Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2011
Cover design by Adam Lewis
Cover photography by; DWS Photography
Edited by Stacey Rhodes
ISBN Trade paperback 978-1466476875
The G.A. Hauser Collection, LLC
This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales
is coincidental.
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission,
except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
The characters in this book, and all of GA Hauser’s characters, are copyrighted and owned by GA Hauser and cannot be
used in fan-fiction or any
other context. Use of any of her characters is a breach of copyright law.
This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please
store your books
carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.
Cooper was so angry he could punch a wall. Now I’m over the limit and have to drive to my fucking ‘townhouse’!— he
screamed the word
‘townhouse’ in his head—and I’m more pissed off now than before I went out! I don’t need this shit!
He stormed to the parking garage, took the keys out of his pocket and tried to find his car. He spotted his black BMW and
used the key fob to
unlock it. Once he was sitting behind the wheel, he rested his arms on it and his head on his arms. He was so frustrated he
wanted to cry. He just
wasn’t very good at weeping.
“I’m drunk. I can’t drive.” He slouched in the seat, staring at the cement wall in front of him. “Fuck.” He turned the key in
the ignition and tried to
sober up. The waves of intoxication were just starting. He knew he was in no shape. He shut off the car and closed his eyes,
his head on the rest
behind him. All he wanted to do was go home.
His cell phone rang. Cooper patted his pockets trying to find it. He took it out and read the display. It was Blair. He shut it
off and tossed it on the
passenger’s seat.
“Y got me drunk, and now I can’t drive home!” Cooper climbed out of his car and staggered as he closed the door behind
him. He wasn’tou
going to risk being on the road. No way. He had enough problems.
His heels clacking on the cement floor, Cooper made his way back to the street level and looked for a coffee shop. His
hands deep in his pants
pockets, his head down, Cooper felt like he had an ‘L’ for loser tattooed on his forehead. He envied Blair. Imagine…having
both sexes to choose
from. No strings? Fuck a woman one night, a man the next?
“He’s not bi. He’s lost his mind.” He walked down the street to sober up. Spotting the El Torito Grill, Cooper entered it and
checked to see if they
had coffee on the menu. They did. He waited in line and ordered a large, then sat outside on a low circular cement planter
pot and sipped it.
The area wasn’t mobbed with pedestrians, but there were people coming and going. Rodeo Drive with its Christmas theme
idea,in Blair!
the Let’s go out with a straight homophobe and get
He drunk! Parking
cursed Whee!
himself as washe at a premium
tried and
to walk off there
the highwere
so hestill a lotdrive
could of cars on the
home. street.
Wasn’t he supposed to be the designated driver?
Ha.In Sure.
the cool breeze, steam swirled from his coffee. He tried to think. But in reality, he didn’t want to. His time off became a
He of frustrations
didn’t know what he was, or wanted…
dealing with
Thinking aboutthreatening calls from Lucinda’s family to trying to keep his head above water as the woman milked him dry.
Ted. Ted Mack…
Ted he
thatwas paying
kid’s want
name?twohim. That’s why their relationship ended. Blair was convinced Ted was madly in lust with one of his
young two his
tapped car
lip, trying toall the insurance
unravel that costs…he was drowning.
riddle. people happy all over the place this
I know it. What is it? It’s a weird name. Not Bob time of year
or made him slightly bitter. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. He
supposed to be
happy too,he
“Keefe!” wasn’t he?loud, holding up his index finger. Some passersby looked but didn’t comment. Blair kept walking,
said out
Reef. Reefer.
Time and his dour
feeling the cool breeze thoughts began to sober him up. Whatever food he had eaten was helping sop up the vodka. The coffee
cooled down and he
and liking it. No freezing temperatures, no need to use a parka and long johns.
was ableHammond.
“Keefe to drink it. That’s
It was weak, but tolerable.
the name.” Blair snarled his upper lip. The fucking kid was just out of Rutgers. What? Ten?
As dust blew up from the wind, he rubbed his eyes, yearning to get out of his business suit and into a shower.
He scoffed. Fine. He was twenty-something. Fuck me, Ted, I’m sooo old! Thirty-five, over the fucking hill. Suck my
Blair was buzzed. Not toast, but not sober.
cock, whoprick.
does he set his sights on next? Another man with a tendency for dating children. Eighteen? Seriously,
How was You he
married an to stick around and watch Ted Mack not only earn millions, but flaunt a young stud on his arm as
eighteen year old beauty queen? What the hell chance do I have? Zip! I’m an old fuck at thirty-five and male!
by had stopped
stretch made
sedans.for a Blair
trafficswear offlooking
signal, men. Nearly.
around Rodeo Drive. Mostly women. Almost all women . The only men were
He likeddrivers
limousine to dabble in straight affairs, but women became clingy. Like he’d been with Ted Mack.
“Cocksucker,” he said, thinking of Ted.
An older woman gave Blair a surprised look.
Blair spun around. “Not you! Sorry!”
The woman kept walking.
“Now I’m swearing to myself like a street person. Shut up, Blair!” He bit his lip and walked across the street when the light
yet? Am I sober
He stopped and tried to touch his nose like in a sobriety
Fuck. He wished there was a coffee shop right where he was walking. How could Starbucks not be right here?
remembered one on North Beverly and wondered if he felt like actually going there. “Yes.” He changed direction and
kept walking. He
couldn’t drive and didn’t want to keep wandering the streets.
Sure enough, the logo for the coffee shop appeared. A few people were even outdoors, sipping the hot drinks at outside
tables. He entered the
shop, hit instantly with the noise of hissing espresso makers and steamed milk. He was full, so the food behind the glass
showcase held no interest.
He removed a five out of his wallet and shuffled along with the line.
“Can I help you?”
“Double espresso.” He handed him the money.
“Your name?”
“Did you say, schmuck?”
The man behind the counter smiled wryly as he wrote on a cup. “I’ve had nights like that.”
“Yeah. Me too. Too many to count.” He took his change. “Thanks.
“No problem.”
Blair stood on the second line, trying not to interact with anyone. Not at the moment. He was too angry.
He nodded and took his coffee, looking for a spot to sit. No open tables. A few had single occupants. Though in the past it
would have opened
up an opportunity for a chat and to get laid, he didn’t bother.
Standing outside, Blair removed the lid and blew on the strong coffee, figuring now he could wander back to his car and
be sober enough to
He enteredfinished
thethe coffee.
parking From all
garage, the beer
retracing hisand booze
earlier andwhen
steps caffeine,
lefthad to piss.
to get He He
coffee. reentered
stoppedthe restaurant and
was the cup, against his car, legs crossed, waiting.
you?~ into the men’s room. Another man was already standing at the urinal, so Cooper chose the stall. He undid his belt
and hiszipper,
In Blair opinion, watching
was sober. his sober
he thought he hadnow. The Those
aged. walk, the
years and the timehad
of marriage hadtacked
done their job.
on ten toWhen he arrived
his youthful at his Mercedes,
appearance, and he
he hit
wasn’t the about it. the bowl. Was he sober? Pretty much. Getting there.
Cooper’s in
BMWHe finished
“May still wellup,
as parked and
be near stood at
it. So…he
a hundred the
and sink to wash
thirty-two.” He his hands.
stuck When under
his hands he saw how
the he looked,
blower he shook
and then left thehis head. Jesus,
restaurant, Coop.
headed to his
What Cooper
Hehappened approached
could drive to Blair said to him, “Hello, Mr. McDermott.”
home “Hi.”
now. He felt much more sober. Didn’t matter. He had to get home.
The“I’m sorry
hour on Ihis
you drunk and left
read after youHe
eight. high…and dry.”
felt like everything was off kilter in his head. There was a time when he was out
all night,
And I’m leaned
young! against the car parked beside his own, so they were facing each other. “What did we argue about?”
Fuck you,important.”
partying…where did those
Lucinda. days
I stole go?youth? Are you kidding
me? smile was back. The perfect white teeth and gleam in Blair’s eye made Cooper smile back. “Had a cup of coffee over
at El Torito.”
“Oh. Right. I went to ‘bucks.”
Cooper tilted his head and then nodded. “Fuck. North Beverly.”
“Yup. I’m from New York and yet I know the area better than you.”
“I just forgot.”
“Yeah. Though I can drive now, it sucks being sober.” Cooper sighed. “Oh well. Time to head home.” He stood off the car
and held his key.
Blair moved aside but felt as if something needed saying. “No hard feelings?”
“Seriously, Blair. I can’t remember what we were mad about. I have too much on my mind.”
Blair was not about to remind Cooper that he thought touching another man was ‘gross!’ “I hear ya.” He backed up to
allow Cooper to enter his
Once Cooper was inside his car, he started the engine and powered the window down.
Blair leaned on the door frame. “Have a good weekend, Mr. McDermott. Don’t stress. The restraining order will be served,
and the PI will contact
Blair would give anything to lean in and peck this man on the cheek. It felt right, but it was oh, so wrong.
“Okay. I need to strip off this monkey suit. I’ve had enough of it. See ya.”
Blair stood back as Cooper put the car in reverse. He waved and watched the sleek BMW leave. “I’d like to strip off that
suit for you, pretty boy.”
Blair shook his head and knew this crush was futile. He had to let it go or he and Cooper wouldn’t even be able to work
He sat behind the wheel of his car and headed home.
Cooper managed to get home without incident. His paranoia made him drive a mile under the posted speed limits,
causing near road rage in
the poor drivers unfortunate enough to be stuck behind him.
His townhouse wasn’t too shabby, but its thirteen hundred square feet, two bedrooms and two baths, was less than half of
the house he had
purchased nearly ten years ago. Lucinda warned if he wanted her out, he had to sell it. Sell it? In this market? He was lucky
his mortgage didn’t go
upside down.
He parked in one side of his two-car garage and climbed out, taking his tie and jacket with him. He scanned through his
mobile phone texts and
voicemail as he entered his home. It wasn’t Malibu, but in the area of Santa Monica, the Wilshire neighborhood was decent.
In the downturned economy, he was able to buy the townhouse for half its original cost. So he did. Like hell he was going
to rent while his wife
lived in his wonderful home.
He tossed his jacket on his bed, toeing off his shoes and stripping for the shower. His workouts had gone hit and miss. He
had no idea why he
was so tired but nothing he did made him feel good. His diet was mostly coffee and water, and his life seemed to be on
On his way to the shower he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror over the vanity, and avoided it. He stood waiting
for the water to heat up
then wetted down, closing his eyes, trying to unwind.
The booze had left him with a mild hangover headache already. He scrubbed and shampooed, feeling slightly better for it.
He shut off the water
and stood dripping. He tugged on his cock but was in no mood for a climax. That yearning had become rare with his mind so
A towel around his waist, Cooper stepped out of the tub and looked through the steam at his reflection. He had to pull it
together. Letting himself
go was not going to make him feel better.
Using the ball of his palm, he wiped a circle in the mist to see himself. “Y know what will piss her off?” He rubbed the
stubble on his jaw. “Meou
being happy without her. That bitch is getting off on killing me.”
Blair opened his shirt buttons as he played the messages on his answering machine. Solicitations, recorded computerized
drones leaving
messages for other occupants… All Blair received on his home phone was wrong numbers. He truly wondered how long the
phone company
waited to dole out the numbers between users. Seemed like between the wrong phone calls and the letters in his mailbox
addressed to someone
else, Blair wondered if it was a coded message from beyond. Someone telling the New Yorker to get back across the country.
He did his best to lose the accent. He was good at mimicking the inflection of whatever locale he was in. Nothing was
worse than being seen as
the ‘foreigner’. And what was that rivalry between LA and NYC? They were like two polar opposites trying to mate.
He continued through his three-bedroom, four-bathroom home in Glendale. The million dollar estate complete with fifty-
four acres of land was a
repossessed home. A pool, a view of the hills…Blair loved it. He actually made money on the transaction—selling his
penthouse in Manhattan and
buying this place. No one would believe him.
He changed into his sweatpants and NYU sweatshirt. Once he took a bottle of water out of his refrigerator he curled up on
his overstuffed
sectional, pointing the remote at the flat-screen.
A weekend ahead and nothing planned. It was easy to make ‘acquaintances’ in Lala Land, but not good friends.
At work if he asked someone to go out for a meal or a movie, he’d end up fending off a sexual advance. The available few
had made it obvious
to Blair he was being pursued. So, without work to offer a friend, that didn’t leave much at the moment.
As he surfed through channels of garbage, he thought about a pay movie. Straight or gay porn?
“Gay.” He aimed the remote. The selection was mostly bland plots or ones he’d seen. He picked one with a gorgeous
model on the trailer. “Mm.
Looks like Cooper. I’ll bite.” He smiled.
Once he had made his selection, he tossed the remote on the cushion beside him and stuffed his hand down his pants.
The water bottle empty and placed on the side table, Blair exposed his cock and played with it as the opening credits
rode over men sucking
cock and butt-fucking.
The more he watched, the less he felt like jacking off. He stared down at his cock and sighed.
Saturday morning Cooper was woken out of his sleep. He opened his eyes to hear his ringtone and moaned. Squinting
against 4 glare of sun
coming through his slatted blinds on the window, Cooper picked up the phone and realized who it was when he read the
number. “What?”
“You served my parents with a restraining order?”
“Lucinda…” Cooper rubbed his eyes.
“How could you!”
“Please don’t start. I can’t fight three against one. Y mother and father call me and harass me.” He rolled his back to the
window and closedour
his eyes.
“Cooper! You and that bully you hired will not intimidate me.”
“You think Blair’s a bully?” He smiled. “Good.”
“This would all be over by now if you would give me what I want.”
“I could say the same thing.”
“You left me!”
“I left you because you kept cheating. I even told you after the first time I would forgive you. But you did it again.”
“That’s a lie! You have no proof.”
“Lucinda. You told me you don’t love me. Remember?” He felt his chest tighten.
“I was just pissed off.”
“When you screw someone other than your husband, chances are you probably don’t love him.” He yawned and rolled to
his back, holding his
hand up to shield the light.
“Just because I have fans that ask me out, doesn’t mean I make love to them.”
“Why do you go? Y know it upsets me.” He threw off the sheets and tugged the cord from the blinds, darkening the room,
then sat on the bed.ou
“Haven’t we been through this enough?”
“I love my house. I don’t want to leave.”
“It was my house for ten years and yours for two. Is that fair?”
“You make so much money, Coop. I don’t.”
“Sweetie, you can’t imagine retiring at twenty. Come on.” Cooper fell back on his bed with a bounce. “At twenty, I was in
college working my way
to get into law school. You can actually get a job. Use your looks.”
“No. I’m too busy to work.”
“Busy?” He laughed.
“Yes! I have Pilates, yoga, facials, then I work for the pageants, you know. I’m still involved in promotion and I help
manage the children’s shows.”
“You volunteer. You should do that and get paid.”
“Oh, Coop.” She blew out a breath. “It’s barely minimum wage.”
“So? You start small and then own a beauty pageant of your own.” He scratched his balls and bent his knee.
“That’s easy for you to say. Own a pageant? Who owns a pageant?”
“You and your mother can start some kind of coaching agency. Think about it, Lucinda. Do we really need to go through all
this pain?”
“Your lawyer isn’t charging you by the hour like mine is. It’s unfair you work with him.”
“I’m paying him. You think I’m not paying him?”
“Cooper…” she whined. “Just the house.”
“The house is two million. No.”
“Buy me out.”
“I don’t have that kind of money. I’m nearly broke now with all the expenses.”
“I’m the liar? You cheated with so many guys. Come on.”
“Who? Name one.”
“How can I name them? They’re ten years younger than I am and I have no idea who they are.”
“Then how do you know?”
He groaned and straightened his legs. “Again? I have to tell you again? Do you not listen or do you forget?”
“You have no proof.”
“Why would my friends tell me about you meeting very young men while I’m at work?”
“They’re jealous, Coop. They know how close we are.”
“How close were we?” His call waiting beeped. “Hang on.” Cooper hit the button. “Hello?”
“Mr. McDermott?”
“This is Kent Jones. Blair Woodbury said you would be needing the services of a private investigator.”
“Yes. Hang on.” Cooper hit the button. “I have to go.”
“I want the house.”
“I know. Bye.” Cooper sat up and wedged his pillows behind him. “Mr. Jones?”
“Call me Kent. Are you available to see me today?”
“I am. Do you want to come here? Or…?”
“What are you comfortable with?”
“Come here. What time?” He looked at his digital alarm clock. It was just after nine.
“Is ten-thirty good?”
Blair pumped his legs harder, trying to clear his mind, but running may accomplish releasing stress, but it gave him time
think.ran through the neighborhood in his shorts and t-shirt. A few people were out walking their dogs, bundled up in
sweatshirts and long
As he rounded pants.
a bend in the sidewalk, Blair thought about Cooper. Not only was it more pleasant, he enjoyed fantasizing
The morning
about him. How toair was fabulous and not cold. Not like running in freezing temperatures in Central Park. December? No one
liked to run in winter
seduce a straight man? back
east. But he
Though did. myth had plenty of tales of conquest, Blair didn’t think it was possible. Bi-curious men, yes. Closeted
Here? Here With the view of the hills and a wonderful run along Riverside Drive? Paradise.
course. But
He tried to get into a routine. Being new to an area was a huge adjustment. It didn’t help matters that every time he
bona fide straight men? No. No way. Get over it.
I hate the
man. or turned
Sweat began running down Blair’s temple. He swiped at it and kept pushing harder.
on his computer, Ted Mack’s picture and articles about the rising millionaire and his new streamlined social-network-for-one
Thinking of tactics to deal with Cooper’s divorce had become Blair’s obsession. Y he had other cases, but none that
had gone viral.
mattered more. Thises,
The apps alone were pure genius.
battle was personal.
Making the loop back home, thinking of laps in the swimming pool to top off the workout for the day, Blair hoped Kent
Jones could dig up the dirt.
He was recommended. On this coast, Blair didn’t know a soul.
“Hi. Come in.” Cooper opened the door to a husky, older black gentleman in a suit. “Nice to meet you.” He shook his
hand. “Can I get you a cup
of coffee?”
“Yes. Thank you. With sugar.” Kent looked around the room. “Where would you like me to interview you?”
“Just have a seat at the kitchen table.” Cooper poured a mug of coffee and placed it in front of Kent, putting spoons and a
sugar bowl out as well.
He refilled his own cup and joined him at the table.
Kent opened a leather briefcase and removed a spiral notebook from it, and a pen.
Cooper admired a gold ring with a diamond center stone on his right hand, and his wedding band on his left. It made
Cooper glance at his own
ring. He twirled it on his finger nervously, wondering why he clung to it.
“Right.” Kent made eye contact. “Blair Woodbury is handling your divorce.”
“He told me you knew your wife was cheating but you had no proof. So this information is to help you gain leverage with
the court system.”
“Yes.” Cooper leaned his elbows on the table and studied the deep lines in Kent Jones’ face.
“Tell me a little about your wife.”
“Her name is Lucinda. Maiden name, Mumford.” Cooper watched Kent write as he spoke. “She’s twenty.”
Kent glanced at him, nodding. “Date of birth?”
“Christmas day is her birthday.” Cooper slouched, rubbing his face.
“Why do you suspect she was cheating?”
“Friends. Friends and clients told me they spotted her with other men. Or, I should say, boys her age.”
Kent nodded, his expression not changing, writing. “Where did your friends see her?”
“Uh…” Cooper closed his eyes to remember. “You mean like areas of LA or exact locations?”
“The more exact, the better.”
Cooper struggled to remember. “Right. Uh, one friend spotted her in Echoplex, another in Arena.”
“What type of places are these?”
“Under twenty-one clubs.”
“Spotted her doing what?”
“Well, Jack Larsen…” Cooper stopped talking and met Kent’s eyes. “He’s a lawyer from another firm in LA and an
acquaintance.” Kent nodded,
writing. “Jack was in the club looking for a friend’s son when he saw Lucinda making out with a young man.”
Kent nodded.
“Um…Sonja Knight, an associate of Jack’s, was with her niece when she spotted Lucinda screwing someone in a car in the
parking lot of
“Ms. Knight actually witnessed your wife having sex.”
“Yes. That’s what she told me. She said Lucinda was in the back seat of a car sitting on top of another young man,
screwing him.”
Kent began scribbling quickly, turning a page. “They knew Lucinda well?”
“Not well, no. From me. From my contact with them at social events and occasionally when we would bump into each
other while Lucinda and I
were out to dinner. Many people know Lucinda and me as a couple. And they may also know Lucinda from winning the Miss
California pageant.”
“Would you allow me to contact those two lawyers as witnesses?”
“Of course. They both work at Larsen, Knight and Bernstein and associates.”
“Bernstein? As in Judge Jennifer Bernstein?”
“Oh, right. The firm she used to work in before she became a judge. It’s in my building.”
“I know the one. I’m retired law enforcement.” Kent smiled.
“I figured.” Cooper smiled back.
Kent sipped his coffee. “Tell me what else you know about your wife’s infidelity.”
“I was the moron. What can I say? I had no idea and trusted her. But it’s my own fault. What did I expect marrying a
woman so young? I really
Two years of her life was a very small investment.”
“No kids.”
Cooper shook his head. “No. No kids. I didn’t want them and she claimed she didn’t either. She said pregnancy would ruin
her body.”
Kent flipped his notebook to a clean page. “Anything else? Can you narrow anything down to dates or times?”
Cooper thought hard. “Jack would remember. That man has an amazing mind. I think he spotted Lucinda back in
December of last year. I
remember I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday and she said go to the spa for the weekend. I paid for her two
days of pampering, and
that’s why when Jack told me he spotted her at Echoplex, I was confused.” He watched Kent’s pen working on keeping up
with the information. “And
Sonja…let me think.” Cooper closed his eyes. “That was summer. Last summer. I worked all day, you know. Law is at least a
sixty-hour week. So
she had a lot of time away from me. Can I blame her?”
Kent narrowed his eyes at Cooper. “You keep blaming yourself.”
“What did I expect?” Cooper threw up his hands. “I married a woman twelve years younger than I am, who was a beauty
queen and an only child.
Did I really think I would keep her? I was gone so much.”
“Did she know you were a lawyer when she married you?”
“Hell yeah. She knew. Her mom knew and pushed Lucinda to say yes when I proposed.”
“Pushed her?”
“Well, encouraged her.”
“I assume you did consummate your marriage.”
“Yes.” Cooper thought about how fantastic the sex was in the courtship stage and through the first year.
“Anything else?”
“I had a few hunches here and there. But I never made any strong investigations at the time.”
“Does she own her own cell phone?”
“Own her own as opposed to?”
“Do you pay that bill?”
“I did. I do. Yes.”
“What’s the number?”
Cooper told him. “That will most likely get you some names. She didn’t let me near her phone and the texting and calls
were many. Of course she
had a lot of female friends, so I didn’t think twice about it. I let her do her thing. I never even looked at the recipients of the
calls. I just paid the bill
with direct pay.”
“Do you know which server her email account was with?”
“Give me the address.”
Cooper did. “Can you pull records for these things?”
“If I can, I will. She may have chat logs with other men during your marriage. And of course, texting and telephoning one
specific number again
and again is pretty good information. Judges aren’t that stupid. And if we’re lucky, we’ll get someone like Her Honor Judge
“Too bad she’s a Supreme Court justice.” Cooper smiled.
“Our loss, the state’s gain.” Kent asked, “Anything else?”
Cooper tried to think. “I wish I could tell you something concrete and make your job easy. I just was completely dumb. I
went about my work and
whatever, not worrying about her. I thought she was very happy with me. She acted like it.”
Kent folded his notebook shut. “Let me work on it. I’ll keep you abreast of everything I learn, and I’ll send copies of my
findings to Blair as well. To
be honest?”
“I’ll get proof. She was obviously very confident you would not suspect her, so she most likely has made many mistakes.
One of these young men
she had an affair with will talk to me and give me a statement. I guarantee it.” He finished his coffee.
“I feel like a snake.”
“You aren’t. She was.” Kent stood and pushed his chair under the table.
Cooper rose to his feet. “Thank you.” He reached out his hand.
“Don’t worry. I do this kind of thing all the time. I’ll give you leverage.”
“I think that’s all I need.”
“I’ll be in touch.” Kent walked to the front door.
Cooper showed him out, waving. When he was alone, he sighed tiredly. Though he should feel elated that he was going to
win, because he had
confidence in a man like Kent, Cooper didn’t feel happy.
By late afternoon Blair sat at his kitchen table eating salad as he stared through the sliding doors of his back patio. His
exercise done, his food
shopping done, his laundry done, Blair was going to eat and then catch up on work. He’d left his social life in New York with
“No. Home.” I have a great house and no one to invite to admire it.
“Where do you live again?”
“Glendale. Off Riverside Drive.”
