PSM Booster by DR Mukhmohit Singh
PSM Booster by DR Mukhmohit Singh
PSM Booster by DR Mukhmohit Singh
Date: Oct 2019 Birth rate Death rate IMR Natural growth MMR
India 20.2 6.3 33 13.9 130
Maximum Bihar 26.4 Chhattisgarh 7.5 MP 42 Bihar 20.6 Assam 237
Minimum A&N 11.4 Nagaland 3.6 Nagaland 7 Puducherry 5.9 Kerala 46
1. ASHA – 1 ASHA / 1000 population
2. DALY – Disability Adjusted Life years
• for population impact of fatal and non-fatal disabling conditions
• assessment of health impact
3. Literacy Rate: Kerala (91.98%) > Tripura (83.15%)
4. Rabies –
a. RIG is NOT recommended to be repeated (once in lifetime)
b. repeat vaccination (on re-exposure) is done only if the previous vaccination
(either pre or post exposure vaccine) was done MORE THAN three months
5. National deworming days – 10 Feb and 10 Aug, 400 mg Albendazole to all children 2-
19 years and 200 mg for age 1-2 years children (note: initially this program was
launched as single day on 10 feb, later on many started twice annually albendazole
tablets on 10 feb and 10 august)
6. IFA tablets – 60 mg iron + 500 mcg folic acid (note ferrous sulphate has good
absorption and is preferred component in the IFA tablets) by Anemia Mukt Bharat
7. MUAC – Mid Upper arm circumference. UNICEF’s Shakir Tape
a. Mild malnutrition – 11.5 – 12.5 cms
b. severe Malnutrition - < 11.5 cms
Modes of transmission
EBOLA Virus Disease
The virus spreads through direct contact (such as through broken skin or mucous membranes
in the eyes, nose, or mouth) with:
• Blood or body fluids (urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen) of a
person who is sick with or has died from Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
• Objects (such as needles and syringes) contaminated with body fluids from a person
sick with EVD or the body of a person who died from EVD
• Infected fruit bats or nonhuman primates (such as apes and monkeys)
• Semen from a man who recovered from EVD (through oral, vaginal, or anal sex).
Note: There is no evidence that Ebola can be spread through sex or other contact with vaginal
fluids from a woman who has had Ebola
Important Days
• Jan 30 World Leprosy Day
• Feb 04 World Cancer Day
• March 03 World Hearing day
• March 22 World water day
• March 23 World meteorological day
• March 24 World TB day
• April 07 World health day
• April 25 World Malaria day
• April 28 World day for occupational safety
• May 01 World Labor Day
• May 09 World thalassemia day
• May 17 World hypertension day
• May 31 World anti-tobacco day
• June 05 World environment day
• July 01 Mid-year population counting day
• July 06 World zoonoses day
• July 11 World population day
• July 28 World hepatitis day
• August 20 World Mosquito day
• September 08 World Literacy day
• September 10 World anti suicide day
• September 21 World Alzheimer day,
• September 21 World marrow donor day
• September 23 International day of sign languages
• September 26 World contraception day
• September 28 World rabies day
• September 29 World heart day
• October 6 World cerebral palsy day
• October 10 World Sight day
• October 10 World mental health day
• October 12 World arthritis Day
• October 15 Global handwashing day
• October 16 World food day
• October 17 World trauma day
• October 2 Wednesday World disaster reduction day
• October 2 Thursday World sight day
• October 24 UN Day, world polio day
• November 11 World diabetes day
• November 19 World toilet and sanitation day
• December 01 World AIDS day
Variable Target
Harmful use of alcohol in national context 10% relative reduction
Prevalence of insufficient physical activity 10% relative reduction
Mean population intake of salt/sodium 10% relative reduction
Tobacco use in 15+ years 30% relative reduction
Premature mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes and chronic 25% relative reduction
respiratory disease
Prevalence of high blood pressure 25% relative reduction
Increased incidence of diabetes and obesity Halt
Atleast 50% of the eligible people to receive drug therapy and counselling to prevent heart
attack and stroke
Atleast 80% availability of affordable technology and essential medicines including generics
required to treat major NCD’s in both public and private health facilities
TB preventive therapy
INH 10 mg/kg OD x 6 months
check for risk of drug induced hepatitis
- all children < 6 years contact of a SP case
- HIV positive children (no age bar) with TST positive and contacts of TB case
- All TST positive children (no age bar) on immunosuppressive therapy
- children born to TB positive mother diagnosed in pregnancy (after ruling out
congenital TB and administration of BCG Vaccine)
SECTION 7 – Leprosy:
Leprosy new treatment:
Drug Adult dosage Children (10-14 yrs.) Children < 10 yrs. or < 40Kg
Rifampicin 600 mg once monthly 450 mg once monthly 10 mg/kg once monthly
Clofazamine 300 mg monthly 150 mg monthly 6 mg/kg monthly
50 mg daily 50 mg daily 1 mg/kg daily
Dapsone 100 mg daily 50 mg daily 2 mg/kg daily
Duration of treatment
multibacillary – 12 months
Paucibacillary – 6 months
Rifampicin Prophylaxis
Updates summary:
1. 90-90-90 targets – 90% of all HIV to be detected, 90% to be treated and 90% of all
treated should achieve a viral load remission
3. Diagnosis of HIV infection in infants and children aged less than 18 months of age by
DNA PCR test for age > 6 weeks but < 18 months.
