Texting While Driving
Texting While Driving
Texting While Driving
Thesis: I'm going to talk about the dangers of texting while driving, some
preventative and also measures legal actions to reduce it.
Attention getter: You have date scheduled with your partner, but you over slept, you wake up
all panicky, you are already one hour late. You do not want your partner to
think you stood her/him up so you did not even bother to change your
clothes or fix your hair. You rush to the car. As you are driving you decide to
send a text to let your partner know you did not forget and you are on your
way. Little did you know you were on your way to the hospital, it turns out
that in those two seconds when you were looking at your phone you did not
see the stop sign and a van in front. End up you are in the car accident.
Three children now dead and their father hospitalized, while you are looking
at 10 years to life in prison. I know it is hard to imagine, but unfortunately
this is scenario that happened to my father’s friend.
credibility: The incident, along with the information I gathered during my research about
texting while driving gives me enough experience to persuade you, to stop
texting while driving. I know the temptation of texting while driving is quite
high, but just a quick glance at your phone can distract you enough to cause
or be involved in a car accident. Although we know text while drive is
dangerous, but we still doing it. I’d be lying if I said I had never texted while
driving. But I recognize the dangers, and use the alternatives to prevent a car
Preview My name is Putri Natasha Binti Megat Johar, Today I'm going to talk to you
more about the dangers of texting while driving, preventative measures you
can take to reduce it and the legal actions that had been taken so far.
Transition: First, I will inform you on how dangerous texting while driving really is.
Body : Main point 1 : The dangers of texting while driving
Texting may seem important at the time in the long run it is not worth the
risks and dangers that are associated with texting and driving. Texting is a
distraction and causes the driver to take his eyes off the road. Each second
that the driver does not have his/her full attention on the road increases the
chances of an accident to occur significantly.
a. The easiest thing to do is put your phone on silent or turn it off and
then place it in a place that you can not reach our phone while
1. The glove box of a car is a perfect place to put your phone to help
resist the temptations
b. If you have a passenger in the car, you can ask him/her to send a
message to the desired person, if it is really that important.
c. Use phone holder to keep your device in place.
1. help for using navigation apps. Make sure the holder does not
obstruct your view.
d. If you are alone and you are in desperate need to send someone a
message you can always pull over.
Some of these actions may seem a bit tedious but, these small action may
help to save your life and someone else's life as well.
Transition: To reduce texting while driving some legal actions have been taken. Here are
some of those laws.
Body : Main point 3 : 3 legal actions to reduce using phone while driving.
a. Under Rule 17A of the Road Traffic Rules 1959, the offence of using
mobile phones while driving carries a RM300 compound.
b. Enforcement personnel and two types of cameras – static and mobile
– would be deployed to catch errant drivers red-handed.
c. drivers will be penalized for other offences including using the phone
while driving. It will be among the 20 others to be included in the Demerit
Points System (Kejara). Drivers whose license has been suspended three
times in a period of five years will have their driving license revoked and are
not allowed to drive or receive a driver’s license for 12 months from the date
of the licence was revoked.
Conclusion: Texting while driving is on the rise and the only way to prevent the spread of
this is to be aware of the dangers and risks of texting while driving, knowing
the legal laws that prohibit the use of cell phones and also some actions you
can take to prevent yourself from texting and driving. Ask yourselves if that
message was worth dying for? ‘DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE, LETS SAVE
SOME LIVES’. Thank you assalamualaikum.