“It is nice. Too big for me.”
Cooper laughed.
Blair knew he was treading on thin ice considering Cooper was living in a townhouse and fighting for his mansion. It
wasn’t nice to gloat and he
didn’t. “Up to you. We can watch football. I think the Giants are playing.”
Cooper choked. “The Giants? You better get into the Chargers, dude.”
“Gah! No fucking way.”
“Sure. What the fuck. Give me your address.”
“Gotta pen?”
Blair rattled it off. “What time are you coming by?”
“You said you just ate?”
“I had a snack. It’s early.” Blair checked the clock on the kitchen wall. It was only six.
“Want me to bring food?”
“Bring anything you want.”
“Okay. I’ll be there in an hour or so.”
“Cool.” Blair disconnected the line and stared into space. Cooper here? After telling me how gross I am?
He blew out a breath of frustration and took his plate to the sink.
After stopping at a Chinese restaurant for take-out food, Cooper drove the wide streets lined with palm trees.
Two years5 ago he had quite a few friends to spend time with. Contemporaries who mingled in the same circles, had similar
interests…but when
he married Lucinda he dropped out of their sphere. Mostly because Lucinda didn’t relate to men and women in their thirties
and forties. Her
boredom at the cocktail parties and dinners used to embarrass him. Her twirling of her blonde hair and staring off into space
whenever anyone
discussed current events or politics was typical for a young woman her age. Cooper didn’t blame her if she was more
comfortable discussing
reality TV or fashion. It’s what women her age did. But the wives of his friends? They would shoot daggers at her, and roll
their eyes at him.
Cooper wanted to protect Lucinda from that type of snobbery and because of it, he had lost many friends. Going back,
dealing with the ‘I told you
so’ mentality, was not an option.
As his satellite navigation system told him the destination was on the right, Cooper slowed down and got a look at Blair’s
home. It was as he
suspected. Possibly better.
The driveway entrance had two wide gray stone pillars with a small roof over the top, reminiscent of old English castle
gatehouses. But it wasn’t
so big as to be ridiculous. More of a ‘sentry’ entryway. He pulled into the well-lit private road with white and red tiled
parking area instead of a sod
lawn. The pattern was large white squares surrounded by red, giving the area ample parking right outside the front door.
The home was single
story, white stucco with archways outside each door. Planters with mature flowering shrubs and tall trees framed the
façade. As Cooper parked he
figured this home was a steal in today’s market. Which is why he could not sell his own home now.
He shut off the car and grabbed the fragrant bag of Chinese food, looking forward to a night of not thinking of all the
bullshit, though it was
inevitable it would come up.
The illuminated front alcove seemed empty and Cooper would place a marble or wrought iron bench in it if the property
were his. He rang the
doorbell and waited, hearing his stomach growl. It was nearing seven-thirty and he hadn’t eaten since before Kent Jones had
shown up.
The door opened and Blair’s handsome smile greeted him. “Coop. Welcome to my humble abode.” Blair backed up and
gestured for Cooper to
Cooper did, looking around the large living room, which had terra cotta tile floors and a built in bookshelf on one entire
wall. “Y need to furnishou
this place.”
“I just moved here. And I hate doing that shit.” Blair took the bag of food and walked across the living room past a dining
table and chairs to the
open-planned kitchen. It was all one room with a high pitched ceiling and throw rugs.
As he walked, Cooper looked out of the sliding doors to see a well-lit pool and patio area. “Let me guess. Two and a half
“One mill.” Blair grinned wickedly. “I fucking stole it.”
“I was giving it a low ball. Are you shitting me?”
“Nope. Fucker’s got fifty-four acres of property and a stable. I think I was high on the LA smog when I bought it.” He
unpacked the food bag,
setting the white cartons on the island counter.
“Did you have to finance it?” Cooper leaned his elbows on the counter near the food.
“Nope. Sold my penthouse in the city and bought this cash.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Cooper laughed. “You did not!”
“Fucking did. That’s why I went crazy.” He removed plates from a cupboard. “Too bad it’s dark outside. I have a view.” He
placed everything they
needed to eat with on the counter, then opened a bottle of wine.
“It’s a shame it’s cold out. You have a nice pool.” Cooper smiled, opening one of the white cartons and scooping some
food onto a plate.
“It’s heated.”
“No!” Cooper laughed.
“Yes!” Blair answered with the same inflection, pouring the wine into two stemmed glasses.
“Wow. I miss my place. My townhouse has a community pool, you know.” Cooper took a large helping of Kung Pao chicken
and white rice,
passing it to Blair.
Blair stuck his fork into a snow pea and ate it. “Sorry, Coop. I hope you don’t think I’m rubbing it in.”
“No, I don’t. Why should you feel badly? If I was single, you’d be admiring my place.”
“I would.” Blair nodded to the table. “Should we sit and eat like civilized men or keep scarfing it down at the counter?”
“Sit.” Cooper brought his plate and wine glass to the table, then helped Blair take the rest of the food cartons there as
well. Once they were
organized they ate quietly.
“What?” Blair stopped eating.
“You’re looking at me funny. Is there something on my face?” Blair used a napkin.
“No. Sorry. Just lost in my head.” Cooper kept eating until the food was gone.
“Lost where?”
He set the fork on the plate and slouched in his chair. “How many guys have you been with? Just Ted Mack?”
A sly smile washed over Blair’s lips as he kept eating the rest of the food on his plate.
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“Why do you want to know?”
Cooper shrugged.
“A few. Not a lot.”
“More men than women?”
“No. More women than men. It’s easier to be socially acceptable at times when you do the straight thing.” Blair nudged
his empty plate aside and
picked up his wine glass. They were sitting opposite each other.
Blair had doknownyou prefer?”
enough men to figure out when one becomes ‘curious’—usually on the tail end of a bad straight
“Men. The
relationship or sex
the is hotter.”
failure to form
any Cooper
straightfelt warm suddenly.
relationships at all. “Why?”
The perception was that gay men had it easy. Maybe for sex, but the complex politics and
head “Why?”
gamesBlair werelaughed,
no not answering.
Lost in his head, Cooper woke up when Blair tossed a wrapped fortune cookie across the table near him. He tugged open
plastic wrapper,
he would accept curious if it got him into Cooper’s pants. Would it? Blair didn’t know. But he did know this straight
man, whothe stillcookie.
clung to his
wedding yours
band,say?” Blair
would boltasked.
if he made a move.
“Did will
you havegainenough
fortuneto and fame’.” Cooper ate one half.
“Too says,Cooper
much.” ‘Bewarepatted
of man’s curiosity’.”
his belly.
Blair tookweird.
the Let me plates
empty see it.”andBlair tossed
rinsed him placing
them, the tinythem
strip into
of paper. “It says, ‘Y “Y
the dishwasher. luck is strong’.”
want Cooper
to see what metare
teams Blair’s dark I
know and
the felt hisour
Which do you prefer…why is man on man sex hotter.
are.” He didn’t
Really? reading
get an him like heBlair
answer. waslooked
one of behind
these corny fortunes.
him and found Cooper staring at the pool through the sliding glass
window. He felt badly that ~
Cooper may lose his home.
“I have leftover cheesecake.” Blair finished clearing up the empty cartons and wiping the table.
“Not yet. I’m stuffed.”
“Do you want to sit by the pool?”
“It’s cold. I’d rather sit in it.”
“We can.”
“I didn’t bring a suit.”
Blair smiled and dried his hands on a dish towel. “You don’t need one.”
Cooper spun around to stare at Blair. “I don’t feel comfortable getting naked with you.”
Blair’s smile dropped. The insult again cut deep. “I resent that.”
“Sorry. You want me to go?”
“What makes you think I’m interested in you sexually?” Blair crossed his arms over his chest.
“You act like you are.”
“I’m not.”
“Okay.” Cooper didn’t look convinced.
“Not every bi or gay man wants every straight man, Cooper. So get over yourself.” Blair walked to the living room and sat
on his sectional sofa.
“I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“Y did. Y offended me now and when you said touching another guys’ cock is gross.” Blair didn’t know why he was
becoming defensive. Heouou
should be able to separate his feelings. He’d done it enough in the courtroom. It’s just that…just that…
He wanted Cooper. Sexually. So he was lying to both of them.
Cooper stared at him.
Blair fussed with a throw pillow, propping it behind his back. “Do you want me to check the TV listings for the game?”
Cooper faced the sliding door and unlocked it with a click. He opened it, and the screen, stepping out onto the pool
Blair knew Cooper’s head was too messed up to think clearly. He had been there very recently, and his relationship with
Ted Mack wasn’t nearly
as hard to recover from as what Cooper was in the process of doing right now.
Getting up off the couch, Blair turned on the outdoor lights and felt the gusty breeze as he stepped outside. Cooper was
standing at one end of
the water, staring out at the spotlights glow. The pool butted up against a fenced-in slice of grassy property—at one end
was the guest house, at the
other, the stable. Steam rose from the warm water.
If this had been one of his friend’s back in New York, Blair would have pushed Cooper into the water as a joke. But he
didn’t think Cooper was
feeling magnanimous with his humorous side at the moment. And Blair didn’t blame him.
“I had all this.”
“Y will again. I will get you your house back. Just let Kent Jones do his work.” Blair stood beside Cooper. It was very windy
and he guessedou
around fifty degrees, maybe cooler.
Cooper knelt down to touch the water. “Geez.”
“I know, right? Bath water.” Blair stood behind Cooper as he surveyed the area. He touched his hair gently, retracting his
arm in case Cooper
grew angry. He didn’t, but Cooper didn’t react at all. What did Blair expect? That he’d get swept up in some romantic
“We’re about the same height and weight. Do you want to swim? I have several suits.”
“I’m tempted.” Cooper swished his hand into the deep end. “Do you have a hot tub?”
“No. Wish I did.”
“I do at the house. On nights like tonight it’s amazing.”
“Let me find swimsuits.”
Again, Cooper didn’t answer. Blair had been where he was. Spent, burned out. Tired.
Before he entered the house, Blair glanced back at Cooper once and then tried to figure out where he put his bathing
Cooper stared at the ring on his finger. He tugged at it but didn’t really want to pull it off. It felt tight at the moment. He
noticed stacked chairs by
the guest house side of the pool. Cooper took a look at them in the dim spotlights to see if they were in decent shape. They
were dirty but not
broken. Most likely left by the previous owners.
Cooper decided not to sit on one. Instead he sat on the concrete beside the pool, staring at the water, holding one knee
for balance.
Thinking about swimming with Blair made him nervous. What if he got hard? What if something happened between them?
No. I can’t.
He stood up, exhausted and needing to get home to rest.
He met Blair inside the sliding doors.
“I have this one. It’s pretty new.” Blair held up a black bathing suit.
“I think I’ll head home. I’m so fucking tired.”
Though Blair appeared disappointed, he nodded. “Okay, Coop. I understand. It’s one of the hardest things to go
“Thanks for having dinner with me. It beat sitting alone.”
“Thanks for bringing the food. My turn next time.” Blair walked Cooper to the door.
“Deal.” Cooper gave him a smile but it felt forced. He headed to his car, looking back to see Blair watching him go, waiting
for him to leave.
Cooper sat behind the wheel and waved as he drove off, wishing he knew what he wanted, and knowing he didn’t.
Monday morning Blair put his valise down on his desk and opened it up to retrieve the paperwork he had done over the
Chapter 6
“Don’t you look luscious?”
Blair smiled and peeked over his shoulder. “Hello, Mr. Gore.”
“Meeting with Pepper Snuff, chop, chop!” Andy clapped his hands.
“Nearly there. I did some prep work at home.” He fanned through his papers to separate the different clients. “I need a
latte something fierce.”
“We’ll stop at ‘bucks on the way. I would kill for a caramel mocha frap.”
“Who’s driving?”
“Oh, honey. You! I don’t drive, I get driven.”
Blair turned around to shake his head at Andy. “What am I going to do with you?”
“I’ll give you step by step instructions.” Andy moved closer, staring at Blair’s crotch.
“Blair?” Brenda tapped on the door frame.
“Yes?” Blair closed his valise and stood straight.
“You have afternoon court at LA County. Just a reminder.”
Andy shot Brenda a jealous glare and said, “I’ll wait by the lobby, Blair.”
“Okay, sweetie.” Blair checked his watch.
“How was your weekend, Mr. Woodbury?” Brenda straightened Blair’s tie.
“Fine. Yours?” He smiled into her pretty face. She was very tempting.
“Boring. Why didn’t you call? You know we should go out. How many times have I said it?” She brushed his lapels.
“Many.” He liked her perfume. It wasn’t sweet, more musky like men’s cologne. “I can imagine us in bed. You’d leave
scratch marks down my
back, wouldn’t you?”
“Grrr.” She inched nearer.
“Oh, honey. Stop tempting me. I have a weak spot for voluptuous brunettes.” He walked towards his office door.
“Good.” She winked at him.
As he hurried to meet Andy, he knew his pursuit of Cooper was a waste of time. And since he’d been in LA he’d yet to get
laid. Brenda was
“I’m holding the elevator!” Andy hollered as he approached.
“I’m here!” Blair slipped on as the doors tried to close. He felt a pinch on his bottom in the crowded elevator. “Was that
you?” he asked Andy.
“Shh.” Andy winked.
Cooper stood in the LA County courthouse. First thing on a Monday morning the building was overflowing and a zoo. He
looked over the
shoulders of his colleagues and defense attorneys trying to read the docket for today’s scheduled cases. He scribbled notes
onto his folder and
backed up to allow other lawyers in to have a look. He checked his watch. It was nearing nine and the judge would soon
enter and begin assigning
Cooper had slept poorly and hoped he was up to a trial if his client showed up. He spotted a big brawny blond in the mob
and made his way
towards him. When he could get his attention, Cooper said, “Jack!”
Jack Larsen looked in his direction, smiling. “Cooper. How’s it going?”
Cooper maneuvered around several people to get closer to him. “Hey, has a PI named Kent Jones contacted you yet?”
“Yes. I was going to call you.”
“Got a second?”
Jack nodded and spoke to another man who was standing near him. “Be back in a second, Colt.”
“Okay, Jack.”
Cooper briefly caught the other man’s stare and looked away. As he and Jack made a move to the hall for some privacy,
Cooper glanced at the
gold wedding band around Jackght=s finger. It was no secret Jack Larsen was out, and married to a Hollywood agent named
Adam Lewis.
Once Jack and Cooper were standing in the hall, still surrounded by noise and people, Jack leaned against a wall and drew
Cooper near so they
didn’t have to shout and could talk quietly. “I told him where and when I spotted Lucinda. I take it the divorce isn’t going
well. I thought you filed
months ago.”
“She’s got my balls in a vise. My attorney, Blair Woodbury thought if we could get solid proof of her infidelity the judge
would let up on me.”
“Blair Woodbury? Who’s he? Does he work for your firm?”
“Yes. He’s a new associate from New York.”
“Is he any good? I can let you have anyone from my staff. Pete Harrison is excellent in divorce law.”
“Blair is capable. I have no worries.” Cooper noticed Jack smile and wave at a handsome man as he passed, then Jack
gave Cooper back his
“Hang in there. I have to get going. Call me if I can do anything.” Jack patted Cooper’s shoulder.
“Thanks, Jack.”
“Pepper…” Andy tried to get her to lower her voice. “Let me get a word in, okay? I’m your lawyer. Am I your lawyer?”
Pepper Snuff—aka,
Blair smiled. the Screamer.
He loved Blair realized
Andy’s no-nonsense why she
attitude. Hewas nicknamed
wasn’t that.by
intimidated She was loud!
anything. If Blair had tried to interrupt
The bickering between
Pepper, she would have most Pepper and her soon to be ex, Renaldo, was giving him a migraine. He had finished his coffee and
craved a few hundred
likely been insulted.
Is thistoit?
“Look,” keep
Is this wherehis
rested straight
elbow onrelationships end
the table and up? Screaming
adjusted his heavy,like these morons?
black-rimmed Or breaking
glasses, hearts
looking like like “Our
RuPaul. Lucinda
list is
very doing
we love her,
know Coop.
you wantYou wouldn’t
to get beSpain
back to this upset if you
and kick didn’t.
a round, white ball up and down a field.”
Renaldo rattled off something in Spanish under his breath.
Andy wagged his finger at him and Renaldo’s lawyer shook his head in admonishment at his client.
“The sooner you sign on the dotted line,” Andy pointed to the document on the table in front of them, “The sooner you’re
on that plane…with your
green card, I may add. My client at least did that for you.”
“Yeah!” Pepper gave him the finger.
Blair covered his mouth to stop from laughing.
“It’s a fair deal and you know it,” Andy said to opposing counsel.
“Let me have a minute with my client.”
“Have a minute. Have an hour.” Andy folded his paperwork and put it into his valise.
“What are we doing?” Pepper asked, snapping her gum.
“Leaving them alone for a minute, sweets.” Andy stood and opened the conference room door for her.
Pepper left the room and Blair smiled at Andy when Andy held open the door for him as well. As he passed, Blair got a
grope to his ass and
Andy said, “Let’s just wait in the lounge,” pretending he didn’t just assault Blair’s bottom.
“I have to pee.” Pepper looked unruffled in her low cut black blouse and miniskirt. Her hair weaves made it poof out of her
head like a high wig.
“That way.” Blair pointed to the restroom.
She walked off in her spiked heels as Blair got a view of her backside.
Andy whacked his arm in jealousy.
“Ow.” Blair rubbed it. “She has a nice caboose. Don’t hit me.”
“Are you gay or are you straight?”
“Yes.” Blair laughed. “You are kicking ass in there, by the way. Maybe Cooper should have hired you.”
“Oh, yes, our stuffy Mr. Cooper.” Andy rolled his eyes and walked into a lounge complete with tables, chairs, and a
coffeemaker. He poured a
cup and sniffed it.
“Stuffy?” Blair hadn’t enquired as to Cooper’s standing with the staff on a personal level.
“Him and that beauty-queen bimbo?” Andy added sugar to the coffee and stirred it. “Took him two years to get sick to
death of her? Pah-leeze.”
“Some guys like young women. They do it for the fuck, not the intelligent conversation.” Blair asked, “How’s the
“Swill mixed with tar.”
“Then why are you drinking it?”
“To show you I can swallow anything.” Andy pursed his lips.
“Like I had any doubt?”
“Why won’t you let me play with you? Once you’ve had black…”
“I’ve had black.” Blair leaned against the counter, crossing his arms and legs.
“Do tell! I’m hoping it was a man.” Andy mimicked Blair’s posture, connecting their one side.
“Yes. A man.” Blair grinned.
“And? Did he break your heart?”
“It was a one-time deal.”
“Want another lick of chocolate?”
“You crack me up.” Blair kept smiling.
“I would rather get you up.”
“Between you and Brenda, my head is spinning. Do you do this to all the newbies?”
“Just the ones who are hot. You know there’s no such thing as bi. You’re just on your way to gay.”
“Am I?”
Pepper poked her head in. “That guy told us to come back.” She bit on the tip of one of her long designer fingernails.
“That guy?” Andy dumped the coffee. “You mean your soon-to-be ex’s lawyer?”
“Him.” Pepper widened her eyes as if she were an innocent child.
Blair gestured for her to go first.
“How old are you?” she asked him.
“Thirty-five.” Blair followed her and Andy back to the conference room.
“You look so like twenty-something. I could so do you.”
Andy coughed. “Join the club, sistah.”
“Thank you, Ms. Snuff. I appreciate the compliment.”
“Want your cock sucked?” she asked.
“Not at the moment.” Blair smiled and gestured for her to enter the room.
“I got dibs!” Andy looked upset.
“Can we get on with this?” Blair followed them into the room and they sat in their chairs again.
“My client has agreed to your terms.”
wife had no intention of giving up without a
fight. ~
Cooper loosened his tie as he sat behind his desk. He checked his messages by hitting the ‘play’ button and reclined in the
swivel chair, staring
out at the blue sky to listen.
was this isabout
very good Kent narrowing
Jones…I have
downgood news.
a day andOne ofOnce
time. thoseI clubs keeps
look at video surveillance
the videos, of the
I can see if we parking
have lot. I spoke
to Ms. Knight
recorded. and
Also, she a court order
I have
to Cooper
releaseclosed his eyes
the phone and sighed.
records Did he want
from Lucinda’s cell proof
phone.that his wife
I should bewas cheating
back to youon
in him? No. days. ’
a couple
Cooper deleted the message and looked up. Blair was standing with two cups of Starbucks coffee in his hand, holding one
out. “Beats the
afternoon nap-fest.”
“Thanks.” Cooper reached for it. He opened the lid and took a sip.
Blair sat down on a chair in front of Cooper’s desk. “What do you think about Andy as an attorney?”
“Why? How did your meeting go?”
“He fucking nailed it. He got the soccer pro to sign an enormous settlement. Am I the right man for your divorce, Coop?”
Blair sipped his coffee.
“Andy only has that effect on the celebs. Believe me, Lucinda won’t be intimidated by him. She knows him.”
“Oh. Just a thought.”
“Why? You don’t want to represent me anymore?”
“No.” Blair shook his head and made a face of absurdity. “Come on. I’m not deserting you. I’m in it for the duration. I just
want what’s best for you.”
“I know every lawyer on this staff. I chose you.”
“I’m flattered.”
“I should introduce you to Jack Larsen.”
“He’s one of the lawyers in the firm upstairs from us.”
“Why do I need to know him?”
“He’s gay. Maybe he knows a single guy for you.”
Blair’s jovial expression soured. “Don’t match-make with me.”
“Why not? You’re new in town, need a good companion.”
Blair’s dirty glare intensified.
“Did I hit a chord? Why are you shooting daggers at me?”
Blair stood up and started heading to the door.
“What?” He looked exasperated.
“Kent called. He said one of the clubs has surveillance in the parking lot. He may have video of Lucinda and another
“Don’t get your hopes up. Those videos notoriously suck. You’ll be lucky to see anything more than blurry shapes.”
Cooper actually felt relieved. He didn’t want to see Lucinda fucking anyone else.
“I’m surprised any club would keep a file that long.” Blair tipped the cup back to drink it.
“Me too. But with all the homicides in LA maybe they do now.” Cooper rubbed his face. “Do you want Jack’s phone
Do you believe the man I have a terminal crush on is trying to find me
a “No.”
Blair Blair
date? theleft.
cup in the trash and slammed his office door shut, staring out of the window to the surrounding hills. It was
already shouted after him, “Why not?” He didn’t get an answer. In irritation he spun the gold ring around his finger, angry
now He ran
Give up! hands
the up hisnight
December face to
streetlights were lit.
it off “Blair?”
if he wanted to.
He looked behind him to see Brenda’s concerned ~ glance. “You okay? The door shook the whole office when it
“Sorry.” He stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets.
“Andy said you got a signed agreement. I’m forwarding the docket to the court.” She closed the door quietly and
approached him.
“Yes. He was amazing.”
Brenda stood in front of him in her high heels and smart skirt and blazer.
“Christ, you’re beautiful,” he said sighing.
She ran her fingers down his tie sensually, parting her lips for a kiss.
“Damn. Brenda. My fucking willpower is going out the window.”
She pecked his lips and checked his eyes for the result.
His cock began to throb eagerly. “Don’t make this so easy.”
“It is easy.”
“No. It’s not. It’s anything but easy.” He watched her lick her ruby lips.
“Why won’t you go out with me? Can you give me a really good reason? Don’t say it’s because we work together.”
“Do you want a man who is bi?”
“Bi?” She smiled like it was a joke and then asked, “You’re bisexual?”
“Yes.” That was usually a deal-breaker.
“Are you sure?”
“Have you dated men?”
“I have.”
She looked towards the closed door and asked, “Have you been with Andy?”
“No.” He caressed her hair gently, pushing it back from her beautiful face.
“Wow. Blair. That’s quite a bombshell.”
“I know, Brenda. But honesty is the best policy.” He inhaled her perfume and thought about fucking her.
“Can I think about it?”
“Does everyone in the office know?”
“Not everyone, but it’s not a secret. I don’t mind if they do.”
“Okay.” She smiled but looked put out.
He watched her leave his office and then sat on his chair, staring out of the window.
“Hey, Mom?” Cooper said into his cell phone.
“Hi, Cooper. How are you?”
“Pretty shot. What are you and Dad doing for dinner?” Cooper checked the time as he entered the parking garage after
work, headed to his car.
“I have a roast in the oven. Come over.”
“Oh. I was hoping you guys could meet me halfway at a restaurant. I don’t really feel like driving all the way to San
“I wish we would have known in advance.”
“Sorry, Mom. My head is all screwed up.” Cooper disarmed his BMW and leaned against the door.
“Is she still resisting giving you your house?”
“Your father and I told you not to move out. You should have made her move.”