HIV treatment:
1. First line regime: Tenofovir + Lamivudine + Efavirenz
2. For all ARV naive patients except those with
a. known renal disease (or)
b. HIV-2 or HIV-1 & 2 infection (or)
c. women with single dose Nevirapine exposure in past pregnancy
3. renal disease: Abacavir + Lamivudine + Efavirenz
4. HIV 1 and HIV 2 coinfection: Tenofovir + Lamivudine + Lopinavir/ritonavir
5. ART regimen for pregnant women having prior exposure to NNRTI for PPTCT -
TDF + 3TC and LPV/r
6. Post exposure prophylaxis – (to be continued for 4 weeks)
a. Tenofovir (300) + Lamivudine (300)- One tablet once daily
b. Lopinavir (200) + Ritonavir (50)-Two FDC tablets twice daily
7. Cotrimoxazole preventive therapy
a. One double strength tablet – 800 sulphamethoxazole + 160 mg trimethoprim
b. START – CD4 < 350 / mm3
c. STOP - CD4>350 on two occasions six months apart + ascending trend of
CD4 + no WHO stage 3,4
8. Immunizations in HIV
a. ALL vaccines are to be given to the child born to HIV positive mother
b. Live vaccine are NOT recommended if child is SYMPTOMATIC for HIV
and/or CD4 count is < 15%
c. desirable vaccines over and above the routine national immunization vaccines
i. inactivated hep A
ii. pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
iii. inactivated influenza vaccine
iv. varicella vaccine (subject to child immunological status)
9. new NACO projects:
a. Nirantar scheme – in MP, Odisha and other states. To improve access to HIV
prevention, care and treatment services
b. Link Worker Scheme: It involves highly motivated and trained community
members, responsible for establishing links between the community on one
hand and information, commodities and services on the other
c. Sunrise Project – for North eastern states, for drug abusers and other high risk
groups for primary and secondary prevention in HIV
4. Treatment in pregnancy:
• 1st trimester – quinine salt 10 mg/kg 3 times daily for 7 days
• 2nd and 3rd trimester – Area specific ACT (ACT-AL or ACT-SP)
Bi-weekly 1ml Iron and Folic Acid syrup. Each ml Iron and Folic Acid
Children 6-59 months of syrup containing 20 mg elemental Iron + 100 mcg of Folic Acid.
age Bottle (50ml) to have an ‘auto-dispenser’ and information leaflet as
per MoHFW guidelines in the mono-carton
School-going Adolescent
Girls and Boys, 10-19 years
Weekly, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet. Each tablet containing 60 mg
of age Out-of-school
elemental Iron + 500 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated, blue-colour.
Adolescent Girls, 10-19
years of age
Women of Reproductive
Age (non-pregnant, non-
Weekly, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet. Each tablet containing 60 mg
lactating) 20-49 years
elemental Iron + 500 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated and red-colour.
(Under Mission Parivar
Daily, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet starting from the fourth month of
Pregnant Women and pregnancy (that is from the second trimester), continued throughout
Lactating Mothers (of 0-6 pregnancy (minimum 180 days during pregnancy) and to be
months child) continued for 180 days, post-partum Each tablet containing 60 mg
elemental Iron + 500 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated and red-colour.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis:
ID – 2 site 0,7
IM – 1 site 0,7
keep checking the Vaccine induced neutralizing antibody (VNA levels)
if VNA < 0.5 IU/mL (usually within 1-2 years) - ID or IM is recommended