Liebmann, 1986).
 "Introduce yourself (e.g., likes, dislikes) by drawing a self-portrait" (Liebmann, 1986). A collage from
magazines can also be used (Linesch, 1988).
 "Take an imaginary journey down under the sea, swimming through an underwater cave and coming up
at an island where you meet someone who gives you a gift. Present the gift and the person who gave it
to you" (Liebmann, 1986).
 Similar to the empty chair technique, but perhaps more appropriate for the teen-age population, is the
use of a pretend telephone conversation; e.g., use a tape recording to have a prop telephone "ring" and
then let the teens proceed from there - they are sure to answer it (Emunah, 1985).
 Draw the group's facilitator (Liebmann, 1986). This is sure to stimulate discussion.
 Have different group members perform different tasks in the manner of a selected adverb, while other
group members try to guess the adverb by observing the behavior. For example: Don, a very rigid, angry
teenager, was asked to hand some food to another person, "warmly". After he did so, Karen guessed
"lovingly." Don's eyes welled up with tears, and he said, "That's the way it looked? I didn't think I could
ever show love again after what has happened to me." He later talked about his experiences of being
abused at home (Johnson & Eicher, 1990, p. 160).

Near the end of a treatment program or termination of a group, the counselor can have two or three group
members enact a future scene in which they run into each other and talk about what has and has not changed
for them and in their lives (Johnson & Eicher, 1990).

Research has shown that the creative arts therapies work well in the group setting and with diverse age groups
and clientele. Creative arts groups can be particularly useful in facilitating insight, self-awareness, and
behavioral change with adolescents. However, one should bear in mind that the effective counselor must help
the adolescent move beyond artistic and verbal expression and into the area of applying skills learned in the
group to their everyday lives; for example, an adolescent's control over directing and enacting a scene set in the
future needs to be explored and carried over to possible reality in the present. If counselors can provide a
protected and safe therapeutic group environment, they create the chance for the wonders of art to play a vital
role in the multi-modal treatment of adolescents.
Emunah, R. (1985). Drama therapy and adolescent resistance. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 12, 71-79.
Emunah, R. (1990). Expression and expansion in adolescence: The significance of creative arts therapy. The Arts in
Psychotherapy, 17, 101-107.
Johnson, D. R. & Eicher, V. (1990). The use of dramatic activities to facilitate dance therapy with adolescents. The Arts in
Psychotherapy, 17, 157 164.
Liebmann, M. (1986). Art therapy for groups: A handbook of themes, games and exercises. Cambridge, MA: Brookline Books.
Linesch, D. G. (1988). Adolescent art therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Walsh, R. T. (1990). A creative arts program in social skills training for early adolescents: An exploratory study. The Arts in
Psychotherapy, 17, 131 137.

This feature is an ERIC Digest. Tim D. Rambo, M.A. Ed., is a graduate of the Counselor Education
Program at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.

Pana acum nu imi amintesc sa fi vazut un film mai bun pentru copii, decat acest film, “Insideout”.

Este un film pe care eu il recomand la capitloul “ABC-ul psihologiei”, pentru copii, tineri si adulti. Incepand cu
10- 11 ani copii pot sa ineleaga bine despre ce se vorbeste in film.

El explica extraordinar in imagini psihologia umana.

Explica ce se intampla in “sufletul unui copil”: ce gandeste, ce simte, ce face, ce solutii gaseste intr-o situatie
stresanta pentru el.

Cinci emotii de baza:

Bucuria, Frica, Tristetea, Enervarea si Nemultumirea. Fiecare dintre ele isi joaca rolul propriu intr-o situatie

Bucuria cauta solutii pentru a gasi o rezolvare si a ne fi bine

Frica vine cu o multime de motive pentru care n-am gasi rezolvarea.

Tristetea ne goleste de energie, speranta, dar stie/”simte” atat de multe incat ne poate scoate din incurcatura.

Enervarea pune gaz pe foc si din rau ajungem sa facem un rau si mai mare- noua si altora.

Nemultumirea, “ma pun de-a curmezisul” sau atitudinea de “nimic nu e bun” ne submineaza si bruma de
speranta ca vom reusi sa gasim o rezolvare.

Sa luam un scenariu posibil:

Sportiv: un jucator de tenis

Situatia stresanta: nu poate inchide punctul, game-ul, setul sau meciul

Emotii si ganduri:

Frica si prietenul ei gandul: “nu sunt in stare”, “ce or sa zica ceilalti?”

Tristetea si prietenul ei gandul: “iarasi pied”, “stiu ca loviturile mele sunt mai bune, stiu ca pot sa il joc pe
partea lui slaba, dar nu mai am putere sa o fac”

Enervarea si prietenul ei gandul: “macar sa vad ca dau cu toata puterea mea in mingea asta, macar sa vad ca
se duce, poate asa fac si eu un punct”

Nemultumirea, are un prieten de “nadeje” gandul ca “am facut eu un punct. Si ce? La ce ma ajuta daca
scorul nu e in favoarea mea?”

Bucuria si gandul: “lupt”, “am simtit bine mangea asta, racheta, am simtit ca am dat tot ce am putut”.

Bucuria exista chiar si atunci cand pare ca sportivul a ajuns in culmea supararii, enervarii, lipsei de incredere.
Ele sunt acolo, dar sportivul nu are ochi de vazut pentru ele si nici urechi de auzit. Pentru el celelalte emotii
sunt prea zgomotoase ca sa nu le bage in seama.

Aceste emotii si ganduri exista tot timpul, doar ca pe baza experientei de pana atunci, a unei zile “mai bune sau
mai proaste” unele au intensitate mai mare, altele doar mocnesc.

Bucuria pentru joc exista insa intotdeauna. Ea este creativa, ea incearca sa gaseasca solutii, sa puna celelalte
emotii sa lucreze impreuna pentru a gasi o solutie. Ba chiar emotiile insele o asteapta pe Bucurie sa le fie sef,
pentru ca psihicului nostru nu ii place sa fie nici suparat, nici enervat, nici nemultumit.

“Vizualizarea”: drumul cel scurt

In film, Bucuria impreuna cu Tristetea si jucaria preferata intra intr-o zona foarte importanta pentru gasirea
unei solutii: zona “Vizualizarii” sau a “Imaginatiei”. Acolo ei isi gasesc drumul peste o “apa” curgatoare sarind
din obiect in obiect, formandu-si propria punte sub picioare. Va amintiti postul meu “Puntea de pietre”? Se
refera la acelasi lucru.

“Vizualizarea” este una dintre cele doua calitati ce despart sportivii de top de cei de subtop. Deci acordati-i
mare atentie!

A accepta emotiile si a cauta sprijin

Nu in ultimul rand, a ne lasa sa simtim, a accepta ce simtim si a avea unde sa cautam sprijinul la cei apropiati
noua, sunt lucruri simple, dar pe care uitam adesea sa le luam in calcul atunci cand e musai sa adunam puncte
pe teren si sa castigam!

Inchei aici si va invit sa vedeti, cu mic si mare filmul “Insideout”.

Cine doreste, poate sa lase mai jos “Comentarii” cateva cuvinte despre film.
Pentru povesti personale, intrebari si sugestii, va invit sa imi scrieti la



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Exercitiu vizualizare- “Puntea de pietre”

Foto: Nicoleta si cele cinci Emotii din film

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