“I couldn’t make her do anything.” He noticed several people coming within hearing distance as they left for the day so he
got into his car for
privacy. “And I couldn’t continue to live with her.”
“What’s the latest development?”
“Blair referred me to a private investigator to prove she was cheating.”
“That will give you leverage.”
“What, dear?”
“Do I want to know for sure?” He felt sick to his stomach.
“You do. You want to know and put this behind you.”
“I should have listened to you two. You warned me. You told me she was too young. Too sheltered.”
“Cooper, don’t beat yourself up.”
“I lost all my friends. How could I not take the blame for my fuck up?”
“You fell in love.”
A choking sob tried to make his way out of his throat. “I did love her.”
“I know you did.”
“This is killing me.”
“I know.”
“What did I do, Mom? How could I have kept her?”
“You couldn’t, sweetheart. She wasn’t the one.”
“I waited ‘til I was thirty to ask someone to marry me. I thought I had dated enough women to know.”
“You were smitten by the beauty crown. Your father and I knew.”
“What, dear?”
“What’s your opinion on gay men?”
“I’m not gay, just asking.” Cooper glanced out of his car window.
“Your father and I think gay marriage should pass in California. We are very strong supporters of it.”
“What if you had a gay kid?”
“Are you sure you’re not trying to tell me something?”
“I’m sure. I found out Blair, my lawyer, is bi. I just wondered what his family thought.”
“Why don’t you ask him?”
“I’m not very comfortable asking him that.”
“Well, if you or any of our children decided on an alternate lifestyle your father and I would support you. I mean,
“Really? Dad would?”
“Of course! Cooper, you know your father and I are very liberal minded. We detest the current climate of right wing
“I knew you vote Democrat. I just never thought to ask you where you stand on this particular issue.”
“We would vote to legalize pot too. Your father and I were the Haight-Ashbury Generation, Cooper.”
He chuckled. “You know you’re sad when your Mom is cooler than you.”
“Do you have feelings for a man?”
“No.” He bit his lip.
“Your lawyer, perhaps?”
“I can’t imagine a man being bi. I would not only have to worry about him cheating with another man, but with a woman
too? No.he?
Been Yes. What
there, should he say?
“Look, Mom. I’m lonely and he’s made little flirty remarks. I can’t imagine touching another guy.”
“I think each of us is bisexual to some degree.”
“Mom…” Cooper rolled his eyes in disgust. “No. We’re not.”
“Then why would you ask me how your father and I would react?”
“Because of Blair!” He became angry. “I just asked because I wanted to know what it was like for him.” It was silent on
the other end. “Hello? Did
you hang up on me?”
“No. I’m here.”
“I’m not gay.”
“Okay, Cooper.”
He exhaled in exhaustion and slouched in the seat, his feet under the pedals. “Mom?”
“What, dear?”
“How do you know if you are?”
Blair stood at the sliding doors, a drink in his hand, looking at his pool. Y it was nice to have a big expensive home to
relax in—he’d earned ites,
with years of working long hours and weekends.
Though Cooper was unattainable, Blair could not stop thinking about him.
His cell phone rang. Blair took one last sip of his cosmo and looked for it. He picked it up and answered.
“Blair, this is Kent Jones.”
“Kent, what can I do for you?”
“I have good news. The Arena club has a video which shows Lucinda McDermott inside the bar with a young man, and
then the two of them
leaving together.”
“Okay. And you can tell it’s her? The video is clear?”
“Y Inside the club you can clearly see her face, and by using her clothing as a match to the outside camera, it’s obviously
Mrs. McDermottes.
leaving with a young man. The bouncer of the club recognized the young man and gave me a name. If I can get a
statement, that’s good proof.”
“It’s a start but his testimony still can be questioned by a judge. What else can you get?”
“Her phone records will be the nail in the coffin.”
“Well, I’m not going to threaten her or her attorney until you have something concrete. Cooper is fried.”
“I understand. I’ll get you more in a few days. I just wanted to update you.”
“Thank, Kent. I appreciate all your work.”
“Talk soon.”
Blair hung up and gulped the rest of his cosmo. A tiny ray of hope shined on him. When he got Cooper the divorce he
needed, maybe…just
maybe…Blair could open up the opportunity for a deeper relationship. Maybe Cooper couldn’t touch his cock, but they could
still become best
Chapter 7
Blair didn’t see much of Cooper during the week. With the busy clamor to the upcoming holidays, Blair knew most of the
associates were in court or
conferences, trying to keep their slates clean between Christmas and New Year’s. He was told the firm tried to take a hiatus
from most of the work,
but some cases inevitably had to be handled between holidays.
A Christmas tree was standing in the open office area where many secretaries and assistants had their desks. It was an
enormously tall noble
fir, nearly ten feet in height, crammed with baubles and balls, lights and garland, all decorated by a professional designer.
The entire office glittered
and smelled of pine. Friday evening, once again the building began to empty and Blair lingered simply because he had
nowhere to go.
“Goodnight!” one of the secretaries said as she left.
Blair woke out of his daydream and smiled, waving. He sat on a desk and stared at the twinkling lights on the tree.
Brenda hadn’t resumed her flirting since he’d revealed his sexuality. He wasn’t surprised and was in some ways relieved.
Even Andy had let up
on the hard-core pushing and flirting, to just his friendly banter. As lawyers, they knew the thin line between flirty fun and
sexual harassment. They
had tried, and no one had conquered him.
So he had successfully acclimated into the group, avoided awkward office affairs and now was completely on his own
Blair jerked his head towards the sound of Cooper’s voice. “Hey.” He smiled, but felt empty inside.
“Go home!” Cooper laughed, setting his valise on a desk and opening it.
“Yeah. Eventually. Nothing waiting for me there.”
Cooper placed a stack of files on a desk and then joined Blair to stare at the tree, sitting on the edge of the desk beside
him, then he let go a
loud sigh.
“Have you heard from Kent lately? My last update was on Monday when he got some video from a club and he had a
name of the kid Lucinda
went with.”
“He called me yesterday. That kid did give him a statement.”
Blair turned to look at Cooper. “And?”
The elevator
“The door opened
kid fucked her. He andknewCooper
about herit, hitting the a
body only ‘P’lover
for the parking
would garage.
know.” He was
Cooper’s facealone in the elevator at
sorry,He thought
Coop.” Blair glanced down noticing Cooper spinning the ring around his finger nervously. “It has to suck
havinghis conversation with his mother about ‘how do you know?’ The bottom line was, did he think Blair was attractive as a
sexual partner?
“Fucking does.DidI guess I just kept hoping she hung out with friends her age, but didn’t…”
Blair see
gazedBlair in that
back at theway?
tree. “I’ll phone her attorney first thing Monday and set up a meeting. I’ll work on a new draft of
theThe doors slid
agreement open soundlessly and Cooper removed his car keys from his pocket. He felt like a zombie and knew any
weekend.he would
With luckmake
this will be done before Christmas.” Blair felt Cooper stand up so he did as well, facing him. The urge to
Am moment
Cooper intowas
I thinking his not going
about to be theI’m
him because right one.
armsHe sat
alone? in his
comfort car
him and
was stared
great. at the
“Hang cement
in wall in front of his bumper. Had he ever thought about touching a man? That
a question
rubbed his his
face, looking worse for wear than he had last week.
youHe’d said
out for no. Butdrink
another that but
waswea lie. He how
know had ‘thought’ about it.last time.”
well that worked
ToWas he curious?
Blair’s surprise, Cooper hugged him. Blair widened his stance and held up his hands in shock. It felt like a man-hug,
nothingIf Cooper
more. had a magazine of naked men in front of him would he be aroused?
He didn’tBlair.”
“Thanks, knowCooper
the answer
backedsimply because he
up, releasing had never
contact. asked
“You’re the himself thegetting
one who’s question.
me through this.”
Cooper closed
“I just wish his was
there eyesmore
for a Imoment
could do.”and tried
Blair to stopout
reached his to
touch battle.
Cooper’sLike Blair,
arm buthe had nothing
didn’t, to go
lowing his home
hand to side.
to his on a
The last night
thing other than to
he wanted
do was work,
make the TV, and
Cooper the internet. And he loved the embrace.
A tap on his
“Night, driver’s side window scared the hell out of him. He jolted and noticed Blair staring at him with a questioning
tilt to“Night,
his head. Coop.” Blair watched him leave, sitting back on the desk and staring at the tree.
~ hit the power window switch then realized the car was not on. He turned the key in the ignition and lowered the
Cooper finished packing up his office for the evening and stood by the elevators to head to the parking garage. The
scent“You okay?”cologne
of Blair’s Blair asked, leaning down.
lingered didn’t
in his nose. reply.
They were three years apart in age, shared the same career, both were on their own without a
“Why don’t we grab a bite? We’re both alone at the worst time of year to be alone.”
“I’ll be shitty company.” Cooper looked into Blair’s brown eyes. He asked himself, Could I touch him?
“So am I. We’re two peas in a pod. What are you in the mood for?” Blair rested against the car that was parked beside
Cooper glanced at Blair’s crotch, trying to answer questions both he and his mother had posed in his mind. Blair wasn’t
some stranger in a
picture. He was a living breathing man who Cooper had come to respect and like.
“Coop? Man, you are a mess.” Blair crouched down so they were eye to eye. “What’s your favorite restaurant in LA?”
Cooper smiled at the sweet thought, but the moment he thought of a spot, he remembered Lucinda dining with him.
Blair must have suspected the connection. He said, “I’ve been dying to go to Bottega Louie.”
“Where is it?”
“Then you haven’t been there.”
“South Grand.”
“My treat.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I do.” Blair rapped Cooper’s car twice with his knuckles and walked off.
Cooper watched his ass in the side mirror. Am I attracted to you physically? Or do I just like you?
Blair didn’t want to be on his own any more than Cooper did. They were friends. Did they seriously have to avoid each
other because he had
shown some attraction to Cooper?
“No.” But, in the back of Blair’s mind he wondered if he could wear down Cooper’s resistance.
He sat in his Mercedes and started it up. By the time he backed out of his parking spot, Cooper’s car was waiting behind
him. Blair kept moving
his eyes to the rear view mirror as he drove, wondering if pursuing this straight man was going to be even more of a
frustrating ordeal than dating
Ted Mack and being left for a younger man.
Blair exhaled loudly and rubbed his jaw. He made bad choices in relationships. He didn’t argue that.
Laws of attraction were limited and he was picky. In his twenties he would fuck for the sake of a fuck. At thirty-five he was
done with casual sex.
He wanted a partner. And if he placed the decision on the scale, yes, he wanted a male partner, preferably. He would never
rule out a straight
relationship if the right woman came along. But so far, neither Miss nor Mr. Right had stumbled across his path.
Blair parked in front of the stately restaurant and left his keys in the ignition for the valet. His door was opened for him
and he climbed out,
buttoning his suit jacket as Cooper’s BMW pulled up behind him. He was handed a ticket for his car and Blair waited for
Cooper in front of the lit up
white façade with the word ‘Louie’ in bold letters on the cornice.
The door was opened for them, and instantly Blair was hit with intense noise and the aroma of gourmet food. The kitchen
was visible on entry,
with men in white coats and chef’s hats making the meals for the hungry patrons.
A hostess immediately showed them to a table in a dim but very loud room. A row of seats were opposite a long padded
bench against one wall.
Cooper relaxed on the bench while Blair sat opposite him in their table for two. They were handed menus.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” she asked.
“Déjà vu.” Blair smiled, meeting Cooper’s blue eyes.
“Oh no. No vodka shooters.” Cooper laughed.
“Do you need a minute?” the woman asked.
“Y Blair nodded and she left. He focused on Cooper, not the menu or wine list. “Thanks for coming here. It’s one of those
spots I wanted to hites.”
for dinner but didn’t like the idea of coming alone.”
“I told you to talk to Jack Larsen about a date.” Cooper opened the menu and began perusing.
“I don’t want a date. I am happy to come here with you.”
Cooper looked up quickly.
“It’s easier to be myself with a friend than to go on some stupid set up or blind date.”
“Coop.” Blair shook his head. “I respect your boundaries. I’m not going to hit on you.”
“Oh.” Cooper looked disappointed.
Blair was confused.
A waiter approached them and introduced himself. “Can I get you started with a drink?”
“I’d like wine,” Cooper said, the list in his hand, staring at Blair for his approval.
“Go ahead. I like it all.”
Cooper addressed the waiter, “The Pinot Noir Failla.”
“Good choice. Still or sparkling water?”
“Still, please.” Cooper looked so serious and refined. Blair was in love.
“Very good. I’ll be back shortly.”
“I admire your class.” Blair gave him a smile. “The New Yorkers tried to tell me I would hate it here because LA is the land
ofBlair studiedInCooper’s mannerisms, his warmth. This wasn’t the first time Blair had been smitten by a handsome,
the phony.
reality?” stud. It wouldn’t be
the Cooper
last. looked over his menu at him.
Why’d you
it. interacting
have to be
Everything sowith
about it.”thecute?
damn staff with kindness and respect, Blair envisioned bending Cooper over at the waist and
fucking him. Hard.
“What’s not to love about California?”
Two glasses
“Well. werequalify
I should pouredthat
as the steward
answer. Newrecommended
York passed thethey letmarriage
gay the winebill.
breathe. Theirme
It stunned water
we beatwere
guys.” and the
appeared amused. “I never thought about it. I guess someone like you would.”
The noise
Blair’s grinlevel was high
dropped. and Blair was
He wondered if helost
wason the shape
overly of Cooper’s
sensitive because nose, the way his
this attraction waslips
notparted as or
mutual, heifbrought
Cooper’s the glass
to his mouth
were tinged with to taste
the wine, his
something rich,and
sharp chocolate-brown
condescending. hair and high like
“Someone cheekbones.
me.” The attraction wasn’t something Blair could control, but he
had to.
Cooper’s smile vanished too. “Yeah. You may want to marry a guy one day, right?”
“It’s nice. Try it.”
Blair snapped back into focus and sipped it. “Very good.”
“I’m going for the rib-eye with pasta.” Cooper set aside the menu and focused on his wine.
“Y Sounds good.” Blair didn’t even look at the choices. He was horny and envisioning what he would do to a man like
Cooper. Just the idea ofes.
being between Cooper’s legs was driving him insane.
“What are your plans over the Christmas holidays?” Cooper held his wine glass aloft.
Blair was drawn over the table to hear in the noise. He leaned his elbow on it and said, “I have none. I’m an orphan
“Not going back east to hang with family?”
“Want me to swing you an invitation at Mom’s?”
Blair smiled. “Yes. I would love that. What’s your family like?”
Cooper looked shy suddenly or embarrassed.
“You don’t have to mention I’m bi if you think your family will be weird. I’ll be on my best behavior. Promise.”
“You don’t have to worry. My parents are totally cool. Too cool. Like groovy, if you know what I mean.”
Seeing Cooper roll his eyes and make a silly face made Blair laugh. “I love it.”
“Yeah, well. I guess I’m lucky. They don’t give me any hassle.”
“Did they like Lucinda?”
“They didn’t dislike her.” Cooper shrugged.
A waiter approached and offered to top up their wine glasses. “Are you gentlemen ready to order?”
“We’ll both take the rib eye pasta,” Cooper said.
“Any starter?” the waiter asked.
“No. We’re leaving room for dessert.”
When Cooper gave Blair a seductive leer, he actually glanced behind him to see if it was intended for someone else.
“Okay. Very good, sir.” The waiter took the menus and left.
Cooper asked, “You did catch the pastries when we came in, right?”
“I didn’t. But if you did, that works for me.” Blair drank from his water glass. “So? What’s Christmas like in the McDermott
“As loud as this place.” Cooper tilted his head, indicating the bad acoustics.
“Not really.” Cooper winked.
Blair tried to pretend he was flirting and that this was a date. Why do I have it so bad for you?
“All my sisters and brothers are married with kids. So when everyone is there, including aunts, uncles…”
“You sure you still want an invitation?”
“Yes!” Blair laughed. “I love big families.”
“Do you want kids one day?”
Blair’s smile dropped again. “No. Not really.”
“Then you better marry a man. It’s hard to find a young woman who doesn’t want them. I have the same problem. I have
no interest in the little
Blair tried to decide if the mixed signals were inside his head and he was driving himself insane.
With Blair’s smile coming and going with every line Cooper uttered, he struggled to get a read on him. It seemed as if
nothing he said was right.
Blair began the dinner with a big smile and enthusiasm but soon that had vanished. “Blair?”
“Hm?” Blair looked distracted as he stared into the depths of the room.
“Last time we had a drink together, I said something to offend you. Am I doing it again?”
“No!” Blair laughed it off with a wave.
“I don’t have any gay or bi friends. I have no idea if I’m putting my foot in my mouth. I hope you know me well enough to
tell me.”
“Sure. No problem.” Blair smiled but Cooper wasn’t convinced.
The waiter brought out their meals. Cooper sat back as his plate was placed in front of him.
“Anything else I can do for you?” the waiter asked.
“I’m good.” Cooper checked with Blair. Blair nodded and began eating. Cooper knew he had already insulted Blair, he just
couldn’t figure out
how or when.
After a long silence where they were just eating and not talking, Cooper couldn’t deal with the strained atmosphere. “Tell
me what I said to get
you quiet.”
“Huh? Nothing. I’m just tired. Like you, it’s been a long week. And this Christmas shit is getting on my nerves.”
“Yeah. Like I said about the carols.”
“Yes.” Blair rolled his eyes.
“So…nothing else? Like maybe something about gay marriage?”
Blair ate a bite of food and sipped wine after. He met Cooper’s eyes and said, “I guess I’ve hung out in the gay community
in New Y for manyork
years. My comfort zone around different types of people may be different than yours.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Cooper couldn’t help but take insult.
“I know the fact that I’ve been with men makes you queasy.”
Blair could hear in the noise. “Blair.”
Blair stopped eating and paid attention.
“I apologize for that callous remark. I can see how if two men were very close and became intimate, it would not be
distasteful for them to touch.”
Again the expression on Blair’s face was unreadable to Cooper. He wasn’t exactly versed in anything to do with male
bonding on any sort of
deep level. “Do you forgive me?”
“Cooper,” Blair shook his head as if the comment were absurd. “You don’t need that from me. I certainly didn’t want you
to think it would affect our
work relationship.”
Cooper sat back and tried to think. Work relationship. Why am I disappointed in that? “It doesn’t. Nothing would affect
“Then we’re good.” Blair smiled and continued eating.
Cooper felt anything but good.
Blair drove home with a heavy heart.
Sometimes you can’t always get what you want in life. He had a habit of thinking of everything he did not have, instead of
the accomplishments in
his life.
Dinner ended up being a non-starter. The noise level in the restaurant made casual chatting difficult, and the topics that
seemed safe between
them were limited.
Cooper didn’t want to dwell on his divorce, and Blair became nervous of upsetting Cooper with any talk which may
indicate he was interested in
Cooper sexually.
So, all in all, disappointing and stressful.
Blair parked in his garage and though he was tired he knew he had to work on another divorce proposal for Cooper with
very limited benefits for
Lucinda. She was finished. Proof of her infidelity would give them the leverage they needed to get Cooper back his house
and life, cut the ties and
allow him to move on.
Entering his home, Blair turned on lights and thought just for a moment about how nice it would be to have a Christmas
tree to sit in front of and
zone out. But there was no way he would do it.
In the past his girlfriends had done that for him. And he loved them for their amazing talent in bringing cheer to a drab
home. Women were good
about that. They made that extra effort to create warmth and holiday cheer.
As Blair loosened his tie and headed to his bedroom to undress, he thought back on his choices. None of which made him
Chapter 8
Saturday, Cooper held shopping bags in his hand as he walked the courtyard at the Hollywood and Highland Shopping
Center. Since he had time
and the holiday was fast approaching, Cooper picked up gifts for his large family. Lunchtime approached and he grabbed a
bite at Sun Taco,
sitting down in the busy complex to eat it and think of who he may have missed.
When he spotted Lucinda with a group of her gal-pals, all Cooper could think about was her infidelity and the proof. She
appeared to be having
the time of her life. Her face shone with laughter. She was dressed in her usual stylish flair with high black boots with stiletto
heels and a large black
purse slung over her shoulder. Her blonde hair blew in the breeze and his heart sunk at how he could have lost her.
He stopped eating, nudging the plate aside and watched her as she and her friends drew near. In the bustle he could hear
her laughter and
wondered if she would even notice him sitting there.
Her friend Jeanine did, elbowing Lucinda to look.
Her smile dropped but it didn’t turn into a scowl. The sadness he felt was reflected in her blue eyes.
She did the civil thing and approached him. He knew she had no idea she was in for a battle first thing Monday when Blair
rewrote the divorce
agreement in his favor.
“Hey,” she said, pouting.
“Hi.” Cooper noticed the other two young women give them space, tapping into their phones as they chatted at the same
time. “Are you okay,
Lucinda?” he asked.
She shrugged, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. “Are you shopping for gifts for your mom and dad?”
“Yes. I’m going there for dinner Christmas Eve and Day.”
She nodded, pouting her bottom lip.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep you happy, baby.” He felt his eyes burn.
“You were okay.” She glanced over her shoulder at her friends but they weren’t acting impatient.
“Okay didn’t cut it, did it?”
“I just think I’m too young to be with a guy for…like, ever.”
“Yes. Maybe you were.” He reached out his hand.
She touched his fingertips.
“I miss you. I do.”
“Aw. That’s sweet.” She took back her hand. “I thought you’d badger me about the house if I came over.”
“I’m tired of fighting.”
“So? I can keep the house?” Her eyes lit up.
He knew what made her happy. Things. Not him. Material things. “I don’t know.”
“Come on, Coop. Y don’t need it. Y can buy another.” She rocked on her high heels, looking around the busy courtyard.
Her friends wereouou
sharing something over one of their phones, leaning together and giggling, not interested in his and Lucinda’s problems.
“I can’t. This divorce is really hurting me financially.”
“Mom said that’s bullshit.”
“I know what your mom thinks, but it is.” He shifted in the chair and moved the purchases he made closer to his feet.
“Well. Guess I better go back with my friends.”
“We’ll probably see each other again soon.” Cooper knew he would see her Monday.
“I don’t want to get back together, Coop. Sorry. I think you’re too old.”
He flinched and felt the biting sarcasm behind his teeth. “I wish you thought that when I asked you to marry me.”
“Oh well.” She shrugged, waved, and walked away.
He watched her rejoin her girlfriends and they left the courtyard. Seeing her in context with her twenty-year-old friends,
she was so much a child.
He had no idea why he’d thought marrying her, or even dating her, was a good idea.
If she
Last wereheinfinished
night her latethe
twenties, the twelve
new proposal and year age it
emailed gap may
in an not have mattered.
attachment Butlawyer,
to Lucinda’s meeting herSouthland.
Paul when she It was just
was very
simple. He knewdidn’t
If Lucinda better
accept done
termsit anyway.
and they brought this issue before the court system, the offer would drop to nearly zero.
Blair dosick
Whycouldn’t to his think
I always stomach,
what he stood, judge
of ayou?
California tossedwould
out the remnants
rule, but onceof Kent
his food
putcarried his his
together purchases
car.number of
extramarital affairs ~
Blair swam
Lucinda laps in histhe
had, hopefully pool.
judgeHow insane
would seewas it toall
it was bemoney-motivated
able to swim outdoors
on herinend
December? The air her
and not reward wasfor
slightly cool,
her cruelty.
That was whenthehe wasThe
idea. wet,
way things worked in theory weren’t necessarily reality.
but Blair
with the
faced water temperature
the wall at seventy-five
of the pool and rested his hehead
was very
on hiscomfortable.
arms. When he closed his eyes he imagined Cooper in his bed,
To keep from being too bored, Blair had a set fitness routine. When he wasn’t working, he was working out. It kept him
sane~and his body
Once Cooper to thegotpicky gayhe
home, men and pretty
booted up his women.
computer to do some work. He noticed he was copied in an email from Blair and
Vain, yes.
opened the But necessary.
He surfaced
attachment at one
to read theend
newof divorce
the poolsettlement
and caught his breath. He leaned his back against the wall and rested his head on the
It wasBlue sky. what Cooper had offered the first time he and Lucinda’s lawyer had met for a conference. Nothing had
Perfect. Not
changed a cloud.
on his end. If
Lucinda did not agree, they would go to court and have a judge decide.
Cooper felt slightly guilty. He had led an eighteen-year-old girl into a relationship. Was he to blame?
He printed the file and stared at Blair’s name on the sender’s line as he waited for it to emerge from the printer. He typed
back to Blair,
An email response from Blair was immediate. He wrote back, ‘How you holding up?’
Seeing Blair was home and on line, Cooper didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone beside his computer and dial his number.
“Hi!” Blair sounded enthusiastic.
