Watching For Dolphins by David Constantine
Watching For Dolphins by David Constantine
Watching For Dolphins by David Constantine
‘Watching for Dolphins’ by David Constantine is a six stanza poem which is divided into sets
of six lines, also known as a sestet. These stanzas do not conform to single pattern of
rhyming lines, but vary as the poem progresses. In the first two stanzas the poet follows the
general schemes of abacbd, and then with different ending sounds, abcadd. The next
stanzas diverge once more following the patterns of abacdd and aabcdc. The final two
stanzas are the most different of all with schemes of, abcdda and abcdef.
This varying pattern is created in an attempt to keep a reader on their toes. It does not allow
one to slip into complacency and easy expectation of what rhyming sound is to come next.
There are two place names in this piece which are important to know before beginning an
analysis of the work, “Piraeus” and “Aegean.” The second is the easiest to recognize and
refers to the “Aegean” Sea which is located between the mainlands of Greece and Turkey.
The second place, “Piraeus,” is a little more unusual. It is a port city in the Attica region of
Greece and is the destination of the ship which serves as both a character and setting in
‘Watching For Dolphins‘. You can read the full poem here.
This work describes the joys, disappointments, and ways of coping, that exist throughout
ones life. From the beginning to the end of the journey one will experience a number of
different emotions, these are detailed by Constantine through an experience on a
passenger ship.
The poem begins with the passengers being drawn to the bow where they hope to see
dolphins. They have all come together at this point and speculate about what it will be like
to see these animals jumping up and out of the water. Before they know it they have
returned to port having seen nothing.
Stanza One
In the first stanza of this poem the speaker introduces the reader to an activity that he
participates in on a regular basis. This speaker is commonly on board a passenger ship or
ferry which takes him and many other travellers to “Piraeus.” For more information of
“Piraeus,” see the Introduction.
The crossing on which the narrator embarks only occurs during the summer, but is
common enough to where he describes the movements of the passengers and ship fluidly
and with great and convincing detail.
The following actions which he describes are ones that he sees on “every crossing.” This is
an interesting detail as the passengers, many of whom have surely been on this ship before,
still yearn for the same things. Additionally, it does not matter who the passengers are, or
what class they prescribed to. All people, from all parts of the ship, “From seats in the
packed saloon,” move to the deck of the ship, up to the bow.
Everyone feels some of the same desire, to see dolphins. There is an element of wonder in
this activity which inhabits all the commuters for this short period. They do not consciously
realize they are moving together with the same purpose, but the narrator does. He has
been on enough of these journeys and is able to keep track of where everyone is. This
raises the question of whether or not he still cares to see the dolphins.
Stanza Two
In the second stanza the narrator elaborates on the fact that this common goal forces all
thoughts of one’s own life and ambitions, temporarily, from one’s head. “Every other wish”
that one might have, is “Turned…on the sea.” The lovers who are sailing together replace
their desire for one another with the desire to see dolphins.
The same goes for a “fat man” who is toting around “equipment to photograph the
occasion.” The man came prepared for this exact moment. He knew ahead of time that
there was a chance he’d get to see dolphins on this voyage. This was so important to him
that he brought all of his photo equipment with him. He is, the speaker describes, looking
through “sad bi-focals.” His countenance appears to be downcast, or perhaps pathetic
feeling to the speaker. This is the first hint the reader gets that things may not turn out as
everyone is hoping.
In the last two lines of this sestet the speaker shows another way that the commuters
attempt to see the dolphins. Some of them, those who have children, believe they are the
best chance they have. They want to think that “if anyone would” see dolphins it would be
the young people.
Related poetry: Biography of David Constantine
Stanza Three
In the third stanza the people of the ship are all gathered. They are all gazing out into the
water and wondering amongst themselves whether a rough or “flat” and “calm” sea is more
favourable. They are trying to convince themselves that the elements, one way or another,
predict their chances of seeing the dolphins. Gulls are also discussed as an omen. They
wonder whether they are a “sign, that fell / Screeching from the sky.” Does that mean the
dolphins are near?
It is clear that the passengers are quite restless. This one goal has overwhelmed all others,
to the point that they are unable to pull themselves way from the bow.
Stanza Four
In the fourth sestet the traveller’s faces are still set to the sea. Each in its own way is
begging, or “implor[ing]” the sea to make the dolphins show themselves. This is an action,
and a way of being, which many of the commuters are unprepared for. Many, the speaker
states, are not used to wanting an “epiphany” or a moment of wonder and realization.
Usually life presents itself easily and without much effort, but in this case, what the
passengers want is completely beyond their control.
They do everything they can think of, including”Praying the sky would clang.” They want to
experience a reverberation going out along the Aegean, in the hopes that the animals will
surface. This is the climax of the poem. All the people on the deck are convinced they are
going to see something and are ready to celebrate.
Stanza Five
The hope for a successful dolphin sighting continues into the fifth stanza in which the
speaker describes how everyone would act if they saw the animals in the water. They would
observe the dolphins’ “snub-nosed” faces and lift up the children in celebration.
Everyone would share in their mutual joy and wonder at the creatures. The ideal scenario
would have the dolphins leaving their element and jumping “three or four times” into the air
and “Looping the keel.”
From that point the dolphins would be felt going “Further and further” into the depths of the
Stanza Six
This ideal scenario is not what happens though. Before the passengers realize what has
happened, the ship is back “among the great tankers,” edging toward port. They are sailing
under the enormous chains that hold the ships in place. The passengers have not seen any
Everyone is suddenly awoken from the trance they were in and “blinking,” with down cast
eyes, prepare to land in the city. Everyone is deeply disappointed, but unwilling to admit it.
Their previous joy seems childish now and they dismiss it in an effort to rejoin their lives.