“Hey.” Cooper couldn’t argue he liked hearing his voice. “I’m okay. I did some Christmas shopping over at the Hollywood
and Highland Shopping
Center and ran into Lucinda.”
“Shit. What happened?”
“Blair, she’s just a kid. I feel like I’m to blame for this mess.”
“Bullshit! She walked into that marriage for your bank account. Don’t you dare feel guilty. Y settlement is generous and
she has plenty of timeour
to latch on to another fat wallet.”
Cooper rubbed his face, torn. “Maybe I can give her a monthly alimony. I just want my house back. I’d even trade this
place.” It was silent on the
other end. “Blair?”
“She cheated on you. More than once.”
“What were you like at eighteen? I was immature and I doubt I could maintain a relationship.”
“You didn’t walk down an aisle and exchange vows.”
“Cut her some slack.” Cooper slouched in the chair, his legs in a wide straddle.
“You still love her?”
A lump formed in Cooper’s throat. “No.”
“If you want me to write up an alternate proposal with you giving her the townhouse in exchange for your home, I can.”
“Write it up.”
“Why do you sound angry with me?”
“Because you’re giving in and you were not at fault.”
“That’s a matter of opinion.”
Blair sighed into the phone and said, “If I had you? Are you kidding me? I’d never let you go.”
Cooper blinked and stared at the words on his computer screen. “Wow. That’s a really nice thing to say. My ego has taken
a bashing recently.”
“I mean it.”
He heard Blair moving or shifting the phone.
“Coop, you’re the complete package.”
Cooper felt his face heat up. Lately when he looked into the mirror, he saw an old man who had been dumped by a
beauty queen. Nothing more.
“I’ve never been called that. Is that what gay men call each other?”
“I’m not going to be offended this time. I think you have no idea what the hell you’re saying.”
Cooper laughed. It felt good to laugh. “You’re right. I don’t. And now? With this divorce shit? I’m surprised I can function
at work at all. I’m dying to
take time off but sitting and stewing on vacation would suck.”
“Where would you go?”
“Hell, I don’t know. Vegas? Tahoe?”
“Nice. I’d come. Separate rooms, of course.”
“You…you’d come?”
“Sure. What the hell. Boys’ weekend in Vegas. Get some action on the gaming tables as well as in bed? Do us both
“Huh.” Cooper tried to remember the last time he had a boys’ weekend. It was back in college, pre-law. “Y get me signed
on the dotted line,ou
and I’m ready to go.”
“Don’t tempt me. I’ll hand carry this new proposal to Lucinda this weekend and beg her.”
Cooper felt his face heat up and his palms get clammy. This was a weekend with a buddy. No need to freak out. Separate
rooms. And they
could both meet women. Blair’s not gay, he’s bi, so they could meet women and have a good time.
“Huh?” Cooper woke out of his thoughts.
“I know you’re just shooting the shit. But in the event you really want to go away for a long weekend, I promise you,
you’re safe.”
Cooper wasn’t so sure he wanted to be ‘safe’. “Okay.”
“Babe…you sound so fucking out of it. I swear, I will do my best to intimidate her lawyer enough to make Lucinda fear she
will get nothing. I’ll
bring Andy. You okay with that?”
“Anything I can do?”
Cooper didn’t know how to answer that question. “Like what?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
“Like do how?” Cooper rubbed his inner thigh as he sat slouched in his chair. He moved his hand near his cock but
“Yeah. That’s the perception we perpetuate. So if you tell anyone I’m a nice guy, I’ll have to kill you.”
Cooper laughed again. It felt so good to smile and chuckle. “I’d tell you to spend time over here and hang out, but I feel
like a charity case.”
“I’m on my way.”
Cooper panicked and glanced between his legs. It was getting more difficult to hide a growing attraction he felt for Blair.
“No. It’s okay. I’m going
to do some work on a few cases and catch up. I’ll be okay.”
“Up to you. I know how shitty you feel. I just got over a crappy relationship as well, remember?”
With a man. “Yes. I do.”
“Okay, Coop. I’ll let you go. Call me if you need anything.”
“I’ll be fine. See you Monday.”
“See ya.”
Cooper hung up and stared into space. He couldn’t be thinking about Blair sexually. He was just insecure.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Chapter 9
Monday morning Blair made sure he looked sharp, wanting to get Cooper’s divorce signed and sealed.
When he arrived at work, he headed straight to Andy’s office. Andy was at his desk, in front of his computer. Blair tapped
his knuckles on the
door frame to get his attention.
“Well!” Andy smiled at him. “Don’t you look stunning.”
“Thanks, babe. Back at ya. Look, I want you to come with me to meet with Cooper’s soon-to-be ex and attorney. Y seem
to have the knack forou
getting results. I need you.”
Andy’s brown eyes shined as he smiled. “Hm. You ‘need’ me. Can we strike a deal?”
“If it has to do with whoring myself out to you, no.” Blair smiled.
“Oh well, doesn’t hurt to ask.”
“So, what’s your morning like?”
Andy checked his day planner. “I have an appointment at eleven. What time is the meeting?”
“I’m shooting for nine. Great. Be right back.” Blair jogged to his office and noticed Cooper arriving. Blair picked up his
phone and called Kent
Jones. He was going to arrange a meeting with all his big guns. A show of force was what he needed. Four against two.
Cooper booted up his computer and unbuttoned the jacket of his suit. He checked his voicemail messages as he viewed
his emails. While he
scanned them, Blair entered his office.
“Good morning.”
“’Morning, Blair.” Cooper glanced at him quickly, then did a double-take. Blair looked amazing in his sleek, dark gray chic
suit and gold tie. It
appeared he was going for the designer stubble look as well. Cooper liked it.
“I’ve arranged a meeting in a half hour with you, me, Andy, Kent, and Lucinda and her lawyer.”
“Here. The conference room. I told her attorney this is it, last try and then we’re done playing nice guy.”
“Did you tell him what we know?”
Blair I wantthe
entered Kent to do that.”
elevator once Blair’s
exited became wicked.
and pushed the button for the lobby. Cooper stood beside him, their backs
to “Okay.”
the wall Cooper
and rode felt a nervous flutter. A divorce. He was going to be one of those now. Not single, not married—divorced.
down to thethe
He twisted groundring onlevel. Once they arrived and the doors opened, Cooper spotted Jack Larsen waiting to ride up to his
office. They
his finger exchanged
“Want to grab a coffee?” Blair pointed over his shoulder.
Cooper knew a thought,he had Cooper
work introduced Jack“Sure.”
to do but said, to Blair.He
“Jack Larsen,
closed this is Blair
his computer Woodbury.
down He’s out
and walked the of
the officefrom
withthe BigAs
leftI he
he They mentioned
told his
would to that’s why Lucinda divorced me. Because I was gay and couldn’t perform in the bedroom.
you and working
What be for
will back ourinfirm.”
think? five. Then I have a meeting in the conference room with Lucinda and her attorney.”
Coop.”his Shehand.
smiled.“Nice to meet you, Blair.”
Cooper too,noticed
Jack.” Blair looked
her gaze at Cooper,
stray to Blair. as if remembering
Since everyone in thewhyoffice
Cooper wanted
knew Blair him
wastobi,meet Jack.
Cooper wondered if they would
As he stared
immediately thinkat the
two blond, Cooper had a change of heart. He didn’t want Jack to fix Blair up with a man. Instead
of exchanging
them were having small sex if they appeared to get along on a personal level.
stoodpushedat the Blair to continue
elevator together,toand
the Cooper
buildinggrewexit nervous
and said,at“We
thatwere just getting
thought. coffeehe
What would before an early
do if the peoplemeeting.”
he worked
thoughtya.” he Jack smiled as he waved, entering the elevator.
gay?Blair was nudged outside and kept looking back at Cooper like he was crazy.
Once they were walking to the coffee shop, Blair asked, “What was that all about?”
“Nothing. What?” Cooper tried to shrug it off.
“I thought you were going to embarrass me and ask that guy to set me up.”
There was a coffee shop that was only open weekday mornings, two doors down from their office building. They got in line
and the noise of milk
steamers and conversations echoed in the bad acoustics.
“Thank you for not doing that.” Blair stood in front of Cooper and stared up at the menu on the wall.
Cooper’s heart was pounding in his throat and he had no idea what had come over him. But suddenly he felt jealous. He
didn’t want Blair to meet
anyone. They filed down the line slowly. When Blair took his phone out of his pocket, Cooper realized he must have felt it
“Yeah?” Blair plugged his opposite ear to hear. “Hang on!” He said to Cooper, “Tall latte. I have to take this outside.”
When Blair went for his wallet, Cooper batted his hand down. He watched Blair leave the noisy interior and sighed.
Blair stood outside the coffee shop on his phone. “Talk to me, Kent.”
“I think we have enough. I have two statements from two different men who had sex with Mrs. McDermott during the
marriage, plus her cell phone
records, plus a DVD with her in the club and leaving it and…getting into the back seat of a car…”
“We got her.” Blair smiled. “Can you make a nine o’clock meeting at my office?”
“I can.”
“You are a very efficient man, Mr. Jones. I will be sure to use you again and recommend you.”
“I appreciate that.”
“See you soon.” Blair hung up and called Lucinda’s lawyer to make sure he got the details he was emailed.
“Paul Southland’s office, may I help you?”
“Y this is Blair Woodbury. I want to make sure Mr. Southland is going to be in my office at nine a.m.” Blair checked his
watch quickly, “for aes,
meeting regarding the divorce settlement between Mrs. Lucinda McDermott and her husband Cooper.”
“One moment.”
He looked up when Cooper exited the coffee shop, holding out his coffee. Blair took it and they walked back to their
“Mr. Woodbury?” the woman on the phone said.
“He said he may be a few minutes late but he will be there.”
“Thank you.” Blair pocketed his phone as Cooper held open the door for him. “You’re almost there. This meeting is the end
of the line for
Cooper appeared pinched and said nothing.
Blair knew Cooper had mixed feelings about losing Lucinda, but when it’s not right, it’s not right.
They rode the elevator up to their office and Blair began to set up the conference room sipping his coffee as it cooled.
Andy was still busy with
other work when Blair poked his head in to give him a reminder.
With his Bluetooth in his ear, Andy held up his finger for Blair to wait. Blair drank his coffee, staring at Andy as he worked.
The man was just out
of law school and already making a name for himself. Andy Gore was going to be the next big LA attorney who fought
anything from family law, to
civil rights, to criminal cases.
Andy tapped the button on his ear and asked, “Are we ready?”
“Southland will be a few minutes late.”
“I hate that man. He stinks of too much cologne and hates gays.”
“You got that from the grapevine?” Blair raised his eyebrows.
“Hell yeah. He’s the reason Colt St. John left his law firm and is now working with Jack Larsen.” Andy removed his earpiece
and stood. “What’s
the tactic?”
“Our PI found proof of her infidelity.”
“Well,” Andy rolled his eyes, “Cooper could have gotten it himself if he opened his eyes.” Andy buttoned his suit jacket
and walked around the
“He loved her, Andy.”
“Love,” Andy scoffed and shook his head. “How do you love an adolescent beauty queen?”
“What’s so bad about queens?” Blair smiled as Andy drew closer.
Andy poked him in the chest. “You cock tease you get cock.”
“Not cock teasing. Just teasing.” Blair winked.
“Show me the money!” Andy brushed past Blair on his way to the conference room.
Cooper’s stomach was in knots.
He finished his chai tea and tossed the paper cup. Since it was already nine, Cooper figured he’d stop at the men’s room
quickly and be ready
for the meeting. He left the office to walk the men’s lounge down the hall and stood at the urinal. The door opened behind
him so he glanced back to
see who it was.
When he caught Blair’s seductive smile, Cooper looked away and tried to hurry up.
“Coffee, huh? Goes right through me too.” Blair stood beside Cooper and unzipped his pants.
Cooper wanted to peek. He didn’t know why, he just did. Biting his lip, staring at the wall, anywhere but at Blair’s cock,
Cooper finished and
shook off the drops. When he glanced over at Blair, Blair had been looking at him, quickly turning away.
Cooper’s cock throbbed in his hand. He tucked it into his pants and flushed the urinal.
Blair said, “Hopefully Southland won’t be too late. Andy’s got an eleven o’clock meeting.”
Cooper faced Blair, and when he looked down, Blair was holding his dick, tugging on it to squeeze out the drops before he
stuck it back into his
The sight of Blair’s cock shocked and scared Cooper. He walked to the sink and washed his hands, trying to decide why
seeing Blair’s dick was
something he wanted to do, even though it made him a nervous wreck.
Blair stood beside him, washing up. They didn’t meet eyes even in the mirror.
Someone came in and used the stall.
Both men finished up and left together, headed back to the office.
When Andy spotted them coming in together, he cocked a curious eyebrow. Cooper’s cheeks heated up. Never before had
he been suspected
of doing anything sexual to a man.
“What’s the hold up?” Andy tapped his Cartier.
“Southland is always late.” Blair entered the conference room.
“Hang in there, Coop. This is it. Lucinda’s gravy train ends here,” Andy said, touching Cooper’s arm.
Andy said, “Show them in, Peggy.”
The more this played out, the more ill Cooper became.
A hand rested on his shoulder from behind. He looked up and found Blair staring at the room entrance, holding onto him
to show his support.
Cooper reached back and rested his hand on top of Blair’s. He felt Blair’s squeeze in response.
When Andy looked up, spying it, Cooper jerked his hand away quickly and Blair backed up. Andy appeared shocked at
what he assumed and
there was no way Cooper was going to open that can of worms.
When Paul Southland and Lucinda were shown into the room, Cooper stood up as Blair made the introductions.
Husky old, Paul Southland sat down with a huff, placing his briefcase in front of him. “Y felt you needed an army to fight
me, Mr. Woodbury. I’mou
Lucinda asked Cooper, “What’s going on?”
As they took their seats, Blair said, “It seems our private investigator has proof of Lucinda’s infidelity during her marriage
to Cooper. We have
one final offer to make before we allow the judge to see the results of Mr. Jones’ investigation.” Blair slid paperwork over the
table for Paul.
Paul removed his reading glasses from his pocket, stuck them on his nose, and read the paperwork.
Cooper said nothing, seeing Lucinda fidget.
“I knew I should have brought my mother.” She scowled at Cooper. “Y didn’t say this was going to happen when I saw you
at the shoppingou
center Saturday.”
Cooper stayed silent.
Kent said, “We have a video from the Arena club. It shows Mrs. McDermott dancing and flirting with a young man, then
going into the back seat
of his car in the parking lot. There’s a time and date stamp on the video itself.” Kent pointed to a piece of paper on the
table. “That’s the young
boy’s statement, and details of what he and Mrs. McDermott did that night.”
“You suck!” Lucinda yelled at Cooper.
Paul quieted her with a raised hand as he continued to read.
Andy asked, “Shall we play it? I love a good sex video.”
Cooper’s eyes burned. He did not want to see it. A hand squeezed his knee and then moved away. He glanced at Blair’s
sad expression.
The welling up in Cooper’s chest was hard to battle.
Andy leaned his palms on the table, standing beside Cooper. “You’re done, Mrs. McDermott. Time to sign on the dotted
line. Or perhaps your
attorney would like you to risk a ruling.”
“Can I have a moment?” Paul asked.
The men began to leave.
Before they did, Blair handed Paul the remote control. “Have a look.”
Cooper left the room first, walking to his office to find privacy and pull himself together.
Blair kept moving past Kent and Andy, who were talking quietly. He had no idea who knew whom, being so new to the
area and firm. It was a
comfort to know Andy and Kent did know one another, since he respected them both. Not to mention their connection
strengthened Blair’s
confidence in Kent’s findings.
He stood outside Cooper’s door and listened. “Coop?” When he didn’t answer, Blair opened the door a crack. “Babe?”
“Don’t call me that here. Okay?” Cooper’s eyes were red. “I mean, it’s okay outside work…”
“Sorry.” Blair closed himself into the office, leaning on the door. “Talk to me.”
“This is it.” He threw up his hands. “I’m going to be divorced.”
“You want me to cancel the offer? Try counseling?”
“No. She wants out. I do too. I just…” Cooper faced the window and Blair could see his broad shoulders expand with his
deep breath. He began
twisting at the gold ring as if trying to pry it off.
Blair walked closer and stood beside him. “No one goes into marriage hoping it will fail. Y did your best, Coop. Maybe fate
has somethingou
else in mind.”
Cooper faced him. “What does fate have in mind, Blair?”
The amount Blair wanted him at that moment was painful. Seeing the agony in Cooper, knowing in his heart Cooper was
a good man and had
made bad decisions. Who didn’t?
“Coop…” Blair stepped closer, able to inhale Cooper’s cologne, feel his heat.
A tear tried to run down Cooper’s high cheekbone but he swiped at it and gained a look of resolve, like a soldier about to
do battle. “I’m okay.”
Blair began to lean in for an embrace. He’d gotten one hug from this guy. Was it that strange?
Cooper didn’t appear terrified or like he was going to push Blair away.
“Come ‘ere,” Blair said under his breath, almost to himself. To his delight, Cooper fell into that embrace.
The power of the touch was making Blair swoon. His cock went instantly erect and he clung tighter. A tiny sound came
slide it off.
When he entered the room he could see Lucinda had been crying. She dabbed her eyes with a tissue.
The four men sat down and waited for some comment from Mr. Southland.
“Yes, well, it’s unfortunate Mrs. McDermott married so young. This poor woman was only eighteen years old—”
Andy said, “Cut the crap and let’s go. I have a meeting to get to.”
Cooper noticed Blair appear amused.
“We accept the revised agreement, but Lucinda would like to be able to stay in the house until December fifteenth instead
of having to vacate
“Coop?” Andy asked.
“Why?” Cooper looked at Lucinda.
“Mom was going to have a family dinner there next weekend.” Lucinda wiped her nose.
Blair said, “No souvenirs. You got that? You take anything that doesn’t belong to you, and you will be in criminal court.”
“What’s mine?” Lucinda asked, her tears renewing.
Andy folded his arms and said, “Did you read the agreement? What’s with you beauty queens? Is all your reading
glamour magazines?
“Mr. Gore…” Cooper warned.
“Lucinda,” Andy softened his tone, “In one of the addendums you will find a list of items that you may have. The rest of
the contents of that home in
Malibu belong to the man who paid for it.”
Paul turned to the page and showed her.
She held up the list. “That’s it? My clothing, my toiletries, and my photo albums?”
Blair asked, “What else did you come into the marriage with?”
“I can’t keep my car? Coop?”
Cooper opened his mouth to allow her the car, but Andy stopped him with an, “Uh! No. No more dealing. He’s giving you a
settlement, buy a
Prius with that.” He stood. “This meeting is over. Sign the agreement or off to court.”
Lucinda looked at Paul. Paul nodded to her.
She picked up a pen and signed it.
Cooper watched Andy tap his fingers on the table. It was tactic. He’d seen Andy in action and his style worked.
“Here.” She moved the paperwork. “So I have to get out when?”
“The end of the week, honey.” Andy pushed the contract towards Cooper to sign.
Cooper didn’t care if she stayed ‘til the first of the year, but he knew with Lucinda, you gave an inch she took a mile. They
had done that to death
for the last few months. Andy knew hard line worked. And it had.
They were each given copies.
Paul stood up and gestured for Lucinda to leave. Before she did she said again, “You suck!”
Andy retorted, “Probably because you didn’t!”
Blair laughed and Cooper shook his head at Andy.
“My job here is done.” Andy stacked the paperwork. “You see, Blair? Just learn from the expert.”
“I did. You’re amazing.”
“Then you owe me.” Andy grabbed his own crotch in a tease.
Cooper bristled with jealousy. He never thought of Andy and Blair being attracted to each other.
Kent stood and began gathering his paperwork, removing the DVD from the monitor. “I’ll keep this on file. I suspect you
don’t want a copy,
“No, thank you. And thank you for everything.” Cooper shook Kent’s hand.
Andy left, followed by Kent. Blair gathered all the contracts and said, “I’ll get this filed with the court ASAP.”
Once Blair had the paperwork organized he asked, “You okay?”
“Yes.” Cooper asked, “Did you and Andy…?”
“No.” Blair didn’t smile or joke. “He flirts, that’s it.”
Cooper nodded. “Well. I can’t believe it’s finally done.”
What to plan our boys’ weekend
in Vegas, stays in to Vegas.”
Cooper stomach
wondered tingled.
what “Yes.
exactly It is.”
would happen. But the idea suddenly did not repulse him.
Blair’s eyes lit up. “Please don’t tease a man ~ about something so amazing.”
“Separate rooms, right?”
Blair finished filing the divorce paperwork and checked his watch. It was nearing one and he stopped for a bite to eat at a
sandwich Yes.” Once
Blair winked. “Let me get this done. Sooner you are stamped and sealed the better.”
ordered watched
his foodBlair
and leave
foundthe room.
a seat nearHethe
sank back toBlair
window, sit on a chair
texted to recuperate.
Cooper, ‘ ur filed’His
. Hehouse back,
hit send andhis life back,
grinned and a
to himself.
That beginning.
hug. That was not a
Oh, GodThatyes!was a growl-I-wanna-grind-on-you
Separate rooms? Sure, Coop. Whathug.a Or at least
waste that’s what
of money it was
that will be.toYou
him. He had
read no ideaall
bi-curious of Cooper’s
schedule so he set
Blair shifted
over thechair as the thought about
in the
it. on the
Jealous table
of me andAndy?
and eating his turkey and avocado sandwich. You-me-Vegas?
“Ha.” Blair chewed and swallowed, knowing he had a whole afternoon of work to do.
He remembered his own curiosity. Initially he didn’t date many men because women were giving him what he needed. But
after a onetime
experiment of kissing a man, Blair figured, what the hell, life’s too short.
From then on, he found men sexually stimulating. Well, if he was honest, he always had. Being straight was just easier.
His phone buzzed. Blair looked down at it. Cooper had texted, ‘im glad’.
Blair set his sandwich down and brushed off his hands. He wrote back, ‘in a café eating alone. how sad am i?’ He grinned
as he sent it,
wondering if he could tempt Cooper into some flirty texting banter.
A second later Cooper wrote back, ‘2 tix to vegas next weeknd u up 4 it?’
“What?” Blair lowered his voice and picked up the phone, dialing.
“Are you shitting me?” Blair laughed loudly.
“Nope. Just book them.”
“Holy shit!”
“Caesar’s Palace.”
“No! Really? Are you just punking me?” Blair ate the last bite of his sandwich and cleaned up his table, headed for the
“You said let’s go. So?”
“Uh, two rooms?”
“Yeah well…”
Damn. “Okay. No problem.” Blair tried not to feel let down.
“I just thought it would look better.”
Blair stopped mid-stride on his way back to the office and blinked. “Look better?”
“Never mind. So? This Friday night, two tickets first class, and I also got us a limo to the airport and to the hotel.”
“Jesus, Coop! You’re the man!” Look better…look better…look better…
“I’m glad you’re so happy. Have you ever been there?”
“No. Been to Atlantic City. I figure it’s the same deal.”
“I’m on my way back to the office. Where are you?”
“On my way to county court.”
“Okay. Well…congratulations on the divorce. I’m going to make sure we celebrate in style.”
“I feel better about it now that it’s done.”
“I’m glad, Coop. I am.”
“Catch ya later.”
“Bye.” Blair put the phone into his pocket and pumped his fist into the air. Look better! Because? Because you want to
be with me? Yes! Yes!
Blair knew he had a crush. Oh yes. He had it bad.
Chapter 10
By Friday evening, Cooper ended the work week filled with stress.
His caseload of clients increased with the termination of his marriage. Since the senior partners had been kind enough to
lighten the load during
the divorce, Cooper was now expected to be back in the groove. But added to that stress was the fact that he had been
getting harassing
messages from Lucinda’s mother.
On top of that anxiety was the thought of a weekend in Vegas with Blair. He was terrified.
Standing next to his bed, tossing clothing into a suitcase, Cooper’s phone rang. He leaned over to read the caller ID.
Frieda Mumford was not
only breaking the court order, she was flagrantly abusing his good nature. Cooper assumed she figured he wouldn’t report
her and get her arrested.
He didn’t pick up the phone. Frieda’s screeching voice began being recorded, which would help him when he did indeed
want to her
do.toI the
I should have come there for the meeting Monday. Why won’t you pick up the phone? Are you
afraid to fight someoneyou!
“ Cooper! How could yourLucinda loves that house! You bully! Getting three men to force her to sign an agreement
own did
Cooper not want?
” That’s
He was thirty-two, not fifty-two.
“Fine! Bethat’s coercion,
this way. you not
But we’re should be arrested!
leaving ” house without a fight! ” The line disconnected.
He was an
tucked hisironic
razorstatement. He wasn’t
into the small the onecarrying
black leather breaking the with
case law with the contact.
his shampoo and He headed to
aftershave. the bathroom
While he had histoex-
his toiletries.
mother-in-law’s threats in his
head, hiscontinued
mobile phone to ramble
rang. on, “This isn’t
He moaned andthe last oftoit!
walked I will he
where gethad
it onSouthland to Seeing
his dresser. fight this! YouBlair,
it was forced her to do
he picked it
up. she did not
“Hi.” Cooper’s stomach was filled with butterflies. He had no idea why he had planned a weekend with Blair. His life was a
mess and he knew
this may make it worse.
“You sound like shit.”
“I’m sorry.”
“What? You’re not going. You think I’m going to molest you, right?”
“No…” Cooper shook his head and sat on the bed. “I’m going. Just that Lucinda’s mother has been leaving messages on
my phone all week.”
“That’s a violation of the court order. Did you phone the police to take a report?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t fucking know.” Cooper rubbed his face.
“How many has she left?”
Cooper leaned over to read the machine. “Uh…twenty-one.”
“What?” Blair choked. “Call the fucking cops!”
“I’m in the middle of packing.”
Blair shook his head as he drove. Was he being sensible? Or was he rebounding from Ted Mack? Rebounding? Cooper was
“Fuck that. I’m done packing. I’m coming over now.”
“Blair…I just—”
“Why am I going to Vegas with him? Do I really want to see him hook up with a woman?”
“Shut up. I’ll be there soon.”
Blair thought seriously about turning back. Not only was this a bad idea, but the traffic was nightmarish. In New Y he’d
The line disconnected. Cooper looked at his phone, then the open suitcase on his bed. He placed the cell phone aside and
either take a cab orork
flopped back on the
walk wherever he needed to go. LA was the land of the car. He got trapped on the edge of an intersection and nearly
bed with a bounce to stare at the ceiling. If he thought his life was complicated with an eighteen-year-old wife, life with a
touched the bumper of the car
thirty-five year old man
in Twenty-one
front of him phone
to avoidcalls violating
blocking it. I’ma court order
thinking and
with myCooper
dick and didnot
my head.He still
many that woman.
times have Why
I doneelse would
he not be murder.
call the He and
cops twisted at the gold band on his finger, but could not budge it at all. It was stuck on him.
“Too many.” Blair drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.
report it? ~
Blair tossed his carry-on bag into the trunk of his car and drove to Santa Monica. Friday night, the traffic was a miserable
Cooper placed his suitcase near the front door and checked the time. The limo service wasn’t going to pick them up for a
snarl, jammed up at
couple of hours, and
every traffic signal. He listened to music as he drove, but soon shut it off so he could think. This crush—this stupid fantasy
their flight was scheduled for ten p.m.
of seducing Cooper—
The plan in Cooper’s mind, ideally, was to pick Blair up on the way to LAX. Cooper paced and straightened up the room,
was destined to end in disaster.
wondering why he
thought this boys’ weekend with a bisexual was a good idea.
He opened up a cabinet and removed a bottle of vodka. Uncapping it, he poured it into a small juice glass and mixed it
with ice and
pomegranate juice. As he swirled it around to stir he heard a car door. Cooper downed the booze to the ice and stared into
His doorbell chime sounded. He set the glass on the counter and ran his hand over his hair nervously. When he opened
the door and met Blair’s
sexy brown eyes, Cooper grew even more anxious.
“Let me listen to the messages.” Blair was all business at the moment. As he entered, he set his suitcase beside Cooper’s
near the door,
including a shoulder bag with his laptop. “Where’s the answering machine?”
“My bedroom.” Cooper swallowed a nervous lump in his throat and backed up, pointing.
Blair made a direct line for it.
Cooper glanced at the bottle of vodka and juice. Before he joined Blair, he mixed another glass for himself.
Blair looked around the bedroom. It contained a queen-sized bed, high-boy and dresser. No frills. Temporary housing? Yes.
Luckily, now it was.
He spotted the answering machine on Cooper’s nightstand. Sure enough the message number was twenty-one. He turned
around when he
heard Cooper. Cooper was sipping a drink. “Want one?” Cooper said, as if suddenly realizing he was a lousy host.
“What is it?”
“Pom and vodka.”
“Hell yeah.” Blair laughed. Dutch courage? “Should I hit play?”
“Knock yourself out.” Cooper left his glass on the dresser and walked down the hall.
Blair hit play. The time and date was announced first, then a woman’s voice sounded, filling the room with anger.
Cooper returned, handing Blair a glass. Blair took it, sipping it, nodding ‘thank you’ as he did. After three similar
threatening messages, Blair
stopped the recording. “I’m calling the cops to take a report.”
Cooper shrugged, sitting on his bed.
Blair picked up the cordless phone, asking, “Right? We’re in agreement she needs to stop violating the court order?”
“What are the cops going to do? Arrest Lucinda’s mother?”
“That’s the idea.” He waited. Not getting a solid answer from Cooper, Blair put the phone back into the cradle and sat
next to him. They both
drank the booze quietly. After Blair’s drink was down to ice, he sighed. “Why don’t you want to follow through?”
“It’s more headache. Do I want to go to court? Come on. When the date of occupation passes, I’ll get them evicted.”
Blair swirled the ice in the glass. “Okay. I get it.”
“It’s the path of least resistance. If I keep these calls on record, when the time comes to kick them out of my home, I’ll
have the ammo. Right
now?” Cooper shrugged and tipped his glass to his lips, chewing on an ice cube. “Do I want the hassle?”
“Pre-Vegas?” Blair grinned.
Blair glanced between Cooper’s legs. Cooper was in his work slacks and a cotton shirt. “I would love another one of these
Cooper stood, taking Blair’s glass with him.
“How many am I behind?”
“Just one,” Cooper said as he left.
Blair licked his lips at the sight of Cooper’s ass. How was he supposed to behave? He already imagined forcing Cooper to
submit to his
fantasy, but he knew waiting until they were in Vegas was smarter. No escape and a sense of abandon.
Blair stood and met Cooper in the kitchen where he mixed more drinks. “Should we eat?”
“Not if we want to get drunk.” Cooper handed Blair his glass, tapping it with his own.
“You, uh…going to change into jeans or something casual?”
Cooper glanced down at his pants. “I should. That’s how out of it I am. I can’t think straight.”
“Did you pack a bathing suit?”
“Y I think I managed to pack what I needed for the weekend.” Cooper carried his drink back to his bedroom, setting it
down. “Do you like toes.
“Y and no.” Blair leaned against the doorframe to watch Cooper, gulping the booze and placing the glass beside Cooper’s.
“I like blackjackes
but I’m no high-stakes kind of guy.”
Cooper tossed a pair of jeans on his bed and opened his belt, stopping short. He looked over his shoulder at Blair.
“Huh. Not drunk enough to take those off in front of me?” Blair tried not to sulk.
Cooper appeared completely baffled about what to do.
Blair wasn’t sure he wanted to let him off the hook so easily. Y he could have walked away, but he didn’t. He folded his
arms over his chestes,
and acted as if it were a dare.
Cooper touched his zipper, appearing totally undecided.
“Really?” Blair laughed in a cough. “Are you commando under them?”
Blair threw up his hands in frustration. This attraction was going to get him nowhere.
Cooper drew his zipper down slowly, staring at Blair.
Blair didn’t leave, feeling his heart pounding. He licked his lips as Cooper tucked his thumbs into the waistband and began
tugging the material
AtI turn Blairsight
the first on. of Cooper’s black boxer briefs covering his tight ass, Blair felt his cock thicken. “Right. This isn’t going to
I fucking
work.” turn him on!
He turned
around, was thrilled
his backand
to terrified
Cooper. at the same time. He composed himself, taking the empty glasses with him to find Blair
sitting on the sofa,
“Do I turn you on? Really?”
staring straighthis
Blair rubbed at forehead,
him as he having
emerged.no idea how to answer that question without scaring Cooper. He heard rustling and
sorry,” Blair
his soul tosaid.
get a
look.“Don’t be. It’s kind of flattering.” Cooper refilled their glasses again.
“Blair? Do I?”
Blair headedshrugged,
down thenot hall
looking at living
to the Blair. room, sitting on the sofa. A weekend of this. This torment. This cock-tease. Was he
“You’re flattered I think you’re hot?”
Using a spoon, Cooper mixed the juice with the vodka and brought Blair his glass, sitting beside him on the sofa.
“Coop?” Blair seemed as if he needed an answer.
Cooper didn’t know what to say. “I’m not offended.” He drank a gulp of his drink, starting to slowly feel the effects of the
Blair took the second glass. “Thanks. Look, if I make you uncomfortable, tell me. The last thing I want to do is overstep
your boundaries.”
“Okay.” Cooper wondered where that line would be. The more he hung out with Blair, the less he cared about blurring the
lines of sexuality. And
Cooper didn’t know why.
Blair’s respirations seemed to accelerate. He sucked the booze down quickly.
“We’re not even in Vegas yet.” Cooper chuckled.
“Shit. This is such a bad idea.” Blair stood to place the glass in the sink.
“No. Come on, Blair.” Cooper didn’t want him to change his mind. “Are you saying you’re so attracted to me, you may not
be able to
a lousy controlA man does not turn to men simply because he’s been burned by a woman. That’s absurd. If
anything, he turns to another
woman rested
Blair .rubbed hishis
palms on theand
forehead counter,
lookedinhaling deeply.
at Cooper. “Of course I can control myself.”
“Okay.” blinked.
was slightlyThe excitement“Then
disappointed. stirredstop
in Cooper. What would it feel like to touch Blair sexually? Am I bi?
Or “That
am I wornbooze down
wentfromright to my head. Maybe we should eat something before we go.”
“I can order a pizza.”
“How much time do we have?” Cooper stood, taking his empty glass to the sink and checking his watch. “Oh. Less than
two hours.”
“That should be okay. Most of these pizza places deliver in a half hour.”
“True.” Cooper reached to the top of the refrigerator for a phone book. Blair was close and didn’t step back to give Cooper
room. They were
nearly how about the white pizza, ricotta, mozzarella cheese, spinach and garlic…”
in contact.
Whenwas drunk,
Cooper lost onatCooper’s
glanced him, thebody. Cooper
intensity leaned
in Blair’s against
gaze was the counter
making him as he spoke
dizzy. “Are youon undressing
the phone, his
me broad pectoral
with your eyes?”
Cooper said showing
as a
joke, since thehe fabric
was ofnow hisdrunk.
polo shirt, his shoulders and biceps looking solid and powerful. Blair chewed his bottom lip in
The red So blush
what if he hit
that wasBlair’s cheeks was instant. “No!” Blair backed up.
“It’s okay,Cooper
buddy.”nude? Blairtouched
Cooper would pay good
Blair’s money to see this man naked.
Blair let out a whimper and didn’t react.
Cooper Blair blinked, not realizing
the phone book on theCooper was and
counter through
asked,with his phone
“What do you call.
like on your pizza?”
“Are you as buzzed as I am?”
Blair swallowed down a dry throat, wondering how crazy his behavior was getting. He had to stop ogling Cooper, but
he’d ~ onlythe
What seen him
hell is ines.”
wrong with Lucinda? She had that? HAD that? God, give me
a suit and
Blair had
strength. tie. Seeing
said he Cooper
could in tight
control blue jeans
himself, but if and a white
Cooper poloflirting,
started shirt was making
all bets werehim
And they hadn’t even hit Vegas yet.
ordered a specialty
Cooper spoke on pizza.
the You saidtoyou
phone thewere
got a good look at his crotch in his tight jeans.
“Yes.” Blair stared at Cooper’s lips, his blue eyes, his dark brown hair and high cheek bones. His excitement was turning to
agony. This crush
was going to be the end of their friendship, Blair was certain. He shook off his trance on Cooper’s appealing looks and sat
back down on the sofa
to get under control.
Cooper mixed the last of the pomegranate juice with two more shots of vodka. He brought Blair over his drink and again,
sat beside him. Blair
took the glass and stared at it as he held it between his knees.
“Huh?” Blair met his eyes.
“Don’t worry.”
“Don’t worry.” Blair tilted his head. “About?”
“Anything.” Cooper put his hand on Blair’s leg.
Blair flinched and backed up against the sofa cushions.
Cooper studied Blair’s reaction to his touch. Blair’s response was obvious. He was literally panting and his leg muscles
tightened under
Cooper’s hand.
For the first time in his life, Cooper looked at a man as a sexual being. It wasn’t some gay awakening, no life altering
decision to change sides
and bat for the same team. It was just a thought.
Blair Woodbury was a very sexually attractive man. He was at least six-foot-one, weighed near two hundred pounds of fit
trim physique, with his
dark brown hair and matching chocolate brown eyes. His angular clean-shaven jaw and hollow cheeks, all made Blair a very
attractive ‘package’
It was no wonder the man could choose from men or women. The charismatic air of intelligence plus kindness was like a
They didn’t speak, just sipped the strong drinks.
Cooper began to remove his hand but Blair slapped his on top of it to keep it there. The movement startled Cooper but he
didn’t jerk back. He
met Blair’s eyes.
Finally Blair said, “Don’t tease me.”
“Am I doing that?”
“Your hand is on my leg.”
“Is that a gay sign to do something more?”
Blair gave him a look of disbelief. “If you touched a woman’s thigh, what would you be telling her?”
Cooper drew his hand back, releasing contact. He drank the last of the vodka-pom now that the ice had melted.
“Coop…I think going on a trip with you is a mistake.”
Cooper wondered the same thing. Thinking about touching Blair and actually touching him may not be the same thing.
The doorbell rang and they both jumped out of their skin.
Cooper stood and placed his glass on the coffee table as he retrieved his wallet from his pocket.
He opened the door to a pizza delivery boy. The young boy had long blond hair and a pierced eyebrow. “Hey. Y order the
white pizza withou
“I did.” Cooper read the amount on the bill and gave the young man a twenty. Blair took the box from him as Cooper said,
“Keep the change.”
“Thanks, man.”
Cooper closed the door, the aroma of garlic and cheese filled the air. He walked to the kitchen cupboard and removed two
plates, gathered
utensils and bringing them to the table.
Blair set a slice on each plate and relaxed on one of the dark wooden chairs at the dining table. “Looks good. I’m
Cooper placed two bottles of water on the table and a roll of paper towels. He sat across from Blair and took a bite of the
pizza. “Look, Blair…”
“Yes, Mr. McDermott.” Blair gave him a cheeky glance at the seriousness of Cooper’s tone.
“I want to go with you this weekend. I need this. You have no idea how badly.”
“I know, babe.” Blair covered his mouth comically. “I can say ‘babe’ right? We’re not at work?”
“How drunk are you?” Cooper laughed.
“Got a good head buzz.”
“Babe…” Cooper said, smiling, “I’m not afraid.”
Blair broke up with laughter. “Be afraid! Be very afraid!”
“What will you do to me? Huh? Attack me when I’m in the shower?”
Blair choked and set the pizza on the plate, shifting in his chair. “You want me to? Are you having gay fantasies?”
Cooper felt his cock swell slightly. “I really don’t think I can fulfill your fantasies. I mean, I have never had any sort of
sexual feelings for a man.”
“I get that.” Blair nodded, resuming his eating. “I’m teasing, babe. I won’t touch you. I’ll find someone in Vegas to screw.”
Cooper felt a twinge of jealousy. He said nothing and kept eating, trying to sober up for their long night ahead.
Chapter 11
Blair wanted to take advantage of this weekend. He wasn’t stupid. He knew once they returned to work and reality, there
was no way Cooper was
going to continue their affair, and certainly no way he was going to be his ‘boyfriend’.
Blair softened
The conflict his kisses,
regarding hisstaring
Cooper as menheand
did.women were difficult ones. And Blair knew his past life in Manhattan
was Had veryBlair beenand
liberal with a lot of men? No. But he had been with enough ‘people’ to know real hot connections were few. He
would never admit
open. Judging how
by Cooper’s taste in a wife, he doubted Cooper would jump off the straight way of life and embrace his
gayness. times he had
It just ‘faked’
wasn’t going liking someone simply to get laid. Men and women. He wasn’t faking his attraction and crush on
to happen. He had it bad
for thisinched
there’s man
a sexualthehisminute
way they
chemistry met, and
here. untilwas
he certain
was on he topshould
of him.be mentally
They weren’tpreparing himselfon
lying correctly forthe
bed, so both their legs
were Blair leaned
hanging offon
oneup his hands to stare at Cooper. “Do you hate kissing me?”
side.“I don’t hate it.”
the you’d
aggression preferinnot
theto?” Blairwas
kissing pecked his He
Blair’s. lipswas
dying before Cooper
to feel Cooper announced
get hot and hishorny,
and play top dog. Come on,
Coop. “I don’t mind.”
You can’t deny
Blair watched Cooper’s expression. “I realize I don’t know you very well, but…were you this lukewarm with all your
“Huh? Lukewarm?” Cooper narrowed his eyes.
“Your words are right but the heat isn’t here. I know that’s because I’m a man, right?”
“Blair…” Cooper shook his head as if he wasn’t sure how to answer. “I don’t mind kissing you.”
Blair tucked his cock under himself and cupped his pectoral muscles to make cleavage. “Here. Any better? Want me to
shave again?”
“Now you’re just fucking with me. Stop it.”
Blair threw up his hands and sat at the head of the bed against the headboard. “I feel like I’m losing my mind. You’re
giving me some signs of
attraction but I know deep in your heart you can’t do this.”
“Blair, deep in my heart I can’t do anything.”
Blair took it like a physical blow. He made a move to roll off the bed to get washed up.
Cooper stopped him, tackling him down roughly.
It made Blair’s breath catch in his throat. Cooper pinned him to the mattress, causing some pain to Blair’s arms.
“Will you slow the fuck down?” Cooper asked. “I feel like I’m trying to stop a freight train.”
Blair lay limp, staring at Cooper, liking his weight on top of him.
“You and I are completely damaged goods at the moment.” Cooper lessened his grip but Blair bucked and made him
tighten it.
“Blair? Are you listening?”
“No. I’m so fucking excited you attacked me, I’m in hell.”
A curl began at the corner of Cooper’s mouth as he smiled. Then he shook his head. “I don’t know what the fuck I was
thinking coming here with
“Boys’ weekend?” Blair slid his hands along Cooper’s arms to his shoulders. “I could spend the rest of our time here in
“Do you have to have everything now?”
“Yes! Are you kidding me? If I let you wander the world single, some woman will snatch you up before I can say ‘suck my
cock, Coop’!”
Cooper went to release Blair, but Blair gripped Cooper’s arms harder and showed his teeth. “Don’t go anywhere.”
With slight exasperation, Cooper dropped his body down on top of Blair’s and leaned on his elbows so he could talk to
him. “If this is how men
are, I’m not sure I’m cut out for it.”
“Yeah? Y think the women in your life were easy?” Blair’s cock hardened up under Cooper’s weight and he wanted to
wriggle against him butou
“I think women can be easy. I just make bad choices. I’m shallow and go for looks.”
“Do you think I’m good-looking?” Blair batted his lashes teasingly.
Cooper blushed and didn’t answer, not looking into his eyes.
“Coop? Do you think I’m easy on the eyes?”
“You know you are. Everyone in the office is asking you out, talking about you…”
Blair listening.”
“I’m was surprised CooperCooper
made knewa move
slide off
so reclusive
but Blair
tight, the
his legs
so CooperBlair
always thought
between them. Cooper
“Okay. knew
We’re heboth
existed other
on the thanofas
heels a his
badclient and co-worker.
break-up. Neither of us wants to get involved seriously at the moment.” Sure I
don’t . “And think
I want I’m
and and you can get hard looking at me.”
a buddy didn’t
go out answer but he
with when didn’tthe
I have movefreefrom their
time.” He intimate position
ran his hand overon
thethe bed,
side of either.
Cooper’s cheek into his hair. “Still with
me, Blair decided to appeal to the attorney in his man, and make his argument. “We don’t hate each other. We can manage to
have some kind
“So…uh. If weof meet someone while we’re doing this?”
sexual relationship
Blair’s smile fellat thehis
and moment that webeside
arm dropped both enjoy.”
him on Hethewaited for a response
bed. “Then you’ll go onandyour
merryeven getting eye contact.
“Coop?”Cooper shook his head. “You know this isn’t going to work. If we see each other, you’ll only get hurt when I find a
“Where are you going with this?”
“I’m making
“Get the fuckthe off case
me.”for us pushed
Blair to at least havehard
Cooper fun with each other
and stood besideinthe
short“You’re If I can
term.”right. get you
It won’t to date
work.” me and to
He stormed play,
can atand least have on
turned a
the water,knelt
Cooper boiling
on mad.
the bed, listening to the water run in the shower stall. He rubbed his hand over his sticky skin and
sighed. Guilt surfaced. Blair
had done so much for him during and through this divorce. He headed to the bathroom and opened the door to speak, but
seeing Blair in the
shower behind the clear double doors shut him up.
He paused and watched him, having a feeling Blair was unaware he was being observed. Cooper leaned back against the
wall near the door
and studied Blair’s body, his sleek lines and muscular build. Blair scrubbed his hair, rinsing it, then worked on washing his
chest and arms.
Cooper’s cock thickened.
He glanced down at himself and shook his head sadly. There was no mistaking the fact that Blair Woodbury turned him
Cooper touched himself as he watched Blair go through his routine, something he must do every day in private, on his
own. It was so personal to
see Blair this way.
Everyone wanted Blair. Brenda, Andy, and a host of other secretaries and interns in the law office. When Blair was hired,
the gossip by the
‘water cooler’ was about how hot he was, the fact that he was single, and his sexual ambiguity.
Office pools began. Who would get into Blair’s pants?
Me. And I wasn’t even considered in the pool.
Blair jumped with a start when Cooper opened the glass door and entered the stall. He grabbed Blair by his shoulders and
backed him against
the wall roughly. Blair’s breathing went into hyper-drive, panting and accepting whatever Cooper was giving.
Cooper spun Blair around and pinned him to the marble wall.
Blair spread his arms and legs out to the sides, the perfect submissive lover. Cooper held his own stiff cock, looking at the
ass he’d already
As if sensing Cooper’s hesitation, Blair said, “I’m clean…negative! And I can’t get fucking pregnant!” Blair huffed on his
words, as if he were
going insane.
Cooper rested the head of his cock on Blair’s rim.
Blair jerked his hips backwards in an effort to get penetration.
Wanting this, Cooper gripped Blair tighter. Blair soaped up his hands and reached between his legs, making it easier for
them to fuck.
“Take me! Fucking take me, Coop!” Blair sounded desperate.
Cooper knew what he had with Blair, and knew what he wanted right now. He slammed his cock into Blair’s ass and
fucked him.
Blair did what Cooper loved best during sex—he vocalized his pleasure.
“Yes! Baby! Fuck me! Oh, God, fuck me!”
Cooper’s cock throbbed and the urge to climax became strong. He arched backwards and hammered into Blair harder
than he ever would with
a female. And he fucking loved it.
“Yes! Coop! You are amazing! Fuck me! Fuck me!”
Cooper closed his eyes and pushed Blair hard into the wall, feeling his cock throb in his ass as the climax made his
knees weak.
“Coop! Oh, God, Coop.” Blair’s words were laden with sadness, nearly sobs.
Cooper pulled out, spun Blair around and embraced him. His eyes burned as he thought of what life would be like with
Blair as his partner.
Wonderful and treacherous, simultaneously.
“Coop.” Blair cried, squeezing him tight, hiding his face over Cooper’s shoulder as he fought for control. “Give us a week.
Okay? One week?”
Cooper kissed his wet neck as the shower pelted them both. His eyes overflowed as he thought about giving Blair that
precious week, and how
much worse it would be loving him for seven days and then leaving him for a woman.
He leaned back and could see the pain and redness in Blair’s eyes. When they kissed Cooper felt a lump of agony in his
Why Lucinda couldn’t love him this deeply was beyond him. But he had to be fair to Blair. If he couldn’t love Blair the way
Blair deserved to be
loved, then this relationship simply should not begin.
Blair hated becoming emotional. In front of Cooper? How fucking humiliating. He moved back from their embrace and
made sure the soap was
rinsed off. Cooper touched his cheek tenderly.
Blair met his gaze. It was then he could see the slight redness in Cooper’s eyes. “Why does this have to be so fucking
“It just is.” Cooper washed his cock and gave himself a rinse. “You done?”
Blair frowned. “Seems I am.”
“Don’t.” Cooper shut the water and shook his head. “Don’t make this a downer.”
“What?” Blair’s eyes widened at the abrupt act.
Cooper left the bathroom to find his clothing, stepping over the dildo, which was lying on the floor.
“Coop? Come on! What the hell just happened?” Blair stood in the threshold of the bathroom doorway.
Cooper hopped into his briefs and searched for his shirt. He realized he’d left it in the bathroom when he tried to wash the
cum stain off.
“Motherfucker!” Blair yelled. “Talk to me before I go insane!”
Cooper dropped down to sit on the foot of the bed and felt as if he were hyperventilating.
Blair crouched in front of him. “Are you suddenly realizing you may have sexual feelings for a guy? Is that it? Is it some
awakening I’ve begun in
“No.” Cooper tried to calm down. “I…I just saw what we look like.” He pointed to the bathroom. “Together.”
“I can’t do this.” He spotted his slacks on the floor.
Blair stood and backed up. “Wow. This is so fucked up. I can’t handle this either, Coop. This seesawing of emotions. One
minute you’re
embracing me, the next, grossed out.”
“Sorry.” Cooper went for his slacks. He avoided looking at Blair as he put them on.
“Are you going to avoid me for the rest of the day?”
“Uh no. We can eat together.” Cooper stood and crossed his arms over his bare chest. “I’ll just get my shirt.” He gestured
to the bathroom.
Blair appeared devastated.
Cooper snuck past him and picked it up off the sink, avoiding looking at himself in the mirror. He slunk past Blair again,
making sure he had his
wallet and room key. “I’ll…I’ll be in my room. Whenever you want to get a bite, let me know.”
Blair glared at him.
Cooper left his room, heading to the one next door. He opened the door, tossed his shirt over the shower stall to let it dry,
and stood in the
middle of the room, shaking.
Blair tried to understand.
He got it. He’d been there. But his homosexual side was much more willing to come out and be seen. He had not been
nearly as petrified of
people being aware he liked both men and women. In reality, Blair didn’t care what people thought.
He got dressed—hungry, yes, but unsure if Cooper’s company would be more of a curse than a pleasure.
Be patient. He’s just freaking out. There are feelings between us. Cooper does want me on a certain level .
Blair finished getting dressed, scrubbed off the dildo and left it near the sink, then he straightened up the room. He
opened a bottle of vodka and
chugged it. Once he drank some down, he looked at his reflection in the mirror on the wall in the living area of the suite. He
put the bottle down,
fussed with his wet hair, tousling it, but not too concerned with how it looked. It was short and dried the way he liked it. His
face had grown dark
designer stubble from two days without shaving. He glared at his reflection from his internal frustration and was about to go
knock on Cooper’s door
to ask him if he wanted to eat dinner. Blair had lost track of time and assumed it was late in the afternoon. He had left his
watch on the nightstand
and didn’t go get it.
When he spotted his mobile phone, he turned it on and waited for it to load. Then he texted Cooper. ‘Eat with me?’
“Notice I said, with me, and not eat me.” Blair didn’t smile at his own wit. He hit send and waited.
‘sure’ returned.
He gave the room a glance and picked up his room key and wallet. “What a pathetic fucking game.”
He set the phone down on the coffee table. Cooper checked himself in the bathroom mirror, tucking in his clean shirt. His
nerves were shot and
he was ready for this crazy weekend to end. What did he think would happen here with Blair? He obviously wanted to
experiment with him sexually.
And they had.
Now what?
Go back to life as usual?
Cooper studied his eyes in the reflection. He looked miserable. A look he was getting used to seeing in himself. It made
him angry. He balled up
his fists and scowled.
A knock came through his door.
Cooper wished he had a crystal ball and could predict where he would be in a year. In a dream relationship? Or in another
failed attempt at
making it work with a woman?
Not wanting children was a huge issue for young women. He knew that. And he had no interest in dating a woman who
already had children from
another man. But did that rule out women completely?
The knock grew louder.
“Yeah? Ask Ted Mack. Ask him why I wasn’t good enough.”
“And you can ask Lucinda. You want to compare notes on rejection?” Cooper stepped back, releasing Blair.
“I’m not rejecting you. You’re rejecting me.” Blair brushed off his shirt to straighten it.
“I’m not rejecting you personally. Just the gay thing.” Cooper glanced left and right down the empty hall.
“And I’m not supposed to take it personally?” Blair laughed at the joke and kept walking to the elevator. “I don’t even
know if I can eat. My
stomach is in knots. Who thought this weekend was a good idea?” He poked the elevator call button.
“We both did.”
The elevator door opened and Blair entered, joining a few people already in it. Cooper quietly stepped on, waiting for the
Buttoit close.
has. The last
He he wanted
exhaled was for this
loud enough weekend
for Blair to him
to give turnainto a living
look. Thosehell.
dark brown eyes went right through Cooper now. Yeah, Blair’s
that I knowbuthow
nowmuch he wants me? What the fuck do
I The
do? ride to the lobby was eternal. Cooper was dying inside. Who could he get advice from? Is there a one eight-hundred
number to ask, ‘Am I
gay? Or am I insane?’
Finally the door opened and the small group crowded inside the elevator was freed. Both he and Blair began to head in the
direction of the
restaurant they had the breakfast buffet in the day before. A small line had formed for the dinner hour.
Since Blair didn’t object, Cooper assumed he was agreeable. Cooper glanced at his watch. Keeping track of the hour was
not something he
was interested in. Half of him wanted to beg Blair to stay for the week and the other half was yearning to get away from him
to feel like a normal
man again.
Normal man.
Was sharing physical sex with Blair not normal?
Cooper rubbed his face in frustration.
Blair noticed and stared at him.
“Table for two?” the hostess asked.
Blair nodded, following the woman to a booth. She laid the menus down and said, “There’s a buffet as well. Just let your
server know which you
will have.”
“Thanks.dth="0"> Blair sat down and scooted onto the bench seat.
Cooper sat across from him, staring at him.
“Stop looking at me.” Blair held up the menu as a wall.
“Why? Why can’t I look at you?”
Blair didn’t answer.
A waiter approached with two glasses of water. “Are you two gentlemen going to enjoy the buffet or select something from
the menu?”
“Buffet.” Blair handed the man his menu. “And I’d like a martini.”
“Certainly. You, sir?”
“Same.” Cooper gave his menu to the young man.
“Help yourself to the buffet. I’ll have your drinks when you return.” He left.
Blair stood, not looking at Cooper, and headed to the line of people getting food.
Cooper began to feel anxiety at the transformation in Blair. Now working with him was going to be a strange grudge
match of avoiding each
other and cold stares. Cooper preferred it when Blair simply had a crush on him. He wasn’t sure he could handle the sneers.
Time was not in their favor. They were running out of it.
They had one more day to decide what to do. Judging from Blair’s demeanor, Cooper assumed he’d be spending it
Not to mention, Cooper was out of excuses for playing the ‘What happens in Vegas’ game. Once they left here, all bets
were off.
Chapter 16
A few
Blair hadhours
lain inlater,
bed the meal consumed,
all Saturday Blair was
night wishing nowwas
Cooper backwith
at his room.
him. TheyHe hadn’t
had felt their
finished this betrayed since…
meal without anything said
Since he left New
about Sunday and what, if York and fled from Ted Mack’s painful breakup.
How could
anything, theytwo people
would do who have made love treat each other like strangers? Avoid each other? Really? Is this how it’s
When tohebe? awoke Sunday morning, Blair sat with his laptop, working, ordering room service and not hearing from Cooper at
all.Now they had a limousine ride and plane trip to ignore each other on. What fun.
It feltpacked,
like a totalfeeling
of time and
to doubting
him. If alleverything
he was going about himself.
to do Mosthe
was work, of may
all, his
as choices.
well be home, not in a hotel in Las
But he had no one but himself to blame this time. He had fallen for a straight man. He was lucky to have gotten anything
from him at all.
By evening Sunday night, Blair thought their stalemate was getting absurd. He texted Cooper about dinner but didn’t hear
He eyed
back. That the
meanNo way was he going to pack it, subject to a search of his carryon. Tossing it into the trash, Blair felt
he was being Life ignored,
goes on.it meant Cooper wasn’t near his phone. Since the harassing calls from his ex-mother-in-law were
And on. sucks!
This And
When was
Cooper a knock
loathcame to his
to check door,
his he wondered
missed messages.if it was Cooper, wanting a last hot kiss. It wasn’t. The hotel employee was
Blair “Do
rubbedyou his
needface and looked around the suite in frustration. He shut down his computer and checked his appearance
in thewith your
mirror bag, sir? Your limo is here.”
“Oh. Sure.”
goin g next door to He allowed
stood man in. of
in front “That’s it.” He
Cooper’s doorpointed
and hittoithis small
with carryon. He waited. “Coop?”
his knuckles.
The man nodded,
He didn’t wheeling
hear anything so heit out.
gaveBlair gaveheaded
up and the roomdowna last lookbuffet
to the for items left
to eat behind then followed the man out. They
stopped at Cooper’s room.
Cooper opened the door with a look Blair interpreted as apprehension, which changed to a poker face when he spotted
the bellboy. The same
question was asked of Cooper. “Do you need help with your bag, sir?” He nodded, allowing the man to retrieve his case.
Both he and Cooper held
their computer bags on their shoulders.
Blair and Cooper locked gazes for a moment, nothing was said, and Blair couldn’t read anything from this stoic man.
Both their bags were loaded onto a trolley. Cooper let the door close him inside the room as Blair and the bellboy waited.
Blair assumed he was
doing a last check for missed belongings as well.
He exited the room soon after and the three of them stood silently at the elevator. Blair felt like crap at this strange
coldness. But in reality,
Cooper had exceeded his expectations as a lover. The man fucked him. That had to mean something. At least it did to him.
Trying to take solace in that fact, instead of wearing a scowl, he smiled at Cooper. When Cooper appeared surprised, Blair
mouthed silently,
“Thank you.”
Cooper mouthed back, “For what?”
Blair winked.
It made Cooper smile finally.
Once they settled their tabs at the front desk, they sat in the back of the limousine as their luggage was loaded into the
Blair sighed and said, “Back to reality.”
“Yeah. Sucks.”
At the odd comment, Blair glanced at him. “Why?”
Cooper shrugged.
“I wish you’d learn to voice your thoughts.”
“Yeah. So would everyone I’ve fucked up in this life.”
“Am I now on the list of people you’ve fucked up?”
“Aren’t you?”
The driver entered the car and they shut up.
Blair couldn’t help himself. He slid his hand closer to Cooper’s and touched it. Cooper shifted nervously, but opened his
fingers. They clasped
hands and rode in silence to the airport.
By the time he and Blair were dropped off at his townhouse, Cooper was exhausted.
The chauffeur unloaded their bags and left, driving away into the night.
Cooper stared at Blair as he searched his pockets for his car keys. “You want to come in?”
“It’s fucking late.” Blair aimed his key fob at his Mercedes, opening the locks.
“It’s not even midnight.” Cooper checked his watch.
Blair asked, “Why do you want me to come in? To prolong my agony over this separation?”
Cooper was getting a little separation anxiety as well. “You don’t even need a pit stop?”
“You want me to come in?”
Cooper did. He shrugged.
Blair tossed his suitcase and computer into the trunk of his car and shut it. “Man, this must be some ego boost for you, eh,
Coop?” He followed
Cooper to his front door.
Cooper opened it up, entering his house and setting his luggage on the floor by the sofa. He turned around as Blair closed
the door, shutting
them into a private domain.
Cooper tossed his keys on the coffee table and lunged at Blair.
Blair caught himself from falling by holding onto Cooper’s arms. Cooper made for Blair’s lips, hoping Blair would allow him
this last hurrah.
Not only did Blair allow it, he opened his mouth for a deeper kiss and moaned so sensually, Cooper grew stiff in his pants.
He picked Blair up off
the floor and Blair wrapped his legs around Cooper’s hips.
Cooper held Blair tightly as he walked him to the bedroom. Blair’s tongue was doing amazing things inside his mouth.
There was no longer a
strangeness to Blair’s touch. It was pure turn on.
Inside Cooper’s darkened bedroom, the only light was from the blinking message machine. Cooper held Blair aloft,
opening his mouth for deep
tongue kisses, more willing than he had been in the hotel in Vegas.
He would miss this contact. Miss it a whole lot.
Blair slid down Cooper’s body, undressing Cooper as he kept kissing him. Cooper’s shirt was removed then his pants were
opened and yanked
down his hips. Cooper kicked off his shoes and parted from their kissing to strip. As he did, Blair did the same, getting naked
quickly. The minute
they were both nude, Cooper again played the aggressor, tackling Blair to his bed, spreading Blair’s knees with his own and
reconnecting to his
Under him Blair was going wild, touching Cooper everywhere at once, whimpering and humping his crotch with his own.
Their two erections rubbed together sending sparks of pleasure all over Cooper’s skin.
As the foreplay began to get heated, Cooper parted from Blair’s lips to gain air. Blair’s dark eyes were smoldering as he
panted to catch his
breath. Blair slowly raised his hands over his head in a purely submissive posture that made Cooper’s cock throb.
He ran kisses up and down Blair’s throat and shoulders.
“Coop, I’m yours. You know I’m yours.”
Hot chills rushed up Cooper’s spine at the admission. When they didn’t even eat a meal together all day, Cooper thought
he had lost Blair.
“You own me. You fucking own me!” Blair spread his legs as wide as he could, bending his knees. “Fuck me! Coop, fuck me
one last time…”
Cooper leaned on his arms to look at Blair, his yearning flashing across his handsome face, his chest heaving, and his
erection standing upright
between his legs. For a single moment, Cooper imagined kissing his way down Blair’s body to taste it.
Instead, Cooper reached into his nightstand for a condom.
“You got lube?” Blair asked.
Cooper shook his head, putting on the condom with trembling hands. “The condom is lubricated.”
He heard Blair swallow loudly.
Cooper pushed the head of his cock against Blair’s rim under his balls. He brushed his hand against the tight sack as he
did and stared at
Blair’s cock. As he inched inside Blair, using the lubrication on the condom to make his way in, Cooper touched Blair’s cock
“Oh! Holy fuck! Cooper! Touch me, you gorgeous fucker!”
The rush of pleasure to Cooper’s groin at Blair’s words was nearly enough to push him into a climax. How many times did
he ask Lucinda to talk
like this during sex? She never did.
While Cooper knelt between Blair’s legs, with two fingers he ran up the length of Blair’s dick, feeling it grow rock hard and
“I fucking love you, you beautiful motherfucker!” Blair thrust his hips upwards, deepening their union.
Cooper glanced at Blair’s expression. It was pure bliss, his hands still over his head in a classic submissive pose.
It was sublime. Cooper was in awe of this kind of sex. It was raw, hot, and kinky.
“Fuck me! Fuck me, Coop! Hard! Come on, baby. You know you want to!”
Oh yes. I do. Cooper braced himself on Blair’s legs and worked his hole. As he did, he stared at Blair’s cock. It was
circumcised like his and if
he was honest with himself, their size and shape was very similar…so how bad can it be? He reached to touch it again,
challenging himself to do
something for Blair who was obviously doing everything for him at the moment.
“God! Yes!” Blair pumped his hips and not only increased Cooper’s penetration, he made his cock move through Cooper’s
hand. Cooper
tightened his grip on that stiff length.
Blair braced his arms on the bed beside him and went wild like a bucking bronco, obviously trying to get enough friction
inside and out to come.
Cooper was already on the edge watching this amazing man go wild on the sex they were having.
“Coop! I’m there! Motherfuckingsweetjesus! I’m there!”
Seeing Blair climax pushed Cooper into one. As creamy ropes of cum shot out of Blair’s cock, Cooper ejaculated into his
ass. He choked on the
intensity and ran his hand up and down Blair’s cock, feeling the silky skin coated now with hot sperm. The cum was slick
and ran between Cooper’s
fingers. It dripped over the gold wedding band. Cooper gave the ring another twist using Blair’s sperm to wrench it off.
When it finally pulled off his
Chapter 17
Monday morning Blair stopped at the coffee shop for two lattes. He and Cooper parted on very sweet terms last night, but
no words were spoken
about how this new relationship would proceed, or even if it was a relationship.
He had slept well, considering his edginess over his attraction for a straight man, and decided whatever Cooper wanted
was going to be okay.
He had a wonderful weekend in Vegas, and the friendship bond between he and Cooper was closer than ever.
It wasn’t up to him. Blair had to let go.
He headed to Cooper’s office and spotted him on the phone and his computer simultaneously. When Cooper noticed him
bringing coffee, the
smile on Cooper’s face sent goose bumps rising on Blair’s arms. He set the coffee down for him and gave him a sexy wink,
leaving him to his work.
Andy met Blair as he returned to his own office.
“Bringing Cooper coffee again? Oh, really?” Andy narrowed his gaze.
“Yeah. Why? Should I include you in our coffee run?” Blair sipped his latte.
Andy looked from Cooper’s office to Blair’s eyes. “What’s going on between you two?”
“Between us? Absolutely nothing. You’re kidding, right?” Blair hoped his smile wasn’t betraying his real thoughts.
“So? Did you file his paperwork?” Andy’s expression lost the suspicion.
“Y The county should get it signed and sealed any day now. Just have to wait to see if Lucinda vacates per the agreement
or he has to filees.
eviction notices.”
“There is that.” When Andy looked behind Blair’s back, Blair turned around.
Cooper approached and the smile he was giving Blair was a dead giveaway to their feelings for each other. With a man as
astute as Andy
watching? Blair had a feeling Andy would quickly see something was going on.
“Thank you, Blair.” Cooper sipped his latte, sidling closer until they brushed shoulders.
“Uh.” Andy blinked but seemed at a loss.
“You’re welcome?” Blair said, laughing at Cooper’s star-struck expression. He shook his head trying to relay to Cooper he
wasn’t using much of
a poker face at the moment.
“You two do anything…uh…exciting this weekend?” Andy asked, appearing to already know something was up.
“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” Cooper said, but his eyes revealed more.
Blair choked on his coffee and Andy appeared shocked.
The twotwo
“You words
went that
to he hadtogether?
Vegas said to himself
Are youthekidding
most this
Andy looked around the busy office to see who was listening.
Many if he gave this ‘fling’ a week? One week. By the end of the seven days he would know. There wasn’t a way to test it
in Vegas,
“Coop?”inBlairan artificial
tilted his head. “Uh, do you know what you’re saying, or did you take happy pills or something with your
environment. But how did it feel letting Andy know he had Blair?
cereal this morning?”
Cooperthe jealousy
winked and on Andy’s
walked face?
back to his office.
Andy gave . Blair a questioning look. “Huh? You and stuffy Cooper McDermott?”
Cooper setBlair made adown
the coffee silly face.
on his“Man, how scooted
desk and wrong can youto
closer be?”
theBlair kept walking
computer. to his own
As he worked office, stunned
he thought by way
about the Cooper’s
and mostand of his
the other
lawyers andletting something
co-workers had out that him
treated maybe, just
in the maybe,
past. Theyhe wasn’t
were so terrified
tolerant, said hiofwhen
any longer.
he did, but no one took an interest in
him. want
He details!”
What if…? even Andy
invite said as Blair sat behind his desk, setting his coffee down.
any“You heardtothe
of them theman. What happens in Vegas…”
Cooper rubbed Andy
the looked
spot onback at Cooper’s
his finger where office. “I am
the heavy so jealous!
gold weddingPlease
band haddon’t tell me
been. he got
Blair’s cumtohad
play withhim
freed youof
weekend…in bed?”
Ironic? Incredibly.
The Blair locked
interest his the
from lips staff
and threw away
regarding the imaginary
Cooper’s personalkey.
life, his judgment on women, and anything else he had on his
mind, “Unfair!”
just didn’tAndy cried
seem to dramatically
be as he walked away.
Blair shook
anyone’s concern. hisIn
head and smiled.
a nutshell, “Huh.highly
he wasn’t Mr. McDermott,
regarded. aren’t you full of surprises?”
Cooper knew he wasn’t the best lawyer in LA, but not the worst either. And his marriage to an eighteen-year-old pageant
queen rocked
turned in his chair, sipping his coffee. He had no idea what Monday in the office would bring, but he never
off him. AtBlair to buy
the time hehim a care and kept his personal life private. As his divorce became common knowledge, no one
latte. That showed
commiserated withCooper
him, this wasn’t just a weekend fling, but indeed—if he wanted—it could be something real.
norAll night his
patted he thought about the sex
back in consolation. Hehe and
was Blair had.
always Allown.
on his night. All morning. And now he would think about it all day.
Dating a man as handsome and charismatic as Blair would be good for not only his ego, but his standing in the law firm.
Already the look on
Andy’s face was worth the risk.
But that wasn’t why Cooper was thinking about giving this man a week to convince him. It was because he had grown
very fond of Blair.
He liked him. A lot.
Being loved, being sought after, and being the object of a man’s desire gave Cooper validation as a person. He was worth
something. Not just a
wallet to a young woman, or someone to keep in the background while you cheated.
Cooper held that coffee in his hand as he read the computer screen. In his mind, it was symbolic. Blair cared.
Blair scribbled notes as he thought about his closing speech for a case he was handling. It was nearing four in the
afternoon and he’d been in
and out of the office most of the day. He had a busy caseload already, even though he was a newcomer to the firm.
A light rap on his door frame caused Blair to look up. Seeing Cooper looking sensual in his silky gray suit made him smile.
He set his pen down
and rocked in his leather chair.
“You got a minute?”
“For you? I’ve got a lifetime.” Blair noticed Brenda walk by behind Cooper, probably overhearing. He didn’t care what she
Cooper closed the door, also catching sight of Brenda glancing suspiciously their way. Blair figured Andy had most likely
already spread gossip
that he and Cooper had shacked up for the weekend in Vegas.
“What can I do for you, Mr. McDermott?” Blair gestured to the chair in front of his desk.
Cooper took it, opening the button of his suit jacket. “I’m willing to give you one week.”
“Oh?” Blair smiled, feeling sensual heat burst inside him.
“Yes. Is the deal still on offer?”
“It is.” Blair stood, walking around his desk to sit on the corner near Cooper. “Why the sudden willingness to try and be
gay with me?”
“I like you.” Cooper smiled, looking shy.
“I’m flattered. Y do realize with the comments you made earlier that the rumor mill has begun to spin. Andy already
figured out we had a flingou
over the weekend. Did you intend on him knowing that?”
Cooper rested his hand on Blair’s knee. “None of them gave me a second glance until this weekend. And I’m not sure I
care what they think.”
“They can’t think any worse of you than they did when you married an eighteen-year-old.” Blair rested his hand on top
of Cooper’s.
“I’m beginning to figure that out. I think being with you may be seen as a step up.”
Blair laughed, wondering the same thing. “Okay. One week.”
Cooper picked up Blair’s hand and kissed the palm.
The look of adoration was slightly unexpected. Blair was eating it up. “So, in honor of our agreement, would you like to
spend the night?”
“Yes.” Cooper massaged Blair’s hand.
Blair couldn’t resist. He sat across Cooper’s lap. They stared at each other, then Blair kissed him. Cooper kissed back, with
When they parted to stare at each other, Blair said, “I have the worst crush on you.”
Cooper smiled shyly. “I think it’s my turn. I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Blair checked his watch. “Let me finish up and we’ll decide what to do for dinner.”
Cooper held his waist, keeping him on his lap for a moment longer. Blair felt Cooper’s cock throb under his legs.
In all seriousness, Blair said, “I want you to think long and hard this week. No pun intended,” Blair said, raising an
eyebrow. “This isn’t an easy
decision for any man. And I think for a man like you, it will be a huge challenge.”
“I know.” Cooper ran his hand down the length of Blair’s thigh. “I know all the pitfalls. I’ve been making a pros and cons
Blair thought that was amusing. “Which side is winning?”
“I need to see that list. I may have some things to add.”
“You probably do.”
“Now I don’t want to get up.” Blair pressed down harder on Cooper’s erection.
Cooper held Blair’s head and began urging him to his mouth. Blair was slightly stunned by this turn of events, especially
since Cooper had been
so terrified of being seen as gay or bi. He met his lips and kissed him, hearing Cooper moan against his mouth.
Blair knew the kissing could get crazy so he pecked Cooper’s lips a few times and said, “One more hour and I’ll have my
closing arguments
done for tomorrow’s case.”
Blair stood off of Cooper’s lap, staring at the bulge under his slacks. “If that door had a lock I’d suck you right now.”
Cooper’s eyes widened. “You would?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Cooper shoved the back of the chair under the door handle as a dare. Blair couldn’t believe the change in Cooper’s
demeanor. Maybe they
didn’t need another week. Maybe the crazy sex in Vegas was already winning Cooper to his side.
Blair slid across the carpet on his knees as he went in for the kill. He unbuckled Cooper’s belt and pants, rooting out his
cock. When it was
exposed and in his hand, Blair drew it as deeply into his mouth as he could.
Cooper wasn’t in love with ‘men’, but he was crazy about Blair. Blair Woodbury! “No one has ever done this to me before.”
Cooper tried to keep
his balance as he watched Blair’s pleasure in doing the deed. Blair moaned as he drew Cooper’s cock outward to his lips and
then sucked him in
The risqué element was most certainly adding to the thrill. Cooper craved this kind of fun. All the porn videos he owned
“Anything.” Blair met his eyes. “Now let me finish so we can play. Okay?”
“Absolutely. Thanks for…for…”
“You’re welcome.” Blair kissed him.
Cooper caught the scent of his own body on Blair’s lips. It was strange and exciting at the same time. As he moved the
chair from the door, he
looked back at Blair, seeing his reassuring smile.
Cooper wondered if he had ever been free to do as he liked in bed before. No one had made the offer, and he was
apprehensive about scaring
Lucinda or turning her off. He had even hid his pornography from her.
He opened the door to Blair’s office and when he looked up, a group of people, including Andy, Brenda, and Peggy
stopped talking to stare.
Andy smiled too knowingly, looking down at Cooper’s crotch.
Brenda appeared startled, as if the idea that he and Blair doing something sexual together was scary.
Cooper didn’t know what to say, and suddenly had a feeling their racy talk had not stayed inside the office walls.
Right before Cooper made it to his office, Andy asked, “So? Everyone’s dying to know. Did Blair swallow your cum?”
Cooper died inside and didn’t react. He entered his office and closed the door. The sting was powerful.
He did this to himself.
Cooper sat down, shaking like a leaf.
Blair resumed his closing argument draft, excited about having a week more to convince Cooper they could have a good
time together. No,
maybe it won’t be forever, but while they were both single, and not having sex with anyone else, why the hell not?
“Knock, knock!” Andy sang outside his door.
“I’m busy, Mr. Gore.”
Andy poked his head in, smirking. “I just thought you may want a breath mint…” He held up a box of mints. “Y know, to
get the taste ofou
Cooper’s spunk out of your mouth.”
“What?” Blair felt sick. “Did he say something?”
Andy made a face of disbelief then said, “Swallow it… swallow my cum, cocksucker!” and moaned.
Blair lurched up from his chair and made for the door, pushing Andy out of his way.
He stood at Cooper’s office and found it empty.
Andy said in Blair’s ear, “He left, handsome.”
“Fuck!” Blair spun around to see the staff staring at him. “Please don’t tell me you humiliated Cooper.”
No one admitted a thing.
“Really?” Blair threw up his hands. “This is what you guys are like? Are you kidding me? Do you know what that man’s
been through?”
No one made a peep.
Blair hurried to his office, shut down his computer, took his phone and keys, and closed the door with a slam. He glared at
the few who even
bothered to look at him as he left.
Cooper parked out front of his Malibu beachfront home. A moving van was in the driveway. He climbed out and had a look
inside the back of the
truck. Boxes. No furniture.
As he made his way inside, he could see three men packing Lucinda’s clothing, stuffed animals, knickknacks and a handful
of her electronics.
A man asked Cooper, “Can I help you?”
“I own this house. Is Lucinda here? Or her mother?”
The man pointed to a younger man in the kitchen who was speaking on his cell phone. “He hired us.”
Cooper did not know the young man. He heard him say on the phone, “Babe, he’s got so much we can take. Why not?”
The young man met Cooper’s eyes and grew pale. “He’s here, Lucinda. Let me go.” He hung up and Cooper could see the
young man’s Adam’s
apple move in his swallow.
“She gets only what she came with.” Cooper pointed to him in warning.
He held up his hands. “I wasn’t taking nothing.”
“Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of Lucinda’s.”
Cooper figured all of five minutes would pass before Lucinda tempted a young man her age to do her bidding. “Is she
expected here?”
“No, man. She said she couldn’t deal with it. She’s with her mom.”
Cooper noticed he had tattoos all over neck and arms. A real ‘tough boy’ for Lucinda to boss around.
“The agreement allowed her to remove only her clothing and personal items.”
He held his hands up. “That’s it. You can open boxes, dude. Go check.”
Cooper walked to his and Lucinda’s shared bedroom. Their wedding picture was still on the wall. He opened a few drawers
and found them
empty of Lucinda’s clothing.
The bathroom had been gone through, and very few items, only his, remained.
Cooper did a walkthrough of the house. Surprisingly, Lucinda had been true to her word. But maybe they were both sick to
death of court
“I’m worried about you. Where are you?” Blair looked around the neighborhood at the Christmas lights and displays on
many of the houses.
“I drove to my place in Malibu and found a moving van here taking out Lucinda’s things.”
“Is she there?”
“No. Some kid is doing it for her.”
“Are things civil?”
Blair walked back to his car. “I just was checking on you. It seemed like you may have been through some shit at the office
“You get a guy to suck your cock, you get teased.”
“Come on, Coop.” Blair sat behind the wheel. “They were out of line. You shouldn’t have to put up with anything like
“Blair. We did it in your office. We were out of line, not them.”
“All right. Fair enough.” Blair started the car and shut off the radio. “I still want to see you.”
“Come here.”
“Should I bring food?”
“No. I’ll order something. I just would like you here.”
Blair brightened up. “You got it. Text me the address.”
Blair hung up and waited for the text message. He smiled to himself. Maybe Cooper was made of tougher stuff than he
gave him credit for.
Cooper watched the last of Lucinda’s clothing and personal belongings get loaded on the truck. The young man left with
it, driving an older
Honda as the truck followed him. A moment later the locksmith van pulled up.
As the man approached, Cooper said, “This door,” indicating his front door, “and the back door.”
“Okay. Just rekeyed?”
The locksmith nodded and walked back to his van.
A black Mercedes pulled into Cooper’s driveway. Cooper smiled despite himself. It felt as if the cavalry had arrived.
Blair’s grin was broad as he approached. He gestured to the house and said, “This is more like it.”
“No kidding. Come in.”
Blair glanced in the direction of the burley locksmith and didn’t give Cooper any show of affection. He entered the house
and looked around.
“Smells like perfume.”
“Yeah. That’ll fade. Like her presence here.” Cooper left the locksmith to do his work and followed Blair inside the kitchen.
“How many bedrooms?”
“Four bed, four bath…three thousand square feet. The beach is right through the sliding glass doors. That’s where the hot
tub is too.”
“Nice! Now I’m jealous of you.” Blair looked around.
“Explore. Go ahead.”
Blair pointed to a decorated Christmas tree in the corner of the living room. “Is she taking that?”
“I assume not. The truck is gone, and there’s really nothing left of hers here.”
“But her smell.” Blair winked as he said it.
Cooper stood behind him as Blair inspected the master suite. The photo of he and Lucinda on the wall seemed out of
place now. Even without a
comment from Blair, Cooper took it off its hook, turning it to hide the picture, leaning it against the wall.
“I can’t believe you didn’t have a fight getting her out.” Blair inspected the master bathroom with its double basin sink
and marble shower stall.
“I can. I think Lucinda is ready to move on. The battle was really with her mother.”
Blair spun around on his heels and seemed worried. “Look, about what happened at work.”
Cooper shrugged. He heard the locksmith say, “Where’s the other door?”
“Hang on.” Cooper held up his finger and left the room.
While Cooper was gone, Blair picked up the framed wedding photo to inspect. They were a handsome couple. Lucinda
definitely lost that war.
Cooper was an amazing man, but she was just too young and immature to appreciate it.
He placed it where Cooper had left it and looked at the large king sized bed. The perfume smell was annoying. He had
always preferred
Blair gave the rest of the large home a quick inspection, wondering how much Cooper had paid for it, and how much was
still on mortgage.
The doorbell rang.
Cooper called to Blair, “I ordered Chinese food. That must be it.”
Blair brightened up and headed to the front door while Cooper stood with the locksmith at the back door.
He opened it, removed his wallet, handing the young man cash before he took the large bag of fragrant food. Blair gave
the man a tip as well,
watched him leave, then carried the bag to the kitchen to set on the counter top and wait for the locksmith to be done.
“Coop? I’m confused.” Blair sat on a high stool which surrounded a breakfast counter.
“I said I’d give you a week. I’m a man of my word.”
“So, you’re not freaked out about the people we work with knowing I gave you head?”
“It did freak me out. I admit that.” Cooper began taking the white cartons out of the brown bag on the counter, opening
them. “He’s just about
done. Eat.”
“But? Freaked out and what? You left.”
“I was done for the day and I wanted to make sure Lucinda was keeping her end of the agreement. She needed to be out
by tonight. I had my
The locksmith returned holding three keys in one hand and an invoice in the other.
Cooper took the keys and tried all three in the back door lock, then headed to the front door.
Blair heard him testing the keys. Cooper and the locksmith talked about the bill, then the front door closed and Cooper
returned. He placed one
key in front of Blair. “Here’s yours.”
Blair laughed in a cough. “Really.” He removed his own key ring and secured the new key onto it.
“One week.” Cooper smiled slyly, scooping out food onto his plate.
“So? Like a bet or dare? I have one week to convince you to be my gay boyfriend?” Blair washed his hands at the sink.
“Yup.” Cooper finished loading his plate, then hunted in the fridge for something. He closed it, empty handed and left the
room. When he returned
he said, “She cleaned out my liquor supply.”
“Well, she was bound to do something. That’s not too bad.” Blair removed his suit jacket and tie, rolling up his cuffs, then
picked up a spring roll
and broke it in half, blowing the steam off it.
“No. I expected a lot worse. I haven’t done inventory, but it looks like she just took what was hers.”
“Are you going to sell the townhouse?”
“I may rent it. The market still sucks.”
Blair nodded as he chewed. “So? Am I invited to live here for the week?”
Blair choked on his food and blinked. “Really?”
“A deal’s a deal.”
“You fucking like me.” Blair laughed as he pointed to Cooper. “Admit it.”
“I like the way you suck cock.”
Blair nearly choked on his food and roared with laughter. He shook his head and spotted Cooper’s mischievous grin.
“There is that.” Blair
dabbed at his eyes. “You think you can suck mine?”
Cooper gave him an apprehensive look and exaggerated a shiver. “I still have to get over my fear of touching it.”
Blair was amused. He had to be. “You will suck it by the end of the week.”
“Oh, Christ, I’m losing my appetite.” Cooper winked.
“I remember how weird it was. I do.” Blair dumped brown rice onto his plate and topped it with the Kung Pao chicken.
“Did you gag?”
“No, but I barely stuck the thing into my mouth.”
“Who was it?” Cooper asked.
“Who was who?”
“The first guy you sucked.”
Blair gave Cooper a sly smile. “You want me to tell you about the men I’ve been with? In detail?”
The blush to Cooper’s cheeks was instant. He diverted his gaze to his food and kept eating.
“How much porn do you own, Coop?” Blair smiled wickedly.
“A lot.”
“Thought so. What did Lucinda think?”
He shrugged, eating a piece of spring roll and talking with his cheeks full. “She pretended I didn’t have cartons of DVDs in
“Uh huh.” Blair used chopsticks to pop a piece of chicken in his mouth. “You like those big stiff pricks fucking those
“Shut up.” Cooper smiled like a guilty little boy.
“I watch both gay porn and straight.”
“Yeah.” Blair wanted him. Wanted him now. “I’ve got the hardest cock at the moment. Thinking of you naked…your cock in
my mouth…Coop, you
are my dream man.”
“You say corny shit, you know that?”
“You love it.”
“I love it?” Cooper tilted his head at him. “You do realize you are going to turn my world on its head.”
“Yup.” Blair ate another morsel of food.
“People will think Lucinda left me because I was gay.”
“Everyone I know will assume I was a failure with women because I liked men.”
“My brothers and sisters will freak out.”
“That good?”
“You’ve seen me with a dildo in my ass. And you’re still asking me? Did you really get a degree in law?”
“I sometimes wonder what the hell I am. I feel like I’ve been living in a cave.”
“A cave with an eighteen-year-old pageant queen. Yeck.”
“All right, don’t make this personal or I’ll go after the Geeky Ted Mack.”
“Okay. Truce on past insanity.” They tapped chopsticks in agreement.
“So, the lawyer from Manhattan wants to poke me in the butthole.”
“Yup. One week to convince you we’re right for each other. Can I have carte blanche?”
“Uh oh. You want that too? I can’t just get blow jobs from you and fuck you for seven days.”
“Y can. But you’ll be missing out on the whole experience. And seven days isn’t that much time for me to convert you to
the dark ways of gayou
Cooper started laughing. “I wish I could say I’m not already a convert.”
“Oh?” Blair’s cock was thick in his slacks.
“Well? Have I rejected you and gone back out to the straight dating scene?”
“Huh. Then the urban myth is true? You can convert a straight guy?”
Cooper stopped eating and stared at Blair for a moment. “Urban myth?”
“Yes. Our fantasy. Convert all straight men into bi or gay men. Didn’t you hear that myth?”
“You are so fucking hilarious.”
“And? You’re hooked on gay blowjobs.”
“True. But I’ll always be tempted by tits and pussy.”
“Check. Me too. But,” Blair pointed his chopsticks at Cooper while he spoke, “I am a loyal man. And I won’t cheat on you
with either.”
“Thank you. Ditto.”
“If we crave pussy, we’ll pop in one of your raunchy videos.”
“Do you really know what you’ve signed on for, Coop?” Blair figured he had no clue.
“Yeah. A life of ridicule, homophobia, being hated by some of my family, beaten up in bars…”
“Huh. Maybe you do know.” Blair held up a chunk of chicken for Cooper to eat off his chopsticks. “And you’re still game
to try?”
“You have one week to convince me this is right for me.” Cooper ate the food off Blair’s chopsticks and chewed.
“And I have carte blanche.”
“Yes. All right? So? You’re going to stick your cock up my asshole?”
Blair grabbed his own crotch and moaned. “The teasing has already started! Coop! Christ.”
“It’s going to hurt. I have no idea why you think it’s so fucking wonderful.” Cooper dumped more food on his plate.
“You can be the exclusive top. I’m okay with that.”
“And that means?”
“You can only fuck me. I won’t fuck you.”
“And I never have to suck your cock either?”
“Come on, Coop. Be fair.”
Cooper made a face in disgust and it made Blair laugh. “Before this weekend, that kind of expression would have gotten a
knuckle sandwich.”
“I know. You were so fucking sensitive. Christ, I insulted you constantly and never meant to.”
“Hey, you try being gay or bi. It ain’t easy.”
“Looks like I am trying it.” Cooper ate another bite of his food, grinning wickedly.
“You are in so much trouble.” Blair wagged his chopsticks at him. “You will never want a woman after being with me for
a week.”
“We’ll see.”
“Bet?” Blair held out his pinky.
“Bet.” Cooper took it.
Chapter 18
They cleaned up the kitchen after their meal. Blair kept touching him. Cooper was growing used to it, liking the signs of
affection that had been
lacking in both his family life and his married life.
In asked,
a little over“I an
take it you
hour havepulled
Cooper no condoms
into theordriveway
lube.” of Blair’s gorgeous home in Glendale. It was only eight o’clock and
with both stopped
of them to think. “I haven’t lived here in months. Let me check.” Cooper headed to the bedroom, opening the top
drawer the
having of his
same work schedule and office location, commuting together would be another nice perk.
He left hiswhere he used
car, carried to keep
a small the condoms.
overnight bag and “Gone. She
his suit used
over histhem all.” and spotted Blair at the open door of his
home, Coop.”
waiting toBlair
him. back on the door frame of the bedroom. “I can head out to a drugstore. I should stop home
and get agorgeous.”
“Hello, change of Blair stepped back, opening the door. He pecked Cooper on the lips as he entered.
Blair tookfor work.”
the suit and overnight bag from Cooper. “Go get a drink. I made a pitcher of martinis.”
“I have gave
Cooper a better idea.
Blair’s Let’sa stay
body goodatonce
placeastonight. I don’t
Blair walked tohave my shit here
the bedroom either
wearing anymore.”
only a bathingCooper shut the
suit. Cooper light as
they leftburning
candles the room. and
the “Okay. So, meet
lights low, creatingmeaatromantic
my place.” Blair picked up his jacket from the kitchen chair where he had left it. “No chickening
He poured a martini for himself and stuck an olive in it. Sipping it, he noticed the sliding doors were open to the pool. It
drew Cooper smiled. “No. I’ll be there. I’ll just stop at the townhouse for a few things.”
him closer.
Steam baby.”
rose Blair
off the caressed
heated watertheinback of Cooper’s
the cool night air.head
Whiteand kissed
fairy him.
lights were spiraled around the small trunks of trees that
were feltaround
in pots a flutter in his stomach at the casualness Blair had with their contact. He wasn’t quite used to a man handling
him, but
deck. As he was
raised getting
his drink to his lips, arms wrapped around him from behind, rocking him.
HeThefelt kiss
Blair’swas sweet
cock ruband gavehis
against Cooper
ass. an inkling of their night to come.
at my place hugging
sighed, in an hour.”
him.Blair left,
“Take offwaving as he went.
your clothing. Let’s skinny dip.”
Cooper felt take
“Will you heat advantage
wash up hisofneckme?”and chest. He was looking forward to trying out a new partner for a week. If nothing
he would learn more
on it.”
about himself
Cooper in the
drank theprocess,
martini,and how choices
chewing madeHe
on the olive. all handed
the difference
the glassin the world.
to Blair who entered the kitchen with it.
Cooper tugged off his shoes and socks, raising his shirt over his head, next dropping his trousers. In just his briefs, he
turned around to find Blair
holding two full glasses. Cooper took one, and they tapped them together.
“To a week of bliss.” Blair drank his down.
“A week of bliss.” Cooper joined him.
They finished the martinis and Blair stripped off his bathing suit, diving into the water.
Cooper set his glass aside and yanked down his briefs, his semi-erect cock protruding from his body. He dropped them on
the pile of clothing
and jumped into the water, making his way to Blair. Once they were face to face, Cooper embraced him, going for his
Blair wrapped his legs around Cooper’s hips, locking his ankles behind him. As they explored each other’s mouths, Cooper
walked them around
the water slowly, loving the heat of the pool and the wickedness of having a man in his life.
Cooper had been nothing if not conventional as a youth. He did nothing extreme, never gave his parents cause for worry.
His marrying a young
woman raised eyebrows but no one commented on his choices, as if they didn’t care.
Apathy had pervaded Cooper’s life for a very long time. One of six kids, not the oldest nor the youngest, Cooper managed
to vanish in plain
sight. He never graduated with top honors, but he did manage to pass the bar on the first try.
He was fortunate to be hired before the recession hit and did his work well enough to maintain his career.
But all his life Cooper had felt mediocre. Nothing he did mattered to anyone. And that included himself.
When Lucinda cheated, he had to admit he’d expected it. He thought marrying a young woman would gain him the upper
hand, give him control
of his life. He was wrong.
Cooper leaned back on the side of the pool, resting against it as Blair ran his tongue over his teeth and swirled it around
his mouth. The wet skin
of his shoulders and neck was ice cold from the wind, but under the water was luxuriously warm.
Blair parted from Cooper’s mouth and stared into his eyes. “You are so fucking fantastic, Mr. McDermott.”
It made Cooper smile. He was glad someone thought so.
Blair peeked between them. “Guess what’s right there?”
Cooper glanced down. Blair’s cock was erect and the head was poking out of the water. Blair leaned back, swishing his
arms enough to keep
him afloat as his legs continued to hold onto Cooper’s waist.
Cooper stared at Blair’s cock. He freed his right hand from holding Blair’s leg and touched the tip.
Blair said nothing, but watched every move.
Cooper ran his fingers down the length under water. Blair wasn’t stupid. Doing this in the pool was easier than in a bed.
Probably the perfect way
to break Cooper in, if he still needed to be broken.
The sensation of touching Blair’s cock seemed surreal under the blue tinted, steamy water. But there was no doubt he was
touching another
guy’s cock, again.
His own was stiff, poking upwards against Blair’s bottom. It had been hard since they connected in the pool.
Blair continued to keep afloat, his cock surfacing and dipping with his arms movements.
Cooper held Blair from under the water, raising his hips up. Blair unhooked his ankles and his crotch was raised to the
surface, his dick standing
like a pole.
Cooper brought Blair’s crotch closer to his face, keeping him on the surface of the water. He stared at the mushroom
shaped head and ridge
right under it. An eerie supernatural glow from the illumination reflected off Blair’s skin. Cooper drew closer to his cock as
Blair spread his legs.
Cooper used his power to lift Blair’s lower half out of the water, forcing Blair’s legs to rest on the outside of the pool. Now
Cooper was between
Blair’s thighs, at eye level with Blair’s balls and stiff cock. He grabbed Blair’s hips and drew him closer still, until his lips
touched Blair’s testicles.
He heard Blair gasp and felt the water churn as Blair kept his torso above water.
Cooper closed his eyes and rubbed his face against Blair’s nuts, feeling them harden up from the cool air above and the
The touch of Blair’s sack on his mouth had Cooper charged with excitement. He rose up to stand full height, taking Blair’s
lower half with him.
He heard Blair splashing to keep from sinking under the water. “Coop! You’re going to drown me!”
Cooper released Blair’s legs, swam towards him and picked him up by the waist. He sat Blair on the ledge of the pool and
stood between his
Again Cooper moved closer to Blair’s genitals, staring at them.
Blair braced himself on the edge, spreading wide, his panting breaths loud in the quiet night.
Cooper smoothed his hands down the inside of Blair’s thighs to meet around his balls and cock. He stared at that set of
nuts as he touched
them. Very slowly he lowered the tip of Blair’s cock downwards, pointing it at his mouth.
Cooper blinked and looked up at Blair.
“I’m fucking freezing. Can we try this inside?”
Nodding, Cooper backed up, wondering how hard it would be to do it once they were in a bed. It felt easier here.
As if sensing it, Blair said, “At least take it in your mouth for me.”
Cooper swooshed his arms in the pool, his head just above the warm water in the cold air. He approached Blair again and
Blair aimed his dick
low, towards Cooper’s mouth.
Cooper held Blair’s legs and pressed his closed lips against the spongy head. He backed up to look at the slit and could
see Blair beginning to
shiver from being wet.
He took a lick.
“Coop…oh, my God.” Blair jumped back into the water and embraced him, warming up under the water. “You can go
slowly. We’ll drink more.”
“Okay.” Cooper didn’t think it was so bad so far. But he wasn’t interested in getting a mouthful of cum either.
Blair hung onto him around his neck, holding him tight. Cooper danced with Blair under the water, feeling a bond with him
like he had with no
other. Blair made Cooper feel loved and special. Cooper didn’t know he was missing that love until he found it.
Blair coaxed Cooper out of the water, carrying Cooper’s clothing inside for him as Cooper took the two empty martini
glasses. 19 closed the
chilly air out with the sliding door, and Blair sprinted to the bedroom intending on a hot shower. He set all of Cooper’s
clothing down on a chair in his
bedroom and turned on the water in the shower stall. When he heard Cooper enter the room, he could see Cooper had two
more martinis in his
Blair took his, sucked it down, set the empty glass on the sink and then raced into the shower to warm up. “Augh, Coop.
This feels great.” He had
a head buzz from the booze and was hoping so did Cooper. He knew it would make him less tense when it came time for
Cooper downed his drink as quickly and joined Blair under the water. They began kissing and Blair felt more passion from
Cooper and less
apprehension. He remembered to be vocal for Cooper. He had to keep that in mind, because Blair was certain that was one
of the keys to making
this week a success, and gaining Cooper’s affections.
“Yes. Coop! Oh, yes. I can’t wait to make you come. I want to fuck you.”
Cooper whimpered and his hard cock knocked into Blair’s.
“We’re done here.” Blair shut off the water and grabbed two towels. “Need more booze?”
“One more?”
Blair wrapped the towel around his hips and dashed out. He brought the pitcher of martinis back with him and refilled
their glasses with the last of
He set the pitcher down on the dresser and tapped Cooper’s glass. “Down the hatch.” Blair was passing buzzed and
working his way to toasted.
He dried off with the towel quickly, tossed it over the shower door and made sure they had what they needed for sex. He
set out his personal
dildo and a large tube of lubrication, along with a box of rubbers. Y they had sex unprotected once in Vegas, but Blair
wanted to give Cooper thees,
After he was through preparing, Blair looked for Cooper. He found him standing in the threshold between the bathroom
and bedroom, looking
shy and edible. Blair melted inside at the sight of him still so nervous, so intimidated. But baby steps were working. Cooper
licked his cock in the
pool. Blair had doubted that day would ever come but it had.
“Baby.” Blair craned his finger at him. “Come claim what’s yours.”
“Wow.” Cooper rubbed his arms. “That gave me fucking goose bumps.”
“Purr.” Blair backed up to the bed, laying on it with his legs spread. “Shut the light in the bathroom.”
Cooper did, then walked closer to the bed.
Blair picked the bottle of lubrication up from the nightstand and poured a dab into his hand. He relaxed on the pile of
pillows at the head and
raised his balls to coat his ass.
Cooper knelt down on the bed to watch, his cock thickening between his legs.
“Now you can have either my mouth or my body, or both.” Blair wiped his hand on his leg and opened his arms wide in
Cooper dabbed at the corner of his eye.
“Baby,” Blair whispered, “I will never cheat on you. Never.”
“Christ, Blair.” Cooper kept wiping at his eyes.
Blair sat up and embraced Cooper, holding him close. He kissed his neck and shoulder, trying to coax him to lay on top
of him.
Cooper shifted his position on the bed, kneeling between Blair’s legs. Blair lay back again, holding his knees and opening
his body for taking.
They met gazes. Blair tilted his head to the condoms on the nightstand.
“I hate those things.” Cooper tugged on his own cock.
“Don’t use them.”
“You said you were negative.”
“I did. I assume you are as well.”
Blair shrugged. “Bareback is fine. I trust you completely. You trust me?”
“Then fuck your man, Coop.”
Cooper visibly shivered. He crawled even closer. With one hand Cooper held Blair’s wrists crossed and over his head, and
with the other he
aimed his cock.
Blair began to huff for air as Cooper asserted his powerful dominance over him. He’d always been a sucker for strong
macho men. Ted Mack
was a geek, and compared to Cooper’s six-foot-plus height and tattooed Greek god body, seemed like a ninety-pound
Pressure from Cooper’s cock began to form on Blair’s ass. He moaned and said, “That’s it, Coop. Fuck me. Fuck me hard!
Since he was still stiff as a rod, Cooper pushed in and out a couple times. “I sometime fantasize this kind of shit and I
know if I tell anyone, they’d
think I was demented.”
“I get play-acting, Coop. It’s all fun and games.”
Cooper leaned on one arm and wiped the sweat from his face, his cock slowly retracting out of Blair’s body. “You don’t
think I’m sick?”
“Do you really want to rape someone?”
“Fuck no!”
Blair shrugged. “So? What harm is there?”
Cooper hid his face in the pillow next to Blair’s head. “I’m so ashamed of myself for wanting that.”
Blair hugged him, rocking him. “Your secret is safe with me.”
Cooper gripped Blair’s jaw and made him face him, staring at him at very close range. “I think I’m beginning to get that
crush on you.”
“Yeah?” Blair flipped them over on the bed so he was on top. He spread his legs over Cooper’s thighs and propped
himself up on both his hands
so he could see his face, and his tattooed chest. He gave the tat a long wet lick and sucked on Cooper’s nipple. “Can you
jerk me off?” Blair
rubbed his cock against Cooper’s groomed pubic hair.
“Yes. I can do that much.” Cooper reached for the bottle of lube.
Blair watched him as he took a dab and rubbed his hands together. Cooper reached downwards and grabbed Blair’s dick
like he was shifting
gears in a Chevy. “Shit! You are a rough boy,” Blair said.
“Sorry. I like to jack myself pretty hard.” Cooper reached for another pillow and propped up his head so he could watch.
“Are you going to get
your cum all over me again?”
“I got your cum running down my inner thigh at the moment. Shall we compare notes?”
“No. Okay. Here we go.”
Blair was able to stare at Cooper’s entire body as Cooper held onto his cock. Cooper didn’t grope his balls or reach
between his legs to his rim,
but at least he was getting a hand job. Hallelujah.
“Okay?” Cooper asked, fisting Blair.
“Yes.” Blair’s toes curled as he watched.
“I don’t know what I’m doing. Say harder or softer, if you want me to do something different.”
“Okay.” Blair just wanted Cooper to touch his cock. He was going to prolong this as long as possible.
“Okay harder or softer?”
“Just like that.” Blair licked his lips and glanced up at Cooper. Cooper’s attention was on his task, but he met Blair’s eyes
quickly. Blair smiled
Cooper opened his mouth to ask why and then started laughing. “Don’t! I won’t be able to do this.”
“You’re jacking a guy…” Blair sang teasingly, “You’re jacking a guy!”
“God! Come on!” Cooper cracked up and stopped fisting Blair.
Blair rolled to lay on his back. He took Cooper’s hand and returned it to his cock then with his own hands, he played with
his balls and Cooper’s.
Cooper repositioned so he was on his side for better access. He rested his soft cock and balls on Blair’s hip, and took a
deep breath. “Okay.
Where was I?”
“Giving a hand job to a man.”
“Shut up!” Cooper kept cracking up. “I’ll never get you to shoot your load if you keep making me laugh.”
“My oh my. Cooper McDermott laughing at being teased for being gay. I never thought I’d see the day.” Blair fondled
Cooper’s cock, tugging on
its soft length, feeling the slick gel still on it.
“I dipped that in your ass.”
“You did.” Blair didn’t care, he still tugged on it.
“If I know you, you’ll still suck it.”
“I won’t go that far.”
“I finally found something you won’t do?” Cooper squeezed Blair’s cock.
“There are one or two things.” Blair turned serious. “I won’t share you.”
“Oh?” Cooper cupped Blair’s balls, feeling their weight.
Blair didn’t say anything because he didn’t want him to stop. “Yes. No way. If we do this, we do this one on one.”
“Yes. I agree. I’m not seeing anyone else either. Not for now.”
Blair flinched but let it go. Not for now was better than Cooper hunting for another partner.
“So, you can’t come?” Cooper gave Blair’s soft cock a pull.
“Get my dildo.”
Cooper spun around and reached to the nightstand. He held up a large cock-shaped one.
“No, not that one. The prostate stimulator.”
“You’re kidding right?” Cooper tossed the other vibrator into the drawer and inched away.
“Cooper, Cooper, Cooper, what am I going to do about you?” Blair climbed off the bed and searched his drawer. He held
up a small U-shaped
“There’s really a lot of stuff for gay guys to get off on.”
“Not just gay men. All men. Just some men are so paranoid of being labeled gay, they’re missing out on all the fun.” Blair
put gel on the tiny
Cooper watched intently as Blair fitted it up his bottom, making sure it was snug against the base of his cock. Cooper’s
own ass shivered as he
witnessed it. What would that feel like?
“Okay. Time to rev up my engine.” Blair turned the tiny device on. “Oh yeah.” Blair closed his eyes and went limp on the
bed. “Do something to
me. Anything.”
Cooper tried to look away from the humming purple gizmo, but before he even touched Blair, Blair’s cock was growing
thick and dark in color.
“Oh, fuck…” Blair straddled on the bed and appeared to be going into a pleasure high. He touched his own cock and
flapped it up and down.
“You going to do it or should I?”
Cooper sat up and held the base of Blair’s cock. “Is that thing really making you hot?”
“Coop, you have no idea.” Blair parted his lips and moaned.
Cooper squeezed the base of Blair’s dick, feeling it already pulsating and getting as hard as glass. Blair began writhing on
the bed and
clenching his fists. He bit his lip and nearly howled in pleasure.
Cooper was stunned. He jerked Blair’s cock a few times and it began oozing cum in a steady stream down the side. “Are
you coming?”
“Ohh, God…yes. Ohhh, God…”
Cooper had barely begun to play with Blair and was in awe the little vibrator was doing such a good job. He gave Blair’s
cock another tug, but it
seemed useless now that it was coated in sperm and he had already climaxed.
After a few more moments, Blair reached between his legs to shut it off. He panted and recuperated.
“Can I try that?”
Blair’s eyes sprang open. “Of course!” He removed it, jumped off the bed and headed to the bathroom.
Cooper was dying of curiosity. He lay on the spot Blair had occupied and spread his legs, tugging at his soft cock a few
times. “Wash it good!”
“Ha. Ha.”
Cooper smiled. What the hell is this going to feel like?
When Blair returned, the wicked smile on his face made Cooper laugh. “Come on, don’t make a show of it. Just put it in.”
“Don’t say that or I’ll play rape your butt.” Blair wiped lubrication on the toy.
Cooper’s cock reacted to the comment, wagging between his legs. Blair raised his eyebrow expressively. “Really?”
“Just do it to me.”
“Hmm. I think by the end of the week, you’re going to be begging for my big prick up your ass.”
I may be! “Go slow.” Cooper raised his hips to assist. As Blair worked the tiny vibrator in his bottom, Cooper could already
feel something nice
getting touched. “Who taught you how to do all this?”
“My first gay man. Just like what I’m doing with you.” Blair finished pushing it in. “You okay?”
“Yes. It’s not very big. Not like a dick.”
“I’m turning it on. Get ready to rock and roll.”
Cooper gripped the bedding. Blair turned on the vibration. Not only did it hum, it squirmed. “Augh! Holy shit!”
“You okay?”
Cooper stopped Blair from doing anything, like removing it. The tingling sensation up his ass became intense pleasure. His
cock responded and
grew stiff and blushed deep red.
Blair immediately got to his knees and took Cooper’s cock into his mouth, rubbing Cooper’s balls as he did.
Cooper was in shock. He stared at the ceiling with all his focus on the inside of his body. When Blair began sucking hard
and drawing his cock
deeply in and out, Cooper came—he couldn’t even ride the edge, it was so good. He opened his mouth to gasp, to scream,
but only air came out
as his muscles began to spasm and churn out his cum.
“Mm!” Blair grew excited as he got a mouthful. He massaged the length of Cooper’s cock, but it was all extra as far as
Cooper was concerned.
The real pleasure was coming from his ass.
He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sense of fullness inside his body which prolonged the climax. Never in his life had an
orgasm felt like this.
Blair milked his cock, licking the head as more beads of cum came out. “Nice?”
“Ohhh…” When Blair went to remove it, Cooper stopped him. “A little more.”
Blair laughed, curling up beside him and staring at him.
Cooper felt giddy like a child and moaned.
As his ass tightened with the pleasure, Blair kissed him. Cooper held him close, kissing back, feeling like he had been lost
and finally someone
found him.
Chapter 20
He held up the champagne glass and it was taken from his hand. Cooper hooked his lover’s elbow and they drank
The from before
Saturday their glasses.
Christmas“I the dance hall glittered with gold. A Christmas tree nearly twenty feet tall was decorated
have the worst
with silver fucking
and blue. crush on you.”
played and smiled.
a wonderful holiday“And I amthat
medley madly in lovelike
sounded with you.”
pure silk. Women wore evening gowns which shimmered and
shined, kissed. A smattering
in black tuxedos of clapping surrounded them.
withThere was nothing
starched to bespoke
white collars ashamed of after
in muted all. The aroma of food and baked sweets floated in between bodies, making
Cooper stood side by side with his man. He smiled at the men and women who worked with them in the law office,
He took a fluted their
champagne glass from a server, then he removed one more. He sipped from his and held the other for
someone else. of them
Someoneas a gay couple.
veryMy his family know
beloved. My one yet?
But he would cross the small hurdles along with the big ones. One day at a time.
Therehadwasan anadorable
individualdate, shycrowded
in this to everyone’s eye. He approached
ballroom—one Blair and
person that made Cooper,
Cooper’s a big shiver
insides smile on his
and face.like
tingle “Cooper
he had
McDermott and Blair
never had before. He
spotted thatout.”person making his way across the room to him, a grin on their face.
“Once you’ve
The smile washadfull a
love andmassage,
adoration.you never goCooper
Something back.” Blair
hadn’twinked at Cooper.
received in a very long time, if ever.
“Sorry I got him first, Andy. Did you lose the office pool?” Cooper asked, finishing his champagne and placing the empty
on a passing tray.
“Brenda was the favorite. Oh well, lost a buck. I can handle it.”
“Brenda never had a chance.” Blair held Cooper around the waist and Cooper reciprocated. “I spotted this hunk and I had
it bad.”
“He had a crush on me.” Cooper laughed.
“You two make a handsome couple,” Andy’s partner said.
“We do.” Blair bumped Cooper with his hip. “Time to mingle. See ya when we sit.”
Andy threw them a kiss.
Blair held Cooper’s hand and began leading him somewhere. Cooper had no idea where, but he didn’t argue. Anything
Blair wanted, he got. No
Seeing the coatroom as their destination, Cooper started laughing.
“Shh.” Blair glanced around and pushed him into the back behind all the wool coats and furs. He spun around in the dim
room, muffled by all the
material around them. “You can’t have me! I’ll cry rape!”
Cooper cracked up laughing. “Don’t you even get me going in here.” He wagged his finger in warning.
Blair tugged his pants open and flashed his ass at Cooper. “I’ll call 9-1-1!”
Cooper hugged him from behind, cupping his hand over his ass and his cock simultaneously. “I love you, you fucking
Blair wriggled his ass into Cooper’s hand. “I know. At least suck my cock. I promise to act like its gross.”
“Get the fuck over here.” Cooper spun Blair around in his arms and pressed him into the coats so they nearly vanished
between them. He kissed
him, sucking on his tongue and digging his hand under Blair’s balls.
Blair’s slacks fell to his ankles and Cooper kept pressing Blair until they hit a wall at the back of the coatroom. With both
hands Cooper
massaged Blair’s balls and cock, going wild sucking his tongue.
“Suck it! Suck it you cocksucker!” Blair sneered.
Cooper moaned in agony and dropped to his knees. He gripped Blair’s cock and sucked it deep into his mouth.
“Swallow you bastard!” Blair gripped his hair, orally fucking him.
Cooper whimpered and grabbed Blair by the hips sucking him deeply. Blair grew quiet and then his cock erupted in
Cooper’s mouth. Cooper
moaned and pulled hard suction, holding Blair’s cum on his tongue.
Blair pulled out of Cooper’s mouth, spun around and presented his ass for the taking. Cooper used the mixture of cum and
spit in his mouth and
greased Blair’s ass up. He bent Blair nearly in two and fucked him, watching his cock push in and out of Blair’s ass.
“No! Stop! No! Get the hell away from me!”
Cooper shivered and came, holding Blair’s hips as he did. “Thanks, baby.”
“Knew you’d come fast if I played it up.”
Cooper pulled out and used a pocket of tissues to wipe his cock. They made themselves presentable and slipped out of
the cloak room,
laughing as they hit the men’s room to wash up.
Blair couldn’t remember having this much fun. Cooper wasn’t stuffy. He was wonderful. And gay! he sang in his head.
No, you can’t turn a man, but you sure can love him. Blair met Cooper’s eyes in the mirror over the sink. They exchanged
devilish smirks and
returned to the gala dinner thrown for the attorneys and staff at their office. Holding hands, Blair couldn’t be more proud.
Not only did he win the bet,
the week of love, and the grand prize—Cooper—but he finally knew he had a place in the world. In Cooper’s arms.
Cooper goosed Blair’s ass hard as they re-entered the ballroom, making Blair jump and everyone turn to look.
“You dog!” Blair teased. The End
“Woof!” Cooper laughed.
Blair shook his head and hooked arms with his man.
About the Author
Award-winning author G.A. Hauser was born in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA and attended university in New York City. She
moved to Seattle,
Washington where she worked as a patrol officer with the Seattle Police Department. In early 2000 G.A. moved to
Hertfordshire, England where
she began her writing in earnest and published her first book, In the Shadow of Alexander. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has
written over seventy
G.A. hasincluding several
won awards frombest-sellers
All Romance of eBooks
gay fiction and is
for Best an Honorary
Author BoardBest
2010, 2009, Member
Novelof2008, Mile HighHeroes
Gay American for Author
, and Best her
2008, of the
Best foundation.
For more information on other
2007, Secrets andbooks by G.A., visit
Misdemeanors theAuthor
, Best author 2007.
at her official website. www.authorgahauser.com
The G.A. Hauser Collection
Single Titles
Unnecessary Roughness
Hot Rod
The Crush
Lancelot in Love
Mr. Right
Happy Endings
Down and Dirty
Living Dangerously
L.A. Masquerade
My Best Friend’s Boyfriend
The Diamond Stud
The Hard Way
Games Men Play
Born to Please
Of Wolves and Men
The Order of Wolves
Got Men?
Heart of Steele
All Man
Black Leather Phoenix
London, Bloody, London
In The Dark and What Should Never Be, Erotic
Mark and Sharon (formally titled A Question of
A Man’s Best Friend
It Takes a Man
The Physician and the Actor
For Love and Money
The Kiss
Naked Dragon
Secrets and Misdemeanors
Capital Games
Giving Up the Ghost
To Have and To Hostage
Love you, Loveday
The Boy Next Door
When Adam Met Jack
The Vampire and the Man-eater
Murphy's Hero
Mark Antonious deMontford
Prince of Servitude
Calling Dr Love
The Rape of St. Peter
The Wedding Planner
Going Deep
Double Trouble
Miller's Tale
Vampire Nights
Teacher's Pet
In Chasing
the Shadow of Alexander
the Dream Anthology
The Rise and Fall of the Sacred Band of Thebes
The Action Series
Acting Naughty
Playing Dirty
Getting it in the End
Behaving Badly
Dripping Hot
Packing Heat
Being Screwed
Something Sexy
Going Wild
Having it All
Heroes Series
Man to Man
Two In Two Out
Top Men
G.A. Hauser
Writing as Amanda Winters
Sister Moonshine
Nothing Like Romance
Silent Reign
Butterfly Suicide
Mutley’s Crew
Other works by G.A. Hauser :
Down and Dirty
UCLA art history professor Jean DuLac enjoyed his life. He was happy with his career and traveling the world searching for
masterpieces to
photograph first hand for his students.
When Jean decides to use one of his own art designs for a tattoo, he meets tattoo shop owner, Harry Callahan. Jean finds
out the shop is called,
Down and Dirty Harry’s Tattoos for a reason.
Harry Callahan loves his work. His reputation for being the best tattoo artist in LA is well earned. Harry and his older
brother ‘Clyde’ have a lot in
common. Clyde is an erotic dancer by night, firefighter by day, but he and Clyde share the same taste in men…as well as
the men themselves.
The night Jean decides to get his skin inked, he meets Harry and can’t help but be smitten with a man as big, brawny, and
handsome as ‘Dirty’
Harry. Jean has no idea the dark delights he is in for Friday night after class.
What Jean discovers is how intense being the object of two men’s desires can be and how pleasure with the Callahan
brothers, means getting
Down and Dirty.
Born to Please
Twenty-nine year old charismatic, Cary ‘Colt’ St. John, felt almost too confident in himself even before he graduated law
school and began
working for an LA law firm. Acting out his sexual fantasies as a powerful dom in nightclubs was near perfection. Until he
grew bored with that as
well. He yearned ‘fresh meat’, someone he could train. The repetitive ‘acting subs’ in the same scenarios he played each
night no longer excited
Straight, masculine, twenty-four year old Ashton Lake, had been through much in his troubled teens. But he was trying to
hold down a steady job,
stay off drugs and stick to his support meetings.
When Colt lingers one night at his office, he discovers the shy janitor, already submissive to his assertive gaze. Colt knew
he had found the
perfect slave. He only had to groom him.
What neither Colt nor Ashton could have predicted was the connection that bonded them. Soon Colt had to wonder, who
was serving whom?
The scorching heat that was created between them convinced both men, they were born to please- each other.
Capital Games
Former Los Angeles Police officer Steve Miller has gone from walking a beat in the City of Angels to joining the rat race as
an advertising
executive. He knows how cut-throat the industry can be, so when his boss tells him that he’s in direct competition with a
newcomer from across the
pond for a coveted account he’s not surprised…then he meets Mark Richfield.
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth and fashion-model good looks, Mark is used to getting what he wants. About to be
married, Mark has just
nailed the job of his dreams. If the determined Brit could just steal the firm’s biggest account right out from under Steve
Miller, his life would be
When their boss sends them together to the Arizona desert for a team-building retreat the tension between the two
dynamic men escalates until
in the heat of the moment their uncontrollable passion leads them to a sexual experience that neither can forget.
Will Mark deny his feelings and follow through with marriage to a women he no longer wants, or will he realize in time
that in the game of love,
sometimes you have to let go and lose yourself in order to really win.
Secrets and Misdemeanors
Twenty-five year old actor Scott Epstein is no stranger to the modeling industry. He’s done it himself between acting jobs.
So when his sister,
Claire, casts him in a chewing-gum commercial with the famous British model, Ian Sullivan, he doesn’t ask any questions.
He’s a professional. He’ll
show up, hit his mark, say his lines, and collect his paycheck. Right?
Ian Sullivan is used to making heads turn. Stunningly handsome, he’s accustomed to provocative photo shoots where sex
sells everything from
perfume to laundry soap. Ian was thrilled when Claire Epstein cast him in the new Minty gum commercial. He has to kiss his
co-star on screen? No
problem. Until he finds out Scott is the one he has to kiss!
Never before has a commercial featured two men, kissing on screen. Claire knows that the advertisement will be ground-
breaking, and Scott
knows that his sister needs his performance to be perfect. As the filming progresses and the media circus begins around the
advertisement, the chemistry between Ian and Scott heats up and the two men quite simply burn up the screen. Is it all an
act? Or, have Ian and
Scott entered into a clandestine affair that will lead them to love?
For Love and Money
Handsome Dr. Jason Philips, the heir to a vast fortune, had followed his heart and pursued his dream of becoming a
physician. Ewan P.
Gallagher had a different dream. Acting in local theater, the talented twenty-year-old was determined to be a famous
As fate would have it, Jason happened to be working in casualty one night when Ewan was admitted as a patient. Jason
was more than flattered
and surprisingly aroused by the younger man’s obvious attraction to him. The two men entered into a steamy affair finding
love, until their ambitions
pulled them apart.
Now, one year later and stuck in a sham of a marriage that he entered into only to preserve his inheritance, Jason is filled
with regret. Caught
between obligation and freedom, duty and desire, Jason finds that he can no longer deny his passion. He plans to win Ewan,
Hollywood’s newest
rising star, back!
The Vampire and the Man-eater
Stock broker Brock Hart’s idea of fun was playing at the local
gay nightclub every weekend with someone new. He imagined the Rules of Relationships didn’t apply to him,
and his best
friend thought his nonchalant attitude towards sex was crazy.
Until one night his playboy image was put to the test.
Start your engines, mount up, and get ready for the
ride of a
Sexy gay fiction author Devlin Young donned his helmet, black leather jacket, and jeans. Then he mounted his Kawasaki
and set off for what he
anticipated would be a wild ride to Sturgis.
There were thousands of motorcycles, thousands of men, but
only one Sam Rhodes. When web-designer Sam Rhodes joined a local group called The Leather Boys, he wasn’t quite sure
what to expect, but he
knew what it was he wanted. Amidst the decadence and insanity of the monster event, all Sam could think about was what
it would be like to share
an erotic experience with the deliciously naughty Dev Young.
Never one to apologize for who he is, or who he desires,
Devlin doesn’t understand Sam’s reluctance to openly explore
their relationship or his wish to keep their liaisons confined to
the darkness of their tents while at the rally. Then he crosses
swords with a tough-as-nails biker who both taunts and tempts
him, unleashing a potentially dangerous craving and pushing
Dev to make a choice.
The Boy Next Door
Brandon Townsend and Zachary Sherman were best friends and next-door neighbors. Growing up together in a cozy
suburban town in New
Jersey, they were inseparable and thought nothing could tear them apart. Then one night something happened between
them, something that
brought them even closer together…
They didn’t anticipate that what began as youthful sexual experimentation would lead them into an affair of the heart that
would rock them to the core. Nor did they expect the danger of
being discovered and separated by their families. At the time,
neither Brandon or Zach realized that life would give them
another opportunity.
Now, ten years later, a chance meeting brings them together
again. Let best-selling gay fiction author G.A. Hauser take you
on an unforgettable journey. A coming of age story about faith,
about courage, and about trust…you’ll never forget The Boy
Next Door.
When Adam Met Jack
When he was taken hostage by a strange man Michael never expected he’d lose
Michael Vernon is a rich, spoiled brat with a string of
his heart…
meaningless lovers and an entourage of superficial friends. With
no direction in life, he wastes his days spending his father’s
money and drowning himself in liquor…until he crashes into a
man even more desperate than himself, Jarrod Hunter.
Jarrod Hunter grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Out
of work, about to be evicted, and unable to afford his next meal,
Jarrod thought he’d reached the end of his rope and was determined to take his life. Then fate intervened
delivering him
Michael Vernon. Why not take him home, tie him up, and hold him hostage to get the money he needs?
Two men from two different worlds…one dangerous game. Trapped together in close quarters, Jarrod and
Michael find
themselves sharing their deepest thoughts and fighting an
undeniable attraction for each other. As the hours tick by, the
captor becomes captivated by his victim and the victim begins to bond with his abductor. This wakeup call
might prove to be
just what Michael needs to set himself free. To Have and to
Hostage…sometimes you have to hit bottom before realizing
that what you need is standing right in front of you.
Giving Up the Ghost
The visit from beyond the grave that changed their lives